Sale Commission Agreement
Sale Commission Agreement
Sale Commission Agreement
2. The agent has approached the manufacturer for his appointment as such
…………….and the agent hereby agrees to act as such sole selling agent in the
…………to the best of his ability and experience within the said area and
3. That the agent shall employ sub-agents, servants, canvassers, clerks and
other employees at his own expense and cost in the business or the commission
agency. The manufacturer shall, however advertise at its own cost in the said
slides, or by any other means and shall indicate where feasible the name of
the agent as its sole selling agent in the territory indicate above.
4. That the agent shall furnish to the manufacturer weekly return of the
business secured and the work done, the persons approached and convassed
during the previous week and shall forward to the manufacturer not later than
two days from the receipt of any orders for the supply of ……………as well as all
enquiries received in respect of the said ………………… The agent shall deposit
in the manufacturer all moneys received in advance from the customers, and
except as in conformity with the instructions issued from time to time by the
7. That this agreement shall be in force for a period of one year from the
commencement thereof, during which period, the agent shall, not canvass for or
act as selling agent for goods of the same kind for any other manufacturer.
indirectly from the said territory, which shall have been executed or complied with
discretion of the manufacturer. The said commission will be payable at the end of
every month and shall be payable even in respect of orders received of supply of
the said ……………….. made by manufacturer out of their own accord to any
otherwise. The manufacturer shall not be liable to pay any commission on orders
received thereafter.
10. That the agency may be determined by the manufacturer at any time
during the said period of one year, after giving fourteen days’ notice thereof, in
case the agent should omit to comply with the obligations imposed upon him
under this agreement or in case, in the opinion of the manufacturer, the agent is
not substantially exceed the minimum guaranteed by the agent or for any other
just cause construed in the business point of view. The agent may terminate
this agreement at any time during the said period of one year, after giving one
comply with or execute the orders by the agent any duly communicated to or
in case the manufacturer should without just case, or cause, withhold the
payment of the commission due to the agent under the agreement for a period
the goods supplied through him or pursuant to the orders secured by him, if the
within three months of the receipt thereof to pay for the same or refuses to
accept the same when forwarded to such constituent. This liability of the agent
12. That the agent shall furnish a cash security of Rs…………….to the
due compliance by the agent of the terms hereof and such security shall carry
interest at the rate of 3 per cent annum. Such security shall be repayable with
interest to the agent within one month of the expiry of the period fixed in the
should arise any dispute with respect to any matter regarding which any
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