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The AND Asset

The Secret Way to Save and Use Your

Money at the Same Time

Caleb Guilliams

The AND Asset

Copyright © 2018 Better Wealth Solutions

All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher: Better Wealth

Editor: Dan Kaminski

Illustrator: Becca Krahn

ISBN-13: 978-1-7327249-0-7
ISBN-10: 1-7327249-0-3

Second Print Edition

October 2018

Better Wealth Solutions

101 Division Street North
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481
“To those who are on a journey to find a better way”
J.G. Rosholt – You’re probably the only bank CEO in the country that
would willingly offer a 19-year-old the keys to an entire investment
department. The autonomy you allowed, empowered me to discover
and implement the very best ways to serve people’s financial needs.
You saw a potential in me that I didn’t know existed at the time. If it
weren’t for your leadership and support I wouldn’t be where I am today.
This book and my life are simply products of the incredible people
that have so willingly provided their time and knowledge to me.
I want to thank my parents for their loving upbringing and always
believing in me. My family and friends who have always been a
huge support system. The men and women who selflessly mentored
me in my fledgling years. My colleagues, who perhaps unknowingly,
mentored me as I learned key concepts via text, audio and video.
My clients who entrust me with their present and future livelihood.
Finally, my incredible team members who make everything I do
possible – I am forever grateful.
Welcome! Allow me to ask you a fundamental question. If money
wasn’t an issue what would you be doing with your life? What
things would you be doing if you didn’t have to worry about money?
More importantly, what things would you stop doing immediately if
money wasn’t an issue?
What I’m about to share with you in this book would be worth very
little if you don’t truly know “Why” it matters to you personally. The
value of your life is not found in a hefty bank account or in being
financially free. There is more to your life. It’s imperative that you
find your Why.
I often find that people discover their underlying Why when I ask
the question – “What would you be doing if money wasn’t an issue?”
You are compelled by something. You are passionate about
something. Maybe it’s spending quality time with family. Maybe it’s
travel and discovery. Maybe it’s serving and alleviating need and
suffering. Maybe it’s starting a business that solves a significant
problem or brings some valuable good or service to people. In other
words, you would be living life on your terms. It’s in this passion or
drive that you will find your Why. Pondering these thoughts is what
led me to write this book.
Financial independence, often referred to as financial freedom, is
having enough passive income to cover your desired lifestyle. Let’s
assume you have achieved financial freedom, what would you do?
When it comes to money, most people are aware of what to do. It’s
clear that in order to get ahead financially, you need to make money,
save money and have that money grow. Most people know that’s

what they need to do. A significantly smaller number of people are

skilled in how to do those things.
Very few people have defined and embraced their Why. It is the Why,
however, that makes the greatest difference.
It is knowing your Why that leads to success. Your life is as big as
your individual Why.
In one sense, this book is about money. It’s all about increasing your
wealth by understanding how to unlock all the wealth inefficiencies
you currently experience in your life. Reading this book will allow
you to learn the secrets of “compound interest” and how to grow
your wealth without excessive government interaction, market
losses or unnecessary fees. On top of that, you will also learn the
very best way to use your money throughout your life. The strategies
I will show you will be invaluable whether your goal is to do some
investing, start a business, pay off debt, buy a car or go on that
dream vacation you have always wanted.
In another sense, this book has nothing to do with money. It has
everything to do with you. Your potential, your dreams, your life. This
book will lay out what I believe is the very best way for you to see
and reach your highest potential by showing how to have mastery
over your money. Think of this book as a guide that will allow you
to start thinking about your life differently. It is my belief that many
people aren’t able to live the life they want because of how they
think about money. I can help you end that today!
I have a simple mission statement that I want to live my life by. It
reads as follows: “Help people see and reach their highest potential.”
My goal for this book is to help you see and reach your highest
potential too.
You are your own greatest asset! Your ability to think then act is
one of the greatest qualities you have as a human being. You also
have another great asset that can work for you – time. Your ability to
think and act in a strategic manner can lead to tremendous wealth
accumulation over time.


