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Modified Parkinson's Gear Tester: Prof. Dattatraya K. Nannaware

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IJSART - Volume 3 Issue 4 –APRIL 2017 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Modified Parkinson’s Gear Tester

Prof. Dattatraya K. Nannaware1, Prof. Kaveri. S. Kadam2
1, 2
Assistant Professor,Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract-In gear test rig all the gears will be mounted on a measurement. While measuring the one gear remaining will
plate which may be fixed or stationary as per the requirement act as a master gear. This will help in finding the composite
of the measurement. In order to check the combined tooth error. This test rig can be used in shop floor as it requires less
error different types of gear testing machines are used. space and operator can use it as per need without wasting
Various machines have its ability to check specified much time. Various modes of gear failure are given as
parameters only. Highly precise machine required special follows,
installation and space. For the purpose of checking gear in
machine shop while performing machine required such an
arrangement which is robust and quick one. This purpose can
be solved using gear test rig. This test rig can be used in shop
floor as it requires less space and operator can use it as per
need without wasting much time. The test rig can be developed
for different parameter as per measurement requirement.
There are various test rigs which can be used for that
particular designed condition.

Keywords-spur gear, Parkinson’s gear test rig., master gear


Today world requires speed on each and every field. II.GEAR TERMINOLOGY AND ERRORS IN GEAR
Hence rapidness and quick working is the most important.
Now a day for achieving rapidness, man manufactures
various machines and equipments. The engineer being
constantly conformed to the challenges of bringing ideas and
new design in to reality. New machines, equipments and the
techniques are being developed continuously to manufacture
various products at cheaper rates and high quality. Design &
Development of Parkinson gear tester for spur gear to check
the Flank Surface being compact and portable equipment,
which is skilful and is having something precise in testing the
gears being manufactured.

In order to check the combined tooth error different

types of gear testing machines are used. Various machines
have its ability to check specified parameters only. Highly
precise machine required special installation and space. For
the purpose of checking gear in machine shop while Errors In Gear
performing machine required such an arrangement which is
robust and quick one. This purpose can be solved using gear 1) Profile error
test rig. This type of gear test rig can be used for mass Maximum distance of any point on tooth profile form to the
production of gears of a particular gear box. Gear test rig is design profile
such arrangement which simplifies the measurement and 2) Pitch error
saves the labour time and labour cost with greater accuracy. Difference between actual and design pitch
In gear test rig all the gears will be mounted on a plate which 3) Cyclic error
may be fixed or stationary as per the requirement of the Error occur in each revolution of gear
4)Run out
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Total range of reading of fixed indicator with contact point III. PROBLEM STATEMENT
applied to surface rotated, without axial movement, about
fixed axis. In conventional gear test rig there is scope for
5) Eccentricity checking the composite error of any one kind of gear so that
Halt the radial run out for checking different type of gears in manufacturing process
6) Wobble it required to have different test rigs, also accuracy of
Run out measured parallel to axis of rotation at a specified checking composite error must have to increase. This problem
distance from axis gives out a way to develop modified gear test rig in form of
7) Radial run out parkinson’s gear tester.
Run out measured perpendicular to axis of rotation
8) Undulation Development of test rig
Periodical departure of actual tooth surface from design
surface In development of test rig manual operating is used to
9) Axial run out rotate the master gear against the gear to be tested. The gear to
Run out measured parallel to the axis of rotation at a speed be tested is installed on the trolley gear shaft. The trolley
10) Periodic error being spring loaded is in continuous close contact with the
Errors occurring at regular intervals master gear. The master gear shaft is extended and is coupled
with the bevel gear assembly which is manually operated by
Need Of Inspection handle. When the pair of master gear and the gear to be tested
is rotating and if there is any mis-run of the gear to be tested
 In old days the production was on a small scale, different then the same deflection is shown thus the operation of gear
component parts were made and assembled by the same testing machine is done.
craftsman. If the parts did not fit properly at the time of
assembly, he used to make the necessary adjustments in
either of the mating parts so that each assembly
functioned properly.

 Therefore, it was not necessary to make similar parts

exactly alike or with same accuracy as there was no need
of inspection.

 Due to technological development new production

techniques have been developed. The products are being
manufactured on a large scale due to low cost methods of Its special features are:
mass production. So, hand fit method cannot serve the  It applies the accuracy up to 1 micron.
purpose any more. The modern industrial mass production  It is light in weight and hence it is portable.
system is based on interchangeable manufacture, when  Weight of machine is 10 kg. (approx.)
the articles are to be produced on a large scale.  It requires very low maintenance.
 Its setting time is less.
 In mass production the production of complete article is  It requires very low floor space area.
broken up into various component parts. Thus the  Its manufacturing cost is also very low.
production of each component part becomes an  It is compact. Total length of machine is400mm.
independent process. The different component parts are
made in large quantities in different shops. Some parts are Advantages
purchased from other factories also and then assembled 1. Equipment suitable for mass production for inspection of
together at one place. Therefore, it becomes essential that gear.
any part chosen at random should fit properly with any 2. Quick results can be obtained.
other mating parts that too selected at random. This is 3. Permanent records can be obtained on charts, and on
possible only when the dimensions of the component analysis any modifications in existing manufacturing
parts are made with close dimensional tolerances. This is setup can be made if required any.
only possible when the parts are inspected at various 4. Results in the form of profiles are obtained so errors can
stages during manufacturing. be identified without actual measurement.

