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Field Study 1: The Instructional Cycle

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STUDY 1 The Instructional

FS 1 10 Cycle

SPARK Your Interest

This Episode centers on the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching methods.
It will also tackle lesson development in the OBTL way. The K-12 curriculum and teacher
education curriculum are focused on outcomes, standards and competencies. This means that
lessons must be delivered with focus on outcomes. Likewise, this Episode dwells on types of
questions, questioning and reacting techniques that teachers make use of. The type of
questions that teachers ask and their manner of questioning and reacting to student responses
have a bearing on class interaction. This Episode strengthens the theories learned in the
course, Teaching Methods and Strategies and in other professional subjects in Education.
TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
o Identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of
teaching strategies.
o Determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with outcome -
based teaching and learning.
o Identify the Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques.
o Outline a lesson in accordance with outcome-based teaching-learning.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

These are the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching methods:
1. Learning is an active process.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.
4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.
6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life.
7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of
Realizing the importance of these guiding principles in teaching and learning, the
Department of Education promotes Standards-and Competency-Based teaching with its K-12
Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has
been ahead of DepEd and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the practice of
Competency Standards-Based teaching and Assessment. CHED requires all higher education
institutions in the country to go outcome-based education (OBE) in its CHED MEMO 46, s.
2012. Outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the teaching-learning
process. It is equivalent to competency-based and standards-based teaching and learning in
the K-12 Curriculum.
When you apply OBTL you see to it that the teaching-learning activities (TLA) and in
turn the Assessment Task (Ats) are aligned with the intended learning outcomes. In other
words, in OBTL you first establish your intended learning outcomes (lesson objective). Then
you determine which teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and also the assessment task (Ats)
you will have to use to find out if you attained you ILO’s.
In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLA’s are the activities we use
to teach and the AT’s are the evaluation part.
OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They are importantly new. With mastery learning
of Benjamin Bloom (1971), we were already doing OBE and OBTL.
Likewise, it is also important that teachers must be able to have a mastery of the art of
questioning and reacting techniques to ensure the effective delivery of instruction.
These are the types of questions that teachers ask.
Types of Questions that Teachers Ask.
1. Factual /Convergent/Closed/Low-level Who, What, Where, When questions With
one acceptable answer
2. Divergent Open-ended; has more that one acceptable
/Open-ended/High-level/Higher- order/ answer
a. evaluation
b. inference e.g. When the phone rang and Liz pick it up,
she was all smiles. What can you infer
about Liz?
c. comparison
d. application
e. problem - solving
3. Affective e.g. How do you feel?

These are also some of the reacting techniques that teacher use:
1. Providing acceptance feedback
2. Providing corrective feedback
3. Giving appropriate and sincere praise
4. Repeating the answer
5. Explaining the answer / expanding the answer
6. Rephrasing the question
7. Asking follow up questions
8. Redirecting questions to other pupils
9. Soliciting students questions
10. Encouraging through non-verbal behavior
11. Criticizing respondent for his/her answer
12. Scolding for misbehavior or for not listening
13. Overusing expressions such as “okay”, “right”


Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use

Activity 10.1 of Strategies

Resource Teacher: Marilou Navarro Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: UCV-SHS

Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: PHILOSOPHY Date: OCTOBER 2021


Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then
analyze my observations with the guide questions.
1. the more sense that are involved, the e.g. Teacher used video on how
more and better the learning. digestion takes place and a model of the
human digestive system.

2. Learning is an active process. Teacher presented a video clip where

they can relate it, interact and they share
their own ideas about the clip that
teacher intended to teach. Teacher let
the students to learn the step by step
about conducting a survey by making
them to follow the step.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere Teacher physical classroom is always in
enhances learning. a good condition like maintain the
classroom well-ventilated, well-
organized classroom and etc.
4. Emotion has the power to increase Teacher is approachable in dealing with
retention and learning. all queries from the students.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of Teacher make the students connect facts
information. learned to form concepts and
abstractions and teach as many facts as
you can.
6. Learning is meaningful when it is Teacher present a pictures and students
connected to students’ everyday life. relate it into their life.

