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LectroCount3 Owners Manual 49145E PDF

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LectroCount 3 CONTROLS
A Unit of IDEX Corporation

On-Board Truck Computer

Model E4030-1 Lap Pad Model E2530-1 Supervisory Control Module

with Model E4310-1 RAM Module

Model E-2604-41 Remote Electronic Counter Model E4900-1 Printer

And Remote Supervisory Control Box
LectroCount3s Standard Bulk Truck System consists of software temperature correction, invoice production, discount schedules,
(modes) and hardware components working in conjunction. The transaction data storage, and records miles traveled during and
system performs the following functions: Product delivery, volume between deliveries.

Table of Contents
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Calibration Procedure (Prover Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fundamental Software Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Procedure for Uploading to the RAM card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Basic Mode Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Procedure for Downloading to the RAM card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
LectroCount3 Lap Pad Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Procedure for Delivery without an Initialized RAM card . . . . . . . . 17
Programming LectroCount3 for the Specific Application . . . . . . . . 5 Procedure for Delivery with an Initialized RAM card . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Remote Electronic Counter

And Remote Supervisory
Control Box
System Security Valve
Meter Driven Pulser

Lap Pad Keyboard Optional Electronic

Compensator RTD
Truck Battery

Remote Electronic Counter

And Remote Supervisory
Control Box

Supervisory Control
Optional Optional
Odometer Pulser Printer Portable RAM

General Information
1. The LectroCount3 display indicates GROSS VOLUME or NET 4. If you try to access a mode that is not a part of your system, or is
VOLUME based on the owner's preference, optional hardware secured (without entering the correct key code); the system
or Weights and Measures requirements. automatically returns to Mode 1. The prompting display will read:
a. Display indicates GROSS VOLUME when system has no
temperature compensation.
b. Display indicates NET VOLUME when the system is equipped NET VOLUME LITRES (Gallons) XXX.X
with electronic temperature compensation.
2. The display indicates volume in a unit of measure. The unit of 5. The line labels are listed in the order they appear when pushing
measure can be gallons, litres, dekalitres, etc. the  key. To quickly access line labels at the end of the list, use
3. If you try to access a specific line label and it does not appear on the  key which scrolls through the list in reverse order.
the display: 6. After keying data in you must push the ENTER key (e.g., if
a. Your system does not include that function, or: you want to enter the number 23, push the key sequence
b. That line label was disabled in Mode 5. 2
, 3 , ENTER ).

Fundamental Software Description
Access software modes through the keyboard on the Lap Pad To provide security, certain modes are only accessible through field
(keyboard/display unit) by pushing the M# key and the number programmable keys. The owner/manager of the system programs
key(s) of the mode. The default mode is always Mode 1 - custom security codes into the system. A key code can be any number
DELIVERY MODE. up to ten digits in length.
Operation always begins in Mode 1. If someone attempts to enter a
mode improperly the system will automatically return to Mode 1.
Mode 1 can also be accessed by pushing the M1 key.

Basic Mode Description

Refer to the section, Programming LectroCount3 for the MODE 4 SECURED BY KEY CODE
Specific Application, for detailed information on each mode.


By keying in M# , 0 , the LectroCount3 will display a list of available
modes in the system starting with M1-DELIVERY MODE. Pushing the Valve operation is controlled in Mode 4, including maximum preset
 key will show you the next mode available on your system (e.g., quantity, first stage closure point, and maximum pulser reversals
M2-DELIVERY PRICE AND TAX). To enter into the mode the display is allowed. Optional LectroCount3 control valve operation includes
showing, simply push ENTER. maximum preset, first stage closure, minimum and maximum flow
rates, valve delay times, solenoid times, dead band, and maximum
MODE 1 (For Access By Name Feature, see page 18.) NOT SECURED pulser reversals allowed.
M1 is the delivery mode. The operator has access to Mode 1 during
normal operation. It is also the default and start up mode. The MODE 5 SECURED BY KEY CODE
software will automatically return to Mode 1 if an error is committed
in trying to access a secured mode. The prompting display in Mode 1
will display: **M5-ENABLES**

NET VOLUME LITRES (Gallons) X.XX In Mode 5 the owner/manager can instruct the system whether or
not to print a ticket header, set the number of blank lines at the top
of the ticket, enable net/gross/price or multiple deliveries per site,
For complete details on operating the LectroCount3 in Mode 1- enable end of delivery prompt, such as tank percent full, enable
Delivery Mode, see LectroCount3 Operators Manual, Bulletin #49143. account set-up mode, and enable miscellaneous transactions for a
delivery ticket.
In Mode 2, the operator can modify, for the next delivery only, the
price and/or taxes from the base (master) price and/or taxes that In Mode 6 the owner/manager can set the system clock and
are set into Mode 12. The operator has access to the following calendar and can select the number of days until the customer's
information: Product code, price/unit volume, tax categories, volume payment is due.
discounts, cash discounts, and end use code. Mode 2 is not available
on 24 product code software. MODE 7 NOT SECURED
Mode 7 contains general information useful in troubleshooting
In Mode 3, the owner/manager is able to view or clear totalizer the system such as: Actual temperature, temperature coefficient,
readings. Also in Mode 3, the owner/manager is able to establish: temperature offset, pulses per unit volume, odometer pulses per
1. Security key codes for Modes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, mile, number of pulser reversals, maximum pulser reversals, trip
21, 22, and 27. odometer reading, total miles and the reason that the last delivery
2. The number of decimal places of resolution in the volume was stopped. In Mode 7 you can also program and test the number
readouts (e.g., 1/10 or whole gallons or whole litres). rounding feature of the LectroCount3.
3. The number of decimal places in the price.
4. The maximum price/unit volume including tax.

Basic Mode Description cont.


Mode 8 identifies the software version (for factory service purposes If the system is equipped with multi-product software, Mode 17
and Weights and Measures verification). Mode 8 also displays the allows the owner/manager to set up product codes and descriptions
serial number, unit number, meter number and truck number. for up to eight (8) or twenty-four (24) different products. If the
system is equipped with two flow meters, Mode 17 must be entered
MODE 9 SECURED BY KEY CODE by the operator to select Meter #1 or Meter #2 on 8 product
software. On 24 product software the meter is selected in Mode 21.

Mode 9 is initially used to calibrate the odometer pulser to the

truck. It can also be accessed to read the trip miles, total miles **M18-CUSTOMIZED LABELS**
and pulses per mile.
Mode 18 is used to input customized labels that are printed on the
MODE 10 NOT SECURED delivery ticket and/or appear on the prompting display such as ticket
headers, tax descriptions and ticket footnotes.

Mode 10 provides shift information such as time/date of start of

shift and end of shift, unit number, operator number, truck number, **M21-CALIBRATION SET-UP**
product code, inventory total, sale number, odometer reading at the
start and end of shift, shift totals, etc.
Mode 21 maps each of the four calibrations to a meter in the system
MODE 12 SECURED BY KEY CODE on 24 product software only.

Modes 22 and 27 are for special miscellaneous changes, taxes,

**M12-PRICE AND TAX** codes and names. These modes are not available on all versions
of software.

Mode 12 is where the owner/manager programs the base

(master) price and tax information used in preparing tickets **M33-VCF CALCULATOR**
(invoices) for customers.

