2019-05 Impact Damage Formation On Composite Aircraft Structures - DeFrancisci
2019-05 Impact Damage Formation On Composite Aircraft Structures - DeFrancisci
2019-05 Impact Damage Formation On Composite Aircraft Structures - DeFrancisci
The impact of composite structures from sources that involve wide area
contact is of interest due to the tendency to produce internal damage with little or
having rubber-covered bumpers, high velocity hail ice impact, and impact by
large radius metal tips are being investigated. Experiments representing GSE
velocity of 0.5 m/s has shown complete failure of the three frames that were
to predict the initiation and propagation of damage from GSE. Similarly, the
modeling capability to predict impact damage from high speed ice impacts has
been developed and threshold force-based failure criteria have been identified.
Large radius metal tip impact-created dents are observed to relax considerably
1.1 Motivation
sources of impact. This is a major concern due to the resilience of the composite
outer skins which can sustain a high degree of deformation without developing
cracks, even though the internal sub-structure is damaged. Thus, the traditional
reliance on visual detection to find damage, which worked well for metal skins
that dent easily, may be inadequate for composite airframes, particularly those
are needed to address the difficulties that exist in being able to visually detect
and predict the corresponding damage and to aid in assessing its effect on
Diego (UCSD) has been focused on blunt impact sources that are not well
energy levels and damage sizes expected for the various impact sources being
potential due to the high mass of the GSE (typically 3,000 to 10,000 kg)
energy levels of GSE to be in the 102 to 103 J range (e.g., 10,000 kg cargo
loader moving at 2 mph, or 0.894 m/s, has 4,000 J of kinetic energy). The
length scale of contact for GSE impact can range from ~20 cm for a belt
bumper (see Figure 1). It should be noted that ground service equipment
carbon/epoxy composite.
ii. High velocity hail ice impacts involve high energy levels, exceeding 1,000
J (see Figure 1), mainly by virtue of typical aircraft in-flight speeds (well
over 200 m/s). Even higher velocities (energy) are possible for rotating
components like helicopter rotor and engine fan blades. Ground hail
Figure 1 for hail impacts. The ice projectile is complex in that it exhibits an
initial elastic-type response and then severely crushes during the course
iii. Low velocity impacts by metal tips of large radius (up to 76 mm radius) are
radius (1 in. diameter) tip that is most commonly used for creating barely
visible impact damage (BVID) of a specified dent depth (e.g., 0.3 mm).
just exceeding the amount needed to initiate failure (Kim et al. [2], Kim and
Kedward [3]), i.e., when the failure threshold is exceeded. Additionally, damage
from blunt impacts to internal stiffeners can be extensive, existing in the form of
Among the three impact sources being studied (see Figure 1), both the
low velocity metal tips and high velocity ice impact can usually be associated with
a damage size limit. This damage limit reflects the ability for these impact
limit roughly equivalent in dimension to the impacting projectile. For the GSE
internal damage can occur at locations away from the point of impact/contact,
e.g., at joints or stress concentrations along the path of internal reaction. Thus,
the damage size limit is not clearly known and, depending on the severity of the
impact event, can be larger than the length scale of the contact between the
Blunt impacts can be defined as impact sources that can affect large
externally visibly detectable signs of damage. Blunt impacts come from a variety
of sources and can involve a wide range of energy levels, as illustrated in Figure
1. Figure 2 shows the portions of the aircraft where such threats typically occur.
The side and lower facing surfaces of the aircraft are subject to contact with
impact (terminal velocity + wind gust) and forward-facing surfaces are subject to
in-flight hail impacts. UCSD’s activities on these areas are closely tied in with
Blunt Impacts
• blunt impact
damage (BID) can
exist with little or
no exterior
• sources of interest
are those that
affect wide area or
multiple structural Hail Ice Impact
elements • upward & forward facing
• low mass, high velocity
Figure 2. UCSD Blunt Impact Focus: Hail Ice and Ground Service Equipment
1.3 Objectives
formation by a range of sources, including: (i) low velocity wide-area blunt impact
radius. A common set of objectives exists for these three project focuses:
1. Characterize blunt impact threats and the locations where damage can
1.4 Approach
While each of the project focus areas has unique challenges related to
their length scales and velocity regimes, a common general approach to achieve
wide area high energy blunt impact – e.g., from ground service
radius effects.
so, what sort of damage mode, extent, and location such damage would occur.
that design engineers can make use of the research outcomes to: (i) improve the
sources, and (ii) provide critical information on the mode and extent of seeded
termed BVID.
