MCQs Legal English
MCQs Legal English
MCQs Legal English
Prepared by:
Ms. Ritika Chauhan
11. In which of the following types of 16. ________ Means linking words and
interview, the interviewer uses a set of phrases together so that the whole text is
predetermined questions and the clear and readable.
respondents answer in their own words?
a. Cohesion
a. Unstructured b. Joining
b. Structured c. Conjunctions
c. Semi Structured d. Junctions
d. None of the above
34. Distrust is a _______. 41. When was Martin Luther King Jr.
a. Physical barrier Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
b. Organisational barrier a.1961
c. Socio-psychological barrier b.1962
d. Semantic Barrier c.1963
35. मौलिक अलिकार in English
means_________. 42. The famous speech of Martin Luther
a. Constitution King Jr. Is
b. Fundamental Rights a. Sisters and brothers of America
c. Legal Right b. I have a dream
d. All of the above c. I refuse to accept
d. Give me blood and I promise you
36. Qui facit per alium, facit per se freedom
a. No one transfers better title than he 43. Before getting involved in the civil
himself have rights movement, what was Martin
b. The thing speaks for itself Luther King Jr. Job?
c. He who acts through another does the a. Lawyer
act himself. b. Minister
d. None of the above c. Medical Doctor
d. Professor instead of _____________.
a. J. Coldstream
44. Martin Luther King Jr. Led an b. G. C. Hilton
important protest against what on April c. James A. Scott
3, 1968? d. Horace Williamson
a. slavery
b. discrimination 48. Bhagat Singh was sentenced to death
c. poverty in which case?
d. starvation in India a. Kakori Case
b. Chauri Chaura Case
45. Which party did Nelson Mandela c. Assembly bomb case
join? d. Lahore conspiracy case
a. Indian National Congress
b. African National Congress 49. Who joined Bhagat Singh in a
c. National African Party hunger strike in prison?
d. he did not join any party a. Jay Lahore
b. Jatin Das
46. What change brought international c. Raj King
leaders to South Africa? d. Raja Singh
a. End of Apartheid
b. humanity 50. How old was Bhagat Singh when he
c. peace was executed?
d. trade negotiations a. 27
b. 19
47. In a case of mistaken identity Bhagat c. 55
Singh Singh killed John P. Saunders, an d. 23
Assistant Superintendent of Police