Woods 2003 Nasa
Woods 2003 Nasa
Woods 2003 Nasa
A discreet announcement to an audience of the British Interplanetary Society in early
1968 marked the first public acknowledgement by the NASA (National Aeronautic and
reusable launch vehicle. 1 The announcement came as Apollo, NASA's grand mission to
land an American on the Moon, approached its conclusion. NASA had not fully
resolved the issue of what to do next, but the disclosure did marked a consolidation of
NASA’s funding had peaked in1966 and 1967 marked the transition from
expansion to retrenchment. 2 Various groups within NASA's space divisions thus began
to mobilise in 1968 with the aim of strengthen their positions by re-defining the shape
of space activity. Those that advocated the development of a space shuttle represented
only one of a variety of movements that sought to control over a seemingly burgeoning
future in space. The NASA Centers devoted to space science saw their hopes ready to
expand now that Apollo was nearing completion. In the eyes of many space scientists,
the Moon landing programme had curtailed the scientific endeavour. The rise of
another large, human centred programme sent a wave of consternation through the
space science community as once again their goals looked in danger of being
submerged. 3 James Van Allen, discoverer of the vast radiation belts that bear his name,
was one of the most outspoken, claiming that non-human space programmes could best
Nonetheless, in its 1969 report, America's Next Decade in Space, NASA's
upper management gave a prominent and permanent position to the human element of
the national space programme. Outlined was a quixotic inventory of projects to take the
"space age" into the next century, which included: three Earth orbiting space stations
and one space station in Lunar orbit – a fleet of reusable shuttles that would link the
Earth with the three Earth orbiting space stations – a nuclear powered shuttle that
would form a link between the Earth space stations and the Moon – a Lunar base
equipped with a Lunar Module that would link the ground base with the Lunar orbiting
station – and a human expedition to Mars, which would also conduct a fly by of Venus
on its journey back to Earth. 5 In the politics of post-Apollo, NASA's higher echelons
Central to the NASA Office of Manned Space Flight was the permanent Earth
orbiting space station and a fleet of reusable shuttles. The concept of a permanent
human-inhabited space station had been 'a gleam in the eye of numerous NASA
engineers' since the agency was founded. Indeed, the original planning for Apollo
pressure to complete Apollo within the time frame set by President John Kennedy in
1961, to land an American on the Moon by the end of the decade, forced NASA to
adopt a Lunar orbit rendezvous method. What this effectively meant to some NASA
officials was that the agency would have no productive technology with which to
establish extensive near Earth orbit operations. 7 Many in NASA, therefore, perceived
This artist’s concept from 1970 shows propulsion concepts such as the Nuclear Shuttle and Space Tug in
conjunction with other proposed spacecraft. Because of the recommendations from President Nixon’s Space Task
Group for more commonality and integration in the American space program, Marshall Space Flight Engineers
studied many of the spacecraft depicted here.
The large Saturn boosters and the Apollo spacecraft were single mission
technologies, built to carry people and machines to the lunar surface. Expansion of the
space enterprise, according to NASA, had to rest on operations in near Earth orbit. If
near Earth orbit. Rapid growth could only be encouraged by means of a revolution in
launch vehicle and spacecraft technology; a revolution in the means would provide a
revolution in the ends. A growing contingent, therefore, converged around the idea of
developing an entirely new launch vehicle for Earth orbit logistics. 9 Ultimately, this
Ideas to move in an incremental fashion and modify both the Saturn or Titan boosters
By the end of 1968 project planning was well under way and by early 1969 the
Office of Manned Space Flight had established two task groups, during a
reorganization of its management structure; one to take responsibility for the proposed
space station and the other to take responsibility for the shuttle. The Office of Manned
Space Flight delegated the task of evaluating the diverse technical issues of Phase A to
the Space Shuttle Task Group, headed by Apollo Test Director LeRoy Day. Labelled
advanced studies, Phase-A was the first part of an anticipated four-phase shuttle
Phase-A shuttle planning studies and as 1969 drew to a close, the contractors put
forward a variety of designs. The Office of Manned Space Flight selected a fully
reusable, two-stage shuttle design as the most promising concept to go forward into
Phase-B. The design comprised of two separate vehicles, a booster, about the size of a
Boeing 747 that would provide the thrust to lift the system off the Earths surface and
riding piggy-back, an orbiter, about the size of a Boeing 707 that would disengage at
between 10 to 20 miles altitude and go on into orbit on its own. NASA projected a ten-
year life cycle for the systems during which time it would have to conduct a minimum
of 100 missions before requiring any major refurbishment. 11 The Office of Manned
Space Flight envisaged that the shuttle wo uld be operational by the second half of 1977
and capable of conducting 75 flights per year by the end of that decade. 12
Lockheed’s two-stage shuttle design, circa 1970: a Lockheed Missiles & Space Company image.
The configuration of NASA's proposed space station had also taken shape by
mid-1969. Earlier plans to launch a small fully constructed space station had been
rejected on the grounds that it would be too conservative in size, scope, and potential
accomplishments. Instead, NASA opted for a modula r design with the intention of
constructing the station in orbit rather than on Earth. This would allow development of
These concepts were both grandiose in design, potential and cost. In 1969,
NASA estimated cost of development for the space station at over $10 billion and $5.2
billion to develop the shuttle. By January 1970, the figure for the space shuttle climbed
to just under $10 billion14 and reached $12 billion before the year concluded. 15
Including the space station, NASA was asking for an investment of well over $20
Forces of Resistance
Such an outlook was overly optimistic and out of line with the political and economic
conditions of the time: 1968 had been a watershed year on many fronts. Incipient
contradictions in the consensus politics promoted by both the Kennedy and Johnson
Administrations had surfaced by 1967. Riots swept through American cities exposing
the fragility of the solutions offered by liberal democracy to the problems of civil rights
and social exclusion and destabilizing Johnson's Great Society programme. Opposition
to the Vietnam War had also intensified as it escalated. Economic crisis threatened in
the spring of 1968 as inflation reached an unprecedented 4.7 per cent and the federal
deficit crept towards $25 billion, far more than in any other post war year. Although
unemployment remained relatively stable, sections of organized labour, not least in the
Each of these factors impinged upon NASA's future planning. The most
decisive was the collapse of the Democratic hegemony. President Johnson had
announced that he would not be seeking re- nomination for another term; and in an
election fought in 1968 over the Vietnam War, support for Republican, Richard Nixon
grew in strength. 17 Prior to and during his presidency, Johnson's politicking had been
crucial to NASA. 18 When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in October 1957, he
the Soviet Union's entry into space, but under political and public pressure during the
Johnson convinced the newly elected President Kennedy to recruit NASA in their
route to the Moon. 21 When Johnson himself became president in 1964, NASA received
almost unqualified support from his administration despite political opposition and
programmatic friction between Apollo, the Vietnam War, and the Great Society
the space race as so important that NASA was in a position to continue with its project
no matter what the cost. Even the deaths of three astronauts in the Apollo fire of 1967
did not deter NASA or the government from persisting with its main objective: to beat
the Soviets to the Moon. 22 It is clear then, that Johnson's departure from office had an
important bearing on the political support NASA would receive for its post-Apollo
Lambright describes NASA Administrator James Webb as the power behind
Apollo. 23 His management skills and political sophistication were well recognized
within NASA. 24 Indeed, Webb's leadership unquestionably led to the location of the
Manned Spacecraft Center in Texas and the building of the southern crescent: a
locating NASA facilities right across the south at a time when these areas were trying
to get out from an agricultural based economy, Webb managed to make powerful
departure, Webb became concerned that the agency's leadership would become a
political issue. If he remained NASA Administrator after the election political conflict
would be inevitable. Vice President Hubert Humphery, the Democratic favourite, and
Webb had had tensions and if Nixon succeeded then it was likely that Webb would be
removed. Webb felt that his removal would also cut deeper into NASA's leadership,
with Nixon excising those that he regarded to be loyal to Webb or Johnson. After a
meeting with Johnson on September 17, 1968, Webb announced his retirement and
Thomas Paine, NASA's Deputy Administrator, took up the reins. 27 In November 1968,
Nixon won the presidential election and the new administration took office in January
President Richard M. Nixon announcing the appointment of Dr. Thomas O. Paine as Administrator for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. From left to right: President Richard M. Nixon NASA Administrator Dr.
Thomas O. Paine Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.
Over 1.5 billion people around the globe witnessed the planting of Old Glory at
Tranquillity Base, 28 assuring Neil Armstrong's place in history as the first man to walk
on the Moon on July 20 1969. 29 In the public's eyes, NASA had reached the zenith of
the "space age". Over ten years of planning, research, development, and production
accomplished what Francis Hoban called, the 'greatest engineering feat of all time.' 30
The Apollo euphoria was short lived nonetheless. Rather than a mechanism for uniting
a nation, Apollo reflected its divisions. Not missing the potential of good publicity, the
newly elected President Richard Nixon, had declared July 20, 1969 a 'National Day of
Participation'. But the events of the day were not universally shared. Although
odds with everyday life. 31 Discontent quickly spilled over into the space programme.
Student groups from Boston and New York disrupted meetings of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, and formed picket lines at a NASA
exhibition of Lunar rock brought back from Apollo XI. 32 Hans Mark, then director of
NASA's Ames Center, recalled a formal dinner, hosted by the President, to celebrate
the return of the Apollo XI astronauts. He described the atmosphere inside the Century
Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, as both 'festive and patriotic'.33 Outside a large
demonstration had amassed. Its message, a brusque reply to Vice President Spiro
Agnew’s proposition that America’s next venture in space should be a 'manned flight
A major feature of the demonstration was a huge sign with the legend
"Fuck Mars" printed on it in large letters that the demonstrators had
somehow been able to hang along the upper floors of one of the office
buildings across the street from the Century Plaza. The same message
was clearly repeated on signs that some of the demonstrators carried. 35
Political activists were not however, alone. The very success of the Moon landing led
to a general public disinterest in space. 36 Leaders within the agency feared that NASA's
decline would be sharp without continued public support. Television had become an
dropped rapidly. George Low, NASA Deputy Administrator, put together a group of
very senior NASA officials to address this problem. Nicknamed the Think Group,
to the Moon. 37 All of their endeavours failed and public curiosity continued to drop,
and was only briefly rekindled during the abortive flight of Apollo XIII.
