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Pham - Analysis 1st Sem

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Rajiv GandhiUniversity
First Semester B.Pharm Degree Examination – DEC-2018
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 75 Marks

Pharmaceutical Analysis - I
Q.P. CODE: 5002
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Define and classify determine errors with examples. List the methods of minimising errors.

2. Classify acid base titrations. Explain the Quinonoid theory of indicators with example.
3. Define oxidizing and reducing agents with suitable examples. Explain the principle involved
in the iodometric titrations.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) 7 x 5 = 35 Marks

4. How do you prepare and standardise the following compounds – a) 500ml of 0.1N
hydrochloric acid b) 250ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide.
5. What is usefulness of mixed and universal indicators?
6. Explain the uses of the following in non aqueous titrations – a) perchloric acid b) acetic acid
c) acetic anhydride d) crystal violet.
7. Explain the principle and procedure involved in Volhards method and modified Volhards
8. Explain the principle and procedure involved in the estimation of Calcium Gluconate.
9. Explain what is co-precipitation and post-precipitation with example.
10. Explain the titrimetric curves obtained in conductometric titration a) strong acid Vs weak
base b) strong base Vs strong acid.
11. Explain the construction and working of glass electrode. What are the advantages of glass
12. Give the construction and working of DME.

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

13. Give the pH range of phenolphthalein and methyl orange indicators.
14. Give the role of starch as an indicator in redox titrations.
15. Give a list of methods of expressing concentration.
16. How do you calculate stiochiometric end point in acid base titrations.
17. Name the solvents used in non-aqueous titrations.
18. What is the difference between chelates and the complexes?
19. List the optimum conditions for precipitation in gravimetric analysis.
20. Calculate equivalent weight of Hydrogen peroxide and Oxalic acid.
21. Name two compounds which can be estimated by conductometry.
22. Write the importance of Nernst equation.

Rajiv GandhiUniversity
First Semester B.Pharm Degree Examination – June-2019
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 75 Marks

Pharmaceutical Analysis - I
Q.P. CODE: 5002
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. With suitable examples, define primary standard substances and secondary standard
substances. What are the requirements for a substance to be designated as a primary
standard? How will you prepare 250 ml of 0.5N HCl solution and standardize it? (Sp.gravity
of conc HCl=1.18 g/ml and concentration 37% w/w).

2. Explain the theories of neutralization indicators. Write a note on mixed indicators.

3. What is cerrimetry? How is it useful? Explain the preparation, standardization of 0.1N ceric
ammonium sulphate solution and assay of ferrous sulphate I.P

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) 7 x 5 = 35 Marks

4. Enumerate the techniques of minimizing errors.
5. Define non-aqueous titration and give its application. Write a note on ‘effect of temperature’
and ‘levelling solvents’.
6. Explain the titration curve of strong acid versus weak base. Mention the choice of indicator
for the titration with suitable reasons.
7. Define and explain the principle of complexometric titrations.
8. With suitable equations, explain the principles of assay of NaCl I.P
9. What is gravimetric analysis? Explain the precautions during washing of a precipitate.
10. Explain the working of a calomel electrode. Give its uses.
11. Define conductometry. Mention its applications. Explain conductometric titration curve of
strong acid versus strong base.
12. Give the construction and working of a dropping mercury electrode.

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

13. Define the terms ‘titrand’ and ‘titrant’.
14. Name any four indicators used in non aqueous titrations.
15. Define acidimetry. Mention two compounds assayed by this technique.
16. Explain ‘masking’ and ‘demasking’ in complexometry.
17. What are the limitations of Mohr’s method?
18. Explain the terms ‘molarity’ and ‘% w/w’.
19. Short note on Iodimetry.
20. Why is starch not used as an indicator in redox titrations having high acid concentrations?
21. What is a reference electrode? Name two.
22. Define molar conductivity, its equation and describe the terms.

Rajiv GandhiUniversity
First Semester B. Pharm Degree Examination – 04-Jan-2020

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 75 Marks

Q.P. CODE: 5002
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Define error; classify determinate error with suitable examples. Explain the terms ‘accuracy’
and ‘precision’.
2. Write a note on solvents used in non-aqueous titrations. Explain the preparation and
standardization of 0.1N perchloric acid.
3. Define oxidizing and reducing agents with a suitable example each. Discuss the principle of
redox titrations. Explain standardization of 0.1N sodium thiosulphate solution.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) 7 x 5 = 35 Marks

4. Define ‘normal solution’. Explain preparation and standardization of 0.1N potassium
permanganate solution (Mol. Wt: 158)
5. Explain the titration curve of strong acid versus strong base. How are these curves useful in
titrimetric analysis?
6. Write a note on universal indicators and mixed indicators with examples and their uses.
7. Explain Mohr’s method of determination of halides.
8. With a suitable example each, explain the terms ‘masking’, ‘demasking’, ‘ligand’ and
‘chelate’ in complexometric determinations.
9. Define gravimetry. Mention two compounds assayed by gravimetry. Explain the advantages
and disadvantages of this technique.
10. Explain the construction and working of a glass membrane electrode.
11. Explain any two conductometric titration curves.
12. Define polarography and indicate its applications. Enumerate the Ilkovic equation.

