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FS 1 Episode 16

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SPARK Your Interest

One thing asked of teacher applicants in the Department of Education is to write their
philosophy of education. This means that they have to write their concept of the nature of the learner,
how that learner learns and how that learner ought to live in order to live life meaningfully. Based on
these philosophical concepts, the teacher applicants describe how they ought to relate to the learner,
what to teach and how to teach so that the learner learns and lives life happily and meaningfully.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission statements,
core values and mandate, the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide and RA 10533;
 cite teacher's teaching behaviors and the philosophies of education on which these behaviors
are founded; and
 articulate my philosophy of teaching.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

We are beneficiaries of a rich philosophical heritage passed on to us by great thinkers of the

past and of the present. The way teachers relate to learners and the way they teach are anchored on
philosophies of education.

Basic documents such as the vision and mission statements, core values and mandate of the
Department of Education and the features of the K to 12 Curriculum as contained in Section 3 of RA
10533 and the K to 12 Curriculum Guide are manifestations or expressions of the philosophies of
education of the country. They state the standards and the outcomes of education towards which all
curricular activities and teaching-learning should be directed.

Activity 16.1 Analyzing DepEd's Philosophy of Education

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject: __________________________ Date: ____________


 Determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission statements,
core values and mandate and on the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide.
 Study the DepEd Vision and Mission statements, Core values and Mandate.
 Read the features of the K to 12 Curriculum based on the Kto 12 Curriculum Framework and
Guide and Sec 5 of RA 10533.
 Accomplish the Table below by answering this question: Which philosophies are expressed?
 Cite relevant statements to back up an identified philosophy of education. You are given an
Which philosophies are
Which philosophies are
expressed in the K to 12
expressed in the DepEd Vision,
Philosophies of Education Curriculum Framework and
Mission Statements, Core
Guide and Sec 5 of RA 10533?
Values, Mandate? Give proof
Give proof
1. Essentialism – teach mastery Essentialism – The core values of Essentialism – List of standards
of the basics; curriculum is maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, maka- and competencies that learners
prescribed; subject matter - kalikasan, and maka-bansa show are expected to attain is the
centered there are universal, that DepEd believes in subject matter that students are
objective values; inculcate values unchanging values that need to expected to learn.
in subject matter be inculcated. -Essentialist
2. Perennialism – teach those The core values of maka-Diyos, The curriculum shall be culture-
that last, the classics; there are that last, the classics; there are sensitive.
universal values; inculcate these maka-tao, makakalikasan und
universal, objective values universal universal values;
inculcate these makabansa show
that DepEd universal, objective
values Perennialism, and a
mission to develop a lifelong
3. Progressivism – very child- Teachers facilitate learning The curriculum must be learner
centered; teach those that and constantly nurtures every centered, inclusive, and
interest the child; one learns by learner's.As a learner-centered developmentally appreciate
experience; learners learn by institution DepEd continuously demonstrating how
doing so teacher teacher’s improves itself to better progressivism used in this law.
teaching is experiential; values serve its stakeholders.
are subjective; no inculcation of
values since they are subjective;
instead teachers help students
clarify their values.
4. Reconstructionism – school is DepEd mission cites that values The DepEd shall formulate the
agent of change; schooling is and competencies enable them design and detail of enhanced
preparing students for the social to realize their full potential and basic education curriculum. It
changes; teaching is involving contributes meaningfully in shall work withe the Commission
the students in discussions of building the nation. They also on Higher Education (CHED) to
moral dilemmas formulate, craft harmonized basic and
implements,coordinates policies, tertiary curricula for global
policies plans and programs for competitiveness of Filipino
basic education. graduates.

