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Tutorial Letter 101/0/2022: Formal Logic

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Tutorial Letter 101/0/2022

Formal Logic

Year module

Department of Computer Science

School of Computing

General module information and assignments

Define Tomorrow. of south africa

1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................4
2 ABOUT THIS MODULE ...............................................................................4
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Syllabus.......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................... 4
3 CONTACT DETAILS ....................................................................................5
3.1 Lecturer ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Department and School ................................................................................................... 5
3.3 University ....................................................................................................................... 5
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ...............................................................5
4.1 Tutorial letters ................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Prescribed book .............................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Software for practical work .............................................................................................. 6
4.4 Recommended books ....................................................................................................... 7
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................7
5.1 First-year experience programme ..................................................................................... 7
5.2 myUnisa ......................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 myLife ........................................................................................................................... 7
6 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION ..........................................................8
7 STUDY PLAN ..............................................................................................8
8 ASSESSMENT ..............................................................................................8
8.1 Assignment numbers and due dates .................................................................................. 8
8.2 Submission of assignments ............................................................................................... 9
8.3 Year mark, exam mark and final mark ............................................................................. 9
8.4 Examination admission.................................................................................................... 9
8.5 Examination information ................................................................................................. 9
9 ASSIGNMENTS .......................................................................................... 10
Assignment 1 .............................................................................................................................10
Assignment 2 .............................................................................................................................11


Assignment 3 .............................................................................................................................13
Assignment 4 .............................................................................................................................14

Welcome to COS4807. This module provides an introduction to formal logic. For this field of study,
you need a background in discrete mathematics, covered by a course like our undergraduate module
COS1501. In particular, we assume that you are familiar with set theory and mathematical proof
techniques. The study of formal logic requires a high level of mathematical rigour, so if you coped well
with mathematics at school or at undergraduate level, then you should have an aptitude for formal
logic too. If you have never encountered formal logic before, you should find the prescribed book for
our second-year logic module, COS2661, helpful. (See the book by Barwise and Etchemendy, listed
as additional reading in Section 4.4 below.)


2.1 Purpose
Logic is about reasoning. If you want to devise algorithms that will allow you to automate reasoning,
then logic is where you need to start. A background in logic is essential for an understanding of
reasoning and inference in artificial intelligence. Formal logic is used to formalise the semantics of
programming languages and the specification of programs, to verify the correctness of programs, and
in constraint-based reasoning. It also forms the basis of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) used for
specifying ontologies for the semantic web.
An exciting application of logic in computer science is logic programming. The best-known
logic programming language, namely Prolog, is based on a resolution theorem-proving algorithm.
Assignment 4 is devoted to this topic. You won’t actually need to use Prolog for this course, but
after completing Assignment 4 you should find it relatively easy to learn to use it. If you want more
practical Prolog programming experience, you should register for the logic-based reasoning module
There are many formalisms of logic, each with different purposes and applications. In this
module, we concentrate on the two most important and fundamental forms, namely propositional and
first-order logic.

2.2 Syllabus
The following aspects of propositional and first-order logic are covered in COS4807:

Propositional logic: formulas, interpretations, models, tableaux, deductive systems,

clausal form, resolution, SAT solvers
First-order logic: formulas, interpretations, models, tableaux, deductive systems, clausal
form, resolution

2.3 Outcomes
To cover the abovementioned syllabus, the following techniques of formal logic need to be mastered:

Propositional logic:
ˆ Use truth tables to show the validity or satisfiability of formulas.
ˆ Give semantic arguments to prove the validity or unsatisfiability of formulas.


ˆ Use semantic tableaux to show the satisfiability of formulas.

ˆ Use the Gentzen system G to prove that formulas are theorems.
ˆ Write formulas in clausal form to be able to apply resolution refutation.
ˆ Encode a satisfiability problem as a set of clauses, and use the DPLL algorithm
to find a solution.
First-order logic:
ˆ Use semantic tableaux to show the satisfiability of formulas.
ˆ Give semantic arguments to prove the validity or unsatisfiability of formulas.
ˆ Use the Gentzen system G to prove that formulas are theorems.
ˆ Write formulas in clausal form to be able to apply resolution refutation.
ˆ Use SLD-resolution to evaluate queries in logic programs.

3.1 Lecturer
The lecturer responsible for this module this year will be specified on the COS4807 website on myUnisa.
See Section 5.2 below for information about accessing this website.
Feel free to direct queries about the content of this module to your lecturer. However, queries of
a purely administrative nature should be addressed to the relevant departments of Unisa. See Section
3.3 below.