This book is my best effort to share with you what I firmly believe is
the greatest way to invest in yourself now and in the future.
When I started my journey, I had an entrepreneurial/financial
planning dilemma. I knew that I was my own greatest asset. From
an entrepreneurial perspective, I wanted to keep as much money as
possible readily available so that I could invest in myself. However,
from a financial planning perspective, I knew that if I could start
saving for retirement at a young age my wealth would grow with
the power of compound interest.
I believe that many people share this short-term/long-term dilemma.
In this book I will walk you through the best ways to live well in the
present while still planning for the future.
There are a lot of books out there that purport to help people to live
the life they want to live.
What separates this book from all the others is that I don’t focus on
WHAT you do. Rather, I show you radically better ways HOW to do
what you’re currently doing.
One thing that I hope you can agree with me on is the value of time.
This book will show you better ways to buy back your time so that
you can do the things that you absolutely love.
Which of these apply to you?
Entrepreneur – This book will show you better ways to use your
money in your business or entrepreneurial endeavors.
Investor – Real estate, stocks, bonds, options, crypto currency, etc.
This book will show you a better way to invest.
High Income – Pay a lot in taxes, can’t contribute to a Roth IRA.
This book will show you a better way to save more money and
leverage your assets.
Inexperienced – You might have just started thinking about saving
and investing. This book will open your eyes to the possibilities of
how to master money management.


Experienced – You might be an experienced investor and have

done very well with your money. This book will help you learn
ways to enhance your wealth success.
Retirement – Near retirement or already retired. This book will
show you better ways to increase your wealth and preserve it.
Family – Planning your next vacation or how to fund college. This
book will show you a better way to save for the future while also
getting to live well in the present with your family.
Debt – Looking for ways to reduce or eliminate debt? This book
will show you how to save more money and pay off debt at the
same time.
Before you start reading I encourage you to really think about the
question I asked earlier – “If money wasn’t an issue what would you
be doing with your life?” Also, consider what is your Why?
Feel free to write down your answers below:


This book Is divided into three sections:

Section 1 – The Wealth Equation

In this section I will explain the following concepts:
The Wealth Equation – You will learn why I think this equation is a
powerful way to describe the best financial strategy available today.
Efficiency – You will look at areas where you may be struggling,
(perhaps without realizing it), with inefficiencies. You will also
explore the most efficient way to compare various places to
invest money.

Section 2 – Compounding And Control

In this section, I will explain two additional important concepts:
Compounding – You will explore in detail the power of
compounding growth. Very few people are taking full advantage
of this powerful wealth building tool. You will learn how different
kinds of interest can be used to your advantage.
Control – You will look at the positive effects of having control over
your money. I believe being able to control money in the short-
term as well as long-term is a critical yet severely underutilized
tool in most financial plans and strategies.
With an understanding of the power of Efficiency, Compounding
and Control I will explain how you can save money and get true
compounding growth while also being in full control of this money
and corresponding wealth accumulation.

Section 3 – The Controlled Compounding StrategyTM

In this section, I am going to lay out what I believe is one of the
most powerful wealth strategies that will put you on a journey to
financial security and independence. I am first going to look at why
and how this strategy works.


We are going to discover the most ideal place for you to save your
money. Then, if I did my job correctly, you will know how you can
have total control over your money today and in the future while
also letting it grow with uninterrupted compounding.
There may be better strategies or other ideal accounts in the future.
But, at the time of writing this book, I am giving you what I believe
is the very best way to save and use money throughout your life.
Whether you’re in debt with a negative net worth or own a billion
dollar business, in some way, you can apply the principles of this
strategy in your own life. This strategy won’t replace what you’re
currently doing, but it will, hopefully, show you a better way how to
do what you’re doing.
Please allow me a friendly suggestion. While it may be tempting
to immediately jump to Section 3, I would really encourage you to
read this book in its entirety. Strategies can come and go, but the
principles within this book are universal.

Introduction .............................................................................................. v-x

Section 1 – The Wealth Equation

Financial Freedom........................................................................................1
Most Efficient Way to Buy a House...................................................... 21

Section 2 – Compounding and Control

Uninterrupted Compounding................................................................. 31
Mastering Unhindered Control.............................................................. 45
Taxes............................................................................................................... 59
Controlling Your Money Like a Banker................................................67

Section 3 – The Controlled Compounding Strategy™

Controlled Compounding........................................................................ 75
Creating Your Master Account................................................................ 81
Controlled Compounding Strategy™.................................................. 95
The Only “And Asset”...............................................................................105
Summing It All Up....................................................................................111
Epilogue .....................................................................................................115
Section 1
The Wealth Equation
Financial Freedom – What is it
and How Do You Obtain it?
Financial freedom is something that is very specific to you. You
are financially dependent as long as the money you need to
generate is dependent on you working for it. You become financially
independent, or financially free, when you no longer have to work in
order for all of your expenses to be covered by your income.
That is a basic working definition of financial freedom, but your life
is much bigger than expenses and income.
The good news is that financial freedom is attainable – if you take
the right steps. Remember, you are your greatest asset.
Your ability to create value (income) and your continual value
(potential future income) is your greatest asset.
When planning, many typical financial advisors solely look at your
saved assets and ask the question: “How can you get a good rate
of return from your assets?” Unfortunately, this is a terribly small-
minded and short-sighted approach. You don’t maximize the value
of your life by just utilizing your present savings.
Instead, I suggest you use your resources, particularly money and
time, in order to have the greatest impact on your life. When it
comes to your financial future, have your goals in mind, and make
decisions based on maximizing your financial potential.


