Book 1955 - R. C. Davidson - The Technique of Prediction The New Complete System of Secondary Directing
Book 1955 - R. C. Davidson - The Technique of Prediction The New Complete System of Secondary Directing
Book 1955 - R. C. Davidson - The Technique of Prediction The New Complete System of Secondary Directing
Chapter Page
Preface ........... vii
I The Four Basic Principles of Secondary Directing ... 9
II Secondary Directions—Theory and Calculation . . 14.
III The Interpretation of Secondary Directions—Preliminary
Considerations ......... 22
IV The Significance of Signs, Houses and Aspects in the Progressed
Horoscope ......... 27
V The Interpretation of Secondary Directions—Example Readings
Part i . Progressions Involving the Midheaven and Ascendant 41
VI The Interpretation of Secondary Directions—Example Readings
—Part 2. Solar Progressions ...... 53
VII The Interpretation of Secondary Directions—Example Readings
—Part 3. Lunar, Interplanetary and Cuspal Progressions . 62
VIII Final Hints on the Judgment of Yearly Secondary Directions . 96
IX The Monthly Series of Secondary Directions . . . .102
X The Weekly Series of Secondary Directions .... 108
XI The Daily Series of Secondary Directions . . . . 114
XII The Daily Series of Secondary Directions—Further Considera-
tions ........... 121
New and Full Moons as Transits
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon
Transits of Pluto
XIII The Complete System of Secondary Directing—The Method of
Correlation . . . . . . . .127
Conclusion 137
Appendix I.—Conversion Tables for the Calculation of Pro-
gressed and Converse Directional Days . . . .140
Appendix II.—Example Horoscopes ...... 147
Chapter I
The basis of the predictive method expounded in this volume is the system known
as Secondary or Arabian Directions, in which each day after birth is taken to repre-
sent the passage of a year of life. Some astrologers have expressed the view that
Secondary Directions are unsatisfactory and do not always furnish appropriate
aspects to account for the various events of life. Others have maintained that, if
completely successful results are to be obtained, this method of calculating future
influences must be coupled with and reinforced by a special study of the Transits
in force during the period under review. Those who combine Secondary Directions
with Transits usually regard the former as arising solely out of the birth chart and
the latter as being completely external to the native's horoscope, representing the
general conditions in the outside world. It is the object of this work to show that
Transits are very intimately connected with "day for a year" directions and that
they form an integral part of and are the final extension of a system of directing
consisting of no fewer than four distinct time measures, each based on a common
unit of time, the True Solar Day.1
The fundamental principle of Secondary Directions is that each day after birth
represents a year of the life. Most astrologers have verified through their own
experience that this symbolic measure is a valid one. Therefore it seems logical to
suppose that the same time unit, the True Solar Day, can also be equated to other
periods of time which, through common usage, have significance for the majority
of mankind.
Those familiar with horary astrology will recall that the number of degrees
that one significator is distant from an exact aspect with another may be equated,
when estimating the time that a certain affair is likely to come to a head, to years,
months, weeks, days or even hours, according to the nature of the event about which
the inquiry is being made. For instance, when dealing with a question involving the
safe delivery of a letter, it would be more appropriate to work in terms of days
and weeks than in units of months and years. On the other hand, if an unattached
bachelor were to inquire when he was likely to marry, it would be more logical to
think in terms of months or years than in terms of days or weeks! It seemed feasible
that, if one zodiacal degree could at one time represent a year and at another a
month, a week or a day, there was no reason why other astrological measures, which
were taken to represent a year in normal circumstances, should not also be equated
to shorter periods of time in special circumstances, with equal success. Accordingly,
whenever suitable opportunities occurred, experiments were made with horaiy
An explanation of the difference between the True Solar Day, the Mean Solar Day, and the Sidereal
day is given in Chapter II.
charts, using the unit of one day to represent the passage of a month or a week.
The results produced by these methods were so striking that it was decided to test
out the same system in natal astrology without further delay. Extensive experiments
proved the worth of the two measures and led to the formulation of the complete
system which is now presented for the first time in the following pages.
If we accept the hypothesis that the passage of one day after birth may equally
well represent a year, a month or a week, there is no reason why we should not follow
this development to its logical conclusion and equate this symbolic measure of time
to its own actual period of twenty-four hours. This is, of course, nothing more nor
less than the transit system which is widely used in present day astrology, with the
important exception that planetary positions during the years before birth are also
taken into consideration, as we shall explain later. By arriving at the transit measure
by this process, however, we have shown that Transits are an integral part of
Secondary Directions, being a logical extension and development of the basic idea
underlying the system and not a process external to this particular directional
This, then, is the first principle of the system presented in the chapters which
follow. The basic period of the True Solar Day can be taken to represent four separate
and distinct periods of time: a year, a month, a week or a day. For convenience of
reference, these four measures will henceforward be termed the Yearly, Monthly,
Weekly and Daily Series of Secondary Directions or, more simply, the Yearly,
Monthly, Weekly and Daily progressions. There appears to be no logical reason
why the same time unit should not also be equated, if so desired, to an hour, a
minute or a second but, since this would necessitate the calculation of planetary
positions for some hundreds of years ahead in order to achieve a comparatively
minor refinement of timing, it does not appear worth while to employ such measures
in everyday practice.
Owing to the rapidity with which the transit aspects of the faster moving planets
form and dissolve, it is often unsafe to rely solely upon Transits to determine when a
major event denoted by the Yearly Series of Secondary Directions is due. By bringing
into play the Monthly and Weekly progressions, simplification of judgment is greatly
facilitated, not only in the matter of timing major events but also in gauging the
less important undertones which are liable to colour the experiences over any given
period. While the influences denoted by each of these time measures will have their
own separate effect, it must be remembered that, the faster the measure of time,
the more transitory will be the effects of the various progressed aspects formed.
Thus the passage of Venus over the radical Ascendant in the Daily progressions will
rarely mark anything more than a day pleasantly spent in congenial company, or
a visit to the theatre or some other form of Venusian activity. If, however, Venus
arrives at the radical Ascendant by the "day for a year" measure, a major event
such as marriage is likely to occur if the native is of a suitable age or, if he is already
married, he may become a father. When Venus arrives at the conjunction of the
radical Ascendant by the two intermediate measures, noticeable improvements in
the general situation of the native will occur, provided that Venus is not attacked
by the malefics at the same time, or that other stronger malefic configurations do
not counteract the benefic influences. If, however, prominent Venusian directions
in the Yearly Series indicate a strong possibility of marriage taking place during
the year, any strong accentuation of Venus contacts in the Monthly and Weekly
Series will generally serve to determine the period when the yearly direction will
operate at maximum strength. Detailed examples of the manner in which directions
formed by the various measures may be correlated and judgments formed upon
them will be given in subsequent chapters.
It is now necessary to introduce the second fundamental principle on which the
Secondary system of directing is based. The Alan Leo textbooks and many who
followed along the lines laid down by the Leo school have established the idea that
not only do the planetary positions on the days after birth bear a relationship to the
subsequent events of the life, but also that the planetary positions on the days prior
t.1 the day of birth have an equally important bearing upon the life of the native.
Many students find it difficult to accept the idea that planetary aspects formed in
the heavens on the days before birth should have any influence on the future of the
native. It should be remembered, however, that comparatively little is known at the
moment of the mysteries of time and of the true significance of "past", "present"
and "future". The "present" as we know it is a point ever moving forward in time
which separates the "past" from the "future". Any given moment in time is merely
a balancing point between time past and time to come. It must be apparent that the
future pattern of events is largely conditioned by happenings which have gone
before. At no point in time can we start with a completely clean sheet unconditioned
by past deeds, experiences and environments. The environment into which we are
born, the customs of the country and the racial habits and outlook which all of us
assimilate to a greater or lesser degree, are all a legacy from the past, built up slowly
but surely over hundreds of years. If we accept, as many astrologers do, the principle
of continuous individual existence, either in a chain of earthly incarnations or on
other planes of awareness, it follows that our birth in a physical body is not such a
fortuitous happening as it may appear to be but is, in reality, the logical and
inevitable outcome of all our previous actions and experiences.
The question of Fate versus Freewill has exercised the minds of many seekers
after Truth throughout the ages. The law of Karma teaches that our future is largely
the result of our past thoughts and actions. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" is an axiom
appreciated by all students of occultism. Yet, although much of our future may be
pre-determined by our own past actions, many of which were doubtless made of
our own free-will at the time, we can still exercise our free-will to govern our reactions
to the situations in which we find ourselves here and now as the result of causes set
in motion in the past; and occasionally we have the opportunity to mould present
circumstances in accordance with our own choice.
It seems fairly reasonable to assume that planetary positions on the days after
birth represent the opportunities afforded to us to choose our own future and to
modify the effects of our Karma, while planetary positions on the days prior to
birth are closely involved with our past and indicate the extent to which we are
bound and pre-conditioned by forces set in motion through our exercise of free-will
in previous existences. In order to estimate the extent to which the native will be
able to modify his Karma by the exercise of will and the performance of right action
at any particular period in the life, the testimonies of the planetary positions before
birth must be carefully compared with and balanced against the indications given
by the planetary positions after birth. Thus the complete system of Secondary
directing must take into account not only the relationship which the progressed
and converse planetary positions bear to the radical planets and angles but also
the inter-relationship between the progressed and converse planetary positions them-
selves. This principle holds good not only in the case of the Yearly Series of Secondary
Directions but also in the case of the Monthly, Weekly and Daily Series. The method
of correlation of the progressed, converse and radical charts will be fully dealt with
in the separate chapters devoted to the interpretation of directions based on each
time measure. For the sake of convenience the term "progressed" directions will
henceforward be used to cover both progressed and converse directions except
where otherwise stated.
The third basic principle is that the Medium Coeli-Imum Coeli and Ascendant-
Descendant axes of the chart are the key-points in determining the nature and timing
of future events. Through these key-points are discharged the accumulated power
of the radical and progressed planets at the time when exact aspects are formed
between either the moving planet and the radical angle or between the moving angle
and the radical or moving planet. It is fatal to consider the horoscope as static.
Although the birth chart represents a definite charge of power generated at a parti-
cular moment of time, the chart itself must be considered as a living entity, continually
spinning and whirling, modifying itself and unfolding its inner potentialities both
through the forward and backward motion of the angles in space, and through the
daily motion of the planets in the heavens before and after birth.
The fourth basic principle concerns the yearly rate at which the angles of the
radical chart should be progressed, a matter over which much controversy has
existed in the past. Some astrologers have borrowed the measure often used in
Primary Directions and attributed to Ptolemy—the passage of one degree of Right
Ascension over the Midheaven for each year of life—while others have used the
measure devised by Valentine Naibod—59' 8", which represents the mean daily
motion of the Sun. Others calculate the progressed chart as if the native were bom
again at exactly the same time on the days prior to and subsequent to birth, some
using the Equation of Time1 to adjust their calculations, others not. Yet another
method is to add (and subtract) from the radical Midheaven one zodiacal degree
for each year after birth, A variation of this method, employed by Simmonite,2
is to add to the Midheaven the amount of arc traversed each day by the Sun on its
passage through the Zodiac. Extensive experimentation with these various methods
has convinced me that, in all the ramifications of Secondary directing, the best
results are obtained with Simmonite's measure. Indeed, as the whole system of
See Chapter II,
^This method was first published by Antonio Francis de Bonattis in 1617.
progressions is based on the daily motion of the Earth in relation to the Sun, it
seems only logical that the apparent motion1 of the Sun in the Zodiac should be
the determining factor in calculating the progress of the most important single point
in the horoscope, the Midheaven. This amount of arc, which will naturally vary
according to whether the Sun is moving quickly or slowly in the Zodiac, is added to
or subtracted from the radical Midheaven in order to obtain the progressed or con-
verse positions of the angles for each separate series of progressions, whether they be
yearly, monthly, weekly or daily. Full details of the methods of calculation and inter-
pretation will be given in the separate chapters dealing with each measure of pro-
Briefly then, these are the main features of the new complete system of Secondary
Directions outlined above.
1. One single unit of time—the True Solar Day—can be equated not only to
a year, but to a month, a week or a day. These four types of direction are not to
be regarded separately but, taken together, they form a completely integrated whole.
2. Progressions are equally valid whether measured forward or backward in
time from the day of birth.
3. The angles of the birth chart rotate at a rate equal to the speed of the Sun's
progress through the Zodiac on the days immediately following and prior to the
day of birth.
4. The angles of the chart, both progressed and radical, are the most sensitive
points and their position is of paramount importance in determining both the timing
of events and their nature.
See Chapter II.
Chapter 11
shorter space of time, can also be regarded as symbolizing one complete cycle of
It is a law of nature that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. This is summed
up in the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below". For this reason it is possible, when
two cycles of time are closely related to each other, to regard the lesser cycle as
containing within itself the potentialides of the greater. This is why it is valid to
equate the time taken by the Earth to rotate once on its axis, i.e., one day, to the
time taken by the Earth to make one complete circuit of its orbit, i.e., one year.
Those astrological students not well versed in astronomy may feel some doubt
as to which particular "day" it is that is used in this equation. Once the relative
positions of the Sun, planets and fixed stars are appreciated and a degree of familiarity
is obtained with the terms used in the Ephemeris, some confusion is apt to arise as
to the precise difference between the True Solar Day, the Mean Solar Day and the
Sidereal Day. It may not be out of place therefore, to devote a paragraph to the
explanation of these three different ways of measuring the passage of a day.
The Sidereal Day is the length of time taken by the Earth to make one complete
rotation on its axis measured in relation to the fixed stars. The word "Sidereal" is
derived from the Latin "sidus" (genitive—"sideris") meaning "a star". While the
Earth is rotating, however, it is also moving forward on its yearly journey round the
Sun. In order to make one complete rotation in relation to the Sun it has, therefore,
to turn a short distance farther on its axis in order that the same point on its surface
may once again face the Sun at the end of each twenty-four hours. The length of
time taken by the Earth to complete one axial rotation in relation to the fixed stars
is approximately 23 hours 56 minutes. This is the length of the Sidereal Day. The
length of time taken by the Earth to complete one axial rotation in relation to the
Sun is variable. It varies, firstly, because the Earth travels round the Sun in an ellip-
tical orbit, which means that the Earth is closer to the Sun at some seasons of the
year than at others, and secondly, because the ecliptic is inclined at an angle to the
equator, which means that it is not possible to divide up the quadrants of the ecliptic
in proportions which correspond exactly with similar divisions of the quadrants of
the equator. For everyday purposes it is convenient to use the average length of the
Solar Day as a standard for measuring clock time. This twenty-four hour day is
known as the Mean Solar Day. The True Solar Day is never more than sixteen
minutes longer or shorter than twenty-four hours and is the time measured on the
sun-dial. The difference in time between the True Solar Day and the Mean Solar
Day is the reason why the Sun is rarely exactly overhead at Noon, local mean time.
This phenomenon only occurs on fourteen occasions during the year, at which times
the length of the True Solar Day coincides exactly with the length of the Mean
Solar Day. A set of tables for each day of the year showing the number of minutes
difference between the length of the Mean Solar Day and the True Solar Day is
published in the Nautical Almanac. This set of Tables is known as the "Equation of
From the foregoing explanation it will be appreciated that the only "day"
which corresponds to a complete axial rotation of the Earth in relation to the Sun is the
True Solar Day. It is, therefore, this unitoftime which should properly be equated to
the longer cyclic period of one year. For all practical purposes, however, as we shall
show below, it is sufficient when making calculations to use the approximate measure
of one Mean Solar Day. This substitution causes a negligible inaccuracy to arise in
the calculations and has the virtue of greatly simplifying operations.
The system of Secondary Directions has enjoyed a considerable vogue on account
of the comparative ease with which the necessary calculations can be made. The
computation of Primary Directions, on the other hand, requires the application of
trigonometrical formulae. The necessary operations, though not complicated in
themselves, entail a certain amount of tedious labour on the part of the calculator.
All that is necessary under the system of Secondary Directions is to count as many
days from the day of birth as the native is years old and then tabulate the exact
aspects formed between the planetary positions in the birth chart and the planetary
positions on the day so obtained. These will be the directions in force during that
particular year. As has been explained in Chapter I, the count from the day of birth
should be made both forward and backward in the calendar. The very simplicity of
this procedure makes it possible to obtain a fair idea of the progressed and converse
Secondary Directions from a mere inspection of the Ephemeris.
The calculation of the position of the progressed and converse Midheaven is a
process only slightly more elaborate. The Midheaven of the radical chart advances
through the Zodiac at the same rate as the Sun on the days after birth and moves
backward through the Zodiac at the same speed as the Sun on the days before
birth. In other words, the Midheaven always remains at the same zodiacal distance
from the Sun whether the Sun is moving forward in the Zodiac, as it does in pro-
gressed directions, or backward, as it does in the case of converse directions. In
order to find the position of the progressed and converse Midheaven, therefore, it is
only necessary to find the Sun's position in the Zodiac on the day measuring to the
year in question. If the progressed directions are being calculated it will be necessary
to subtract the Sun's, position at birth from the Sun's position on the directional day
and add the amount of arc thus obtained to the radical Midheaven. If the converse
directions are being calculated, the Sun's position on the directional day should be
subtracted from the Sun's position at birth and the amount of arc subtracted from
the radical Midheaven.
It is necessary to make two comments here. Since the variation in the Sun's
rate of travel during any particular day is infinitesimal it is quite sufficient to base
these calculations on the difference between the Sun's position at noon on the day
of birth and at noon on the directional day. It will be observed that this is equivalent
to measuring in Mean Solar Days and not True Solar Days. Although, theoretically,
it is the True Solar Day which represents the passage of one year, as we have shown,
it is near enough for all practical purposes to use the Mean Solar Day. The maximum
possible variation in length of True Solar Days over the span of a hundred days,
which is a long enough period to cover most lifetimes, is thirty-one minutes. In
thirty-one minutes the Sun travels approximately one minute, sixteen seconds of arc.
This is the maximum error possible by using this approximation. As it is usually
By referring to the Tables of Houses for 29° N47' we find that the Ascendant
corresponding to this Midheaven is 40 26'
The converse Midheaven is now calculated as follows:—
Twenty-four days before birth measures to 14th July, 1902.
Sun's position at noon on day of birth 14° 02 '
Sun's position at noon on 14th July, 1902 210 au 05'
By referring to the Tables of Houses for 29° N47' we find that the Ascendant
corresponding to this Midheaven is 27° 11^ 07'
The next step is to observe whether the progressed and converse Midheaven and
Ascendant are within a degree of an exact aspect with any planet in the nativity.
J p. A Asc. con.
The Solar Directions should now be calculated and tabulated in the same sequence
as the directions to angles. Firstly, any aspects between the progressed Sun and the
planets in the radical chart should be listed and then any aspects formed by the radi-
cal Sun and the progressed and converse planets. The final step is to tabulate the
aspects formed between the progressed Sun and the progressed and converse planets,
and between the converse Sun and the same planets. The following are the Solar
Directions measuring to the twenty-fourth birthday:—
O p. v: J) r.
5 p. 6 Or.
2J. con, (f O r.
Op. Q h p-
o con. o0 H p.
9 con. g $ r. and p.
£ con. Q 21 con.
5 p. -fr h con.
We have now dealt with all types of progressed aspects except those formed by the
progressed Moon, The average daily motion of the Moon is about twelve degrees, or
one degree in every two hours. Measured at the rate of a day for a year, two hours
represent one month. It will thus be apparent that the aspects made by the progressed
Moon form and dissolve with comparative rapidity so that, at most, their effects
are not likely to last for more than two months. As the calculation of the Moon's
progressed aspects is rather more complicated than the computation of the Monthly,
Weekly and Daily Series of Secondary Progressions it will be found that, in practice,
refinements in the timing of Yearly Secondary Directions may more easily be
obtained through the use of the three latter measures. Nevertheless, for the sake of
completeness and for the benefit of those who may be reluctant to put aside an
item of predictive technique which has enjoyed a measure of popularity in the
past, we shall devote one or two paragraphs to the consideration of Lunar
In order to simplify the calculation of Lunar Secondaries it is convenient to
employ a device known as the "Noon Date" method. The "Noon Date" marks off
that proportion of the year which is represented by the difference in time between
noon (G.M.T.) on the day of birth and the actual birth time, calculated at the
rate of one day for a year. Two hours will therefore represent one month and four
minutes one day. If the birth occurred before noon the number of hours and
minutes elapsing between the time of birth and noon is turned into months and days,
using the above mentioned rate, and the resulting number of months and days are
counted forward in the calendar from the day of birth in order to arrive at the Noon
Date. If the birth occurred after noon, the number of hours and minutes elapsing
between noon and the time of birth is similarly equated to months and days, but this
period is measured backward in the calendar from the day of birth in order to obtain
the Noon Date. This date is operative in respect of progressed directions. To calculate
the Noon Date in respect of converse directions the process is reversed, the same
number of days being counted backward in the calendar from the day of birth if
the birth occurred before noon and forward if the birth occurred after noon. These
new dates may now be used as a foundation for all subsequent calculations based
on the noon positions of the planets.
We will now calculate the Noon Dates for the horoscope of Ann Harding. As
she was born at g.12 p.m. G.M.T. the Noon Date for progressed directions will be
earlier in the year than the day of birth, while the Noon Date for converse directions
will be later in the year. In order to find out how many days earlier it is necessary
to calculate that portion of a year which is represented by nine hours, twelve
minutes, measured at the rate of two hours per month and four minutes per day.
The number of days represented by nine hours, twelve minutes is therefore 138.
One hundred and thirty-eight days measured backward from 7th August, 1902,
gives 22nd March as the Noon Date for progressed directions. The same period
measured forward from the 7th August gives 23rd December as the converse Noon
It is now required to calculate the Lunar Directions measuring to the twenty-
fourth birthday. Having obtained the Noon Date the next step is to determine the
actual daily motion of the Moon on the directional day which measures to the year
under consideration. This daily motion should then be divided by twelve in order to
arrive at the amount of arc covered by the Moon in two hours, the period of time
which is equivalent to one month. On 31st August, 1902, the progressed directional
day which represents the twenty-fifth year in Ann Harding's life, the Moon's position
at noon was 140 SI 31' 02*. At noon on the day following the Moon's position was
28° SI 42' 48'. The daily motion was therefore 140 12'. (It is sufficient for all practical
purposes to calculate the Moon's daily motion to the nearest minute of arc.) By
dividing 140 12' by twelve we can obtain the amount of the Moon's motion in two
hours, the period of time equivalent to one month. The average amount covered
by the Moon in each two hour period is 10 11'. By adding successive increments of
i® 11' to the Moon's position at noon on 31st August, it is possible to compile a
table in the following manner, showing the position of the progressed Moon and the
aspects it forms for each month of the year:—
A similar table should now be prepared to show the converse Lunar Directions.
In this case it is necessary to subtract the monthly increment from the Moon's noon
position on the converse directional day. The calculations are as follows:—
Moon's position at noon on 14th July, 1902 130 Tlf 03' 52*
Moon's position at noon on 13th July, 1902 i0 HI 03' 11*
Dak Position Aspects
23rd December, 1926 130 TTf 04' Q O r.
23rd November, 1926 12° 1^04' M.C. r., & $ r., Q 2J. r.
23rd October, 1926 n" 04' Q $ con.
23rd September, 1926 to0 Iff 04' EJ 5 r'> Z. $ P-j Q <5 con.
23rd August, 1926 90 TTf 04' Z_ £ p.
23rd July, 1926 8° n\_04' ■Jt O p.
23rd June, 1926 70 TTl 03' J) r., X- G P-
23rd May, 1926 6° 1^03' X ]j) r., X* O p.
23rd April, 1926 50 11103' X M.C. con., X Asc, p., Q $ r.
23rd March, 1926 40 TTJ 03' x M.C. con., X Asc. p., Q $ r., A ^ P-
23rd February, 1.926 3° HJ 03' Z. W r-> P*! con., A ^ r-) P-
23rd January, 1926 2° 03' Z. W r-j P-> A T r., con., Q $ con.
In order to restore the minute which was lost in approximating one twelfth of
the Moon's daily motion, the increment for the seventh month has been taken as
1° 01
Further reference will be made to the directions based on Ann Harding's
chart in a subsequent chapter dealing with the interpretation of directions.
Chapter III
The most important series of directions are those involving the radical progressed
and converse Midheaven and Ascendant. The angles of the chart are especially
sensitive points and when they become involved by aspect with a radical, progressed
or converse planet, the influence of that planet temporarily becomes paramount in
the life, producing effects according to the nature of the planet and its condition in
the nativity. No important event in the life ever comes to pass unless a direction
involving an angle of the horoscope is in force at the time. Solar directions are almost
as potent as directions involving the angles.
It is possible to predict all the major events of the life by using only directions
involving the angles and the Sun. Only comparatively minor happenings in the life
are to be expected during a year in which no directions of this kind are formed.
These minor events are often indicated by interplanetary directions, which, as a
class, are less potent in their effects than the two previous series. Nevertheless, a
study of the interplanetary directions in force is often a valuable aid in determining
the precise field of operation of angular or Solar directions. In the event of there
being no directions operative during the year involving the angles of the horoscope
or the Sun, the interplanetary directions will then serve to establish the type of
experiences likely to be encountered in the period under review. If an important
event in the life is due to take place it will generally be signalled by more than one
progressed aspect. Interplanetary directions, therefore, form a valuable part of
progressional technique, if only for their importance as corroborative evidence.
