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C1 Editable Mid-YearTest

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Mid-Year Test Units 1 – 6

Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
Mark: ____________/ 100 marks

A Read the article containing reviews of comedy films.

Comedy dialogue and memorable lines

– just like all films by the Coen

Classics brothers. This comedy has

achieved cult status and critical
Check out some of the C Dr Strangelove, 1964
greatest film comedies ever
Who would make a comedy out
made! of a thermonuclear holocaust?
A Anchorman: The Legend Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick is
of Ron Burgundy, 2004 who. Originally wanting to make
a serious film about the
Will Ferrell is famous for his implications of a mad general’s
special brand of humour. Films decision to push the nuclear
such as Step Brothers, Elf, button, Kubrick abandoned the
Talladega Nights and attempt early on. The by-
Zoolander are comedy product of this was a
favourites with fans, but groundbreaking black comedy
Anchorman is considered to be that was arguably Kubrick’s
his best. He plays Ron greatest achievement. It
Burgundy, a San Diego includes an unforgettable
newsreader whose life begins performance by Peter Sellers in
to unravel with the arrival of a a spectrum of roles: US
woman newsreader, Veronica President Merkin Muffley,
Corningstone. There’s brilliant British Captain Lionel
comedy in the jokes and gags Mandrake, and the brilliant
as they try to outdo each other German physicist Dr
on-air, and a hilarious street Strangelove – three distinctly
fight unfolds among rival news different characters that remain
teams with loads of cameos. the best example of Sellers’
Add to that the crazy sideburns, staggering genius. This top-
hairstyles and ugly suits and notch film is a must-see,
ties of the 1970s, and especially for those too young
Anchorman is a winner. to have grown up under the
B The Big Lebowski, 1998 spectre of global thermonuclear
Middle-aged Jeffrey Lebowski,
known as ‘The Dude’, is
accosted one night in his Los
Angeles house by two thugs,
who think he is another, very
wealthy, Jeffrey Lebowski. One D This is Spinal Tap, 1984
of them ruins his rug as a This is Spinal Tap is a
bizarre show of hostility. ‘mockumentary’, that is, a mock
Outraged by this and egged on documentary, about the
by his friend Walter, The Dude members of a laughable British
decides to confront the other heavy metal band called Spinal
Lebowski and ask him for Tap who are oblivious to how
compensation. And so begins ridiculous they have become.
one hilarious movie full of This is Spinal Tap finds the
comic blunders. It’s a comedy band in the midst of their first
with everything – a range of American tour in years as they
fantastic characters, excellent promote their new album.
performances, amazing

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Everything goes wrong on the he’s forced to look at other
tour: shows are cancelled due people’s lives, and he begins to
to poor ticket sales, stage props care about them. Bill Murray’s
go wrong, no one shows up for comic timing is exquisite and
in-store appearances, and the his genius can never be
group teeters on the verge of overrated.
break-up after they come in for
F Trading Places, 1983
criticism. After the film’s initial
release, the three ‘band The fabulously wealthy but
members’ actually toured as morally bankrupt Duke brothers
Spinal Tap and recorded an make a one-dollar bet to see
album, Break Like the Wind. what might happen if different
E Groundhog Day, 1993 lifestyles are reversed. They
Bill Murray is superb as Phil in arrange for street hood Billy Ray
Groundhog Day, the story of a Valentine (Eddie Murphy) to live
rude yet charming weatherman, in the lap of luxury and be
forced to travel to trained for a successful career in
Punxsutawney with his crew to the stock exchange. At the same
shoot footage of Phil, a time, aristocratic yuppie Louis
groundhog (a type of rodent)
Winthorpe III (Dan Aykroyd) has
who crudely has the same
name as Murray’s character to endure poverty and disgrace.
and who can supposedly When Billy Ray realises that the
predict the end of winter every brothers intend to put him back
February 2nd. However, Phil on the streets once their
finds himself having no choice experiment is complete, he finds
but to relive February 2nd every Winthorpe and together they plot
day, prompting some hilarious
an uproarious revenge and hit
scenarios and one-liners for the
characters. The more Phil the brothers where it really
relives the same day, the more hurts: in the wallet.

