Applsci 10 07258 v2
Applsci 10 07258 v2
Applsci 10 07258 v2
Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics
of a Gurney Flap on a Wind Turbine Airfoil under
High Turbulent Flow Condition
Junwei Yang 1,2,3 , Hua Yang 1,2, *, Weijun Zhu 1,2 , Nailu Li 1,2 and Yiping Yuan 4
1 College of Electrical, Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China; (J.Y.); (W.Z.); (N.L.)
2 New Energy Research Center, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
3 College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
4 Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Hi-Tech Research for Wind Turbine Design, Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-138-1583-8009
Received: 20 September 2020; Accepted: 14 October 2020; Published: 16 October 2020
Abstract: The objective of the current work is to experimentally investigate the effect of turbulent flow
on an airfoil with a Gurney flap. The wind tunnel experiments were performed for the DTU-LN221
airfoil under different turbulence level (T.I. of 0.2%, 10.5% and 19.0%) and various flap configurations.
The height of the Gurney flaps varies from 1% to 2% of the chord length; the thickness of the Gurney
flaps varies from 0.25% to 0.75% of the chord length. The Gurney flap was vertical fixed on the pressure
side of the airfoil at nearly 100% measured from the leading edge. By replacing the turbulence grille
in the wind tunnel, measured data indicated a stall delay phenomenon while increasing the inflow
turbulence level. By further changing the height and the thickness of the Gurney flap, it was found
that the height of the Gurney flap is a very important parameter whereas the thickness parameter
has little influence. Besides, velocity in the near wake zone was measured by hot-wire anemometry,
showing the mechanisms of lift enhancement. The results demonstrate that under low turbulent
inflow condition, the maximum lift coefficient of the airfoil with flaps increased by 8.47% to 13.50%
(i.e., thickness of 0.75%), and the Gurney flap became less effective after stall angle. The Gurney flap
with different heights increased the lift-to-drag ratio from 2.74% to 14.35% under 10.5% of turbulence
intensity (i.e., thickness of 0.75%). However, under much a larger turbulence environment (19.0%),
the benefit to the aerodynamic performance was negligible.
Keywords: wind tunnel experiment; wind turbine airfoil; turbulence; Gurney flap;
aerodynamic characteristics
1. Introduction
Wind power generation technology has been maturely developed in the past decades. Airfoil is
a basic element of a wind turbine blade, and its aerodynamic characteristics have a major influence
on the wind energy conversion efficiency. Among the conventional rotor aerodynamic design
strategy, the blade add-ons were of particular interest to further improve wind energy efficiency.
Therefore, mounting flap to the airfoil trailing edge was one of the most feasible methods to improve
the aerodynamic performance of wind turbines. In addition to power production, such a technique can
also effectively reduce the aerodynamic loads both of wind turbine blades and tower. If a sophisticated
controller was implemented, the flap can further reduce turbulence-induced fatigue loads, so that
longer lifetime was guaranteed. After the pioneering work of Liebeck [1], a large number of studies
have been conducted to explain the phenomena induced by the presence of this device. More recently,
research objects were most focused on airfoil attached various shapes of flaps, such as Gurney
flaps [2,3], triangular flaps [4], separate trailing edge flaps [5,6] and deformable trailing edge flaps [7,8].
For experiment tests, Zhang et al. [9] and Amini et al. [10] studied the aerodynamic effect of a Gurney
flap based on the airfoil through wind tunnel experiments. T Lee et al. [11] carried out a wind tunnel
test of the lift force and pitching moment coefficients of both trailing edge flaps and Gurney flaps
with different shape parameters. Based on a 5 MW reference wind turbine, Chen et al. [12] designed
and optimized a trailing edge flaps such that the blade mass can be further reduced but still maintain
the desired power performance. Medina et al. [13] explored the flow mechanisms of a flap at a high
deflection angle. When the flap works in a separated flow region, he provided some ideas for realizing
instantaneous action or alleviating extra aerodynamic loads on wind turbines. Elsayed et al. [14]
studied the flap tip vortexes and characterized the flow structures behind a flap in a low-speed wind
tunnel by using particle image velocimetry. Little et al. [15] designed a trailing edge flap by using
a single medium plasma driver which resulted in a higher lift force. Bergami et al. [16] designed
an active controller of a trailing edge flap on a 5 MW reference wind turbine and proved that the
flap could effectively control aerodynamic loads. Edward et al. [17] also conducted experiments on
a flaps noise drop. According to the wind tunnel tests based on a full-size rotor, Straub et al. [18]
found that flaps could also be used to control noise and vibration such that the noise generated by
blade vortex interaction could be reduced by 6 dB. For numerical simulations and theoretical analyses,
Traub et al. [19] fitted a semi-empirical equation by summarizing the performance of a large number
of flaps. Lario et al. [20] numerically solved the unsteady flow field of Gurney flaps at high Reynolds
numbers through the discontinuous Galerkin method. By analyzing dynamic characteristics of an
airfoil with Gurney flaps through the numerical simulation, Li et al. [21] found that flaps were capable
to reduce unsteady aerodynamic loads of wind turbines. Zhu et al. [22] numerically simulated the
airfoil with trailing edge flaps using the immersed boundary method and found that flaps could
be combined with the paddle movement to adjust the aerodynamic loads of a wind turbine airfoil.
Ng et al. [23] investigated the trailing edge flap together with an aeroelastic analysis. It was noted that
the trailing edge flap could be a smart device to control aeroelastic deformation.
All the above researches on the flaps were built on the uniform inflow of low turbulence
intensity. In the past, there were few studies carried out by flow over flaps under high turbulence
intensity [24,25], however, such a flow condition often occurs on wind turbines operating in a wind
farm. Considering wind turbines operate in a turbulence environment, the conclusions obtained from
the previous studies might not be accurate. Therefore, to simulate wind turbines under turbulence
environment, active and passive wind tunnel turbulence generation methods can be used. The active
technology includes a vibrating grille and multi-fan wind tunnel; the maximum turbulence intensity can
reach more than 20% [26]. The passive control structure was relatively simple, which can be divided into
grille, wedge, and rough square types among the passive turbulence generators, it was more convenient
to construct grilles, which have gain very popular use. In this experiment, specific turbulence levels
were passively controlled by a grille with proper grid size.
The investigations presented in this paper were focused on the coupled effects of Gurney
flap and turbulence inflow. The Gurney flaps were experimentally investigated under various
turbulence intensities and flap configurations. The desired turbulent flow passes the airfoil was
achieved by changing the grille size as well as the distance between the grille and the airfoil model.
The hot-wire anemometer was used to record the wind speed and turbulence intensity in a flow
cross-section. The quantitative information obtained during the experiment includes: (1) turbulent
field descriptions, (2) airfoil pressure coefficients, (3) lift-to-drag coefficients, (4) wake measurements.
On that basis, the aerodynamic performance of Gurney flaps with different heights and thicknesses
was researched. The values of lift and pitching-moment coefficients were obtained through the
integration of surface pressures. The wake rake array was also used to determine the values of drag
coefficient. Furthermore, the flow fields near the trailing edge of airfoil were tested which could further
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 3 of 21
verify the reason for lift improvement. Finally, concluding remarks accompany the discussion of the
experimental investigations.