Aspects formed between the progressed Moon and the radical, progressed and
converse planets and angles are considerably less potent than the angular, solar and
interplanetary series of progressions and are only effective while within a degree of
exactitude, whether applying or separating. They have an influence of their own
which, if it is not counteracted by the effects of any angular, solar or interplanetary
progressions reaching their peak at the same time, can colour a period of about two
months in quite a noticeable fashion. Their principal value, however, lies in the fact
that they are apt to excite to action and "touch off" other directions which cast
their influence over a much longer period of time. If, for instance, the progressed
Jupiter is in conjunction with the radical Midheaven, and the progressed Moon
passes over the Midheaven while the conjunction is still within orbs, the time
indicated by the Lunar conjunction is likely to mark the climax of the period during
which maximum results may be expected from the Jupiter-Midheaven conjunction.
If two planets are in aspect in the progressed horoscope and the progressed Moon
forms an aspect with either, it is then that the full effects of the aspect between the two
planets are likely to be precipitated.
It is a useful practice to note the house and sign through which the progressed
Moon is passing. The departments of life to which they correspond will then assume
a more than usual prominence in the affairs of the native. The significance of house
and sign position in the progressed horoscope is explained in the next chapter.
When all the aspects formed by progression during any one year have been
tabulated, it is necessary to correlate them careliilly and to arrange them in
their probable order of potency. As already stated, directions involving the
radical, progressed and converse angles are the most important, closely followed
by directions formed by the progressed, converse or radical Sun. By observing the
strength and prominence of the planets in the radical horoscope it is possible to
determine which planets are likely to produce the most noticeable results when
they become active by progression. Planets which may be considered prominent
are those in the first, tenth, seventh and fourth houses, those which dispose of or
are closely aspected by a large number of planets, and the ruler of the Ascendant.
Interplanetary aspects should next be listed and, finally, the lunar progressions.
It should be borne in mind when estimating the strength of various directions
that progressions involving the radical positions of the planets are not necessarily
stronger than progressions involving two progressed planets or two converse planets,
or one progressed and one converse planet. Converse directions are certainly not
weaker in their effects than progressed directions and often seem to act with greater
strength. This may be due to the fact that the planetary positions before birth seem
to be connected in a special way with the native's past actions and suggests that the
majority of mankind is, as yet, unable to take full advantage of the opportunity to
modify its Karma by right thinking and right action. Opportunities for modifying
Karma are probably denoted by the planetary positions on the days after birth.
Although a new. progressed Midheaven and Ascendant are derived each year
from the radical chart, it is not practicable to use these points as the basis of a com-
pletely new chart. The progressed and converse horoscopes only gain their validity
through their connection with the nativity, consequently when the student is
attempting to assess the importance of the progressed and converse planetary positions,
heshould relate them to the framework of the natal chart andnot to any position they may
hold in relation to a new figure based on the progressed or converse Midheaven degree.
When estimating the length of time over which the influence of a direction is
likely to operate, it will be sufficient to allow an orb of one degree on each side of
the exact aspect between two bodies, except in the case of the Sun, where the orb
may safely be extended to a degree and a half. A progressed aspect will therefore
begin to operate as soon as the two planets, or the planet and angle, are within a
degree of an exact aspect and the influence of the direction will continue to be felt
until the faster moving planet or angle moves more than one degree away from the
exact aspect.
There is one important exception to this rule. During the course of a lifetime
the slower moving planets rarely move more than two or three degrees away from
their positions in the natus. Often there are not more than three or four degrees
between the position of the progressed Uranus and the converse Uranus and simi-
larly with Neptune and Pluto. When this occurs the whole area becomes "blanketed"
by the planet and the effects of a progressed aspect will last throughout the whole
time that a directed planet throws an aspect to this area. These effects will naturally
be somewhat diffused, but nevertheless unmistakeable. The faster moving planets,
unless they are stationary for days at a time, cannot blanket an area in this manner.
Once the directions in force have been tabulated and set out in order of impor-
tance, it will generally be a fairly simple matter to judge whether the general trend
is for good or ill. One good lunar direction cannot stem the tide of several adverse
angular or solar directions, neither can one bad interplanetary direction upset a
series of otherwise favourable progressions. Sometimes a cycle of favourable direc-
tions will extend over a period of years, to be followed in turn by an unfavourable
cycle. The changeover period between the two cycles is then a most important
and critical period. A year without strong directions forming, in the middle of a
favourable cycle, will bring little which is likely to prove troublesome to the native,
while a similar year occurring in the middle of an unfavourable cycle promises only
a short respite from trouble. Where no strong influence shows out in the Yearly
Series of Secondary Directions, the Monthly and Weekly Series may be brought
increasingly into play in order to gain a greater insight into the planetary atmosphere
for the year.
In many of the old textbooks all the good progressed aspects were interpreted
as bringing fortunate events to pass, while bad progressed aspects were taken to be
the indicators of misfortune. Although there is some underlying justification for such
an attitude there are many cases where such arbitrary rules as these do not hold good.
If, at birth, a planet is in trine to one of the angles of the horoscope, the period
during which the progressed angle arrives at the square or opposition of this planet
may be productive of much good, especially if the planet is a benefic, as its funda-
mental connection with the Midheaven or Ascendant is an harmonious one. On the
other hand, if the planet involved in the configuration is a malefic, even a trine at
birth to the Midheaven or Ascendant will scarcely protect the native from all
harmful effects when the angle concerned progresses to the square or opposition of
that planet. In a similar manner, if a planet in the radical chart is in square to either
angle, the good which it is likely to bring when it forms a trine or sextile with that
angle by progression is likely to be diminished on that account. If the planet con-
cerned is a malefic, the progressed trine or sextile may even coincide with unpleasant
The strength of each planet by sign should also be taken into account, for a
planet placed in a favourable sign brings more good when in good aspect and causes
less harm when in bad aspect than would otherwise be the case.
The cardinal principle of prediction and the golden rule which should be
remembered first, last and always is this: Nothing will come to pass that is not
promised by the nativity. The possibilities latent in the birth chart must first be
studied in as much detail as possible before any attempt at prediction is made. No
matter how favourable the directions may be at a particular period of the life, no
lasting good will arise from them unless the radical horoscope shows this probability.
the Midheaven or Ascendant. When the angles of the progressed horoscope reach a
degree of the Zodiac held by one of the intermediate house cusps of the radical figure
events of the nature of that house are likely to occur. A similar indication is given
when the progressed house cusp reaches a degree held by the radical Midheaven
or Ascendant. The foregoing remarks apply particularly to house cusps calculated in
accordance with the system of Placidus.
When making predictions it is necessary to bear in mind that the full effect of
a direction may not always immediately manifest itself. The native may inaugurate
a change- of course which coincides with a certain direction and he may not ex-
perience the full consequences of that change until many months, or even years,
later. If the initial steps were taken under good directions the final outcome is likely
to be beneficial; if under adverse directions, the result is likely to be disappointing
unless in either case there are strong indications to the contrary in the nativity.
Absolute accuracy of interpretation is, in the very nature of things, not always
possible to achieve, for, were astrologers able to predict the nature of events down to
the very last detail, it would seem that the free will of the individual would have no
bearing at all upon his destiny. It is, however, surprising how closely the astrologer
can indicate the pattern of future events once he has mastered the symbology of
astrology and familiarised himself with the principles and departments of life
represented by the various signs, planets and houses. The student should be content,
at first, to confine his predictions to general broad outlines of the trend of events
and not attempt to particularise too much.
Chapter IV
When predicting, it must be remembered that the effects of a planet in the pro-
gressed horoscope depend upon the quality of the native's response to the stimulus
received from that planet. The nature of this response is shown by the condition of
the planet in the radical chart and is modified in each case according to the sign
and house occupied by the planet and the aspects which it receives. Thus a planet
in the progressed horoscope tends not only to bring events of a kind denoted by its
own intrinsic nature but also experiences of a type signified by the sign and house
in which it is placed at birth, and of the house or houses of which it is the ruler.
If the Sun is in the Sixth House at birth in the sign Gemini and is the ruler of
the Eighth House, then, whatever sign or house it enters by progression after
birth, it will affect the life mainly in terms of those things signified by the sixth and
eighth houses and by the sign Gemini. Each planet will also produce effects in terms
of its own essential nature, apart from the sign and house in which it is placed. It
is not always easy to determine the precise field in which a progressed aspect will
operate since it may at one time work out in terms of the sign occupied by the planet
and at another in terms of the house tenanted by the planet or in terms of the
planet's own intrinsic nature. It is not unusual for events falling within each of these
three different categories to occur during the operative period of a single direction.
When estimating the effects likely to be produced by the sign and house
occupied by a planet in the progressed horoscope it will be sufficient for all practical
v. purposes to consider the implications of signs and houses as being interchangeable.
^The houses are a reflection of the signs and have the same basic meaning as the signs.
Opposite signs of the Zodiac represent two poles of the same principle consequently
the same root meaning underlies both signs. Furthermore, although planets in the
first six signs and the houses below the Earth are related to the individual or interior
application of the principles involved and planets in the last six signs and the houses
above the Earth are related to the universal or exterior projection of these same
principles upon the world at large, it will be found that it is often difficult to separate
the effects of opposite houses and opposite signs, for each house and each sign is the
complement of its opposite number. A planet in the natal Eighth House, therefore, s
is not only likely to act in much the same way as a planet in Scorpio, but may act \
as if it were in the natal Second House or in Taurus.
This interchangeability tends to simplify rather than to confuse interpretation
and once the essential meanings of planets, signs and houses are understood it should
not be difficult to get a fairly accurate picture of the various types of events likely to
be expected at any given period in the life.
Besides producing effects in terms of the sign and house it occupies in the nativity,
a planet will also act in terms of the house or houses over which it has rule in the
radical horoscope, as well as through the sign and house into which it moves by
In the paragraphs that follow, the significance of each house and the corres-
ponding sign is outlined briefly and then each pair of houses and signs is considered
together for the purpose of assessing the probable effect of directions involving planets
placed in those signs or houses.
i. Karl Marx. G p. § r. Wrote Das Kapital. (Radical O in Second House.)
а. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. □ r. in the Eighth House. Asc. con. A r- in the Eighth
House. Obsessed with the idea of regenerating Germany.
3. Jay Gould. Asc. con. d <? p. r. iny). Detected in fraudulent business manipula-
4. Karl Marx. Asc. p. 6 J) r. in the Second House. Founded a radical newspaper.
Established home permanently in England.
5. Madame Blavatsky. Asc. con. -Jf O r. in the Second House. M.C. con. d 2J. r. in
the Eighth House. Founded the Theosophical Society.
б. Cecil Rhodes. Asc. con. "a $ r. in fcj. Given six months to live by his doctor. He was
then twenty.
7. Cecil Rhodes. M.C. con. ^ r. in the Second House (applying). M.C. r. g d
con. d ^ r. iny. Asc. con. § 1} con. (radical!} iny). Death.
8. Ralph Waldo Emerson. M.C. p. d ^ con. in n\. Death.
9. Adolf Hitler. M.C. con. d § r. in the Eighth House. Asc. p. § mid-point ^ § r.
in the Eighth House. Death.
tion of facts (secretary, clerk, typist), or with foreign countries (importer, foreign
agent, explorer).
Afaj> denote events in the lives of brothers, sisters (Ex. 10) or neighbours.
Affect health through bronchial illnesses, consumption, pneumonia, pleurisy,
asthma, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism, nerve disorders, insufficient oxygenadon of
the blood, mental strain and mental troubles.
1. Colonel Lindbergh. M.C. con. ]) r. in $ . M.C. p. A ® r. in the Third House.
Asc. p. d $ p. in f. Made record-breaking flight across the Atlantic.
2. Albert Einstein. Asc. con. in 11 A 2J. r. in the Ninth House. Emigrated to Italy.
3. Cecil Rhodes. M.C. p. m. 2]. r. in f. M.C. con. -X- 2J. r. in £. First travelled to
South Africa, where he was to make his reputation.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Asc. p. g O r. in 11. Entered Harvard University.
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Asc. p. in t A J) r. in the Ninth House. Graduated. Taught
in brother's school for young ladies.
6. Jay Gould. Asc. r. d 53 P- (53 r- in fl)- Acquired the New York Times.
7. Madame Blavatsky. M.C. p. v, O con. in 11. The Secret Doctrine published.
8. Mary Baker Eddy. Asc. p. d § r. in the Third House. Founded the Christian
Science Publishing Society.
9. Henry Ford. M.C. con. d O r. in the Ninth House. Founded the Detroit Auto-
mobile Company.
10. Mory Baker Eddy. $ p. A 2J. r. (ruler of the Third House). Marriage of her sister.
Threaten danger of damage to prestige; upsets in the career (Ex. 12) or in the
domestic sphere; illness or death of a parent (Exs. 3, 4, 5 & 6); the death of the native
(if other severe directions are operative—these nearly always involve the first or
seventh houses and also the second or eighth houses as well).
May lead to undertaking activities in public positions or in public administration,
in a Government department or in politics; in an occupation connected with the
supplying of the domestic needs of the public—shopkeeper, dealer in household
commodities, cook, caterer, hotelier, innkeeper, launderer or plumber; connected
with land, property or trading—farmer, builder, estate agent or merchant seaman;
in connection with nurturing the young or tending young growth—nursing or market
May denote events in the parents' life (especially when the native is young), a
change of work or residence (Exs. 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11); inheritance of property.
Affect health through digestive ailments, catarrh, dropsy, sclerosis, skin diseases,
rheumatism or chills.
1. Karl Marx. M.C. p. <J 2i r. in (ruler of the Tenth House). Appointed editor of
a radical newspaper.
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson. M.C. p. d 2| r. in the Tenth House. Beginning of career.
3. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. d r. in the Tenth House. Father died.
4. Prince Bismarck. M.C. p. § $ p. in the Fourth House. Father died.
5. Madame Blavatsky. M.C. p. § J r. in the Fourth House. Taken into the charge of
her grandmother after her mother's death.
6. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. M.C. p. d <3 P- in 23 m the Tenth House. Father died.
7. Annie Besant. M.C. p. g J r. in sic in the Fourth House. Moved into lodgings.
8. Mary Baker Eddy. M.C. p. d r. in v^. Acquired a new residence for use as the
Headquarters of the Christian Science movement.
9. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. M.C. p. v. O r. in szs in the Tenth House. Returned
to the United States after several years' residence in Europe.
10. Colonel Lindbergh. M.C. r. A 2J. con. in (ruler of the Fourth House). Returned
to the United States after several years' residence in Europe.
11. Mary Baker Eddy. M.C. p. ~ Ff r. in the Fourth House. Moved with her husband
to a very lonely locality.
12. Albert Einstein. M.C. p. d h r. in the Tenth House. Unable to obtain employment.
Places a focus on the native's power of Individualisation and desire for Self-
Expression—his ability to exploit the innate talent denoted by the fourth house
and to add fresh accomplishments to his inherited abilities; creative abilities—the
amount of power with which he is endowed or which he is able to generate; enter-
prises, whether material (financial speculations—emotional (love affairs)—mental
(creation in the realm of art or the drama) or spiritual (faith wielded as a dynamic
power) (Ex. 1); power to organize materials and order results; children (as a flesh
and blood manifestation of his desire for self-expression); hobbies, holidays and all
ways in which he seeks pleasure and entertainment.
Corresponds to the heart, spinal cord, the dorsal region of the spine and the forearm
from below the elbow to the wrist.
The signs in which the progressed angles fall often afford a clue as to the nature
of the events to be expected. Marriage often takes place when the progressed
Midheaven in Libra forms an aspect with a radical or progressed planet and fre-
quently long journeys are undertaken when the progressed Ascendant in Gemini
is linked by aspect to a radical or progressed planet.
Although the close affinity between signs and houses in their relationship to
events has been stressed above it is necessary to emphasize that the identity of the
two is not so coincidental in all respects. The sign position of a planet has, for
instance, a greater bearing on character than its house position, although the latter
is by no means negligible, since a planet placed close to an angle of the nativity
will show out more strongly in the psychology of the native than will a cadent
It is much easier to discern a link between the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable
signs, which correspond to the Rajas, Tamas and Sattva of Hindu philosophy,
and the Angular, Succedent and Cadent houses of the horoscope than it is to find
a marked similarity between the action of the Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs and
the corresponding houses. The Cardinal signs are analagous to the Angular houses
of the horoscope. They are initiatory and their sphere is that of activity. The Fixed
signs are comparable with the Succedent houses. They are conservative; they are
the storehouses and generators of power; their role is that of building, consolidating
and making permanent. They are connected with the realm of the emotions. The
Mutable signs correspond to the Cadent houses. They are diffusive in their action,
spreading the power derived from the fixed signs and houses and acting as a commu-
nicating link between the Cardinal and Fixed Principles. Their domain is that of
the intellect.
The connection between the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water and the houses
of the horoscope is less easy to trace. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, for instance, are the
Fire Signs. With the element fire are associated the ideas of zeal, faith, ardour and
inspiration. Planets in the first, fifth and ninth houses unless they be in fiery signs
will not indicate these qualities to any marked degree, any more than they will
indicate danger through fire, as malefic planets in the fire signs are apt to do.
When Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are tenanted therefore, it may be anticipated
that the native's own ardour and faith will be the underlying cause of many of the
experiences to which he is attracted and if the progressed aspects are favourable his
zealousness will stir up similar reactions among those around him and his inspira-
tions will be a source of benefit to himself and others, often placing him, as a result,
at the head of a group. If the aspects are adverse, his own misguided zeal, uncontrolled
passions, excessive pride or ill-conceived inspirations may lead him into error.
The fire signs denote what is known as the Bilious temperament. Planets afflicted
in these signs warn against intemperate living and are apt to indicate the danger of
fevers, inflammatory ailments and troubles which arise from a faulty functioning of
the liver. Afflictions involving the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and sometimes Uranus and
Pluto in signs of this element threaten danger through fire and the possibility of
burns. Excessive heat is apt to prove destructive and for this reason the signs Aries
and Leo incline towards barrenness but Sagittarius, on account of its Jupiterian
rulership, is moderately fruitful.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are the Earth signs and are related to the realm
of practical, everyday routine. They indicate a solid, commonsense and often
industrious approach to life on the part of the native and the experiences which he
attracts to himself under good aspects involving the earthy signs will bring benefits
as a result of his own sound and constructive knowledge of technique, through his
adherence to traditional methods and through his ability to keep plodding along
at the job in hand. Bad aspects involving these signs are likely to bring setbacks
through an over-conservative attitude, a stolid unimaginative approach and a lack
of technical and executive abihty and practical skill.
^ The prominence of the Earth element in a birth chart often brings the native
I into touch with farming or mining, or matters connected with property or estates.
t Afflictions involving Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can sometimes lead to the
native being involved in natural calamities such as earthquakes or landslides.
The Earth signs denote what is known as the Nervous temperament and when
involved in afflictions often give rise to neurasthenic conditions. In addition the
bodily functions and the various processes of the body are often impeded by accre-
tions of ash and other forms of bodily deposits frequently brought about as a result of
the native's restricted and unimaginative outlook. Planets in Taurus are generally an
indication of fecundity, but Virgo and Capricorn incline towards barrenness.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air signs and are related to the intellect.
They represent the native's capacity to associate with and to understand the motives
of his fellows and indicate a detached and idealistic approach to life. Favourable
progressed aspects involving the Air signs show that the native is likely to attract
to himself beneficial experiences resulting from his ability to plan and to sow ideas
among his fellow men and from his power to mingle with them in a detached way
without allowing his emotions to become involved. Adverse aspects warn against
losses arising through too much dependence upon theory and too little attention to
practical issues or to human values.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are apt to denote travel by air when involved with
the third or ninth houses or when tenanted by Mercury, Jupiter or Neptune.
The Air signs are not particularly prolific by nature. Gemini inclines towards
barrenness while Libra and Aquarius are only moderately fruitful. The Air signs
denote what is known as the Sanguine temperament and afflictions in these signs
often produce circulatory or mental ailments.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the Water signs and are related to the native's
emotional nature and to his negative, receptive and intuitional side. They indicate
an instinctive and highly personalized approach to life. The desire to protect and
nourish is strong. Under favourable progressions involving these signs the native
will gain through his ability to evoke a sensitive emotional response in others and
through discreet and sympathetic behaviour towards them. An intuitive appreciation
of their needs and of his own best course of action will help him in making decisions.
Adverse progressed aspects involving Water signs are a warning to him to avoid
being swayed unduly by his own personal feelings. He may shrink from seizing his
opportunities through shyness or some other inhibition. He must not neglect the
rational and detached approach to his problems, neither should he rely on his intui-
tion, which will be apt to lead him sadly astray at such times.
When these signs are connected with the third and ninth houses, or with
Mercury, Jupiter or Neptune, there is some likelihood of sea voyages. Neptune and
Pisces, however, are connected with the idea of boundless space as well as with the
watery element, and often indicate travel by air (e.g., Colonel Charles Lindbergh,
Mercury in Pisces in the third house, Neptune in Gemini.)
All three of the watery signs are prolific by nature. They denote what is known
as the Lymphatic temperament. Afflictions involving these signs are apt to indicate
faulty functioning of the glands and may produce watery tumours or ailments, such
as dropsy, deriving from the presence of too much moisture in the system. There
is some tendency towards anaemia and general lack of tone. In some cases there is
a possibility of hypochondria or an addiction to alcohol.
The kind of progressed aspect in force often provides a useful indication of
the type of event to be anticipated. When assessing the probable effects of any aspect
it is useful to consider that aspect in its relation to the whole zodiacal circle. This
may be done in two ways, firstly by dividing the number of degrees contained by the
aspect into the 360 degrees of the Zodiac and regarding the number so obtained as
having an influence of the nature of a planet, according to the accepted numerical
correspondences between planets and numbers; and secondly by measuring off the
number of degrees comprising the aspect from the first point of Aries, both clock-
wise and anti-clockwise in the Zodiac, and anticipating results of the nature of the
two signs in which the outer limit of the aspect falls.
By applying these two systems of classification to the conjunction we find that
its effects are likely to work out through the sign Aries and in terms of the Sun, for
we may regard the conjunction as containing the whole 360 degrees of the Zodiac,
The Sun is related to the individuality and the will and driving power of the native,
while Aries is initiatory and pioneering in nature. We may therefore expect the
conjunction to signal the start of a new phase of experience, in terms of the planet
or planets concerned, which will have a direct effect upon the unfoldment of the
native's inner potentialities. Its effects are likely to be harmonious or discordant,
according to the compatibility of the planets involved.
The semi-sextile is an angle of 30 degrees and is therefore divisible into the
jZodiac twelve times. The digits of twelve are reducible, by addition, to three, which
is the number of Jupiter. By measuring off 30 degrees in the zodiacal circle in each
direction from the first point of Aries we arrive at the beginning of the signs Taurus
and Pisces. The semi-sextile is therefore expansive in nature and is related to the
building of foundations and the stabilizing of the qualities denoted by the planet or
planets and also to the assimilation of those qualities in such a manner that a
properly balanced attitude to life as a whole may be maintained. It is likely to have
some effect on the financial affairs.
The semi-square aspect of 45 degrees is divisible into the zodiacal circle eight
times. Eight is the number of Saturn. Forty-five degrees measured in each direction
from the first point of Aries reaches to the middle of the signs Taurus and Aquarius.
From these data the semi-square is revealed as having a particular connection with
things that are fated to happen, events which the native is unable to avoid ahT
Karma which he is not easily able to modify, for the bonds of Saturn are not easily
broken. The sign Taurus shows that the aspect is connected particularly with the
way in which the native deals widi his resources, while Aquarius places an emphasis
on the idealistic side of the nature. Unless these departments in life are well under
control the native may lose friends and suffer financially.
The sextile aspect of 60 degrees is a sixth of the zodiacal circle and is of the
nature of Venus. The keynote of this aspect is therefore Harmony. It is related to
the signs Gemini and Aquarius. Mental activity and idealistic enterprises are much
favoured by this aspect which is connected with travel and friendships, and is likely
to mark the occurrence of favourable opportunities for advancement.
The square aspect of 90 degrees is one quarter of the zodiacal circle. Four is
the number of Uranus. By measuring a quarter of the Zodiac from the first point
of Aries we arrive at the beginning of the signs Cancer and Capricorn. The nature
of Uranus is erratic and disruptive. The square aspect is apt to signal abrupt changes
in the life and produces stresses which rarely appear to be beneficial in their results
although they are probably second to none in providing opportunities for soul
growth. Effects are most likely to be felt in the domestic sphere and in the pro-
fessional life. This aspect is a challenge which tests the native's practical approach
to life and his reaction to everyday problems. If he is well equipped for the battle of
life he is likely to benefit from the controlled use of the force generated by the
square but if, on the other hand, he is not able to restrain any wayward impulses
he may have, the vibrations of the square are likely to prove extremely disconcerting.
The trine aspect of 120 degrees is divisible into the zodiacal circle three times.
Three is the number of Jupiter. The trine measured in the Zodiac from the first
point of Aries reaches to the beginning of the signs Leo and Sagittarius. The nature
of Jupiter is expansive, that of Leo, creative, and that of Sagittarius speculative and
perceptive. These are the qualities of the trine and it is on this account that this
aspect is so often the herald of good fortune and success. Emotional pleasure,
advancement and travel often result from this aspect, which rarely fails to bring
benefits in its train.
The sesquiquadrate aspect, which measures 135 degrees, will not divide into
360 an exact number of times. It is, however, a complementary aspect to the semi-
square, since both aspects together form a semi-circle. The semi-square is of the
nature of Saturn. If we regard this as a manifestation of the positive qualities of
Satum then it will be permissible to regard the sesquiquadrate as a manifestation
of the negative qualities of Satum. This aspect stretches in the Zodiac to the middle
of Leo and the middle of Scorpio. Over-ambition and wrong methods of dealing
with resources may cause difficulties and restrictions to arise when this aspect occurs
in the progressed horoscope. The failure of enterprises, and financial and health
problems are likely.