MODE 13 SECURED BY KEY CODE OPTIONAL-Mode 33 for units set up for Temperature Compensation
using Density Tables such as the Canadian Program, This is a
calculator function that allows the operator to input Temperature
**M13-TOTALIZERS** and Gross Volume to calculate Net Volume.

Mode 13 allows product totalizers used for inventory control to CALIBRATION MODE SECURED BY WIRE SEAL
be viewed and printed. Adjustments can not, however, be made in (PROVER MODE)
Mode 13 totalizer. The Calibration Mode can only be entered by breaking the lead-wire
seal on the Remote Supervisory Control Box and rotating the Prover
MODE 14 SECURED BY KEY CODE Switch to the prover position. Therefore, it has no mode number. In
Calibration Mode, the pulse output scaling of the flowmeter can be
adjusted to meet Weights and Measures accuracy requirements. Also
**M14-DISCOUNTS** included in this mode is a temperature offset adjustment to calibrate
the temperature probe and circuit to agree with the Weights &
Measures standard thermometer.
Mode 14 provides the discount structure for the customer invoicing.
Available discounts include discounts by volume and discounts for
early payment.

LectroCount3 Lap Pad Function
Numbers 0-9 Allows the operator to input numeric data (e.g.,
preset amounts, price/litre, etc.).
Decimal Point (.) Used with numbers 0-9 when entering data.
ALPHA (Shift) Keys Allows the operator to enter Alphabetic
characters. First push and release the appropriate Alpha key, then
press and release the appropriate character key.
ENTER Allows the system to accept the data entered, then
advances the display to the next line label.
CLEAR Allows the operator to remove a keying error and start
over with the data entry.
START Starts a delivery cycle.
BACKLIGHT Alpha ALPHA and  keys turn on backlight
Alpha ALPHA and  keys turn off backlight. M# Allows the operator to directly access the mode by keying in
its number and pushing ENTER. (Note: If the mode is secured,
SPACE KEY Used in alpha/numeric Modes 17 and 18 allowing
the display will prompt for a [KEY?].)
entry of a space between words.
STOP Causes the flow control valve to close, stopping the
Down Arrow The display goes to the next line item in the menu.
product delivery.
Up Arrow The display goes to the previous line item in the menu.
PRINT In Mode 1- DELIVERY MODE, the PRINT key causes the
Special function used to enter a negative sign when allowed by
flow control valve to close (if not already closed) and initiates the
software such as Negative Tax AFFB and Temperature Offset.
printing of a delivery ticket. In other modes various information can
M1 Allows the operator immediate access to Mode 1. be printed (e.g., in Mode 10 a shift ticket is printed).

Programming LectroCount3 for the Specific Application

LectroCount3 Systems are factory programmed to default values. PRESET GROSS (If enabled in Mode 5) This preset
The unit must be set up for the specific application by programming delivery amount is not volume temperature compensated.
values into various mode line items. The following is a list of PRESET PRICE (If enabled in Mode 5) This preset
these items: delivery amount is controlled by the number of dollars
Mode 0 No programmable parameters. This is only a directory of requested.
available modes. SELECT MULTIPLE DELIVERY TICKET (if enabled in
Mode 5) Allows multiple deliveries on one ticket and will
Mode 1 DELIVERY MODE not secured print out that information on the bottom of the ticket.
INVENTORY Enter up to ten (10) digits representing the
NET VOLUME LITRES (Gallons) X.XX volume on board. This number decrements by the delivery
amount on each delivery.
DRIVER NUMBER Enter a unique number assigned to
ACCESS NUMBER-SCHEDULED On RAM equipped units each driver.
this number corresponds to a unique dispatch order MISC. TRANSACTION ACCESS # Enter a number that
ACCESS NUMBER-UNSCHEDULED For RAM Systems this initiates a miscellaneous transaction (i.e., something not
number entered will print out on the ticket and will be stored measured by the flowmeter).
on the RAM Card as a scheduled delivery. The driver will
enter this number to allow the delivery to occur.
ACCESS NUMBER On Non-RAM equipped units any
number can be entered to begin a delivery
PRODUCT CODE Enter a number that corresponds to a
specific product. This number will print on the delivery ticket
with the label Product Code.
PRESET NET (If enabled in Mode 5) This preset delivery NOTE: For the next delivery only, any of these items can be
amount is temperature compensated volume. reprogrammed if set-up mode is enabled in Mode 5.

Programming LectroCount3 for the Specific Application
PRODUCT CODE........................................................... ENTER # TOTAL TAX ................................................................... ENTER #
PRICE/GALLON $.......................................................... ENTER # TOTAL SALES INCL. TAX................................................ ENTER #
% TAX CAT 1................................................................. ENTER # TOTAL MISC. CHARGES ................................................ ENTER #
TAX/UNIT CAT 1 $......................................................... ENTER # TOTAL PAYMENT RECEIVED ......................................... ENTER #
% TAX CAT 2................................................................. ENTER # TOTAL UNMETERED TRANS-VOLUME........................... ENTER #
TAX/UNIT CAT 2 $......................................................... ENTER # TOTAL GROSS NOT PRICED.......................................... ENTER #
% TAX ON SUBTL + TAX CAT 1 & 2............................... ENTER # TOTAL NET NOT PRICED .............................................. ENTER #
% TAX CAT 3................................................................. ENTER # KEY FOR M2................................................................. ENTER #
TAX/UNIT CAT 3 $......................................................... ENTER # KEY FOR M3................................................................. ENTER #
% TAX CAT 4................................................................. ENTER # KEY FOR M4................................................................. ENTER #
TAX/UNIT CAT 4 $......................................................... ENTER # KEY FOR M5................................................................. ENTER #
ENABLE VOLUME DISCOUNT........................................ ENTER 0 OR 1 KEY FOR M6................................................................. ENTER #
SELECT CASH DISCOUNT CATEGORY ............................ ENTER 1 - 3 KEY FOR M9................................................................. ENTER #
MISC. CHARGE - NON-TAXABLE $................................. ENTER # KEY FOR M12............................................................... ENTER #
PRODUCT CODE........................................................... ENTER # KEY FOR M13............................................................... ENTER #
END USE CODE ............................................................ ENTER # KEY FOR M14............................................................... ENTER #
KEY FOR M17............................................................... ENTER #
KEY FOR M18............................................................... ENTER #
KEY FOR M 21.............................................................. ENTER #
KEY FOR M 22.............................................................. ENTER #
PRODUCT CODE........................................................... ENTER # KEY FOR M 27.............................................................. ENTER #
TICKET NUMBER.......................................................... ENTER # KEY FOR M102............................................................. ENTER #
SALE NUMBER.............................................................. ENTER # NO. OF DECIMAL PLACES VOLUME............................... ENTER #
MISC. TRANSACTION NUMBER..................................... ENTER # NO. OF DECIMAL PLACES PRICE................................... ENTER #
TOTAL NET VOLUME .................................................... ENTER # MAX PRICE/UNIT INCL. TAX.......................................... ENTER #
TOTAL GROSS VOLUME ................................................ ENTER # SAVE CPU RAM TO RAM CARD...................................... ENTER 0 or 1
TOTAL SALES/NO TAX ................................................... ENTER # RESTORE CPU RAM FROM RAM CARD ......................... ENTER 0 or 1
CUM TAX % CAT 1 ........................................................ ENTER #
CUM TAX UNIT 1 .......................................................... ENTER # NOTE: The last two (2) Enables (CPU RAM upload/download) allow
CUM TAX % CAT 2 ........................................................ ENTER # the owner/manager to duplicate a given LectroCount3 configuration
into another LectroCount3 using the portable RAM as the transfer
CUM TAX UNIT 2 .......................................................... ENTER # device. Prover memory is not able to be copied. Each LectroCount3
CUM TAX ON SUB + CAT 1 & 2 ..................................... ENTER # needs to be individually calibrated with its connected meter.
CUM TAX % CAT 3 ........................................................ ENTER # See page 16.
CUM TAX UNIT CAT 3.................................................... ENTER #
CUM TAX % CAT 4 ........................................................ ENTER # **M4 VALVE RELATED**
CUM TAX UNIT CAT 4.................................................... ENTER #

