Wrinkling Limit in Tube Bending: Xi Wang Jian Cao
Wrinkling Limit in Tube Bending: Xi Wang Jian Cao
Wrinkling Limit in Tube Bending: Xi Wang Jian Cao
Jian Cao
e-mail: jcao@northwestern.edu Thin-walled tube bending has found many of its applications in the automobile and
aerospace industries. This paper presents an energy approach to provide the minimum
Department of Mechanical Engineering, bending radius, which does not yield wrinkling in the bending process, as a function of
Northwestern University, tube and tooling geometry and material properties. A doubly-curved sheet model is es-
Evanston, IL 60208 tablished following the deformation theory. This approach provides a predictive tool in
designing/optimizing the tooling parameters in tube bending. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1395018兴
Introduction 关8兴, Kyriakides and Ju 关9兴, etc. A thinner shell was found to de-
velop short wavelength periodic ripples on the compressed side of
A tube possesses a combination of light weight and high stiff-
the shell 共as shown in Fig. 2兲 and the shell buckled locally and
ness, which has attracted many applications in the aerospace, au-
collapsed soon after the appearance of the wrinkles. Therefore,
tomobile, oil and various other industries. In the auto industry, for
thin-walled shell bending is limited by various shell buckling
example, tube hydroforming has been identified as one of the key
modes in addition to the limit load instability. Ju and Kyriakides
technologies to reduce vehicle weight while increasing the stiff-
关10兴 numerically investigated the instabilities of long circular shell
ness and integrity of automobiles 关1兴. A crucial challenge in hy- bending, which involves bifurcation into short wavelength ripples,
droforming is the optimization of tool and process conditions. A localization following a natural limit load and interaction of the
typical tube hydroforming process, like manufacturing exhaust two. They used Sanders’ shell kinematics and the principle of
manifolds, engine cradles and frames, involves bending of tubes virtual work to simulate the growth of axial ripples and the local-
as the first step followed by hydroforming in a closed die. During ization phenomena. Corona and Vaze 关11兴 addressed the response,
the rotary-draw tube bending shown in Fig. 1 共Stelson and Lou which was buckling and collapse of long thin-walled square tubes
关2兴兲, the clamp die holds the tube which is bent tightly against the under pure bending, analytically and experimentally. Rayleigh-
bending die at the leading end of the bender. The pressure die Ritz type formulations were developed based on the principle of
deforms the tube into the desired shape. A mandrel is used to virtual work to predict the response of the tubes and the critical
support the inside of the tube and prevent the collapse of the tube curvature at which the ripples appear. As shown in Fig. 1, the bent
共Li et al. 关3兴兲. As a result of bending, axial compressive stress is tube is restricted by tooling and it is found that the boundary
developed in the tube section near the bending die. Thus, local restrictions over the examined area for wrinkling are very critical
wrinkles may be initiated, as wrinkling is a phenomenon of com- to the onset of wrinkles in the previous work 共Wang and Cao
pressive instability. The deformation and springback in rotary- 关12–14兴兲. However, these above studies are concerned with long
draw tube bending has been studied by Li and Stelson 关3兴, Stelson shells without any boundary restriction at the ends.
and Lou 关2兴, etc. However, the wrinkling problem in tube bending
has not received much attention. Current industrial practice is to
add enough design tolerance into the problem so that no wrinkles
will be formed in tube bending. With the ever-increasing demand
of low-cost manufacturing and design for manufacturability, a re-
liable prediction tool is needed.
Research efforts on the prediction of wrinkling have been made
in the last fifty years. The analytical solution can provide a global
view in terms of the general tendency and the effect of individual
parameters on the onset of wrinkling and can be achieved in an
almost negligible computational time. However, past analytical
work has concentrated on some relatively simple problems such
as a column under axial loading 共Shanley 关4兴兲, a circular ring
under inward tension, and an annular plate under bending with a
conical punch at the center, etc. Plastic bifurcation analysis is one
of the most widely used analytical approaches to predict the onset
of wrinkling. Hutchinson and Neale 关5兴 and Neale and Tuǧcu 关6兴
studied bifurcation phenomenon of doubly curved sheet metal by
adopting Donnell-Mushtari-Vlasov 共DMV兲 shell approximations.