The quincunx aspect of 150 degrees is another aspect which will not divide
exactly into the zodiacal circle. This aspect is the complement of the semi-sextile,
for both arcs when united form one half circle. Measured from the first point of Aries
the quincunx reaches the corresponding points in Virgo and Scorpio, thus placing
an emphasis on matters relating to health, technique, everyday work, service and
There is, however, a deeper meaning to the quincunx aspect which springs
from the fact that, considered in terms of the whole zodiacal circle, it is also the
complement of the Egyptian Tau aspect of 210 degrees. Measured in the Zodiac
in the normal order of the signs, one of the two planets in a quincunx aspect must
therefore bear an Eighth House relationship to the other, which in turn is related to
the first planet in terms of the Sixth House. The Eighth House has a special con-
nection with regeneration and initiation. The planet which is 150 degrees from the
other, measured in the order of the signs, thus derives a Sixth House significance
and will therefore denote those faults of character which the native must strive to
sublimate, while the other planet will show the means by which he must attempt this
From the point of view of the Sixth House the quincunx tests the ability of the
native to marshal his resources efficiently and to live in harmony with the laws of
nature. This is why the Sixth House is the house of the apprentice and the neophyte,
for the Sixth House, and the Eighth House also, is related to our spiritual as well
as to our physical health.
The link with the Eighth House is a warning of the critical nature of the aspect,
for the path of initiation is always trodden at some peril to the neophyte. For
those successful in passing the tests, the rewards are correspondingly great. For
those who fail, the hazards and trials are an ordeal which must continually be faced
until the aspirant is strong enough to conquer.
The opposition aspect of 180 degrees divides the Zodiac into two hemispheres.
Two is the number of the Moon. Libra is the sign which is opposite Aries in the
Zodiac. The Moon is a reflector and planets in opposition reflect their qualities into
each other. Libra is the sign of harmony. If the qualities denoted by the planets in
opposition can be successfully merged the opposition becomes an aspect of culmina-
tion, fulfilment and co-operation, and the native will benefit therefrom. If this
fusion of qualities is not achieved successfully, friction and discord occur with the
result that the opposition becomes an aspect of separation and antagonism. The
opposition implies either marriage, in its widest sense, as one extreme or enmity as
the other. If there is neither perfect fusion nor complete discord there may be a
vacillation between two opposing courses of action or a colourless balanced neu-
Chapter V
1. Henry Ford. M.C. r. d O. p. Founded Detroit Automobile Company.
2. Henry Ford. Asc. con. ^ O con. Founded Ford Motor Company.
3. Cecil Rhodes. Asc. p. O con. Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
4. Jay Gould. M.C, con. A O r. President of Erie Railroad. Birth of daughter. Gold
5. Jay Gould. Asc. r. -Jf- O con. Director of Union Pacific Railroad.
6. Madame Blavatsky. Asc. p. d O con. Marriage. Asc. con. -Jf O r. Second marriage.
7. Cecil Rhodes. M.C. r. "tc O con. Resigned Premiership of Cape Colony.
8. Annie Besant. Asc. r. § Op. Father died.
9. Colonel Lindbergh. M.C. p. A O r. Flew the Atlantic.
10. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. A O r. First obsessed with the idea of regenerating Germany.
desire for popularity, change and fresh experience; capacity for assimilating ex-
perience; reaction to sensation; instinctive reactions acquired as a result of past
impressions and sensory experiences.
Brings opportunities for gaining favourable publicity and increased popularity
through the widening of contacts; travel or sea voyages (especially if the Moon is in
a mutable sign) (Ex. 1).
May denote happenings involving the mother (especially in early life), wife,
sisters, daughters, or female relatives and friends (Ex. 2); (in male horoscope)
engagement or marriage (Exs. 3 & 4) though rarely without Venusian directions
also; changes in career or domestic surroundings (Exs. 5, 6, & 7); motherhood
(parturition will be easy or difficult according to the condition of the radical Moon).
Brings into contact with those in the catering and hotel trades; general tradesmen
catering for a variety of common needs; nurses, dressmakers or those in occupations
connected with water, liquids or silver; people in the mass and particularly the
female sex (Ex, 8).
Threatens danger of setbacks to career; diminished popularity; unfavourable
domestic changes; ill-health of wife or mother (in extreme cases, bereavement).
Affects health through functional disorders (often encouraged by native's apathy,
antipathies, depression or emotional upsets); disturbances of bodily fluids, periodic
complaints, dropsy, tumours, indigestion; ailments affecting the stomach, alimentary
canal, breasts, uterus, ovaries, lacteals, tear ducts, lymphatics, mucous membranes,
brain substance, nerve sheaths, sympathetic nervous system and eyes (particularly
the left eye of a man and the right eye of a woman); illnesses affecting parts of the
body ruled by the Moon sign and the sign opposite; epilepsy and insanity (if the
radical Moon and Mercury are much afflicted).
1. Colonel Lindbergh. M.C. con. A ]) r. Flew the Atlantic.
2. Karl Marx. M.C. p. QJ J) r. Interfered in daughter's love affair.
3. Prince Bismarck. M.C. con. Q J) r- Engaged to many.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Asc. con. | | 1) r. Marriage. (Wife died three years later.)
5. Annie Besant. M.C. p. § J) r. Moved house.
6. Mary Baker Eddy. M.C. con. ^ )) r. Repeatedly moved house in order to avoid
"malicious animal magnetism".
7. Annie Besant. Asc. con. Jl r. Finally made her home in India,
8. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Asc. p. A 5 r- Teacher in brother's school for young ladies.
1. Karl Marx. M.G, con. A $ P- Editor of radical paper.
2. Jay Gould. Asc. r. <4 5 P- Acquired New York Times,
3. Karl Marx. Asc. con. A ? r- Student at the University of Bonn.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Asc. p, ^ ^ r. Visited England and met many leading
literary figures.
5. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Asc. p. ^ p. Birth of a son.
6. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. A ^ con. Sister Paula bom.
7. Jay Gould. M.C. r. A 5 Became railroad manager. Moved to New York.
8. Mary Baker Eddy. Asc. con. A £ r* Moved house.
1. Cecil Rhodes. M.C. r. ? P- Elected Member of Cape Assembly.
а. Prince Bismarck. Asc. p. A 9 r- Twice engaged in one year.
3, Colonel Lindbergh. M.C. p. A 9 P- Marriage.
4, Mary Baker Eddy. Asc. con. A 9 r' Son bom.
5, Cecil Rhodes. M.C. con. d 9 P- Resigned Premiership of Cape Colony.
б. Annie Besant. M.C. con. d 9 r- Death.
7. Henry Ford. Asc. con. d 9 r. Death.
8. Mary Baker Eddy. Asc. con. § $ con. Renal calculi.
Venus aspects nearly always occur by progression at the time of marriage, not because Venus is the
planet of "love" but because marriage is an exercise in maintaining harmony.
1. Henry Ford. M.C. p. d 2J. r. Asc. p. -5f 2J. p. Founded Ford Motor Company.
2. Albert Einstein. M.C. con. <5 21 con. First steady job bringing freedom from hard-
3. Jay Gould. M.C. r. A 21 con. Sold Kansas Pacific holdings at huge profit.
4. Albert Einstein. Asc. con. A 21 r. Emigrated to Italy. Enjoyed a year's break from
5. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Asc. r. □ 21 p. Took up residence in England.
6. Karl Marx. M.C. p. d 21 p. Doctor of Philosophy.
7. Prince Bismarck. Asc. con. -Jf 21 r. Twice engaged in one year.
8. Prince Bismarck. M.C. con. § 21 r. Marriage.
g. Jay Gould. Asc. p. d 21 p. Birth of a son.
short in any direction of the perfection which Saturn demands he is apt to suffer
for the lack of that quality. If he is well equipped on all levels he will reap the fruits
of such preparedness.
1. Cecil Rhodes. M.C. con. A h r- Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
а. Annie Besant. Asc. p. A h con. Adopted Krishnamurti and his brother. Exten-
sions to Theosophical Society Headquarters at Adyar under her surveillance.
3. Karl Marx. Asc. con. □ h r- Wife died. Ill with pleurisy. Parted from favourite
4. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. d hi r. Father died.
5. Mary Baker Eddy. M.C. con. Q r. Death after catching cold,
б. Cecil Rhodes. Asc. con. £ T7 con. Death.
7. Albert Einstein. M.C. p. rf r. & p. Period of unemployment and financial hard-
B. Madame Biavatsky. Asc, p. d h con. Bright's Disease.
1. Colonel Lindbergh. Asc. p. ^ r. Took up residence in England.
2. Madame Blavatsky. M.C. p. Q ^ r. Travelled to Tibet.
3. Cecil Rhodes. Asc. con. Q ^ r. Contracted tuberculosis. Travelled to South Africa
in search of health.
4. Annie Besant. Asc. con. -Je ^ r. Founded "Order of the Star", a mystic organiza-
5. Jay Gould. Asc. p. § ^ r' Sold Western Pacific stocks at huge profit.
6. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. Q ^ r. Obsessed with the idea of regenerating Germany.
7. Cecil Rhodes. M.C.p. (H ^ r. Resigned Premiership of Cape Colony.
8. Prince Bismarck. Asc. con. § ^ r. Wife died.
9. Ralph Waldo Emerson. M.C. p. d ^ con. Death.
When the radical or the progressed Sun is in aspect with a planet by direction, its
rays illuminate and vitaliae that planet so that all those principles which are repre-
sented by the planetary symbol become active and assume prominence in the life-
No event of real importance will take place unheralded by an appropriate solar
direction. The Sun symbolizes the Life Force and the Higher Self. When it forms
progressed aspects with other planets, the faculties and abilities denoted by those
planets can be developed and strengthened by a conscious effort of Will, thus re-
inforcing and confirming the Inner Purpose of the life. If the radical aspect between
the Sun and the planet is an adverse one, signifying that the native has difficulties
in responding harmoniously to the particular impulses set in motion by the planetary
rays, any progressed aspect between the two is apt to re-emphasize the original
disharmony. If, however, the progressed aspect is a favourable one, there is a
chance that the native will be able to some extent to modify the basic disharmony.
When the radical aspect between the Sun and the planet is an harmonious one, there
is likely to be less difficulty in overcoming the stresses indicated by an adverse pro-
gressed aspect, although the period is hardly likely to pass without imposing some
measure of strain on the native.
The following delineations of progressed Solar aspects are given as a guide to
interpretation. It must be remembered that a detailed judgment can only be
reached after carefully considering the sign and house position of both bodies in-
volved, in addition to the house rulerships of each, the aspect, if any, between the
two bodies in the nativity and the aspects which each receives from the other
planets in the chart.
Aspects formed while the Sun is moving from the conjunction towards the oppo-
sition mark key periods in the active side of the native's life, while corresponding
aspects formed while the Sun is moving from the opposition towards the conjunction
denote the arrival of important phases in the assimilatory experience of the native.
Sextile and trine aspects, and also the semi-sextile, indicate a stimulus to achieve-
ment or the reward for past endeavours, according to whether the Sun is moving
towards the opposition or the conjunction of the Moon. The semi-square, square
and sesquiquadrate aspects show periods of stress when the basic soundness of the
native's efforts on all levels will be tested by the impact of events. Any aspect be-
tween the two bodies:—
1. Karl Marx. G r. d 5 con. Began studies at University of Bonn.
2. Jay Gould. G p. d 5 r- Became a broker in railway stocks.
3. Albert Einstein. O p. d $ r. Appointed to special Research Chair at Berlin Univer-
4. Colonel Lindbergh. G con. d 5? con. Took up residence in England.
5. Mary Baker Eddy. O con. □ £ r. Organized First Church of Christ, Scientist, and
Christian Science Publishing Society.
Stimulates emotions and affections; artistic instincts; harmonious impulses.
Brings opportunities for achieving success in social affairs and in artistic pursuits;
gaining advancement (Ex. 1) especially through the support of those in influential
positions and through the favour of women; the forming of new attachments;
indulging in pleasurable activities.
May denote engagement; marriage (Exs. 2 & 3) (marriage rarely takes place
without a Sun-Venus contact, whether or not the partnership is a " love-match",
for marriage is an exercise in maintaining harmony, which is the keynote of Venus);
birth of a child (Ex. 4); realization of the "heart's desire" (Ex. 5).
Threatens danger of disappointment in matters concerning the affections, either
through the native being too eager to please or through not exerting himself suffi-
ciently to maintain harmony in his relationships; losing opportunities for advance-
ment through lack of vigorous action or through laxity in other directions; (in
extreme cases) death of loved ones (Ex. 6).
The favourable aspects sometimes coincide with the death of the native (Ex. 7)
which often occurs as a happy release after a period of suffering—shown by simul-
taneous progressed afflictions between other bodies in the horoscope.
The adverse aspects are not usually catastrophic but the native should guard
against physical and emotional over-indulgence.
1. Cecil Rhodes. G r. S? p. Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
2. Prince Bismarck. G r. -jf 9 p. Marriage.
Progressed aspects between the Sun and Mars always mark critical periods in
the life. While they are operative the Will is more strongly acted upon by the
Desire nature so that, unless the native is completely master of his desires and
passions, the " animal" side of his nature is likely to be aroused. He should there-
fore strive to check his turbulent impulses by the exercise of temperance and dis-
cretion and seek to direct his drive and energy into channels beneficial to the
community, championing the weak and caring for those less robust than himself.
1. Jay Gould. O r. X- $ con. President of Erie Railroad.
2. Colonel Lindbergh. O r. .v $ p. Flying Cadet in the Air Service of the U.S. War
3. Colonel Lindbergh. O con. X- $ p- Marriage, followed by record-breaking flight to
the Orient.
4. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. O p. d d P- Marriage, followed by record-breaking
flight to the Orient.
5. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. O con. v. d r- Birth of a son.
6. Adolf Hitler. O p. d P- Death, preceded by marriage to Eva Braun.
7. Mary Baker Eddy. O p. G d r- Divorced her husband.
Stimulates the urge to expand resources and to increase the range of experience on
various levels (Ex. i); pride in achievement.
Brings opportunities for gaining honour and distinction (Ex. 2); realizing some
long cherished ambition (Exs. 3 & 4) often through the benevolent interest of those
in influential positions; promotion and financial reward; increased social standing;
travel (as a means of gaining wider experience) (Ex. 5).
May denote marriage (Ex. 6) (especially in a female horoscope); birth of a child
(Ex. 7).
Threatens danger of damage to prestige through serious errors of judgment often
due to over-confidence (in some cases the native may believe that he can break the
law with impunity); financial loss through extravagance or self-indulgence; loss
of property (Ex. 5); unfavourable ending to lawsuits or religious disputes.
Promotes good health through increased vitality and bodily well-being springing
from a general freedom from worry.
Affects health through apoplexy, blood pressure, overworked liver (too much good
living clogs the system with rich foods—other bodily functions tend to become
The native should live as abstemiously as possible in order to avoid taxing the
constitution too heavily.
These contacts always mark important periods in the fife and even under ad-
verse aspects some benefits may be anticipated unless both bodies are severely
afflicted in the nativity.
1. Annie Besant. Q p. A 2J. r. Joined Theosophical Society, of which she eventually
became President.
2. Albert Einstein. O p. ■}{■ 2J. p. Awarded Nobel Prize for Physics.
3. Cecil Rhodes. O con. d r. First elected to Cape Assembly.
4. Prince Bismarck. Op. A 21. r. German Empire proclaimed.
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson. O con. g 2j. con. Travelled to Egypt. House burnt down and
rebuilt by popular subscription.
6. Albert Einstein. O con. d 2|_ p. Marriage.
7. Annie Besant. O con. -Jf 2|. con. Daughter born.
Stimulates ambition (Ex. 1) and powers of self-reliance; devotion to duty.
Brings opportunities for promotion to positions of responsibility as a reward for
hard work and steady effort (Ex. 2) or through the benevolent interest of older or
more experienced colleagues (the native will often find that he will need to draw
upon the accumulated wisdom of past experiences in order to discharge his new
obligations); increasing moral stature by overcoming selfishness through a disci-
pline of self-abnegation.
May denote a testing period with many stern calls of duty, when the native is
called upon to face hardships (Ex. 3) and make sacrifices (the discipline of events
will be designed to steady him and to bring home to him his responsibilities and his
duty to others and to himself); the start of a new and long term enterprise (Ex. 4)—
sometimes marriage (Ex. 5).
Threatens danger of a fall from power (Ex. 6) sometimes due to over-ambition;
interference to plans through delays, restrictions and hindrances; inability to seize
opportunities as a result of excessive caution or unwarranted doubts and suspicions;
loneliness, either through a lack of expansiveness which fails to attract others, through
lack of sympathy with those around him or through force of circumstances; setbacks
to superiors which may be reflected in the native's less favourable circumstances;
trouble involving the father or (in a female nativity) the husband—in extreme
circumstances the death of either may bring increased responsibilities (Ex. 7) or,
if other testimonies agree, the native himself may die (Ex. 8); checks to career through
ill-health; reduced income and losses through property transactions.
Affects health through colds or chills; poor circulation; lowered bodily resistance
to disease, often resulting from disappointments and frustrations, which may make
the native an easy victim to chronic and deep-seated disorders requiring thorough-
going and protracted treatment (Ex. 9).
These aspects test the native's moral fibre to the full in order to determine the
extent to which he has succeeded in throwing off the limiting bonds of selfishness and
separativeness. He should therefore endeavour to welcome his experiences, however
unpleasant they may be, as a means of liberation from the shackles of his karma.
By a cheerful acceptance of the decrees of Providence and by diligently cultivating
the virtues of hope and courage, he may make more progress on his evolutionary
path than he is ever able to realize.
1. Adolf Hitler. O p. -Jf r. Proclaimed Fuehrer.
2. Annie Besant. G p. Q T7 r. Elected President of the Theosophical Society.
3. Colonel Lindbergh. G con. d h con. Flew the Atlantic.
4. Henry Ford. G con. □ fj con. Founded Ford Motor Company.
5. Madame Blavatsky. O p. d h P- Married Russian diplomat old enough to be her
6. Cecil Rhodes. G p. Q fj con. Resigned Premiership of Cape Colony.
7. Adolf Hitler. G p. □ h r. Father died.
8. Cecil Rhodes. G con. d h r- (separating). O p. Q h p. Death from aneurism of
the heart.
9. Cecil Rhodes. G p. 4^ Pt r. Ill with consumption.
Stimulates dynamic energy and creative talents, sometimes producing spectacular
Brings opportunities for inspiring the confidence and enthusiasm of others through
personal magnetism and dynamic leadership; gaining new experiences through
making unusual contacts, through being in fresh surroundings or through travel
(Ex. 1); increasing range of knowledge (Exs. 2 & 3); joining a group or society in
order to study some new subject; gain through connection with large corporations.
May denote the successful undertaking of new ventures (Exs. 4 & 5); the beginning
of a fresh chapter in the life (Ex. 6); a radical change in the native's philosophy of
life or a heightening of inner tension which produces changes in the native's con-
sciousness (one particular event may cause a subtle re-polarization within, bringing
about a corresponding alteration of focus in his view of the objective world.)
Threatens danger of sudden and severe setbacks, often due to native's own perverse
or wayward behaviour (changes in the bodily magnetism tend to increase any
inclinations towards irritability and excitabihty); arousing enmity by erratic,
autocratic behaviour; damage to prestige through rebellious conduct (Ex. 7),
general unwillingness to fit in with others or preoccupation with unpractical schemes
(the native should seek to harness his dynamic energy in constructive works of vision
and originality—he should take particular care to maintain harmony in all his
relationships and guard against indulging in erratic behaviour or participating in
wild schemes or foolhardy adventures); setbacks to the father or (in a woman's
horoscope) the husband, with the possibility of separation or divorce (in extreme
cases—bereavement or even death of the native himself); the breaking off of old
friendships due to native's fresh interests and altered outlook.
Promotes good health through a fresh influx of dynamic energy.
Affects health through nervous complaints, heart trouble, impaired vitality—
often arising as a result of sudden tensions and stresses in the outer life; unusual
ailments—the native will often gain most relief through electrical treatment or
other unusual curative methods.
1. Henry Ford. O p. ^ $ con. Left home and walked to Detroit to become an ap-
prentice in a machine shop.
2. Albert Einstein. Q p. A W P- General Theory of Relativity published.
3. Madame Blavatsky. O p. tc $ r. Successful in entering Tibet, where she received
occult teaching.
4. Adolf Hitler. O P- A ¥ r- & P- Started Second World War which began with the
successful invasion of Poland, France, Belgium, Holland and Norway.
5. Albert Einstein. O con, § ^ r. Examiner of Patents at Berne.
6. Colonel Lindbergh. O p. Q $ p. Returned home to United States after four years
in Europe.
7. Adolf Hitler. O con. ~ $ r. Precipitated Civil War in Germany in an attempt to
seize power.
Stimulates emotions and sympathies; philanthropic impulses; yearning for per-
fection; urge to manoeuvre.
Brings opportunities for gaining inspiration and illumination resulting in much
spiritual enlightenment (if the native is sufficiently evolved); achieving success
through diplomatic skill (Ex. 1) or through a clear-sighted prevision which enables
him to anticipate with almost uncanny accuracy the direction which events are
likely to take; the realization of some cherished dream (Exs. 2, 3 & 4) though not
perhaps in quite the manner expected (there may be some "fly in the ointment"
or unforeseen twist); gain through speculation (Ex. 2) or through matters connected
with oil, or with sea or air transport.
May denote contacts with the sick and needy which will stimulate a desire to
alleviate the sufferings of his fellows (as a result of a heightened appreciation of the
common bond between all God's creatures); a refusal to face up to certain circum-
stances (Ex. 5); the adoption of a pet as an outlet for the affections.
Threatens danger of a peculiarly muddled and involved period in which unwelcome
events will produce a strong sense of frustration unless the native has schooled him-
self to accept willingly the enforced renunciation of something he holds dear (power,
position, principles, ties with loved ones (Ex. 6) or even, if other strong afflictions are
operative, life itself); financial disaster (an urge for boundless expansion may lead
him to become involved in inflationary schemes or unsound gambles—he should
endeavour to keep a clear head and a firm sense of perspective and to ensure that
any proposed moves are as fool-proof and straightforward as solid, practical common-
sense can make them—in extreme cases he may be tempted to take advantage of the
weakness of others and seek to make money by means of illegal financial manoeuvres:
if so, he may forcibly be made to renounce his freedom); loss of prestige through the
crafty machinations of envious rivals (Ex. 6) or through irresponsible behaviour
(sometimes due to clouding of the judgment by a sense of exaltation)—in extreme
cases there may be a danger of illusions or obsessions (Ex. 7); setbacks to career
through some unforeseen factor or as a result of some hidden weakness of character
becoming manifest (Neptune demands perfection and these aspects often denote
events which will test the native's integrity and adjustment to life as a whole—in
some cases there is a danger that the native's lower nature and animal instincts will
gain the upper hand, so that he is led to commit acts against his better nature and
his better judgment); ill health to the father or (in a female nativity) to the husband,
or to the native himself.
Affects health through sapping of the vitality (hospital treatment or a period of
seclusion is often necessary before complete recovery is possible).
1. Cecil Rhodes. O con. QH' r. Resident Deputy Commissioner in Bechuanaland where
he had to use much diplomacy in handling the natives.
2. Jay Gould. O con. 0 ^ r. Daughter bom. Gold speculations.
3. Karl Marx. O con. A r. Became engaged and wrote poetry.
4. Karl Marx. O con. Q ^ r. Das Kapital published.
5. Albert Einstein. O p. sc. r. O con. -Jf r. Ran away from school in Germany
to join parents in Italy, feigning sickness in order to do so.
6. Karl Marx. O p. § ^ p. Wife ill with small-pox. Lost a lawsuit abroad in which
he claimed damages for libel.
7. Adolf Hitler. G p. d ^ r-(apply'ng)- Obsessed with idea of regenerating Germany.
Stimulates power of self-assertion; desire to demonstrate and gain recognition
for abilities.
Brings opportunities for initiating new schemes (Ex. 1) or starting a fresh phase of
experience; achievement through dynamic leadership and the ability to weld a
group into a solid, cohesive whole and imbue it with singleness of purpose; (at the
Stimulates love of activity; desire to exercise adaptability and versatility and to
encounter fresh experiences (making the feelings changeable and easily influenced
by the mind).
Brings opportunities for making profitable changes; travelling (Ex. i), speechmak-
ing or literary or scholastic activities (Ex. 2}; acquiring a temporary measure of
publicity and popularity, often through the making of many casual acquaintances.
May denote activities in connection with transport (Ex. 3) and communications;
preoccupation with the affairs of brothers, sisters, young children or neighbours;
business changes demanding much attention to detail; domestic changes entailing
many minor adjustments (Ex. 4); the announcement of an engagement to marry
(Exs. 2 & 5); the making of fresh arrangements for the education of the native's
Threatens danger of adverse changes often precipitated by native's own restlessness
and lack of stability, and often resulting in unfavourable publicity; difficulties in
connection with travel, education (Ex. 6) or publications; (in extreme cases)
reversals due to dishonest behaviour (Ex. 7),
Affects health through nervous or mental troubles (other directions should be
carefully scrutinized to see whether further warnings of trouble are given.)
1. Cecil Rhodes. 5 con. d J) r- First visit to South Africa in order to convalesce.
2. Karl Marx. § con. d )> r. Studied at Berlin University. Became engaged.
Stimulates artistic inclinations; harmonious impulses; desires for pleasure and
comfort. (Unless other more strenuous directions are operative the native will not
feel inclined to assert himself vigorously. He may, in fact, further his interests more
effectively by seeking pleasant social contacts.)
Brings opportunities for enjoying much domestic happiness (Ex. 1) and social
success; gaining popularity with the female sex (Ex. 2); achieving distinction through
artistic endeavour; improving finances; the smooth carrying out of plans.
