15 OnScreen B2plus Quiz 2B
15 OnScreen B2plus Quiz 2B
15 OnScreen B2plus Quiz 2B
1 Sam was out of breath as he ........ to 7 The Sahara Desert is dotted ........ oases.
catch the bus. A with B of C from D by
A has been running
B had been running 8 Lisa stopped running to ........ her breath.
C would be running A have C take
D was used to running B catch D snatch
3 Helen bought a ........ scarf in China. 10 When I was a child I ........ have a
A blue silk beautiful mountain bike.
B silk blue beautiful A got used to C used to
C beautiful blue silk B would D were used to
D blue beautiful silk
11 While Lyn ........, she had a sudden cramp
4 It took him some time, but Sam in her leg.
eventually ........ on his own when he A would swim
went to university. B had been swimming
A got used to living C would live C had swum
B was used to living D used to live D was swimming
5 There was ........ queue of people waiting 12 Lydia ........ to the airport when she heard
to get into the museum that we gave up her flight being announced.
and left. A just got
A a so long C such long a B had just been getting
B a such long D so long a C would just get
D had just got
6 Our flight leaves at 10:00, and we have to
........ in two hours before that. 13 Jason’s got itchy ........ and likes travelling
A dock C board around a lot.
B embark D check A hands C legs
B feet D skin