Political support for Apollo was also decidedly weak. The Lunar landing
signalled a turning point. With the space race won, many in the political arena believed
that the programme should be terminated. 38 Apollo was to include nine further visits to
the Moon after the initial landing, but pressure on NASA's fiscal year (FY) 1971
budget forced the agency to phase out production of the Saturn rocket and cancel the
final two Lunar landings. 39 NASA astronauts visited the Moon on December 11, 1972
the politics of 1967 and 1968 and the agency had no mission objectives beyond the
mid-1970s. The newly formed Nixon Administration did not place civilian space
activity very high on its agenda and instead of making any immediate announcement
decided to establish a Space Task Group to examine the issue. Chaired by Vice
President Spiro Agnew, the Space Task Group consisted of a variety of actors,
including the new NASA Administrator, Thomas Paine 40 and was in charge of
take in the post-Apollo period'. 41 In addition to the Space Task Group, several other
planning activities were also under-way. The President's Science Advisory Committee
had established the Branscomb committee, headed by Lewis Branscomb, then director
of the National Bureau of Standards; and within NASA, George Mueller, Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight, had expanded the Office of Manned Space
The Space Task Group reported at the end of 1969 and provided a selection of
spending options that ranged between a maximum pace, where the limits were set by
technology, not available funding; and a low level pace, which did not include any
human missions for the 1970s. Paine and Agnew, both endorsed a human expedition to
Mars as the next logical step in space exploration. The Office of Manned Space Flight,
however, were still pushing hard for the development of the space shuttle and the space
station. Whereas the President's Science Advisory Committee's followed its earlier
position, and recommended that NASA should concentrate its efforts on only
developing a reusable transportation system for the 1970s. 42 Moreover, the President's
planetary exploration and NASA should adopt a slow pace development of a space
station; examining its viability during the 1970s and progressing to full development in
the 1980s.
It was clear that a schism was beginning to develop between the ideas that the
Office of Manned Space Flight generated and the ideas that other actors were
considering. The Office of Manned Space Flight placed the highest priority on the
creation of new technologies to operate in space. What they would actually do with
these technologies was secondary in importance. In contrast, the Space Task Group, the
President's Science Advisory Committee and other areas of NASA concentrated on
mission objectives. They saw technology as something that would have to be created in
order to execute the missions that were being proposed. 43 Notwithstanding this rift, the
Office of Manned Space Flight was successful in translating its interests into the
interests of the other groups. By advancing the idea that the shuttle and the space
managed to persuade each of the groups to include at least one or the other in their
proposals. This strategy was particularly effective with the Space Task Group who
allegiance with the White House through the chair of the Space Task Group, Vice
President Spiro Agnew, in the expectation that his approval would result in a new
mandate. Initially this strategy appeared to work. Agnew endorsed NASA's grand plans
and the agency had partial success in influencing the direction of the other groups
involved in the post-Apollo planning. NASA soon found however, that it had few
friends in the White House and was entering a new world of post-Apollo with no real
identity. 45
before delivering his space policy message in March 1970. The message was
considerably less ambitious than even the third option offered by the Space Task
Group. It did not include any commitment to a space station, a shuttle, or an expedition
to Mars. Instead, Nixon expressed the need for a balanced space programme, which
would combine all the elements of exploration, accumulation of scientific kno wledge,
and practical applications. Nixon indicated that studies into the development of a space
station and a shuttle were proposed, but he detailed no new projects. Nixon's
submission of NASA's Fiscal Year (FY) 1971 budget to the Congress remained well
below the $4 billion minimum needed if NASA were to begin its programme in that
fiscal year. 46
NASA's budget had been on a steady decline from its peak of 0.9 per cent of
GNP in FY 1966, to 0.47 per cent of GNP in FY 1969. The primary objective pursued
by NASA Administrator, Thomas Paine, was to reverse this trend and push for an
investment commitment of 1 per cent of GNP.47 Agnew gave his patronage to a venture
on the scale of Apollo, but the shapers of space policy were vastly out of step with the
shapers of macro-economic policy. Fiscal and monetary constraint were the primary
tools advocated by the Council of Economic Advisors, to stave off the threat of
economic crisis, perceived because of the growing federal deficit, a slow down in
economic growth, high inflation and signs of rising unemployment. Hence, the
matched revenues. 48 Policy implementation was under the control of the newly formed
Office of Management and Budget and they were showing a growing concern over
and Budget directed the agency to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of its proposed
shuttle design. At the end of this study, NASA projected development costs of between
$6.4 and $9.6 billion for its fully reusable, two-stage shuttle system. 50 Unconvinced,
NASA's upper management were reluctant to conduct such a study, fearing that it
would raise the whole issue of what constituted a good space programme.
Nevertheless, given the political climate, NASA bowed to White House pressure and
the shuttle on reducing payload and launch costs; and Mathematica Incorporated, to
The Office of Management and Budget were not the only White House agency
seeking control over NASA's activities. The Office of Science and Technology and the
President's Science Advisory Committee also demonstrated apprehension over both the
costs and the technological risks associated with the agency's proposals. In the summer
of 1971, the Presidents Science Advisory Committee established a high level scientific
the Institute for Defense Analysis, the Flax panel worked closely with the Office of
Science and Technology and the Office of Management and Budget to curtail NASA's
ambitious plans. Critical of NASA's programme cost estimates, the Flax panel
concluded that cost overruns could be in the region of 30 to 50 per cent. Armed with an
open mandate, the Flax panel also focused attention on technological matters. In an
effort to reduce research and development costs, but retain a national space
baseline shuttle design. While making no single recommendation, the panel did outline
three alternative options: (i) defer the decision on new technology until a later data; (ii)
develop a new expendable ballistic launch vehicle; or (iii) develop a small partially
The major difference between NASA and the White House on the type of space
and development costs. The shuttle designs that had emerged from the Phase-B studies
operational costs. 53 The White House however, wanted to disembark from a heavy
both houses of Congress had also developed a negative response to the costly and
seemingly intangible proposals coming from the agency. Opponents in the Congress to
Within the House of Representatives, two main issues dominated the space
policy debate during 1970 and 1971: whether to support NASA's proposals for human
space flight and whether space programmes should receive such a large slice of the
Task Group's report as 'totally unrealistic'. 55 It was the decision by NASA to delay
several space science and applications projects to make room for the space station and
the shuttle as budget items that led the Space Science and Applications subcommittee
When the debates unfolded on the House floor, it was evident where the battle
line had been drawn. The Manned Space Flight subcommittee jostled to increase
NASA's budget for human space flight and the Space Science and Applications
subcommittee, sought to fix the human space flight budgets under the Office of
during 1970, however, spurred many within the House to increase public spending; and
John Wydler (Republican, New York), expressed a common sentiment in 1971 when
I have been going along with these cuts year to year. I really feel we
have reached a point where we should stand up and say "enough." ... I
think we had better start redirecting the public's attention to the fact they
... [are spending public money] ... to hire American people, to do
American productive work. 57
Nevertheless, opposition to the shuttle and the space station was at its height in 1970
In the years between 1968 and 1970, neither strong advocates nor influential
opponents of the civilian space programme successfully dictated the political agenda.
Public and political support for any new space programme on a similar scale to Apollo
was, at best, indifferent. Those that exhorted the development of the space station and
shuttle were successful only in negotiating for further research into the possibilities.
Although NASA had secured funding for the Apollo applications programme, which
would utilize the remaining Apollo hardware in near-earth orbit, the prospects for
Internal Dissidents
The plans of the Office of Manned Space Flight were not only frustrated by external
factors. Internal obstacles also appeared as factions within NASA mobilized their
end of 1969, no firm consensus existed between, or within, the NASA Centers about a
Saturn rocket and some minor patronage for a single stage to orbit vehicle could still be
found. 59 Advocates for further development of lifting body technology could also be
found at the Flight Research Center and the Office of Advanced Research and
Technology. 60 The greatest pressure though, came from the Johnson Space Center. 61
Max Faget, the Mercury capsule designer, was leading a group of engineers in
an attempt to influence the Office of Manned Space Flight to develop a small interim
shuttle to test the concept of a logistics system. Known as the DC-3 because of its
relative simplicity, the design was much smaller than those under consideration by the
Office of Manned Space Flight. 62 But despite his efforts Faget did not find much
support for his ideas. 63 The Office of Manned Space Flight favoured building a large-
realization that the White House would not restore NASA's to the heights of Apollo
slowly filtered through the organization. NASA Administrator, Thomas Paine, thus
agreed to establish a separate Phase-A effort in the event that budget limitations forced
Proponents of the large fully reusable two-stage shuttle also began to seek
alternatives that would allow them to continue with their design and reduced peak
funding. Two versions of a similar idea, one adva nced by Marshall's former director,
Wernher von Braun and the other proposed by the new Associate Administrator for
Manned Space Flight, Dale Myers, involved spreading the development costs over a
longer period by phasing the programme. Von Braun started his campaign early in an
attempt to persuade top NASA officials that the agency should develop the reusable
booster first, thus allowing NASA to go operational with an expendable orbiter while
the reusable version was under development. 66 The concept did gain credence within
certain sections of NASA. Milton Thompson, from the Flight Research Center,
described the idea as ‘not only ... the most attractive alternative, but also the most
logical.’ 67 Von Braun and his advocates considered that if NASA did develop the
reusable booster first, then not only would it provide a proof of concept, but the next
It was during a meeting on November 27, 1970, at the home of NASA's Deputy
Administrator, George Low, that Myers suggested 'a course of action in which a
reusable orbiter could be developed for initial operations using an expendable Saturn-
IC booster.' 69 For Myers it was clear that the development of the orbiter first was the
logical path to take because 'it focussed all the attention on the toughest technology
problem.' 70 Low, however, was not convinced by the argument for an interim booster
and told the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board in 1971 that:
… the most promising [expendable interim booster is] the S-IC, the Saturn V
first stage. But even the S-IC presents formidable problems. There are technical
difficulties, especially in the area of combined vehicle control, and also
economic problems arising from the high cost of modifying the SI-C and the
high repetitive cost of each launch. 71
within NASA, though the agency found it much harder to sell to the contractors
recommending 'against any interim booster system' preferring instead 'a slip of a year
or so in the launch date.' 72 North American Rockwell 'also presented similar arguments
Shuttle Project Manager, Bastian Hello, highlighted the reasoning behind their negative
As the programme went on doubts were raised about the R&D costs ...
NASA started looking at partially reusable and partially throw-away
vehicles ... we thought we were leading the pack ... in the all-reusable
design and we were a little reluctant to let go of what we thought was
our advantageous perch. 74
As the programme moved into 1971 the orbiter- first strategy gained more weight.
