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Dabur India LTD.: Standalone Balance Sheet

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Dabur India Ltd.

Standalone Balance Sheet

As at date 30-Sep-20
Non-current assets
a) Property, plant and equipment 1,063.56
b) Capital work-in-progress 115.98
c) Investment property 47.88
d) Other intangible assets 24.80
e) Financial assets 2,805.15
g) Non-current tax assets (net) 0.86
h) Other non-current assets 90.66
Total non-current assets 4,148.89
Current assets
a) Inventories 945.42
b) Financial assets
(i) Investments 491.09
(ii) Trade receivables 377.84
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 21.94
(iv) Bank balances 837.35
(v) Loans 2.01
(vi) Others 4.78
c) Other current assets 113.56
Total current assets 2,793.99
Total assets 6,942.88


a) Equity share capital 176.74
b) Other equity 4824.58
Total equity 5,001.32
Non-current Liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 20.07
(ii) Other financial liabilities 0.75
b) Provisions 54.52
c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) -
Total non-current liabilities 75.34
Current liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 106.57
(ii) Trade payables 1368.43
(iii) Other financial liabilities 158.28
b) Other current liabilities 73.47
c) Provisions 129.04
d) Current tax liabilities (net) 30.43
Total current liabilities 1,866.22
Total liabilities 1,941.56
Total equity and liabilities 6,942.88
(all amounts in rupees crores)
31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16

1,060.75 971.88 971.34 929.18 621.77

105.83 21.69 26.82 28.25 24.96
48.38 49.37 50.36 51.35 52.34
25.15 15.37 8.78 12.80 17.04
1,504.21 2,327.52 2,733.39 2,331.95 1,854.28
0.86 0.86 3.28 3.28 -
89.74 67.74 59.89 74.60 25.18
2,834.92 3,454.43 3,853.86 3,431.41 2,595.57

809.14 732.90 704.79 599.27 615.56

1,382.67 725.40 713.39 735.12 674.02

379.63 431.46 321.34 333.25 420.69
2.87 23.16 77.67 16.94 44.66
522.73 101.55 9.35 9.22 10.97
1.22 4.56 1.41 3.35 -
9.25 14.12 4.06 7.36 1.09
157.68 91.20 126.83 81.1 67.17
3,265.19 2,124.35 1,958.84 1,785.61 1,834.16
6,100.11 5,578.78 5,812.70 5,217.02 4,429.73

176.71 176.63 176.15 176.15 175.91

4,397.52 3,792.19 4050.71 3,481.73 2,918.38
4,574.23 3,968.82 4,226.86 3,657.88 3,094.29

24.68 26.05 201.04 200.64 0.72

4.66 4.56 4.25 3.71 4.96
54.69 52.76 50.04 47.52 45.03
- 8.32 96.03 98.28 76.52
84.03 91.69 351.36 350.15 127.23

89.28 108.72 85.49 83.04 86.51

1032.45 998.32 960.62 914.52 931.34
137.29 264.83 81.6 76.52 73.87
55.33 57.48 38.48 70.4 65.64
122.80 81.09 64.39 54.38 47.4
4.70 7.83 3.9 10.13 3.45
1,441.85 1,518.27 1,234.48 1,208.99 1,208.21
1,525.88 1,609.96 1,585.84 1,559.14 1,335.44
6,100.11 5,578.78 5,812.70 5,217.02 4,429.73
Dabur India Ltd.
Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss
For the year ended
Revenue from operations
Other income
Total Income
Cost of materials consumed
Purchases of stock-in-trade
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in-progress
Employee benefits expense
Finance costs
Depreciation and amortisation expense
Advertisement and publicity
Total expenses
Profit before exceptional items and tax
Exceptional items
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Current tax
Deferred tax
Total tax expense
Net profit of the year
Other comprehensive income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Total other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Earnings per equity share
Basic H
Diluted H
Year Ended
31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16

6,309.80 6,273.19 5,609.06 5,369.84 5,422.57

276.90 274.74 283.23 274.64 194.36
6,586.70 6,547.93 5,892.29 5,644.48 5,616.93

2,449.37 2,262.51 2,060.26 1,843.18 1,930.28

865.22 984.91 916.46 944.60 952.05
-69.89 10.09 -74.03 -8.19 -23.77
578.26 572.33 461.13 425.30 431.89
19.27 29.80 21.89 16.23 10.26
129.93 108.83 102.50 75.43 72.83
514.26 490.75 461.95 418.03 -
591.81 585.36 554.46 635.55 1,034.04
5,078.23 5,044.58 4,504.62 4,350.13 4,407.58
1,508.47 1,503.35 1,387.67 1,294.35 1,209.35
100.00 - 14.54 - -
1,408.47 1,503.35 1,373.13 1,294.35 1,209.35

