618 TMAdig 15
618 TMAdig 15
618 TMAdig 15
the new esoteric outer limit of our solar system and learn of the profound
implications for society and for each of us individually in the coming years,
as she approaches her closest point to Earth.
This book will be launched at UAC. Find it in booth P35 by the bookshop. Alan is also giving a series of talks on Sedna to NCGR
groups across America in May and June and later in the year he will be lecturing at the Astrological Lodge in London and the
State of the Art Astrology Conference in New York as well as to astrology groups in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Email alan@artmedia.net.nz if you would like to invite him to speak to your group.
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“What sign are you?” The formidable star of the silver travel companion, but with Taurus–Scorpio/2nd–8th em-
screen was fixing her Bette Davis Eyes on the young, phasised in the meeting chart, their intense bond would last
inexperienced woman being interviewed for the job as until the actress’s death, demonstrating the Taurus–Scorpio
her assistant. “Libra,” replied Kathryn Sermak. The traits of self-sufficiency and endurance through physical and
Aries was satisfied. “You’re hired … I have a hunch about emotional crises, and of attachment, loyalty, and solidarity at
you,” Davis declared. “I will teach you everything you need times of betrayal.
to know.” And with Libra rising and Aries setting at that mo- The tight Moon–Venus opposition in the meeting chart
ment (see Chart, below), so began Kathryn’s education with aligns with Algol at 26° Taurus, a much-maligned fixed star
Miss D — a ten-year working friendship between the indom- that Roderick Kidston in The Magic of the Stars (Create
itable, volatile, but increasingly vulnerable actress and an Space, 2016, p. 102) likens to “find[ing] yourself periodically
unworldly 23-year-old who would become a confidante and in situations which call for all your resources of intelligence
much-needed Girl Friday during the legend’s final and most and flexible strength.” In Sermak’s “Pygmalion” transfor-
traumatic decade. mation, which included adhering to Bette’s strict rules and
Their adventure was recently chronicled lovingly in Ser- etiquette and having her name changed, Kathryn man-
mak’s book, Miss D & Me: Life with the Invincible Bette aged never to “lose her head” during the many challenging
Davis (Hachette Books, 2017), which contained a photo of situations in which she found herself. But both the willing ap-
the diary entry recording the time of their first meeting. The prentice and the rigid, self-possessed star were transformed
KathrynBette 618-Moments
Natal Chart chart has the Sun in Gemini in the 9th, conjunct by the decade-long association. Kathryn writes, “I had be-
Jun 8 1979, Fri
2:15Bette’s natal Moon (birth data rated A, per http://www.
pm PDT +7:00 come a collaborator in her ventures, a steady supporter who
Beverly Hills, CA
34°N04'25'' 118°W23'58'' Kathryn was hired to be Miss Davis’s was there to help her in every aspect of her complex life
Tropical … Having an employee who understood her quirks, sup-
True Node ported her values, and made sure that her exact standards
06° ƒ 26' were fulfilled had helped her to relax and opened her to new
º ¸
‚ 00' possibilities and ways of doing things.” (p. 123)
½ 29°
At the time of their first meeting in 1979, the Sun was
06° ‚
‚ » also opposite co-dependent Neptune. Kathryn would become
28' 26° ¼ 03°
the needy star’s rock — not only after the actress’s sudden
Ý 17°
… ¾ 30' Ý Â Ý stroke (Mars in Taurus opposite Uranus in Scorpio), which
10 9 11°
34' Ý
É 12°
… 47'
24' occurred on June 18, 1983, just days after her cancer diag-
51' 11 8
nosis and mastectomy (asteroid Brest in the meeting chart
is at 6°52' Pisces on the 6th-house cusp, opposite Saturn in
Chart: 7
Virgo) — but also during the humiliation that Bette suffered
† Ü with the publication of B. D. Hyman’s toxic tell-all book about
When Kathryn
54' 54' her famous mother.
† 30'Œ 1 Met Bette 6
Á 16° B. D.’s devastating book, My Mother’s Keeper, was a
far bigger blow to the star than her debilitating stroke. In the
2 5
Ê summer of 1984, as transiting Neptune opposed the meet-
03° 07'
48' 3 4 ing chart’s Mercury at 29° Gemini, Kathryn was told of the
‡ ‡ 34' ‹
17° ‡ Œ 09° daughter’s imminent scandalous book, which portrayed Bette
¿ 26° 10'
as an abusive, overbearing, pugnacious drunk. When the
¶ 19° book was published (to coincide with Mother’s Day) in mid
04° 49'
ˆ 00' À Š May 1985, transiting Uranus was in the meeting chart’s 3rd
house at 17° Sagittarius, exactly opposite the Sun, and tran-
06° ‰ 26'
Placidus houses, siting Saturn sat one degree away from the chart’s Moon in
True Node Scorpio. In Miss D & Me, Kathryn refers to Bette’s daughter
by Scott A. Masear
© 2018 Scott A. Masear – all rights reserved
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Author’s Note: This is an excerpt What Are the Nodes? teractions with others, key character traits
from a book that’s been in the making The lunar nodes are mathemati- such as independence, generosity, curios-
for a decade. It started with closely look- cal calculations of two points where the ity, open-mindedness, and responsibility,
ing at the second Jupiter return that Moon’s orbit intersects with the Sun’s which have been damaged or underdevel-
happens when we’re 23–24 years old. apparent orbit around the Earth. The oped. Somehow, you’ve forgotten or lost
And it has blossomed into a focus on North Node is where the Moon’s node track of parts of yourself that need more
the planetary cycles during the first and rises above the Sun’s orbit. The South conscious attention and work.
only decade when we’re considered both Node is where it descends below the Another, more practical way to think
“kids” and adults at the same time — Sun’s orbit. The nodes move backward about your North Node is imagining that
our twenties. Like most planetary cycles, through the zodiac, traveling one degree it’s your less dominant hand. If you’re
these don’t happen only once. Part I of roughly every 19 days. This means that right-handed, the North Node would be
this excerpt (in the Feb./March 2018 a North Node at 12° Virgo will be at 11° like your left hand. It’s the hand you must
issue of The Mountain Astrologer) fo- about 19 days later. Your lunar nodes re- learn to work more, because it’s usu-
cused on Mars returns, particularly the turn to the same sign and degree they ally half as strong or coordinated as your
one you’ll have at the start of your 20s. occupied at your birth when you’re about dominant hand. You might also see the
This part devotes attention to the first 18.6 years old. But we can round that North Node as the ways life presses you
return of the Moon’s nodes at age 19. age up to 19 years. to invest more of yourself into the world
in order to grow. At your 19-year-old
o recap, when you’re 19, What Do the Nodes Mean? nodal return, this is one end of the nodal
you’re technically a teenager, axis you might feel acutely.
since there’s still a “teen” in the The North Node L
number. It didn’t feel that way for me. In Indian astrology, the North Node, The South Node M
Probably doesn’t feel that way for oth- dubbed Rahu, highlights the dharma In Indian astrology, the South Node,
ers. Perhaps the proximity to the teen (righteous action) of what you’re culti- named Ketu, putatively highlights the
years keeps you feeling your youth. But vating in this life. Although Indian terms karma from your past, including your
you’re also in the waiting room of a are now commonly associated with the “past” lives, your immediate past, or the
large part of your life’s journey at this nodes, many don’t know that karmic past of your ancestors.
age. You’re boarding. notions of the nodes are only about 50 As an aspect of your character-
The age of 19–20 years is years old in Western astrology. (For a building, we could say that the South
when you’re: thorough evaluation of this in the West- Node reflects how you’re learning to
ern tradition, please check out Kathy preserve key character traits — again,
• Gearing up for your own Allan’s book, When Worlds Collide). through interactions with others — which
life journey; In classical Western thought, your righ- have been developed already or even
• Assessing your own character teous actions are the fruits of your overdeveloped. But it’s also true that
“fitness” for your voyage; character. I prefer to emphasize charac- you can neglect the South Node if you
• Figuring out who’s on ter development with the nodes, rather focus too much on restoring your charac-
board with you. than dharma or karma. ter through the North Node. The South
The Uranian astrology of the mid Node signifies how life presses you to
You can’t see the Moon’s nodes in 20th century conceived the nodes as divest and release your passionate attach-
the sky, as you can with Mars. But they ways we connect with others, espe- ment to how things “should” go.
signify just as much of an impact on cially involving our personal growth. This With your South Node, you’re not
your life when they return to their loca- is why I define the North Node as the pressured to augment or build, as with
tion in your birth chart. conscious intention to restore, through in- the North Node. There’s more of a pull
Editor’s Note: Cross ventilation pro- diverse themes and actions that you, the turns to the band. One by one, all the
duces a breath of fresh air. It is desir- playwright, wrote for it. others will have their appointed scene.
able in a house and even in a magazine! However compelling that analogy Then, the main singer will leave the
In this spirit, we are featuring a series might be, it doesn’t ring quite true. How stage and join the band, as a new band
of short articles designed to make some can one graha at center stage uniformly member walks into the spotlight and
of the basic building blocks and ideas of influence the direction of life for years at starts the next act with a solo. In the
Vedic astrology more accessible to all. a time? No one’s life stays the same for parlance of Jyotisha, the main singer
We anticipate that opening the Eastern six years (the shortest dasha period), or is called the Mahadasha or dasha lord,
Window can clarify the complementarity even for six months, to say nothing of and the duet band member is called the
between great astrological traditions. 20 years (the longest dasha period). bhukti lord.2
Not surprisingly, I must confess that The bhukti lord inserts a new voice
Cosmic Duets: the dasha system is richer and more into the mix, and the dasha lord has to
Enthralling Harmonies or complex than our simple theater anal- adjust to that second voice. How will
Yowling Cats ogy would suggest. Still, there is an ele- they sound together? What are each of
Shakespeare would have loved my gant way to extend the play metaphor. them singing about? Two obvious possi-
favorite astrological metaphor of the Plays are typically subdivided into bilities — they can both be singing about
grahas (planets) as actors in the play of acts. Each graha’s time on center stage the same themes and sound awesome,
our lifetime: is its own act: Act I, Venus; Act II, the like two full-throated singers pouring out
Sun; etc. Acts, in turn, are subdivided an anthem, or they can be singing about
“All the world’s a stage, into scenes — Act I, Scene 1; Act II, different themes but play off each other
And all the men and women Scene 2; and so on. So, if the act is the in a busy, harmonious, and exciting
merely players; dasha of a particular graha, what would Bach-like fugue.
They have their exits and constitute a scene? In the last column (April/May
their entrances; The first scene is a solo perfor- 2018), we saw that the Venus period
And one man in his time mance by the star of each act. In Scene in the life of Celine Dion propelled her
plays many parts.” 2, a particular backup band member, to stardom. One of the biggest break-
who is always on stage with the rest of throughs in her career came during this
Here’s my rendering of his vision: the band, steps forward and sings a duet Venus dasha in the bhukti of Jupiter.
“This incarnation is like a play, and all with the central character and then re- (See Table, below.) In October 1982, at
the grahas onstage are merely play-
ers. They each have their time on cen-
ter stage (dashas, planetary periods),1
with their entrances and exits. And one The bhukti lord
graha in its time (its dasha) plays many
parts.” Not sure that my version will last
inserts a new voice
several hundred years, though. Oh well, into the mix, and the
at least it is now getting published!
The dasha system is an important dasha lord has to
technique of dynamic analysis. The idea
is that all of the grahas are onstage
adjust to that
when life’s curtain rises, but one — at second voice.
center stage — has the microphone and
the spotlight, where it will bring out the Table: Celine Dion’s Vimshottari Dashas
t won’t come as a surprise to anyone urn is about to square their Sun, and the precise but less reliant on the subjective
who’s been following the astrological astrologer tells them something along responses of clients to the vagaries of
field these last few years that there’s the lines of, “You have a great growth fate, with a greater tendency to speak
been something of a divide between opportunity ahead of you! This will be more plainly and concisely to actual
those adhering to more traditional an ideal time to learn about your limit- events. As one writer put it:
methods and those practicing so-called ing attitudes toward success and your
modern astrology (also sometimes re- own ego patterns!” While comments Classical techniques assume
ferred to as “psychological astrology” like that might be very encouraging in you are a mere mortal whose
— but more on that in just a bit). their own way, such an approach would hopes and fears and very body
To briefly sum up these two ap- probably say far more about a particu- is subject to the sorts of slings
proaches, traditional astrologers lar counseling style than it would about and arrows that positive think-
(whether East or West) tend to be more the real-world problems that a client is ing and the law of attraction
“event-oriented,” more reliant on rela- about to face, and would certainly leave can’t do a thing about. Classi-
tively precise formulas and rules, while the client with little practical understand- cal techniques describe those
also subscribing to a somewhat determin- ing of what’s transpiring in their life. sorts of experiences better and
istic attitude toward fate. On the other In contrast, it’s sometimes said that more reliably than modern
hand, many modern-day astrologers tend classical techniques are not only more ones ever could. In classical
to focus on the inner, psychological ex- astrology those slings and ar-
periencing of their clients, while subscrib- rows suddenly get really clear.
ing to a more malleable attitude toward They’re no longer a statement
fate and the vagaries of circumstance. of how you perceive the world
To the modern astrologer, in other It’s sometimes about you, they describe that
words, what’s “good” or “bad” in life
hinges more on a person’s subjective at-
said that classical world in bright, vivid, unflinch-
ing detail. [Emphasis mine]1
titude than on the external event itself. techniques
One of the common criticisms lev- To a great extent, I agree with
eled at the modern approach, especially are more precise, such criticisms of modern/psychologi-
in its psychological variants, has been its
purported tendency toward vagueness
with a greater cal astrology — at least, as they apply
to the most extreme examples of this
in both natal and predictive interpreta- tendency to speak approach. The hypothetical case I
tions. Some of the terms I’ve seen used proposed above, of the client under-
over the last few years to describe this more plainly and going a Saturn square, represents a
approach have been “wishy-washy,” concisely to near-caricature of that approach and
“overly focused on the subjective re- can’t really be compared with how one
sponses of clients,” or even “sloppy.” As actual events. finds this style articulated in the works
an extreme example of that, imagine a of figures like Stephen Arroyo, Liz
situation where the client comes into the Greene, or the late Howard Sasportas,
astrologer’s office just as transiting Sat- for starters.
