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Discover the evolutionary spiritual power of Sedna,

the new esoteric outer limit of our solar system and learn of the profound
implications for society and for each of us individually in the coming years,
as she approaches her closest point to Earth.

When a new solar system body is

discovered, clues to the astrological
meaning comes primarily from
studying the planet in a large number
of charts to find common themes.
This book is an attempt to do this
for Sedna. Drawing on two years of
research, New Zealand astrologer, Alan
Clay, calls it ‘the soul’s path of destiny’.
Many astrologers believe that each new planet
discovered represents a new aspect or level of
consciousness that humanity starts to embrace
from that moment and, if this is true, Sedna
represents the weird new outer limit of our
consciousness which is stretching our concepts
of reality and is pulling us to look at ourselves as
part of the very big picture.

To understand Sedna, the book also looks at

the physical characteristics of the planet, at
the myth behind the name and at past cycles,
finding a connection with the Ice Age cycle
and with evolutionary changes on Earth. It also
looks at discovery events in 2003 and finds a link
with the emergence of neural networks, which
is the basis for Artificial Intelligence and with
the discovery of Dark Energy and Dark Matter,
which together make up 95% of the universe…
that’s right, Sedna teaches us that we’ve only
discovered 5% of what is really around us.

Then we look at Sedna in the signs and the

Alan Clay draws the connection between Sedna and the centaur, houses and at the aspects with all the inner
Pholus, because they both have a ‘space weathering’ process that planets, so you can begin to interpret this
turns the surface of each red, so they both have to do with growth and evolutionary planet in your own life. The book
illumination. And he links it with Ceres, because they both likely have includes a comprehensive aspect analysis with
internal oceans, so they both speak of a nurturing process. And with all the traditional planets, plus all the new dwarf
Saturn, because their daily rate of spin is the same, so they have the planets including: Ceres, Pluto, Ixion, Orcus,
same day to day practical perspective and both speak of limits. Makemake, Haumea, Varuna, Quaoar and Eris.

This book will be launched at UAC. Find it in booth P35 by the bookshop. Alan is also giving a series of talks on Sedna to NCGR
groups across America in May and June and later in the year he will be lecturing at the Astrological Lodge in London and the
State of the Art Astrology Conference in New York as well as to astrology groups in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Email alan@artmedia.net.nz if you would like to invite him to speak to your group.

Download the Kindle edition now $9.99 from Amazon

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 3
From the Publisher
As we approach issue #200 of The Mountain Astrologer, we would like your feedback
on what shape you would like this magazine to take in 2019 and beyond. We need to know
which astrological topics, columns, or specific writers you would like to keep or to see more
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4. Which topics would you like to see more of in TMA?
5. Which types of articles do we overdo? (e.g., astro-biographies, research articles, student
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21. Overall, how would you rate the magazine (over the last three years) on a scale of 1 to 10?

* Here is the list of current features/columns: Forecast Calendar; Lunations; Sky Watch;
Magical Elections; Moments in Time; The Eastern Window (Vedic); Astro-Wisdom (Q&A);
Book Reviews; SoftStar Muse; Astrology News; Letters to the Editor; Cartoons.

Thanks so much for your input! Enjoy this issue, and I hope the rest of 2018 is filled
with light and fulfillment for you.


25 } Get Real! Saturn’s Passage

Through Capricorn
45 } Einstein: The Venusian Mind
by Deborah McMahon
by Chet Zdrowski If you haven’t connected the archetype of Venus with the
With the Ringed Planet transiting the earthy sign of his genius of Einstein, take a deeper look at his chart. His
rulership, we can expect to be tested both collectively “Venusian” quintiles and quincunxes form a configuration
and individually. But as Donna Cunningham used to this author calls a “creative juggernaut.”
say, “If you do right by Saturn, he’ll do right by you.”

54 } The New Scientific Paradigm and

33 } Hooray for Horary! Old World Magic
for Real-World Questions
the “Black Luminaries”:
Astrology in the 21st Century
by Elisabeth Grace by Charlotte Wenner
Horary’s facility for answering questions and finding lost Part 1 of this two-part article introduces us to Structural
objects is beautifully demonstrated by this author, who Astrology, a new approach developed in the Netherlands,
uses her recent experiences — and provides a handy which parallels quantum physics in its inclusion of the
tutorial on the technique. unifying field of consciousness, as shown by the “invisible”

40 } The Transforming Tradition

by Brian Clark 63 } The Solar Beacon
How has astrology survived through centuries of change? by Aurum
By shape-shifting with the times and also by preserving Now it’s the Sun’s turn to write his own column.
its traditions. Brian Clark celebrates the essence of Considering his primacy in our solar system, it’s a wonder
astrology as a symbolic language. he has waited this long! Prepare to be impressed.


Bonus Digital Content for Subscribers
Three vintage TMA articles: Volume 28,
Volume 31, No.
No. 54

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• Gemini New Moon 101 SoftStar Muse pages, as we do not investigate each product or service.
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JUNE / JULY 2018 — 7

The Vedic Viewpoint Editor’s Note: “The Eastern Window,”
by Penny Farrow, is a regular column
Dear TMA: that appears in nearly every issue of TMA.
Thank you for printing the article by
Penny Farrow, “The Eastern Window” Keep the “Astral” in Astrology
(in The Mountain Astrologer, April/
May 2018). In view of the Western pref- Dear TMA:
erence for the tropical zodiac and Placi- I am a skywatcher and amateur
dus houses, it is indeed a breath of fresh astronomer with a deepening interest
air to read an astrological article that in astrology. I’ve been reading The
isn’t limited by that restriction. My hope Mountain Astrologer for a couple of
Sharing Knowledge is that you will continue to publish more years. It’s a great education. Thank you.
Vedic/sidereal articles in the future. I greatly appreciate Dana Ger-
Dear TMA: Doubtless no one would be willing to hardt’s recent series of essays for the
Your blog is outstanding! Thank you do this, but it would be awesome to see novice astrologer. Gerhardt’s distinction
for sharing your knowledge. I was espe- a sidereal alternative to your Astro- between divination and science reso-
cially interested in the fixed star Fomal- Wisdom column and your wonderful nates with my worldview. The exercises
haut. I offer astrology readings locally in Forecast Calendar. she offers are very helpful for cultivating
Massachusetts, and it is extremely help- And on an unrelated note, I’d also an open, holistic, intuitive perspective.
ful to glean new insight from colleagues like to give kudos to Frank Clifford for When I read the title of her most
in the profession. “The Moon: A Community’s Compila- recent essay, “The Diviner’s First Step:
— Ingrid Hansen tion” in the same issue. Tropical or See the Sky in the Chart” (in TMA’s
sidereal, that was a nice compilation of Dec. 2017/Jan. 2018 issue), I felt an
Editor’s Note: A new blog is posted lunar effects with a wonderful sprinkling immediate sense of connection and
every couple of weeks on the TMA web- of quotes and anecdotes. I enjoyed read- excitement. The explanations of how to
site: http://www.mountainastrologer. ing his article. He’s a fine writer, very see the Sun, Moon, and planets and to
com nicely done. understand the time of day or night and
— Henry Spinelli the season of the year all make clear
sense. But she left out the stars!
The night Dana was born, Jupiter
was shining in the winter Milky Way,
ADVERTISERS’ INDEX between the horns of Taurus, sur-
A Cosmic Dialogue – Patricia Garner............................ 76
rounded by Aldebaran and the Hyades,
Jodie Forrest – astrological services.............................. 59
ACS & Starcrafts Publishing – books, reports.............. 61 Kepler College – online program, webinars.................. 53
the Pleiades, bright Capella, Castor and
AFA – certification, courses, books............................... 51 Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology.... 38
Pollux, Procyon, and glorious Orion.
AstroApp.com – software............................................ 103 Michael Bartlett – readings, webinars........................... 32
Brilliant Sirius, the only star that rivals
AstroGraph Software – TimePassages................103, 104 OPA – i-Astrologer Conference in Tucson, AZ............. 17
Jupiter in brightness, was twinkling in
Astrolabe – Solar Fire 9................................................... 2 Our Choice: Extinction or Evolution...........................51
the southeast. The waning Gibbous
Astrologer's Den...........................................................59 Parashara’s Light Vedic Astrology software ............... 103
Moon was a few degrees east of the
Astrological Predictions for the Age of Light................ 76 Pushing Through Time – Georgia Stathis.....................72
Beehive star cluster in Cancer. And Reg-
Astrology University – webinars, courses..................... 42 School of Evolutionary Astrology................................... 4
ulus, the heart of Leo, was rising on the
Astrology Workshop in Bali with Rick Levine............. 35 Sedna Consciousness – Alan Clay..................................3
eastern horizon. For me, getting the
Astrolotea.com – tea blends........................................... 48 Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference – Sedona, AZ....102 stars into the picture makes the differ-
AuroraPress.com – books.......................................... 2, 74 Shamanic Astrology Mystery School...........................39 ence between looking at a diagram and
Brian Clark – books......................................................77 Sky Astrology Conference – August 2018...................32 looking at the sky.
Brotherhood of Light...................................................... 38 STA – Horary Astrology courses................................... 28 The graceful symmetry of 12 signs
Cosmic Connections.....................................................35 Sun Recording Service................................................... 32 of 30 degrees each works well for track-
Demetra George – astrology retreat............................27 The 8th Seal: Its Time Is Now! – Don Cerow.............102 ing the hours of the day and the seasons
Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Chrissie Blaze....75 The Astrology Podcast................................................... 42 of the year. Learning to see the stars in
Edith Hathaway – author, consultant, lecturer.............72 The Cosmic Egg Timer – Joyce Hopewell...................77 an astrological chart is admittedly more
Evolutionary Astrology Network................................27 The Solar Arc Handbook – Frank C. Clifford............... 60 complicated. The visible constellations
Faculty of Astrological Studies...................................57 TMA AstroSoftware Marketplace...............................103 have irregular sizes and shapes. Light
Hermetica Triptycha – Gary Caton..............................75 TMA Digital Back Issues..............................................12 pollution makes it much harder to see
Horoscapps Astrological Software.............................103 TMA Professional Directory...................................22–24 all but the brightest stars. Some of the
Ibis Press ­– featured books............................................. 72 TMA Subscription Options...........................................62 zodiacal constellations are dim and un-
International Academy of Astrology.............................. 36 Walela Institute of Imaginal Healing............................48 remarkable to the naked eye. Preces-
JANUS 5 – astrology software...................................... 31 Wear Your Chart – silver chart pendants........................4 sion has moved the sign cusps about
Jerhoam.com – contemporary wisdom school................ 4 30 degrees west relative to the stars,


compared to where they were thou-
sands of years ago. And most of the sky
lies north and south of the zodiac. So,
there’s a learning curve. GOT
But if you get outside and look at
the Moon, stars, and planets — night by
Readers: MEDICAL?
night, month by month, season by sea-
son, for at least two years — all these
Get the next You may have missed a part of
heavenly bodies will get into your bones
and become your lifelong companions.
issue of TMA, our TMA's Medical Astrology series
by J. Lee Lehman. Here are the
Then you’ll really be able to see the sky 200th issue, and 15 installments, with issue dates:
in a chart.
Thanks for publishing Ms. Ger- find out which 4/15: The Elements
hardt’s essays. I’m looking forward to 6/15: The Biology of the Soul
the next one! 12 astrologers we 8/15: The Moving Target of Disease
— Anthony Barreiro
are honoring with 10/15: Longevity and Vitality

special tributes! 2/16: Astrology and Homeopathy

4/16: Putting Theory into Practice:
Are you new to TMA? The Virtual Consulting Room
Get our back issues! 6/16: Timing Medical Events Using
the Seasons as a Model
There is a wealth of information (from 8/16: Staying One Step Ahead of
an entire generation of astrologers)
available to you. We still have printed Going to the UAC Disease
back isssues as early as 2001 and digi- conference in May? 10/16: Medical Horary Questions
tal back issue sets going back to 1997 2/17: Forensic Clues: Past, Present,
(see page 12 for details). Stop by the TMA table at the
and Future in Medical Astrology
conference trade show (booth
#39) to say hello, and pick up 4/17: Signs on the 1st, Signs on the
You can click on each issue’s cover
image to see the contents of that issue.
a free retrogrades/eclipses card 6th (part 1 of 4)
Look for the "Back Issues" tab at: for 2018–19. We’ll be sharing 6/17: Signs on the 1st, Signs on the
that booth with Kathy Rose 6th (part 2 of 4)
www.mountainastrologer.com and her mandala art display.
8/17: Signs on the 1st, Signs on the
6th (part 3 of 4)
10/17: Signs on the 1st, Signs on the
6th (part 4 of 4)
2/18: How Medical Astrology
Changes oveer Time
All these issues are still available as
back issues (print or digital-only), at:

Call us at (800) 287-4828 or e-mail

subs@mountainastrologer.com to
© 2018 Scott A. Masear – all rights reserved

buy printed copies of the issues you

may be missing. If you want the entire
(printed) set shipped to you, we will
quote a discounted price.

We also still have the 9 back issues
containing Deborah Houlding's awe-
some Horary Astrology teaching
series from TMA in 2012–2014. Call
or e-mail us for more information.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 9

Moments in Time
by Frank C. Clifford
When Kathryn Met Bette:
June 8, 1979; 2:15 p.m. PDT; Beverly Hills, California

“What sign are you?” The formidable star of the silver travel companion, but with Taurus–Scorpio/2nd–8th em-
screen was fixing her Bette Davis Eyes on the young, phasised in the meeting chart, their intense bond would last
inexperienced woman being interviewed for the job as until the actress’s death, demonstrating the Taurus–Scorpio
her assistant. “Libra,” replied Kathryn Sermak. The traits of self-sufficiency and endurance through physical and
Aries was satisfied. “You’re hired … I have a hunch about emotional crises, and of attachment, loyalty, and solidarity at
you,” Davis declared. “I will teach you everything you need times of betrayal.
to know.” And with Libra rising and Aries setting at that mo- The tight Moon–Venus opposition in the meeting chart
ment (see Chart, below), so began Kathryn’s education with aligns with Algol at 26° Taurus, a much-maligned fixed star
Miss D — a ten-year working friendship between the indom- that Roderick Kidston in The Magic of the Stars (Create
itable, volatile, but increasingly vulnerable actress and an Space, 2016, p. 102) likens to “find[ing] yourself periodically
unworldly 23-year-old who would become a confidante and in situations which call for all your resources of intelligence
much-needed Girl Friday during the legend’s final and most and flexible strength.” In Sermak’s “Pygmalion” transfor-
traumatic decade. mation, which included adhering to Bette’s strict rules and
Their adventure was recently chronicled lovingly in Ser- etiquette and having her name changed, Kathryn man-
mak’s book, Miss D & Me: Life with the Invincible Bette aged never to “lose her head” during the many challenging
Davis (Hachette Books, 2017), which contained a photo of situations in which she found herself. But both the willing ap-
the diary entry recording the time of their first meeting. The prentice and the rigid, self-possessed star were transformed
KathrynBette 618-Moments
Natal Chart chart has the Sun in Gemini in the 9th, conjunct by the decade-long association. Kathryn writes, “I had be-
Jun 8 1979, Fri
2:15Bette’s natal Moon (birth data rated A, per http://www.
pm PDT +7:00 come a collaborator in her ventures, a steady supporter who
Beverly Hills, CA
34°N04'25'' 118°W23'58'' Kathryn was hired to be Miss Davis’s was there to help her in every aspect of her complex life
Tropical … Having an employee who understood her quirks, sup-
True Node ported her values, and made sure that her exact standards
06° ƒ 26' were fulfilled had helped her to relax and opened her to new

º ¸
‚ 00' possibilities and ways of doing things.” (p. 123)
½ 29°
At the time of their first meeting in 1979, the Sun was
06° ‚
‚ » also opposite co-dependent Neptune. Kathryn would become

28' 26° ¼ 03°
the needy star’s rock — not only after the actress’s sudden
Ý 17°
… ¾ 30' Ý Â Ý stroke (Mars in Taurus opposite Uranus in Scorpio), which
10 9 11°
34' Ý
É 12°
… 47'
24' occurred on June 18, 1983, just days after her cancer diag-
51' 11 8

nosis and mastectomy (asteroid Brest in the meeting chart
is at 6°52' Pisces on the 6th-house cusp, opposite Saturn in
Chart: 7
Virgo) — but also during the humiliation that Bette suffered
† Ü with the publication of B. D. Hyman’s toxic tell-all book about
When Kathryn
54' 54' her famous mother.
† 30'Œ 1 Met Bette 6
Á 16° B. D.’s devastating book, My Mother’s Keeper, was a

far bigger blow to the star than her debilitating stroke. In the
2 5
Ê summer of 1984, as transiting Neptune opposed the meet-
03° 07'
48' 3 4 ing chart’s Mercury at 29° Gemini, Kathryn was told of the
‡ ‡ 34' ‹
17° ‡ Œ 09° daughter’s imminent scandalous book, which portrayed Bette
¿ 26° 10'
as an abusive, overbearing, pugnacious drunk. When the
¶ 19° book was published (to coincide with Mother’s Day) in mid
04° 49'
ˆ 00' À Š May 1985, transiting Uranus was in the meeting chart’s 3rd
house at 17° Sagittarius, exactly opposite the Sun, and tran-
06° ‰ 26'
Placidus houses, siting Saturn sat one degree away from the chart’s Moon in
True Node Scorpio. In Miss D & Me, Kathryn refers to Bette’s daughter


Barbara Davis (B. D.) Hyman as “Bede,” and in the meeting Frank Clifford is the author of The Solar Arc Handbook (2018) as well
chart, asteroid Bede is at 7° Cancer, conjunct the Midheaven. as Getting to the Heart of Your Chart; Horoscope Snapshots: Essays in
Davis died of breast cancer on October 6, 1989, at 11:35 Modern Astrology; and Palmistry 4 Today. Recently, Frank published The
Astrology Quartet as an e-book, which contains his writings on the Mid-
p.m. in Paris, with Kathryn by her side, following transit-
heaven, Venus and Mars, and Humour. Frank’s website can be found at
ing Saturn’s passage over the meeting chart’s IC, transiting http://www.frankclifford.co.uk — with books, free articles, and an online
Moon–Uranus opposite the chart’s asteroid Betti at 1° Cancer, consultation booking feature — and his courses are at http://www.lon
and the September 29 New Moon at 6° Libra. Fittingly for donschoolofastrology.co.uk
the meeting’s 8th-house emphasis, Kathryn was a beneficiary
of much of Davis’s fortune, while born-again Christian B. D.
(now a pastor in Virginia) found herself disinherited.

© 2018 Frank C. Clifford – all rights reserved

by Scott A. Masear

© 2018 Scott A. Masear – all rights reserved

JUNE / JULY 2018 11

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Getting on Board
by Samuel F. Reynolds

Author’s Note: This is an excerpt What Are the Nodes? teractions with others, key character traits
from a book that’s been in the making The lunar nodes are mathemati- such as independence, generosity, curios-
for a decade. It started with closely look- cal calculations of two points where the ity, open-mindedness, and responsibility,
ing at the second Jupiter return that Moon’s orbit intersects with the Sun’s which have been damaged or underdevel-
happens when we’re 23–24 years old. apparent orbit around the Earth. The oped. Somehow, you’ve forgotten or lost
And it has blossomed into a focus on North Node is where the Moon’s node track of parts of yourself that need more
the planetary cycles during the first and rises above the Sun’s orbit. The South conscious attention and work.
only decade when we’re considered both Node is where it descends below the Another, more practical way to think
“kids” and adults at the same time — Sun’s orbit. The nodes move backward about your North Node is imagining that
our twenties. Like most planetary cycles, through the zodiac, traveling one degree it’s your less dominant hand. If you’re
these don’t happen only once. Part I of roughly every 19 days. This means that right-handed, the North Node would be
this excerpt (in the Feb./March 2018 a North Node at 12° Virgo will be at 11° like your left hand. It’s the hand you must
issue of The Mountain Astrologer) fo- about 19 days later. Your lunar nodes re- learn to work more, because it’s usu-
cused on Mars returns, particularly the turn to the same sign and degree they ally half as strong or coordinated as your
one you’ll have at the start of your 20s. occupied at your birth when you’re about dominant hand. You might also see the
This part devotes attention to the first 18.6 years old. But we can round that North Node as the ways life presses you
return of the Moon’s nodes at age 19. age up to 19 years. to invest more of yourself into the world
in order to grow. At your 19-year-old

o recap, when you’re 19, What Do the Nodes Mean? nodal return, this is one end of the nodal
you’re technically a teenager, axis you might feel acutely.
since there’s still a “teen” in the The North Node L
number. It didn’t feel that way for me. In Indian astrology, the North Node, The South Node M
Probably doesn’t feel that way for oth- dubbed Rahu, highlights the dharma In Indian astrology, the South Node,
ers. Perhaps the proximity to the teen (righteous action) of what you’re culti- named Ketu, putatively highlights the
years keeps you feeling your youth. But vating in this life. Although Indian terms karma from your past, including your
you’re also in the waiting room of a are now commonly associated with the “past” lives, your immediate past, or the
large part of your life’s journey at this nodes, many don’t know that karmic past of your ancestors.
age. You’re boarding. notions of the nodes are only about 50 As an aspect of your character-
The age of 19–20 years is years old in Western astrology. (For a building, we could say that the South
when you’re: thorough evaluation of this in the West- Node reflects how you’re learning to
ern tradition, please check out Kathy preserve key character traits — again,
• Gearing up for your own Allan’s book, When Worlds Collide). through interactions with others — which
life journey; In classical Western thought, your righ- have been developed already or even
• Assessing your own character teous actions are the fruits of your overdeveloped. But it’s also true that
“fitness” for your voyage; character. I prefer to emphasize charac- you can neglect the South Node if you
• Figuring out who’s on ter development with the nodes, rather focus too much on restoring your charac-
board with you. than dharma or karma. ter through the North Node. The South
The Uranian astrology of the mid Node signifies how life presses you to
You can’t see the Moon’s nodes in 20th century conceived the nodes as divest and release your passionate attach-
the sky, as you can with Mars. But they ways we connect with others, espe- ment to how things “should” go.
signify just as much of an impact on cially involving our personal growth. This With your South Node, you’re not
your life when they return to their loca- is why I define the North Node as the pressured to augment or build, as with
tion in your birth chart. conscious intention to restore, through in- the North Node. There’s more of a pull

JUNE / JULY 2018 13

Lunar Nodal Return nodes’ first return at age 19, the lessons
of your nodal axis are sharper and give
haps you are more attuned to follow-
ing your North Node at 19, but by 30,
you an opportunity to become a better you’re deeply attuned to your South
toward realities other than this worldly version of yourself. Node. The nodes have more fluidity
one, whether you wish to see that as spir- than astrologers often describe. The
ituality, the past, or other realms. The Six Paths to Building paths allow you to address the issues
South Node represents a portal toward Your Character that come up for both the North and the
surrender. From its end, you must em- Although you’re walking along a South Nodes, and can guide you on how
brace more confidence in your ability to nodal path for your own character de- to walk along the path that likely reveals
manage the challenges presented by the velopment, you’re not alone. You likely itself sharply at your nodal returns.
North Node’s placement in your chart. have a cohort of folks to accompany
you. This cohort isn’t so much a group Aries–Libra:
Finding Your Lunar Nodes of people set by ethnicity, nationality, The Path of Interdependence
Lunar nodes travel along the gender preference, or any other de- Your first lunar nodal return will
axis of two opposing zodiac signs, like mographic marker. It’s what is in the likely test how you own your inde-
Aries–Libra, for about 18 months. Mov- character of these people that pulls you pendence without losing sight of the
ing backward through the zodiac, they toward what you must either preserve or interdependency we all experience, and
start from the last degree of a sign restore within you. how you’re considerate without losing
and go to its beginning. For example, These people will probably re- the courage of your convictions — in
the nodes would move from 29°59' flect a mixture of both, in fact. So, if other words, how you take a stand
Aries–Libra to 29°59' Pisces–Virgo. you’re cultivating more independence without leaning too hard on others. You
The easiest way to find your nodes in your life through your nodes along might land in situations where you must
would be to cast your chart, using the Aries–Libra axis, perhaps you’ll sur- figure out how to cooperate and keep
http://www.astro.com, and to look for round yourself with pioneering types, things fair, while staying on track toward
these symbols L M. Once you’ve found entrepreneurs, or firebrands. Or you a common goal or mission.
them for your birth date, you can note might attract people who teach you how The fiery, Mars-driven nature of
in what sign they fall. Then, if you’ve to share better and more graciously. an Aries North or South Node directs
calculated your specific birth chart, you A nodal cohort supports the idea that you toward the rush and heat of ac-
can also see in which houses the nodes “birds of a feather flock together.” tion. You likely feel more alive when
fall. Unfortunately, in an article of this you’re beginning something new, are
size, I can’t explore in depth what’s hap- in charge, or when your body has to be
pening with the nodes in each house. at full attention and motion. You prize
Astrology addresses your independence just as much as your
Restoration and Preservation the whole person. We courage and daring. You may be quick
to bristle when someone supervises you
If you buy an antique chair, you’re
obliged to either restore or preserve it. must work both ends too closely or undermines your confi-
The North Node is our work to restore, dence. You often want to show the world
and the South Node is our work to pre-
of the Moon’s nodes. that you have true grit. But you might
serve. Restoration is an act to repair not have the patience to settle on one
something that’s been damaged or fallen path to honor that grit. And when you’re
into disrepair. Preservation is an act to This notion is critical because your not impatient, perhaps other times
safeguard against damage or disrepair. peers, whether by age or association, are you’re fearful that you will have to ven-
Astrology addresses the whole per- an important part of how you build your ture through life alone to get all that you
son. We must work both ends of the character and carve out your destiny. want. You don’t want to concede much,
Moon’s nodes. Once you restore an an- Many psychologists have found that your because you just know in your marrow
tique chair, you must also preserve it. chances at success or failure increase ac- that you have a lot to give to life — and
And once you preserve it, you must also cording to the feedback you receive from expect life to give back just as much. It’s
do work to restore it over time. Some- people around you. If you’re trying to only the winner’s circle for you.
times when you read about the lunar fly off the ground into your life, the last The cooler, more measured
nodes, astrology authors will make it thing you need are people steering you Venus-influenced nature of the Libra
sound as though the South Node reflects toward what’s not good for you. Under- North or South Node directs you toward
work that’s already done, and you must standing more about your lunar nodes thinking nearly everything through. Ev-
only focus on your North Node. The op- can help you to stay aloft. ery situation with a person or collective
posite can be true. There are folks who These six paths include the North doesn’t have to be either/or. You can
have overdeveloped their North Node and South Node in both signs of each better craft situations with others that are
to the neglect of their South Node. Ide- axis. In my experience, sometimes more about cooperation. Someone need
ally, you’d learn to work both equally. there’s no set way to know whether not lose in order for you to win, and vice
Each node functions as two ends of a someone is following their North or versa. You can create win–win solutions.
path we must walk along. And at your South Node path at any given age. Per- Still, there’s always the risk that you can’t


arrive at that kind of solution with others. Yet the Scorpio side of the how you know what you know, then you
Then, you could create a compromise nodal axis has passionate Mars as its have cultivated understanding.
that’s really a rationalization for losing. ruler. (I use only the traditional planets With either the North or South
Perhaps you yourself lose, or someone as rulers of signs.) From this watery Mar- Node in Gemini, ruled by quick-thinking
else does. You can definitely end up tian side of the path, you’re prompted to Mercury, you likely feel the pull to share
in the loser’s circle if you lose sight of be more in touch with your feelings, pas- breezily what you know or to make cre-
what’s important for you — that is, if you sions, and what comes from the depths ative connections between facts and
concentrate more on keeping the peace of your soul. On this path, what you are ideas. You’re not inclined to judge the
than on fighting for your piece of the pie. stirred to “actualize” is often, at first, a value or merit of what you share, so you
Fortunately, the Libra side of this axis will vague sense of yourself and your com- find it easy to flit off to something else
direct you to listen to what others around peting desires and passions. There’s a without a second thought. Your main
you need or want. The magic of interde- strong desire to break free from what’s goal is to see the links and let the chips
pendence sprouts when you realize that tangible. Or to flee what’s safe in order fall where they may.
you have the confidence to lead or to to become what you feel is the tru- With the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius
follow when necessary. est version of yourself. You savor the North or South Node, you want learning
With this path, you can appreciate chance to annihilate boundaries, whether to have more meaning and to reach far
both the raw and the refined aspects of self-imposed or forced on you by oth- and wide with more purpose. The Gemini-
your identity. You’re likely drawn to ap- ers. You perhaps have a deep-seated like postal carrier of routine messages
preciate sophistication and culture in your fear that what you are attached to pos- booms now as a visionary prophet along
life. But don’t lose sight of your sponta- sesses you, rather than your owning it. the Sagittarian side of the axis. You’re
neity and impulsivity. You can better trust You ultimately feel a deep need to pos- more “meta” about whatever message
your impulses as you also learn to think sess yourself, with no person, place, or you look to share and whatever bit of
through multiple options more quickly thing being able to own you. You might knowledge you learn. You’re less content
and clearly. But you can’t completely si- believe, at times, that you will fight for to quote sources; instead, you aspire to
lence your impulses by overthinking them this to the death. Keeping to the middle be a source of information yourself. Your
or by asking others what they think. It’s ground is not an option. love for understanding and reflection,
more important to know for yourself Alas, though, the middle ground is however, might incline you to be remote
what you think. Other people’s opinions exactly what you must find as you walk from the busyness of regular life. You’re
tell you what’s possible. Yet, at this on- along this path. And you can do this, perhaps convinced that true knowledge
set of your adulthood, only you can know even if one part of your nodal axis stub- and understanding are anywhere but
what’s truly best for you. bornly refuses to believe that. It starts where you are — or, on the other hand,
with acknowledging your vulnerability. that you are able to see and understand
Taurus–Scorpio: You must allow yourself to be affected far beyond what others know. This may
The Path of Actualization by who and what enters your life. You or may not be true. But no one likes to
Your first lunar nodal return will can love driving your luxury car or get- feel dumb or out of the know.
likely push you to make your passions ting long, full-body massages, without That’s the nature of your genius: to
and feelings into tangible realities and to thinking that they define who you are. bridge the gap between what’s known
plumb the depths of “the real world” for You do not have to believe that you are and what’s understood. Wisdom builds
what resonates as real inside. You want only your body. But you are also more that bridge. Wisdom means having the
self-actualization, whether that’s enlight- than your relentless urge to shatter all discernment to perceive which facts and
enment or greater peak performance, modes of comfort and safety. You can figures are worth knowing. Yet you still
and you also desire to relish the ma­ enjoy some creature comforts without have a hunger for as much knowledge as
terial, financial, and physical pleasures suspecting that the fate of your very soul you can assimilate. You might love geek-
and fulfillments of life. You want it all, is at stake with each bite or touch. You ing out. Learning, from experience, what
even when you’re not clear on what can be body and soul. you can properly digest (and what you
that “all” really means. can’t) is the only true way to be sure that
Attachment-oriented Venus’s Gemini–Sagittarius: your eyes aren’t bigger than your intellec-
influence on Taurus, the other sign she The Path of Knowledge and tual stomach. That is ultimately more of
oversees, drives you to know what’s Understanding an emotional experience than you might
truly yours when she rules either side Your first lunar nodal return will be prepared to recognize, though. Tun-
of the North or South Node axis for this likely press you to grasp the difference ing into your own feelings about what
path. From the Taurus side, you are a between what you know and what you you know and how others might respond
better steward of all you are given that understand. Knowledge includes book- to that knowledge is where you really
is tangible in life. You likely appreciate smarts and what you learn in classroom grow in understanding. It’s foolish to
high-quality material goods and enjoy the environments. But it also includes ways believe that only knowledge and under-
sensuality of your body and bodily plea- of gleaning insights from your insatiable standing count. That’s only partially true.
sures. You trust facts, figures, and tangible curiosity and creating unlikely combina- What’s more important is how you con-
benefits. There’s some part of you that tions to communicate and teach others. nect the dots of what’s known with the
believes in the world of your five senses. When you can see the bigger picture of understanding of who benefits from those

JUNE / JULY 2018 15

Lunar Nodal Return ing too much authority and taking on more
than what’s due to you. You might com-
or receive love. You may sometimes find
it difficult to know the difference between
mit to too much work and obligation out love and power. And that’s exactly the
connections and who does not. It’s this of a fear that your life or the lives of others challenge you must face now. Perhaps
wisdom that helps you to walk along the will spiral out of control if you’re not at the you see having power and authority as a
path of these nodes, especially at your helm. You perhaps believe that your pres- way to claim dignity for yourself and the
first nodal return. ence is indispensable. You may not realize work you do. Yet the hazard is that you
that you’re dutiful actually because you fear put too much emphasis on what is “your
Cancer–Capricorn: that, otherwise, you can’t securely know turf,” rather than honoring where your
The Path of Responsibility you’re wanted and needed. true power lies.
Your first lunar nodal return will Yes, to be in the world comes with With the North or South Node in
likely highlight a dynamic between your strings attached. But let’s be clear, es- Sun-powered Leo, you may feel that, like
personal origin story and the journey to- pecially at your first lunar nodal return, the Sun, you have passion and energy to
ward becoming your own hero/heroine. that you’re learning to be the one who burn. You have a love–hate relationship
Your origin can include your early life, pulls the strings. It doesn’t matter with showing the world what you can do,
family heritage and roots, and to whom whether you’re starting with the strings whether that’s on stage, at a small fam-
and what you feel emotionally respon- that keep you tethered to what’s familiar ily gathering, in the classroom, or at the
sible. Yet, like anything on our planet — like family, old friends, comfort, what- office. You might actually like perform-
that grows, you’re also evolving toward ever puts you in a sentimental mood — ing, but you could feel guilty about it or
possibilities and a sense of destiny that or whether you’re lacing up the strings scared that you won’t live up to your own
takes you into wider circles than the or somebody else’s expectations. The
tightly coiled comforts of your origins. performance anxiety is not all in your
The Cancer side of the nodal axis, The first Cancer– head. But performance isn’t only about
whether the North or South Node, showing off or craving attention. Shar-
guides you toward what interests the Capricorn nodal ing your talents, gifts, and style with the
Moon: comfort, security, needs, nutri-
tion, emotions, home, family, and your
return will likely world is truly an act of love.
A problem erupts if the love you re-
parents, especially the most nurturing highlight a dynamic ceive defines too much what you choose
one. You can struggle with whether to to share, what you can do, and who
give or to take nurturing and support. between your you are. Then, you’re no longer in a
You feel both a pull toward and a push personal origin story feedback loop but at risk of losing your
away from what’s familiar. You want to integrity and your own authentic “voice.”
better understand yourself by exploring and the journey Your voice, power, and love come from
your roots, yet you feel a powerful need the unique way you choose to be and do
to uproot yourself. That way, you’re at
toward becoming things in the world. Although you can
least establishing a foundation on your your own hear others’ opinions to shape and refine
own terms. Nearly any and all terms your gifts and work, you shouldn’t live
of endearment and engagement will be hero/heroine. for the applause and the approval of oth-
very important for you. You’re likely ers. Appreciation from others should be
compelled to be clear on who and what to venture far and wide with others into appreciated, but let it be the bonus to the
is really dear to you. At times, this might unfamiliar places, to carve out your own amazing things you share.
even surprise you — like crying after destiny. Regardless, you must realize that Feeling the pull of the Saturn-directed
rediscovering your teddy bear buried you’re not strapped down by responsi- North or South Node in Aquarius will
among your old things. Or realizing that bility. Instead, you’re commissioned by likely lead you to focus your attention and
your memory of an event or a thing, like life and circumstances, especially at your energy on building consensus and be-
your lost-and-found teddy bear, doesn’t nodal return, to care for who and what’s stowing love (and power) on others. You
line up with the facts. important to you. Whatever support probably find it uncomfortable to receive
The Saturn-powered Capricorn North you don’t have, you can create. What- love without feeling that it should be re-
or South Node emphasizes how you’re ever support you do have, you can also ciprocated in some way. For instance,
pulled toward your evolution and what’s change how you respond to it. It’s never it’s hard to accept a compliment without
unfamiliar. It’s how you come to think been more up to you. feeling the need to give one right back.
about your best possible self, rather than This impulse isn’t entirely wrong. But you
what makes you feel snug and safe. You Leo–Aquarius: might also recognize that receiving gifts,
owe less to the people, places, and objects The Path of Giving Love love, or authority from others is a way of
that make you feel those things, and more The first lunar nodal return will likely giving! At the first lunar nodal return, you
to whatever will allow you to have more reveal how you wear your heart on your have perhaps done a lot more to cultivate
influence and responsibility in your imme- sleeve. You probably don’t want anyone your gifts and talents than you’re ready
diate or even more remote environment. to know that. You might also be ex- to acknowledge. It’s good to think inclu-
Of course, there’s the hazard of assum- tremely uncomfortable with how you give sively, but you should also include yourself


as an important part of life’s cycles. You Some people may appear to clutch that your analytical powers of discernment
are indeed integral to the larger question power longer than others. But power, are keen. You love to look at the vari-
of how change happens, whether that’s like love and the very blood in our bod- ous components of something to know
on a global scale or in your student gov- ies, will circulate and change. Your first how they can work better and more
ernment. All lives matter when it comes lunar nodal return is merely a reminder efficiently. You would like to think of
to how to give and receive love, espe- that you should do this willingly. your life as a puzzle that you can piece
cially your own. together perfectly for a snug fit. The
Along this nodal path, you must of- Virgo–Pisces: challenge, of course, comes when you
ten juggle finding your individual “roar” The Path of Wise Surrender can’t get the pieces to fit. You want to
of self-expression, and quelling the rum- The first pass of your lunar nodal find all the right words. Or the right
ble of a crowd you’d like to connect return will direct your attention toward look. Or the right rationale for your
to or please — all without dropping increasing your readiness for, and com- plans. And you will look closely at any
the ball on your own principles and petence with, a compelling interest or and all details, perhaps over and over
power. That’s a lot to manage. But you subject. Yet you might feel that prepara- until your idea of “right” rings as clear
can’t live in fear of compromise. Your tion and skills-building are at odds with as a bell. The problem is that “right”
true power is love itself, though not in your own natural talents and intuitive never appears as objective as you wish
a Pollyanna-ish way. It’s knowing that, flow. You are perhaps torn between trust- it would. It’s more of a moving target.
just as your own heart pumps blood ef- ing a practical and detailed plan for your So, you must keep on either changing
fortlessly into and out of itself to nurture life versus pursuing your own inspired your aim or tweaking your approach.
your body, you must embrace giving inner voice. You might not be able to Still, the unsettling feeling that nothing
and receiving love the same way. The decide whether you want to be a maestro will come out right persists. Don’t sink
world is not only made up of the power- or a magician. And you feel that almost into that feeling, though. You can make
ful and the powerless. In whatever you any other path that others describe for it right. But that magic moment will only
do, whether it’s as a store clerk or a stu- you, which doesn’t honor either extreme, happen when you decide it. No one else
dent body president, you don’t have to condemns you to a life of mediocrity. can. They can only contribute their opin-
see others or yourself as the source of And that is your biggest fear. ions and ideas to yours.
power. We are all conduits of a power With the wings of Mercury alighting
continued on p. 69
that surges through and around us. on the South or North Node in Virgo,

JUNE / JULY 2018 17

The Eastern Window
by Penny Farrow

Editor’s Note: Cross ventilation pro- diverse themes and actions that you, the turns to the band. One by one, all the
duces a breath of fresh air. It is desir- playwright, wrote for it. others will have their appointed scene.
able in a house and even in a magazine! However compelling that analogy Then, the main singer will leave the
In this spirit, we are featuring a series might be, it doesn’t ring quite true. How stage and join the band, as a new band
of short articles designed to make some can one graha at center stage uniformly member walks into the spotlight and
of the basic building blocks and ideas of influence the direction of life for years at starts the next act with a solo. In the
Vedic astrology more accessible to all. a time? No one’s life stays the same for parlance of Jyotisha, the main singer
We anticipate that opening the Eastern six years (the shortest dasha period), or is called the Mahadasha or dasha lord,
Window can clarify the complementarity even for six months, to say nothing of and the duet band member is called the
between great astrological traditions. 20 years (the longest dasha period). bhukti lord.2
Not surprisingly, I must confess that The bhukti lord inserts a new voice
Cosmic Duets: the dasha system is richer and more into the mix, and the dasha lord has to
Enthralling Harmonies or complex than our simple theater anal- adjust to that second voice. How will
Yowling Cats ogy would suggest. Still, there is an ele- they sound together? What are each of
Shakespeare would have loved my gant way to extend the play metaphor. them singing about? Two obvious possi-
favorite astrological metaphor of the Plays are typically subdivided into bilities — they can both be singing about
grahas (planets) as actors in the play of acts. Each graha’s time on center stage the same themes and sound awesome,
our lifetime: is its own act: Act I, Venus; Act II, the like two full-throated singers pouring out
Sun; etc. Acts, in turn, are subdivided an anthem, or they can be singing about
“All the world’s a stage, into scenes — Act I, Scene 1; Act II, different themes but play off each other
And all the men and women Scene 2; and so on. So, if the act is the in a busy, harmonious, and exciting
merely players; dasha of a particular graha, what would Bach-like fugue.
They have their exits and constitute a scene? In the last column (April/May
their entrances; The first scene is a solo perfor- 2018), we saw that the Venus period
And one man in his time mance by the star of each act. In Scene in the life of Celine Dion propelled her
plays many parts.” 2, a particular backup band member, to stardom. One of the biggest break-
who is always on stage with the rest of throughs in her career came during this
Here’s my rendering of his vision: the band, steps forward and sings a duet Venus dasha in the bhukti of Jupiter.
“This incarnation is like a play, and all with the central character and then re- (See Table, below.) In October 1982, at
the grahas onstage are merely play-
ers. They each have their time on cen-
ter stage (dashas, planetary periods),1
with their entrances and exits. And one The bhukti lord
graha in its time (its dasha) plays many
parts.” Not sure that my version will last
inserts a new voice
several hundred years, though. Oh well, into the mix, and the
at least it is now getting published!
The dasha system is an important dasha lord has to
technique of dynamic analysis. The idea
is that all of the grahas are onstage
adjust to that
when life’s curtain rises, but one — at second voice.
center stage — has the microphone and
the spotlight, where it will bring out the Table: Celine Dion’s Vimshottari Dashas


the age of 14, she traveled to Japan for benefics, there is variety and coloration, The midterm Tea Party landslide in No-
the Yamaha World Popular Song Festi- making everything livelier. vember 2010 torpedoed his hopes for
val. In this, her first international perfor- But what about the unavoidable du- bipartisan cooperation and set the stage
mance, she won the musician’s award ets with voices that don’t mesh well for years of bitter partisan divisions that
for “Top Performer” as well as the gold together, presenting themes that are stri- continue to the present day.
medal for “Best Song,” thus establishing dent and discordant? This can happen Thus, we see that the flow of duet
a worldwide reputation. when the main singer and the backup partners entering and exiting center
In Celine’s chart, Jupiter and Ve- singer are not well positioned from each stage, during the years of prominence of
nus powerfully establish the theme of other, or are afflicting each other, or each Mahadasha lord, can be a power-
voice, as both are enlivening the 2nd bringing forward difficult themes in life. ful tool in Jyotisha’s toolkit. The dasha–
house of voice, as well as each other This is the equivalent of singing in unison bhukti cycles are amazingly accurate for
as natural benefics. (See Chart, be- but out of tune, or singing about unre- detailing the dynamic analysis and tim-
low.) They also form major yogas for lated themes in such a disjointed way that ing of life’s milestone events.
skill and fame involving the voice, thus it sounds like noise. And there’s still more to come. Stay
these grahas are singing in compelling In a recent article, we saw this tuned!
and harmonious unison. happening in Barack Obama’s chart.3
But they are also presenting con- In March 2009, he moved out of his Chart Data and Source
trasting themes in a beautiful and ex- Jupiter–Moon dasha–bhukti period, Celine Dion, March 30, 1968; 12:15 p.m.
citing way. Jupiter, as ruler of the 9th which saw his election as President of the EST; Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada (45°N43',
house, represents (among other things) United States, and into a Jupiter–Mars 73°W29'); A: from memory; she is quoted for
good fortune and long journeys that in- dasha–bhukti period. Jupiter and Mars “born at noon” on Europe 1 radio station, but
James Elliot says, “She gave 12:30 PM over the
clude foreign travel. Venus, as ruler are poorly placed from each other in a
radio.” (Editor’s Note: The 12:15 time appar-
of the 11th house, represents goals, 6/8 relationship, which recalls themes ently splits the difference.)
achievements, and awards. So, along of strife, enemies, secret plots, manip-
with the powerful unison of the two ulation, and the like. Obama’s Mars is
References and Notes
also in his 8th house, reiterating those
1. Penny Farrow, “The Eastern Window,” in The
themes, and is afflicted by the shadowy
Mountain Astrologer, April/May 2018, p. 14.
Rahu–Ketu axis, with no benefic relieving
In Celine’s chart, the situation.
2. Bhukti lord is the nomenclature in South India.
Antardasha lord is used in North India.
From that time forward, the pattern
Jupiter and Venus of obstruction to Obama’s administra-
3. Penny Farrow, “Barack Obama’s Vedic Horo-
scope: The Agony and the Ecstasy,” in TMA, Oct./
powerfully establish tion’s agenda became the grim reality of
the duration of his presidency. In March
Nov. 2017, p. 21.

the theme of voice. 2010, he moved into his Jupiter–Rahu

© 2018 Penny Farrow – all rights reserved
dasha–bhukti, worsening the situation.

Penny Farrow has an M.S. degree from Cor-

nell University and has had an extensive career
as a teacher, researcher, and businesswoman. She
has been involved in the Vedic tradition since
1971. She has studied Jyotisha intensively since
Celine Dion 1991, primarily under the personal tutelage of
South Indian chart, Hart deFouw, and taught Jyotisha and Sanskrit
at Vedic Vidya Institute in San Rafael, Califor-
Lahiri ayanamsha,
nia for eight years. She now resides in Florida,
and the Mean Node practicing and teaching Jyotisha and Sanskrit
full time, including a new online option. Tele-
phone: (415) 497-2014; e-mail: info@vedicchart.
com; website: http://www.vedicchart.com

By Anirudh Koul [CC BY-SA 2.0]

JUNE / JULY 2018 19

Is Modern Astrology
Really More “Vague”?
by Ray Grasse

t won’t come as a surprise to anyone urn is about to square their Sun, and the precise but less reliant on the subjective
who’s been following the astrological astrologer tells them something along responses of clients to the vagaries of
field these last few years that there’s the lines of, “You have a great growth fate, with a greater tendency to speak
been something of a divide between opportunity ahead of you! This will be more plainly and concisely to actual
those adhering to more traditional an ideal time to learn about your limit- events. As one writer put it:
methods and those practicing so-called ing attitudes toward success and your
modern astrology (also sometimes re- own ego patterns!” While comments Classical techniques assume
ferred to as “psychological astrology” like that might be very encouraging in you are a mere mortal whose
— but more on that in just a bit). their own way, such an approach would hopes and fears and very body
To briefly sum up these two ap- probably say far more about a particu- is subject to the sorts of slings
proaches, traditional astrologers lar counseling style than it would about and arrows that positive think-
(whether East or West) tend to be more the real-world problems that a client is ing and the law of attraction
“event-oriented,” more reliant on rela- about to face, and would certainly leave can’t do a thing about. Classi-
tively precise formulas and rules, while the client with little practical understand- cal techniques describe those
also subscribing to a somewhat determin- ing of what’s transpiring in their life. sorts of experiences better and
istic attitude toward fate. On the other In contrast, it’s sometimes said that more reliably than modern
hand, many modern-day astrologers tend classical techniques are not only more ones ever could. In classical
to focus on the inner, psychological ex- astrology those slings and ar-
periencing of their clients, while subscrib- rows suddenly get really clear.
ing to a more malleable attitude toward They’re no longer a statement
fate and the vagaries of circumstance. of how you perceive the world
To the modern astrologer, in other It’s sometimes about you, they describe that
words, what’s “good” or “bad” in life
hinges more on a person’s subjective at-
said that classical world in bright, vivid, unflinch-
ing detail. [Emphasis mine]1
titude than on the external event itself. techniques
One of the common criticisms lev- To a great extent, I agree with
eled at the modern approach, especially are more precise, such criticisms of modern/psychologi-
in its psychological variants, has been its
purported tendency toward vagueness
with a greater cal astrology — at least, as they apply
to the most extreme examples of this
in both natal and predictive interpreta- tendency to speak approach. The hypothetical case I
tions. Some of the terms I’ve seen used proposed above, of the client under-
over the last few years to describe this more plainly and going a Saturn square, represents a
approach have been “wishy-washy,” concisely to near-caricature of that approach and
“overly focused on the subjective re- can’t really be compared with how one
sponses of clients,” or even “sloppy.” As actual events. finds this style articulated in the works
an extreme example of that, imagine a of figures like Stephen Arroyo, Liz
situation where the client comes into the Greene, or the late Howard Sasportas,
astrologer’s office just as transiting Sat- for starters.


