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Learning To Play Atari Games: David Hershey, Rush Moody, Blake Wulfe (Dshersh, Rmoody, Wulfebw) @stanford

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Learning to Play Atari Games

David Hershey, Rush Moody, Blake Wulfe
{dshersh, rmoody, wulfebw}@stanford

Abstract—Teaching computers to play video games is a complex helped popularize the use of reinforcement learning - specifically
learning problem that has recently seen increased attention. In temporal-difference learning in conjunction with function ap-
this paper, we develop a system that, using constant model and proximation - in enabling computers to learn to play games [12].
hyperparameter settings, learns to play a variety of Atari games. Development of a general video game playing agent specifically
In order to accomplish this task, we extract object features for the Atari 2600 was introduced in 2006 by Naddaf [9].
from the game screen, and provide these features as input into
reinforcement learning algorithms. We detail our testing of different
Bellemare et al. [1] formally introduced the ALE framework and
hyperparameter settings for two reinforcement learning algorithms, established a set of baselines using SARSA(λ) applied to tile-
using both linear and neural network function approximators, in coded features as well as search-based methods that explore the
order to compare the performance of these approaches. We also game through saving and reloading its RAM contents. Planning-
consider learning techniques such as the use of replay memory based methods relying on this ability have achieved the state-
with Q-learning, finding that even on simple MDPs this method of-the-art results in playing Atari games [5]; however, we focus
significantly improves performance. Finally, we evaluate our model, here on methods that use information available to human players
selected through validation on the game Breakout, on a test set of and that can execute in real-time. Within these constraints,
different video games. Defazio et al. [4] compared the performance of linear, model-free
algorithms including SARSA(λ), Q(λ), next-step and per-time-
I. I NTRODUCTION step maximizing agents, Actor-Critic methods, and others for
Atari game playing, finding that the best performing algorithm
Video games pose a challenging sequential decision making differed significantly between games. Recently, Minh et al. [8][7]
problem for computers. Video games have a straight-forward have applied what they call Deep Q-Networks (DQN) to the
visual interface, with a large state-space. They often reflect task of learning to play Atari games. This work uses Q-learning
reduced versions of real-world problems. For this reason, al- with nonlinear, specifically deep neural network, function ap-
gorithms capable of operating on this visual data and learning proximators to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a large
to make intelligent decisions are highly desirable, as they can variety of Atari games. The DQN avoids the potential instability
potentially be generalized to more difficult, real-world settings. of nonlinear models used to approximate action-value functions
In this project, we consider this problem on the Atari 2600 by randomly sampling from a replay memory in performing
platform, which provides a set of relatively simple video games. parameter updates and through the use of a semi-stationary
We attempt to lower the complexity of the problem by applying target function. Using these methods, the researchers were able
intuition into the human solution to video games. By detecting to effectively train a convolutional neural network function
objects on the screen, we allow the learning algorithm to operate approximator to transform image input into estimated state-action
in a reduced state-space. We then experiment with multiple values. In this paper we consider an adapted approach to the
reinforcement learning algorithms and function approximators in DQN as well as the conventional approaches using SARSA(λ)
order to determine the algorithm and hyperparameter settings that models.
could make best use of these features. The only inputs into our
learning system are a 192x160 grid of RGB pixels representing
the game screen and the current score of the game. This screen III. DATASET AND F EATURES
is then processed into classified objects by a combination of The state-space of a game is the set of possible screens that
computer vision techniques and the DBSCAN algorithm. These the game can produce. Modeling this state-space as a grid of
objects are then fed into one of two learning agents, either Q- pixels is possible; however, this leads to an large and difficult
Learning with replay memory or SARSA(λ), which output an to explore state-space. With sufficient computational power this
action according to an -greedy policy, which is then used to is possible; however, preprocessing these pixels provides insight
advance the game to the next state. We evaluate the model into what composes a typical game screen. In order to reduce
selected during validation on a test set of Atari games to assess the state-space of our game models, we elected to extract objects
the models ability to generalize. This report details the results from the game screen rather than using raw pixel data as learning
of these experiments, and the modifications to these algorithms input. This follows from an intuitive understanding of how a
that increase their performance. human agent would play a game: identify the objects on the
We also used this project for CS221. For CS229, we fo- screen, their relative positions and velocities, and then decide on
cused our efforts on the extraction of features from the game an action.
screen, the hyper-parameter tuning of each of our reinforcement
learning algorithms, and the analysis of replay memory. For
CS221, we considered additional feature extraction methods as A. The Game State
well as the reinforcement learning implementations themselves, We extract the game screen at each frame of the game using
namely development of both the linear and neural network-based the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) [1], an open source
SARSA(λ) and Q-learning models. emulation toolkit with a machine learning interface. This toolkit
provides both the raw pixel data of the screen and the reward
II. R ELATED W ORK associated with each state. The screen is output in the form of a
The idea of enabling computers to learn to play games has 192x160 grid of RGB pixels. The reward function is based upon
been around at least since Shannon proposed an algorithm for the ”score” of a game, and is extracted from a games RAM
playing chess in 1949 [11]. TD-Gammon, introduced in 1992, contents.