May denote an emotional attachment (in a male horoscope) (Ex. 3)—sometimes
marriage (Ex. 4); parenthood (Ex. 5); pleasant experiences in the life of the mother,
sister or other female relative (Ex. 6).
Threatens danger of setbacks through slovenliness or idleness; emotional disap-
pointments often brought about by an over-eagerness to bestow his affections on
others; bereavement through the death of wife, mother (Ex. 7) or well-loved friend
or female relative (if other strong afflictions are also operative).
Affects health through sluggishness and lack of "tone" in the bodily functions;
(any desire to clog the system with too many cream pastries and sweetmeats should
be strictly discouraged).
1. Mary Baker Eddy. 2 con. A 5 r- Husband released from gaol.
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2 cc>n- A )) r- Taught in brother's school for young ladies.
3. Adolf Hitler. 2 P- A J) r- First met Eva Braun.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2 p. -Jf J) r. Second marriage.
3. Jay Gould. 2 con- A ]) r. Son bom.
6. Prince Bismarck, 2 P- ~ )) r. Sister married.
7. Henry Ford. 2 con. Tf J) r. Death of mother.
Stimulates sensations and emotional reactions; desires for change and fresh
experience; urges towards vigorous and decisive action.
Brings opportunities for travel (Ex. 1) (the native's restlessness often leads him to
embark upon a long journey, often with the avowed intention of searching for
adventure); advancement through the use of drive and initiative.
May denote (in male nativity) marriage (Exs. 2 & 3); birth of a child (Exs. 3 & 4).
Threatens danger of domestic discord (Ex. 5); damage to property by fire; setbacks
due to his own rash or quarrelsome conduct (he should be careful to exercise as
much tact and discretion as possible at this time); illness or trouble involving wife.
mother or sister (in extreme casesj bereavement (Exs. 2 & 6) or even native's own
death (Ex. 7)); financial losses through extravagant spending.
Affects health through tendency to digestive troubles (especially if the native is
apt to let his temper get the better of him); fevers, accidents and burns.
1. Colonel Lindbergh. p. Q ]) r. Returned home to the United States after four
years* residence in Europe,
2. Prince Bismarck. con. d J) r. Death of father. Married while the aspect was still
within orbs.
3. Albert Einstein. £ p. ]) r. Married. A daughter was born while the aspect was still
within orbs.
4. Annie Besant. $ con. 5 r. Daughter born.
5. Mary Baker Eddy. p. "a Ji r. Divorced her husband.
6. Adolf Hitler, o con. A I) r. Death of sister.
7. Adolf Hitler. con. O )) r. Death.
Stimulates benevolent and expansive impulses; cherishing propensities.
Brings opportunities for gaining prestige and making favourable social contacts
as a result of an undercurrent of buoyant optimism which produces favourable
reactions from others; expanding knowledge through education (Ex. l) and travel.
(Events during this period are often highly significant (Exs. 2 & 3) and sometimes
productive of great good.)
May denote a particularly smooth running period in the domestic sphere; benefits
through the female sex; parenthood (Ex. 4) (a very favourable period for child-
bearing); (in a male nativity) marriage (Exs. 5 & 6)—or benefits to the native's
Threatens danger of losses through extravagance or bad judgment; damage to
prestige through over-confidence, over-optimism or snobbish behaviour or through
the indifference or antipathy of women.
Promotes good health through the smooth working of the bodily functions due to
an absence of worry.
Affects health through sluggishness of the bodily functions often brought about by
over-eating and self-indulgence (the native should take as much open air exercise
as possible at this time).
1. Annie Besant, 2j. con. d ]) r. University Lecturer in Social Science.
а. Adolf Hitler. 2J. con. d }) r. Joined the German Workers' Party. He described it as
"the most fateful moment of my life".
3. Karl Marx. T con. /^ ]) r. Wrote Das Kapital.
4. Jay Gould. 21 p. CJ J) r. During this period several oflspring were bom.
5. Prince Bismarck. 21 con. Q J) r. Married.
б. Karl Marx. 21 p. A 1) r- Married.
Stimulates powers of concentration and perseverance; cautious tendencies;
sense of orderliness.
Brings opportunities for making progress through steady application to the job
in hand (often to the exclusion of outside interests) (Ex. 1); stabilizing the feelings
and affections, often through contact with older people, especially older women.
Threatens danger of disappointments, damaged prospects and loneliness often
brought about by a fearful, pessimistic, over-cautious approach which frightens
away potential helpers or friends (the native should try as far as possible to cultivate
a buoyant, optimistic outlook); depression due to an undercurrent of restriction and
delay or to an uncongenial domestic environment (even under technically "good"
aspects domestic affairs are apt to pursue a somewhat humdrum course, while under
"bad" aspects the native may be forced to submit to an irksome discipline imposed
by a dominating mother, or to chafe under the tongue of a nagging wife); sickness
or trouble involving wife, mother or sister (in extreme cases, bereavement or death
of native (Exs. 2 & 3)).
Affects health through chills; accumulated waste matter in parts of the body ruled
by the signs in which the Moon and Saturn are placed and by the signs opposite;
ashy and rheumatic deposits which impede the workings of the body and restrict
the circulation and the free movement of the joints; undernourishment resulting
from poverty or hardship; a depressed outlook which lowers the resistance to disease.
Afflictions between the two bodies are particularly unfortunate in a female
nativity and sometimes denote difficulty in childbirth.
1. Karl Marx. con. ]> r. Founded "Working Men's International". Later, wrote
Das Kapital.
2. Cecil Rhodes. Ij con. Z. J) r. Death.
3. Henry Ford. ^ p. A 1) r. Death.
Stimulates desire for independence and unhampered self-expression; love of
change and novelty; powers of invention.
Brings opportunities for advancement as a result of willingness to experiment with
new and original methods; gaining fresh experience and making new contacts;
inaugurating changes (Ex. 1) (especially domestic changes).
May denote an emotional crisis; publicity or popularity (Ex. 2) (often only tem-
porary); (in a male chart) marriage (Ex. 2); motherhood.
Stimulates domestic instincts; emotional intensity; urge to get to the root of
things; desire to work with or at the head of a group.
Brings opportunities for making radical changes and obtaining completely fresh
contacts and experiences (Ex. 1); gaining popularity through an ability to arouse
mass emotions.
May denote a period of many changes or wanderings, bringing varied emotional
experiences, sometimes of an adventurous nature (Ex. 2); (in a male horoscope)
marriage; parenthood.
Threatens danger of setbacks as a result of arousing popular antipathy; unfortu-
nate changes either due to native's own restlessness or to an element of compulsion;
trouble involving the mother, wife or sister (in extreme cases, bereavement (Ex. 3)
or death of native (Ex. 4)}.
Affects health through extreme sensitivity of the bodily functions, which are easily
liable to become deranged; digestive troubles.
(In view of the small number of times exact aspects are formed in the example horo-
scopes, aspects made jointly to both bodies by the progressed angles are also included for
purposes of illustration.)
1. Madame Blavatsky. Asc. p. midway between 1) r. S r. Succeeded in entering
Tibet where she was permitted to acquire much esoteric knowledge.
2. Madame Blavatsky. § con. ^ ]) r. With Garibaldi at the Battle of Mentana.
3. Madame Blavatsky. M.C. p. £ Ji r. 9 r. Mother died. Went to live with grand-
4. Henry Ford. 9 con. Q] j) r. Death.
(These contacts are of comparatively minor importance unless either planet is
ruler of the horoscope or is placed close to an angle.)
Stimulates love of peace and harmony; desire for pleasure and comfort.
Brings opportunities for gaining honours and distinctions (Ex. 1); attracting in-
creased goodwill through a cheerful attitude of mind and an enhanced ability for
self-expression; achieving success in matters connected with writing, speechmaking
(Ex. 2) or travelling (Ex. 3); enlisting the help of relatives, neighbours and subor-
dinates; gain through matters connected with transport (Ex. 4), commurucations
or publicity; enjoying social life (unless other more strenuous progressed aspects
are operative, the native will feel no great urge to assert himself); making progress
in all fields of artistic endeavour.
May denote events which bring peace of mind (Ex. 5); marriage or parenthood
(Ex. 6); events in the life of a sister (Ex. 7).
Threatens danger of minor upsets as a result of paying too much attention to
pleasure or arousing the unfavourable comment of women; separation from friends
due to the need to travel.
1. Prince BismarcE. ^ con. -X- $ r. Minister President of Prussia.
2. Cecil Rhodes. ^ p. d $ P- Elected Member of the Cape Assembly.
3. Madame Blavatsky. C1 p. d ? r. Successful in entering Tibet at second attempt.
4. Jay Gould. £ r. d 9 con. Became a broker in railway stocks.
5. Annie Besant. £ p. X- $ r. Her children, having come of age, rejoined her after having
spent a number of years in the custody of their father.
6. Karl Marx. 5 p. d 9 r. Daughters Jenny and Laura bom.
7. Adolf Hitler. £ p. d S P- Sister Paula born.
(These aspects are of considerable importance, owing to the stimulating in-
fluence of Mars on Mercury. In order to make the best use of the energies at his
disposal it will be necessary for the native to exercise a measure of discrimination
and control.)
Stimulates mental processes; spirit of enterprise.
Brings opportunities for advancement as a result of exercising initiative and oppor-
tunism; making progress in studies (Exs. 1 & 2); engaging successfully in activities
connected with transport (Ex. 3), communications, literature (Exs. 4 & 5), jour-
nalism or travel (Ex, 6).
May denote a particularly busy time (but the native should be well equipped to
deal with the extra work).
Threatens danger of setbacks due to ill-formed judgments resulting from hasty,
impulsive reactions and over-excitability (even under good aspects the urge to rash
and precipitate action is not easily curbed by those of immature moral stature so
that much energy may be wasted upon feverish activity that accomplishes little);
arousing antagonism through sarcastic speech and an assertive manner (in extreme
cases the native may become involved in libel or slander actions—he should use great
discrimination and restraint if he sets anything on paper); quarrels with relatives,
neighbours or subordinates; reverses in matters connected with transport (Ex. 7),
communications or journalism; anxiety occasioned by the illness of a child or relative
(in extreme cases, bereavement); a temptation to gain ends by fraudulent means
(if the nativity suggests a lack of integrity).
Affects health through nervous strain due to over-work (if Mercury and the Moon
are greatly afflicted at birth there may be mental disorders); lung troubles; ailments
involving the hands, arms or intestines.
1. Karl Marx. 5 p. X- o P- Student at the University of Bonn.
2. Karl Marx. r. ■${■ S P- Awarded Degree as Doctor of Philosophy.
3. Henry Ford. B r. d $ con. Founded Ford Motor Company.
4. Mary Baker Eddy. 5 c:on- d c? r- Wrote first draft of her book on Christian Science.
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 3 P- "K* S P- Visited Great Britain, meeting many of the lead-
ing literary figures of the day.
6. Albert Einstein, tj? p. jjj ^ r. Emigrated to Italy, running away from school to do so.
7. Colonel Lindbergh. 5 p. d Jr. Resigned from the United States Army Air Corps.
Stimulates expansion of ideas; buoyancy of outlook.
Brings opportunities for gaining fresh experience and expanding knowledge
through travel (Exs. 1 & 2); achieving success in connection with writing (Ex. 6),
publicity, communications, transport (Ex. 3), publishing, education (Ex. 4) or as
a result of the helpful co-operation of relatives, neighbours and subordinates; ad-
vancement as a result of sound judgment and a more mature and optimistic outlook
than usual, which attracts the increased interest of those in authority; enjoying a
smooth-running period during which he will be able to order the small details of
everyday routine to suit his convenience.
May denote parenthood (Exs. 5 & 6); success in litigation.
Threatens danger of setbacks and losses due to mistakes of judgment brought
about by over-optimism and carelessness; depletion of finances through extrava-
gance; lack of success in litigation.
Affects health through lung trouble (Ex. 7).
1. Madame Blavatsky. 5 com £ 21 r. First travels abroad.
2. Colonel Lindbergh, b con. d 2[ con. Record-breaking flight across the Atlantic.
3. Henry Ford. £ con. ^ 2j. con. Founded Detroit Motor Company.
4. Albert Einstein. 5 p. -Jf- 2J. r. Occupied the Chair of Physics at the University of
Prague, improving his prestige and financial standing.
5. Mary Baker Eddy. (J con. d 2j. r. Adopted one of her followers as a son.
6. Annie Besant. S P- A 21 r. Son bom. First short stories published.
7. Karl Marx. $ p. § 21 p. Died of lung trouble.
Stimulates mental concentration; preoccupation with the more serious side of
life (Ex. 1).
Brings opportunities for achieving success in connection with writing, education,
transport (Exs. 2 & 3) or communications or as result of prudent forethought and
careful attention to detail; increasing knowledge through deep and prolonged study
(sometimes through the practice of meditation).
May denote the undertaking of some arduous and possibly lonely task, calling
for much mental stamina (Exs. 4, 5, 6 & 7).
Threatens danger of disappointments and frustrations sometimes due to native's
pessimistic or self-centred attitude repulsing those who might have offered their co-
operation (he should seek to cultivate a more positive and buoyant approach to his
problems, putting aside all fear of failure, remembering that obstacles exist to
be overcome and that worry and anxiety are barriers to his ultimate success that
only he can remove); delays to plans on account of the imperfection of some small
detail; difficulties in connection with travel, study or literary activities; trouble with
relatives, neighbours or subordinates; anxiety occasioned by the serious illness of a
child or near relative (in extreme cases, bereavement) (Ex. 8).
Affects health through lowering of the bodily resistance as a result of disappoint-
ments causing a depressed state of mind (this may lead to mental trouble if the Moon
and Mercury are much afflicted in the nativity); sluggish reaction of the nervous
system; rheumatic trouble affecting the limbs; slow mental reactions causing loss of
mobility (Ex. 9).
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson. £ corl- A fl r- Became a student at Cambridge Divinity
2. Henry Ford, d p. d P; P- Founded Detroit Motor Company.
3. Jay Gould, b con. § p; r. Became President of the Erie Railroad.
4. Colonel Lindbergh. S con. d h r- Embarked on record-breaking flight to the Orient.
5. Karl Marx, d con. d L con. Wrote Das Kapital.
6. Henry Ford, con. Q P) r. Left home, walked to Detroit, apprenticed himself in a
machine shop and worked for a jeweller in the evenings to pay for his board.
He was working fourteen hours a day.
7. Cecil Rhodes. ^ P- HJ Pi r- Went with his brother on a solitary journey through the
territory later known as Rhodesia.
8. Annie Besant. £ con. tc T7 r. Death of younger brother.
9. Annie Besant. b con. tc pj con. Became ill after a fall.
Stimulates desire to broaden mental perspective; inventiveness; determinalion
and assertiveness.
Brings opportunities for exercising originality and contacting new ideas (Ex. 1)
or seeing already known facts in a new light, often in a flash of inspiration; achieving
success in study or matters connected with publications, transport (Ex. 2) or com-
munications; gaining fresh experiences through travel (Exs. 3 & 4).
May denote parenthood (Exs. 1, 2 & 3); unexpected news of relatives or neigh-
bours; sudden changes precipitated by the native's own restlessness;
(In some cases^ marriage occurs while this contact is operative (Exs. 1 & 3).
This appears to be due to the fact that the native finds himself faced with a completely
new set of circumstances as a result of living in partnership.)
Threatens danger of setbacks (Ex. 5) often due to stubborn adherence to wrong
ideas or to the native's restless desire for novelty unsettling those around him and so
paving the way Ibr an unsympathetic reception of his projects (he should try to medi-
tate quietly and regularly upon his problems, reflecting upon the virtues of prudence
and discretion); arousing opposition through open rebellion against a system which
he regards as oppressive; reverses in connection with matters relating to study,
travel, communications or literary work (Ex. 6).
Affects health through nervous tension or nervous spasms (if Mercury and the Moon
are much afflicted in the nativity there may be some danger of mental trouble);
lung trouble.
1. Albert Einstein. ^ p. A $ r- Examiner of Patents at Berne. (This aspect lasted for
several years owing to the slow motion of Mercury. While it was operative he
married and his wife gave birth to a son. This period has been described as his
most mentally productive phase, "the harvest years of genius".)
2. Jay Gould. 5 P- A - Elected President of the Erie Railroad. Daughter bom.
3. Colonel Lindbergh. 5 P "X- W r- Record-breaking Atlantic flight.
(Owing to Mercury turning direct during this period the aspect remained within
orbs for several years, during which time he married, embarked on a record-
breaking flight to the Orient, and became the father of a baby son.)
4. Madame Blavatsky. Q p. A $ r- With Garibaldi at the Battle of Mentana.
5. Cecil Rhodes. 5 con. d $ con. Resigned Premiership of Cape Colony.
6. Karl Marx. £ con. □ $ r. Services terminated after ten years as foreign correspondent
of a New York newspaper. This marked the end of his journalistic work.
Stimufates mental sensitivity; powers of imagination; aesthetic sensibilities.
Brings opportunities for gaining inspiration through an intuitive perception (by
seeking to still the mind and so increasing its receptivity, the native will be able to
derive the maximum advantage from this contact); achieving success in creative
work as a result of a sensitive awareness; making long-distance travels by sea or air
(Exs, 1, 2 & 3); engaging in profitable enterprises in connection with transport
(Ex. 4), communications, literary work or education (Ex. 5).
May denote contact with ideas which open up fresh horizons (Exs. 6 & 7);
involvement in peculiarly chaotic conditions often brought about by the native's
relaxed and sometimes nebulous frame of mind.
Threatens danger of setbacks due to a lack of drive and purpose (a listless yearning
after the unattainable and a tendency to vague and muddled thinking must be
replaced by a vigorous plan of action aimed at some immediate and worth-while goal
within reach); losses resulting from unprofitable investigations or from grave errors
of judgment due to an element of self-deccpdon; an unusual illness affecting a child
or near relative (in extreme cases, bereavement); being deceived by relatives,
neighbours or subordinates.
Affects health through hypersensitivity of the nervous system; a tendency to suffer
from delusions (in extreme cases)—(sanity may be threatened if Mercury and the
Moon are both heavily afflicted in the nativity); a general listlessness reflected in a
lack of bodily "tone".
1. Colonel Lindbergh. ^ con. 7C ^ r. Became a Flying Cadet in the Air Service of the
War Department.
2. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. £ con. -Jf tjj con. Returned to the United States after
four years in Europe,
3. Annie Besant. £ p. Q ^ p. Visited Australasia as President of the Theosophical
4. Henry Ford. £ p. g ^ p. Founded Detroit Motor Company.
5. Annie Besant. ? p. Q ^ r. Joined the staff of the National Reformer. Spent the period
touring and lecturing.
6. Madame Blavatsky. £ con- c? ^ r- Successfully entered Tibet where she was allowed
to gather much occult knowledge.
7. Karl Marx. $ con. ^ r. This contact was operative in his late twenties, a period
which was described as "vital in the development of his ideas".
Stimulates a desire to study those things which lie beneath the surface; all Mer-
curial activities (Ex. i).
Brings opportunities for making progress in all forms of study and research (Ex. 2);
travelling (Ex. 3), speechmaking (Ex. 4), or undertaking literary work^or activities
in connection with transport or communications; gaining the helpful co-operation
of relatives, neighbours or subordinates.
May denote parenthood.
Threatens danger of setbacks due to the native falling a prey to wrong ideas
brought about by some form of mass suggestion or arising from some inner com-
pulsion (in some cases these ideas may become a dominating obsession, to be carried
out at all costs (Ex. 5)—in extreme cases, if Mercury and the Moon are severely
afflicted in the nativity, his mental balance may be permanently disturbed);
bereavement through the death of a son or daughter (Exs. 6 & 7), near relative
(Ex. 8), neighbour or subordinate (in extreme cases, death of the native himself)
(Exs. 7 & 9).
Affects health through hypersensitivity of the nervous system increasing the lia-
bility of the system to infection and derangement; lung trouble (Ex. 8).
1. Karl Marx. ^ p. § r. This aspect was within orbs for several years during his late
twenties. These were vital years in the development of his ideas. While the con-
tact was operative he became editor of a radical paper and was expelled from
Prussia for writing seditious articles.
2. Madame Blavatsky. 5 con- § r- Formally admitted to the Buddhist religion.
3. Madame Blavatsky. 5 P- c? § r- Returned to Russia after ten years of extensive
travel in foreign lands.
4. Cecil Rhodes. ^ p. § r. Elected a Member of the Cape Assembly.
5. Adolf Hitler. £ con- d § r- First became obsessed with the idea of regenerating
6. Colonel Lindbergh. £ con. Tv § r. Child kidnapped and murdered.
7. Henry Ford. £ p. Tf ^ r* Mercury was stationary over a period of several years.
During this period his son died and then his own death occurred.
8. Annie Besant, ^ p. a" § r. Suffered with congestion of the lungs. Mother died.
9. Cecil Rhodes. £ con. d 9 r- Death,
Stimulates affections; social instincts; passionate impulses; desire to achieve
harmony in human relationships.
Brings opportunities for making pleasant social contacts with the opposite sex;
indulging in pleasurable activities; making peace with adversaries.
May denote a love affair (Ex. 1) (especially while the native is young); marriage
(Exs. 2, 3 & 4) (this contact is often an important factor) or a more ardent relation-
ship with the marriage partner; parenthood (Ex. 5); events in the life of brothers,
sisters, sons or daughters (Exs. 6, 7 & 8).
Threatens danger of disappointments in love resulting from over-ardent or too
passionate behaviour or from the intervention of a rival (the native should strive
to practise control over his desires and not let his heart rule his head or he may
suffer some grievous setbacks); damage to prestige through scandal involving the
opposite sex; accident to or illness of loved ones (in extreme cases, bereavement)
(Exs. 5, 6 & 9).
1. Prince Bismarck. $ con. $ r. Engaged for the third time. The engagement was
2. Henry Ford. $ con. d o r- Married.
3. Albert Einstein. 9 p. Q c? P- First marriage, which was later dissolved.
4. Albert Einstein. $ con. -Jf d con. Second marriage.
5. Colonel Lindbergh. 9 con. d d r- Baby son kidnapped and murdered. Second child
6. Mary Baker Eddy. 9 P- di d r- Brother married. Death of mother.
7. Karl Marx. 9 con. □ d con. Daughter Laura married and made her home in France.
8. Annie Besanti 9 con. ~ d r- Lost the custody of her daughter as the result of a law-
suit brought by her husband,
g. Albert Einstein. 9 P- ~ d r- Death of second wife.
Stimulaies expansion of emotions and affections; harmonious social impulses;
love of ease and comfort.
Brings opportunities for gaining honours and advancement (Exs. 1 & 2); improving
financial position; achieving success in professional work (this is often a period of
smooth and easy expansion (Ex. 3) sometimes due to the native's increased socia-
bility which helps to attract the support of women and those in influential positions).
May denote marriage (Ex. 4); parenthood (Ex. 5); a successful period in the life
of the native's sister, wife or daughter (Ex. 6).
Threatens danger of frittering away good opportunites through giving way to a
lethargic and easygoing mood which encourages slovenly work (unless other more
strenuous directions are also operative): emotional disappointments as a result of
bestowing the affections indiscriminately.
(As both planets are benefics an adverse aspect seldom heralds a major catas-
Affects health through increased self-indulgence (there is often a desire to augment
the intake of rich foods and so put on weight—much will depend upon the native's
age and normal health as to whether the consequent clogging of the system is
likely to involve any serious threat to the bodily well-being—it will be a good plan
for him to take regular daily exercise and to practise living as abstemiously as possible
while this contact is operative.)
1. Adolf Hitler. 9 P- A 21 p. Became Fuehrer of Germany.
2. Cecil Rhodes. 9 con. g 2J. con. Appointed Deputy Resident Commissioner in
Bechuanaland, By his sympathetic understanding of the natives he did much to
gain their goodwill.
3. Adolf Hitler. $ p. A 2J. r. Outbreak of Second World War. (In spite of the fact that
hostilities took place, Germany made rapid territorial gains at a very low cost in
men and materials.)
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson. ? p. A p. Married.
5. Jay Gould. $ r. d 21 p. Son born.
6. Mary Baker Eddy. $ p. A r. Sister married.
Stimu/ates control of the emotions.
Brings opportunities for advancement as a result of steady and sober effort (the
native will often be brought into contact with those older than himself so that he
may gain by their wisdom and experience); improving the financial position through
long-term investments.
May denote a stabilizing of the emotions through friendship with those whose
affections are steadfast and reliable (often the native is brought into contact with
women of maturer years); marriage (Ex. 1) (bonds of affection formed under this
contact are likely to endure); a prosperous period for the father (especially in early
Threatens danger of emotional disappointments (Exs. 2 & 3), sometimes due to
the native's inability to arouse a sufficient response from the object of his affections;
quarrels or estrangements resulting from a lack of sympathy with the emotional
problems of others (Ex. 4); an illness to the wife, mother or daughter (in extreme
cases, bereavement (Exs. 5, 6 & 7) or native's own death (Ex. 8)).
Affects health through a depressed state of mind resulting from emotional frustration
and causing a lowering of resistance to disease (Ex. 6) which often encourages a
relaxed throat or sluggish functioning of the kidneys.
1. Prince Bismarck. $ p. A h P- Married.
2. Annie Besant. $ con. g ?j con. (applying). Thrown over in favour of Gandhi by the
Indian Home Rule League after two years' devoted work as their President.
3. Karl Marx. $ p. "a Ti r. Parted from his daughter Tussy in order to travel for the sake
of his health,
4. Prince Bismarck. 5 con. d r. & p. (applying). Interfered in son's love affair,
which was broken off as a result.