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5. Generally 100 mm max diameter of gear can be measured Sr.no. Name of Specification Materi Qua
as per our setup. the al ntity
6. There is low friction in movement of floating carriage and component
a high sensitivity of sensing unit is important. 1. Base Frame 400mm x 200 x M.S. 01
7. The accuracy is of the order of ± 1 micron 5mm
8. Rolling test does not reveal all errors since the device is 2. Frame as 150mm x 100mm M.S 01
sensitive to cumulative position errors. slider x 5mm
9. Errors are not clearly identified for type profile, pitch, and 3. Work table 400mmx200mm M.S. 01
helix, tooth thickness, indistinguishably mixed.
10. Measurements are directly dependent on master gear. 4. Supporting 25mmx12mmx M.S. 04
Strips 5mm
Applications 5. Master gear 25Ф x 100 mm STD 01
with shaft long
 Used to check as well measure the errors in tooth form. 6. Inspection 25Ф x 50 mm M.S./Al 01
 Detect error in pitch. gear with long
 Detect errors in concentricity of pitch line. shaft
 Detect the Total Composite Error: Double Flank. 7. Bearing STD
 Composite errors can be checked by measuring the
a) Housing -- 02
variations of centre distance when gear under test is rolled
under spring pressure against a master gear.
b) Bearings -- 04
for slider
Material Selection
c) Pedestal -- 01
Metrology is a science of measurement, for every
kind of quantity measured, there must be a unit to measure it. 8. Support Wire dia 0.6mm STD 02
spring 65 mm length
This will enable the quantity to be measured in number of that
unit. Further, in order that this unit is followed by all; there 9. Wheel shaft 25Ф x 300 mm M.S. 01
must be a universal standard and the various units for various long
parameters of importance must be standardized. It is also 10. Wheel SKF 6205 STD
necessary to see whether the result is given with sufficient bearing
correctness and accuracy for a particular need or not. This will 11. Sliding rods 10Ф x 120mm M.S. 02
depend on the method of measurement, measuring devices long
used etc. Thus, in a broader sense metrology is not limited to 12. Dial -- STD 01
length and angle measurement but also concerned with indicator
numerous problems theoretical as well as practical related 13. Bevel gear STD 01
with measurement. pair
14. Handle 300 mm x 50mm M.S. 01
Material for manufacturing of test rig. to be selected based x 5mm
on following factors
Selection & Design Of Components
 Availability and cost of material
 Strength and rigidity A) Design of Base Frame
 Resistance to fatigue
 Impact resistance Due to the load of machine structure, load of trolley
 Hardness & balancing load, the mild steel angle may buckle in two
planes at right angle to each other. For buckling in the vertical
 Weight
plane (i.e.in the plane of the angles), the angles are considered
 Mach inability and weld ability
as hinged at the middles and for buckling in a plane
 Corrosion resistance
perpendicular to the vertical plane, it is considered as fixed at
the middle and the both the ends.