The following Table 1 summarizes the research partners that are involved in the
project with UCSD. Large and small aircraft manufacturers, a small composites-
components (e.g., fuselage and wing), there is a need to better understand the
vehicles and 60% of minor damage was caused by collision with ground vehicles
speeds between flights have been quantified (during UCSD visit to LAX) and it
was found that GSE speeds up to 1 m/s were realistic within close proximity of
the aircraft. The low velocity, yet large mass of the GSE involved results in high
energy levels in the range of 250 to 1,500 J for typical belt loader traveling at
speeds of 0.5 to 1 m/s (mass in range 2,000 to 3,000 kg). Heavy cargo loaders
are several times higher in mass and will impart proportionally higher energy.
series tests are intended to help understand blunt impacts that occur in between
frames, and the FrameXX series tests are similar to blunt impacts caused by
experimental setups, can be found in previous UCSD JAMS 2010 and 2011
specimens were tested with the indentor types and locations summarized in
Table 2. The conclusion was drawn from these tests that indentation with a
rubber indentor applied on the skin spanning between the stringers produces
damage occurring. This is possible because the indentation does not produce
high shear stress on the panel skin and the bending stresses did not exceeded
failure levels to produce visible cracks. The rubber indentors reduce the high
interlaminar shear stress at the point of contact, thus reducing the propensity to
Table 2. Blunt Impact Tests as of March 2011 (as of 2011 JAMS Review)
stringers from the panel skin and shear tie delamination/crushing for the
were observed for the FrameXX specimens. A progressive damage process was
the process.
The StringerXX specimens are smaller sized panels having skin, stringers,
and shear ties with no frames. Shear ties are mounted directly to test boundary
In the last year, two StringerXX specimens were tested. Test specimen
OEM rubber bumper at a velocity of 0.5 m/s. The test setups for the two
both tests, the back of the bumper displaced 114.3 mm into the panel, creating
A high speed camera running at 5000 fps was used to observe the bottom
side of the panel during the experiment. The high speed video shows that as the
stringer radius failure within 4 milliseconds. It is unknown when exactly the skin
cracking occurred relative to the other failure events as that damage occurred
along with the plot for Stringer02, a panel with the same dimensions and
delamination and stringer radius failure on one of the stringer flanges adjacent to
the bumper loading zone. The first load drop occurred at 98 mm of actuator
flange to the right of the bumper loading location. Although this flange is not
shown in the high speed video, some debris can be seen ejected from that
displacement and was caused by failures near the flange to the left of the
center stringer) are very similar to that of Stringer05 shown in Figures 3 and 4.
The Stringer06 load vs. actuator displacement plot is shown in Figure 6, along
with the Stringer03 (i.e., same 3-stringer panel tested at quasi-static speed) data.
Similar to the Stringer05 test, there are two incidences of significant load drops in
the Stringer06 curve. Also, as confirmed by the high speed camera video of this
test, each load drop corresponds to the stringer-to-skin delamination and stringer
FEA simulations of the Stringer05 test was created with a D-shaped OEM
bumper, as well as a flat rubber pad (to simulate a pre-collapsed bumper). The
shear and tension stresses, and the Hashin-Rotem failure criteria was used to
predict failure of the composite lamina caused by in-plane stresses. The final
shown in Figure 7 and compared with the post-test A-scan photo of the
stringer flanges adjacent to the impacting zone, in the space between the shear
Figure 7. Comparison between the Post Test A-Scan Map of Stringer05 (Left)
and the Final Delamination Map of the Stringer05 FE Model (Right; Red Zones
Indicate Skin-Stringer Bond, Grey Zones Indicate No Bond)
four stringers, and five frames connected to the skin via mechanically-fastened
The first five-frame specimen (Frame03) was tested in early March 2012.