3.2 Department and School

If you are unable to get hold of the lecturer on the phone, you can always leave a message with the
departmental secretary. The secretary’s number is 011 670 9200.
Please note that the Department of Computer Science (and the School of Computing) are located
on the Science campus in Florida, Johannesburg.

3.3 University
If you need to contact Unisa about matters not related to the content of this module, please consult
the Study@Unisa brochure. This brochure is available from the myUnisa website, in particular on
the Student Support & Regions link. This brochure contains information on how to contact Unisa (e.g.
who to write to for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of
the times certain facilities are open).

Always quote your student number when contacting Unisa.

COS4807 is presented online. This means that you will not receive study material for this module in
printed form. It will all be available in electronic format on myUnisa (see Section 5.2 below).

4.1 Tutorial letters
For COS4807, communication about teaching, learning and assessment is in the form of tutorial
letters which will be made available on myUnisa during the year. Tutorial Letter 101 is available in
the Official Study Material folder for COS4807, and all the other tutorial letters will be made available
in Additional Resources (see Section 5.2).

ˆ Tutorial Letter 101 (this tutorial letter) contains important information about the syllabus,
the prescribed book and other resources for this module. This tutorial letter also specifies the
assignments as well as instructions for their submission.

ˆ Tutorial Letter 102 contains additional notes on the prescribed book, indicating which parts are
important and which parts are for interest only. It also contains a number of worked examples
similar to those you can expect in the assignments and the exams.

ˆ Tutorial Letter 103 contains instructions for installing and using the SWI-Prolog and LearnSAT
software required for Assignment 2.

ˆ Tutorial Letter 104 will probably contain examination information, and will be available later
in the year.

ˆ Tutorial Letters 201, 202, 203 and 204 contain solutions to assignments, and will be made
available about two weeks after the due dates of the corresponding assignments.

4.2 Prescribed book

The prescribed book for COS4807 is:

Ben-Ari, M. Mathematical Logic for Computer Science, 3rd edition. Springer-Verlag, 2012.

You need your own copy of this book, and you should make it a priority to get hold of it as soon
as possible. Prescribed books can be obtained from Unisa’s official booksellers. Consult the list of
official booksellers and their addresses listed in the brochure Study@Unisa. If you have difficulty in
locating this book at these booksellers, please contact the Prescribed Book Section at Tel: 012 429
4152 or email: vospresc@unisa.ac.za
The following chapters of the prescribed book cover the syllabus (specified in Section 2.2 above):

Propositional logic: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. You can omit Sections 3.3 to 3.9 and 6.6.
First-order logic: Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. You can omit Sections 8.2 to 8.5 and 11.4.

Please note that the chapter and section numbers of the prescribed book used in this (and subsequent)
tutorial letters refer to the 3rd edition, and differ from previous editions.

4.3 Software for practical work

For Assignment 2, you will need to install and use the LearnSAT software. LearnSAT is implemented
in the Prolog programming language, and is bundled with the SWI-Prolog programming environment.
Instructions for installing and using this software are provided in Tut Letter 103.


4.4 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for this module, as it should not be necessary to consult any
additional literature in order to master the content of COS4807.
However, if you are interested in reading more on logic, or require more background material,
here is a selection of books available from the Unisa library:

Barwise, J & Etchemendy, J. The Language of First-Order Logic, 3rd ed. CSLI, 1992.
Burke, E & Foxley, E. Logic and its Applications. Prentice Hall, 1996.
Fitting, M. First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Ginsberg, M. Essentials of Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.
Nerode, A & Shore, RA. Logic for Applications. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Russell, S & Norvig, P. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall,
Shinghal, R. Formal Concepts in Artificial Intelligence. Chapman & Hall, 1992.


For information on the various student support services available at Unisa (e.g. student counselling,
language support), please consult the Study@Unisa brochure (see Section 3.3 above).

5.1 First-year experience programme

If this is your first year of study at Unisa, you will probably need some assistance in navigating the
systems and methods and challenges of distance education. For this purpose, a First-Year Experience
(FYE) programme has been designed to assist you. The web address of the FYE programme is

5.2 myUnisa
The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa’s online campus. It is intended to help you to
communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative departments of
Unisa by means of the internet. In particular, you can download study material and submit your
assignments on myUnisa. The web address for myUnisa is http://my.unisa.ac.za/.
Each module at Unisa has a website on myUnisa. You will be given access to the websites of
the modules you are registered for for the year.
Please consult Study@Unisa for more information on myUnisa.