425.40 369.28 340.33 310.83 259.11

-187.28 -130.22 -39.25 -14.81 12.98
238.12 239.06 301.08 296.02 272.09
1,170.35 1,264.29 1,072.05 998.33 937.26

-29.74 1.04 -0.77 3.35 0.12

10.39 -0.22 0.16 -1.16 -0.04
35.00 -5.20 -37.74 14.12 -10.92
-8.15 1.21 8.79 -3.26 2.58
7.50 -3.17 -29.56 13.05 -8.26
1,177.85 1,261.12 1,042.49 1,011.38 929.00

6.62 7.16 6.09 5.67 5.33

6.60 7.13 6.06 5.64 5.30
(all amounts in rupees crores)
Quarter Ended Half Year Ended
30-Sep-20 30-Jun-20 30-Sep-19 30-Jun-19 30-Sep-20 30-Sep-19

1,900.90 1,490.89 1,612.20 1,628.27 3,391.79 3,240.47

73.23 64.82 75.12 67.46 138.05 142.58
1,974.13 1,555.71 1,687.32 1,695.73 3,529.84 3,383.05

717.65 529.09 622.7 644.55 1,246.74 1,267.25

311.75 222.67 264.14 224.82 534.42 488.96
-79.38 8.69 -64.87 -18.37 -70.69 -83.24
174.35 143.36 150.89 144.11 317.71 295
1.93 2.47 5.83 6.15 4.4 11.98
36.05 34.08 32.83 31.27 70.13 64.1
167.54 129.76 112.12 166.7 297.3 278.82
162.79 129.86 152.38 150.17 292.65 302.55
1,492.68 1,199.98 1,276.02 1,349.40 2,692.66 2,625.42
481.45 355.73 411.3 346.33 837.18 757.63
- - 40 20 - 60
481.45 355.73 371.3 326.33 837.18 697.63

87.77 63.30 57.63 76.01 151.07 133.64

1.00 3.00 -11.87 -7.49 4.00 -19.36
88.77 66.30 45.76 68.52 155.07 114.28
392.68 289.43 325.54 257.81 682.11 583.35

3.62 1.48 2.71 0.26 5.1 2.97

-1.26 -0.52 -0.46 -0.06 -1.78 -0.52
-34.64 39.54 5.32 14.93 4.9 20.25
8.07 -9.21 -1.24 -3.48 -1.14 -4.72
-24.21 31.29 6.33 11.65 7.08 17.98
368.47 320.72 331.87 269.46 689.19 601.33

2.22 1.64 1.84 1.46 3.86 3.3

2.22 1.63 1.84 1.45 3.85 3.29
Relaxo Footwears Limited
Standalone Balance Sheet

As at date
Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment
Capital Work-in-Progress
Right-of-Use Asset
Intangible Assets
Intangible Assets under Development
Financial Assets
Other Financial Assets
Other Non-Current Assets
Total Non-Current Assets
Current Assets
Financial assets
Trade Receivables
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Bank Balances other than Cash and Cash Equivalents
Other Financial Assets
Current Tax Assets (Net)
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Total Assets


Equity Share Capital
Other Equity
Total Equity
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Lease Liabilities/Borrowings
Other Financial Liabilities
Deferred Tax Liabilities (net)
Total Non-Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Lease Liabilities
Trade Payables
Other Financial Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Current Tax Liabilities (net)
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Equity and Liabilities
(all amounts in rupees crores)
30-Sep-20 31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16

730.82 750.09 800.45 469.81 479.80 462.61

50.34 43.81 10.17 136.44 61.91 27.99
191.46 189.94 - - - -
36.91 40.98 47.69 55.05 61.22 67.92
1.48 1.79 1.23 1.14 0.51 0.24

0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.70 0.50

18.53 18.49 17.09 16.20 14.56 19.22
0.34 0.35 0.12 0.61 0.90 -
15.03 4.23 7.50 8.64 4.01 -
1,045.11 1,049.88 884.45 688.09 623.61 578.48

