Product Environmental Profile: 3 TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3 Energy Harvesting & Fixing Kits
Product Environmental Profile: 3 TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3 Energy Harvesting & Fixing Kits
Product Environmental Profile: 3 TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3 Energy Harvesting & Fixing Kits
01-EN - PEP ECOPASSPORT® - 3 * TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3*Energy harvesting fixing kits
General information
3 * TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3*Energy harvesting & fixing kits -3 * TH110
Representative product
Capteur Thermique Sans Fil - Auto-alimenté +3*Capture d'énergie & kits de fixation
The Easergy TH110 is an energy harvesting and wireless communication sensor using Zigbee
Description of the product Greenpower 2.4GHz protocol according to the IEEE 802.15.4. The Easergy TH110 is a mobile device
as defined by FCC.
To transmit measured temperature each 60s during 20 years up to 100 m as air free distance.
Comsumption when device is in sleeping mood 1,5 to 2 microA, which is an available energy
Functional unit
harvested from the field generated by power line. Maximum current during radio transmission 20mA
peak equivalent with 10mA during 10ms.
Constituent materials
Reference product mass 205.58 g including the product, its packaging and additional elements and accessories
Paper - 2,4%
Oregon pine wood - 0,5%
Cardboard - 54,7%
Plastics 20.6%
Metals 19.5%
Others 59.9%
Substance assessment
Products of this range are designed in conformity with the requirements of the RoHS directive (European Directive 2011/65/EU of 8 June
2011) and do not contain, or only contain in the authorised proportions, lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium or flame retardants
(polybrominated biphenyls - PBB, polybrominated diphenyl ethers - PBDE) as mentioned in the Directive
As the products of the range are designed in accordance with the RoHS Directive (European Directive 2002/95/EC of 27 January 2003), they
can be incorporated without any restriction in an assembly or an installation subject to this Directive.
Details of ROHS and REACH substances information are available on the Schneider-Electric Green Premium website
The 3 * TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3*Energy harvesting & fixing kits presents the following relevent
environmental aspects
The product has been designed to be sustainable as well by its low consumption of its communication protocol (Zigbee
Design Green Power)and battery less. If we consider an equivalence of properties of the device we have divided its volume
more than 2,95 during the pre-design phase.
Weight and volume of the packaging optimized, based on the European Union's packaging directive
Distribution Packaging weight is 121.3 g, consisting of Paper (36%), Cardboard (62,8%), PE film (1,2%).
Installation EMS59440 & EMS59441 does not require any installation operations.
End of life optimized to decrease the amount of waste and allow recovery of the product components and materials
This product contains an electronic card (13,86 g) and a strapping Velcro in nylon (14,14 g) that should be separated
from the stream of waste so as to optimize end-of-life treatment.
The location of these components and other recommendations are given in the End of Life Instruction document which is
End of life available on the Schneider-Electric Green Premium website
Environmental impacts
Use scenario Product dissipation is 0.06 W full load, loading rate is 30% and service uptime percentage is 30%
WorldWide with APAC(30%) & US(35%) & EU(35%)
Technological The Easergy TH110 is an energy harvesting and wireless communication sensor using Zigbee Greenpower
representativeness 2.4GHz protocol according to the IEEE 802.15.4. The Easergy TH110 is a mobile device as defined by FCC.
3 * TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3*Energy harvesting & fixing
Compulsory indicators kits - 3 * TH110 Capteur Thermique Sans Fil - Auto-alimenté +3*Capture d'énergie
& kits de fixation
Impact indicators Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life
Contribution to the soil and water acidification kg SO2 eq 9.60E-03 6.73E-03 2.80E-03 3.47E-05 6.26E-06 2.93E-05
Contribution to water eutrophication kg PO43- eq 2.21E-03 1.54E-03 6.49E-04 8.16E-06 6.71E-07 1.08E-05
Contribution to global warming kg CO2 eq 3.64E+00 3.00E+00 5.93E-01 1.13E-02 2.42E-03 2.79E-02
kg CFC11
Contribution to ozone layer depletion 3.90E-07 3.87E-07 1.20E-09 7.09E-10 1.82E-10 1.03E-09
Contribution to photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 eq 8.35E-04 6.26E-04 2.02E-04 3.77E-06 4.79E-07 2.80E-06
Resources use Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life
Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Net use of Total Primary
mineral resources the soil and water water global warming ozone layer photochemical freshwater Energy
depletion acidification eutrophication depletion oxidation
3 * TH110 Wireless Thermal Sensor - Self Powered + 3*Energy harvesting & fixing
Optional indicators kits - 3 * TH110 Capteur Thermique Sans Fil - Auto-alimenté +3*Capture d'énergie
& kits de fixation
Impact indicators Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life
Contribution to fossil resources depletion MJ 4.39E+01 3.53E+01 8.32E+00 1.60E-01 3.48E-02 1.24E-01
Resources use Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life
Total use of renewable primary energy resources MJ 1.77E+00 1.76E+00 1.12E-02 1.97E-04 1.78E-03 0*
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources MJ 4.66E+01 3.83E+01 7.93E+00 1.70E-01 3.92E-02 1.31E-01
Waste categories Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life
Other environmental information Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life
* represents less than 0.01% of the total life cycle of the reference flow
Life cycle assessment performed with EIME version EIME v5.5, database version 2015-04.
The manufacturing phase is the life cycle phase which has the greatest impact on the majority of environmental indicators (based on
compulsory indicators).
Please note that the values given above are only valid within the context specified and cannot be used directly to draw up the environmental
assessment of an installation.
Internal External X
The PCR review was conducted by a panel of experts chaired by Philippe Osset (SOLINNEN)
The elements of the present PEP cannot be compared with elements from another program.
Document in compliance with ISO 14025 : 2010 « Environmental labels and declarations. Type III environmental
declarations »