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Episode 15 FS1

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FIELD LEARNING Towards Teacher


Developing a
1 15 Glocal Teacher of
the 21st Century

Activity 15.1 A Day in the School Life of a Quality Teacher

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________
Note: Observe and record observations on the following aspects as key guide to observations.
Teacher’s Major Key guide for Observation (Carefully look for the indicators/
Responsibility behaviors of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observations and description in your notebook. This will be one
of your artifacts.)

A. Actual Teaching This Teacher

1. is learner-centered.
2. acts as a facilitator of learning.
3. has mastery of subject matter
4. sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved.
5. is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners.

B. Management of Learning This teacher

1. allows all learners to participate in the lesson.
2. considers the needs of the learners in the seating
3. uses instructional support materials to help learners
understand the lesson.
4. sees to it that learning is achieved within the period of time.
5. dismisses the class on time.

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C. Administrative Work This teacher
1. keeps records of learners attendance every day.
2. keeps record of formative and summative tests.
3. submits reports and other documents on time.
4. does other tasks as requested by superiors.
5. cooperates with peers and staff in the cleanliness and safety
of the school.

Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?

2. Which demonstrated behaviour, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation
when you become a teacher? Describe.
The demonstrated behaviour that I find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when I
become a teacher is that adaptable. The teacher can adopt the new normal , and that is the
online learning. Even they change the curriculum, they practices in how to manage the
requirements. And I want to emulate this behaviour, so that I can easily adjust some
methods if ever I encounter different environment in filed of teaching. Learning in how
to adopt and adjust is one of the most helpful to achieve our goal.
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with?
What are the reasons?
In online class,the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply is that
balancing the different learning needs of students. Many student cannot understand the
lesson true online, So the teacher need more strategy in how to delivered clearly the
lesson to make hem understand. Just like giving extra tutoring and extra help to every

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4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
YES, this teacher have a goal to educate students of varying grade level or different
learning styles. In my observation the teacher perform for her students to keep them going. She
not let just listening and just lecturing, she allowed students to engage in diferrent ativities. So
that to improve their learning progress.

Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good
for you to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.

1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If No, why not?
Yes, even this is challenging I’m willing to share my practice, to keep an open door, to be
transparent and to be observed, because this is more important in part of teaching field. An I
want to apply my different methods and explore in how to teach.

2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a professional
When I become a teacher in the future, I want to teach the student in how to value the real
world. The some of the most engaging the student learning is to bring into real world. But I
need to be patient and understand in sharing the knowledge and experiences. Because sharing
my findings is part of being an effective teacher.

3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you
think you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
One of the concern is that engaging different behavior of students, techers requires a great deal
of sensitivity regarding their behavior. To address these concerns I spent to learn every
behavior of student and be patient comunicate with them in a great way. Second concern is the
new curriculum that they emplied, many teacher has been pressure to create a plan to be
aligned in the curriculum. So I need to become adaptable, so that it can easily to manage the
new curriculum.

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4. In what aspects of the teacher’s day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you
observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thankyou card?
(Include this in your artifact)
I want to congrtulate the teacher by giving some gift, where in she can remember me even we
didn’t meet or seeing each other. And yes I want to put a card to express my gratitude for
being my amazing teacher. And being of my one inspiration to achieve my ambition.

Activity 15.2
The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as a Skill of the 21st
Century Quality Teacher
Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________
1. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including
these but not limited to:
a. Doors, windows
b. Teacher Table, Demonstration table
c. Cabinets, chalkboard
d. Gadgets, equipment
e. Plant boxes, etc.
f. Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21st century.

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A. Current Classroom I am Observing
Grade level______

B. My Classroom for the 21st Century

Make a comparison of your drawings A and B. Describe the similarities and differences.
Explain why.
Features of the Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarity?
Classroom Components Classroom Why the difference?

Since we they have It is a fact that unless Why the similarity?

pandemic, all school are institutions adapt to newer -They are both require a great
close for the safe of education technology, they ammount of work.
everyone. They conduct will be left behind because - the challenges and rewards
online class where over the others are moving on. We are the same in each
intrnet. They are generally belive that affordable quality environment.
coducted through a learning education is a fundamental
management system, in right of every citzen, and it Why the difference?
which students can view as can be realized to day only Online kearning requires more
communicate with fellow through digital technology. self-direction and disclipline
students and their course in order to get coursework
instuctor. completed on time. Face to

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face disruptive behavior from
one student can effect the
whole class

Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How
will you manage learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to respond to
21st teaching-learning and become a global teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st century

Our classrooms are finally starting to evolve with the surrounding world and, by implementing some
strategy, you’ll create an innovative and successful learning environment for your technology-hungry
students. To manage teaching-learning in the 21st century classroom by start with your classroom set
up. Since 21st century, they are involve in technology. Just as any well-managed classroom, set up is
essential. First, configure the desks in such a way that you can see all or most screens. Establish, display,
teach and repeat your classroom rules and procedures when using devices. Students should be clear on
their expected behavior and how to handle arising technology use issues.

And it is good to remember that sharing is caring. Allow time for students to share something they have
created or discovered. Knowing they will have this opportunity encourages focus. In addition to focus,
other students will be inspired by their peers and find value in their own work. Sharing doesn’t have to
be done at the end of a project.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

These are the artifacts that you need to file in this episode.

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1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it.
Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the Social Life of the Quality Teacher

2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the process classroom and a Drawing of your Vision of the
Classroom for the 21st Century.

3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you manage teaching-learning in the 21 st Century


EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Field Study 1, Episode 1 – The School as a Learning Environment
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, of a school environment that provides social,
psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.

Name of FS Student Date Submitted

Year and Section Course

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Episode (4) Satisfactory 2 Improvement
(3) 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or
Observation questions/tasks (2) observation more
Sheet completely observation questions/task observation
answered/accomplished questions/ s not questions/
. tasks not answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished.
Analysis All questions were All questions Questions Four (4) or
answered completely; were were not more
answers are with depth answered answered observation
and are thoroughly completely; completely; questions were
grounded on theories; answers are answers are not answered;
grammar and spelling clearly not clearly answers not
are free from error. connected to connected to connected to
theories; theories; one theories; more
grammar and (1) to three (3) than four (4)
spelling and grammatical/ grammatical
free from spelling errors. spelling errors.

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Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but Not so clear Unclear and
supported by what were lacks depth; and shallow; shallow; rarely
observed and analysed supported by somewhat supported by
what were supported by what were
observed and what were observed and
analysed observed and analysed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts in the context of the reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
learning outcomes; the context of the context of the context of
Complete, well- the learning the learning the learning
organized, highly outcomes. outcomes. outcomes; not
relevant to the learning Complete; Complete; not complete; not
outcome well- organized, organized, not
organized, relevant to the relevant
very relevant learning
to the learning outcome
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on Submitted a Submitted (2)
deadline the deadline day after the days or more
deadline after the
COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-
18 12 Belo
Grad 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

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