Despite Milton Thompson's observations that NASA had 'some tremendous gaps in the
of the reusable booster first was 'never taken seriously by the shuttle program
An Inconspicuous Coup
Tensions between NASA Administrator Thomas Paine, the Congress, and other
executive branch officials had been working against NASA. Constantly agitating for
additional funding, Paine publicly criticized the Nixon Administration for cutting
NASA's budget 77 and after the White House ignored the Space Task Groups
Low then led what was a very interesting exercise ... he said we have
got make a choice, whether to do the space station first or the shuttle
first. ... Technically the space station was easier but, we recognized that
the shuttle was the pacing item in this thing and, therefore, we said look
... let's do the difficult thing first and the space station will follow. 79
It was clear that the Station would be very expensive using expendable
launch vehicles to build ... so it was deferred until the Shuttle was
assured. 80
Initially this idea met with some scepticism, as future NASA Administrator, James
Fletcher reflected:
became more elaborate. The predominant rationale for the shuttle was based upon a
perceived requirement for a new vehicle to serve a space station. Now that NASA
postponed hardware development of the space station, the role of the shuttle needed to
expand. 82 Early conceptual thinking had characterized the shuttle's operational goals as
'broad' and able to serve 'a large number of users'. 83 Revitalized, these justifications
now served as the key to the shuttle's promotion. During a meeting on November 27,
[NASA] should probably change the baseline mission for the shuttle ...
[from] the 270 nautical mile orbit and 55 degrees which is primarily for
the space station to something more representative of the needs of
NASA and DOD. This step would uncouple the prime justification of
the shuttle as support for the space station to one of a transportation
system for space satellites. 84
The shuttle, now unhinged from the space station, was touted as a utilitarian space
vehicle that would usher in a new age of space transportation. To emphasise the
economic impact the shuttle would have on future space operations, Myers went as far
With the largest and most efficient present launch vehicles, the present
cost is somewhat under $1,000 a pound. With the Space Shuttle, we
expect to get this down to less than $100 a pound. 85
This statement eventually proved controversial and stirred up a debate both within and
outside of the political forum that continued throughout the programme and placed the
George Low appreciated that the economic argument might prove tenuous.
Indeed true to Mueller's vision, importance for Low was in the new capabilities that the
Routine access to earth orbit was seen as the catalyst for future infrastructure building
After Paine's resignation Low, 'attempted to heal the breach between NASA
and other agencies in the executive branch' 88 while simultaneously embarking upon a
potent campaign for the shuttle. The aftermath of the 1970 Congressional battle left
NASA in the role of appeaser. George Low aimed to win the Congress over by arguing
In an effort to rebut criticism, Low emphasised that Mars was not the hidden agenda
Upgraded in status as NASA's principal programme for the 1970s, the shuttle 'became
more and more important relative to the other elements' of the space programme. 92
Precarious Affiliations
Left at the end of 1970 with no human missions beyond 1975 and concerned by the
that in order to gain political approval, it had to show that the shuttle could perform a
much larger role than they had originally intended. NASA thus embarked on a
campaign to persuade other communities of the benefits of its new launch vehicle;
especially the national security community whose space hardware were projected to
Since the establishment of NASA, the United States has had two space
programmes; a civilian one, housed in NASA, and a military one controlled by the Air
Force. NASA's long relationship with the US Air Force has invariably been both
confrontational and cooperative. In the race for space among the services during the
post-Sputnik months of 1957/58, the Army, Navy, and the Air Force all had their long-
range space programmes on the table. The Air Force saw space power as 'merely the
cumulative result of the evolutionary growth of air power' and, space flight as the
Although left out of the competition to launch the first American satellite, the
failure of the Navy's Vanguard rocket and the transfer of the Army Ballistic Missile
Agency to NASA in 1960 solidified the Air Force's hold on military space flight.95 The
Air Force, however, considered that a programme split between them and NASA was
unworkable. They lobbied hard in both the Pentagon and the Congress during the early
1960s to gain dominion over human space flight. Submerged in the rhetoric of space as
arguments for total military control over space operations failed to dislodge NASA's
hold over the Lunar-landing programme. 96 This did not mean that the Air Force were
driven out of space entirely. As the Moon- landing programme progressed the transfer
of Air Force technology (the Atlas and Titan rockets) and personnel to NASA impacted
the service. 97 The Air Force continued to fund research projects for human space flight
during the 1960s, but the termination of its space-plane, Dyna-Soar in 1963 and the
cancellation of the Manned Orbital Laboratory in 1969, had left the Air Force hesitant
Despite this, the Air Force had demonstrated an interest in NASA's space
station/shuttle development programme. Although NASA and the Air Force conducted
their research separately, there was some cooperative agreement between them in
generating shuttle concepts during 1969. 98 They established a framework for DOD
participation in NASA's shuttle programme through two groups: the Aeronautics and
The Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinating Board had been in existence since
1965 and served primarily as a mechanism for the formulation of policy. The Space
Transportation System Committee signed into existence on February 17 1970, was co-
chaired by Grant Hansen, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for R&D, and Dale
Myers, NASA's new Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight. The committee
programme objectives, and development plans to ensure that both NASA and DOD
Air Force and NASA had begun in 1966. At the time, NASA and the DOD concluded
that the numerous cost uncertainties and technical risks could not be resolved. Their
report did, however, consider that future demand for access to space would encourage
the development of reusable launch vehicle technology and, that the current (1966)
launch vehicle system would only fulfil NASA and DOD requirements for the next 7 to
10 years. 100
Though the DOD viewed a NASA operated shuttle as potentially useful, the Air
Force were not prepared to fund any part of the programme from its own budget.
Secretary of the Air Force Robert Seamans was a former NASA top official and as
such, sympathetic to the agency's aspirations, but few other high ranking Air Force
officers favoured the shuttle and were content with their expendable launchers like the
The job of securing Air Force support had become paramount for NASA if the
economic arguments given to the White House and the Congress were to stand ground.
Before 1971 ended, NASA's efforts to gain the Air Force as an ally would have a
Three key shuttle requirements insisted on by the Air Force were: lifting
capability, orbiter payload bay size and orbiter crossrange (the lateral manoeuvrability
of an aircraft). The Air Force based the dimensions of the payload bay and the lifting
heavier and larger than any previous observation satellites, it was lifting these kinds of
payloads that the Air Force saw its most frequent use of the shuttle. 102 Air Force
projections for the 1980s required a shuttle capable of lifting payloads between 40 000
to 50 000 pounds to orbit, within a 15 feet diameter by 60 feet long payload bay. 103
The crossrange requirements arose from a tactical judgement. The Air Force
wanted an orbiter that could rendezvous with a satellite and return to Earth after
completing only one orbit, thus removing the need for flying over hostile territory in
times of crisis. This demanded a high-crossrange capability of between 1100 and 1500
nautical miles on either side of the orbiter's re-entry ground track. A requirement that
arose from the physical reality that the landing strip would have moved east some 1100
miles as the Earth rotated during the shuttle's first orbit. This requirement for a return
to runway after a single orbit dictated a relatively shallow angle of attack and the high
lift of a delta wing. In a series of reports, the Air Force also argued that a delta wing
would produce a more aerodynamically stable and thus far safer orbiter.
Their primary interest was providing a routine daily opportunity to return to the
Kennedy Space Center, which only demanded a low 200 nautical mile crossrange
capability. Many of the orbiter configurations emanating from Johnson, the NASA
Center that traditionally controlled spacecraft design, thus adopted straight wings,
essentially for simplicity. Indeed as Max Faget recalled, several of Johnson’s engineers
Advocates of the low crossrange design also claimed that the Air Force did not
exceptionally high angles of attack; a critical point in safely operating a straight winged
orbiter. 105 Nevertheless, the Air Force rejected arguments for a straight winged orbiter.
The controversy over crossrange continued through 1970 because the Office of
Manned Space Flight failed to generate any decision on the subject. Indeed both the
200 nautical mile and 1500 nautical mile crossrange options were still included in a
In contrast with other modes of transportation, such as ships, cars and trains etc,
the problems associated with the stability and controllability of an aircraft take a
position of pre-eminence in its design, because it has to move within three dimensional
space as opposed to two. 107 Determining design issues were: wing design, wing-body
integration and integration of aerodynamic and flight control requirements. For the
orbiter (as with all aircraft), wing design was key, because of its influence on vehicle
and landing performance. 108 Wing shape was also important because it determined the
need to make a decision about the planform (the outline of the wing when viewed from
above) and the profile of the fore and aft sections, referred to as the airfoil. Two kinds
of forces exert on the surface of a wing; pressure at right angles to the surface, known
as lift and, skin friction tangential to the surface, known as drag. Lift depends almost
entirely on the distribution of pressure. Drag, by contrast, depends primarily on the skin
friction, which exists by virtue of the viscous flow in a thin boundary layer next to the
surface of the wing. 109 The problem confronting the aeroplane designer is how to shape
a wing that will obtain the optimum lift and drag characteristics needed for the
vehicle's performance requirements. Wing design for the orbiter was further
characteristics of the entire flight regime. Stuart Treon, chief of the Experimental
Investigations Branch at the Aimes Center, told Aviation Week and Space Technology
at the time, that the aerodynamic problems posed by the shuttle were 'extremely
unusual'. 110
design, essentially for simplicity. During the re-entry phase of flight, the orbiter’s
position would be at a very high angle of attack, almost 60 degrees. This would
produce a lot of drag to slow the vehic le down until it reached adequate velocity for
level flight. Max Faget, the champion of the straight wing design, maintained that the
important advantage of this configuration was that it minimized heating rates and
reduced overall system weight. At such a high angle of attack, only the lower surfaces
would be directly exposed to the on-coming airflow, which reduced the amount of
by Faget's straight wing design combined with a high angle of attack at re-entry was
unacceptable to the Air Force. Demand for a return to runway after a single orbit
dictated a relatively shallow angle of attack and the high lift of a delta wing to produce
Crossrange was not the only point of contention between the straight and delta
wing designs. Slight centre of gravity shifts and balance consideration tended to move
the straight wings aft, closing the gap between the tail and the wing. Many of the early
orbiter designs carried internal fuel tanks, resulting in the centre of gravity being near
the middle of the vehicle's length. It thus made sense to have the wings in roughly the
same position for stability. But when the external tank was introduced and the weight
of the orbiter's main engines grew, arguments were raised that Faget's design, with its
long leading and trailing edges, would incur more heating problems than a shorter
vehicle with lower aspect ratio delta wings. Wind tunnel and drop tests of models also
indicated that the straight wing design might be dynamically unstable. The tests
tendency for the orbiter to flat spin. Further analysis did show that the motions could be
easily dampened by reaction control thrusters, but performing complex control
commands during reentry was not favoured by many at NASA or the Air Force. 111
eventually swayed NASA away from the straight wing design. Despite the weight
penalty and increased complexity of thermal protection, in the political arena Air Force
support for the programme was far more important. As NASA winnowed out various
A series of wind-tunnel tests conducted during 1972 indicated that the original
configuration did not meet NASA's landing performance requirements. Initially NASA
had not stipulated a landing velocity on which to design the orbiter's wings, but
midway through Phase-B the Office of Manned Space Flight defined a subsonic design
velocity of 165 knots. This would produce a touch down velocity of between 180 to
190 knots, which was well within the state of the art in landing gear systems. The need
to meet these requirements, then led to a re-configuration of the wing in late 1972. In-
planform produced a more efficient lifting surface than the blended delta and had
incorporate a double delta wing design. In addition, the double-delta wing allowed for
aerodynamic stability and trim adjustment by modifying the lightly loaded forward
delta (glove). This simple control of aerodynamic features meant that the design of the
main delta wing box could be frozen and any centre of gravity shifts or aerodynamic
stability problems could be corrected by glove modification, thereby minimizing the
cut NASA's human space flight budget in half, NASA had come to the conclusion in
early 1971 that by postponing the space station they could continue with the reusable
two-stage shuttle at a development cost of $12 billion. 114 The National Academy of
Basically, I'm afraid our concern today, as it has been in the past, is that
the justification of the space shuttle program is still weak. It appears to
us that the reason for this weakness is not so much the ultimate utility of
the system but the fact that we still have not found the way to spread out
the development costs in order not to have such a tremendous
development peak that the entire NASA budget is placed in jeopardy. In
the present environment of the anti-technologists, it seems to us even
more important that we somehow solve the cost problem, particularly
the development cost impact. 115
Spreading out the development costs of the shuttle so as not to place the
NASA budget in jeopardy has been a subject of concern both to NASA
and to our Phase-B shuttle definition contractors. We are devoting a
great amount of study to cost reduction and cost alternatives. ... As part
of our Phase-A activity, we have under study several alternate concepts
for the space shuttle. 116
alternate Phase-A studies was a delta wing vehicle, which incorporated external
liquid hydrogen fuel tanks that would jettisoned before entering orbit. 117 The
design, with the overall size of the orbiter now driven by the payload bay rather
than the size of the internal tanks. Removal of the orbiter's internal fuel tanks
represented the most significant deviation from NASA's original shuttle design
and paved a way for NASA to manoeuvre around both the political and
economic obstacles that stood in the way of the shuttle's development. Space
fuel tanks from the orbiter as 'the single most important configuration decision
I think the biggest thing that broke [the] logjam was our willingness to
give up on everything being reusable. To take the propellants out of the
orbiter. Propellants just made a mess out of trying to build the orbiter.
