Lesson Plan Science
Lesson Plan Science
Lesson Plan Science
a. Reference
Science 3 book
b. Values focus: Involve in community building, Responsible
C. Subject matter
I. Materials:
II. Context standard:
Know the different kinds of weather,
Applying those appropriate clothes or things during specific
At the end of the lesson, the pupils shall be able to:
Enumerate weather.
Appreciate the importance of weather through sharing one’s
realizations on its significance to our daily lives.
Participate actively in the given activities by giving examples
IV. Different strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
By asking provoking questions.
Sharing their own experience during in every season.
- None ma’am.
- Class what do we need to use during - Johara – We need raincot, umbrella and
rainy day? Sunny day? Yes Johara? jacket.
- Very good Johara.
- Can I ask five volunteers to come here
in front? Because I have here an
umbrella. Raincoat jacket and
- When do we need to use this kind of - Kapina- We need all of this stuff in a
things? Yes kapina. certain time.
- Where do you think. I used this - We can use raincoat during rainy day,
raincoat? Umbrella? Sunglasses? And umbrella it’s either sunny day or rainy
jacket? day….
- Very good. All you’ve said are true. All
this umbrella, raincoat, jacket, and
sunglasses are the things that we can
use in a certain time. - CLARA- From the things presented in
- As we discussing it all, what do you front, we are discussing about weather.
think is our topic for today? Yes
Johaina ?
- Yes exactly, it is about atmosphere
condition because our topic for today
class is all about WEATHER.
- Okay, class ,let us define weather. - FAHARA – I think ma’am weather talks
- Okay, class whenever you hear the about the condition of the sky which
word weather, what comes in to your affect the environmental temperature.
mine? Yes fahara
- Very good Fahara.
- Weather is the behavior of the
atmosphere-wind, temperature,
pressure, precipitation- at a particular
placed and time.
- Meaning to say, it is the constant
change of weather. It has something to
do with the condition or state of
atmosphere or weather is the daily
condition of the atmosphere of a certain
place. We have types of weather the
sunny days, rainy day
Windy day and cloudy day.
- I am going to discuss to you those
types of weather. I have a chart here - Sunny day ma’am
and what do you think what types of
weather it is?
- Very good class, it is sunny day. - ALLYSA – From the word sunny ma’am
- Class do you have any idea what does I believe it has something to do with
sunny day means? Oh yes allysa? presence of the sun.
- Yes! That is correct , from the root word
sun; it means sunny day is a hot day. - Yes ma’am
Take a look the chart, we can see there
is a present of sun and the little girl - JOHARA – I am not allowed to play
was wearing sunglasses. outside teacher because it is so hot,
- What do you usually do or observe that is why I just stay at home.
during sunny days? Yes johara?
- Do you know why you are not allowed
to play outside Johara?
It is because too much exposure with
the sun can cause heat stroke and sun
bum. So if it is a sunny day, it is
advisable for us to drink a lot of water
to avoid dehydration and of course we - Ma’am, ma’am!
need to avoid direct contact with the
hotness of the sun.
- I have here a short video shows cloudy - There are a lot of clouds teacher and
day. (Showing the video) what can you some clouds are color gray.
observe class?
- Yes that is correct! Another terresa? - TERESA – The day looks like it is
neither hot nor raining.
- Very good observation! It is the day - Yes ma’am.
where we are not exposed to sun as
well as to the rain, this is the time where
kids can play any time. Did you get me
- It feels relaxing during cloudy day? We - Arnold sunny day, rainy day, windy day
cannot deny that during cloudy day we and cloudy day.
like to sleep, right?
- And if we will gate what do you think - We might get sick, teacher!
might happen?
- Yeah, that is right! what about the - Emman – windy day is the time where
windy and cloudy day? Emman? we can play kites and cloudy day is the
day where we can play anytime.
- Yes very good.
- (clapping)
IV. Elaboration
DIRECTION: Read and understand the
words that will effect it too much rain,
hot, windy and paste it to what types of
weather is it.
Flashflood Doughtiness Broke trees
Landslide Heat stroke
1. As a pupil. Why you need to study
Content 20%
Quality of the voice 10%
Unity/ participation 10%