2. Experimental Setup
The experiments were carried out in a wind tunnel located at Yangzhou University. It was a
close-loop type wind tunnel which contains two experimental sections. The measurements were
conducted in the smaller section with the cross-section parameters of 3 m × 1.5 m, and the length
is 3 m. The operational wind speed range was 0~50 m/s and the calibrated maximum turbulence
intensity in the free stream was 0.2%. The DTU-LN221 airfoil model [27], as shown in Figure 1,
was adopted which has a chord length of 0.6 m and a span length of 1.5 m. The airfoil model was
vertically placed in the test section. The bottom part of the airfoil section was connected by the rotating
shaft, which was fixed on a rotational plate, as demonstrated in Figure 2. Therefore, the angle of attack
can be remotely controlled via a shaft connection with a motor below the wind tunnel. The airfoil
model was made of aluminum alloy where small taps were drilled on the surface of the middle section,
with the location sketched in Figure 1. The arc length between the taps was approximately spaced
every 2.5% of chord length starting from the leading edge to 90% of the trailing edge. The hollow
plastic hoses were connected on the reverse side of the airfoil surface which has an outer diameter of
1.2 mm. Thus, a total of 77 pressure taps were arranged for the pressure measurement on the surface
of the airfoil. The pressures on the airfoil surface were sensed by the electronic pressure acquisition
system of PSI (Pressure Systems Inc., Hampton, VA, USA). The pressure system used in the experiment
has a sampling frequency of 333.3 Hz, a measuring range of ±2.5 kPa and a measuring accuracy of
±0.05%. Figure 1 also shows the chord-wise position, so the lift and pitching-moment of the test airfoil
were achieved by integrating the pressure and the position of the taps on the surface. The lift coefficient
and pitching-moment coefficients were given by
Cl = Cn cos α − Ct sin α
R1 (1)
Cm = Cpl − Cpu (0.25 − x̂)dx̂
Cn = Cpl − Cpu dx̂
ŷuR max (2)
Ct = Cp,be − Cp,a f d ŷ
ŷl max
where Cl and Cm are the lift coefficient and pitching-moment coefficient, respectively; αrepresents
the angle of attack; x̂ is the relative chord length; ŷ is the thickness value relative to the chord length;
Cpu and Cpl are the pressure coefficient on the suction and pressure sides of the airfoil, respectively;
Cn and Ct are the normal force coefficient and tangential force coefficient, respectively. Cp ,be and
Cp ,af are the pressure coefficient before and after the maximum thickness of airfoil; ŷu max and ŷl max
represent the maximum thickness values of the suction and pressure sides relative to chord length.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 4 of 21
7258 44ofof21
force ∫integral
∫integral moment
lift Drag
Thickness y/c
Pitching wake
line Drag
Angle (pressure
attack frictional
00 0.1
0.1 0.2
0.2 0.3
0.3 0.40.4 0.5
0.5 0.60.6 0.70.7 0.80.8 0.9
0.9 1.0
position x/c
Inflow Connect with
Connect with
Figure 1.1.Schematic
Figure1. Schematicdiagram
Schematic diagramof
diagram ofmeasuring
of measuringposition.
measuring position.
section 420mm Wake
420mm Wakerake
array pressure
1600mm Pitot
Figure Experimentaltest
aerodynamicdrag draglargely
consistsof offrictional
measuredby bysurface pressuretaps
surfacepressure tapscannot
accuratelyrepresentrepresentthe thedrag
measuredby bythe
momentummethod methodmore moreprecisely.
precisely.As As shown
shownin in
was placed at 0.7 chord length behind the trailing edge of the airfoil and at the same verticallevel
placed at 0.7 chord length behind the trailing edge of the airfoil and at the same vertical levelasas
measurementrange rangeof ofthethewake
wakeprobesprobeswas was80.8 80.8cm,
cm,102102total pressurepipes
totalpressure pipes
an outerdiameter
outer diameter
diameter ofof1.2
of mm)
and4 static
44static pressure
static pressure
pressure pipes pipes(with
pipes (withan outer
(with an diameter
outer of 2 mm)
diameter ofof22were
were arranged,
wereaveragely with
averagelyarranged, an
arranged,with 20 cm
withan apart
an2020cm for
cmapart the static
apartfor forthe pressure
thestatic pipes.
staticpressure To
pressurepipes. prevent
pipes.To air leakage,
preventair all pressure
tubes were
pressure connected
tubes were by plastic
connected hoses
by to
plastic the pressure
hoses to the measurement
pressure device.
pressure tubes were connected by plastic hoses to the pressure measurement device. Besides, two Besides, two
device. Pitot
Besides, tubes
Pitot tubes
tubeswere at 1.6
were m measured
installed atat1.6
1.6m from
m the downstream
measured from
fromthe of grilles where
downstream of the free
grilles stream
where thevelocity
the free was
was drag coefficients
recorded. The
dragwere given aswere
coefficients follows
were given
givenas asfollows
PP −
Z r r
2 22 PP01 0101−
Cd = Cd d
11− PP −PP ds
C 1 ds (3)
c ccw PP0P −
w 0 0 0 0
where d is
the drag
dragdrag coefficient;
coefficient; cc isischord
c is the the
the chord
chord w is thewwrange
length, isis the
range of of integration;
integration; integration; ss isis the
s is the coordinate the
coordinate along
along the
the thickness
thickness direction
direction of
of the
the wake
wake rake
rake array;
array; PP
along the thickness direction of the wake rake array; P∞ and P0 are the static pressure and total pressure∞∞ and
and PP0 0are
are the
the static
measured and
by total
thetotal pressure
Pitot tubes; P measured
pressure P01 areby
and bythe
the the Pitot
static tubes;
pressure PPand
and andPP
total 0101are
pressure the static
measured pressure
by the wake and
pressure measured
measured by
by the
the wake
wake rake
rake array.
array. It
should be
be noted
noted that
rake array. It should be noted that there is a total pressure loss along the Pitot tubes to the wake rake there
there is
isa a total
loss along
array, along the
therefore Pitot
thethePitot tubes
total to
to the
pressure the wake
rake addedtherefore
array, therefore
to each totalthe total
total pressure
thepressure pressure
measuring loss should
shouldof thebe
wake to
rake each
array. total pressure measuring point of
added to each total pressure measuring point of the wake rake array. the wake rake array.
presents the
thethe schematic
schematic diagram
diagram of
of the
of the the grille
grille geometry.
grille geometry. The
The grilles
The grilles assembled
grilles with many
assembled with
squared alloys alloys
squared with with
alloys specified
geometry specified
by four
specified by four
by a, b, c a,
parameters a,b,b,cd.
and cand
and d.
small smallsquares
squares were
were bolted
bolted together
together and and onon toptop of of the
the grille
grille the
the rubber
rubber pads pads were were attached.
attached. DuringDuring the the
measurements, two two types
types of of grilles
grilles were
were implemented.
implemented. The The dimensions
dimensions of of the
the two
two grilles
grilles werewere
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 5 of 21
provided in Table 1. The width of the longitudinal grille and the transverse grille were denoted5 by
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258
of 21
and c, respectively; the width and the height of the spacing were denoted by b and d, respectively,
the thickness along the flow direction was e.
bolted together and on top of the grille the rubber pads were attached. During the measurements,
two types of grilles were implemented. The dimensions
Table 1. Dimensions of the two
of the experiment grilles were provided in Table 1.
The width of the longitudinal grille and the transverse grille were denoted by a and c, respectively;
a (cm)b (cm)c (cm)d (cm)e (cm)
the width and the height of the spacing were denoted by b and d, respectively, the thickness along the
Scheme 1 3 34 3 32 3
flow direction was e.
Scheme 2 6 31.4 6 29.8 3
Rubber pads
b d
Anchor bolts
Section8 Section1
1000mm 1000mm
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of experimental grille. (a) Front view; (b) side view.
the experimental value of the Reynolds number was chosen to approach an order of magnitude
magnitude corresponding to those obtained from full-scale wind turbines. Two types of grilles generate
corresponding to those obtained from full-scale wind turbines. Two types of grilles generate
different turbulence levels in the wind tunnel, such that the experiments were mainly separated into
different turbulence levels in the wind tunnel, such that the experiments were mainly separated into
low and high turbulence cases. To be specific, a grille was placed at the upstream of the airfoil test
low and high turbulence cases. To be specific, a grille was placed at the upstream of the airfoil test
section which results in different aerodynamic characteristics of flow over the airfoil with and without
section which results in different aerodynamic characteristics of flow over the airfoil with and
a Gurney
without flap.
a Gurney flap.