That said, what I’d like to point fell deeply in love with turned out to be houses. (Though I personally prefer to
out here is that there are some ways in a drug addict and had been cheating on use Placidus, I should note that this as-
which the advent of modern astrology her, to boot. One year before coming to pect remained consistently in those two
has actually increased the specificity of me, she had gone to a respected Vedic houses when casting her horoscope in
our readings, rather than diminished it. astrologer who didn’t incorporate the most other house systems, including
The reason for this lies in the unfortunate outer planets, and who predicted noth- Whole Sign.) My experience has shown
tendency to mischaracterize “modern ing problematic on the horizon for her that any close oppositions to Pluto in
astrology” simply as psychological as- in matters of the heart. When I drew up the 8th house almost always point to
trology, when in fact the two are not her horoscope, however, I immediately conflicts with partners over matters of
necessarily the same. That’s because saw that transiting Neptune had been money or shared resources, and can
there is an entirely different dimension squaring her Venus throughout that en- even involve situations of theft and be-
tire year (with that square first becoming trayal. Indeed, that turned out to be
exact the same week she met the man perhaps the single most vexing problem
— at a bar, no less). in this woman’s adult life, as she had
There was no real need for me to endured three marriages, all of which
The outer planets discuss the inner, psychological dynam- ended in contentious divorces over
ics of the Neptune–Venus energy at all money and alimony settlements.
have provided us (though I could easily have done so, had Incidentally, this client had also pre-
with the possibility I felt that it would have been helpful); it
was quite enough to describe the outer
viously consulted a traditional astrologer
— in this case, a Hellenistic practitioner
of discerning details misfortunes that customarily result from who preferred not to incorporate the
such a transit. The point is, including outer planets — and who failed to note
in horoscopes that aspect gave a real-world precision any of the turbulent struggles she expe-
that would be to my consult that would have been rienced over money, as shown by her
completely lacking in any reading that natal Mars–Pluto opposition.
missing in any didn’t incorporate this outer planet. In short, while modern astrology has
A woman in her thirties came to suffered considerably from its ignorance
pre-modern system me just as transiting Uranus was about of classical techniques, it’s important
of interpretation. to cross over her 4th-house cusp. While to appreciate how astrology has bene-
I did touch on some of the psycholog- fited from modern developments, too.
ical implications of that transit, I also Rather than see the two approaches as
pointed out that there could be major divided by an unbridgeable gulf, astrolo-
changes or possibly disruptions in her gers would benefit from exploring all the
involved with the evolution of modern as- home life, which might even involve ways these two paths can illumine one
trology, besides just that of psychology a move. However, because of the fact another. Failing to do so, we run the risk
— and this has to do with the inclusion that her natal Uranus was reasonably of overlooking important insights in our
of the trans-Saturnian planets: Uranus, well aspected at birth — conjunct interpretation of horoscopes, whether
Neptune, and Pluto. Jupiter — I sensed that these changes personal or sociopolitical.
Although these three planetary out- could ultimately prove more positive
ers can indeed be incorporated in any than negative. Note
psychological approach to astrology, that As it turned out, that is exactly what 1. Wonder Bright, “Why Should a Modern
isn’t by any means necessary, since they transpired. When the transit fired one Astrologer Use Ancient Techniques?” http://
can easily be employed in a completely month later, she had an unexpected job starsofwonder.com/2018/01/why-should-
event-oriented, non-psychological way as offer from out of state, which involved a-modern-astrologer-use-ancient-techniques/
(accessed in February 2018). Taken out of context
well. As such, I’d argue that they’ve pro- working for a major information tech-
like this, the quote might give the impression that
vided us with the possibility of discerning nology firm (Uranus-ruled), and required the author is arguing for the superiority of ancient
details and specifics in horoscopes that her to relocate. (Note: Any planet that techniques over modern, but in fact she, like myself,
would be completely missing in any affects a horoscopic angle will simulta- believes in a healthy cross-pollination of styles.
pre-modern system of interpretation, neously affect the opposite angle, so it’s
whether that is Vedic, Hellenistic, or not surprising that a major conjunction © 2018 Ray Grasse – all rights reserved
otherwise. (To be clear, there are practi- with the 4th-house cusp would also in-
tioners of traditional astrological systems volve her 10th-house career in some
Ray Grasse is associate editor of The Moun-
who do incorporate the outer planets in way.) Again, there was a level of speci- tain Astrologer and the author of several books,
their methods, but that is not universally ficity using the outer planets that would including Under a Sacred Sky, Signs of the Times,
the case.) I’ll offer three concrete exam- have been absent without them. An Infinity of Gods, and The Waking Dream. His
ples of what I mean. Finally, an example from natal as- website is http://www.raygrasse.com
I had a client come to me who had trology: I had a client come to me who
just survived a devastating year in a was born with a nearly exact Mars–Pluto
failed relationship, when the man she opposition between her 2nd and 8th

JUNE / JULY 2018 21

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by Chet Zdrowski

s the outer planets move through the zodiac, difficulties, and most people don’t prefer the difficult things in
each with its own rhythm and color, they give life, so it’s been easy to label Saturn a “malefic.”
us clues about themes and issues that will arise in Even in a more balanced view, Saturn has always had a
the world around us. If we look with the deeper symbolic vi- reputation as a tough teacher. During Saturn’s 29.42-year
sion that astrology affords us, we can see the connections journey around the wheel of the zodiac, it can seem to be
between the outer experiences we all share and the inner life pressuring, blocking, frustrating, disappointing — and aging
we each think is separate — an interweaving of inner and us. Most people don’t enjoy having obstacles get in the way
outer realities. of their desires, but obstacles are one of Saturn’s primary
For most of us, the main focus needs to be on what we teaching tools.
can actually control and work with: our own life and our in- There are plenty of astrologers who will have a dire view
ner world. That said, as astrologers, we know the value of of Saturn’s passage through Capricorn, especially with Pluto
studying the planetary cycles in order to understand the in Capricorn as well. So, we will see fear as a theme in many
large-scale events and trends in the world. There’s a certain forecasts. No doubt there will be crises and difficulties; how-
kind of equanimity and peace that can come with a deep ever, there may also be reasons to feel hopeful.
understanding of cycles. Saturn embodies the principles of structure, form, lim-
On December 19, 2017, Saturn, along with the Sun, itation, and focus. We can see these four principles at work
entered Capricorn and joined Pluto in that sign, which has throughout life as they interact to form the material reality we
been there since 2008. Having Pluto in Capricorn during this
particular Saturn passage ensures special importance and in-
tensity. Saturn will catch up with Pluto in January 2020, and
both will be conjoined by Jupiter as it passes through Capri-
corn. This is a significant configuration occurring at a crucial
Most people don’t enjoy having
time, and it will receive a lot of attention from astrologers. obstacles get in the way of their
Saturn will finally leave Capricorn on December 16, 2020.
On a collective level, the structures of society will be desires, but obstacles are one of
tested while Saturn is in Capricorn; some will be worn down, Saturn’s primary teaching tools
others toughened, and many transformed — resulting in new
structures. The same process will take place within each of us.
We’ll see the consequences of past actions popping up and
demanding to be dealt with, one way or another. all share. Societal structures are created by rules and by the
roles that people assume in society. There are implicit and ex-
Saturn’s Reputation and Function plicit rules that we learn as we go along. If we’re “realistic”
Saturn has stirred up fear in astrologers for millennia, and or “responsible,” we learn these rules and adjust. The Ringed
not without good reason. This planet represents many of life’s Planet represents this essential structure of rules and roles,
JUNE / JULY 2018 — 25
Saturn — Get Real!

though it also represents the accumulated wisdom that comes

from living — what we commonly call “experience.”
Saturn has often been labeled the Reality Planet. The
things we can touch, taste, and see have a physical form and
represent reality to most of us. These things appear “solid”
through Saturn’s limiting and focusing function. The reality
of daily life brings plenty of obligations and duties; some
are not necessarily fun but have to be dealt with. Time is
the other major reality that we all must navigate. As the
slowest-moving visible planet, Saturn has long been associ-
ated with time. We know that we don’t have unlimited time;
nonetheless, being realistic about time is a challenge for Highly energized opinions, a black-and-white sense of
many people. Learning to cope with these realities is a ethics, an exaggerated need for freedom, insensitivity to the
major function of Saturn in our lives. needs of others, disdain for political correctness, and a flair
Pressure is one of the feelings that Saturn stirs up. Time for over-the-top statements are some of the Sagittarian ex-
pressure, money pressure, performance pressure, pressing cesses that have been on display while Saturn has transited
things to do — these are feelings that we’ve all experienced. this sign. Sometimes, being exposed to other cultures makes
Pressure can be helpful in getting things done, but too much one less (not more) open-minded, and the sense of right and
pressure can become a problem both physically and psycho- wrong can turn into “We’re right, they’re wrong.” The migra-
logically. Depression is often related to pressure, internal and tions from war zones and ever-increasing globalization have
external. Saturn’s malefic reputation is at least somewhat sparked opposition, and this hasn’t been a quiet opposition.
rooted in the unpleasant feelings that can become quite vis- Capricorn, on the other hand, is less demonstrative,
ceral over time. It’s as if Saturn is pressuring you to learn to more disciplined, and more strategic. This sign focuses more
handle pressure more gracefully. on deliberation and planning, having seen the problems
caused by Sagittarian spontaneity and improvisation. Ba-
The Shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn sic Capricorn virtues like taking responsibility, being patient,
When outer planets move from one zodiacal sign to the thinking before acting, and honoring commitments will arise.
next, the collective agenda shifts, sometimes subtly, some- We can hope that, with Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn, the
times dramatically. The music of the spheres changes, and global discourse will tone down a bit, become less fiery and
new motifs and themes arise. Saturn ingresses tend to be more reserved, and that our leaders will act more maturely
noticeable because they involve the structures of society, the and responsibly.
availability of resources, and the fact that blockages, frustra- Capricorn has its own excesses, and we’ll certainly see
tions, and difficulties are more readily apparent than subtler these as well. Rigidity, authoritarianism, manipulation, power-
planetary energies. grabbing, hierarchical thinking, and general gloominess are
Saturn in Sagittarius is not an easy blending of energies. some of the negatives that we can anticipate.
Sagittarius chafes at the rules and rigidity of Saturn, preferring Both Sagittarius and Capricorn have a deep concern
to improvise and act intuitively. It’s much more inclined to about ethics, the law, and doing the “right thing.” Both are
overreact than to take the stoic path of Capricorn. Since the sure that they understand the issues better than everyone
2015 ingress, Saturn’s passage through Sagittarius has been else. Both can find their own ways to justify shortcuts “for the
dizzying, so the prospect of more order and discipline may greater good.” Despite their mutual concerns about ethics and
be welcome. the law, however, their values are clearly distinct. Sagittarius
Saturn has now come home to its domicile in Capricorn, puts “freedom” on a pedestal, while Capricorn puts “respon-
one of the two signs it rules. It left Aquarius, its other domi- sibility” on the same pedestal.
cile, in 1993 and has been journeying back home ever since.
When a planet is in a sign that it rules, it’s not necessarily Collective Levels of Saturn
easier. It is, however, better able to express its essential na- Saturn, along with Jupiter and sometimes Mars, has been
ture — it can be more of what it is. Jupiter is better able to be called a social planet. It maintains our institutions, traditions,
Jupiterian when it’s in Sagittarius or Pisces. Saturn is more consensus reality, and the underlying fabric of time. As a col-
Saturnian when it’s in Capricorn or Aquarius. lective function, Saturn is not supposed to be “just about me.”
It’s interesting to reflect on how the signs that are next It is ultimately working toward a shared good.
to each other in the zodiac differ. In a way, each one can be On this collective level, Saturn involves the levers of
considered a reaction to the excesses of the previous sign. power, in government, corporations, businesses, and orga-
And though these signs have some qualities in common, their nizations of all sorts. Maneuvering within the structures of
differences are much more pronounced. This is clearly seen in authority and learning the lessons of handling power are im-
the contrasts between Sagittarius and Capricorn. portant Capricorn experiences. Integrity and the use of power


are two of the central issues for Capricorn, and with both Sat- There is national, regional, racial, family, and individual
urn and Pluto passing through that sign, the need to address karma, and the collective levels are frequently more powerful
these issues will be intensified. than the personal. We’re enmeshed in all of these levels, and
Consequently, we can expect that many of our institu- most situations are a mixture of these. We are indeed all part
tions will be tested, and their flaws revealed. The government of something bigger, and the cycles of the outer planets re-
and courts may prove resilient and strengthened — or dam- mind us of this.
aged and weakened. Economic institutions such as banks, Rudhyar also helpfully characterized karma as the “res-
corporations, currencies, and trading alliances will also be idue” and “unfinished business” of previous cycles.1 These
pressured, and some of these will prove to be more vulnerable could be cycles in this life or in past lives. This idea lessens
than we thought. the guilt and blame that are often part of discussions about
Just as Saturn has long been associated with both work karma. Rather than a cycle of retribution, it’s more of a pro-
and time, it has also been tied to the workings of fate and cess of skillfully finishing cycles in ways that don’t generate
karma. In Sanskrit, the word karma means “action, work, or more pain and entanglement.
deed,” so it’s easy to understand Saturn’s connection there. We’ll be seeing the “residues” of past cycles rising up
The momentum of past actions and thoughts must play out during Saturn and Pluto’s passage through Capricorn. Escap-
over time. We then react and either perpetuate the difficult cy- ism and avoidance of responsibility can be common reactions,
cle or find ways to let the momentum wind down and bring but Saturn and Pluto are powerful forces, and avoiding them
the cycle to an end. only makes the need to address longstanding issues more
Saturn holds us “accountable” — we can’t just walk away imperative.
from the consequences of our actions. This is true on a so-
cietal as well as on an individual level. Responsibility is the Patterns from the Past
essence of karma; actions generate reactions that, at some Astrologers use the time-honored technique of examin-
point, will have to be balanced by more action — hopefully, ing the past to understand the future. By looking at previous
more skillful action. Guilt doesn’t have to be part of the pro- planetary transits and ingresses, we can find clues to under-
cess, but for many of us it can serve as a goad to prompt stand the dynamics of current and future periods. Nothing, of
better actions. course, happens in isolation, so as we look at past ingresses,
Dane Rudhyar often pointed out that karma is never we need to consider the nature of other transits that are tak-
strictly individual; there are always collective levels involved. ing place concurrently: Context is everything.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 27

Saturn — Get Real! event has changed much of modern life,
illustrating that fanfare is not always a
India. This event has proven important
to many people, and the effects of the
measure of long-term importance. Tibetan diaspora are still felt today.
So, what were some significant col- The backdrop of this most recent There was little in the way of conse-
lective events in the previous cycles Saturn in Capricorn period was the quential outer-planet transits during this
of Saturn passing through Capricorn forming Uranus–Neptune conjunction particular Saturn in Capricorn period. It
during the 20th century? that culminated in 1993. At that time, was something of a Saturnian calm be-
fore the storm — the storm being the
February 13, 1988 – Uranus–Pluto conjunction in opposition
February 6, 1991 to Saturn that occurred between 1965
When Saturn last transited Capri- When Saturn and 1967.
corn, we saw the fall of the Berlin Wall
(November 9, 1989), followed by the last transited March 15, 1929 –
November 19, 1932
crumbling of the Soviet Union, which
resulted in its official dissolution
Capricorn, we saw While Saturn was traveling through
(December 26, 1991). the fall of the Berlin Capricorn, the Black Thursday stock
Bubbling in the background, in market crash occurred on October 24,
Switzerland, was the development of Wall, followed by 1929. The markets continued to tum-
the World Wide Web (WWW). During
March 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, while
the crumbling of the ble, and by November they were in a
free fall. A worldwide financial melt-
working at CERN, issued a proposal to Soviet Union down followed.
develop a hypertext system using brows- The structure and rules of the finan-
ers that would access distributed infor- cial markets had been severely tested,
mation. Several years of work followed. and they proved far too fragile. Monop-
The first website went live on August a huge structure — the Union of Soviet olies, stock manipulations, and lack of
6, 1991 — shortly after Saturn had en- Socialist Republics (USSR) — came regulation had created the conditions
tered Aquarius in February 1991. While under pressure and collapsed. And, in- that led to the Crash of 1929 and the
there was no fanfare at the time, this terestingly, a new structure was forming Great Depression. The Federal Deposit
1/6th page tall ad (2.3” W x 4.75” H) and during
ad passage
(3.5” W of
x 3.5” H):through
Saturn colour and greyscale:
Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Secu-
Capricorn — the World Wide Web! rities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
the Social Security Act (SSA), and other
January 5, 1959 – reforms were put in place in the early
January 3, 1962 1930s to safeguard against repeating this
At the beginning of this passage disaster. There was a landmark acknowl-
of Saturn through Capricorn, Fidel edgement that government plays a major
Castro overthrew Batista in Cuba (Jan- role in setting rules and regulations and
uary 1959). This overturned the United providing at least a nominal safety net.
States’ hegemony over the Western A difficult series of outer-planet
Hemisphere and was followed by de- alignments coincided with and followed
cades of unsuccessful assassination Saturn’s passage through Capricorn:
attempts on Castro by the U.S. Central Saturn square Uranus (1930–32), Sat-
Intelligence Agency (CIA). urn opposite Pluto (1931), and Uranus
The Cold War was beginning to be square Pluto (1932–34). Recovery was
fought in the developing world. The CIA very slow and painful.
engineered successful regime changes in
Cambodia, the Congo, and the Domini- January 21, 1900 –
can Republic. January 19, 1903
The process of decolonization that During this Saturn transit of Capri-
started after World War II continued, corn, the Panic of 1901 occurred. This
with 17 African nations gaining inde- was the first stock market crash on the
pendence in 1961. The Non-Aligned New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and
Movement (NAM), an organization of was caused by a tug of war for con-
countries that were not aligned with ei- trol of the railroads. Big investors were
ther the U.S. or the USSR, was founded unaffected, but thousands of small inves-
in 1961. At that time, NAM was a tors were wiped out. The structure and
new structure that stood aside from the rules of the stock market were revealed
Superpowers. to be inadequate, but nothing was done
On March 17, 1959, the Dalai to improve them. This was likely due to
Lama fled Tibet to seek asylum in the fact that mainly small investors were


hurt in this crash. The lack of regu- whole idea of solid matter itself became duties, and responsibilities. It’s a pres-
latory response set the stage for the unhinged by Max Planck and quantum sure that wears things down, feels like
Black Thursday crash in 1929. mechanics, along with Einstein’s amaz- a burden, and often shows up as lack.
Max Planck revolutionized physics ing discoveries. Pluto represents a more subliminal pres-
with his discovery of Planck’s Constant sure, generally bubbling beneath our
in 1900. The scientific view of matter The Wild Card of Pluto awareness, which can, at times, be quite
was upended, and “classical physics” We may ask the question, “Haven’t uncomfortable for nearly everyone. This
was shown to be highly limited. This our institutions already been under discomfort has to do with the nature
set the stage for the mind-boggling ad- tremendous pressure?” The answer is of Pluto’s issues: Birth, death, sex, and
vances in quantum mechanics, which definitely “yes,” and the pressure is power are difficult subjects. When Pluto
occurred in the early 20th century. The quite likely to increase. This isn’t just is involved, the emotions triggered can
quantum revolution started by Planck any Saturn in Capricorn ingress — take on the feeling of a life-and-death
caused physicists to redefine the struc- Pluto is already in that sign and Saturn struggle, whether it’s appropriate or not.
ture and rules of matter and energy. is joining it there. It’s good to remem- Pluto twists arms and will seemingly hold
Also during this period, Albert Ein- ber that, under Pluto’s influence, we’ve your head under water, if necessary, to
stein published his first scientific work already been confronting these issues, make you face reality. We have been
in 1901, followed not long after by his and Saturn will be bringing its own na- feeling this effect since Pluto entered
“miracle year” of 1905. ture to the table. Capricorn in 2008.
The outer-planet alignments during Pluto first entered Capricorn on It’s important to acknowledge that
this passage of Saturn through Cap- January 25, 2008, slipped back into Pluto is ultimately about transformation,
ricorn included the epoch-defining Sagittarius on June 13, 2008, and fully which is something we tend to resist.
Neptune–Pluto conjunction of 1891–92, settled into Capricorn with its re-entry Transformation means letting old habits
which was still within a 10° orb on on November 26, 2008. By this time, and limitations die, healing our wounds,
January 1, 1900. In addition, Uranus the housing bubble had burst, Leh- giving birth to new possibilities, and be-
opposed Pluto in 1901–03, and Saturn man Brothers had collapsed, and the coming who we’re meant to be. These
opposed Neptune 1899 – 1901. banking crisis was in full swing. While steps are the essence of the Plutonian
government was able to engineer mas- process and apply to society as a whole,
Looking Ahead sive bailouts to avert a total collapse of as well as to our individual lives. This
Under this current Saturn transit the world financial system, the ensuing process is not easy for an individual and
through Capricorn, we can expect to see Great Recession (2007–12) was very is even harder on the collective. We can
some of the same themes in play that hold out hope for beneficial transfor-
arose during previous Saturn in Capri- mation, but it won’t be a smooth ride.
corn periods. Institutions will be tested Resisting inevitable change is not really
and put under pressure; some will be possible, so it’s a lot better to cooperate
worn down by time, and others will be with the universe.
undermined by lack of vigilance or integ- Both Saturn and
rity. Society is built on rules — written Pluto represent When Saturn Last Met Pluto
and unwritten. Struggles over the “rules” in Capricorn
are sure to intensify. Do the rules work? pressure of different The story of this current passage of
Do they need to be changed? These is- Saturn through Capricorn has a lot to
sues will be difficult to avoid.
types. They’re not do with Pluto, so it may be helpful to ex-
Much of the Saturnian pressure will gentle or persuasive, amine the last time the world saw Saturn
be focused on political, economic, and conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This was
financial institutions, along with interna- they’re insistent. about 500 years ago, and that period
tional alliances. The situation itself will was hugely consequential. The Roman
provoke tough questions. Can these insti- Catholic Church — the most power-
tutions still do the job? Can they be fixed ful institution in Europe and likely the
or saved? Do they need to be destroyed world — was deeply shaken, precipitat-
and rebuilt? Who decides? Integrity and long and painful. The Western financial ing a series of changes that loosened the
the right use of power — classic Saturn system essentially had a “near-death ex- Church’s grip on society.
and Capricorn issues — will almost surely perience.” It got very close to the edge Pluto was in Capricorn from
become more and more vital. without plunging over. Now, the new December 24, 1515 until February 2,
During the previous Saturn in Cap- element will be Saturn adding to the 1532, while the Saturn–Pluto conjunc-
ricorn periods, various structures were process while it’s in Capricorn. tion occurred in at 4° Capricorn on
tested, and some failed. The Soviet Both Saturn and Pluto represent January 2, 1518.
Union fell apart, U.S. hegemony in pressure of different types. They’re Martin Luther wrote his “95 The-
the Western Hemisphere was shaken not gentle or persuasive, they’re in- ses” proclamation and nailed it to the
by Castro, the global financial system sistent. Saturn’s pressure tends to be door of the Wittenberg Castle Church
collapsed in the early 1930s, and the focused on time, resources, obligations, on October 31, 1517. Pluto had been

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 29

Saturn — Get Real! Tug of War
We’ve been in a tug of war since
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. That
in Capricorn for close to two years, and struggle appears to be moving from a
only a month after the proclamation, war of ideas to a more political phase,
Saturn entered Capricorn. Luther’s dra- as Saturn joins Pluto in Capricorn.
matic action touched off the Protestant The struggle between progressives and
Reformation and decades of religious conservatives has transitioned into a
and political strife. battle over globalization. “Nationalism
Both Luther in Germany and later versus globalism” has replaced “con-
John Calvin in Switzerland were up- servative versus liberal” as the central
set with the corruption of the Church. divide. The split between rural and
Among their many grievances against urban viewpoints reflects this new con-
the Church’s doctrine and governance flict. Many people are insecure about
was the practice of selling indulgences to their jobs, their safety, and their iden-
the rich, which they saw as a means to tity. These insecurities are fueling a
buy one’s way into heaven. Luther’s ini- backlash against globalization, despite
tial goal was a renewal and reform of the economists stating that there is more
Church, but instead he was excommuni- to fear from robots than from open Moral courage, especially when it’s
cated by the Pope on January 3, 1521. trade and immigration. difficult or dangerous, is a theme that will
The Reformation was followed This tug of war will continue to es- grow in importance — individuals stand-
by Copernicus’s discoveries in astron- calate. Capricorn is motivated by an ing up when the system or authority
omy (1548), the Scientific Revolution ideal of self-sufficiency, the ability to go needs to be challenged. The truth is that
(widely agreed to have begun during it alone and not need others. This may both sides in a struggle usually feel that
this period), and the Age of Reason seem to clash with the Sea-Goat’s po- they are “doing the right thing,” and their
(1620). The Church never recovered its litical and organizational instincts, but righteousness can intensify any situation.
pre-eminent place in European society, all of the zodiacal signs have their par-
and it lost its virtual veto power over adoxes. With Saturn joining Pluto in Just How Resilient Is Democracy?
ideas. It can be said that Luther’s Ref- Capricorn, this desire to go it alone will Democracies have inherent vulner-
ormation started the process that led become more prevalent and formalized. abilities that are easy to see. How to
to modernity. maintain security while safeguarding free-
The rest of Pluto’s passage through Standing Up to Authority dom is the central question. We know
Capricorn was enriching for some and … or Not that we’ll continue to be tested by highly
horrendous for many others. Magellan Authoritarianism, either the type motivated parties. The general public
set sail in 1519, the Spanish conquis- that’s chosen by the electorate or the continues to be shocked enough by these
tadors subjugated Mexico and Central type that gradually creeps up, is a clear tests that they are now questioning ev-
America during 1519–32, and the At- danger. Both Saturn and Pluto can lean erything they read and hear. And if they
lantic slave trade began in 1526. This heavily in this direction, and there’s aren’t, they should be!
period was transformational and trau- a risk that we could succumb to what The Soviet Union was tested severely
matic, and it left its indelible mark might seem easier in the short run. during the last passage of Saturn through
on history. Saturn entering Capricorn, while Sagittarius (1985–88) and Capricorn
Pluto is already there, feels a bit like the (1988–91), and it failed in a big way. De-
What We Can Expect This Time sheriff has come to town. At its high- mocracy and its institutions will quite likely
When contemplating events and est, Saturn is concerned with integrity, be challenged during this period, and it’s
possibilities for the current period, it duty, and “doing the right thing.” These not guaranteed that they will last. The pub-
would be far too easy to come up with a themes are not part of Pluto’s arche- lic may indeed decide that authoritarianism
daunting list of problems and perils. It’s typal field, but will be a focus of Saturn is preferable to chaos, which has hap-
important to be clear-eyed and realis- in its own sign of Capricorn. We all pened plenty of times before.
tic while acknowledging how unique and know that goodness and justice don’t
dangerous the present situation appears. always prevail, and a sheriff might be The Crucial Year of 2020
The reality is that both positive and neg- fooled, defeated, or even corrupted. Saturn will finally catch up with Pluto
ative things will happen — guaranteed. Many pundits are predicting a and conjoin it at 22°46' Capricorn on
Some people and governments Constitutional crisis in the U.S., and January 12, 2020. This dramatic con-
will rise to the challenges ahead, which the courts will need to rule on issues junction perfects about a month before
shouldn’t be discounted. But it’s more that the nation’s founding fathers the New Hampshire presidential primary
likely that many will take the easier never envisioned. The polarization in in the U.S. and less than two months
path of self-interest. Let’s take a look at politics ensures that no matter what before Super Tuesday, the biggest pri-
some of the issues that will no doubt happens, even if “nothing happens,” mary day of 2020. Even though Saturn
play out in the next few years. there will be a lot of unhappy people. makes only one exact conjunction with


Pluto, Jupiter will be following closely lem,” and only later, during the square This planetary lineup could also
behind Saturn and will conjoin both or opposition, can you tell what the na- bring about the following:
Saturn and Pluto throughout 2020. ture of the problem is. The Saturn–Pluto
Mars will join that triple conjunction in cycle repeats every 33 to 38 years, so • International power relationships
March 2020. And during the run-up to it’s not a rare alignment — just as diffi- may change, such as China step-
the election, August through October, culties aren’t rare. ping into international roles that
Mars in Aries will be forming squares The run-up to the 2020 election the U.S. has filled for decades.
to the triple conjunction of Jupiter, in the U.S. looks particularly nasty and • Secession (separatist) move-
Saturn, and Pluto. combative, with Mars in the sign of ments worldwide are likely to in-
Saturn–Pluto combinations have of- Aries squaring the triple conjunction crease, and most will be met with
ten been associated with corruption and before and after the election. Astrologi- Saturn–Pluto clampdowns.
abuses of power. This eye-catching con- cally, these planetary aspects have been • The idea of “Border Walls” looks
junction is already the subject of several associated with war. Let’s hope that, in unlikely to fade, and indeed, the
articles and blog posts in the astrologi- this case, it remains a verbal conflict. Of idea is more likely to spread —
cal world. The dynamics of Saturn and course, we don’t need any astrology to Capricorn signifies walls, and
Pluto are difficult for most of us, but make this prediction, but the astrology Saturn can put up formidable
we know that there will be a lot of con- definitely confirms the general collective obstacles and barriers.
centrated energy here, especially when and individual unrest. Jupiter’s involve- • Real conservatism may return;
Jupiter conjoins them. ment may add an element of grace to populism may not survive the
Most importantly, this conjunction the situation — or it may just amplify it. change in atmosphere with Sat-
marks the beginning of a new Saturn– Given the timing of these aspects, urn’s movement from Sagittarius
Pluto cycle. Like a New Moon — when I have to wonder about the U.S. gov- to Capricorn.
the Sun infuses the Moon with purpose ernment. Both the Republican and • Some systems may prove resilient
— Pluto will infuse Saturn with its trans- Democratic parties are under tremen- (if they were wisely designed) and
formative power. dous internal pressures, so we may find emerge stronger.
Historically, Saturn–Pluto conjunc- one or both of them splintering. Jupiter • Inappropriate shortcuts will now
tions have appeared to be at the roots conjunct both Saturn and Pluto may sig- face their consequences.
of, or the beginning of, a “new prob- nal some sort of major cleanout.


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JUNE / JULY 2018 — 31

Saturn — Get Real! • The repeal or breakdown of
Obamacare could very well lead to
this insight brought us lasers, transis-
tors, semi-conductors, hard drives, MRI
single-payer healthcare coverage. scans, and CDs. Likewise, the World
• We may see an increased interest • Self-reliance and domestic produc- Wide Web was developed during a Sat-
in tradition that goes beyond reli- tion might increase, despite the urn in Capricorn period (1988–91), but
gious ideas. confusion of “deglobalization.” it wasn’t an instant game changer. In
• There will be more emphasis • A major cleanout of one or both true Saturnian fashion, the byproducts
on self-sufficiency and “doing it political parties could bring about of these innovations developed over a
yourself.” welcome change. long stretch of time.
• There may be another institutional While Saturn and Pluto are in the
Breakthroughs reformation — not necessarily like sign of Capricorn, we may learn how
As we know, transformation is Martin Luther’s in 1517, but some- to harness the energy of gravitational
generally difficult, and most people pre- thing with a big long-term impact waves or quantum computing — or
fer to avoid it. Both Saturn and Pluto that we can’t foresee. make a discovery we can’t possibly
have ways of forcing issues that aren’t • Society as a whole benefits when imagine right now.
comfortable, but we need to remem- individuals and governments take All of the above may sound overly
ber that breakdowns often lead to responsibility and become more hopeful, but it’s good to stay alert to
breakthroughs. In fact, much of the accountable. possibilities and to remember that dif-
time, breakdowns are essential before ficulties and setbacks often lead to
breakthroughs can happen. With the Major breakthroughs in science beneficial breakthroughs.
pressures of a period like this one, there and technology have the power to
is also hope for what may arise out of change the picture. Of course, some Personal Chart Considerations
breakdowns. technologies will be disruptive and hard This passage of Saturn will not be
Here are some possibilities: to integrate, but others will be transfor- the same for everyone, of course. Dif-
mative. The initial insight that launched ferent themes will be triggered in each
• Infrastructure spending, if it ever quantum physics was discovered of us, depending on our natal chart and
does happen, may actually improve during a Saturn in Capricorn period
the economy. (1900–02), but it took a while before continued on p. 70

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Hooray for Horary!
by Elisabeth Grace

“Look for the answer inside your question.” A Horary Made Me Do It!
— Rumi In September 2016, it was announced that a five-day
workshop on traditional horary astrology would be offered the

umi was a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mys- following April — in New York, no less, where I live. It would
tic. He is currently the best-selling poet in the United be taught by two masters in the field: Lee Lehman and Wade
States. I wonder if Rumi knew that questions have Caves. What a fantastic opportunity to deepen my under-
horoscopes. He would have, had he ever consulted with a standing of a complex yet rewarding subject. Sign me up!
horary astrologer. Alas, the course wasn’t in my budget that fall. Nor was
A horary is a horoscope cast for the exact time a question it in my budget in February, when the deadline to register
is received and understood by the astrologer. In the process of was approaching. I reeeeeeallly wanted to take that course.
examining that horoscope, an answer to the question can be But how? What were the odds? I was compelled to plug this
found. A horary offers detailed insight into a specific situation question into Solar Fire 8.0: “Will I take the horary course in
that can’t be seen in a natal horoscope. As I explain to my cli- April?” Let’s examine the chart.
ents, asking a horary question is using astrology as though it We are looking for the relationship between the person
were a deck of Tarot cards. When you need a “yes” or “no” asking the question and whatever is asked about. The per-
answer to a real-world question, or if you’re looking for a lost son asking is the Querent. The “whatever is asked about” is
object, horary can work like magic. the Quesited. The planets representing the Querent and the
Say you have a client whose horoscope just had the sec- Quesited are called Significators.1
ond of three conjunctions with his Midheaven from transiting I asked this question, so I am the Querent. The Querent
Uranus and a square to the Ascendant from transiting Pluto. is signified by the ruler of the Ascendant. The horary course is
You told him three years ago that there was potential for a the subject of my query, so it is the Quesited. Its Significator
fresh start, including a relocation right about now. And in fact, is the ruler of the 9th house.2 Why? Because a horary course
he is changing jobs and moving to another city. He is amazed is a matter of higher education, and higher education is a
that you could see that coming! Now, he’s looking for a new 9th-house affair.3
house, and he’s found one he likes. Should he buy this house? Mercury is the ruler of the chart’s Gemini Ascendant.
Could you find an answer to this question in his natal (See Chart 1, following page.) Therefore, Mercury is the
horoscope? I’m not convinced you can. However, if you study Significator for the Querent. Where in this chart is Mercury?
horary astrology (and practice, practice, practice), you will be In Aquarius, in the 9th house. That was interesting. The
able to divine accurate answers to a dazzling array of dilem- planet representing me was already in the horary course’s
mas, including but not limited to: house. Did this suggest that I would definitely take the course?

• Will we get back together?

Will the bank refinance the loan?
Where is my passport?
The person asking is the Querent.
• Should I go on the ski trip? The subject of the question is the
• Will my daughter get into Princeton?
• Should we move to Guatemala? Quesited. The planets representing

Will I get the promotion?
Will these health conditions improve?
the Querent and the Quesited
are called Significators.
Sound good? Plunge into horary, and you will learn how
to help others — and yourself.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 33

Hooray for Horary us that “peregrine” made its first appearance as a word in
1599. It originally meant “foreigner,” but, as often happens
in languages (including astrology), the meaning has evolved.
Maybe, though another possibility was that my being in the 25° Now peregrine means “wanderer.” In the context of tradi-
course was wholly in the hands of the Quesited. Š tional astrology, a Querent signified by a peregrine planet is
the 9th house refers 57' likely to wander 04°
In traditional astrology, Mercury in 27° without focus in respect to the stated goal.
to astrological study!4 This was encouraging, ‹ because an ¸ im-
ºRelying solely on Š its own merit, such a Querent is not able to
portant consideration in determining whether a horary ÀÊ is even
act directly and effectively. It probably needs help.
fit to be judged is whether the Significators accurately
03° 02° 20°
Meanwhile, our Quesited Horary Course is signified by
23° ‹ ‹ ‹ Š
their respective parties. » ‹ 21'32'14' 57' Saturn at 26° Sagittarius. It has dignity by Face — with a
The Quesited (the horary course)Ï
10° 22' capital “F” — which stands for Fear and Focus.HsA planet in
Ü by the
12° of the ¼ Face denotes an entity in a 14° weak position
and likely
ruler of the sign on the cusp Ý42' 9th
Ü This
35' is Saturn, Á 59'‰ 1 º
the traditional ruler of Aquarius. ¿ Where 07'
21° Üis22'Saturn? In the107th feeling 9 18°
anxious. Fortunately,
‰ anxiety and fear can2 be ¶ intensely
Ü 34' 3 ¸
house, in Sagittarius. This felt fitting, too.
43' Saturn ““
is certainly
’ motivating factors, resulting in focused, effective action. Thus,
11 “ 8 4 ¸
“old school” and aptly describes a dedicated scholar, as well ‘ ‘ a planet in Face is considered to be in better shape
5 than
º one
as an authority figure. Plus, the 7th house refers to significantá that
‘ — ’
is’ peregrine. 6 ¼
‘ á ‘
others, partners, and consultants; astrologers are
’ —consultants á So, we’ve got an anxious, focused Quesited 7 Horary
12 Horary Course? Grace 7 12' ˆ 8 What¼ ¾ is the
and thus ruled by the 7th.5 Course
Natal Chart
á á and a wandering Querent Horary Student.
that they will come ¶
– 20am2017,
Feb Mon
46' ˆ22° 9 ¾
What else can 20° 34' from the house placement of à11:45 likelihood
EST +5:00
Forest Hills, NY ‘
34'ˆ20°Before we 10
the Significators? We see that Saturn is in an angular house, ” that ”
073°W51'02'' let’s consider the Moon.
11 ½
increasing its visibility and effectiveness. Mercury is in a ca-á Tropical ’ 6 12 »
dent house, a much weaker placement. However, Mercury is — Mean Node
25° Š 57'
within 5° of an angle, conjunct the Midheaven. Saturn is also
2 5 35' 04°
within 5° of an angle — conjunct the Descendant. Proximity ‹ Àʸ º Š
Pt Antiscia
Œ27° ¶ 27' 07°‰13
to the angles of the chart gives planets added weight, just3as 4 48' Â 03°02° 20°
59' Ü » † 23° 11° 42' Š

¸ 27°†45
we see in natal horoscopes.ƒ
‹ ‹
Ï 10°22°‹22' 21'32' ‡
14' 12°
º 09°‡02
» 19°…2414°
Œ ¼ 11°Ü Ü ½
42' Œ
¼ 12°…37
Essential Dignity: 32' Ý ¿ 17° 07'35' 10 9 ½ 07°‹11
Á ‰
12° Ü 21° 18° 59'
A Key Consideration … Ü 22'
43' 11 8
¾34'‰ 03°‰47
¿ 08°…16
Critical to our analysis of this horary is the essential 03° À 18°†38
27' 35'
dignity of the Significators. Many modern „ astrologers do É … Á 11°ˆ25
ˆ 26°
Chart 1:
12 7
not consider this traditional concept in 04° their studies and/or 57' 20° 27° Â 06°†37
12' 20°
É 26°Ü27
46' ˆ 22° ¶
practice.6 In my trusted copy of Lee Lehman’s indispensable„ ‚ Will I Take the Ê 26°†27 ˆ
primer, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, essential dig- 25° 34' 1 Horary Course? Ë
09°ƒ25 34'
Fixed Stars Orb Ì 04°‡02
nity is defined
“… a system for0°05'
assessing the strength of a Ï 18°…52
planet ¾ by its
ß placement
ACULEUS in the zodiac 0°13' alone.”
2 5
We’re talking about the sign and degree of theSECT
À ¦ RIGEL ** 0°05' PLANETARY planet, 14° Œ
48' 42'
Planet Cht Plc Sgn Condition 3 4
period.ÊWe ß are not talking
FOMALHAUT *** about0°33'
what ¸house
D D theD planet
N is in, ƒ Almuten of Chart (Ibn Ezra)

22° ‡
or if it’sËnear
ß BELLATRIX ** 0°36' ¶ N D D D Ex Cond 59' Planet ½ ¸ ¾Œ ¼ » º ¶12°
an angle, or if it might be ºgetting a boost from a Score 22 20 16
32' 11 11 ½
10 3
Ï ¦ ALTAIR 0°04' D D D D In Hayz Almuten of Profession (Bonatti)
conjunction with an auspicious Fixed Star » N(e.g.,
D DSpica) D Ex— or a
Cond Planet ½ ¾ º … ¸ ¿ ¼ †»
¼ N D D D Ex Cond 1303°
roadblock from an unfortunate one (e.g., ½ D Algol).
D N Those D pluses Score
17 14 12
Almuten of Chart (SU-MO-PF-Asc-MC) - Gen
6 5

and minuses are called accidental dignities. ¾ D D D D

Clear?In Hayz Planet
„ »
27' 12
… ¿
D=Diurnal, N=Nocturnal
Back to Lehman: Planet » ¸
25°Killing Planet
„ ¾
½ À ¼ ¿
Score 32 20 17 13 12 8 6

There are five essential

ESSENTIAL dignities:
DIGNITIES by sign, exaltation,
Pt Rulerterm, andTrip
Exalt face.Term
A planet
Face with
Detri dignity can
Fall Score Pt Ruler Exalt Trip Term Face Detri Fall Score
¶ ½ Ê ¸ ¾ ¾ º É -5 p ¶ ½ Ê ¸ ¾ ¾ º É -5 p
act ¸
or do½
as it wants,
» m » m »
whereas ¾
a planet
-5 p ¸ ½ » m » m » ¾ º º -5 p
-- getting
¾ ½from
m ¶Point¸A to--Point-5 Bp º ¾ -- ¾ ½ m ¶ ¸ -- -5 p
» ¼ by a very
¸ m circuitous
¸ m » +route.
¸ 8 » - ¾ -3 » ¼ ¸ m ¸ m » + ¸ » - ¾ -3
¼ ¼ + ¸ ¸ º ¸ » ¾ +5 ¼ ¼ + ¸ ¸ º ¸ » ¾ +5
½ » ¾ ¾ º m ½ + ¼ ¸ +1 ½ » ¾ ¾ º m ½ + ¼ ¸ +1
For¾our½horary Ê chart,
¸ we ¼ find¾a +table
º listing
É the +1essential ¾ ½ Ê ¸ ¼ ¾ + º É +1
¿ ¼ ¸ ¸ ¼ » » ¾ -- ¿ ¼ ¸ ¸ ¼ » » ¾ --
dignitiesÀfor½all of»the traditional
» ½
½ º
-- À ½ » » ½ ½ º º --
and PlutoÁ were
¾ unknown
¼ » to ½the astrologers
¼ ¶ who
½ developed
-- Á ¾ ¼ » ½ ¼ ¶ ½ --
the system
 of½ essential
» »dignities;
¼ thus,
¼ as
º you’ll
º notice
-- in the  ½ » » ¼ ¼ º º --
É º º » º ¸ 9 ½ » -- É º º » º ¸ ½ » --
table, they
Ê ½ are not» given
» point
» scores.
¾ These
º ºplanets
-- are be- Ê ½ » » » ¾ º º --
yond theËlimits
º ofÉwhat¾we can » see¸in our ½ physical
Ê world
-- with Ë º É ¾ » ¸ ½ Ê --
Ì ¾
the naked eye. -- ¾ ¼ ¶ ¸ -- -- Ì ¾ -- ¾ ¼ ¶ ¸ -- --
Ï ¼ ¸ ¸ » ¸ » ¾ -- Ï ¼ ¸ ¸ » ¸ » ¾ --
Alas, we see a “p” in Mercury’s “Score” column. That
“p” stands for peregrine. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary tells All charts use Regiomontanus houses and the¶Mean
Day of Hour Node.
of »
¸ É » Ï À ¼ Á Ë º ¿ ¶ ½ Â Ì ¾
6th Hour of Day
34 — THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER Last Hr ¸ -30 mins
0° 5° 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° Next Hr º +24 mins
The Moon Drives the Bus
We consider the Moon because it is the co-ruler of the
horary question. We see that the Moon is at 22° Sagittarius
in the 7th house, within 5° of the Descendant. The Moon’s
angular position gives it strength, suggesting that whatever A peregrine planet has no essential
it represents in this horary is going to be noticed. It’s no sur-
prise to see this Moon ruling the 2nd house, which refers
dignity and thus can’t do much on
to the Querent’s money. And like the Querent Mercury, the its own merits to act effectively.
Moon is peregrine. It has no essential dignity and thus can’t
do much on its own merits to act effectively. This is exactly
how I felt about my prospects for taking the horary course.
I noted that the Sagittarius Moon was disposed by Jupi- for”). These applying partile Ptolemaic aspects10 between the
ter, ruler of the 7th house, which contains both the Moon and Querent and the Quesited in a horary chart are examples of
the Quesited Saturn. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, perfection. This is the technical term applied to “any condi-
and thus also rules the 11th house, which contains Venus, tion that allows a Question to complete unimpeded.”11
Mars, Uranus, and the Part of Fortune. Jupiter is retrograde Here, Querent Mercury at 20° Aquarius is in an applying
at 22° Libra, in the 5th house. Like Saturn, it is also in Face sextile to Quesited Saturn at 26° Sagittarius. Not only that,
— anxious yet focused and thus potentially effective. Its ret- but the 22° Sagittarius Moon has just separated from a sextile
rograde status suggests something about the affairs of the 7th to Mercury. The Moon is two arc minutes away from a sextile
and/or 11th houses being weak or likely to be reconsidered. to Jupiter at 22° Libra … and then its next aspect would be a
I wasn’t sure what that might mean. conjunction with Quesited Saturn. When a faster-moving body
Aspects involving the Moon in a horary tell us what (usually it is the Moon) separates from one Significator and
has happened and what is likely to happen. Separating as- applies to the other, this is called translation.12 It is a fre-
pects tell us about the past. Applying aspects tell us about the quent means of perfection. Lee Lehman dubs this “the Yenta
future. Let’s keep this in mind as we now examine the rela- scenario,”13 i.e., perfection is achieved because a third party
tionship between Querent Mercury and Quesited Saturn. Will gets involved and brings the two Significators together.
I take the horary course in April? It all looked encouraging. I judged that I was going to end
up in that horary course, though I wasn’t quite sure how. I put
The Search for Perfection the chart away and prepared for my next client consultation.
In order for the Querent to succeed, there must be a
present or future connection between it and the Quesited. Judging the Judgment
A relatively easy success would be an applying conjunction, Fast forward four weeks.14 A post on Facebook an-
sextile, or trine. A success that might require an aggravating nounced a scholarship for the horary course. I looked at the
effort would be suggested by an applying square. A success transits in my horoscope that day: Transiting Sun was conjoin-
that one or both parties might live to regret would be an ap- ing natal Jupiter in the 3rd house; transiting Mercury–Venus
plying opposition (file that under “be careful what you wish conjoined the natal Sun. Well, that certainly looked promising

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 35

Hooray for Horary Fun Fact #3: Either way, my judgment of the horary was
accurate. I got the scholarship. The course was jam-packed
with fascinating case studies and a thorough discussion of
for communication and being seen in a favorable light. Of traditional concepts I wanted to review. Like what, you ask?
course I would apply. Like the concept of reception, for instance, another ex-
Then I remembered that, several weeks earlier, I’d asked ample of perfection, as noted in Fun Fact #1. Take another
the horary question. look at the horary. Querent Mercury in Aquarius is applying
I dug the chart out of my files, studied it again carefully — by sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius. In other words, Mercury
and smiled. This scholarship opportunity was the third-party is approaching Saturn. “Wanna play?” it asks. Saturn looks
spark required in order to bring the Querent and Quesited at Mercury and thinks, “Do I like this Mercury?” Mercury is
together in a perfection. Faster than you can type “Snoopy in Aquarius. Saturn rules Aquarius. Of course, Saturn likes
Dance,” I dashed off an application. I took the horary to be a this Mercury! Birds of a feather flock together. It doesn’t mat-
cosmic vote of confidence. ter that the reception is not mutual, i.e., that two planets are
in each other’s dignities. In this horary, Mercury needs some-
Fun Fact #1: I had good reason to feel confident about thing from Saturn. Saturn receives Mercury, thus improving
a positive outcome of my horary Question, having recently Mercury’s chances of getting what it needs.17
stumbled across these wise words from Lee Lehman:
But wait! There’s more …
… if you look at the ephemeris, most of the time,
the answer to a question would be “no.” Think about Mistakes Are Gifts
this. For any horary which requires action in order Just as I was putting the finishing touches on this arti-
to come about, you need either a translation of light, cle, my laptop froze and crashed. The document vanished
an approaching aspect between significators, or a re- from my hard drive — all 2,500 words. Mercury wasn’t even
ception.15 This has to be between the specific planets retrograde!18
that rule the appropriate houses for the chart. How My heart sank at the thought of recreating this article
often is this true?16 from scratch. I was determined to find a solution. After a few
hours of Googling, trying and failing at various suggestions,
Fun Fact #2: In this particular Question, we get a “yes” I found an online forum created by fellow users of Open
even if we use modern astrology rulerships to interpret it. I Office, my word-processing software. It offered technical
would still be Querent Mercury in Aquarius. However, with assistance in challenging techno-gobbledygook.
Aquarius on the 9th house, the Quesited would be repre- Around midnight, I debated whether to post a query on
sented by Uranus in the 11th house — still apt for an astrology the forum. Was it worth it? Maybe the file was toast. Maybe I
course. There is no translation of the light by the Moon be- should just cut my losses and rewrite the article from scratch.
tween Mercury and Uranus; however, they do perfect by an I did have five pages of draft I’d printed out a few days earlier.
applying sextile. Or maybe … just maybe … I should ask a carefully crafted
horary question: “Will the file be recovered?”