5. Henry Ford. $ p. d fj p. Death of mother.
6. Karl Marx. $ con. d ?; con. Death of wife. Ill with pleurisy,
7. Prince Bismarck. $ p. ?! r. Death of wife.
8. Prince Bismarck. $ p. (j1 T7 p. Death.
9. Cecil Rhodes. $ con. d ?! r. $ p. A ?! r- Death from aneurism of the heart.
Stimulates emotional tension; artistic talent.
Brings opportunities for gaining honours and distinctions (Ex. 1) sometimes as a
result of the exercise of ingenuity; developing aesthetic susceptibilities; gaining
artistic inspiration through a sudden raising of the consciousness following a period
of emotional tension; improving the financial position from unexpected sources or
through sudden transactions; securing the goodwill of the female sex; forming in-
teresting new friendships and making fresh social contacts; establishing indepen-
May denote unexpected and sudden developments in the emotional life (Ex. 2)
(the native is likely to encounter people and situations calculated to quicken his
emotions); a romantic attachment (especially in a male nativity) (Exs. 3 & 4)—
such attachments may be quickly entered upon and as quickly broken unless other
directions hold the promise of a more permanent arrangement; the temporary
prominence of one particular woman in the native's life; a most beneficial period
for his wife or daughter; parenthood (Ex. 5).
Threatens danger of unfortunate love affairs owing to the native being too im-
pressionable; tension in relationships leading to estrangements, broken attachments
or even divorce (Exs. 6 & 7) often as a result of difficulty in controlling impulsive
surges of emotion (by paying too much regard to the dictates of his feelings he will
be tempted to act in an erratic manner with too little thought for the feelings of
others); setbacks due to motives being misconstrued and actions misinterpreted
(Ex. 8); interference with native's comfort or setded conditions (Ex. 7); illness of
wife or daughter (Ex. 8) (in extreme cases, bereavement (Exs. 9 & 10)).
Affects health through throat or kidney ailments (Ex. 11).
1. Cecil Rhodes. ? p. A ¥ p- Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
2. Prince Bismarck. ? p. A $ r- Reconciled with the Emperor after his resignation
from the Chancellorship.
3. Prince Bismarck. 2 con* A $ con. Twice engaged in the space of a year. Both
engagements were broken.
4. Karl Marx. 2 p. § $ con. Became engaged. Wrote poetry.
5. Karl Marx. 2 con- A & r- Son Guido bom.
6. Mary Baker Eddy. 2 P- CD $ P- Husband sent to prison.
7. Mary Baker Eddy. 2 p. Q $ r- Second husband deserted her. She was evicted from
her lodgings in straitened circumstances.
8. Karl Marx. 2 P- $ r- Wife had small-pox. He lost a lawsuit for libel, brought in
the Prussian courts.
9. Madame Blavatsky. 2 P- A $ r- Taken into grandmother's charge after her mother's
10. Adolf Hitler. 2 con. "a $ P- Owing to the slow motion of Venus this aspect was in
operation for several years. During this period both his father and his mother
11. Madame Blavatsky. 2 con. § $ r. Ill with Bright's disease.
Stimulates emotional sensitivity; idealistic aspirations (Ex. 1); aesthetic suscepti-
bilities; charitable instincts; desire for peace and harmony (Ex. 2).
Brings opportunities for raising the whole emotional level so that the period is
hardly likely to pass without the native experiencing some inner joy (if his religious
impulses are well developed it may be possible for him to gain illumination by means
of visions or through arriving at a state of ecstasy); gaining increased popularity
(Ex. 3) especially with women; enjoying pleasant emotional experiences (Ex. 4)—
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 9 p. ^ r. Attended Cambridge Divinity School.
2. Annie Besant. 9 P- A T P- Launched campaign for Indian freedom.
3. Colonel Lindbergh. 9 con. ^ r. Made record-breaking flight across the Adantic.
While the aspect was still within orbs he married and made a record-breaking
flight to the Orient.
4. Karl Marx. 9 con- A r. First met Engels, one of his few real friends. Daughter
Jenny bom.
5. Jay Gould. 9 con. A ^ r- Withdrew from Union Pacific Railroad Company after
selling his shares at a huge profit.
6. Albert Einstein. 9 con, Q t(J r. Wife died.
7. Jay Gould. 9 P- § r. Died of tuberculosis.
Stimulates emotional activity; artistic sensibilities.
Brings opportunities for achieving success (Ex. i), gaining popularity, forming new
friendships and making helpful contacts, often as the result of a cheerful and adaptable
frame of mind; developing any latent ability to undertake creative artistic work as a
result of enhanced emotional susceptibilities (in some cases the native may join a
group specializing in artistic activity).
May denote a romantic attachment (in any case a young woman with whom the
native has a karmic link is apt to play an important part in the life at this time);
Stimulates enthusiasm, desire for energetic and enterprising self-expression (Ex. 1)
(on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level (Ex. 2), according to the type
of horoscope and the native's evolutionary status—much will depend upon whether
he can temper his enthusiasm with wise judgment or whether he allows it to run
away with him and lead him into rash and ill-considered behaviour).
Brings opportunities for gaining advancement through drive and initiative or in
recognition of achievements (Ex. 3): enlisting the support of others and imbuing
them with some of his confidence; increasing income and expanding resources
(often coinciding with an increased outlay as a means of attracting further business);
multiplying social contacts; expanding experience through long journeys or frequent
May denote marriage (especially in a female nativity) (Exs. r & 4); birth of a
son (Exs. 4, 5 & 6); beneficial periods in the son's life.
Threatens danger of setbacks due to a reckless lack of restraint, to uncontrolled
zeal or to an impulsive, unbridled egotism (Ex. 7) (adverse aspects are often a
severe test of the native's accumulated wisdom and the extent to which he can
control the promptings of his animal passions through the exercise of prudence and
discretion—he must strive to mobilize his resources wisely and to discipline his
impetuosity—such precautions are doubly necessary when either planet is much
afflicted in the nativity or when the radical Saturn is not strong); financial losses
due to extravagance, over-optimism and ill-advised speculations (this is not a time
r. Anne Morrow Lindbergh, ^ con. <$ 2J. r. Married and embarked with husband on a
record-breaking Right to the Orient.
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson, d con- 21 con. Attended Cambridge Divinity School.
3. Albert Einstein, d p, d 21 r. Elected a Member of the Royal Society. Awarded the
Nobel Prize for Physics.
4. Mary Baker Eddy, d con- d 2i r. Married. Husband died after six months. Three
months later a son was born.
5. Annie Besant. d r- 21 con. Son bom.
6. Jay Gould, d P- 21 p. Son bom.
7. Adolf Hitler, d con- d 21 r. (applying). Second World War began,
8. Madame Blavatsky. d con* c? % con- Unsuccessfully attempted to gain entry into
9. Henry Ford, d P- d 21 r. Death of son.
Stivmlates courage and determination; ambition; staying power.
Brings opportunities for the realization of ambitions as a result of vigorous and
determined efforts and constructively applied exertions (Ex. 1); making steady pro-
gress as a result of concentrating on essentials and dispensing with elaborate plans
(Ex. 2); clearing the ground for fresh undertakings by means of hard spadework.
May denote a period when the nadve will be required to live hardily and to
undertake much dirty, laborious or even dangerous work; a test of the native's will
power, when he will be required to control and direct the fiery energy of Mars by
means of the stern discipline of Saturn (during the struggle there is a danger that
his sympathies may be pushed into the background and he must take care not to
become too intolerant of others as he steadily pushes his own interests—in order to
counteract such a tendency he should seek to champion those weaker than himself
and to exert himself strenuously for some righteous cause).
Threatens danger of attracting quarrels, disputes and unpleasant experiences
often as a result of giving way to passions and acting in a turbulent manner (Ex. 3)
(especially if Mars is the more prominent)—in extreme cases the native may take
the law into his own hands and resort to violence (Ex. 4) or he may have violence
done to him; losing good opportunities for advancement through lack of initiative
or through too much concern for his own safety (if Saturn overpowers Mars); losses
through damage to property (Ex. 5); strained relationships with superiors (some-
times the sympathies of the father or an older relative may be alienated); misfortune
involving the native's father or son (in extreme cases, bereavement or death of the
native (Exs. 6 & 7)).
Affects health through the reaction of considerable inner stress and tension on the
physical body (Ex. 8); depletion of energies following a.period of physical or mental
strain (Ex. 9); accidents, especially as the result of a fall, often involving broken bones,
wounds or bruises (no major calamity need be feared unless the Ascendant is also
subject to violent progressed afflictions).
i. Adolf Hitler. £ con. & b con. Became Fuehrer of Germany.
а. Annie Besant. £ con. b r. Elected President of the Blavatsky Lodge shortly after
joining the Theosophical Society.
3. Mary Baker Eddy. p. Q T7 r. Rebellion among her students, who objected to her
dictatorial methods.
4. Adolf Hitler. con. kj r. Ordered the ruthless "Blood Purge" of the Nazi Party,
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson, c? P- d h P- House burnt down but rebuilt by popular
б. Prince Bismarck, o r. d b con. Death.
7. Adolf Hitler. $ r, Q kj p. Death.
8. Cecil Rhodes. J con. d b r- Health broke down. Travelled to South Africa and
worked on brother's farm in Natal.
9. Karl Marx. J p. "a ?) p. Suffered from an attack of carbuncles.
Stimulates forceful and assertive tendencies; creative and pioneering instincts.
Brings opportunities for achieving success, often in a relatively short time, through
sudden spurts of purposeful activity and through unexpected manoeuvres (Ex. 1);
removing opposition by the force of personal magnedsm; gaining advancement as
a result of opportunism, resilience, resourcefulness and drive (Ex. 2); obtaining bene-
fit through machinery or as a result of mechanical ability (Ex. 3) (the native may
learn to drive a car while this contact is operative); demonstrating originality in a
pracdcal manner (Ex. 4).
May denote the breaking up of old condidons as a prelude to entering upon a
new cycle of experience (sudden, unexpected events will often cause the native to
altersome ofhis preconceived ideas and turn his attention to fresh fields of endeavour);
novel experiences through travel (Ex. 5), often undertaken at short notice and arising
through unforeseen circumstances; marriage (in female horoscope) (Ex. 6).
Threatens danger of setbacks, often due to the native's irritable and excitable nature;
loss of prestige resulting from wrongly applied initiative (enterprises of too novel a
nature are not likely to flourish at this time); arousing enmity through lack of tact,
autocratic behaviour or through some subtle inner tension which attracts those
inimical to his interests while repelling potential allies (Exs. 1 & 7); awkward situa-
tions involving the opposite sex (in female nativity); trouble involving a son; in
extreme cases, bereavement (Exs. 8,9, 10 & 11) or death of the native (Exs. 11 & 12).
Affects health through nervous tension (Exs. 8 & 10) (the native should relax as
much as possible); muscular strain; proneness to accidents (more than usual care
is needed during this period for the contact may denote accidents through fire,
explosions, electrical apparatus or machinery, although a major catastrophe is not
likely to occur unless the Ascendant is also involved in strong progressed afflictions).
(Owing to the forceful nature of the two planets the period during which the
contact is formed is often a critical one).
i . Prince Bismarck. J p. U] r. Victory over Austria. Attempt oii life.
2. Cecil Rhodes. £ con, d $ r. Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
3. Henry Ford. $ p. 0 r, Founded Ford Motor Company.
4. Albert Einstein. J con. $ con. Elected to a special Chair of Research at Berlin
5. Madame Blavatsky. J con- c? $ r- With Garibaldi at the Battle of Mentana.
6. Mary Baker Eddy. con. A $ con. Married for the third time.
7. Cecil Rhodes. £ con. d W con- Matabele War,
8. Prince Bismarck, d con. d $ r- Gravely ill. Brother died.
g. Colonel Lindbergh, d P- C] ^ r- Baby kidnapped and murdered,
to. Karl Marx, d con- c? W con- Death of wife. Ill with pleurisy.
11. Karl Marx, d con- (f W r- Death of daughter Jenny. He died from lung trouble
two months later.
12. Cecil Rhodes, d P- ^ $ r. Death.
Slimulales the desire nature in a subtle fashion; idealism as an inspiration to action.
Brings opportunities Jor gaining advancement by tackling problems in a spirit of
idealistic enthusiasm which communicates itself to those around; making progress
by means of indirect action and by a diplomatic and strategic approach; under-
taking long distance travel (Exs. 1 & 2) and activities in connection with propaganda
(Exs. I & 3).
May denote retirement from active work (Ex. 4); some act of self-denial or
devotion performed under the spur of a deep religious impulse; unaccountable
attractions and repulsions; a sudden and uncontrollable urge towards some course of
action which quickly expends itself, leaving the native high and dry after the first
wave of enthusiasm has subsided; marriage (Exs. 2 & 5) (in this connection the con-
tact relates particularly to the stirring up of the emotional side of the nature); a
desire to speculate (Ex. 6).
Threatens danger of being carried away by impulsive surges of emotion and so
acting unwisely (the native should carefully analyse his motives and seek to behave
with scrupulous honesty at this time or he may become involved in dealings of a
highly questionable nature); coming into contact with unsavoury environments or
falling in with undesirable companions who will exert a bad influence over him
(it is vitally necessary for the native to curb his appetites and passions and to cultivate
purity of thought during the operation of these aspects—in extreme cases, he may
find himself engulfed in a whirlpool of sense gratification which will drag him down
to the lowest depths of depravity); victimization through arousing secret enmity
and becoming the subject of slanderous accusations; trouble involving a son; being
imposed upon by the opposite sex (in female nativity); bereavement (Exs. 4 & 7)
or death of the native (Ex. 8) (in extreme cases).
Affects health, through the contamination of the blood stream (the native should be
on his guard against impure or polluted foods—defective drains may sometimes be
a source of trouble); a tendency to disperse the physical energies fruitlessly or
to allow the physical resources to be sapped through worry or foolish habits, so open-
ing the door for hostile organisms to invade the system (in some cases the native may
suffer from some form of wasting illness which is difficult to cure on account of the
prevailing psychic conditions); accidents involving steam or noxious gases (no major
catastrophe need be feared unless the Ascendant is also involved in strong progressed
i. Annie Besant. cj con. ^ r. Embarked on a lecture tour of Australasia.
а. Madame Blavatsky. £ con. ~ ^ r. Married an elderly diplomat a month before her
seventeenth birthday. Separation followed almost immediately and she set out
on extensive foreign travels.
3. Karl Marx, a con. c? '-f r. Wrote Das Kapital.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson, $ con. {s, ^ r. Wife died. Deeply depressed in health and
spirits, he retired from his office as pastor.
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson. $ p. Q SJJ r. Married.
б. Jay Gould. J con. -Jf ^ r. Gold speculations.
7. Henry Ford. p. "a VJl r. & p. Mother died.
8. Henry Ford. $ con, Q ^ r. & con. Died.
Stimulates self-assertiveness; desires and passions.
Bungs opportunities for gaining objectives by vigorous, determined (and sometimes
violent) action (Exs. 1 & 4); exercising powers of leadership and initiative (through
his courageous bearing and confident attitude the native will be able to imbue those
around him with an enthusiasm and a fighting spirit similar to his own) (Exs. z & 3);
clearing the ground as a preliminary to constructive action.
May denote a spell of hard physical exercise (the native may be able to call forth
reserves of strength the existence of which he had hardly suspected); marriage
(Exs. 2 & 4); the birth of a son; contact with death in some form (Exs. 5 & 6);
considerable preoccupation with the affairs ruled by the house which bears the sign
Scorpio on the cusp (since both planets have dignity in this sign).
Threatens danger of setbacks resulting from rash, precipitate or unrestrained
action (during this period the native is likely to respond more quickly to all forms of
excitement and much will depend on the extent to which he has succeeded in subli-
mating his animal nature); arousing antagonism through acting too forcefully and
without due regard for the rights and feelings of others (in extreme cases there may
be a temptation to take the law into his own hands with a reckless disregard for any
consideration but the dictates of his own anger, jealousy or fanaticism); unpleasant
attentions from members of the opposite sex (in a female nativity); bereavement
(Ex. 7) or death of the native himself (Exs. 7 & 8) (he may become the victim of
violence at the hands of some gang, sometimes as the result of a feud—no major
catastrophe need be feared unless other strong progressed afflictions are also operative
at this time).
Promotes good health through the mobilization of the bodily energies.
Ajfects health through feverish illnesses; impurity of the blood stream (Exs. 9 & 10);
accidents (these aspects often denote physical pain); an operation on that part of
the body ruled by the sign in which either planet is placed or by the sign opposite.
1. Prince Bismarck. <3 con. Q § r. Franco-German War.
2. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. £ p. v_ Sr. Married and embarked with her husband on
a record-breaking flight to the Orient.
3. Colonel Lindbergh, c? P- D S r- Made record-breaking flight across the Atlantic.
4. Henry Ford. 3 con. Q S r. Married. Built his own house.
5. Jay Gould. con. d 6 r- d P- ^ § r- Business partner committed suicide.
6. Albert Einstein, d p. Q § r. Friend Adler sentenced to death for having assassinated
the Prime Minister of Austria. He was later reprieved.
7. Karl Marx. p. ~ § r. While this aspect was operative he was ill with pleurisy.
his wife and daughter Tussy died and he himself finally succumbed as a result of
lung trouble.
8. Cecil Rhodes. £ con. d Sr. Death.
g. Karl Marx, q con. 0 5 p. Suffered from an attack of carbuncles.
10. Karl Marx. ^ con. Q 9 r. Second attack of carbuncles.
Stimulates development of wisdom; powers of judgment; ability to organize
Stimulates originality; desire for independence; religious instincts (Ex. l); urge
to explore the realms of knowledge or to travel at large in the physical world (Ex. 2);
intuitive judgment through flashes of inspiration.
Brings opportunities Jot gaining advancement through the adroit handling of
affairs (if the native is able to respond in full measure to these vibrations he will be
able to develop a dynamic enthusiasm which will communicate itself to others and
thus enable him to play a leading part in the organization of a group dedicated to
the furtherance of his ideas); achieving success in matters connected with the Law,
publishing, travel (Exs. 4 & 5) religion and places of learning (Ex. 3); making con-
siderable progress in the study of occult and out-of-the-ordinary subjects; improving
the financial position, especially through dealings connected with inventions (Ex. 6),
with large corporations or with undertakings connected with electricity.
May denote some rather unexpected or sudden chain of events which is likely to
work out to the native's advantage (Ex. 7); marriage (Exs. 6, 7 & 8).
Threatens danger of setbacks due to wrong-headedness (the native may gain a
position of power only to misuse his authority) and mistakes of judgment (often as a
result of giving way to short-lived enthusiasms which lead him into unprofitable
commitments); losses through faulty speculation, unsuccessful litigation, matters
connected with publishing or through a temptation to make an extravagant outlay
on personal ostentation; strange and unexpected mishaps while travelling which
may prove expensive and troublesome; becoming involved in religious disputes.
Affects health through inefficient and erratic functioning of the liver (the native
would be well advised to avoid any eccentricities of diet calculated to put too much
strain on the liver). (The contact is often a factor in cases of diabetes.)
Since the function of Uranus is to break up the limiting bonds of Saturn and
since the effect of Jupiter is to expand the influence of those planets with which it is
in contact, it will be clear that an adverse aspect between the two bodies must be
disastrous to one who lacks the balance and restraint of a good Saturn. It will behove
the native to cultivate a cautious and commonsense approach to his problems while
an adverse aspect between Jupiter and Uranus is operative, or he may involve
himself in many troubles through a lack of basic stability, constancy or moral purpose.
1. Mary Baker Eddy. 21 p. A W P- Argued with the Elders of the Congregational
Church on a point concerning predestination when being examined for admit-
tance into the Church.
2. Madame Blavatsky. 2| p. 6 $ con. With Garibaldi at the Battle of Mentana.
3. Prince Bismarck. 2f con. $ r. Studied Law at Gotenberg University.
4. Colonel Lindbergh. 2j con. .v ^ r. Returned to the United States after four years'
stay in England.
5. Albert Einstein. 2| p. § $ r. Ran away from school in Germany to join parents who
had emigrated to Italy.
6. Albert Einstein. 21 p. § $ con. Examiner of Patents at Berne. He married while the
aspect was still operative.
7. Henry Ford. 2f p. A ¥ r. Offered forty acres by his father in an attempt to draw him
away from his interest in mechanics. While the aspect was still operating he
married and built his own house.
8. Mary Baker Eddy. 2[ p. A ¥ r- First marriage.
Stimulates finer susceptibilities; religious instincts; generous impulses.
Brings opportumties for refining judgment by means of a sensitive intuition;
acquiring popularity and prestige through charitable enterprises and philanthropic
gestures; attracting good fortune as a result of a kindly and expansive attitude;
improving the financial position especially through investing in large scale enter-
prises or in concerns connected with oil or air and sea transport (under this contact
the native is often able to develop an uncanny flair for financial matters so that he is
able to gain handsomely through speculation); making progress in matters connected
with religion, law, publishing (Ex. 1), travel and higher education (Exs. 2 & 3).
May denote marriage (Ex. 4)—on account of the accompanying expansion of
the emotions; the practice of renunciation or self-denial in some form, giving the
native an emotional sense of self-exaltation; a strong accent on those affairs connected
with the house bearing the sign Pisces on the cusp (since both planets have dignity
in that sign).
Threatens danger of difficulties resulting from over-impulsiveness or setbacks due
to the cultivation of an unreal sense of values or an inflated opinion of his capabilities
(the increased susceptibilities and enlarged emotional response resulting from this
contact may throw the native off his balance, even under technically "favourable"
aspects, unless he is able to practise the Saturnian virtues of stability, thrift and
practical conimonsense—if Neptune is the stronger he may live in a world of fantasy
and so be unfitted to deal with some of the sterner aspects of life); reverses in connec-
tion with litigation or matters related to religion, publishing or travel; losses due to
sickness, carelessness or an irresponsible tendency to rely on "hunches" and unsound
information (in some cases chaotic financial manipulations may lead him into deep
waters or he may be defrauded by unscrupulous associates); financial reverses in
matters connected with sea or air transport, oil or gases; bereavement or the death
of the native himself (in extreme cases) (Ex. 5).
Affects health through nervous debility or eyestrain. (Sometimes there is a danger
of accidents with gas or noxious fumes.)
1. Madame Blavatsky. 2J. con. v. r. The Secret Doctrine published.
2. Albert Einstein. 2J. p. •)(- If con. Awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical
Society for his work in connection with the Theory of Relativity.
3. Albert Einstein. 2| p. ■)£■ If r. Appointed Professor of Mathematics at Princeton
4. Mary Baker Eddy. 2J. p. A - First marriage.
5. Henry Ford. 2| p. "a ty r. Death.
Stimulates enthusiasm; exuberance; positive, expansive tendencies; desire for
independence; penetrative abilities.
Brings opportunities for achieving success through a self-assurance which attracts
the confidence and support of influential patrons; gaining in popularity as a result of
a jovial participation in social activities, leading to useful business contacts; engaging
in group activities; making progress in matters connected with religion, law, publish-
ing, travel (Exs. i & 2) and higher education; improving financial position through
activities or investments connected with the mineral resources of the earth.
May denote gains through legacies.
Threatens danger of losses through waste and extravagance (the native should
restrain any strong urge to gamble or speculate); setbacks due to an inability to
discipline his impulsiveness (in extreme cases there may be a desire to take the law
into his own hands or a difficulty in restraining his appetites and desires) (Ex. 3);
adverse decisions in litigation; disputes over religious matters, sometimes arising
out of the native's fanatical or bigoted views; illness or death of relatives or friends
(Ex. 4), which may involve him in considerable expense.
Promotes good health through increased vitality.
Affects health through the rash expenditure of the physical resources and the
scattering of energies, so that the resistance to disease is lowered—the liver is likely
to be the most vulnerable organ.
1. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. 2J. r. d 5 con. While this aspect was operative she spent
four years in Europe,
2. Albert Einstein. ^ con. Q § r. Joined his parents, who had emigrated to Italy.
He ran away from school in Germany to do so, his education being interrupted
for a year.
3. Adolf Hitler. 21 con. ~ § r. Instigated the Blood Purge of the Nazi Party.
4. Jay Gould. Asc. p. d 21 r. Q § r. Business partner committed suicide.
(The last illustration is included owing to the shortage of progressed Jupiter-Pluto
contacts in the example horoscopes.)
Stimulates powers of organization; constructive abilities; desire to transcend
physical limitations.
Brings opportunities for gaining advancement or improving financial position
through an ability to concentrate resources and blend a strong will with a dynamic
imagination (Exs. i, 2 & 3); overcoming obstacles by means of a determined and
energetic approach, thus paving the way for sound and practical constructive work;
enlisting the aid of experienced associates who will provide the native with fresh
ideas and thus stimulate his inventive abilities; perfecting the Uranian faculties of
clairvoyance and clairaudience (if the native is sufficiently advanced).
May denote a period of considerable stress during which the impact of events
will be designed to break up crystallizations of habit and outlook as a preliminary
to the awakening of the consciousness to those things which lie outside and beyond
the self (as it is difficult to achieve an easy blend between the rays of Saturn and
Uranus—unless the aspect between them is a favourable one and both planets are
fairly well aspccted in the nativity—the native is apt to suffer through this break up
of settled conditions, which will be likely to produce a feeling of instability and
insecurity that will react to his disadvantage); changes (in early life) due to altered
circumstances in the father's life; changes occurring through the intervention of
.^rider people; prominence of those affairs ruled by the house bearing the sign
Aquarius on the cusp (since both planets have dignity in that sign) (Ex. 4).