Liquefied Petroleum Standard Valve Set-up

MAX PRESET The maximum number of gross gallons that can be THROTTLE CONTROL VOLUME Throttle control output enables
delivered in a single setting. This preset does not revert to zero after after the number of gallons set is reached after start and disables
each delivery, and can be used as a repeating preset. This feature can when the first stage closure volume is reached. If the delivery is not
be disabled by inserting zero in lieu of a preset quantity. Normally set a preset, the output disables when the flow control valve is closed,
to zero (0). (emergency stop, remote print, or print). A switch may be installed
FIRST STAGE CLOSURE The point at which the valve closes in series with the control output.
partially reducing the flow rate to dwell (amount yet to be delivered). MAX PULSER REVERSALS The maximum number of pulser
EXAMPLE: If FIRST STAGE CLOSURE is 5 gallons and the GROSS reversals allowed before the system determines pulser failure and
PRESET is 100 gallons, the valve will deliver the first 95 gallons at shuts down. Normally set to 255.
the standard flow rate. The last 5 gallons will be delivered while the
valve closes.

LectroCount3 Control Valve Set-up
1PRODUCT CODE Enter a number that corresponds to a specific 3BYPASS PULSE (8X MSEC) This feature relieves hose pressure.
product. This number will print on the delivery ticket with the label
Product Code. NO FLOW TIMEOUT (.1 SEC) If no product flow is seen for this
2CALIBRATION NUMBER (1 THRU 4) Enter a number that length of time, the valve will close. A ticket automatically prints if no
corresponds with one of four possible calibrations of the system. flow timeout occurs.
UNIT ID NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
MAX PRESET VOLUME The maximum number of gross gallons 1METER NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
that can be delivered in a single setting. This preset does not revert to TRUCK NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
zero after each delivery, and can be used as a repeating preset. This
feature can be disabled by inserting zero in lieu of a preset quantity. VALVE CLOSE TIME (.1 SEC) This is the delay time the
LectroCount3 waits between closing the valve and printing a ticket to
FIRST STAGE CLOSURE The point at which the valve closes confirm that flow has reached zero.
partially reducing the flow rate to dwell (amount yet to be delivered).
EXAMPLE: If FIRST STAGE CLOSURE is 5 gallons and the GROSS THROTTLE CONTROL VOLUME Throttle control output enables
PRESET is 100 gallons, the control valve will allow delivery of the first after the number of gallons set is reached after start and disables
95 gallons at the MAX FLOW RATE, and the final 5 gallons at the MIN when the first stage closure volume is reached. If the delivery is not
FLOW RATE. a preset, the output disables when the security valve is closed, (e.g.,
emergency stop, remote print, print). A switch may be installed in
VALVE TYPE, DIDDLE = 1, 1 or 2 STAGE = 0 LectroCount series with this control output.
supports two types of valves; a rate modulating valve (diddle) or an
ON/OFF only valve (1 or 2 stage). MAX PULSER REVERSALS The maximum number of pulser
3HIGH FLOW (UNITS/MIN) Flow rate used by the system to reversals allowed before the system determines pulser failure and
shuts down. Normally set to 255.
deliver product until the FIRST STAGE CLOSURE is reached.
3LOW FLOW (UNITS/MIN)* Flow rate used by the system to
deliver product from FIRST STAGE CLOSURE to final shut off.
3VALVE OPENING DELAY* The number used by the system at NOTE: Enter 1 to enable, 0 to disable
HIGH FLOW rates only. It is proportional to the amount of time the
flow rate controller samples the flow rate before commanding the PRODUCT CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER #
valve solenoids to open, close or lock. Factory Setting 1. ENABLE NET PRESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
3VALVE CLOSING DELAY* The number used by the flow rate ENABLE GROSS PRESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
controller at LOW FLOW rates only. It is proportional to the amount ENABLE PRICE PRESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
of time the flow rate controller samples the flow rate before ENABLE MULTIPLE DELIVERIES PER SITE . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
commanding the valve solenoids to open, close or lock. Factory
ENABLE SET-UP MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
Setting 10.
See Mode 2 Non-RAM Software
3SOLENOID OPEN TIME* The number used by the flow rate ENABLE SCHEDULED ACCOUNT SETUP . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
controller at all flow rates. This number is proportional to the ENABLE UNSCHEDULED ACCOUNT SETUP . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
amount of time the flow rate controller will command the solenoids
(RAM Software Only)
to open the main valve. Factory Setting 4
ENABLE MISC. ACCOUNT SET-UP . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
3SOLENOID CLOSE TIME* The number used by the flow rate
controller at all flow rates. This number is proportional to the SELECT TICKET HEADER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 0 - 4, 0 = NONE
amount of time the flow rate controller will command the solenoids
to close the main valve. Factory Setting 7. ENABLE NET INVENTORY (0=Gross) . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
BLANKS ON TOP OF M1 TICKET . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 - 50
3DEAD BAND* The acceptable number of error pulses per DISABLE PRINTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
sample interval. EXAMPLE: If the desired sample is 10 pulses and (Not available in Canada, RAM software only)
the DEAD BAND is 1 pulse, the valve controller will open the valve if
the sample is less than 9, or close the valve if the sample is greater
than 11. Factory Setting 2. ENABLE TANK INDICATOR LINE . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
*NOTE: For a three-way solenoid (on/off control) or single-stage
block valve, the previous six parameters should be set to 0. ENABLE ERROR ON M1 TICKET . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
Maximum preset volume is 0, First Stage Closure is highest ENABLE RAM CARD DATA CLEAR . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1 OR 0
expected flow rate, and High-Flow is 2,000 litres (500 gal/min).
2 On 24 product software.
3 Only used when diddle valve is selected.

LectroCount3 Control Valve Set-up cont.
2. Drive the vehicle a known distance (e.g., 1.0 miles).
3. Enter the known distance driven.
After calibration, during normal operation, TRIP ODOMETER will
record actual mileage between deliveries.
YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER # TOTAL MILES Now enter in the truck's odometer reading. Actual
MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER # miles driven both forward or reverse will increment this odometer.
DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER # PULSES/MILE This number, if known, can be entered directly. If
HOUR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER # the calibration procedure is followed, this number will be calculated
by the LectroCount3.
MINUTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER # 1. Enter 2000 initially.
SECONDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
DAYS UNTIL PAYMENT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER # Mode 10 SHIFT TICKET
With Multi-Product Software, the unit will first prompt the user for
Product Code.
If number of days is more than zero, then bottom of delivery ticket
NOTE: MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY is selected in the system set-up **M10-PRINT END OF SHIFT TICKET**
mode (See Calibration Mode).