Let’s look at the chart: I am the Querent, signified by the And look what the Moon is doing — applying to Mercury by
Moon, ruler of the Cancer Ascendant. (See Chart 2, below.) sextile within a matter of minutes. This looks promising, es-
The Moon is strong in the angular 1st house, with extra for- pecially since Mercury is in the 3rd house in Virgo, its sign of
titude for being within 5° of the Ascendant. The Moon is in rulership, exaltation, and term. Mercury is essentially dignified
Cancer, the sign it rules. It has essential dignity. It can act out the wazoo — the strongest planet in the chart! It seemed
09° effectively on its own merits. that my missing file would be in great shape … when I found it.
‹ What is the Quesited? I had to think about this. It is a The 4th house and its ruler refer to where the missing
written document, 15°
which made me think of the 3rd house. object might be found (or laid, even if it is not capable of be-
À But it is also a missing Š object, and it could be moved from ing found).19 Mercury rules the 4th house, in which we see
° 12° one place Ê to another. A missing movable object in traditional the Virgo Sun conjunct the Part of Fortune. The Sun in the
‹ ‹ horary 22° is a 2nd-house affair, with its own set of rules for judg- 4th suggests that the file is hidden — or buried deep. It is en-
7' 36' ment.39' I would consider the 2nd house as well as any other couraging that the dispositor of both the Sun and the Part of
Œ Œ planet Œrelevant to rulership of the Hs For
missing object. Alm.
exam- Fortune is the extremely strong Mercury. I could continue my
ple, we’d consider the condition‰25°
38' of Venus in a

about analysis, but at the time, this was as far as I needed to go.
10 9 2 ¶
a missing piece of jewelry; Mars, in a query about 3 a miss-
¸ What could dash my hopes of a file recovery? I did con-

ing knife; 8Mercury, in a query about a missing computer 4 º file sider that the Ascendant was in the early degrees of sign
containing an article written 16° Á
for TMA. Right! In 5this»case,
¾ (between 0° and 3°). Though prospects looked promising, the
Mercury’would be Œ 54' ‰
6 ¼
2° Cancer Ascendant suggested that the outcome was not set
7 ¾

Recover File? Grace 7
Since the document came from my own head, 8 it felt
¾ right in stone. Okay, fine. I took that under advisement.
Natal Chart
Z Septhat
” the Significator of the Quesited was the same as the
¾ one Ultimately judging that luck and my ability to act effectively
– 14 2017,
á Thu 9
à am EDT +4:00
–Hills, 37'‰02°
Forest theNYQuerent: the Moon (which also
40°N42'58'' 073°W51'02''
rules the 2nd
10 house).
½ were on my side, I took the time to register and post a query
Geocentric 11 ¸ ¼
6 29' ˆ21°
Tropical á
Mean Node
¾ ¶

á ‘ 09° ‹ 24'
5 15°
A missing movable object in
’ Ü Â À Pt
Š Antiscia
Ê ¶ 40'
3 4 26°
‹ 51'

47' 36'
‡28° Š
22° ¸
26°Ü12 traditional horary is a 2nd-house
†27°Ü 39' » 07°Ý09
0'47'34' 40'32'
24° 50'
10 9
Œ ¼
‰ affair, with its own set of
„…… …
…28° ½Œ ¾ 08°‰30
rules for judgment.
°03°05° 20°21°
11 8
¿ 02°…09
‚ Á
ϸ 37' À 17°†23
º¼ † ÁŒ54'13°ˆ05
14° Chart 2:
12 7Â 03°†12
02° 02°
24' É 07°Ý20
… ƒ Will the File Be Ê 07°‡20 ‰
09° 37'
¶ 03° ƒ 29' Ë 29'27°‚22 37'
1 Recovered? 6
ˆ 21°
20°†35 ¾
Ï 09°Ü19
2 5

25° 51'
dition 3 4
Cond ƒ Œ ¼
Almuten of Chart (Ibn Ezra) 31' ‡
Planet ¶ » º ½
† ¾ ¸
38' 28°
25 39'50'21
47' 34' 2140'32' 20 18
24° 0 0
„ Almuten of Profession (Bonatti)
„ … …º ½¾
Planet »22°22° ¼… … ¶ À ½
Score 20 18 05° 18 20°21°
03° 12 6 6 4
15° É»
Almuten of Chart (SU-MO-PF-Asc-MC) - Gen 37'
„ 40' º

ϸ ½
† À
Killing Planet
Planet ¶ º …
09° ½24' ¼ ¾ ¸ »
Score 39 35 24 19 7 5 2


Pt Ruler Exalt Trip Term Face Detri Fall Score
¶ ¶ + ½ ¼ m ¼ » ¾ ¼ +5
¸ º º ¶ ¾ º m ½ » -5 p
º º + º + ¶ º + ¸ m ½ » +11
» ¸ -- ½ ½ ¼ ¾ -- -5 p
¼ º º ¶ m º ¸ ½ » -5 p
½ » ¾ º ¼ ½ + ¼ ¸ +1
¾ ½ Ê ½ ¾ + ¾ + º É +3
¿ ¼ ¸ ½ ¾ » » ¾ --
À ½ » ¼ ½ ½ º º --
Á ¾ ¼ ¶ ½ ¼ ¶ ½ --
 ½ » ¼ ¾ ¼ º º --
É ¸ -- ½ ½ ¼ ¾ -- --
Ê ¾ -- º ½ ¶ ¸ -- --
Ë ¶ ½ ¼ ¼ » ¾ ¼ --
Ì ½ » ¼ ½ ¾ º º --
Ï º º ¶ ¾ º ½ » --

Á Ï ¾ ¸ É » ½ Â ¿
Day of º Hour of ½ JUNE / JULY 2018 — 37
6th Hour of Night
Last Hr ¾ -13 mins
20° 25° 30° Next Hr ¼ +45 mins
Hooray for Horary Chart Data
Will I take the horary course in April? February 20, 2017; 11:45 a.m.
EST; Forest Hills, NY, USA (40°N43', 73°W51').

in the online forum. I received a reply from the forum mod- Will the file be recovered? September 14, 2017; 12:06 a.m. EDT; For-
est Hills, NY, USA.
erator within a few hours, offering a number of technobabble
suggestions that I endeavored to apply. No luck. The backup
plan — also courtesy of the online forum — was Recuva, a References and Notes
software program designed specifically to recover fried files. 1. For a thorough tutorial in traditional horary methods, check out the series
Still feeling hopeful, I purchased Recuva. I ran a scan for of articles by Deborah Houlding, published in TMA between 2012 and 2014.
hidden backup files, and recovered an earlier draft of the doc- 2. I use Regiomontanus houses for horary questions. That’s the system used
by many prominent 17th-century astrologers, including William Lilly. I learned
ument — five pages out of twelve. Better than nothing, but I
horary primarily from teachers who use Lilly’s methods, so that’s what I use,
was disappointed. It would take a lot of work to recreate the too. When interpreting natal horoscopes, however, I use Placidus houses —
full document, and I wanted the whole enchilada, as suggested again, because that’s the system my teachers used. Is that a conflict? Not if
by the horary! you think of astrology as a language with many dialects, each equally valid.
I would have to go deeper — as deep as that 4th-house 3. Determining which house to use for the Quesited is half the battle in horary
Sun in the horary. This would require scanning my computer interpretation. If you do not use the correct house, you will not be able to
for deleted temporary files (so I learned). This process would make a correct judgment.
take hours, and it would tie up my computer for the dura- 4. J. Lee Lehman, PhD, The Book of Rulerships: Keywords from Classical
tion. Nevertheless, I persisted. The deep (!) scan took a full 24 Astrology, Schiffer Press, 1992, p. 340.
hours to complete. But it worked, it worked! Who knows how 5. Ibid., p. 337. The original source is John Partridge, Mikropanastron, or
technology does these things, but the last draft of this article an Astrological Vade Mecum, briefly Teaching the whole Art of Astrology
– viz., Questions, Nativities, with all its parts, and the whole Doctrine of
was recovered — with all 2,500 words intact. Hooray, hoo-
Elections never so comprised nor compiled before, & c., London: William
ray for horary! Bromwich, 1679.
Any questions?
6. I found no mention of the concept of essential dignity in either of these
two modern horary astrology textbooks: Simplified Horary Astrology by Ivy
M. Goldstein-Jacobs and Horary Astrology and the Judgment of Events
by Barbara H. Watters.



505-247-1338 | WWW.LIGHT.ORG


7. J. Lee Lehman, PhD, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, Whitford 13. Lehman, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, p. 41: “So, you’re look-
Press, 2002, p. 327. ing to get married? I know just the woman for you! Here, let me arrange to
8. Ibid. get you two together!”

9. My take is that nearly every question considered in a horary is about a 14. Let the record show that the number of degrees between the Querent
physical real-word concern. As I mentioned in an earlier TMA article (“Stop Moon at 22° Sagittarius and the Quesited Saturn at 26° Sagittarius is four.
Talking about the Planets!” Aug./Sept. 2017), astrology is a language with Coincidence or conspiracy?
many dialects. If you want to talk about physical real-world questions, tradi- 15. See Fun Fact #3.
tional horary is a more suitable language. Lee Lehman mentions this in The 16. http://leephd.blogspot.com/2017/01/special-considerations-relating-to.
Martial Art of Horary Astrology, on p. 15: “Horary is not very good at psy- html (accessed in March 2018).
chologically or spiritually based questions … There are appropriate questions
17. Lehman, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, p. 328.
of a spiritual or psychological nature in Horary, but they must have some basis
in physical reality for a good result.” 18. However, Mercury was applying to a malefic Mars.
Steven Forrest writes in The Inner Sky, on p. 149: “Uranus, Neptune 19. William Lilly, Christian Astrology, 1647, p. 322. Examples of objects
and Pluto represent only possibilities. They signify transcendent, unnatural that may not be recovered: a ring accidentally thrown in the trash; a stolen
qualities attainable only through intentional work on the self. Unlike the classi- purse; a hotel room key that falls out of a pocket while the Querent is stroll-
cal planets, no positive manifestations of their functions can ever be triggered ing on a beach. The 4th house is likely to offer clues about the final resting
automatically. Until we purposefully move to transform our being, we see only place of the lost object.
their shadows. Without effort, these three mysterious symbols remain to the
spirit exactly as they are to the eye: invisible.”
© 2018 Elisabeth Grace – all rights reserved
That being said, how Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can be interpreted in
a horary by an astrologer using traditional methods is a matter of debate. I
know of traditional astrologers who simply omit Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Elisabeth Grace earned her B.A. in Philosophy from Wellesley. She
from their charts, but I am not one of those astrologers. I’ve spent years speaks modern psychological, classical horary, and electional astrology.
studying and using a modern psychological approach in my work with natal She is ISAR CAP and STA-certified. Freelancing at WNBC and CNBC
horoscopes. I’ve had too much experience with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto inspired her to report on the astonishing synchronicity of headlines and
to completely ignore them — even when using traditional rulerships in horary. planetary patterns in a daily forecast — now in its tenth year. She writes
If a Significator in a question is conjunct Neptune, for example, I believe that’s for NCGR, Dell Horoscope, and other publications — and, of course,
valuable information; e.g., that there’s idealism, deception, or some other lack TMA. Don’t miss her talk at UAC on May 25! To schedule a personal
of clarity involved. consultation or read her “astrology for news junkies” forecast, visit
http://www.graceastrology.com; e-mail: eg@graceastrology.com
For many astrologers, it’s also a debate as to whether modern astrology
is superior to traditional astrology — and vice versa. To me, that’s like debating
whether Japanese is superior to Italian. Both are effective tools for communica-
tion, though, sure, the former is much more complicated for those who are not
native speakers. Meet me at the bar at UAC, and we can discuss this further.
10. The Ptolemaic aspects are: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and oppo-
sition. “Partile” means “exact” (to the degree).
11. Lehman, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, p. 40.
12. Also known as “translation of the light.”

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 39

by Brian Clark

Author’s Note: This is an edited version of an open- ing, purpose, and direction from the images projected onto
ing address given at the 22nd Conference of the FAA the canvas of the night sky. Our tradition is an ancient sym-
(Federation of Australian Astrologers) on January 18, bolic language and, as Dane Rudhyar implied, when we know
2018 in Melbourne, Australia (http://www.faainc.org.au/ this language, the sky speaks to us.1
faa-conference-2018/). I shifted the title of this talk from This shared symbolic language of our craft is how our
the conference theme of “Transforming the Tradition” to tradition survives. Whether expressed plainly or poetically,
“The Transforming Tradition,” to place emphasis on the clinically or emotionally, in a traditional or a modern tongue,
tradition of astrology and its innate tendency to shape- there is a common foundation, a shared touchstone that
shift, as it has done throughout the last two millennia. elevates astrology to the status of one of humanity’s old-
est traditions. No matter what dialect we speak, we all
are heartened when we look up at the night sky and see a

strology has an extensive tradition. But what is the es- Venus–Jupiter conjunction, and we all moan when we be-
sence at the heart of this tradition? What lies beneath come aware of Saturn bearing down on our Sun. Coherence
the spectrum of horoscopic symbols, techniques, and across our tradition bonds us: Astrology is always changing,
theories? And how do we find ourselves immersed or baptized yet always remains the same. Unaltered by its temporary
in astrology and yet not fully comprehend or realize what it is forms, it remains eternal.
that we are a part of? I hope to address these questions and But what is this essence at the heart of astrology? What is
others in this article. the inner character beneath the spectrum of horoscopic sym-
The word “tradition” derives from the Latin tradere, bols? Here are some musings.
meaning “to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping.”
Tradition suggests the passing-on of information, knowl- An Encounter with the Divine
edge, or beliefs by word of mouth or practice. It implies a There is a spiritual or religious element to our tradition.
long-established and inherited way of thinking, perhaps even I am not referring to an organized religion, but an encounter
going back thousands of years. Embedded within a tradition with something larger than ourselves: a sense of the divine, a
are continuing patterns of cultural beliefs and customs that calling — murmurs from the soul. Astrology is divinatory by
have similar and recognizable methods, rituals, techniques, nature, informed by the measurement of a sky that is popu-
and procedures; hence, astrology is a perfect fit for this defini- lated with personifications of the divine; hence, we could liken
tion of tradition. the tradition of astrology to an informed imagination or a con-
While astrology’s centre of attention may shift — sidered encounter with the divine.
techniques morph, predictions get made, and methodologies The astrological tradition is unique in that it calls us in its
come and go — the essence of astrology never changes. At own way. Unlike most traditions, astrology cannot be system-
times astrology has nearly died, at other times it has thrived, atized or regulated. It relies on another way of knowing that is
but it has always survived. For thousands of years, it has been beyond the rational, the factual, or the cognitive. This percep-
a picture language, an amalgam of symbols, shaped through tive knowing of the heavens weaves a cohesive and colour-
the human imagination that the heavens inspire. Much of our ful thread through the tapestry of astrological tradition. We
tradition has been passed down orally, so our practices are of- cannot really be involved with astrology without encountering
ten more subjective than objective. and considering the divine, as our craft consistently calls out
Astrology, the study of the stars, looks to the vault of the the names of the gods. I remember, years ago, how delighted
heavens and inspires us — its students — to discover mean- I was when the textbook for my Classical Mythology course


credited astrology with prolonging the survival of the classi- ogy is brought to the level of intellectual debate and proof,
cal gods.2 rendering it factual. Our tradition involves the intelligence of
In the 2018 FAA Conference program, there are quotes the symbol, which opens the portal to another way of know-
from some voices of the past that refer to the reverie and the ing: one that is beyond the rational.
spirited dimension of our study. Here is one, from Vettius Valens:
Symbols: The Poetic Language of the Soul
… but when I lit upon the divine and revered theory of the Our tradition uses symbols to awaken meaning and stimu-
heavens, I wished to purify my way of life of every vice late insight. Astrology invites us to inhabit a symbolic life that
and pollution, and anticipate the immortal soul. From that values the sacred and the mysterious, a life that nurtures the
point divine things seemed to converse with me, and I ac- soul. Entangled in our workaday responsibilities and domestic
quired the intellectual capacity for sober investigation.3 tasks, we can easily lose contact with our symbolic life. Sym-
bols are all around us, even in the midst of our everyday jobs
Well, let’s leave out the “purifying every vice and pollu- and mundane duties. The astrological horoscope contains a
tion” and the “sober” bit for now, and appreciate the strand remarkable arrangement of symbols that invite us to be imag-
of the divine that passes through astrology — this fibre of our inative. It is through the art of synthesizing the horoscopic
tradition that looks to the imaginative heavens for inspiration, symbols that we continue the tradition.
infinite in its possibilities. We might equate this with a mystery Symbols are agents for what is nameless, ambassadors
or Hermetic tradition, as it serves human development, but for what is unidentified. Therefore, the intellect can find great
again this tradition in astrology cannot be easily categorized. significance in symbols, for they add value to what cannot be
It is divinatory in nature, seeking guidance from the divine or conveyed through a philosophical or conceptual framework.
from a force greater than ourselves. Whether we call this force A symbol is uncommitted in that it does not stand for some-
Goddess, the universe, the unconscious, archetypes, planets, thing specific; it does not judge or moralize, but directs us
patterns, or karma, its character is beyond human sensibilities. beyond itself to a meaning or revelation, giving form to the
We may have an intellectual curiosity about astrology forgotten truths of who we really are.
and be fascinated, amazed, and sometimes disquieted by its Many years ago, I remember my teacher Isabel Hickey
accuracy. To me, it seems that part of the tradition is that saying that “astrology deals with symbols, and the soul speaks
astrology remains astonishing, incredible, staggering, because
it reveals what we have not seen before. It is divine in that it
lives in the sky — cosmic in the truest sense in that it is per-
fect in its beauty, yet unknowable to the human mind. Our tradition of astrology ascribes
A Multitude of Techniques meaning to symbols, neither fixing
Embedded within our tradition are countless ways to learn nor defining them, yet allowing
the language of the stars. But we can confuse technique with
tradition. Our tradition includes technical information, but this them to inform our imagination.
is not its heart. Astrological tradition embraces the elegance
of multiple techniques, many of which change over time, and,
as with all traditions, some customs are lost, then re-found. and thinks in symbols,”4 and how necessary it was to find a
Techniques open doors, but our tradition is how we see be- way to let the symbols reveal themselves. Dare I say that was
yond these techniques. more than 40 years ago, and the same symbols in my horo-
We may be overwhelmed by the complexity of astrologi- scope keep revealing deeper layers and levels of meaning.
cal methods, confused by the multiplicity of procedures, and Symbols are not fixed but keep living, being animated and
disheartened by the contradictory formulas available; however, brought to life by our considered inquiry into them.
Symbolic language and images are used by all religions in
an effort to honour the realm of the divine or what is beyond
the scope of human comprehension. Symbols are the poetic
Astrology invites us to inhabit a language of the soul. Every symbol opens up a level of interior
reality that is beyond our cognitive understanding, yet mys-
symbolic life that values the sacred teriously they correspond with our exterior reality. So, in a
and the mysterious, a life that way, each symbol of the horoscope has two faces: one which
opens up reality and one which opens up the soul.5
nurtures the soul. Astrological symbols are two-edged. The language of as-
trology is an intricate symbolic language which bridges the
two worlds of earth and heaven, night and day, and literality
these are necessary initiations into the rituals of astrological and imagination, revealing both the literal world and the soul.
practice. We sort through the endless array of tools to see Our tradition of astrology ascribes meaning to symbols, nei-
which ones are best for us. While we might marvel at the so- ther fixing nor defining them, yet allowing them to inform our
phistication and accuracy of technique, we can never say that imagination. Our tradition is imaginative, forged from the infor-
one technique is better than the other. If we do, then astrol- mation that the cycles, passages, and returns of the heavenly

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 41

Transforming Tradition It is the third ear that hears the metaphor and the third
eye that sees through the literality of the measured sky into its
inspired revelations. Urania, the muse of astrology, reminds
bodies provide. As suggested, we might call it an informed us that the sky’s bright night lights captured our imagination
imagination or a considered intuition. The technique defines and guided us long before we had the means to measure them
what is being considered, its area, quality, and attributes, but it or articulate their synchrony. We cannot easily find words for
is our imagination that opens the portal of its possibilities. astrology’s mystery, nor do we need to. Once we are moved
Our tradition predates the rise of rationalism. The starry by its profound revelations, astrology lives in us, not outside in
heavens are still as inspiring and revealing as they were be- a world that needs to corroborate an experience.
fore they became precisely measured and separated; the
planets are still as divine and constant as when they were The Call to Astrology
first witnessed. To participate with their revelations and be For most of our history (with, of course, notable excep-
touched by their divinity, we do not only measure and look tions), astrology has not been part of the mainstream. It often
at them, but we look through them, to the eternality of the flows in another direction, especially when there is no context
cosmos and its mysteries. And this is the essence of the met- for imagination in the culture.
aphor that moves astrologers, no matter what their beliefs: In the modern era, astrologers often feel disenfran-
The starry heavens are the eternal and constantly reassuring chised and marginalized, yet we communally bond together
experience of a world far greater than our understanding; the to celebrate our tradition, as we do at conferences. We cre-
starry heavens are beyond our intelligence and perfectly or- ate organizations like the FAA6 to house our astrological
dered in their own nature. profession, to collectively recognize who we are, and to be
Whenever we refer to the heavens, we honour intelli- responsible for our tradition (by setting standards and pro-
gence superior to our own and participate with the mystery moting ethical practice, for instance). But as a profession,
and sacredness of the spirit that animates the cosmos. Astrol- astrology is still vocational in that working astrologers make
ogy nurtures the pre-rational psyche, where the divine can their own path, without holiday pay or sick pay, a minimum
still be witnessed every night in the sky full of stars. wage, or a guaranteed income.
Astrologers are called to the path of astrology, but that
Imaginative Truths does not necessarily suggest being a full-time professional.
Astrology’s root metaphor of the starry heavens un- To me, what it does suggest is being responsible for the tradi-
derscores all its techniques and methods, no matter which tion. As a beginner student, we may feel a great responsibility
school of thought we follow. It’s no wonder that magic is ex- to get it “right” when doing someone’s chart. Yet, ironically,
perienced by its practitioners who participate with astrology, it is only we who can get it “right.” Our first task is to ensure
whether their focus is financial or psychological, traditional that we have thoroughly studied the astrological principles,
or modern. But we cannot appease the rationalists nor allay practices, and techniques before we embark on astrological
the criticism of sceptics, because imaginative truths cannot be evaluations or appraisals. But as we begin to participate and
measured or weighed. Neither are they visible in a test tube or engage with the symbols of our and others’ charts, we are
under a microscope. on our own. While what we see or sense or feel or know is


informed by the horoscopic symbols, it is drawn up through us cesses with his horary work? I am more inclined to see Lilly as
into that moment. We are in a participatory reality, as our own being innately attuned magically, just as some are more sym-
understanding and experience enlighten the symbol’s meaning. bolically attuned or spiritually attuned, so to speak. When the
Astrology is a path, and we all walk differently down this tradition is practised, magic happens, symbols speak, and the
path. There is no right way for everyone, only the way, and spirit moves. We do not have to manufacture magic or force
that is defined by us, our temperament, or, as Isabel Hickey it to happen; it happens instinctively when we are open to its
would say, our past lives. When we are on the path of astrol- symbols. Over time, this becomes more apparent. Like any
ogy, we have guides, teachers, and colleagues who can help tradition, it is important to let this develop at its own speed.
us to understand, but our experiences and insights will be dif- If we were to assign a Greek divinity to magic, it would
ferent from theirs; therefore, our tradition can include feelings be Hecate. And she was the daughter of Asteria, whose name
of solitariness.
Yet there is also a tradition of others who have gone the
same route and discovered the magic and mystique for them-
selves, as you will. This is why I always promote supervision
Astrological magic is not
and peer discussion among ourselves. Traditions recognize manipulated, but works through
the oral transfer of knowledge and an apprenticeship model
of learning through their valued elders. Astrology has a leg- us when we engage, honour, and
acy of remarkable teachers who have preceded us and given
us their wisdom of depth and value. To recognize the elder is
participate with its symbols in an
important, and to know that the elder shows us things in ways intelligent and respectful way.
we may not always understand or accept — this is the path of
wisdom. We find our teachers and, as one of my earlier teach-
ers always said, “the student surpasses the teacher,” which is loosely means “starry one” or “of the stars,” derived from the
in the tradition of a tradition. Greek aster. Magic was always connected with the stars. In-
terestingly, Apollo, the god of oracles, is Asteria’s nephew
Symbolic Sensitivity, Magical Thinking and Hecate’s first cousin, so magic, oracles, and the stars are
There is magic to astrology. We might look at this in two aligned in Greek myth.
ways: organized or formal magic and spontaneous magic.
Astrology has had a historical association with magic — the Soul, Personality, and Power
Greek Magical Papyri and the Picatrix come to mind. While The characterizations of soul and its relationship to the
the tradition may have flirted with organized magic, in itself horoscope vary considerably throughout astrological tradition,
it is magical, not through any technique, spell, chant, or Full depending on the epoch, the practitioner, their spiritual be-
Moon ritual, but through an authentic participation in and liefs, and their philosophical orientation. Even though soul is
sensitivity to its symbols. Many astrologers have experienced ambiguous and open to interpretation, this question of soul is
magic, spiritualism, the occult, and all forms of mysteries that the heartbeat of astrology. “Soul” conjures up a collection of
enchant us, but for me, the tradition of magic in astrology ideas, images, beliefs, and feelings; however, one thing seems
arises through the spontaneous and participatory work with common, and this is that soul appears unworldly and eternal.
the symbol. Astrological magic is not manipulated, but works It is an invisible quality that breathes life into the life, a smoul-
through us when we engage, honour, and participate with its dering ember that becomes a passionate flame. Soul can-
symbols in an intelligent and respectful way. not be manufactured or commoditized, but is present in an
Practitioners of magic were magi, and throughout ancient ephemeral thought, a profound experience, in reflective and
times, these included the practitioners of astrology. Our tradi- timeless moments, or in feeling the anguish of being human.
tion has also been linked to the ancient role of priest and seer. Soul’s early linguistic roots were associated with the
In some way, this magic of astrology is the seeing through or breath of life in the body. Yet soul conveys something more
seeing beyond — although, at times, it can become entwined than just breath — it is what gives life its force, depth, and
with magical practice. Still, it is not a literal magic, but the substance. As an image of the life breath, soul authenticates
magic of the stars. Whether we call it synchronicity, the psy- the natal horoscope, which could be likened to a lifelong med-
che, or a sixth sense, astrological practice opens a portal to itation on the first breath of life. The horoscope is akin to
another world. soul. Its amalgam of symbols stimulates contemplation on liv-
William Lilly springs to mind. When Lilly began to prac- ing a heartfelt life, and reveals our inner world and spiritual
tise astrology, he was also experimenting with various forms character. I imagine the horoscope to be like a vivid dream,
of occultism, such as descriptions of talismanic magic, crystal the dream of one’s life. And like a dream, it calls us to par-
gazing, the invocation of spirits, and other “incredibilia,” as ticipate in a conversation with our soul, whatever we might
he called them. As he suggests, it was his active involvement imagine that to be. Like the soul itself, the horoscope spans
with these practices that contributed to his decline in health, two worlds — the incarnate and the heavenly — and can exist in
“growing lean and spare and every day worse.”7 This was the the past, the present, or the future, while still remaining timeless.
impetus that helped him to turn away from his magical prac- I feel that the practice of astrology is an act of soul-
tices, and a few years later he burned his magical textbooks. making, since being involved with its symbols helps us to in-
Can we deduce that Lilly’s magical learning inspired his suc- ternalize them, to temper them, to be mindful and respectful

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 43

Transforming Tradition is always greater than the sum of its parts. Astrology’s nature
is revelatory and insightful; yet, ironically, we are often unable
to find adequate words to truly express its essence and depth.
of them. We ensoul our world through being actively engaged Astrological insights and truths can be witnessed, but most
with astrological symbols, and when our world is ensouled, it importantly they are experienced through the power of astrol-
becomes richer, more meaningful, and soulful. As we connect ogy’s symbolic language. Astrological inspiration is informed,
with the symbols of our horoscopes, they become internal- its imagination is focused, its revelations are considered. It is
ized psychic realities and soulful as well. We might have many heavenly, yet not beyond our reach.
concepts of soul and its journey, but ultimately the tradition is Astrology evokes reverence due to the grandeur of space
engaged in the question of soul and its mystery. and the beauty of the heavens. Its tradition preserves the imag-
Yet, like all traditions, astrology has shadows and dangers ination of the night sky, this magical umbrella that covers our
that might lead us into grandiosity, inflation, and absolutism heads and inspires us to become engaged with the larger myster-
when we think we have the answers — or, worse, the an- ies of life. Even when used playfully with lightness and humour,
swer to everything. When James Hillman spoke to a group astrology transports us to another way of knowing, a way that
of astrologers in Bath in 2005, he mentioned the danger of brings about astonishment, admiration, and respect in us.
astrology’s “emotionally compelling power,” suggesting that
“because astrology is archetypal, it is compellingly powerful References and Notes
and therefore dangerous.”8 When personality is positioned be- (All URLs were accessed in February 2018, unless otherwise noted.)
fore soul, the power of astrology may be used with arrogance 1. Dane Rudhyar, “The Birth Chart as a Celestial Message,” an address
rather than humility. There is often a conundrum with how given to the AFA 1976 convention, http://www.khaldea.com/rudhyar/
astrology is used, as the soul and the personality are like the astroarticles/celestialmessage.shtml
Piscean fish moving in opposite directions. Are our insights 2. Morford and Lenardon, Classical Mythology, 5th Edition, Longman, 1995,
and understanding used to support and develop the tradition p. 562.
of astrology, or simply ourselves and our ambition? 3. Vettius Valens, Anthologiarum libri novem, ed. David Pingree, Book VI,
Astrological knowing can unleash a power, a mesmerizing ch. 1, sentences 15–16, B. G. Teubner: Leipzig, 1986, p. 232, lines 6–10
power which can elevate us yet not rescue us. When in the (translated by Dorian Greenbaum).
grips of this power, we may be inflated with what we know 4. This is similar to what Isabel Hickey says in the preface to her book, Astrol-
(or think we know), offer advice rather than assistance, be- ogy: A Cosmic Science, Altieri Press, 1972, p. 6.
come certain and try to be convincing. When inflated, we are 5. Paul Tillich, “The Nature of Religious Language,” in Theology of Culture,
caught in a binary way of thinking, set adrift from an oracular Oxford University Press, 1959, pp. 56–57.
way of knowing that arises through the void of not knowing. 6. See http://www.faainc.org.au/
Unknowing allows us to be open to knowing. Therefore, it is 7.https://classicalastrologer.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/tl_thelife
important to tend to our self-development and mindfulness ofwilliamlilly.pdf
first, and as the Zen parable advises, we must wash dishes, 8. James Hillman, “Heaven Retains within Its Sphere Half of All Bodies and
clean house, and take care of ourselves before astrology finds Maladies,” a lecture given at the 1997 Return of Soul to the Cosmos confer-
ence, http://www.springpub.com/astro.htm (accessed January 15, 2004;
its niche in the context of our everyday lives.
no longer available).
The suppliants who petitioned the divine at the Delphic
9. Ibid.
temple of Apollo were reminded to “Know Thyself.” The art
of divination needs contemplation and consideration before
the meaning can become clear — it is not a straightforward © 2018 Brian Clark – all rights reserved
process. Knowing becomes knowledge through this discrimi-
natory and reflective process. Brian Clark is the creator of the Astro*Synthesis distance learning
The danger that Hillman struggled with “for many years in program, which has been shaped from his experience as an astrological
student and educator over the past 40+ years (http://www.astrosynthesis.
many ways in many writings [was] literalism.”9 The astrologer
com.au). Brian has his MA in Classics and Archaeology from the Univer-
is often coerced into becoming literal, factual, and predictive, or sity of Melbourne, and has been honoured with lifetime memberships in
pressured into telling clients what they want to hear. Part of our the state, national, and professional astrological organizations in Austra-
tradition is to voice the symbol and, in doing so, to see through lia. Brian lectures internationally, and this year he is looking forward to
it, beyond it, to be oracular. It is a great danger if we take the his upcoming seminars in Japan, Hong Kong, the UK, and Malaysia. His
astrological images to mean that they exist in chronological or new book, From the Moment We Met: The Astrology of Adult Relationships,
has just been released. See his ad on p. 77.
earthly time. As I mentioned previously, the irony is that these
images often do, but it is not through cause–effect or a Sat-
urn transit, but through an unexplainable phenomenon that
occurs through mythic and symbolic participation when we
mindfully engage with astrological imagery.

I have pondered astrology as language, religion, and

magic; I’ve skimmed over science and philosophy, mentioned
soul, and ignored character analysis. Our tradition is a com-
posite of all these things, and, like any composite, the whole


The Venusian Mind
by Deborah McMahon

hink “genius,” and odds of expressing the aspect is as a division • Moon and Jupiter (quintile)
are that Albert Einstein will of the 360° zodiac by five (or by five • Moon and Neptune (bi-quintile)
come to mind. Yet the chart Venus retrogrades). There is a pretty • Jupiter and Neptune (quintile)
of this Sun-sign Pisces with a Can- compelling link between the planet and • Midheaven (MC) and Pluto (quintile)
cer Ascendant is, at first glance, the aspect, which is why I have come to • Mars and Uranus (bi-quintile)
more evocative of a mystic than a call the quintile the “Venus Aspect.”1
revolutionary scientist. Still, there Einstein has five quintile or bi- He was born with a Cancer Ascen-
is a way to decode the genius of this quintile2 aspects in his natal chart (see dant; thus his chart ruler is the Moon,
unique mind; the journey in is through Chart 1, following page) — all organ- which is in quintile and bi-quintile as-
the Venus signatures in his natal chart. ised in remarkable coherence to planets pect to both the modern and traditional
or points of significance: rulers of Pisces, his Sun sign. With his
The Venus Aspect
A special relationship between
Venus and the quintile aspect can be
revealed by observing this planet in mo-
tion. Over a period of eight years, we
can see Venus retrograde five times, each
in a different part of the ecliptic. If we
were to draw straight lines in a zodiac
wheel between each of the retrograde
positions, in the order they occur, we
would form a five-pointed star pattern,
with the angle of separation between
each of the star-points being 72 degrees.
(See Diagram 1, at right.) A quintile,
too, is a 72° angle of separation between
two planets or sensitive points in an as-
trology chart. Or perhaps another way Diagrams 1&2: The magical pentangle signals the quintile and the bony finger of fate points out the quincunx.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 45

Einstein: Venusian When we consider that each
Venus retrograde travels some 14–17
from the perspective of the Ascendant
because they are not configured to each
zodiacal degrees and includes the key other by any of the Ptolemaic aspects.5
Neptune, Jupiter, and Moon spaced an degrees of the retrograde station, caz- To the hidden or dark houses traditional
equidistant 72° apart along his zodiac imi, and direct station, the Venus cycle astrology ascribes some of the more un-
arc, a triangle of cycling self-reinforcing had significant sway over Einstein. And fortunate significations. The quincunx
quintile energy is created. as the transiting star pattern drifts back- being the more challenging of the two
Einstein’s MC, considered the wards through the zodiac by about two aspects, I associate it with the status
career point or point of highest attain- degrees every eight years, the activa- of “black sheep” of the Venus family,
ment, is in Pisces and in quintile to tions from Venus became more exact as so earning it my label of the “Other
Pluto, the Transformer. And fittingly, he Einstein entered early adulthood, and Venus Aspect.”
also has a bi-quintile aspect between his they remained strong through to his But we can unveil a visual display
Mars and Uranus, showing us the quin- middle age. It seems that this man was of Venus’s association if we focus on the
tessence of genius in action. born structured and imbued with extra­ zodiacal relationship between the two
ordinary Venus blessings. Venus-ruled signs: A straight line drawn
The Venus Star-Points in a zodiac wheel between Taurus and
Together Neptune (7° Taurus), The Other Venus Aspect Libra shows us the quincunx aspect.6
Jupiter (27° Aquarius), and the Moon It is the association of Venus And if we can accept that Neptune is
(14° Sagittarius) occupy three of the five with the number 5 that led Steven For- a higher harmonic of Venus, we have
Venus star-points in Einstein’s chart, rest to link the quincunx aspect with the another quincunx which can be drawn
priming the other two points at 20° planet.4 The name “quincunx” derives between Libra and the Neptune-ruled
Cancer and 2° Libra for significant quin- from quinque (Latin for “five”) and sign of Pisces. Together, Taurus, Libra,
tile activation by transit. uncia (Latin for “twelfth”), meaning five- and Pisces create a yod, or Finger of
But the Venus influence on twelfths. The 150° aspect describes the God pattern. This skinny isosceles trian-
Einstein is strong by timing as well as relationship between planets or sensi- gle occurs when two planets in sextile to
by placement. In 1878, only a year be- tive points separated by five signs of the each other form a quincunx to a com-
fore his birth, the transiting retrograde 12-sign zodiac. mon third planet. (See Diagram 2,
Venus achieved her interior conjunction The link between the quincunx and previous page.)
with the Sun at 2°30' Pisces, just 5° Venus lacks the flashy displays of the Einstein’s chart has four quin-
ahead of what was to be the position quintile, but if we entertain the idea of cunxes; his Cancer Ascendant is in
of Einstein’s Jupiter. The moment of this aspect as a special kind of “Aver- quincunx to its own ruler, and the other
cazimi3 marks the switch point in the sion,” we might find the slight obscurity three have Uranus as the focus of his
Venus retrograde and defines Albert one of (WholeSign)of Einstein
its connection acceptable, or even natal yod:
Natal Chart
Mar 14 1879 NS, Fri reassuring. Aversion is a condition in
the five transiting Venus star-points.
11:30 am LMT -0:40
This means that Einstein was born with
Ulm, Germany Hellenistic astrology that describes • Ascendant quincunx Moon
48°N24' 010°E00'
a close alignment between the transiting
Geocentric houses which lack light or are not “seen” • Mercury quincunx Uranus
Venus star pattern and the star Meanpattern
Whole Signs
• Saturn quincunx Uranus
in his natal chart that is anchored byAAhis
00° Ü 00' • Moon’s North Node quincunx Uranus
Neptune, Jupiter, and Moon. Subse- 00' 00°
quent Venus retrogrades would make 00°
Ý » ¾º ¸ Ì ‹ 00' He has the bony finger of fate
04° 03° 23°
contact with Einstein’s quintile triad  16°
Ü ‹
12° ½ pointing to the very planet most sig-
Ü Ü ‹
every 18 months, either by con- À 05° 59' 11' 08' 30'
27° nifying “genius scientist.” What’s
00' 07° Ý Š 00°
junction, quintile, or bi-quintile. Ý 32' 29' more, Uranus sits opposite Ju-
‚ Á 52' É Š00'
For example, the first Venus 00° 24°
10 9
01° piter, the planet of unbounded
Ý Š ¼
retrograde of Einstein’s life, 43' 11 8

26° imagination and truth-seeking,
in 1879, made three passes and also the ruler of his MC.
across the early degrees of 12 7 And in a display of
Libra, forming bi-quintile as-
Chart 1: 00°
extraordinary coherence,
ƒ ‰
pects to his Neptune and 00' Albert Einstein 00'
Jupiter unites his quintile
Jupiter and a quintile to his ƒ 38' 1 6
and quincunx patterns. It
Ë 11° 31' ˆ
Moon. And the next Venus ¶ is the central planet in that
retrograde of 1881 in Taurus Œ
28' 2 5 quintile triad of the chart and

made a conjunction with his 00° 01° 00' MC rulers (Moon, Jupiter, and
„ Ê
3 4
Neptune, a quintile to his Jupi- Œ ˆ Neptune), and through its op-
00' 17' 00°
ter, and a bi-quintile to his Moon. … position to Uranus, it transforms
his yod into a more consciously
00° ¿ 00' expressed “boomerang” yod.7 I pre-
… 00' ‡
All charts use Whole Sign 00° fer to visualise the two patterns as a
houses and the Mean Node. 00° † 00' single united configuration, and use the


shorthand “creative juggernaut” when as if he were lost in thought. He left Libra. He taught himself to play without
writing of it. If we accept the merged his breakfast and sat at his piano play- ever practicing systematically, report-
configuration, then all of the Venus as- ing music and writing notes, deaf to her edly saying that “love is a better teacher
pects unite in Einstein’s chart in a circuit enquiries of concern. After an hour, he than any sense of duty.” Can there be
of reinforcing feedback. An exalted cloistered himself in his study, emerging any better expression of a Saturn transit
Mars in Capricorn is connected through two weeks later with two sheets of pa- in quintile union with Neptune, Jupiter,
its bi-quintile to Uranus, and the Ascen- per bearing his theory. and the Moon? He structured his life
dant is involved through its quincunx to This story evokes speculation on music, later writing: “If I were not
the Moon. about the role that music had in un- a physicist, I would probably be a mu-
locking Einstein’s brilliance. He was a sician. I often think in music. I live my
Getting Weird with Einstein: self-confessed “slow child,” not learn- daydreams in music. I see my life in
His Quintiles ing to speak until the age of four or terms of music.”
Planets in quintile are an expression five. Our eyes are drawn immediately to During that same Saturn transit, the
of our creativity and personal will com- his Mercury–Saturn conjunction for an young Einstein was becoming enthralled
bined. Natives with this aspect have an with another subject. His tutor had
ability to recognise patterns and take given him a book on geometry, which
on personal missions to create order he came to call his “little holy book.” It
and make something tangible from their
Planets in quintile seems that Einstein was adept at think-
inspirations. This can be an uncom- are an expression ing in pictures, recalling later in life that
fortable aspect if the need to express his “first childish thought experiment”
a personal vision is not recognised, as of our creativity was at about the age of 16, when he
otherwise there will be a tremendous imagined following a light beam at the
amount of untapped drive. There simply
and personal will speed of light.
must be a creative outlet in order for the combined. There We might anticipate other-world
native to feel at ease. creativity with the activation of Ein-
In his “Quintiles and Quincunxes” simply must be a stein’s quintile configuration of Neptune,
presentation at NORWAC 2015, Ste-
ven Forrest labelled these aspects as
creative outlet in Jupiter, and the Moon — a level of cre-
ativity well exemplified by his 1924
“interdimensional” — particularly, the order for the native prediction of a fifth state of matter.9 The
quintile. He described it as the higher Bose-Einstein condensate occurs at tem-
realms of consciousness intervening in to feel at ease. peratures a million times cooler than
our lives and sometimes causing an awk- outer space, when the atoms of a dilute
ward breaking-down of what he calls the gas become indistinguishable from each
“push and shove three-dimensional re­ explanation. But if we use our “weirdi- other, clumping together and achieving
ality.” The quintile, in his words, issues cian’s” lens, we see transiting retrograde such coherence that the whole acts as
us into the “weirdician’s environment.” Venus achieving cazimi at the degree of one giant atom. It would be 70 years be-
Many astrologers interpret quintiles his Moon just as he neared the age of fore the condensate could be produced,
as an indicator of unique talents and four. And 18 months later, retrograde but once made, it offered huge insights
gifts, with the particular planets in as- Venus achieved cazimi at 20° Cancer, in into actions occurring at the quantum
pect showing the nature of the talent. one of his sensitized Venus star-points, scale. Einstein’s 1924 collaboration with
Einstein’s Neptune–Jupiter–Moon con- and then stationed direct on the degree Satyendra Nath Bose coincided with ret-
figuration therefore provides him with of his Ascendant three weeks later. Fur- rograde Jupiter’s activation of his natal
an additional layer of magic. The com- ther, the other empty leg of his Venus Moon, as well as Mars retrograding over
bination suggests that his creative urge star pattern was activated in 1884–85 his natal Jupiter.
is nonlinear and that he may almost feel as Uranus made a threefold pass Uranus is associated with invention,
himself into an area of exploration. His through the second degree of Libra. The originality, and innovation; it pushes
focus would be “beyond this world” as he sequence opposed Einstein’s “troubling” against the established order. It is con-
reaches for meaning and truth. He might Mercury–Saturn conjunction in Aries, sidered a higher octave of Mercury and
intuit his way into new knowledge and but it also lit up the quintile magic in his can bring momentary flashes of genius.
establish interconnections the rest of us chart, perhaps providing him with the Einstein had this planet in bi-quintile to
could not even imagine … and he did. insights he needed in order to access the his Mars, providing him the talent of
When studying in Zürich, he often linear structures and rules of language. original thought, but also an extreme
skipped classes in favour of free-flowing At around the same age, he started degree of drive and passion to pursue
philosophical discussions in the city’s to learn the pattern-art of music, al- his inspirations into reality. This aspect
coffeehouses, earning him the animos- though apparently his great love for it was activated at key moments in the de-
ity of some of his professors.8 Einstein’s was to come at the age of 13, with his velopment of his theory of relativity (but
second wife, Elsa, tells of the events discovery of Mozart’s violin sonatas — more of this later).
when he conceived of his theory of rel- coincidentally when Saturn was tran- And of course, the man who
ativity, his eyes glazing over dreamily siting that same Venus star-point at 2° helped us to unlock the transformative,

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 47

Einstein: Venusian Getting Weirder with Einstein:
His Quincunxes
mal proprieties and starting an adulter-
ous affair with Elsa Einstein, who was his
The quincunx offers us an edgy lit- cousin on both sides of his family. After
destructive secret to nuclear fission, tle challenge to relate to the seemingly some years in this relationship, he be-
with his E = MC2 equation, had Pluto un-relatable. Forrest describes the ex- came infatuated with Elsa’s 20-year-old
in quintile to his MC. Pluto’s discovery perience as learning to build a bridge of daughter and proposed marriage to her.
was announced to the world on March rapport with an alien, and this is because The girl declined his offer, and the fol-
13, 1930, the day before Einstein’s planets in quincunx find themselves in lowing year Einstein married her mother.
50th birthday. Within a fortnight, Pluto signs of different elements, modes, and He had multiple affairs throughout both
had turned direct, and by the end of the polarities — they have no shared lan- of his marriages, showing a personal phi-
year, it was in the first of its three tran- guage. Many astrologers focus upon the losophy of emotional exploration and
sits through his 20° Cancer star-point. awkwardness and misunderstandings of freedom and a disregard for the normal
The early 1930s saw Einstein’s the quincunx, suggesting that an adjust- conventions of marriage. His roguish
thoughts occupied by dark and deeply ment is required of the native, or else treatment of the women in his life sits
psychological issues, and his sense of an impossible choice or abandonment uncomfortably with our public percep-
security was threatened as his world of an area of life experience is felt to be tion of him as a pacifist and campaigner
began to disintegrate. His son Eduard necessary. When activated by transit, a for peace, but these are some of the per-
had been diagnosed with schizophre- natal planet in a quincunx aspect is often plexing dualisms we might expect from
nia after suffering a mental breakdown. experienced as a need to take action, a man with a Cancer Ascendant in quin-
Einstein himself was in a writing friend- almost as if fuelled by an unknown crisis. cunx to his Sagittarius Moon.
ship with Sigmund Freud, the father of The Saturn transit of Einstein’s Einstein’s natal Uranus in Virgo
psychoanalysis, and they corresponded North Node early in 1903 activated also received quincunx attention from
about Plutonian matters such as the vi- this node’s natal quincunx to Uranus his Mercury–Saturn conjunction in Ar-
olence of man and a world-government at around the same time that he mar- ies, suggesting some disconnect between
solution to war. And Einstein was a Jew ried former classmate Mileva Maric. his innovative ideas and his ability to
living in Germany during the rise of the Both families strongly objected to the adequately express them. And yet he
Nazi movement; his science was branded Serbian–German match for cultural and felt compelled to engage with this dis-
as “Jewish physics” and was the sub- religious reasons, despite the fact that comfort. Of his brilliance he has said,
ject of scornful conferences and book Maric was the mother of Einstein’s in- “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just
burnings. In 1931, One Hundred Au- fant daughter. Little Lieserl either died that I stay with problems longer.” His
thors Against Einstein was published, of scarlet fever or was put up for adop- stick-to-it-iveness helped him to artic-
and in 1932, a Nazi magazine published tion in the autumn of that year, around ulate revolutionary scientific concepts
a picture of him on the cover with the the time that Saturn stationed direct on and become a leading authority on the
caption: “Not yet hanged.” He left Ger- Einstein’s North Node. nature of reality. The quincunx can be
many forever in December of that year; A Uranus transit of the same point a “two worlds collide” sort of energy,
it was clear that his life was in danger.10 in 1912 had Einstein abandoning nor- where a compulsion to resolve the dis-


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comfort makes for the kind of tension the humble, service-oriented sign of tale is worth telling; it starts with the
necessary to take unusual creative leaps. Virgo. His mission was to ground the “miracle year” of 1905.
Ingenuity can reside in a well- inspirations of Uranus for our practical “A storm broke loose in my mind”
harnessed quincunx, and Einstein had benefit and focus its power through a is the often-quoted comment of Einstein
some helpful configurations to assist discriminating concentration on details when describing the moment he con-
the functioning of his. Multiple quin- and gruelling analysis. ceived a space-time continuum. In the
cunxes configured in a yod share a Einstein was fortunate with his sense spring of 1905, he was travelling home
cooperative sextile across the base of of yod-given mission, as he had Jupiter on a streetcar when, in a daydream mo-
the triangle. The fixed air (Aquarius) positioned opposite the focal planet. This ment, it all came to him. As he would
and cardinal fire (Aries) connection brought in the typical Jovian beneficence later put it, he knew God’s thoughts (Ura-
of Einstein’s North Node in sextile to and added significations of expanded nus!). There followed a four-month frenzy
Mercury–Saturn lent creative conviction knowledge and higher education. It also of scientific creativity, leading to the pub-
and drive-power to his scientific enquiries. helped to make his mission conscious to lication of his four miracle-year papers.
Whilst his Mercury–Saturn conjunction him; most yod natives without an oppos- During that same period, Mars was
might have presented some restrictions ing planet are left with a vague sense completing a threefold transit of the 13th
in articulating a different perspective, it of bewilderment until much later in life degree of Scorpio, not only perfecting
was supported by a sense of service and or until the yod is activated by transit a series of Ascendant–MC grand trines
mission from his point of soul destiny across the opposition point. for Einstein, but also repeatedly activat-
(North Node) in Aquarius. In turn, this ing the quintile magic in his chart at the
conjunction offered Einstein the quality A Creative Juggernaut Activated midpoint of his Mars–Uranus bi-quintile.
of real discipline and, in time, mastery Through our weirdician’s glance, The transit completed a quintile triad of
in his
Inner field.
Wheel we can now see Einstein as a genius sci-
Outer Wheel Uranus with both natal and transiting
A (WholeSign) Einstein
sense of mission is a hallmark entist served by aRelativity
VenusianPubd Einstein
with Mars — a powerful and insightful break-
Natal Chart Chart
of yods,
Mar 14 1879albeit
NS, Friusually an unconscious an eccentric, inventive UranusSep at
26 the
Tue through from the other realms.
11:30 am LMT -0:40 9:00 am CET -1:00
Ulm, We learn most about the mission cal point of his creative juggernaut. And
Berlin, Germany One of Einstein’s miracle-year pa-
from the
48°N24' planet under greatest pressure
010°E00' if we were to look for his creative
52°N30' mis-
013°E22' pers proposed that, when travelling
Geocentric Geocentric
— the
Tropical planet receiving the double ten- sion made manifest, we would turn our
Tropical close to the speed of light, objects would
Whole of the quincunxes. For Einstein, attention to the transit of Uranus across
Whole Signs contract in length, and time would slow.
Mean Node
this is the wildly innovative Uranus in his juggernaut axis in 1919. But Mean Node
the full From this he concluded that space and
time were interwoven. Our concept of
00° Ü 00' three-dimensional space, with time be-
ing a separate fourth dimension, was
00' 00°
Ý ‹ 00' in jeopardy.
The paper was received by the pub-
Ê lishers of Annalem der Phsik at the
28° ¾ end of June 1905 and published in its
Š 27°
Š September 26 issue. A host of Venus ac-
» ¾º ¸ Ì
00' 15'
‚ tivations were showing in Einstein’s chart
03° 23°
16° 04° ½
00° Ü ÜÜ ‹ ‹ 27° Š
01° 00' at the time, the most significant being
½ 06° 07° Ý 59' 11'
08' 30'
50' Š 26'
Œ transiting retrograde Saturn conjunct his
‚ 30' Á24° Ý 32'
É natal Jupiter (that lynchpin of his creative
10 9 Š
¼ juggernaut) and the illuminating creative
11 8 Œ

Sun transiting the sensitive quintile point
00° Á 22°‚ 44'Œ
12 7 00° of 2° Libra. (See Chart 2, at left.) A
21' ‰00° ¿
ƒ ‰ Venus–North Node conjunction was ap-
00' 11°ƒ
38' 1 6 00' plying to his natal Uranus (a little more
19' Ë 31'

00' ˆ22°
¼ than one degree away), while transit-
À Œ 2 5

ing Uranus had just entered the “world
01° 3 4
point” of 0° Capricorn. This is an apt

astrological signature for a publishing
00° 21' 01° 00' event that would revolutionise our very

„ 15° 56'
Œ ¿ ˆ
00' Ì 26°„ „ 59' 15'
09' 00°
¶ 28° 28°„ ‡
Chart 2: Bi-wheel.
É 55' 33'

» … † Ë Inner wheel and house cusps:

19° 02°
00° 00' Albert Einstein
… 00' º ¸ 00°

Outer wheel: Publication of the
00° † 00' 1905 relativity paper

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 49

Geocentric Geocentric
Tropical Tropical
Whole Signs Whole Signs
Mean Node Mean Node
Parallax Moon

Einstein: Venusian 00° Ü 00'