Threatens danger of setbacks through a failure to grasp opportunities or a lack of
sufficient originality or clarity of vision (if Saturn is the stronger), through a stubborn
adherence to misguided ideas (Ex. 5) or a tendency to be too domineering which
may alienate the sympathies of potential helpers (if Uranus is the stronger)—in rare
cases the native may penalize himself by being unselfish to a point beyond all reason
or he may stoically resign himself to what he believes to be an immutable fate;
reduced circumstances in early life due to father's reverses; illness or accident
involving an older relative (in extreme cases bereavement (Ex. 6) or death of the
native himself); violence to the native (no major disaster need be feared unless
there are simultaneous progressed afflictions involving the angles of the horoscope).
Promotes good health through well regulated nervous reactions.
Affects health through stresses and strains which undermine the native's resistance
to disease (the rest of the horoscope should be carefully studied in order to determine
the weak points of the constitution).
1. Prince Bismarck, h con. -V- $ r. Appointed Prussian Envoy at the Federal Diet in
2. Jay Gould. T7 con. g\ con. Realised on Kansas Pacific and Union Pacific stocks
at a huge profit.
3. Albert Einstein, h con. tc $ r. Published his Restricted Theory of Relativity.
4. Colonel Lindbergh. ?} con. v. Jg con. Became a Flying Cadet in the Air Service of
the War Department. Later made record-breaking Atlantic flight,
5. Karl Marx, fj p. jjj $ r. Tried for High Treason on account of his allegedly seditious
newspaper articles. He was acquitted but expelled from Prussia.
6. Karl Marx, p. Q $ p. Son Edgar died.
Stimulates the blending of the practical and the idealistic sides of the nature;
conscientious devotion to an ideal.
Brings opportunities for gaining advancement through an ability to bring a touch
of inspiration to the most prosaic tasks and an aptitude for tackling the most unusual
problems in a commonsense and practical manner (Exs. 1 & 2); making progress
as a result of a devotion to duty which springs from the native's desire to serve
his fellows and causes him to take pleasure in doing work for its own sake or through
a desire to please or impress another; bringing plans to a successful conclusion by
the exercise of a shrewd foresight which enables him to anticipate any emergency;
improving financial position through a sound business sense which enables him to gain
through long term investments in concerns connected with oil, shipping, films or
May denote the development of some psychic faculty; the formation of some
friendship, especially with an older person, or a contact with some school of thought
which will have a great effect on the native's aims and ideals (the nature of these
will depend as much upon his evolutionary status as upon the aspect between the
two planets—if he is still bound by the personal limitations of Saturn the contact
may indicate that the native lacks a true sense of spiritual values and so becomes
attracted towards some form of pseudo-spirituality—if he has risen above these
limitations he may be given the opportunity to advance his evolutionary status
considerably and to express spiritual ideas in a practical manner so that others less
experienced may gain some appreciation of their true value).
Threatens danger of the native becoming entangled in peculiar and involved
circumstances (Ex. 3) (even under harmonious aspects) so that he has to negotiate
formidable obstacles and to solve knotty problems which require much tedious
unravelling before he is finally successful; missing opportunities for advancement
through persistently ignoring his intuitions (if Saturn is the stronger) or through a
desire to evade responsibility by seeking solitude and retirement (if Neptune is the
stronger)—in either case there may be some tendency to develop a false sense of
values which may cause him either to neglect his everyday affairs for the sake of
some ideal, or to sacrifice his ideals on the altar of ambition; being compelled to
submit to frustrating circumstances (he may have to live in a cramped and res-
tricted environment or be forced to undertake unpleasant tasks; his ambitions may
be thwarted by events over which he has no control while others may deceive and
defraud him or misrepresent his motives and seek to involve him in scandal—such
happenings will force him to reflect deeply and, until he has become aware of the
illusory nature of the physical world and learned the true meaning of renunciation,
he will continue to suffer bitterly as a result of the disappointments which come his
way); committing errors of judgment (if Neptune overpowers Saturn) by allowing
whims and fancies to override commonsense (in some cases the native will be tempted
to act dishonestly in order to further a selfish ambition, through a misplaced and
over-shrewd acquisitiveness or as a result of an embittered desire to revenge some
real or fancied wrong); incurring losses through unsound investments or as a result
of the destruction and deterioration of property (especially through flooding);
reduced circumstances (if the contact becomes operative in early life) due to the
misfortunes of the father who may be a victim of ill-health, unscrupulous tricksters
or his own lack of commonsense; bereavement or the death of the native (in extreme
Affects health through the adverse reaction of an unreasoning pessimism which
encourages forebodings of evil, saps the native's resistance to disease in an insidious
manner that is hard to detect and hampers the recuperative powers of the body
(in order to combat these tendencies the native must fortify his faith, trusting
unquestioningly in the ultimate sublimity of his own destiny and remembering that,
from a spiritual point of view, all experience is good experience).
1. Albert Einstein, h P- P- Awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics and elected a
Member of the Royal Society.
a. Henry Ford, f? P' ^ P- Founded the Detroit Motor Company.
3. Madame Blavatsky. b p. Q ^ r. Attacked by footpads and left in a ditch for dead
after being wounded five times. Later, when she was on a sea voyage, the ship
blew up and she lost all her belongings, being left temporarily destitute. She
also formed a society for the study of Spiritualism which broke up after a fort-
night owing to the fact that several fraudulent mediums imposed upon her and
discredited the group.
Stimulates ambition; persistence and perseverance. ^
(There may be a tendency to display some juth less n ess Unless the native has
overcome a good deal of the selfish side of Saturn, wlteiTEe will be likely to show
the same unemotional ruthlessness in disciplining his own lower nature. In some
cases there will be a tendency towards self-denial and asceticism.)
Brings opportunities for gaining advancement as result of patient, persistent efforts
and calm, de'^berate actions; achieving ambitions through endurance and enter-
prise (Exs. l & 2) (the native will have the strength and fortitude to behave courage-
ously in the face of adversity).
May denote (in rare cases) the stirring up of suicidal tendencies.
Threatens danger of being subjected to enforced restrictions or made to undergo
hardships; setbacks, often as a result of becoming mixed up in extremely involved
circumstances (Ex. 3) (unsuspected enemies may work against him in secret or, in
extreme cases, he may become the subject of violence, a victim of black magic or
fall under a hypnotic spell—sometimes his own harsh behaviour and egotistic out-
look may invite retaliation—it will therefore behove the native to pay considerable
attention to developing his sympathetic nature, bearing in mind the injunction
"do unto others as you would be done by"); illness or accident involving an older
relative (in extreme cases, bereavement or the death of the native himself (Exs.
4 & 5))-
Affects health through troubles involving the teeth and the bony structure of the
body; bruises and skin diseases; unusual diseases which may be due to malformations
at birth or to the slow and unsuspected accumulation of poisons in the system over a
long period (such diseases are often difficult to diagnose and more difficult to cure).
1. Annie Besant. fj con. /_ § r. Interests in educational projects aroused. Largely
owing to her efforts the Central Hindu College at Benares was built at this time.
2. Prince Bismarck, b con. § r. Austro-Prussian War. This was one of the final
steps in the unification of Germany.
3. Colonel Lindbergh, fj con. TV § r. Resigned from the Air Corps following differences
of opinion regarding the Second World War.
4. Henry Ford, fj p. ~ § r. Death.
5. Madame Blavatsky. fj p. tc § r. Death.
Stimulates idealism; inspirational sensitivity; a desire to experience new sensa-
tions (much will depend upon the native's evolutionary status—in some cases the
native will give this desire expression by travelling abroad in the physical world
in search of fresh and novel experiences—in others, he may seek experience on the
emotional plane by attempting to satisfy a restless craving for excitement or novelty
1. Annie Besant. $ r. con. Interned by the British authorities in India during
the first World War. Her activities on behalf of the campaign for Indian Home
Rule were deemed to be an obstruction to the war effort,
2. Mary Baker Eddy. $ con. d ^ r. Married. After six months her husband died.
Three months later a son was bom.
3. Ralph Waldo Emerson. $ r. /_ ^ con. First wife died. Retired from his office as
pastor deeply depressed in health and spirits.
4. Cecil Rhodes. $ P- "X" P- Death.
Stimulates desires for independence and freedom; originality and powers of^
brings opportunities for making discoveries as a result of painstaking and thorough
researches in some particular field—such discoveries are rendered the more effective
through the native's ability to combine the methods of others and add to them some
distinctive factor of his own; gaining advancement as a result of inventive, scientific
or technical abilities, pioneering spirit, power of independent action, and an ability to
act suddenly at the most opportune moment; group leadership of a dynamic kind
(success in activities of this nature will largely hinge upon a faculty for understanding
group psychology and a genius for persuasively exploiting his own personality)/^
May denote a period when the native is able to make much progress in developing
spiritual insight and intuition (Ex. 1) (much will depend upon the evolutionary
status of the native—in any case there should be an increased ability to reach con-
clusions by means of a flash of inspiration rather than by more orthodox methods).
Threatens danger o/^arbiismg strong opposition as a result of acting in too eccen-
tric or self-willed a manner—in extreme cases the native may be tempted to take the
law into his own hands, a course of action which may be attended by disastrous
results 1 (Ex. 2) (sometimes an unreasoning fanaticism or a blind zeal will make it
difficult for the native to behave in a logical or orthodox manner—he should realize
that he is more likely to gain his ends by persuasion than by coercion and should
meditate upon the prayer, "Thy Will be done", endeavouring to cultivate a calm
and patient resignation to the impact of events, however difficult this may be);
bereavement (Exs. 3 & 4) or death of the native (Exs. 5 & 6) (in rare cases suicidal
tendencies may be stimulated or death may occur suddenly in strange circum-
Promotes good health through increased vitality.
Affects health through accidents involving electrical apparatus or machinery;
paralysis; nervous breakdown or insanity (no major catastrophe need be feared
unless other strong progressed afflictions are also operative).
(In view of the small number of times exact aspects between Uranus and Pluto
are formed in the example horoscopes, aspects made jointly to both bodies by the pro-
gressed angles are also included for purposes of illustration.)
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Asc. con. v. $ r. A 9 r. Attended Cambridge Divinity
2. Adolf Hitler. M.C. p. /_ $ r. □ § r. Ringleader of the ill-fated "Bavaria Putfich".
3. Adolf Hitler. M.C. con. Q $ r. § r. Father died.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson. M.C. p. <j $ r. TV § r. Wife died.
5. Madame Blavatsky. ^ p. "X" § r. Death.
6. Adolf Hitler. M.C. con. Q r. d 9 r- Death.
Stimulates a desire to transcend all boundaries, often through the intensification
of emotional experience—(Much will depend upon the native's evolutionary status
and upon the general tenor of the nativity. In some cases, a craving to feel at one
with the world may express itself through artistic endeavours or an interest in mysti-
cism which may lead, at the highest level to a sensitive awareness of the superphysical
worlds. Tliis sensitivity may be developed through the practice of meditation and
contemplation. In other cases, especially when the native has not acquired a fair
measure" of moral, mental and emotional stability, there may be restless search
for the unusual and the weird^; idealism as a means of regeneration. (The native
will always be conscious of some great ideal which he will strive ceaselessly to attain.
His efforts to reach this ideal may take him far afield and lead him through many
strange experiences.)
Brings opportunities for gaining advancement as a result of a clear-sighted and
intuitive approach to the world which may range from great spiritual understanding
to an uncanny ability in everyday life to perceive the true motives of others and to
play up»n their susceptibilities, according to the general condition of the nativity
XExs. i & 2) (in exceptional cases this quality, coupled with an enhanced personal
magnetism, will enable him to develop the power to influence large masses of
people); undertaking extensive travels often as a result of a restless desire to expand
his horizons; joining in group activities connected with charitable works as a means
of developing and expanding the emotions.
May denote the taking up of most extraordinary activities under the spur of an
imagination capable ol touching the subhmest heights or the lowest depths; a ten-
dency for the native to be drawn into very mystenous and obscure circumstances so
that he is faced with knotty and intricate problems, the unravelling of which will
demand the utmost perspicacity and the most thorough-going perseverance; a
yearning for self-purification which, combined with an inner realization of the neces-
sity to practise renunciation, can lead to considerable self-discipline and self-denial
(in rare cases the native may attain spiritual regeneration through completely
loosing hold upon the bodily appetites, through a selfless resignation to the Will of
God and a thorough-going renunciation of any desire to benefit through the ex-
ploitation of even the most defenceless of God's creatures).
Threatens danger of setbacks resulting from some basic instability of character
(the native may be hopelessly idealistic or completely unpractical so that he fails
to manage his affairs in a businesslike manner or he may completely lack ideals and
so conduct himself without the slightest regard for morality—in extreme cases he
may sink into such a morass of base and perverted iniquity that he becomes over-
whelmed by his animal nature and thus moved to commit deeds of a most debauched
and brutal character); being unable to inspire the confidence of those around him as
a result of some subtle defect in his personal magnetism—in some cases he may arouse
their open antagonism (Ex. 3) or, worse still, their secret hostility—thus he may
always have some cross to bear; being deceived and led astray by unworthy com-
panions and being beset by all manner of temptations, many of which he will not
recognise as such until it is too late to avert the consequences (this will be a severe
testing time when the native will be placed in circumstances designed to search out
and probe the chinks in his spiritual armour—the slightest moral obliquity or blind
spot in his spiritual awareness may then cause him to lose all the fruits of his labours
so that he will ever have reason to remember the Achilles' heel that proved to be his
undoing—if, on the other hand, his conduct is above suspicion his actions may be
completely misinterpreted and his motives twisted and distorted so that his most
self-sacrificing gestures and noblest deeds are misunderstood and maliciously
misrepresented); bereavement (Exs. 4 & 5) or death of the native (Exs. 6 & 7) (or
he may disappear under mysterious circumstances or fall seriously ill or suffer from
some obsession—in rare cases he may practise or become the victim of black magic,
or suicidal tendencies may be stimulated if the native shows tendencies towards
rashness, over-sensitivity and self-abnegation coupled with a lack of moral fibre).
Affects health through the extreme sensitivity of the constitution—a comparatively
minor ailment can have deep and far-reaching effects (through the same sensitivity
warning symptoms of trouble may arise at an early stage and so enable the native
to take timely measures to eradicate the ailment); an extreme susceptibility to drugs
(the system is apt to react violently to any impurity and therefore the native will be
liable to suffer from various kinds of poisoning—he should be especially careful in
the use of drugs and should reduce his intake of alcohol and avoid all stale, contami-
nated or over-ripe food); a deep-seated and unreasoning feeling of terror (in some
instances) that no amount of persuasion can allay, which lowers the vitality and
encourages the onset of all kinds of disabilities and neurotic complaints; contact with
noxious gases; the over-sensitivity of the native's superphysical vehicles (hostile entities
may invade his aura or ill-conceived experiments may upset the alignment of his finer
bodies with disastrous results).
(In view of the small number of times exact aspects between Neptune and Pluto are
formed in the example horoscopes, aspects made jointly to both bodies by the progressed
angles are used for purposes of illustration.)
1. Prince Bismarck. M.C. p. g ^ r. Q ^ r. Appointed Minister President of Prussia.
а. Mary Baker Eddy. Asc. p. O ^ r. d § r. Organised the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in order to gain greater control of the movement. At the same time she
strengthened her propaganda machine by founding the Christian Science Pub-
lishing Society. She also moved to a new headquarters.
3. Prince Bismarck. M.C. con. -Jf T r- ^ § r. Resigned Chancellorshipofthe German Reich.
4. Prince Bismarck. Asc. con. g ty r. Q § r. Wife and brother died. He was seriously ill.
5. Mary Baker Eddy. M.C. p. □ ^ r. ^ § r. Married. After six months her husband
died. Three months later a son was bom.
б. Adolf Hitler. Asc. p. § midpoint 'i' § r. Died.
7. Karl Marx. Asc. p. ^ p. Q § con. Died from lung trouble.
^Just as the Midheaven and Ascendant of the radical figure progress through the
Zodiac when directed, it follows also that the intermediate house cusps must move
proportionately and, in so doing, form aspects with the radical and progressed
planets. While it is not advisable to base conclusions solely on the evidence of an
aspect between a progressed intermediate cusp and a planet, directions formed
in this manner are sometimes valuable as corroborative evidence. When the signs
corresponding to a certain house or when the rulers of that Tiouse are prominently
involved by progression, any aspects formed by the progressed-cusp of that house,
or by a progressed planet to the radical cusp, assume greater importance and increase
the probability that events will take place of the nature of the house concerned.
It is unwise to pay^ too much im^ortancejo this type of direction if strong major
directions are not operatiY(iitt._thc_s3me time.
It is not proposed to list the effects caused by the various planets in aspect with
each separate house cusp since readers should now be familiar with the general
influence of the planets for good or ill and with the general significance of each house.
It will be obvious that an aspect involving the cusp of the Second House will
also involve the cusp of the Eighth, while one involving the Third House cusp will
also involve the Ninth cusp, and so on. It will not always be easy, therefore, to narrow
down the field in which an intermediate cuspal aspect is likely to operate unless a
thorough study of the major directions in force has first been made.
The following illustrations of intermediate cuspal directions, taken from the
example horoscopes on pages 147-149, provide ample evidence of the efficacy of
this class of direction:—
is not ftreshadowed in the birth map. This does not mean that aspects formed after
birth between planets which were not in aspect in the nativitv will have httre or no
efleut, but (iiiit tliey will urubably have a less pronounced effect than progressed aspects
formed between planets which were alreadv in asoect with each other in the nativitv.
It is a good plan to make a note of the particular events that occurred earlier
in the native's life under previous planetary configurations of a nature similar to
those under consideration, for it often happens that an event which coincides with
the culmination of one progressed aspect is later modified by a second event occurring
at the time of a subsequent progressed aspect between the same two bodies.
For instance, Mary Baker Eddy married for the second time when the progressed
Venus was in opposition to the converse Uranus. Her husband was sent to prison
when the progressed Venus reached the square of the progressed Uranus and he
later deserted her when the progressed Venus arrived at the square of the radical
Uranus. Ralph Waldo Emerson married when the progressed Mars was in square to
the radical Neptune. His wife died three years later when the converse Mars reached
the trine of the radical Neptune. Prince Bismarck was appointed Minister President
of Prussia when theprogressed Midheaven was in opposition to the radicalNeptune and
in square to the radical Pluto. He finally resigned from power when the converse Mid-
heaven reached the sextile of the radical Neptune and the quincunx of the radical Pluto.
Not only is it essential to establish the main trend of a group of directions but
it is also necessary to decide whether the directions are preponderantly benefic or
malefic. If the majority of the directions over a period of several years is unfavour-
able, the native is likely to become less and less able to withstand their impact,
especially in so far as his health is concernedly observing the character of directions
over a period of several years it will then be possible to determine the time when the
nature of the directions changes perceptibly from favourable to unfavourable, or
vice versa. It is thus possible to forecast when the native is likely to experience a
drastic change of fortune^
The effects of directions are not always immediately noticeable in the native's
outer life and it is therefore unwise to assume' loo hastilv mat a certain direction has
Tailed to produce appropriate results. 1 he seeds ol some future action may be sown""
tinker Hie"stimulus ofa direction but the harvest may not be reaped for many years.
In this connection it should be noted1 that enterprises set in motion under favourable
directions will ultimately flourish, however belatedly, while commitments entered_
into unde ™unfavourable directions must ultimately work out to the native's disad-
vantage. A typical example of the delayed action of directions is furnished in the life"*
of Adolf Hitler, who first became obsessed with the idea of regenerating Germany
at the age of thirty, when the progressed Midheaven formed a trine with the radical
Sun. He did not enjoy any exceptional preferment at this time, but the stimulus of
this idea was ultimately the mainspring of his spectacular rise to power. As the
progressed Midheaven was simultaneously afflicted by a square from the radical
Neptune, his obsession finally proved to be the cause of his own undoing and
was the indirect source of sorrow and suffering for millions of his fellow men.
The following examples of the judgment of Yearly Directions are given in
order to illustrate the practical application of the principles outlined above. (In
order to determine the actual time when the directions are likely to operate it is
necessary to consider the monthly, weekly and daily series of progressions which fall
due during the same period. This branch of prediction is dealt with in subsequent
The first example concerns the directions in Annie Besant's chart when she
was seven years old. They were as follows:—
M.C.p. (fir. £ p. A T r.
M.C. con. -Jf- ^ r.
M.C. r. □ ^ con.
There are, of course, only a limited number of events which can happen in the
life of a seven-year-old child, whose affairs at this time will normally be closely
bound up with those of the parents. Annie Besant's father had died when she was
five and her younger brother had died a year later. Her mother had moved house
after this second bereavement.
The task is simplified in this instance by the fact that only three planets, Moon,
Mercury and Neptune, are involved in the year's directions. The Moon and Mercury
are pre-eminently the planets of change, being unstable by nature. Furthermore,
in the birth chart, the radical Mercury in Libra is in square to the radical Moon,
forming two of the arms of a T-square with the radical Uranus. The Moon, the
general significator of the domestic circumstances, is in the domestic sign Cancer in
the Fourth House and is also the ruler of that house, thus placing a fourfold emphasis
on the home environment and, in particular, on the mother. Therefore wc can con-
fidently predict a change in the domestic circumstances. As the radical Moon is
afflicted, although in conjunction with Jupiter, the probability of an unfavourable
change is suggested. The converse Mercury also takes with it the imnress of the^
radical opposition to UranusJL so that its square to the radical Midheaven implies a
rather sudden and enforced change.
Neptune in the nativity is not strongly aspected but is placed in the Twelfth
House, the house of restrictions and sorrows, in square to the cusp of the Second
House, the house governing material resources. The main trend of the directions
therefore suggests that this change in the domestic environment is likely to prove a
frustrating experience for the young child.
What actually happened was that her mother gave up the house in which they
were living, owing to straitened financial circumstances, and took her to live in
lodgings at Harrow, a step made easier by the fact that the numbers of the family
had been depleted during the two previous years.
The following directions were operative in Adolf Hitler's chart when he was
M.C. p. d h r- O p. □ ft r. S r. jsc g p.
M.C. con. Q $ r. O con. g $ r. & p. (separating)
Asc. r. ~ cJ p.
Asc. con. Q ^ r. 8th cusp p. d T r.
The only technically favourable aspect is the semi-sextile between the pro-
gressed Mars and the radical Mercury. As the radical Mars is in detriment and is in
square to Saturn in its fall, little good is likely to result from directions involving
Mars. Having discounted the power for good of this aspect we now find ourselves
confronted with an unrelieved battery of formidable afflictions, in which Saturn and
Uranus figure most prominently.
Saturn, elevated in the Tenth House, and Uranus are the joint rulers of the
fourth House and both planets are involved in afflictions to the Sun, the Tenth
House ruler. This prominence of the Fourth and Tenth Houses focuses attention
upon family matters and the domestic environment and in particular upon the affairs
of the father, for the Sun and Saturn are the general significators of the male parent.
The radical Saturn is afflicted by Mars, and the radical Uranus is in sesquiquadrate
to Pluto in the Eighth House, the house of death. The ominous import of these
directions now becomes plainer. The quincunx between the progressed Mars and
the radical Ascendant, together with the conjunction of the radical Neptune and the
progressed Eighth cusp, and the sesquiquadrate between the converse Ascendant
and the radical Neptune in the Eighth House, show clearly the threat of bereavement.
Hitler's father died at this time and the event must have brought to the surface
all his latent desires for self-expression and independent action. Not only was
Uranus rising in the nativity with Pluto, the planet of intensification, in aspect to it,
but Saturn was in Leo, while Mercury in the sign of leadership was stimulated by
the semi-sextile from the progressed Mars. The financial hardship caused by this
bereavement is shown in the directions by the prominence of Saturn, which is
afflicted in the nativity by Mars, the ruler of the Second House, in Taurus, the second
sign. The conjunction of the progressed eighth cusp with Neptune is a further signi-
ficator of financial difficulties.
The final example is taken from the horoscope of Ann Harding. When she was
twenty-four the following directions were in operation:—
Asc. r. A 9 p- O r. d 9 p- 9 con. A 2|. con.
Asc, r. § $ con. O p. v. J r. § p. A Ii con.
(applying) O con. ^ h p. 2 con. § # r.
Asc. con A <3 P- O r. 2J. con.
M.C. r. * p.
M.C. p. □ O con.
Two contacts between Venus and the Ascendant place a strong emphasis on
romance, especially as Venus is connected with the Ascendant by quincunx aspect
in the nativity. In addition, the radical Venus is in conjunction with Mars, so that
the contacts between the progressed Mars and the radical Midheaven and converse
Ascendant are also coloured to a certain extent by the Venusian rays. As the Sun is
in trine to the Ascendant in the natal chart, the arrival of the progressed Venus at
the conjunction of the Sun is a most important direction. The progressed Sun is in
semisextile to the radical Moon in Libra, the sign of marriage, while Mercury, the
ruler of the corresponding Seventh House, has progressed to the trine of the converse
Saturn. In addition, the converse Sun in the domestic sign Cancer is in square to
the progressed Midheaven in Libra.
The great activity of Venus, coupled with the equally prominent solar aspects,
places a strong emphasis on the possibility of marriage. The Sun is a general signifi-
cator of the husband in a woman's chart and its contact with the Moon by progres-
sion is an aspect typical of marriage, especially as the radical Moon is in Libra. The
Martian contacts also suggest that the opposite sex is likely to play a greater part in
her life at this time.
Under these aspects Ann Harding did, in fact, marry but the marriage was
eventually dissolved. It will be noticed that the only technically adverse aspects in
operation at the time were those between the Sun and Saturn and between Venus and
Uranus. There were, however, more serious afflictions in the radical chart. The
seventh cusp was close to Pluto and in opposition to Uranus; Neptune and Mars
in the Seventh House were squared by the Moon in Libra, while Venus was in
opposition to Saturn, in quincunx to Uranus and in conjunction with Mars.