The investigation was applicable to the regions of the sheet which
are free of any surface contact. However, all the above analyses
neglected the boundary condition along the edge of the region
being examined for wrinkling. Fatnassi et al. 关7兴 performed a the-
oretical investigation to predict the nonaxisymmetric buckling in
the throat of circular elastic-plastic tubes subjected to a nosing
operation along a frictionless conical die. The buckling point and
associated modes are determined by Hill’s bifurcation theory in
conjunction with a nonaxisymmetric buckling mode.
Pure bending of inelastic cylindrical shells have been carried
out experimentally and numerically by Corona and Kyriakides
430 Õ Vol. 123, OCTOBER 2001 Copyright © 2001 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
employed as detailed in Hutchinson and Neale 关5兴 and Neale and
Tuǧcu 关6兴. At the instant of buckling, the in-plane components of
Lagrangian strain tensor ␣ at a distance x 3 from the middle
surface of the curved sheet can be approximated by
␣ ⫽E ␣ ⫹x 3 ␣ (2)
where the Greek indices range from 1 to 2, E ␣ and ␣ represent
the stretching and bending strain which are given by
E ␣ ⫽ 共 u ␣ ,  ⫹u  , ␣ 兲 ⫹b ␣ w
␣ ⫽⫺w , ␣
Fig. 2 Wrinkling on compression side of shell in pure bending
„Ju and Kyriakides †9‡… where a comma denotes covariant differentiation with respect to
in-plane coordinates (x 1 ,x 2 ), u ␣ and w are the displacements in
the in-plane direction (x 1 ,x 2 ) and the buckling deflection normal
The energy method has been another approach to analytically to the middle surface of the sheet, b ␣ is the curvature tensor of
investigate the buckling problem such as flange wrinkling in Cao the middle surface in the prebuckling state. If a 3-D constitutive
and Wang 关15兴, Wang and Cao 关16兴, etc. Recently, Wang and Cao law with the form of ␣ ⫽L̄ ␣␥ ␥ is adopted, where the
关12–14兴 proposed a wrinkling criterion for sheet wrinkling with- moduli L̄ ␣␥ are defined in the Appendix, the relationships for
out normal constraints by using an energy approach considering the membrane stress resultants can be given by
the boundary restrictions of the examined area. They applied this t/2
approach to the cases of a straight side-wall and a curved wall N ␣ ⫽ ␣ dx 3 ⫽tL̄ ␣␥ E ␥ (4)
with an infinite curvature in another direction in sheet metal form- ⫺t/2
ing processes. The predictions agreed very well with experimental
results in all the cases examined. In this paper, we aim to extend and the bending moments are given by
this approach to the sheet with double curvatures, i.e., the wrin-
kling problem in tube bending.
