Solas Maintenance Manual FOR Life-Saving Appliances (Solas Ch. Iii Regulation 20/36)
Solas Maintenance Manual FOR Life-Saving Appliances (Solas Ch. Iii Regulation 20/36)
Solas Maintenance Manual FOR Life-Saving Appliances (Solas Ch. Iii Regulation 20/36)
IMO No .................................................
Period from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Regulation 20 of SOLAS Chapter III, which describes the requirement of maintenance, testing and inspections of Life-Saving Appliances has been amended and has
come into effect from 1st July 2006. Amended SOLAS mentions that Maintenance, testing and inspections of Life-Saving Appliances shall be carried out based on the
Guidance (MSC/Circ.1093 and MSC/Circ. 1206) developed by IMO (Regulation 20.3.1 of SOLAS Chapter III).
This is the Check List required by Regulation 36 (1) of SOLAS Chapter III, for use when carrying out the inspections of Life-Saving Appliances and it is in compliance with
amended SOLAS Requirement as below.
SOLAS III/20.6 A report of the weekly inspections of Life-Saving Appliances shall be entered in the Log-Book.
SOLAS III/20.6.1 It is added that the weekly visual inspection shall include, but not be limited to, the condition of hooks, their attachment to the lifeboat, and the
on-load release gear being properly and completely reset.
SOLAS III/20.6.3 (New subparagraph 3, the existing subparagraph 3 renumbered as 4)
Lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, shall weekly be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the extent necessary to
demonstrate satisfactory operation of launching appliances, if weather and sea conditions so allow.
SOLAS III/20.7.1 (New subparagraph 1. the existing subparagraph 1 renumbered as 2)
All lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, shall be turned out from their stowed position, without any persons on board if weather and sea conditions
so allow.
SOLAS III/ Frequency of Thorough Examination of launching appliances changed from 5 yearly to annually at the Annual Survey of Safety Equipment.
Thorough Examination shall be carried out by person trained and certified by the Manufacturer.
SOLAS III/20.11 .1.3 Upon completion of the above Annual Thorough Examination a Dynamic Test of the winch brakes to be carried out with mass equal to the lifeboat
without persons on board.
The Dynamic Test at 5 years intervals the mass shall be 1.1 times Maximum working load of the winch. (Details of Thorough
Examination, refer to Guidance (MSC/Circ.1093 Dynamic Winch Brake Test & MSC/Circ.1206 Measures to prevent accidents with
SOLAS III/20/11.2.2
Frequency of Thorough Examination and Operational test for on-load release gears for lifeboats changed to annually at the Annual Survey of
Safety Equipment.
In addition to the above new/amended requirement of SOLAS, following shall be attended as new requirement of Guidance (MSC/Circ.1093) for Maintenance, testing and
inspections of Life-Saving Appliances.
5. Precautions
1. This manual is made for basic requirement of each Life-Saving Appliances, therefore special items to be checked in Monthly/Weekly Inspection may not be included.
2. The Master is requested to check and confirm the Instruction of maintenance and inspection for each Life-Saving Appliances issued by Manufacturer prior to using
these Check Lists.
3. The Master is also requested to confirm all the requirement of SOLAS Chapter III and IMO Guidelines (MSC/Circ. 1093 & MSC/Circ. 1205 & MSC/Circ. 1206) are
4. This manual may not cover all the requirements of individual Flag States, the Master is requested to check/confirm if there are any special requirements of vessel’s Flag
State and/or Class.
3 Maintenance
3.1 Maintenance, testing and inspections of Life-Saving Appliances shall be carried out based on the guidelines developed by the Organization and in a manner having due
regard to ensuring reliability of such appliances.
3.2 Instructions for on-board maintenance of Life-Saving Appliances complying with regulation 36 shall be provided and maintenance shall be carried out accordingly.
3.3 The Administration may accept, in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 3.2, a shipboard planned maintenance programme, which includes the requirements of
regulation 36.
