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Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering,
Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. 322 - 327



*Silvia MIRONEASA1, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ1

Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava,
13 Universitatii Street, 720229, Suceava, Romania
*silviam@fia.us.ro; codina@fia.usv.ro
*Corresponding author
Received October 15th 2013, accepted December 5th 2013

Abstract: Nowadays, demand for food products with high fiber content is increasing because fiber
consumption improves health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer etc.
The citrus such as orange, lemon, and grapefruit can been used as source of fiber for bread-making
products. The quality of bakery products is influenced by the wheat flour dough rheological properties.
The addition of different ingredients like citrus fiber affects dough rheology and dough processing as
function of the fiber level addition. The effects of citrus fiber addition to wheat flour at the levels of 0,
2, 4 and 6 % on the rheological behaviour of the dough obtained were investigated using as
rheological devices Farinograph and Amylograph. Dough rheological parameters measured were
water absorption (WA), development time (DT), stability (ST), degree of softening (SDg),
gelatinization temperature (G_t) and peak viscosity (P_V). The fiber addition has the effect of
increasing Farinograph water absorption simultaneously with the increase of the addition level. An
increase in development time and stability were recorded upon addition of citrus fiber  4 %. Also, the
Amylograph parameter peak viscosity increased with increase of the citrus fiber level.

Keywords: citrus fibers, rheological dough parameters, wheat flour, Farinograph, Amylograph

1. Introduction [3-5]. A large number of studies have been

reported on the physiological actions of
In the recent decades, dietary fiber has fiber addition in foods such as, the
received great attention from researchers in maintenance of gastrointestinal health,
food science and nutrition. The term reduction of intestine transit time,
dietary fiber comprises to major classes: protection against colon cancer, lowering
soluble fiber in water such as pectin, gum of total and low-density lipoprotein
and mucilage, which cannot be digested by cholesterol in the blood serum, reduction
the human digestive enzymes and water of postprandial blood glucose levels,
insoluble fiber, i.e. cellulose, lignin and increase of calcium bioavailability and
some of the hemicelluloses to absorbable reinforcement of the immunological
components in the upper alimentary tract system [1], [6]. Also, the increased of food
[1]. Many studies dealing with the consumption with dietary fiber are
nutritional and physiological aspects of associated with the prevention, reduction
dietary fiber has led to their incorporation and treatment of some diseases, such as
in food products, such as bakery, breakfast diverticular and coronary heart diseases
cereals, meat products, pasta and yogurts [7], improves blood glucose control in
[2]. The high functional value of dietary diabetes, promotes regularity, aids in
fiber has been well studied over the years

Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava
Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013

weight loss, and appears to improve The citrus fiber from oranges, lemons and
immune function [8]. grapefruits constitute rich sources of
Nowadays, demand for foods products dietary fiber with well-balanced proportion
with ingredients which contain bioactive of soluble and insoluble fiber fractions
compounds that provide additional health [26]. Comparatively with the dietary fibers
benefits are increasing. Bread is the most from other sources, such as cereals, the
popular food consumed daily by the main advantage of citrus fiber is its higher
majority of the population and to meet this proportion of soluble dietary fiber, about
requirement, the development of enriched 33%, while only 7% is present in wheat
bread with bioactive compound such as, bran [27], [28]. Also, citrus fibers have an
dietary fiber should be the best way to additional advantage due the presence of
increase the fiber intake. From the point associated bioactive compounds such as
view of the daily intake of total fiber for flavonoids, polyphenols, vitamina C and
adults, is recommended 38 g for men and others [29] with antioxidant properties,
25 g for women [9]. Dietary fiber plays an which may exert further health promoting
essential role in human health not only for effects in addition to those of the dietary
their nutritional properties, but also for fiber itself [30]. Therefore, citrus fiber can
their functional and technological named as antioxidant dietary fiber.
properties. The functional properties of In the preparation of bread, some amount
dietary fiber derived from different sources of wheat flour can be replaced with citrus
should be studied in order to obtain the fiber, but the main problem of this
individual characteristics of each one [10]. substitution in bread dough is the
Adding different fibers in wheat flour detrimental effects on dough handling due
dough, in order to improve the nutritional to changes in dough rheological properties.
quality of bread will affect the rheological Incorporation of fiber into wheat flour
properties of dough. The evaluation of interacts directly with structural elements
rheological properties of wheat flour of the three dimensional gluten network
dough is decisive for bread making and disrupts the starch-gluten matrix,
technology because its provide affecting the rheological behaviour of
information’s regarding dough behaviour blended dough during mixing, sometime
during the bread making process and the causing negative effect on the finished
quality of the finished bakery products [11] bread quality [31]. The effect of citrus
Bread can be enriched with many form of fiber on dough and bread quality depends
dietary fiber such as wheat bran, oat bran, greatly on citrus fiber properties.
rice bran, corn bran, carob fiber, peanut The aim of this experimental work was to
hull, sunflower hull, flaxseed [12-15] e.g. assess the rheological properties of wheat
When added to bread dough, the fiber can flour-citrus fiber blends (0, 2, 4, and 6%,
change its consistency, texture, rheological w/w of flour addition with citrus fiber) by
behavior and the properties of the finished using the rheological devices Farinograph
products [16-18]. Many studies have been and Amylograph. In addition, the amylase
reported on rheological properties of activity in the samples has been tested.
dough supplemented with fibers from
different sources [19-25]. 2. Materials and methods
In recent years, dietary fiber from fruits 2.1. Materials
has received increasing attention from The wheat flour used in the research are
researchers due to their considerable 550 type wheat flour (harvest 2012) milled
beneficial effects on the human body. at S.C. Dizing S.R.L. Brusturi, Neamţ
Silvia MIRONEASA, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Effect of citrus fibers addition on wheat flour dough rheological
properties, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. 322 - 327

Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava
Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013

County, Romania. As a fiber source was 2.5. Statistical analysis

used commercial citrus fiber purchased All analyses were performed in triplicate
from S.C. Enzymes@Derivates Romania and the data obtained were analyzed by the
(Costisa, Neamt, România). statistical software SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc.,
2.2. Preparation of wheat flour - citrus Chicago, IL, USA). The figures plotted
fiber blends with SPSS shows the variation of the
Citrus fiber (CF) was added in wheat flour rheological parameters as a function of
in different doses: 0, 2, 4 and 6 (g/100g). citrus fiber addition.
The wheat flour sample without fiber was
considered as the control one. 3. Results and Discussion
2.3. Wheat flour quality evaluation
The control flour sample was analyzed 3.1. Effect of citrus fiber addition on
from proximate composition by Near Farinograph properties
Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy (NIR) The effect of citrus fiber addition on
technique using Inframatic Flour Farinograph parameters of wheat flour
Analyzers, model 9140, Perten with different fiber addition is showed in
Instruments. The determined values of it Figure 1.
analytical characteristics are the following:
moisture 14.20%, protein content 12.50%,
water absorption 56.40%, Zeleny
sedimentation index 40.10% and wet
gluten content 29.10%. Also, the Hagberg
Falling Number method (ICC method
107/1) to measure flour -amylase activity
was used.
2.4. Dough rheological properties
measurement by Farinograph and
The rheological properties of the wheat
flour and various flour blends with CF
were conducted using a Farinograph with a
300 g capacity (Brabender GmbH and Co.
Duisburg, Germany) according to SR ISO
5530-4:2005. Water absorption (WA) is
the amount of water required for dough to
reach an arbitrarily chosen consistency Figure 1. Farinograph characteristics of wheat
(500 Brabender unit (BU) consistency), flour-citrus fiber blends: ST, dough
dough development time (DT), dough stability (min); DT, dough development time
stability (ST) and the dough degree of (min); SDg, softening degree of dough (BU);
softening (SDg) were analyzed. Wheat WA, water absorbtion (%).
flour dough viscometric characteristics
were carried out using an Amylograph The results show that the addition of CF
(Brabender OGH, Duisburg, Germany) significantly influenced all the wheat flour
device according to SR ISO 7973:2000. dough rheological properties as measured
Peak viscosity and gelatinization by the Farinograph. As the amount of
temperature were the parameters analyzed. citrus fiber increased, the water absorption

Silvia MIRONEASA, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Effect of citrus fibers addition on wheat flour dough rheological
properties, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. 322 - 327

Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava
Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013

increase for all the samples with citrus significantly affected the pasting properties
fiber added. of the flour blends.
The water absorption (WA) of the blended
dough increased as function of citrus fiber
concentration and followed a linear
relationship (1):

WA = 3.34  CF + 56.13; R2 = 0.99 (1)

The WA of control sample was 56.6 %

which gradually increased to 76.8 % for
the sample with 6 g/100g CF incorporated.
The increased is due to probably of a great Figure 2. Amylograph characteristics of wheat
number of hydroxyl groups existing in the flour-citrus fiber blends: G_t, gelatinization
fiber structure, which allow more water temperature (oC); P_V, peak viscosity (BU).
interactions through hydrogen bonding
[32], [33]. This behaviour is attributed to The results show that the increasing
citrus fiber ability to retain water within its addition level of CF reduced the
matrix. These results are in agreement with gelatinization temperature (G_t), the
the results obtained by many studies made lowest gelatinization temperature values
on various fiber added in wheat flour being recorded to a 6% dose of citrus fiber
doughs [34-36]. addition. Also, the peak viscosity (P_V)
Highest values in the Farinograph increased simultaneously with the increase
parameters development time (DT) and dose of citrus fiber addition in wheat flour
dough stability (ST) were observed in dough. These fact may be attributed to a
wheat flour dough in were was more quickly starch gelatinization due to a
incorporated 4% CF. Addition of citrus higher water level in the dough samples
fiber above a dose of 4% decreased dough with a higher fiber content incorporated.
development time and stability. Softening
degree of dough was also found to increase 3.3. Effect of citrus fiber addition on
with the addition of the citrus fiber. These Falling Number index value
results may be explained by the fact that Effect of citrus fiber on the amylase
citrus fiber addition reduces the wheat activity and consequently on dough
flour gluten network formation rate. viscosity are illustrated in Figure 3.
Similar results on the effect of addition of
dietary fibres on the farinographic
properties of wheat flour were reported by
Almeida, Chang & Steel (2010).

3.2. Effect of citrus fiber addition on

Amylograph properties
Incorporation of citrus fiber at 0%, 2%, 4%
and 6% levels showed differences on the
dough pasting properties as measured by Figure 3. Falling Number index (FN) as a
function of citrus fiber (CF) addition.
Amylograph. The results are indicated in
Figure 2. The presence of the citrus fiber

Silvia MIRONEASA, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Effect of citrus fibers addition on wheat flour dough rheological
properties, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. 322 - 327

Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava
Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013

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Silvia MIRONEASA, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Effect of citrus fibers addition on wheat flour dough rheological
properties, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. 322 - 327


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