Amongst other tools, a discussion forum is provided for COS4807 on the myUnisa website. We
encourage you to make use of this discussion forum, as it provides an excellent means of discussing
the work with your fellow students.

5.3 myLife
As explained in Study@Unisa, every student at Unisa is given a myLife email account. We encourage
you to make use of your myLife account, or at least to forward your myLife email to your personal
email address (as explained in Study@Unisa). From time to time, we send emails to the myLife
accounts of all students registered for CO4807. Also, whenever COS4807 tutorial matter is uploaded

to myUnisa, an email is automatically sent to all students. If you are not monitoring your myLife
email, you could miss some important announcements.

Unisa has implemented a transformation charter, and curriculum transformation has consequently
been placed high on the teaching and learning agenda. Curriculum transformation includes student-
centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of
teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These pillars and
their principles will be integrated at both programme and module levels in a phased-in approach. You
may therefore notice a change in the teaching and learning strategy implemented by Unisa, together
with how the content is conceptualised in your modules. We encourage you to embrace these changes
during your studies at Unisa in a responsive way within the framework of transformation.

The learning outcomes of COS4807 (specified in Section 2.3 above) are covered by four assignments.
We recommend that you work through the material for each assignment (in the relevant chapters
of the prescribed book and the corresponding sections of Tutorial Letter 102) at least two weeks before
the due date of each assignment, to give you enough time to complete and submit the assignment.
(See Table 1 below for the assignment due dates.)
After submitting the last assignment, you should spend time revising your work in preparation
for the exam. A special tutorial letter about preparation for the exam will be made available at this

Assessment for COS4807 is on the basis of four assignments and an examination. The assignments
count towards a year mark, which together with the exam mark contribute to a final mark. (Section
9 below contains the assignment questions.)

8.1 Assignment numbers and due dates

There are four assignments that count equally towards your year mark. (See Section 8.3 below.)

Number Prescribed book chapters Due date

1 1, 2 and 3 29 April 2022
2 4 and 6 15 June 2022
3 7 and 8 15 August 2022
4 9, 10 and 11 30 September 2022

Table 1: Assignment numbers and due dates

Every assignment has a number, namely 1, 2, 3 or 4. Please submit each assignment with the correct
number, even if it is not the first, second, third or fourth assignment that you submit.


Table 1 also gives the due dates of the assignments. For COS4807 there is an automatic extension
of two weeks for every assignment. Please note that we can give no guarantee that assignments received
after this extension will be marked or contribute to your year mark. (See Section 8.3 below.)
You must submit at least one assignment by its due date to be admitted to the exam. (See
Section 8.4 below.)

8.2 Submission of assignments

You may only submit assignments in PDF format via myUnisa. Please note that assignments
should not be submitted by fax or e-mail. An MS Word document with the necessary logical
symbols will be available in Additional Resources for COS4807 on myUnisa, so that you can copy them
when preparing your assignments. For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments
are concerned, refer to the Study@Unisa brochure.
Please note that it is your responsibilty to check that your assignments are registered correctly
on Unisa’s assignment database. You can do this on myUnisa. Sometimes an assignment is cancelled
for some reason (e.g. wrong format), in which case you should be informed by the system in the form
of an email sent to your myLife account. Even if you do not receive such an email, you should visit
myUnisa about two days after you submit an assignment to check whether it has been cancelled.

8.3 Year mark, exam mark and final mark

The four assignments for COS4807 count equally towards the year mark. In other words, your year
mark will be calculated as follows:

Year mark = (Assignment 1 + Assignment 2 + Assignment 3 + Assignment 4)/4

The year mark contributes 20% and the exam mark 80% to the final mark. In other words, your final
mark for the module as a whole will be calculated according to the following formula:

Final mark = 0.2 × (Year mark) + 0.8 × (Exam mark)

8.4 Examination admission

To be admitted to the examination, you must submit at least one assignment by 30 September 2022.1
Please note that lecturers are not responsible for determining examination admission, and all
enquiries about examination admission should be directed to the Examination Department at Unisa.

8.5 Examination information

The summative assessment for COS4807 consists of a 3 hour examination, which will be held in
January/February 2023. Unisa’s Examination Department will inform you of the time, date and
To help you in your preparation for the examination, a tutorial letter (probably numbered 104)
will be made available at the end of the year, explaining the format of the examination paper, and
setting out what material you will need to study for examination purposes.