3.1. Experimental Results of Grille Turbulence Generator
3.1. Experimental Results of Grille Turbulence Generator
The Themeasurements
measurementswere were first conductedfor
first conducted forthethetwo
two grilles.
grilles. Figure
Figure 7 illustrates
7 illustrates the time
the time seriesseries
of the
instantaneousvelocityvelocity at the central measuring point of the 6th section. As shown in FigureFigure
at the central measuring point of the 6th section. As shown in 7, the 7,
incoming windwind became
became highly
highly disturbed,
disturbed, for reason,
for this this reason, a statistical
a statistical analysis analysis
was done wasfordone for the
the flow
flow field.
field. The decay
The decay of turbulence
of turbulence intensityintensity
from thefrom thetowards
grilles grilles the
airfoil the
test airfoil
reported was
reported in Figure 8a. Within the scope of the test, the averaged turbulence
in Figure 8a. Within the scope of the test, the averaged turbulence intensity was recorded along 8 intensity was recorded
along 8 downstream
downstream sectionssections (each measured
(each measured with 15with 15 points).
points). Besides,Besides,
the marginthe margin
of errorof inerror
Figure in 8a
was 8a
was expressed
expressed as as thethe standard
standard deviation
deviation of of each
each section
section data.
data. According
According to Figure
to Figure 8a,8a,thethe average
turbulence intensity
intensity of of downstream
downstream in scheme
in scheme oneone dropped
dropped from from
13.5%13.5% at position
at the the positionof 1.0ofm1.0 m
behind the grille to 9.4% at the position of 2.0 m; the average turbulence intensity
the grille to 9.4% at the position of 2.0 m; the average turbulence intensity of the downstream in scheme of the downstream
twoin was
higher 1,than
whichscheme 1, which
decreased fromdecreased
27.7% at thefrom 27.7% of
position at 1.0
behind the of 1.0 m to
15.9% the position
at the grille to 15.9%
of 2.0atm. theThe
position of 2.0deviations
standard m. The standard deviations
of turbulence of turbulence
intensity of the intensity
two schemesof
the two schemes drops quickly towards the test section. The change in turbulence
drops quickly towards the test section. The change in turbulence level indicates that there were very level indicates that
high were veryfluctuations
turbulence high turbulence just fluctuations just behind
behind the grille whichthe grille which
yielded yielded very
very unstable flowunstable
field. The flowflow
field. The flow became gradually stabilized owing to the mutual dissipation
became gradually stabilized owing to the mutual dissipation over a propagation distance. To ensure a over a propagation
distance. To ensure a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent field, so the distance 1.6 m (from the
homogeneous and isotropic turbulent field, so the distance 1.6 m (from the leading edge of the airfoil
leading edge of the airfoil to the grille) was selected for placing the leading edge of the airfoil. The
to the grille) was selected for placing the leading edge of the airfoil. The turbulence intensity measured
turbulence intensity measured at the 6th section of the two schemes was 10.5% and 19.0%,
at the 6th section of the two schemes was 10.5% and 19.0%, respectively. Figure 8b illustrates the power
respectively. Figure 8b illustrates the power spectral density (PSD) of the wind speed at the two
spectral density (PSD) of the wind speed at the two grille schemes measured at the central measuring
grille schemes measured at the central measuring point of the 6th section (1.6 m measured from
point of the 6th section (1.6 m measured from grille to the hot-wire probes). Obviously, the larger
grille to the hot-wire probes). Obviously, the larger the turbulence intensity was generated, the
turbulence intensityofwas
the amplitude the generated,
power spectral the larger
observed. of the power spectral
Moreover, the power density
spectra was
observed. Moreover, the power spectra amplitude in the downstream
amplitude in the downstream direction was consistent with the corresponding Karman spectra, and direction was consistent with
theit corresponding
dropped down rapidly Karman spectra,
after and it dropped
the frequency over 30 Hz, downwhichrapidly after
suggests thethe
that frequency over was
grille distance 30 Hz,
proportionalthat the grille
to the distance
turbulent was energy.
kinetic more proportional to the turbulent kinetic energy.
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
wind velocity (m/s)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)
Figure7.7. The
Figure time series
series of theofinstantaneous
the instantaneous streamwise
streamwise velocity
velocity (the (the 6th
6th section, section,
central central
point). point).
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of 21
T.I. of scheme 1
0.4 20
T.I. of scheme 2 0.1
densitySdensityS u
intensity intensity
Average velocity of scheme 1
velocity (m/s)
T.I. of scheme
Average velocity1 of scheme 2 18
0.4 20
T.I. of scheme 2 0.01
Average velocity of scheme 1
Power spectral
wind (m/s)
Average velocity of scheme 2 18
Power spectral
16 Experiment (Scheme 1, 1.6m)
0.001 Karman(Scheme 1, 1.6m)
average wind
0.2 12 Experiment(Scheme 2, 1.6m)
0.1 14
Experiment (Scheme 1, 1.6m)
To verify theResults
3.2. Experimental
Experimental accuracyof theofBaseline
the the experiment,
Airfoil the experimental data from the wind tunnel of LM
3.2. Results of Baseline Airfoil
Wind Power were selected as a reference [28]. The aerodynamic data of the DTU-LN221 airfoil
To verify
verifythe accuracy of the experiment, the experimental data fromfrom the wind tunnel of LMofWind
underTouniform the accuracy
inflow wereofmeasured
the experiment,
in the the LMexperimental
wind tunneldata experiment the at windthe tunnel
approximate LM
Power were
Wind Power selected as a
wereofselected reference [28]. The aerodynamic data of the DTU-LN221 airfoil under uniform
Reynolds number 1.5 × 10as. The
6 a reference
lift and [28].drag The dataaerodynamic
were selecteddata as aofcross-validation
the DTU-LN221case. airfoil
inflow uniform
under were measured inflow in the LM
were wind tunnel
measured inwindtheexperiment
LM wind at the approximate
tunnel experimentblockage Reynolds number of
at the approximate
consideration of the interference effect of tunnel wall, the maximum ratio in this
1.5 × 106 . number
Reynolds The lift of and drag data were
lift selected asdata
a cross-validation case. In consideration of the
experiment was about1.5 8.4%,× 10so6. The
the experimentand drag measured were dataselected as
of the airfoil a cross-validation
were corrected by case. In
consideration effect
of the of wind tunnel wall, the maximum blockage ratio in this experiment was about
the reference [29], andinterference
the experimental effect dataof wind tunnel
analyzed belowwall,werethe all
corrected. blockage
In orderratio in this
to perform
8.4%, so the wasexperiment measured data of the airfoil were corrected by after the reference [29], andafter the
comparison, Figure about9 8.4%,
showssothe thecomparison
experiment ofmeasured
experimental data data
of theof airfoil were
the DTU-LN221 corrected
the reference data
[29], analyzed below
and the experimental were all corrected. In order to perform a comparison, Figure 9
uniform inflow condition. To minimizedata theanalyzed
uncertainty, below were all corrected.
measurements were In order to perform
performed several
the comparison
for comparison
Figure 9test experimental
at the
data of the
comparison of DTU-LN221 airfoil
Reynolds number data under
uniform inflow
the× DTU-LN221
106, YZU1, YZU2,
airfoil under
To minimize
uniform inflow the uncertainty,
condition. measurements
To repeated
minimize experiments.were performed
the uncertainty, several
measurements times for
were comparison
performed test at the
represents the results of the As shown in Figure
6 , YZU1, YZU2, YZU3 represents the results of the repeated
9, the lift and drag
approximate Reynolds
times for comparison number
test at the of 1.5 × 10
approximate Reynolds
coefficients were very similar before the stall angle, while number
there were of some
1.5 × 10 6, YZU1, YZU2,
discrepancies in theYZU3stall
represents theAs shownofinthe
results Figure 9, the lift and drag coefficients were very similar before thedrag
state. Consider the cause of flowrepeatedseparation, experiments.
the deviation Asof shown
results ofindragFigure
is quite9, the lift and
considerable, but
angle, while
coefficients there
were were
very some
similar discrepancies
before the stall in the
angle, stall
there Consider
were somethe cause of
discrepancies flow separation,
in the stall
the stall angles tested in the two wind tunnels were nearly the same. The reason for this may be that
the deviation
state. Consider ofthe
causeof drag is separation,
quite considerable, but theofstall angles tested is in the considerable,
two wind tunnels
although the airfoils wereofofflowthe same type, the they deviation
were individually results ofmanufactured,
drag quite for example the but
were nearly
the stall angles the same.
tested The
in the reason
two wind for this may be that although the airfoils were ofthis
themay same type,
roughness of the airfoil surface maytunnels
affect the wereexperimental
nearly the same. The Besides,
results. reason for there werebesome that
they werethe
although individually manufactured, for example the roughness of the airfoil surface formay affect the
differences in airfoils were
drag measurements, of the same LM type,
adopted theytheweremodelindividually manufactured,
surface pressure distribution example
in a certain
roughness results. Besides, there were some thedifferences in drag measurements,there LM adopted the
range of theof the of
angle airfoil
attack, surface
while YZU may affect
used the wakeexperimental
probes at all results.
