The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.: internet-CMO-No.20-2013 PDF
The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.: internet-CMO-No.20-2013 PDF
The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.: internet-CMO-No.20-2013 PDF
Write 2 examples of student learning outcomes derived from each of the following
2.(5) General education basic The students can gain a broader understanding
competencies (accessible from the of general education courses such as Science,
internet—CMO-No.20-2013.pdf) Mathematics, English, and so on. By doing so,
they can have an overview of the essential topics
each student must learn.
The students can analyze, interpret, and reflect
critically upon the revised General Education
Curriculum (GEC) in college courses.
The students can attain competitive skills that will
3.Your school’s mission allow them to respond to and be resilient in the
face of global challenges.
The students can uphold and embody the love of
God, country, and service to humanity and be
responsible stewards of the environment.
4.National Competency-Based Teacher The students can comprehend the significance of
Standards (NCBTS) National Competency-based Teacher Standards
(NCBTS) among teachers.
The students can identify the teacher’s
effectiveness in teaching.
Do research about the characteristics of good learning outcomes and fill in the
table “Chunking the Data”
A good learning outcome is student- I’ve learned that student learning outcomes
focused rather than professors- are the skills, competencies, and values that
focused. It’s is also rules and students are expected to demonstrate at the
guidelines that will meet the student end of every course subject. Also, there are
and teachers’ needs and want, as it is a lot of characteristics and sources of good
dynamic as it says because this learning outcomes that we must consider,
particularly expects everyone to be and it’s a big help in giving the students the
knowledgeable and skillfully equipped. idea of how to formulate good student
Also, it must be aligned at the course, learning outcomes as a future teacher.
program, department, school, and Furthermore, good learning outcomes are a
institute levels. It should be expressed useful tool in someone’s success. We can
as transitive words or action words say that a certain learning outcome is
that are demonstrable and observable effective if someone is making progress and
at various levels. Furthermore, it development.
focused on the learning resulting from
the activity rather than on the activity
The following are educational objectives for BSed-Math. For every educational
objectives, formulate two learning outcomes.