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Vedic Astrology
This is Initiation Science; a way
of applying Hermetic and Gnostic
Principles through dowsing and
use of the planetaries.
by Chet Zdrowski
s the outer planets move through the zodiac, difficulties, and most people don’t prefer the difficult things in
each with its own rhythm and color, they give life, so it’s been easy to label Saturn a “malefic.”
us clues about themes and issues that will arise in Even in a more balanced view, Saturn has always had a
the world around us. If we look with the deeper symbolic vi- reputation as a tough teacher. During Saturn’s 29.42-year
sion that astrology affords us, we can see the connections journey around the wheel of the zodiac, it can seem to be
between the outer experiences we all share and the inner life pressuring, blocking, frustrating, disappointing — and aging
we each think is separate — an interweaving of inner and us. Most people don’t enjoy having obstacles get in the way
outer realities. of their desires, but obstacles are one of Saturn’s primary
For most of us, the main focus needs to be on what we teaching tools.
can actually control and work with: our own life and our in- There are plenty of astrologers who will have a dire view
ner world. That said, as astrologers, we know the value of of Saturn’s passage through Capricorn, especially with Pluto
studying the planetary cycles in order to understand the in Capricorn as well. So, we will see fear as a theme in many
large-scale events and trends in the world. There’s a certain forecasts. No doubt there will be crises and difficulties; how-
kind of equanimity and peace that can come with a deep ever, there may also be reasons to feel hopeful.
understanding of cycles. Saturn embodies the principles of structure, form, lim-
On December 19, 2017, Saturn, along with the Sun, itation, and focus. We can see these four principles at work
entered Capricorn and joined Pluto in that sign, which has throughout life as they interact to form the material reality we
been there since 2008. Having Pluto in Capricorn during this
particular Saturn passage ensures special importance and in-
tensity. Saturn will catch up with Pluto in January 2020, and
both will be conjoined by Jupiter as it passes through Capri-
corn. This is a significant configuration occurring at a crucial
Most people don’t enjoy having
time, and it will receive a lot of attention from astrologers. obstacles get in the way of their
Saturn will finally leave Capricorn on December 16, 2020.
On a collective level, the structures of society will be desires, but obstacles are one of
tested while Saturn is in Capricorn; some will be worn down, Saturn’s primary teaching tools
others toughened, and many transformed — resulting in new
structures. The same process will take place within each of us.
We’ll see the consequences of past actions popping up and
demanding to be dealt with, one way or another. all share. Societal structures are created by rules and by the
roles that people assume in society. There are implicit and ex-
Saturn’s Reputation and Function plicit rules that we learn as we go along. If we’re “realistic”
Saturn has stirred up fear in astrologers for millennia, and or “responsible,” we learn these rules and adjust. The Ringed
not without good reason. This planet represents many of life’s Planet represents this essential structure of rules and roles,
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“Look for the answer inside your question.” A Horary Made Me Do It!
— Rumi In September 2016, it was announced that a five-day
workshop on traditional horary astrology would be offered the
umi was a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mys- following April — in New York, no less, where I live. It would
tic. He is currently the best-selling poet in the United be taught by two masters in the field: Lee Lehman and Wade
States. I wonder if Rumi knew that questions have Caves. What a fantastic opportunity to deepen my under-
horoscopes. He would have, had he ever consulted with a standing of a complex yet rewarding subject. Sign me up!
horary astrologer. Alas, the course wasn’t in my budget that fall. Nor was
A horary is a horoscope cast for the exact time a question it in my budget in February, when the deadline to register
is received and understood by the astrologer. In the process of was approaching. I reeeeeeallly wanted to take that course.
examining that horoscope, an answer to the question can be But how? What were the odds? I was compelled to plug this
found. A horary offers detailed insight into a specific situation question into Solar Fire 8.0: “Will I take the horary course in
that can’t be seen in a natal horoscope. As I explain to my cli- April?” Let’s examine the chart.
ents, asking a horary question is using astrology as though it We are looking for the relationship between the person
were a deck of Tarot cards. When you need a “yes” or “no” asking the question and whatever is asked about. The per-
answer to a real-world question, or if you’re looking for a lost son asking is the Querent. The “whatever is asked about” is
object, horary can work like magic. the Quesited. The planets representing the Querent and the
Say you have a client whose horoscope just had the sec- Quesited are called Significators.1
ond of three conjunctions with his Midheaven from transiting I asked this question, so I am the Querent. The Querent
Uranus and a square to the Ascendant from transiting Pluto. is signified by the ruler of the Ascendant. The horary course is
You told him three years ago that there was potential for a the subject of my query, so it is the Quesited. Its Significator
fresh start, including a relocation right about now. And in fact, is the ruler of the 9th house.2 Why? Because a horary course
he is changing jobs and moving to another city. He is amazed is a matter of higher education, and higher education is a
that you could see that coming! Now, he’s looking for a new 9th-house affair.3
house, and he’s found one he likes. Should he buy this house? Mercury is the ruler of the chart’s Gemini Ascendant.
Could you find an answer to this question in his natal (See Chart 1, following page.) Therefore, Mercury is the
horoscope? I’m not convinced you can. However, if you study Significator for the Querent. Where in this chart is Mercury?
horary astrology (and practice, practice, practice), you will be In Aquarius, in the 9th house. That was interesting. The
able to divine accurate answers to a dazzling array of dilem- planet representing me was already in the horary course’s
mas, including but not limited to: house. Did this suggest that I would definitely take the course?
á ‘ 09° ‹ 24'
5 15°
A missing movable object in
’ Ü Â À Pt
Š Antiscia
Ê ¶ 40'
3 4 26°
‹ 51'
47' 36'
‡28° Š
22° ¸
26°Ü12 traditional horary is a 2nd-house
†27°Ü 39' » 07°Ý09
0'47'34' 40'32'
24° 50'
10 9
Œ ¼
‰ affair, with its own set of
„…… …
…28° ½Œ ¾ 08°‰30
rules for judgment.
°03°05° 20°21°
11 8
¿ 02°…09
‚ Á
ϸ 37' À 17°†23
º¼ † ÁŒ54'13°ˆ05
14° Chart 2:
12 7Â 03°†12
02° 02°
24' É 07°Ý20
… ƒ Will the File Be Ê 07°‡20 ‰
09° 37'
¶ 03° ƒ 29' Ë 29'27°‚22 37'
1 Recovered? 6
ˆ 21°
20°†35 ¾
Ï 09°Ü19
2 5
25° 51'
dition 3 4
Cond ƒ Œ ¼
Almuten of Chart (Ibn Ezra) 31' ‡
Planet ¶ » º ½
† ¾ ¸
38' 28°
25 39'50'21
47' 34' 2140'32' 20 18
24° 0 0
„ Almuten of Profession (Bonatti)
„ … …º ½¾
Planet »22°22° ¼… … ¶ À ½
Score 20 18 05° 18 20°21°
03° 12 6 6 4
15° É»
Almuten of Chart (SU-MO-PF-Asc-MC) - Gen 37'
„ 40' º
ϸ ½
† À
Killing Planet
Planet ¶ º …
09° ½24' ¼ ¾ ¸ »
Score 39 35 24 19 7 5 2
Á Ï ¾ ¸ É » ½ Â ¿
Day of º Hour of ½ JUNE / JULY 2018 — 37
6th Hour of Night
Last Hr ¾ -13 mins
20° 25° 30° Next Hr ¼ +45 mins
Hooray for Horary Chart Data
Will I take the horary course in April? February 20, 2017; 11:45 a.m.
EST; Forest Hills, NY, USA (40°N43', 73°W51').
in the online forum. I received a reply from the forum mod- Will the file be recovered? September 14, 2017; 12:06 a.m. EDT; For-
est Hills, NY, USA.
erator within a few hours, offering a number of technobabble
suggestions that I endeavored to apply. No luck. The backup
plan — also courtesy of the online forum — was Recuva, a References and Notes
software program designed specifically to recover fried files. 1. For a thorough tutorial in traditional horary methods, check out the series
Still feeling hopeful, I purchased Recuva. I ran a scan for of articles by Deborah Houlding, published in TMA between 2012 and 2014.
hidden backup files, and recovered an earlier draft of the doc- 2. I use Regiomontanus houses for horary questions. That’s the system used
by many prominent 17th-century astrologers, including William Lilly. I learned
ument — five pages out of twelve. Better than nothing, but I
horary primarily from teachers who use Lilly’s methods, so that’s what I use,
was disappointed. It would take a lot of work to recreate the too. When interpreting natal horoscopes, however, I use Placidus houses —
full document, and I wanted the whole enchilada, as suggested again, because that’s the system my teachers used. Is that a conflict? Not if
by the horary! you think of astrology as a language with many dialects, each equally valid.
I would have to go deeper — as deep as that 4th-house 3. Determining which house to use for the Quesited is half the battle in horary
Sun in the horary. This would require scanning my computer interpretation. If you do not use the correct house, you will not be able to
for deleted temporary files (so I learned). This process would make a correct judgment.
take hours, and it would tie up my computer for the dura- 4. J. Lee Lehman, PhD, The Book of Rulerships: Keywords from Classical
tion. Nevertheless, I persisted. The deep (!) scan took a full 24 Astrology, Schiffer Press, 1992, p. 340.
hours to complete. But it worked, it worked! Who knows how 5. Ibid., p. 337. The original source is John Partridge, Mikropanastron, or
technology does these things, but the last draft of this article an Astrological Vade Mecum, briefly Teaching the whole Art of Astrology
– viz., Questions, Nativities, with all its parts, and the whole Doctrine of
was recovered — with all 2,500 words intact. Hooray, hoo-
Elections never so comprised nor compiled before, & c., London: William
ray for horary! Bromwich, 1679.
Any questions?
6. I found no mention of the concept of essential dignity in either of these
two modern horary astrology textbooks: Simplified Horary Astrology by Ivy
M. Goldstein-Jacobs and Horary Astrology and the Judgment of Events
by Barbara H. Watters.
505-247-1338 | WWW.LIGHT.ORG
9. My take is that nearly every question considered in a horary is about a 14. Let the record show that the number of degrees between the Querent
physical real-word concern. As I mentioned in an earlier TMA article (“Stop Moon at 22° Sagittarius and the Quesited Saturn at 26° Sagittarius is four.
Talking about the Planets!” Aug./Sept. 2017), astrology is a language with Coincidence or conspiracy?
many dialects. If you want to talk about physical real-world questions, tradi- 15. See Fun Fact #3.
tional horary is a more suitable language. Lee Lehman mentions this in The 16. http://leephd.blogspot.com/2017/01/special-considerations-relating-to.
Martial Art of Horary Astrology, on p. 15: “Horary is not very good at psy- html (accessed in March 2018).
chologically or spiritually based questions … There are appropriate questions
17. Lehman, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, p. 328.
of a spiritual or psychological nature in Horary, but they must have some basis
in physical reality for a good result.” 18. However, Mercury was applying to a malefic Mars.
Steven Forrest writes in The Inner Sky, on p. 149: “Uranus, Neptune 19. William Lilly, Christian Astrology, 1647, p. 322. Examples of objects
and Pluto represent only possibilities. They signify transcendent, unnatural that may not be recovered: a ring accidentally thrown in the trash; a stolen
qualities attainable only through intentional work on the self. Unlike the classi- purse; a hotel room key that falls out of a pocket while the Querent is stroll-
cal planets, no positive manifestations of their functions can ever be triggered ing on a beach. The 4th house is likely to offer clues about the final resting
automatically. Until we purposefully move to transform our being, we see only place of the lost object.
their shadows. Without effort, these three mysterious symbols remain to the
spirit exactly as they are to the eye: invisible.”
© 2018 Elisabeth Grace – all rights reserved
That being said, how Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can be interpreted in
a horary by an astrologer using traditional methods is a matter of debate. I
know of traditional astrologers who simply omit Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Elisabeth Grace earned her B.A. in Philosophy from Wellesley. She
from their charts, but I am not one of those astrologers. I’ve spent years speaks modern psychological, classical horary, and electional astrology.
studying and using a modern psychological approach in my work with natal She is ISAR CAP and STA-certified. Freelancing at WNBC and CNBC
horoscopes. I’ve had too much experience with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto inspired her to report on the astonishing synchronicity of headlines and
to completely ignore them — even when using traditional rulerships in horary. planetary patterns in a daily forecast — now in its tenth year. She writes
If a Significator in a question is conjunct Neptune, for example, I believe that’s for NCGR, Dell Horoscope, and other publications — and, of course,
valuable information; e.g., that there’s idealism, deception, or some other lack TMA. Don’t miss her talk at UAC on May 25! To schedule a personal
of clarity involved. consultation or read her “astrology for news junkies” forecast, visit
http://www.graceastrology.com; e-mail: eg@graceastrology.com
For many astrologers, it’s also a debate as to whether modern astrology
is superior to traditional astrology — and vice versa. To me, that’s like debating
whether Japanese is superior to Italian. Both are effective tools for communica-
tion, though, sure, the former is much more complicated for those who are not
native speakers. Meet me at the bar at UAC, and we can discuss this further.
10. The Ptolemaic aspects are: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and oppo-
sition. “Partile” means “exact” (to the degree).
11. Lehman, The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, p. 40.
12. Also known as “translation of the light.”
Author’s Note: This is an edited version of an open- ing, purpose, and direction from the images projected onto
ing address given at the 22nd Conference of the FAA the canvas of the night sky. Our tradition is an ancient sym-
(Federation of Australian Astrologers) on January 18, bolic language and, as Dane Rudhyar implied, when we know
2018 in Melbourne, Australia (http://www.faainc.org.au/ this language, the sky speaks to us.1
faa-conference-2018/). I shifted the title of this talk from This shared symbolic language of our craft is how our
the conference theme of “Transforming the Tradition” to tradition survives. Whether expressed plainly or poetically,
“The Transforming Tradition,” to place emphasis on the clinically or emotionally, in a traditional or a modern tongue,
tradition of astrology and its innate tendency to shape- there is a common foundation, a shared touchstone that
shift, as it has done throughout the last two millennia. elevates astrology to the status of one of humanity’s old-
est traditions. No matter what dialect we speak, we all
are heartened when we look up at the night sky and see a
strology has an extensive tradition. But what is the es- Venus–Jupiter conjunction, and we all moan when we be-
sence at the heart of this tradition? What lies beneath come aware of Saturn bearing down on our Sun. Coherence
the spectrum of horoscopic symbols, techniques, and across our tradition bonds us: Astrology is always changing,
theories? And how do we find ourselves immersed or baptized yet always remains the same. Unaltered by its temporary
in astrology and yet not fully comprehend or realize what it is forms, it remains eternal.
that we are a part of? I hope to address these questions and But what is this essence at the heart of astrology? What is
others in this article. the inner character beneath the spectrum of horoscopic sym-
The word “tradition” derives from the Latin tradere, bols? Here are some musings.
meaning “to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping.”