Similar phenomena were some were
model surface
differences pressure
in drag distribution
measurements, in a certain
LM adopted range
theIn of
modelthe angle of attack,
surface pressure while YZU
distribution used the wake
in a certain
seen in different wind tunnel laboratories [30–32]. the following, for reason of comparisons, the
probes at
range of the all angles.
angle Similar phenomena were seen in different wind tunnel laboratories [30–32]. In the
measured data are of attack, while YZU used the wake probes at all angles. Similar phenomena were
seen for reason
in different windoftunnel
comparisons, the measured
laboratories [30–32]. In data
theare averaged.for reason of comparisons, the
measured data are averaged. 0.16
1.5 LM
1.0 0.12
0.16 YZU-2
1.5 0.10 YZU-3
0.5 YZU
1.0 0.12
0.0 0.06
LM 0.10 YZU-3
0.5 YZU 0.04
2.0 0.16
0.12 Flap 12mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
1.0 0.10
Flap 6mm*4.5mm
0.08 Baseline airfoil
Flap 12mm*4.5mm
0.0 0.04
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 6mm*4.5mm 0.02
-0.5 Baseline airfoil 0.00
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(a) (b)
-0.06 120
Flap 12mm*4.5mm 90
-0.08 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 6mm*4.5mm 60
Baseline airfoil
-0.10 30
-0.12 0
Flap 12mm*4.5mm
-30 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
-0.14 Flap 6mm*4.5mm
-60 Baseline airfoil
-0.16 -90
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(c) (d)
Figure 10.
10. Variation
characteristics withwith different
different heights
heights of
of Gurney
Gurney flaps
(uniform flow,
flow, Re:
Re: 0.8
0.8× ×1010
6 6
). (a) LiftLift
). (a) coefficient
comparison;(b) drag coefficient
(b) drag comparison;
coefficient (c)
(c) pitching-momentcoefficient comparison;
coefficient comparison;(d) (d)
lift-to-drag ratio
lift-to-drag comparison.
ratio comparison.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 10 of 21
When the flap height changes to 6 mm, 9 mm and 12 mm, the maximum lift coefficients were
increased by 8.47%, 9.56% and 13.50% at 9.4 degrees, respectively. Looking into the drag coefficients
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 10 of 21
shown in Figure 10b, within the range of −9.6~10.4°, the drag coefficients show regular change where
the frictional drag dominates as expected. The drag coefficients rise rapidly in the stall state, at this
time the change
When the inflap
drag coefficient
height changeswas to 6 dominated
mm, 9 mm and by pressure
12 mm, the drag. For example,
maximum at an were
lift coefficients angle of
of 12.4°,by with the9.56%
8.47%, flap heights
and 13.50% of 6atmm, 9 mm, 12
9.4 degrees, mm the drag
respectively. coefficients
Looking into the dragwerecoefficients
increased by
shown in Figure the range of −9.6~10.4 ◦ , the drag coefficients show regular change where
39.67%, 59.92% and 10b, within respectively.
113.43%, According to Figure 10c, the Gurney flap generated a
the frictional drag dominates as expected.
prominent increase in the pitching-moment coefficient compared The drag coefficients rise to
rapidly in the stall
the baseline state, at
airfoil, thethisvalue
time the change in drag coefficient was dominated by pressure
increased with the heights of the Gurney flaps and reached negative peak values at approximately drag. For example, at an angle of
attack of 12.4◦ , with the flap heights of 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm the drag coefficients were increased
4.4°. Based on Figure 10d, the lift-to-drag ratios were compared. When the angle of attack was less
by 39.67%, 59.92% and 113.43%, respectively. According to Figure 10c, the Gurney flap generated
than 8.4°, the lift-to-drag ratios were all larger than the baseline airfoil. However, the maximum
a prominent increase in the pitching-moment coefficient compared to the baseline airfoil, the value
lift-to-drag ratios of the Gurney flap at three heights were smaller than the baseline airfoil. When the
increased with the heights of the Gurney flaps and reached negative peak values at approximately
flap heights
4.4 . Based wereon 6 mm,10d,
Figure 9 mm the and 12 mm,
lift-to-drag the were
ratios corresponding
compared. When maximum the anglelift-to-drag
of attack wasratioslesswere
than 8.4by◦ ,17.16%, 22.79% ratios
the lift-to-drag and 24.47%,were allrespectively.
larger than the In the rangeairfoil.
baseline after the stall angle,
However, the presence
the maximum
of thelift-to-drag
Gurney flap ratiosreduces the lift-to-drag
of the Gurney flap at threeratios
heightsand werethesmaller
higherthan thethe
flap height,
baseline the more
airfoil. When the the lift
efficiency decreases. When the angle of attack was 12.4°, for example, the lift-to-drag ratios of the
flap heights were 6 mm, 9 mm and 12 mm, the corresponding maximum lift-to-drag ratios were
flap with by 17.16%,
heights of 6 mm, 22.79% 9 and
mm24.47%,and 12respectively.
mm wereIndecreased the range after the stall angle,
by 26.55%, 38.11% theand
of the Gurney flap reduces the lift-to-drag ratios and the higher
respectively. Meanwhile, we observed the same trend from the other thicknesses of the Gurney the flap height, the more the liftflaps
(i.e., efficiency
of 1.5 mm), decreases.
WhenWhen the flapthe angle
height of attack
changes was to
12.46 ,mm,for example,
9 mm the andlift-to-drag
12 mm, ratios of the flap lift
the maximum
with heights of 6 mm, 9 mm and 12 mm were decreased by 26.55%, 38.11% and 52.20%, respectively.
coefficients were increased by 9.27%, 9.78% and 14.08% at 9.4 degrees.
Meanwhile, we observed the same trend from the other thicknesses of the Gurney flaps (i.e., of 1.5 mm),
The following study in this section will be focused on the effect of the thickness of the Gurney
When the flap height changes to 6 mm, 9 mm and 12 mm, the maximum lift coefficients were increased
flap. by
Figure 11 illustrates the changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of the baseline airfoil and
9.27%, 9.78% and 14.08% at 9.4 degrees.
airfoil with a height of
The following 9 mm
study in thisof section
Gurney willflaps underonuniform
be focused the effectflow. As seen of
of the thickness from the figure,
the Gurney flap. by
Figurethe thicknessthe
11 illustrates ofchanges
the Gurney flap, the lift-to-drag
in the aerodynamic characteristicscurves
of theofbaseline
the flapped airfoils
airfoil and airfoilwith
a height of 9 almost overlaps,
mm of Gurney flapsit seems that theflow.
under uniform flap thickness
As seen from doesthenot have
figure, byobvious
changingeffectthe in
the aerodynamic
thickness of the performance.
Gurney flap, The results imply
the lift-to-drag that
curves theflapped
of the small increase
airfoils withof the flap thickness
different thicknessesdoes
almost overlaps,
not change the degree it seems that the flap
of downward thickness
turning does
of the meannot have
flowobvious effect in theflow
and recirculation aerodynamic
around the
performance. The
trailing edge of the airfoil. results imply that the small increase of the flap thickness does not change the degree
of downward turning of the mean flow and recirculation flow around the trailing edge of the airfoil.
2.0 0.16
1.5 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
0.12 Flap 9mm*3mm
Flap 9mm*1.5mm
1.0 0.10 Baseline airfoil
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
0.0 Flap 9mm*3mm 0.04
Flap 9mm*1.5mm 0.02
-0.5 Baseline airfoil
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(a) (b)
Figure 11. Cont.
Appl. Sci.
Appl.2020, 10, 7258
Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 11 of 11
21 of 21
-0.06 120
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm 90
-0.08 Flap 9mm*1.5mm
Baseline airfoil 60
-0.10 30
-0.12 0
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm
-0.14 Flap 9mm*1.5mm
Baseline airfoil
-0.16 -90
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(c) (d)
Figure 11. Variation
Figure of the
11. Variation aerodynamic
of the aerodynamiccharacteristics with different
characteristics with differentthicknesses
thicknesses of Gurney
of Gurney flapsflaps
(uniform flow, Re: 0.8 × 10 6 ). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison;
(uniform flow, Re: 0.8 × 10 ). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison; (c)
(c) pitching-moment
pitching-moment coefficient
coefficient comparison;
comparison; (d) lift-to-drag
(d) lift-to-drag ratio
ratio comparison.