6 Weekly inspection
The following tests and inspections shall be carried out weekly and a report of the inspection shall be entered in the log-book:
6.1 all survival crafts, rescue boats and launching appliances shall be visually inspected to ensure that they are ready for use. The inspection shall include, but is not limited to,
the condition of hooks, their attachment to the lifeboat and the on-load release gear being properly and completely reset;
6.2 all engines in lifeboats and rescue boats shall be run for a total period of not les than 3 min, provided the ambient temperature is above the minimum temperature required for
starting and running the engine. During this period of time it should be demonstrated that the gear box and gear box train are engaging satisfactorily.
If the special characteristics of an outboard motor fitted to a rescue boat would not allow it to be run other than with its propeller submerged for a period of 3 min, it should be
run for such period as prescribed in the manufacturer's handbook. In special cases the Administration may waive this requirement of ships constructed before 1 July 1986;
6.3 lifeboats, expect free-fall lifeboats, on cargo ships shall be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the extent necessary to demonstrate
satisfactory operation of launching appliances, if weather and sea conditions so allow; and
6.4 the general emergency alarm shall be tested
5 Radar Transponder
Lifeboat Davit
7 No.1
Lifeboat Winch
Lifeboat Davit
8 No.2
Lifeboat Winch
Annual Thorough Examination (Annual Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear) (SOLAS Chapter III Reg. 20.11)
Examination Date of Examination Place of Examination Sign / Name of Manufacturer's Representative or Person certified
FPD (Jan-Jun)
FPD (Jul-Dec)
*Annual Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear is including Dynamic Winch Brake Test (Annual Operational Testing)
*6 Monthly through inspection of Fall Preventer Device by ship staff.
Five Years Thorough Examination (Annual Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear) (SOLAS Chapter III Reg. 20.11)
Examination Date of Examination Place of Examination Sign / Name of Manufacturer's Representative or Person certified
Dynamic Test
Fall Preventer Device Date fitted: Date renewal next due:
* Five Year Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear is including Dynamic Winch Brake Test with 1.1 times the total mass
Maintenance of Falls (SOLAS Chapter III Reg. 20.4)
* Fall Preventer Device to be renewed every 5 YEARS.
Date Checked by Senior Officer in charge Confirmed by the Master
Boat Falls Renewed
Hydrostatic Test for Air-Bottles for Lifeboat with self-contained air support system (If fitted / Flag State Requirement)
*Annual Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear is including Dynamic Winch Brake Test (Annual Operational Testing)
*6 Monthly through inspection of Fall Preventer Device by ship staff.
Five Years Thorough Examination (Annual Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear) (SOLAS Chapter III Reg. 20.11)
Examination Date of Examination Place of Examination Sign / Name of Manufacturer's Representative or Person certified
Dynamic Test
Fall Preventer Device Date fitted: Date renewal next due:
* Five Year Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear is including Dynamic Winch Brake Test with 1.1 times the total mass
Maintenance of Falls (SOLAS Chapter III Reg. 20.4)
* Fall Preventer Device to be renewed every 5 YEARS.
Date Checked by Senior Officer in charge Confirmed by the Master
Boat Falls Renewed
Hydrostatic Test for Air-Bottles for Lifeboat with self-contained air support system (If fitted / Flag State Requirement)
Date Place Name of Manufacturer Confirmed by the Master
Lifeboat Equipment
Lifeboat Equipment Reqn No.1 No.2 Remark No.1 No.2 Remark No.1 No.2 Remark
1 Buoyant oar and thole pins, or crutches with lanyard or chain 1 set
Buoyant bailer 1 pc
Bucket 2 pcs
Efficient Painters
7 (One painter to be attached to release device un FWD for immediate use) 2 sets
(The other painter to be firmly secured at or near the bow ready for use)
8 Hatchets (One at each of the Lifeboat) 2 pcs
12 Food ration totaling not less than 10,000 kJ for each person 1 set Expiry________ Expiry_______. Expiry_______.
Expiry________ Expiry________
20 First-aid outfit in a waterproof case capable of being closed after use 1 set Expiry________.
. .
Each Expiry________. Expiry________ Expiry________
21 Anti-seasickness medicine for 48 hours with Seasickness bag
. .
23 Tin-Openers 3 pcs
24 Buoyant Rescue Quoits, attached to more than 30m of buoyant line 2 sets
27 Tools for minor adjustment for Engine and its accessories 1 set
29 Searchlight 1 pc
31 Thermal Protective Aids for 10% of the number of person