Tradition suggests the passing-on of information, knowl- An Encounter with the Divine
edge, or beliefs by word of mouth or practice. It implies a There is a spiritual or religious element to our tradition.
long-established and inherited way of thinking, perhaps even I am not referring to an organized religion, but an encounter
going back thousands of years. Embedded within a tradition with something larger than ourselves: a sense of the divine, a
are continuing patterns of cultural beliefs and customs that calling — murmurs from the soul. Astrology is divinatory by
have similar and recognizable methods, rituals, techniques, nature, informed by the measurement of a sky that is popu-
and procedures; hence, astrology is a perfect fit for this defini- lated with personifications of the divine; hence, we could liken
tion of tradition. the tradition of astrology to an informed imagination or a con-
While astrology’s centre of attention may shift — sidered encounter with the divine.
techniques morph, predictions get made, and methodologies The astrological tradition is unique in that it calls us in its
come and go — the essence of astrology never changes. At own way. Unlike most traditions, astrology cannot be system-
times astrology has nearly died, at other times it has thrived, atized or regulated. It relies on another way of knowing that is
but it has always survived. For thousands of years, it has been beyond the rational, the factual, or the cognitive. This percep-
a picture language, an amalgam of symbols, shaped through tive knowing of the heavens weaves a cohesive and colour-
the human imagination that the heavens inspire. Much of our ful thread through the tapestry of astrological tradition. We
tradition has been passed down orally, so our practices are of- cannot really be involved with astrology without encountering
ten more subjective than objective. and considering the divine, as our craft consistently calls out
Astrology, the study of the stars, looks to the vault of the the names of the gods. I remember, years ago, how delighted
heavens and inspires us — its students — to discover mean- I was when the textbook for my Classical Mythology course
hink “genius,” and odds of expressing the aspect is as a division • Moon and Jupiter (quintile)
are that Albert Einstein will of the 360° zodiac by five (or by five • Moon and Neptune (bi-quintile)
come to mind. Yet the chart Venus retrogrades). There is a pretty • Jupiter and Neptune (quintile)
of this Sun-sign Pisces with a Can- compelling link between the planet and • Midheaven (MC) and Pluto (quintile)
cer Ascendant is, at first glance, the aspect, which is why I have come to • Mars and Uranus (bi-quintile)
more evocative of a mystic than a call the quintile the “Venus Aspect.”1
revolutionary scientist. Still, there Einstein has five quintile or bi- He was born with a Cancer Ascen-
is a way to decode the genius of this quintile2 aspects in his natal chart (see dant; thus his chart ruler is the Moon,
unique mind; the journey in is through Chart 1, following page) — all organ- which is in quintile and bi-quintile as-
the Venus signatures in his natal chart. ised in remarkable coherence to planets pect to both the modern and traditional
or points of significance: rulers of Pisces, his Sun sign. With his
The Venus Aspect
A special relationship between
Venus and the quintile aspect can be
revealed by observing this planet in mo-
tion. Over a period of eight years, we
can see Venus retrograde five times, each
in a different part of the ecliptic. If we
were to draw straight lines in a zodiac
wheel between each of the retrograde
positions, in the order they occur, we
would form a five-pointed star pattern,
with the angle of separation between
each of the star-points being 72 degrees.
(See Diagram 1, at right.) A quintile,
too, is a 72° angle of separation between
two planets or sensitive points in an as-
trology chart. Or perhaps another way Diagrams 1&2: The magical pentangle signals the quintile and the bony finger of fate points out the quincunx.
Visit our
booth at
& Booth #P6
at UAC
1914 in Brovary »
The eclipse of 1914 was photo 06°
» ¾º ¸ Ì
graphed by American astronomer 00' 30'
Œ 00°
William Campbell in the small town of ‚ º 03° 23°
16° 04° ½ Š
Ü ÜÜ ‹ ‹
Brovary in the Ukraine. The Sun–Moon 00° Ý 07' 27° 00'
08' 30'
conjunction was at 27° Leo, opposing 07° Ý 59' 11' 50' Š
¶ 17°‚ Á24° Ý 32' 29'
Einstein’s very significant Jupiter. (See 52'
Š 26° ¼
Ý 10 9 01°
Chart 3, upper right.) The eclipse’s ¸ 17°‚ 18'18' 43'
11 8 Œ
bi-quintile to his Mercury–Saturn con- ½ 22°‚ 11'
00° 12 7 00°
Ê 22°‚ 37'Œ
ƒ ‰
00' Á 04°ƒ 34' 11°ƒ
38' 1 6 Œ37'
ˆ22° 00'
Chart 3: Bi-wheel (top). Ë 31'
ˆ14° É
28' 2 5 ¶
Inner wheel and house cusps: „ 3 4
Albert Einstein 33' Ê Œ
Roça Sundy eclipse, May 29, 1919; 2:16 p.m. 9. Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma are the first four
UT; Príncipe Island (01°N37', 07°E25'); date and states of matter.
locale sourced from P. Coles, “Einstein, Eddington, 10. Einstein died of an aortic aneurism on April
and the 1919 Eclipse,” in Historical Development 18, 1955. A retrograde Pluto in Leo was square
of Modern Cosmology, ASP Conference Pro- his natal Pluto at the time.
ceedings, Vol. 252, 2001, pp. 33–35.
Wallal Downs eclipse, September 21, 1922;
1:30 p.m. AWST; Wallal Downs, Australia
(19°S47', 120°E40'); date and locale sourced
from R. R. Burman & P. M. Jeffery, “Wallal —
The 1922 Eclipse Expedition,” in Proceedings of
the Astronomical Society of Australia, Vol. 8 (3),
1990, p. 312.
by Charlotte Wenner
lthough the 21st century is still Scientific Paradigms through same laws. “As above, so below” could
relatively new, the develop- History and Their Influence on thus be scientifically explained.
ments in all branches of science Astrology Perhaps a more pertinent question
and technology have been staggering. To begin with, it is, of course, es- than why astrology is not considered
Yet it is precisely these developments sential to define exactly what is meant scientific would be: When was it first
that have undermined the old convic- by the term “paradigm.” The term was considered unscientific? Many scien-
tions that heretofore defined reality. The used by American physicist, historian, tists in the past also practiced astrology.
results of experiments with subatomic and philosopher of science Thomas From ancient times up until the Scien-
particles seem to resemble magic more Kuhn to denote the entirety of the be- tific Revolution of 1620, astrology was
than they do the concrete facts that liefs, methods, and questions that the firmly fixed in the scientific world. The
have always been thought to define re- scientific community in a given period differences in scientific paradigms in the
ality. Quantum physics, string theory, held as the source of further questions, periods before and after 1620 provide
the zero-point field, and other theories as well as the methods necessary for re- insights into the reasons for astrology’s
have turned the scientific world upside solving those questions. (Leezenberg expulsion from the realm of science.
down. These developments, along with & de Vries, 2012) However, nowadays The scientific paradigm before
the increasing damage to the environ- “paradigm” is usually understood to re- 1620 was largely geocentric: Earth was
ment inflicted by the profit-driven use fer to the belief structure that is used to the center of the universe, and Man was
of technology, make a new paradigm define and interpret reality. In the cur- the crown of creation. The paradigm
vital for survival. Fortunately, the grow- rent paradigm, astrology is considered of the classical world is often illustrated
ing use and understanding of the Black superstition or, at best, a pseudoscience.
Luminaries in astrology parallels the de- If one mentions astrology, the term “un-
velopments in science and, in doing so, scientific” usually crops up quickly in the
can once again contribute to the scien- conversation.
The differences in
tific world in the coming century. So, how can an astrologer explain scientific paradigms
This article will describe the way how astrology works? It is also essential
that astrology and the Black Luminar- to be clear on one’s own understand- in the periods before
ies can help in the creation of a new
paradigm. After a brief review of the
ing of how and why astrology is useful.
As a teenager growing up in the United
and after 1620
changing scientific paradigms through- States in the 1970s, I was a great fan of provide insights
out history and their influence on both Linda Goodman and Carl Sagan.
astrology, I will give a short description Despite the abhorrence Sagan held for into the reasons for
of the discovery, principles, and appli-
cation of the Black Luminaries. In Part
astrology, it was by reading his work on
the “Big Bang” theory that I was able
astrology’s expulsion
2 of this article, sample horoscopes will to develop my perspective on how as- from the realm
be delineated — first, without the Black trology worked. For me, it went without
Luminaries and then including them — saying that all the material that shared
of science.
in order to illustrate and clarify their a common origin would continue to re-
importance. main connected and be subject to the
by the work of Aristotle, who estab- by Galileo’s mathematical calculations ucts” of humans, such as language, be-
lished the following principles: and by his observations through the tele- came subjects of study, and the field of
scope he had invented. Galileo’s method Humanities arose. Finally, the human
1. Inductive approach — from obser- — to first form a theory and then prove being itself was established as an object
vation to theory; or disprove it by means of measure- of study, and psychology was established
2. Teleological perspective — everything ment — became established as the new with the breakthroughs by Freud, Adler,
has an intrinsic purpose and goal; scientific approach. This method was and Jung. This was perhaps the turn-
3. The four types of causes: deductive instead of inductive. The old ing point at which the field of Science
a. material — the substance some- worldview of a teleological force be- provided space for the non-measurable
thing is made from; hind reality was exchanged for that of a effects of consciousness on reality.
b. form — what form it has; mechanistic force following immutable In any case, since the establishment
c. creation — who it was made by; laws that could be observed, measured, of psychology as a valid form of study,
d. purpose — what it was made for. and verified by others. Science (a term from Middle English de-
Newton’s famous apple story illus- noting “knowledge,” which originated in
The medical science of Galen’s trates the difference between these two the Latin scientia, from scire, “to know”)
fluids theory is an example of these paradigms. According to Aristotle, the was divided into three areas: Humanities,
principles. In his theory, everything be- apple fell from the branch to the ground the study of the products of the human;
longed to one of four particular types because this was its destiny, purpose, Science, the study of nonhuman objects;
arising from different humors, which and destination in life. But according and the Social Sciences, the study of hu-
resemble the four elements in astrology: to Newton, the apple was forced to the man interaction in groups. To this day,
phlegm (cold and wet), blood (warm and ground by an external mechanism: grav- however, there are many who consider
wet), yellow bile (warm and dry), and ity. Within this new paradigm, astronomy the study of nonhuman objects the only
black bile (cold and dry). and astrology parted ways, since no out- true form of Science.
Although such an approach might side force or observable influence could The developments that took place
be considered naïve by modern practi- be measured to support astrology’s fun- within the paradigm of the Modern Age
tioners of medicine, increasing numbers damental premise that the movements were reflected in the manner that astrol-
of people are reporting benefits from and patterns of the planets reflect events ogy was used. After the fearful period
alternative approaches, such as home- and individuals on Earth. Astrology was of persecution during the witch hunts
opathy and herbal medicine, and these discarded, particularly by those in the in the 17th century, astrology was only
improvements cannot be explained by pure and applied sciences, as a pseudo- practiced within closed esoteric circles,
modern science. Moreover, despite the science. This attitude was adopted by which also, however, secretly included
explosive developments in science and society at large, and since then, astrology many astronomers and religious figures.
technology, scientists still cannot explain has been considered nonscientific. It was only during the last 50 years
the force that keeps electrons circling of the 20th century that astrology
around a nucleus. Scientists from the old The Paradigm of the Modern Age experienced a resurgence of interest,
paradigm, on the other hand, would be Scientists of the Modern Age, especially with the cross-pollination
able to explain this. In their worldview, which began around the year 1800, between astrology and psychology.
everything was related; the micro-cosmos propagated a mechanistic view of re- Oddly enough, it was through the
was mirrored in the macro-cosmos. ality. Everything followed predictable, work of a skeptical psychologist, Mi-
Astrology was also understood in observable patterns or laws in time and chel Gauquelin, that the first empirical
this manner, and the movements of the space. This was termed “objective real- statistical evidence was collected that
seven visible heavenly bodies had di- ity,” in which the reality of the object, suggested the validity of at least one fac-
rect connection to all types of physical or Kant’s Ding an sich, was other than tor of astrology. He decided to test the
forms, occurrences in both nature and the object perceived through the filter of frequency that the planet Mars, which
society, and the four humors. Astrology subjective human perception. Everything is associated with physical strength and
was used primarily for predicting the was divided into subject and object, the competitiveness in astrology, appeared
fortunes of royalty and state, natural di- observed versus the observer, and ev- at prominent positions, or the angles,
sasters, health and sickness. erything occurred on the basis of cause of the horoscope (that is, around sun-
and effect. rise, sunset, or midday). To his great
The Scientific Revolution of 1620 The creation, development, and be- surprise, his findings confirmed that an
The revolution in thought that took havior of the human were also explained above-average number of athletes in-
place in 1620, and was thereafter named in this manner by Darwin’s theory of deed had Mars in their horoscope at a
the Scientific Revolution, brought about a evolution. The universe was no longer position just after dawn or after sunset.
great change in paradigm. To begin with, seen to be something mysterious, but (Gauquelin, 1988) Skeptical scientists
Copernicus advanced the theory that the something that ran like a “great clock,” from the U.S., Germany, and Belgium
planets revolve around the Sun instead and people were just highly developed repeated the experiment and were
of around the Earth, and astronomy be- relatives of the ape. Still, at a certain forced to concede that their results were
came heliocentric instead of geocentric. point in the development of science, not similar to those of Gauquelin. The re-
Copernicus’s theory was substantiated only objects in nature but also the “prod- sults were later challenged, primarily
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AURUM is one of the greatest reetings, readers! It is my Donald was on my show five years
astrologers in the world and is pleasure to be able to offer my ago, and I talked about his chart and
known by millions in Europe, words and insights into astrol- what his future would be. It was very
Latin America, and the Middle ogy, a subject I love probably more than clear that he was destined to be an even
East, primarily as an entertainer. any other astrologer does. I was pre- bigger cheese than he was at the time,
He has generously agreed to fill paring for my concert at the pyramids and I told him that if he really wanted to
in for The Chironic Astrologer, in Egypt not long ago, and was asked be president of the United States, then I
who apparently fell ill recently. by the singer of the opening act — a would pick a special time for him to an-
(We hope he will recover and band called the Rolling Stones — how nounce that he was running. He took
contribute to The Mountain As- I thought things would go. I told Mick
trologer sometime in the future.) Jagger that it will clearly go very well, at
Astrology News
Gloria Star, P.O. Box 311,
Clinton, CT 06413
or: Gloria@GloriaStar.com
by Gloria Star
Bloomberg Features Astrology and Finance to be mushrooming. In early March alone, several major brands
Ross Kenneth Urken’s article, “The Top Astrologer used astrology. From Elle magazine’s notice that Bite Beauty
in Asia Will Forecast Your Finance Future,” appeared on has released its latest astrology-inspired lipstick shades (fiery red
Bloomberg.com (January 21, 2018). Urken described his Aries is now available) to Nordstrom’s spring 2018 catalog, the
travel to Dwarika’s Resort in Nepal to meet with famed astrol- zodiac provides the personalization that everyone seeks.