You get them out and get them in a fairly simple tank, get some great
big manifolds there to pump the propellant through and then throw that
aluminum tank away, looked like a good common sense way of
going. 119
Grumman Aerospace had put forward the idea was most forcefully in its
alternate Phase A studies, persuaded by some early ideas emanating from Johnson, as
When we heard those we felt that really was the answer. Not the
technical answer but the pragmatic answer in view of the financial
restrictions. So we went after the external tank concept quite heavily and
validated the practicality of doing that. 120
advantages when the orbiters liquid hydrogen fuel tanks were an external structure. The
innovative move by Grumman was to extract the orbiter's liquid hydrogen tanks, which
were far larger than the liquid oxygen tanks, and place them externally either side of
the payload bay. The concept allowed the orbiter to shrink in size, thus altering the
energy balance between the orbiter and the booster. Further studies by both NASA and
the shuttle contractors demonstrated additional savings in development costs when both
the liquid hydrogen and the liquid oxygen tanks were housed in a single external tank
structure. The complexity of building and operating an orbiter with internal fuel tanks
had also aroused a lot of concern within NASA and that, as Johnson Director, Chris
In August 1971, the introduction of a single external structure housing both the liquid
oxygen/hydrogen tanks for the orbiter had become a NASA baseline design.
The first Space Shuttle External Tank (ET), the Main Propulsion Test Article (MPTA), rolls off the assembly line on
September 9, 1977 at Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The primary function of the external tank, namely to house the liquid oxygen
and liquid hydrogen that would fuel the orbiter's three main engines, was the basic
determinant of its overall size. Thrust output and the operation time of the orbiter's
three main engines both dictated the amount of fuel the system would be required to
carry. A thrust specification of 400,000 pounds for each engine translated into a
combined consumption rate of over 64,900 gallons of liquid propellant per minute.
Since NASA had selected a parallel burn stacking arrangement, the main engines,
ignited before lift-off, would have to propel the shuttle virtually all the way to orbit: a
duration of about eight minutes. The external fuel tank, thus had to be sized to contain
Another critical design parameter shaping the external tank was its mass ratio.
As the external structure had to go virtually all the way to orbit, it had to withstand all
the aerodynamic forces, vibrations and speeds (around 27 000 feet per second) of the
flight. In addition, because mass is of vital importance in travel to orbit, every pound of
tank was equivalent to every pound of payload. Hence, NASA's tank designers had to
keep the mass fraction of the tank as high as they could get it: the tank had to be very
light, yet structurally very sound. The result was a unique tank design that comprised a
very thin aluminium wall, which would call for some innovative steps in welding
techniques. 123
Although distinct in its requirements, the design of external tank drew heavily
In concept [the external tank] ... was from the Saturn V, but it was
designed differently because its shape was different. It was not as big in
diameter ... it used less pieces to make a circle. ... The bulk heads were
different shapes ... The technologies however, were the same. 124
The Saturn tanks were several feet in diameter larger, so NASA had learnt a lot about
welding capabilities. Nevertheless, in each tank there was going to be almost a mile
Predictions of aerodynamic forces on ascent were one of the first factors to
modify areas of the external tank's design. Late in 1972, Martin Marietta changed the
studies indicated that this shape would give a better performance and throughout 1973,
they gradually decreased the overall length of the external tank and increased its
To be able to fly a vehicle stable you want to have the center of pressure
in front of the center of gravity. So what we had to do was balance the
diameter and the size to where basically the center of gravity was
countered near to what we call the intertank, that bolts the [liquid
oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks] together, because that was about
where the combination of the whole vehicle center of gravity would be.
We wanted the center of pressure to be a few feet ahead of that; that
way, as long as those two are separate, then your control laws are a lot
simpler. 127
early 1974, the design process appeared at a satisfactory point of closure and hardware
development began.
Ballistic Solutions
To circumvent criticism by the Congress and the White House, NASA's higher
echelons publicly announced in June 1971 what they had been considering at the end of
1970: to proceed with phasing the shuttle's development. NASA would develop the
orbiter first followed by the booster. An interim, expendable booster would then serve
the system while the reusable, human operated booster was under development. NASA
argued that this would keep programme peak funding to just under $2 billion. 128 This
change in the programme's approach translated into very different set of booster
Multi-stage rockets had played a vital role in NASA's crusade to the Moon.
conservative propellant-to-stage mass ratios. 129 Staging the rocket was a practice
established very early in the history of space flight and continued on into the shuttle. 130
Indeed, in 1970, neither NASA nor the contractors considered that structural design,
to orbit vehicle, which is why a vehicle incorporating two separate stages was first
considered as the most viable configuration.
NASA explored two sets of staging criteria when it moved to the interim
booster approach: series burn and parallel burn systems. Series burn was a known
Orbital velocity would be achieved via stages, with the booster powering the initial
ascent on its own and then, after separation, the orbiter's engines would ignite for the
final climb. Three different booster concepts came under consideration within this
category: the Saturn I-C as proposed by Dale Myers; a winged version of the Saturn V,
proposed by Boeing; and a modified Titan III, proposed by the contractor Martin
Marietta. Although NASA favoured the use of the SI-C, David Vine, Vice President of
Martin Marietta, lobbied hard for the Titan III, claiming that development costs would
be low because most of the components were already in production and that a modified
Titan would also provide a basis for active Air Force participation in the shuttle
programme. 132 Boeing's idea, to convert the Saturn V into a booster system that could
be recoverable after a sea ditch or a human-occupied fly-back vehicle, met with mixed
reaction within NASA. Some considered the approach pragmatic because it utilized
technology already in existence, while others were concerned that such a system would
mean that the two-stage, fully reusable shuttle would 'never come to full fruition.'133
This illustration shows different configurations of the Saturn V test vehicles and flight vehicle.
Launching of the first human Gemini flight, Gemini-Titan 3.
Parallel burn was a new procedure and presented the 'challenge of a previo usly
untried stacking arrangement.' 134 The concept involved the orbiter's main engines
working simultaneously with the boosters allowing both to provide the necessary thrust
for lift-off. The stacking arrangement was conducive to the use of relatively low
performance boosters, as the orbiter's main engines would perform a larger share of the
boosting, so the staging velocity could be reduced to around 3000 to 4000 feet per
second. In addition, the parallel burn concept meant that verification of main engine
ignition could be made before booster ignition. 135 The technical proposals were due on
the December 15, 1971, but as late as November NASA was still undecided on whether
The type of booster technology to be used, however, was not established until
When we first got the go-ahead for the program ... we were still not
clear whether we were going to use liquid boosters ... or solid rockets
and that was a major controversy in the early part of the program. 136
The choices surrounding booster technology at the outset of 1972 were development of
a new liquid fuelled pressure- fed system or modification of a solid propellant rocket. 137
Grumman Aerospace and Boeing Corporation were also promoting the traditional
costs, hinged the debate between liquid fuelled and solid fuelled booster technology.
Initial thinking within NASA had centred around reusable liquid systems fashioned for
recovery after a sea ditch. This would keep operational costs low because NASA could
reuse the rockets, but development costs would be high, because they were complex
boosters to fabricate. Hence, NASA also examined expendable solid fuelled booster
systems, because as relatively simple vehicles they would keep development costs low.
However, throwing them away after each launch vastly increased operational costs. 139
Liquid fuelled rocket technology had been the mainstay of NASA's experience in
human space flight. For many, both within NASA and the aerospace industry, it
appeared a given that NASA would use liquid propellants for the shuttle's booster
The solid rocket people didn't understand why they were still being
asked to study this and study that because we had never used solid
rockets on a manned program as a major propulsion element. ... they
came to me ... and said you are kind of stringing us along, we could be
doing some other things here. We just can't understand why you are
having us carry on these studies because we don't believe NASA can be
serious about using solid rockets. ... They asked von Braun's opinion, he
told them he felt sure that NASA, when they settled down, they would
make the decision to go with the liquid booster. ... So the contractors
were a little perplexed as to why we were still pushing that way. 140
The liquid booster technologies though, were presenting a number of problems for
NASA's engineers.