368.61 447.74 382.43 313.93 290.21 285.84

251.94 - - 0.5 - -
149.88 172.08 222.57 192.35 123.18 108.69
2.98 2.55 1.88 3.12 3.51 2.37
0.79 1.54 0.34 0.88 0.14 -
0.23 0.28 0.39 0.39 0.28 19.06
19.95 28.03 43.07 1.25 3.43 -
6.16 6.16 - - - -
102.73 132.82 76.30 68.22 25.98 2.95
903.27 791.20 726.98 580.64 446.73 418.91
1,948.38 1,841.08 1,611.43 1,268.73 1,070.34 997.39

24.82 24.82 12.40 12.03 12.01 12

1,349.36 1,247.58 1,092.67 749.18 594.36 467.98
1,374.18 1,272.40 1,105.07 761.21 606.37 479.98

122.39 119.78 - 39.26 70.94 112.99

0.14 0.01 0.01 0.71 0.4 10.23
11.66 10.84 9.00 7.76 7.26 5.28
21.84 24.75 34.44 26.31 25.5 27.01
156.03 155.38 43.45 74.04 104.10 155.51

29.17 19.16 86.92 86.09 60.89 89.61

30.20 27.61 - - - -
166.28 183.79 171.82 174.90 125.70 122.37
89.64 73.50 114.27 92.63 99.41 -
67.08 58.59 58.18 70.48 70.31 118.11
30.31 50.65 29.67 6.75 2.38 31.81
5.49 - 2.05 2.63 1.18 -
418.17 413.30 462.91 433.48 359.87 361.90
574.20 568.68 506.36 507.52 463.97 517.41
1,948.38 1,841.08 1,611.43 1,268.73 1,070.34 997.39
Relaxo Footwears Limited
Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss

For the year ended

Revenue from Operations
Other Income
Total Income
Cost of Materials Consumed, including Packing Material
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade
Changes in inventories of Finished Goods, Stock-in-Trade and Work-in-Progress
Excise Duty on Sale of Goods
Employee Benefits Expense
Finance Costs
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Profit Before Tax
Tax expense
Current Tax
Deferred Tax
Tax for Earlier years (Net)
Total Tax Expense
Net profit for the year
Other Comprehensive Income / (Expenses) not to be reclassified to Profit or Loss in subsequent year
Remeasurement Gains / (Losses) on Defined Benefit Plan
Income Tax effect on above
Total Other Comprehensive Income
Total Comprehensive Income for the year
Earnings Per Equity Share of Rs. 1/- each (In Rs.)
Year Ended
31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16

2,410.48 2,292.08 1,964.44 1,651.97 1,733.23

9.05 12.98 4.46 13.61 3.46
2,419.53 2,305.06 1,968.90 1,665.58 1,736.69

930.78 912.60 705.69 580.13 596.26

162.08 217.53 190.94 140.54 145.49
-53.54 -57.81 -13.62 5.16 -33.82
- - 7.52 20.82 21.42
293.99 258.66 214.08 177.04 160.84
16.87 6.90 8.59 15.03 22.89
109.42 62.41 54.34 51.46 47.12
668.22 636.79 557.74 497.37 603.16
2,127.82 2,037.08 1,725.28 1,487.55 1,563.36
291.71 267.98 243.62 178.03 177.59

74.92 85.64 81.53 57.23 55.21

-9.46 6.90 1.02 1.02 2.10
- - - -0.17 -
65.46 92.54 82.55 58.08 57.31
226.25 175.44 161.07 119.95 120.28

-0.92 0.09 -0.61 3.51 -

0.23 -0.03 0.21 -1.22 -
-0.69 0.06 -0.40 2.29 -
225.56 175.50 160.67 122.24 120.28

9.12 7.07 13.40 9.99 10.02

9.10 7.06 13.38 9.98 10.00
(all amounts in rupees crores)
Quarter Ended Half Year Ended
30-Sep-20 30-Jun-20 30-Sep-19 30-Jun-19 30-Sep-20 30-Sep-19

575.87 363.58 621.77 648.3 939.45 1270.07

5.04 6.88 1.65 1.24 11.92 2.89
580.91 370.46 623.42 649.54 951.37 1,272.96

226.89 69.61 247.68 244.46 296.5 492.14

22.96 9.02 47.91 33.5 31.98 81.41
-27.41 103.35 -23.98 19.58 75.94 -4.4
- - - - - -
73.56 56.7 72.17 72.40 130.26 144.57
3.81 4.08 4.31 4.66 7.89 8.97
27.78 27.5 27.76 26.55 55.28 54.31
152.97 67.88 173.27 171.94 220.85 345.21
480.56 338.14 549.12 573.09 818.70 1,122.21
100.35 32.32 74.3 76.45 132.67 150.75

