Cash Dividends Received by Resident Foreign Corporation
Cash Dividends Received by Resident Foreign Corporation
Cash Dividends Received by Resident Foreign Corporation
One of the following dividends received from a domestic corporation is not subject to final tax
Cash dividends received by resident foreign corporation
Q2. Mr. Ravenclaw, not a dealer in securities, had the following transaction of common shares of stock of
Slytherin Co. a resident corporation:
Purchases on February 14, 2018 0f 300 shares 30,000
Purchases on March 11, 2018 of 200 shares 21,000
Purchases on July 10, 2018 of 120 shares 13,200
Sale on July 30, 2018 of 320 shares 26,500
The taxpayer uses weighted average method in determining the cost of the stocks sold
How much is the cost of the stocks sold?
Q3. If an account in an depository bank under the foreign currency deposit system is jointly in the name of a
non-resident citizen such as an overseas contract worker, or a Filipino seaman, and his spouse or dependent who
is a resident of the Philippines, the interest on such deposit shall be:
50% exempt and 50% subject to final withholding tax of 15%
Q4. On the following dividends received from a domestic corporation is not subject to final tax
Cash dividends received by resident foreign corporation
Q5. Which of the following share in the net income received by an individual shall not be subject to final tax
but to regular income tax for individuals?
Share of an individual from a GPP
None of the choices
Q6. Mr. Ravenclaw, not a dealer in securities, had the following transaction of common shares of stock of
Slytherin Co. a resident corporation:
Purchases on February 14, 2018 0f 300 shares 30,000
Purchases on March 11, 2018 of 200 shares 21,000
Purchases on July 10, 2018 of 120 shares 13,200
Sale on July 30, 2018 of 320 shares 26,500
The taxpayer uses weighted average method in determining the cost of the stocks sold
The amount of loss not recognized on the sale of July 30, 2018 is?
Q7. Interest income received by an individual from long-term deposit or investment in the form of savings,
common or individual trust funds, deposit substitutes, investment management accounts and other investments
evidenced by certificates in such from prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) shall be:
Exempt from the tax
Q8. The taxpayer had the following income in 2018:
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1. Interest on bank deposit
2. Philippine peso deposit, gross P 400,000
3. US dollar deposit, gross US $ 160,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
1. Royalty
2. Philippines P 1,000,000
3. USA US $ 20,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
4. Winning from Raffle – Jhonny’s Supermarket
5. Dividends from Resident Foreign Corporation. The gross income from the Philippines for the past 3 years is 60%
6. Dividend from Domestic Corporation P40,000
If the taxpayer is a resident foreign corporation, determine the final tax due
Q9. On July 1, 2018, Ms. Umbridge sold shares of stock for P200,000. The shares, acquired on June 1, 2016 at
a cost of P150,000, were held as investment, and were sold directly to a buyer under the following terms:
Down payment, July 1, 2018 P20,000
Installment due, October 10, 2018 30,000
Installment due, October 10, 2019 75,000
Installment due, October 10, 2020 75,000
Determine the capital tax due in 2018?
Q10. A resident citizen received a price of P40,000. Which of the following statements is correct in connection
with the imposition of final tax on prize?
The whole amount of 40,000 shall be subject to 20% final tax
Q11. Ms. Minerva sold her residential house under the following terms:
Cash received, January 10, 2018 P100,000
Amount received, June 10, 2018 100,000
Installment due, June 10, 2019 600,000
Additional information:
Cost of land 150,000
Mortgage assumed by the buyer 200,000
How much is the capital gains tax due in 2018?
Q12. Mr. Avenido acquired his principal residence in 2016 at a cost of P1,000,000. He sold the said property on
January 1, 2018, with a fair value of P5,000,000 for a consideration of P4,000,000. Mr. Avenido Acquired his
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new principal residence within the 18-month reglementary period but did not utilize the entire proceeds of the
sale in acquiring his new principal residence.
How much is the capital gains tax?
Q13. The taxpayer had the following income in 2018:
1. Interest on bank deposit
2. Philippine peso deposit, gross P 400,000
3. US dollar deposit, gross US $ 160,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
1. Royalty
2. Philippines P 1,000,000
3. USA US $ 20,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
4. Winning from Raffle – Jhonny’s Supermarket
5. Dividends from Resident Foreign Corporation. The gross income from the Philippines for the past 3 years is 60%
6. Dividend from Domestic Corporation P40,000
If the taxpayer is a non-resident citizen, determine the final tax due
Q14. Hagrid. A non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business, received the following during the year:
Interest Income received from bank, foreign currency P80,000
Royalties from Books P150,000
Lotto winnings from Japan P50,000
Royalties from Licensing Agreement P100,000
PCSO winnings P300,000
Prize from singing competition P9,000
Winning from Nobel peace prize P15,000
Other prizes earned P15,000
Prizes and awards received as best athlete in the Palarong Pambansa P10,000
Compute the final tax
Q15. Final tax is generally withheld:
I – on passive income.
II – from Philippine sources.
Only II is correct
Q16. When is the capital gains tax return filed by a natural or juridical person, resident or nonresident, who is
not exempt under existing laws for the sale, barter, exchange or other onerous disposition intended to transfer
ownership of shares of stocks in domestic corporation classified as capital assets, not traded through the local
stock exchange.
I. Within 30 days after each sale, barter, exchange, or other disposition of shares of stock not traded through the local stock exchange.
