Analysis Contractive Journal Rika Imadawati Purba
Analysis Contractive Journal Rika Imadawati Purba
Analysis Contractive Journal Rika Imadawati Purba
This research was supported by a Sunmoon University Research Grant in 2017.
First author: Hak Soo Yoo; second author: Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova;
corresponding author: Andrea Rakushin Lee
1 Introduction
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
2 Theoretical Background
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
3 Methodology
The data used in this comparative corpus analysis is the collection of more
than 1,000 Russian language samples from different styles and genres, both
written and oral. The samples were obtained through: 1) an independent
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
collection of examples form scientific and fiction writing and oral informal
conversations of contemporaries and 2) a selection of examples from the
Russian National Corpus site ( It contains more
than 600 million vocabulary entries. The search option was used to examine
the words tip and vid (tip – 9,302 words and vid – 39,508 words). Examples
specifically relevant to Russian as a Second Language were used (from
within educational, scientific, social, political, and cultural examples). Due to
the large number of samples, this article does not explain the samples in
complete sentences and paragraphs. All of the samples were translated into
Korean for comparative analysis. Vocabulary were extracted and classified
according to the characteristics of the vocabulary. Thus, word combinations
were extracted that are related to the tip (type) and vid (kind) and placed them
in typical contexts for the words instead of using them in the full contexts.
For example, from the sentence, Ja ne soglasen, chto dlja predvidenija
izverzhenija vulkanov nado znat' tol'ko ego vozrast, a tip vulkana jakoby ne
vazhen… (“I do not agree that to predict the eruption of volcanoes it is
necessary to know only its age, and the type of the volcano is supposedly not
important...”) (from oral conversation) we extracted only the phrase "tip
vulkana (type of volcano).” Then we put this phrase into statements typical of
texts about classifications, e.g., Razlichajut neskol'ko tipov vulkana, Ja chital,
chto est' mnogo tipov vulkanov (“There are several types of volcanoes” or “I
read that there are many types of volcanoes”), etc. Next, it was important for
us to present a couple of words to be studied “in the closest contexts, to make
the differences between words more clear” (Slesarevoj, 2011, p. 16).
With this purpose, the possibility of synonymizing the words in the
study in the same context was verified based on a linguistic experiment, and
the conclusions were confirmed through review by native Russian speakers.
For example, Na lekcii rasskazyvali o tom, chto vulkany deljatsja na tipy, a v
tipah vydeljajutsja raznye ih vidy (replacement of one word by another is
impossible). Eshhe v shkole on vyuchil vse tipy=vidy vulkanov (The lecture
explained that volcanoes are divided into types, and types into kinds. Even at
school he learned about all types/kinds of volcanoes) (the equal sign here and
henceforth means synonymization).
It is important to examine the meaning and functions of the word tip and vid
as well as their definitions. Type (Tip). 1. A form, a kind of something
possessing certain properties, as well as a pattern to which a known group of
objects corresponds. Tipy rel'efov (Types of reliefs). Slavjanskij tip lica
(Slavic type of face). T. avtomobilja (Type of car). 2. The highest subdivision
in the systematics of animals, uniting classes of similar origin” (Ozhegov &
Shvedova, 1998, p. 798). Kind (Vid). 1. The subdivision in the taxonomy,
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
which is part of the higher section is of the genus. Vidy rastenij, zhivotnyh
(Types of plants, animals). 2. Variety, type. Vidy obuchenija, sporta (Types of
training, sports)” (Ozhegov & Shvedova, 1998, p. 82).
If these words are disregarded in the systematics of plants and animals
(for the word tip is the second meaning, the word has the kind for the first),
then the remaining definitions for speakers of other languages are
insufficient. Moreover, words are interpreted one by another. The type is this
form, the appearance of something possessing certain properties, as well as a
pattern to which a known group of objects corresponds. These definitions do
not explain why in some cases these words are used as synonyms. For
example, Ravnina – odin iz vidov=tipov zemnogo rel'efa. Est' raznye
tipy=vidy opery (the plain is one of the types/forms of terrestrial relief. There
are different types/kinds of opera).
