Bed Bath
Bed Bath
Bed Bath
To remove transient microorganisms, body secretions , excretions and dead skin cells.
To promote client comfort and relaxation.
To stimulate circulation to the skin.
To prevent or eliminate unpleasant body odors.
Bath Basin or sink with warm water
Soap and soap dish
Linens: bath blanket, 2 bath towel, wash cloth
Personal Hygiene articles (e. g. deodorant, powder lotion)
Table for the bathing equipments
Clean gown
Laundry Hamper Gloves
1. Identify the client.
2. Explain the Procedure. Rationale: Promotes client’s cooperation.
3. Wash hands before the procedure. Rationale: Prevents cross
contamination and spread of microorganisms.
4. Remove unnecessary articles on the bed and clear up the work area.
5. Arrange all articles needed within reach. Line a chair or table with a
newspaper or piece of rubber or plastic where the basin is to placed.
6. Provide privacy. Draw the curtains. Lock the door or put
sign outside the door. Rationale: Ensure client’s privacy.
7. Close window and air-conditioning unit. Rationale: Prevents hypothermia.
8. Raise the bed at comfortable working height. Raise the side rails. Rationale: This promote proper
body mechanics and reduces strain on the nurses back. The side rails will serve as protection for the
patient from falling.
9. Invite a family member or significant other to participate if desired.
10. Offer bed pad or urinal as desired. Wash hands then put gloves. Rationale:
This promotes client comfort during procedure.
11. Loosen the top sheet.
12. Assist the client to the side of the bed.
13. Remove clothing or gown while the top sheet is in place covering the client. When removing
the gown turn the client towards you then untie the gown. Position the client supine the remove
the gown by rolling it inward.
14. Fill the two bath basin 1/2 to 2/3 full of comfortable warm water.
Combine the hot water with tap water until desired temperature is
achieved. (43 °C and 46°C for adults; 38 °C and 40 ° C for children.)
Rationale: Warm water used during bath promotes comfort, relaxes
muscle, and prevent unnecessary chilling.
15. Place the bath blanket over the top of the sheet. Roll down top sheet
under the bath blanket. Rationale: Putting bath blanket provides warmth
and privacy.
16. Spread the bath towel across the bed under the clients head.
Rationale: Placement of towels prevents soiling of bed linen and bath
17. Wet the clot or face towel and squeeze out excess water.
18. Wrap the palm and fingers to form a mitt. Rationale: Mitt retains
water and heat better than loosely held washcloth.
*How to make a mitt.
Lay your hands on the wash cloth and fold one side over your hand.
Fold the second side over your hand
Fold the top of the cloth down and tuck it under the folder side against your palm to secure
19. When cleaning the eyes, wipe from inner to outer canthus with water
only. Use separate corner of the towel. Ask whether the client wants soap
use on the face. Rationale: Soap irritates the eyes. Using separate section
of the mitt reduces transmission of infection. Bathing eye from inner to
outer canthus prevents secretion to enter nasolacrimal duct.
20. Use firm S strokes. Wash the face, neck, ears. Rinse the area two or
three times (if soap is applied), then pat dry with towel. Then remove wet
towel after patting. Rationale: Ask client prefers to have soap used on face.
Soap tend to dry face.
21. Expose patient’s farther arm and spread the towel lengthwise under
the arm.
22. Wash, rinse, dry paying particular attention to the axilla and using long
firm strokes, (from distal to proximal) from the wrist to the shoulders.
Rationale: Long firm strokes stimulates circulation.
23. Place the basin on the side near the edge of the bed and wash hands
paying attention to the spaces between fingers and nails. Do the same on the
arm near you. Then change water. Pat dry the hands then remove the bath
24. Fold bath blanket down to the pubic area. Place a bath
towel over the chest and abdomen lengthwise. Lift the bath
towel off the chest and wash the chest and abdomen with
long firm strokes giving the special attention to the area
beneath the breast and umbilicus. Rinse and dry well.
25. Replace the bath towel when the areas have been dried. Powder specially the neck and under
the breast.
26. Expose the thigh, leg and foot on the far side. Drape the portion of the top sheet around the
groin. Flex the knee and spread the bath towel under the entire leg. Wash, rinse dry up to the ankle
to the inguinal an popliteal areas from distal to proximal using long firm strokes. Rationale: Draping
prevents unnecessary exposure of body parts.
27. Repeat the same on the leg near you.
28. Flex both knee and drape. Place the basin on the towel between legs. Lift
farther foot with heel in the palm of the hand and immerse it slowly into the
water, with leg resting in the bended elbows. Wash, rinse, dry well between
the toes. Do the same to the other foot near you. Rationale: Support during
lifting of joint and extremities prevents strain on musculoskeletal structures.
29. Change the water. Raise the side rails.
30. Lower the side rails. Assist the client to turn to side
with back facing the other side and spread bath towel
on the bed close the body.
31. Expose the entire back. The wash, rinse, from the
nape to the posterior upper thigh, using long firm strokes.
Pat dry.
32. Rub the back with powder or lotion as desired. When
using the powder don’t spread it directly to the client’s
back. Put a small amount onto the palm away from the
client . Then spread it the entire client’s back. Rationale: Moisturizing lotion prevents dry, chapped
33. Assist the client to supine position and determine whether the client can wash the perineal
area independently. Put the materials within reach and ask the client to finish the bath. Wash their
hands afterwards. Rationale: Maintains patient’s privacy.
34. Assists the client with grooming aids such as powder, lotion, and
deodorant. Use the powder sparingly.
35. Assist in putting the client’s gown.
36. Assist with hair care, oral care and nails. Rationale: Promote client’s
body image.
37. Make an occupied bed. Place dirty linen to the hamper. Clean and
return used equipment and leave the unit in order.
38. Wash hands. Document the procedures and client’s response to the procedure.
39. Determine client’s tolerance of the procedure, strength and percentage done without
40. Assess skin status.
41. Record Assessments, such as skin status as well as response to the procedure.