be useful for some features. The tracking algorithm is a simple

greedy algorithm that matches each entity on the previous screen
with the closest entity sharing the same label on the current

E. Feature Output
The extracted and classified object features are processed into
a format easily usable by a linear function approximator. First,
we reduce the state-space of the screen into a smaller number
of tiles in order to increase the learning speed of the algorithm.
We also reduce the derivatives from a numerical derivative to
a boolean indicating the direction of motion in the x and y
directions. We additionally include ”cross features” that include
the relative positions and derivatives between each object pair,
as the linear function approximator is not able evaluate object
Fig. 1. Output of DBSCAN clustering, where each outline color represents a interactions without cross features.
unique label.

B. Contour Detection A. Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
The first step in extracting visual features from the raw pixel
Our review of past research [4] indicated that model-based
data is identifying regions on the screen that correspond to unique
reinforcement learning algorithms would likely not achieve high
entities. In most Atari games, the screen has very distinct, often
performance. For example, [6] found fitted value iteration to
monocolored features. We’ve elected to use methods available
perform poorly on Atari games due to a rank deficiency of the
through OpenCV [3], an open source computer vision tool, to
feature matrix. As such, we focus on model-free algorithms here,
extract these features. OpenCV is used to detect edges in an
specifically Q-learning with memory replay and SARSA(λ).
image, then draw contours around distinct closed edges. We
We use function approximation for both algorithms. For the
then use information about these contours, such as their length,
first we use both linear and neural network state-action value
enclosed area, and the average color contained in a contour as
approximators and only linear approximators for the second.
input to a clustering algorithm in order to classify features.

C. Feature Clustering B. Q-Learning with Replay Memory

We use DBSCAN clustering to classify the features on a given Q-learning is an off-policy, bootstrapping algorithm that learns
screen. DBSCAN models clusters as points with many nearby a mapping between state-action pairs to the optimal Q values of
neighbors. We use the implementation of DBSCAN in scikit- those pairs. It specifically attempts to minimize the following
learn [10], an open source machine learning library. We selected objective when using function approximation:
this algorithm as it estimates the number of clusters while it
clusters the data. This allows it to discover new classifications
s, a, r, s0 (Qopt (s, a; w) − (r
while running, which is important as new entities could appear minw
on the screen at any timestep. + maxa0 ∈actions(s0 ) Qopt (s0 , a0 ; w)))
DBSCAN relies on two parameters, the minimum cluster size
and the euclidean size of the clusters. We’ve set the minimum With the following parameter update equation:
clusters size to one, so that each outlier is classified into a new
category. This is important as there is often only one instance w(i + 1) := w(i) − [Qopt (s, a, ; w) − (r
of some entities in a game. The euclidean size of the clusters is + maxa0 ∈actions(s0 ) Qopt (s0 , a0 ; w))](s, a)
automatically estimated by the algorithm.
It is critical for learning purposes that feature labels be con- Using a replay memory this algorithm stores a history of
sistent from frame to frame. Since DBSCAN is an unsupervised (state, action, reward, newState) tuples, and then during learning
algorithm, it does not guarantee that labels are consistent. In samples from this memory according to some distribution to
order to address this issue, we’ve applied a consistency checking make parameter updates. Data is collected according to some
algorithm to the output of DBSCAN. This algorithm works by policy, commonly -greedy. With a limited-capacity replay mem-
storing 10 examples of each label it has seen so far, and then ory, past experiences can be replaced randomly or with a more
checking the classification of these labels every time DBSCAN sophisticated replacement policy.
is run. A mapping between the most recent DBSCAN labels and
the time-invariant labels is then constructed, which is used to
re-map every label to a time-invariant label. C. SARSA(λ)
SARSA is an on-policy, bootstrapping algorithm that learns a
D. Object Tracking mapping between state-action pairs and the Q value of the policy
on which it currently operates. It specifically attempts to mini-
The final step of the object extraction is to track objects from mize the following objective when using function approximation:
frame to frame. This tracking allows us to measure the derivatives
of each object on the screen, which is an important feature for the X
learning agent. Tracking also allows us to differentiate between minw Qpi (s, a; w) − (r + Qpi (s0 , a0 ; w))
different instances of a single entity type on the screen, which can s,a,r,s0 ,a0