The initial approach was to use liquids ... stay with what we know.
However, a group came into the picture which said I think we can
recover these [solid] boosters and reuse them. It [was proving] pretty
difficult with the liquids. Once you get those engines soaked in sea
water the probability of using them over is pretty remote, but the solid,
which doesn't have a lot of complex mechanisms or machinery, has a
chance. And so Thiokol and a couple of other solid people worked on it
... and when they went out and began demonstrating and throwing the
thing into salt water and pulling it out and trying to reuse it, it became
pretty convincing. 141
decision. Although the Office of Management and Budget had agreed not to become
directly involved in any technical judgment after Nixon's announcement, their power
technological decision making. Office of Management and Budget Director, George
With these very real funding constraints in mind, I believe that NASA
would be well advised to select a shuttle system which minimizes the
risk of cost overruns and allows flexib ility to absorb possible cost
increases within overall funding constraints. Otherwise, a cost overrun
on the shuttle could lead to an undesirable stretch-out of the operational
date for the shuttle or serious cutbacks in other productive NASA
programs which, in turn, could jeopardize the shuttle program. 142
firm decision' on NASA's choice of booster and shuttle configuration by the time they
appear before the committee on March 16, 1972, 143 which especially concerned
In connection with the booster technologies Lilly felt that it was important to expose
'the degree of uncertainty associated with pressure- fed development costs versus solid
development costs,' given the tight budget and lack of flexibility for contingencies. 145
Early in March, NASA Administrator James Fletcher came to the conclusion
that the 'use of solid boosters in the parallel staged configuration represents the
optimum choice from combined technical and budgetary points of view:' 146
A meeting between George Low and Donald Rice, of the Office of Management and
Budget on March 7, confirmed that NASA was going to go ahead with the
development of the solid rocket boosters for the shuttle. 148 In announcing the decision,
Fletcher said the development costs would be reduced by $350 million and that the
decision was based on lower development costs at less technical risk. 149
Enervation, Resurgence and Ratification
George Low's role as NASA's acting Administrator ended with the appointment of
James Fletcher in March 1971. Fletcher, after a long career in industry as a physicist
and as president of the University of Utah, came to NASA with strong Republican
credentials. Initially he presented a very cynical attitude towards human space flight
and questioned the judgement of NASA's top officials on the need for a shuttle. Within
a short time, however, he had become convinced that approval of the shuttle
programme was essential. 150 With over $4 billion invested in facilities to support
human space flight and NASA's three main Centers, Kennedy, Johnson, and Marshall
campaign for increased public spending. The 1970 recession and the refusal of
Congress to hold down public spending meant that the deficit for the fiscal year ending
in June 1971 was $23 billion, far more than in any post-war year except 1968.
Unemployment was up to 6.1 per cent in May and the dollar had steadily grown more
vulnerable in the international exchanges. A flight from the dollar in the money
markets grew to rout proportions, finally leading to the Bank of England requesting
that the US guarantee convertibility of Britain's dollar holdings into gold. In an attempt
to stabilize the economy, on August 15 Nixon made a radical economic policy u-turn
reverting to tight controls, including: a ninety day freeze on wages and prices;
suspension of convertibility of the dollar into gold; and a $4.7 billion cut in federal
spending. 151
The Office of Management and Budget, equally concerned to limit budget requests
going to the Congress confirmed the reduced sum. The two-stage shuttle that top
NASA officials had been pushing for the past two years had an estimated peak funding
Top NASA officials had earmarked December 1971 as the deadline for a
presidential decision on the shuttle. Many in NASA were growing concerned about
both the costs and psychological effects of a stretch out. Holding the industrial teams
together would become problematic if the White House and Congress deferred the
programme for another year. Once it was clear that the economic climate would not
sustain a $12 billion programme, Fletcher instructed the Phase-B contractors to develop
alternative design configurations tha t would cost no more than $5 billion to develop. 153
This was no easy task as North American Rockwell's Shuttle Manager, Bastian Hello,
We were directed to move over to the other vehicle, and proposal time
was hurrying along and we had some catch up work to do. So it became
... intense ... we were given some three months to propose and that
became a nightmare. 154
In addition to the new Phase-B contracts, Fletcher also let out a new contract to
Mathematica to study all the alternative designs emanating from the extensions. The
Office of Management and Budget forced the first study upon NASA – they went into
the second voluntarily in the hope that it would justify an economical and practical
programme. 155
The key factor in the economic analysis was market demand; the number of
flights. Accurate mission models were elusive and scenarios for future flight traffic
rates over the 1979-90 time-period varied considerably. 156 Indeed forecasting future
anything else. It was believed that the agency's 'position would be significantly
weakened' 157 if Mathematica's economic analysis eliminated the space station. Some
models, therefore, included the space station while others simply escala ted the
commercial demand. The debate over the number of flights persisted for some time
before Mathematica eventually settled on a 514- mission model for its study. 158
By the end of the summer, the Mathematica study had revealed that even if
operational costs rose to $10 million per launch all but 5 per cent of the shuttle's
planned missions would be cost effective. 159 The configuration favoured by Klaus
Heiss, who was leading the Mathematica staff, was a parallel burn Thrust Assisted
[Thrust Assisted Orbiter System] SPACE SHUTTLE SYSTEM IS
ECONOMICALLY JUSTIFIED, within a level of space activities
between 300 and 360 Shuttle flights in the 1979-1990 period, or about
25 to 30 Space Shuttle flights per year, well within the U.S. Space
Program including NASA and DOD. 161
Resistance to the thrust assisted orbiter configuration primarily came from Marshall
because it eliminated the need for a future human piloted booster, which Marshall
on October 28, 1971. In it, he stated that the Mathematica studies showed the thrust
assisted orbiter to be the economically preferred choice. Among the reasons given for
its economic superiority were: lower development costs of less than $6 billion; lower
development risks; equal capability with the originally proposed system; elimination of
the need for an immediate decision on a reusable booster; and the assurance of an early
Although the final Mathematica report was not due for release until the end of
January 1972, the memo gave a clear indication to Fletcher of its conclusions. Armed
with this information and under pressure from the Office of Management and Budge t,
the Office of Science and Technology and the Presidents Scientific Advisory
Committee, the Program Office began to push hard for the thrust assisted orbiter
configuration. 164
The debate continued right through November and December, but TAOS
5, 1972. During that 40- minute meeting, Nixon stated that both military and civilian
appeared to like the idea that 'ordinary people' would be able to fly in the shuttle. Low
and Fletcher stressed 'the fact that the shuttle is not a $7 billion toy, that it is indeed
Nixon thus accepted the programme on the terms set out by Fletcher and Low and on
I have decided today that the United States should proceed at once with
the development of an entirely new type of space transportation system
designed to help transform the space frontier of the 1970s into familiar
territory, easily accessible for human endeavour in the 1980s and '90s.
... It will revolutionize transportation into near space, by routinizing it. It
will take the astronomical costs out of astronautics. ... The new year
1972 is a year of the conclusion for America's current series of manned
flights to the moon. ... they bring us to an important decision point - a
point of assessing what our space horizons are ... and of determining
where we go from here. ... the space shuttle program is the right next
step for America to take, in moving out from our present beach head in
the sky to achieve a real working presence in space. 167
Nixon also sent a letter to the chairman of his New Hampshire campaign committee on
President Richard M. Nixon and Dr. James C. Fletcher, NASA Administrator, discussed the proposed Space Shuttle
vehicle in San Clemente, California, on January 5, 1972.
slowing down the rate of inflation, unemployment continued to hover around 6 per
cent. While much of the domestic bureaucracy was busy implementing the new
economic policy, a few technicians at the Office of Management and Budget were
assigned to develop statistical models plotting the effect of economic conditions on the
outcomes of presidential elections. The study's results not surprisingly showed that
rapid economic growth benefited an incumbent president seeking re-election. 169 Nixon
did not need statistical models to know that falling unemployment in 1972 would
increase his chances of reelection. He thus decided to plunge ahead with increased
federal spending to produce boom conditions in the election year. 170 The approval of
the shuttle programme may well have been part of that agenda. It is certainly believed
that Peter Flanigan, a White House policy level staffer, persuaded Nixon to go ahead
with the shuttle because the continuing depression in the aerospace industry and that
the relatively high rate of unemployment among the national pool of scientists and
engineers would soon become election issues. 171 Whatever Nixon's motivations were,
the shuttle's proponents had finally cleared the first hurdle, presidential approval, and
reusable system:
We had just finished defending one configuration on the Floor and the n
suddenly they announced they were going to change it. ... We all wanted
to know how long they had known they were going to change and how
much of this kind of thing was going on behind the committee's back.