This mode displays or prints out a list of diagnostic messages.

One item, rounding, is programmable in this mode:
PLACES TO ROUND TO: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
To verify the rounding feature enter a decimal number in:
BEFORE ROUNDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
View the result of the rounding in:
AFTER ROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXX.XXXX

NOTE: If you are trouble shooting a system, select the last product
code metered (if you know it) and print a M#7 Ticket. You'll see
**M7-DIAGNOSTIC**. There is a line that tells you the reason for
the last stop. Also, you can see the basic prover parameters.


This mode helps the factory identify the type and version of software
if service is required. It is also used by the Weights and Measures
Inspector to verify that this software is approved. No items are
programmable in Mode 8.
NOTE: When working on a system or proving a system, Print a
**M8 IDENTIFICATION** ticket. This tells you the product code,
names and Meter I.D. if you have a two meter system.


Mode 9 programs the trip odometer pulser option.

TRIP ODOMETER The Odometer Pulser is calibrated by following
this sequence:
1. Enter 0 initially. (Must set pulses/mile, then proceed)

LectroCount3 Control Valve Set-up
SAMPLE END OF SHIFT TICKET PRODUCT CODE (Multi-product software) . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
0 (PRICE/GAL.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
1 % TAX CAT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
2 TAX/UNIT CAT 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
3 % TAX CAT 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
4 TAX/UNIT CAT 2 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
5 % TAX ON SUBTOTAL + TAX CAT 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
6 % TAX CAT 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
7 TAX/UNIT CAT 3 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
8 % TAX CAT 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #
9 TAX/UNIT CAT 4 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #


In Mode 13 the totalizers can be display and/or printed to a ticket.

There are no programmable items in Mode 13. All information
contained in Mode 13 will appear on a Mode 13 ticket. Using the
arrow keys to scroll through Mode 13 the following line labels can
be viewed:
PRODUCT CODE Multi-product software
DATE/TIME Display indicates current date and time.
TRUCK NUMBER Display indicates the last truck number entered.
UNIT ID NUMBER Display indicates the last unit ID number
TICKET NUMBER Display indicates the last ticket number
SALE NUMBER Display indicates the last sale number.
MISC. TRANSACTION NUMBER Display indicates how many
miscellaneous transactions have been made.
TOTAL NET VOLUME Display indicates the total net volume
If using Multi-Product Software, a Shift Ticket can be printed for delivered.
each product.
TOTAL GROSS VOLUME Display indicates the total gross volume
**M12 PRICE & TAX** TOTAL SALES NO TAX Display indicates the total amount of sales
made, excluding taxes.

In Mode 12 the base (master) price and taxes are programmed. CUM TAX % CAT 1 Display indicates the total tax % for category 1.
All deliveries will use the master price and taxes unless altered in CUM TAX/UNIT CAT 1 Display indicates the total tax per unit for
Mode 2 for a specific delivery. The base (standard) price and tax category 1.
information entered in Mode 12 is a repeating price and tax which
can be used for all deliveries. If the customer receives a different CUM TAX % CAT 2 Display indicates the total tax % for category 2.
price, the driver must enter the alternate price in ACCOUNT SETUP CUM TAX/UNIT CAT 2 Display indicates the total tax per unit for
or Mode 2 (if account setup is not used), otherwise the system will category 2.
use the base price and tax information entered in Mode 12. All
information contained in Mode 12 will appear on a Mode 12 ticket. CUM TAX ON SUB + CAT 1 & 2 Display indicates the tax on the
Using the arrow keys to scroll through Mode 12 the following line subtotal plus categories 1 & 2.
labels can be viewed: CUM TAX % CAT 3 Display indicates the total tax % for category 3.
NOTE: To enter a negative tax, use TAX/UNIT CAT 4 only. First enter
the numerical value, then press the  key. A minus sign will CUM TAX/UNIT CAT 3 Display indicates the total tax per unit for
appear ahead of the number, Now press ENTER key. category 3.

LectroCount3 Control Valve Set-up cont.
CUM TAX % CAT 4 Display indicates the total tax % for category 4. DISCOUNT LEVEL 1 - Enter the price per litre discount for volume
discount level 1. EXAMPLE: Volume discount level 1 is 100 litres and
CUM TAX/UNIT CAT 4 Display indicates the total tax per unit for the discount is $.03 /litre.
category 4.
VOLUME DISCOUNT LEVEL 2 - Enter the volume amount at which
TOTAL TAX Display indicates the total tax (all categories the volume discount takes effect. EXAMPLE: Volume amount for
combined). discount level 2 is 200 litres (or whatever amount you desire). The
TOTAL SALES INCL TAX Display indicates the total sales including customer receives 200 litres and therefore receives discount level 2
all tax categories. on the entire delivery.
TOTAL MISC CHARGES Display indicates the total of all When the customer receives only 150 litres, this discount will
miscellaneous charges. NOT apply.
TOTAL PAYMENT RECEIVED Display indicates the total payments DISCOUNT LEVEL 2 - Enter the price per litre discount for volume
received from all transactions. discount level 2. EXAMPLE: Volume discount level 2 is 200 litres and
the discount is $.04 /litre.
total unmetered transaction volume. VOLUME DISCOUNT LEVEL 3 - Enter the volume amount at which
the discount takes effect. EXAMPLE: Volume amount for discount
TOTAL GROSS NOT PRICED Display indicates the total gross level 3 is 300 litres. The customer receives 300 litres and therefore
volume delivered but not priced. receives discount level 3 on the entire delivery.
TOTAL NET NOT PRICED Display indicates the total net volume When the customer receives only 250 litres, this discount will
handled but not priced. NOT apply.
DISCOUNT LEVEL 3 - Enter the price per litre discount for volume
**MODE 14 - DISCOUNT** discount level 3. EXAMPLE: Volume discount level 3 is 300 litres and
the discount is $.05 /litre.