oger Santosh Vashistha and discuss his life, with a focus on But we know that there’s much more to the language
finance. He shares his experience with Vashistha, noting that of astrology than Sun signs, and thanks in part to the Inter-
he would normally be fairly skeptical about consulting with net, there is more in-depth information available. As noted by
an astrologer, but the resort setting in Nepal encouraged him Gayle MacDonald in her Globe and Mail article (March 15,
to be more open-minded. Urken provides a brief history of 2018): “Phrases such as ‘Mercury in retrograde’ are part of
astrology and investment, writing about the work of astrolo- the hip vernacular.” Many readers are ready for more. Enter
gers like W. D. Gann and Evangeline Adams. He even quotes Allure magazine (March 12, 2018), with the feature, “Birth
J. P. Morgan, who supposedly said, “Millionaires don’t need Charts 101: An Astrology Beginner’s Guide to Understanding
astrology — billionaires do.” Urken then describes what he the Planets,” by Aliza Kelly Faragher, Allure’s resident astrolo-
has learned from the accurate forecasts (and a few “misses”) ger. This lengthy article offers an excellent intro to all the basics
of several well-known American financial astrologers, including of astrology, including a brief history of the subject. Faragher
Bill Meridian, Ray Merriman, and Grace Morris. Essentially, provides substantial information about the basic makeup of an
this was a positive review of his experience; the author notes astrological chart and how the Sun, Moon, and planets work in
that, despite what appears to be a positive financial future, his an individual’s natal horoscope. Delineation of the meanings of
success will depend upon his own actions. these chart factors was comprehensive and nicely written. The
February 2, 2018 issue of Allure featured Part One of this se-
In Brief ries, focusing on descriptions of the zodiac signs.
It seems that a number of skeptics are taking issue with
the recent media about Millennials and astrology (see TMA’s In Memoriam
“Astrology News,” April/May 2018). Dean Burnett writes in Two prominent American Vedic astrologers passed away
The Guardian (March 14, 2018) that there is no evidence in early 2018. Jessica Sayles, Vice President of ACVA
that astrology is valid or useful. He also comments that “at- (American College of Vedic Astrology), was instrumental in
tributing dubious behaviours to [Millennials] is a tired journal- the development of ACVA courses and certification exams,
istic cliché.” Another article on ScienceAlert.com (March 14, and worked in the field of education for more than 20 years.
2018), by Carly Cassella, insists that astrology is not legiti- I received notice of her death in mid January 2018.
mate science. In these instances and others, the references to William R. Levacy, ACVA President, dedicated most of
astrology involve Sun-sign horoscopes and other narrow uses the last decade of his life in service to that organization. As one
of astrology. In short, the same old same old. of the founding members of ACVA in the mid 1990s, he was a
Margaret Abrams’s piece, “Astrologer Explains Prince Jyotish astrologer, serving as a teacher and mentor to countless
Harry and Meghan Markle’s Relationship,” appeared in The grateful students. Two of his best-known books are Beneath
Observer (March 5, 2018). The source for the article was the Vedic Sky and Beneath the Vedic Sun. Levacy died on
her interview with astrologer and life coach Linda Joyce, who February 23, 2018.
briefly describes the couple’s astrological makeup and how
these factors work for them. However, Joyce primarily fo- © 2018 Gloria Star – all rights reserved
cuses on the cycles that were most prominent when Harry and
Meghan met and the potential success of their relationship. Gloria Star is a professional astrologer, author, and teacher. You
Perhaps it’s the influence of Uranus’s cycle in Aries, but can learn more about her and her services through her website,
the use of astrology and zodiac signs as marketing tools seems http://www.GloriaStar.com
Key to A s t ro lo g i c A l s y m b o l s
BEGINNERS: Planets occupy signs and form exact aspects
to one another when separated by the designated number of
degrees. The midpoint between any two planets is determined
by finding the place in the zodiac equally distant from those two
planets. The North Node and South Node are astronomical
points (not physical objects) determined by the intersection
of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the Earth’s orbit
around the Sun.
References Cartoons
1. Dane Rudhyar, Person Centered Astrology,
CSA Press, 1976, p. 104.
2. Dane Rudhyar, Astrology of Personality,
Aurora Press, 1991, Preface, p. xi.
3. Bernadette Brady, “Fate, Free Will, Horoscopes,
and Souls,” in The Mountain Astrologer, April/
May 2015, p. 32.
The Beginner’s Your The Art of Chart Planetary The Eighth Seal
Guide to the Secret Self Interpretation Aspects Its Time Is Now!
Financial Universe Illuminating A Step-by-Step Method of An Astrological Guide Cracking the
An Introduction to the the Mysteries of Analyzing, Synthesizing, to Managing Your Code that Solves
Role of the Planets in the Twelfth House and Understanding the T-Square the Mystery of the
Financial Markets Birth Chart Book of Revelation
Tracy Marks Tracy Marks
Christeen H. Skinner 978-0-89254-161-4
Tracy Marks 978-0-89254-204-8 Don Cerow
978-0-89254-224-6 272 pp • 6 x 9 978-0-89254-142-3 240 pp. • 6 x 9 978-0-89254-223-9
208 pp. • 8½ x 11 $24.95 192 pp • 6 x 9 $19.95 376 pages • 6 x 9
$24.95 $15.95 Hardcover • $26.95
Hermetica Triptycha: The Mercury Elemental Year by west, close to the invisible conjunction, and at the maximum
Gary P. Caton, Rubedo Press, 132 Lone Kauri Road, Auck- elongation in the morning sky. He connects these three stages
land 0772, New Zealand, 2017. Softcover—242 pp.—$39 with nigredo, albedo, and rubedo of the alchemical process.
NZD ($28 USD) (ISBN 978-0-473-41688-1). Available from Caton also considers Mercury’s cycles over longer peri-
www.rubedo.press and Amazon. ods of time. We know that Mercury’s retrograde cycle occurs
Gary Caton’s book, dedicated “To the eternal spirit of three to four times per year; the author expands upon the
Hermes, in many Divine forms as friend to humanity,” was in- fact that Mercury’s retrograde cycles each year will (nearly
spired by certain inner realizations that propelled the author always) be in the same element; for example, Mercury’s ret-
to follow the promptings of his vision. Caton is an astrolo- rogrades in 2018 are in the fire element (Aries, Leo, and
ger who participates in the revival of the visual sky traditions Sagittarius). In the course of a year, therefore, Mercury will
of Mesopotamia. These mutual perspectives — to listen for spend far more time in one element than in the others. Em-
promptings within and to observe the sky with reverence — phasis on the elements weaves through this book and dove-
describe the path he took when pondering upon and develop- tails with alchemical imagery and “real-world magic,” which
ing his work, which has resulted in this beautiful treatise. inform the author’s work.
Caton details Mercury’s 40-day retrograde cycle, trac- We are all also born into a particular Mercury elemental
ing the planet’s visual path from maximum elongation in year, which is repeated every six to seven years and is ex-
the western (evening) sky, through the invisible part of the plored in depth in this book. (In the last chapter, Caton writes
cycle, when Mercury disappears from the evening sky and specifically on each of twelve elemental returns over 79 years.)
goes “underground,” then reappears once again in the east- The personal Mercury elemental year “represents an uncon-
ern (morning) sky, and reaches maximum elongation (in the scious preference for one of four modes of symbol making.”
morning sky). It also shows a quality of the broader time and may suggest
He contextualizes that spatial movement within the tradi- “a correspondence between the deeper soul purpose of an
tions of alchemy and psycho-spiritual transformational prac- individual and the deeper soul purpose of their time.”
tices, and offers a roadmap for individual inner work, with When considering a natal horoscope, Caton looks at the
suggestions for practices to engage in at appropriate times prenatal retrograde (inferior) Mercury–Sun conjunction and
within the cycle — that is, around maximum elongation in the the postnatal retrograde conjunction as bookends for a life.
Hermetica Triptycha
the mercury elemental year
The first-ever comprehensive & integral
treatment of Mercury’s retrogrades
By Gary P. Caton
(direct) movement is detectable in June, due to Mars’s ret- The total lunar eclipse on July 27 is visible in South
rograde station at the end of the month. In July, Mars will America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Its duration
travel westward (retrograde) toward Dabih. He ends the from start to finish is 3 hours and 55 minutes. The duration
month below and to the right of this star. of totality is 1 hour and 43 minutes. (See map on p. 87.)
At the end of June, Saturn rises in the southeast around
9:00 p.m., followed by Mars around 11:30 p.m. On June Meteor Shower
27, Saturn will be at opposition (to the Sun) and thus visible The southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower is active
all night long. On the morning of June 28, locate Saturn be- July 21 – August 23. Faint meteors and occasional fireballs
low and slightly to the right of the Moon. On the morning will radiate in all directions from the southern portion of
of July 1, Mars will be below the Moon. At the beginning the constellation Aquarius, near the star Skat. The shower
of July, Jupiter sets around 2:30 a.m., followed by Saturn peaks on the night of July 28 to the morning of July 29.
around 5:30 a.m. Mars will disappear from view in the SSW The recently Full Moon will be near the radiant on the
as sunrise brightens the morning sky. peak night/morning, so fewer than the typical 16 meteors
On July 24, locate Saturn below the Moon. On the per hour will be visible. Best viewing of the shower is from
27th, locate Mars below and to the right of the Moon. Mars 11:00 p.m. until dawn.
at opposition will be visible all that night.
At the end of July, Jupiter becomes visible in the For visual aids that help you to locate the planets, visit
SSW at sunset, Saturn becomes visible in the SSE at sun- “The Mountain Astrologer Sky Maps” tab at Julene’s website,
set, and Mars rises in the southeast at sunset. All three http://julenelouis.com
of these planets will set in the WSW. Jupiter sets around
1:00 a.m., followed by Saturn around 3:00 a.m. and Mars © 2018 Julene Louis – all rights reserved
around 5:00 a.m.
Julene Louis, Dipl.IAA, ISAR-CAP, Jyotish Visharada-CVA, is a
Eclipses full-time consulting and teaching astrologer and co-founder of the Sky
The partial solar eclipse on July 12–13 is visible in the Astrology Conference (http://www.skyastrologyconference.com). She lec
Antarctic and southern Australia. The duration of the eclipse tures at conferences and local groups in the United States, Canada, and
from start to finish is 2 hours and 25 minutes. The Table Mexico. Julene is available for consultation, group lectures, and tutoring
toward the CVA Jyotish Visharada certification. She can be reached via
(above) lists the time of the greatest eclipse, which typically
e-mail: julene.louis@gmail.com
differs from the exact moment of the New Moon.
The Entertainer
June 3, 2018, 12:47 p.m. – 1:13 p.m. PDT
This election highlights the Sun and Mercury in the sec-
Editor’s Note: Please see previous issues of TMA, ond decan of Gemini (10°00' – 19°59'), which means that the
starting with Feb./March 2017, for background and election will be highly effective for talismans to enhance the
continuing instruction in the principles behind the arts of storytelling and entertainment. This talisman could be
helpful to writers, comedians, singers, and other artists who
intertwining of magic and astrology.
use words and speech to captivate their audience.
The second decan of Gemini has the image of “a black
woman whose girdle is beautiful and whose garments are
brightly coloured. She delights in the arts, in singing, and in
story-telling. Holding a lyre, she is pleased and delighted. Her
une and July are astrologically active, though not neces- brows are lovely, and she is graceful.”1
sarily in ways that are conducive to talismanic magic. In We can imprint this memorable, pretty image on a Mercu-
June, Mars slows down to a crawl as he turns retrograde rial material, such as paper that has been infused with an herbal
on the 26th, while Jupiter and Saturn continue in their ret- extract of Mercurial herbs and plant materials. Mercury rules
rograde paths. In my experience, retrograde and stationary most kinds of nuts, as they are symbolic of the brain encased in
planets are less effective for planetary talismans than planets the skull. I would recommend boiling a variety of tree nuts and
in direct motion. I think of retrograde and stationing planets using the water to soak (and then dry) the chosen paper ma-
as being on a rejuvenating spa vacation; they’ll be raring to terial. At the time of the election, you may draw the image on
go once they are back on the job and moving forward, but the paper, along with a succinct summary of your intent.
until then, they should be left alone to recharge. In this election chart, Mercury rules the 1st house of self
In July, Jupiter turns direct on the 10th, though he will and the 10th house of fame and career, and here he is in
not be usable for talismans until the end of the month, when his own sign, Gemini, a powerful position for Mercury. (See
he has picked up some speed. We also have a couple of Chart 1, following page.) In Gemini, Mercury is particularly
eclipses in July that are best avoided, so we will have to step adroit in the verbal arts, including speaking, writing, and sing-
nimbly to find good magical dates. We will continue to lean ing. He is conjunct the Sun, a condition known as combustion
on lunar mansion talismans, which are both very effective and that is normally detrimental to planets, but planets in their
plentiful even in challenging planetary weather, as well as own signs are thought to be exempt from the harmful effects
decanic elections. of combustion. In my experience, planets in their own signs
All charts are set for Los Angeles, California, in Pacific that are near the Sun indicate activities that are hidden, as
Time. While you can simply add or subtract time to get the planets near the Sun cannot be seen due to the Sun’s glare.
same Ascendant degrees as the charts shown in this column, However, the planet in its own sign (in this case, Mercury) is
be sure to examine the new chart set for your location and not otherwise negatively impacted by the Sun’s proximity; the
time zone, because whenever you set the new chart to match theme of hiding remains, but the harmful symbolism of being
the rising degree in the original location, the Moon will likely burned up is absent.
have moved and may be applying to a different planet. The If you do not care about fame, targeting this talisman
Moon’s applying aspects are essential in electing for magical to Mercurial symbolism makes more sense. If, however, you
purposes, so consider whether the relocated election still ful- are interested in recognition for your efforts, focus your rit-
fills your needs. As with any electional horoscope, not every ual more on solar symbolism, such as the use of gold color
magical election can be successfully relocated. (or metal!), yellow flowers, and citrus fruits. You can still use
¸ 15°‚ 48' ¾
Chart 1: 7
13° 00° º 16° ‚ 25'
Chart 2: 7
Œ20' ‰
… June 3, 2018, ‹ ƒ June 6, 2018, ‰
12' 12'
1 12:47 p.m. PDT 6
46' 1 6:46 a.m. PDT 6
23' ˆ
ƒ 2 5
2 5
S 38'Š 21° Œ
09° 08' 10° 45' 21° » S
‡ 27'
07' Š 15°
† Œ
3 4
Š 07° ¶ Š ƒ „
10' 3 4
½ ‡
Œ 06° Ê 15°
46' 18' 31' 48' 07° 24°
‡ ‰ ¼ É
15° 07°
09° ½ ¾ 53' 14° 50'
‡ 42' ‰ All charts use „ 33' 15°
Placidus houses and
12° ˆ 12' 11° … 45'
the True Node.