26.67 9.9 14.12 26.42 36.57 40.54

-1.42 -1.8 -10.36 0.28 -3.22 -10.08
- - - - - -
25.25 8.10 3.76 26.70 33.35 30.46
75.10 24.22 70.54 49.75 99.32 120.29

1.35 -0.1 0.02 0.03 1.25 0.05

-0.34 0.03 - -0.01 -0.31 -0.01
1.01 -0.07 0.02 0.02 0.94 0.04
76.11 24.15 70.56 49.77 100.26 120.33

3.02 0.98 2.84 2.01 4 4.85

3.02 0.97 2.84 2 3.99 4.84
Dabur India Ltd.
NSE- Monthly Stock Price Information

Date Open High Low Close

4/1/2015 266.5 286.95 250.5 251.9
5/1/2015 251.9 275.25 251 269.85
6/1/2015 270 281.55 248.85 280.1
7/1/2015 281.7 304.5 260 293.3
8/1/2015 294.95 316.4 256.7 273.05
9/1/2015 273.5 289.25 268.25 276
10/1/2015 277.5 286.75 262 269.75
11/1/2015 269.75 281.35 260.05 272.55
12/1/2015 275.05 284.5 261.9 276.95
1/1/2016 276.45 281 231.5 250.65
2/1/2016 250.9 253.25 233.5 237.15
3/1/2016 237.15 255.8 237 249.9
4/1/2016 248.05 279.4 244.95 275.8
5/1/2016 275.5 300.9 274.4 289.7
6/1/2016 289.9 320 288.55 308.65
7/1/2016 308.65 320 296.15 303.6
8/1/2016 304.5 305.95 282.05 290.6
9/1/2016 290.6 301 266.4 271.2
10/1/2016 272.1 300.5 271 291.55
11/1/2016 292 305 269.5 283.55
12/1/2016 285.05 288.3 259.15 278.15
1/1/2017 278 284 272.9 276
2/1/2017 277.75 278.7 263.6 276.9
3/1/2017 277.9 286.4 271.2 277.35
4/1/2017 277.55 295.95 277.2 286.75
5/1/2017 286.75 288.5 265 279.95
6/1/2017 279.85 295 277.5 292.1
7/1/2017 291.9 313.6 291.4 310
8/1/2017 309.95 323 296.5 315.1
9/1/2017 316.1 318.5 298.7 305
10/1/2017 305 334.6 305 332.85
11/1/2017 338.9 360.85 329.7 344.3
12/1/2017 344.05 357.7 325 349.7
1/1/2018 351 368.6 346.45 355.6
2/1/2018 357.35 358.85 323.65 325.05
3/1/2018 326.4 334.9 311.95 328.4
4/1/2018 329 371.95 326.2 369.4
5/1/2018 369.4 389.25 364.6 383.3
6/1/2018 385 396.4 375.3 391.45
7/1/2018 391.45 428.45 365.55 421.55
8/1/2018 423.8 490.65 422 478.75
9/1/2018 481.05 481.05 416.55 426.9
10/1/2018 425 442.5 379.5 384.75
11/1/2018 384.75 426.55 362.6 409.1
12/1/2018 412.8 458.8 395 430.65
1/1/2019 431.75 448.2 411 443.65
2/1/2019 450 464.2 417.5 438.05
3/1/2019 439.7 454.7 407 408.8
4/1/2019 410.05 412 393.8 398.1
5/1/2019 398.1 408.4 357.55 395.95
6/1/2019 400 414.35 376.85 400.5
7/1/2019 400.8 435.4 397.3 426.45
8/1/2019 424.45 450.35 419.25 448.8
9/1/2019 448.8 469.2 432.7 447.25
10/1/2019 446 480 421.5 461.95
11/1/2019 462.5 487.7 448.6 459.1
12/1/2019 458.9 471.85 446.15 458.4
1/1/2020 459.7 505.85 445.7 495.75
2/1/2020 498.5 523.25 480.25 506.15
3/1/2020 503.8 525 386.05 450.05
4/1/2020 450.9 517.4 424.05 489.3
5/1/2020 480 482.8 421.2 466.45
6/1/2020 470 476.9 431 465.95
7/1/2020 470.9 515 462.95 513.55
8/1/2020 514.85 528 470.9 474.6
9/1/2020 478.4 514.7 473.65 510.55
10/1/2020 515.75 535 505.1 511.45
11/1/2020 515 530 504.05 518.45
Relaxo Footwears Limited
NSE- Monthly Stock Price Information