Please check this date on the academic calendar.

Due Date: 29 April 2022

Question 1 (20)
Use truth tables to prove that the following propositional formulas have the corresponding properties.
In each case, also explain why the truth table proves that the formula has the relevant property.
(i) (p ∧ q) ↔ ¬(p → ¬q) is valid.
(ii) (p → q) ∧ (p → (q → r)) ∧ ¬(p → r) is unsatisfiable.
(iii) p → (q ∨ (p ∧ r)) is satisfiable and is falsifiable.

Question 2 (20)
Prove that the formulas given in Question 1 (i) and (ii) above have the corresponding properties, by
means of semantic arguments (in terms of the truth values of formulas, and the definitions of validity
and satisfiability).

Question 3 (20)
Prove Theorems 2.53 and 2.54 in the prescribed book.

Question 4 (30)
Prove that the propositional formulas given in Question 1 (i), (ii) and (iii) above have the corresponding
properties, by means of semantic tableaux.

Question 5 (10)
Prove that the formula given in Question 1 (i) above is a theorem of the Gentzen system G . Annotate
each step with the rule used, and the step numbers it was applied to.


Due Date: 15 June 2022

Question 1 (10)
Convert the formula p → (q ↔ (p ∧ r)) to CNF. Show your working.
Write this in clausal form and remove trivial clauses. Finally, write your answer in (abbreviated)
clausal form.

Question 2 (10)
Prove by resolution refutation that the set of clauses {p̄qs, pr̄, pqr, q̄r̄s̄} is satisfiable.

Question 3 (15)
Show that the goal p ∧ q ∧ r is a logical consequence of the set of formulas {p → r, (p → q) → r, ¬(q →
r)} by means of resolution refutation.
Hint: Convert each of the formulas in the set as well as the negation of the goal to clausal form.
Then perform resolution refutation on all these clauses.

Question 4 (25)
Consider the graph-colouring problem described in Exercise 6.4 of the prescribed book. Use the DPLL
algorithm by hand to show that the graph K4 is 4-colourable. K4 is the complete graph with 4 vertices.
This is what it looks like:

3 4

Hint: Use the notation pij for a propositional atom to represent whether vertex i is coloured by colour
j. You need to encode the following constraints as a set of clauses:
(a) Every vertex must be coloured by some colour (1, 2, 3 or 4).
(b) No vertex may be coloured by more than one colour.
(c) No adjacent vertices may be coloured by the same colour.
Show your working by specifying the set of clauses after each series of propagation.
What solution is generated by your application of the DPLL algorithm?

Question 5 (20)
(i) Specify the constraints of the graph colouring problem in Question 4 above as a predicate in a
Prolog program, similar to the pigeon-hole example distributed with the LearnSAT code. But
use atoms of the format pij to represent whether vertex i is coloured by colour j. Call the
predicate tetra4.

(ii) Use the LearnSAT system to show that the graph is 4-colourable. Save the trace of the execution
to a text file.

(iii) Add another predicate to the Prolog program you wrote, called tetra3. It should encode the
problem for testing whether the same graph is 3-colourable. (Hint: Copy and edit tetra4 for
this purpose.)

(iv) Use the LearnSAT system to show that the graph is not 3-colourable. Save the trace of the
execution to a text file.

Submit the contents of the files as part of your answer. Also explain the output of the execution of
the two predicates.

Question 6 (15)
There are a number of example SAT problems provided with the LearnSAT distribution. One of the
files is called mcgregor.pro. Change the filename to mcgregor.pl and use LearnSAT to evaluate it.
This file contains an encoding of a simplified version of the McGregor graph, where the colours
1, 2, 3 or 4 are used to colour the graph. The file learnsat-tutorial.pdf (also provided with the
LearnSAT distribution) contains a discussion of the McGregor problem, and gives a map representation
of the simplified McGregor graph.

(i) Draw a graph representation of the simplified McGregor graph.

(ii) Submit the output (i.e. trace) of the execution of the mcgregor4 predicate.
What solution is generated by the execution of this code?

(iii) Execute the mcgregor3 predicate and comment on the differences between mcgregor3 and
mcgregor4 in terms of their encoding and their output.


