Plastic Buckling of Axially Compressed Cylinders: Correlation Between Theory and Experiments
Plastic Buckling of Axially Compressed Cylinders: Correlation Between Theory and Experiments
Plastic Buckling of Axially Compressed Cylinders: Correlation Between Theory and Experiments
Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, Universiti Teknikal
Malaysia Melaka, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia
For an axially compressed cylinder, early experiments revealed that the experimental load is about 30% below
the theoretical load. This paper aims to provide better comparison between experimental and theoretical data for
cylinders subjected to axial compression through the appropriate experimental procedure. Ten cylinders (five steel and
five aluminum) were made using different joining techniques. Two cylindrical geometric parameters were considered,
they are : (i) thinness ratio (i. e., radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t) of 18.66 - 21.42, and (ii) slenderness ratio (i. e., length-
to-radius ratio, L/R) of 1 - 5. All the specimens were manufactured from 2 mm flat plate. Comparison of results obtained
from theory, simulation (ABAQUS FE) and experiments reveals that there is a good agreement in the magnitude of the
Original Article
load carrying capacity and deformed shape of the cylinders. The corresponding ratios varied here from 1.01 to 1.05
(steel cylinders), and from0.99 to 1.02 (aluminum cylinders). But the goodness of the comparison is observed to depend
strongly on the material properties used and the clamping arrangement adopted during the experimentation.
KEYWORDS: Buckling, Cylindrical Shell, ABAQUS, Axial Compression, Numerical/Theoretical Prediction &
Boundary Conditions
Received: Jan 25, 2019; Accepted: Feb 15, 2019; Published: Mar 19, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDAPR201956
Thin-walled circular cylinders are used mainly as structural components in many engineering practice such
as aerospace, civil, mechanical, pressure vessel, marine and offshore industries. For example, thick cylinders
typically with low radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t, are commonly used in marine, offshore and ocean engineering
application such as pipelines, pressure vessels etc. In many applications, the thickness of the cylinder is constant
and the cylinder is subjected to various loading conditions, i. e., external pressure, internal pressure, axial
compression, torsion and combination of one or more individual loads. For such application, the cylinder is prone to
failure by buckling which has been a subject of interest over the past year, especially when subjected to axial
compression. This explains the reasons for numerous research work for this shell geometry. Comprehensive review
of the buckling behavior of cylindrical shells are presented in [1-5]. For cylinder under axial compression, earlier
experiments revealed that the load carrying capacity for real cylinders underestimate the theoretical predicted values
by about 30%. This discrepancy between theoretical prediction of the buckling load of cylinder as compared to
experimentally obtained value has been over time attributed to the sensitivity of the cylinder to
imperfections/defects. The reason for this major difference in both theoretical buckling load and experimental data
has attracted numerous research in the area of imperfection sensitivity of the cylinder. Review of past work on the
imperfection sensitivity of cylinders can be found in [6]. Studies on axially compressed cylinder with initial
geometric imperfections are presented in [7-9]. Whilst, [10-12] covers imperfect cylinder subjected to axial compression
with non-uniform axial length. Investigation into the imperfection sensitivity of an axially compressed cylinder with non-
uniform loading can be found in [13-17]. Surprisingly, the problem is far from being solved. In fact, this problem has been
predicted to be one of the last classical problems in homogenous isotropic structural mechanics where it remains difficult
to achieve good agreement between theoretical buckling load and experiments. The motivation for this present work
originates from the conclusion of Ifayefunmi [18] where comparison was made between experimental data and
theoretical/numerical predictions for load carrying capacity of relatively short mild steel cylinders subjected to axial
compression. Ifayefunmi [18] examines this long standing problem of isotropic structural mechanics (i. e., discrepancies in
buckling load of cylinder subjected to axial compression) and highlights some important facts on how this problem could
be solved. It was revealed in [18] that good agreement between theoretical/numerical predictions and experimental finding
on the buckling loads for thick steel cylinders (with radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t, ranging from 25 to 100) could be
achieved. However, these experimental data were limited.
This paper aims to complement the preliminary results presented in [18] by providing further experiments on the
buckling behavior of short and thick mild steel cylinders subjected to axial compression. In addition, it is intended to
extend the scope of the work to different material such as aluminum cylinder. Cylinders were joined together using
different joining techniques. For a mild steel cylinder, Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process was employed. Whilst,
for aluminum cylinder, the seam between two neighboring longitudinal free edges of the cylinder were glued together
using epoxy resin. The wall thickness of the specimen was constant at 2 mm. For steel cylinders, the radius-to-thickness
ratio, R/t, of the cylinder was varied from 18.66 to 21.42. Whereas, for aluminum cylinders, the length-to-radius ratio, L/R,
of the cylinder was varied from 1 to 5, while the radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t, of the cylinder was kept at 25. These radius-
to-thickness ratios were chosen because they are typical geometry commonly used for pipelines and pressure vessels
components. Comparisons of prediction of load carrying capacity were made between experimental buckling load,
theoretical prediction and numerical calculations. Numerical calculations were obtained using ABAQUS FE software, [19].