7. An integrated teaching approach is Teacher integrating an information

far more effective than teaching isolated about the lesson to other subject to
bits of information enable students understand well and
student cannot confuse why they related
to each other. Teacher avoid teaching is
for only to test.

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?
There is no such thing as best teaching method because it depends upon the lesson if
what is needed to be used in teaching the students. Every lesson can present a new method
that motivates your students and improves their learning and your teaching experience.
Considering all aspects of our teaching is we doing our best to facilitate students learning.
Reflect on this question.
How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?
Before we select an appropriate strategy for our lesson determine first our learning
objectives of the lesson where the knowledge, skills, attitudes of the learner is captured.
Considering what should be the student able to learn at the end of the lesson. After we write
the learning objectives, plan what teaching strategies suit for the objectives that must all of
the students consider their learning abilities and make sure that this strategy will make the
students understand well the lesson you have taught. In selecting the appropriate strategy is
align on the learning objectives because once the objective is written, we now focus in
selecting teaching strategies.
Determining Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning
Activity 10.2

Resource Teacher: Marilou Navarro Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: UCV-SHS

Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: PHILOSOPHY Date: OCTOBER 2021


Observe a class and answer the following questions.

1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs) at
the beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?
Yes, she shares the learning objectives in the class and she present the
intended learning outcomes at the beginning of the class. Then, she begins the
discussion by asking what is their idea about the words flash on their TV or

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLA) did he/she use? Did this TLAs help
him/her attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer.
She flashes a picture on her power point presentation then she presents in the
class. And asked the learners if what is their ideas about the pictures that flash. I can
say that the learning objectives is achieved because the learners are answered the

3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/ Are these aligned to the lesson
She made a multiple-choice test that aligned to her discussions and it is
aligned to the objectives and it correspond to what she discussed. When the learning
objectives and assessment is aligned it meaning we achieved the learning outcomes.


1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning

Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is a student-centered
education approach where the programmers intended learning outcomes are
explicitly defined for students to achieve. The teachers must be clearly focused on
what the students want to know, to be able to do and understand. The teachers
should focus on helping students to develop the knowledge, skills and
personalities that will enable them to achieve the intended outcomes


Reflect on the use of OBTL.

Outcome-based teaching and learning is the learning outcome which is
expected to be able to perform after completing the lesson you teach. The OBTL also
is used to measure the performance of the students and also measure the teacher’s
effectiveness. Teaching and learning activities are then carefully designed to facilitate
students to achieve these outcomes. Through OBTL, teachers can provide students
with more systematic learning experiences thus better-quality education and the
learning is beneficial to students wherein they could use it in their real-life situations.
Applying Effective Questioning Techniques
Activity 10.2
Resource Teacher: ________ Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: ______
Grade/Year Level: _________ Subject Area: _________ Date: __________


Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the Resource
Teacher asks during the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify
the level of questioning.

Types of Question Examples of Questions that the Resource

Teacher Asked
1. Factual  What is truth?
2. Divergent / Higher- order/  How do we know if something is true?
Open-ended /Conceptual
a. evaluation  Do you agree that we know about this
world is true?
b. inference  Among the belief of the philosophers, what
do you most like to be true?
c. comparison  How philosophy can help us determine if it
is true?
d. application  How would you prove if the belief is true?
e. problem - solving  Is the belief being true if it is based on
3. Affective  If the truth is proven through an action,
what is the real-life lesson of being true?


1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school
as periods!” Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers
ask and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?
Yes, the teacher is doing great in his/her class and the students go to school
learn something from their teachers. Students go to school have no learning yet but
after they living the school, they learn something. If the teacher has a good art of
questioning and then the technique of the teacher asking is catch their attention and
then student will learn.


