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Weight Per Cubic Foot, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete

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Standard Method of Test for

Weight per Cubic Foot, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete



1. SCOPE1 Yd = volume of concrete which the of the shaft shall be at least 24 in. (600
batch was designed to produce, mm).
yd3 (m3) 4.4 Measure-A cylindrical container
1.1 This method covers determination of
the weight per cubic foot (or cubic metre) Yj = volume of concrete produced made of steel or other suitable metal
of freshly mixed concrete and gives per batch, ft3 (Note 3). It shall be watertight and
formulas for calculating the yield, cement sufficiently rigid to retain its form and
NOTE 1-The theoretical weight per cubic foot calibrated volume under rough usage.
content, and the air content of the or cubic metre is, customarily, a laboratory
concrete. Yield is defined as the volume Measures that are machined to accurate
determination, the value for which is assumed
of concrete produced from a mixture of dimensions on the inside and provided
to remain constant for all batches made using
known quantities of the component identical component ingredients and with handles are preferred. The minimum
materials. proportions. It is calculated from the equation: capacity of the measure shall conform to
the requirements of Table 1. All
1.2 The values stated in in-pound units W1
T= measures. except for measuring bowls of
are to be regarded as the standard. V air meters which are also used for T 121
The absolute volume of each ingredient in tests, shall conform to the requirements
2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS cubic feet is equal to the quotient of the mass of T 19. When measuring bowls of air
of that ingredient divided by the product of its meters are used, they shall conform to the
specific gravity times 62.4. The absolute
requirements of Test T 152. The top rim
2.1 AASHTO Standards: volume of each ingredient in cubic metres is
equal to the mass of the ingredient in of the air meter bowls shall be smooth
M 85 Portland Cement kilograms divided by 1,000 times its specific and plane within 0.01 in. (0.25 mm).
T 19 Unit Weight of Aggregate gravity. For the aggregate components, the
bulk specific gravity and mass should be based
T 133 Specific Gravity of Hydraulic TABLE 1 Minimum Capacity of Measures
on the saturated, surface-dry condition. For
Cement cement. the actual specific gravity should be Maximum Nominal Size Capacity of
T 141 Sampling Freshly Mixed determined by T 133. A value of 3.15 may be of Coarse Aggregatea Measure, minb
Concrete used for cements manufactured to meet the in. mm ft3 dm3
requirements of Specification M 85. 1 25.0 0.2 6
T 152 Air Content of Freshly Mixed 1½ 37.5 0.4 11
NOTE 2-The total weight of all materials
Concrete by Pressure Method batched is the sum of the weights of the 2 50 0.5 14
cement, the fine aggregate in the condition 3 75 1.0 28
used, the coarse aggregate in the condition 4½ 114 2.5 71
3. SYMBOLS used, the mixing water added to the batch and 6 152 3.5 99
A = air content (percentage of any other solid or liquid materials used. Aggregate of a given maximum nominal
voids) in the concrete size may contain up to 10% of particles
retained on the sieve
N = actual cement content, lb/yd3 or 4. APPARATUS referred to.
kg/m3 b
To provide for wear, measures may be up
Nt = Mass of cement in the batch, lb to 5% smaller than indicated in this table.
or kg 4.1 Balance-A balance or scale accurate
to within 0.3% of the test load at any NOTE 3-The metal should not be readily
Ry = relative yield point within the range of use. The range subject to attack by cement paste. However,
T = theoretical weight of the of use shall be considered to extend from reactive materials such as aluminum alloys
concrete computed on an air the weight of the measure empty to the may be used in instances where as a
free basis, lb/ft3 or kg/m3 (Note weight of the measure plus its contents at consequence of an initial reaction, a surface
film is rapidly formed which protects the metal
1) 160 lb/ft3 (2,600 kg/m3). against further corrosion.
V = total absolute volume of the 4.2 Tamping Rod-A round, straight steel NOTE 4-The top rim is satisfactorily plane if
component ingredients in the rod, 5/8 in. (16 mm) in diameter and a 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) feeler gage cannot be
batch, ft3 or M3 approximately 24 in. (60 mm) in length, inserted between the rim and a piece of '/, in.
W = unit of mass of concrete, lb/ft3 having the tamping end rounded to a (6 mm) or thicker plate glass laid over the top
hemispherical tip the diameter of which of the measure.
or kg/m3
is 5/x in.
W1 = total mass of all materials 4.5 Strike-Off Plate-A flat rectangular
batched, lb or kg (Note 2) 4.3 Internal Vibrator-Internal vibrators metal plate at least '/, in. (6 mm) thick or
may have rigid or flexible shafts, a glass or acrylic plate at least '/, in. (12
Y = volume of concrete produced preferably powered by electric motors.
per batch, yd3 or m3 mm) thick with a length and width at
The frequency of vibration shall be 7.000 least 2 in. (50 mm) greater than the
vibrations per minute or greater while in diameter of the measure with which it is
use. The outside diameter or the side to be used. The edges of the plate shall be
dimension of the vibrating element shall straight and smooth within a tolerance of
Identical to C 138-81" except for Section 7.1. be at least 0.75 in. (19 mm) and not 1/6 in. (1.5 mm).
greater than 1.50 in. (38 mm). The length