In the present paper, an energy approach is established to pro-
M ␣ ⫽ 冕 t/2
␣ x 3 dx 3 ⫽
12 ␣␥ ␥
vide a stress-based criterion for the general double-curvature sheet The internal energy under the assumption of DMV thin plate
under compression. The effective dimensions over the region un- and shell theory can be obtained as
冕冉冕 冊
dergoing compressive hoop stress are introduced as dimension
parameters. The critical buckling stress is obtained as a function
⌬U⫽ M ␣ d ␣ ⫹N ␣ dE ␣ dS (6)
of local curvatures, material properties, geometrical dimensions, S
and stress ratio. This criterion is then used to predict the onset of
wrinkling in tube bending. The effects of tube thickness, tube where S is the region of the sheet’s middle surface over which the
radius and material properties on the minimum bending radius wrinkles occur. By assuming the virtual displacements u ␣ ⫽0 and
without the occurrence of wrinkling are discussed. using the deformation theory, Eq. 共6兲 can be simplified as
the onset of wrinkling in the doubly curved sheet under a plane The external work done by the membrane forces acting in the
stress condition. In the following analysis, the prebuckling stress middle plane of the sheet is represented as
state in the sheet over the region examined for wrinkling is as-
sumed to be at membrane state, and thus, the shear strains and 1
⌬T⫽ 共 N 11w 2,1⫹N 22w 2,2兲 dS (8)
stresses are ignored. All the formulations are developed within the 2 S
context of thin plate and shell theory, therefore, the thickness of
the sheet and all the stress states through the thickness are as- For a thin curved sheet, the boundary condition or continuity
sumed to be uniform before buckling. Strains are expected to be condition along the edges of the region being examined for wrin-
small and the characteristic wavelength is large compared to sheet kling strongly affects the critical buckling condition since the ad-
thickness and yet small compared to the radii of the curvatures of missible deflection mode will be different. By appropriately
the sheet such that the strain measures given by Donnell- choosing the deflection form to reflect the boundary restriction
Mushtari-Vlasov 共DMV兲 approximations can be adopted. Defor- and equating the energy ⌬U⫽⌬T, the critical conditions can be
mation theory is employed in the analysis since proportional load- calculated analytically as a function of in-plane stress, material
ing before buckling is assumed. properties, and geometry parameters.
The energy method has been extensively employed in Timosh- Generally, the energy equality is considered over the entire re-
enko 关17兴 to study the elastic buckling of thin plates and shells gion being examined and the stress field before wrinkling is as-
with various boundary conditions. In his energy approach, a de- sumed to be uniform over the entire region. However, from our
flected form may be assumed for the plate and the critical buck- previous work on flange wrinkling and side-wall wrinkling in
ling condition can be assessed by equating the internal energy of sheet metal forming, it is demonstrated that the dimensions of the
the buckled plate, ⌬U, and the work done by the in-plane mem- effective compressive area are critical to the initiation of wrinkles.
brane forces, ⌬T. If the internal energy for every possible as- Therefore, this effective area will be implemented in the above
sumed deflection is larger than the work produced by membrane energy integration in Eqs. 共7兲–共8兲.
forces, the sheet is considered under a stable equilibrium condi-
tion. Hence, the stability condition can be expressed as
Buckling Condition in Tube Bending
⌬T⭐⌬U (1)
A typical tube used in tube bending, as shown in Fig. 1, has a
To obtain the internal energy for every possible assumed de- ratio of tube diameter (2r) to tube thickness 共t兲 greater than 10
flection, the formulations for a general doubly curved sheet are and is bent around the bending die with the radius of R d . Hence,
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology OCTOBER 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 431
⌬T is always less than ⌬U for all the admissable deflection
forms, no wrinkling would develop at that bending condition, i.e.,
bending radius R d .
