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FS 1 Episode 16

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Brendalyn A.


FIELD STUDY 1 Learning

Episode 16

FS 1
ACTIVITY 16.1 Analyzing DepEd’s Philosophy of Education
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Flordelyn E. Guianan Teacher’s Signature:
School: Rapu-Rapu Central Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 4
Subject Area: Filipino& Araling Panlipunan Date: 12-01-2022

Philosophies of Education Which philosophies are Which philosophies are

expressed in the DepEd expressed in the K to 12
Vision, Mission Statements, Curriculum Framework and
Core Values, Mandate? Give Guide and Sec 5 of RA 10533?
proof. Give proof.
1. Essentialism -teach Essentialism – The core values Essentialism – List f standards
mastery of the basics; of maka-Diyos, maka-tao, and competencies that learners
curriculum is maka-kalikasan and makabansa are expected to attain is the
prescribed; subject show that DepEd is essentialist. subject matter that students are
mater-centered there are DepEd believes in unchanging expected to learn .
universal, objective values that need to be -Essentialist
values; inculcate values inculcated.
in subject matter
2. Perennialism- teach Any proof of perennialism? In K-12 Curriculum
those that last, the The Deped mission in which Framework which is making
classics; there are Students learn in a child- the Curriculum Relevant
universal values; friendly, gender-sensitive, levels and subjects in order to
inculcate these safe, and motivating bring a good values and
universal, objective environment shows that characteristic to their future
values. DepEd applied Perennialism from what they are learned in
to their DepEd Mission as they schools.to learners
believes that if the learners (Contextualization and
engage with this kind of Enhancement), Students
environment, it is possible that needed to acquire in-depth
they become a friendly and knowledge, skills, values, and
good citizen of our country in attitudes through continuity
the future as they bring a good and consistency across all
values that they learned in
3. Progressivism- very Any proof of progressivism? In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which
child-centered; teach is Curriculum Development,
those that interest the The DepEd vision in which, as The curriculum shall be
child; one learns by a learner-centered institution, learner-centered, inclusive
experience; learners the DepEd continuously and developmentally
learn by doing so improves itself to better serve appropriate; which it show
teacher teacher’s its stakeholders shows that that Progressivism is applied
teaching is experiential; DepEd is progressivism. in this law.
values are subjective; no DepEd believes in learners
inculcation of values learn by doing as well as if we
since they are teach of what they are
subjective; instead interested.
teachers help students
clarify their values.
4. Reconstruction – school Any proof of reconstructionism? In K-12 Curriculum
is agent of change; The DepEd mission in which, Framework which is Making
schooling is preparing administrator and staffs, as The Curriculum Relevant To
students for the social stewards of the institution, Learners (Contextualization
changes; teaching is ensure as enabling and And Enhancement), it shows
involving the students in supportive environment for that there is an application of
discussions of moral effective learning to happen Reconstructionism in which
dilemmas shows that DepEd is there is a discussions on the
reconstructionism. DepEd students about the issues such
believes in teaching is as Disaster Risk Reduction
involving the students in (DRR), Climate Change
discussion of moral dillemmas Adaptation, and Information
in order to understand the & Communication Technology
implicators of one’s action. (ICT) are included in the
enhanced curriculum.
5. Existentialism – Any proof of existentialism? In K- 12 curriculum
Teachers teach learners The DepEd mission in which Framework which is Gearing
to make a choice, to teachers facilitate learning Up For The Future (Senior
make decisions and not and constantly nurture every High School) it shows that
merely to follow the learner shows that DepEd is there is a proof of
crowd; one who does existentialism. DepEd believes Existentialism that use which
not make a choice and that society should not restrict students may have a freedom
so simply follow others an individual's life or actions to choose a specialization
do not leave meaningful and these restrictions inhibit based on aptitude, interests,
life free will and the development and school capacity. The
of that person’s potential choice of career track will
define the content of the
subjects a student will take in
Grades 11 and 12. SHS
subjects fall under either the
Core Curriculum or specific
6. Pragmatism- That which Any proof of pragmatism? in K-12 Curriculum
is useful, that which is The DepEd Vision in which, Framework which is Making
practical and that which enable them to realize their The Curriculum Relevant To
works is what is good; full potential and contribute Learners (Contextualization
that which is efficient meaningfully to building the And Enhancement), it shows
and effective is that nation shows that DepEd also that thereis an application
which is good. e.g. applied Pragmatism as they of Pragmatism as students
showing a video clip on believe that teaching students acquire in-depth knowledge,
mitosis is more efficient a things that are practical for skills, values, and attitudes
and more effective and life are encourage them to through continuity and
therefore more practical grow into better people. consistency in order to
than teacher coming up encourage them to grow into
with a visual aid by better people across all levels.
drawing mistosis on a
cartolina or illustration
7. Rationalism – Any proof of rationalism? In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which
emphasizes the The DepEd Core Values which is Curriculum Development,
development of the is Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, there is a proof of application
learners’ reasoning Makakalikasan and of the Rationalism in which
powers; knowledge Makabansa is the proof that the curriculum shall be
comes though reason; shows that DepEd applied relevant, responsive and
teacher must develop Rationalism in which they research based as students is
the reasoning power of practicing only for believing acquired through reason
the learner what is based on reason and without the aid of the sense.
provides the primary basi for
8. Utilitarianism- what is Any proof of utilitarianism? In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which
good is that which is The DepEd Vision which is is Curriculum Development,
most useful (that which We dream of Filipinos who there is a proof of application
brings happiness) to the passionately love their country of the Utilitarianism in which
greatest number of shows that DepEd are also use The curriculum shall be
peoples; Utilitarianism which it culture-sensitive in which
advocates actions that foster teacher approach offers no
happiness or pleasure and sense of what ought to
opposes actions that cause constitute an educations.
unhappiness or harm. It
would be aims for the
betterment of society as a
whole when directed toward
making social, economic, or
political decisions.
9. Empiricism- source of The DepEd Vision which is In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which
knowledge is through Teachers facilitate learning is Curriculum Development, it
the senses; teacher must and constantly nurture every shows that there is an
involve the senses in learner is an evidence that application of Empiricism in
teaching-learning DepEd use Empiricism where which The curriculum shall
teaching-learning of the use pedagogical approaches
students is based on the that are constructivist,
human senses wherein it inquiry-based, reflective,
shares the view that there is no collaborative and integrative;
such thing as innate as teacher involves the senses
knowledge, and that instead in teaching-learning of the
knowledge is derived from students to be able to gain
experience. knowledge.
10. Behaviorism- behavior Any proof of behaviorism? In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which
is haped deliberately by TheDepEd Vision which is is Curriculum Development, it
forces in the Students learn in a child- shows that there is a
environment and that friendly, gender-sensitive, Bahaviorism by which The
the type of person and safe, and motivating curriculum shall be learner-
actions desired can be environment is one also a centered, inclusive and
the product of design; proof that DepEd applied developmentally appropriate;
behavior is determined Behaviorism in which the we teachers encouragestudents
by others, rather than by teacher provide a positive to perform desired behaviour
person’s own free will; reinforcement, or rewards at as they giving reward fortheir
teacher must carefully the end of the day for their good performance.
shape desirable good behaviour. Whenever
behavior; drills are students perform a desired
commonly used to behavior, they will learn to
enhance learning. perform the behavior on their
Rewards reinforce own.
11. Constructivism- Any proof of constructivism? In K-12 Curriculum
Learners are capable of The DepEd Mission which is Framework, it shows that
constructing knowledge Teachers facilitate learning there is a Constructivism in
and meaning; teaching- and constantly nurture every which it encourage students to
learning therefore is learner showalso that DepEd consider this to share their
constructing knowledge is using Constructivism as valuable knowledge and
and meaning; teacher they help learners to construct experiences as the learner.
does not just “tell” or knowledge rather than just
dictate but asks learners passively take in information.
for knowledge they As students experience the
construct and meaning world and reflect upon those
of lesson. experiences, it helps to build
their own representations and
incorporate new information
into their pre- existing
12. Other Philosophies



 Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds with her teaching.
 Accomplish this Observation Sheet.
Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested in class by observing what
and how teacher teaches and relates to learners.

Teaching Behavior (State what the Teacher said,

Philosophies of Education taught or did).

1.Essentialism-teach mastery of the basics; In what way was teacher essentialist?

curriculum is prescribed; subject matter- centered
there are universal, objective values; inculcate e.g. He/she saw to it that the students mastered
values in subject. basic concepts and skills.

He/she inculcated values.

2.Perennialism-teach those that last, the classics; What is the importance of the perennialism in the
there are universal values; inculcate these universal, education?
objective values. The teachers do not allow the students’ interests
or experience to substantially dictate what they
teach. They apply whatever creative techniques
and others tried and true methods which are
believed to be most conductive to disciplining the
students’ minds. Students engaged in Socratic
dialogues or mutual inquiry sessions to develop
an understanding of history’s most timeless

3.Progressivism-very child-centered; teach those Why progressivism focus the child-centered?

that interest the child; one learns by experience; The teacher believe that one learns by doing.
learners learn by doing so teacher teacher’s teaching One experiential teaching method that
is experiential; values are subjective; no inculcation progressivist teachers heavily rely on is the
of values since they are subjective; instead teachers problem-solving method. Other hands-on-minds-
help students clarify their values. on-hearts-on teaching methods used are field
trips during which students interact with nature
or society. Teachers also stimulate students
through thought provoking games and puzzles.

4.Reconstructionism-school is agent of change; Why we have to prepared the students in the

schooling is preparing students for the social changes in our world?
changes; teaching is involving the students in We have to prepare the students because we
discussions of moral dilemmas. have to prepared the them and we need to teach
them to how to prepared to change the word and
to help students know themselves and their place
in society, teachers employ values clarification
strategy. In the use of such strategy, teachers
remain non-judgmental and take care not to
impose their values on their students since values
are personal.