The 1 m long cylindrical rubber bumper was centered over the middle three
general lab set up. Boundary conditions, as visible in Figure 8, include rotating
end supports for each frame with controlled rotational stiffness achieved via
flexure plates.
1 m long bumper was mounted. The specimen was loaded two times (referred to
as L1 and L2) under displacement control, each with a constant velocity of 0.5
had a total actuator displacement of 159 mm, which includes closing the initial
gap of 6.4 mm. Moderate crushing damage in the radius area of the shear ties
directly under the impactor occurred, but there was no delamination between the
skin and stringers or shims. The cylindrical bumper has a hollow inner diameter
The total displacement of the actuator in the second Loading L2 was 222
mm, as shown in Figure 9. This loading caused extensive damage to the internal
structure that is not visually detectable from the skin side (no visible cracks
formed). All three C-frames were completely severed (each in two locations away
from the impact location). Figure 10 shows a sequence of high speed video still
captures that gives insight into the failure process. Upon complete crushing of
the middle three (directly loaded) shear ties (see image 1 of Figure 10), the load
was then transferred from the stringer directly to the C-frames (see image 2 of
Figure 10). This is confirmed by the scraping marks observed on the stringers
further, scraping along the stringer, leading to failure of the outer set of shear ties
(see image 3 of Figure 10). Final failure occurred in the C-frames away of the
impact region (i.e., non-local failure) due to a combination of torsion, bending and
The final internal damage state is shown in Figure 11 and a view of the
outside of the specimen after impact is shown in Figure 12. It should be noted
that even after the frames were severed, the specimen still held a load of ~15kN
per frame before unloading. While no immediately obvious damage is visible (i.e.,
test). The visual detectability of 4.5 mm acting over a “dent span” of 1 m has
Figure 10. High Speed Video Stills Showing Sequence of Failure in Frame03
• 4.5 mm deformation
• difficult to visually detect over
large ~1 m span
• measurement made several days
post-test permanent deformation
unknowns and incoming wave direction (φ) can be determined by the following
tan 2
̅ ̅
intersection of the two lines projected at the angle from each rosette can be
with a large rubber bumper. LabVIEW software was used to record the signals
along with 20kHz - 2MHz analog filters to reduce noise and low frequency
vibrations of the panel. This filtered signal focuses more on high frequency
damage related information. Figure 14 plots the MFC signal results from the test.
Each spike in voltage indicates the occurrence of a major event where some
damage formation has occurred. While data processing is ongoing, the goal is to
separately target each damage event and determine its location. Issues that
arise include picking up signals from edge reflections, determining the transfer of
high frequency signals through the shear ties and c-frames into the skin where it
Algorithms are being tested to resolve these problems, such as using threshold
crossings to determine when one event has ended and a new event has begun.
2.4 Discussion
the Stringer05 dynamic test contrasts with the Stringer02 quasi-static test
because damage is clearly visible from the exterior loaded surface. Also,
effect when the panel was loaded quickly. Stringer05 experienced localized
damage, as indicated by the cracks found underneath the impactor and the
The contact force vs. actuator displacement plots of the Stringer05 FEA
simulations and the experimental result are shown in Figure 15. As can be seen
from this figure, the flat rubber pad simulation result (with offset displacement)
matches up with the D-shaped bumper simulation result after the latter has fully
collapsed. This validates the use of the flat bumper model as an approximation
can lead to numerical instabilities. Also, the plots show that the FEA model,
despite being stiffer than the actual experiment, accurately predicts the onset of
crack formation), as well as its resulting major load drops. For both delamination
failures, the FEA-predicted peak loads are within 5% of the experimental data.