4.6 Calibration Equipment-A piece of appropriate mallet (see 3.7) to close any original two-thirds of the surface and
plate glass, preferably at least ¼, in. (6 voids left by the tamping rod and to advance it with a vertical pressure and a
mm) thick and at least 1 in. (25 mm) release any large bubbles of air that may sawing motion to cover the whole surface
larger than the diameter of the measure to have been trapped. Add the final layer so of the measure. Several final strokes with
be calibrated. A supply of water pump or as to avoid overfilling. the inclined edge of the plate will
chassis grease that can be placed on the 7.3 Internal Vibration-Fill and vibrate produce a smooth finished surface.
rim of the container to prevent leakage. the measure in two approximately equal 7.6 Cleaning and Weighing-After strike-
4.7 Mallet-A mallet (with a rubber or layers. Place all of the concrete for each off, clean all excess concrete from the
rawhide head) weighing approximately layer in the measure before starting exterior of the measure and determine the
1.25 ± 0.50 lb (0.57 ± 0.23 kg) for use vibration of that layer. Insert the vibrator net mass of the concrete in the measure to
with measures of 0.5 ft3 (14 dm3) or at three different points of each layer. In an accuracy consistent with the
smaller, and a mallet weighing approxi- compacting the bottom layer, do not requirements of Section 4.1.
mately 2.25 ± 0.50 lb (1.02 -± 0.23 kg) allow the vibrator to rest on or touch the
for use with measures larger than 0.5 ft3. bottom or sides of the measure. In
compacting the final layer, the vibrator 8. CALCULATIONS
shall penetrate into the underlying layer
5. CALIBRATION OF MEASURE approximately 1 in. (25 mm). Take care 8.1 Unit Weight-Calculate the net mass
that the vibrator is withdrawn in such a of the concrete in pounds or kilograms by
5.1 Calibrate the measure and determine manner that no air pockets are left in the subtracting the mass of the measure from
the factor used to convert the mass in specimen. The duration of vibration the gross mass. Calculate the unit mass,
pounds (or kilograms) contained in the required will depend upon the W, by multiplying the net mass by the
measure to mass in pounds per cubic foot workability of the concrete and the calibration factor for the measure used,
(or kilograms per cubic meter). Follow effectiveness of the vibrator (NOTE 6). determined according to T 19.
the procedure outlined in T 19. Measures Continue vibration only long enough to
8.2 Yield-Calculate the yield as follows:
shall be recalibrated at least once a year achieve proper consolidation of the
or whenever there is reason to question concrete (NOTE 7). Observe a constant Yf (ft 3 ) = W1 W
the accuracy of the calibration. duration of vibration for the particular
kind of concrete, vibrator, and measure or, Y(yd3 ) = W1 27 W
6. SAMPLE or. Y (m3 ) = W1 W
NOTE 6-Usually, sufficient vibration has been 8.3 Relative Yield-Relative yield is the
applied as soon as the surface of the concrete ratio of the actual volume of concrete
6.1 Obtain the sample of freshly mixed becomes relatively smooth.
concrete in accordance with T 141. obtained to the volume as designed for
NOTE 7-Overvibration may cause segregation the batch calculated as follows:
and loss of appreciable quantities of
intentionally entrained air. R y = Y Yd
NOTE 8-A value for R, greater than 1.00
7.4 On completion of consolidation the indicates an excess of concrete being produced
7.1 The methods of consolidation are measure must not contain a substantial whereas a value less than this indicates the
rodding and internal vibration. Rod excess or deficiency of concrete. An batch to be "short" of its designed volume.
concretes retain with a slump greater than excess of concrete protruding
3 in. (75 mm). Rod or vibrate concrete approximately 1/8 in. (3 mm) above the
with a slump of 1 to 3 in. (25 to 75 mm). top of the mold is optimum. A small 8.4 Cement Content-Calculate the actual
Consolidate concretes with a slump less quantity of concrete may be added to cement content as follows:
than 1 in. (25 mm) by vibration. correct a deficiency. If the measure N = Nt Y
contains a great excess of concrete at
NOTE 5-The nonplastic concrete, such as is completion of consolidation, remove a 8.5 Air Content-Calculate the air content
commonly used in the manufacture of pipe and representative portion of the excess as follows:
unit masonry, is not covered by this method. concrete with a trowel or scoop A = [(T - W T ] x 100
immediately following completion of
7.2 Rodding-Place the concrete in the or,
consolidation and before the measure is
measure in three layers of approximately
equal volume. Rod each layer with 25
struck-off. [ ]
A = (Y f - V Y f x100 (Inch-pound units)

strokes of the tampering rod when the 0.5 7.5 Strike-Off-After consolidation, strike- or,
ft3 (14 dm3) or smaller measures are used off the top surface of the concrete and
finish it smoothly with the flat strike off A = [(Y − V ) Y ]x100 (SI units)
and 50 strokes when the 1 ft3 (28 dm3)
measure is used. Rod the bottom layer plate using great care to leave the
throughout its depth but the rod shall not measure just level full. The strike-off is 9. PRECISION
forcibly strike the bottom of the measure. best accomplished by pressing the
Distribute the strokes uniformly over the strikeoff plate on the top surface of the
cross section of the measure and for the measure to cover about two-thirds of the 9.1 Data are being compiled and
top two layers, penetrate about 1 in. (25 surface and withdrawing the plate with a developed that will be suitable for use in
mm) into the underlying layer. After each sawing motion to finish only the area developing precision statements for this
layer is rodded, tap the sides of the originally covered. Then place the plate method.
measure smartly 10 to 15 times with the on the top of the measure to cover the


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