Ri Activities For Year 4
Ri Activities For Year 4
Ri Activities For Year 4
7 Effective Remedial
Instruction Strategies
7 Effective Practices of Remedial Instruction
What is it?
Explicit instruction is a way to teach skills or concepts to students using
direct, structured instruction. It helps make lessons clear by modeling for
students how to start and succeed on a task and giving them ample time
to practice.
7 effective practices of RI – What, Why, How
What is it?
Communicative competence does not only refer to a language user’s
grammatical knowledge but also social knowledge. It is important to know
when to use language accurately and appropriately in order to reach
communication goals.
How to do this?
Why do we do this?
• Contextualize speaking tasks to
• Activates students' interest to
students' daily life
communicate ideas
• Provide opportunities for students to
• Helps students to express thoughts
engage in role play and information
and opinions
gap activities
• Basic life skill
• Include letter writing, note-taking
and summarizing tasks
• Provide opportunities for group and
individual presentations
7 effective practices of RI – What, Why, How
What is it?
The use of various methods to help make core content understandable,
manageable and actionable throughout the course of the lesson.
7 effective practices of RI – What, Why, How
What is it?
Peer-assisted learning is when students are paired with their
classmates regardless of their levels – with the goal to help each other to
7 effective practices of RI – What, Why, How
What is it?
The way a student learns and responses in the classroom, has so much to do
with his/her culture and social experiences at home. Therefore, for a student to
learn holistically it is important to draw from their experiences and exposure to
7 effective practices of RI – What, Why, How
• Assess language and literacy challenges, and monitor progress
What is it?
Assessments in remedial classrooms are vital to identify the learning
blocks students are experiencing and how best to support them in order
to progress. It also helps teachers evaluate the effectiveness of their
7 effective practices of RI – What, Why, How
What is it?
The use of small groups to promote student learning. Students are
encouraged to share ideas and help each other learn while sharing
resources and their discoveries.
Acknowledgements & References
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017) Promoting the Educational Success of Children and
Youth Learning English: Promising Futures. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.