Enforcing Fair Sharing of Peer-to-Peer Resources
Enforcing Fair Sharing of Peer-to-Peer Resources
Enforcing Fair Sharing of Peer-to-Peer Resources
Remote: F1 F4 D
While the smart card and quota manager designs A F4
are focused on enforcing quotas, an alternative ap-
proach is to require nodes to maintain their own F1 F3
records and publish them, such that other nodes can F2
audit those records. Of course, nodes have no inher- B C
ent reason to publish their records accurately. This Local: A F1
Local: B F2
Bandwidth (bps)
due to storage accounting. In particular, we ex- 50
clude the cost of p2p overlay maintenance and stor-
ing/fetching of files, since it is not relevant to our 30
comparison. Unless otherwise specified, all simula- 20
tions are done with 10,000 nodes, 285 files stored Auditing w/o caching
10 Auditing w/ caching
per nodes, and an average node lifetime of 14 days. Quota managers
1000 10000 100000
4.1 Results No. of nodes (log scale)
Figure 3 shows the average upstream bandwidth re- Figure 3: Overhead with different number of nodes.
quired per node, as a function of the number of
nodes (the average required downstream bandwidth
is identical). The per-node bandwidth requirement 200
180 Auditing w/o caching
is almost constant, thus all systems scale well with Auditing w/ caching
the size of the overlay network. Bandwidth (bps) 160 Quota managers
Figure 4 shows the bandwidth requirement as a 120
function of the number of files stored per node. The 100
overheads grow linearly with the number of files, 80
but for auditing without caching, it grows nearly 60
twice as fast as the other two designs. Since p2p
storage systems are typically used to store large
files, this overhead is not a concern. Also, the sys- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
tem could charge for an appropriate minimum file Average number of files stored per node
size to give users an incentive to combine small files
into larger archives prior to storing them. Figure 4: Overhead with different number of files
stored per node.
Figure 5 shown the overhead versus average node
lifetime. The overhead for quota managers grows
rapidly when the node lifetime gets shorter, mostly 350
Auditing w/o caching
from the cost in joining and leaving manager sets 300 Auditing w/ caching
and from voting for file insertions for new nodes. Quota managers
Bandwidth (bps)
Our simulations have also shown that quota man-
agers are more affected by the file turnover rate, due
to the higher cost for voting. Also, the size of man- 150
ager sets determines the vulnerability of the quota 100
manager design. To tolerate more malicious nodes, 50
we need to increase the size of manager sets, which
would result in a higher cost. 0 5 10 15 20 25
In summary, auditing with caching has performance Average node lifetime (days)
comparable to quota managers, but is not subject to
bribery attacks and is less sensitive to the fraction of Figure 5: Overhead with different average node life-
malicious nodes. Furthermore, in a variety of con- time.
ditions, the auditing overhead is quite low — only a
fraction of a typical p2p node’s bandwidth.
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and a gift from Microsoft Research.