Chapter IX
the twelve disciples are well-known biblical references to the potent significance
of the number twelve. It will thus be apparent that the existence of twelve Zodiacal
signs and of twelve months in the year is no mere accident but has a deep mystic
significance, being the reflection in the mundane sphere of a great natural law.
In order to calculate the day-for-a-month progressions measuring to any given
period of the life the same method as that used in determining the day-for-a-year
series should be employed, except that instead of counting one day backwards and
forwards from the day of birth for each year of life, twelve days are now taken to
represent this period. Periods of less than a year can easily be equated to the appro-
priate number of days. In order to facilitate the calculation pf the exact number of
days equivalent to any year of the life by this measure it will be found convenient
to use the tables in Appendix I.
The Midheaven of the monthly progressed chart moves forward by an amount
corresponding to the distance travelled by the Sun between the day of birth and the
directional day which measures to the month under review. The converse monthly
Midheaven moves backward through the Zodiac by an amount corresponding to the
distance travelled by the Sun between the day of birth and the directional day before
birth which measures to the month under review. It will thus be appreciated that the
rate of progress of the monthly Midheaven is approximately 12 degrees per year.
Aspects between the natal planets and angles and the progressed and converse
monthly planets and angles are tabulated in exactly the same way as the aspects
occurring in the yearly series of progressions. Not only should the progressed and
converse charts be compared with the nativity, but they should also be carefully
dovetailed with each other to form a completely integrated whole. The power of
the directions formed by this intermediate rate of progression is naturally less than
that of the yearly progressions but their influence is nevertheless considerable. The
slow-moving planets often remain within close orbs of an aspect for whole months
at a time, thus casting their influence over a lengthy period. Particular attention
should be paid to the periods when progressed monthly planets form strong aspects
with the angles of the radical chart or with the angles of the progressed and converse
yearly charts. Aspects between the positions of progressed monthly planets and pro-
gressed yearly planets should also be carefully watched. Apart from their connection
with the radical chart and the day-for-a-year series of progressions, however, pro-
gressed monthly charts are often significant in themselves. Once again, it is the aspects
between the moving planets and the progressed and converse angles of the monthly
charts which are of primary importance in determining vital periods in the life.
The following is an example of the calculation of Monthly Secondary Pro-
gressions. It is required to ascertain the monthly directions in force in the horoscope
of Ann Harding (data given on page 17) during October, 1926:—
All that remains now is to tabulate the aspects formed between the various
radical, progressed and converse angles and planets in the same manner as for Yearly
Secondary Directions, with this important addition, that special care and attention
should be paid to any progressed or converse monthly planets aspecting the pro-
gressed or converse yearly angles or the angles of the birth chart.
*(JV.5.—In cases where a subtraction has to be made and the difference is in excess of six signs, it will
often be found more convenient to odd the complementary part of the Zodiac instead of deducting the larger
part ; similarly, when an addition has to be made, it is oiten easier to svblract the complementary portion
of the Zodiac.)
of one month, a day is represented by the passage of less than an hour. Each degree
of the Moon's progress in the Zodiac, therefore, represents about two and a half days.
The time at which monthly directions are most likely to discharge their effects can
be established with greater precision by bringing into play the weekly and daily
series of directions rather than by relying upon the progress of the monthly Moon.
In the case under consideration the following are the monthly directions:—
M.C. p. d $ r. O p. Stt r. ? p. 6 c? r.
M.C. r. d dP- (operative over many 21 p. □ § r.
months) b p. d 21 p.
M.C. con. 6 9 con. (separating) (in yearly series)
M.C. r. v. O con. 5 con. A 21 p.
Asc. p. -H- O r. 6 ftp. 9 con. A 9 r.
Asc. r. 00 g p.
M.C. p. a ?) r. O p. 6 M.C., § r. ^ P* D W P-
M.C. p. □ 5 r. O con. fj con. 9 P- □ c? P-
(applying) (applying)
M.C. con. 6 O r. 9 con. £ h con.
M.C. con. -X- ^ r.
Asc. con. □Or. 8th cusp p. □ ^ r.
Here are all the ingredients of tragedy. The menacing square between the
radical Uranus and Pluto, lying across the angles of the birth chart, is inflamed by
the conjunction of the progressed Sun with Pluto and by the square between the
progressed Mercury and the progressed Uranus, Mercury being placed in the
Eighth House at birth. In the nativity, Mars and the Moon, the dispositors of
Uranus and Pluto, form an ominous conjunction on the cusp of the Eighth House.
The progressed Midheaven is applying to the square of the radical Moon, while the
progressed Mars is receiving the application of the progressed Venus, the ruler of
the chart and of the Eighth House, by square aspect. The Sun, as the dispositor of
Venus, is especially important in this chart and its radical opposition to Saturn is
given fresh emphasis by the quincunx between the two bodies by converse direction.
The progressed Midheaven is in quincunx to the radical Saturn, and the converse
Venus is in opposition to the converse Saturn. The only technically good aspect,
the sextile between the converse Midheaven and the radical Neptune, is vitiated
by the fact that Neptune is in detriment and in sesquiquadrate to the radical Uranus.
To make matters worse, the progressed eighth cusp is in square to Neptune.
The monthly directions in Colonel Lindbergh's horoscope at the time of the
tragedy were these:—
M.C. p. □ § r. O r. d 5 p. 1} p. "a p.
M.C. p. □ $ con. G r. A t? p- 9 p. d 2J. p. J) r.
M.C. con. tc d r. O con. -Jf- $ r. £ p. A § r.
M.C. con. □ ^ con. (separating) 9 con. tt ^ r.
M.C. con. (yearly) g G con. d r- A ^ con.
Asc. p. "a tj! p. ^ con. d 9 r.
Asc. con. Q d con.
8th cusp p. d V p. a" p.
8th cusp con. con.
Among the ominous group of angular directions operative at this time, the most
threatening aspect is the square between the progressed monthly Midheaven and
the radical Pluto. The converse monthly Uranus forms a T-square with these two
points. This configuration is rendered even more critical on account of the fact that
Uranus in the nativity is in almost exact square to the Midheaven and, in the yearly
series of directions, is squared by the progressed Mars which has moved to the
opposition of the radical Midheaven. Mars is the ruler of the radical Fifth House
and Uranus is its dispositor. Two of the monthly progressions involve afflictions from
Mars to the angles, and two involve similar afflictions from Neptune. Mars is in
trine to Neptune in the nativity. The monthly solar aspects are technically favourable
but the sextile between the converse monthly Sun and the radical Uranus, which
is the more important because the Sun is simultaneously in opposition to the con-
verse yearly Midheaven, only serves to inflame the square in the yearly series
between the yearly progressed Mars and the radical Uranus. It should also be noted
that Uranus in the nativity receives aspects from the other four malefic planets,
Mars, Saturn. Neptune and Pluto. There is also a trine between the progressed
monthly Mars and the radical Sun, Mars falling on the radical Part of Fortune.
Mars, however, is in detriment and is also applying to the trine of the radical Pluto.
Saturn and Neptune in the progressed monthly series have formed an exact
quincunx and the progressed Eighth House cusp in the monthly chart has reached
the conjunction of the progressed Neptune, while the converse Eighth House cusp
is in opposition to the converse Saturn. Several of the remaining interplanetary
aspects are technically favourable but they are of little avail against the general malefic
trend of the angular monthly directions. To the effect of these favourable directions
may possibly be traced the fact that it was not until some weeks after the kidnapping
that it became certain that the Lindbergh baby had been murdered.
In this chapter the indications of the monthly series of progressions have been
considered largely without reference to the major directions which were simultane-
ously in force. Further examples of monthly progressions are given in Chapter XIII,
which deals w-ith the method of correlating the monthly, weekly and daily series of
progressions with the yearly series.
Chapter X
It is well known that important changes take place in the human body every
seven years. This seven year rhythm has not hitherto been satisfactorily emphasized
in any system of astrological progression, except approximately in the case of the
progressed Moon in the Yearly Series, which completes its circuit of the Zodiac in
just over twenty-seven days, moving ninety degrees in the process in approximately
seven days, the equivalent of seven years of time. The Weekly Series of progressions,
however, divides itself almost exactly into seven year periods for, at the end of every
seven years in the life, the Sun will have made one complete circuit of the Zodiac
when progressed at the rate of a day for a week. The return of the Sun to the same
position that it held at birth causes the radical chart to be charged with a fresh
impulse of power at this time. A brief study of the tables for the Weekly Series of
progressions which will be found at the end of this volume (Appendix I, Table 3)
will form a graphic illustration of the exactness and regularity of this seven-year
As in the case of the Yearly and Monthly Series of progressions, the Weekly
Series are measured both forwards and backwards from the date of birth. The two
sets of directions should be carefully correlated with each other, and with the natal
chart and the Yearly Series of directions. As before, the difference between the Sun's
position on the day measuring to the week under review and the Sun's position at
birth is either added or subtracted from the radical Midheaven degree according to
whether progressed or converse directions are being calculated. The Ascendant
corresponding to the new Midheaven thus obtained should then be extracted from
the Tables of Houses for the appropriate latitude.
The following is an example of the calculation of Weekly Secondary Directions.
It is required to ascertain the weekly directions in force in the horoscope of Ann
Harding during the third week in October, 1926:—
By referring to the Tables of Houses for 290N.47 ' we find that the
Ascendant corresponding to this Midheaven is 290 u 41 '
The Converse Weekly Midheaven is calculated as follows:—
Sun's position at noon on day of birth . . . 14° Sh 02'
Sun's position at noon on 20th February, 1899 10 K 40'
These were the weekly directions in force at the time of Ann Harding's first
marriage. We have already seen how this event was clearly shown by the yearly and
monthly directions which measured to this period.
The most significant aspect is the grand trine which is forming between the
progressed weekly Venus and Jupiter and the radical Midheaven. Jupiter, moreover,
is in opposition to the converse yearly Ascendant and Venus is joined with the
converse yearly Saturn, both these bodies being at the same time in opposition to
the converse weekly Ascendant. The converse weekly Midheaven is forming a
T-square with the radical Venus and the converse weekly Venus which is in opposition
to its own place in the nativity. The progressed weekly Uranus is in conjunction
with the progressed yearly Ascendant, a contact which is the more significant on
account of the proximity of Uranus to the Ascendant in the nativity. The converse
weekly Mars is almost stationary in quincunx to the radical Seventh House Pluto
and the progressed weekly Mars is in square to the radical Pluto. Any Mars-Pluto
aspect intensifies the male principle, particularly in relation to partnership, and is
therefore an important contact in a woman's chart at the time of marriage.
Of the three other contacts not so far mentioned, two involve planets in the
Seventh House in the domestic sign Cancer and the other is between the converse
weekly Sun and the progressed weekly Saturn in Pisces, which are both in trine to
the converse yearly Neptune, their dispositor.
Once again it is the progressions involving the angles, especially the progressed
yearly angles, which set the stage for the event. Although the Venus-Jupiter direction
is a degree from exactitude, it is probably the exact opposition of the converse
weekly Ascendant with the progressed weekly Venus which is the determining factor
in precipitating the event during the week in question.
The second example of weekly directions is taken from the progressions in the
chart of Charles Lindbergh, Jnr. measuring to the fatal week in which he was
kidnapped and met his death. The directions are as follows:—
M.C. p. g t§ r. O con. □ h P- W P- □ d P-
Asc. r. 6 ? con. (mid-point)
$ con. □ con.
$ con. □ 9 r. (j5 $ r.
□ 9 con.
The key direction here is probably the arrival of the converse weekly Venus
at the conjunction of the radical Ascendant. Such a contact considered on its own,
without regard to the rest of the horoscope, would appear, technically, to bring
great benefit, as Venus is in its own sign, Libra, and is the ruler of the Ascendant,
In this nativity, however, such an interpretation is completely contradicted by the
affliction of the rising degree by the square of the radical Pluto and the opposition
of the radical Uranus. The square between these two planets is made the more
serious by the fact that Saturn opposes Pluto, forming the third point of a T-square.
Even were this not the case, the heavier afflictions formed in the yearly and monthly
the progressed weekly Saturn, which is squared by the progressed weekly Jupiter,
is in conjunction with the converse weekly Pluto.
The quincunx between the progressed weekly Pluto and the radical Saturn is
another most critical direction, for Saturn is in square to the radical Fifth House
cusp. The importance of the Martian directions is stressed by the contacts between
the converse weekly Mars and the progressed weekly Midheaven and converse weekly
Ascendant, together with aspect between the converse weekly Sun and the radical
Mars. Although these three contacts are technically favourable, they merely serve
to stimulate the battery of afflictions in force and do not in any way mitigate the
effect of the adverse interplanetary contacts involving Mars, the ruler of the radical
Fifth House.
The squares between the radical Venus and the converse weekly Midheaven,
and between the converse weekly Venus and the progressed yearly Ascendant are
similarly lacking in power to relieve the tension, as Venus in the birth chart is in
Pisces, in square to the Ascendant and in conjunction with Mars, although simul-
taneously in trine and sextile to Neptune and the Moon respectively. Neptune, the
dispositor of Venus, is heavily handicapped by its progressed weekly aspects with
Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. The prominence of Venus and the few technically
favourable aspects may account for the fact that at the time of the kidnapping there
was still hope for the baby's safety.
Further examples of weekly progressions will be found in Chapter XIII, in
which the method of correlating the yearly, monthly, weekly and daily series of
progressions is set forth.
Chapter XI
The final link in the chain of predictive methods which make up the new compre-
hensive system of Secondary Directing is the Daily Series of Progressions. We have
already shown, both in theory and in practice, that it is valid to equate the passage
of each True Solar Day before and after birth to a specific year, month or week in
the life. In the Daily Series, the day is equated with itself, so that the current pro-
gressed daily directions for every person alive to-day measure to the immediate
present. In this measure will at once be recognized the system of Transits, which has
long been an accepted feature of astrological technique. The writer believes this to be
the firsttime,however, that the idea has been put forward thatTransits are an integral
part of the system of Secondary Directions. Readers are probably also aware of the
progressed Daily Horoscope, which has enjoyed a certain amount of popularity
among astrologers. Just as in the Yearly Series of directions the progressions after
birth furnish less than half of the total picture, so in the Daily Series of directions
the progressed Daily Horoscope and Transits are only a part of the system. As in
the Yearly, Monthly and Weekly Series, the same number of days must be measured
off before birth as after birth in order to make an accurate estimate of all the influ-
ences in force. Once again, the number of degrees moved by the Midheaven is made
to correspond exactly with the amount of the Sun's motion forwards and backwards
through the Zodiac between the day of birth and the directional day.
The particular importance of the converse daily directions should at once be-
come apparent if we consider, as an example, a cross-country race in which fifty
competitors are taking part. The planets' positions in the heavens at the moment
when the race is started are alike not only for all the competitors and all the specta-
tors but, indeed, for the whole of humanity. These planetary influences which hold
sway in the immediate present represent the common experiences of all mankind
which arise from their simultaneous existence on this planet. The contacts which these
present positions (transits) make with the birth charts of each one of us show the
impact that these common experiences make on each individually. Each brings with
him his own outlook, his own bundle of reactions, his own strengths and weaknesses,
which are represented not only by his birth horoscope but by the development of
that horoscope in terms of the various series of progressions, of which the Daily
Series represents the ultimate unfoldment. Since the progressed daily positions at
any given moment of time are the same lor the whole of humanity, it is only by
means of the converse daily positions that a complete and personal equation can be
established between the individual and that immediate present which is common
to all of us.
Therefore, in order to determine which competitors are likely to be most suc-
cessful in the race, it is the converse daily directions which we must consult, for
through them alone can we obtain indications which are sufficiently divergent to
allow us to form a considered judgment. A study of the interplay between the con-
verse daily directions and the native's radical chart and between the same converse
directions and the progressed daily directions enables us to bring the daily events of
the life into correct focus and to select from any given group of people, provided
their birth data are accurately known, those who are most likely to meet with suc-
cess or failure on a particular day.
^ planet in the daily horoscope will make its influence most strongly felt when
it is in strong aspect with a planet in the natal chart and at the same time in con-
iunction with or in opposition to the Midheaven or Ascendant of the daily chart.
If it does not fall upon the angles of the daily horoscope its influence will be less
striking and will be found to indicate minor events of the nature of the house of the
radical chart and the sign through which it is passing. Aspects between the slower
moving planets in the Daily Series and radical planets and angles will often remain
within orbs for some weeks at a time and either the radical or the progressed planet
will eventually become angular in the daily horoscope. At such a time the aspect
will reach its maximum influence and its effects will make themselves felt most
noticeably. The day on which a slow-moving planet forms an exact aspect with a
radical planet or angle is also significant, but not quite to the same extent. A faster
moving planet which simultaneously aspects both the radical and the daily pro-
gressed planet will often stimulate the contact to action. Of the faster-moving planets,
Mars often produces the most noticeable effects when blending its rays in this manner
with other planets in the daily series.
A combination of two or more of the heavier daily planets in aspect with radical
or yearly progressed planets and angles is likely to indicate a significant event. The
slower the rate of motion of the planets concerned the more important the event is
likely to be. In this respect it should be noted that sometimes Mars, Venus and
Mercury temporarily become slow-moving planets owing to their periods of retro-
grade motion, when they remain in the same two or three degrees of the Zodiac for
several days or more at a tinie\
The progressed and converse angles of the daily horoscope make one complete
circuit oQhe.Z.QdiacJn.^th^onrse.joTthe.vear. This means that on the same day in
every year the angles will pass over the same radical planets. The effects of these
annual contacts must therefore be of very little significance when considered alone,
otherwise the pattern of events would tend to be repeated to a certain extent year
after year. It is the actual places of the planets in the heavens which give significance
to the progressed daily horoscope. This significance is increased when the daily
planets are conjoined with the angles of the daily horoscope and at the same time in
major aspect with the radical planets and angles.
The Daily Horoscope should be calculated for the place_where the native
happens to be on the day in question. Thus the Midheaven degree of the chart on
that day will be the same wherever he may be but the Ascendant will vary according
to the latitude of the place.
By referring to the Tables of Houses for 40° N. 43' we find that the
Ascendant corresponding to this Midheaven is. 25° ess 42'
By referring to the Tables of Houses for 40° N. 43' we find that the
Ascendant corresponding b to this Midheaven is 13" —37'
CfcKrt. DWLY p&l-
All that now remains is to tabulate the aspects formed between the various radi-
cal, progressed and converse angles and planets in the same manner as for the
Yearly, Monthly and Weekly Series of Secondary Directions. Particular attention
should be paid to any aspects formed between progressed or converse daily planets
* In cases where Ihe difTerence is in excess of six signs, it will ofien be found more convenient to subtract the
complementary part of the Zodiac instead of adding the larger part, and conversely, when a subtraction has
to be made, it will often be easier to add the complementary part.
and the progressed or converse yearly angles, or the radical Ascendant or Midheaven.
Contacts between the daily planets and the angles of the monthly and weekly
progressions are also important, but to a lesser degree.
We have already observed, in connection with the slower measures, that it is
unnecessary to pav particular .attention to any lunar aspects formed, on account of the
Moon's speedy progress through the Zodiac. It will be appreciated, therefore, that
there is even less need to take into account aspects formed by the progressed daily ^
Moon, unless it should be a New or a Full Moon, or unless it should occult a planet,
and at the same time fall on a sensitive point in the nativity. The importance of f
Eclipses, New Moons and Full Moons is discussed in the next chapter.
In the case under consideration, the following are the daily directions:—
0 con r
M.C. con. d 9 r. d 9 P- - X- -
M.C. p. * 2! r. (applying) O p. * ^ p.
M.C. p. A 9 r.
M.C. r. v. O p. ]) r. A 91 con.
Asc. p. A O p. ^ p. 9 con. -Jf d r. □ % r.
Asc. con. -Jf O r. 5 P- Q 2j. p.
Asc. con. A r. (separating) 9 p. A § r*
Asc. con. □ $ r. (separating) 9 con. -X- 2J. p. A W r>
Asc. r. ~ J p. J con. d J r. (applying)
$ P- a ^ p.
$ con. □ § con. □ F7 p.
Here we find an imposing array of aspects, the most impressive of which is the
conjunction of the converse daily Midheaven with the radical Venus and the
progressed daily Pluto. The progressed daily Venus is in trine to the radical Pluto,
while the converse daily Venus is in trine to the radical Uranus and in sextile to the
progressed daily Jupiter, which is midway between the Venus-Uranus trine. In
the birth chart the Pluto-Uranus opposition falls across the cusps of the First and
Seventh Houses and is therefore of primary importance in relation to the question
of marriage.
The progressed daily Sun in Libra is in semi-sextile to the radical Midheaven,
in sextile to the progressed daily Neptune, which was in the Seventh House at birth,
and in trine to the progressed daily Ascendant, as in the nativity. The daily Ascen-
dant and Neptune are in opposition, while the converse daily Sun is in semi-sextile
to the radical Neptune.
The converse daily Ascendant picks up the trine between the radical Sun and
Jupiter, applying to the sextile of the first-named body and separating from the trine
of the second.
Mars, signifying the male principle, and having a relationship with the passional
nature, is nearly always active in a woman's horoscope at the time of marriage.
Here we find the progressed daily Mars in quincunx to the radical Ascendant, and
the converse daily Ascendant separating from the square of the radical Mars, while
the converse daily Mars is applying to the conjunction of its radical place. The
converse daily Mercury, the ruler of the Seventh House, is in sextile to the radical
A contact between the rulers of the First and Seventh Houses is to be expected
at the time of marriage. Here, the converse daily Mercury is in square to the radical
Jupiter, and the progressed daily Mercury and Jupiter are also in square to each
other. The progressed daily Midheaven is in trine to the radical Mercury.
Of the remaining aspects the trine between the converse daily Jupiter and the
radical Moon in Libra is most helpful, but the afflictions between the progressed
daily Uranus and Neptune, and between the converse daily Uranus and Pluto,
which form a T-square with the progressed daily Saturn, no doubt have a bearing
upon the fact that the marriage was not a lasting one.
The Lindbergh baby was kidnapped and murdered on 1st March, 1932, when
the following daily progressions had formed in his horoscope:—
Once again the planet Pluto plays a prominent part in the daily directions.
The importance of this planet in all progressions in the horoscopes of Ann Harding
and the Lindbergh baby is emphasized by its angular position in both nativities.
In the horoscope now under consideration the radical Pluto is squared by Uranus.
These two planets are placed respectively on the Midheaven and on the Descendant,
and their dispositors, the Moon and Mars, are in threatening conjunction on the
cusp of the Eighth House. Here, in the radical chart, are all the ingredients of
tragedy. The atmosphere of ill-omen, already established by the major progressions
for the year, becomes charged with the most deadly menace when considered in the
light of the daily aspects listed above.
The progressed daily Ascendant has reached the conjunction of the radical
Pluto and the converse daily Sun has reached the square of the same planet. The
progressed daily Venus, the ruler of the natal Ascendant, is in square to the progressed
daily Pluto, which is also in conjunction with the progressed yearly Midheaven.
The progressed daily Uranus reached the exact opposition of the radical Ascendant
on the previous day.
The radical Moon and Mars on the cusp of the Eighth House are stimulated
by sextiles from the progressed daily Sun and Mercury respectively. The converse
daily Neptune is very close to the exact sextile of the radical Sun, a contact which is
made less favourable by the position of Neptune in Virgo, the sign of its fall. The
tion of the radical Mars in Aquarius, while the progressed daily Mars in Pisces, the
sign of sorrows, is just separating from the square of the radical Ascendant. The
converse daily Ascendant in Scorpio picks up the opposition between the radical
Sun in Aquarius and the progressed daily Jupiter in Leo.
Mercury, which squares the Ascendant at birth from the sign Pisces and disposes
of both Neptune and Pluto, has progressed to the semi-sextile of the radical Sun
and has formed a similar aspect with the radical Ascendant by converse motion.
Of the remaining group of interplanetary aspects, only one, the semi-sextile between
the progressed daily Saturn and the radical Venus, is technically favourable, but
any beneficial influence is completely undermined by the overwhelming weight of
afflictions centred on the progressed Venus and the radical Saturn. The contact is
made the more critical by the radical Saturn being in the Second House, which,
by reason of its opposition to the Eighth House, is connected with death. The squares
between Venus and Mars and between Pluto and Mars weight the scales still more
heavily, especially as Mars is the ruler of the Fifth House and is at the same time in
square to Uranus in the yearly progressions, and in opposition to the radical Mid-
heaven from Pisces, the sign of sorrows.
We have seen how the daily progressions of two of the members of the Lind-
bergh family indicated that ist March, 1932, was to be a most fateful day in their
lives. Similar configurations also occurred in the daily progressions of Anne Morrow
Lindbergh's horoscope. Confronted with such a coincidence of threatening aspects
in the horoscopes of three closely related people, an astrologer could scarcely avoid
having grave misgivings lest some family catastrophe should take place on that
particular day, These examples, therefore, show that the daily horoscope is of the very
greatest significance and can play a vital part in determining critical days in the life.
The method of correlation of the daily series of progressions with the weekly,
monthly and yearly series is set forth in Chapter XIII, which also contains further
examples of daily progressions.
Chapter Xll
The methods of judging the daily series of directions described in the previous chapter
were, in essence, the same as those used in judging the weekly, monthly and yearly
series. There are, however, several additional factors which should be taken into
account when considering the effects of the daily series of directions.
The first concerns the effect of lunations and eclipses falling on sensitive points
of the radical or progressed horoscope. When the New or Full Moon is in strong
close aspect to a planet or an angle of the birth chart, it is apt to excite events of the
nature of the planet or the signs concerned. When such a configuration of the
luminaries is in close aspect to a progressed planet or angle, which is itself forming
an aspect with another planet or angle of the radical or progressed horoscope, it is
likely to precipitate events of the nature of the direction which it stimulates. An
orb of three degrees may be allowed when computing these lunation aspects.