» 04° „ 24'
15° É 06° „ 29' S
Chart 3: 7
15° 13°
Chart 4: 7
„ June 17, 2018, Š † July 18, 2018, Ü
42' Š 08°
¼ ¶ 13° † 23'
29' ¶ 20° „ 21' 9:36 a.m. PDT S 29' Š
29' 08'
12:09 p.m. PDT 08'
1 6
Ê 1 6
2 5 26' 2 5
Œ ‡
08° ‰ 05' 11° 13° 54'
‡ ½
3 4 3 4
… 06° ‰
47' 25' Œ ¾ 16° 01' Œ 56'
20' 16°
† 07' 26'20' Š
09° ‰ ‰ Š
‡ 06°
00°04° 05°
Ï 14°
† 35' ˆ
25' 11°
Ͼ Ê ¼ Š 50'
½ 13°
ˆ 47' 16°
09° ‡ 01' 14° ‰ 22'
2018 ” ¸ 29°„55' Þ 14°‰55' Þ
34 47 20 00 48 26 B 37 01 905 9:03
56PM 21 33 10 11 10Jan 068PM
8:28 19
13 Th
2018 13 2627
V2:25pc 180405¶1618 ‘02
06¸ 57 24 B 46 36
15 194:03
05 AM21 Þ
18°‰35' 23 0912 513:28 06AM 17 13 V 26c 04 20 02 24
32 02 03 H 07 36 09 H `150420¶Solar Eclipses
` 04 Solar Eclipses
56 }PM
C 32 541105 11:53 22 03 11 16Jan05 58 F13
20 2728 15 “02
29 20 25 25 H
48 46
14 196:53
05 49
56 } 21 Þ 54 10 56 06 03 13 16 02
Q 28 25
13 12:42 PMStations
12 2018 Q2:28p ¸
H 12Time
C 12Þ 22°‰40'
AM 13 7:42 PM
29 18 15 53 21
Day Time 22 D 09 22 05 56 22 28 12 21Jan05 21
43 Sa
16 2018 13 6:17p
12 ¶12Day
11 ß02 ¸00 26 1630 32
D 13 Þ 19 56
05 48 22 Þ
26°‰54' 21 12 02 05 47 13 30 04 12 Day02Time 26
26 34 28 21 22 04 I 29 491405 12:20
55 AM22 49 1315 26Jan 0520
9:18 hSu}13
28 R7:45p
2932i090452¶24 07 “02
44¸ 50 27 16
I 55 18
12 197:20
05 AM22 44 1315 074:18
01°Š02' Þ 05PM 32 13 R 32i 04 08 02 26
~ None ~
18 4:26 PM
23 51 10 I 35 07 16 E 37 431605 12:20
54 AM23 06 1417 31Jan 0524
8:26 12 M13
PM2018 0034
` 18 11:26
E 070408¶0703 ‘
02¸ 23 27 E
1606 31
11 197:20
05 AM23 Þ
04°Š53' 02 1418 123:26 05AM 16 13 V 34` 04 04 02 27~ N
21 082:04
22 PM38 01 28 F 36 231805 1:41
54AM23 18 15 36Jan04
d }
13 0:12a 26 9:04 PM
20 3:5131
56 Tu
28 2018
AM2018 T5:26a ` 04 ¶Lunar
0137 04 25 00 ”02¸ 282523°‚21'
19 08 06
F 1018Þ05198:41
07 33
AM23 Þ
08°Š21' 15 15 17 05 00 13
20 10:51 AM T 36` 04 01 02Eclipse28
18 25 04 J 33 11 J 28 47 05 53 23
10 G 25 16 41Jan04 40 W13 0239 01
25 0342¶01 J02
56 à 05 ¸13 29 J 01 29
G 09 Þ 19 53
05 42 23 Þ
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15 43 16 23 30 22 17 38 05 53 23 27 } 1721 456:34
04PM2623 Th13 Day02
52 56Time
40 2918 1651 06
08 0519 5341 23 27 1722 261:34 04AM 28 13 Day02Time 29
13 01 28 11 31 H
04 05 252205 12:11
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S1:48pb560318¶24 49 ”02
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K 38 57
07 197:11
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10 20 09 K 59 37 15 I 54 252405 9:29 y 23 16 19 53Feb 037 2018 13 7:53a K02 I
26 Feb
51 Sa 0448
AM2018 T10:34a
5:53 11 h530337¶ 06
45 ‘ 32¸ 57 31 1627 22
05 194:29 y 23 Þ
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26 12:53 PM T 47 h 03 46 02 30
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27 J 46 572705 8:53 03 20 57 03 29 34 Su13 0551 03 18 42 02 3124 J 16 04 193:53
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AM Q1:05pi480317¶00 PM Q 53i 03 40 02 31
05 01 03 L 45 17 09 L 45 23 05 53 22 45 2229 00Feb 0315
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05 27°Š07'
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02 22 15 47 36
21 52 162905 9:3753PM 22 22 23 03Feb 0319 2018
02 Tu13 9:48a
0758 450338¶12 35 “02
16¸ 02 32
1619 14
02 194:37
05 AM22 Þ
53 29 22 45 03 06 13 57 03 36 02 32
59 45 27 59 45 04 A 10 25 05 52 21 54 24 06Feb 23 2018
02PACIFIC 0:09a
0802 430301¶24
451 W14TIME 32 ‘02
25¸ 02 32 A 33 47
16 01 Þ 19 52
05 04°‹39'
32 22 Þ 03 23 48 02 MEAN
GREENWICH 50 14 TIME01 03 33 02 32
Feb 26 2018 9:17a ¶ ” ¸ 23°ƒ03' Þ 08°‹03' Þ
the mood for new challenges, Luna’s dispositor, Mars, con- reminds us that7:13a
Jun 1 2018 our choices
º á play¼an important
05°‚31' Þ part05°Š31'
in the Þ
joins the South Node at 10:09 p.m. (7°09' Aquarius), sig- unfolding
Jun 1 2018future. Mercury
7:28a » then
á enters
½ soft Cancer
15°ƒ31' Þ at15°‡31'
12:59 Œ
nalling a need to address the past before we charge into the Jun 1where
p.m., 2018 words
11:35aand º ” Á are05°‚55'
decisions Þ
emotionally 20°‰55'
driven, Œ
future. Tempers could be on a short fuse, unless we accept Junwe
and 1 2018
need to2:12p
talk aboutÀ how• weÅ feel,
16°‹24' Þ our16°Ü24'
to clarify think- Þ
Jun 1 2018
that there’s no need to rush ahead. ing. When we 10:12p
verbaliseº what • Ä
we need,06°‚52' Þ 06°ƒ52' Þ
energy is released
Jun 2 2018 0:22a º § Á +21°34' -21°34'
The early-bird Aries Moon has her major aspects done —Jun
2018 that1:20awe canºuse’to goÉ after our goals
07°‚09' Þ with the Œ
and dusted before dawn on Friday. Mercury, though, book- nearly simultaneous
Jun 2 2018 1:25a lunar trine
» á À to invigorating
16°ƒ25' Þ Mars.
16°‹25' Þ
ends the day with an obsessive quincunx to Pluto (20°47' On Wednesday,
Jun 2 2018 5:55a lightbulb
º § moments
¼ jolt us awake,
+21°42' as
Gemini–Capricorn) at 6:31 a.m. and a bad-tempered ses- Mercury sextiles6:15a
Jun 2 2018 Uranus atº4:40– a.m.
¾ (1°22'
Þ 07°‰36' Œ
quiquadrate to Mars at 11:54 p.m. Speaking out of turn and Jun 2 2018 Vesta
Retrograde 8:41a » ‘ Å
then re-enters 16°ƒ46' Sagittarius
adventurous Þ 16°Ü46' at Þ
chewing over slights are possible, as we mentally wrestle Jun 2a.m.,
6:30 2018fixating
9:20a us onÄnew•horizons.
É 07°ƒ08' Þ are
Seed ideas 07°„08'
per- Œ
with fears (Pluto) and anger (Mars). Still, in the background, Jun 2 2018 2:03p º › Å 08°‚18' Þ 16°Ü52' Þ
fect for the New Moon in Gemini at 12:43 p.m., although
Jun 2 2018 4:02p º — Æ 08°‚29' Þ 20°„29' Þ
we do have a potentially helpful semi-sextile (30°) between the uncertainty 8:41p
of this lunation’s square08°‚54'
to Neptune could be
Jun 2 2018 º “ ò Þ 23°Ü54' Þ
Mars and disciplined Saturn (7°12' Aquarius–Capricorn) at distracting.
Jun 3 2018 Mercury’s
1:46a square¾ àto Chiron
Ä at 2:27Œp.m.07°ƒ33'
07°‰33' (2°13' Þ
5:21 a.m., quietly suggesting restraint. Practical action wins Cancer–Aries)
Jun 3 2018 presses us
5:35a É toSÞ
confront 07°„08'
our doubts.
Þ Talking
out over arguments. about
Jun 3 what
2018 is painful
6:30a can¸be § hard¾but healing.
+22°20' Once -22°20'
Jun 3into
12:14p Leo ºat 2:53
§ p.m.,
¾ our hearts are-22°20'
+22°20' lifted,
Saturday, June 9 – Sunday, June 10: Thankfully, most of us Jun we
and 3 2018
can dare2:02p ¸ ¦
to be more º
playful. +22°23' +22°23'
will sleep through Saturday’s stormy lunar square to Pluto Jun 3 2018 6:40p Á – Æ 20°‰52' Œ 20°„52' Þ
Jun 4 2018 2:47a  ‘ à 02°Ü00' Þ 02°‰00' Œ
at 4:42 a.m. By morning, heads are clear as the Moon sex- Thursday, June9:58a
14 – Friday, June 15: The Moon enters wa-
Jun 4 2018 ¸ — Â 14°‚01' Þ 02°Ü01' Þ
tiles mindful Mercury at 9:03 a.m. This aspect is perfect for tery, emotional
Jun 5 2018 Cancer
4:52a at 12:20
º — Â a.m. on Thursday.
14°‚02' Þ A Moon–
02°Ü02' Þ
Saturday catch-ups and quick trips to the shops. The hasty Mercury conjunction
Jun 5 2018 6:42a at 6:01
¸ ˜ a.m.Áis friendly;
Þ a lu- Œ
Aries Moon’s square to Venus at 12:37 p.m., however, might nar
5 2018 to sourpuss
1:10p ¸ Saturn
– ½ at 11:09 a.m.