They explained the reasons behind the changes, and everybody calmed
down. 172
Despite the initial consternation over NASA's "sudden" shift, strong allies quickly
mobilized in support of the new configuration against a notably weak opposition. After
a morning of government and industry witnesses describing how necessary the shuttle
was for America's future, Representative Bella Abzug (Democrat, New York) told the
Now that NASA has reached the Moon, it is seeking a new, similarly
glamorous toy for its next project and it feels that the Space Shuttle
would be just the ticket. ... I would remind you that the President
recently vetoed as fiscally irresponsible a bill that would provide only
$2 billion for child care Centers, a mundane but urgent issue for the
millions of working parents in this country. 173
one solution to America's rising unemployment problem. Support for Nixon’s decision
came from the American Federation of Labour and the Congress of Industrial
and its potential 50 000 jobs. 174 NASA's authorization bill thus passed with a
Walter Mondale's amendment to cut shuttle funding, which only received 21 votes. 176
The shuttle plans had thus passed through both houses giving NASA the sanction to
However, 1972 was an election year and the award of a multi-billion dollar
project during such a volatile period did not go unchallenged. NASA's selection of
North American Rockwell sent out minor shock waves, which caused some factional
considered that NASA's preference for North American Rockwell had come from more
than just practical considerations. Five directors of North American Rockwell had
Rockwell award represented the 'latest, and perhaps most blatant example of President
Nixon's calculated use of the American tax payers dollars for his own re-election
purposes.' 177 As such, Westwood pushed for an investigation into the relationship
election campaign and NASA's award of the shuttle contract. 178 North American
Rockwell declined to make any comment on the allegations, but NASA was eager to
deny that politics played any part in the selection process and stated that North
American Rockwell was 'chosen on technical and management merits alone.' 179 Within
Representative Olin Teague (Democrat, Texas), claimed the shuttle contract was 'one
of the most thoroughly and objective studied contract awards in any recent major
government program.' 180 The call for an investigation was seen by others as a political
manoeuvre to force ground between Nixon and one of the Democratic candidates,
George McGovern
1972 election. Nixon's 'secret plan' to end the war in six months and ensure 'peace with
the end of their four-year term, in spite of their detente and Vietnamization policies. 181
A resolution to Vietnam, therefore, clouded many other issues during the election
nomination to stand again. 182 The Democratic primaries had furnished a sufficient
that had surprised many because of McGovern's radical platform. The mainstay of
McGovern's manifesto was his proposals for a 'peace economy', which involved: the
immediate pull out of US troops from Vietnam; the 'phasing down' of military spending
housing and other civilian projects; and the tightening up of the tax structure which was
perceived as 'only benefiting big business.' For the aerospace industry in particular,
McGovern's plan was for conversion, with military production replaced by civilian
production. 183 Although NASA was a civilian agency and prided itself on its civilian
weeks after Nixon's announcement to develop the shuttle, McGovern told a Florida
campaign audience that if elected he 'wouldn't manufacture a foolish project like the
Space Shuttle to provide jobs' and that furthermore he considered the programme to be
'an enormous waste of money.' 184 The shuttle had thus become part of the divide
An early campaign speech from Vice President Spiro Agnew also focused on
the shuttle as an election issue. Agnew launched a vicious attack on the shuttle's critics
space technology should be redirected to social problems. Such policies he argued,
would 'bring to a virtual halt this country's technological progress.' 185 The advancement
and investment in high skilled employment were all well rehearsed compositions of
promotional rhetoric for the space programme and Agnew cited them all as examples
of the 'benefits from the space program that will improve the quality of life for all
mankind.' 186
On the side of the Nixon campaign, was a large portion of the aerospace
industry. The shuttle's relationship to jobs in that sector and its embodiment of
scientific and technical progress meant that McGovern's intentions received a hostile
reaction from many in the business. One of its public voices, Aviation Week and Space
Technology took a strong stance against McGovern in its editorial at the time:
His campaign speeches make it clear, that if elected, he intends not only
to wipe out the future defense posture of this nation, but also strip its
new technology to bare bones. 187
The diatribe went on to claim that McGovern stood against 'every major aerospace
technical development program including the shuttle,' and that his policies would
'wreak havoc upon the US.' In their view, 'for an aerospace worker to vote for Sen.
McGovern would be to vote for self-destruction'. 188 Much the same conclusion had also
been drawn within the higher echelons of the aerospace unions. The American
vexed by McGovern's nomination that for the first time in its history the executive
labour support for McGovern, even among central labour bodies constitutionally
opposition to the Super-Sonic Transport programme, the Lockheed loan and the B-1
Nevertheless, Nixon had the support of his "silent majority". A Gallup poll at
the end of August put Nixon in the lead with a 64 percent share of the vote and had
McGovern trailing behind with only 30 per cent. 192 Kissinger's secret talks in Vietnam
with Le Duc Tho had almost reached a point of agreement, inspiring Kissinger to
announce on October 26, just in time for the election, that 'peace is at hand.' Despite
McGovern's plea to the electorate, to not 'let this man fool you again', 60 per cent of the
voters chose Nixon in what was the largest election victory in modern American
history. 193
of the human space programme, a Republican triumph assured relatively strong support
for NASA's shuttle programme. Presumably, given McGovern's rhetoric, the shuttle
would have been a symbolic peace economy victim. Even assuming that McGovern
could not have forced through all of his radical policies it is conceivable that a
David Baker, 'Evolution of The Space Shuttle: Part 1' Spaceflight (June 1973), p 202.
Walter McDougall, The Heavens and The Earth: A Political History of the Space Age (New York:
Basic Books, 1985), pp 420-22; Henry Lambright, Powering Apollo: James E. Webb of NASA
(Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1995); pp 139-141; Henry Lambright, Presidential
Management of Science and Technology: The Johnson Presidency (Austin: University of Texas Press,
1985), pp 142-150.
Bruce Murray, Journey Into Space: The First Thirty Years of Space Exploration (New York, London,
W.W. Norton & Company, 1990).
Jerry Grey, Enterprise (New York: William Morrow and Co Inc, 1979), p 66.
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May 1995.
Sylvia Fries, '2001 to 1994: Political Environment and the Design of NASA's Space Station System,'
Marcel Lafollette, Jeffrey Stine, (ed) Technology and Choice: A Technology and Culture Reader
(Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991), p 234.
A National Integrated Missile and Space Vehicle Development Program, Report to the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics by a special committee on space technology, The Working Group
on Vehicular Program, July 18, 1958 (NASA History Office Archives, Washington DC); The Long
Range Plan of The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Program Planning and
Evaluation, December 16, 1959 (NASA History Office Archives, Washington DC); James Hansen,
Enchanted Rendezvous: John C. Houbolt and the Genesis of the Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous Concept
(Washington DC, NASA History Office, Monographs in Aerospace History Series #4, December 1995).
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May 1995.
William Normyle, 'Large Station May Emerge As Unwritten US Goal,' Aviation Week and Space
Technology (March 10, 1969), pp 103-109.
NASA changed this process as the programme progressed re-terming Phase-A as preliminary analysis,
and combining Phases C and D into one. Hans Mark, Arnold Levine, The Management of Research
Institutions: A Look at Government Laboratories (Washington DC, NASA, Scientific and Technical
Information Branch, 1984), p 93.
'Reusable Space Shuttle Effort Gains Momentum,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (October 27,
1969), pp 22-24.
Space Shuttle Program Requirements Document: Level 1, Office of Manned Space Flight, July 1,
1970 (NASA History Office Archives, Washington DC).
William Normyle, 'NASA Aims at 100-Man Station,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (February
24, 1969), pp 16-17; William Normyle, 'Large Station May Emerge As Unwritten US Goal,' Aviation
Week and Space Technology (March 10, 1969), pp 103-109.
'Shuttle Group Readies Proposal Requests,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (January 19, 1970),
pp 17-18.
Hans Mark, interview with the author, Texas, 8 September 1995.
Ronald Segal, America's Receding Future: The Collision of Creed and Reality (England:
Harmondsworth, Penguin Books Ltd, 1968), pp 159-60, 242-244, 252-258, 260-261, 275-278; Noam
Chomsky, introduction to American Power and The New Mandarins (London, Chatto & Windus Ltd,
1969); James Reichley, Conservatives in an Age of Change: The Nixon and Ford Administrations
(Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1981), p 205, 219; Michael Bradley, 'The Inexorable Rise
of the National Dept,' Philip Davis, (ed) An American Quarter Century: US Politics from Vietnam to
Clinton (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995), pp 56-57.
The first Gallop poll after the Democratic convention showed that Nixon had a substantial lead with
43 per cent of the vote. Richard Nixon, The Memoirs of Richard Nixon (London: Sidgwick & Jackson
Ltd, 1978), p 318.
For a detailed analysis of the establishment of NASA see, Enid Schoettle, 'The Establishment of
NASA,' Lakoff, (ed) Knowledge and Power (New York: Free Press, Collier-Macmillian Ltd, 1966). For
detailed histories of the Apollo space programme see, Mary Holman, The Political Economy of the
Space Program (Pacific Books, 1974); John Logsdon, The Decision To Go The Moon: Project Apollo
and The National Interest (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1970); Walter McDougall, The Heavens and The
Earth; Dale Carter, The Final Frontier:The Rise and Fall of the American Rocket State (London, New
York: Verso, 1988); Henry Lambright, Powering Apollo.
Dale Carter, The Final Frontier p 127; John Logsdon, The Decision To Go To The Moon pp 21-22;
Enid Schoettle, 'The Establishment of NASA,' pp 185-186, 220-229; Walter McDougall, The Heavens
and The Earth pp 141, 148-149; H. Young, B. Silcock, P. Dunn, Journey to Tranquillity: The Long
Competitive Struggle To Reach The Moon (New Yo rk: Doubleday & Co Inc, 1970), p 53.
As Walter McDougall has demonstrated, the Eisenhower Administration had been anything but
complacent since the Technologies Capabilities Panel Report in 1955, accelerating research and
development of both missiles and satellite technology. None of this work could be made public for
security reasons. Such concerns with space strategy over propaganda left Eisenhower open to attack, but
as McDougall emphasises, loss of public face was less important than loss of potential secret satellite
intelligence. In practice Sputnik proved strategically beneficial to the US since it precluded potential
Soviet challenges to the legality of American satellite overflight. Walter McDougall, The Heavens and
the Earth pp 111, 117-124, 128, 221, 224.
Dale Carter, The Final Frontier p 158.
For a detailed analysis of the Apollo fire and its aftermath see Henry Lambright, Powering Apollo pp
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May1995.
Walter McDougall, The Heavens and the Earth pp 373-374; Henry Lambright, Powering Apollo pp
106-107. The Manned Spacecraft Center was renamed the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center on February
17, 1973. Further references will cite the Manned Spacecraft Center as the Johnson Space Center
notwithstanding the time period.
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May1995.
Henry Lambright, Powering Apollo pp 200-205.
Mary Holman, The Political Economy of The Space Program p 5.
Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin, landed the Lunar Module to the Moons surface, leaving Collins in
the Command Module. Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon at 9:56 pm (EDT).
They remained on the surface for a period of 21 hours, returning to a splash down in the Pacific Ocean
on July 24. Linda Neuman Ezell, NASA Historical Data Book Volume III: Programs and Projects 1969-
1978 (Washington DC: The NASA History Series, Scientific and Technical Information Division, 1988),
p 74.
Francis Hoban, Where Do You Go After You've Been To The Moon: A Case Study of NASA's
Pioneering Effort at Cost Control with Prescriptions for Today (Virginia: Draft Manuscript, George
Mason University, 1995), p 1.
Dale Carter, The Final Frontier. p 225.
'Space Effort Attacked,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (January 5, 1970) p 16.
Hans Mark, The Space Station: A Personal Journey (Durham: Duke University Press, 1987), p 37;
Hans Mark, interview with the author, Texas, 8 September 1995.
Spiro Agnew, quoted in Scott Pace, Engineering Design and Political Choice: The Space Shuttle
1969-1972 (MIT, Massachsetts: Unpublished MS Dissertation, 1982), p 20.
Hans Mark, The Space Station p 37
Francis Hoban, Where Do You Go After You've Been To The Moon p 3.
