1. Basic Details
Programme: B.ENG
Year: 2014/2015
Total Units: 3
Level: 300L
Hilary Ugo Ezea, M.Eng.
Office: Engineering Building
Phone: +2348030889118
Reading Materials:
2. Course Overview
5. Course Content
Semiconductor: bands in semiconductor, basic quantum mechanics, effective mass, doping,
density of states, Fermi function, carrier concentration, drift, diffusion, absorption,
recombination lifetime, device fabrication.
pn junctions: electrostatics, depletion width, built-in potential, qualitative operation, ideal
diode equation, Sah-Noyce-Shockley equation, high injection, avalanche breakdown,
tunneling, AC analysis, Schottky barriers, heterojunctions.
MOSFETs: MOS capacitor, DC characteristics of MOSFETs, transient properties.
R.T. Howe and C.G. Sodini, “Microelectronics: An Integrated Approach, Published by:
Pearson Education, Inc, 2008. (H & S)
Semiconductor device fundamentals by Robert F. Pierret, Addison Wesley
Semiconductor Physics and devices, 2ed, Donald A. Neamen, McGraw-Hill [This could be a
nice reference book for those who intend to learn more about the semiconductor device
Device Electronics for ICs, 3rd Edition, by Richard S. Muller. (Especially for MOS capacitor
and devices)
Solid State Electronic Devices, (6th Ed) By Streetman and Banerjee, Prentice-Hall.
ISBN-13: 978-0131497269.
Programmable calculators will not be allowed in the quizzes or final exam. The University policy
prohibits the use of mobile phone, electronic programmable calculator, information storage devices,
etc. in the quizzes or final exam [Ref. Students’ Handbook of Information, Pg. 49]. A
“programmable calculator” is one that can store program steps or text at any level of sophistication
and the rule applies irrespective of whether or not there appears to be anything stored. If you are in
any doubt as to the eligibility of your calculator, please see me well before the quiz/exam.
Dated medical documentation is required for exemption from a quiz; in this case the weighting will be
moved to the final. Makeup quizzes will not be offered under any circumstances. The University
policy prohibits a student from absenting from exam except on acceptable medical grounds, and in
consultation with the HOD and the Dean of the faculty. Any student absent on the ground of illness
must produce a certified medical report, and students who absent from quizzes/exams for reasons
other than illness, accident or some exceptional circumstances shall be deemed to have failed the
course [Ref. Students’ Handbook of Information, Pg. 52].
The preliminary purpose of Homework is to help students learn and gain practical experience in the
subject matter. Allowing and encouraging collaborations with fellow students best serves this
purpose. Modern engineering is, after all, almost exclusively a team effort. However, fairness requires
us to be able to assess your own contribution. Therefore, the written material that you hand in must be
your ownwork, and any discussions or collaborations with fellow students must be identified in
writing on your solution (e.g. noting “the solution to problem #5 was worked out together with Mark
Davison”, or “the solution to problem #2 was benefited from discussions with Ruth Peters”). Nearly
identical solutions from different students who do not cross-reference each other will be viewed as
statistically “unlikely”, thus worthy of further examination.
This policy is intended to help you make the most out of the course by allowing you to freely work
with your classmates. If you are in any doubt as to what constitutes ethical or unethical conduct,
please see any member of staff for assistance. Violations of this policy will be handled with maximum