15°‚06' Þ could see Œ
spur us to make snap decisions involving money. With Ve- Jun 5 2018 1:37p º ˜ Á 14°‚50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
nus in motherly Cancer, impulse purchases could be rooted Jun 5 2018 4:20p º – ½ 15°‚05' Þ 15°‡05' Œ
in a need for nurturing. The sofa calls to us, once the Moon Jun 5 2018 7:01p ¸ ß º 15°‚20' Þ 15°‚20' Þ
moves into relaxed Taurus at 9:03 p.m. Don’t get too comfort- Jun 5 2018 Geocentric Aspects
7:14p º › ò 15°‚21',Þ 23°Ü55' Þ
Jun 5 2018 7:24p » à Á 20°ƒ50' Þ 20°‰50' Œ
Jun 5 2018 I7:30p ¸ ,› ò S tations
able, though. Luna’s conjunction with spontaneous Uranus ngresses and 15°‚21' Þ 23°Ü55' Þ
at 11:13 p.m. may prefer a night out on the town after all. Jun
Feb 5
2017 9:04p º ¦ Æ +23°23' +23°23'
Solar Fire v8.1.2
Pacific Daylight
On Sunday, the stubborn Taurus Moon squares the nodal Jun 5 2018 11:27p º › É 15°‚44' Þ 07°„10' Þ
axis at 9:09 a.m. If we want to creatively evolve (the North Jun 6FM
Sag 2018
617-1 -3:00a º “ ¿
Natal Chart 16°‚04' Þ 01°Ý04' Þ
Node in Leo), we need to take a risk and explore fresh fields. Jun 6 2018 5:16a ¸ › É 15°‚44' Þ 07°„10' Þ
At 9:20 a.m., a trine between the Moon and Saturn is stabi- Jun 6 2018
Date 7:07a
Time º Asp
P1 ‘ P2
À 16°‚27' Þ
Pos1 16°‹27' Þ
lising — but could perhaps be accused of being boring, by Jun 6 2018 9:32a À § Å -06°13' +06°13'
Jun 6 2018 11:42a É SŒ 07°„10' Œ
a frustrated Moon–Mars square an hour later. It might feel
Jun 6 2018 12:35p º ¦ » +23°38' +23°38'
as though some are digging their hooves into the mud. As Jun 6 2018 1:54p ¸ “ ¿ 16°‚05' Þ 01°Ý05' Þ
Luna opposes magnifier Jupiter at 10:14 p.m., most likely Jun 6 2018 5:32p » • Æ 21°ƒ55' Þ 21°„55' Þ
we are overreacting, especially if there is underlying inse- Jun 6 2018 10:57p ¸ ‘ À 16°‚27' Þ 16°‹27' Þ
curity. We can choose to deepen our trust, to encourage a Jun 7 2018 0:13a ¼ — Å 06°Š57' Þ 18°Ü57' Þ
leap of faith. Jun 7 2018 1:09p º ’ Å 19°‚12' Þ 19°Ü12' Þ
Jun 7 2018 3:32p ¾ ” Æ 07°‰15' Œ 22°„15' Þ
Monday, June 11 – Wednesday, June 13: We’re willing to Jun 7 2018 10:09p ¼ à É 07°Š09' Þ 07°„09' Œ
Jun 8 2018 4:03a ¿ á à 01°Ý09' Þ 01°‰09' Œ
change our ways on Monday with an empowering Moon– Jun 8 2018 5:21a ¼ • ¾ 07°Š12' Þ 07°‰12' Œ
Pluto earth trine at 8:30 a.m. This is perfect fertiliser for Jun 8 2018 6:31a º – Á 20°‚47' Þ 20°‰47' Œ
large projects at work. Making personal adjustments may Jun 8 2018 7:09a à ˜ É 01°‰08' Œ 07°„08' Œ
seem more difficult at 10:13 a.m., however, when the Sun Jun 8 2018 7:10a º ˜ ½ 20°‚51' Þ 14°‡51' Œ
in clever Gemini forms a quincunx to Pluto in cautious Cap- Jun 8 2018 10:54a » ‘ ò 23°ƒ57' Þ 23°Ü57' Þ
ricorn, highlighting our fears. We may be afraid of appear- Jun 8 2018 8:52p º “ É 22°‚05' Þ 07°„05' Œ
ing uninformed, but there’s no need to go to extremes to Jun 8 2018 10:58p ¸ ¦ Æ +22°55' +22°55'
Jun 8 2018 11:54p º ” ¼ 22°‚22' Þ 07°Š22' Þ
make an impression. Bullying inner voices may be the real Jun 9 2018 2:43a º › ¿ 22°‚37' Þ 01°Ý12' Þ
culprits behind our concerns. When the Moon sextiles lov- Jun 9 2018 4:43a º ’ Æ 22°‚48' Þ 22°„48' Þ
ing Venus at 8:28 p.m., reconnecting with our tender side Jun 9 2018 5:21p º ’ ò 23°‚57' Þ 23°Ü57' Þ
can improve our sense of self-worth. But minds could still Jun 9 2018 8:03p ¸ ¦ » +22°59' +22°59'
be busy pondering at bedtime, when the Moon enters high- Jun 10 2018 8:18p Á ‘ Å 20°‰44' Œ 20°Ü44' Þ
strung Gemini at 11:53 p.m. Jun 11 2018 5:22a º • » 27°‚11' Þ 27°ƒ11' Þ
Mental overdrive occurs on Tuesday as Mercury ses- Jun 11 2018 6:46a ¸ ˜ ½ 20°‚35' Þ 14°‡35' Œ
Jun 11 2018 10:13a ¸ – Á 20°‚43' Þ 20°‰43' Œ
quiquadrates Jupiter at 7:24 a.m. We have plenty of ideas
Jun 11 2018 11:58p ¸ ’ Å 21°‚16' Þ 21°Ü16' Þ
ripe for development but may find it difficult to quantify Jun 12 2018 7:24a º ” ½ 29°‚30' Þ 14°‡30' Œ
them. The Moon’s sextile to the North Node at 10:52 a.m. Jun 12 2018 8:47a Æ á ò 23°„58' Þ 23°Ü58' Þ
Jun 12 2018 10:19a ¾ § Æ -22°23' +22°23'
88 Jun 12 2018 11:07a ¸ “ É 21°‚43' Þ 06°„43' Œ
Jun 12 2018 12:49p » § ¾ +22°23' -22°23'
Jun 12 2018 12:59p º ß ƒ 00°ƒ00' Þ 00°ƒ00' Þ
Jun 12 2018 2:44p º à à 00°ƒ09' Þ 00°‰09' Œ
Gemini New Moon — June 13
by Emily Trinkaus
The charts for the lunations in this issue are all set on as dispositor of this New Moon could also bring in a “wild
the natural wheel with 0° Aries rising. card” kind of energy — unexpected or over-the-top commu-
nications and connections. Further encouraging our ability to
The New Moon in airy, mutable Gemini plants a seed think outside the box and access creative solutions, Mercury
for change, and highlights the power of our thoughts and forms a stimulating sextile to revolutionary Uranus at 1° Tau-
words to shape reality. As the dark Moon invites us inward rus. The cooperation between Mercury and its higher octave
for reflection, we can consider which areas of our life are is likely to spark enlivening and expansive conversations, es-
calling for renewal. This New Moon reminds us that the first pecially when we’re willing to speak the truth of our uncon-
step to shifting our circumstances is to view them from a ventional ideas, with love and sensitivity.
new angle, and we can draw on the Gemini gift of seeing New Moons typically support initiating new projects or
any situation from multiple perspectives. If we find ourselves life directions, but a strong emphasis on retrograde plan-
stuck in an old, limiting mental tape about what’s possible, ets at this lunation indicates otherwise. Jupiter, Saturn, and
this New Moon offers us a chance to rewrite that story and Pluto are all retrograde, soon to be joined by Neptune on
up-level our circumstances. June 18, followed by Mars on June 26. This New Moon
Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is in watery Cancer, the seems to be more about discerning what’s true and real in
Moon’s home sign. This mutual reception between Mercury our lives, healing from the past, and shifting our perceptions
and the Moon calls us into our emotional intelligence — the and stories so we can more easily move forward when the
deeper level of heart-knowing beneath the surface of the an- timing is right.
alytical mind. We’re encouraged to listen to the subtle voice The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 23° Gemini,
of our intuition and to the feeling tone behind the words “Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree,” reflects that we
people are saying, more than the content of the words Gem NM 618-1 may be in a stage of preparation, nurturing and fortifying
themselves. Communicating with sensitivity and compas- Natal Chart
Jun 13 2018, Wed
ourselves, but not quite ready for flight: “The growth of spir-
sion is key, as people may be more likely than usual to take
12:43 itually creative processes in an at least relatively integrated
pm PDT +7:00
Fresno, CA
things personally and react defensively. mind.” (All Sabian symbols are from Dane Rudhyar, An
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
Increasing the potential for reactivity, Mercury tightly
Tropical Astrological Mandala.)
0° Aries
squares Chiron at 2° Aries and opposes Saturn at 6° Cap- True Node
ricorn, forming a stressful t-square. Challenging communi- 00° ‰ 00'
cations are possible, and we want to be conscious of — and 00' 00°
take responsibility for — the power of our words to harm or Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
00° Á 06° 29°
to heal. Deep-seated pain could stir up the wounds of our in- 20°
ner child. Rather than retreating into our shells or striking Ê ‰ ˆ
¼ 06° ‰
51' 56'
½ 00°
out, we’re advised to keep our hearts open to the oppor- 00' 08° Š Œ
Š 36'
tunity to resolve old issues. If we have the courage to ‹ 11' Œ 10 9 ‡ ‡
00° 24' 00'
move toward the pain, we can reclaim our authority “
11 8
from a past event, when we were in the role of victim.
Mercury’s opposition to Saturn (exact on June À 16°‹ 29' ‘‘ á
15) suggests that we may need to make an impor 12 ‘ áá 7
00° á 00°
tant decision or take committed action. With Mer- ‘ –
cury in Cancer, these decisions could be related to Ü à
àà †
 02° Ü 13' “ ”
” á
family or other close relationships, home or real 1 6
á” áá
estate. While Mercury–Saturn can help us to think ‘
Ü 59' á
realistically about circumstances, there’s also a po- 21° 58' ’ ‘
Å 23° 23' Ü 2 ’
’ 5
tential for negative or overly critical thinking, cyni- 24'
00° ò 01°
Ý “ „ 00'
cism, or judgment. We may become aware of how the 24°
Ý ¿ 3 4 Œ
36' Æ …
voices in our head can undermine rather than support 00' 53' „ 00°
us — and we have an opportunity to shift our thinking in 44' 44'04' 41' ƒ 06°
a more productive direction.
‚ ‚ ƒ ƒ 29° É
22°22°02° 13° » 00'
Mercury is out of bounds (June 6–24), traveling beyond 00°
the normal range of declination. Out-of-bounds Mercury ‚ 00' ¶¸º Ä 00°
can support us to stretch our minds beyond the limits of our 00° ƒ 00'
usual perception and open up to unconventional views and
ideas. New insights can help us to expand beyond old places
of stuck-ness and stagnation. And out-of-bounds Mercury June 13, 2018 — 12:43 p.m. PDT
June 13, 2018 — 7:43 p.m. GMT
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2
Cancer’s famous moodiness emerging. We can either retreat could have an air of déjà vu. Saturn’s influence, though, in-
into our shell or deal with problems head on. Drama queen Sag FM 617-1
troduces - Natalso
hesitation, Chart
we might miss the moment. Even if
Venus in Leo gives a fine performance, square anxious Ura- we feel disoriented, a Moon–Neptune opposition at 5:48
nus at 8:32 p.m. (1°26' Leo–Taurus) and then sesquiquadrate a.m. invites us Time
to go withP1 theAsp P2 Pos1
flow. An open mind starts Pos2
Jun 6 2018 9:32a À § Å -06°13' +06°13'
delusional Neptune at 9:31 p.m. We’re switching between versations when Mercury trines Jupiter at 12:42 p.m. (13°59'
Jun 6 2018 11:42a É SŒ 07°„10' Œ
the sublime and the ridiculous. Or we can laugh, to lighten Cancer–Scorpio),
Jun 6 2018 and the
12:35p º sceptical
¦ » Virgo Moon feels
+23°38' back
the mood, when the Moon trines jovial Jupiter at 11:09 p.m. in
6 2018by 12:52
1:54p p.m., ¸trining
“ ¿ commanding
16°‚05' Þ Pluto. In the Þ
We’re up against heavy forces on Friday, given the background,
Jun 6 2018 however,
5:32p we’re
» •still Æquestioning
21°ƒ55' Þ what21°„55'
we be- Þ
Moon’s opposition to Pluto at 9:18 a.m. Family spats could lieve,
Jun 6 as the Sun10:57p
2018 in intellectual
¸ ‘GeminiÀ opposesÞ
16°‚27' devout Vesta Þ
descend into feuds, unless we’re willing to change ingrained atJun 7 2018Sagittarius
28°29' 0:13a at 1:15
¼ — p.m.Å 06°Š57' Þ 18°Ü57' Þ
habits. Venus trine Chiron at 1:23 p.m. (2°15' Leo–Aries) Jun 7 2018
On 1:09p theºFirst
Wednesday, ’Quarter
Å 19°‚12'
Virgo MoonÞ 19°Ü12'
squares Þ
Jun 7 2018 3:32p ¾ ” Æ 07°‰15' Œ 22°„15' Þ
promises that we can find peace by addressing old wounds, the Sun in Gemini in the wee hours. With both signs ruled by
Jun 7 2018 10:09p ¼ à É 07°Š09' Þ 07°„09' Œ
especially those triggered in childhood. This isn’t easy, Mercury,
Jun 8 2018 mental stimulation
4:03a ¿ á could
à make our sleep
01°Ý09' Þ restless.
01°‰09' Œ
though, since thinker Mercury opposes conservationist Sat- By
8 2018 the Moon ¼
5:21a has entered
• ¾ graceful
Þ so good Œ
urn (6°41' Cancer–Capricorn) at 6:46 p.m. It could be hard relationships
Jun 8 2018 are our topºpriority
6:31a – Á now.20°‚47'
Still, ourÞequilibrium
20°‰47' Œ
for us to stop brooding over ancient history. If we can leave and
Jun ability
8 2018 to compromise
7:09a à are˜ tested
É by a lunar
01°‰08' Œ opposition
07°„08' Œ
the past in the past, it may be easier to express our feelings Jun
to 8 2018 Chiron
wounded 7:10a at 9:37
º ˜a.m. ½ and20°‚51'
a square Þ to 14°‡51'
reticent Œ
maturely. Saturn at 4:48 p.m. It may be better to wait before address- Þ
Jun 8 2018 10:54a » ‘ ò 23°ƒ57' Þ 23°Ü57'
Jun 8 2018 8:52p º “ É 22°‚05' Þ 07°„05' Œ
ing interpersonal
Jun 8 2018
issues, since Mercury’s
10:58p ¸ ¦ Æ
trine to Neptune
+22°55' +22°55'
Saturday, June 16 – Sunday, June 17: On Saturday, the Moon atJun
8:58 p.m. (16°29'
8 2018 11:54p Cancer–Pisces)
º ” ¼ brings 22°‚22' compassionate
Þ 07°Š22' Þ
jumps into dramatic Leo at 12:20 a.m., firing up the need communication
Jun 9 2018 and a gentle
2:43a º ›tone. ¿ Luna’s
22°‚37' evening
Þ aspects Þ
for creative expression. A semi-square (45°) between eclec- to
JunVenus (sextile)
9 2018 4:43aand Mars
º (trine)
’ Æ make proposals
22°‚48' Þ more
22°„48'at- Þ
tic Uranus and spiritual Neptune at 2:40 a.m. provides un- tractive.