3.4. Experimental Results of Gurney Flap under 10.5% Turbulence Intensity
3.4. Experimental Results of Gurney Flap under 10.5% Turbulence Intensity
This subsection starts to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of the Gurney flap under
This subsection
a turbulent inflow starts
withto aninvestigate
intensity ofthe aerodynamic
10.5%. Figure 12characteristics
shows the changes of the in Gurney flap under a
the aerodynamic
turbulent inflow with
characteristics of thean intensity
baseline of and
airfoil 10.5%. Figure flaps
the Gurney 12 showswith athe changes
thickness in mm
of 4.5 the aerodynamic
when the
turbulence of
characteristics intensity of the incoming
the baseline airfoil and flow thewas 10.5%. flaps
Gurney The measured angle of attack
with a thickness of 4.5ranged
mm when from the
−9.6 ◦ to 20.4◦ . As shown, under the present turbulence intensity of 10.5%, all cases induced a stall
turbulence intensity of the incoming flow was 10.5%. The measured angle of attack ranged from
−9.6°delay. The As
to 20.4°. stallshown,
angle was undernearly
presentfrom the original
turbulence 9.4◦ to about
intensity 16.4◦all
of 10.5%, under
induced flow.
a stall
In Figure 12a, with the increase of turbulence intensity, the maximum lift coefficient of the baseline
delay. The stall angle was nearly delayed from the original 9.4° to about 16.4° under turbulent flow.
airfoil reaches 1.611 and increases by 17.59% as compared with uniform inflow condition. An interesting
In Figure 12a, with the increase of turbulence intensity, the maximum lift coefficient of the baseline
observation was that in such a turbulence environment, the lift coefficients were not significantly
reaches 1.611 and increases by 17.59% as compared with uniform inflow condition. An
from each other under the current three flapped configurations. For the flap heights of 6 mm,
9 mm and observation
12 mm, the was that in lift
maximum such a turbulence
coefficients environment,
were increased the lift
by 15.21%, coefficients
17.19% and 17.26% were at not
significantly different
18.4 degrees, from each
respectively. other under
The increase rate was thefound
that underconfigurations. For the flap
the uniform turbulence
heights of 6 mm,
condition. The9 margin
mm and of 12 mm,
error the maximum
in Figure lift coefficients
12a was expressed were increased
as the variance by 15.21%, 17.19%
of the time-averaged lift
and 17.26% As
be seen fromrespectively.
the Figure The increase
12a, the pressurerate was found
uncertainty largerwith
increased than thethat under
increase of the
the angle
uniform of attack,
turbulence and the lift
condition. Thecoefficient
margin of fluctuations caused12a
error in Figure by was
the pressure
expressed fluctuations were the
as the variance of the
most obvious pronounced when the attack angle reaches the stall angle.
time-averaged lift coefficient. As can be seen from the Figure 12a, the pressure uncertainty increased According to Figure 12b,
with the
increase in of
lift of the flapped
angle airfoil
of attack, and wastheat lift
a cost of increasing
coefficient drag. The drag
fluctuations causedcoefficient
by the ofpressure
flapped airfoils was also non-linearly raised in the stall state. For example, when the angle of attack
fluctuations were the most obvious pronounced when the attack angle reaches the stall angle.
was 20.4◦ , the drag coefficients were increased by 12.50%, 37.50% and 44.53%, respectively. As can be
According to Figure 12b, the increase in the lift of the flapped airfoil was at a cost of increasing drag.
seen from Figure 12c, compared with the baseline airfoil, the Gurney flap also generated a prominent
The drag coefficient of the flapped airfoils was also non-linearly raised in the stall state.◦ For example,
increase in the pitching-moment coefficient, the negative peak values delay to about 6.4 compared
whenwith thetheangle of attack
uniform inflow was 20.4°,As
condition. thedemonstrated
drag coefficientsin Figure were
the peak valueby 12.50%, 37.50% and
of the lift-to-drag
becomes less As can be seen
as compared withfrom Figure flow
the uniform 12c, condition
compared in with the Unlike
all cases. baseline theairfoil, the Gurney
low turbulence
flap condition,
also generated a prominent
the maximum increase
lift-to-drag of Gurney in the
flap pitching-moment
with different heightscoefficient, the negative
slightly increased relative topeak
baselineto about
airfoil. 6.4°compared with the uniform
The maximum lift-to-drag inflow9.15%
raised 14.35%, condition.
and 2.74%As respectively
demonstrated when in the
12d, flap
the heights were 6 of
peak value mm, 9 mm,
the and 12 mm,
lift-to-drag respectively,
ratio becomeswith lesstheasmaximum
compared lift-to-drag
with the ratio occurredflow
at the smallest flap height. Besides, in contrast to the situations
condition in all cases. Unlike the low turbulence condition, the maximum lift-to-drag of Gurneyof 1.5 mm thickness of the Gurney flap
with flaps, the Gurney
different heightsflaps also achieved
slightly increased a lift increasetounder
relative 10.5% turbulence
the baseline intensity.
airfoil. The The maximum
maximum lift-to-drag
lift coefficient was increased by 14.77%, 14.83%, and 16.44% for height equals to 6 mm, 9 mm and
raised 14.35%, 9.15% and 2.74% respectively when the flap heights were 6 mm, 9 mm, and 12 mm,
12 mm, respectively. The two thickness configurations both had maximum lift-to-drag efficiency at
respectively, with the maximum lift-to-drag ratio occurred at the smallest flap height. Besides, in
6 mm height, for the three heights, respectively.
contrast to the situations of 1.5 mm thickness of the Gurney flaps, the Gurney flaps also achieved a
lift increase under 10.5% turbulence intensity. The maximum lift coefficient was increased by
14.77%, 14.83%, and 16.44% for height equals to 6 mm, 9 mm and 12 mm, respectively. The two
thickness configurations both had maximum lift-to-drag efficiency at 6 mm height, for the three
heights, respectively.
Sci. 2020,
Appl. Sci. 10, 7258
2020, 10, 7258 12 of 21
2.5 0.20
1.5 0.14
Flap 12mm*4.5mm
0.12 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
(a) (b)
-0.06 50
Flap 12mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm 40
-0.08 Flap 6mm*4.5mm
Baseline airfoil 30
-0.10 20
0 Flap 12mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
-0.14 -10 Flap 6mm*4.5mm
-20 Baseline airfoil
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(c) (d)
Figure 12.
Variationof of
aerodynamiccharacteristics with with
characteristics different heights
different of Gurney
heights flaps (T.I.
of Gurney of
10.5%, 6). (a) 6Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison; (c)
(T.I. of Re: 0.8 Re:
10.5%, × 100.8 × 10 ). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison;
(c) pitching-momentcoefficient comparison;
coefficient (d)(d)
comparison; lift-to-drag ratio
lift-to-drag comparison.
ratio comparison.
2.5 0.20
0.16 Flap 9*4.5mm
1.5 0.14 Flap 9*3mm
Flap 9*1.5mm
1.0 Baseline airfoil
0.5 0.08
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm 0.06
Flap 9mm*1.5mm
Baseline airfoil
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(a) (b)
turbulence conditions, after changing the thickness of the Gurney flap under turbulence condition of
10.5%, the aerodynamic characteristics of flapped airfoil almost show no change. The main
difference in the Figure 13d was concentrated in the large lift-to-drag ratio zone, obviously because
the pressure fluctuations caused by the turbulence and the flow separation at the airfoil surface
result in 2020,
Appl. Sci. the deviation
10, 7258 of the measurement. 13 of 21
2.5 0.20
0.16 Flap 9*4.5mm
1.5 0.14 Flap 9*3mm
Flap 9*1.5mm
1.0 Baseline airfoil
0.5 0.08
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm 0.06
Flap 9mm*1.5mm
Baseline airfoil
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 α/ (°) α/ (°) 13 of 21
(a) (b)
-0.06 50
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm 40
-0.08 Flap 9mm*1.5mm
Baseline airfoil 30
-0.10 20
0 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm
-0.14 -10 Flap 9mm*1.5mm
-20 Baseline airfoil
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
α/ (°) α/ (°)
(c) (d)
13. Variation
Figure 13. Variation of the aerodynamic characteristics with different thicknesses of Gurney flaps
(T.I. of
of 10.5%,
10.5%, Re: 0.8 6).6 (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison; (c)
(T.I. 0.8 ××1010 ). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison;
(c) pitching-moment coefficient comparison;
coefficient comparison;(d)(d)
lift-to-drag ratio
lift-to-drag comparison.
ratio comparison.