New and Full Moons will operate most strongly when they stimulate the yearly
progressions. They will also excite, in a similar way, directions in the monthly,
weekly and daily series, although to a lesser degree. The results of these contacts of
the luminaries will nearly always make themselves felt within a week or fortnight
of the date on which they occur. Occasionally they will act to precipitate events a
few days before the lunation actually falls due.
The following illustrations of the effects of New and Full Moons falling on sensi-
tive places in the radical and progressed chart are taken from the example horo-
scopes on pages 147-149, and will form a useful basis for study:—
Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
Son born, 22nd June, 1930.
Full Moon—11 th June. (20/) § 2[ ? r.
New Moon—26th June. (4215) 6 0<?r. (mid-point).
Equivalent date before birth, 21st June, 1882.
Full Moon—1st July. (jjW) § 3)<3 r.
New Moon—15th June. (240) 6 2J. § r.
Yearly directions stimulated:—
M.C. p. v. g r.
r. id. G con.
O r. * $ p.
Daughter born, 2nd October, 1940.
Full Moon—16th September. (23 X) □ 21 $ r.
Equivalent date before birth, nth March, 1882.
Ann Harding.
Lengthy visit to London, 10th February, 1937.
New Moon—1 ith February. (225=) d 3rd cusp r.
(The converse Midheaven was in 22ft.)
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon stimulating directions or close radical aspects in
the natal chart act with greatly increased intensity and their effect is spread over a
wider span of time. Although, in some cases, the immediate results of an eclipse will
be readily apparent, in others the effects may not make themselves felt until some
months have passed. The average length of time elapsing before an eclipse takes
effect appears to be five or six months but this period may be extended, in isolated
cases, to as much as twelve months. Occasionally, the effects of an eclipse will be
observed a few days before the phenomenon actually falls due. This margin of
timing can be compared to the orb of four or five degrees before the cusp of each
house in the horoscope, within which planets exert their major influence in terms of
the house that they have just left by axial rotation. A study of the monthly, weekly
and daily series of directions in force will provide the best clues as to when the eclipse
is likely to operate most strongly. Two or three eclipses in succession strongly aspect-
ing the same point are likely to produce the most marked effects. These effects are
by no means always adverse, as tradition would have us believe, for they may equally
stimulate favourable or unfavourable progressions or radical aspects.
Lunations and eclipses falling on sensitive points of the horoscope are nothing
more than a double transit of the Sun and Moon. The pull exerted by these bodies
is amply demonstrated in the realm of physical phenomena by the effect which they
have on the tides. When the Sun and Moon are in conjunction or opposition their
double pull causes the tide to rise higher than at other times. Their influence is
similarly potent when applied to the sea of human experience and its individual
expression in terms of each natal horoscope.
The following illustrations of the effects of Eclipses of the Sun and Moon falling
on sensitive places in the radical and progressed chart are taken from the example
horoscopes on pages 147-149, and will form a useful basis for study:—
Adolf Hitler.
Bavaria Putsch, 9th November, 1923.
Lunar Eclipse—26th August. (2 M) □ 9 ^ r. (mid-point).
Equivalent date before birth, 1st October, 1854.
Solar Eclipse—9th November. (17TTO □ h r- c? <?9 r-
Yearly directions stimulated:—
O p.d ^ 9 r. (mid-point).
12th cusp con. Q ^ 9 r. (mid-point).
Ann Harding.
First marriage, 21st October, 1926.
Solar Eclipse—9th July. (172°)
Equivalent date before birth, 23rd May, 1878.
Lunar Eclipse—13th August. (20™) A 9 r. 7-
Solar Eclipse—29th July, (7ft) * J) = r.
Yearly direction stimulated:—
O p. .v Jr.
In the preceding chapters it has been shown how the passage of each day before and
afterbirth may be taken to represent a corresponding year, month, week or day in
the life of the native. It has also been demonstrated how the aspects formed between
the radical angles and planets and the progressed angles and planets on these
directional days appear to coincide in a remarkable manner with events in the
native's life. All that now remains to be done is to show how the directions in the
Yearly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Series may be co-ordinated and used with the
maximum degree of efficiency.
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that it is the Yearly Series of Secondary
Directions which establish the basic vibrations of the period under review. The
Monthly, Weekly and Daily Series temporarily intensify or modify these vibrations,
according to their own nature. The most powerful progressed aspects are those
involving the radical and yearly progressed Midheaven and Ascendant. These,
together with the yearly Solar aspects, must be given first consideration when
assessing the likely events of the period.
The first operation, therefore, is to make a thorough survey of the Yearly
Series of Directions in force in order to establish the type of event most likely to
occur during the period. When a preliminary judgment has been formed, corro-
borative evidence may then be sought in the Monthly Series. Should such evidence
not be forthcoming, it may then be necessary to modify the original forecast. If
the indications of the Monthly Series appear to run contrary to those of the Yearly-
Series, the influence of the major series will not be overthrown thereby, but it may
be diminished in intensity.
The importance of the angles of a horoscope derives from the fact that they are
the "flash-points" of the chart through winch are externalized the planetary vibra-
lions. A planet attains its maximum influence in the life when it forms an exact
aspect with an angle. It is this factor, above all others, which makes possible ac-
curate prediction.
The progressed and converse Midheaven and Ascendant are even more sensi-
tive than the radical angles, for whereas the latter may be compared to the founda-
tion of a building, the former represents the superstructure built upon that foundation.
In the event of unfavourable planetary weather arising, the superstructure is much
less likely to withstand the impact than the foundations. The nativity, therefore,
under normal circumstances, has the strength to survive much greater shocks than
the progressed or converse horoscope. For this reason it is especially necessary to
observe the aspects formed between the progressed and converse monthly, weekly
and daily planets and the progressed and converse yearly angles. These aspects are
of even greater significance if the yearly angles are already involved in an aspect
with a radical planet or with a planet in the progressed or converse Yearly Series
of directions.
When correlating the four series of progressions it is first necessary to note the
zodiacal degrees occupied by the progressed and converse yearly Midheaven and
Ascendant, as well as the natal positions of these major angles, and any radical or
yearly planets which are in close aspect with them. Then the monthly progressions
should be consulted in order to ascertain whether any planet in this series is within a
degree of an exact aspect to any of the angular degrees already noted. Should any
such aspects be formed, the days on which they occur will measure to the months
when their effects are likely to be felt most strongly. If, in addition, the point aspected
is also in contact with a radical or progressed planet, an event of major importance
may then be anticipated. Such cross-aspects from the planets of the monthly series
to tne radical and progressed yearly angles will rarely be very numerous and it will
accordingly be comparatively simple to determine the month or months when major
directions are likely to operate with maximum effect.
Attention should next be paid to any aspects between the planets of the monthly
series and planets which have reached an exact aspect in the yearly progressions.
The month measuring to the day on which the aspect is completed will also be of
considerable significance, producing events of the nature of the aspect formed in
the yearly series of progressions. If, for example, the progressed yearly Mars reaches
the square of the radical Jupiter fourteen days after birth and the progressed monthly
Mercury reaches the square of the radical Jupiter one hundred and seventy days after
birth—or fourteen years two months, if we take a day to represent a month—then the
second month of the fifteenth year will be the time when the effects of the Mars square
Jupiter yearly direction are most likely to be precipitated. But should Mars in the
monthly series conjoin Jupiter in the birth chart five daysafterMercuryhas completed
the square to that planet, a further and probably more serious precipitation of the
same major direction would then be likely to occur five months later.
The last special configurations to note in the monthly series are the aspects
formed between the progressed monthly angles and the monthly planets. When a
planet is in conjunction with an angle of the monthly figure but not in aspect with a
radical or yearly progressed planet or angle, some minor event of the nature of
that planet may be anticipated. If, on the other hand, the angular monthly planet
touches up an aspect in the yearly series, most important events are likely to occur
during that month.
As soon as it has been determined which months are likely to be of outstanding
importance during the year, it is advisable to turn next to the corresponding weekly
series of progressions in order to see whether similar conditions of crisis or climax
during these months are also marked. Once again, it is the interplay between the
planets of the weekly series and the radical angles and the progressed and converse
yearly angles which are of paramount importance. In addition, great importance
its peak is the day when they coincide with angles of the daily figure. The Sun,
Mars, Venus and Mercury, however, speedily form and break off contacts with these
significant points in the progressed yearly horoscope, and the day on which these
contacts become exact will be the day on which events of the greatest significance
are likely to happen, according to the nature of the planets involved.
It may sometimes be more convenient to go directly from the yearly series to
the weekly series, omitting the monthly series of progressions, while occasionally it
will be possible to obtain satisfactory results by jumping straight from the yearly
progressions to the daily progressions. As readers will by now be aware, daily pro-
gressions consist of something more than the "transit" system which many astro-
logers use, since the most important features of the daily series are the converse
directions and the progressed and converse angles of the daily chart.
A convenient summary of the principles involved in the correlation of the various
series of progressions may be made as follows:—
(1) The Yearly Series of Directions indicates the dominant emphasis for
the period under review. Directions involving the radical, progressed and
converse angles exert the greatest influence.
(2) Events denoted by these angular directions in the Yearly Series are
most likely to be precipitated when the radical, progressed or converse angle
involved in the direction receives an aspect from a planet in one of minor
series, whether monthly, weekly or daily. These contacts are of primary im-
portance and indicate those months, weeks or days which are likely to be of
the greatest significance, according to the measure used.
(3) Similarly, interplanetary directions in the Yearly Series are most
likely to be stimulated to action when a planet in one of the minor series forms
an exact aspect with the planets in the Yearly Series which are involved in the
major direction. These contacts, also, will indicate significant months, weeks
or days according to the measure used.
(4) Planets in the minor series arriving on an angle indicate a time of
potential importance. Should a planet so placed not be in aspect with any
significant point in the birth chart or with any major progressed planet or
angle, its importance is much diminished.
(5) Interplanetary aspects in the minor series are not likely to produce
effects of great importance unless contacts are formed at the same time with
planets involved in major progressions.
It may appear that the foregoing procedure is a little complicated, but the
student will soon gain proficiency in applying the various measures and will speedily
learn to discriminate between that material which is of prime importance and that
which is relatively insignificant.
For the sake of completeness, examples of the calculation of lunar progressions
were given in Chapter II. It is not recommended, however, that progressed lunar
aspects should be used in the new complete system of Secondary Directing, since
the refinement of timing which was their primary function may now be more effi-
ciently accomplished by using the monthly, weekly and daily series of progressions. ^
A problem arises in connection with this system of directing which readers may
like to consider. It will be remembered that the daily horoscope should be erected
for the actual place where the native is on the day in question. It would appear
logical to make a similar adjustment in the yearly, monthly and weekly directions
in those cases where the native moved an appreciable distance away from his
birthplace shortly after birth. If, for instance, he was taken to live in a completely
new locality only sixty days after he was born, it seems reasonable to suggest that
the progressed horoscopes for his sixty-first year, sixty-first month and sixty-first
week should properly be calculated for the new place of residence. As such cases
are comparatively rare it has not yet been possible to arrive at a definite conclusion
on this matter.
The following illustrations are taken from the example horoscopes on pages
147-149 and are set out in tabular form, thus providing a graphic demonstration of
the manner in which the various series of directions act upon each other. These
tables only include those minor directions which are directly linked by aspect with
the major directions and radical positions and are not necessarily an exhaustive
catalogue of all the monthly, weekly and daily directions operating at the time.
SfriM Day
Radical, Progressed M,C. r. 20J up Ase. r. 3f
Progressed 6th Mar., M.C. p. 2oi=2=
and 1902.
Converse Cusp 5r. 21 T
Radical, Converse, tr? r. 10} 9 r. i6i n ? r. 2? X 9 P- >71 =
Progressed 5thJan., h r. O p- 15X M.C. con. iglil h con. i8}v)
and <902. (? p. 20X
M.C. p. i6np Q con. 18
As the baby was less than two years old relatively few aspects other than those present in the natal chart
have had time to develop. Columns 1 and 2 particularly show how acutely the radical aiSictions were brought
to a head. (See also pages 105, it I and 1 to.)
Friend Dr. Rathenau aaeaaslnated, and own life threatened, 34tb June, 1933.
■Serirj Day I a 3
Radical, Progressed M.C, con, 1 = M.C. p. abiT Asc. con. aBJb
Progressed a6th Apr.,
and '879-
Converse Cusp 8r. 291^
Radical, Converse, ft r. 1 Js=5 cJ r. 37 Vl J p. 284 ~ Jr. 14}/ ? r. 17T r. asjK ^ r. 7ib h p- gT
Progressed 30lh Jan., w r. im cf con. abf
and '879-
Monlhly Progressed 9 p. oj nj h P- a9T
Angles 14th Aug., it con. 29=5
and [880. y con, 28
Planets Converse, 2J. con. a7jf 9 con. 28ITP
1 ith Oct.,
Weekly Progressed 9 p. "tn © p. 284 b h p. 34 n <J p. 8b
Angles iQlh May, W p. 2911® 3 con. aai?
and 1885. 4 p. 27&
Planets Converse, 71 con. ojnjp Asc. p. 284^7, © con. iblrt
Gth Jan., 9 con. a8:=s Asc. con.
Daily Progressed B P '3iH 3 p. a3in 2J. p. gi—
Angles a4th June, <S P- '4i/ M.C. p. 23 u 9 P- ginD
and igaa. V P. 1451 Asc. p. 341 nj
Planets Converse, M.C. con. 1 if con, 27 = cf con- l5if
3rd Dec., Pj con. tim 9 con. aglf Si con. 284ft 21 con. i4inB
1835- tp con. tj tx @ con. 13 T
Rad ical, Progressed, M.C. p. isi — ASC. p. 2217 M.C. con. 24l7t Asc. r. 37
Progressed 1st Mar., Asc. con. 14!^
and 1902.
Radical, Converse, ® r. Hiss D r. 25!? S r. 2slf 9 r. 22k *J> r. 2913
Progressed toth Jan., 5 r. i6in $ r- aoj# tJ r. 26!!; 2J. r. aglv^
and [902. (mid-point 237 } 9 con. 29is
Monthly Progressed, Asc. p. 14 — tJ p. h P. 251^
Angles 5th Dec., 9 P- »4tJ
and 1902.
Planets Converse, ® con. 15} 1T> ,? con. 23 SI, Asc. con 26*7
6th Apr., con. 161A *2 con. 262 □
>901. con. ]6J/
Weekly Progressed, J p. 157 ® p. 22)12 9 p. 411? M.C. p. a BIT
Angles 15th Sept., ? p. 1671
and 1905.
Planets Converse, 4) con. 22! II
2518 June, ^ con. 27J n © con. 32 era
Daily Progressed, ^ p- 24ft $ p. ajT ® p. 28b
Angles iotli May, h p- 417 9 p. 28i b
and 1927-
Plam.-is Converse, IJI con. 2471, Asc. con. 4 □ ® con. 28^
21st Oct., 9 con. 24B 21 con. 3I7
Tlic radical Moon, Mars, Uranus configuration was probably the mainspring of this great achievement. Columns 2, 3 and 4 arc therefore closely
linked. Columns ) and 5 also emphasize important radical configurations.
Married, 37th May, 1939.
Progressed, M.C. p. sojan Asc. p. 17!^ M.C. r. aSi n M.C, con.fijn
15th July, Aac. r. 39"]?
The directions in Columns 3 and 4 have the greatest bearing on this event. The aspects to the radical and the progressed yearly Jupiter are also sig-
nificant in view of the hazardous flight to the Orient on which she accompanied her husband directly after the niarriage.
The system outlined in the foregoing pages is an attempt to fill the need expressed
by many astrologers for a method of directing which not only indicates with accuracy
the general nature of the events to be anticipated but which is also reliable in deter-
mining the timing of those events within narrow limits. It is also designed as a first
step in establishing some sort of uniformity between the multiplicity of directional
systems at present in vogue. In a future volume it is hoped to show how some of the
same simple fundamental principles of Secondary Directing may be applied to
Solar Revolutions and other figures of a similar nature, and to demonstrate how these
figures may be used in conjunction with Secondary Directions to the mutual ad-
vantage of both systems.
The prime importance of the angles of the birth chart has repeatedly been
stressed. It is absolutely necessary that the birth chart should be as accurate in this
respect as the most careful rectification can make it. It is useless to expect satis-
factory results from Secondary Directions unless the angles of the horoscope under
consideralion have been carefully checked with reference to past events. Even a
"stop-watch timed" birth must not be regarded as above suspicion until one or two
major events in the life have occurred either to corroborate or to confound the
prevailing angular directions. The Daily Series of progressions will often prove to
be of great use in testing the accuracy of the radical angles.
One final point. It may have occurred to readers, as it did to me, when studying
the various examples of directions given in Chapters V, VT and VII, that the nature
of the event often seemed to derive more strongly from the houses ruled or from the
signs or houses occupied, than from the intrinsic nature of the planets themselves.
Furthermore, in many cases there appeared to be no appreciable difference in effect
between signs and houses. Such a state of affairs may be considered a mixed blessing,
for, while making for greater simplicity, it appears to offer the astrologer less chance
of elaborating his predictions in great detail. In this respect it is well to remember
that progressed aspects, besides providing the individual with new opportunities
for soul growth, also denote opportunities for him to "work off" some of his debts to
the past. The nature of these debts may be diagnosed in terms of the planets in-
volved, of the houses ruled by them, or of the signs and houses they occupy. Although
the comparison of similar progressed aspects occurring in different horoscopes is
extremely useful and instructive it is not strictly scientific to anticipate an almost
identical event taking place under the same type of progressed aspect in two different
charts since no two individuals are evolving along exactly the same lines. Thus it
behoves us when predicting always to heed the words ofwisdomattributed to Ptolemy,
"Judgment must be regulated by thyself as well as by the science, for it is not
possible that particular forms of events should be declared by any person, however
scientific, since the understanding conceives only a general idea of some sensible
event, and notitsparticularform. It is, therefore, necessary for him who practises herein
to adopt inference. They only who are inspired by the Deity can predict particulars."
Appendix I
The Days of the Year nambered
Day Day
Jswnher Number
22 12
Example Calculation
It is required to find the converse daily directional day measuring to 1 7th January, 1937,
in the life of Ann Harding. The procedure is as follows:—
Date for which converse daily directional day is required.... 17th January, 1937.
Date of Birth ...7th August, 1902.
Age of native on 17th January, 1937 34 years 163 days
Subtract 34 years from 1902 1868
Day number of 7th August (see Table 1) 219*
Subtract 163 days 56
= 25th February, 1868
To see whether any adjustment needs to be made to this date:—
Count the number of Leap Year daysj" occurring between 7th August, 1902, and 17th
January, 1937 9
Count the number of Leap Year daysf occurring between 7th August, 1902, and 25th
February, 1868 8
Number of Leap Year days less in period before birth 1
. ■ . Directional day must be one day earlier = 24th February, 1868.
* Had this number been less than 164, it would have been necessary to have added 365 to it, afterwards
subtracting one more year from the year of birth,
f A list of Leap Years is given in Table 4.
To convert years into days at the rate of a day for a month
To find the progressed and converse raonthly directional days by means of Tables i
and 2:—
1. Calculate the native's age in years measuring to the period under review.
2. Using Conversion Table 2, find this figure in Column i and note the number of
days and years opposite to it in Column 2. This number represents the number of years
and days before and after birth measuring to the required period.
If the period elapsed since birth is more than an exact number of years, calculate the
number of months in the remaining period and for each month add an extra day to tire
number obtained above.
3. Turn to Table 1 and note the number opposite the native's day of birth. To find the
progressed monthly directional day add to this number the number of days obtained as a
result of operation 2 above. (If the number so found is in excess of 365, subtract 365 from
4. Find, in Table 1, the date which is opposite this new number. This date will be the
required progressed monthly directional day. If the native is more than thirty years and
five months old, add on the "year" figure also to the year of birth. If, in operation 3, it
was found necessary to subtract 365, add one more year, whatever the native's age.
Be careful to allow for any Leap Year Day falling in the period between the day of birth
and the progressed monthly directional day. For every such day it will be necessary to
make the directional day one day earlier than that shown in the table.
5. To find the converse monthly directional day subtract from the day of birth number
the number of days obtained as a result of operation 2 above. (If the first number is less
than the second, add 365 to it.)
6. Find in Table 1 the date opposite the number obtained as a result of operation 5.
This date will be the required converse monthly directional day. If the native is more
than thirty years and five months old, subtract the year figure from the year of birth. If in
operation 5, it was found necessary to add 365, deduct one more year, whatever the natives'age.
Be careful to allow for any Leap Year Day falling in the period between the day of birth
and the converse monthly directional day. For every such day it will be necessary to make
the directional day one day later than that shown in the table.
Example Calculation
It is required to find the progressed and converse monthly directional days measuring to
17th January, 1937, in the life of Ann Harding. The procedure is as follows:—
Date for which directional days required 17th January, 1937
Date of birth 7th August, 1902
Age of native on 17th January, 1937 34 years 5 months
Equivalent number of days for 34 years 1 year 43 days
Add equivalent number of days for 5 months 1 year 48 days
Day number of 7th August (see Table 1) 219
To obtain progressed monthly directional day add 48
= 24th September
Add 1 year to year of birth
Progressed monthly directional day 24th September1, 1903
To obtain the converse monthly directional day:—
From the day number for 7th August 219
Subtract 48
= 20th June
Subtract 1 year from year of birth 1901
Converse monthly directional day 20th June1, 1901
Had 1903 been a Leap Year It would have been necessary to have made the directional day one day earlier.
* Had 1902 been a Leap Year it would have been necessary to have made the directional day one day later.
To convert years into days at the rate of a day for a week
JV.B.—The normal year of 365 days does not divide exactly into 52 weeks, there being
one day over. Leap Years, of course, have two days over. These "extra" days are listed
cumulatively in Column 1 until they total seven, when they are cancelled out by the addi-
tion of one day in Column 2. It is necessary to take these odd days into account when
computing the number of weeks in a period of less than a year.
The table is drawn up as if the twelve months immediately prior to birth contained a
Leap Year Day. Subsequent Leap Year Days therefore fall during the fourth, eighth,
and twelfth years and so on throughout the life. In cases where the Leap Years fall differently
dirKTSrcs. - s: : ~-
_-.-.TT T1"-.-
as a result of operation 2 above. (If the number so found is in excess of 365, subtract 365
from it.)
4. Find, in Table 1, the date which is opposite this new number. This date will be the
required progressed weekly directional day. If the native is over seven years old, add on
the "year" figure to the year of birth. If, in operation 3, it was found necessary to subtract
365. add one more year, whatever the native's age.
5. To find the converse weekly directional day subtract from the day of birth number
the number of days obtained as a result of operation 2 above. (If the first number is less
than the second, add 365 to it.)
6. Find, in Table 1, the date opposite the number obtained as a result of operadon 5.
This date will be the required converse weekly directional day. If the nadve is more than
seven years old, subtract the year figure from the year of birth. If in operation 5, it was
found necessary to add 365, deduct one more year, whatever the native's age.
Example Calculation
It is required to find the progressed and converse weekly directional days measuring
to 17th January, 1937, in the life of Ann Harding. The procedure is as follows:—
Date for which directional days required 17th January, 1937
Add to "days" figure number of days excess for 34 years (1)* from Column t (Table
3) 164 days
Turn into weeks 23 weeks
Equivalent number of days for 34 years (see Table 3) 4 years 313 days
Add equivalent number of days for 23 weeks 4 years 336 days
Day number of 7th August (see Table 1) 219
To obtain progressed weekly directional day add 336
= 9th July
Add 5 years to the year of birth (includes 1 year extra for 365 subtraction) 1907
Progressed weekly directional day 9th July, 1907
To obtain the converse weekly directional day:—
From the day number for 7 th August 219
* Table adjusted as Leap Year Day falls in second year of life. (See s\e) above.)
~l' ' , Zt 2 irr ^izt—a i
it L^ecr isars
2'imn v.TTTLrT^r E -tt--—rrrrrr* "r'-i^r Trr ^JCC.. 'V "Ti"T ^31 "Hi: i
Appendix II
»* " ll £1
^ Til 3tJ
Jupiter—Saturn Fire
Jupiter—Uranus Earth
J upiter—Neptune Air
Jupiter—Pluto Water
Saturn—U ranus Sixth House
Saturn—Neptune Solar Day
Saturn—Pluto mean
true . . .. .„
Uranus—Neptune Solar Eclipses
U ranus—Pluto Square
N eptune—PIu to Sun
progressed aspects of—see under
grcssed Aspects"
Taurus ..
Rhodes, Cecil Tenth House
Example directions, 29, 30, 31, 35, 42, 45, 46, 49, Third House
50, S1- 55. 57. 58> 6o. 61, 62, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, Trine
73, 74, 75, 77, 79. 80, 8=, 83, 9'. 95, 126 Twelfth House
Horoscope of .. .. . . 149
Sagittarius .. ., .. .. .. 30 progressed aspects of—see under •'Pro-
Saturn gressed Aspects"
progressed aspects of—see under "Pro-
gressed Aspects" Venus
Scorpio .. .. .. .. ,. 29 progressed aspects of—see under "Pro-
Second House .. ,. ,, .. 29, 94 gressed Aspects"
Semi-sex tile . . .. F. .. ,, 38 Virgo
Semi-square .. .. .. .. .. 38
Sesquiquadrate Water Signs ..
In this book the author introduces for the first time a method of
prediction built up in the course of his practical work over a number of
years and based on the Arabian system of Secondary Directions. The
"day-for-a-year" method of progressing the horoscope has enjoyed
much popularity among astrologers on account of the comparative ease
with which progressions can be calculated. Unfortunately this simplicity
of calculation has not been matched by an equally effective and reliable
method of determining exactly when the events indicated are likely to
take place.