Jun 9 2018 5:21p º ’ ò 23°‚57' Þ 23°Ü57' Þ
usual inspiration, although wild imaginings could also lead Jun 9 2018 8:03p ¸ ¦ » +22°59' +22°59'
us down the garden path. Lunar conjunctions with Venus Jun 10 2018 8:18p Á ‘ Å 20°‰44' Œ 20°Ü44' Þ
(5:14 a.m.) and the North Node (10:50 a.m.), along with a Jun 11 2018 5:22a º • » 27°‚11' Þ 27°ƒ11' Þ
Jun 11 2018 6:46a ¸ ˜ ½ 20°‚35' Þ 14°‡35' Œ
noble Sun–Ceres sextile (25°28' Gemini–Leo), exact at 9:30 Geocentric Aspects
Jun 11 2018 10:13a ¸ – Á
20°‚43' Þ 20°‰43' Œ
a.m., make this morning a time to honour the divine femi- Jun 11 2018 I11:58p ¸ ,’
ngresses Å S tations
and 21°‚16' Þ 21°Ü16' Þ
nine. Spend time with mothers, sisters, or daughters. Keep Jun 12 2018 7:24a º ” ½ 29°‚30' Þ 14°‡30' Œ
Pacific Daylight
visits short, though, since the Moon’s divisive opposition Jun 12 2018 8:47a Æ á ò 23°„58' Þ 23°Ü58' Þ
to selfish Mars at 2:18 p.m. could trigger attention-seeking Jun 12 2018 10:19a ¾ § Æ -22°23' +22°23'
behaviour. And with a jagged Mercury–Mars quincunx at Jun 12 2018 11:07a ¸ “ É 21°‚43' Þ 06°„43' Œ
6:02 p.m. (8°37' Cancer–Aquarius), tempers are short. It’s Jun 12 2018 12:49p » § ¾ +22°23' -22°23'
Jun 12 2018 12:59p º ß ƒ 00°ƒ00' Þ 00°ƒ00' Þ
best to think in encouraging terms now, rather than to ver-
Jun 12 2018 2:44p º à à 00°ƒ09' Þ 00°‰09' Œ
balise our annoyance. Jun 12 2018 5:40p » ¦ Æ +22°20' +22°20'
The Leo Moon’s sextile to the Sun in Gemini at 8:26 Jun 12 2018 11:05p ¿ — Ä 01°Ý21' Þ 13°ƒ21' Þ
p.m. is Sunday’s soliloquy. With no further major aspects Jun 13 2018 4:40a º ’ ¿ 01°ƒ22' Þ 01°Ý22' Þ
today, we can curl up with the cat or focus on projects that Jun 13 2018 6:30a Ã ß ˆ 00°‰00' Œ 00°‰00' Þ
help us to express our personal thoughts and feelings — for Jun 13 2018 1:29p » – à 29°ƒ55' Þ 29°ˆ55' Œ
example, journalling or artwork. Offering honest compli- Jun 13 2018 2:08p º ˜ ¼ 02°ƒ11' Þ 08°Š11' Þ
Jun 13 2018 2:27p º ‘ Â 02°ƒ13' Þ 02°Ü13' Þ
ments and praise is also heartening. Make others glow un-
Jun 13 2018 2:41p ¸ › ¿ 22°‚49' Þ 01°Ý23' Þ
der the light of recognition. And give yourself a pat on the Jun 13 2018 2:53p » ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
back. Jun 14 2018 1:27a º › Æ 03°ƒ10' Þ 24°„36' Þ
Jun 14 2018 2:04a ¸ ” ¼ 23°‚16' Þ 08°Š16' Þ
Monday, June 18 – Wednesday, June 20: Bright sparks head Jun 14 2018 2:34p ½ á Ä 14°‡19' Œ 14°ƒ19' Þ
to the office early on Monday, as Luna trines electric Uranus Jun 14 2018 3:59p » § ¼ +21°51' -21°51'
at 4:18 a.m. By now, the Moon has entered diligent Virgo Jun 14 2018 5:22p º — Å 04°ƒ32' Þ 22°Ü32' Þ
Jun 14 2018 8:05p ¸ ’ ò 23°‚59' Þ 23°Ü59' Þ
(1:41 a.m.), putting us in a practical mood. Small tweaks to
Jun 14 2018 8:32p » ‘ ¿ 01°„26' Þ 01°Ý26' Þ
our routine, as well as health awareness, make life run more Jun 14 2018 9:31p » ” À 01°„29' Þ 16°‹29' Þ
efficiently. The Moon’s trine to punctual and professional Jun 15 2018 10:29a º — ò 05°ƒ59' Þ 23°Ü59' Þ
Saturn at 12:39 p.m. means that we’re able to keep better Jun 15 2018 11:14a » § Á +21°38' -21°38'
track of our time and attend to business. The only wobble Jun 15 2018 1:23p » á Â 02°„15' Þ 02°Ü15' Þ
in the day is hazy Neptune’s station retrograde at 4:26 p.m. Jun 15 2018 2:20p ¼ § Æ -21°53' +21°53'
(16°29' Pisces), which may bring unconscious emotional Jun 15 2018 4:24p º • É 06°ƒ29' Þ 06°„29' Œ
material to the surface. Still, the Moon’s sextile to Mercury Jun 15 2018 6:46p º à ¾ 06°ƒ41' Þ 06°‰41' Œ
Jun 16 2018 2:40a ¿ “ À 01°Ý29' Þ 16°‹29' Þ
at 11:43 p.m. is helpful for critical analysis. Jun 16 2018 9:30a ¸ ’ Æ 25°‚28' Þ 25°„28' Þ
Relationship-oriented Venus is quincunx Saturn at 3:54 Jun 16 2018 10:46a É SÞ 06°„29' Þ
a.m. (6°26' Leo–Capricorn) and conjoins the karmic North Jun 16 2018 5:12p ½ “ à 14°‡10' Œ 29°ˆ10' Œ
Node at 5:38 a.m. on Tuesday. New players in our lives Jun 16 2018 6:02p º – ¼ 08°ƒ37' Þ 08°Š37' Þ
Solstice Cancer
Natal Chart
Jun 21 2018, Thu
6:07:30 am EDT +4:00
Washington, DC
38°N53'42'' 077°W02'12''
Cancer Solstice — June 21
True Node
13° ‹ 04' June 21, 2018
38' 16° 6:07 a.m. EDT
Ü Â À Š 22'
17° Washington, D.C.
ò ‹ ¼
Å 24° Ü
29' 09° Ê
Placidus houses,
50' ¿ 25° Ü 20'
Œ Š 06° 24° True Node
01° Ü 01'
Ý Ý 29' 10 9
02' Š
27° 40' S 37'
‚ ‘
‘ Œ31'
’ á ‘
12 á á
á 7
04° á 04°
¸ 00° ƒ 00' á
à ‘ Œ18' ‰ 06° ¾ ‰
ƒ ‘
à á
á Œ06' ˆ 28°
1 ” 6
à 24'
– “
57' ’ á ‘
16°ƒ 08' á
º 18° ƒ
Ä 2
24° S 50'
31' 3 4 ‡
ƒ „ 43' 13° ‡
jun 21 2018 3:07 am pdt08°
06° „
03' ½ 27°
Natal Chart
É „
» 27°
June 21, 2018
3:07:20 AM PDT 16° Æ ¶ 38'
„ 22' 17°
San Francisco, California
Tropical Porphyry 13° … 04'
f i d h l g `
Murmansk b c a e
Oslo Sankt Peterburg
Glasgow Moskva Bratsk
Ufa Kurgan Novosibirsk
Calgary Winnipeg London Berlin Kyyiv Saratov
Wien Ulaanbaatar
Portland Montreal Lyon Odesa Astrahan Harbin
Urumqi Sapporo
New York Madrid Roma Istanbul Tbilisi Toskent
Sacramento Denver
Halab Tehran Seoul
Memphis Xian Tokyo
Los Angeles ad-Dar-al-Bayda
al-Qahira Kerman Lahore Shanghai
Houston Las Palmas Luzhou
Miami ar-Riyad Karachi Dhaka Guangzhou
Mexico City Santo Domingo Mumbai
Dakar Umm Durman Manila
Sokoto Bengaluru Krung Thep
Maracaibo Addis Abeba
Freetown Kolamba Davao
Bogota ` Lagos
h l a g e f b c Bangui
h l a g e `f b c
Guayaquil Manaus Nairobi
i Kinshasa
d Jakarta i d
Port Moresby
Lima Salvador Lubumbashi
Sao Paulo
Tucuman Johannesburg Brisbane
Buenos Aires Cape Town Sydney
` b c a e f i d h l g
Thursday, June 21 – Friday, June 22: The Sun’s entry into ventional approach. We could get what we want, but it may
familial Cancer at 3:07 a.m. on Thursday spotlights the need be more than we bargained for.
for roots and a sense of belonging, but the skies are in an Tuesday’s lunar aspects occur before sunrise. The last
uncooperative mood. An opposition between cosmic lovers vestiges of Luna’s square to dreamy Neptune at 5:53 a.m.
Venus and Mars at 9:53 a.m. (9°03' Leo–Aquarius) could may mean that it’s difficult for us to shake off the lethargy of
spark a desire for what we don’t have and a lack of appre- sleep. Driven Mars stations retrograde at 2:04 p.m. (9°13'
ciation for what we do have. Adding in the Libra Moon’s Aquarius), so energy levels may also be lower than normal,
squares to Mercury (at 1:29 p.m.) and Pluto (at 6:34 p.m.), making today’s astrological picture somewhat apathetic. The
miscommunication and uncompromising power dynamics extended transit of Mars through futuristic Aquarius will give
could rapidly lead to conflict. Alternatively, we could use us time to reassess long-term goals, although our inner Sol-
these hard aspects to approach difficult discussions with dier might initially balk at the idea of retreat. The cure for
honesty but also tact. frustration is to accept the slowdown and allow ourselves
The Moon slips into mysterious Scorpio at 12:11 p.m. time to contemplate our options.
on Friday, drawing us down into the velvety darkness of Wednesday decelerates to a crawl. A Sun–Saturn oppo-
complex emotions. More than anything, we need to make sition (5°51' Cancer–Capricorn) at 6:27 a.m. invokes per-
a real connection now — the kind of connection that leaves sonal blocks or difficulty with authorities, so we could feel
the soul bare and the heart blasted open. We’re searching deflated when Luna enters melancholic Capricorn at 8:53
for comfort when the Moon trines the motherly Cancer Sun a.m. We want to break the ties that bind when the Moon
at 2:49 p.m., and yet this might not be enough to stave off trines liberator Uranus at 12:40 p.m. A background Venus–
feelings of alienation when Luna opposes detached Uranus Neptune quincunx (16°28' Leo–Pisces) at 8:40 p.m. adds
at 3:24 p.m. If we can embrace being alone, however, the wistfulness. But reality bites when the Full Moon at 9:52
Sun’s sextile to Uranus (1°44' Cancer–Taurus) later in the p.m. conjoins Saturn and squares Chiron. We must address
evening promises valuable self-discovery. We end the day feelings of failure and self-doubt, if we hope to achieve our
feeling as though we have grown, when the Moon sextiles
accomplished Saturn at 11:45 p.m.
Feb 14 2017 Solar Fire v8.1.2
Saturday, June 23 – Sunday, June 24: We are keenly aware Geocentric Aspects,
of the pressure of swimming in Scorpio’s murky depths on Sag FM 617-1I-ngresses
Natal Chart , and S tations
Saturday. Mercury’s opposition to Pluto at 2:26 a.m. (20°28'
Pacific Daylight
Cancer–Capricorn) looms like a nightmare shadow. If our Date Time P1 Asp P2 Pos1 Pos2
dreams are frightening, we can interpret them as profound Jun 17 2018 1:26a Á § Æ -21°39' +21°39'
messages with catalytic properties. Lunar squares to Mars Jun 17 2018 8:03p » ˜ à 04°„54' Þ 28°ˆ54' Œ
(5:23 a.m.) and Venus (9:33 a.m.) are jarring but give us the Jun 17 2018 9:37p Å ß ò 24°Ü00' Þ 24°Ü00' Þ
Jun 18 2018 0:11a º “ Æ 11°ƒ05' Þ 26°„05' Þ
courage to climb out of our comfort zone. A painful Sun– Jun 18 2018 6:40a ¾ – É 06°‰30' Œ 06°„30' Þ
Chiron square (2°21' Cancer–Aries) at 2:39 p.m. is sand- Jun 18 2018 7:08a À á Ä 16°‹29' Œ 16°ƒ29' Þ
wiched between soul-swelling lunar aspects to Jupiter (con- Jun 18 2018 1:47p  ˜ Æ 02°Ü18' Þ 26°„18' Þ
junction) and Neptune (trine). We can choose to greet inner Jun 18 2018 4:26p À SŒ 16°‹29' Œ
monsters from the deep with unconditional love, rather than Jun 19 2018 3:54a » – ¾ 06°„26' Þ 06°‰26' Œ
excommunicating those parts of ourselves that are fragile Jun 19 2018 5:38a » ß É 06°„31' Þ 06°„31' Þ
and vulnerable. Jun 19 2018 6:00a Á ˜ Æ 20°‰33' Œ 26°„33' Þ
Jun 19 2018 7:50a º — ¿ 13°ƒ36' Þ 01°Ý36' Þ
Sunday is easier. The pre-dawn lunar sextile to Pluto Jun 19 2018 12:42p º á ½ 13°ƒ59' Þ 13°‡59' Œ
brings resolution to yesterday’s nocturnal frights. Luna’s only Jun 19 2018 1:15p ¸ à à 28°‚29' Þ 28°ˆ29' Œ
major aspect today is a trine to Mercury at 7:00 a.m., perfect Jun 20 2018 1:04a ¸ ” ½ 28°‚57' Þ 13°‡57' Œ
for short excursions, family visits, and long conversations. By Jun 20 2018 3:43a É SŒ 06°„32' Œ
evening, the Moon’s entry into carefree Sagittarius at 9:29 Jun 20 2018 8:58p º á À 16°ƒ29' Þ 16°‹29' Œ
p.m. lifts our mood considerably. We’re ready to explore Jun 21 2018 3:07a ¸ ß ƒ 00°ƒ00' Þ 00°ƒ00' Þ
all options, although sometimes the buoyancy of this sign Jun 21 2018 8:04a » § Ã +19°55' -19°55'
Jun 21 2018 9:53a » à ¼ 09°„03' Þ 09°Š03' Þ
can take us so far up that we lose sight of the details.