5. Existentialism – Teachers The DepEd mission in which In the K-12 Curriculum

teach learners to make a choice, teachers facilitate learning and Framework which is Gearing Up
to make decisions and not constantly nurture every learner For The Future (Senior High
merely to follow the crowd; one shows that DepEd is School) it shows that there is a
who does not make a choice and existentialism. DepEd believes proof of Existentialism that use
so simply follow others do not that society should not restrict which students may have a
leave meaningful life an individual's life or actions and freedom choose a specialization
these to restrictions inhibit free based on aptitude, interests, and
will and the development of that school capacity. The choice of
person's potential. career track will define the
content of the subjects a student
will take in Grades 11 and 12.
SHS subjects fall under either the
Core Curriculum or specific
6. Pragmatism – That which is Administrators and staff,as The curriculum shall use the
useful, that which is practical steward of institution,ensure an spiral progression approach to
and that which works is what is enabling and supportive ensure mastery of knowledge
good; that which is efficient and environment for effective
and skills after each level.
effective is that which is good. learning to happen. Promoting
DepEd wants to
E.g. showing video clip on the right of every Filipino to
mitosis is more efficient and quality and equitable basic developlearners." whose
more effective and therefore education. values and competencies enable
more practical than teaching them to realize their
coming up with a visual aid by fullpotential..." On which
drawing mitosis on a cartolina or philosophy of educationis this
illustration board.
mission statement anchored?

7. Rationalism - emphasizes the The DepEd Core Values which is In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which is
development of the learners' Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Curriculum Development, there
reasoning powers; knowledge Makakalikasan and Makabansa is is a proof of application of
comes though reason; teacher the proof that shows that DepEd Rationalism in which the
must develop the reasoning applied Rationalism in curriculum shall
power of the learner which they practicing only for be relevant,nresponsive and
believing what is based on research based as students is the
reason and provides the primary aid of the acquired through
basis for knowledge reason without senses.
8. Utilitarianism - what is good is Teachers facilitate learning The curriculum shall be
that which is most useful (that and constantly nurture learner-centered,inclusive and
which brings happiness) to the everylearner. developmentally appropriate
greatest number of peoples; The curriculum shall be
relevant responsive and

9. Empiricism - source of Students learn in a child Curriculum development

knowledge is through the friendly, gender-sensitive, demonstrates the use of
senses; teacher must involve the safe, and motivating empiricism im which the
senses in teaching-learning environment. curriculum shall use
constructivist, inquiry-based,
reflective, collaborative nd
integrative pedagogical
10. Behaviorism - behavior is Student learning in a child- Curriculum Development
shaped deliberately by forces in friendly, gender, sensitive, safe Demonstrate that thier is a
the environment and that the and motivating environment is Behaviorism in which rhe
type of person and actions evidence that DepEd used curriculum shall be learner
desired can be the product of Behaviorism, in which the centered, inclusive and
design; behavior is determined teacher provide positive developmentally appropriate;
by others, rather than by reinforcement or rewars at the we teachers encourage students
person's own free will; teacher end of the day for their good to perform desired behavior by
must carefully shape desirable behavior. rewarding good performance.
behavior; drills are commonly
used to enhance learning.
rewards reinforce learning.
11. Constructivism -Learners are Any proof of constructivism? It demonstrate the existence of
capable of constructing Family,community, and other constructivism which encourage
knowledge and meaning; stakeholders are actively students to to consider sharing
teaching-learning. therefore is engaged and share their valuable knowledge and
constructing knowledge and responsibility for developing experience as learners.
meaning; teacher does not just life long learners. provides for
"tell” or dictate but asks learners the establishment and
for knowledge they construct maintenance of a complete,
and meaning of lesson adequate, and integrated
system of basic education
relevant to the goals of national
development DepEd as

Activity 16.2 Articulating My personal Philosophy of Teaching

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject: __________________________ Date: ____________


• Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds with her teaching.
• Accomplish this Observation Sheet.

Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested in class by
observing what and how teacher teaches and relates to learners.
Philosophies of Education Teaching Behavior (State what the teacher
said, taught or did)
1. Essentialism – teach mastery of the basics; Teacher witnessed the students mastering the
curriculum is prescribed; subject matter-centered fundamental ideas and abilities.
there are universal, objective values; inculcate
values; subject

2. Perennialism - teach those that last, the classics; The teacher taught the essential life lessons. He
there are universal values; inculcate these imparted knowledge and abilities that are
universal, objective values applicable even outside of the classroom.