Let us examine a circular cylinder having diameter, D, radius, R and uniform wall thickness, t, with axial length,
L, as depicted in Figure 1a. The cylinder is assumed to be under axial compression as sketched in Figure 1b. Generally, the
buckling behaviour of such cylinder under axial compression depends on its geometry parameters such as radius R,
thickness t and length L, its material properties (i. e., elastic modulus E and yield stress σyp), the size and type of
imperfections in its geometry, the ends support/boundary conditions and the pattern of loading.
Cylindrical shells geometry parameters are mostly expressed in terms of ratio, viz: (i) thinness ratio
(i. e., radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t), and (ii) slenderness ratio (i. e., length-to-radius ratio, L/R). Cylinders can be classified
either as thin-walled or thick-walled structures based on the thinness ratio. For this classification to be made, the following
assumptions must be considered, they are: (i) radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t >10 is thin-walled structures, and
(ii) radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t < 10 is thick-walled structures.
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Correlation between Theory and Experiments
D = Cylinder diameter
A total of ten cylinders were manufactured and tested under axial compression. Five mild steel cylinders having
different thinness ratio, R/t, with radius, R = 37.32, 38.64, 40, 41.41 and 42.82 mm and another five aluminium cylinders
having different slenderness ratio (L/R ≈ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). The steel cylinders are 2 mm in thickness and 115.95 mm in
height. Specimens were designated as CS1 – CS5 (i. e., cylinder made from steel material). Whilst, the aluminium
cylinders were assumed to have nominal thickness, t = 2 mm and nominal diameter, D = 105 mm. The axial lengths for all
aluminium cylinders were varied between 50 mm and 250 mm. Specimens were designated as CA1 – CA5. Prior to
experimental work, the mechanical properties of the 2mm rectangular plate used in this study were obtained using tensile
testing. The flat tensile specimen were designed according to British Standard (BS EN 10002-1: 2001), [20]. During the
cutting process, the tensile test coupons were cut in the same cutting direction employed for loading the cylinders under
axial compression. The tensile coupons were subjected to uni-axial tensile test using INSTRON testing machine until they
failed. The rate of loading was 1.0 mm/min. The average material data obtained for the uni-axial tensile test is given in
Table 1. The tensile specimens were not stress relieved at any stage of their manufacture.
After the material testing, abrasive water jet machine was used to cut the rectangular flat plates to the desired
dimension. Subsequently, the flat plate is rolled into a cylindrical form with the help of conventional rolling machine
(see Figure 3 of [21] for more details). After the rolling process, the seam between the two neighbouring longitudinal free
edges of the steel cylinder is welded using Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process. The choice of Tungsten Inert Gas
(TIG) was made because of the wall thickness of the steel cylinder. However, because of the complication in welding
aluminium as compared to mild steel, the seam between the two neighbouring longitudinal free edges of the rolled
specimens were joined together using epoxy resin. To obtain effective gluing process, 5 mm overlap is machined on each
adjacent edge of the cylinder using a milling machine. Then, the epoxy was applied to the overlap section. Afterwards, the
specimen is hold together using a clamp until the epoxy harden.
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Correlation between Theory and Experiments
Prior to testing, manufacture-induced imperfections were taken into consideration. A number of measurements
(i. e., wall thickness, diameter and axial length) were taken on all cylindrical specimens. Firstly, Ultrasonic thickness
measurement gauge was used to measure the wall thickness at eleven (11) equal points along the axial meridian of the
cylinder. This was then repeated along the circumference of the cylinder at 36 degrees apart, producing 11 x 10 = 110
measuring points. The nominal thickness tnom, average thickness tave, minimum thickness tmin, maximum thickness tmax and
the standard deviation tstd for all cylinders are provided in Table 2. Secondly, the digital Vernier caliper was used to
measure the inner and outer diameters of the specimens. Measurements were taken at five equally spaced diameters at the
top and bottom ends respectively. The average measured mid-surface diameter for all specimens are given in Table 3.
Thirdly, the digital Vernier caliper was used to measure the axial lengths of the cylinders at eleven equal points. The
measured average axial lengths are also presented in Table 3.
After all the measurements were carried out, all the cylindrical models were subjected to axial compression using
INSTRON machine. Cylinders were placed between the INSTRON machine platens without any clamping plates. This
testing arrangement and procedures are the same as previously described in [18]. View of steel cylinder CS4 in between
the INSTRON platen and ready to be tested is depicted in Figure 3.