Jun 22 2018 2:31a º ß Ä 18°ƒ43' Þ 18°ƒ43' Þ
Jun 22 2018 10:52a à á Æ 27°ˆ47' Œ 27°„47' Þ
Monday, June 25 – Wednesday, June 27: The Sagittarius Jun 22 2018 3:43p » ˜ À 10°„29' Þ 16°‹29' Œ
tendency towards exaggeration and excess comes into play Jun 22 2018 10:57p ¸ ’ ¿ 01°ƒ44' Þ 01°Ý44' Þ
on Monday with an overarching Venus square to Jupiter, Jun 23 2018 2:26a º à Á 20°ƒ28' Þ 20°‰28' Œ
exact at 10:18 a.m. (13°40' Leo–Scorpio). Prior to this, the Jun 23 2018 2:39p ¸ ‘ Â 02°ƒ21' Þ 02°Ü21' Þ
Moon’s trine to the karmic North Node enables us to see Jun 24 2018 1:08a » ˜ ¾ 12°„05' Þ 06°‰05' Œ
Jun 24 2018 6:43a » ” à 12°„21' Þ 27°ˆ21' Œ
opportunities for advancement. We may be filled with high
Jun 24 2018 7:44a ¸ ¦ º +23°24' +23°24'
hopes of making a quick buck, or the promise of a great re- Jun 24 2018 11:23a ¸ ˜ ¼ 03°ƒ11' Þ 09°Š11' Þ
turn could entice Venus to heavily invest — romantically or Jun 24 2018 9:42p à á Å 27°ˆ12' Œ 27°Ü12' Þ
financially. As the Moon sextiles unswerving Mars at 3:31 Jun 24 2018 11:36p » ¦ É +18°42' +18°42'
p.m., we might get lucky and hit the mark with an uncon- Jun 25 2018 1:08a Á à Ä 20°‰25' Œ 20°ƒ25' Þ
Jun 25 2018 4:35a º ‘ ò 24°ƒ02' Þ 24°Ü02' Þ
92 Jun 25 2018 10:18a » ‘ ½ 13°„40' Þ 13°‡40' Œ
Jun 25 2018 4:32p à § Æ -20°13' +20°13'
Jun 26 2018 7:18a ¼ ¦ ¾ -22°27' -22°27'
Jun 26 2018 2:04p ¼ SŒ 09°Š13' Œ
Capricorn Full Moon — June 27–28
by Emily Trinkaus
Each Full Moon marks a turning point, a time of fruition world — the Cancer–Capricorn axis — may be especially up
when we see the results of past actions. As manifestations for renegotiation. This Full Moon asks: Are we putting so
come to light, we have the opportunity to continue on the much energy toward taking care of others that we’re neglect-
same path, or change course. This Full Moon may serve as a ing to pursue our own goals? Or are we so focused on our
particularly dramatic turning point, as it activates Capricorn, work that we’re neglecting our personal life: family, intimacy,
the sign of completions and consequences. And the Moon home, and self-care? We may also consider how nurtured
closely conjoins Saturn, the Sea-Goat’s ruler, also known as we feel by our work, and see steps we can take to increase
the Lord of Karma. The emotional tone of this lunation is our sense of fulfillment. A trine from the Moon and Saturn
more sobering than celebratory, but it can help us to clarify to Uranus in Taurus can support us to break free from pat-
our priorities and realign with what’s most meaningful to us. terns of behavior that are out of alignment with our deepest
Karma is simply the law of cause and effect, the princi- values.
ple that we reap what we sow. As the Full Moon culminates The illuminating nature of this lunation and the clarity
conjunct Saturn, what’s been operating on a more subtle or available about how we can best move forward are reflected
unconscious level crystallizes into form, giving clear feedback in the Sabian symbol for the Full Moon at 7° Capricorn: “A
about the seeds we have sown. If we don’t like what’s mani- veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a god. The
festing, we can use this Full Moon as a turning point to start ability to act as a mouthpiece for the revelation of a tran-
investing our energy in a different direction. No matter how scendent will and truth determining future action … At the
entrenched circumstances may seem, nothing is set in stone. threshold of tomorrow man is allowed to have a vision or
Rather than getting caught up in the potential negativity and revelation of the essential elements of the as-yet-unknown
depressiveness of Capricorn, we can trust in our power to next step in evolution.” We can best access a new vision by
release the past and forge a new path. Cap FM 618-2
slowing down, turning inward, and listening to the wisdom
Capricorn is the sign of responsibility, and this Full
Natal Chart of our bodies.
Jun 27 2018, Wed
Moon reveals where we’ve fallen into avoidance or procras-
9:52:50 pm PDT +7:00
Fresno, CA
tination and where we need to step up and take charge. On 119°W46'17''
the other hand, we could become aware of having assumed Tropical
0° Aries
too much responsibility, or taken on a burden that isn’t Truereally
ours. In that case, we might need to say “no,” set a bound- 00° ‰ 00'
ary, and pull back our energy. Ultimately, the Capricorn Full 00' 00°
Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
Moon calls for emotional responsibility — the ability to re- 00° Á ¶ 05° 26°
spond when strong feelings get triggered. Stepping away 20°
from the drama and pulling our attention inward for soli- Ê ‰ ‰ ˆ
¼ 06° ‰
28' 48' 30'
tude and reflection could be the best strategy. The more 00' 09° Š 21' Œ Œ ½ 00°
Š 02' Œ 13°
grounded and centered we are within ourselves, the ‹ 12' Œ 10 9 ‡ ‡
00° S 34'
safer we’ll feel to be open-hearted and vulnerable with “ Œ 00'
11 8
others. ‘
Chiron in Aries forms a challenging square to
À 16°‹ 28' ‘ á
the Sun, the Moon, and Saturn, potentially stirring Œ 12 á 7
00° á á áá 00°
up wounds around confidence, courage, power, and ‘ –
assertion. Anger could arise now, especially anger Ü àà
à ‘ †
 02° Ü 24' “ –
á 00'
that’s long been repressed, as Mars, the ruler of 1
á ”
– 6
Eclipses are extra-powerful lunations signifying accel- Amplifying the transformational potential and emotional
erated change and growth, and often catalyzing major end- charge of this lunation, the Sun and Moon precisely op-
ings and beginnings. They occur every six months, typically in pose Pluto at 20° Capricorn. Underworld Pluto reveals our
pairs, but occasionally in threes — as is the case this summer. shadows, and its interaction with this Cancer eclipse brings
The partial solar eclipse in Cancer will be followed by a lunar awareness to distortions and dysfunctions in family dynam-
eclipse and then another solar eclipse. As we enter this ex- ics and intimate relationships. We may be alerted to patterns
tended period of potential upheaval and emotional intensity, of over-nurturing others, or to ways that we close ourselves
we can work with the energies of the first eclipse to drop more off to the care that’s available — to habits of oversensitivity
fully into a felt sense of home — in our bodies and on the and hyper-personalizing what’s not really our concern, or the
planet. opposite extreme of shutting down our hearts and retreating
Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of home, family, roots, into our shells. The good news is that there’s plenty of power
and foundation. Cancer represents our physical home, as well available at this lunation to shift and release deeply rooted
as our very first home — our mother’s womb — but in the emotional patterns.
more universal sense, it also refers to the body as home for The Cancer eclipse trines both Jupiter in Scorpio and
the spirit. To do our soul’s work on Earth, we must fully in- Neptune in Pisces — a potent activation of all three water
habit our bodies. This Cancer eclipse invites us to nurture signs that points to the higher potential of this lunation. The
and care for ourselves in ways that increase our internal feel- addition of cardinal Cancer to the ongoing Jupiter–Neptune
ing of home. Cancer seeks security and safety, and ultimately trine brings a boost of initiative to take charge and harness
the only true security is found within, once our higher self is the power of imagination. “In the most redemptive scenario,
rooted in our physical being. A grand trine in the earth ele- we remember and engage our imaginative powers in a fierce
Can SE 618-3
ment — Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus and Juno in Taurus, and
Natal Chart and practical way. We harness the power to create and wield
Venus and Ceres in Virgo — helps us to ground moreJul 12 2018, Thu
deeply symbol and story as tools of deep and wholesome transfor-
7:47:30 pm PDT +7:00
into our home planet. Activate the power of this trineFresno,
by CA
mation. We inspire a functional vision for ourselves and our
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
spending time in nature, bare feet on the ground, sending
Geocentric world.” (Elizabeth Russell)
love and gratitude to the Earth. 0° Aries
True Node
Cancer rules the watery realm of deep emotions, so
00° ‰ 00'
heightened sensitivity and reactivity are possible, as sup-
00' 00°
pressed feelings rise to the surface. We may become aware Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
of what no longer nurtures or supports us, or what we no
00° Á 04° 23°
longer truly care about. By allowing ourselves to feel what Ê ‰ ˆ
comes up, we can purge the past and create space for
¼ 05°
43' 37'
00' 07° Š 00'
Œ Œ ½ 00°
the new. While Cancer tends to cling to the past and ‹ Š 53'
35' S 10 9
resist change, eclipses are all about entering unfamil- 00° Œ 21' 00'
iar territory and stretching outside our comfort zone. 11 8
A lunar eclipse is a precisely aligned, supercharged Full Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, squares the Sun,
Moon. The Earth’s shadow falls between the Sun and Moon, the Moon, Mars, and the nodal axis, amplifying the revela-
and what is typically the brightest night of the month is veiled tory and revolutionary power of this lunation. Unexpected
in darkness. As the light goes out, what’s hidden in the sub- events, erratic behavior, sudden changes, and radical breaks
conscious rises up — our shadows, secrets, feelings that seem with the past are possible. We may feel like we’re spinning
too big or scary — demanding attention and expression. in a swirl of chaos, but this Uranian storm can shake us
Changes that have been brewing behind the scenes are cata- out of stagnant patterns. Uranus trines Saturn — the tra-
lyzed into action, and we often see significant completions. ditional ruler of Aquarius — supporting us to integrate the
This total lunar eclipse in Aquarius is sandwiched between radical changes triggered by this eclipse into tangible, last-
the South Node and retrograde Mars, bringing a strong focus ing forms.
to completing unfinished business and breaking free from the As we’re pulled into the darkness of the unknown,
past. People from previous lifetimes, literally and figuratively, we’re called to trust the flow of change, to let go of our
may reappear. With an emphasis on fixed signs and retro- attachment to what we thought our future would be, and
grade planets in this eclipse chart, we might feel like we’re come into greater acceptance of what is. “Trust that what-
going backwards, regressing into old patterns. But we can ever you are dealing with, whatever doorway to crisis you
trust that there’s a deeper layer of healing ready to happen, experience, it is leading you to a greater lesson in living
as the eclipse opens a powerful portal for clearing stuck en- where ideally the power of love is what you learn. Forgive,
ergy and emotions. and broadcast your excitement to be alive.” (Barbara
Aquarius is a fixed air sign; this eclipse supports awak- Marciniak)
ening to and releasing beliefs that have crystallized over time
and that block our forward progress. Our stories about alien- © 2018 Emily Trinkaus – all rights reserved
Aqu LE 618-4
ation and not belonging are especially ripe for releasing. This
Natal Chart
Jul 27 2018, Fri
eclipse can help us to feel, and clear, any underlying fears
1:20 pmthat
PDT +7:00Emily Trinkaus is an astrologer and writer living in Olympia, Wash-
society will reject us if we speak our truth, offer our unique
Fresno, CA ington. She offers astrology readings, online programs that follow the
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
cycles of the Moon and Venus, as well as other classes and retreats.
gifts, and own our radical individuality. The Leo North Node
Tropical http://emilytrinkaus.com
affirms that our heart’s desires and passions will guide0° us to
True Node
fulfillment. When we follow what lights us up and feels like
00° ‰ 00'
fun, we activate our creative power.
00' 00°
The eclipsing of Mars (with the Moon) represents a signifi- Š ¾ Ã ˆ 00'
cant turning point within its retrograde cycle (June 26 to
00° Á 03° 22°
August 27). Mars retrograde in Aquarius advises us to ¼ 19° ‰ ˆ
¶ 03° ‰
47' 13'
search within to uncover our true desires, rethink our 00' Ê 04° Š 39' Œ Œ ½ 00°
05° Š 58' Œ 13°
contribution to the collective, and reclaim our individ- ‹ Š 44' Œ ‡ ‡
10 9
uality and freedom. As the Full Moon conjoins Mars 00° 53'
47' 00'
on the South Node, we can get clear feedback about 11 8
SoftStar Muse
by Hank Friedman
Here are the most Frequently Asked some older versions of programs hadn’t Q: My PC crashed (or I just pur-
Questions (FAQs) that I receive: caught up yet. chased a new PC), and I didn’t
Here’s a test for your software: save a copy of the software I down-
Q: Can this program run on my Create a chart for March 15, 2018 at loaded. Can you please help me?
Android/Mac/Kindle/Fire? 4:00 p.m. in Sydney, Australia. The
Ascendant should be 21°45' Cancer. A: This is a very common issue. Usually,
A: Just as a person who only knows Charts that are an hour off give spu- unless the program is out of date, the
English can’t read a book written in rious results, so in order to ensure that company can provide you with another
Chinese, so each computing device is your readings are accurate, you need the download link for you to use. In the fu-
programmed with a specific operating latest time zone atlas in your software. ture, it will protect you to copy the down-
system, and cannot read or run software Therefore, only the current versions of loaded program to a flash drive or CD
written for a different operating system. most astrology programs can be relied (and attach to it a copy of your unlock
(PCs use Windows, Macs run OS, iPhones upon. codes) and keep it in a safe place.
and iPads use iOS, and Android and
Amazon Fire devices use the Android Q: How do I do such-and-such with Relocating Charts
OS.) So, if you have a Windows program, my program? Can I get a printed The oldest method of astromapping
you can’t run it on an iPhone, Android manual? — using astrology to see the effects of
tablet, Amazon Fire or Kindle, or any traveling to a new place — is the reloca-
other device that doesn’t run Windows. A: Instead of creating bulky printed man- tion chart. Essentially, a chart is calcu-
uals that explain your program, compa- lated for a new location. You might think
Q: I ordered the download — where nies have become much more “green” that this feature would be part of every
is it? and now provide all of the documenta- astrology program, but it is such a basic
tion in the program’s Help menu (and feature that no program has it. The soft-
A: Large mainstream software compa- sometimes in video tutorials). These Help ware creators assume that you know how
nies have turnkey systems whereby an menus (shown usually at the top right to use your program to create a relocated
order is automatically processed and the of the program’s main window) have a chart.
download link is then sent to the buyer Search feature so that you can look for Here are the steps: (1) Run (or re-
very quickly. However, astrology software any astrological term or program feature trieve from a chart file) the person’s chart
companies are very small and have to and find it. In addition, you can also call that you want to relocate, using your soft-
process orders manually, one by one. So, or e-mail companies for help, but it is ware. (2) Write down the time zone (and,
download links are usually sent within a very empowering to discover the answers if shown in a separate place, whether it’s
day or two after the program is ordered, for yourself by using the built-in Help Daylight Saving Time or not). (3) Enter
unless the power goes out (like during the function. the birth data again using the new loca-
recent storms in the Northeast) or when tion (or edit the chart, changing the loca-
the company is closed, e.g., weekends Q: I don’t understand what [astro- tion), but do not click OK to process the
and holidays. logical term] means. Help! chart. (4) Change the time zone back to
the time zone shown for the natal chart,
Q: I’m perfectly fine with my cur- A: Only a few top astrology programs and then click OK.
rent version. Why update? have an astrology encyclopedia or glos-
sary built in, but in this online age, if you The Value of Different
A: If you want to be able to calculate ac- can’t find a term in the Help menu of Aspect Sets
curate charts, you have to keep your soft- your software, you can go to websites Most professional astrology pro-
ware up to date. I recently discovered like http://theastrologydictionary.com to grams let you view charts, listings, and
that the continent of Australia changed find the answer. graphs using different aspect sets. To
their Daylight Saving Time policy, and
Weblog News
Recent articles on my online blog (https://www.soulheal
ing.com/softstar.htm) include my new Vedic tutorial “When
Subcycles really count,” the Delphic Oracle 9, my complete
review of Janus 5, and a guide to computer security.
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