1st Delam. at 66.6 kN
2nd Delam. at 64.2 kN
1st Delam. at 64.4 kN
2nd Delam. at 65.4 kN
and dynamic impact (Frame01 vs. Frame03) is shown in Figure 16. The initial
C-frame through the stringers and cracking of the C-frames where the stringers
contacted the C-frames. In the quasi-static test, there was local damage and
at the stringer-frame contact site. The quasi-static test allowed for sufficient time
for the load to redistribute through redundant load paths, which could lead to
away from the impact area. This suggests the load transfer through the frames
into the boundaries, and the resulting response leading to failure of the frame, is
interaction played a critical role in the damage evolution. It should be noted that
for this type of impact, not only should the impact site be inspected but also the
surrounding areas (i.e., where the frames join to other structures, such as the
understanding is sought on how the key structural parameters of the panel effect
the damage initiation and evolution upon impact, which will be reflected in the
progress that will automatically generate finite element models consistently and
efficiently, making use of python script executed in ABAQUS. The script will
with the script shows good correlation to the experimental data during the initial
elastic up-loading, as shown in Figure 16. The models, upon being validated by
experimental data, will help gain further insight into the experiments and extend
the experimental results to more general cases – e.g., different panel geometry
The following set of conclusions can be drawn based on the low velocity
indentation (Stringer02).
• Dynamic impacts (in the order of 0.5 m/sec) with the 76.2 mm wide
impact across three frames. For this type of event there will be loud
noises and a global response in the aircraft (entire aircraft will move).
rotation of the C-frames and leading to damage further away from the
of the C-frame.
structures that are exposed to the natural environment means that they are
fuselages, wings, empennage, and nacelles. Hail impact events citing hailstones
ranging from golf ball to tennis ball size are not uncommon. This occurs both at
the terminal velocity of hail falling to the ground (approximately 30 m/s) and at
Additionally, hail will often impact the structure at different glancing angles,
both while in flight and on ground, due to the varying geometry of the aircraft.
These angled impacts may cause damage which differs from that of normal
impacts due to the fact that glancing impacts produce a sliding contact condition
acting over a moving area. The damage modes and size of angled impacts
important for establishing the damage resistance to the ice impact threat, and for
aiding in developing metrics for inspection. Furthermore, the ability for prediction
critical in the decision for further inspection of aircraft parts following the
threshold energy (FTE) of panels. This included the use of non destructive
evaluation to find damage and a logistic regression to identify FTE value. The
thickness and SHI diameter but not strongly on material form (tape versus
woven). This conclusion was achieved through a comparison of the current data
finite element analysis (FEA) model was developed. The FEA results
that the methodology used for the numerical simulations was valid, especially
focused aspects of ice impact onto composites. These are described in the
following subsections.
threshold velocity (FTV) for each combination of panel thickness and SHI
diameter. The setup and results were presented in the 2011 report and can be
models were created and exercised. The models were defined to represent the
ply. The plies are defined as an orthotropic material with principle material
directions oriented based on ply angle. These properties are given in Table 3.
Cohesive elements were placed between each ply layer of the panel in order to
interlaminar stresses and damage evolution based on mixed mode energy using
a power law. Fracture energy parameters are used for damage propagation. The
user manual recommendations based on the solid mesh defined adjacent to the
cohesive elements.
FTV. To do this, the model was first run at a velocity near the expected FTV. If
no damage was indicated by the separation of the cohesive elements then the
velocity was increased. If damage was predicted, then the velocity was
decreased. This method was repeated until bounding velocities within a 5 m/s
range were determined. These bounding velocities were then averaged to obtain
the FTV FEA values shown in Table 4. The FEA predictions are consistent with
experimental results, and always predict slightly low FTV values. Note that for
the 24 ply panel impacted by the 38.1 mm SHI, a numerical instability was
present in the FEA results due to the high velocity, and thus this case is still
under investigation.
In addition to the FTV, the FEA predicted the contact force histories of
each impact. Figures 18 to 20 show the 8, 16, and 24 ply panel impact force
histories for the impact velocities that bound the FTV within the 5 m/s range. The
star marker shown on the upper bound plots indicate when the first cohesive
element fails. Of particular interest was the (non-intuitive) observation that the
peak force of these damaging impacts, referred to as the critical force, was
essentially the same for each panel thickness regardless of SHI diameter and
velocity. In order to achieve the same force level, a smaller diameter SHI must
impact the panel at higher velocity. Increasing panel thickness required higher
showing higher velocity needed for a given SHI diameter to initiate damage in
thicker panels.