NOTE: The example below uses LITRES as the unit of measure. CASH DISCOUNT INTERVAL 1 - Enter the number of days the
Gallons and DekaLitres are also available units of measure. discount is to apply. EXAMPLE: Cash discount interval 1 is to apply
for 10 days. If delivery is made 11/20/94, the ticket will read: IF
VOLUME DISCOUNT LEVEL 1 . . . . . . . ENTER # OF LITRES PAID BY 11/30/94 PAY $000.00. Cash discount interval 1 can be
calculated on a percent of sale, $ per unit, or both basis. When
DISCOUNT LEVEL 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER $/LITRE DISCOUNT entering figures you must determine which discount structure you
VOLUME DISCOUNT LEVEL 2 . . . . . . ENTER # OF LITRES want to use.
DISCOUNT LEVEL 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER $/LITRE DISCOUNT DISCOUNT % CAT 1 - Represents cash discount before taxes
VOLUME DISCOUNT LEVEL 3 . . . . . . ENTER # OF LITRES (subtotal). Enter the percent discount to be used in calculating
cash discount interval 1. EXAMPLE: Dollar volume delivered is
DISCOUNT LEVEL 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER $/LITRE DISCOUNT 100.00 and the discount is 2%. If the delivery is made 11/20/94,
CASH DISCOUNT INTERVAL 1 . . . . . . ENTER # OF DAYS the ticket will read: IF PAID BY 11/30/94 PAY $98.00.
DISCOUNT % CAT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER % DISCOUNT DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 1 - Enter the discount per unit amount to
BEFORE TAX be used in calculating cash discount interval 1.
CAUTION! If an entry is made in both DISCOUNT % and
NOTE: Either discount % CAT 1 or DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 1 or both DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 1 the system will calculate each
can be used. discount, combine the totals and deduct this combined total
from the delivery subtotal.
DISCOUNT % CAT 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER % DISCOUNT CASH DISCOUNT INTERVAL 2 Enter the number of days the
discount is to apply. EXAMPLE: Cash discount interval 2 is to apply
for 15 days. If delivery is made 11/20/94, the ticket will read: IF
DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 2 . . . . . . . . . . ENTER $/LITRE DISCOUNT PAID BY 12/05/94 PAY $000.00. Cash discount interval 2 can be
calculated on a percent of sale, $ per unit, or both basis. When
VOLUME DISCOUNT LEVEL 1 - Enter the volume amount at which entering figures you must determine which discount structure you
the volume discount takes effect. EXAMPLE: Volume amount for want to use.
discount level 1 is 100 litres (or whatever amount you desire). The DISCOUNT % CAT 2 Represents cash discount before taxes. Enter
customer receives 200 litres and therefore receives discount level 1 the percent discount to be used in calculating cash discount interval 2.
on the entire delivery. EXAMPLE: Dollar volume delivered is $100.00 and discount is 2%.
When the customer receives only 99 litres, there is no discount. If the delivery is made 11/20/94, the ticket will read: IF PAID BY
12/05/94 PAY $98.00.
DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 2 - Enter the discount per unit amount to be
used in calculating cash discount interval 2.

LectroCount3 Control Valve Set-up
CAUTION ! If an entry is made in both DISCOUNT % and
DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 2 the system will calculate each
discount, combine the totals and deduct this combined total **MODE 17 - PRODUCT SET-UP**
from the delivery subtotal cost.
CASH DISCOUNT INTERVAL 3 Enter the number of days the
If the unit has multi-product (8 or 24) software , Mode 17 allows
discount is to apply. EXAMPLE: Cash discount interval 3 is to apply
the operator/manager to program up to 8 or 24 product codes and
for 20 days. If delivery is made 11/20/94, the ticket will read: IF
name them.
PAID BY 12/10/94 PAY $000.00. Cash discount interval 3 can be
calculated on a percent of sale, $ per unit, or both basis. When PRODUCT CAT 1 CODE . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #(up to 10 digits)
entering figures you must determine which discount structure you PRODUCT CAT 1 NAME . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #(up to 15 characters)
want to use. 1PRODUCT CAT 1 METER . . . . . . . ENTER 1 or 2 only
DISCOUNT % CAT 3 - Represents cash discount before taxes. Enter 2METER CALIBRATION . . . . . . . . . . ENTER 1-4
the percent discount to be used in calculating cash discount interval 3.
EXAMPLE: Dollar volume delivered is $100.00 and discount is 2%. PRODUCT CAT 2 CODE . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #(up to 10 digits)
If the delivery is made 11/20/94, the ticket will read: IF PAID BY PRODUCT CAT 2 NAME . . . . . . . . . . ENTER #(up to 15 characters)
12/10/94 PAY $98.00. 1PRODUCT CAT 2 METER . . . . . . . ENTER 1 or 2 only
DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 3 - Enter the discount per unit amount to be 2METER CALIBRATION . . . . . . . . . . ENTER 1-4
used in calculating discount interval 3.

CAUTION ! If an entry is made in both DISCOUNT % and
DISCOUNT/UNIT CAT 3 the system will calculate each
discount, combine the totals and deduct this combined total

from the delivery subtotal cost.

NOTE: The system automatically allows two (2) additional decimal 1Only on Dual Meter Systems with 8 product software.
places for tax/unit and % tax categories above the number of 2Only on 24 product software
This discount is for early payment. An interval is entered in days in **MODE 18 - CUSTOMIZE LABELS**
Mode 14 for 3 different categories. The interval may be the same in
all categories, different in each category, or not used at all by entering
a zero (press 0 and enter). A corresponding % or unit amount is Mode 18 is used to input customized labels that are printed on the
entered for each category. The % or unit amount may vary from one delivery ticket and/or appear on the prompting display such as ticket
category to another with the interval held constant. Mode 2 and/or headers, tax descriptions, and ticket footnotes. The lower line of the
account setup displays: SELECT CASH DISCOUNT CATEGORY. The display shows the current text of the label. Keying the data overwrites
default value is zero (0). An entry of 1, 2, or 3 enables that category. the character above the cursor.* Down arrow key moves cursor to
The % or unit cash discount for the selected category is multiplied by the right. Up arrow key moves the cursor to the left. SP key enters
the subtotal due. This amount is then subtracted from the grand total. a space character. Clear key blanks the label. Enter key saves the
The ticket print shows: IF PAID BY 7/01/94, PAY $53.25. If a 0 is displayed label. When all label editing is complete press down arrow
left for the category selection, the program reverts to the STANDARD key. You can either save the edits or discard them and return to Mode
DUE DATE set in Mode 6. 1. Pressing the down arrow key again will allow you to enable the
VOLUME DISCOUNTS default (factory) messages.
Three (3) volume levels are provided for discounts. A price/unit is ENTER LABEL NUMBER . . . . . . . . ENTER# From table on page 12.
entered for each level. If VOLUME DISCOUNT is enabled in
ACCOUNT SETUP or Mode 2, the discount price/unit for a given level NOTE: Labels shown are the labels as shipped from the factory,
will be multiplied by the quantity of product delivered and subtracted unless otherwise specified by customer.
from the total price including tax, if that level is attained. Only one
level can apply per delivery. The quantity of product delivered will
determine the application level. If VOLUME DISCOUNT is not * To enter Alpha Shift keys refer to page 5.
enabled for this delivery, the function will be skipped. Entering a
zero in any discount level will disable that level.