Appl. Sci.
show 2020, 10,effect
obvious 7258 under the turbulence condition of 19.0%. At the same time the same 14 of 21
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 14 of 21
occurred at other thicknesses of the Gurney flaps.
2.5 0.28
2.5 0.28
2.0 0.24
2.0 0.24
1.5 0.20 Flap 12mm*4.5mm
1.5 0.20 Flap 12mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
0.16 Flap 6mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
-0.12 20
-0.14 10
-0.14 10
0 Flap 12mm*4.5mm
-0.16 Flap 12mm*4.5mm 0 Flap 12mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
-0.16 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
Flap 12mm*4.5mm -10 Flap 6mm*4.5mm
Flap 6mm*4.5mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm -10 Flap 6mm*4.5mm
-0.18 Baseline airfoil
Flap 6mm*4.5mm
Baseline airfoil -20 Baseline airfoil
-0.18 -20
Baseline airfoil
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
° α/ (°)
° α/ (°)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Figure 14. Variation of the aerodynamic characteristics with different heights of Gurney flaps (T.I. of
Figure 14.14.Variation
aerodynamic characteristics
Gurney flaps
Gurney (T.I.(T.I.
flaps of of
19%, Re: 0.8 × 106). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison; (c)
19%, Re: 0.8 6× 10 6). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison; (c)
Re: 0.8 × 10 ). coefficient
(a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b) drag coefficient comparison; (c) pitching-moment
pitching-moment comparison; (d) lift-to-drag ratio comparison.
coefficient coefficient
comparison; comparison;
(d) lift-to-drag (d)comparison.
ratio lift-to-drag ratio comparison.
Figure 15 exhibits the changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of the baseline airfoil and
the changes
changes inin the
the aerodynamic characteristicsofofthe
aerodynamic characteristics thebaseline
baseline airfoil
airfoil andand
airfoil with Gurney flaps of height 4.5mm under the turbulence condition of 19.0%. As can be seen
airfoil with
airfoil withGurney
height 4.5mm
4.5mm under the turbulence
under the turbulencecondition
be be seen
from it, with the increase of turbulence intensity, obviously, there were more pressure fluctuations.
from it,it,with
increaseofof turbulence
turbulence intensity,
more pressure fluctuations.
pressure fluctuations.
The curves of flapped airfoils with different thickness no longer overlap totally, in the majority of
TheThe curvesofofflapped
curves flappedairfoils
airfoils with
with different thickness no
nolonger overlap totally, in the majority of
angles, the difference from 2% to 5%,different
though itthickness
may sometimeslonger overlap
reach 20%. totally, in the majority of
angles, the difference from 2% to 5%,
angles, the difference from 2% to 5%, though it though it may sometimes reach 20%.
sometimes reach 20%.
2.5 0.28
2.5 0.28
2.0 0.24
2.0 0.24 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
0.20 Flap9mm*3mm
Flap 9mm*4.5mm
1.5 0.20 Flap9mm*1.5mm
Flap 9mm*3mm
0.16 Flap 9mm*1.5mm
Baseline airfoil
-0.08 50
-0.10 40
-0.14 10
Flap 9mm*4.5mm 0 Flap 9mm*4.5mm
-0.16 Flap 9mm*3mm
Flap 9mm*3mm
Flap 9mm*1.5mm
-10 Flap 9mm*1mm
-0.18 Baseline airfoil -20 Baseline airfoil
(c) (d)
Figure 15.15.Variation
Variationof of
thethe aerodynamic
aerodynamic characteristics
characteristics with
with different
different thicknesses
thicknesses of Gurney
of Gurney flapsflaps
(T.I. of
(T.I. of 19%, Re:
6 0.8 × 10 6). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b)drag coefficient comparison; (c)
19%, Re: 0.8 × 10 ). (a) Lift coefficient comparison; (b)drag coefficient comparison; (c) pitching-moment
coefficient coefficient
comparison; comparison;
(d) lift-to-drag (d)comparison.
ratio lift-to-drag ratio comparison.
3.6. Surface
3.6. SurfacePressure
ToTo analyze
analyze thethe mechanismofofturbulent
mechanism turbulentinflow
Gurneyflap, flap,Figure
pressure coefficient distribution of the baseline airfoil and airfoil attached with the Gurney flapflap
the pressure coefficient distribution of the baseline airfoil and airfoil attached with the Gurney under
under different
different turbulentturbulent inflow
inflow when when Reynolds
Reynolds number Re = 0.8 Re
number × 10=6 .0.8
The× x-axis
106. The x-axis
shows theshows the
chord-wise position x/c and the y-axis shows the pressure coefficients C p. The pressure coefficients
position x/c and the y-axis shows the pressure coefficients Cp . The pressure coefficients Cp on the airfoil
Cp on the
surface wereairfoil
given surface were given
pi − p0
CpC == pi -p0 2 (7)
0.5ρU (7)
0.5 U002
where pi is the pressure at the pressure tap of i (i = 1:77), p0 is the free stream static pressure at the
where pi is the pressure at the pressure tap of i (i = 1:77), p0 is the free stream static pressure at the
Appl. Sci.tested
airfoil 2020, 10, byx theFORPitot PEER tube,REVIEW ρ is the air density and U0 is the free stream velocity. 16 of 21
airfoil tested by the Pitot tube, ρ is the air density and U 0 is the free stream velocity.
Figure 16 illustrates that the pressure coefficients -3.0
of the baseline airfoil -3.0 under different
-2.5 AOA=-9.6° conditions with-2.5 AOA=-9.6° -2.5 AOA=-9.6°
turbulence Baseline, T.I.=0.2%
small angles
AOA=-9.6° were similar-2.5 to each other. However, -2.0
with the increase of
-2.0 -2.0 -2.0
Baseline, T.I.=10.5%
-1.5 of attack, the differences
Baseline, T.I.=19.0% -1.5 become more pronounced
-1.5 at the leading edge.
-1.5 In contrast to the
-1.0 -1.0 -1.0
Gurney flaps, Figure 16a shows that at the angle = −9.6°, the differences between the flapped airfoils
distribution indicate a larger the pressure difference in the range of 0.8 < x/c < 0.9. When the angle of
x/c x/c x/c x/c
attack was 2.4° and 8.4°, both the pressure coefficient (a) absolute values of the baseline airfoil and the
Gurney flap tendency to increase with the increase of turbulence intensity, and the flapped airfoil
becomes more obvious than the baseline airfoil. At a large angle of attack, due to the condition of
stalling (Figure 16e,f), there was significant flow separation both on the suction side of flapped
airfoil and baseline airfoil under uniform inflow. The larger the turbulent inflow, the larger the peak
value on the leading edge of the suction side, and also the larger pressure coefficient on the pressure
Figure 16. Cont.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 16 of 21
Figure 16. The surface pressure coefficients under different angle of attack (Re: 0.8 × 106 ). (a) α = −9.6◦ ;
(b) α = −3.6◦ ; (c) α = 2.4◦ ; (d) α = 8.4◦ ; (e) α = 12.4◦ ; (f) α = 18.4◦ .
Figure 16 illustrates that the pressure coefficients of the baseline airfoil under different turbulence
conditions with small angles were similar to each other. However, with the increase of angle of
attack, the differences become more pronounced at the leading edge. In contrast to the Gurney flaps,
Figure 16a shows that at the angle = −9.6◦ , the differences between the flapped airfoils were small.
With the increase of the angle of attack, as the angle of −3.6◦ , compared with the baseline airfoils,
the intersection of the airfoil with Gurney flap moves to the leading edge under different conditions.