Force (kN) 8
TC 8
Damage Threshold
38.1 mm SHI
95 m/s (non damage)
38.1 mm SHI
100 m/s (damage)
4 50.8 mm SHI
65 m/s (non damage)
50.8 mm SHI
70 m/s (damage)
61.0 mm SHI
45 m/s (non damage)
61.0 mm SHI
50 m/s (damage)
first delamination
Time (microseconds)
Figure 18. Force Histories for the Bounding Velocities of 8 ply Panels
Force (kN)
TC 16
Damage Threshold
38.1 mm SHI
145 m/s (non damage)
38.1 mm SHI
150 m/s (damage)
50.8 mm SHI
105 m/s (non damage)
50.8 mm SHI
5 110 m/s (damage)
61.0 mm SHI
80 m/s (non damage)
61.0 mm SHI
85 m/s (damage)
first delamination
Time (microseconds)
Figure 19. Force Histories for the Bounding Velocities of 16 ply Panels
Force (kN)
TC 24
20 Damage Threshold
50.8 mm SHI
150 m/s (non damage)
50.8 mm SHI
155 m/s (damage)
61.0 mm SHI
10 115 m/s (non damage)
61.0 mm SHI
120 m/s (damage)
first delamination
Time (microseconds)
Figure 20. Force Histories for the Bounding Velocities of 24 ply Panels
A force criterion allowed for the simplification of the panel portion of the FEA,
from a solid model with cohesive elements to shell elements. The computational
the panel with a single layered shell element. The composite lay-up and
Figure 21 is a plot of the force histories for simulated hail ice impacts onto solid
The force histories of the shell models match the histories previously predicted
by solid element models. Since force is the key parameter for damage
prediction, i.e., via the critical threshold force, shell models can be used for
Using the shell models a parametric study was completed focusing on the
critically, the velocity. Specifically: three SHI diameters, 38.1, 50.8, and 61.0
mm, and four target types, 8 ply, 16 ply, 24 ply, and rigid panels were examined.
Each of the 12 combinations were analyzed for three velocities: 80, 100, and 120
m/s. As expected, the peak force was higher for stiffer targets, with maximum
possible force developed in association with the rigid limit (for a given ice
diameter and velocity combination). The peak forces from the study are
summarized in Table 6.
The objectives of this glancing ice impact activity were to: (i) determine the
to 40 degrees, (ii) gain insight into the onset of damage via dynamic finite
element analysis of glancing impacts, and (iii) compare the visual detectability
50.8 and 61.0 mm diameter. The SHI was projected at speeds ranging from 70 to
impact. As expected, higher velocities are required for lower glancing angles in
order to initiate damage. This velocity associated with the damage onset is
referred to as the failure threshold velocity (FTV). Figures 22 and 23 plot the
experimentally measured FTV for the 8 and 16 ply panels. Included in these plots
are trends based on the scaling of the FTV90 (the FTV associated with normal
impacts). These trigonometric scaling curves predict the higher values of FTV for
lower glancing angle based on equating either the normal component of the
FTV90 (or FTE90). As shown in Figures 22 and 23, the two trends define an upper
angles studied.
8-ply 61.0 SHI Experimental
8-ply 61.0 SHI Scaling FTV
250 8-ply 61.0 SHI Scaling FTE
8-ply 50.8 SHI Experimental
Failure Threshold Velocity (m/s)
16-ply 61.0 SHI Experimental
450 16-ply 61.0 SHI Scaling FTV
16-ply 61.0 SHI Scaling FTE
400 16-ply 61.0 SHI Experimental
Failure Threshold Velocity (m/s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Angle (Degrees)
has found that the same level of peak interlaminar shear stress develops in the
glancing angle, diameter, and panel thickness (see two conditions plotted in
Figure 24 showing peak interlaminar shear ~ 110 MPa). Thus peak interlaminar
(a) Stresses for 20 Degree Glancing Angle, 61.0 mm SHI, 8-Ply Panel, FTV =
132 m/s
(b) Stresses for 30 Degree Glancing Angle, 50.8 mm SHI, 16-Ply Panel, FTV =
229 m/s
Figure 24. FEA Predicted Interlaminar Stress Components for SHI Impact
Corresponding to FTV
panels to the dents in 1.6 mm aluminum are plotted in Figure 25. Similar results
exist for the 16 ply panels compared with 3.2 mm thick aluminum. The aluminum
to the composite, over the same energy level range. The composite panels
presence of hail ice impact damage is not a reliable way to find hail ice impact
Figure 25. Maximum Dent Depths vs. Impact Energy of Projectile at 40 Degrees;
Al Panel 1.6 mm Thickness
out to determine how damage initiation is affected by impact location with respect
stringers stiffeners. SHI of 61.0 mm diameter were impacted onto the stiffened
panel at normal incidence angle using a gas gun. The FTE of 305 x 305 mm flat
baseline energy value [4]. This baseline value of 489 J is multiplied by a factor
the FTE is affected by various impact locations on the panel. These impact
locations are: middle of stringer, stringer flange, on skin spanning the middle of a
summarizing the lowest energy level at which damage was found to occur can be
flanges. The varying types of damage and damage levels will be observed.