3. Progressivism - very child-centered; teach those The teacher implements learner centered
that interest the child; one learns by experience; classroom, he makes them experience.
learners learn by doing so teacher teacher's
teaching is experiential; values are subjective; no
inculcation of values since they are subjective;
instead teachers help students clarify their values

4. Reconstructionism - school is agent of change; Tteacher encourages students to be the voice of

schooling is preparing students for the social others. She's explaining to the students that they
changes; teaching is involving the students in must help the society for its reformation.
discussions of moral dilemmas

5. Existentialism - Teachers teach learners to make Since existentialism talks about making decisions
a choice, to make decisions and not merely to this has: connection to the topic of my cooperating
follow the crowd; one who does not make a choice teacher which is consumers rights. She teaches
and so simply follow others do not leave students that it is in their hands whether they will
meaningful life report those vendors who cheats their customers.

6. Pragmatism - That which is useful, that which is Since pragmatism encouraged students to apply
practical and that which works is what is good; their knowledge into real-life situations, what my
that which is efficient and effective is that which is cooperating teacher was trying to do is give real-
good. e.g. showing a video clip on mitosis is more life dilemmas. What students will do is to give
efficient and more effective and therefore more solutions to every scenario.
practical than teacher coming up with a visual aid
by drawing mitosis on a cartolina or illustration

7. Rationalism - emphasizes the development of The teacher asks HOTS questions that requires the
the learners' reasoning powers; knowledge comes students to think critically and logically, and not
though reason; teacher must develop the only answers based on the hook. He always
reasoning power of the learner follows up his questions with why and how.

8. Utilitarianism - what is good is that which is My cooperating teachers ask students about things
most useful (that which brings happiness) to the that they think will make them happy when they
greatest number of peoples; talk about consumer preferences.
9. Empiricism - source of knowledge is through the The teacher makes the learning environment
senses; teacher must involve the senses in active, wherein students does not only listen to
teaching-learning what is being discussed but also able to use all
their senses in the process of learning
10. Behaviorism - behavior is shaped deliberately Every meeting I cooperate with always reminds
by forces in the environment and that the type of the students to participate and class. Every
person and actions desired can be the product of question is equivalent to a point. In that way
design; behavior is determined by others, rather students will engage to the discussion actively/
than by person's own free will; teacher must
carefully shape desirable behavior; drills are
commonly used to enhance learning, rewards
reinforce learning.

11. Constructivism - Learners are capable of The teacher creates a meaningful learning tasks
constructing knowledge and meaning; teaching- and performance where the students will be able
learning therefore is constructing knowledge and to apply what they have learned.
meaning; teacher does not just "tell" or dictate but
asks learners for knowledge they construct and
meaning of lesson

12. Other Philosophies


1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which philosophies of
education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?

Based on what I've noticed. Progressivism is the dominant educational philosophy in the Philippines.
Teachers in the Philippines today merely serve as facilitators of learning, taking into account the needs
and interests of the students, as most students in school today learn through doing. In short we are in
child-centered classroom.

2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what should that
be and why?
Perennialism is one of the philosophical movements that educators and schools should pay more
attention to. It is important to instill in students the value of learning. They should not let it slip their
minds, but rather draw strength from it to face the present and succeed in the future.


What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should teach, how
you should teach and how you should relate to others in school -- with the learners, your colleagues,
your superiors and all other stakeholders. Write them down. This is your title, "My Philosophy of

My Philosophy of Teaching

These may be of help:

- I believe that the learner are special, each with their own special learning style, needs, and gifts to
bring to the classroom. It is my responsibility as a teacher to highlight their abilities and to foster a
learning environment that meets each child's particular needs.

I believe that I should teach the learners on how to develop and discover. Knowing that not all students
learn in the same way or at the same pace allows me to be aware of the active ways in which children
actively develop and modify their own knowledge based on prior learning and experiences. as a
professor. I believe it is my responsibility to accurately assess students' interests, skills, and prior
knowledge. The next step is for me to design educational activities that will both challenge and allow
each learner to advance.