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B Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You are going to read an article containing reviews of comedy films. For questions 1 – 15, choose
from the reviews A – F. The reviews may be chosen more than once.
Which review
1 discusses a parody of a type of serious film genre?
2 describes a tale of opposite fortunes in life?
3 talks about a case of mistaken identity?
4 talks about a highly unlikely topic for a comedy?
5 mentions other works of the same genre?
6 describes a significant change in a person’s character?
7 mentions short appearances by well-known actors?
8 talks about an act of vengeance to right a wrong?
9 talks about a work in a different genre of the arts?
10 details the comic range of a film actor?
11 discusses a film with very devoted fans?
12 mentions a theme of repetition in the film’s plot?
13 describes a period in time foreign to today’s youth?
14 talks about a rival in the workplace?
15 details a series of embarrassing failures? ( / 15 marks)

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Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
For questions 1 – 10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in
each gap.
Theatrical Ghosts
Britain has many haunted theatres. The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London, prides (1)________________
on being regarded as the most haunted theatre (2)__________________showbiz. The most legendary ghostly
inhabitant is an 18th-century gentleman known (3)__________________the ‘Man in Grey’. Spotted by dozens of
cleaners over the years, a sighting of him is usually considered to be good luck and indicates the show will go
(4)_________________a hitch. It is thought that he is associated with a skeleton uncovered by workmen in the
theatre in 1843. The skeleton was found with a knife in (5)__________________ribs.
There is also the ghost of an Irish man Charles Macklin, an actor (6)_________________profession. He stabbed
a fellow actor, Thomas Hallam, in 1735. Macklin’s ghost has (7)________________seen in a backstage corridor.
Joseph Grimaldi was a famous clown who performed at the Theatre Royal for many years. When he died in
1837, he left a request that he be buried near the theatre. Since then, his ghost appears during shows
(8)_________________occasion, sometimes sitting in the audience, smiling encouragement up at performers on
the stage. Every once in a while performers (9)_________________felt his presence on stage with them. Some have
spoken of feeling his hands guiding them to a better spot on stage, or even kicking them in the rear if they weren’t
10)_________________their best! (___/ 10 marks)

B Complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
For questions 1 – 10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form
a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Acupuncture to the Rescue
Every spring, allergies made Stella Hunt miserable. Her throat itched, her
eyes burned, her sinuses were clogged and she often had a (1)__________________headache. SPLIT
Hunt, a university student, had tried everything: injections, over-the-counter drugs, inhalers,
nasal sprays, steroids. Still, she suffered from six or seven sinus attacks a season, each requiring
antibiotics. On a friend’s recommendation, Hunt visited an acupuncturist who
(2)__________________Chinese herbs. Initially apprehensive, Hunt was PRESCRIBE
(3)________________away when the herbs quickly proved BLOW
(4)________________and cleared her head. EFFECT
Cary Brand had never considered alternative medicine, but when serious allergies left him with a
very painful sinus (5)________________for four straight months and antibiotics proved INFECT
(6)________________, he was desperate for help. A doctor suggested acupuncture, and it was SUCCEED
very (7)_________________. Brand says the acupuncture has been almost BENEFIT
(8)________________and he was just as surprised as anybody that it helped. MIRACLE

For millions of allergy sufferers, the nearest pharmacy promises fast

(9)________________. However, some, like Hunt and Brand, are seeking RELIEVE
alternative and natural remedies. But do these (10)__________________have any TREAT
scientific grounding? Studies have shown that patients who received acupuncture three times
a week for four weeks showed a significantly greater improvement than patients who received
a placebo or nothing at all. (___/ 10 marks)

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C For questions 1 – 5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1 We carefully picked our way through the forest by the_________________of the moon.
The hunters left the camp and headed out at first_________________.
You mustn’t do anything until you get the green_________________from the manager.
2 Of course it’s true; I got it straight from the horse’s_________________.
Why don’t you keep your big_________________shut, Penelope?
Open your________________wider, please, so I can check your teeth.
3 If this blistering heat continues, I’m worried that the river will__________________up.
I need to use a specially enriched moisturiser for________________skin.
Harry’s got a nasty_________________cough that’s keeping him up at night.
4 Who designed this wonderfully modern stage_________________?
My geography teacher_________________a really high standard for all the students in his class.
We’re going to_________________out on our journey to California early tomorrow morning.
5 Why aren’t you speaking? Has the cat_________________your tongue?
Gina’s________________a lot on her plate at the moment, so you should be more supportive.
It was a really long journey, but we_________________there in the end. (___/ 15 marks)

D Complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
For questions 1 – 5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given.
1 Tim began painting at two o’clock and it’s now six o’clock.
2 You missed rehearsal and that was wrong, Ralph!
You__________________________________, Ralph!
3 He has to be a better actor for them to give him a great role.
He __________________________________for a great role.
4 Having junk food again for dinner is a bad idea.
We__________________________________again for dinner.
5 Tom, when did you first meet the Smiths?
Tom,__________________________________the Smiths for? (___/10 marks)