5.Existentialism-Teachers teach learners to make a Existentialist methods focus on the individual.

choice, to make decisions and not merely to follow Learning is self-paced, self directed. It includes a
the crowd; one who does not make a choice and so great deal of individual contact with the teacher,
simply follow others do not leave meaningful life. who relates to each student openly and honestly.

6.Pragmatism-That which is useful, that which is Why we should use the effective or efficient
practical and that which works is what is good; that devices to teach well students?
which is efficient and effective is that which is good It because it can help students to learn
e.g. showing a video clip on mitosis is more information faster and better. Of course, it’s
efficient and more effective and therefore more important to use devices properly without any
practical than teacher coming up with a visual aid distractions and Implementing technology into
by drawing mitosis on a cartolina or illustration schools is a good way to stay in contact with
board. students.

7.Rationalism-emphasizes the development of the What is the simple description of rationalism? In

learners’ reasoning powers; knowledge comes your own word.
through reason; teacher must develop the reasoning
power of the learner. In my own words Rationalism is the view that
reasoning by itself is a source of knowledge or
proof. It is a philosophical movement that began
in the 17th century, but the same ideas it also
talked about before then. Rationalist
philosophers believe that all knowledge can be
understood through a process of reasoning,
without any external sources.

8.Utilitarianism-what is good is that which is most What is the importance in our life of utilitarianism?
useful (that which brings happiness)to the greatest It is important because utilitarianism is an
number of peoples; ethical theory that determines right from wrong
by focusing on outcomes. It is a form of
consequentialism. And utilitarianism holds that
the most ethical choice is the one that will
produce the greatest good for the greatest
number. It is the only moral framework that can
be used to justify military force or war. It is also
the most common approach to moral reasoning
used in business because of the way in which it
accounts for costs and benefits.

9.Empiricism-source of knowledge is through the You are agree that our source of knowledge is
senses; teacher must involve the senses in teaching- through senses? Why?
Yes because I tend to think they are evidence
from the senses in some sense, but we don’t fully
acknowledge them as such. We only think about
the primary 5 senses seeing, touching, smelling,
hearing, and tasting. But our inner lives
certainly reveal at least three more. And
certainly the feelings of the heart seem to be in
play too, which helps point us toward who to
love, what to desire, and who to trust. Those are
incredibly important epistemic tasks. In fact
without all of the above the human race and
human civilization would be lesser.

10.Behaviorism-behavior is shaped deliberately by Why people always remind our behavior?

forces in the environment and that the type of It because people with more social power, like
person and actions desired can be the product of parents or bosses, do this to exert their power
design; behavior is determined by others, rather over others lower down on the social scale. It’s
than by person’s own free will; teacher must completely absurd to ask someone to think for
carefully shape desirable behavior; drills are you, so what other explanation can there be? It’s
commonly used to enhance learning rewards just power-tripping.
reinforce learning.

11.Contructivism-Learners are capable of The constructivism, why we need to know this?

constructing knowledge and meaning; teaching- It because it is important learning theory that
learning therefore is constructing knowledge and educators use to help their students learn.
meaning; teacher does not just “tell” or dictate but Constructivism is based on the idea that people
asks learners for knowledge they construct and actively construct or make their own knowledge,
meaning of lesson. and that reality is determined by your
experiences as a learner.

12.Other Philosophies

1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which philosophies of
education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?
Based from my observation progressivism is the philosophy that is dominant in the Philippine basic
school because here in the Philippines learners in school mostly learn by doing the teacher is the
facilitators only because of our in a learner-centered classroom.

2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what should that
be and why?

I think its contructivism because the learners must be able to construct their own knowledge and
develop their own skill, constructing in also way of learning through this. They wise be able to gain a
lesting and meaningful knowledge

What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should teach, how you should
teach and how you should relate to others in school-with the learners, your colleagues, your superiors and all
other stakeholders, Write them down. This is your title, “My Philosophy of Teaching.”

My Philosophy of Teaching
Education should help the child grow both mentally and emotionally. Students should be given the right
to think on their own. They do not need a teacher who will take their free will away. Students should not
have to conform to something in which they do not believe. They should have their own thought processes.
The best philosophical approach toward a child’s education is progressivism. Instead of being a strict
teacher, I will be a facilitator. My classroom will be one of control, and not one with a strict code of order.
I feel that if a teacher orders students around they will be given less respect. If you keep them in line
without being too controlling, they will be more effective listeners. I will create a type of democracy in
which everyone will have a voice in their educational curriculum. Students should be allowed to have
some sort of input into the type of education they are receiving. If they do not like something you are
doing, you should take the time and listen to their ideas. I will not act like I am more intelligent than they
are. I believe that teachers should operate on the same level, and receive as much as they give.



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