Numerical Analysis and Results
Critical Die Radius. The analytical model for the bent tube
section between the clamping die and pressure die or mandrel 共as
shown in Fig. 1兲 can be treated as a pure bending problem. For
simplicity, the thickness variation is ignored, i.e., the out-of-plane
strain z ⫽0. Therefore, for the large deformation of the bent tube,
we have strain ␣ in the bending direction and circumferential
strain as
⫽⫺ ␣ ⫽ln共 R ⬘ /R d 兲 (13)
The material is characterized as an elastic-plastic material fol-
lowing Swift’s law ¯ ⫽K( ¯ ⫹ 0 ) n . Hill’s 1948 yield criterion is
Fig. 3 Schematic of curved sheet model in tube bending employed to describe the normal anisotropic behavior of the ma-
terial and the anisotropy parameter R is defined as the ratio of
plastic strain in the width direction to plastic strain through thick-
ness in a uniaxial tensile test. Thus, the stress distribution can be
the thin-shell assumption employed in the previous section is suit- derived as
冉冑 冊
able. The thin-walled sheet in the bending area is free of internal
pressure leading to the assumption of under plane stress deforma- 1⫹R 2 共 1⫹R 兲
tion. The mandrel acts to provide a near-perfect clamping condi- ⫽⫺ ␣ ⫽ K 兩 ln共 R ⬘ /R d 兲 兩 ⫹ 0
2 1⫹2R
tion at the end and therefore, considering its effective compressive (14)
area, the tube is simplified as a clamped curved sheet within
( ␣ 1 , ␣ 2 ) and ( 1 , 2 ) in two curvilinear directions as shown in From Eq. 共13兲, it can be seen that the range of in the effective
Fig. 3. compressive area is between 共0,兲. By choosing ␣ 1 ⫽0, we have
The normal deflection, w, satisfies the following boundary ␣ 2 ⫽⌬ ␣ , which is the bending angle. In addition, it is found nu-
conditions merically that the minimum stress exists when the wave number
in the circumferential direction m equals to 1. By substituting
w these simplifications into Eqs. 共11兲–共12兲, we obtain the energy
w⫽0, ⫽0, at ␣ ⫽ ␣ 1 , ␣ 2
␣ functional
冉 冊 冉 冊
w 12 12
w⫽0, ⫽0, at ⫽ 1 , 2 F⫽⌬U⫺⌬T⫽I n4 n 4 ⫹ I n2 ⫹ 2 I ␣ n ⫹ I n0 ⫹ 2 I ⫽0
t t
Thus, the deflection of the plate is assumed to be of the form
冉 冉 冊冊冉 冉 冊冊
⫺1 ␣⫺␣1
w⫽w 0 1⫺cos 2m 1⫺cos 2n 6R ⬘ ⌬ ␣ 2
2⫺ 1 ␣ 2⫺ ␣ 1 I ⫽ sin 2 d (16a)
(10) 0 r
where m is the wave number along the circumferential direction of
the tube and n is the wave number in the ␣ direction. Having Eq.
共10兲 as the assumed deflection form, the internal energy ⌬U
I ␣⫽ 冕 0
2 2r
共 1⫺cos 2 兲 2 ␣ d (16b)
冕冕再 冉 冊 冉
␣2 2
L̄ 2222
w2 2
⫹L̄ 3333
1 w cos w
⫺ 2 冊 2 I n4 ⫽ 冕冉
8 4r
R ⬘3⌬ ␣ 3 冊
共 1⫺cos 2 兲 2 L̄ 3333d (16c)
冕 冉冉 冊
24 ␣1 1 r 2 2 R ⬘2 ␣ 2 r 8 2 cos
冉 冊 冉
I n2 ⫽ ⫺ 共 1⫺cos 2 兲 sin 2 cos L̄ 3333
w 1 w cos w
2 2
1 w 2
R ⬘ r⌬ ␣
⫹2L̄ 2233 2 2 ⫺ 2 ⫹4L̄ 2323 0
冉 冊 冉
r R ⬘2 ␣ 2 r rR ⬘ ␣
16 2 8 2r 2
⫹ 冊 冉 冉冊 冉 冊
cos w 2
⫹ 2 L̄ 2222
w 2
⫹L̄ 3333
w 2 ⫹
rR ⬘ ⌬ ␣
cos 2 共 1⫺cos 2 兲 L̄ 2233⫹
R ⬘⌬ ␣ r
sin 2
冊 冊
R ⬘2 ␣ t r R⬘
⫹L̄ 2233
R ⬘ rd d ␣ (11)
共 1⫺cos 2 兲 L̄ 2323 d (16d)
冕 冉冉 冊
R ⬘r 24R ⬘ ⌬ ␣ 18R ⬘ ⌬ ␣
where R ⬘ ⫽(R d ⫺r sin ) I n0 ⫽ cos2 2 ⫹ 共 1⫺cos 2 兲 2 L̄ 2222
r3 t 2r
With the stress resultants N 11⫽⫺t r and N 22⫽⫺t , the ex- 0
␣1 1
1 w
1 w
R⬘ ␣ 冊冎 2
R ⬘ rd d ␣
⫹冉 12R ⬘ ⌬ ␣ cos sin 4 18⌬ ␣
⫹ 2 共 1⫺cos 2 兲 2 L̄ 2233 d
t 冊 冊
By substituting the assumed deflection in Eq. 共10兲 into Eqs. (16e)