00' 00°
concept of structure and time, and lead 00°
Ý Â ‹ 00'
17° É
to a host of technological advances. ‹ 06°
Einstein would later expand his the- 30' ‹
ory, realising that his relativity principle
Œ 05'
Œ ½
» ¾º ¸ Ì
00' 15° 00°
could be extended to gravity. He con- Š ¿
tended that the space-time fabric would ‚ 03° 23°
16° 04° ½
58' 08°
12° Œ Š
Ü ÜÜ ‹ ‹
be curved in the presence of strong 00° 27° Œ 00'
08' 30'
07° Ý 59' 11' 50' Š
gravitational fields and that, in fact, the Á24° Ý 32'
geometry of space was responsible for Š 26° ¼
Ý 10 9 01°
43' 28'
the motion of planets, not the invisi- 11 8 Œ

ble pulling force proposed by Sir Isaac 00° 00°
12 7
Newton some 200 years prior. This was ¾ 29°‚ 43'
the stuff of scientific heresy. ƒ ‰
Á 01°ƒ 53' 38' 1 6 00'
Ë 31'

Four Eclipses and a Œ
28' 2 5 22'
Universe Overturned „ ˆ12°
01° 3 4 Ë
To prove his theory of relativity, ƒ
03' Ê Œ
Einstein needed a total solar eclipse and 00° À …
00' Wheel
Inner Wheel 01° Outer
an astronomer prepared to photograph
it. If he was right, the gravitational field

Albert (WholeSign)
Natal Chart
„ 35' ¿ Goldendale EclipseˆEinstein
Natal Chart
Mar 14 187900'
NS, Fri
18° „ 35' 00°8 1918, Sat
of the Sun would appear to push nearby º
27° „
11:30 am LMT -0:40 56' 4:00 pm PWT +7:00
stars outwards, compared to their usual Ulm, Germany ¶
27° … 24' 40'
Goldendale, WA

positions when the Sun was absent from 48°N24' 010°E00'
06° ¸ † † 11°
45°N49'15'' 120°W49'14''
that part of the sky. The light from dis- Tropical 00° Ê 04°
» 00' Tropical
tant fixed stars would be bent by the Whole Signs
Mean Node
… 00' ¼ Ì 00°
‡ Whole Signs
Mean Node
curvature of space-time around the Sun, 00° † 00' Parallax Moon
but of course the solar light needed to
be perfectly occluded by the Moon in 00° Ü 00'
order for the distant starlight to be visi- 00' 00°
ble at the perimeter of the solar disc. Ý Â ‹ 00'
00° 03°

1914 in Brovary »
The eclipse of 1914 was photo­ 06°
» ¾º ¸ Ì
graphed by American astronomer 00' 30'
Œ 00°
William Campbell in the small town of ‚ º 03° 23°
16° 04° ½ Š
Ü ÜÜ ‹ ‹
Brovary in the Ukraine. The Sun–Moon 00° Ý 07' 27° 00'
08' 30'
conjunction was at 27° Leo, opposing 07° Ý 59' 11' 50' Š
¶ 17°‚ Á24° Ý 32' 29'
Einstein’s very significant Jupiter. (See 52'
Š 26° ¼
Ý 10 9 01°
Chart 3, upper right.) The eclipse’s ¸ 17°‚ 18'18' 43'
11 8 Œ

bi-quintile to his Mercury–Saturn con- ½ 22°‚ 11'
00° 12 7 00°
Ê 22°‚ 37'Œ
ƒ ‰
00' Á 04°ƒ 34' 11°ƒ
38' 1 6 Œ37'
ˆ22° 00'
Chart 3: Bi-wheel (top). Ë 31'
ˆ14° É
28' 2 5 ¶
Inner wheel and house cusps: „ 3 4
Albert Einstein 33' Ê Œ

Outer wheel: 00°Ì „ 39' 05' …

1914 Brovary eclipse 05°
„ À 10°„ ¿ ˆ
00' ¾ 00°
Chart 4: Bi-wheel. 38' †
… 23°
Inner wheel and house cusps:
Albert Einstein 00° 23°
Ë 00'
… 00' ¼ 00°

Outer wheel:
1918 Goldendale eclipse 00° † 00'


junction strengthened the Venus signa- 1919 in Roça Sundy
ture of the moment. Further, Einstein’s English astronomer Arthur Edding-
natal quintiles were intensely activated ton had taken photographs of the 1919
by the conjunction of the eclipse Ascen- eclipse from the Roça Sundy coffee
dant with his Moon and the transit of The 1919 pivot of plantation on the small island of Prín-
Mars through the early degrees of Libra, cipe. This eclipse at 7° Gemini brought
energising a fourth Venus star-point in
Uranus between
his chart. Retrograde Jupiter was ruler 27°47' Aquarius
of the eclipse chart and in a bi-quintile
(145°40') relationship to Einstein’s As- and 1°42' Pisces
cendant, promising him a guru mantle
… but perhaps not just yet.
is arguably the
Clouds made Campbell’s photo- most significant
graphs useless — a turn of events that
played in Einstein’s favour. He later planetary transit
found errors in his calculations which, if
measurements had been made possible,
of Einstein’s
would have discredited his theory. scientific career.
1918 in Goldendale
Campbell again sought proof of Ein-
stein’s theory, photographing the 1918 there were other interactions with his
eclipse in Goldendale, Washington. This creative juggernaut from transiting Ve-
eclipse at 17° Gemini delivered multi- nus, Pluto, and Chiron.11
ple activations of the Venus signatures in An interpretive story of discomfort,
Einstein’s chart, the most significant be- uncertainty, and lost confidence could
ing a conjunction with his Jupiter made be imagined for Einstein, corroborated
by retrograde Uranus just five days past by transiting Mars in Virgo opposing
its station — Uranus was barely moving, his Pisces Sun. An excruciating period
and the activation consequently re- of time was taken analysing the com-
mained in effect for several months. (See parison photographs, and rumour had
Chart 4, previous page.) The eclipse it that the initial results showed Ein-
degree was also positioned at the mid- stein was wrong; it appeared that the
point between Einstein’s Uranus and his big vision and the data were pulling in
Mercury–Saturn conjunction (making different directions. But then news of
quintile connections on either side), and another eclipse started to filter through.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 51

Einstein: Venusian of Einstein’s eccentric theory. Most par-
ties fell prey to the vagaries of nature
planetoid of transformation had not yet
been discovered, so its position rising
or technology, but the veteran William on Einstein’s chart would have been un-
a number of Venus interactions for Ein- Campbell achieved extraordinary re- recognised, though perhaps not unfelt.
stein, including transiting Venus at 19° sults, having completely redesigned This conjunction with the Ascendant
Cancer occupying a fourth leg of his his equipment and selected the remote comes hand-in-glove with a quincunx
Venus star pattern (chart not shown). cattle station at Wallal Downs for its adjustment from his chart ruler (the
Uranus was involved again: At 1° Pi- reputed favourable weather. His photo- Moon), itself powered by the creative
sces, it was moving direct this time, but graphs captured 92 stars visible at the juggernaut. All pretty fitting stuff to
at a near standstill in opposition to his rim of the eclipsed Sun, and his analyses complete this tale of transformative
natal Uranus. Also, Uranus was just would confirm that Einstein’s concept of scientific brilliance.
nine days shy of its retrograde station space-time and gravity was right. The juggernaut’s mission ap-
and would maintain the opposition for At this eclipse, Venus at 13° Scorpio pears complete … but another may
months to come. The extended tran- completed a grand trine with Einstein’s have just begun. This eclipse brought a
sit was like lightning striking its perfect Ascendant and MC, and created a quin- triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury,
lightning rod, and it heralded a sustained tile triad with his powerful Mars–Uranus and the MC in Libra, which opposed the
moment of pre-eminence for Einstein. bi-quintile, resonant of Mars’s activation midpoint of Einstein’s Sun–Pluto sextile,
A five-month analysis of these eclipse of the same degree when the genius’s creating a powerful new yod. Einstein
photographs would prove Einstein right, mind first stormed with inspiration in would finish his days pursuing a theory
and when news of this broke, he be- 1905. (See Chart 5, below.) The tran- that could unite all forces within the uni-
came revered in the eyes of the public siting planets behaved true to form: The verse, no matter how big or small.
as a rock-star scientist. earlier
Inner WheelMars transit separated Einstein Outer Wheel
At the November 6 meeting of the Albert
from (WholeSign)
the accepted Einstein
scientific order, and Through the Wallal
Looking Eclipse
Glass Einstein
Natal Chart Natal Chart
Royal Astronomical Society in London, Mar this14Venus transit
1879 NS, Fri signaled his return as In closing, we might wonder
Sep 21 what
1922, Thu
Eddington stood and proclaimed, “For- 11:30
a am LMT -0:40
venerated member. contributions the other 1:30 pm AWST
aspects in -8:00
Ulm, Germany Wallal Downs, Australia
give us, Sir Isaac, your universe has
48°N24'This time, however, the transits in-
010°E00' Einstein’s chart made to his19°S47' life and bril-
been overturned.” Curiously, transiting Geocentric
cluded Uranus on the man’s MC and liance — undoubtedly they, too, Geocentric
Tropical Tropical
Uranus was just two days from its direct Whole on his Ascendant. In 1922, the significant. But this article has been Wholean Signs
Mean Node Mean Node
station and conjunct Einstein’s Jupiter, Parallax Moon
at the same position it had occupied in
February when Eddington took his com- 00° Ü 00'
parison photographs. It appears that the
00' 00°
1919 pivot of Uranus between 27°47' Ý Â Ê ‹ 00'
Aquarius and 1°42' Pisces is arguably 00° 29° ¿
16° 10°

the most significant planetary transit of Ü 43' ‹
Einstein’s scientific career. 00'
Œ 58'
In the year of his Uranus oppo-
» ¾º ¸ Ì
00' 00°
sition, Einstein becomes the public’s ‚ Š
04°03° 23°
ÀÂ05° Ü Ü11'Ü
16° 12°
darling. But scientific scrutiny proves a 00° ‹ ‹
harsher taskmaster, and further proof 07° Ý 59'
08' 30'
50' Š
Ë 00'
was needed before the scientific commu-
Á24° Ý52'32' 29'
É 07'

nity could be persuaded to let go of the

10 9
11 8 Œ

Newtonian model.
00° 00°
12 7 21' ‰04° ¼
1922 in Wallal Downs ƒ ‰
Seven expedition parties made for 00' 38' 1 6 00'
various parts of Australia in 1922, in 11°ƒ
07' Ë 11°ƒ 31'

the hopes of taking the eclipse photo-
28' 2 5
„ 3 4
graphs that would finally settle the issue

00° 01° 00'
„ 11' ¿ 38'

00' „ 00°
Chart 5: Bi-wheel. 17°
À 26' 26' Œ
01' 22'†
Inner wheel and house cusps: … … …
43' † 24°
† † 23°
Einstein 27° 27° 29° 09° 22° Ì
¸¶É º 00'
Outer wheel: … 00' ¾½ 00°

1922 Wallal Downs eclipse
00° † 00'


unabashed journey through the weirdi- as the fifth of the Chaldean planets ordered by 11. Transiting Venus conjunct Einstein’s natal Nep-
cian’s looking glass. perceived speed. tune activated the quintile Neptune–Jupiter–Moon
5. The Ptolemaic aspects are the conjunction, configuration in his chart. The yod in Einstein’s
sextile, square, trine, and opposition. chart was activated by a quincunx to his North
Chart Data and Sources Node from transiting Pluto, and also by transiting
Albert Einstein, March 14, 1879; 11:30 a.m. 6. By the same token, we might conclude that Mars
Chiron’s conjunction with his natal Mercury–Saturn
LMT; Ulm, Germany (48°N24', 10°E00'); AA: also has some claim to the quincunx, which is not
birth certificate/record in hand. too disturbing given that the aspect also has into-
nations of separation and alienation. The quincunx
Relativity paper published in Annalem der is shown by drawing a line between the two signs © 2018 Deborah McMahon – all rights reserved
Phsik, September 26, 1905; 9:00 a.m. CET; traditionally ruled by Mars (Aries and Scorpio), and
Berlin, Germany (52°N30', 13°E22'). The start of also translates to modern sign rulership if we con-
business at 9:00 a.m. on the journal’s issue date Deborah McMahon studies and writes about
sider Pluto to be a higher harmonic of Mars.
was chosen for casting this chart. astrology in her free time. She is employed
7. Joan McEvers first coined the term “Boomer- as a research administrator at a New Zea-
Brovary eclipse, August 21, 1914; 2:46 p.m. ang Yod” for a yod that has a planet in opposition
LMT; Brovary, Ukraine (50°N31', 30°E46'); date land medical university, and also works in
to the apex. The fourth planet in the configuration project support roles on a contract basis. She
and locale sourced from W. W. Campbell & H. helps to bring the yod’s mission to consciousness.
D. Curtis, “The Lick Observatory–Crocker Eclipse publishes regularly to her Facebook page
Expedition to Brovary, Russia,” in Astronomical 8. Details of Einstein’s biography and life events @deborahmcmahonastrologer, and can be
Society of the Pacific, Vol. 16 (156), 1914, pp. can be found at the following sites (all accessed in messaged through that account or e-mailed at
224–237. February and March 2018): deborahgmcmahon@gmail.com. Deborah plans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPxw to study more, continue her writing, and build
Goldendale eclipse, June 8, 1918; 4:00 her astrology consulting practice.
p.m. PWT; Goldendale, WA, USA (45°N49', gyJtJXI, “Albert Einstein — A Genius Among
120°W49'); date and locale sourced from W. Men”; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_
W. Campbell, “The Crocker Eclipse Expedition, Einstein; https://www.britannica.com/biography/
1918,” in Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Albert-Einstein; http://www.einstein-website.de/z_
Vol. 30 (175), 1918, p. 195. biography/chronological_table.html

Roça Sundy eclipse, May 29, 1919; 2:16 p.m. 9. Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma are the first four
UT; Príncipe Island (01°N37', 07°E25'); date and states of matter.
locale sourced from P. Coles, “Einstein, Eddington, 10. Einstein died of an aortic aneurism on April
and the 1919 Eclipse,” in Historical Development 18, 1955. A retrograde Pluto in Leo was square
of Modern Cosmology, ASP Conference Pro- his natal Pluto at the time.
ceedings, Vol. 252, 2001, pp. 33–35.
Wallal Downs eclipse, September 21, 1922;
1:30 p.m. AWST; Wallal Downs, Australia
(19°S47', 120°E40'); date and locale sourced
from R. R. Burman & P. M. Jeffery, “Wallal —
The 1922 Eclipse Expedition,” in Proceedings of
the Astronomical Society of Australia, Vol. 8 (3),
1990, p. 312.

(Eclipse charts are in Local Time for the Sun–Moon

conjunction by zodiacal longitude, with the Moon’s
position corrected for parallax.)

References and Notes

1. Venus and the 72° angle can be further explored
though the planet’s greatest elongations, the
Golden Triangle, the divine proportion, and phi
(the number of physical manifestation and design).
2. The bi-quintile is an astrological aspect of 144°
separation — twice that of the quintile. I use an
orb of 3° when interpreting the influence of quin-
tiles and bi-quintiles.
3. Cazimi, or “in the heart of the Sun,” is a condi-
tion whereby a planet is in tight conjunction with
the Sun (within 17 arc minutes) and is momentarily
strengthened by it. For an inferior planet in retro-
grade motion, the cazimi marks the switch point
when it moves from in front of the Sun to behind
it in zodiacal order.
4. Steven Forrest, “Quintiles and Quincunxes,” a
recording of his NORWAC Conference presenta-
tion, 2015. Forrest’s association of Venus with the
number 5 arises from its repeating five-pointed star
pattern. And an interesting coincidence puts Venus

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 53

Astrology in the 21st Century, Part 1

by Charlotte Wenner

lthough the 21st century is still Scientific Paradigms through same laws. “As above, so below” could
relatively new, the develop- History and Their Influence on thus be scientifically explained.
ments in all branches of science Astrology Perhaps a more pertinent question
and technology have been staggering. To begin with, it is, of course, es- than why astrology is not considered
Yet it is precisely these developments sential to define exactly what is meant scientific would be: When was it first
that have undermined the old convic- by the term “paradigm.” The term was considered unscientific? Many scien-
tions that heretofore defined reality. The used by American physicist, historian, tists in the past also practiced astrology.
results of experiments with subatomic and philosopher of science Thomas From ancient times up until the Scien-
particles seem to resemble magic more Kuhn to denote the entirety of the be- tific Revolution of 1620, astrology was
than they do the concrete facts that liefs, methods, and questions that the firmly fixed in the scientific world. The
have always been thought to define re- scientific community in a given period differences in scientific paradigms in the
ality. Quantum physics, string theory, held as the source of further questions, periods before and after 1620 provide
the zero-point field, and other theories as well as the methods necessary for re- insights into the reasons for astrology’s
have turned the scientific world upside solving those questions. (Leezenberg expulsion from the realm of science.
down. These developments, along with & de Vries, 2012) However, nowadays The scientific paradigm before
the increasing damage to the environ- “paradigm” is usually understood to re- 1620 was largely geocentric: Earth was
ment inflicted by the profit-driven use fer to the belief structure that is used to the center of the universe, and Man was
of technology, make a new paradigm define and interpret reality. In the cur- the crown of creation. The paradigm
vital for survival. Fortunately, the grow- rent paradigm, astrology is considered of the classical world is often illustrated
ing use and understanding of the Black superstition or, at best, a pseudoscience.
Luminaries in astrology parallels the de- If one mentions astrology, the term “un-
velopments in science and, in doing so, scientific” usually crops up quickly in the
can once again contribute to the scien- conversation.
The differences in
tific world in the coming century. So, how can an astrologer explain scientific paradigms
This article will describe the way how astrology works? It is also essential
that astrology and the Black Luminar- to be clear on one’s own understand- in the periods before
ies can help in the creation of a new
paradigm. After a brief review of the
ing of how and why astrology is useful.
As a teenager growing up in the United
and after 1620
changing scientific paradigms through- States in the 1970s, I was a great fan of provide insights
out history and their influence on both Linda Goodman and Carl Sagan.
astrology, I will give a short description Despite the abhorrence Sagan held for into the reasons for
of the discovery, principles, and appli-
cation of the Black Luminaries. In Part
astrology, it was by reading his work on
the “Big Bang” theory that I was able
astrology’s expulsion
2 of this article, sample horoscopes will to develop my perspective on how as- from the realm
be delineated — first, without the Black trology worked. For me, it went without
Luminaries and then including them — saying that all the material that shared
of science.
in order to illustrate and clarify their a common origin would continue to re-
importance. main connected and be subject to the
by the work of Aristotle, who estab- by Galileo’s mathematical calculations ucts” of humans, such as language, be-
lished the following principles: and by his observations through the tele- came subjects of study, and the field of
scope he had invented. Galileo’s method Humanities arose. Finally, the human
1. Inductive approach — from obser- — to first form a theory and then prove being itself was established as an object
vation to theory; or disprove it by means of measure- of study, and psychology was established
2. Teleological perspective — everything ment — became established as the new with the breakthroughs by Freud, Adler,
has an intrinsic purpose and goal; scientific approach. This method was and Jung. This was perhaps the turn-
3. The four types of causes: deductive instead of inductive. The old ing point at which the field of Science
a. material — the substance some- worldview of a teleological force be- provided space for the non-measurable
thing is made from; hind reality was exchanged for that of a effects of consciousness on reality.
b. form — what form it has; mechanistic force following immutable In any case, since the establishment
c. creation — who it was made by; laws that could be observed, measured, of psychology as a valid form of study,
d. purpose — what it was made for. and verified by others. Science (a term from Middle English de-
Newton’s famous apple story illus- noting “knowledge,” which originated in
The medical science of Galen’s trates the difference between these two the Latin scientia, from scire, “to know”)
fluids theory is an example of these paradigms. According to Aristotle, the was divided into three areas: Humanities,
principles. In his theory, everything be- apple fell from the branch to the ground the study of the products of the human;
longed to one of four particular types because this was its destiny, purpose, Science, the study of nonhuman objects;
arising from different humors, which and destination in life. But according and the Social Sciences, the study of hu-
resemble the four elements in astrology: to Newton, the apple was forced to the man interaction in groups. To this day,
phlegm (cold and wet), blood (warm and ground by an external mechanism: grav- however, there are many who consider
wet), yellow bile (warm and dry), and ity. Within this new paradigm, astronomy the study of nonhuman objects the only
black bile (cold and dry). and astrology parted ways, since no out- true form of Science.
Although such an approach might side force or observable influence could The developments that took place
be considered naïve by modern practi- be measured to support astrology’s fun- within the paradigm of the Modern Age
tioners of medicine, increasing numbers damental premise that the movements were reflected in the manner that astrol-
of people are reporting benefits from and patterns of the planets reflect events ogy was used. After the fearful period
alternative approaches, such as home- and individuals on Earth. Astrology was of persecution during the witch hunts
opathy and herbal medicine, and these discarded, particularly by those in the in the 17th century, astrology was only
improvements cannot be explained by pure and applied sciences, as a pseudo- practiced within closed esoteric circles,
modern science. Moreover, despite the science. This attitude was adopted by which also, however, secretly included
explosive developments in science and society at large, and since then, astrology many astronomers and religious figures.
technology, scientists still cannot explain has been considered nonscientific. It was only during the last 50 years
the force that keeps electrons circling of the 20th century that astrology
around a nucleus. Scientists from the old The Paradigm of the Modern Age experienced a resurgence of interest,
paradigm, on the other hand, would be Scientists of the Modern Age, especially with the cross-pollination
able to explain this. In their worldview, which began around the year 1800, between astrology and psychology.
everything was related; the micro-cosmos propagated a mechanistic view of re- Oddly enough, it was through the
was mirrored in the macro-cosmos. ality. Everything followed predictable, work of a skeptical psychologist, Mi-
Astrology was also understood in observable patterns or laws in time and chel Gauquelin, that the first empirical
this manner, and the movements of the space. This was termed “objective real- statistical evidence was collected that
seven visible heavenly bodies had di- ity,” in which the reality of the object, suggested the validity of at least one fac-
rect connection to all types of physical or Kant’s Ding an sich, was other than tor of astrology. He decided to test the
forms, occurrences in both nature and the object perceived through the filter of frequency that the planet Mars, which
society, and the four humors. Astrology subjective human perception. Everything is associated with physical strength and
was used primarily for predicting the was divided into subject and object, the competitiveness in astrology, appeared
fortunes of royalty and state, natural di- observed versus the observer, and ev- at prominent positions, or the angles,
sasters, health and sickness. erything occurred on the basis of cause of the horoscope (that is, around sun-
and effect. rise, sunset, or midday). To his great
The Scientific Revolution of 1620 The creation, development, and be- surprise, his findings confirmed that an
The revolution in thought that took havior of the human were also explained above-average number of athletes in-
place in 1620, and was thereafter named in this manner by Darwin’s theory of deed had Mars in their horoscope at a
the Scientific Revolution, brought about a evolution. The universe was no longer position just after dawn or after sunset.
great change in paradigm. To begin with, seen to be something mysterious, but (Gauquelin, 1988) Skeptical scientists
Copernicus advanced the theory that the something that ran like a “great clock,” from the U.S., Germany, and Belgium
planets revolve around the Sun instead and people were just highly developed repeated the experiment and were
of around the Earth, and astronomy be- relatives of the ape. Still, at a certain forced to concede that their results were
came heliocentric instead of geocentric. point in the development of science, not similar to those of Gauquelin. The re-
Copernicus’s theory was substantiated only objects in nature but also the “prod- sults were later challenged, primarily

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 55

Black Luminaries uncertainty principle. As well as atoms
and molecules, the empty space of the
phy and religion. Although there is much
controversy within the scientific field as a
vacuum has these properties. Accord- whole, this synergy has been supported
because some results were achieved in ing to quantum field theory, the universe by many, such as physicist David Bohm.
a small sample selection. (Wikipedia, can be thought of not as isolated par- Despite the developments in quan-
2017) Nevertheless, Gauquelin’s work ticles but continuous fluctuating fields: tum science, the consequences of the
and the work of Carl Jung set the stage matter fields, whose quanta are fermi- application of the mechanistic paradigm
for astrology to emerge from the shad- ons (i.e., leptons and quarks), and force to nature and society have become in-
owy world of esoteric mysticism into fields, whose quanta are bosons (e.g., creasingly detrimental. Darwin’s theory
that of a holographic universe. photons and gluons). All these fields of “survival of the fittest” has been hi-
have zero-point energy.” (Wikipedia, jacked to justify capitalist economic
The Paradigm of the Quantum Age 2018) Thus, everything comprised of theory, which has led to the current
Since the beginning of the 20th cen- matter is connected, at a quantum level, appalling disparity in wealth, property,
tury, the concepts established in classical by these fluctuating fields. The concepts work, and health care. This disparity
physics have been repeatedly under- of space and time create a division that, exists not only among people but also
mined through the progressive study of at least at quantum levels, does not exist. between countries/continents. At an-
quantum physics. Rather than following Finally, the concept of the universe other level, developments in technology
fixed, predictable laws, quantum entities being holographic was arrived at by have been used to ruthlessly exploit
seem to have a “mind of their own.” One both theoretical physicist David Bohm resources and have brought about the
example of this is the Bifurcation Process pollution of the planet. This, in turn,
and the role of consciousness in influ- has resulted in changes to the world’s
encing the outcome of splitting quantum climates, the extinction of species at
entities. As shown in the popular film, Gauquelin’s work an unprecedented rate, and the melt-
What the Bleep Do We Know?, the path ing of the polar ice caps. Australian
that particles follow, when split and shot and the work of scientist Professor Frank Fenner pre-
dicted in 2010 that if things continue in
through two openings, varies depend-
ing on whether the process is observed
Carl Jung set the the current manner, the human species
or not. The cartoon character in the film, stage for astrology will be extinct within 100 years. (Mar-
Dr. Quantum, explains that everything tin, S., 2017) And research cited in The
in the universe originating from the Big to emerge from the Guardian warned that the sixth mass
Bang continues to remain connected.
(Chasse, Arntz & Vincente, 2005) This
shadowy world of extinction on Earth was already under
way. (Carrington, 2017)
quantum occurrence is described by the esoteric mysticism Therefore, the developments in
Entanglement Theory, which Einstein quantum science indicating an underlying
called “spooky action at a distance,” in into that of a conscious unity of life — and, in contrast,
which particles once in contact with each holographic universe. the destructive consequences of the old
scientific paradigm — make clear that it
other continue to share and mirror each
other’s experience. That is, when particle is time for a new paradigm that is neither
A and particle B separate, particle B will geocentric nor heliocentric, but that is
continue to register and react to stimuli and neuroscientist Karl Pribram, when universal and holistic.
applied to particle A. Similar occurrences all other theories were unable to explain Just as in the past, these changes
have been investigated within the animal phenomena they both encountered in in the scientific paradigm are reflected
kingdom by Cambridge biologist Rupert their experiments. (Talbot, 1991) One in the practice of astrology. The transi-
Sheldrake, who has coined the term aspect of this theory significant to this tion to a new paradigm is shown by the
“morphogenetic field” to describe the un- discussion is the fact that each piece of integration of certain new factors in the
canny ability of sibling whales, for instance, a holographic film contains the entire horoscope that can be termed universal
to experience and transmit experiences information of the complete film. So, or spiritual.
with each other, even when one is lo- when laser light is projected through The transition began with the publi-
cated in the North Sea and the other in even a tiny piece of the film, it will con- cation of Astronomia Nova by Johannes
the Australian Pacific. (Sheldrake, 2017) tinue to produce the entire 3-D image. Kepler in 1609; in this work, he estab-
Further, there is the zero-point field, This is a scientific example of the great lished that the orbits of planetary bodies
popularized in the book, The Field. being mirrored and contained in the were not circles, as had been maintained
(McTaggart, 2007) “Zero-point energy small, or, as it is phrased in astrology, by Copernicus and classical astrologers,
(ZPE), or ground state energy, is the “as above, so below.” but ellipses. This breakthrough heralded
lowest possible energy that a quantum These theories seem to lay a ba- a new epoch for astrology, in which as-
mechanical system may have. Unlike sis for a reconciliation between science tronomic fact became its basis rather than
in classical mechanics, quantum sys- and spirituality, between physics and symbolic logic. (Bode, 1981) Of par-
tems constantly fluctuate in their lowest metaphysics. Quantum reality appears ticular significance are the implications
energy state due to the Heisenberg to share elements of Eastern philoso- arising from the two foci in an ellipse,


one inhabited by the Earth and the other that matter exists both in an implicate,
empty. This is in contrast to the one cen- non-manifest order (as described by
ter of a circular orbit that is inhabited by Heisenberg’s indeterminacy principle)
the Earth. Astrologers, however, failed and in an explicate, manifest form when
to draw the necessary conclusions from The Black Luminaries human consciousness is present. In the
this fundamental shift in astronomy. In new paradigm, astrology can be used as
this, they were not alone. The history of reflect different the science for clarifying the cycles of
science is replete with examples of sci- aspects of universal consciousness in and through form.
ence’s continued adherence to outdated Quantum science is the study of
concepts, even when these concepts are Consciousness, which the realm of possibilities within real-
unable to explain new data. (Bode, 1981; ity. (Chasse, Arntz & Vincente, 2005)
Bohm, 1980)
can be compared to The astrology of the 21st century is the
The discovery of Uranus in 1781, the unifying field in study of the realm of possibilities within
and Neptune and Pluto in the follow- the human being. But in order for as-
ing centuries, further upset the classical quantum physics. trology to be used this way, it must
system of astrology. But rather than incorporate consciousness as a definite
search for a new structure within which factor, just as quantum science has had
the new astronomic facts could be un- to do with classical physics.
derstood, astrologers stretched the terparts to Venus and Mercury is beyond
established system they had been using the scope of this article. However, the The Black Luminaries in
in order to incorporate these new bod- “empty” foci of the Moon’s orbit around Structural Astrology
ies, naming them “higher expressions” the Earth and of the Sun’s (apparent) In the previous section, I mentioned
of their counterpart planets Saturn, orbit around the Earth have led to the that, in retrospect, it is surprising that the
Jupiter, and Mars, respectively. establishment of the “Black” Moon and astrological consequences of the astro-
Nonetheless, this doubling of plan- “Black” Sun in modern astrology. nomical and mathematical laws put forth
etary factors also contains within it the In the second part of this article, by Kepler were not immediately grasped
seeds of the new order. If taken to I will show that these “Invisible Luminar- by astrologers. In their defense, though,
its logical conclusion, the two planets ies” reflect different aspects of universal the discoveries of the trans-Saturnian
Venus and Mercury should also have Consciousness, which can be compared planets in the 18th–20th centuries were
corresponding “higher expression” to the unifying field in quantum phys- sufficiently important to absorb their at-
counterparts, as should the Sun and ics. The Black Luminaries reflect the tention. However, there have been a few
the Moon. (Bode, 1981) These new manner this universal Consciousness exceptions, and I would like to review
factors should also be the result of as- becomes expressed in human conscious- these astrologers’ work here.
tronomic fact — that is, a position in ness and through humanity’s creations. In the 1930s, a French astrologer,
space first postulated by mathematical That such consciousness gives rise Dom Néroman (pseudonym of Pierre
analysis. The issue of the missing coun- to form echoes David Bohm’s theory Rougié), took it upon himself to develop

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JUNE / JULY 2018 — 57

Black Luminaries
Center of the ellipse
a new structure for astrology, shedding Earth Empty focus
superstitious tradition in favor of a sci-
entific approach. In his early years, he
was the enfant terrible among French Priapus Black Moon
Maximum speed Slowest speed
astrologers, and his name was origi-
nally spelled Dom Necroman, implying
that he was a “master of necromancy.”
Later, he gained esteem through his Center Moon's orbit Short axis of the ellipse
publications and his stunningly accu-
rate predictions concerning the Second
World War in his position as President Figure 1: Short and long axes of the Moon’s elliptical orbit around Earth
of the French Astrological College.
(Martin, B. F., 2006)
His work focused attention on the
implications that elliptical orbits had for Moon ellipse

astrology. He proposed that the point in

the Moon’s orbit that was farthest from
the Earth, the apogee, should be consid-
ered an invisible, anti-Moon. This point
was at the same zodiacal degree as the
empty focus Earth
“empty” focus and at the intersection of Black Moon Priapus
the short axis and the long axis of the point of deceleration point of acceleration
Apogeum Perigeum
Moon’s elliptical orbit of the Earth. (See
Figure 1, at right.) He was also the first
to term this point the Luminaire Noire,
or Black Moon. Yet, even after the pub- Figure 2: The Black Moon
lication of his articles, 30 years passed
before another astrologer continued with
Néroman’s work, most likely owing to logic implied by the doubling of the visi- published four books containing the es-
the complexity of his new astrological ble planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars by sential concepts of Structural Astrology,
structure. (Guinard & Elliot, 2018) the newly discovered “invisible” planets and has published numerous articles and
Jean Carteret (1906–80) was im- Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto by work- books thereafter. In the 1990s, he joined
mediately attracted to the work by ing out the hypothetical orbits of the three other Dutch astrologers in forming
Néroman and deepened the analysis of counterparts for Venus and Mercury, the Zwarte Lichten Werkgroep (“The
the workings of both the Black Moon which he named Persephone and Vul- Black Luminaries Work Group”), and
(Figure 2) and the Black Sun. (Bode, canus, respectively, as have other noted in 2005 and 2006, the group held two
2000) The position of the Black Sun astrologers — e.g., Dane Rudhyar (Rudh­ conferences on the Black Luminaries in
can be calculated in exactly the same yar, 1968) — in reference to one or Amsterdam. At the 2006 conference,
manner as the Black Moon is calculated; both of these hypothetical planets. Like I first made my acquaintance with these
however, its speed is the slowest move- Néroman, Carteret was a controversial points and with Bode himself. In 2008,
ment in astrology: approximately 11.5 figure within and outside the French I attended the first two-year Master Class
seconds of arc per year. This means that world of astrology. His work in astrology in Structural Astrology conducted by
the Black Sun progresses only 20 min- was enriched by his knowledge of meta- Bode. It was during this Master Class that
utes of arc per century. It is, therefore, physics, philosophy, and psychology. the principles of the Black Luminaries as
the least “personal” point in the horo- Unfortunately, owing to the complexity representative of consciousness became
scope. Everybody currently alive has of Carteret’s thinking, many of his in- clear to me. From my perspective, these
their Black Sun in the same degree, that sights into the Black Luminaries were principles corresponded to the con-
is, between 12° and 13° Cancer. This misinterpreted. (Bode, 2000) cepts of modern quantum science that
fact has deep implications as to how However, Dutch astrologer George had turned the classical world of science
the Black Sun can be interpreted in the Bode studied and worked with Carteret upside down.
horoscope, as I will explain in greater during the years 1962–77. Bode lived
depth in the second part of this article. for several years in Paris and, during Structural Astrology
Carteret placed these points, along that period, had extensive personal con- In keeping with the tradition es-
with both of the Moon’s lunar nodes, in versations with Carteret in which they tablished by Néroman and Carteret,
a special category, the “facteurs para­ discussed Carteret’s system intensively. the term Structural Astrology refers to
planetairés.” Moreover, he followed the After Carteret’s death in 1980, Bode a more exact form of astrology that is


based upon the principles of modern sci- work by bypassing the boundaries of an
ence. The new structure includes the objective view of life (Sun), which is al-
Black Moon and Black Sun pioneered in ways subject to the opinions of others,
the work of Dom Néroman, as well as and the limitations of the subjective ex-
their opposite points by zodiacal degree perience of a situation (Moon), which is
— Priapus and the Diamond, respectively The term always influenced by people’s respective
— which had been posited by Jean Car­
teret. Structural Astrology also includes
Structural Astrology projections.” (Bode, 2000; translation by
this author, Charlotte Wenner)
Carteret’s hypothetical planets, Per­ refers to a more Bode took Carteret’s teachings on
sephone and Vulcanus. George Bode the Black Luminaries as representative of
utilized these points and planets to es- exact form of elements of consciousness and developed
tablish a system of dual rulership of each astrology that is a new system for astrology. The Black
zodiacal sign. He further established the Moon and the Black Sun function as the
two squares to the Moon’s nodal axis — based upon the central reference points to the metaphys-
the Dragon and the Beast — to bring the ical aspects of energy within the solar
entire system of Structural Astrology into
principles of system, whereas the “White” Sun and
accordance with ancient metaphysical modern science. the “White” Moon function as the central
texts (such as the Kabbalah), numerology, reference points to the physical aspects
and modern astrophysics. of energy within the solar system.
Structural Astrology is almost ex- The preceding short review of the
clusively practiced in the Netherlands, “discovery” of the Black Luminaries, as
and even there only by a small group this in the biography he wrote about well as the following description of the
of astrologers. This is the consequence his mentor. For instance, Bode writes: integration of consciousness that Bode’s
of Bode’s books being available solely “One of the most concise descriptions “Structural” Astrology has made possi-
in Dutch, of the earliest ones being Carteret made about the four lights is as ble, will hopefully help to clarify the role
available only second-hand, and of the follows: if the Sun and the Moon rep- of the Black Sun and the Black Moon
complexity of his writing style and the resent the masculine and the feminine axes in the horoscope as denoting as-
structure of astrology he describes (this respectively, then the Black Sun and the pects of consciousness. In the second
seems to be a theme). And this is my Black Moon represent ‘the feminine in part of this article, the concepts of the
motivation for working on a book about the male’ and ‘the masculine in the fe- Black Lights in Structural Astrology will
Structural Astrology in English. Still, the male’ respectively. In this manner, he be illustrated by their delineation in ex-
Black Moon has been embraced by a [Carteret] integrated through the years ample horoscopes.
large number of Dutch astrologers, who a complete range of essential concepts
use it as a spiritual/metaphysical point. for the Black Luminaries within the ex- Structural Astrology and
This is in stark contrast (Bode, 2000) isting framework of the White lights … Modern Science
to the way the Black Moon “Lilith,” as it The Sun and Moon do not operate in Two aspects of the Black Luminar-
is called by most English-speaking astrol- the same way — the Sun is the path ies are relevant to their treatment in this
ogers, is used abroad. The most common of reason and the Moon the way of article. The first is the characteristic of
interpretation of the Black Moon Lilith imagination. Moreover, there is no real “manifested” versus “non-manifested,”
is that it is a point indicating dark, sub- similarity between them, as the Sun ra- or “material” versus “nonmaterial,”
merged, psychological content, which diates from subject to object, and the and “physical” versus “metaphysical.”
one may attempt to manifest in reality at Moon absorbs from object to subject … As the Black Luminaries belong to the
one’s peril! The Black Luminaries bridge this gap … latter focus, they represent nonmate-
However, Carteret had delineated With regard to the Sun and the Moon, rial content, that is, consciousness. The
the Black Luminaries in quite a differ- the Black Luminaries express themselves second characteristic is the category
ent manner, and Bode is very clear on as elements of consciousness! They Carteret established for them, “facteurs


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JUNE / JULY 2018 — 59

Black Luminaries and esoteric societies in the later 19th
century; and Pluto, with the despotism,
atomic bombs, and depth psychology in
paraplanetairés,” which might be the first half of the 20th century. In the
roughly translated as, “factors ‘beyond, The “invisible” same way, the establishment of the struc-
past, by’ (The American Heritage© Dic- tural integration of the Black Luminaries
tionary) the planets.” planets and in astrology from the 1960s to the ’80s
These two aspects, in my opin- luminaries can only was reflected in the surge of interest
ion, remove the Black Luminaries from in Eastern spirituality, meditation, and
the realm of personal, physically based be interpreted from alternative states of consciousness (some-
psychology, or even Jung’s human times drug-induced), which characterized
collective unconscious, and place them
the perspective this period in the U.S. and Europe. “As
in the far greater realm of the univer- of universal above, so below” once again rings true.
sal. Just as the classical laws of physics Astrology was originally considered
pertain to larger, visible quantities, but Consciousness as a science. It is time for the split between
quantum theory is necessary to explain
the behavior of infinitesimally small,
expressed in human physical and metaphysical knowledge to
be transcended.
“invisible” quantities, so too is a physi- consciousness.
cal, psychological interpretation of the “I regard consciousness as funda­
visible lights and planets appropriate, mental. I regard matter as deriva­
whereas the “invisible” planets and lumi- tive from consciousness. We cannot
naries can only be interpreted from the taking place at the time of their dis- get behind consciousness. Every­
perspective of universal Consciousness covery. Uranus is associated with the thing that we talk about, everything
as expressed in human consciousness. groundbreaking revolutions in the North that we regard as existing, postulates
Perhaps one of the most objec- American colonies and Royal France in consciousness.”
tive indications of the characteristics the 18th and early 19th centuries; Nep- — Max Planck, father of
that belong to newly discovered planets tune, with the development of drugs quantum physics
can be found in the social movements and the rise of hypnotism, mesmerism,

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Sheldrake, R. (2017, May 31). Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields — metaphysical topics.
an Introduction: http://www.sheldrake.org/research/morphic-resonance/
Talbot, M. (1991). The Holographic Universe. New York: HarperCollins
Wikipedia (2017). Mars Effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_effect
(viewed page last edited on 21 December 2017).
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JUNE / JULY 2018 — 61

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by Aurum

AURUM is one of the greatest reetings, readers! It is my Donald was on my show five years
astrologers in the world and is pleasure to be able to offer my ago, and I talked about his chart and
known by millions in Europe, words and insights into astrol- what his future would be. It was very
Latin America, and the Middle ogy, a subject I love probably more than clear that he was destined to be an even
East, primarily as an entertainer. any other astrologer does. I was pre- bigger cheese than he was at the time,
He has generously agreed to fill paring for my concert at the pyramids and I told him that if he really wanted to
in for The Chironic Astrologer, in Egypt not long ago, and was asked be president of the United States, then I
who apparently fell ill recently. by the singer of the opening act — a would pick a special time for him to an-
(We hope he will recover and band called the Rolling Stones — how nounce that he was running. He took
contribute to The Mountain As- I thought things would go. I told Mick
trologer sometime in the future.) Jagger that it will clearly go very well, at

Editors Note: This column comes

least for me, because I used astrology to
select the date. Of course, I calculated
Donald was on my
from the pen of the same pseudon­ the date to be in my favor, whereas his show five years ago,
ymous writer who brought you “The band was hired by the promoter after-
Martian Astrologer” (writing as Mars) ward. They had a very sloppy set, but and I talked about his
and “The Jovian Giant” (Jupiter). Read­ mine was phenomenal and pleased me chart and what his
ers are advised that Aurum (astrologer very much. That’s how it goes: Some
and entertainer) does not exist. days are good and others not so good, future would be.
This series — which has also though not for everyone at once.
included “The Uranian Observer” Most of you may remember my
(Uranus), “The Dour Astrologer” television show by the same name as me up on this, and I gave him the date
(Saturn), “Talk*Astro*Talk” (Mercury), this column. It was produced in Italy of June 16, 2015 — for free! I’m just so
“The Mother Astrologer” (the Moon), but recorded in English. To this day, ev- generous! And it was a good one, too,
“The Oracular Neptunian” (Neptune), eryone I meet tells me how much they with the Sun conjunct the Moon and
“The Probing Plutonian” (Pluto), and loved it, and ask why it’s no longer on Mars! And I’m so good at this electional
“The Venusian Mirror” (Venus) — is for the air. To them I say there was no way stuff that I didn’t even use his natal
both entertainment and critical thinking. to make it better, and certain “Richie chart. He has never given me credit, but
The author is merely transmitting Nep­ Riches” born under too many earth I was the reason he won, and I’m not so
tune’s passage through Pisces by mixing signs, along with too much Jupiter sure what to think about this now.
fact with fiction and, as is happening (excuse my redundancy), were fighting
everywhere else these days, leaving it to over its ownership. So, I just quit. Going Solar
the reader to decide which is which. But I had fun doing it and met many There has been some buzz about
of the best people. One of these was Donald Trump’s exact birth time. For
Donald Trump. years, 9:51 a.m. was used, and this time

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 63

The Solar Beacon the ancient system known as Porphyry.
Solar houses start and end with the
Sun, and in Porphyry it is just the eclip-
was reputed to have come from a close
With a chart tic that is trisected, much as the seasons
source, but later his birth certificate ap- calculated for sunrise are. If nearly all of astrology is done on
peared online, and the time given is the ecliptic, why would anyone want to
10:54 a.m. Some have said that this on the day of birth, use some elitist combination of rising
degrees and intersections, like you get
later time could have been faked, given
that Trump (whose Mercury is in square
we can find all that from Placidus or Koch, to demarcate
to Neptune) has repeatedly claimed that we need to know house cusps?
Obama’s birth records were forged, so So, it makes perfect sense to look
faking his own and getting away with it about a person, as at horoscopes that emphasize the Sun,
would make his point. But all of this is
just a waste of time, since it is the solar
I will demonstrate. the body that powers us all. With a
chart calculated for sunrise on the day
chart that is most valuable. of birth, we can find all that we need to
Before I go into a reading of tic, the Sun’s apparent path in the sky, know about a person, as I will demon-
Trump’s solar chart, let me just say that is where all the business between the strate convincingly below. Such charts
the Sun is the Taco Grande of astrol- planets takes place. Ever notice that respond to transits and can be pro-
ogy — period! It should be obvious that when an outer planet (or any planet, for gressed. And the time of birth is not
there would be no solar system with- that matter) enters a sign, there is an needed — ever.
out the Sun, and if it disappeared for almost immediate corresponding shift The solar chart for Donald Trump
some reason, there would be nothing in the collective behaviors of humans? is calculated for his birthplace at the
but rogue planets, speeding through the We will witness such a passage this year precise time of sunrise. (See Chart 1,
dark of space and going nowhere. But when Uranus enters Taurus in May. below left.) What stands out immedi-
the Sun is right at the center, holding it Why would this be, if not for the Sun ately is the position of Mars, very close
all together with its massive gravity and creating the zodiac? to the IC (4th-house cusp). This means
beaming light, to sustain life on Earth. Declinations, which are crucial in that Trump was born on the day of a
And in regard to astrology, the Sun chart interpretations, are based on the paran, a simultaneous angularity of two
makes the zodiac. Well, let’s say that Sun — they denote distance from the or more planets. “Paran” is short for
there is a zodiac of constellations for celestial equator. Charts have house paranatellona, a Greek astronomical
those of the sidereal persuasion, but the cusps, and most astrologers don’t know concept that denoted the simultaneous
real deal is the tropical zodiac, which their ass from their elbow on this sub- rising and setting of two bodies, like a
is based on the amount of sunlight Donaldthat(Sunrise)ject,
Trumpso they use whatever house system Full Moon rising at the same time that
Natal Chart
pours over the Earth during theJun course
14 1946, Fri somebody told them to use. But there the Sun was setting. A Sun–Mars paran
5:28:37 am EDT +4:00
of a year. The signs themselvesQueens,
are NY
40°N43' 073°W52'
are two house systems that respect the is like having a V-8 engine in your car.
just compartments that mark the three
primacy of the Sun: solar houses and This is a person of great energy with
stages in each phase of each season.
Mean Node
very strong impulses, a person who
We see this in the ancient doctrine 28° Š 12' takes action, makes things happen, and
‹ needs to be at the center of any activity.
of antiscia, whereby the signs Aries 22' 06°
and Virgo demarcate zones of me- Ü Š 22' He has been called Trumpzilla, and
í Æ
dium solar illumination. Taurus and ò 00° 13° that’s right on the money. Mars on
Leo are the next stage and hold 06° Ü
Ü 00' 07'
the IC implies decisiveness in re-
32' 14°
more light, and finally, Gemini 40' Œ gard to territory — and Trump’s
Ý 10 9 ‰
and Cancer are the brightest. 14° 32' real estate ventures are his
This phase-shifting is in sync 11 8 signature business. This
with the changing declination Sun–Mars paran was exact
of the Sun, and, of course, ¿ out in the Pacific Ocean,
17° ‚ 52' 12
Chart 1: 7
the reverse is true for the É 20° ‚ 46'Œ north of Hawaii. Unfor-
‚ Donald Trump ˆ
other half of the year — in 42'
¸ 22° ‚ 42' Œ46' ˆ 20°
Ê 42'
tunately, there is no land
the Northern Hemisphere. 1 (sunrise) 6
31' ˆ 18°
¶ mass at that point, so its
That crank, The Uranian Ob- 26' potential as a base of power
server, who has written for º 2 5 is minimal, and therefore it
this magazine, indirectly ac- 14° 47'
ƒ 28' 3 4
S 27'
32' cannot become a military com-
knowledges the full power of ƒ 23° ƒ Œ 54' † ‡ mand center for the president.
32' 50' † 17° 14°
the Sun in his silly Equascope ¾ 25° 02'
» „ 38' †
method of chart reading, which 10° „ 05° Â
only uses declination. 06° Á 26° À 22'
„ 22' ¼ † Charts use Porphyry houses and
So, the zodiac is made by the Sun. I 06°
28° „ 12' … the Mean Node.
know this and you know this. The eclip-


However, at the time of Trump’s birth, Neptune. Eris and Neptune were mov- very personal and not always clear on
Mars was setting over Pyongyang, ing opposite each other from 1944 just about any subject that arises, except
North Korea. to 1946, the year Trump was born. anything having to do with money and
What else does this chart tell us? This was a very complicated time of girls. Combine these Mercury afflictions
The Moon opposite the Sun on the an- world war, which led to a lot of inter- with the relativity of Gemini, and his
gles implies an oppositional approach to national deal-making. The t-square thought is free from constraint — facts
life and, with the Moon being near the that Eris makes with Mercury and Nep- do not exist to him unless he knows
7th-house cusp, particularly in regard to tune in Trump’s birth chart shows a far them personally.
women. The ruler of the 7th house, Ju- more competitive Mercury than just the I ran into Trump at his hotel in D.C.
piter, is in the 5th house trine Uranus square to Neptune would give. in the summer before the election. We
— which explains three wives, several Eris, in one myth, is the sister of had a drink, and I told him, “Trumpy,
children, and success with numerous Mars — an instigator at best and a you will win.” He said he wasn’t plan-
extramarital affairs. Both Saturn and creator of chaos at worst. It is in this ning on it, and we talked about what his
Venus in Cancer, in the 2nd house, sig- t-square configuration that we see the new post-election television show would
nify acquisitive and controlling instincts be like. But I knew — unlike nearly ev-
with respect to money and love. Many eryone else, including that fat buffoon,
of the rich have Saturn in the 2nd; they I ran into Trump The Jovian Giant (another columnist for
learn to manage money and hold onto it. this magazine) — that he would be the
Having Saturn conjunct Venus is similar.
at his hotel in D.C. president. If you look at his solar chart
And it goes without saying that the in the summer before around the time of the election, you will
Sun conjunct Uranus is the mark of a find a series of Uranus and Jupiter tran-
most unusual person, one who breaks the election. We had sits, the combination for sudden success.
the mold and then some. With his Sun
in Gemini, we know that Trumpy (that’s
a drink, and I told First was transiting Jupiter conjunct
his natal Jupiter and trine his Uranus.
what I call him when we socialize) has him, “Trumpy, Next was the transiting Jupiter/Uranus
no real center and constantly shifts from midpoint (17° Cancer) square his
side to side. It must be very difficult for you will win.” Jupiter, which happened at the same
him to take a position based on social time that transiting Uranus contacted
values and then hold on to it. He is es- real mind of Trump: completely irratio- his Jupiter/Venus midpoint. And there
sentially binary — he is two, not one. All nal, utterly instinctive, with a large dose was more — but even these transits are
of this is completely visible to spectators. of agitating reactiveness. This is not a enough to predict a surprise success. Of
What’s more central to understand- deep, philosophical mind, as I noticed at course, it was very easy for me to see
ing Trump’s chart is his talk, talk, talk our several meetings. On my show, he this, as I made a living as a professional
Mercury. First, it’s the ruler of his Sun couldn’t stay on topic for more than a gambler when I was young, and I know
sign — and in the solar chart, it rules minute. His is a mind completely in the my way around a horoscope. But things
his Ascendant as well. It is in Cancer, present but with a powerful memory, don’t look so good for the next election
the sign of memory, which says that 3/14/2018 Cycle22Cycle23Cycle24big.gif (2048×1536)

he does not forget the past and has

a greater grasp of what happened to
him years ago than most people do.
Mercury is square Neptune, however,

which complicates things. This combi-

nation is associated with daydreaming
and imagination, but it also describes a
particular type of mind. Trump doesn’t
think like most people — he just knows
intuitively what needs to happen in any
given moment. This is actually a kind of
sleepwalking, and a lot of the time he is
right on. But his Mercury doesn’t work
well when there is pressure to actually
come up with a logical reason for an ac-
tion or behavior — basically, to explain
himself. What he needs in order to sta-
bilize this Mercury–Neptune dissonance
is regular cannabis treatments. And I’m
not kidding!
But there is more. Trump’s Mercury
is also square Eris, which is opposite his
https://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/images/Cycle22Cycle23Cycle24big.gif 1/2