LectroCount3 Control Valve Set-up cont.
BOTH Message programmed in Label 32 appears on the last line of
MAX NO. DISPLAY PRINTER DISPLAY & the delivery ticket if enabled in Mode 5 [ENABLE TANK
NOTE: When using default message put a checkmark after TANK
1 [% TAX CAT 1 0] 26 U
FULL or TANK NOT FULL on the delivery ticket.
2 [TAX/UNIT CAT 1 $ 0] 26 U
3 [% TAX CAT 2 0] 26 U 33 [CASH - 1 CHECK - 2
4 [TAX/UNIT CAT 2 $ 0] 26 U CREDIT CARD 3] 35 U
5 [% TAX ON SUBTL Message programmed in Label 33 appears as a prompt on
+ TAX CAT 1 & 2 0] 26 U miscellaneous transactions and [MISCELLANEOUS TRANSACTION
6 [% TAX CAT 3 0] 26 U FOR M1 PRINT]. The message and the number entered after the
7 [TAX/UNIT CAT 3 $ 0] 26 U prompt will print on the delivery ticket.
8 [% TAX CAT 4 0] 26 U
1 Tax Not Used
9 [TAX/UNIT CAT 4 $ 0] 26 U
2 Prov. Fuel Tax $/L
11 [105 ALBRECHT DRIVE] 39 U
12 [LAKE BLUFF, IL 60044] 39 U #
13 [BLANK SPACES] 39 U 3 Tax Not Used
14 [(708) 295-1050)] 39 U 4 Excise Tax $/L
5 GST %
16 [105 ALBRECHT DRIVE] 39 U 7 Tax Not Used
17 [LAKE BLUFF, IL 60044] 39 U 8 PST %
9* AFFB $/L
19 [(708) 295-1050)] 39 U * Negative tax capabilities. See note bottom of page 9.

21 [105 ALBRECHT DRIVE] 39 U
22 [LAKE BLUFF, IL 60044] 39 U
Mode 21 is only present on 24 product software. Mode 21 maps
each of the four calibrations to a meter. On a dual meter system
24 [(708) 295-1050)] 39 U numbers are 1 and 2. On single meter systems any number other
than 1 or 2 can be used (e.g. meter serial number).
25 [LIQUID CONTROLS] 39 U CALIBRATION NUMBER (1-4) . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER 1-4
26 [105 ALBRECHT DRIVE] 39 U
METER NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENTER #
27 [LAKE BLUFF, IL 60044] 39 U
29 [(708) 295-1050)] 39 U
(Consult Factory)
(0-100) ] 35 U
Message programmed in Label 31 appears on the display at the end
of a delivery ticket print cycle if enabled in Mode 5 [ENABLE END OF
DELIVERY PROMPT]. Number entered when this prompt appears will
be in each delivery record on the optional portable RAM card.

Calibration Mode (Prover Mode)
This mode is used for meter calibration. When proving the SAMPLE INITIAL PROVER TICKET
LectroCount3 System, follow pre-test and inspection procedures U.S. PROVER TICKET
established by Weights and Measures authorities. The primary Line #:
indicating and recording element on a vehicle mounted LectroCount3
is located on the Lap Pad in the truck cab. A remote 6-digit (meter
mounted) liquid crystal display is provided for operator convenience 2
and consumer verification. 3
Weights and Measures inspectors are responsible for determining if 5*
the truck metering and recording elements of the system are in 6*
tolerance. To make this determination, the system should be tested
under normal operating conditions.
Access to the calibration mode is required only if the system is in 9*
excess of established tolerances or the W & M inspector elects to run 10*
special tests (i.e., establishing the accuracy of both the measuring 11
element and the compensating elements of the system). To access the 12
1.A. If the unit is equipped with 8 Product Software, enter Mode 1 14
by pushing M1 . Scroll down to PRODUCT CODE and enter the 15
code for the product being calibrated. Each product needs to be
calibrated separately in the prover mode. See Mode 17 for
product set-up. 17
1.B. If the unit is equipped with 24 product software, enter Mode 21
by pushing M# , 2, 1. Enter and select one of the four possible
calibrations. Each calibration needs to be done separately in the 20
prover mode. 21
2. Remove the lead seal and wire assembly from the Remote
Supervisory Control Box. 23
3. Remove the four (4) fillister head screws securing the name
plate of the red selector switch located on the Remote
Supervisory Control Box. 26*
4. Enter the calibration mode by turning the red switch to the
PROVER position, full counterclockwise (6:00 o'clock
position). The prover mode is used to change the calibration of DENSITY: Is set up for refined products
the meter, electronic temperature compensator or both. When API/ASTM/IP table 54B compensation
the switch is in the prover position, the prompting display will Density 653.0 to 1075.0 kg/m3
read: [INSERT TICKET AND PUSH ENTER OR PUSH STOP]. If a density initially entered in the prover mode is 730 gasoline, 800
Insert a ticket and push ENTER to print the initial prover ticket. aviation or 840 diesel it will take about 10 seconds to calculate the
The prompting display will again read: [INSERT TICKET AND table. All other densities will initially take about 4 minutes and will
PUSH ENTER OR PUSH STOP]. Insert a second ticket and display wait until the table is calculated. On 8 product software, the
prepare to prove the system. When proving a truck meter, the density entered will determine the product class that is subsequently
truck compartment should be at least 70% full to avoid printed on delivery tickets (ie. GASOLINE, AVIATION, DISTILLATE)
metering hot, foamy product and to ensure accurate proving.
The meter should first be tested for accuracy without the Meter and valve related set-up parameters follow the DENSITY
intervening effect of temperature compensation. screen. See Mode 4 for definitions.
On 24 product software this screen indicates which calibration 6 NET VOLUME LITRES
number is to be proved. 7 DENSITY (730 GAS, 840 DIESEL, ETC.)
8 MEAN VCF (AT 15C 1.0000)
(below 15C a number greater than 1.0000, above 15C a
ENTER 1 TO CHANGE PRODUCT CLASS. number less than 1.0000)
On 24 product, the product class is a label that is permanently tied to 9 BASE TEMP * C 15C
this calibration number and will print on all subsequent delivery 10 TEMP OFFSET-DEG *C
tickets. Select one of the following: GASOLINE, DISTILLATE, (this is the net calibration and shows difference in LC probe to
AVIATION, METHANOL, AMMONIA, LPG. The label, UNIDENTIFIED, Weights and Measures - This matches up the temperature probe
can be typed over to create product classes other than those listed. to Weights and Measures.)

Calibration Mode (Prover Mode) cont.
To prove meter GROSS VOLUME throughput: To prove meter NET VOLUME throughput:

1. Scroll through the prover mode items using the  key. Enter a 1. Enter temperature coefficient for the fluid or the standard density.
value for PULSES/UNIT VOLUME. Base this value If the unit has DENSITY software the LectroCount3 then calculates
on the type/make/model of the meter, pulser or both. NOTE: If a correction table. During these calculations the unit is disabled
using the optional LectroCount3 2-stage control valve. for about 5 minutes. If the unit has TEMP COEF software enter
BASE TEMP (usually 60 F or 15C).
2. Scroll to TEMP COEF or DENSITY screen and enter 0 to defeat 2. Deliver enough product to the prover to stabilize the liquid system
temperature compensator if desired. temperature.

3. Push START and deliver a known volume to a reliable, 3. Push START and deliver a known volume to a reliable,
accurate prover. accurate prover.