Reflect on

The importance of using various reading techniques

In order to read effectively, you need to use different reading techniques. One
of the first things you learn about teaching is that there are different reading
techniques to be used and the students should be aware of which technique is most
suited depending on what you are reading.
The importance of using various reading techniques are helps to become a
faster reader. We know that reading is fundamental in helping us find and convey
information. The first techniques we can used is skimming, the purpose of skimming
is will help you grasp the general idea and will help you locate the information
quickly. And the importance is you are read only what is important to your purpose
because you are looking only for the general or main ideas like the quickly read the
table of contents, the headings or the abstract, first and last paragraphs and the first
and last sentence of each paragraph in a relevant section. If you do not get the main
idea in the topic sentence or if the paragraph greatly interests you, then you may want
to skim more. Second, scanning is to find specific pieces of information. In scanning
you only scan the specific fact or piece of information without reading everything and
the importance is to help you become a more flexible reader. Detailed reading is
reading of the entire text, or of important sections of the text and it is important
because you can read carefully to get accurate information.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode by interviewing at
least two teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.

Name: Hermelita Bautista

Designation: Teacher III

Interviewer: Good day ma’am

How long have you been in teaching?
Ma’am Hernie: 9 years na akong nagtuturo
Interviewer: Ano po bang masasabi niyo sa Outcome-Based Teaching
and Learning Approcah ma’am?
Ma’am: Well, OBTL is a student-center philosophy that focuses on
empirically measuring student performance, which are called outcomes
as opposed to traditional learning’s emphasis on resources or inputs.
Like in Competency-Based Education, it requires students to
demonstrate that they have learned the required skills and content. It is
also Holistic because it requires educators to a.) identify the outcome of
teaching – the Intended Learning Outcome (ILO) or what the learners
supposed to be able to do and at what standard; b) devise Teaching and
Learning Activities. Etc. formulate Assessment Tasks (Ats) that tell
how students can use knowledge in academically and professionally
appropriate ways, such as solving problems, designing experiments, or
communicating with clients. It is Student-Centered and promotes
Interviewer: Thank you po Ma’am!
EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 10 – The Instructional Cycle
Learning Outcomes: - identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching
strategies. – determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with outcome-based teaching and
learning. – identify the Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques. – outline a lesson in accordance
with teaching-learning.

Name of FS Student; MIKEE GALLA Date Submitted:

Year & Selection: SS4 Course: BSED

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1

Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/ tasks observation observation observation
completely questions/ task not questions/ tasks questions/ tasks not
answered/ answered / not answered / answered /
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were Four (4) or more
answered answered not answered observation questions
completely; completely; completely; were not answered;
answers are with answers are clearly answers are not answers not
depth and are connected to clearly connected connected to theories;
thoroughly theories; grammar to theories; one (1) more than four (4)
grounded on and spelling are to three (3) grammatical/ spelling
theories; grammar free from errors. grammatical / errors.
and spelling are spelling errors.
free from error.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; rarely supported by
by what were by what were somewhat what were observed
observed and observed and supported by what and analyzed
analyzed analyzed were observed and
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
context of the context of the context of the context of the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
Complete, well- Complete; well Complete; not not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant organized, not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning relevant
learning outcome learning outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after the
LINK Theory to Practice

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Episode 1

1. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?

A. Avoid drills which are out of context.
B. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective.
C. Group students for work or project, that way project becomes less expensive.
D. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning. Which
practice is aligned with this principle?
A. Employ cooperative learning.
B. Teach using mostly verbal symbol.
C. Invite parents as resource speakers in class.
D. Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents.
3. In OBTL, upon which should my assessment be based?
A. Content C. Scope of subject matter
B. Intended learning outcome D. Teaching and learning activity
4. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?
A. Divergent C. Convergent
B. Conceptual D. Inference
5. To obtain well-thought-out answers, which questioning behavior helps?
A. Allowing sufficient time
B. Asking open-ended questions
C. Asking non-directed question
D. Involving as many as possible

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