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 65

The Solar Beacon years, which groups 11-year cycles together and appears to
be more of a wave than a pulse. Another is the Seuss/De
Vries cycle of about 200 years, which is found in radiocarbon
in 2020. That’s when Eris will square Trump’s Saturn, and data but not in sunspots.
Saturn will quincunx his Mars — a dead stop and a lot of mis- What causes the solar cycle and its most obvious fea-
chief, if you ask me. And in mid January 2021, his progressed tures — sunspots — is still debatable. The standard model
Moon at 21° Virgo will semi-square progressed Saturn at 3° explains solar activity by the rotation of the Sun, which is in a
Leo at the same time that transiting Saturn in early Aquarius state of matter called plasma. Rotation, which is faster at the
semi-squares his natal Moon. Unhappy moving time! Sun’s equator, pulls the magnetic field into coils, creating an
evolving magnetic field. One alternate model to explain the
Spots Make the Sun Hot cause of sunspot cycles involves “planetary forcing.” Paul D.
It astonishes me daily that nearly all who call themselves Jose (1965) analyzed the movements of the center of mass
astrologers are ignorant of solar cycles. These cycles are the of the solar system (the barycenter) and found that its ec-
background vibe for the biosphere, which obviously includes centric paths in and out of the body of the Sun followed a
humans. So many correlations have been found between the 178.7-year period. Jose argued that this is driven by the angu-
highs and lows of the various solar cycles that any long-range lar momentum of the solar system in total, and that the larger
forecast needs to take them into account. Since most astrol- planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, contribute
ogers are unfamiliar with this subject, I’ll go over the basics.
Please bear with me as I go into my teacher mode, because
this is serious stuff.
The primary solar cycle is the cycle of the numbers of The 12-year orbit of Jupiter
sunspots counted on the Sun over a period of time. Heinrich
Schwabe (1789 – 1875) is generally credited with discovering
modulates the solar cycle, and
this cycle, and it is now often referred to as the Schwabe cycle. sunspots increase when Jupiter is
Schwabe was an amateur astronomer who watched the Sun
through a telescope from 1826 to 1868, in hopes of spotting at aphelion (farthest from the Sun).
a solar transit of Vulcan, a hypothetical inter-Mercurial planet.
He never found Vulcan, but he recorded a succession of sun-
spots and created a database. In 1843, he announced that he greatly to the effect. Interestingly, 15 cycles of Jupiter and 6
had discovered a cycle of ten years, during which time sun- of Saturn come very close to this number. Some have pointed
spots increased and then decreased in number. out that the 12-year orbit of Jupiter modulates the solar cycle
Rudolf Wolf (1816–93) took Schwabe’s findings further. and that sunspots increase when Jupiter is at aphelion (farthest
He noticed that sunspot cycles varied from as short as eight from the Sun), but decrease when the planet is at perihelion
years to as long as 17 years, though the average was about (closest to the Sun). Jupiter does orbit the Sun every 11.86
11.111 years. Wolf worked in Zürich, Switzerland and estab- years, a figure very close to the Schwabe cycle. I am inclined
lished an index of sunspots, which is now called either the to go with this planetary explanation, and I’m usually right.
In 1976, John A. Eddy published a landmark paper draw-
ing attention to a period of low solar activity that he named
the Maunder Minimum. He found that solar activity was ex-
It astonishes me daily that nearly tremely low between 1645 and 1715 and that, during this
all who call themselves astrologers period, Europe experienced a cold climate and hardly any
sunspots were observed. The Maunder Minimum is now
are ignorant of solar cycles. known to be one of several cold periods from 1300 to 1850
that are collectively called the Little Ice Age — a long period
of low solar activity.
Wolf or Zurich index. Wolf also examined older records of Before this time, there were spots on the Sun; the
sunspots and pushed the index back into the 18th century, Vikings were living comfortably in Greenland, and vineyards
when the numbering of sunspot cycles began. were flourishing in England. This warm period is sometimes
In the early 20th century, George Ellery Hale (1868 – referred as the Medieval Maximum. Since the Little Ice Age,
1938) realized that sunspots were actually gigantic magnetic the climate has been warming, and sunspots are now more
storms on the surface of the Sun and not dark clouds. These abundant. In the Graph (previous page), you can see how
storms put out energy, and more spots means a hotter Sun. the current cycle we are in (Solar Cycle 24) peaked around
It was also found that the magnetic polarity of sunspots shifts 2011–14. This cycle has fewer sunspots than the two previ-
from positive to negative at each 11-year cycle. A complete ous cycles, but this variation of spot numbers is a cycle itself,
pattern of reversal then takes 22 years, which is thought to be the 80-year Gleissberg cycle. Although sunspots are few now
the proper length of the solar cycle. This cycle is now com- because we’re heading into the low point of the Schwabe cy-
monly referred to as the Hale cycle. cle — and the corresponding part of the 80-year cycle is a
There are at least two longer solar cycles that show cor- low wave — the cycle-to-cycle average count of sunspots is
relations with climate. One is the Gleissberg cycle of 80–90 still substantial in comparison to what was recorded during the


Maunder Minimum. So, we shouldn’t be concerned about an- sive and fights break out. Look at the Graph, and you can see
other Little Ice Age coming down the pike. that Solar Cycle 23 peaked around the time of September 11,
The solar cycle has an effect on nature, including people. 2001, which spawned a couple of wars. Notice that Solar Cy-
Correlations have been made between the 11-year cycle and cle 24 has two peaks, one in 2011 and one in 2014. The Arab
Spring and the Syrian Civil War began in 2011, and in 2014
the Russians began some land grabs and kicked up a war in
All you need to know is that when Ukraine. The good news is that we’re moving into less volatile
times for war and maybe fewer religious crusades over the next
there are more sunspots, people few years as the Sun goes through its sunspot low point.
are more impulsive and
Lightning Bolt
fights break out. So, last year in July, I was playing cricket with my buddy
Usain Bolt. You may have heard of him; he’s been the fast-
est sprinter in the world for the last decade or so. He’s got the
violence, crime, church activity, and heart attacks. When the so- Sun in Leo and has his own signature body position — a light-
lar cycle reaches its peak — that is, when there are more spots ning bolt! (See Chart 2, below left.) Notice Pluto in the 3rd
on the Sun, showing that it is being very active — the likelihood house, which is good for running power, and a Moon–Jupiter
of wars breaking out or becoming worse may be greater. conjunction, for fame. We were talking about his astrological
The Russian, Alexander Chizhevsky, writing in the prospects, and I said he might consider retiring before the big
1920s, claimed that social unrest and war were driven more track meet at the 2017 World Championships in London the
by the Sun than by economics or ideology. Franz Halberg, next month.
working at the University of Minnesota during the second half With Saturn transiting near his natal Uranus, opposite
of the 20th century, found statistically significant correlations his Chiron in Gemini, and almost exactly square his Jupiter
between the solar cycle and church membership numbers, (and the Moon — maybe, but this is a solar chart) at the time
which are probably related to proselytizing efforts (pushiness). of the meet, I told him that he might hurt himself. And right
He found many other correlations, including numbers of heart on the day of his last race, Mars in Leo would be quincunx his
attacks, which apparently rise with the number of sunspots. natal Mars, another sign of injury. He didn’t believe me, but
More than just people are affected by the Sun’s cycles. In- now he will listen, because he was defeated in one race and
sect populations rise and fall with the solar cycle. The numbers fell down with a leg injury in another. It didn’t look good to
of tent caterpillars in New Jersey peak about two years ahead me! Maybe he didn’t mind, but he seemed really embarrassed.
of sunspot maximum, and other insects, including locusts, also I’ll find out when I party with Usain and some other buddies
tend to peak in numbers a few years before maximum. in a few weeks. I do think that his religion gets in the way of
Usain All of Bolt
this shows us that the Sun’s cycles need to be ac- my astrology.
Natal Chart
21 1986, Thufor. This is a kind of astrology, the foundation for
5:57:09 am EST +5:00
Falmouth, Jamaica astrological forecasting. All you need to know is I want to close this column by thanking you for reading.
18°N30' 077°W39'
that when there are more sunspots, people are more impul-
Geocentric I hope that you have learned a few things and that I will
Mean Node
someday write again for this magazine. But if you are looking
28° Ý 21' for a lot of fun, please come to a special event this summer
15' 28° in Italy, where I will be holding an astrology conference and
‚ Ü 15' a concert at the same time. Four years ago, we had a confer-
28° Â
20° É ence concert, and it was a great success. We relaxed, played
‚ 23° ò games and music, had the best wine, and were waited on con-
09' 29' Ü 16° 28°
30' Ü tinuously. All the great artists who love astrology were there:
ƒ Œ 30' í ‹09'
10 9
Œ 00° Kanye, Rihanna, Taylor, and that silly bugger, Dave Davies.
Ü ½
11 8 00' 20° It was far more fun than any astrology conference ever, and
19° ¶

º 13°„
39' ‹ now we will do it again. I’m calling it “The Sunbeam Soirée
26' — Part II,” and it will be held in the Lake District. It will cost
Chart 2: 7
you a small fortune, but everyone will be there. I will be the
„ Usain Bolt Š
¸ 28° „ 05' 04'
host, the food and recreational substances will be the best,
1 (sunrise) 6
and the Sun will be shining!

2 5 Chart Data and Sources

28° 58' 09'
† 02'
07° † 30'Œ
3 4 Œ 59' Donald Trump, June 14, 1946; 10:54 a.m. EDT; Queens, New York
… 11' ‰ ‰
09' Æ 14° † Œ
‰ 11° 28° (40°N43', 73°W52'); AA: birth certificate/record in hand.
55' 22'
» 23° ‡ 13'
03° ¼ Usain Bolt, August 21, 1986; time unknown; Falmouth, Jamaica
Ê 04° ˆ
18° À (18°N30', 77°W39'); X: date with no time of birth, per AstroDatabank
28° Á ¿ 15' (http://www.astro.com).
† 15' ¾ 28°
28° ‡ 21' © 2018 The Mountain Astrologer – all rights reserved

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 67

If you have astrology news
or events of interest to the
astrological community that
you would like to share with
TMA readers, please send the
information directly to:

Astrology News
Gloria Star, P.O. Box 311,
Clinton, CT 06413
or: Gloria@GloriaStar.com
by Gloria Star

Bloomberg Features Astrology and Finance to be mushrooming. In early March alone, several major brands
Ross Kenneth Urken’s article, “The Top Astrologer used astrology. From Elle magazine’s notice that Bite Beauty
in Asia Will Forecast Your Finance Future,” appeared on has released its latest astrology-inspired lipstick shades (fiery red
Bloomberg.com (January 21, 2018). Urken described his Aries is now available) to Nordstrom’s spring 2018 catalog, the
travel to Dwarika’s Resort in Nepal to meet with famed astrol- zodiac provides the personalization that everyone seeks.
oger Santosh Vashistha and discuss his life, with a focus on But we know that there’s much more to the language
finance. He shares his experience with Vashistha, noting that of astrology than Sun signs, and thanks in part to the Inter-
he would normally be fairly skeptical about consulting with net, there is more in-depth information available. As noted by
an astrologer, but the resort setting in Nepal encouraged him Gayle MacDonald in her Globe and Mail article (March 15,
to be more open-minded. Urken provides a brief history of 2018): “Phrases such as ‘Mercury in retrograde’ are part of
astrology and investment, writing about the work of astrolo- the hip vernacular.” Many readers are ready for more. Enter
gers like W. D. Gann and Evangeline Adams. He even quotes Allure magazine (March 12, 2018), with the feature, “Birth
J. P. Morgan, who supposedly said, “Millionaires don’t need Charts 101: An Astrology Beginner’s Guide to Understanding
astrology — billionaires do.” Urken then describes what he the Planets,” by Aliza Kelly Faragher, Allure’s resident astrolo-
has learned from the accurate forecasts (and a few “misses”) ger. This lengthy article offers an excellent intro to all the basics
of several well-known American financial astrologers, including of astrology, including a brief history of the subject. Faragher
Bill Meridian, Ray Merriman, and Grace Morris. Essentially, provides substantial information about the basic makeup of an
this was a positive review of his experience; the author notes astrological chart and how the Sun, Moon, and planets work in
that, despite what appears to be a positive financial future, his an individual’s natal horoscope. Delineation of the meanings of
success will depend upon his own actions. these chart factors was comprehensive and nicely written. The
February 2, 2018 issue of Allure featured Part One of this se-
In Brief ries, focusing on descriptions of the zodiac signs.
It seems that a number of skeptics are taking issue with
the recent media about Millennials and astrology (see TMA’s In Memoriam
“Astrology News,” April/May 2018). Dean Burnett writes in Two prominent American Vedic astrologers passed away
The Guardian (March 14, 2018) that there is no evidence in early 2018. Jessica Sayles, Vice President of ACVA
that astrology is valid or useful. He also comments that “at- (American College of Vedic Astrology), was instrumental in
tributing dubious behaviours to [Millennials] is a tired journal- the development of ACVA courses and certification exams,
istic cliché.” Another article on ScienceAlert.com (March 14, and worked in the field of education for more than 20 years.
2018), by Carly Cassella, insists that astrology is not legiti- I received notice of her death in mid January 2018.
mate science. In these instances and others, the references to William R. Levacy, ACVA President, dedicated most of
astrology involve Sun-sign horoscopes and other narrow uses the last decade of his life in service to that organization. As one
of astrology. In short, the same old same old. of the founding members of ACVA in the mid 1990s, he was a
Margaret Abrams’s piece, “Astrologer Explains Prince Jyotish astrologer, serving as a teacher and mentor to countless
Harry and Meghan Markle’s Relationship,” appeared in The grateful students. Two of his best-known books are Beneath
Observer (March 5, 2018). The source for the article was the Vedic Sky and Beneath the Vedic Sun. Levacy died on
her interview with astrologer and life coach Linda Joyce, who February 23, 2018.
briefly describes the couple’s astrological makeup and how
these factors work for them. However, Joyce primarily fo- © 2018 Gloria Star – all rights reserved
cuses on the cycles that were most prominent when Harry and
Meghan met and the potential success of their relationship. Gloria Star is a professional astrologer, author, and teacher. You
Perhaps it’s the influence of Uranus’s cycle in Aries, but can learn more about her and her services through her website,
the use of astrology and zodiac signs as marketing tools seems http://www.GloriaStar.com


Lunar Nodal Return within your gut, that this would make life boring. No, you can’t
“wing” it all. But at the same time, you can’t fret about every
continued from p. 17
step you’ll take. You must be open to a mindset committed to
your learning and development, knowing that each challenge is
Your vision, imagination, deep feelings, and faith might a test. Your friends, family, lovers, or authority figures might be
seem at times to be as all-encompassing as the girth of Jupiter, part of the lesson or the test or both. Yet you will learn. In this,
who rules your Pisces South or North Node. You’re convinced you must have faith. And that faith is what will one day create
that faith in the goodness of your cause and in your talents genuine wisdom in your life — only if you’re willing to surren-
and hard work is enough — until somehow it isn’t. Life sets a der to the process.
roadblock in your path. A dear one says No about giving you
something you think vital. Your once-prized intuition seems to © 2018 Samuel F. Reynolds – all rights reserved
have set you on the wrong course. So, at this nodal return, you
might doubt everything you used to take for granted. And that’s Samuel Reynolds, a former skeptic, had a life-changing visit to an
a good thing. The key lesson is to recognize whom and what astrologer and has since spent more than 25 years studying astrology and
you’ve taken for granted. A dollop of doubt is healthy because doing charts. Now Samuel consults and teaches astrology full time. He
it keeps you growing. Otherwise, what would push you to in- also serves on the boards of ISAR, the UAC 2018 planning committee,
and the Astrology News Service. He publishes weekly horoscopes on his
vest more energy and planning in nurturing your talents? How
website and has written for Ebony.com, Tarot.com, Astrograph.com, New
would you know that your vision for your life or even for the York Magazine, and Pride, a British black women’s magazine. His website
world is only in broad strokes lacking detail or discipline? Many is http://UnlockAstrology.com
holy books have essentially said that you must work your faith.
It’s not enough just to believe it’s there. You must persevere
with it and show its value from the inside out.
The wisdom of this path of “Wise Surrender” comes from
learning how to line up faith, intuition, and knowledge just
right. But you must be willing to surrender to a process of not
knowing. There’s no one who can tell you exactly how every-
thing comes together perfectly, like a puzzle. There’s not even
a guarantee that all the puzzle pieces of your life will fit to-
gether. Nor should there be. You probably already know, deep

Key to A s t ro lo g i c A l s y m b o l s
BEGINNERS: Planets occupy signs and form exact aspects
to one another when separated by the designated number of
degrees. The midpoint between any two planets is determined
by finding the place in the zodiac equally distant from those two
planets. The North Node and South Node are astronomical
points (not physical objects) determined by the intersection
of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the Earth’s orbit
around the Sun.



JUNE / JULY 2018 — 69

Saturn — Get Real! Personal Dimensions of
This Process
It’s overwhelming to think about
continued from p. 32 the many ways that events can un-
fold, and how little control we have
Our larger role
our individual worldview. The following over the bigger picture. We can make can only be fulfilled
guidelines may be of some help: ourselves crazy with the news and the
never-ending “what if” scenarios. when we work
• If you have natal planets in Aries, We must remind ourselves that from our center
Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, you we’re part of larger waves, and at the
will likely be called to face issues same time, we need to be sure we are and radiate outward
suggested by the planet’s sym- handling “that which is ours to do” —
bolism. You may feel that you’re whatever we can improve, accept, or
to reach full
being tested, that circumstances change. In other words, each of us must flowering in
are conspiring to frustrate or block fulfill our responsibilities, and we need
you. Extra work, responsibilities, to be sure that we’re a part of the larger this life.
or feelings of lack could show up. waves that we truly want to be part of.
Complaining won’t help; it’s best Rudhyar tells us that “ … each
to dig in and apply yourself. individual is in a very real sense the cen-
• What house will Saturn in Capri- ter of his own universe. It is the way deeply as do these two. Their transits
corn be passing through in your he orients himself to the universe as a are often felt to be difficult, and we have
chart? You can take the initiative whole that matters. In a deeper sense, to struggle through them.
and intentionally think of what he is the whole sky focused at a partic- People who have lived through ter-
needs to be done in this area of ular point of space-time.”2 This is not rible suffering can develop a deeper
your life. Saturn often approves a self-centered, self-important thought; understanding of humanity and a true
when we’re proactive about con- it’s a highly realistic one. Only some of compassion. Usually, this reaction arises
fronting problems and obstacles. us are called upon to take part in large- after some healing and the passage of
• Where is natal Saturn located in scale events. For most of us, the focus is time. Sometimes, though, the damage
your chart? This will give you more on the things we can affect and how we and the hurt are so extreme that the
about the kinds of challenges you live our individual lives. healing can’t really happen, and these
may encounter. We need to find our inner stability. people must cut themselves off from the
• You can gain additional clues by re- We must do what’s required in our re- suffering of others.
membering experiences from the lationships, and move outward as we Here, we can see the profound gifts
last time Saturn passed through can. Our larger role can only be fulfilled of Saturn and Pluto. The compassion
Capricorn, between 1988 and when we work from our center and ra- of a Buddha or a Christ comes from ex-
1991. That doesn’t mean that diate outward to reach full flowering in periencing suffering and healing, not
things will be the same, but simi- this life. “Be the change that you wish just thinking about them. We get to
lar themes may reappear in your to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi) choose our reactions to life’s difficulties,
life. You might want to consider whether they soften us or harden us. At
approaching things differently this What Does Saturn Want the highest levels, this is what both Sat-
time — be alert to what you learned from You? urn and Pluto want for us: the unfolding
last time. of true understanding and compassion.
• Here’s a big one: What house • Face up to responsibilities and obli-
and sign is your secondary pro- gations; keep your promises. Heading into the Future
gressed Moon in? It’s easy to lose • Use power, influence, and resources With Saturn now in Capricorn and
touch with the Moon, to get worn wisely and responsibly. coming to join Pluto, there are many
down, depressed, or negative • You need to act, to do something balls in play. Situations that have been
when you’re feeling overworked or — thinking and feeling are not developing for a long time will finally be
overburdened. The secondary pro- enough for Saturn. demanding resolution. The momentum
gressed Moon provides clues about • “What has to be done?” is always of the past doesn’t just evaporate; it
what kind of care and feeding (not an important Saturn question. must either play itself out or somehow
just food) you’ll need during stress- • Examine your limitations, accept the be skillfully brought to completion.
ful periods. It also tends to reflect ones you must, but push back on It’s good to remember that, in the
how you will recall this period. perceived limitations also, for they words of Bernadette Brady, the “Future
We remember the feeling of a may not be as real as you think. is only partially formed.”3 There’s plenty
time period as much as we do the for us to do — plenty, in fact, that we
actual events. Saturn and Pluto are often seen as must do. We’re still contributing to the
forces that involve suffering. It’s true future every single day. The fine balance
that no planets understand suffering as between accepting whatever comes and


pushing for change will be a big part of
our individual and collective tests over
the next several years.
I leave you with this final thought,
which seems especially appropriate to
Saturn’s transit through Capricorn:

“Expect the best, plan for the worst,

and prepare to be surprised.”
— D. Waitley

References Cartoons
1. Dane Rudhyar, Person Centered Astrology,
CSA Press, 1976, p. 104.
2. Dane Rudhyar, Astrology of Personality,
Aurora Press, 1991, Preface, p. xi.
3. Bernadette Brady, “Fate, Free Will, Horoscopes,
and Souls,” in The Mountain Astrologer, April/
May 2015, p. 32.

© 2018 Chet Zdrowski – all rights reserved

Chet Zdrowski has been a practitioner of

astrology since 1977. He studied for several
years with the late Richard Idemon, and is deeply
influenced by the work of Dane Rudhyar and
Robert Hand. Starting in 2005, he studied with
Steven Forrest for 12 years. Chet’s approach
is grounded in the real-world experiences of
parenting, marriage, business, and the work
world. His goal is to help clients move through
the patterns that limit them and cause unhap­
piness. Chet is also the founder and leader of
the “Trans­personal Astrology Group” that meets 8
in Fair Oaks, California. You can reach Chet at

Tell Your Friends

About TMA!

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 71


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Book Reviews
compiled by Mary Plumb

Hermetica Triptycha: The Mercury Elemental Year by west, close to the invisible conjunction, and at the maximum
Gary P. Caton, Rubedo Press, 132 Lone Kauri Road, Auck- elongation in the morning sky. He connects these three stages
land 0772, New Zealand, 2017. Softcover—242 pp.—$39 with nigredo, albedo, and rubedo of the alchemical process.
NZD ($28 USD) (ISBN 978-0-473-41688-1). Available from Caton also considers Mercury’s cycles over longer peri-
www.rubedo.press and Amazon. ods of time. We know that Mercury’s retrograde cycle occurs
Gary Caton’s book, dedicated “To the eternal spirit of three to four times per year; the author expands upon the
Hermes, in many Divine forms as friend to humanity,” was in- fact that Mercury’s retrograde cycles each year will (nearly
spired by certain inner realizations that propelled the author always) be in the same element; for example, Mercury’s ret-
to follow the promptings of his vision. Caton is an astrolo- rogrades in 2018 are in the fire element (Aries, Leo, and
ger who participates in the revival of the visual sky traditions Sagittarius). In the course of a year, therefore, Mercury will
of Mesopotamia. These mutual perspectives — to listen for spend far more time in one element than in the others. Em-
promptings within and to observe the sky with reverence — phasis on the elements weaves through this book and dove-
describe the path he took when pondering upon and develop- tails with alchemical imagery and “real-world magic,” which
ing his work, which has resulted in this beautiful treatise. inform the author’s work.
Caton details Mercury’s 40-day retrograde cycle, trac- We are all also born into a particular Mercury elemental
ing the planet’s visual path from maximum elongation in year, which is repeated every six to seven years and is ex-
the western (evening) sky, through the invisible part of the plored in depth in this book. (In the last chapter, Caton writes
cycle, when Mercury disappears from the evening sky and specifically on each of twelve elemental returns over 79 years.)
goes “underground,” then reappears once again in the east- The personal Mercury elemental year “represents an uncon-
ern (morning) sky, and reaches maximum elongation (in the scious preference for one of four modes of symbol making.”
morning sky). It also shows a quality of the broader time and may suggest
He contextualizes that spatial movement within the tradi- “a correspondence between the deeper soul purpose of an
tions of alchemy and psycho-spiritual transformational prac- individual and the deeper soul purpose of their time.”
tices, and offers a roadmap for individual inner work, with When considering a natal horoscope, Caton looks at the
suggestions for practices to engage in at appropriate times prenatal retrograde (inferior) Mercury–Sun conjunction and
within the cycle — that is, around maximum elongation in the the postnatal retrograde conjunction as bookends for a life.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 73

Book Reviews The Lunar Effect Bibliography by Peter J. Marko,
CreateSpace, 2017. Softcover—336 pp.—$30 (ISBN 978-
1973853428). Available from Amazon.
He places these conjunctions into the Whole Sign houses of Peter J. Marko’s book, subtitled A categorized, anno­
the birth chart to see the primary area where the native will tated, and indexed list of publications on how the Moon
instinctively “run counter to the cultural norms of the status affects our lives, is the product of his dedication to “an en-
quo” (prenatal) and “feel newly emergent forms of the col- lightened, rational and objective astrology, for which suitable
lective unconscious” (postnatal). He has ample biographical models, theories and mechanisms are developed methodically
notes of natives’ horoscopes demonstrating these ideas. on the basis of scientific evidence.” (http://www.objectiveas
There are tables in the book that show the degree and zo- trology.net)
diacal placements of Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the This massive project, impeccably displayed in Marko’s
Sun (1925 – 2050), combined with the maximum elongation book, fulfills his intent to “come to terms with the enormous
in the west and maximum elongation in the east. Part of the body of research on how we are affected by the Moon.” With
magical pattern explored herein is that these three key points a background in math, physics, and engineering, the author
in Mercury’s cycle occur very near to, or exactly on, the same is also a “research astrologist” (his preferred term). The book
degree in the zodiac — that is, these same degrees are tra- provides a comprehensive list of English-language publications
versed three times in each retrograde cycle. (The author also concerned with the Moon’s possible influence on humans,
notes any planets or fixed stars that are at the same degrees from sources (scientific journals, books, conference papers,
in these invaluable tables.) websites, and many more) that were in circulation between
This is not a casual read. There are layers of meaning 1871 and 2017.
and application in Hermetica Triptycha: The Mercury Ele­ Marko reviewed all the material (arranged into primary,
mental Year; it is intended as a guidebook to be referred to secondary, tertiary, and other sources); he notes support-
again and again in attuning ourselves to “the cosmic rhythms ive and unsupportive research findings (and his evaluation
of the spirit of Hermes” so that we may “ultimately serve to of these findings, wherein he assesses bias in some scien-
transform life into ars magna, a great art.” tific studies and articulates where the work was incomplete or
— reviewed by Mary Plumb flawed). He analyzes the works by topics such as reproduc-
tion, personality, behavior, crime, health, accidents, finance,
and belief. Further research is facilitated by separate indexes


arranged by Author, Journal, and Book and an 85-page Gen- The Book of Revelation is full of rich and complex sym-
eral Index. (The General Index is arranged by single words; bolism. The author decodes many of the Bible’s cryptic pas-
e.g., look up lunacy and you’ll be referred to 30 discrete sages in detail. He gradually and clearly builds a case that
sources in the text.) indicators for the turning of the ages are presented symboli-
In the Annotated Bibliography (which contains all 338 cally in this book of prophecy.
entries in the project), Marko quotes directly or, far more of- Cerow’s book will appeal to astrologers with a specific
ten, summarizes the citations he has assembled. This section interest in the precession of the equinoxes, as well as to in-
is arranged by author, and these 125 pages will be fascinating tellectuals who appreciate the rich language of ancient sym-
reading for the interested general reader — in this case, those bolism. The author’s frequent Bible references connect the
among us who are curious about how the Moon’s influence on dots between the symbolic language in Revelation and spe-
life might be objectively measured. cific star systems with astronomical planetary alignments at
Peter Marko wants to “facilitate and encourage lunar ef- the end of the Age of Pisces. The author cites multiple ex-
fect research, leading to a gradual closing of the information amples from Revelation that describe the turning of the
gap and the subsequent application of knowledge thus gained ages from Pisces to Aquarius.
for the benefit of all.” The Lunar Effect Bibliography is an Early chapters are devoted to creating insightful astro-
outstanding contribution to astrological research. logical associations between the seven visible planets and the
— reviewed by Mary Plumb early Christian churches. The seven churches are Ephesus,
Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and La-
The 8th Seal: Its Time Is Now! Cracking the Code odicea. These cities are compared to qualities and intentions
that Solves the Mystery of The Book of Revelation by of the seven visible planets in their zodiac signs of exaltation.
Don Cerow, Ibis Press, P.O. Box 540206, Lake Worth, FL (For example, the Moon is exalted in Taurus, which corre-
33454, 2017. Hardcover—376 pp.— $26.95 (ISBN 978-0- sponds to Ephesus.) The seven seals, bowls, trumpets, and
89254-223-9). Available from www.redwheelweiser.com and thunderclaps from Revelation are further discussed in detail.
Amazon. By the end of the book, the author illuminates how the
Perhaps the “end of time” referenced in The Book of precession of the vernal equinox over time correlates specifi-
Revelation is not so scary after all. Humanity has entered a cally with symbolic language throughout The Book of Revela­
new age. Don Cerow’s passionate research on the Age of tion. He decodes messages associated with certain stars
Aquarius is revealed in his book, The 8th Seal. in the constellations Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius. Cerow’s

Hermetica Triptycha
the mercury elemental year
The first-ever comprehensive & integral
treatment of Mercury’s retrogrades

By Gary P. Caton

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 75

Book Reviews 224 pp.—$52.95 (ISBN 978-1-138-23073-6). Available
from www.routledge.com and Amazon.
When I began to study astrology in the 1970s, Carl Jung
calculations specifically assert that “the shift of the Great Ages was our “go to” authority. We used his references and quotes
will be in full force when the Vernal Point reaches Omega to legitimize our work, albeit in piecemeal fashion. Now this
Piscium on February 11, 2013, some 8 weeks after the Win- serious shortcoming has been auspiciously remedied by Jung-
ter Solstice of 2012.” ian scholars Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice, who have ac-
The author’s passionate and dedicated research supports complished a monumental feat in selecting, compiling, and
an uplifting view of the “end of time.” He offers unique in- editing all of Jung’s thoughts on astrology, for the first time.
depth coverage of a very expansive topic. This well-designed The material is drawn from Jung’s books, seminars, letters,
and amply illustrated book serves as a reminder that during numerous discussions, and evolving thoughts on astrology and
this magical time, “Life begins again. A new civilization, a other topics.
New Jerusalem born. Not an urban, terrestrial city, but a The selections in the book “address topics that were of
whole planet ready to acknowledge all life as living under one critical importance to Jung — such as the archetypal symbol-
heavenly Tent.” Don Cerow reminds readers that humanity’s ism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astro-
evolution is being supported on a new level. After many trials, logical ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal
the human race has the opportunity to be married now to the correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the expe-
Divine in this Age of Aquarius. rience of astrological fate.”
— reviewed by Kathryn Andren We also read Jung’s views on a wide range of related top-
ics, such as Nostradamus, numbers theory, the alchemical
(Editor’s Note: This is a slightly edited version of Kath­ process, the I Ching, mandalas, mythology, and his specula-
ryn’s review, which appeared in the OPA Journal, March tions about what a causal basis for astrology might be, based
2017, and is reprinted with kind permission.) on the scientific research of his day. He considered, for exam-
ple, that sunspot activity affecting the Earth’s magnetic field
Jung on Astrology by C. G. Jung, selections and introduc- (what was then known as proton radiation) might explain how
tion by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice, Routledge, 711 the movements of the planets correlate with events on Earth.
Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, 2018. Softcover— In my mind, synchronicity (what we have come to know
as “meaningful correspondences”) was Jung’s predominant


way of understanding astrological symbolism. But this book by, multiple global challenges (including the overwhelming
refutes that notion and gives us his thoughts on what a causal “speed, volume, diversity, and contradiction of information
theory of astrology could look like. and the behavior of our institutions” — e.g., “fake news”).
The magnitude and breadth of Jung’s genius infuse his The book is divided into chapters on each of the six most
writing — e.g., he alludes to references that cover the history critical issues facing us, based on “the highest-level types of
of mankind, cites sources in Greek and Latin, and is famil- decision-choices model,” i.e., economics, information, tech-
iar with many alchemical texts. There are footnotes added by nology, energy, environment, and human consciousness. “We
Jung and by his original and current editors, which are all eas- believe the threats are real and the consequences may be irre-
ily identified by author, editor, and date. There is also an In- versible. Our goal is to reawaken awareness of the issues and
dex, a big help in navigating such an imposing work. suggest how to find solutions.”
The editors chose to compile the book by topic, rather The Analyst writes on each subject from the macro-level
than in chronological order. At first confusing, this approach’s of trends and challenges; the Astrologer writes on historical
value becomes apparent as it shows Jung’s evolving thoughts and current planetary cycles, e.g., the U.S. Pluto return, Ura-
on the topics. Carl Jung first started studying astrology in nus in Taurus, the Jupiter–Saturn conjunction in Aquarius,
1913, while working with Freud, and continued until the and outer-planet ingresses into new signs (2024–26).
day he died in 1961. In the Appendix, Jung’s second-eldest In the concluding chapter, “Practical Realities We Need
daughter, Gret Baumann-Jung — referring primarily to his To Face, Choices We Need to Make,” the authors write: “Our
most famous book, Memories, Dreams and Reflections book is one of many voices trying to raise awareness and of-
— interprets her father’s natal chart with transits and fer solutions for the many challenges.” Their work is an espe-
progressions. cially clear, extremely informative, and grounded contribution
This is a seminal work; it is exciting to read and of enor- to that endeavor.
mous importance for astrologers, Jungian therapists, and — reviewed by Mary Plumb
countless others in transpersonal and symbolic traditions. Per-
haps taken a bit for granted by astrologers and put on a shelf, If you wish to propose a book for review or to contribute
C. G. Jung has been dusted off by these two brilliant scholars individual reviews, please contact Mary Plumb, Book Re­
whose deep understanding of their subject will delight the con- view Editor: Mary@maryplumb.com
temporary reader.
— reviewed by Kate Plumb

Our Choice: Extinction or Evolution by Richard

Spitzer and Linda Schurman, Soothe Script Publishing
LLC, Ithaca, NY, 2017. Softcover—130 pp.—$9.95 (ISBN
9781513626277). Available from Amazon.
The authors of this up-to-date book combine their skills
of astrological forecasting and data macro-analysis. The As-
trologer, Linda Schurman, is a long-time forecaster with ex-
perience in corporations and financial service companies.
(TMA readers may be familiar with her monthly newsletter
posted on her website, soothesayer.com.) The Analyst, Rich-
ard Spitzer, worked for many years as an executive in global
business firms, and has developed a new “‘predictive analyt-
ics’ methodology for macroeconomic trends.” They are each
steeped in their respective fields, cognizant of, and undaunted

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The Cosmic Egg Timer

Introducing Astrological Psychology
New colour edition of the classic introduction to
Bruno & Louise Huber’s astrological psychology,
by Joyce Hopewell and Richard Llewellyn.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 77

Sky Watch
June & July 2018
by Julene Louis

V enus and Jupiter are visible in the evening during June

and July. Saturn and Mars will be visible throughout most
of the night during both months. Mercury has evening visibility
Jupiter below the Moon. Mercury will set shortly after 10:00
p.m., followed by Venus about an hour later and Jupiter
around 3:00 a.m.
from mid June to late July. On July 9, Venus will be just above Regulus, the star
marking the heart of the Lion (Leo). On the 14th, locate Mer-
The Evening Sky cury slightly below the Moon, and on the 15th, Venus will be
At the beginning of June, Jupiter will be visible in the slightly to the left (east) of the Moon. On July 20, locate Jupi-
southeast during sunset until about 4:30 a.m., when the ter below the Moon.
planet sets in the WSW. The star slightly below Jupiter will be On July 26, locate Venus below Denebola, the tail star of
Zuben Elgenubi of Libra. Jupiter’s retrograde (apparent west- Leo. By this night, Mercury will no longer be visible. At the
ward) motion will be observable against this fixed star. By mid end of July, Venus will set shortly before 10:30 p.m., and Ju-
June, Jupiter will be noticeably to the right (west) of Zuben El- piter will set shortly after 12:30 a.m.
genubi, where he will remain throughout July.
Venus is ascending in the evening sky toward her greatest The Late Night through Morning Sky
eastern elongation in August. She begins June in the middle Saturn rises in the ESE around 11:00 p.m. in the con-
of the constellation Gemini, and will travel direct (eastward) stellation Sagittarius on June 1, followed by Mars in the
through the constellations Cancer and Leo, entering the con- constellation Capricorn around 1:00 a.m. on June 2. Jupi-
stellation Virgo at the end of July. ter will be visible in the south as these planets rise, and will
Mercury makes his first appearance in the evening sky, set around 4:30 a.m.
very low to the WNW horizon at sunset, on June 15. Mercury Just before dawn, locate Mars in the south and Saturn
will travel through the constellations Gemini and Cancer be- in the SSW. Saturn will be slightly to the right (west) of the
fore disappearing from view in late July. Moon at dawn on June 1. The Moon will be between the
At the beginning of June, Venus will be lower than Pollux planets on the morning of June 2, and will be above Mars
and Castor, the stars marking the heads of the Gemini Twins, on the morning of the 3rd.
and will set in the WNW around 11:00 p.m. On the evening of Saturn’s retrograde motion can be observed against the
June 6, Venus will be directly below Pollux (the left/east twin). bow stars of Sagittarius. Kaus Borealis is the upper bow star.
On June 15, locate Venus above and to the left (east) of At the beginning of June, Saturn will be above and slightly
the Moon in the evening sky. The following night, locate Ve- to the left (east) of this star. By mid June, Saturn will be
nus directly to the right (west) of the Moon, among the dim stars above and slightly to the right (west) of Kaus Borealis. He
of the constellation Cancer. Mercury will be making his first will continue to move west of this star, increasing the dis-
evening appearance at this time, lower in the sky, in the constel- tance throughout the next few months of his retrogradation.
lation Gemini, and farther to the right of the Moon and Venus. Mars’s retrograde motion can be observed against the
On June 23, locate Mercury below Pollux, Venus about star Dabih, in the constellation Capricornus. Mars begins
midway between Pollux (of Gemini) and Regulus (of Leo), and June below and to the left of this star. Only slight eastward


Calendar of Celestial Events June 2018 July 2018
June 2 at 12:34 p.m. EDT: July 6 at 1:00 p.m. EDT:
Moon at apogee1 (405,316 km / 251,852 mi) Earth at aphelion4

June 5 at 10:01 p.m. EDT:

July 12 at 1:00 a.m. EDT:
Mercury at superior conjunction
Mercury at greatest eastern elongation (26.4°)
(Sun between Mercury and Earth)

June 6 at 6:00 a.m. EDT: July 12 at 11:02 p.m. EDT:

Mercury at perihelion2 partial solar eclipse

June 14 at 7:55 p.m. EDT: July 13 at 4:28 a.m. EDT:

Moon at perigee3 (359,507 km / 223,387 mi) Moon at perigee (357,432 km / 222,098 mi)

June 21 at 6:07 a.m. EDT:

July 20 at 6:00 a.m. EDT:
summer solstice
Mercury at aphelion
(Sun at farthest North declination)

June 29 at 10:43 p.m. EDT: July 27 at 1:44 a.m. EDT:

Moon at apogee (406,061 km / 252,315 mi) Moon at apogee (406,223 km / 252,415 mi)

1. Apogee is the Moon’s farthest distance from Earth.

2. Perihelion is a planet’s closest distance to the Sun. July 27 at 4:23 p.m. EDT:
3. Perigee is the Moon’s closest distance to Earth. total lunar eclipse
4. Aphelion is a planet’s farthest distance from the Sun.

(direct) movement is detectable in June, due to Mars’s ret- The total lunar eclipse on July 27 is visible in South
rograde station at the end of the month. In July, Mars will America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Its duration
travel westward (retrograde) toward Dabih. He ends the from start to finish is 3 hours and 55 minutes. The duration
month below and to the right of this star. of totality is 1 hour and 43 minutes. (See map on p. 87.)
At the end of June, Saturn rises in the southeast around
9:00 p.m., followed by Mars around 11:30 p.m. On June Meteor Shower
27, Saturn will be at opposition (to the Sun) and thus visible The southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower is active
all night long. On the morning of June 28, locate Saturn be- July 21 – August 23. Faint meteors and occasional fireballs
low and slightly to the right of the Moon. On the morning will radiate in all directions from the southern portion of
of July 1, Mars will be below the Moon. At the beginning the constellation Aquarius, near the star Skat. The shower
of July, Jupiter sets around 2:30 a.m., followed by Saturn peaks on the night of July 28 to the morning of July 29.
around 5:30 a.m. Mars will disappear from view in the SSW The recently Full Moon will be near the radiant on the
as sunrise brightens the morning sky. peak night/morning, so fewer than the typical 16 meteors
On July 24, locate Saturn below the Moon. On the per hour will be visible. Best viewing of the shower is from
27th, locate Mars below and to the right of the Moon. Mars 11:00 p.m. until dawn.
at opposition will be visible all that night.
At the end of July, Jupiter becomes visible in the For visual aids that help you to locate the planets, visit
SSW at sunset, Saturn becomes visible in the SSE at sun- “The Mountain Astrologer Sky Maps” tab at Julene’s website,
set, and Mars rises in the southeast at sunset. All three http://julenelouis.com
of these planets will set in the WSW. Jupiter sets around
1:00 a.m., followed by Saturn around 3:00 a.m. and Mars © 2018 Julene Louis – all rights reserved
around 5:00 a.m.
Julene Louis, Dipl.IAA, ISAR-CAP, Jyotish Visharada-CVA, is a
Eclipses full-time consulting and teaching astrologer and co-founder of the Sky
The partial solar eclipse on July 12–13 is visible in the Astrology Conference (http://www.skyastrologyconference.com). She lec­
Antarctic and southern Australia. The duration of the eclipse tures at conferences and local groups in the United States, Canada, and
from start to finish is 2 hours and 25 minutes. The Table Mexico. Julene is available for consultation, group lectures, and tutoring
toward the CVA Jyotish Visharada certification. She can be reached via
(above) lists the time of the greatest eclipse, which typically
e-mail: julene.louis@gmail.com
differs from the exact moment of the New Moon.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 79

June and July 2018 by Nina Gryphon

The Entertainer
June 3, 2018, 12:47 p.m. – 1:13 p.m. PDT
This election highlights the Sun and Mercury in the sec-
Editor’s Note: Please see previous issues of TMA, ond decan of Gemini (10°00' – 19°59'), which means that the
starting with Feb./March 2017, for background and election will be highly effective for talismans to enhance the
continuing instruction in the principles behind the arts of storytelling and entertainment. This talisman could be
helpful to writers, comedians, singers, and other artists who
intertwining of magic and astrology.
use words and speech to captivate their audience.
The second decan of Gemini has the image of “a black
woman whose girdle is beautiful and whose garments are
brightly coloured. She delights in the arts, in singing, and in
story-telling. Holding a lyre, she is pleased and delighted. Her

une and July are astrologically active, though not neces- brows are lovely, and she is graceful.”1
sarily in ways that are conducive to talismanic magic. In We can imprint this memorable, pretty image on a Mercu-
June, Mars slows down to a crawl as he turns retrograde rial material, such as paper that has been infused with an herbal
on the 26th, while Jupiter and Saturn continue in their ret- extract of Mercurial herbs and plant materials. Mercury rules
rograde paths. In my experience, retrograde and stationary most kinds of nuts, as they are symbolic of the brain encased in
planets are less effective for planetary talismans than planets the skull. I would recommend boiling a variety of tree nuts and
in direct motion. I think of retrograde and stationing planets using the water to soak (and then dry) the chosen paper ma-
as being on a rejuvenating spa vacation; they’ll be raring to terial. At the time of the election, you may draw the image on
go once they are back on the job and moving forward, but the paper, along with a succinct summary of your intent.
until then, they should be left alone to recharge. In this election chart, Mercury rules the 1st house of self
In July, Jupiter turns direct on the 10th, though he will and the 10th house of fame and career, and here he is in
not be usable for talismans until the end of the month, when his own sign, Gemini, a powerful position for Mercury. (See
he has picked up some speed. We also have a couple of Chart 1, following page.) In Gemini, Mercury is particularly
eclipses in July that are best avoided, so we will have to step adroit in the verbal arts, including speaking, writing, and sing-
nimbly to find good magical dates. We will continue to lean ing. He is conjunct the Sun, a condition known as combustion
on lunar mansion talismans, which are both very effective and that is normally detrimental to planets, but planets in their
plentiful even in challenging planetary weather, as well as own signs are thought to be exempt from the harmful effects
decanic elections. of combustion. In my experience, planets in their own signs
All charts are set for Los Angeles, California, in Pacific that are near the Sun indicate activities that are hidden, as
Time. While you can simply add or subtract time to get the planets near the Sun cannot be seen due to the Sun’s glare.
same Ascendant degrees as the charts shown in this column, However, the planet in its own sign (in this case, Mercury) is
be sure to examine the new chart set for your location and not otherwise negatively impacted by the Sun’s proximity; the
time zone, because whenever you set the new chart to match theme of hiding remains, but the harmful symbolism of being
the rising degree in the original location, the Moon will likely burned up is absent.
have moved and may be applying to a different planet. The If you do not care about fame, targeting this talisman
Moon’s applying aspects are essential in electing for magical to Mercurial symbolism makes more sense. If, however, you
purposes, so consider whether the relocated election still ful- are interested in recognition for your efforts, focus your rit-
fills your needs. As with any electional horoscope, not every ual more on solar symbolism, such as the use of gold color
magical election can be successfully relocated. (or metal!), yellow flowers, and citrus fruits. You can still use


paper as the material for a solar talisman, but it needs to be strengthens the connection. Jupiter is retrograde, so he isn’t
imbued with the plant essences typical of the Sun, such as cit- as effective as we would wish, but he will still help to bring in
rus peel, St. John’s Wort, or marigold. some profit (as ruler of the 10th house of profit). The Moon
The Moon is in Aquarius, another air sign, in the 5th is also in orb of a trine to Venus, and Venus also receives
house, which is associated with fun, creativity, and entertain- the Moon into Venus’s exaltation (Pisces), while the Moon
ment. This is clearly a talisman to create a joyful and happy receives Venus into the Moon’s domicile (Cancer). This pow-
atmosphere through artistic activities. For example, if you erful mutual reception serves to strengthen the Moon–Venus
are thinking of joining a writing group or embarking on a bond. Venus is on the 2nd-house cusp, emphasizing the
risky creative venture, this talisman could help you in taking financial element of this election.
that first step. The Moon’s next aspect is a trine to the Sun, No magical election can create healing on its own, but
emphasizing the harmonious connection of one’s goals and I do believe that magic has great value as a supplement to
career (10th house) and the arts (5th house). treatment, as it enables us to address the spiritual dimension
This is a low-risk and rewarding talisman to make if you of wellness alongside the physical. Because the Moon rules
have never created one and if you enjoy writing or speaking, the 1st house of the body in this election, and is received by
whether as a hobby or as a professional pursuit, but feel that both benefics, this talismanic election is good for nourishing
you could use that extra “oomph” to help fire your imagina- the soul, especially when the body is working hard to recover.
tion and your facility with the spoken and written word. In my experience, the Moon’s applying square to the Sun
and Mercury is not a significant obstacle to a successful elec-
Growing Profits and Well-being tion, but I do point this out to those who are looking for a
June 6, 2018, 6:46 a.m. – 7:12 a.m. PDT perfect talismanic moment, so that they can wait for the ideal
In this talismanic election, the Moon is in the 27th time to come around later in the year. Sometimes, we need a
mansion of the Moon, called Al Fargh al-Thani in Arabic, talisman to solve an immediate problem, and this one is quite
meaning “the lower spout.” It spans 4°17'10'' to 17°08'36'' nice, given the somewhat challenging planetary configurations
Pisces, and the Picatrix states that it helps to “increase occurring this summer.
merchandise and to acquire profit, to unite allies, increase Lunar mansion talismans operate on the same princi-
harvests, [and] heal illness …”2 In my experience, every lunar ples as other planetary talismans. Here, our chosen metals,
mansion election will emphasize a different facet of the lunar colors, and materials will always be those associated with
mansion; this election is particularly strong on the profit and the Moon. So, we will work with the colors silver and white,
healing aspects. silver-colored metals, use water or milk as ritual offerings, and
The Moon is on the Midheaven (see Chart 2, below lunar plants, such as lilies, cabbages, and melons. The name
right) and rules the Ascendant; in lunar mansion talismans, of the angelic lord of the mansion is Abliemel, which should
the Moon is naturally the most important factor, so we like be written on the talisman, along with your goal for the tal-
to have618-Nina-1
Entertainer her on the Ascendant or Midheaven in these cases. Growing isman. The Picatrix says: “In all those [talismans] that are
Natal Chart Natal Chart
Jun Her
3 2018,next
Sun aspect is a trine to Jupiter in the 5th house, and she Junmade for good, and to cause gathering, uniting, and generat-
6 2018, Wed
12:47 pm PDT +7:00 6:46 am PDT +7:00
Los is received
Angeles, CA by Jupiter into his own domicile, Pisces, which Losing friendship
Angeles, CA and love, you ought to write on the chest of the
34°N03'08'' 118°W14'34'' 34°N03'08'' 118°W14'34''
Geocentric Geocentric
Tropical Tropical
Placidus Placidus
True Node True Node
12° ‚ 12' 11° ‹ 45'
53' 09° 50' 14°
ƒ ¸º Ý 42' Ü Ï ¶ Š 33'
14° 15°
13°10° Ï 27° 13°
» ‚ ‚ ‹ Ê
18° 10' 22' Ý
11° ‹
57' 33' 07°¼
45' ƒ 09° 27' Š 06° 21°

É 09'
Ü Ý 10' Š
S 47' ‰
07° 10 9 10 9
15° „ 46' 24° 48'
S 11 8 11 8

¸ 15°‚ 48' ¾
Chart 1: 7
13° 00° º 16° ‚ 25'
Chart 2: 7
Œ20' ‰
… June 3, 2018, ‹ ƒ June 6, 2018, ‰
12' 12'
1 12:47 p.m. PDT 6
46' 1 6:46 a.m. PDT 6

23' ˆ
ƒ 2 5
2 5
S 38'Š 21° Œ
09° 08' 10° 45' 21° » S
‡ 27'
07' Š 15°
† Œ
3 4
Š 07° ¶ Š ƒ „
10' 3 4
½ ‡
Œ 06° Ê 15°
46' 18' 31' 48' 07° 24°
‡ ‰ ¼ É
15° 07°
09° ½ ¾ 53' 14° 50'
‡ 42' ‰ All charts use „ 33' 15°

Placidus houses and
12° ˆ 12' 11° … 45'
the True Node.