4. Push STOP . The prompting display will indicate GROSS VOLUME 4. Record the thermometer reading from the Weights & Measures
that the meter measured. calibrated thermometer used for that prover run.
NOTE: The prover reading is gross but you must also include
the provers correction factor. This correction factor takes into 5. Scroll down through the prover mode line labels to TEMP THIS
account the prover volume change with product temperature. DEL F (C) compare the Weights and Measures thermometer
When proving at temperatures less than 15C, the prover tank reading to the temperature shown on the prompting display. If
has shrunk and the correction factor is a negative volume such there is a discrepancy scroll down to CALIBRATED PROBE
as -.25 litres. When proving at temperatures above 15C, the
prover tank has expanded and the correction factor is a positive TEMPERATURE. Any change in the CALIBRATED PROBE TEMP.
or increased volume such as +.30 litres. The prover readings will cause a change in TEMP OFFSET - DEG F (C), resulting in a
for Gross Volume plus its correction factor is entered into the change in the net volume delivered on the next prover run.
Lap Pads display of Gross Volume Litres. The computer
automatically recalculates Pulse/Litre.
SPECIAL NOTE: The display meter factor in the prover is really EXAMPLE: Using a 1,000 gallon gross quantity:
just the % of change. When proving, NEVER use the display to try Base temperature = 60 F
to calibrate, this has nothing to do with actual calibration. This Temperature coefficient = 0.00045000000
reverts to 1.0000 whenever a 5% change in PPL is entered. Temperature this delivery = 65 F
Gross volume gallons = 1,000 gallons
5. Enter the volume reading shown on the prover. Never enter zero.
This adjusts the pulses/unit to correct for any inaccuracy.
The volume correction factor (VCF) is calculated by taking the
temperature deviation multiplied by the temperature coefficient
NOTE: Make a minimum of two prover runs to stabilize and subtracting from 1.
system product temperature and wet the prover walls to
obtain better accuracy. VCF = 1 - (Temp Dev x Temp Coef)
With the meter itself proved, the next step is to adjust the VCF = 1 - (5 x 0.00045) = 0.99775
temperature compensation if necessary. Net volume is calculated Temperature deviation is calculated by subtracting the base
from gross volume by considering the effects of temperature temperature from the temperature this delivery.
variations on the product.
Temp Dev = Temp This Del - Base Temp
Since the product temperature is higher than the base temperature,
the amount of product delivered is slightly less than it would be at
the base temperature. The net volume is the gross volume times the
volume correction factor.
Net volume = gross volume x volume correction factor (VCF)
Net volume = 1,000 x 0.99775 = 997.75
To exit the prover mode make sure the Stop button has been
depressed after the last run.

1. Turn the prover switch to the run position. A final prover ticket
will be printed. See sample prover ticket below:

NOTE: For the calibration changes to be saved a final prover ticket

must be printed. CAUTION: If power is lost for any reason while in
prover mode, all calibration changes will be lost.

Calibration Mode (Prover Mode) cont.
(The Canadian Ticket will have the same changes as shown on Page 13.)

NOTE: On all multi-product programs, each product code must

be selected and entered into prover. This must be done to calibrate
each product. Then the switch nameplate can be mounted
and sealed.
2. Replace the switch nameplate and four (4) fillister head screws.
3. Re-seal prover switch plate.

System Set-up Mode

This mode is used to configure options relating to product flow, ENABLE VOLUME COMPENSATION LINE
date display, and ticket print options. It is accessible only from Entering a 1 at this prompt causes the line "VOLUME CORRECTED
CALIBRATION MODE by entering 1 at the ENTER 1 FOR SYSTEM TO 60 F (15 C) to print on the delivery ticket if the product is
SETUP MODE prompt. To return to CALIBRATION MODE, push being volume temperature compensated. NOTE: Required by Weights
the STOP key. & Measures to be printed on the delivery ticket (many customers
pre-print this information on their tickets). Standard Canadian
programs using blank tickets require this to be enabled.
If the LectroCount3 registers negative volume during a prover run,
use this option to setup what LectroCount3 considers forward flow. Entering a 1 at this prompt causes the average temperature of the
Enter a 1 to reverse the flow direction, or if there is a 1, enter 0 to delivery to be printed on the delivery ticket if the product is being
obtain positive registration. volume temperature compensated.

NOTE: On start-up of a system, if the Lap Pad display and Remote ENABLE ODOMETER LINES ON TICKETS
Electronic Counter are both counting down showing reverse flow Entering a 1 at this prompt causes odometer information to be
(since the pulser is a dual channel and can sense direction of flow)
you can enter system set-up mode which is part of the prover printed on delivery and miscellaneous transaction ticket if your
mode. By entering a 1 for reverse flow, the software will then system is equipped with an odometer.
allow the Lap Pad (primary display) and the Remote Electronic
Counter (secondary display) to both count up. If you have dual ENABLE PRINT BEYOND BOTTOM SENSOR
meter system you will reverse the counting of both meters. If
meter 2 is not counting down, then you will have to refer to the The Epson TM290II and TM295 Printers have a bottom of ticket
wiring diagram for the Remote Supervisory Control Box and follow sensor 27.3 mm below the print head. If you have programmed
Orange and Black wires from the pulser. a large number of blank lines on the top of ticket and are printing
near the bottom of ticket, LectroCount3 will stop printing if the ticket
NOTE 6: TB3-3 Orange Wire Was Black
TB3-4 Black Wire Was Orange leaves the sensor area. It is recommended that you enable this feature
or use tickets with sufficient space below the last print line to insure
complete tickets. Enable this feature only as a temporary solution for
tickets not designed for use with LectroCount3. NOTE: The top of
ticket sensor is always programmed to detect whether or not a
LectroCount3 normally displays date as MM/DD/YY. Entering a 1 at ticket is present.
this prompt changes the date to display as DD/MM/YY.

Procedure for Uploading LectroCount3
Configuration to a RAM Card
This procedure can be used to copy the configuration
programmed into an initialized LectoCount3 to an
uninitialized LectroCount3 with similar software.

Warning: Use of this procedure will overwrite any

scheduled accounts on the RAM card.

Step 1- From Mode 1, enter Mode 3 by pushing Step 4- Insert the RAM card into the RAM module.
M#, 3, and ENTER. If Mode 3 is password
protected, the display will respond KEY?,
in which case the correct security key must Step 5- Push 1 and ENTER. The Lap Pad will briefly
be entered. display UPLOADING.

Step 2- The display will read **M-3 Step 6- Remove the RAM card. It now contains
TOTALIZERS/KEYS**. the information programmed into all
LectroCount3 modes.
Step 3- Push the  key until the display reads

Procedure for Downloading LectroCount3

Set-up from a Portable RAM Card
This procedure can be used to quickly program
(clone) a LectroCount3 by downloading the configuration
information from a properly uploaded RAM card.
This procedure does not alter any calibration data,
customized labels in Mode 18, or system time.

Step 1- From Mode 1, enter Mode 3 by pushing Step 5- Push 1 and ENTER. The Lap Pad will briefly
M#, 3, and ENTER. If Mode 3 is password display DOWNLOADING. If the display
protected, the display will respond KEY?, reads **PORTABLE RAM ERROR**, no
in which case the correct security key must configuration was programmed into the
be entered. LectroCount3 because the RAM card was not
properly uploaded (see above procedure).
Step 2- The display will read **M-3
TOTALIZERS/KEYS**. Step 6- After a successful download, the unit will
automatically reset and return to Mode 1.
Step 3- Push the  key until the display reads
RESTORE CPU RAM FROM RAM CARD Step 7- Remove the RAM card. The LectroCount3
now contains the same information
Step 4- Insert a properly uploaded RAM card into the programmed as the LectroCount3 used in
RAM module. the upload procedure.