The words of the LSG under consideration are, for brevity, treated as
classifying words, since they indicate the place of an object in the
classification grid of similar objects and have a common “separate part of the
collection of homogeneous objects.” For example, Futbol – populjarnyj vid
sporta i Kal'dera – redkij tip vulkana, vulkan-proval (Soccer is a popular
kind of sport and caldera is a rare type of volcano), the words tip and vid
indicate that some objects (football, caldera) are a special case with certain
characteristics in the composition of a more general set of homogeneous
objects with common characteristics (sports, volcanoes). We use the word
part not in the sense of part of the whole (as, for example, in the sense that
Karbjurator – chast' mashiny (the carburetor is part of the machine)), but to
mean place in the hierarchical classification.
Classification, in practice, is the result of logical operations on objects
with the aim of ordering them into subordinate groups. To classify means to
distribute into specific groups or categories (Ozhegov & Shvedova, 1998).
The result of the classification is not a simple list, nor an assortment of
groups, but their systemization, which is a holistic representation of
“mutually connected parts” (Ozhegov & Shvedova, 1998, p. 719). The
general definition of classification, therefore, would be formulated as
follows: a human-constructed hierarchical system (complex unity) of
interrelated objects (groups of homogeneous objects) that are in some way
subordinated to each other based on certain criteria (features and
Levels in the classification system can number from two to several
dozen. An example of multi-story, multistage classifications is two
fundamental classifications: systematics of animals and plants.
Such complex classifications in both languages are presented in
scientific works and encyclopedias. A simple, two-story classification, Mne
ne nravitsja avtoritarnyj tip otnoshenij v sem'e, Ja izuchil tol'ko odin vid
oruzhija – holodnoe (I do not like the authoritarian type of relations in the
family, I studied only one type of weapon – cold)) system is widely
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
In conversational speech, the verb “to be” is frequent: You ask, what is a sapper
blade? A small blade to carry or carry. It is used as a weapon. There is a large
demolition paddle (on cars carry), but there is a small one (it rushes with itself
behind the belt).
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
multistage classifications are described, words of type and kind have different
meanings. In this case, in their meaning there is one common family (“an
individual part of the collection of homogeneous objects”) and additional
families: for the word tip is a “group of objects in a mega group,” and the
word vid is a “mini-group of objects in a group.” For example, in the mega
group of volcanoes (the largest set of all volcanoes), groups (tipy vulkanov
(types of volcanoes)) are distinguished and within those groups are mini-
groups (vidy vulkanov (kinds of volcanoes)). Similarly, this is seen in the
following examples.
1. V sporte (megagruppa) sushhestvujut raznye tipy sporta – komandnyj
sport, individual'nyj sport (gruppy), vnutri tipov sporta vydeljajutsja
vidy sporta – futbol, basketbol i dr. (minigruppy).
2. Sredi vsej sovokupnosti sobytij vydeljajut sobytija bez negativnyh
posledstvij i katastrofy. Poslednie deljatsja na tipy (proizvodstvennye i
bytovye), tipy deljatsja na vidy (pozhary, vzryvy bytovogo gaza i dr.).
3. Vydeljajutsja raznye tipy i vidy rel'efa.
4. On izuchaet razlichnye tipy i vidy slovarej.
5. a) Kazhdyj tip i vid uroka trebuet raznoj podgotovki. (In sports (mega-
group) there are different types of sport - team sports, individual
sports (group) and additional team sports - football, basketball, etc.
b) Among the whole set of events, accidents stand out with negative
consequences and catastrophes. The latter are divided into types
(industrial and household), these types are divided further (fires,
explosions of domestic gas, etc.).
c) There are different types and kinds of relief.
d) He studies various types and forms of dictionaries.
e) Each type and kind of lesson requires a different preparation.
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
tumor). Therefore, this study confirms that there are many unmotivated
phrases that can be set by a closed list (idiomatic phrases). The following are
selected combinations of words that support the third hypothesis. Table 1
shows expressions with the word tip and Table 2 shows expressions using the
word vid.
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
5 Conclusion
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”
Hak Soo Yoo, Raisa Alexandrovna Kulkova and Andrea Rakushin Lee
Contrastive Analysis of the Russian and Korean Classifying
Nouns “Type” and “Kind”