Date Open High Low Close

4/1/2015 162.012 192.188 161.988 181.887
5/1/2015 181.887 222 167.575 212.45
6/1/2015 212.488 240.025 207.938 236.225
7/1/2015 238.6 307.475 238.6 281.55
8/1/2015 290 547.65 225 539.65
9/1/2015 261.3 272.475 222 264.775
10/1/2015 267.5 282.2 258.8 259.7
11/1/2015 266.5 274 230.625 252.65
12/1/2015 254.5 264.85 238 254.225
1/1/2016 255.475 255.5 201.15 233.675
2/1/2016 239.5 242.5 188.125 195.575
3/1/2016 196.5 213.425 178.825 182.2
4/1/2016 181.025 261.5 181.025 243.6
5/1/2016 244.5 263.025 205.5 223.225
6/1/2016 223.5 255.6 216.05 251.925
7/1/2016 250 258.7 234.5 245
8/1/2016 240.5 244 227 227.875
9/1/2016 231 235 208 222.475
10/1/2016 226 238.5 212 213.15
11/1/2016 218.7 219.875 175 216.3
12/1/2016 216.3 218.75 195.675 200.975
1/1/2017 201 224.4 197.55 218.6
2/1/2017 217.625 227.5 205.15 211.375
3/1/2017 211.525 251 210.5 249.4
4/1/2017 246 254.7 234.5 247.2
5/1/2017 247.2 264 223.275 233.075
6/1/2017 233.075 252 228.4 240.15
7/1/2017 240.15 277 227.475 237.7
8/1/2017 238.5 256 225.975 254.925
9/1/2017 256 271.5 245.9 262.475
10/1/2017 262.475 285.2 251.55 275
11/1/2017 275.075 323.65 272.25 303.425
12/1/2017 303.425 362.55 295.975 338.9
1/1/2018 338.9 349.475 303.025 311.075
2/1/2018 313 337 282 305.15
3/1/2018 306.425 331.275 297.5 321.05
4/1/2018 317.7 357 317.7 349.225
5/1/2018 349.225 376 330 355.275
6/1/2018 357.5 406.1 331.6 343.875
7/1/2018 346 414.9 341.2 407.25
8/1/2018 410 436.8 397.825 421.875
9/1/2018 423.5 432.45 355.625 365.725
10/1/2018 358 411.225 332.15 396.3
11/1/2018 398.95 407.5 373.35 375.775
12/1/2018 381.375 384.475 352.6 366.4
1/1/2019 364.75 382.5 357.15 367.075
2/1/2019 369.975 384 352.5 373.9
3/1/2019 372.5 393.975 357.325 385.375
4/1/2019 388.5 462 385 440.375
5/1/2019 440.375 452.5 381 421.825
6/1/2019 423.95 451.15 407.7 433.65
7/1/2019 433.65 499 395 419.3
8/1/2019 411.1 460 411.1 458.85
9/1/2019 458.85 516.4 452.55 506.35
10/1/2019 507.6 553.6 480 545.95
11/1/2019 550 629 532 585.75
12/1/2019 589.5 640 575.05 615.75
1/1/2020 618.25 743.95 614.1 737.15
2/1/2020 742 830 690 696.5
3/1/2020 705.3 716.95 500 598.95
4/1/2020 606 649 570.35 635.8
5/1/2020 617 688.8 580.55 676.55
6/1/2020 681 785 625.25 633.35
7/1/2020 633.35 675 578 595.2
8/1/2020 598 672 589.5 655.4
9/1/2020 652.4 692.95 610 666.65
10/1/2020 672 685.8 645 660.4
11/1/2020 668 705.55 655 692.6
Nifty 50- Monthly Stock Index Prices Information