It is expected that the platen of the INSTRON machine will help to provide the desirable boundary condition, i. e.,
the support plate was assumed to restrict all displacement and rotational degree of freedom (d. o. f) at the bottom end of the
cylinder. The same boundary conditions were assumed at the top end of the cylinder except for displacement d. o. f in the
axial direction. This is to enable the application of axial compressive force. However, it is realistically impossible to obtain
this boundary condition without rotation, but numerical result has shown that the influence of rotation on the magnitude of
load carrying capacity of cylinder under axial compression is marginal, [22]. During the experiments, compression load
was applied at one end of the cylinder along the axial direction. The rate of loading was kept at 1.0 mm/min – same loading
rate employed in the material testing. The axial force and the resulting compression extension were recorded by the
INSTRON. Figure 4 present the plot of axial load versus compression extension for steel cylinders (Figure 4a) and
aluminium cylinders (Figure 4b). It is apparent that all curves follow a similar trend. Surprisingly, from Figure 4a, four
different regions were observed from the curve, they are: (i) nearly linear portion from 0 - 120 kN, (ii) a transition region at
about 120 kN, (iii) an increase in axial force from 120 kN to the collapse force, and (iv) a region after the collapse load.
The first region corresponds to the elastic region of the structure where the deformation is temporary. In the second region,
the structure is seen to be undergoing yielding – a transition point from elastic to plastic deformation. While, in the third
region, the structure can be said to be undergoing strain hardening within the plastic region. Finally, in the fourth region, it
is the post collapse region of the structures. It is apparent from Figure 4b, unlike the steel cylinder, the curves are nearly
linear up to the collapse load. This can be attributed to a typical behaviour of aluminium material where there is no
well-defined yield point. All cylinder models failed suddenly with the axial load drop as given in Table 4.
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Figure 5 depicts the photograph of collapsed cylinders after testing. It can be observed here that all cylinders have
an axisymmetric bulge at the region where the load was applied (i. e., top ends). This failure mode can be attributed to the
influence of excessive plastic straining at the top ends of the cylinders.
To establish the goodness of the testing procedure adopted in this work, comparison was made between
experimentally obtained results and theoretical reference load to cause yield of the cylinders as in Eq. 1. The average upper
yield (Table 1), average thickness (Table 2) and average mid-surface diameter (Table 3) were used. The theoretical
predicted collapse load for the cylindrical specimens is given in column 5 of Table 4. From Table 4, it is apparent that the
theoretical reference load predicts the magnitude of buckling load in close agreement to that of the experimental results.
For the all cylinder models, the theoretical predictions underestimate the experimental collapse load except for aluminium
cylinders, CA2 and CA3. The ratio ranges from -1 to +5. Also, it can be noticed from Table 4 that increasing the length-to-
radius ratio has little or no effect on the buckling of cylinder within the range covered in this paper, i. e., cylinder that fails
within the elastic-plastic range (R/t = 25 and 1 ≤ L/R ≤ 5). These results agree with theory – see (Eq. 1) where the length of
the cylinder is clearly omitted in determining the theoretical reference load to cause failure of the cylinders. Although, this
may not be valid for relatively long the cylinder where the buckling mode changes from axisymmetric collapse mode to
Euler column buckling mode. In addition, this might not be generally true for the cylinder which fails within the elastic
range. Hence, a further experimental and numerical analysis within the elastic behaviour will be encouraged.
Finally, numerical predictions based on the same geometry and material properties used in theoretical calculation
were carried out. The same boundary conditions employed during experimentation was used for the ensuing numerical
calculation. The specimens were modelled using four-node three-dimensional doubly curved shell elements with six degree
of freedom (S4R). The material is modelled as elastic perfectly-plastic. Non-linear static analysis was carried out using the
modified Riks method algorithm which is implemented in ABAQUS. The ensuing numerical calculations are given in
column 6 of Table 4. From Table 4, the experimental and numerical results are seen to be in agreement. In addition, there
is good visual comparison of deformed shape for both numerical analysis and experiment as exemplified for steel
cylindrical model (CS1) in Figure 6.
Theoretical/numerical and experimental results on the buckling behaviour of steel and aluminum cylinders
subjected to axial compression have been presented. Generally, it is apparent from this piece of work that there is very
good agreement between the magnitude of collapse load given by theory, simulation (ABAQUS) and experiment for all the
cases of radius-to-thickness ratio, R/t, and length-to-radius ratio, L/R, considered. For steel cylinders, it has been found that
the ratio of experimental/theoretical buckling loads varied between 1.01 and 1.05. Whilst for aluminum cylinders, the ratio
ranges from 0.99 and 1.02. These results complement the preliminary results reported in Ref. [18], where it was mentioned
that the influence of the manufacturing process is not significant. In addition, these results also validate and establish the
appropriateness of the experimental procedure proposed in both pieces of work for buckling of axially compressed
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
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Correlation between Theory and Experiments
cylinder. However, this may not be applicable to other geometries. More study into other geometry (i. e., cones) would be
well justified. Finally, to obtain good agreement between experimental and theoretical prediction, these observations need
to be made here. First, exact material data of the specimens must be used. And, second, the clamping arrangement
employed during experiment must be made simple as adopted in this work.
Special thanks to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and the Ministry of Education Malaysia under
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/2018/FTKMP-CARE/F00386) for the financial support.
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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11