The "Think Group" consisted of George Low; Wernher von Braun, Chief of NASA Planning Robert
Jastrow, Director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Homer Newell, Associate Administrator;
Edward Cortright, Langley Research Center Director; Richard McCurdy, Associate Administrator for
Organization and Management; and others as invited. The group spent a great deal of time debating the
value and appeal of watching an astronaut pushing a boulder into Hadley Rille. The slow motion fall of a
huge rock into a deep canyon at one-sixth gravity would prove incredible, but the scenario was dropped
when the danger was pointed out of the astronaut falling in behind the boulder. Several attempts at
viewer stimulation were made, including the feather and hammer drop, racing the Lunar Rover and
playing Golf. These stunts tended to reinforce public scepticism rather than capture their attention. Ibid.
pp 2-6.
M. Smith, 'The First Quarter-Century of Space Flight,' M. Schwarz, P. Stares, Ed 'Space - Past,
Present, and Future' Futures, 14 (October 1982), p 356.
Letter to Senator William Proxmire from George Low, September 28, 1970 (NASA History Office
Archives, Washington DC).
STG included representatives from NASA, Defence Secretary Malvin Laird, Secretary of State
William Rogers, Science Advisor Lee DuBridge and representatives from the State Department, the
Atomic Energy Commission, and the Bureau of the Budget. Input was also received from members of
Congress, the National Academy of Sciences, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
private citizens and industry. Normyle W. 'Broad New Space Program Urged,' Aviation Week and Space
Technology (August 11, 1969) pp 22-23.
The Post-Apollo Space Program: Directions For The Future, Space Task Group report to the
President, September 1969 (NASA History Office Archives, Washington DC), p 19.
The PSAC had released a report in early 1967 entitled The Space Program in the Post-Apollo Period,
which recommended that studies should concentrate on more economic systems for the delivery of
payloads to orbit. The impact of the report was minimal as it had come at a time when the Johnson
Administration was preoccupied with the escalating Vietnam war. The United States poured more
money into the war in 1967 alone than it spent on the entire Apollo programme.
Hans Mark, The Space Station p 33.
Jerry Grey, Enterprise p 55.
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May1995.
Jerry Grey, Enterprise p 55.
William Normyle, 'Broad New Space Program Urged,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (August
11, 1969), p 23.
James Reichley, Conservatives in an Age of Change pp 205-211; Michael Bradley 'The Inexorable
Rise of the National Dept,' Philip Davis, (ed) An American Quarter Century: US Politics from Vietnam
to Clinton (Manchester and New York, Manchester University Press, 1995), pp 56-57; John Kenneth
Galbraith, The New Industrial State (England: Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1977), pp 96-97, 243,
The Office of Management and Budget replaced the less powerful Bureau of the Budget early in 1970.
Claude Barfield, Ibid.; Scott Pace, Engineering Design and Political Choice pp 27-28.
John Logsdon, 'The Decision to Develop the Space Shuttle,' Space Policy (May, 1986), pp 103-119;
John Logsdon, 'The Space Shuttle Program: A policy Failure?' Science (May 30, 1986), pp 1099-1105.
Claude Barfield, 'Intense Debate, Cost Cutting Precedes White House Decision to Back Shuttle.'
David Baker, 'Evolution of the Space Shuttle,' Spaceflight p 230.
Robert Thompson, interview with the author, 7 September 1995.
Ken Hechler, Towards the Endless Frontier p 274.
Jerry Grey, Enterprise pp 65-66; John Logsdon, The Decision to Develop the Space Shuttle,' p 106.
Ken Hechler, Towards the Endless Frontier. p 285.
Adelbert Tischler, letter to the author dated 16 April 1996.
Dennis Jenkins, Space Shuttle p 67.
Adelbert Tischler, letter to the author dated 16 April 1996.
William Normyle, 'NASA Asks Quick Shuttle Replies,' Aviation Week and Space Technology
(February 23, 1970), pp 16-17; Le Roy Day, interview with author, Maryland, June 29, 1995; Robert
Thompson, interview with author, Texas, September 7, 1995; 'Mini Shuttle Proposed as Interim Project,'
Aviation Week and Space Technology (February 23, 1970), p 16.
It was named after the Douglas DC-3 aeroplane, which had become renowned for reliability and
simplicity of design.
Max Faget, interview with the author, Texas, 9 September 1995.
Letter to Adelbert Tischler from George Mueller, August 25, 1969 (NASA History Office Archive,
Washington DC); LeRoy Day, interview with author, June 29, 1995.
Grumman001/310595; William Normyle, 'NASA Asks Quick Shuttle Replies,' Aviation Week and
Space Technology (February 23, 1970), pp 16-17.
Letter from Dale Myers to Thomas Paine, June 29, 1970 (NASA History Office Archive, Washington
Letter from Milton Thompson to Dr W. Von Braun, November 18, 1970 (NASA History Office
Archive, Washington DC).
Charles Donlan, memorandum for the record, discussion of the space shuttle program with Dr. Low,'
December 2, 1970 (NASA History Office Archive, Washington DC).
Dale Myers, quoted in Zack Strickland, 'Expendable Booster Gains Favor As NASA Studies Phased
Shuttle,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 21, 1971), p 19.
Letter from Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, Chairman The Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board,
National Academy of Engineering, to George Low, December 18, 1970 (National Academy of Sciences
Archive, Washington DC).
Charles Donlan, memorandum for the record, trip report on visit to Phase-B contractors with Dale
Myers on December 21, 1970, dated January 4, 1971 (NASA History Office Archive, Washington DC).
Bastian Hello, interview with the author, Maryland, 27 April 1995.
Letter from Milton Thompson to Dr W. Von Braun, November 18, 1970 (NASA History Office
Archive, Washington DC).
LeRoy Day, letter to the author dated 29 May 1996.
Roger Launius, 'NASA and the Decision to Build the Space Shuttle, 1969-72,' The Historian 57
(Autumn 1994) p 25.
Paine actually left office in September 1970 although his intentions were well known within NASA
months before. Hans Mark, The Space Station p 38; W. Henry Lambright, Powering Apollo p 208. For
background on the resignation of James Webb in 1968 and the appointment of Thomas Paine see pp 201-
202, 204, 206-207.
Hans Mark, interview with the author, Texas, 8 September 1995.
Robert Freitag, letter to the author dated 1 June 1996.
James Fletcher, banquet address before the Antelope Valley Board of Trade, Where Do We Go From
Here in Space? Lancaster, California, October 18, 1974 (NASA History Office Archive, Washington
DC), p 9.
The shuttle was always a key to the space station and the shuttle's systems and configurations were
driven, in part, by the station's requirements. Robert Frietag, letter to the author dated 1 June 1996.
LeRoy Day, abstract to a collection of papers presented at The Space Shuttle Symposium, October 16-
17, 1969 (Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington DC).
Donlan Charles, memorandum for the record, discussion of the space shuttle program with Dr. Low,
December 2, 1970 (NASA History Office Archive, Washington DC).
Letter to Clinton Anderson from George Low, May 28, 1971 (NASA History Office Archive,
Washington DC).
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May 1995.
Roger Launius, 'NASA and the Decision to Build the Space Shuttle, 1969-72' p 26.
Letters to Walter Mondale and William Proxmire from George Low, September 28, 1970 (NASA
History Office Archive, Washington DC).
Letter to Walter Mondale from George Low, April 28, 1971 (NASA History Office Archive,
Washington DC).
Letter to Clinton Anderson from George Low, May 28, 1971 (NASA History Office Archive,
Washington DC), emphasis in the original.
Hans Mark, The Space Station pp 39-40.
John Logsdon, 'The Decision to Develop the Space Shuttle,' Space Policy 2 (May 1986), pp 103-119;
John Logsdon, 'The Space Shuttle Program: A Policy Failure?' Science (May 30, 1986), pp 1099-1105.
John Logsdon, The Decision To Go To The Moon pp 28, 30; J. Manno, 'The Military History of the
Space Shuttle,' Science for the People (September/October, 1983), p 7.
Walter McDougall, The Heavens and the Earth pp 197-200.
Ibid pp 312-324.
Howard McCurdy, Inside NASA: High Technology and Organizational Change in the US Space
Program (Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1993), pp 14-17.
This was, in part, due to the fact that the aerospace companies working for the Air Force were the
same four under contract with NASA: General Dynamics, Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, and North
American Rockwell. 'Air Force Pushing Studies of Reusable Space Shuttle,' Aviation Week and Space
Technology (August 11, 1969), p 25.
Scott Pace, Engineering Design and Political Choice pp 100-101.
Report of the Ad-Hoc Subpanel on Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology, September 14, 1966
(NASA History Office Archive, Washington DC), pp 1-8.
Bill Sneed, interview with the author, Alabama, 21 August 1995.
Joining the separate functions of area surveillance and close-look photography into one satellite was
responsible for the increased size and weight of this new system. Increasing the length of the satellite
made possible increases in focal length of the camera, which when combined with increases in the
camera aperture provided new a new level of ground resolution. T. Greenwood, 'Reconnaissance and
Arms Control' Progress in Arms Control? (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co, 1979), p 99.
The increase in diameter represented early thinking within the Air Force on the size of a third stage,
or space tug that would deliver satellites to higher synchronous orbits.
Max Faget, interview with the author, Texas, 9 September 1995.
Scott Pace, Engineering Design and Political Choice pp 111-113; Dennis Jenkins, Space Shuttle pp
Space Shuttle Program Requirements Document Level 1, Change No.2, Office of Manned Space
Flight, December 3, 1970 (NASA History Office Archives, Washington DC), p 3.
Bernard Etkin, Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control (New York, John Wiley & Sons Inc,
Second Edition, 1982), p 3.
James Young, Jimmy Underwood, Ernest Hillje, Arthur Whitnah, Paul Romere, Joe Gamble, Barney
Roberts, George Ware, William Scallion, Bernard Spencer, James Arrington, Deloy Olsen, 'The
Aerodynamic Challenges of the Design and Development of the Space Shuttle,' Norman Chaffee, (ed)
Space Shuttle Technical Conference, Part 1 (Houston, Texas, NASA, JSC, Conference Publication 2342,
1985), pp 209-263.
Walter Vincenti, What Engineers Know and How They Know It pp 18, 34; A.C. Kermode, An
Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering: Vol 1, The Mechanics of Flight (London, Sir Issac Pitman &
Sons, Ltd, 1940).
Richard O'Lone, 'Shuttle Test Pace Intensifies at Aimes,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (June
24, 1974), p 71.
James Young, Jimmy Underwood, Ernest Hillje, Arthur Whitnah, Paul Romere, Joe Gamble, Barney
Roberts, George Ware, William Scallion, Bernard Spencer, James Arrington, Deloy Olsen, 'The
Aerodynamic Challenges of the Design and Development of the Space Shuttle,' Norman Chaffee, (ed)
Space Shuttle Technical Conference, Part 1 (Houston, Texas, NASA, JSC, Conference Publication 2342,
1985), pp 209-263.