Future plans include impacting and observing panels with stringers that are not
Figure 26: Types of Impact Locations. (1) Middle of the Bay,(2a-2c) Stringer
Flange, (3) Middle of Stringer, and (4) on Sheartie (Not Pictured).
3.4 Discussion
The peak contact force values associated with the critical velocity were
found through FEA models. Such contact force data are not readily measurable
by experiments involving high velocity projectiles that crush upon impact. The
critical force values were unique for each panel thickness tested, but did not
change with the variation of SHI diameter. When plotted versus panel thickness,
the critical force was observed to follow a linear trend. This useful result is
material and layup dependent, however, and thus in an effort to generalize the
used instead to describe the panel characteristics. This is given in Eq. (1).
∗ 1
11 22 (1)
12 2 66
1/2 (2)
11 22
The cube root of D* has the same dimensional form as the panel
shown in Figure 27. If the peak force of an impact is known, conceivably from a
Critical Force (from FEA) [kN]
25 38.1 mm SHI
20 50.8 mm SHI
15 61.0 mm SHI
0 2 4 6 8 10
(D*) 1/3 [(Nm)1/3 ]
Figure 27. Critical Force versus Effective Bending Stiffness to One-third Power
panel information on the x-axis (specifically the cube root of the effective bending
stiffness) and projectile information on the y-axis (where d is the diameter and
VFTE is the failure threshold velocity of the SHI corresponding to FTE). Ice
diameter and velocity are quantities that define the impact threat and are readily
known for an impact event. These are often specified as requirements against
which structures must show resistance to impact damage, and thus Figure 28
a tool for establishing the minimum diameter for which an impacted aircraft skin
similar level of interlaminar strength (see Table 3), since the interlaminar
strengths are the key material properties used by the FEA models to trigger
d ∙ V FTE [m2/s]
38.1 mm SHI
50.8 mm SHI
60.1 mm SHI
0 2 4 6 8 10
(D*) 1/3 [(Nm)1/3 ]
Figure 28. SHI Diameter times Critical Velocity versus Effective Bending Stiffness
to One-third Power
scaling tool was investigated. Experimental determination of peak force for SHI
impact onto flexible targets is not possible. Therefore, a link between the rigid
and flexible target impacts was established through the interpretation of the
results from the FEA parametric study. The peak force values in Table 6 are
found to increase linearly with both velocity and SHI diameter. Figure 29
summarizes the data of Table 6, collapsing all velocities, ice diameters and panel
parameter is the peak force ratio (PFR) which is the peak force of an impact onto
a flexible target normalized by the peak force for that same impact (i.e., same
SHI diameter and velocity) onto a rigid target. The second parameter is the ratio
A single linear trend is thus identified which can be used to determine the
peak force of SHI impact onto a flexible target as long as the SHI diameter, the
panel thickness, and the peak force for rigid target impact are known. Once a
peak force prediction onto a flexible target has been established, the value can
be compared to the critical force value established by the finite element force
PFR = Peak Force/ Peak Force Rigid
80 m/s
100 m/s
120 m/s
predictive, since the panel material properties are all based upon values
found in the literature for this material system, and no parameters were
tuned to match the experimental results. The results of this model are
The models have been used to reveal that a panel of a specified thickness
and material has a critical force level at which damage onset will occur.
include the ice diameter and velocity (defines impact threat) and the panel
Shell model force outputs are equivalent to the more expensive solid +
solid elements.
generated for rigid target impact and kinetic energy. The analytical results
produce trends of peak force for SHI impacts onto flexible composite
A unified linear scaling relationship was then determined which allows the
measured peak force data from rigid (instrumented) target impacts. This
ratio, H/D.