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 81

Magical Elections

The spirits are not to be

figure …”3 That is, if you create an image for the talisman,
which could be as simple as the symbol of the Moon, write commanded by human beings;
across its upper third.
When invoking the lunar spirits, we can use the Picatrix
still, they can be asked nicely
prayer of the Moon: “Guernus, Hedus, Maranus, Miltas, to do something.
Taymex, Ranix, Mehyelus, Degayus: Moon! Come swiftly
with your spirits.”4
. The Picatrix gives specific instructions for using al-Zubrah
Honor and Respect for magical workings to gain fame. It says that this election is for
June 17, 2018, 9:36 a.m. – 10:22 a.m. PDT “pride and receiving good. When the Moon is here, make in
The 11th lunar mansion is called al-Zubrah in Arabic, a table of gold the figure of a man [riding] a lion and [holding]
meaning “the Mane,” and spans 8°34'17'' to 21°25'43'' Leo. the ear of the lion and in front of this figure write the name of
One of al-Zubrah’s key attributes is honor, in the ancient the lord of this Mansion.”5 The angelic lord of the mansion is
Greek sense of kleos, meaning renown or brilliant reputation Neciel, whose name we write on the talisman, and whom we
bestowed upon a hero. In this election, we have the Moon in invoke during the talisman ritual.
the 11th mansion, conjoining the Ascendant in the fixed sign You may not have access to tables of gold, though you
of Leo. (See Chart 3, below left.) The presence of a fixed fire could use another material, such as gold-plated silver, which
sign on the Ascendant and as the Moon’s sign suggests that has the added benefit of combining a lunar metal with a solar
this talisman is best for intentions and works we desire to last metal. The Sun also rules dark red garnet and jacinth, which
a long time. Further, the Moon is waxing, but it already has a is a red-orange zircon, in case you want to decorate your altar,
good amount of light, which indicates reputation that gradu- the talisman, or yourself with these less costly semiprecious
ally grows and that still has plenty of room to run. stones for the ritual.
Appropriately, the Moon’s next aspect is a sextile to the As with all the lunar mansion talismans, you can invoke
Sun, who receives the Moon into his domicile, Leo. The fact the Moon’s spirits, Guernus, Hedus, Maranus, Miltas, Taymex,
that this aspect includes reception strengthens the bond be- Ranix, Mehyelus, and Degayus.
tween the Moon and the Sun, and empowers the Sun to work
even more effectively through the medium of the Moon. The Power and Protection
Sun himself is well positioned in the auspicious 11th house July 18, 2018, 12:09 p.m. – 12:14 p.m. PDT
of friendship and good fortune. This is particularly helpful be- There are few truly exceptional elections in July, but
Honor he rules the 1st house of self, meaning that the mage
Natal Chart
we can
Power take advantage of the Moon’s transit over the fixed
Natal Chart
17 2018, Sunthe talisman will take on solar qualities of radiance, Julstar Algorab
18 2018, Wed located at 13°14' Libra. Algorab is in the wing
9:36 am PDT +7:00 12:09:15 pm PDT +7:00
Angeles, CA and fame. Losof the
Angeles, celestial
CA Raven (Corvus), and according to Agrippa,
34°N03'08'' 118°W14'34'' 34°N03'08'' 118°W14'34''
Geocentric Geocentric
Tropical Tropical
Placidus Placidus
True Node True Node
09° Ý 01' 14° ƒ 22'
25' 06° 50' 11°
‚ Ü 35' „ ‚ 47'
13° 16° É ¸
º 05°
¸ 21° „
05' 26° 08° 54' „ 11°
ƒ º ‚
26' ‹ … » 17' S
09° 10 9 09° 10 9
16° ƒ 47' 16° … 01'
54' 37'
11 8 11 8

» 04° „ 24'
15° É 06° „ 29' S
Chart 3: 7
15° 13°
Chart 4: 7
„ June 17, 2018, Š † July 18, 2018, Ü
42' Š 08°
¼ ¶ 13° † 23'
29' ¶ 20° „ 21' 9:36 a.m. PDT S 29' Š
29' 08'
12:09 p.m. PDT 08'
1 6
Ê 1 6

2 5 26' 2 5
Œ ‡
08° ‰ 05' 11° 13° 54'
‡ ½
3 4 3 4
… 06° ‰

47' 25' Œ ¾ 16° 01' Œ 56'
20' 16°
† 07' 26'20' Š
09° ‰ ‰ Š
‡ 06°
00°04° 05°
Ï 14°
† 35' ˆ
25' 11°
Ͼ Ê ¼ Š 50'
½ 13°
ˆ 47' 16°
09° ‡ 01' 14° ‰ 22'


the ancients “made the image of a Raven, or Snake, or of a isman’s effects are far more powerful than anticipated. Maybe
black Man clothed in black …”6 for this talisman to increase the mage only wanted to go on more dates, but now they are
courage and boldness, and to enhance the choleric or fiery swamped with the attentions of people they would rather avoid.
humoral element within the body. Choler was traditionally as- This is not to say that magical work usually leads to unintended
sociated with the virtues of courage and energy and with the consequences, but even the kindest angels are fundamentally
vices of anger and impulsiveness. If you or the intended recip- ungovernable, so be sure that you would be willing to accept a
ient of the talisman already possess choleric qualities, Algorab bigger dollop of a given planet’s energy than initially planned.
may not be the talisman to use! However, if you find that The spirits are not to be commanded by human beings;
you need encouragement because you have been too weak still, they can be asked nicely to do something. If we approach
or fearful, the Algorab talisman may give you much-needed them similarly to how we approach other people, with po-
gumption. The other important power of Algorab is to keep liteness and common sense, we will be well on the way to
away evil spirits and to guard “against the malice of Men, building a positive relationship with that spirit or angel.
Devils and Winds,”7 further emphasizing Algorab’s fundamen- Long-term relationships typically lead to better results
tally protective and even intimidating effects. than one-time petitions. Some mages like to do a mini rit-
The election is simple; we have the Moon conjunct the ual each month for a specific lunar mansion whose effect in
Ascendant on Algorab. (See Chart 4, previous page.) The their lives they wish to amplify over time, when the Moon
ruler of the Ascendant is Venus, who is auspiciously placed is in the given mansion. I did this over a long period with
in the 11th house, though in her fall in Virgo. She makes a one of the lunar mansions generally considered lucky, and
harmonious sextile to Jupiter and a trine to Saturn, which I ended up with one of the most fortunate years of my life.
compensates somewhat for her essential debility. Because she Coincidence? Perhaps! Nonetheless, it is helpful to everyone
is not perfect, I would recommend that this talisman be made — not just mages — to have a spiritual practice, and work-
for a short, immediate, or one-time use. For the longer-acting ing with the passage of the Moon through the mansions is
talismans, which are usually cast in stone or metal, it’s worth a lovely and constructive way to connect to the spirits who
waiting for an election that is as perfect as it gets. This elec- govern these parts of the zodiac.
tion can most definitely be used for a talisman needed soon.
One warning from Agrippa is that Algorab “causeth References
naughty dreams,”8 which means frightening rather than sexy 1. Austin Coppock, 36 Faces, Three Hands Press, 2014, p. 286.
dreams. This is most likely due to the talisman’s creating an 2. Anonymous, The Picatrix Liber Atratus Edition, trans. John Michael
excess of choler, which again should not be a problem for Greer and Christopher Warnock, Adocentyn Press, 2010, p. 37.
those deficient in the fiery element. 3. Ibid., p. 293.
According to Hermes Trismegistus, the best material for 4. Ibid.
Algorab is the raven-colored stone, onyx, combined with the
5. Ibid., pp. 288–289.
seed, leaves, and roots of the burdock plant.9 Burdock has a
6. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1651),
mild-tasting and crisp root that is very popular in Asian cui-
reprint by Theophania Publishing, 2011, p. 347.
sine; it is commonly eaten in Japan in the spring to cleanse
7. Ibid.
the blood. A stylized burdock flower-head, with its character-
8. Ibid.
istic burrs, is woven into many Turkish kilim rugs to avert the
evil eye and to bring abundance. No wonder that evildoers and 9. Hermes on the 15 Fixed Stars, translated and annotated by John Michael
Greer, available at: http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/hermesfixedstars.
malefic spirits are frightened away by an Algorab talisman!
Accompanying this article is an
artistic rendering of the star glyph for
Algorab, to add to your talisman for this
fixed star. (See Glyph, at right.) I © 2018 Nina Gryphon – all rights reserved

Nina Gryphon is an astrologer and corporate lawyer living in Los Ange­

les, California. Upon completing John Frawley’s Horary Apprenticeship,
Spirits and Angels she has studied with Deborah Houlding, a leading traditional astrologer.
You may have noticed that many talismans invoke specific Nina practices traditional astrology, specializing in personal, financial, and
spirits and angels by name, such as the spirit rulers of lunar political forecasting. Her latest project is an illustrated version of Bonatti’s
mansions and planetary intelligences, angels, and archangels. 146 Considerations, available serially on Patreon. She may be contacted
The first question that would-be mages ask about this bewil- via http://ninagryphon.com
dering assortment of supernatural entities is: “Are they real?”
In my experience, spirits and angels do exist as objective and
independent entities, and they can manifest in physical ways
in certain circumstances.
The entities described in this column are known to be
beneficent or at least kindly disposed toward humans, though
this does not mean that their energies are mild or gentle. A
common beginner mistake is for a mage to create a talisman
of Venus, invoking the appropriate planetary intelligences,
spirits, angels, and archangels, and then realize that the tal-

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 83

38 04
41 13 30 57
06 L 42 22 19 33 07
12 J 44 22 06
06 10 25
05 22 14
22 Apr 09
20 08 26
573 Tu
12 13 04
1139 220500 09
26 L01
56 57 26 0316
35 50
09 1601 06
L 13 28
52 06
20 14 24
24 05Fire53 14
21 0059 0908 1258 13 40 05 27 01
05 58 02 50
}Tu13 0523 03 02 16 20 Solar
} 13 26
19 00 51 19 4 2017 25 02 13 26 00 v8.1.2
28 02
16 54
16 25
18 J 34
48 20
16 01
24 3355 30
57 06
06 05
02 26
07 5912 15
23 27 09
29 08 27524 W
13 W13
13 0524 19
1136 590535 22
0513 21 01
15 04
02 0528
27 52
15 00 21 16
1604 28
21 12
00 06
20 07
06 13 26
02 06 31 49 1523 0807 0908 1353 1313 3724 05 22 01
05 53 02 52 04
33 27
06 07 A 07
31 42
04 13 A 24
27 06
17 06 01 28 34 16 09
37Pis08 28 Th
125 Th
FM 817-3 13-12
06 16
34 56
Natal 0546
25 04
Chart J01
48 0202 19
40 54 J
09 16
1659 57
A 43 28
39 06
20 0302
21 0828 07 06 2416 1517 0809 4812 1313 23 05 18
35 05 01 06
49 02 54
13 01 07 06 03 08 E 29 24 35 46 13 23 05 27
17 30 0603 25 20
06 11
10 18 19
13 K 22
45 24 25
20 K 16
12 42 05
06 59
04 00
09 0645 17
25 42 09
46 08 29396 F
10 F13
13 0722 13
1332 530558 15
0537 12 A01
10 55 0821
25 56
02 22
02 16 16
1650 27
26 06
24 05
20 59
06 10 29
04 23 17
09 E 39 25 2623 0908 1141 1313 3322 05 14 01
05 44 02 55 07

Where’s That Moon?

40 39 50 16
27 01 10 07 B 04 05 58 01 5736 18 09 30
54Date Sa
087 Sa13 Time
30 100548 27 01
39 Asp 5829 K 37 48
16 27 05
20 0458 01 36
18} 10 10 2618 3034 0809 3409 1313 21 05 09
31 05 01 09
40 02 57
07 29
52 26 46 28
07 03 25 03
50 06 03 } 10 26 50 08 32 13 14 510511P1
08 55P2
02 09
56 09 1631 51
24 20
06 Pos2
12 18 05 y 03 20 K y
24 41
05 05 57 16
10 B 12 48
17 0552 34
06 58
02 12 0407 27 57 09
03 08 05241
8 Su
13 09
1528 08
21 480500 09
0524 04 B02
06 31 21
14 1115
24 00
13 1625 38
B 03
16 27
23 05
20 58
06 07 02
02 11 38 47 1927 4338 0908 0626 1313 2921 05 05 01
05 36 02 59 10
Dec 3 2017 7:46a 37¶ à 59¸ 11°‚40' Þ 11°ˆ40' Þ
02 18 24 05 45 01 C 12 39 06 00 13 14 29 05 08 159 M13 1620 45 05 19 00 02 48 1227 1602 49 23 0620 0105 12 55 28 45 08 18 13 20 05 01 02 12
59 32 08 C 25 58 F Dec 6 2017 12:28p42 50¶ ” ¸ 29°ƒ54' Þ 14°ˆ54' Þ
Data 15
Lunar45 12 05 58 14
Ingresses & 19 00
Void Moons12 08 Planetary
05 Tu13 1720 Data04 04 55 C02 C 28 18
12 27 1411 16 22 20 5804 14
05 00 29 52 08 08 13 20 04 Phases 57 02 &13
Dec 9 2017 11:51p Phases
¶ ‘ ¸& Eclipses Lunar Ingresses
18°…26' Þ 18°ˆ26'& Void
Þ Moons Ec
56 46 23 09 40 00 D 38 30 05 56 15 20 01 19 07 11 55 W13 1820 y40 0404 1851 0249 48 1526 1616 12
21 0520 5602 15 02 01 F 00 07 58 13 20 y 04 52 02 15
54 00 08 D 10 44 Ingresses
15 45 16 05 54 16 Void Times
18 02 26 07 12 Ingresses
Dec 13 2017
44 Th
8:19p ¶
13 1920 370419 03Lunar“
47 02 Phases
¸ Ingresses
46 35 1611 1619 55
20 05
22°ˆ21' Þ Void Times
20 5401 16 02 02 06 07 48 13 20 04 48 02 16 Lunar Phases
Day Dec 17 2017 10:30p ¶ Day ß Time
¸ 26°ˆ31' Þ Time 26°ˆ31' Þ
51 15Time
23 20 53 Day
00 E 56 25 05Time
53 17 14 03 33 07 13 33Last Aspect
F13 2:18a 340433Time
43 02
18 Day
55 02 1726 1630 46
20 20 53
05 00 16 58 03 13 07 36Last 13 Aspect Day02Time
21 04 44 17
Dec 22 2017 ¶ “ ¸ 15°Š45' Þ 00°‰45' Þ
08 EPM
48 3012:59
12 30 38 16 J 02 273105 2:27 y 18
53AM 06 04 1 39Dec 0726
8:37 PM14b
21 13
2017 1:20a21 i
21 31
12 0448 0439
¶ ‘ ¸
E 11:32
05 54 1911
16 a
39 15
04°Ü47' Þ 15
59AM17 51 04 2 203:37
04°‰47' Þ 07AM 24 13 Q 21i 04 406 02 6:32 18
45 45 23 30 50 F 54 53 05 53 18
00 K 54 05 3 46Dec 0729PM
13 2 3:06 PM 10:09 cSu13T
2017 2222e290403¶19
13 ” 02
09 45 20
¸ 26
PM 16
K 36~26
18 2
23°Ý22' Þ 1910:06
22 C 5357y PM
44 18 Þ
08°‰22' 41 05 4 265:09 07AM 12 13 T 22e 04 3613 027:42 19
43 002:53 PM
08 F 13 52 15 L 27 14 05 54 19 40 06 52 06 16 55 M13 2323 26 9:53 PM
0419 0330 F02
58 27 2111 LF 15 09
16 17 0519F 5455 19 27 06 33 06 59 13 23 04 32 02 21
21 5 3:54 AM 6 11:35 PM` S D c21 20 3:51 AM a 529 10:54
04 AM 7 6:35 AM S c 20 10:51 AM
22 AM34 34
40 163:06 29 35 37 05 55 20 21 07 58Jan06 17
42 Tu
1 2018 13 6:24p
2424 23043410:06
¶1826 à 02
26¸ 02 22 1630 46
17 Þ 19 55
05 54 20 Þ
11°‰37' 10 07 39 06 46 13 24 04 28 02 22
06 G
37 3110:16 30 17
13 G 18 38 705 2:26
56PM 20 59 09 9 04Jan 065 PM
12:37 18
27 W13TE25 c
25 2004 27
22 G029:53
29 PM
G 21z
16 16 706
05 J 55
52PM 20 48 08 9 45 06
7:37 PM 32 T
13 c
25 04 28
24 024:53 AM
28 PM 0:04a29 5:16
49¶ AM 10 12

2018 ” ¸ 29°„55' Þ 14°‰55' Þ
34 47 20 00 48 26 B 37 01 905 9:03
56PM 21 33 10 11 10Jan 068PM
8:28 19
13 Th
2018 13 2627
V2:25pc 180405¶1618 ‘02
06¸ 57 24 B 46 36
15 194:03
05 AM21 Þ
18°‰35' 23 0912 513:28 06AM 17 13 V 26c 04 20 02 24
32 02 03 H 07 36 09 H `150420¶Solar Eclipses
` 04 Solar Eclipses
56 }PM
C 32 541105 11:53 22 03 11 16Jan05 58 F13
20 2728 15 “02
29 20 25 25 H
48 46
14 196:53
05 49
56 } 21 Þ 54 10 56 06 03 13 16 02
Q 28 25

13 12:42 PMStations
12 2018 Q2:28p ¸
H 12Time
C 12Þ 22°‰40'
AM 13 7:42 PM
29 18 15 53 21
Day Time 22 D 09 22 05 56 22 28 12 21Jan05 21
43 Sa
16 2018 13 6:17p
12 ¶12Day
11 ß02 ¸00 26 1630 32
D 13 Þ 19 56
05 48 22 Þ
26°‰54' 21 12 02 05 47 13 30 04 12 Day02Time 26
26 34 28 21 22 04 I 29 491405 12:20
55 AM22 49 1315 26Jan 0520
9:18 hSu}13
28 R7:45p
2932i090452¶24 07 “02
44¸ 50 27 16
I 55 18
12 197:20
05 AM22 44 1315 074:18
01°Š02' Þ 05PM 32 13 R 32i 04 08 02 26
~ None ~
18 4:26 PM
23 51 10 I 35 07 16 E 37 431605 12:20
54 AM23 06 1417 31Jan 0524
8:26 12 M13
PM2018 0034
` 18 11:26
E 070408¶0703 ‘
02¸ 23 27 E
1606 31
11 197:20
05 AM23 Þ
04°Š53' 02 1418 123:26 05AM 16 13 V 34` 04 04 02 27~ N
21 082:04
22 PM38 01 28 F 36 231805 1:41
54AM23 18 15 36Jan04
d }
13 0:12a 26 9:04 PM
20 3:5131
56 Tu
28 2018
AM2018 T5:26a ` 04 ¶Lunar
0137 04 25 00 ”02¸ 282523°‚21'
19 08 06
F 1018Þ05198:41
07 33
AM23 Þ
08°Š21' 15 15 17 05 00 13
20 10:51 AM T 36` 04 01 02Eclipse28
18 25 04 J 33 11 J 28 47 05 53 23
10 G 25 16 41Jan04 40 W13 0239 01
25 0342¶01 J02
56 à 05 ¸13 29 J 01 29
G 09 Þ 19 53
05 42 23 Þ
11°Š37' 23 16 22 04 44 13 39 03 Lunar 57 02 29
20 5:30 AM T0242i590300 12 20 12:30 PM T 41i 03 53
15 43 16 23 30 22 17 38 05 53 23 27 } 1721 456:34
04PM2623 Th13 Day02
52 56Time
40 2918 1651 06
08 0519 5341 23 27 1722 261:34 04AM 28 13 Day02Time 29
13 01 28 11 31 H
04 05 252205 12:11
K 53 PM23 24 1824 49Feb 043AM 07 F13
2018 0345
S1:48pb560318¶24 49 ”02
45¸ 06 30
K 38 57
07 197:11
05 PM23 Þ
53 25 } 1824 302:00
04PM 12 13 S 44b 03 50 02 30
7:00 ~12None ~Þ ~N
10 20 09 K 59 37 15 I 54 252405 9:29 y 23 16 19 53Feb 037 2018 13 7:53a K02 I
26 Feb
51 Sa 0448
AM2018 T10:34a
5:53 11 h530337¶ 06
45 ‘ 32¸ 57 31 1627 22
05 194:29 y 23 Þ
53AM 19 19 34 03 55 13
26 12:53 PM T 47 h 03 46 02 30
07 40 21 50 06 53 } 23
27 J 46 572705 8:53 03 20 57 03 29 34 Su13 0551 03 18 42 02 3124 J 16 04 193:53
2705 37 23 07 20 38 03 39 13 50 03 43 02 31
50 57¶ “ 22 ¸30 07°‰58'
18 38 Þ 22°Š58'
53 Þ
AM Q1:05pi480317¶00 PM Q 53i 03 40 02 31
05 01 03 L 45 17 09 L 45 23 05 53 22 45 2229 00Feb 0315
1:58 18 M13
30 0654 L02
39 ß 16¸ 03 31 L 15 05
03 Þ 19 53
05 27°Š07'
35} 22 Þ 51 2129 428:58 03AM 23 13
02 22 15 47 36
21 52 162905 9:3753PM 22 22 23 03Feb 0319 2018
02 Tu13 9:48a
0758 450338¶12 35 “02
16¸ 02 32
1619 14
02 194:37
05 AM22 Þ
53 29 22 45 03 06 13 57 03 36 02 32
59 45 27 59 45 04 A 10 25 05 52 21 54 24 06Feb 23 2018
02PACIFIC 0:09a
0802 430301¶24
451 W14TIME 32 ‘02
25¸ 02 32 A 33 47
16 01 Þ 19 52
05 04°‹39'
32 22 Þ 03 23 48 02 MEAN
GREENWICH 50 14 TIME01 03 33 02 32
Feb 26 2018 9:17a ¶ ” ¸ 23°ƒ03' Þ 08°‹03' Þ

Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Planetary

Mar 1 2018 Phases
¶ à ¸& Eclipses
4:51pData Lunar Ingresses
11°…23' Þ & Void
11°‹22' Þ Moons Phases & Ec
Ingresses Mar 5 2018
Void Times 5:12a
Ingresses ¶ ” Phases
Lunar ¸ Ingresses
29°†54' Þ 14°‹54' Þ Void Times Lunar Phases
Mar 9 2018 3:19a ¶ ‘ ¸ 18°ˆ49' Þ 18°‹49' Þ
Day Time Day Time Mar 13 2018Last 7:44a
Day ¶ Day
Time “ Time
¸ Day
07°Š58' Þ Time Last Aspect Day Time
K 29 9:37 PM 1 Mar c R c K a 14 4:37 A 22°‹57' Þ
R c
9 7:31 PM 3:56 17
PM2018 F6:11a10 ¶ 6AM
2:31 ß 12:51
¸ AM 26°‹53'30Þ 12AM
26°‹53' Þ 1 10:56 PM 6 7:51 AM
L 2 10:31 AM 4 Mar
2:47 20 ` V
AM2018 i
E9:20p ¶ 12“ 7:48 L ~ 2Þ20 5:31
¸ PM15°Ý30' D 00°Ü30'
41PM Þ 4 9:47 AM V i 13 2:48 AM
22 2:00 PM 22 9:00 PM
A 4 Mar 24 2018 S 8:35a
c ¶ ‘ ¸ 03°ƒ56'
A a Þ G 03°Ü56' Þ S c
9:50 PM 7 12:09 AM 19 12:52 PM 527 4:50
05AM 7 7:09 AM 19 7:52 PM
Mar 27 2018 6:29p ¶ ” ¸ 22°„19' Þ 07°Ü19' Þ
B 7 5:51 AM 9 Mar Stations
T5:36ac B z 7Þ04 12:51
K 10°Ü44' T c
9:10 31
AM2018 ¶ 27à 1:21
¸ PM10°†44' 44 PM Þ 9 4:10 PM 27 8:21 PM
Day Time Day Time

C 9 9:59 AM 10 1:00 PM e T h C 9 4:59 PM 10 8:00 PM T h

10 10:02 AM Solar
” Eclipses
D 11 10:58 AM 12 Apr
7:488PM `10
Apr 3 2018 y Q10:46p 5:02

¶ Day
PM ¸
‘ Time
D 11 Þ 14°Ü24' Þ
5:58 PM 13 2:48 AM Q ` Solar Eclipses
25 10:02 PM E 2018b } 0:17a26 5:02 AM ¸ 18°‰24' Þ
E 18°Ü24' Þ Day Time
13 10:30 AM 14 Apr PM2018 Q1:59a
4:1112 b ¶ “ ¸ 07°‹24'13Þ 5:30 PM
22°Ü24' Þ 14 11:11 PM Q b
F 15 10:31 AM Apr 15 2018 V
17 3:49 AM 6:57p
` ¶ 12ß 8:01 F P 150.337
¸ PM26°Ü02' Þ 5:31 26°Ü02'
17 10:49 AM V ` 13 3:01 AM
G Apr 19 2018 5:13a ¶ “ ¸ 14°‚23'
G 17Þ 7:42 29°Ü23' Þ
17 12:42 PM 19 Apr
12:52 T ` PM 19 T `
22PM2018 2:45p ¶Lunar
‘ Eclipses
¸ 02°„42' Þ 02°Ý42' Þ 7:52 PM Lunar Eclipse
H 19 6:12 PM S ` H
21°…06'20Þ 1:12 AM S `
22 Apr
AM2018 2:30a ¶ Day” Time
¸ 06°Ý06' Þ 22 9:18 AM Day Time
I 22 3:12 AM Apr 29 2018 S 5:58p
b ¶ à ¸ I 22Þ 10:12
09°‡38' 09°Ý38'
AM Þ S b
24 1:22 AM 27 1:22 PM J T 1.609 24 8:22 AM 27 8:22 PM
J 24 2:49 PM 24 9:49 PM
26 May 3 2018 Q3:59p
6:41 AM i ¶ ” ¸ 28°ˆ26' Þ 13°Ý26' Þ 26 1:41 PM Q i
K 27 3:41 AM May 7 2018 R b
7:08p ¶ ‘ ¸ K
17°Š26'27Þ 10:41 AM Þ
17°Ý26' R b
29 2:25 AM 29 9:25 AM
L 29 4:28 PM May 11 2018 5:07p ¶ “ ¸ L 29Þ 11:28
06°Ü14' 21°Ý14'
May 15 2018 4:47a ¶ ß ¸ 24°Ý36' Þ 24°Ý36' Þ GREENWICH MEAN TIME
May 18 2018 11:41a ¶ “ ¸ 12°ƒ46' Þ 27°Ý46' Þ
May 21 2018 8:49p ¶ ‘ ¸ 01°…01' Þ 01°‚01' Þ
May 25 2018 11:13a
May 29 2018 7:19a
¶ ” ¸
¶ à ¸
19°†29' Þ
08°ˆ10' Þ
04°‚29' Þ
08°‚10' Þ
Pacific Time
DS Jun 2 2018 9:08a ¶ ” ¸ 27°‰04' Þ 12°‚04' Þ
LQ Jun 6 2018 11:31a ¶ ‘ ¸ 15°‹59' Þ 15°‚59' Þ
BL Apr Jun410
2018 5:01a ¶ “ ¸ 04°Ý33' Þ Solar FireÞv8.1.2
NW Jun 13 2018 12:43p ¶ ß ¸ 22°‚44' Þ 22°‚44' Þ
CR Pis JunFM
16 817-3
2018 -5:53p
Natal Chart
¶ “ ¸ 10°„48' Þ 25°‚48' Þ
FQ Jun 20 2018 3:50a ¶ ‘ ¸ 29°…04' Þ 29°‚04' Þ
GB Jun Date23 2018 9:35p
Time P1
¶ Asp
” P2¸ Pos1
17°‡38' Þ Pos2
02°ƒ38' Þ
FL Jun 27 2018 9:52p ¶ à ¸ 06°‰28' Þ 06°ƒ28' Þ

DS Jul 2 2018 1:15a ¶ ” ¸ 25°Š24' Þ 10°ƒ24' Þ

LQ Jul 6 2018 0:50a ¶ ‘ ¸ 14°Ü12' Þ 14°ƒ12' Þ
BL Jul 9 2018 2:20p ¶ “ ¸ 02°‚36' Þ 17°ƒ36' Þ
NW Jul 12 2018 7:47p ¶ ß ¸ 20°ƒ41' Þ 20°ƒ41' Þ
CR Jul 16 2018 0:51a ¶ “ ¸ 08°…45' Þ 23°ƒ45' Þ
FQ Jul 19 2018 12:52p ¶ ‘ ¸ 27°†05' Þ 27°ƒ05' Þ
GB Jul 23 2018 10:22a ¶ ” ¸ 15°ˆ48' Þ 00°„48' Þ
FL Jul 27 2018 1:20p ¶ à ¸ 04°Š44' Þ 04°„44' Þ
DS Jul 31 2018 3:30p ¶ ” ¸ 23°‹39' Þ 08°„39' Þ

NW=New CR=Crescent Aug

FQ=First Quarter11:17a
4 2018 GB=Gibbous
¶ FL=Full
‘ ¸ DS=Disseminating
12°Ý19' Þ LQ=Last Þ
12°„19' Quarter BL=Balsamic
Aug 7 2018 10:01p ¶ “ ¸ 00°ƒ37' Þ 15°„37' Þ
Aug 11 2018 2:57a ¶ ß ¸ 18°„41' Þ 18°„41' Þ
Aug 14 2018 9:28a ¶ “ ¸ 06°†50' Þ 21°„50' Þ
Aug 18 2018 0:48a ¶ ‘ ¸ 25°‡20' Þ 25°„20' Þ
Forecast Calendar
for J une and J uly 2018
by Leah Whitehorse
All times given are in Pacific Daylight Time.
For Eastern time, add 3 hours; Central Time, add 2 hours; Mountain Time, add 1 hour;
Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

Overview for June and July

From December 2016 to November 2017, there were three We carry these themes into the solstice chart on June 21,
squares between Saturn and Chiron, which pushed us to address when the Sun moves into security-conscious Cancer. As the
chronic problems undermining the structure of society. Our sense season turns, the Sun’s opposition to Saturn and square to Chi-
of broken unity (Chiron in Pisces) manifested as increasing cul- ron suggest that, during the next quarter, we may be dealing
tural division (Saturn in Sagittarius). Whilst there are no further with feelings of limitation and lack (Saturn) which push us to
exact squares, by the end of July the gap between Saturn and reject (Chiron) the status quo. Whilst nostalgic Cancer cher-
Chiron will have closed to one and a half degrees, strong enough ishes tradition, the Sun’s sextile to Uranus invites us to inves-
to make an impression. During this time, we may find ourselves tigate alternative paths and support grassroots changes.
revisiting old problems. Where there is pain, there is rigidity and Change, however, much like plodding Taurus, is likely to
resistance. Just as muscles stiffen around an arthritic joint, limit- slow down, since this forecast period sees significant retrograde
ing movement, psychic pain can also make us inflexible. action. It begins with Neptune stationing retrograde on June
Since the original square, both bodies have changed signs. 18, revealing where reality has been distorted by idealism.
Saturn is now at home in Capricorn. Here, he insists that traditions Mars stations retrograde in Aquarius on June 26 and then enters
be followed to the letter, to provide a sense of continuity. The into a protracted square to Uranus, ruler of the Water Bearer,
rules are the rules. Saturn in Capricorn would no doubt advocate between July 9 and October 1. With our inner Warrior now
“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” but Chiron’s pointed presence sug- in backward motion, this could be a frustrating, restless time.
gests that the old ways aren’t necessarily the best. Aries, the first The drive is to get ahead of the crowd, yet nothing can happen
of the zodiac signs, corresponds to spring and emergence, but quickly. Aquarius rules groups and networks, so we may first
with Chiron still in the early degrees, new growth may be weak. need to figure out who our allies are in the battle for progress.
We cannot remain hobbled by the past. Fresh growth needs a As Mars disposits Chiron transiting Aries, we may feel more
fresh approach, and for this we need to look to inventive Uranus. vulnerable to attack when our weak points are on display. Mars
If we plant the same crop in the same field repeatedly, even- will also make three conjunctions with the South Node, due to
tually the crop will fail, soil sapped of nutrients. Now that Uranus retrograde motion, making it all too easy for us to fall back into
has moved into agricultural Taurus, we’re put on notice that we old patterns of behavior. Unresolved anger from the past may
must diversify. With Taurus also related to resources and com- need to be addressed, to facilitate the healing process. Chiron
modities, what we consider to be valuable is changing. We need himself will station retrograde on July 4; this also alerts us to
to invest in progressive practices. The spontaneous uprisings of previous injuries that have been left to fester.
Uranus’s previous passage through Aries now lead to inevitable Optimism begins to return when Jupiter stations direct in
instability across the planet. Chiron in brave Aries suggests that Scorpio on July 10, but bear in mind that both of Jupiter’s dis-
our confidence is damaged, but Chiron also shows us where positors (Mars and Pluto) are still retrograde. It may take time
healing can make us stronger. for renewed hope to translate into trust.
In 2009, Uranus and Chiron began a series of 26 semi- Mercury enters the shadow zone on July 7 and will sta-
sextiles that will last until May 2021. Semi-sextiles (30°) are a minor tion retrograde on July 25. This retrograde will take place in
aspect, but given the great number of repetitions, it appears that bold Leo. The Lion is a risk-taker, but given the rest of the cos-
this transit is an integral part of the big picture. The twentieth in mic picture, we can see that there is little confidence in tak-
this series occurs on July 16. Uranus in Taurus is ahead in the ing chances now. Instead, this is an opportunity for creative
zodiac, so is therefore the leader on this occasion. What we now rethinking.
view as precious must change to sustain new developments. A Lastly, we’re entering eclipse season; the first of three
focus on innovation can help us to create a bridge to the new eclipses occurs on July 12. Whilst this solar eclipse in homey
world order. Liberating Uranus may make us aware that there Cancer is only a partial eclipse, it still packs a punch: an op-
is a price for our freedom, but Chiron in Aries is willing to pay. position to powerful Pluto. Feelings of insecurity could drive
He knows that, in any conflict, there will be bumps and bruises. us to hide away rather than confront our fears, seeking com-
With such a large number of semi-sextiles occurring, this aspect fort in old habits. However, trines to both Jupiter and Neptune
is rather like Shaolin monks repeatedly training themselves to give us a glimmer of hope that light will return.
uproot a tree with their bare arms. Eventually, they are not only The “problem middle child” of this eclipse series occurs
strong enough to succeed in the endeavor, but they sustain no on July 27. This lunar eclipse in Aquarius conjoins retrograde
injury in doing so. Mars and squares Uranus. There’s an impetuous urge towards
independent action, but since the eclipse also conjoins the sentful Venus–Pluto opposition in play at 7:24 p.m. (20°50'
South Node, we may need to fall into line rather than lead Cancer–Capricorn). Loving kindness removes relationship
a rebellion. toxins.
Feb 14 2017
On Wednesday, both Mercury and the Sun Solar perfectFire v8.1.2
Friday, June 1 – Sunday, June 3: On Friday, chatty Mercury squares to Neptune at 7:07 a.m. and 10:57 p.m., respec-
Sag FM 617-1 - Natal Chart
is engaged in group discussions with a trine (120°) to ani- tively. Since the Last Quarter Moon at 11:31 a.m. lands on
mated Mars at 7:13 a.m. (5°31' Gemini–Aquarius). Then, Neptune,
Date we have
P1 Aspupon P2reflection
Pos1 in this watery,
15 minutes later, likeable Venus trines benevolent Jupiter confusing atmosphere.
May 26 2018 9:50p The ¾ Sun – andÉ Mercury
07°‰58'areŒstill in com- Œ
(15°31' Cancer–Scorpio). Good-humoured banter starts the municative
May 27 2018 Gemini,
1:15a but ¸ the diffusive
” Á influence
06°‚00' Þof Neptune
21°‰00' Œ
day well. The normally strict Capricorn Moon plays ball with Maywords
sees 27 2018 2:02afrom Ã
slipping à Ä much
our minds 03°‰26'
as ourŒphone 03°ƒ26'
slips Þ
easy sextiles (60°) to both Jupiter and Neptune; still, an op- through our fingers! The practice of mindfulness may be the Þ
May 27 2018 9:48a ¸ — Æ 06°‚20' Þ 18°„20'
May 27 2018 11:35a à ” Æ 03°‰22' Œ 18°„22' Þ
position (180°) to Venus at 9:57 a.m. may strike a sour note key to keeping track of easily lost items and information.
May 27 2018 1:07p º ¦ É +18°17' +18°18'
if jokes become too personal. Words may have more punch The
27 2018sextile
4:03pto Pluto
º in § grounded
à Capricorn at
+18°22' 8:52
than intended, since Mercury is sesquiquadrate (135°) force- p.m. helps to anchor
May 27 2018 4:27p us. If
º — Énot, sleep is the solution,
25°Ý50' Þ when
07°„50' Œ
ful Pluto at 11:35 a.m. This could darken the mood when the Moon
May trines8:48a
28 2018 relaxed º Venus˜ atÃ11:35 p.m. Þ 03°‰14' Œ
Luna bumps into Pluto at 8:37 p.m. May 28 2018 3:29p ¸ § Á +21°33' -21°33'
Saturday’s Venus–Neptune trine at 1:25 a.m. (16°25' May 28 2018
Thursday, June6:17p ¸ June
7 – Friday, ’ É 07°‚38'
8: The Moon’sÞ entry
into Œ
Cancer–Pisces) is blissful but easily discounted, as Mercu- May 28 2018
dynamic Aries 10:04p º on
at 2:26 p.m. — Thursday
À 28°Ý22'
shouldÞ help
us to Þ
May 28 2018 11:36p ¸ – ¾ 07°‚51' Þ
ry’s quincunx (150°) to Saturn (7°36' Gemini–Capricorn) shake off yesterday’s maelstrom of emotions; however,07°‰51'
we’re Œ
May 29 2018 0:41a ¼ – Ä 04°Š34' Þ 04°ƒ34' Þ
at 6:15 a.m. brings in doubt and negative thinking. We can more cautious
May 29 than usualºin ß
2018 4:48p this ‚
brash, impatient
00°‚00' Þ sign. Lu- Þ
be more objective when the Moon enters detached Aquar- na’s
29 2018 5:34p with Hygeia
º “ (asteroid
Å of hygiene)
00°‚04' Þ at 4:40 Þ
ius at 3:06 p.m. Whilst this sign gravitates towards friends p.m.
May and Chiron
29 2018 at 6:23 p.m.
6:47p ¸ § indicate
¼ a+21°44'
need to cleanse old
and social groups, a spiky lunar square (90°) to renegade wounds and polish
May 29 2018 10:54pup our
» armour.
— ¿ Whilst weÞmight
12°ƒ44' be in Þ
Uranus at 4:58 p.m. may mean that we need space instead. May 30 2018 1:09a ¸ “ ò 08°‚52' Þ 23°Ü52' Þ
Being our own best friend soothes inner wounds, when the May 30 2018 1:21a º • ¿ 00°‚44' Þ 00°Ý44' Þ
May 30 2018 12:58p º ˜ ¾ 01°‚46' Þ 07°‰46' Œ
Moon is sextile healer Chiron at 7:08 p.m.
May 30 2018 2:21p º ’ Â 01°‚53' Þ 01°Ü53' Þ
The breezy mental clarity of Sunday’s lunar trines to Geocentric
May 31 2018 0:18a ½ – Å
Aspects ,
15°‡40' Œ 15°Ü40' Þ
Mercury (12:05 p.m.) and the Sun (6:22 p.m.) give way to May 31 2018 I0:31a º ,–
ngresses à S tations
and 02°‚47' Þ 02°‰47' Œ
a challenging atmosphere, as Ceres (asteroid of nurture and May 31 2018 6:05a Ä — ò 05°ƒ53' Þ 23°Ü53' Þ
Pacific Daylight
agriculture) forms a quincunx to Underworld-ruler Pluto
(20°52' Leo–Capricorn) at 6:40 p.m. It’s as though Ceres is Jun 1 2018 7:13a º á ¼ 05°‚31' Þ 05°Š31' Þ
watching daughter-thief Pluto out of the corner of her eye. Jun 1 2018 7:28a » á ½ 15°ƒ31' Þ 15°‡31' Œ
We may be afraid to release our children or our creations Jun 1 2018 11:35a º ” Á 05°‚55' Þ 20°‰55' Œ
Jun 1 2018 2:12p À • Å 16°‹24' Þ 16°Ü24' Þ
now, for fear that they will be changed by outside forces. The Jun 1 2018 10:12p º • Ä 06°‚52' Þ 06°ƒ52' Þ
Moon’s square to magnifying Jupiter at 10:09 p.m., deep in Jun 2 2018 0:22a º § Á +21°34' -21°34'
Scorpio, Pluto’s realm, warns against exaggerating threats. Jun 2 2018 1:20a º ’ É 07°‚09' Þ 07°„09' Œ
Greater trust will restore the Aquarius Moon’s traditionally Jun 2 2018 1:25a » á À 16°ƒ25' Þ 16°‹25' Þ
unruffled demeanour. Jun 2 2018 5:55a º § ¼ +21°42' -21°42'
Jun 2 2018 6:15a º – ¾ 07°‚36' Þ 07°‰36' Œ
Monday, June 4 – Wednesday, June 6: Monday is named Jun 2 2018 8:41a » ‘ Å 16°ƒ46' Þ 16°Ü46' Þ
Jun 2 2018 9:20a Ä • É 07°ƒ08' Þ 07°„08' Œ
after the Moon, but the Moon herself has little to say today. Jun 2 2018 2:03p º › Å 08°‚18' Þ 16°Ü52' Þ
With no major aspects, Luna is void of course all day. Even Jun 2 2018 4:02p º — Æ 08°‚29' Þ 20°„29' Þ
though this is the beginning of the week, it’s better to con- Jun 2 2018 8:41p º “ ò 08°‚54' Þ 23°Ü54' Þ
tinue what we have started rather than initiate new proj- Jun 3 2018 1:46a ¾ à Ä 07°‰33' Œ 07°ƒ33' Þ
ects and plans. Concentration levels also waver as pained Jun 3 2018 5:35a É SÞ 07°„08' Þ
Chiron squares focused Vesta (2°00' Aries–Capricorn), ex- Jun 3 2018 6:30a ¸ § ¾ +22°20' -22°20'
act at 2:47 a.m. With Vesta retrograde in dutiful Capricorn, Jun 3 2018 12:14p º § ¾ +22°20' -22°20'
Jun 3 2018 2:02p ¸ ¦ º +22°23' +22°23'
we may need to question our responsibilities, to ensure
Jun 3 2018 6:40p Á – Æ 20°‰52' Œ 20°„52' Þ
that they aren’t demanding more energy than we have to Jun 4 2018 2:47a  ‘ à 02°Ü00' Þ 02°‰00' Œ
give. Jun 4 2018 9:58a ¸ — Â 14°‚01' Þ 02°Ü01' Þ
The Moon enters restful Pisces on Tuesday at 3:54 a.m. Jun 5 2018 4:52a º — Â 14°‚02' Þ 02°Ü02' Þ
Still, the day is anything but quiet. The Sabian symbol of Jun 5 2018 6:42a ¸ ˜ Á 14°‚50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
the conjunction between the Sun and Mercury (16° Gem- Jun 5 2018 1:10p ¸ – ½ 15°‚06' Þ 15°‡06' Œ
ini) today at 7:01 p.m. is “A woman activist in an emotional Jun 5 2018 1:37p º ˜ Á 14°‚50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
Jun 5 2018 4:20p º – ½ 15°‚05' Þ 15°‡05' Œ
speech dramatizing her cause.” With this conjunction also
Jun 5 2018 7:01p ¸ ß º 15°‚20' Þ 15°‚20' Þ
making a quincunx to overbearing Jupiter, we might say too Jun 5 2018 7:14p º › ò 15°‚21' Þ 23°Ü55' Þ
much or judge too quickly. The Moon’s sextile to impassive Jun 5 2018 7:24p » à Á 20°ƒ50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
Saturn at 6:34 p.m. advocates that we don’t take conversa- Jun 5 2018 7:30p ¸ › ò 15°‚21' Þ 23°Ü55' Þ
tions to heart. But this could prove challenging with a re- Jun 5 2018 9:04p º ¦ Æ +23°23' +23°23'
Jun 5 2018 11:27p º › É 15°‚44' Þ 07°„10' Þ
86 Jun 6 2018 3:00a º “ ¿ 16°‚04' Þ 01°Ý04' Þ
Jun 6 2018 5:16a ¸ › É 15°‚44' Þ 07°„10' Þ
Jun 6 2018 7:07a º ‘ À 16°‚27' Þ 16°‹27' Þ
May 30 2018 1:21a º • ¿ 00°‚44' Þ 00°Ý44' Þ
May 30 2018 12:58p º ˜ ¾ 01°‚46' Þ 07°‰46' Œ
May 30 2018 2:21p º ’ Â 01°‚53' Þ 01°Ü53' Þ
May 31 2018 0:18a ½ – Å 15°‡40' Œ 15°Ü40' Þ
May 31 2018 0:31a º – à 02°‚47' Þ 02°‰47' Œ
May 31 2018 6:05a Ä — ò 05°ƒ53' Þ 23°Ü53' Þ

the mood for new challenges, Luna’s dispositor, Mars, con- reminds us that7:13a
Jun 1 2018 our choices
º á play¼an important
05°‚31' Þ part05°Š31'
in the Þ
joins the South Node at 10:09 p.m. (7°09' Aquarius), sig- unfolding
Jun 1 2018future. Mercury
7:28a » then
á enters
½ soft Cancer
15°ƒ31' Þ at15°‡31'
12:59 Œ
nalling a need to address the past before we charge into the Jun 1where
p.m., 2018 words
11:35aand º ” Á are05°‚55'
decisions Þ
emotionally 20°‰55'
driven, Œ
future. Tempers could be on a short fuse, unless we accept Junwe
and 1 2018
need to2:12p
talk aboutÀ how• weÅ feel,
16°‹24' Þ our16°Ü24'
to clarify think- Þ
Jun 1 2018
that there’s no need to rush ahead. ing. When we 10:12p
verbaliseº what • Ä
we need,06°‚52' Þ 06°ƒ52' Þ
energy is released
Jun 2 2018 0:22a º § Á +21°34' -21°34'
The early-bird Aries Moon has her major aspects done —Jun
2018 that1:20awe canºuse’to goÉ after our goals
07°‚09' Þ with the Œ
and dusted before dawn on Friday. Mercury, though, book- nearly simultaneous
Jun 2 2018 1:25a lunar trine
» á À to invigorating
16°ƒ25' Þ Mars.
16°‹25' Þ
ends the day with an obsessive quincunx to Pluto (20°47' On Wednesday,
Jun 2 2018 5:55a lightbulb
º § moments
¼ jolt us awake,
+21°42' as
Gemini–Capricorn) at 6:31 a.m. and a bad-tempered ses- Mercury sextiles6:15a
Jun 2 2018 Uranus atº4:40– a.m.
¾ (1°22'
Þ 07°‰36' Œ
quiquadrate to Mars at 11:54 p.m. Speaking out of turn and Jun 2 2018 Vesta
Retrograde 8:41a » ‘ Å
then re-enters 16°ƒ46' Sagittarius
adventurous Þ 16°Ü46' at Þ
chewing over slights are possible, as we mentally wrestle Jun 2a.m.,
6:30 2018fixating
9:20a us onÄnew•horizons.
É 07°ƒ08' Þ are
Seed ideas 07°„08'
per- Œ
with fears (Pluto) and anger (Mars). Still, in the background, Jun 2 2018 2:03p º › Å 08°‚18' Þ 16°Ü52' Þ
fect for the New Moon in Gemini at 12:43 p.m., although
Jun 2 2018 4:02p º — Æ 08°‚29' Þ 20°„29' Þ
we do have a potentially helpful semi-sextile (30°) between the uncertainty 8:41p
of this lunation’s square08°‚54'
to Neptune could be
Jun 2 2018 º “ ò Þ 23°Ü54' Þ
Mars and disciplined Saturn (7°12' Aquarius–Capricorn) at distracting.
Jun 3 2018 Mercury’s
1:46a square¾ àto Chiron
Ä at 2:27Œp.m.07°ƒ33'
07°‰33' (2°13' Þ
5:21 a.m., quietly suggesting restraint. Practical action wins Cancer–Aries)
Jun 3 2018 presses us
5:35a É toSÞ
confront 07°„08'
our doubts.
Þ Talking
out over arguments. about
Jun 3 what
2018 is painful
6:30a can¸be § hard¾but healing.
+22°20' Once -22°20'
Jun 3into
12:14p Leo ºat 2:53
§ p.m.,
¾ our hearts are-22°20'
+22°20' lifted,
Saturday, June 9 – Sunday, June 10: Thankfully, most of us Jun we
and 3 2018
can dare2:02p ¸ ¦
to be more º
playful. +22°23' +22°23'
will sleep through Saturday’s stormy lunar square to Pluto Jun 3 2018 6:40p Á – Æ 20°‰52' Œ 20°„52' Þ
Jun 4 2018 2:47a  ‘ à 02°Ü00' Þ 02°‰00' Œ
at 4:42 a.m. By morning, heads are clear as the Moon sex- Thursday, June9:58a
14 – Friday, June 15: The Moon enters wa-
Jun 4 2018 ¸ — Â 14°‚01' Þ 02°Ü01' Þ
tiles mindful Mercury at 9:03 a.m. This aspect is perfect for tery, emotional
Jun 5 2018 Cancer
4:52a at 12:20
º — Â a.m. on Thursday.
14°‚02' Þ A Moon–
02°Ü02' Þ
Saturday catch-ups and quick trips to the shops. The hasty Mercury conjunction
Jun 5 2018 6:42a at 6:01
¸ ˜ a.m.Áis friendly;
Þ a lu- Œ
Aries Moon’s square to Venus at 12:37 p.m., however, might nar
5 2018 to sourpuss
1:10p ¸ Saturn
– ½ at 11:09 a.m.
15°‚06' Þ could see Œ
spur us to make snap decisions involving money. With Ve- Jun 5 2018 1:37p º ˜ Á 14°‚50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
nus in motherly Cancer, impulse purchases could be rooted Jun 5 2018 4:20p º – ½ 15°‚05' Þ 15°‡05' Œ
in a need for nurturing. The sofa calls to us, once the Moon Jun 5 2018 7:01p ¸ ß º 15°‚20' Þ 15°‚20' Þ
moves into relaxed Taurus at 9:03 p.m. Don’t get too comfort- Jun 5 2018 Geocentric Aspects
7:14p º › ò 15°‚21',Þ 23°Ü55' Þ
Jun 5 2018 7:24p » à Á 20°ƒ50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
Jun 5 2018 I7:30p ¸ ,› ò S tations
able, though. Luna’s conjunction with spontaneous Uranus ngresses and 15°‚21' Þ 23°Ü55' Þ
at 11:13 p.m. may prefer a night out on the town after all. Jun
Feb 5
2017 9:04p º ¦ Æ +23°23' +23°23'
Solar Fire v8.1.2
Pacific Daylight
On Sunday, the stubborn Taurus Moon squares the nodal Jun 5 2018 11:27p º › É 15°‚44' Þ 07°„10' Þ
axis at 9:09 a.m. If we want to creatively evolve (the North Jun 6FM
Sag 2018
617-1 -3:00a º “ ¿
Natal Chart 16°‚04' Þ 01°Ý04' Þ
Node in Leo), we need to take a risk and explore fresh fields. Jun 6 2018 5:16a ¸ › É 15°‚44' Þ 07°„10' Þ
At 9:20 a.m., a trine between the Moon and Saturn is stabi- Jun 6 2018
Date 7:07a
Time º Asp
P1 ‘ P2
À 16°‚27' Þ
Pos1 16°‹27' Þ
lising — but could perhaps be accused of being boring, by Jun 6 2018 9:32a À § Å -06°13' +06°13'
Jun 6 2018 11:42a É SŒ 07°„10' Œ
a frustrated Moon–Mars square an hour later. It might feel
Jun 6 2018 12:35p º ¦ » +23°38' +23°38'
as though some are digging their hooves into the mud. As Jun 6 2018 1:54p ¸ “ ¿ 16°‚05' Þ 01°Ý05' Þ
Luna opposes magnifier Jupiter at 10:14 p.m., most likely Jun 6 2018 5:32p » • Æ 21°ƒ55' Þ 21°„55' Þ
we are overreacting, especially if there is underlying inse- Jun 6 2018 10:57p ¸ ‘ À 16°‚27' Þ 16°‹27' Þ
curity. We can choose to deepen our trust, to encourage a Jun 7 2018 0:13a ¼ — Å 06°Š57' Þ 18°Ü57' Þ
leap of faith. Jun 7 2018 1:09p º ’ Å 19°‚12' Þ 19°Ü12' Þ
Jun 7 2018 3:32p ¾ ” Æ 07°‰15' Œ 22°„15' Þ
Monday, June 11 – Wednesday, June 13: We’re willing to Jun 7 2018 10:09p ¼ à É 07°Š09' Þ 07°„09' Œ
Jun 8 2018 4:03a ¿ á à 01°Ý09' Þ 01°‰09' Œ
change our ways on Monday with an empowering Moon– Jun 8 2018 5:21a ¼ • ¾ 07°Š12' Þ 07°‰12' Œ
Pluto earth trine at 8:30 a.m. This is perfect fertiliser for Jun 8 2018 6:31a º – Á 20°‚47' Þ 20°‰47' Œ
large projects at work. Making personal adjustments may Jun 8 2018 7:09a à ˜ É 01°‰08' Œ 07°„08' Œ
seem more difficult at 10:13 a.m., however, when the Sun Jun 8 2018 7:10a º ˜ ½ 20°‚51' Þ 14°‡51' Œ
in clever Gemini forms a quincunx to Pluto in cautious Cap- Jun 8 2018 10:54a » ‘ ò 23°ƒ57' Þ 23°Ü57' Þ
ricorn, highlighting our fears. We may be afraid of appear- Jun 8 2018 8:52p º “ É 22°‚05' Þ 07°„05' Œ
ing uninformed, but there’s no need to go to extremes to Jun 8 2018 10:58p ¸ ¦ Æ +22°55' +22°55'
Jun 8 2018 11:54p º ” ¼ 22°‚22' Þ 07°Š22' Þ
make an impression. Bullying inner voices may be the real Jun 9 2018 2:43a º › ¿ 22°‚37' Þ 01°Ý12' Þ
culprits behind our concerns. When the Moon sextiles lov- Jun 9 2018 4:43a º ’ Æ 22°‚48' Þ 22°„48' Þ
ing Venus at 8:28 p.m., reconnecting with our tender side Jun 9 2018 5:21p º ’ ò 23°‚57' Þ 23°Ü57' Þ
can improve our sense of self-worth. But minds could still Jun 9 2018 8:03p ¸ ¦ » +22°59' +22°59'
be busy pondering at bedtime, when the Moon enters high- Jun 10 2018 8:18p Á ‘ Å 20°‰44' Œ 20°Ü44' Þ
strung Gemini at 11:53 p.m. Jun 11 2018 5:22a º • » 27°‚11' Þ 27°ƒ11' Þ
Mental overdrive occurs on Tuesday as Mercury ses- Jun 11 2018 6:46a ¸ ˜ ½ 20°‚35' Þ 14°‡35' Œ
Jun 11 2018 10:13a ¸ – Á 20°‚43' Þ 20°‰43' Œ
quiquadrates Jupiter at 7:24 a.m. We have plenty of ideas
Jun 11 2018 11:58p ¸ ’ Å 21°‚16' Þ 21°Ü16' Þ
ripe for development but may find it difficult to quantify Jun 12 2018 7:24a º ” ½ 29°‚30' Þ 14°‡30' Œ
them. The Moon’s sextile to the North Node at 10:52 a.m. Jun 12 2018 8:47a Æ á ò 23°„58' Þ 23°Ü58' Þ
Jun 12 2018 10:19a ¾ § Æ -22°23' +22°23'
88 Jun 12 2018 11:07a ¸ “ É 21°‚43' Þ 06°„43' Œ
Jun 12 2018 12:49p » § ¾ +22°23' -22°23'
Jun 12 2018 12:59p º ß ƒ 00°ƒ00' Þ 00°ƒ00' Þ
Jun 12 2018 2:44p º à à 00°ƒ09' Þ 00°‰09' Œ
Gemini New Moon — June 13
by Emily Trinkaus