II. In case of installment sale, the return shall be filed within 30 days following the receipt of the first down payment and within 30 days following
each subsequent installment payment.
Only II is correct
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Q17. Under this system, the amount of income tax withheld by the withholding agent is constituted as a full and
final payment of the income tax due from the payee on the said income.
Final Withholding Tax
Q18. Hagrid, A resident alien, received the following during the year
Interest income received from bank, foreign currency P80,000
Royalties from books P150,000
Lotto winnings from Japan P50,000
Royalties from Licensing agreement P100,000
PCSO winnings P300,000
Prize from singing competition P 9,000
Winnings from Nobel Peace Prize P20,000
Other prizes earned P15,000
Prizes and awards received as best athlete in the Palarong Pambansa P10,000
Compute the final tax
Q19. The commissioner of the internal revenue shall be duly notified by the taxpayer within how many days
from the date of sale or disposition of the principal residence through a prescribed return of his intention to avail
of the tax exemption from capital gains tax?
30 days
Q 20. The taxpayer had the following income in 2018:
1. Interest on bank deposit
2. Philippine peso deposit, gross P 400,000
3. US dollar deposit, gross US $ 160,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
1. Royalty
2. Philippines P 1,000,000
3. USA US $ 20,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
4. Winning from Raffle – Jhonny’s Supermarket
5. Dividends from Resident Foreign Corporation. The gross income from the Philippines for the past 3 years is 60%
6. Dividend from Domestic Corporation P40,000
If the taxpayer is a Domestic Corporation, determine the final tax due
Q 21. Which of the following is not subject to the 6% capital gain tax?
None of the choices
Q22. The deadline for filing the quarterly final income tax withheld by Dumbledore on March 15, 2019 is on?
April 30, 2019
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Q23. First statement: The tax on interest income from foreign currency deposit shall be imposed unless the
depositor who is a non-resident citizen or non-resident alien can present documentary evidence that he is not a
resident of the Philippines
Second statement: To be entitled to an exemption from the tax on interest income on foreign currency deposit,
the Foreign Currency Bank Account shall be in the name of the non-resident individual or non-resident
Both are correct
Q 24. The term shall mean an alternative form of obtaining funds from the public other than deposits, through
issuance, endorsement or acceptance of debt instruments for the borrowers own account, for the purpose of
relending or purchasing of receivables and other obligations, or financing their own needs or the needs of their
agent or dealer.
Deposit substitute
Q 25. Which of the following shall be exempt from income tax?
I – Philippine charity sweepstakes winnings and lotto winnings
II – Interest income from long-term deposit or investment in the form of savings, common or individual trust
funds, deposit substitutes, investment managements accounts and other investments evidenced by certificates in
such form prescribed by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
Neither I or II
Q 26. A non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business derived P50,000 interest income from the long-term
bank deposit here in the Philippines. How much is the income tax due of the said alien?
Q 27. First statement: If the property was acquired by devise, bequest, or inheritance, the basis shall be the fair
market value of such property at the time of death of the decedent.
Second statement: If the property was acquired by gift, the basis shall be the same as it would be in the hands of
the donor or the last preceding owner by whom it was not acquired by gift, except that if such basis is greater
than the fair market value of the property at the same time of the gift, then for the purpose of determining the
loss, the basis shall be such fair market value
Both statements are correct
Q28. Which of the following shall not be subject to the 20% final tax?
Prizes amounting to 10,000 or less
Q 29. An individual taxpayer owns several pieces of land which are classified as capital assets. He has the
following data for the current year:
M- million
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
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Selling Price P 3M 4M 5M
Less cost (1.5M) (3M) (6.5 M)
Gain (loss) 1.5 M 1M 1.5M
FMV, time of sale 2.5 M 5M 7M
Selling price of an adjacent 2M 6M 8M
Q31. Interest income derived by a resident foreign corporation from a depository bank under the expanded
foreign currency deposit system shall be subject to a final income tax at the rate of:
7.5% of such interest income
Q 32. Which of the following passive income from the Philippines sources is exempt from Philippine income
tax when received by non-resident aliens and non-resident citizens?
Interest income received from a depository bank under EFCD system
Q33. An individual taxpayer held shares of stocks as investments. During the current year, he sold the shares he
bought for P100,000 to a direct buyer for P180,000. He incurred P30,000 selling expense in connection with the
sale. How much was the capital gains tax of the sale if any?
Q34. The taxpayer had the following income in 2018:
1. Interest on bank deposit
2. Philippine peso deposit, gross P 400,000
3. US dollar deposit, gross US $ 160,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
1. Royalty
2. Philippines P 1,000,000
3. USA US $ 20,000
(Rate of Exchange 1 US $ - Php 50.00)
4. Winning from Raffle – Jhonny’s Supermarket
5. Dividends from Resident Foreign Corporation. The gross income from the Philippines for the past 3 years is
60% P80,000
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6. Dividend from Domestic Corporation P40,000
If the taxpayer is a resident citizen, determine the final tax due
Q35. On July 1, 2018, Ms. Umbridge sold shares of stock for P200,000. The shares, acquired on June 1, 2016 at
a cost of P150,000, were held as investment, and were sold directly to a buyer under the following terms:
Down payment, July 1, 2018 P20,000
Installment due, October 10, 2018 30,000
Installment due, October 10, 2019 75,000
Installment due, October 10, 2020 75,000
Determine the documentary stamp tax in 2018?
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