共11兲 and 共12兲, the energy equality ⌬T⫽⌬U yields the solution for The energy function in Eq. 共15兲 is a function of die radius R d ,
the critical condition on the onset of wrinkling. In the case that wave number n as well as material properties, thickness and ge-
冉 冊 冉 冊
4.4 mm. The die radius they used is 28.7 mm. In our prediction,
12 12 for such a case, the minimum bending radius without wrinkles
⌬⫽ I n2 ⫹ I ⫺4 * I n4 * I n0 ⫹ I ⭓0 (17)
t2 ␣ t2 should approximate 13.0 mm, which fits to their experimental
The Eq. 共17兲 under ⌬⫽0 gives the minimum bending radius
Figure 6 displays the dependence of normalized critical die ra-
R d cr at which the wrinkles would not be initiated during the tube
dius, R d /t, on normalized tube radius, 2r/t for AA6061-T6 and
bending, which is defined as the critical die radius. The corre- 304 stainless steel. For both materials, the normalized critical die
sponding wave number is calculated as the critical wave number radius tends to increase with tube radius. When the normalized
冑冉 冊
12 tube radius 2r/t is small, i.e., close to 10, there is no distinguish-
n cr ⫽ I n2 ⫹ I /2I n4 (18) able difference between two materials. However, with increased
t2 ␣ 2r/t, the steel shows lower critical die radius than AA6061-T6,
Effects of Geometry and Material Properties. From the i.e., has better formability in tube bending.
above analysis it appears that the critical conditions at which Figure 7 represents the effect of the strain hardening exponent n
wrinkling occurs in the bent tube, i.e., the critical die radius and on the critical die radius. In Fig. 7, the parameters used are t
critical wavelength, are affected by the tube radius, tube thickness ⫽0.7 mm, r⫽5 mm and K⫽800 MPa. It is seen that when the
and material properties. The understanding of these relationships strain hardening exponent n is in the range between 0.05–0.25,
will be helpful to prevent wrinkling during tube bending which are typical values for most carbon steel and aluminum ma-
processes. terials, critical die radius changes little with n. When n increases
Figures 4 and 5 show the profiles of critical die radius versus beyond 0.25, the critical die radius decreases dramatically. This
tube radius and sheet thickness for different materials. The mate- also illustrates that the stainless steel with n⫽0.549 has a lower
rial used in Fig. 4 is AA6061-T6 with K⫽410 MPa, n⫽0.085, critical die radius than aluminum as shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 8 investigates the effect of the strength coefficient K on
the critical die radius. In Fig. 8, the parameters used are r
⫽5 mm, t⫽0.7 mm, and n⫽0.2. The change of critical die radius
with material strength coefficient K is relatively unnoticeable for
material with a higher strength, i.e., when K is greater than around
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology OCTOBER 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 433
eliminate the costly trial-and-error approach. Experiments on
rotary-draw bending will be conducted to verify the present ap-
proach in the near future.
The financial support for this work is from NSF grant No. DMI-
9713744 and is greatly appreciated.