Besides, the pressure coefficients (with the angle = −3.6◦ and 2.4◦ ), the pressure distribution indicate a
larger the pressure difference in the range of 0.8 < x/c < 0.9. When the angle of attack was 2.4◦ and 8.4◦ ,
both the pressure coefficient absolute values of the baseline airfoil and the Gurney flap tendency to
increase with the increase of turbulence intensity, and the flapped airfoil becomes more obvious than
the baseline airfoil. At a large angle of attack, due to the condition of stalling (Figure 16e,f), there was
significant flow separation both on the suction side of flapped airfoil and baseline airfoil under uniform
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 17 of 21
Appl. Figure
Sci. 2020,16.
7258 surface pressure coefficients under different angle of attack (Re: 0.8 × 106). (a) α 17
= of 21
−9.6°; (b) α = −3.6°; (c) α = 2.4°; (d) α = 8.4°; (e) α = 12.4°; (f) α = 18.4°.
As The
from the
above, the inflow, the larger
influence the peakinflow
of turbulent value coupled
on the leading edge of flap
with Gurney the suction
on the
side, and also the larger pressure coefficient on the pressure side.
pressure coefficients of airfoil was complicated. Turbulent inflow changes the flow around the airfoil
surface seenrestrains
from thetheabove, the influence
flow separation, of attaching
after turbulenttheinflow coupled
Gurney flap, with Gurneydistribution
the pressure flap on the
pressure coefficients of airfoil was complicated. Turbulent inflow changes
on both suction and pressure sides changed more significantly. Especially in the turbulence the flow around the airfoil
surface and restrains the flow separation, after attaching the Gurney flap, the pressure
condition, the trailing edge pressure distributions were farther apart for the flapped airfoil. In these distribution on
both suction
situations, theand pressurepeak
increased sidesvalues
changed of more significantly.
pressure Especially
coefficients in the turbulence
at the leading condition,
edge increased the
the trailing edge pressure distributions were farther apart for the flapped
integral area of the pressure coefficients, so the lift force was therefore increased. airfoil. In these situations,
the increased peak values of pressure coefficients at the leading edge increased the integral area of the
3.7. Wake coefficients, so the lift force was therefore increased.
Profile Characteristics
3.7. Wake 17 presents
Profile the distribution of wake velocity measured by the wake rake array under
uniform inflow. As can be observed, when the angle of attack was 8.4°, which was before the stall
Figure 17 presents the distribution of wake velocity measured by the wake rake array under
angle of attack, the wake of airfoil with the Gurney flap was inclined◦ to the pressure side of the
uniform inflow. As can be observed, when the angle of attack was 8.4 , which was before the stall
airfoil. When the angle of attack was 11.4°, which was after the stall angle, the Gurney flap weaken
angle of attack, the wake of airfoil with the Gurney flap was inclined to the pressure side of the airfoil.
the ability of the wake position ◦deflection. Moreover, the wake velocity deficit was significantly
When the angle of attack was 11.4 , which was after the stall angle, the Gurney flap weaken the ability
increased, and the Gurney flap began to have side effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of the
of the wake position deflection. Moreover, the wake velocity deficit was significantly increased, and the
airfoil. The higher the Gurney flap is, the larger the wake velocity deficit is, so it indicates a higher
Gurney flap began to have side effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil. The higher the
mean drag.
Gurney flap is, the larger the wake velocity deficit is, so it indicates a higher mean drag.
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Baseline airfoil,T.I.=0.2% Baseline airfoil,T.I.=0.2%
Flap 6mm*4.5mm,T.I.=0.2% Flap 6mm*4.5mm,T.I.=0.2%
0.6 0.6
Flap 9mm*4.5mm,T.I.=0.2% Flap 9mm*4.5mm,T.I.=0.2%
Flap 12mm*4.5mm,T.I.=0.2% Flap 12mm*4.5mm,T.I.=0.2%
0.5 0.5
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
X(m) X(m)
(a) (b)
Figure 17.
Figure Thewake
17. The wake velocity
velocity measured
measured by by
the the
arrayarray (uniform
(uniform inflow,
inflow, Re:
Re: 0.8 × 100.8 × 10
6). (a) α6=).
= 8.4
(a) α(b)
8.4°; ◦ (b) α = 11.4 .
α =; 11.4°. ◦
By comparing
By comparingthe theflows
flowsin in
trailing edgeedge
trailing regionregion
of the airfoil
of the with Gurney
airfoil with flap. Theflap.
Gurney resultant
velocity distribution of the baseline airfoil and the airfoil attached with Gurney
resultant velocity distribution of the baseline airfoil and the airfoil attached with Gurney flap (9 mm flap (9 mm in height
and 4.5 mm ◦ (before the stall angle) and 11.4◦ (after the stall
in height andin4.5 thickness) at the angle
mm in thickness) at theof attack
angle of 8.4attack 8.4° (before the stall angle) and 11.4° (after
the stallunder
angle) uniform
under inflow
uniform were depicted
inflow wereindepicted
Figure 18. The vertical
in Figure direction
18. The verticalY direction
denoted the forward
Y denoted
distance from the hot-wire probe to the trailing edge, and the horizontal
the forward distance from the hot-wire probe to the trailing edge, and the horizontal direction direction X denoted the lateral
distance from the hot-wire probe to the trailing edge. As shown in Figure
denoted the lateral distance from the hot-wire probe to the trailing edge. As shown in Figure 18, 18, the black solid spots
were the
black actual
solid spots measurement
were the actual positions by using the
measurement electronically
positions by using controlled traverser. As
the electronically shown,
traverser. As shown, the wake flows shift to the pressure side in both the two situations. When8.4
the wake flows shift to the pressure side in both the two situations. When the angle of attack was the,
the airfoil
angle with was
of attack Gurney8.4°,flap
the had a larger
airfoil velocity flap
with Gurney deficithadthan the baseline
a larger velocityairfoil,
deficitwhich suggests
than the an
increased drag. When the angle of attack was 11.4 ◦ , the velocity deficit of the baseline airfoil was also
airfoil, which suggests an increased drag. When the angle of attack was 11.4°, the velocity deficit of
the than theairfoil
Gurney wasflap, but
also there
less than wastheno obvious
Gurney difference
flap, but there between
was nothe offset difference
obvious direction caused
the offset
the flapped airfoil and
direction the baseline
caused airfoil which
by the flapped airfoilwere
and the being similarairfoil
baseline to thewhich
far field results
were measured
being similar by
the wake rake array.
the far field results measured by the wake rake array.
Appl. Sci.2020,
7258 1818ofof2121
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
1.5 1.5
2.0 2.0
2.5 2.5
(a) (b)
0.0 0.0
1.5 14.50
2.0 13.00
2.5 11.50
3.0 10.00
3.5 8.500
4.0 7.000
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
X(cm) X(cm)
(c) (d)
Figure 18. Velocity
Velocity distribution
distribution of the region
region behind
behind trailing
× 10 ). 6(a)
× 610 ).
(a) = 8.4baseline
α =α 8.4°, ◦ , baseline
airfoil; (b) (b)
airfoil; = 8.4
α =α8.4°, ◦ , Gurney
Gurney flap flap
9 mm × 4.5×mm;
9 mm α = 11.4
(c) α =(c)11.4°,
4.5 mm; ◦ , baseline
baseline airfoil;airfoil;
(d) α =
(d) α = Gurney
11.4°, 11.4◦ , Gurney
flap 9 mm
flap ×9 4.5
mmmm.× 4.5 mm.