With the following parameter update equation: two, three, and four densely-connected layers both with dimin-
ishing and constant number of hidden units over layers. For
w(i + 1) := w(i) − (Qpi (s, a, ; w) − (r activation functions we considered ReLU (max(x, 0)), leaky
+ Qpi (s0 , a0 ; w)) ∗ (s, a) ReLU (max(x, α ∗ x), with 0.01 < α < 0.2) and tanh activation
Updating these parameters results in an update to the models
policy. With SARSA(λ), the algorithm maintains a set of eligibil-
ity traces τ , one for each parameter of the function approximator. E. Training Methods
These traces determine the extent to which each parameter is The DQN trained by Minh et al. used two primary adaptions to
eligibile to be assigned credit for a given reward encountered the training process that they claim enabled their network to learn
by the agent. Each τ value is updated per timestep by a factor effectively. First, the DQN used a replay memory. This approach
of λ resulting in an exponential decay of the impact of rewards allegedly improves training by eliminating correlations between
on given parameters over time. For our experiments we use a consecutive screens and by more efficiently using collected data.
replacing trace, which performs the following update at each Notably, using this approach requires an off-policy model, which
timestep: motivated the researchers choice of Q-learning. We evaluate these
claims on a simple test MDP in section 5.

γλet−1 (s) if s 6= st Second, during training, the network uses target values derived
et (s) = from static, previous values of its weights rather than its current
1 if s = st
weights. These previous values are then periodically updated to
the current values. By doing this, the researchers claim learning
D. Function Approximation proceeds in a more stable manner.
1) Linear Approximation: For linear function approximation,
the models are parameterized with one value for each feature. V. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS
The output of the value approximation is then a linear combi-
nation of the present features multiplied by their corresponding A. Replay Memory
values. The parameter updates for each model are provided above Prior to training the different algorithms on Atari games, we
in the sections for the corresponding algorithm. compared their performance on a simple test Markov Decision
2) Feed-Forward Neural Network: Designing higher-order Process (MDP), as well as evaluated the impact of a replay
cross-feature templates is time-consuming and depends on memory and static target function for the case of Q-learing
domain-specific knowledge. It is possible to avoid these issues specifically. We used a simple grid MDP with positive and
through the use of a neural network function approximator negative rewards on the edges. We also incorporated a trigger
that automatically learns relevant, high-level features from the location that when encountered by the agent prior to reaching
original input representation. For example, Minh et al. [7] used an edge would significantly increase the final reward with the
a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to transform image hope that this would approximate the delayed rewards present in
pixels directly into state-action value estimates. Their networks many Atari games.
generally contained a set of convolutional layers followed by a We first compared performance using different replay mem-
set of densely connected, Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layers. ory instantiations, varying memory capacity and sample size.
We hypothesized that we could replace the initial convolutional Specifically, we compared two capacities - one hundred and one
layers with traditional object detection and tracking methods thousand - and two sample sizes - five and twenty - as well
in order to extract basic features, and then pass those features as a baseline model that has no replay memory. All models
directly into a set of densely-connected ReLU layers. Manu- operated with the same exploration epsilon value (0.3), learning
ally extracted features are clearly less informative than those rate (0.01), and frozen target update period (500). Each such
extracted by a CNN because they make certain assumptions combination was run five times for 2000 trials, and the run that
about what information is actually important for playing a game, achieved the maximum reward from its group was selected for
whereas the CNN features are derived directly from learning this visualization Figures 2 and 3.
information for each specific game. Therefore, by replacing the Our results showed that, in the case of the test MDP, both
CNN with manually extracted features we expected to achieve capacity and sample size significantly impacted the performance
diminished results, though at significantly reduced computational of the learning algorithm, even when accounting for the increased
cost. number of updates performed with large-sample memories. Fig-
A complication of passing manually extracted features into a ure 2, showing performance over a constant number of trials,
neural network is that this demands some manner of ensuring the illustrates that the large capacity and sample size replay memory
neural network is invariant to the order of the input features. To seems to exhibit a much steeper learning curve, even when
address this we assume a constant ordering of the input objects, compared to the smaller-capacity memory making equivalently-
ensured using the extracted class and within-class ids of each sized updates. Of course, this replay memory performs more
object. updates per trail than the replay memories with smaller sample
We developed a neural network using Theano [2] that trans- sizes, so we also compared the performance of the different
forms object features representing each state into action-value memories holding the number of updates fixed. Figure 3, shows
estimates for each action. This is accomplished by associating performance over a constant number of updates, and again
each of the output values of the network with one of the possible illustrates that the Q-learning algorithm using the larger memory
actions of the agent. For a given state, taking the estimated seems to learn much more quickly than both the five sample
optimal action is then accomplished through an argmax over size update, and sequential update (i.e., no memory replay)
the output values of the network. During backpropogation, the approaches.
outputs of other actions are not considered because they do not These findings align with the assertions of Minh et al. that
contribute to the loss value. a replay memory helps improve learning. They further assert
We evaluated a number of different network structures and that this is the case because the replay memory eliminates
activation functions. Specifically, we considered networks with correlations between consecutive updates thereby making each

Fig. 4. Learning curves for different leraning models playing breakout.