The charts for the lunations in this issue are all set on as dispositor of this New Moon could also bring in a “wild
the natural wheel with 0° Aries rising. card” kind of energy — unexpected or over-the-top commu-
nications and connections. Further encouraging our ability to
The New Moon in airy, mutable Gemini plants a seed think outside the box and access creative solutions, Mercury
for change, and highlights the power of our thoughts and forms a stimulating sextile to revolutionary Uranus at 1° Tau-
words to shape reality. As the dark Moon invites us inward rus. The cooperation between Mercury and its higher octave
for reflection, we can consider which areas of our life are is likely to spark enlivening and expansive conversations, es-
calling for renewal. This New Moon reminds us that the first pecially when we’re willing to speak the truth of our uncon-
step to shifting our circumstances is to view them from a ventional ideas, with love and sensitivity.
new angle, and we can draw on the Gemini gift of seeing New Moons typically support initiating new projects or
any situation from multiple perspectives. If we find ourselves life directions, but a strong emphasis on retrograde plan-
stuck in an old, limiting mental tape about what’s possible, ets at this lunation indicates otherwise. Jupiter, Saturn, and
this New Moon offers us a chance to rewrite that story and Pluto are all retrograde, soon to be joined by Neptune on
up-level our circumstances. June 18, followed by Mars on June 26. This New Moon
Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is in watery Cancer, the seems to be more about discerning what’s true and real in
Moon’s home sign. This mutual reception between Mercury our lives, healing from the past, and shifting our perceptions
and the Moon calls us into our emotional intelligence — the and stories so we can more easily move forward when the
deeper level of heart-knowing beneath the surface of the an- timing is right.
alytical mind. We’re encouraged to listen to the subtle voice The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 23° Gemini,
of our intuition and to the feeling tone behind the words “Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree,” reflects that we
people are saying, more than the content of the words Gem NM 618-1 may be in a stage of preparation, nurturing and fortifying
themselves. Communicating with sensitivity and compas- Natal Chart
Jun 13 2018, Wed
ourselves, but not quite ready for flight: “The growth of spir-
sion is key, as people may be more likely than usual to take
12:43 itually creative processes in an at least relatively integrated
pm PDT +7:00
Fresno, CA
things personally and react defensively. mind.” (All Sabian symbols are from Dane Rudhyar, An
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
Increasing the potential for reactivity, Mercury tightly
Tropical Astrological Mandala.)
0° Aries
squares Chiron at 2° Aries and opposes Saturn at 6° Cap- True Node
ricorn, forming a stressful t-square. Challenging communi- 00° ‰ 00'
cations are possible, and we want to be conscious of — and 00' 00°
take responsibility for — the power of our words to harm or Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
00° Á 06° 29°
to heal. Deep-seated pain could stir up the wounds of our in- 20°
ner child. Rather than retreating into our shells or striking Ê ‰ ˆ
¼ 06° ‰
51' 56'
½ 00°
out, we’re advised to keep our hearts open to the oppor- 00' 08° Š Œ
Š 36'
tunity to resolve old issues. If we have the courage to ‹ 11' Œ 10 9 ‡ ‡
00° 24' 00'
move toward the pain, we can reclaim our authority “
11 8
from a past event, when we were in the role of victim.
Mercury’s opposition to Saturn (exact on June À 16°‹ 29' ‘‘ á
15) suggests that we may need to make an impor­ 12 ‘ áá 7
00° á 00°
tant decision or take committed action. With Mer- ‘ –

cury in Cancer, these decisions could be related to Ü à
àà †
 02° Ü 13' “ ”
” á
family or other close relationships, home or real 1 6
á” áá
estate. While Mercury–Saturn can help us to think ‘
Ü 59' á
realistically about circumstances, there’s also a po- 21° 58' ’ ‘
Å 23° 23' Ü 2 ’

’ 5
tential for negative or overly critical thinking, cyni- 24'
00° ò 01°
Ý “ „ 00'
cism, or judgment. We may become aware of how the 24°
Ý ¿ 3 4 Œ
36' Æ …
voices in our head can undermine rather than support 00' 53' „ 00°
us — and we have an opportunity to shift our thinking in 44' 44'04' 41' ƒ 06°
a more productive direction.
‚ ‚ ƒ ƒ 29° É
22°22°02° 13° » 00'
Mercury is out of bounds (June 6–24), traveling beyond 00°
the normal range of declination. Out-of-bounds Mercury ‚ 00' ¶¸º Ä 00°

can support us to stretch our minds beyond the limits of our 00° ƒ 00'
usual perception and open up to unconventional views and
ideas. New insights can help us to expand beyond old places
of stuck-ness and stagnation. And out-of-bounds Mercury June 13, 2018 — 12:43 p.m. PDT
June 13, 2018 — 7:43 p.m. GMT
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2
Cancer’s famous moodiness emerging. We can either retreat could have an air of déjà vu. Saturn’s influence, though, in-
into our shell or deal with problems head on. Drama queen Sag FM 617-1
troduces - Natalso
hesitation, Chart
we might miss the moment. Even if
Venus in Leo gives a fine performance, square anxious Ura- we feel disoriented, a Moon–Neptune opposition at 5:48
nus at 8:32 p.m. (1°26' Leo–Taurus) and then sesquiquadrate a.m. invites us Time
to go withP1 theAsp P2 Pos1
flow. An open mind starts Pos2
Jun 6 2018 9:32a À § Å -06°13' +06°13'
delusional Neptune at 9:31 p.m. We’re switching between versations when Mercury trines Jupiter at 12:42 p.m. (13°59'
Jun 6 2018 11:42a É SŒ 07°„10' Œ
the sublime and the ridiculous. Or we can laugh, to lighten Cancer–Scorpio),
Jun 6 2018 and the
12:35p º sceptical
¦ » Virgo Moon feels
+23°38' back
the mood, when the Moon trines jovial Jupiter at 11:09 p.m. in
6 2018by 12:52
1:54p p.m., ¸trining
“ ¿ commanding
16°‚05' Þ Pluto. In the Þ
We’re up against heavy forces on Friday, given the background,
Jun 6 2018 however,
5:32p we’re
» •still Æquestioning
21°ƒ55' Þ what21°„55'
we be- Þ
Moon’s opposition to Pluto at 9:18 a.m. Family spats could lieve,
Jun 6 as the Sun10:57p
2018 in intellectual
¸ ‘GeminiÀ opposesÞ
16°‚27' devout Vesta Þ
descend into feuds, unless we’re willing to change ingrained atJun 7 2018Sagittarius
28°29' 0:13a at 1:15
¼ — p.m.Å 06°Š57' Þ 18°Ü57' Þ
habits. Venus trine Chiron at 1:23 p.m. (2°15' Leo–Aries) Jun 7 2018
On 1:09p theºFirst
Wednesday, ’Quarter
Å 19°‚12'
Virgo MoonÞ 19°Ü12'
squares Þ
Jun 7 2018 3:32p ¾ ” Æ 07°‰15' Œ 22°„15' Þ
promises that we can find peace by addressing old wounds, the Sun in Gemini in the wee hours. With both signs ruled by
Jun 7 2018 10:09p ¼ à É 07°Š09' Þ 07°„09' Œ
especially those triggered in childhood. This isn’t easy, Mercury,
Jun 8 2018 mental stimulation
4:03a ¿ á could
à make our sleep
01°Ý09' Þ restless.
01°‰09' Œ
though, since thinker Mercury opposes conservationist Sat- By
8 2018 the Moon ¼
5:21a has entered
• ¾ graceful
Þ so good Œ
urn (6°41' Cancer–Capricorn) at 6:46 p.m. It could be hard relationships
Jun 8 2018 are our topºpriority
6:31a – Á now.20°‚47'
Still, ourÞequilibrium
20°‰47' Œ
for us to stop brooding over ancient history. If we can leave and
Jun ability
8 2018 to compromise
7:09a à are˜ tested
É by a lunar
01°‰08' Œ opposition
07°„08' Œ
the past in the past, it may be easier to express our feelings Jun
to 8 2018 Chiron
wounded 7:10a at 9:37
º ˜a.m. ½ and20°‚51'
a square Þ to 14°‡51'
reticent Œ
maturely. Saturn at 4:48 p.m. It may be better to wait before address- Þ
Jun 8 2018 10:54a » ‘ ò 23°ƒ57' Þ 23°Ü57'
Jun 8 2018 8:52p º “ É 22°‚05' Þ 07°„05' Œ
ing interpersonal
Jun 8 2018
issues, since Mercury’s
10:58p ¸ ¦ Æ
trine to Neptune
+22°55' +22°55'
Saturday, June 16 – Sunday, June 17: On Saturday, the Moon atJun
8:58 p.m. (16°29'
8 2018 11:54p Cancer–Pisces)
º ” ¼ brings 22°‚22' compassionate
Þ 07°Š22' Þ
jumps into dramatic Leo at 12:20 a.m., firing up the need communication
Jun 9 2018 and a gentle
2:43a º ›tone. ¿ Luna’s
22°‚37' evening
Þ aspects Þ
for creative expression. A semi-square (45°) between eclec- to
JunVenus (sextile)
9 2018 4:43aand Mars
º (trine)
’ Æ make proposals
22°‚48' Þ more
22°„48'at- Þ
tic Uranus and spiritual Neptune at 2:40 a.m. provides un- tractive.
Jun 9 2018 5:21p º ’ ò 23°‚57' Þ 23°Ü57' Þ
usual inspiration, although wild imaginings could also lead Jun 9 2018 8:03p ¸ ¦ » +22°59' +22°59'
us down the garden path. Lunar conjunctions with Venus Jun 10 2018 8:18p Á ‘ Å 20°‰44' Œ 20°Ü44' Þ
(5:14 a.m.) and the North Node (10:50 a.m.), along with a Jun 11 2018 5:22a º • » 27°‚11' Þ 27°ƒ11' Þ
Jun 11 2018 6:46a ¸ ˜ ½ 20°‚35' Þ 14°‡35' Œ
noble Sun–Ceres sextile (25°28' Gemini–Leo), exact at 9:30 Geocentric Aspects
Jun 11 2018 10:13a ¸ – Á
20°‚43' Þ 20°‰43' Œ
a.m., make this morning a time to honour the divine femi- Jun 11 2018 I11:58p ¸ ,’
ngresses Å S tations
and 21°‚16' Þ 21°Ü16' Þ
nine. Spend time with mothers, sisters, or daughters. Keep Jun 12 2018 7:24a º ” ½ 29°‚30' Þ 14°‡30' Œ
Pacific Daylight
visits short, though, since the Moon’s divisive opposition Jun 12 2018 8:47a Æ á ò 23°„58' Þ 23°Ü58' Þ
to selfish Mars at 2:18 p.m. could trigger attention-seeking Jun 12 2018 10:19a ¾ § Æ -22°23' +22°23'
behaviour. And with a jagged Mercury–Mars quincunx at Jun 12 2018 11:07a ¸ “ É 21°‚43' Þ 06°„43' Œ
6:02 p.m. (8°37' Cancer–Aquarius), tempers are short. It’s Jun 12 2018 12:49p » § ¾ +22°23' -22°23'
Jun 12 2018 12:59p º ß ƒ 00°ƒ00' Þ 00°ƒ00' Þ
best to think in encouraging terms now, rather than to ver-
Jun 12 2018 2:44p º à à 00°ƒ09' Þ 00°‰09' Œ
balise our annoyance. Jun 12 2018 5:40p » ¦ Æ +22°20' +22°20'
The Leo Moon’s sextile to the Sun in Gemini at 8:26 Jun 12 2018 11:05p ¿ — Ä 01°Ý21' Þ 13°ƒ21' Þ
p.m. is Sunday’s soliloquy. With no further major aspects Jun 13 2018 4:40a º ’ ¿ 01°ƒ22' Þ 01°Ý22' Þ
today, we can curl up with the cat or focus on projects that Jun 13 2018 6:30a Ã ß ˆ 00°‰00' Œ 00°‰00' Þ
help us to express our personal thoughts and feelings — for Jun 13 2018 1:29p » – à 29°ƒ55' Þ 29°ˆ55' Œ
example, journalling or artwork. Offering honest compli- Jun 13 2018 2:08p º ˜ ¼ 02°ƒ11' Þ 08°Š11' Þ
Jun 13 2018 2:27p º ‘ Â 02°ƒ13' Þ 02°Ü13' Þ
ments and praise is also heartening. Make others glow un-
Jun 13 2018 2:41p ¸ › ¿ 22°‚49' Þ 01°Ý23' Þ
der the light of recognition. And give yourself a pat on the Jun 13 2018 2:53p » ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
back. Jun 14 2018 1:27a º › Æ 03°ƒ10' Þ 24°„36' Þ
Jun 14 2018 2:04a ¸ ” ¼ 23°‚16' Þ 08°Š16' Þ
Monday, June 18 – Wednesday, June 20: Bright sparks head Jun 14 2018 2:34p ½ á Ä 14°‡19' Œ 14°ƒ19' Þ
to the office early on Monday, as Luna trines electric Uranus Jun 14 2018 3:59p » § ¼ +21°51' -21°51'
at 4:18 a.m. By now, the Moon has entered diligent Virgo Jun 14 2018 5:22p º — Å 04°ƒ32' Þ 22°Ü32' Þ
Jun 14 2018 8:05p ¸ ’ ò 23°‚59' Þ 23°Ü59' Þ
(1:41 a.m.), putting us in a practical mood. Small tweaks to
Jun 14 2018 8:32p » ‘ ¿ 01°„26' Þ 01°Ý26' Þ
our routine, as well as health awareness, make life run more Jun 14 2018 9:31p » ” À 01°„29' Þ 16°‹29' Þ
efficiently. The Moon’s trine to punctual and professional Jun 15 2018 10:29a º — ò 05°ƒ59' Þ 23°Ü59' Þ
Saturn at 12:39 p.m. means that we’re able to keep better Jun 15 2018 11:14a » § Á +21°38' -21°38'
track of our time and attend to business. The only wobble Jun 15 2018 1:23p » á Â 02°„15' Þ 02°Ü15' Þ
in the day is hazy Neptune’s station retrograde at 4:26 p.m. Jun 15 2018 2:20p ¼ § Æ -21°53' +21°53'
(16°29' Pisces), which may bring unconscious emotional Jun 15 2018 4:24p º • É 06°ƒ29' Þ 06°„29' Œ
material to the surface. Still, the Moon’s sextile to Mercury Jun 15 2018 6:46p º à ¾ 06°ƒ41' Þ 06°‰41' Œ
Jun 16 2018 2:40a ¿ “ À 01°Ý29' Þ 16°‹29' Þ
at 11:43 p.m. is helpful for critical analysis. Jun 16 2018 9:30a ¸ ’ Æ 25°‚28' Þ 25°„28' Þ
Relationship-oriented Venus is quincunx Saturn at 3:54 Jun 16 2018 10:46a É SÞ 06°„29' Þ
a.m. (6°26' Leo–Capricorn) and conjoins the karmic North Jun 16 2018 5:12p ½ “ à 14°‡10' Œ 29°ˆ10' Œ
Node at 5:38 a.m. on Tuesday. New players in our lives Jun 16 2018 6:02p º – ¼ 08°ƒ37' Þ 08°Š37' Þ

Solstice Cancer
Natal Chart
Jun 21 2018, Thu
6:07:30 am EDT +4:00
Washington, DC
38°N53'42'' 077°W02'12''
Cancer Solstice — June 21
True Node
13° ‹ 04' June 21, 2018
38' 16° 6:07 a.m. EDT
Ü Â À Š 22'
17° Washington, D.C.
ò ‹ ¼
Å 24° Ü
29' 09° Ê
Placidus houses,
50' ¿ 25° Ü 20'
Œ Š 06° 24° True Node
01° Ü 01'
Ý Ý 29' 10 9
02' Š

27° 40' S 37'



‚ ‘

‘ Œ31'
’ á ‘
12 á á
á 7
04° á 04°
¸ 00° ƒ 00' á
à ‘ Œ18' ‰ 06° ¾ ‰
ƒ ‘
à á
á Œ06' ˆ 28°
1 ” 6
à 24'
– “
57' ’ á ‘
16°ƒ 08' á
º 18° ƒ

Ä 2

24° S 50'
31' 3 4 ‡
ƒ „ 43' 13° ‡
jun 21 2018 3:07 am pdt08°
06° „
03' ½ 27°

Natal Chart
É „

» 27°
June 21, 2018
3:07:20 AM PDT 16° Æ ¶ 38'
„ 22' 17°

San Francisco, California
Tropical Porphyry 13° … 04'

f i d h l g `
Murmansk b c a e


Oslo Sankt Peterburg
Glasgow Moskva Bratsk
Ufa Kurgan Novosibirsk
Calgary Winnipeg London Berlin Kyyiv Saratov
Wien Ulaanbaatar
Portland Montreal Lyon Odesa Astrahan Harbin
Urumqi Sapporo
New York Madrid Roma Istanbul Tbilisi Toskent
Sacramento Denver
Halab Tehran Seoul
Memphis Xian Tokyo
Los Angeles ad-Dar-al-Bayda
al-Qahira Kerman Lahore Shanghai
Houston Las Palmas Luzhou
Miami ar-Riyad Karachi Dhaka Guangzhou
Mexico City Santo Domingo Mumbai
Dakar Umm Durman Manila
Sokoto Bengaluru Krung Thep
Maracaibo Addis Abeba
Freetown Kolamba Davao
Bogota ` Lagos
h l a g e f b c Bangui
h l a g e `f b c
Guayaquil Manaus Nairobi
i Kinshasa
d Jakarta i d
Port Moresby
Lima Salvador Lubumbashi
Sao Paulo
Tucuman Johannesburg Brisbane
Buenos Aires Cape Town Sydney


` b c a e f i d h l g

Thursday, June 21 – Friday, June 22: The Sun’s entry into ventional approach. We could get what we want, but it may
familial Cancer at 3:07 a.m. on Thursday spotlights the need be more than we bargained for.
for roots and a sense of belonging, but the skies are in an Tuesday’s lunar aspects occur before sunrise. The last
uncooperative mood. An opposition between cosmic lovers vestiges of Luna’s square to dreamy Neptune at 5:53 a.m.
Venus and Mars at 9:53 a.m. (9°03' Leo–Aquarius) could may mean that it’s difficult for us to shake off the lethargy of
spark a desire for what we don’t have and a lack of appre- sleep. Driven Mars stations retrograde at 2:04 p.m. (9°13'
ciation for what we do have. Adding in the Libra Moon’s Aquarius), so energy levels may also be lower than normal,
squares to Mercury (at 1:29 p.m.) and Pluto (at 6:34 p.m.), making today’s astrological picture somewhat apathetic. The
miscommunication and uncompromising power dynamics extended transit of Mars through futuristic Aquarius will give
could rapidly lead to conflict. Alternatively, we could use us time to reassess long-term goals, although our inner Sol-
these hard aspects to approach difficult discussions with dier might initially balk at the idea of retreat. The cure for
honesty but also tact. frustration is to accept the slowdown and allow ourselves
The Moon slips into mysterious Scorpio at 12:11 p.m. time to contemplate our options.
on Friday, drawing us down into the velvety darkness of Wednesday decelerates to a crawl. A Sun–Saturn oppo-
complex emotions. More than anything, we need to make sition (5°51' Cancer–Capricorn) at 6:27 a.m. invokes per-
a real connection now — the kind of connection that leaves sonal blocks or difficulty with authorities, so we could feel
the soul bare and the heart blasted open. We’re searching deflated when Luna enters melancholic Capricorn at 8:53
for comfort when the Moon trines the motherly Cancer Sun a.m. We want to break the ties that bind when the Moon
at 2:49 p.m., and yet this might not be enough to stave off trines liberator Uranus at 12:40 p.m. A background Venus–
feelings of alienation when Luna opposes detached Uranus Neptune quincunx (16°28' Leo–Pisces) at 8:40 p.m. adds
at 3:24 p.m. If we can embrace being alone, however, the wistfulness. But reality bites when the Full Moon at 9:52
Sun’s sextile to Uranus (1°44' Cancer–Taurus) later in the p.m. conjoins Saturn and squares Chiron. We must address
evening promises valuable self-discovery. We end the day feelings of failure and self-doubt, if we hope to achieve our
feeling as though we have grown, when the Moon sextiles
accomplished Saturn at 11:45 p.m.
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2
Saturday, June 23 – Sunday, June 24: We are keenly aware Geocentric Aspects,
of the pressure of swimming in Scorpio’s murky depths on Sag FM 617-1I-ngresses
Natal Chart , and S tations
Saturday. Mercury’s opposition to Pluto at 2:26 a.m. (20°28'
Pacific Daylight
Cancer–Capricorn) looms like a nightmare shadow. If our Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2
dreams are frightening, we can interpret them as profound Jun 17 2018 1:26a Á § Æ -21°39' +21°39'
messages with catalytic properties. Lunar squares to Mars Jun 17 2018 8:03p » ˜ à 04°„54' Þ 28°ˆ54' Œ
(5:23 a.m.) and Venus (9:33 a.m.) are jarring but give us the Jun 17 2018 9:37p Å ß ò 24°Ü00' Þ 24°Ü00' Þ
Jun 18 2018 0:11a º “ Æ 11°ƒ05' Þ 26°„05' Þ
courage to climb out of our comfort zone. A painful Sun– Jun 18 2018 6:40a ¾ – É 06°‰30' Œ 06°„30' Þ
Chiron square (2°21' Cancer–Aries) at 2:39 p.m. is sand- Jun 18 2018 7:08a À á Ä 16°‹29' Œ 16°ƒ29' Þ
wiched between soul-swelling lunar aspects to Jupiter (con- Jun 18 2018 1:47p  ˜ Æ 02°Ü18' Þ 26°„18' Þ
junction) and Neptune (trine). We can choose to greet inner Jun 18 2018 4:26p À SŒ 16°‹29' Œ
monsters from the deep with unconditional love, rather than Jun 19 2018 3:54a » – ¾ 06°„26' Þ 06°‰26' Œ
excommunicating those parts of ourselves that are fragile Jun 19 2018 5:38a » ß É 06°„31' Þ 06°„31' Þ
and vulnerable. Jun 19 2018 6:00a Á ˜ Æ 20°‰33' Œ 26°„33' Þ
Jun 19 2018 7:50a º — ¿ 13°ƒ36' Þ 01°Ý36' Þ
Sunday is easier. The pre-dawn lunar sextile to Pluto Jun 19 2018 12:42p º á ½ 13°ƒ59' Þ 13°‡59' Œ
brings resolution to yesterday’s nocturnal frights. Luna’s only Jun 19 2018 1:15p ¸ à à 28°‚29' Þ 28°ˆ29' Œ
major aspect today is a trine to Mercury at 7:00 a.m., perfect Jun 20 2018 1:04a ¸ ” ½ 28°‚57' Þ 13°‡57' Œ
for short excursions, family visits, and long conversations. By Jun 20 2018 3:43a É SŒ 06°„32' Œ
evening, the Moon’s entry into carefree Sagittarius at 9:29 Jun 20 2018 8:58p º á À 16°ƒ29' Þ 16°‹29' Œ
p.m. lifts our mood considerably. We’re ready to explore Jun 21 2018 3:07a ¸ ß ƒ 00°ƒ00' Þ 00°ƒ00' Þ
all options, although sometimes the buoyancy of this sign Jun 21 2018 8:04a » § Ã +19°55' -19°55'
Jun 21 2018 9:53a » à ¼ 09°„03' Þ 09°Š03' Þ
can take us so far up that we lose sight of the details.
Jun 22 2018 2:31a º ß Ä 18°ƒ43' Þ 18°ƒ43' Þ
Jun 22 2018 10:52a à á Æ 27°ˆ47' Œ 27°„47' Þ
Monday, June 25 – Wednesday, June 27: The Sagittarius Jun 22 2018 3:43p » ˜ À 10°„29' Þ 16°‹29' Œ
tendency towards exaggeration and excess comes into play Jun 22 2018 10:57p ¸ ’ ¿ 01°ƒ44' Þ 01°Ý44' Þ
on Monday with an overarching Venus square to Jupiter, Jun 23 2018 2:26a º à Á 20°ƒ28' Þ 20°‰28' Œ
exact at 10:18 a.m. (13°40' Leo–Scorpio). Prior to this, the Jun 23 2018 2:39p ¸ ‘ Â 02°ƒ21' Þ 02°Ü21' Þ
Moon’s trine to the karmic North Node enables us to see Jun 24 2018 1:08a » ˜ ¾ 12°„05' Þ 06°‰05' Œ
Jun 24 2018 6:43a » ” à 12°„21' Þ 27°ˆ21' Œ
opportunities for advancement. We may be filled with high
Jun 24 2018 7:44a ¸ ¦ º +23°24' +23°24'
hopes of making a quick buck, or the promise of a great re- Jun 24 2018 11:23a ¸ ˜ ¼ 03°ƒ11' Þ 09°Š11' Þ
turn could entice Venus to heavily invest — romantically or Jun 24 2018 9:42p à á Å 27°ˆ12' Œ 27°Ü12' Þ
financially. As the Moon sextiles unswerving Mars at 3:31 Jun 24 2018 11:36p » ¦ É +18°42' +18°42'
p.m., we might get lucky and hit the mark with an uncon- Jun 25 2018 1:08a Á à Ä 20°‰25' Œ 20°ƒ25' Þ
Jun 25 2018 4:35a º ‘ ò 24°ƒ02' Þ 24°Ü02' Þ
92 Jun 25 2018 10:18a » ‘ ½ 13°„40' Þ 13°‡40' Œ
Jun 25 2018 4:32p à § Æ -20°13' +20°13'
Jun 26 2018 7:18a ¼ ¦ ¾ -22°27' -22°27'
Jun 26 2018 2:04p ¼ SŒ 09°Š13' Œ
Capricorn Full Moon — June 27–28
by Emily Trinkaus

Each Full Moon marks a turning point, a time of fruition world — the Cancer–Capricorn axis — may be especially up
when we see the results of past actions. As manifestations for renegotiation. This Full Moon asks: Are we putting so
come to light, we have the opportunity to continue on the much energy toward taking care of others that we’re neglect-
same path, or change course. This Full Moon may serve as a ing to pursue our own goals? Or are we so focused on our
particularly dramatic turning point, as it activates Capricorn, work that we’re neglecting our personal life: family, intimacy,
the sign of completions and consequences. And the Moon home, and self-care? We may also consider how nurtured
closely conjoins Saturn, the Sea-Goat’s ruler, also known as we feel by our work, and see steps we can take to increase
the Lord of Karma. The emotional tone of this lunation is our sense of fulfillment. A trine from the Moon and Saturn
more sobering than celebratory, but it can help us to clarify to Uranus in Taurus can support us to break free from pat-
our priorities and realign with what’s most meaningful to us. terns of behavior that are out of alignment with our deepest
Karma is simply the law of cause and effect, the princi- values.
ple that we reap what we sow. As the Full Moon culminates The illuminating nature of this lunation and the clarity
conjunct Saturn, what’s been operating on a more subtle or available about how we can best move forward are reflected
unconscious level crystallizes into form, giving clear feedback in the Sabian symbol for the Full Moon at 7° Capricorn: “A
about the seeds we have sown. If we don’t like what’s mani- veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a god. The
festing, we can use this Full Moon as a turning point to start ability to act as a mouthpiece for the revelation of a tran-
investing our energy in a different direction. No matter how scendent will and truth determining future action … At the
entrenched circumstances may seem, nothing is set in stone. threshold of tomorrow man is allowed to have a vision or
Rather than getting caught up in the potential negativity and revelation of the essential elements of the as-yet-unknown
depressiveness of Capricorn, we can trust in our power to next step in evolution.” We can best access a new vision by
release the past and forge a new path. Cap FM 618-2
slowing down, turning inward, and listening to the wisdom
Capricorn is the sign of responsibility, and this Full
Natal Chart of our bodies.
Jun 27 2018, Wed
Moon reveals where we’ve fallen into avoidance or procras-
9:52:50 pm PDT +7:00
Fresno, CA
tination and where we need to step up and take charge. On 119°W46'17''
the other hand, we could become aware of having assumed Tropical
0° Aries
too much responsibility, or taken on a burden that isn’t Truereally
ours. In that case, we might need to say “no,” set a bound- 00° ‰ 00'
ary, and pull back our energy. Ultimately, the Capricorn Full 00' 00°
Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
Moon calls for emotional responsibility — the ability to re- 00° Á ¶ 05° 26°
spond when strong feelings get triggered. Stepping away 20°
from the drama and pulling our attention inward for soli- Ê ‰ ‰ ˆ
¼ 06° ‰
28' 48' 30'
tude and reflection could be the best strategy. The more 00' 09° Š 21' Œ Œ ½ 00°
Š 02' Œ 13°
grounded and centered we are within ourselves, the ‹ 12' Œ 10 9 ‡ ‡
00° S 34'
safer we’ll feel to be open-hearted and vulnerable with “ Œ 00'
11 8
others. ‘
Chiron in Aries forms a challenging square to
À 16°‹ 28' ‘ á
the Sun, the Moon, and Saturn, potentially stirring Œ 12 á 7
00° á á áá 00°
up wounds around confidence, courage, power, and ‘ –
assertion. Anger could arise now, especially anger Ü àà
à ‘ †
 02° Ü 24' “ –

á 00'
that’s long been repressed, as Mars, the ruler of 1
á ”
– 6

Aries, is retrograde and conjunct the South Node — á

03' ‘ á á á
the karmic past. We may revisit feelings from times 24°Ü 34' ‘ ‘
ò 28° 54'Ü 2

5 55'
when we failed to stand up for ourselves, when we
00° Å 01°
Ý „
31' 29° 00'
acted from wanting to please others rather than hon-
Ý ¿ Æ …
3 4 Œ „
02' 16°
oring our authentic desires and true self. Chiron’s sup- 26' „
portive trine to both Mercury in late Cancer and the
ƒ 06° » 00°
North Node in Leo points to a path for healing. Rather ƒ 22° É
ĺ 00'
than over-asserting ourselves to protect our wounded places, 00°
we’re advised to speak our truth with love and vulnerability, ‚ 00' ¸ 00°

while holding ourselves and others in compassion. 00° ƒ 00'
Retrograde Saturn, as dispositor of the Full Moon, sug-
gests that this is a time of restructuring. The balance between
our inner emotional life and what we’re manifesting in the June 27, 2018 — 9:52 p.m. PDT
June 28, 2018 — 4:52 a.m. GMT
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2
Sag FM 617-1 - Natal Chart
ambitions. We can, however, use our mistakes and false ural
Date world. AnTime afternoon P1walk
Asp through
P2 Pos1 the park letsPos2us ex-
starts as a springboard to success. perience
Jun 17 2018 a sense
1:26a of connection
Á § Æand frees -21°39'up our feelings.
Jun 17 2018 8:03p Mercury’s » quincunx
˜ Ã to dour Saturn
04°„54' Þ (5°27'Œ
Thursday, June 28 – Friday, June 29: On Thursday, the entry Leo–Capricorn)
Jun 17 2018 9:37p at 4:48Åp.m. ß may ò kick dirt over
24°Ü00' Þ our new-Þ
of Ceres into healthy Virgo asks us to look at the part that the Jun 18 peace.
found 2018 In 0:11a º “ needs
Leo, Mercury Æ 11°ƒ05'and
colour Þ fun26°„05'
to gen-Þ
food we eat plays in our overall well-being. We also ben- Jun 18creative
erate 2018 6:40a
ideas, but¾Saturn – É 06°‰30' Œ
in Capricorn 06°„30'
is focused onÞ
Jun 18 2018 7:08a À á Ä 16°‹29' Œ 16°ƒ29' Þ
efit from her nurturing presence when it comes to making ambition and responsibility. We can give ourselves permis-
Jun 18 2018 1:47p  ˜ Æ 02°Ü18' Þ 26°„18' Þ
personal improvements, such as small changes to our daily sion
Jun 18to2018
go with the flow,
4:26p À when
SŒ the Moon 16°‹29' sextiles
Œ parental
routine or careful attention to increasing our professional Saturn at 9:26
Jun 19 2018 3:54a p.m. » – ¾ 06°„26' Þ 06°‰26' Œ
skill set. Either way, there’s a sense of abundance as Luna On
Jun 19 2018Tuesday,
5:38athe Moon’s
» ß soft É aspects
06°„31'rockÞ us gentlyÞ
sextiles generous Jupiter at 12:12 p.m. and limitless Neptune through
Jun 19 2018the day.
6:00aIt’s likeÁfloating
˜ Æon the waterŒwith26°„33'
20°‰33' the SunÞ
at 6:04 p.m. Our inner Mother encourages us to reach for Jun 19 2018
beating down 7:50a
on our faces.º —Luna ¿ and 13°ƒ36'
Sol areÞtrine01°Ý36'
at 9:58Þ
the stars. Add in the creative thinking of Mercury’s ingress Jun 19bringing
a.m., 2018 12:42p
happy smiles º á into½this squishy
Þ 13°‡59' AŒ
Jun 19 2018 1:15p ¸ à Ã
into Leo at 10:16 p.m., and we have a recipe for success. lunar trine to traveller Jupiter at 1:21 28°‚29'
p.m. hasÞus dreaming
28°ˆ29' Œ
Jun 20 2018 1:04a ¸ ” ½ 28°‚57' Þ 13°‡57' Œ
The Moon is void of course by the time we awaken on of
20 2018beaches
3:43a andÉ planning
SŒ ahead. Under
06°„32' Œthese warm,
Friday, and will remain so until late evening. It’s best that magical
Jun 20 2018influences,
8:58p everything
º á feels À possible,
16°ƒ29' Þespecially
16°‹29' asŒ
we focus on completing our projects, so we can end the the
Jun Moon
21 2018conjoins
3:07a limitless
¸ ß Neptune
ƒ at 7:17 p.m.
00°ƒ00' Þ It’s a dayÞ
workweek with a feeling of accomplishment. The problem to
Junrest and dip8:04a
21 2018 into the » collective
§ Ã pool+19°55'of the unconscious.
is that databank Mercury is sesquiquadrate nebulous Nep- Jun 21
For2018 9:53a
the past » à
few days, the¼Moon 09°„03' Þ has
in Pisces 09°Š03'
tune, perfecting at 9:34 p.m. This ungainly aspect can dis- Jun 22 us
ioned 2018 2:31a
against the blowsº ß Ä and
of life 18°ƒ43'
given us Þ the18°ƒ43'
faith toÞ
Jun 22 2018 10:52a à á Æ 27°ˆ47' Œ 27°„47' Þ
tort facts, erase details, or send our minds on irrelevant tan- follow our hunches. The tide, however, is about to turn. On
Jun 22 2018 3:43p » ˜ À 10°„29' Þ 16°‹29' Œ
gents. Even though Luna moves into ingenious Aquarius a Wednesday, Chiron’s
Jun 22 2018 10:57p ¸ ’ ¿
station retrograde at 9:45
01°ƒ44' Þ
p.m. (2°25'
01°Ý44' Þ
few minutes later, the atmosphere is still foggy. Gathering Aries)
Jun 23 may
us questioning
º à our Á confidence
20°ƒ28' Þ and doubting
20°‰28' Œ
friends for a movie night is the perfect way to extract the Jun 23 2018 2:39p ¸ ‘ Â 02°ƒ21' Þ 02°Ü21' Þ
best potential from these aspects. Jun 24 2018 1:08a » ˜ ¾ 12°„05' Þ 06°‰05' Œ
Jun 24 2018 6:43a » ” à 12°„21' Þ 27°ˆ21' Œ
Saturday, June 30 – Sunday, July 1: Nervy Mercury’s square Jun 24 2018 7:44a Geocentric Aspects
¸ ¦ º +23°24', +23°24'
Jun 24 2018 11:23a ¸ ˜ ¼ 03°ƒ11' Þ 09°Š11' Þ
to shocking Uranus at 6:01 a.m. (1°58' Leo–Taurus) on Ingresses
Jun 24 2018 9:42p
, and Stations
à á Å 27°ˆ12' Œ 27°Ü12' Þ
Saturday is wired, making conversations abrupt and fill- Jun 24 2018 11:36p » ¦ É +18°42' +18°42'
Pacific Daylight
ing our minds with bizarre notions. This aspect is helpful, Jun 25 2018 1:08a Á à Ä 20°‰25' Œ 20°ƒ25' Þ
however, for shattering old mental patterns and introduc- Jun 25 2018 4:35a º ‘ ò 24°ƒ02' Þ 24°Ü02' Þ
ing new ways of thinking. At 9:45 a.m., this is exactly what Jun 25 2018 10:18a » ‘ ½ 13°„40' Þ 13°‡40' Œ
the Moon’s conjunction with the cleansing South Node in Jun 25 2018 4:32p à § Æ -20°13' +20°13'
Aquarius orders. By 1:10 p.m., we’re beginning to suture to- Jun 26 2018 7:18a ¼ ¦ ¾ -22°27' -22°27'
gether new concepts with the old, as Mercury trines healer Jun 26 2018 2:04p ¼ SŒ 09°Š13' Œ
Jun 26 2018 5:41p Á —  20°‰23' Œ 02°Ü23' Þ
Chiron (2°24' Leo–Aries). We are then fired up by a lunar
Jun 26 2018 8:27p º – à 26°ƒ45' Þ 26°ˆ45' Œ
conjunction with and a solar quincunx to retrograde Mars Jun 26 2018 8:45p º § ¼ +22°29' -22°29'
(9°06' Cancer–Aquarius) in the late afternoon, but much as Jun 26 2018 11:05p º § ¾ +22°27' -22°27'
we’d like to, this isn’t the time to initiate plans just to head Jun 27 2018 6:27a ¸ à ¾ 05°ƒ51' Þ 05°‰51' Œ
off perceived competition. Time would be better spent clar- Jun 27 2018 11:26a ¸ — ò 06°ƒ03' Þ 24°Ü03' Þ
ifying our objectives. Jun 27 2018 11:41a ¸ • É 06°ƒ03' Þ 06°„03' Œ
Wifely Juno enters Taurus at 1:46 a.m. on Sunday, paying Jun 27 2018 8:40p » – À 16°„28' Þ 16°‹28' Œ
Jun 28 2018 0:57a º ‘ Å 28°ƒ38' Þ 28°Ü38' Þ
an extended visit to this sign due to retrograde action later
Jun 28 2018 2:01a Æ ß … 00°…00' Þ 00°…00' Þ
in the year. We can express love for our significant others in Jun 28 2018 4:18p » ” Â 17°„24' Þ 02°Ü24' Þ
sensual ways under this Venus-ruled sign, but partners may Jun 28 2018 7:34p º § Á +21°42' -21°42'
also be seen as property. Juno’s tendency towards jealousy Jun 28 2018 10:16p º ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
could be provoked, since Venus is in a vexing quincunx Jun 29 2018 5:26a º • Æ 00°„27' Þ 00°…27' Þ
to Pluto (20°17' Leo–Capricorn) at 4:58 a.m. Overly strict Jun 29 2018 9:34p º ” À 01°„27' Þ 16°‹27' Œ
rules dim the light of love with a Venus–Saturn sesquiquad- Jun 30 2018 6:01a º ‘ ¿ 01°„58' Þ 01°Ý58' Þ
Jun 30 2018 6:12a º ˜ à 01°„59' Þ 25°ˆ59' Œ
rate at 10:29 a.m. Still annoyed, Venus is then opposed by
Jun 30 2018 9:42a É SÞ 05°„58' Þ
the Moon in social Aquarius at 3:56 p.m. and feels ignored Jun 30 2018 1:10p º á Â 02°„24' Þ 02°Ü24' Þ
and unappreciated. Treating partners as friends, as well as Jun 30 2018 4:28p ¸ – ¼ 09°ƒ06' Þ 09°Š06' Œ
lovers, might restore harmony. Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2
Jul 1 2018 1:46a Å ß Ý 00°Ý00' Þ 00°Ý00' Þ
Monday, July 2 – Wednesday, July 4: The Moon enters uni- Sag
Jul 1FM 617-1 -4:58a
2018 Natal Chart
» – Á 20°„17' Þ 20°‰17' Œ
fying Pisces at 10:31 a.m. on Monday. In this cosmic, in- Jul 1 2018 6:38a º § Ã +20°38' -20°38'
trospective sign, we’re easily moved both emotionally and Date
Jul 1 2018 Time
7:25a P1 ‘
Ä Asp ò
P2 24°ƒ04'
Pos1 Þ Pos2
24°Ü04' Þ
Jul 1 2018 10:29a » ” ¾ 20°„32' Þ 05°‰32' Œ
spiritually. Luna’s sextile to awakened Uranus in horticul- Jul 1 2018 1:51p ¸ › Æ 09°ƒ57' Þ 01°…23' Þ
tural Taurus at 2:38 p.m. brings in inspiration from the nat- Jul 1 2018 5:55p ½ — Æ 13°‡27' Œ 01°…27' Þ
Jul 2 2018 4:48p º – ¾ 05°„27' Þ 05°‰27' Œ
94 Jul 2 2018 5:47p ¸ § ¼ +22°58' -22°58'
Jul 3 2018 2:42a º ß É 06°„01' Þ 06°„01' Þ
Jul 3 2018 6:09a ¿ á Æ 02°Ý03' Þ 02°…03' Þ
Jul 3 2018 10:58a à – Ä 25°ˆ18' Œ 25°ƒ18' Þ
our direction. The natural Aries urge to self-actualise and go ing new ground (Aries), due to security concerns (Cancer).
after what we want is compromised by increased aware- The Cancer Sun wants to stay safe, but we need fresh in-
ness of our weaknesses. Thankfully, instead of giving up, spiration and new enterprises (Moon in Aries). When the
the Moon also jumps into Aries at 9:50 p.m., bolstering our Moon squares secretive Pluto at 11:53 a.m., it’s clear that
courage and reminding us of our strengths. mistrust may be holding us back. Still, we can use this as-
pect to purge unhelpful instinctive responses rooted in fears
Thursday, July 5 – Friday, July 6: Two major aspects are in from the past.
play on Thursday. The Sun’s trine to Jupiter at 4:04 a.m.
(13°23' Cancer–Scorpio) supports self-belief. But Mercury Saturday, July 7 – Sunday, July 8: The Moon enters steady
opposite Mars at 4:48 a.m. (8°45' Leo–Aquarius) can be Taurus at 5:51 a.m. on Saturday. This money-conscious
verbally aggressive. The more determined we are to make sign works hard for luxuries but also appreciates simple
another person see our point of view, the more division is pleasures, such as a hearty meal or a warm massage. Luna
created. Luna’s square to Saturn at 7:55 a.m. is resistant. We conjoins progressive Uranus at 9:45 a.m., giving us an eye
have more motivation to listen to one another when the Moon for new money-making schemes. A later trine to Saturn at
gently aspects the Mercury–Mars opposition with a sextile 2:57 p.m. allows us to see whether these schemes have long-
to Mars at 2:28 p.m. and a trine to Mercury at 3:38 p.m. We term potential. The problem is that the risk-averse Taurus
can be close, despite our differences, when married Juno Moon needs a great deal of convincing before enacting any
conjoins independent Uranus (2°08' Taurus) at 8:33 p.m. changes. The Moon’s squares to the nodal axis at 4:39 p.m.
Those who are up late may pick up on the sticky square and Mars at 8:51 p.m. mean that we do not like being hur-
between the Sun and Moon at 12:50 a.m. on Friday. This ried, but we may need to move quicker than we want to.
Last Quarter Moon brings one final test to be resolved in The Sun trines celestial Neptune at 7:41 a.m. (16°23'
this current lunar month, before the next New Moon. It Cancer–Pisces) on Sunday. Languishing in bed is perfect for
challenges us to address where we are stalling over break- the Taurus Moon, who loves to laze. Luna herself will sex-
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2 tile both Neptune (10:47 a.m.) and the Sun
20 a.m.), so
we can let ourselves drift and daydream. These aspects also
Sag FM 617-1 - Natal Chart facilitate a day at the beach, quiet meditation, or a movie
Geocentric Aspects, matinee. After a restful day, Luna’s trine to Pluto at 5:11
Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2
Jul 1 2018
Ingresses , and Stations
10:29a » ” ¾ 20°„32' Þ 05°‰32' Œ
p.m. suggests that we take control of practicalities now and
Jul 1 2018 1:51p ¸ › Æ 09°ƒ57' Þ 01°…23' Þ
start the workweek on the right foot.
Pacific Daylight
Jul 1 2018 5:55p ½ — Æ 13°‡27' Œ 01°…27' Þ
Jul 2 2018 4:48p º – ¾ 05°„27' Þ 05°‰27' Œ Monday, July 9 – Wednesday, July 11: We may greet our
Jul 2 2018 5:47p ¸ § ¼ +22°58' -22°58' desk feeling disgruntled on Monday morning. The Moon’s
Jul 3 2018 2:42a º ß É 06°„01' Þ 06°„01' Þ square to pleasure-seeking Venus at 9:10 a.m. is more inter-
Jul 3 2018 6:09a ¿ á Æ 02°Ý03' Þ 02°…03' Þ ested in play than work, especially since the early morning
Jul 3 2018 10:58a à – Ä 25°ˆ18' Œ 25°ƒ18' Þ Mercury–Jupiter square (13°20' Leo–Scorpio) has piled our
Jul 4 2018 3:26a  – Æ 02°Ü25' Œ 02°…25' Þ
desks with a mountain of paperwork. Once the Moon enters
Jul 4 2018 6:26a À “ Å 16°‹25' Œ 01°Ý25' Þ
Jul 4 2018 8:01a Æ ¦ É +18°45' +18°45' adaptable Gemini at 9:59 a.m., we can kick procrastination
Jul 4 2018 1:09p » á ò 24°„04' Þ 24°Ü04' Þ to the kerb. Luna sextiles centaur Chiron at 2:00 p.m., where
Jul 4 2018 9:45p  SŒ 02°Ü25' Œ the half-man–half-horse helps us to bring together disparate
Jul 5 2018 3:24a » § ½ +14°49' -14°49' parts into a whole. Later on, Venus entering Virgo at 7:31
Jul 5 2018 4:04a ¸ á ½ 13°ƒ23' Þ 13°‡23' Œ p.m. is delighted by a job well done. The day ends with a
Jul 5 2018 4:48a º à ¼ 08°„45' Þ 08°Š45' Œ motivating Moon–Mars trine at 11:27 p.m.
Jul 5 2018 7:24a » á à 24°„56' Þ 24°ˆ56' Œ
We’re still thinking in big terms on Tuesday. Expansive
Jul 5 2018 7:41a º ¦ É +18°45' +18°45'
Jul 5 2018 8:33p ¿ ß Å 02°Ý08' Þ 02°Ý08' Þ Jupiter’s station direct at 10:02 a.m. (13°20' Scorpio) marks
Jul 5 2018 8:48p º ¦ Æ +18°29' +18°29' a turning point; we can begin to broaden our horizons and
Jul 5 2018 10:57p ¸ — ¿ 14°ƒ08' Þ 02°Ý08' Þ feel more hopeful about the future. We’re talking, planning,
Jul 6 2018 0:49a º ” à 09°„47' Þ 24°ˆ47' Œ and jotting notes down as the Moon sextiles connective
Jul 6 2018 0:55a ¸ — Å 14°ƒ12' Þ 02°Ý12' Þ Mercury at 10:23 a.m. Our vision becomes cloudier after
Jul 6 2018 1:01a É SŒ 06°„04' Œ lunch, however, when Luna squares nebulous Neptune at
Jul 6 2018 9:30a » ˜ Á 26°„09' Þ 20°‰09' Œ
1:00 p.m. Instead of building castles in the air, we need to
Jul 6 2018 12:07p  • Å 02°Ü25' Œ 02°Ý25' Þ
Jul 6 2018 12:54p º ˜ À 10°„24' Þ 16°‹24' Œ
make sure that our ideas are workable.
Jul 6 2018 1:10p Ä § ò +01°50' -01°50' The Moon enters maternal Cancer at 10:58 a.m. on
Jul 6 2018 3:01p » ˜  26°„25' Þ 02°Ü25' Œ Wednesday, where we wear our hearts on our sleeves and
Jul 7 2018 3:29a º ˜ ¾ 11°„08' Þ 05°‰08' Œ seek shelter in safe spaces. In the early afternoon, Luna trig-
Jul 7 2018 4:32p ¸ § ¾ +22°30' -22°30' gers the Venus–Uranus trine (2°16' Virgo–Taurus), exact
Jul 7 2018 10:14p » • Ä 27°„53' Þ 27°ƒ53' Þ at 8:25 p.m., with sextiles to both planets. This signals that
Jul 8 2018 7:41a ¸ á À 16°ƒ23' Þ 16°‹23' Œ the usually security-conscious Crab is open to new experi-
Jul 9 2018 2:13a º ‘ ½ 13°„20' Þ 13°‡20' Œ
Jul 9 2018 7:31p » ß … 00°…00' Þ 00°…00' Þ
ences and playmates. Wise Pallas entering fun-loving Leo
Jul 9 2018 9:57p à á ò 24°ˆ05' Œ 24°Ü05' Þ at 2:44 p.m. reminds us to draw upon childhood inspiration
Jul 10 2018 6:03a ¾ á Æ 04°‰54' Œ 04°…54' Þ
Jul 10 2018 8:29a Ä § ò +01°50' -01°50'
Jul 10 2018 10:02a ½ SÞ 13°‡20' Þ 95
Jul 10 2018 2:38p Á ” Æ 20°‰03' Œ 05°…03' Þ
Jul 11 2018 0:24a » — ½ 01°…20' Þ 13°‡20' Þ
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2