Figure19 19presents
presentsthe thepower
measuredby bythe
region11cm cmdirectly
behindthe the
trailing ◦
inflow.As Ascancanbe beobserved,
observed,atatthe theangle
attack8.4 , both
8.4°, bothalong-wind
across-wind display
displayan obvious peak inpeak
an obvious the power
in thedensitypowerspectrum,
density meanwhile
spectrum, the across-wind
meanwhile the
energy increased
across-wind in theincreased
energy flapped airfoil. It indicates
in the flapped thereItare
airfoil. counterthere
indicates rotating
are vortices
countergenerated by the
rotating vortices
generated flap,bywhile the wakeflap,
the Gurney of baseline
while the airfoil
wake doesof not showairfoil
baseline the existence
does not of show
vortexthe shedding [33].
existence of
Gurney flaps also have a wake structure similar to the Karman vortex
vortex shedding [33]. Gurney flaps also have a wake structure similar to the Karman vortex street street behind the cylinder at
the cylindernumber at bigger 0.8 × 106number
(i.e., ofReynolds ), the flow oscillations
(i.e., of 0.8 × 10 were caused
6), the flow by the separating
oscillations of the
were caused
by the layer on the pressure
separating of the shear side layer
and suction
on the side of theside
pressure trailing
and edge.
suction The Karman
side of the vortex
can be found in uniform flow and turbulent flow, so the increased
Karman vortex street both can be found in uniform flow and turbulent flow, so the increased lift lift produced by the Gurney flap
producedcan be byexplained
the Gurney in turbulent
flap seemsflow can condition,
be explained either. Moreover,flow
in turbulent from the lift coefficients
condition, shown
either. Moreover,
from the size of structures was affected by turbulence level. Besides, as
lift coefficients shown above, the size of structures was affected by turbulence level. compared with the reference
data under
Besides, as similar
compared condition
with the [33], with the
reference increase
data underofsimilar
the Reynolds
condition number, from
[33], with = 1 × 10
theReincrease of5 the
0.8 6
× 10 , the Strouhal number 5
1 × 10 ,number × 1015 ,×
Reynolds number, from Re = decreased
1 × 105 to from
0.8 × 0.151
106, the(Re:Strouhal 2% chord length) tofrom
decreased 0.1280.151
(Re: 2(Re:
105chord length)
, 2% chord and toto0.088
length) 0.128(Re: 2×
(Re:0.8 × 1056,, 2%
1.5% chordlength)
chord length). and to 0.088 (Re: 0.8 × 106, 1.5% chord
Appl. Sci.2020, 10,7258
2020,10, 7258 19of
19 of21
0.1 0.1
0.001 0.001
along-wind along-wind
1E-4 across-wind 1E-4 across-wind
(a) (b)
Figure 19.
19. Comparison
Comparisonof of the
the power
power density
density spectrum
spectrum (uniform
(uniform inflow,
inflow, Re: 0.8
0.8 ×× 10 (a)αα ==8.4°,
1066).).(a) 8.4◦ ,
baseline airfoil; (b) αα ==8.4°,
airfoil; (b) ◦
8.4 ,Gurney
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
In summary,
In summary,this paper
this paperpresented
presented a study a of the aerodynamic
study of the aerodynamicperformance of airfoils with/without
performance of airfoils
the Gurney flap under different turbulence
with/without the Gurney flap under different turbulence conditions by meansconditions by means of wind tunnel experiments.
of wind tunnel
The experimental
experiments. observations observations
The experimental were as follows: were as follows:
The Gurney
The Gurney flap flap deflects
deflects thethe wakewake position
positionfrom from the the pressure
pressure side side of
of the
the airfoil,
airfoil, increasing
increasing the the
vertical distance between the airfoil chord and the middle arc.
vertical distance between the airfoil chord and the middle arc. The surface pressure characteristicsThe surface pressure characteristics
revealed that
revealed that thethe pressure
pressure difference
difference of of the
the trailing
trailing edgeedge was was larger
larger forfor the
the flapped
flapped airfoil
airfoil in in the
turbulence condition. Moreover, due to the special wake structure,
turbulence condition. Moreover, due to the special wake structure, the Gurney flap also indicates the the Gurney flap also indicates
the vortex
vortex generated
generated at theattrailing
the trailing
edge, whichedge, results
which results in a lift
in a greater greater
of thelift of the
airfoil. The airfoil. The lift
lift increment
obtained obtained
from Gurney from
flapGurney flap was by
was influenced influenced by the intensity,
the turbulence turbulence intensity, meanwhile
meanwhile a large increase a largein
increase in drag was observed as well. Under a medium range
drag was observed as well. Under a medium range of turbulence intensity (i.e., of 10.5%), the of turbulence intensity (i.e., of 10.5%),
the maximum
maximum lift-to-drag
lift-to-drag ratiosratios
from from14.35% 14.35%
(flap 6(flap
mm6×mm × 4.5a mm,
4.5 mm, a =to12.4
= 12.4°)
◦ ) to 14.47%
14.47% (flap 6
(flap 6 mm × 1.5 mm, a = 12.4 ◦ ), the 1.0% Gurney flap case has the
mm × 1.5 mm, a = 12.4°), the 1.0% Gurney flap case has the best performance, that’s probably because best performance, that’s probably
the the decrease
decrease of boundary of boundary layer thickness
layer thickness under turbulent
under turbulent conditions,conditions,
so the so the height
height of 1.0% of 1.0%
was optimal. However, under a much larger turbulence inflow (i.e.,
optimal. However, under a much larger turbulence inflow (i.e., of 19.0%), all experimental data have of 19.0%), all experimental data
have shown that the impact was negligibly small. The drag increment
shown that the impact was negligibly small. The drag increment was found to surpass the benefit of was found to surpass the benefit
of the
the increase
increase in lift,
in lift, resulting
resulting in ainworse
a worse lift-to-drag
lift-to-drag ratio
ratio thanthanthethe baseline
baseline airfoil.
It was of importance to note that there are two kinds of
It was of importance to note that there are two kinds of measurement uncertainties couldmeasurement uncertainties couldaffect
the acquired results. One was stochastic uncertainties caused by
the acquired results. One was stochastic uncertainties caused by the discrete pressure data which can the discrete pressure data which
be be eliminated by multiple
by multiple measurements.
measurements. TheThe otherotheroneonewas wassystematic
uncertaintiescaused causedby by
measuring instruments which can be reduced by calibration
measuring instruments which can be reduced by calibration of the instruments before the of the instruments before the experiment.
Based on the observations from the present measurements, it was found that under very high
Based on level,
thee.g., with 19% of
observations fromturbulence
the presentintensity, the Gurneyitflap
measurements, was has very that
found smallunderinfluence
veryon the
airfoil aerodynamic performance. The measurement results show the
turbulence level, e.g., with 19% of turbulence intensity, the Gurney flap has very small influence on Gurney flap may be used in areas
the slightly
airfoil lower turbulence.
aerodynamic performance.Nevertheless, wind turbines
The measurement in real
results showlife the
were running
Gurney flapin may
the turbulent
be used
atmospheric boundary layer, as shown above, the effects of Gurney
in areas with slightly lower turbulence. Nevertheless, wind turbines in real life were running in the flap are highly dependent on
turbulent inflow, it seems that the Gurney flap would be installed
turbulent atmospheric boundary layer, as shown above, the effects of Gurney flap are highly as a scalable form and preferred to
have smaller
dependent onsize, such that
turbulent it would
inflow, it seemsget more
that the potential
Gurney benefits at all periods
flap would be installedof rotation. In addition,
as a scalable form
it should be noted that the incoming flow is often a combination of
and preferred to have smaller size, such that it would get more potential benefits at all periods of rotational wake from the previous
wind turbines.
rotation. In addition,Research on thebelift
it should increment
noted that the ofincoming
Gurney flap flowwas not isolated,
is often a combinationit always interacted
of rotational
with such
wake fromhighly unsteady
the previous windaerodynamic
turbines. issues.
Research Therefore,
on the lift to analyze
increment more of precisely
Gurney flap the effects
was not of
combining such turbulence levels with Gurney flap, further experiments
isolated, it always interacted with such highly unsteady aerodynamic issues. Therefore, to analyze should be carried out for the
rotor blades
more precisely in highly turbulent
the effects of flows.
combining This wassuchinturbulence
progress onlevels a windwith turbineGurneyblade flap,
composedfurther of
several DTU-LN221 wing sections.
experiments should be carried out for the rotor blades in highly turbulent flows. This was in
progress on a wind turbine blade composed of several DTU-LN221 wing sections.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7258 20 of 21
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.Y.; conducted the data collection, J.Y. and Y.Y.; funding acquisition,
H.Y.; supervision, N.L., H.Y. and W.Z.; formal analysis, J.Y., H.Y., W.Z.; writing—original draft preparation,
J.Y.; writing—review and editing, H.Y., W.Z.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province
under grant number KYCX19_2104 and Youth Fund Project of Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation under grant
number BK20170510.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to express acknowledgement to the Postgraduate Research &Practice
Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province under grant number KYCX19_2104 and Youth Fund Project of Jiangsu
Natural Science Foundation under grant number BK20170510.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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