Fig. 2. Effect of replay memory sample size on average reward with constant
number of trials. The 1000-capacity, 20-sample memory shown in green provides We have tested three different values of λ in SARSA(λ), as well
the best performance, but also executes the most updates. as Q-Learning with replay memory.
The learning curves displayed in Figure 4 clearly show that
SARSA(λ) learning with λ = 0.98 has the best performance
on breakout. SARSA(λ) is a well suited model for breakout, as
rewards for breakout are heavily delayed from the actions that
create the rewards. A high value of λ successfully assigns credit
to actions that preceded rewards.
One can gain insight into the learned solution by looking at the
weights associated with different feature combinations. Figure 5
shows a visualization of these weights in the form of a heatmap.
Based upon these weights the ball being in the same x location
as the paddle is desirable, as well as the ball being higher on
the screen. This closely corresponds to human intuition for the
game breakout.

C. Model Evaluation on General Atari Games

In order to test our hyper-parameter turning, we conducted
learning experiments on three other Atari games: Asterix, Chop-
per Command, and Space Invaders. The learning performance of
Fig. 3. Effect of replay memory sample size on average reward with constant these games can be seen in Figure 6.
number of updates. The 1000-capacity, 20-sample memory shown in green again The learning algorithm did not perform as well on the test set
provides the best performance even though it performs the same number of as it did when training on Breakout. This is most likely caused
updates as the other two memories shown.
by the increased complexity of the test set, as every game in the
test set has a larger state and action space than Breakout. There
update more informative. To evaluate this claim, we collected is evidence of learning only in the game chopper command,
both the samples used in making parameter updates and those which has easy to extract features and fairly simple interactions
encountered sequentially during the execution of a Q-learing between features. Asterix has a very busy screen state, which
model (i.e., those that would be used to update parameters when makes feature extraction difficult and this causes slow and sub-
not using a replay memory) with a 10000-capacity replay mem- optimal learning. Space invaders is a more complex game than
ory on the Atari game Breakout. We then performed Principal breakout, and the resulting state-space is far harder to explore
Component Analysis (PCA) over both sets in fifty-item batches fully.
and compared the fraction of the variance explained by the
first principal component for each set. Averaging over 10,000
episodes, we found that the first principal component of the D. Neural Network Function Evaluation
sequential updates could explain 44.0% of the variance in the
fifty-item batches, whereas the first principal component of the Despite numerous experiments with different network struc-
sampled updates could explain only 26.2% of the variance in the tures and hyperparameter settings, we were largely unable to
fifty-item batches. These values indicate that the replay memory achieve above random results with the neural network function
samples are less correlated than those used in sequential updates. approximator. We significantly departed in setup from the extant
literature, and this made it more difficult to troubleshoot the
issues we encountered. The opaque nature of neural network
B. Model Validation on Breakout hidden layer features also made it difficult to assess whether any
We use the Atari game Breakout as the validation game on progress was or could be made in learning directly from the
which we would select the best hyperparameters for the model. extracted object features.
Breakout was selected for its relatively simple gameplay, delayed
rewards, and demonstrated high performance in related work [7]. 2 Heatmap images generated by Rush Moody

Fig. 5. Heatmap showing optimal Q value attainable for each position of the ball holding position of the paddle fixed. Dark red is associated with the largest Q
values and dark blue with the lowest. The assumed paddle position in the above image is left, center, right respectively2 .

Fig. 6. Learning curves for Asterix, Chopper Command, and Space Invaders.

VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK to translate into an effective input to a neural network, and adds
significant complexity to the computation. Future efforts could
In this paper we evaluated a set of reinforcement learning
investigate different input and layering schemes for the neural
models and corresponding hyperparameters on the challenging
network to test its effectiveness with different parameters.
task of general video game playing. We first found that, testing
on a simple MDP, replay memory sample size and capacity
significantly impact the performance of Q-learning. We next
showed that SARSA(λ), paired with simple linear function
approximation and object extraction methods, can effectively
learn a simple Atari game with significantly above random
performance, and that Q-learning with replay memory and a
static target function achieves worse performance. Furthermore,
we have showed that higher λ values tend to correspond to faster
learning for this application.
The algorithm was not able to to generalize effectively to
other games with potentially more complicated screen states or
objective functions. The method of extracting objects from the
game screen is very dependent on stable, fast extraction of visual
features, and for more complex games a more robust system
would be needed to achieve success with this method.
Neural networks were not as effective for function approxima-
tion as a simple linear function approximator. The approach of
extracting a variant number of objects from the screen is difficult

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