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

13. With an example, define primary standard substance. Give its significance.
14. Mention two neutralization indicators, which work in acidic pH along with their pH interval
respective colours.
15. Define equivalent weight of: ‘base’ and ‘reducing agent’ with an example each.
16. Illustrate effect of temperature in non-aqueous titrations.
17. Name four complexometric indicators.
18. Differentiate between ‘iodometric’ and ‘iodimetric determinations’.
19. Short note on ‘ignition’ and ‘peptization’.
20. How does starch act as an indicator in iodimetric titrations?
21. Differentiate between reference electrode and indicator electrode.
22. Define molar conductivity.

Rajiv GandhiUniversity
First Semester B.Pharm Degree Examination – 04-Dec-2020

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 75 Marks

Pharmaceutical Analysis - I
Q.P. CODE: 5002
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 1 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. What are the different methods of expressing concentration? How will you prepare and
standardise 250ml of 0.1N potassium permanganate
2. Differentiate between alkalimetry and acidimetry with an example. Explain the selection of
indicators in the titration between weak acid with a strong base using neutralization curve.
3. Define and classify Redox titrations. Explain titration with potassium iodate.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) 7 x 5 = 35 Marks

4. Define and classify error. Explain two methods of minimizing errors.
5. Explain the principle involved in the complexometric titration and how will you assay
magnesium sulphate I.P.
6. Mention the different theories of neutralization indicators and explain any one.
7. Give the principle and procedure involved in assay of ephedrine hydrochloride I.P.
8. Explain the conductometric titration curve of strong acid with strong Alkali. Mention
applications of conductometry.
9. Write the principle and applications of polarographic analysis.
10. Explain the principle and procedure in the Volhard’s method and modified Volhard’s method.
11. Explain what is co-precipitation and post-precipitation with an example each. What is the
effect of washing with an electrolyte in each of the above cases?
12. Give the construction, working and application of calomel electrode.

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

13. Explain effect of temperature in non-aqueous titrations.
14. Define molar conductance and specific conductance.
15. Define the terms accuracy and precision.
16. Give two examples each for self indicator and internal indicator in redox titration.
17. What is the difference between ‘chelates’ and ‘complexes’?
18. What is standard hydrogen electrode?
19. Define mixed indicators and universal indicators.
20. Differentiate ‘qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’ analysis.
21. What is the importance of common ion effect in gravimetry?
22. Mention an advantage and a disadvantage of dichrometric determination.

Rajiv GandhiUniversity
First Semester B. Pharm Degree Examination – 17-Mar-2021

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 75 Marks

Q.P. CODE: 5002
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary
All the questions are compulsory

LONG ESSAYS 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Explain the terms ‘Molarity’, ‘Normality’, ‘parts per million’, ‘% w/w’ and ‘equivalent weight
of an acid’. If 2.45 grams of pure sulphuric acid is present 50 ml of solution, determine is
strength in terms of molarity and normality
Define non-aqueous titration and give its application. Classify the non-aqueous solvents
with suitable example each. Explain the assay of ephedrine HCI.IP
2. Define and classify redox titrations with suitable examples. Explain any one in detail

SHORT ESSAYS 7 x 5 = 35 Marks

3. Explain the terms ‘absolute error’, ‘relative error’, ‘accuracy’ and ‘precision’
Explain quinonoid theory of neutralization indicator.

4. What are alkalimetric determinations? How will you prepare 250ml of 0.1N NaOH solution
and standardize it?
With suitable equation, explain the principle of assay of calcium gluconate I.P.

5. Explain Fajan’s method of determination of halides.

6. Explain the assay of barium sulphate by gravimetry.
7. Explain the construction and working of a standard hydrogen electrode.
8. Explain the terms ‘conductance’, ‘conductivity’, ‘molar conductivity’ and indicate their units.
9. Give the construction and working of a dropping mercury electrode.

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

10. Short note on significant figures.
11. Mention two neutralization indicators, which work in alkaline pH along with their pH interval
and respective colours.
12. Differentiate between ‘end point’ and ‘stoichiometric point’.
13. Define the role of nitrobenzene in modified Volhard’s method.
14. Define and classify ligand with an example each.
15. A note on screened indicator along with an example and use.
16. Give the equation of reaction of sodium thiosulphate with iodine.
17. Elaborate on the oxidizing properties of potassium permanganate.
18. Illustrate the Nernst equation and elaborate the terms.
19. Define polarography. Give its applications.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

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