BS Biology Exam
BS Biology Exam
BS Biology Exam
Exercise No. 2
Although the Hemichordata are here separatd from the chordate as a distinct
group. They possess certain prechordate features and hence, are of interest in the study of
chordates. The Hemichordates are divisible into two groups: the wormlike Enteronueta,
or balanoglossids, and the colonial Pterobranchia, resembling bryozoans.
Examine a preserve balanoglossid and study its external anatomy. Make a drawing of
the animal.
Exercise No. 2
Examine a preserved sea squirt and study its external anatomy. Draw the animal.
a. siphon
b. tunic
c. gill slits
Exercise No. 2
Label: Oral hood, vestibule, tentacles or cirri, metapleural folds or lateral fins,
atriopore, caudal fin, dorsal fin, anus, muscle segments or myotomes,
myosepta, gonads or sex glands.
Label: Fin rays, myotomes, wheel organ, Hatchecks pit, Hatchecks groove,
velum, tentacles, pharynx, peripharyngeal band, gill bars or branchial bars,
gill slits, or pharygeal clefts, atrium, esophagus, stomach or midgut, liver
or hepatic caecum, midgut caecum, iliocolch ring, intestine or hindgut,
notochord, neural tube or central nervous system, eyes, brain vesicle,
pigment spot, flagellated pit.
a. wheel organ
b. gills
c. nephridia
Exercise No. 2
Label: Dorsal fins, tail fins, fin rays, buccal funnel, lip tentacles, teeth, tongue,
nasophyseal opening, eye, gill slit.
B. Sagittal section of the anterior end of Lamprey
Label: Esophagus, buccal cavity, pharynx, velum, gill slits, gill pouches, gill
lamellae, notochord, branchial basket, neural canal, spinal cord, brain,
nasopharyngeal sac, nasopharygeal canal, pericardial cavity.
Study the cross section of ammocoete through the pharyngeal region under
LPO. Identify and draw the following structures seen under the microscope.
Label: Dorsal and ventral fin fold, neural canal, spinal cord, notochord,
dorsal aorta, posterior cardinal veins, esophagus, liver, pronephros,
intestine, kidney.
a. dorsal fin
b. tail fin
c. gill slits
Fig. 2.3d. Transverse section through the pharyngeal region of the female Amphioxus
(Branchiostoma sp.)
Fig. 2.3e. . Transverse section through the pharyngeal region of the male Amphioxus
(Branchiostoma sp.)
Fig. 2.3f. Cross section through intestinal region ( Anterior to Atriopore) of
Amphioxus (Branchiostoma sp.)
Fig. 2.4c. Sagittal section of the anterior end of a Lamprey (Petromyzon) Fig.
2.5c. Section of ammocoete larvae through pharyngeal region