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A Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1 – 6, choose the answer (a, b or c) which
fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract

Extract One
You hear two people on a health programme talking about a weight loss reality show on TV.
1 Jeff says that the show’s trainers
a are affected physically and mentally.
b are very demanding.
c also need to lose weight.
2 What is the purpose of the new format?
a to make family members compete against each other
b to make contestants lose more weight than in previous years
c to fight the worrying phenomenon of obese families

Extract Two
You hear part of an interview with a successful restaurant owner on how he chooses his chefs.
3 Which is a quality of good executive chefs?
a They are open-minded but retain control.
b They prefer not to interfere with their co-workers.
c They exercise power over their staff.
4 What is the purpose of asking about the springtime menu?
a It shows which ingredients the chef prefers.
b It gives information about the chef’s favourite cuisine.
c It tests a chef’s knowledge of suitable ingredients.

Extract Three
You hear part of an interview with a young woman called Julia Bicknell, who works in promotion.
5 What is unpleasant about Julia’s job?
a The quiet days are very boring.
b She has to show false emotions.
c The clients are not realistic.
6 How would some people describe behavioural codes?
a They make the staff angry.
b They are demanded by clients.
c They constitute good manners. (___/ 6 marks)

Listen again.

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B Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You will hear a travel expert talking about weight gain on holidays. For questions 1 – 8, complete the
sentences with a word or short phrase.
1 Returning home from holidays can be a(n)_________________experience when you’ve gained weight.
2 People spoil themselves on holiday and find_________________to justify eating more.
3 It’s easier to overeat and gain weight when the food you are eating is of the highest__________________.
4 Weight gain is worse for people on cruises and_________________package holidays that include meals.
5 It’s very easy to overeat when the food available is_________________and free.
6 When people chose more__________________types of holiday, they are unlikely to gain extra pounds.
7 It’s best that you avoid__________________if you are not wanting food.
8 Holidays are a time to_________________foreign food and diets can wait till later. (___/ 8 marks)

Listen again.
C Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You will hear part of a radio interview in which a journalist is talking about different ways to keep fit. For
questions 1 – 6, choose the answer (a, b, c or d) which fits best according to what you hear.
1 What did Tracey dislike about the spin class?
a the distance ridden
b the music playing
c the route taken
d the instructor’s fitness
2 Why was Tracey amused by her classmates during one of the classes?
a They were sitting in a funny way.
b They all told her they worked in banks.
c They were doing something strange.
d They said a funny joke.
3 How did the yoga class inspire Tracey?
a She wanted to get a toned body.
b She felt like learning how to do stretches.
c She wanted to do more intense yoga.
d She felt like getting to know her classmates.
4 How did Pilates differ from spinning and yoga?
a It was better for a part of Tracey’s body.
b She didn’t have to do anything herself.
c The stretches were better than the ones for yoga.
d She was able to rest on a bed.
5 Which statement about aquarobics is true?
a It really challenges the body.
b It’s a fairly uncomfortable exercise to perform.
c The water exercises the body through resistance.
d The activity is a good way to heal some injuries.
6 How does Tracey sum up the fitness classes?
a She wasn’t experienced enough to enjoy them.
b Cycling provided her with the best workout.
c The yoga activities were not at all effective.
d She felt she couldn’t recommend boxing. (__/ 6 marks)

Listen again.

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D Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about health and medicine.
Complete both tasks as you listen.

Task 1
For questions 1 – 5, choose from the list (A – H) the person who is speaking.
1 Speaker 1
2 Speaker 2
3 Speaker 3
4 Speaker 4
5 Speaker 5
A a pharmacist
B a nurse
C a personal trainer
D a stay-at-home mum
E a doctor
F a psychologist
G a cosmetic surgeon
H a working parent ( ___/ 5 marks)

Task 2
For questions 6 – 10, choose from the list (A – H) what each speaker is expressing.
6 Speaker 1
7 Speaker 2
8 Speaker 3
9 Speaker 4
10 Speaker 5
A indifference to a health problem
B annoyance at a common practice
C a reluctance to get fit
D a commitment to stay healthy
E concern about a health risk
F inability to help the very sick
G fear of seeking medical advice
H advice for a better quality of life ( ___/ 5 marks)

Listen again.

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You have been asked to provide a reference for a friend of yours who
has applied for a job as an arts coordinator at a summer camp for
children aged 8–14. The successful candidate will be friendly, be good
at dealing with children and have excellent organisational skills.
You should include information about your friend’s character, their
skills, any relevant experience and reasons why they should be
considered for this job.

Complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
Write your reference in 220–260 words in an appropriate style. (___/ 10 marks)

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