I believe that I should accomplish my teaching objectives. by developing close ties with my students'
parents, other people, and the community. To develop and establish a school culture where students
can flourish while enhancing their learning abilities, teachers must collaborate with other school

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Accomplished Observation Sheets

My Philosophy of Teaching

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 6 – Classroom Management and Classroom Routines
Learning Outcome: Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and Observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.

Name of FS Student: ____________________________________________________ Date Submitted: ______________________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________________________ Course: __________________________________________

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks/completely observation questions/tasks not observation
answered/accomplished. questions/tasks not answered / questions/tasks not
answered / accomplished. answered /
accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were answered All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
completely; answers were with answered completely; answered completely; observation questions
depth and are thoroughly answers are clearly answers are not clearly were not answered;
grounded theories; grammar and connected to theories; connected to theories; answers not connected to
spelling are free from error. grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) theories; more than four
are free from errors. grammatical / spelling (4) grammatical/spelling
errors. errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; supported by Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
what were observed and supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by what
analyzed. were observed and supported by what were observed and
analyzed. were observed and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is reflected on in the Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is not Portfolio is not reflected
context of the learning outcomes; in the context of the reflected on in context on in context of the
Complete, well-organized, highly learning outcomes. of the learning learning outcomes; not
relevant to the learning outcome Complete; well outcomes. Complete; complete; not organized,
organized, very not organized, relevant not relevant
relevant to the learning to the learning
outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before the deadline Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
deadline the deadline after the deadline

COMMENT/S: Rating:
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

_____________________________________ _________________________

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. In its vision and mission statements, DepEd wants to develop learners ..." whose values and
competencies enable them to realize their full potential.... “On which philosophy of education is this
mission statement anchored ?

A. Existentialism
B. Empiricism
C. Essentialism
D. Pragmatism
2. Based on the DepEd's mission statement, "quality basic education means that students learn in a
child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment”. This implies that DepEd believes
environment affects learning. Which philosophy of education is this?

A. Utilitarianism
B. Empiricism
C. Essentialism
D. Behaviorism

3. Field Study 1 which is primarily observation of classes and teachers, is based on which
philosophy of education?

A. Utilitarianism
B. Empiricism
C. Essentialism
D. Behaviorism

4. The inclusion of logic and critical thinking as subjects in the curriculum is an offshoot of which

A. Rationalism
B. Utilitarianism
C. Existentialism
D. Progressivism

5 It's Valentines Day. The lesson is a part of human digestive system - the stomach. Students bargain
with teacher and so ask if they can discuss the heart in place of the stomach. Teacher responds “Let's
talk about the stomach which is the lesson for today then go to the heart when we are done with
stomach. Based on philosophies of education, which is TRUE of teacher?

A. Is essentialist in the sense that she sticked to the subject matter for the day and progressivist since
she also considered student's interest
B. Is pragmatic because it was practical to give way to students' request even if she prepared
for the day's lesson
C. Is utilitarianist because she considered both lessons useful
D. Is empiricist, she used visual aids for her lesson

6. What do the DepEd vision and mission statements and core values imply about Philippine educational

I. It is highly essentialist and perennialist.

II. It believes in universal, objective, unchanging values.
III. It is reconstructionist.

A. I only
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

7. For a lesson on developing classifying skills, instead of making students bring objects to classify,
teacher considers it most practical to simply use the students' body parts like kinds of ear lobes, kinds of
hair line or a lesson on classifying. On which philosophy is teacher's practice anchored?

A. Pragmatism
B. Progressivism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Empricism

8. The history of curriculum development in the Philippines shows reduction of units in the humanities
but an increase in the natural and physical sciences. On which thought is this action based?

A. Perennialism
B. Progressivism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Empricism

9. There are a number of laws in the Philippines requiring the teaching of subject matter such as taxation
and agrarian reform, etc. This proves that schools must bring about reform in society. On which
philosophy of education is this based?

A. Perennialism
B. Progressivism
C. Empricism
D. Reconstructionism

10. Teacher makes use of moral dilemmas to enable students to make a stand in moral issues. Which
word CORRECTLY applies to teacher's teaching practice?

A. Behaviorist
B. Existentialist
C. Rationalist
D. Pragmatist

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