Procedure for Initializing a RAM Card
Using LectroCount3
This procedure is used to clear all data on a portable
RAM card and initialize it for doing unscheduled
deliveries. The operation is normally done by the office
computer; however, this procedure can be used if the
office computer interface is not available.

Step 1- From the Mode 1 NET VOLUME GALLONS Step 10- The display will read **M5-ENABLES. Push
line, push the  key. the  key until the display reads ENABLE
Step 2- If the Lap Pad displays INVALID RAM
CARD STATUS-PUSH DOWN on the first Step 11- Push the M1 key followed by the  key. The
line, go to step 8. display will read INVALID RAM CARD
Step 3- The RAM card status must be made invalid INITIALIZE CARD.
for delivery purposes. To accomplish this,
enter Mode 3 by pushing M#, 3, and ENTER. Step 12- Push the CLEAR key. The display will read
If Mode 3 is password protected, the display WARNING-ALL RAM CARD DATA WILL BE
will respond KEY?, in which case the LOST!!, PUSH CLEAR TO INIT. OR DOWN
correct security key must be entered. TO EXIT.

Step 4- The display will read **M-3 Step 13- Push CLEAR to initialize the RAM card, or the
TOTALIZERS/KEYS**.  key to terminate the procedure.

Step 5- Push the  key until the display reads Step 14- When the CLEAR key is pushed, the display will
SAVE CPU RAM TO RAM CARD. read ------WAIT-----. Clearing the card takes
about 15 seconds for a 256K card, or over 2
Step 6- Push 1 and ENTER. The Lap Pad will briefly minutes for a 2MB card.
display UPLOADING.
Step 15- The LectroCount3 will return to the NET display
Step 7- Push the M1 key and return to Mode 1. in Mode 1. Enter Mode 10 by pushing M#, 10,
Then push the  key. The Lap Pad should and ENTER. The Lap Pad will briefly display

Step 8- If the second line reads OR PUSH CLEAR Step 16- If the shift totalizers need to be zeroed, print
TO INITIALIZE CARD, go to step 12. end of shift tickets. Otherwise, return to Mode
1. The card is now ready for use with
Step 9- The LectroCount3 has not been programmed unscheduled deliveries.
to allow clearing the RAM card. This feature
must be enabled in Mode 5. To enter Mode 5,
push M#, 5, and ENTER. If Mode 5 is
password protected, the display will respond
KEY?, in which case the correct security key
must be entered.

Procedure for Accessing RAM System by Name
(Access By Name Feature)
This software addition will allow you to search for a scheduled customer on the RAM card by entering the name or part
of the name on the Lap Pad. Depending on how the customer names were sorted alphabetically on the RAM card (First
name first or last name first), you can type the name or just the first letters of the name to find the customer to whom
you want to deliver product.
All the other Modes and Procedures in the current software will remain the same as described in this manual, except
that now there will be an extra prompt that will appear in Delivery Mode (Mode 1) as "ACCESS NAME>".
To search for a customer using this feature, do the following:
1. From delivery mode (Mode 1), press the  key to the "ACCESS NAME>" prompt.
2. Using the Alpha keys, type in the name or part of the customers name. Make sure you know
ahead of time, how the customer database has been sorted (by first name or by last name).
3. Press the ENTER key to accept. The first name or the name alphabetically higher will be
displayed including the account number and the product number to be delivered.
4. If the customer displayed is not the one you were looking for, scroll up or down the list
by pressing the arrow keys or press the STOP key to return to the "ACCESS NAME>" prompt.
5. Once you find the correct customer, press the ENTER key to accept.
6. Press the START key to make the delivery or the STOP key to initiate a new search.

Example: To make a delivery to "THOMPSON, RICHARD" and assuming the records are assembled
and sorted alphabetically by last name on the RAM card, do the following:


This is the first screen displayed in Mode 1. Press the  key to scroll to the next line.

Type the first few letters of the customers last name and press the ENTER key.

The first name or the next alphabetically higher starting with the letters entered will be displayed.
THOMAS, PHIL 1235678

If this is not the customer you were looking for, you can either press the  or  key until you find it
or press the STOP key to go back to the "ACCESS LINE" and enter more letters for a closer search.

Once you have found the correct name, press the ENTER key. The customers name will be displayed on the left side
of the screen. The account number is displayed on the right side and the product to be delivered is displayed on the
bottom line. You can also press the  key to see the address and verify that this is the correct location.

Procedure for Accessing RAM System by Name
(Access By Name Feature) cont.
Press the START key to make the delivery or the STOP key to go back and restart the search process.

NOTE: Before you use this feature, make sure you know exactly how the customer names have been entered in the RAM
card. The way the names were entered in the RAM card is the same way you must type the first letters of the name on
the Lap Pad.

Message Displayed
NO AVAILABLE DISPATCH RECORDS: This message will be displayed when all scheduled records have been
used and there arent any available for delivery. Only unscheduled deliveries are possible at this point.

ACCOUNT ALREADY DELIVERED: This message will be displayed when you are scrolling down a list of
customers by using the  key and pass a record which already has been used. This record is no longer
available anymore for delivery and cannot be selected.

NOT FOUND, END OF LIST: That message means that the LectroCount3 searched the whole list of customers on
a RAM card and nothing similar or higher was found. For example, if all you had in a RAM card was a list of
customers that started with the letter "A" and you searched for a name starting with the letter "B", you would get
this message since nothing similar or higher (e.g., a name starting with the letter "C") could be found on the card.

SEARCHING PLEASE WAIT: This message is always displayed during the search of a customer. Depending on the
time it takes to search for a certain customer, the message may be displayed between a fraction of and a few seconds.

Office Setup
Before you can use the "Search by Name" feature on the vehicle, there are several changes you may have to make
in the way the LCLOAD file is created:

1. The dispatch records in the data file card must first be sorted alphabetically by the customers name, then by
the account number and last by the product number. If the names are not in alphabetical order, this feature
will not work properly on the truck.

2. The customer names must have all capital letters. This feature will not work with lower case letters or any other
character (e.g. * + = @ % -) that cannot be entered with the Lap Pad. Numbers included in the name are
allowed. The numbers are lower in value than letters (e.g. 0-9 come before A-Z). Spaces are lower than numbers.

3. The names can be entered as First Name Last Name or Last Name First Name. You can also enter the names
as Last Name, First Name although the driver will only be able to enter the letters before the comma during the
search. NOTE: If customer name is printed on the delivery ticket, it will appear exactly as it is seen in the name
field on the RAM card.

4. You can also enter several records for the same customer in the data file. To differentiate between records,
you can enter a number at the end of the name, for example, John Doe 1, John Doe 2, and so on.

Once these changes have been made, you must also make sure that the LectroCount3 on the vehicle has been updated
with this software feature.


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Backed By Our Worldwide Reputation For Quality, Accuracy and Advanced Design.
LIQUID A Unit of IDEX Corporation
105 Albrecht Drive
CONTROLS Lake Bluff, IL 60044-2242
A Unit of IDEX Corporation (847) 295-1050
FAX: (847) 295-1057
Website: www.lcmeter.com

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2003 Liquid Controls Printed in U.S.A.(03/03) Bulletin #49145E $1

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