A, B, C ⫽ parameters in the Voce’s law
E ⫽ elastic modulus
Es , s ⫽ secant modulus and equivalent Poisson’s ratio
E ␣ ⫽ stretching strains
Fig. 8 Effect of strength coefficient K on critical die radius for I ni , I ␣ , I ⫽ parameters (i⫽0,2,4)
r Ä5 mm, t Ä0.7 mm, and n Ä0.2
L ␣␥ ⫽ tangential moduli
L̄ ␣␥ ⫽ tangential moduli for plane stress condition
M ␣ ⫽ bending moments
N ␣ ⫽ membrane stress resultants
R ⫽ anisotropy parameter
Rd ⫽ bending die radius
b ␣ ⫽ curvature tensor of the middle surface
m, n ⫽ wave number in the hoop direction and lateral/
radial direction
r ⫽ radius of tube
t ⫽ thickness of the plate
sij ⫽ stress deviator, i, j⫽1,2
x, y, x i ⫽ coordinates, i⫽1,2,3
u␣ ⫽ displacements in the in-plane directions
w ⫽ normal deflection
w0 ⫽ deflection amplitude
Fig. 9 Critical wavelength versus tube thickness under
r Ä5 mm for AL6061-T6 and 304 stainless steel ⌬T ⫽ external work done by membrane forces
⌬U ⫽ bending energy
␣ ⫽ stress components, ␣,⫽1,2
␣ ⫽ strain components
600 MPa. Only when K is lower than around 600 MPa, it can be ␦ij ⫽ Kronecker delta
seen that a higher K yields a higher critical die radius. It appears ␣ ⫽ bending strains
that the effect of strength coefficient K on critical die radius is y0 ⫽ initial yield stress
relatively insignificant for most high strength materials. x , y ⫽ stress components
It is found that the critical wavelength is almost independent of ¯ ⫽ effective stress
die radius for both AA6061-T6 and 304 stainless steel. However, ¯ ⫽ effective strain
the critical wavelength largely depends on tube thickness as ⌬␣ ⫽ bending angle
shown in Fig. 9, where tube radius is 5 mm. The critical wave- ␣i , i ⫽ span angle
length increases with thickness and AA6061-T6 has a little higher ␣ , ⫽ stress components in curvilinear coordinates
wavelength than stainless steel. ⫽ Poisson’s ratio
Conclusions Appendix A
The prediction of wrinkling in tube bending processes has been For a 3-D constitutive law with the form of ␣ ⫽L ␣␥ ␥ ,
a challenging topic. The analysis of a curved tube can be charac- the tangential moduli in the J2 deformation theory are given by
terized as buckling of a sheet with double curvatures. The analyti-
cal model for the onset of the wrinkling of an elastic-plastic
doubly-curved sheet is developed in this paper using the energy
L i jkl ⫽
Es 1
冋共 ␦ ␦ ⫹ ␦ il ␦ jk 兲 ⫹
1⫹ s 2 ik jl
s 1
␦ ␦ ⫺ s s
1⫺2 s i j kl q i j kl 册
method and the effective compressive area, which is the actual (A1)
area under compression in the tube obtained from stress analysis where s i j is the stress deviator and ␦ i j denotes the Kronecker
either analytically or numerically. By defining the appropriate delta, the secant modulus E s ⫽ ¯ /
¯ , and the equivalent Poisson’s
boundary conditions, the critical conditions can be obtained ratio s is obtained from
冉 冊
through energy equality.
A simple analytical model is established for the tube bending s 1 1 1
⫽ ⫹ ⫺ (A2)
problem and the critical condition is obtained in terms of die Es E 2 Es E
radius and wavelength. It is found that the effects of tube radius
The parameter q is given as
and tube thickness are significant on the minimum die radius with-
out the occurrence of wrinkling. The minimum bending radius
increases with an increase in tube radius and a decrease in tube
thickness. In addition, for most high strength material with a strain
q⫽ 共 1⫹ 兲
2E t
3 共 E s ⫺E t 兲
⫹1 ¯ 2
hardening exponent n lower than 0.25, the dependence of a mini- The incremental moduli for plane stress condition become
mum bending radius on material properties is relatively minor.
L ␣ 33L 33␥
This approach will provide a predictive tool in designing/ L̄ ␣␥ ⫽L ␣␥ ⫺ (A4)
optimizing the tooling and forming parameters and therefore may L 3333
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology OCTOBER 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 435