Date Open High Low Close

4/1/2015 8483.7 8841.65 8144.75 8181.5
5/1/2015 8230.05 8489.55 7997.15 8433.65
6/1/2015 8417.25 8467.15 7940.3 8368.5
7/1/2015 8376.25 8654.75 8315.4 8532.85
8/1/2015 8510.65 8621.55 7667.25 7948.95
9/1/2015 7907.95 8055 7539.5 7948.9
10/1/2015 7992.05 8336.3 7930.65 8065.8
11/1/2015 8054.55 8116.1 7714.15 7935.25
12/1/2015 7958.15 7979.3 7551.05 7946.35
1/1/2016 7924.55 7937.55 7241.5 7563.55
2/1/2016 7589.5 7600.45 6825.8 6987.05
3/1/2016 7038.25 7777.6 7035.1 7738.4
4/1/2016 7718.05 7992 7516.85 7849.8
5/1/2016 7822.7 8213.6 7678.35 8160.1
6/1/2016 8179.2 8308.15 7927.05 8287.75
7/1/2016 8313.05 8674.7 8287.55 8638.5
8/1/2016 8654.3 8819.2 8518.15 8786.2
9/1/2016 8793.6 8968.7 8555.2 8611.15
10/1/2016 8666.15 8806.95 8506.15 8638
11/1/2016 8653.15 8669.6 7916.4 8224.5
12/1/2016 8244 8274.95 7893.8 8185.8
1/1/2017 8210.1 8672.7 8133.8 8561.3
2/1/2017 8570.35 8982.15 8537.5 8879.6
3/1/2017 8904.4 9218.4 8860.1 9173.75
4/1/2017 9220.6 9367.15 9075.15 9304.05
5/1/2017 9339.85 9649.6 9269.9 9621.25
6/1/2017 9603.55 9709.3 9448.75 9520.9
7/1/2017 9587.95 10114.85 9543.55 10077.1
8/1/2017 10101.05 10137.85 9685.55 9917.9
9/1/2017 9937.65 10178.95 9687.55 9788.6
10/1/2017 9893.3 10384.5 9831.05 10335.3
11/1/2017 10390.35 10490.45 10094 10226.55
12/1/2017 10263.7 10552.4 10033.35 10530.7
1/1/2018 10477.55 11171.55 10404.65 11027.7
2/1/2018 11044.55 11117.35 10276.3 10492.85
3/1/2018 10479.95 10525.5 9951.9 10113.7
4/1/2018 10151.65 10759 10111.3 10739.35
5/1/2018 10783.85 10929.2 10417.8 10736.15
6/1/2018 10738.45 10893.25 10550.9 10714.3
7/1/2018 10732.35 11366 10604.65 11356.5
8/1/2018 11359.8 11760.2 11234.95 11680.5
9/1/2018 11751.8 11751.8 10850.3 10930.45
10/1/2018 10930.9 11035.65 10004.55 10386.6
11/1/2018 10441.7 10922.45 10341.9 10876.75
12/1/2018 10930.7 10985.15 10333.85 10862.55
1/1/2019 10868.85 10987.45 10583.65 10830.95
2/1/2019 10851.35 11118.1 10585.65 10792.5
3/1/2019 10842.65 11630.35 10817 11623.9
4/1/2019 11665.2 11856.15 11549.1 11748.15
5/1/2019 11725.55 12041.15 11108.3 11922.8
6/1/2019 11953.75 12103.05 11625.1 11788.85
7/1/2019 11839.9 11981.75 10999.4 11118
8/1/2019 11060.2 11181.45 10637.15 11023.25
9/1/2019 10960.95 11694.85 10670.25 11474.45
10/1/2019 11515.4 11945 11090.15 11877.45
11/1/2019 11886.6 12158.8 11802.65 12056.05
12/1/2019 12137.05 12293.9 11832.3 12168.45
1/1/2020 12202.15 12430.5 11929.6 12169.85
2/1/2020 11627.45 12246.7 11175.05 11201.75
3/1/2020 11387.35 11433 7511.1 8597.75
4/1/2020 8584.1 9889.05 8055.8 9859.9
5/1/2020 9533.5 9598.85 8806.75 9580.3
6/1/2020 9726.85 10553.15 9544.35 10302.1
7/1/2020 10323.8 11341.4 10299.6 11073.45
8/1/2020 11057.55 11794.25 10882.25 11387.5
9/1/2020 11464.3 11618.1 10790.2 11247.55
10/1/2020 11364.45 12025.45 11347.05 11642.4
11/1/2020 11697.35 11929.65 11557.4 11908.5

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