Ibid; Richard Kline, interview with the author, Washington DC, 31 May 1995.
Hans Mark, interview with the author, Texas, 8 September 1995.
Letter from Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, National Academy of Engineering, to George Low, April 22,
1971 (National Acadeny of Sciences Archive, Washington DC).
Letter to Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, Chairman The Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board,
National Academy of Engineering, from George Low, May 21, 1971 (National Academy of Sciences
Archive, Washington DC).
Letter from James Fletcher to Dr O'Brian, June 16, 1971 (NASA History Office Archive, Washington
DC); Letter from James Fletcher to Robert Seamans, June 16, 1971 (NASA History Office Archive,
Washington DC); Strickland Z. 'Expendable Booster Gains Favor As NASA studies Phased Shuttle'
Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 21, 1971) p 19.
Robert Thompson, The Space Shuttle: Some Key Program Decisions, American Institute for
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Von Karman Lecture, 22nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada,
January 9-12, 1984 (supplied to the author by Robert Thompson), pp 3-4; Michael Yaffee, 'Program
Changes Boost Grumman Shuttle' Aviation Week and Space Technology July 12, 1971), pp 36-39;
Robert Thompson, interview with the author, Texas, 7 September 1995.
Richard Kline, interview with the author, Washington DC, 31 May 1995.
Christopher Kraft, interview with the author, Texas, 1 September 1995.
Dennis Jenkins, Space Shuttle pp 225-226; W.H. Morita, (ed) Space Shuttle System Summary p 28.
James Odem, interview with the author, Alabama, 21 August 1995; James Kingsbury, interview with
the author, Alabama, 16 August 1995.
Ibid; 'Shuttle Weight Cut 20 Percent Over Last Year,' Defense/Space Business Daily (March 1, 1974),
p 5; Charlie Dill, J.C. Young, B.B. Roberts, M.K. Craig, J.T. Hamilton, W.W. Boyle, 'The Space Shuttle
Ascent Vehicle Aerodynamic Challenges: Configuration, Design and Data Base Development,' Norman
Chaffee, (ed) Space Shuttle Technical Conference, Part 1 pp 151-152.
James Odem, interview with the author, Alabama, 21 August 1995.
Robert Thompson, Von Karman Lecture pp 3-4; M. Yaffee 'Program Changes Boost Grumman
Shuttle' Aviation Week and Space Technology (July 12, 1971) pp 36-39;
Mass ratio is a design parameter, which relates the total mass at ignition and the final rocket mass at
Max Faget, interview with the author, Texas, 9 September 1995; Myron Uman, email to the author, 7
October 1996; Myron Uman, interview with the author, Washington DC, 24 April 1995; Adelbert
Tischler, interview with the author, Washington DC, 3 May 1995; Adelbert Tischler, letters to the author
dated 13 November and 4 December 1996 Lyn Dutton. Etal Military Space pp 30-36; Arthur C. Clark.
The Exploration of Space pp 27-28; Joseph Thiboaux. 'Propulsion and Power Systems Perspective'
Norman Chaffee. (ed) Space Shuttle Technical Conference, Part 2. (Houston Texas, NASA, JSC,
Conference Publication 2342, 1985) pp 581-584.
Single stage to orbit vehicles are only just recently becoming a distinct possibility with developments
in new high-strength, light-weight materials and fabrication techniques. Adelbert Tischler, letter to the
author dated 16 June 1997
Z. Strickland, 'Titan 3L Studied As Expendable Booster' Aviation Week and Space Technology
(August 2, 1971) pp 40-41.
Robert Thompson, Von Karmen Lecture p 8.
NASA. Technology Influence on the Space Shuttle Development p 5-20.
William Hieronymus, 'Three Shuttle Booster Concept Studied,' Aviation Week and Space Technology
(January 10, 1972), pp 46-48; 'Shuttle Decision Hailed as NASA Victory,' Aviation Week and Space
Technology (January 10, 1972), pp 15-16; Zack Strickland, 'Pressure-Fed Booster Explore,' Aviation
Week and Space Technology (January 24, 1972), pp 40-41.
The Grumman\Boeing concept was based on a modified Boeing S-1C, which they claimed could be
developed for about half the cost of a liquid pressure-fed system and would entail less technological risk.
They also cited an advantage of less weight over the pressure-fed system, 300 000 pounds as compared
to 1 million pounds, because it would not need thick walls to withstand tank pressurization. Despite the
obvious benefits associated with thrust to weight specifications, reduction in weight was considered less
of a risk because there was great uncertainty at the time as to what would happen to a million pound
pressure-fed booster on water impact. Michael Yaffee, 'Alternate Booster Evaluation Set,' Aviation Week
and Space Technology (January 24, 1972), pp 36-37.
William Hieronymus, 'Three Shuttle Booster Concept Studied,' Aviation Week and Space Technology
(January 10, 1972), pp 46-48; 'Shuttle Decision Hailed as NASA Victory' Aviation Week and Space
Technology (January 10, 1972), pp 15-16; Zack Strickland, 'Pressure-Fed Booster Explore,' Aviation
Week and Space Technology (January 24, 1972), pp 40-41.
LeRoy Day, interview with the author, Maryland, 29 June 1995.
Robert Frietag, interview with the author, Virginia, 5 June 1995.
Letter from George Shultz, Director of the OMB to James Fletcher, February 16, 1972 (NASA
History Office Archive, Washington DC).
Letter from James Fletcher to Casper Weinberger, Deputy Director, OMB, March 6, 1972 (NASA
History Office Archive, Washington DC).
Letter from William Lilly to Dale Myers, February 11, 1972 (NASA History Office Archive,
Washington DC).
Letter from James Fletcher to Casper Weinberger, Deputy Director, OMB, March 6, 1972 (NASA
History Office Archive, Washington DC).
George Low, memorandum for the record, meeting with Don Rice, March 8, 1972 (NASA History
Office Archive, Washington DC).
Zack Strickland, 'Single Shuttle Contractor Planned' Aviation Week and Space Technology (March
20, 1972), pp 14-15.
Jerry Grey, Enterprise p 71; Joseph Trento, Prescription for Disaster pp 105-106; John Logsdon
John, 'Decision to Develop the Space Shuttle,' p 107.
James Reichley, Conservatives in an Age of Change pp 219-225.
Hans Mark, interview with the author, Texas, 8 September 1995.
The Grumman/Boeing team and Lockheed also received Phase-B extension contracts even though
they had not technically participated in Phase-B.
Bastian Hello, interview with the author, Maryland, 27 April 1995.
Grey Jerry. Enterprise pp 78-79.
Memorandum from Dale Myers to Deputy Associate Administrator, Planning, June 17, 1971 (NASA
History Office Archive, Washing ton DC). Flight rates varied from 492 to 732.
Heiss K.P. Morgenstern O. Economic Analysis of the Space Shuttle System: Volume 1.
The two-stage fully-reusable configuration had a projected per-launch cost of $4.6 million.
LeRoy Day, letter to the author dated 5 May 1996.
Heiss K.P. Morgenstern O. Economic Analysis of the Space Shuttle System: Volume 1. p 1-11.
Emphasis in original.
LeRoy Day, letter to the author dated 5 May 1996.
Scott Pace, Engineering Design and Political Choice p 40.
LeRoy Day, letter to the author dated 5 May 1996.
George Low, memorandum for the record, January 12, 1972 (NASA History Office, Washington
Statement by President Richard Nixon, press release from the Office of the White House Press
Secretary, January 5, 1972 (National Air and Space Museum Archive, Washington DC).
Nixon Richard. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon p 541.
Edward Tufte, Political Control of the Economy (New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1978) p
James Reichley, Conservatives in an Age of Change p 226.
Francis Hoban, interview with the author, Virginia, 15 May 1995.
Don Fuqua, quoted in Ken Hechler, Towards the Endless Frontier p 289.
Bella Abzug, quoted in Ibid. p 290.
'AFL-CIO Backs Space Shuttle' The Machinist (March 2, 1972) p 1.
Ibid pp 292-293; 'Senate Vote Coming on Space Shuttle' The Machinist (May 4, 1972), p 3; Jeffrey
Banks, 'The Space Shuttle,' Linda Cohen, Roger Noll, (ed) The Technology Pork Barrel (Washington
DC, The Brookings Institute, 1991), p 203.
'Shuttle Vote Brightens Aerospace Job Outlook' The Machinist (May 18, 1972), p 1.
Jean Westwood, quoted in 'The Democratic National Committee' Aviation Week and Space
Technology (August 7, 1972), p 15.
The five identified by Jean Westwood were: J.L Atwood, contributed $2000; George Karch, $1000;
Frederick Larkin Jr, $1000; Henry Mudd, $3000; and Willard Rockwell, $1000 (1972 dollars), Ibid.
Zack Strickland, 'Shuttle costs Remain $5 billion' Aviation Week and Space Technology (July 31,
1972), pp 12-13.
Olin Teauge, quoted in 'The Democratic National Committee,' Aviation Week and Space Technology
(August 7, 1972), p 15.
Stephen Ambrose, Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy, 1938-1980 (Middlesex, England,
Penguin Books Ltd, Second Revised Edition, 1981), pp 308-334.
Richard Nixon, The Memoirs of Richard Nixon p 544.
George McGovern, An American Journey: The Presidential Campaign Speeches of George
McGovern (New York, Random House, 1974).
George McGovern, quoted in Ken Hechler, Towards the Endless Frontier p 289.
Spiro Agnew, address by the Vice President of the United States at the Florida Jaycees State
Convention, Daytona Beach, Florida, January 29, 1972 (Kennedy Space Center Archive, Florida), pp
Ibid pp 5,6.
R. Hotz, 'Editorial,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (July 31, 1972), p 7.
Conservative politics prevailed within the AFL-CIO executive long after Vietnam had shattered the
cold war consensus. Although its middle class allies had deserted Johnson and campaigned for an end to
the war the AFL-CIO continued to support the conflict. To the AFL-CIO, McGovern's nomination was a
manifestation of what they perceived as an extremist take over of the Democratic Party. David Brody,
Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the Twentieth Century Struggle (New York, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 1980), pp 238-244.
Ibid p 242.
'Convention Backs McGovern, No Support at all for Nixon' The Machinist (September 14, 1972), pp
Richard Nixon, The Memoirs of Richard Nixon p 680.
Stephen Ambrose, Rise to Globalism pp 333-334.