Due Date: 15 August 2022

Question 1 (20)
Provide semantic arguments (in terms of the truth values of formulas, and the definitions of validity
and satisfiability) to prove that the following first-order formulas have the corresponding properties:
(i) ∀x(p(x) ↔ q(x)) ∧ ∃x(p(x) ∧ ¬q(x)) is unsatisfiable.
(ii) ∀x(p(x) ∨ q(x)) → ∃x(p(x) ∨ ∀xq(x)) is valid.

Question 2 (10)
Show that the formula ∃x(p(x) ∨ ∀xq(x)) → ∀x(p(x) ∨ q(x)), is satisfiable and falsifiable by giving
appropriate interpretations using the natural numbers N as domain.
Explain why your interpretations satisfy and falsify the formula, respectively.

Question 3 (15)
(i) Prove the following (simplification of the second part of Theorem 7.22):
Let A(x) be a non-closed formula and let IA be an interpretation. Then:
ˆ vσIA (A(x)) = T for some assignment σIA iff vIA (∃xA(x)) = T .
(ii) Provide an argument why the following corollary of the above statement holds:
Let A(x) be a non-closed formula and let IA be an interpretation. Then:
ˆ vσIA (A(x)) = F for all assignments σIA iff vIA (∃xA(x)) = F .

Question 4 (25)
Prove that the formulas given in Question 1 (i) and (ii) above have the corresponding properties by
means of semantic tableaux.
The tableau for part (ii) is quite complex. If you struggle to work it out, for half the marks, try
to prove that the alternative formula ∀x(p(x)∨q(x)) → (∃xp(x)∨∀xq(x)) is valid. This is considerably

Question 5 (15)
Prove that the formula ∃x(p(x) ∨ ∀xq(x)) → ∀x(p(x) ∨ q(x)) is (i) satisfiable and (ii) falsifiable by
means of semantic tableaux.

Question 6 (15)
Prove that the formula given in Question 1 (ii) above is a theorem in the Gentzen system G . Annotate
the steps of your proof with the rule used and the steps it was applied to.

Due Date: 30 September 2022

Question 1 (30)
Convert the following first-order formulas to clausal form:
(i) ∃x(p(x) ∨ q(x, x)) → ∃x(p(x) ∧ ∃yq(x, y))
(ii) ∀x(∃yp(y) ↔ ¬p(x))
(iii) ∀x(∃y∃z(p(x, y) ∧ p(z, x)) ↔ q(x))
If it makes a difference, use the commutativity of ∧ and ∨ (just before extracting quantifiers) to move
existential quantifiers as far forwards as possible, so as to minimise the number and arity of skolem
functions in the final clausal form.

Question 2 (18)
Give the Herbrand universe, the Herbrand base and two Herbrand models for the answers to Question
1 (i), (ii) and (iii) above.

Question 3 (12)
Give substitutions that will unify the following pairs of atoms, or explain why they are not unifiable:
(i) p(a, x, f (x)) p(y, y, f (a))
(ii) p(x, f (x), f (f (x))) p(g(a), y, f (z))
(iii) p(f (a), g(x, x), f (x)) p(f (y), z, y)
(iv) p(f (a), b, f (x)) p(f (y), y, g(y))

Question 4 (15)
Prove by resolution refutation that the following set of clauses is unsatisfiable:
{{p(f (x), b), ¬p(x, f (y))}, {p(x, y), p(y, f (x))}, {¬p(f (x), y), p(y, a)}, {¬p(x, a)}}
Annotate each resolvent with the substitution used and the numbers of parent clauses.
Remember to standardize apart as necessary.

Question 5 (20)
Consider the following logic program intended to express the addition operation of number theory:
1. sum(0, x, x)
2. sum(x, inc(y), inc(z)) ← sum(x, y, z)
3. sum(inc(x), y, inc(z)) ← sum(x, y, z)
Note: In this program, sum is a predicate, inc is a function and 0 is a constant.
Draw an SLD-tree for each attempt at SLD-refutation resulting from the following queries:
(i) ← sum(inc(0), inc(0), x)
(ii) ← sum(inc(inc(0)), inc(0), inc(inc(inc(0))))
Use the selection rule which resolves on the leftmost literal, and label the edges with the numbers of
the program clauses.


Bonus question (10)

Convert the logic program of Question 5 to a Prolog program. Save it as the file sum.pl. Evaluate
the two queries on this program using the SWI-Prolog system.

Submit the Prolog file, as well as traces of the queries. Explain the traces.

© Unisa 2022


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