The document discusses the topics of freedom, God freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the Decalogue which expresses basic duties and rights, and how true freedom is lived in community before God and respects the freedom of others. It also talks about interior and exterior threats to freedom and how freedom allows us to grow as disciples of Jesus.
The document discusses the topics of freedom, God freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the Decalogue which expresses basic duties and rights, and how true freedom is lived in community before God and respects the freedom of others. It also talks about interior and exterior threats to freedom and how freedom allows us to grow as disciples of Jesus.
The document discusses the topics of freedom, God freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the Decalogue which expresses basic duties and rights, and how true freedom is lived in community before God and respects the freedom of others. It also talks about interior and exterior threats to freedom and how freedom allows us to grow as disciples of Jesus.
The document discusses the topics of freedom, God freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the Decalogue which expresses basic duties and rights, and how true freedom is lived in community before God and respects the freedom of others. It also talks about interior and exterior threats to freedom and how freedom allows us to grow as disciples of Jesus.
do as they please - the clamor of some people for the absolute right over their lives and bodies Slavery and suffering of the Israelites in Egypt o sending plagues upon Egypt (Ex 7-11) o bringing His people safely across the Red Sea (Ex 14) o by providing them with their needs as they crossed the desert to reach Mt. Sinai (Ex 16-17) Decalogue - the “ten words” summarize and express our most basic duties and rights
God did not only free His people from abuse
and injustice, but also summoned His people to love one another and live freely as a community. our true freedom is always lived in community before God - we are created by God as persons-in- community True Freedom – is when people respect the freedom and dignity of each other God’s Commandment – set us free and do not destroy our freedom Decalogue - prohibits acts that can destroy our freedom: idolatry, violence, murder, adultery, theft, lies Moral Obligations – are essential in our life as a community; without them, the only norm would be brute force, or having things “my way”. Jesus calls us to True Freedom - we become truly free through the public life, teachings and paschal mystery of Jesus. Lk 4:18 – Jesus life’s mission Interior threats to freedom - these are obstacles to true freedom that come from within us. Ex. o Negative habits or vices o fears o Doubts o Disordered desires o Prejudices o ignorance 1. We needed to become more aware of these interior vices; habits, tendencies, and weaknesses. self – reflection journaling opening up to others 2. We should seek whatever help we need to keep them in check. educating our conscience avoid situations that lead us to sin open ourselves through personal prayer Exterior threats to freedom - these are obstacles that arise from our environment. - these are forces or realities in our community that influence us to act in a self-centred way. peer pressure the media lack of parental supervision - Freedom is for growing as full persons and disciples of Jesus, sharing in His life through His Spirit _John 8:31-32_ “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” Truth - refers to what Christ has revealed about who we are and what we should do through His life, His teachings, and most importantly His paschal mystery. Two levels of personal freedom 1. Free choice 2. Fundamental freedom - It is the freedom “we have”. - the freedom to choose and do particular acts “when we obey a rule or a commandment, we freely choose to obey. - A freedom in terms of who we are – our basic stance - because it is a person’s basic choice in life that reflects his or her particular, everyday moral choices - “ the kind of person we are or we become because of the moral choices we make”