Low velocity impact tests with large radius metal tips were conducted to
determine the relationship between the damage thresholds and impact tip radius
investigate the type of damage caused by these impacts. Impact tests have
been performed on graphite/epoxy panels 8, 16, and 24 plies thick with impact tip
Aircraft are often exposed to a variety impact threats such as runway debris, tool
relationship to the impact tip radius on woven glass/epoxy panels [6]. His work
has found that while the impact force was not affected by the tip radius for a
given energy level, the energy required to initiate damage was. The larger
impact tip radii created a larger contact area during the impact, which reduced
the average contact pressure on the panel. Because of this, the failure threshold
energy increased with increasing impact tip radius, so a blunter impact tip
In the current investigation, tests to date have found that the failure
threshold energy increases with panel thickness and impact tip radius. These
tests have established preliminary values for the failure thresholds of each test
parameter. Table 8 shows the failure threshold energies for each panel
thickness and impact tip radius established from the test data collected so far.
8 ply 10 J 9J 20 J
16 ply 16 J 20 J 40 J
24 ply 20 J 34 J 43 J
The primary forms of damage from impacts on the panels are surface
denting and delamination. Higher energy impacts can also result in back face
damaged 16 ply panel, impacted by a 12.7 mm radius tip. In this figure all three
forms of damage are present. Although the delamination in the image is not
impact. Tests have shown that the dent depths are deeper for smaller impact
tips and higher impact energy, but are not necessarily indicators of internal
damage. With the 50.8 mm radius impact tip, internal damage can be caused
without any measurable or visible surface dent, but some tests with the 12.7 mm
radius tip have caused significant surface dents with no internal damage.
Another notable result regarding the surface dents is that the depth of the dent
can decrease over time, i.e., relax. To record this, the surface dents were
recorded immediately after impact test as well as one day following the impact.
Figure 31 shows the initial and relaxed dent depths for tests with the 12.7 and
50.8 mm radius impact tips, as well as whether internal damage was created.
The initial dents created by the 12.7 mm radius tip relaxed to some measurable
level, while the 50.8 mm tip relaxed to either nothing or barely measurable level
(0.02 mm).
Figure 31. Initial and Relaxed Dent Depths for 12.7 and 50.8 mm Radius Impact
The increasing failure threshold energy with panel thickness and impactor
radius is consistent with previous work on glass/epoxy panels. This means that
the failure threshold is dependent on the average contact pressure and not just
the total force from the impact. The surface dents caused by the impacts are a
form of visible damage, but do not necessarily indicate internal damage. These
surface dents have been observed to relax and become less visible over time.
occurs. If an impact event goes unreported then the damage is even more likely
The failure thresholds increase with both panel thickness and tip radius.
Impacts often create a visible surface dent which are more pronounced
damage can be present without a surface dent and surface dents can be
Dents measured immediately after the impact event will be deeper than
visible damage have several key benefits to aviation. These are summarized
internal failure modes, as well as the extent of this damage and what
of damage), and vehicle mass and speed at time of impact. Also develop
Models allow prediction of damage onset (i.e., FTE) which can decrease
testing required.
the impactor.
• Material level test described by failure threshold force results are applicable to
The project activities summarized herein are ongoing. Future planned and
Ice Impact
Test with larger radius tips (76.2 mm planned) to get more detailed picture of
Perform additional tests to refine the failure threshold data. With a more
precise failure threshold the effect of the tip radius will be better defined.
Investigate dent relaxation by recording depth versus time for tests that cause
significant dents. This gives insight into visually identifiable damage in the
Compression after impact testing - what is the residual strength of panels that
Delamination is often the form of damage caused by an impact, and the layup
7.0 References
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