Sag FM 617-1 - Natal Chart


Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2
Jul 1 2018 10:29a » ” ¾ 20°„32' Þ 05°‰32' Œ
Jul 1 2018 1:51p ¸ › Æ 09°ƒ57' Þ 01°…23' Þ
for creative wisdom. Sometimes, though, our inner child is at
1 2018a.m., and we have
5:55p ½ a— discordant
Æ picture.
13°‡27' Œ Gently, the Þ
easily hurt. The rough and tumble of Luna’s square to Chi- Moon asks for 4:48p
Jul 2 2018 understanding
º –at 8:34¾ a.m.,
05°„27' when Þ she05°‰27'
sextiles Œ
ron at 2:48 p.m. and opposition to Saturn at 6:38 p.m. may wise
Jul 2 Jupiter.
2018 Finding
5:47p alternative
¸ § ¼ paths +22°58'
to healing is intrinsic
leave us wanting to scuttle back home. Adjusting our de- to
3 2018 security
2:42a andºpassion
ß É when06°„01'
06°„01' Þ
fences may be the key to remaining young at heart, despite Jul 3 2018
Chiron (2°21' 6:09a ¿ á
Taurus–Aries) Æ
at 10:15 02°Ý03'
a.m. TheÞVirgo02°…03'
Moon, Þ
life’s hard knocks. however, is muddled by an opposition to Neptune at 1:23 Þ
Jul 3 2018 10:58a à – Ä 25°ˆ18' Œ 25°ƒ18'
Jul 4 2018 3:26a  – Æ 02°Ü25' Œ 02°…25' Þ
p.m. We need6:26a
Jul 4 2018
to use the Moon–Pluto16°‹25'
À “ Å
trine atŒ7:2901°Ý25'
p.m. to Þ
Thursday, July 12 – Friday, July 13: Inner faith and quiet filter out
Jul 4 2018 emotional
8:01a garbage
Æ ¦ É and clear the
+18°45' way for closure.
conviction are the gifts of Luna’s trines to Jupiter (8:11 a.m.) On
Jul 4 2018 Tuesday,
1:09pthe Moon
» áenters ò amiable
24°„04'Libra Þ at 12:42 Þ
and Neptune (12:55 p.m.) on Thursday. We will need both p.m.
Jul 4 We
2018aim to9:45p
please, under
 SŒ this affable influence,
02°Ü25' Œ but hav-
qualities, since the day is overshadowed by the Sun and ing
Jul 5to2018
negotiate around»
3:24a other
§ people’s
½ sensitive spots
+14°49' may
Moon’s oppositions to Pluto, Lord of Hades, at 3:04 a.m. Jul 5even
test 2018 Libra’s
charm.¸A á lunar½ square
13°ƒ23' Þ
to Saturn 13°‡23'
at 8:18 Œ
and 6:43 p.m., respectively. These powerful aspects are then Jul 5 2018
p.m. could make 4:48a
us feelºthatàwe¼can’t08°„45' Þ
do anything 08°Š45'
right. A Œ
Jul 5 2018 7:24a » á à 24°„56' Þ 24°ˆ56' Œ
absorbed into the solar eclipse at 7:47 p.m. Our primal ter- Moon–North
Jul 5 2018
sextile at 11:00 p.m.
º ¦ É +18°45'
encourages us to
ror of the dark is intensified, but the richness of its gifts are stay centred.
Jul 5 2018 We
8:33pcan put arguments
¿ ß Å to bed
02°Ý08' Þ at 11:56 p.m. Þ
revealed like stars bejewelling the night sky. with
Jul 5 a2018
helpful trine
8:48pfromºthe ¦ Moon Æ to Mars
+18°29' in approachable
The Moon enters boisterous Leo at 10:30 a.m. on Friday. Aquarius.
Jul 5 2018 10:57p ¸ — ¿ 14°ƒ08' Þ 02°Ý08' Þ
Those who are superstitious may perceive Luna’s square to On
Jul 6 2018 Wednesday,
0:49a the º skies
” are à quiet,
09°„47' so we
Þ can antic- Œ
unpredictable Uranus at 2:10 p.m. as a bad sign — or we Jul 6 2018
ipate having our0:55a ¸ — and
relationships Å social
14°ƒ12' Þ 02°Ý12'
interactions run Þ
can get a laugh out of how life still has the capacity to sur- Jul 6 2018 1:01a É SŒ 06°„04'
smoothly under the Libra Moon. We just have to watch the Œ
Jul 6 2018 9:30a » ˜ Á 26°„09' Þ
prise us. Our inner Lion is purring again as the Moon trines Moon–Pluto square at 11:42 p.m., which is like the 20°‰09'
clang of Œ
Jul 6 2018 12:07p  • Å 02°Ü25' Œ 02°Ý25' Þ
soothing Chiron at 2:17 p.m. At 7:49 p.m., a Moon–North the
Jul 6clock
2018warning Cinderella
12:54p º ˜that Àit’s 10°„24'
time to leaveÞ the ball. Œ
Node conjunction draws us to take centre stage. We do need An early
Jul 6 2018 night is preferable
1:10p to
Ä § ò staying until
+01°50' the party’s over.
to monitor this, though, for we’re inclined to be pushy in Jul 6 2018 3:01p » ˜  26°„25' Þ 02°Ü25' Œ
order to be seen as the Moon opposes Mars at 10:11 p.m. Jul 7 2018 3:29a º ˜ ¾ 11°„08' Þ 05°‰08' Œ
A sensible Venus–Saturn trine at 11:44 p.m. (4°39' Virgo– Jul 7 2018 4:32p ¸ § ¾ +22°30' -22°30'
Capricorn) says that needing to wait our turn does not de- Jul 7 2018 Geocentric Aspects,
10:14p » • Ä 27°„53' Þ 27°ƒ53' Þ
Jul 8 2018 7:41a ¸ á À 16°ƒ23' Þ 16°‹23' Œ
value what we have to offer.
Jul 9 2018 Ingresses
2:13a º ,‘and ½ S tations
13°„20' Þ 13°‡20' Œ
7:31p » ß … 00°…00' Þ 00°…00' Þ
Saturday, July 14 – Sunday, July 15: Venus in Virgo is aware Jul 9 2018 9:57p à á ò 24°ˆ05' Œ 24°Ü05' Þ
that attention to detail is integral to maintaining harmony. Jul 10 2018 6:03a ¾ á Æ 04°‰54' Œ 04°…54' Þ
Therefore, her sesquiquadrate to Pluto at 6:37 a.m. on Sat- Jul 10 2018 8:29a Ä § ò +01°50' -01°50'
urday is stressful, given that Pluto rules things that are be- Jul 10 2018 10:02a ½ SÞ 13°‡20' Þ
yond our control. If we can’t yield to outside pressure, our Jul 10 2018 2:38p Á ” Æ 20°‰03' Œ 05°…03' Þ
emotional reactions could grow out of proportion to the Jul 11 2018 0:24a » — ½ 01°…20' Þ 13°‡20' Þ
Jul 11 2018 8:29a à ˜ Ä 23°ˆ51' Œ 29°ƒ51' Þ
problem when the Moon squares Jupiter at 7:43 a.m. We Jul 11 2018 2:44p Ä ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
can either stay locked into what we believe to be right or Jul 11 2018 8:25p » á ¿ 02°…16' Þ 02°Ý16' Þ
allow room for other truths. Our thinking becomes more Jul 11 2018 9:53p ¾ á Å 04°‰47' Œ 04°Ý47' Þ
creative and confident when the Moon meets Mercury in Jul 11 2018 11:07p » –  02°…24' Þ 02°Ü24' Œ
roaring Leo at 4:11 p.m. Jul 12 2018 0:51a º – À 16°„20' Þ 16°‹20' Œ
The Moon enters orderly Virgo at 10:31 a.m. on Sunday, Jul 12 2018 3:04a ¸ à Á 20°ƒ01' Þ 20°‰01' Œ
a blessing for those preparing for some weekend DIY. Pot- Jul 12 2018 4:05a ½ › ¾ 13°‡20' Þ 04°‰46' Œ
Jul 12 2018 5:51a » ¦ ¿ +11°45' +11°45'
tering around the house tackling small jobs is pleasurable, Jul 12 2018 3:10p Æ • É 05°…53' Þ 05°„53' Œ
with an agreeable trine from Venus to Juno at 12:51 p.m. Jul 13 2018 4:12a º ”  17°„23' Þ 02°Ü23' Œ
Perhaps a spontaneous trip out for the afternoon would suit Jul 13 2018 5:50a ¸ § Á +21°46' -21°47'
the Moon’s trine to Uranus at 2:20 p.m., although we’re back Jul 13 2018 8:33a ¸ “ Æ 21°ƒ11' Þ 06°…11' Þ
to the plan when the Moon trines serious Saturn at 5:54 p.m. Jul 13 2018 11:12a º § ½ +14°50' -14°50'
Minds could tip over into worry when the highly conscious Jul 13 2018 7:42p É SÞ 05°„53' Þ
Virgo Moon’s dispositor, Mercury, slips into a sesquiquad- Jul 13 2018 10:22p À ” Ä 16°‹19' Œ 01°„19' Þ
Jul 13 2018 11:44p » á ¾ 04°…39' Þ 04°‰39' Œ
rate to Saturn at 7:21 p.m. Spending time with a loved one Feb 14 2018
2017 6:37a Solar FireŒv8.1.2
Jul 14 » ” Á 04°…58' Þ 19°‰58'
calms any frazzled nerves, when Luna meets sweet-natured Jul 14 2018 10:19a Å ‘ É 05°Ý53' Þ 05°„53' Þ
Venus at 9:35 p.m. Sag
Jul 14FM2018
617-1 -11:30a
Natal Chart
¸ § Ã +21°35' -21°35'
Jul 15 2018 2:39a » • É 05°…53' Þ 05°„53' Þ
Monday, July 16 – Wednesday, July 18: Two quincunxes Date
Jul 15 2018 Time
10:10a P1 –
¼ Asp Æ P2 07°Š03'
Pos1 Œ Pos2
07°…03' Þ
on Monday keep us on our toes. The relationship squabbles Jul 15 2018 12:06p ¸ – à 23°ƒ14' Þ 23°ˆ14' Œ
of a Venus–Mars quincunx (6°55' Virgo–Aquarius) at 12:55 Jul 15 2018 12:51p » á Å 06°…21' Þ 06°Ý21' Þ
Jul 15 2018 5:34p ¿ ‘ Ä 02°Ý21' Þ 02°„21' Þ
a.m. could regress into mind games when Mercury quin-
Jul 15 2018 6:21p  á Ä 02°Ü22' Œ 02°„22' Þ
cunxes Pluto (19°55' Leo–Capricorn) at 8:23 a.m. Add to Jul 15 2018 7:21p º ” ¾ 19°„31' Þ 04°‰31' Œ
this a building Sun–Eris square (24°05' Cancer–Aries) exact Jul 16 2018 0:55a » – ¼ 06°…55' Þ 06°Š55' Œ
Jul 16 2018 8:23a º – Á 19°„55' Þ 19°‰55' Œ
96 Jul 16 2018 9:33a ¸ ‘ ò 24°ƒ05' Þ 24°Ü05' Þ
Jul 16 2018 10:15a ¿ •  02°Ý21' Þ 02°Ü21' Œ
Jul 16 2018 1:22p ¼ ‘ Å 06°Š48' Œ 06°Ý48' Þ
Jul 16 2018 2:40p » ß Æ 07°…33' Þ 07°…33' Þ
Cancer Solar Eclipse — July 12–13
by Emily Trinkaus

Eclipses are extra-powerful lunations signifying accel- Amplifying the transformational potential and emotional
erated change and growth, and often catalyzing major end- charge of this lunation, the Sun and Moon precisely op-
ings and beginnings. They occur every six months, typically in pose Pluto at 20° Capricorn. Underworld Pluto reveals our
pairs, but occasionally in threes — as is the case this summer. shadows, and its interaction with this Cancer eclipse brings
The partial solar eclipse in Cancer will be followed by a lunar awareness to distortions and dysfunctions in family dynam-
eclipse and then another solar eclipse. As we enter this ex- ics and intimate relationships. We may be alerted to patterns
tended period of potential upheaval and emotional intensity, of over-nurturing others, or to ways that we close ourselves
we can work with the energies of the first eclipse to drop more off to the care that’s available — to habits of oversensitivity
fully into a felt sense of home — in our bodies and on the and hyper-personalizing what’s not really our concern, or the
planet. opposite extreme of shutting down our hearts and retreating
Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of home, family, roots, into our shells. The good news is that there’s plenty of power
and foundation. Cancer represents our physical home, as well available at this lunation to shift and release deeply rooted
as our very first home — our mother’s womb — but in the emotional patterns.
more universal sense, it also refers to the body as home for The Cancer eclipse trines both Jupiter in Scorpio and
the spirit. To do our soul’s work on Earth, we must fully in- Neptune in Pisces — a potent activation of all three water
habit our bodies. This Cancer eclipse invites us to nurture signs that points to the higher potential of this lunation. The
and care for ourselves in ways that increase our internal feel- addition of cardinal Cancer to the ongoing Jupiter–Neptune
ing of home. Cancer seeks security and safety, and ultimately trine brings a boost of initiative to take charge and harness
the only true security is found within, once our higher self is the power of imagination. “In the most redemptive scenario,
rooted in our physical being. A grand trine in the earth ele- we remember and engage our imaginative powers in a fierce
Can SE 618-3
ment — Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus and Juno in Taurus, and
Natal Chart and practical way. We harness the power to create and wield
Venus and Ceres in Virgo — helps us to ground moreJul 12 2018, Thu
deeply symbol and story as tools of deep and wholesome transfor-
7:47:30 pm PDT +7:00
into our home planet. Activate the power of this trineFresno,
by CA
mation. We inspire a functional vision for ourselves and our
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
spending time in nature, bare feet on the ground, sending
Geocentric world.” (Elizabeth Russell)
love and gratitude to the Earth. 0° Aries
True Node
Cancer rules the watery realm of deep emotions, so
00° ‰ 00'
heightened sensitivity and reactivity are possible, as sup-
00' 00°
pressed feelings rise to the surface. We may become aware Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
of what no longer nurtures or supports us, or what we no
00° Á 04° 23°
longer truly care about. By allowing ourselves to feel what Ê ‰ ˆ
comes up, we can purge the past and create space for
¼ 05°

43' 37'
00' 07° Š 00'
Œ Œ ½ 00°
the new. While Cancer tends to cling to the past and ‹ Š 53'


35' S 10 9
resist change, eclipses are all about entering unfamil- 00° Œ 21' 00'

iar territory and stretching outside our comfort zone. 11 8

The challenge is to stay open to the intense feelings,

let them move through us, and use them as fuel for À 16°‹ ’
‘ á
20'Œ 12 á 7
change. 00° á
á –” á
– 00°

‘ –
The house in your birth chart that contains 20° Ü àà
àà – ‘ †
Cancer points to the areas of life that don’t serve 00'
 02° Ü 23'Œ “
–– 00'
1 6
your highest good and are ready to be released — á á á
á 58' …
making way for a rebirth. An eclipse brings to light Ü
‘ “ 21' 05°
03° Æ
24° ‘
‘‘ …
what’s been hidden, and the house activated by the ò 17' 2 5

eclipse shows where the truth will be revealed through 00°

Ý 11'
02° Ý » 00'
S 04'
our feelings and intuition. If you have significant points Ý ¿ 05° 3 4
53' „
17° …
00' Å
41' „ „ 00°
or planets on or near the degree of the eclipse, these 41'
ƒ 00°
05° º
changes will manifest more dramatically. Eclipses often stir 20° É
20° Ä
up themes and issues that were active during the previous 00° ¶ ¸ 00'
set of eclipses — in this case, the Leo lunar eclipse on Janu- ‚ 00' 00°

ary 31, and the Aquarius solar eclipse on February 15. Other 00° ƒ 00'
helpful reference points are the most recent solar eclipses in
Cancer: at 19° on July 11, 2010 and at 9° on July 1, 2011.
July 12, 2018 — 7:47 p.m. PDT
July 13, 2018 — 2:47 a.m. GMT
Thursday, July 19 – Friday, July 20: Thursday feels cross; An overly romantic Venus–Neptune opposition (16°09'
the First Quarter Moon in relationship-oriented Libra squares Virgo–Pisces) at 12:22 p.m. on Tuesday isn’t going to cut it,
the Sun in defensive Cancer at 12:52 p.m. There may be once the Moon moves into sensible Capricorn at 2:49 p.m.
conflicts around whether to put our partners or our family Idealism is quickly replaced by gritty reality. The lunar square
first. With the Moon then diving deep into Scorpio’s waters to Chiron in combative Aries may mean that reality isn’t easy
at 6:12 p.m., the need for intimacy and truth could push us to accept. Still, the pragmatic Capricorn Moon gives short
to emotional extremes. Combined with a lunar opposition shrift to emotional indulgence, quickly processing feelings
to rebellious Uranus at 10:41 p.m., we have the potential with a trine to genius Uranus at 7:49 p.m. We start to work
for tempestuous scenes, since Scorpio likes to be in control. out how we can use our flaws to our advantage when the
All we need to do is relax our grip on life. The less we fear Sun trines Chiron (2°14' Leo–Aries) at 10:32 p.m. This leaves
change, the easier it is to bond with others. us more sure of ourselves by bedtime, when Luna conjoins
Alas, we’re still on our guard on Friday, since Mars capable Saturn at 10:46 p.m.
retrograde conjoining the South Node at 3:29 a.m. (5°56' The Sun’s sharp square to irrational Uranus (2°29' Leo–
Aquarius) feels vulnerable. With Mars currently the Moon’s Taurus) at 4:35 a.m. on Wednesday brings an urge to rebel.
co-dispositor, the need to eliminate toxic anger is funda- Sometimes, we corner ourselves with identity labels that
mental to our emotional well-being. Luna’s squares to this restrict our naturally expressive nature. It’s time to break
conjunction in the early morning point to where being can- the mould. Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus at 6:08 p.m. tells
tankerous can lead us away from our desired goals. Spiteful us that maybe we have devalued our unique talents. The
Eris, however, is on the retreat when she stations retrograde structured Capricorn Moon invites us to stretch ourselves
(24°05' Aries) at 6:51 a.m. The challenge now is to resolve and find meaningful work or projects that we can aspire to,
internal conflicts, rather than seething over disputes. As Eris with14sextiles
Feb 2017 to Jupiter at 6:31 p.m. and Neptune at 11:28
Solar Fire v8.1.2
backs away, we have room to recover our composure with p.m. But there’s no rush — Mercury’s station retrograde in
calming lunar aspects to Venus (sextile) and Jupiter (con- artistic
Sag FMLeo at 10:02
617-1 - Natalp.m.
Chart(23°27') lets us know that we first
junction). need to go back to the drawing board.
Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2
Jul 15 2018 12:06p ¸ – à 23°ƒ14' Þ 23°ˆ14' Œ
Saturday, July 21 – Sunday, July 22: The choppy current
Jul 15 2018 12:51p » á Å 06°…21' Þ 06°Ý21' Þ
begins to smooth out on Saturday. A sextile between the Jul 15 2018 Geocentric
5:34p ¿ ‘ ÄA spects
02°Ý21', Þ 02°„21' Þ
Moon and Pluto at 7:28 a.m. is insightful and reconnects us Jul 15 2018 I6:21p  ,áand
ngresses Ä S tations
02°Ü22' Œ 02°„22' Þ
to our own sense of power. From this, we can move into a Jul 15 2018 7:21p º ” ¾ 19°„31' Þ 04°‰31' Œ
Pacific Daylight
more meditative state, as Mercury trines priestess Vesta at Jul 16 2018 0:55a » – ¼ 06°…55' Þ 06°Š55' Œ
8:11 a.m. Perhaps visiting a sacred space would make our Jul 16 2018 8:23a º – Á 19°„55' Þ 19°‰55' Œ
thinking clearer. The only time a kink in the Scorpion’s tail Jul 16 2018 9:33a ¸ ‘ ò 24°ƒ05' Þ 24°Ü05' Þ
Jul 16 2018 10:15a ¿ •  02°Ý21' Þ 02°Ü21' Œ
appears is when the Moon squares Mercury at 1:00 p.m.
Jul 16 2018 1:22p ¼ ‘ Å 06°Š48' Œ 06°Ý48' Þ
If we listen, rather than taking offence over what has been Jul 16 2018 2:40p » ß Æ 07°…33' Þ 07°…33' Þ
said, we may learn something that inspires us. Jul 16 2018 5:45p » ¦ Å +09°42' +09°42'
Sunday has a party atmosphere. We start with a big- Jul 17 2018 9:49a Á ¦ Ã -21°48' -21°48'
hearted sextile between Venus and Jupiter at 2:20 a.m. Jul 18 2018 0:26a » ” ò 09°…05' Þ 24°Ü05' Þ
(13°32' Virgo–Scorpio). Luna, thrilled to be out of Scorpio’s Jul 18 2018 3:14p À › Å 16°‹15' Œ 07°Ý41' Þ
hot waters, leaps into scintillating Sagittarius at 3:12 a.m. This Jul 18 2018 11:27p à ” Å 22°ˆ49' Œ 07°Ý49' Þ
happy-go-lucky sign may sometimes irritate us with tactless Jul 19 2018 4:02a ¾ – Ä 04°‰18' Œ 04°„18' Þ
Jul 19 2018 12:50p É SŒ 05°„56' Œ
comments, but it’s hard to stay riled up in this cheerful at- Jul 20 2018 3:29a ¼ à É 05°Š56' Œ 05°„56' Œ
mosphere. A lunar trine to Chiron at 7:40 a.m. reminds us Jul 20 2018 6:36a ¾ — À 04°‰14' Œ 16°‹14' Œ
that laughter is the best medicine. The Moon–Mars sextile Jul 20 2018 6:51a ò SŒ 24°Ü05' Œ
at 1:36 p.m. fires us up and makes us ready for team games Jul 20 2018 7:06a Æ ” ò 09°…05' Þ 24°Ü05' Œ
or a bracing walk out into the hills. To round off the day, Jul 20 2018 12:42p » ˜ ¼ 11°…50' Þ 05°Š50' Œ
the Sun’s entry into colourful Leo at 2:00 p.m. emboldens Jul 20 2018 8:08p º ¦ ¿ +11°48' +11°48'
us to be as flamboyant as we please. Jul 21 2018 3:24a ¸ ˜ à 28°ƒ37' Þ 22°ˆ37' Œ
Jul 21 2018 8:11a º á à 22°„36' Þ 22°ˆ36' Œ
Jul 21 2018 11:08a ¼ à Ä 05°Š36' Œ 05°„36' Þ
Monday, July 23 – Wednesday, July 25: Monday has a Jul 22 2018 0:44a Ä ß É 05°„55' Þ 05°„55' Œ
“morning after the night before” feel. Yesterday’s high jinks Jul 22 2018 2:20a » ’ ½ 13°…32' Þ 13°‡32' Þ
are followed by lunar squares to Venus (8:33 a.m.) and Nep- Jul 22 2018 2:00p ¸ ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
tune (11:05 a.m.). Even if we’re not hungover from alcohol, Jul 23 2018 7:33p ¸ ” À 01°„10' Þ 16°‹10' Œ
there’s an uncharacteristic listlessness from these aspects. Jul 23 2018 7:35p » § À +06°21' -06°21'
We could fall victim to the roving Sagittarius urge to keep Jul 24 2018 9:23a ¼ ˜ Æ 04°Š50' Œ 10°…50' Þ
Jul 24 2018 12:22p » à À 16°…09' Þ 16°‹09' Œ
so many options open that we don’t know what our hearts
Jul 24 2018 2:08p à ” Ä 22°ˆ22' Œ 07°„22' Þ
really need. All we know is that we want to be “anywhere Jul 24 2018 10:32p ¸ á  02°„14' Þ 02°Ü14' Œ
but here.” The Sun’s sesquiquadrate to Neptune at 7:33 p.m. Jul 25 2018 4:35a ¸ ‘ ¿ 02°„29' Þ 02°Ý29' Þ
exacerbates escapism, but we could use our intuition as a Jul 25 2018 6:54a ½ § Æ -14°59' +14°59'
compass to find our way back to ourselves. Jul 25 2018 6:08p » ” ¿ 17°…29' Þ 02°Ý29' Þ
Jul 25 2018 10:02p º SŒ 23°„27' Œ
98 Jul 26 2018 7:34a » ˜ ò 18°…05' Þ 24°Ü05' Œ
Jul 26 2018 2:39p ¸ – ¾ 03°„50' Þ 03°‰50' Œ
Jul 26 2018 10:13p ¸ à ¼ 04°„08' Þ 04°Š08' Œ
Jul 27 2018 5:21a » ” ¼ 19°…03' Þ 04°Š03' Œ
Aquarius Lunar Eclipse — July 27
by Emily Trinkaus

A lunar eclipse is a precisely aligned, supercharged Full Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, squares the Sun,
Moon. The Earth’s shadow falls between the Sun and Moon, the Moon, Mars, and the nodal axis, amplifying the revela-
and what is typically the brightest night of the month is veiled tory and revolutionary power of this lunation. Unexpected
in darkness. As the light goes out, what’s hidden in the sub- events, erratic behavior, sudden changes, and radical breaks
conscious rises up — our shadows, secrets, feelings that seem with the past are possible. We may feel like we’re spinning
too big or scary — demanding attention and expression. in a swirl of chaos, but this Uranian storm can shake us
Changes that have been brewing behind the scenes are cata- out of stagnant patterns. Uranus trines Saturn — the tra-
lyzed into action, and we often see significant completions. ditional ruler of Aquarius — supporting us to integrate the
This total lunar eclipse in Aquarius is sandwiched between radical changes triggered by this eclipse into tangible, last-
the South Node and retrograde Mars, bringing a strong focus ing forms.
to completing unfinished business and breaking free from the As we’re pulled into the darkness of the unknown,
past. People from previous lifetimes, literally and figuratively, we’re called to trust the flow of change, to let go of our
may reappear. With an emphasis on fixed signs and retro- attachment to what we thought our future would be, and
grade planets in this eclipse chart, we might feel like we’re come into greater acceptance of what is. “Trust that what-
going backwards, regressing into old patterns. But we can ever you are dealing with, whatever doorway to crisis you
trust that there’s a deeper layer of healing ready to happen, experience, it is leading you to a greater lesson in living
as the eclipse opens a powerful portal for clearing stuck en- where ideally the power of love is what you learn. Forgive,
ergy and emotions. and broadcast your excitement to be alive.” (Barbara
Aquarius is a fixed air sign; this eclipse supports awak- Marciniak)
ening to and releasing beliefs that have crystallized over time
and that block our forward progress. Our stories about alien- © 2018 Emily Trinkaus – all rights reserved
Aqu LE 618-4
ation and not belonging are especially ripe for releasing. This
Natal Chart
Jul 27 2018, Fri
eclipse can help us to feel, and clear, any underlying fears
1:20 pmthat
PDT +7:00Emily Trinkaus is an astrologer and writer living in Olympia, Wash-
society will reject us if we speak our truth, offer our unique
Fresno, CA ington. She offers astrology readings, online programs that follow the
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
cycles of the Moon and Venus, as well as other classes and retreats.
gifts, and own our radical individuality. The Leo North Node
Tropical http://emilytrinkaus.com
affirms that our heart’s desires and passions will guide0° us to
True Node
fulfillment. When we follow what lights us up and feels like
00° ‰ 00'
fun, we activate our creative power.
00' 00°
The eclipsing of Mars (with the Moon) represents a signifi- Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
cant turning point within its retrograde cycle (June 26 to
00° Á 03° 22°
August 27). Mars retrograde in Aquarius advises us to ¼ 19° ‰ ˆ
¶ 03° ‰
47' 13'
search within to uncover our true desires, rethink our 00' Ê 04° Š 39' Œ Œ ½ 00°
05° Š 58' Œ 13°
contribution to the collective, and reclaim our individ- ‹ Š 44' Œ ‡ ‡
10 9
uality and freedom. As the Full Moon conjoins Mars 00° 53'
47' 00'

on the South Node, we can get clear feedback about 11 8

what no longer inspires or motivates us. Anger could

also be triggered, especially anger that’s been À 16°‹ ’
‘ á

06'Œ 12 ”á
” 7
repressed for a long time or is completely 00° ‘
á á ’ 00°
‘ –”
unconscious. Ü à
‘ †
On a collective level, there’s a purging of old 00'
 02° Ü 12'Œ “ 00'
1 6 25' … 19°
expressions of the masculine that are not in align- á á “ 11' … »
05'Œ 12°
ment with where humanity is heading. We may see Ü ‘‘ Æ
24° ‘
(even more dramatic) reflections of the distorted, ò Ý
30' 2 5 S
shadow masculine erupting on the world stage — war, 00° 02° 24' S 02' „23° 00'
Ý ¿ 11°
Ý 3 4 53' „
violence, domination. And Mars is out of bounds from 44' „ 09° º …
July 7 to September 24, which can correlate with ex-
00' Å „ 05°
Ä 00°
treme manifestations of masculine energy. What arises is É
ultimately in service to bringing awareness to core underly- 00° 00'
ing patterns, thereby raising consciousness of what needs ‚ 00' 00°

to shift. The higher potential of an out-of-bounds Mars is to 00° ƒ 00'
access a version of the masculine beyond the rules and norms
of social convention, a Mars that reflects the Aquarian Age
ideals of equality and freedom for all. July 27, 2018 — 1:20 p.m. PDT
July 27, 2018 — 8:20 p.m. GMT
See more lunar eclipse information on page 87. 99
Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2
Jul 15 2018 12:06p ¸ – à 23°ƒ14' Þ 23°ˆ14' Œ
Jul 15 2018 12:51p » á Å 06°…21' Þ 06°Ý21' Þ
Jul 15 2018 5:34p ¿ ‘ Ä 02°Ý21' Þ 02°„21' Þ
Jul 15 2018
 á Ä
º ” ¾
02°Ü22' Œ
19°„31' Þ
02°„22' Þ
04°‰31' Œ
Jul 16 2018 0:55a » – ¼ 06°…55' Þ 06°Š55' Œ
Thursday, July 26 – Friday, July 27: A soft lunar trine to Venus Jul 16
A Moon–Neptune
2018 8:23a conjunction
º – Áat 12:29 19°„55'a.m.Þon Tuesday
19°‰55' Œ
at 3:03 a.m. on Thursday gives way to a hard conjunction isJul
16 2018into9:33a
slumber,¸making ‘ ò dreams more Þ
24°ƒ05' vivid.24°Ü05'
After a Þ
with Pluto at 6:41 a.m. The grim mood invoked by Luna’s Jul 16rest,
good 2018 10:15a
we feel ¿ and
fortified • ready
 to 02°Ý21'
work, Þas the02°Ü21'
Moon Œ
meeting with the Lord of the Underworld unearths power- Jul 16 2018
sextiles Pluto at1:22p
7:27 a.m.¼Subtle ‘ Å unrest06°Š48' Œ
characterises 06°Ý48'
the af- Þ
Jul 16 2018 2:40p » ß Æ 07°…33' Þ 07°…33' Þ
ful inner complexes and fears. Some may react with tyran- ternoon, though, especially if we compare ourselves too crit-
Jul 16 2018 5:45p » ¦ Å +09°42' +09°42'
nical behaviour, whereas others may see this as a catalyst ically
Jul 17to2018
others, 9:49a
since the MoonÁ ¦ opposes
à Venus in perfection-
-21°48' -21°48'
for transformation. Whilst Luna is busy with Pluto, the Sun istJulVirgo.
18 2018But when
0:26aJupiter »sextiles
” òtender CeresÞ
09°…05' at 8:12 p.m. Þ
is also held hostage by a quincunx to Saturn at 2:39 p.m. (14°01' Scorpio–Virgo),
Jul 18 2018 3:14p giving
À ›ourselves
Å loving praise,
16°‹15' Œ as well Þ
and an opposition to retrograde Mars (4°08' Leo–Aquarius) asJul
being grateful11:27p
18 2018 for whatÃwe ” have,
Å will22°ˆ49'
make us Œfeel07°Ý49'
better. Þ
at 10:13 p.m. We have the urge to try to fight our way out, Jul 19 2018 4:02a ¾ – Ä 04°‰18' Œ 04°„18' Þ
but maybe the most prudent approach is to stand still and Jul 19 2018 12:50p É SŒ 05°„56' Œ
All Sabian symbols are from Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala,
Jul 20 2018 3:29a ¼ à É 05°Š56' Œ 05°„56' Œ
assess our options before acting. free online at: http://www.mindfire.ca
Jul 20 2018 6:36a ¾ — À 04°‰14' Œ 16°‹14' Œ
The Moon enters networking Aquarius at 3:41 a.m. on Jul 20 2018 6:51a ò SŒ 24°Ü05' Œ
Friday, where we’re conscious of group dynamics. A lunar Jul 20 2018 © 2018 Leah Whitehorse
7:06a Æ ” –òall rights reserved
09°…05' Þ 24°Ü05' Œ
sextile to Chiron the Centaur in Aries at 8:10 a.m. seeks to Jul 20 2018 12:42p » ˜ ¼ 11°…50' Þ 05°Š50' Œ
open our eyes to the concerns of all peoples. Accepting each Leah
Jul 20 Whitehorse
2018 8:08pis a professional
º ¦ writer,
¿ astrologer,
+11°48' Tarot+11°48'
other’s differences, however, is a challenge, as the Moon and
21 2018interpreter
3:24awith more¸ ˜ thanÃ25 years of experience
28°ƒ37' Þ work- Œ
squares divergent Uranus at 8:47 a.m. Luna then conjoins ing
Julwith clients. Her
21 2018 8:11a intuitive
ºworká weaves
à together
22°„36' cosmic
Þ stories, Œ
Jul 21 2018 Sabian symbols,¼asteroids,
11:08a à Äand 05°Š36'
archetypesŒ and05°„36'
aims to Þ
blistering Mars at 11:47 a.m., and we reach the boiling point
provide a spiritual
Jul 22 2018 context to
0:44a Ä help
ß navigate
É the soul’s
05°„55' Þ experiences
05°„55' Œ
with a lunar eclipse at 1:20 p.m. Eclipses can be unpredict- here
Jul on
22 planet
2018 Earth.
2:20a She has»a particular
’ ½ fascination
13°…32' with
Þ past lives, Þ
able, and sometimes people don’t do what we expect them karmic
Jul 22lessons,
2018 and 2:00p dream work.
¸ ßLeah „can 00°„00'
be reachedÞ through her Þ
to do. We could either go on the offensive or default to a Jul 23 2018
website, 7:33p at http://www.leahwhitehorse.com
Lua Astrology, ¸ ” À 01°„10' Þ 16°‹10' Œ
more empowering Venus–Pluto trine at 6:25 p.m. (19°38' Jul 23 2018 7:35p » § À +06°21' -06°21'
Virgo–Capricorn). We can attract powerful alliances when Jul 24 2018 9:23a ¼ ˜ Æ 04°Š50' Œ 10°…50' Þ
we demonstrate love. Jul 24 2018 12:22p » à À 16°…09' Þ 16°‹09' Œ
Jul 24 2018 2:08p à ” Ä 22°ˆ22' Œ 07°„22' Þ
Jul 24 2018 10:32p ¸ á  02°„14' Þ 02°Ü14' Œ
Saturday, July 28 – Sunday, July 29: We may feel stretched Jul 25 2018 Geocentric
4:35a ¸ ‘ ¿A spects 02°„29', Þ 02°Ý29' Þ
out of shape on Saturday as Luna squares oversized Jupiter Jul 25 2018 I6:54a ngresses ½ ,§ and Æ S tations
-14°59' +14°59'
at 7:46 a.m. The signs involved (Aquarius and Scorpio) both Jul 25 2018 6:08p » ” ¿ 17°…29' Þ 02°Ý29' Þ
seek connection, but Scorpio might be irritated by Aquari- JulP25
acific Daylight
2018 10:02p º SŒ 23°„27' Œ
us’s dispassion and Aquarius put out by Scorpio’s need for Jul 26 2018 7:34a » ˜ ò 18°…05' Þ 24°Ü05' Œ
intense involvement. Rather than focusing on other people, Jul 26 2018 2:39p ¸ – ¾ 03°„50' Þ 03°‰50' Œ
some self-reflection is suggested by the Sun’s conjunction Jul 26 2018 10:13p ¸ à ¼ 04°„08' Þ 04°Š08' Œ
Jul 27 2018 5:21a » ” ¼ 19°…03' Þ 04°Š03' Œ
with the Leo North Node and opposition to the Aquarius
Jul 27 2018 2:30p É SÞ 05°„53' Þ
South Node at 5:58 p.m. At the South Node, we find old Jul 27 2018 6:12p º ¦ Å +10°05' +10°05'
self-concepts that no longer serve us. The Sabian symbol of Jul 27 2018 6:25p » á Á 19°…38' Þ 19°‰38' Œ
this conjunction (6° Leo) is “A conservative, old-fashioned Jul 28 2018 8:19a » ¦ Â +04°09' +04°09'
lady is confronted by a ‘hippie’ girl.” Sometimes, being true Jul 28 2018 9:40a ¼ • ¾ 03°Š44' Œ 03°‰44' Œ
to ourselves means we must break with the group and dare Jul 28 2018 5:39p ¾ ¦ Ã -22°35' -22°35'
to go off script. Jul 28 2018 5:58p ¸ ¦ É +18°47' +18°47'
Jul 28 2018 5:58p ¸ ß É 05°„53' Þ 05°„53' Þ
The Moon enters ethereal Pisces at 4:28 p.m. on Sun-
Jul 28 2018 6:32p É SŒ 05°„53' Œ
day. We withdraw into our inner world, and this sign at- Jul 28 2018 6:47p ¾ ˜ Ä 03°‰43' Œ 09°„43' Þ
tunes us to dreams and intuitive prompts. This is a good Jul 28 2018 10:30p » “ É 20°…53' Þ 05°„53' Œ
time to retreat from the pressures of modern life and make Jul 29 2018 9:50a À ˜ Ä 16°‹04' Œ 10°„04' Þ
room for art, spirituality, and imagination. Luna’s sextile to Jul 30 2018 1:49a ¸ ” à 07°„09' Þ 22°ˆ09' Œ
awakened Uranus at 9:32 p.m. may bring cosmic downloads Jul 30 2018 3:16a » ‘ à 22°…09' Þ 22°ˆ09' Œ
that surprise and intrigue us. By bedtime, a Moon–Saturn Jul 30
Feb 14 2018
2017 11:26a » › ½ 22°…30' Þ 13°‡56'
Solar FireÞv8.1.2
sextile shows us where we can take our visionary ideas to Jul 30 2018 12:34p º • » 22°„33' Œ 22°…33' Þ
Jul 30
Sag FM2018
617-1 -5:28p
Natal Chart¸ “ » 07°„46' Þ 22°…46' Þ
give them real-world application. Jul 31 2018 12:34p º á à 22°„08' Œ 22°ˆ08' Œ
Jul 31 2018
Date 8:12p
Time ½ Asp
P1 ’ P2 Æ 14°‡01' Þ
Pos1 14°…01' Þ
Monday, July 30 – Tuesday, July 31: There’s a relative lack Jul 31 2018 11:20p » – ò 24°…05' Þ 24°Ü05' Œ
of planetary action on Monday, which suits the tranquil Pi-
sces Moon, who would rather stay in bed than go to work Aug 1 2018 3:41a à SÞ 22°ˆ08' Þ
anyway. Still, the Leo Sun’s semi-square to Venus in Virgo Aug 1 2018 1:05p ¸ ˜ ¾ 09°„31' Þ 03°‰31' Œ
at 5:28 p.m. is mildly jarring, prodding us to use this cre- Aug 1 2018 7:38p ¼ ‘ ¿ 02°Š32' Œ 02°Ý32' Þ
Aug 1 2018 11:39p » § ò +01°52' -01°52'
ative energy productively, through hobbies and interests, to
Aug 2 2018 1:09a ¸ ˜ À 09°„59' Þ 15°‹59' Œ
strengthen our skills. The Moon’s trine to magnanimous Ju- Aug 3 2018 4:20a » ¦ Ä +01°17' +01°17'
piter at 8:20 p.m. says that, if we are struggling to do some- Aug 3 2018 8:08a » ˜ ¿ 26°…33' Þ 02°Ý33' Þ
thing creative for ourselves, we could donate our energies Aug 3 2018 1:14p ½ à Å 14°‡12' Þ 14°Ý12' Þ
to charitable endeavours. Aug 3 2018 5:57p ¼ ’  02°Š02' Œ 02°Ü02' Œ
100 Aug 4 2018 1:10a » › É 27°…17' Þ 05°„51' Œ
Aug 4 2018 1:33a º ¦ Å +10°10' +10°10'
Aug 4 2018 11:13a É SÞ 05°„51' Þ
Aug 4 2018 10:14p º – Á 19°„27' Œ 19°‰27' Œ

SoftStar Muse
by Hank Friedman

Here are the most Frequently Asked some older versions of programs hadn’t Q: My PC crashed (or I just pur-
Questions (FAQs) that I receive: caught up yet. chased a new PC), and I didn’t
Here’s a test for your software: save a copy of the software I down-
Q: Can this program run on my Create a chart for March 15, 2018 at loaded. Can you please help me?
Android/Mac/Kindle/Fire? 4:00 p.m. in Sydney, Australia. The
Ascendant should be 21°45' Cancer. A: This is a very common issue. Usually,
A: Just as a person who only knows Charts that are an hour off give spu- unless the program is out of date, the
English can’t read a book written in rious results, so in order to ensure that company can provide you with another
Chinese, so each computing device is your readings are accurate, you need the download link for you to use. In the fu-
programmed with a specific operating latest time zone atlas in your software. ture, it will protect you to copy the down-
system, and cannot read or run software Therefore, only the current versions of loaded program to a flash drive or CD
written for a different operating system. most astrology programs can be relied (and attach to it a copy of your unlock
(PCs use Windows, Macs run OS, iPhones upon. codes) and keep it in a safe place.
and iPads use iOS, and Android and
Amazon Fire devices use the Android Q: How do I do such-and-such with Relocating Charts
OS.) So, if you have a Windows program, my program? Can I get a printed The oldest method of astromapping
you can’t run it on an iPhone, Android manual? — using astrology to see the effects of
tablet, Amazon Fire or Kindle, or any traveling to a new place — is the reloca-
other device that doesn’t run Windows. A: Instead of creating bulky printed man- tion chart. Essentially, a chart is calcu-
uals that explain your program, compa- lated for a new location. You might think
Q: I ordered the download — where nies have become much more “green” that this feature would be part of every
is it? and now provide all of the documenta- astrology program, but it is such a basic
tion in the program’s Help menu (and feature that no program has it. The soft-
A: Large mainstream software compa- sometimes in video tutorials). These Help ware creators assume that you know how
nies have turnkey systems whereby an menus (shown usually at the top right to use your program to create a relocated
order is automatically processed and the of the program’s main window) have a chart.
download link is then sent to the buyer Search feature so that you can look for Here are the steps: (1) Run (or re-
very quickly. However, astrology software any astrological term or program feature trieve from a chart file) the person’s chart
companies are very small and have to and find it. In addition, you can also call that you want to relocate, using your soft-
process orders manually, one by one. So, or e-mail companies for help, but it is ware. (2) Write down the time zone (and,
download links are usually sent within a very empowering to discover the answers if shown in a separate place, whether it’s
day or two after the program is ordered, for yourself by using the built-in Help Daylight Saving Time or not). (3) Enter
unless the power goes out (like during the function. the birth data again using the new loca-
recent storms in the Northeast) or when tion (or edit the chart, changing the loca-
the company is closed, e.g., weekends Q: I don’t understand what [astro- tion), but do not click OK to process the
and holidays. logical term] means. Help! chart. (4) Change the time zone back to
the time zone shown for the natal chart,
Q: I’m perfectly fine with my cur- A: Only a few top astrology programs and then click OK.
rent version. Why update? have an astrology encyclopedia or glos-
sary built in, but in this online age, if you The Value of Different
A: If you want to be able to calculate ac- can’t find a term in the Help menu of Aspect Sets
curate charts, you have to keep your soft- your software, you can go to websites Most professional astrology pro-
ware up to date. I recently discovered like http://theastrologydictionary.com to grams let you view charts, listings, and
that the continent of Australia changed find the answer. graphs using different aspect sets. To
their Daylight Saving Time policy, and

JUNE / JULY 2018 — 101

SoftStar Muse pects. Having an aspect set just for synastry (chart compar-
ison) with a maximum orb of just a few degrees (three, four,
the novice, this may seem like overkill, but it is actually a very or five degrees) is much better, as you can then see the stron-
valuable feature. gest interactions between the charts.
Early in my astrology practice, I realized that the stron- Similarly, when creating transit hit listings, the orb
gest aspects are far more influential than weaker ones, so I should be limited to one or two degrees. Otherwise, you
created an “x-ray chart” where I limited the orb to one de- might focus on influences that are more in the background,
gree, and thereby could view the most powerful connections instead of seeing the ones that are currently culminating.
in the chart. This has proven very useful. (In order to see it, For those who want to explore minor aspects (septiles,
I just loaded the aspect set that had 1° orbs.) noviles, etc.), again, having a different aspect set is worth-
When comparing two people’s charts, there are twice as while. You could create a set that has only minor aspects, in
many points, so using wide orbs creates way too many as- order to be able to see them without the clutter of all of the
major ones.

Weblog News
Recent articles on my online blog (https://www.soulheal
ing.com/softstar.htm) include my new Vedic tutorial “When
Subcycles really count,” the Delphic Oracle 9, my complete
review of Janus 5, and a guide to computer security.

© 2018 Hank Friedman – all rights reserved

Hank Friedman is a professional Vedic and Western astrologer, author,

and teacher. Visit his http://www.soulhealing.com website for astrology
software guidance and his http://www.learnastrologyfree.com website for
free in-depth astrology tutorials. You may contact him at stars@soulheal
ing.com for help in choosing the right astrology software for your needs.

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