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Here, The maximum load due to above factors = 40kg C) Design Of ShaftInCombined Bending And Torsion
(including friction) F= 40kg = 40 x 9.81 = 393 N.
We know that the load on each angle, F1 = 393/4 = 99 N. Following stresses are normally adopted in shaft design
Wcr = 99 N Let, t1= Thickness of the angle and b1= width
of the angle So, cross sectional area of the angle = A = t1x b1 Maxm tensile stress = 143 N/mm2, Maxm bending stress = 143
Assuming the width of the angle is three times the thickness of N/mm2 , Maxm shear stress = 65 N/mm2 , Shaft design on
the angle, i.e.b1= 3 x t1, Therefore A= t1x 3 t1 = 3 t12 basic of study. We know torque on shaft = 90000 N-mm
And moment of inertia of the cross section of the angle, Calculation of Maximum Bending moment. Mmax = force x
I = 1/12 t1b13 = 2.25 t14 distance = 202 x 230 =465000 N – mm. Equivalent Bending
We know that I = AK2, where k = radius of gyration. moment on shaft.Me = ½ x [M +(M2 +T2)1/2].Me = ½ x
K2 = I/A = 2.25 t14 / 3 t12 = 0.75 t12 [46500+(465002 +900002)1/2 = 220600 N-mm
Since for the buckling of the angle in the vertical plane, the This bending moment is act on master gear shaft,
ends are considered as hinged, therefore, the equivalent length Me = 220600N-mm
of the angle L = l = 300 mm. And Rankin’s constant, a = 1/ Considering bending failure of shaft Me = 3.14 / 32 x fb d3
7500 = 1* 10-4 Now using the relation, 220600= 3.14 / 32 x 143x d3 , d = 25.05 mm
F*A Equivalent twisting moment on the shaft
Wcr = --------------------- , Here f = 0.47 N / mm2 Te2 = (M2 + T2) = (465002 + 900002)½ = 101302 N-mm
1 + a ( L / K) Now using the relation Te / J = Fs / r, Te = 3.14 / 16x fs x d3
101302 = 3.14 / 16x 65 x d3 therefore d = 19.95 mm
0.47 x 3 x t12 Taking maximum value from above two value i.e25 mm dia of
99 = shaft.
1 + 1 * 10-4300 2/0.75t12
D) Design Of Support Spring
1.41 t12
99 = This spring is use to support the overhang
1 + 12 / t12 magnification linkage arrangement. The spring is subjected to
1.41t14 – 99t12 –1188 = 0 tensile load; so spring is design for tensile failure. We select
t1 = 8.3 mm general purpose spring and check it in applied load condition.
b1 = 3 x t1 = 3 x 8.3 = 24.9 mm.
But the standard angle available of 25 x 25 x 8 hence for safer Spring required to with stand the pull of 0.5 kgf (max) = radial
side we have selected it. Which can bear the impact loading. thrust.
Hence our design is safe. G = 0.84 x 106 kg / cm².
Number of springs = 2
B) Design Of Welded Joint:- Fs = 4200 kg / cm² for spring steel.
To find the diameter of spring wire,
Checking the strength of the welded joints for safety Torque = T = w x D/2 = 0.5 x 1.1 / 2 = 0.5 x 0.55 = 0.275
kg– cm.
The transverse fillet weld welds all the angle and the edge, the Torque = 0.275 = (3.14 / 16) x 4200 x d³ hence d³ = 0.275 x
maximum load which the weld can carry for transverse fillet 16 / (3.14 x 4200) , d = 3 0.00033 , d = 0.06 cm., d = 0.6 mm
weld is P = 0.707 x S x L x fs, Where, S = size of weld, ( 5 Hence we have taken the spring wire of diameter as 0.6 mm.
mm for starting &Stopping of weld) L = contact length = The length of spring is taken as per requirement, which is
30mm. The load along with the friction is 40 kg = 393 N taken as 65 mm.
Hence, 393 = 0.707 x 5 x 30 x fs, Hence let us find the safe
value of ‘fs’ E) Selection Of Bearing

393 Radial load on shaft (Fr) = 300 N

Therefore fs = ------------------- = fs = 3.70 N/mm2 Equivalent dynamic load
0.707 x 5 x 30 Pe = Fr*Ka= 300*1.5 = 450 N
Using load life relationship Assume life of Bearing
Since the calculated value of the shear load is very smaller Lh10 = 10,000hrs, L10 = Lh10*60*n/106
than the permissible value as fs=56 N/mm2. Hence welded L10 =10,000*60*420/106
joint is safe. L10 = 39752 million revolution, L10 = (C/Pe)10/3,

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C = (39752)0.3*450 , C = 10.79 KN test indicator, dial test indicator, drop indicator, plunger
By selecting Bearing number 6205 from manufacturer indicator, and others.

F) Selection Of Master Gear

 According to design of shat the master gear is selected
having following data which suitable to shaft design.
 Material of master gear is 40C8 i.e. plain carbon
 Ultimate tensile strength, Sut = 420 N/mm2 Modified Parkinson’s Gear Test Rig
 Standard module, m = 5
 Outer diameter of master gear, do = 100
 Number of teeth on gear, Zg = 20
 Face width, b = 10m = 50 mm
 Factor of safety = 3
 Tooth system is 20ₒ full depth involute
 Addendum, ha = 1m = 5 mm
 Dedendum, hf = 1.25m = 6.25 mm
 Circular pitch, Pc = 15.7 mm


 This project brought together several components and

ideas to achieve a common goal viz. person can check
G) Dial Indicator
the composite error with higher accuracy.
 As springs and slider table provide with roller it will
Indicators may be used to check the variation in provide flexibility of checking composite errors of
tolerance during the inspection process of a machined part,
different types of gear.
measure the deflection of a beam or ring under laboratory  Ultimately it overcomes the limitation of test rig for
conditions, as well as many other situations where a small
checking only spur gears.
measurement needs to be registered or indicated. Dial  It provides flexibility of checking gears having
indicators typically measure ranges from 0.25mm to 300mm
maximum outer diameter upto 150mm.
(0.015in to 12.0in), with graduations of 0.001mm to 0.01mm
 Reduces time for checking composite error, initial cost
(metric) or 0.00005in to 0.001in (imperial/customary).
and maintenance cost of test rig.
Various names are used for indicators of different types and
 It is very useful in mass production of any types of
purposes, including dial gauge, clock, probe indicator ,pointer,

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