This way, you will attain financial independence when your

sustainable passive income (money that you don’t have to
work for) is sufficient enough to finance your Why.
Financial independence is definitely attainable. Whatever your age
and stage in life, you can make solid progress toward building a
passive income stream that will finance your life and your Why at a
level beyond what you currently may think is possible.
Want to know how?
Introducing… The Most Famous Equation
The most famous equation in the world was derived by Albert
Einstein in 1905. It is instantly recognizable but not always
understood by people. The effects of this equation are colossal!
The equation explains how the sun and stars work by using nuclear
fusion. It made nuclear power plants and the atomic bomb possible
by explaining the energy produced by one and released by the
other. It made medical radiology feasible. Applications as diverse
as carbon-dating, topography scanning and telecommunication
satellites owe their existence to this equation. It would be difficult
to overstate the powerful impact of this equation on our world today.
As you may have guessed, that most famous equation is E=mc2.
What you may not know is that Einstein formulated this equation
as a young man before he had obtained his doctorate in physics,
a teaching position and access to research facilities or funding. At
the age of 26, he formulated this equation by wrestling with three
fundamental problems in physics that had not been addressed.
After producing four papers on the subject, he submitted them for
publication in the German “Journal of Physics.” The last of these four
papers contained the equation E=mc2.
While Einstein was delighted to have his work published, the
significance of his equation was not immediately grasped or
universally accepted. Despite these humble beginnings, the equation
has proven its truthfulness and value.


The principles behind it are rock solid, and the ramifications of it in

the real world of practical experience (not just the world of theory
and ideology) are firmly established. In fact, anyone setting out into
the realm of science would be wise to chart a course on the path
created and governed by the principles embodied in E=mc2.
Situations similar to Einstein’s also occur in the financial world. I’ve
spent years learning about reliable principles and truths relative
to finances that would help my clients. Then, I learned how to
effectively communicate these principles and truths in ways that
could be acted upon decisively by my clients.
The Wealth Equation:
The wealth equation states that maximum efficiency is achieved by
multiplying your money through the processes of uninterrupted
compounding and unhindered control.

Maximum Efficiency = money (uninterrupted

compounding x unhindered control)
...which can also be written as
Efficiency = money (compounded x controlled)
E=m (c x c)
…and finally,

Like Einstein’s equation, you may not initially understand it when

you see it. But, I’m confident that it will prove its truth and value in
your personal finances!

Let’s look at the importance of efficiency, or the “E” in E=mc2. We’ll
call this the “Big E” because maximizing efficiency involves the
whole process of growth, income and legacy. It’s all about getting
your money to work for you more and more as the years go by.
The wealth equation (E=mc2) is a deceptively simple, immensely
powerful and astonishingly effective formula that can help anyone
achieve financial independence so let’s break it down in simple
terms and put it to work. To start, let’s talk about efficiency.

Financial Freedom Begins With Efficiency

If you were to only get one thing out of this book, I hope it’s the
concept of efficiency. Whatever dreams you have, and whatever path
you take to accomplish those dreams, I hope the information in this
book inspires and equips you to pursue the most efficient financial
path toward that end, because the better way is the most efficient way.
To illustrate this example of efficiency, let’s look at an example from
the game of golf.
Club vs. Swing
If you wanted to excel at golf and could choose to have the very
best club on the market or the swing of your favorite professional
golfer, which would you choose?


Most people with knowledge of the game would choose the swing
in a heartbeat because perfecting your swing is far more valuable
than having the very best club. It literally separates the best golfers
from everyone else!

The financial services industry is made up of many individuals

selling products rather than teaching the process. It’s similar to
giving someone the very best golf club and expecting them to be a
great golfer even though they have never practiced their swing.
Unfortunately, this is the reality that faces so many trying to get
ahead financially.
Rather than focusing on a product, (buying a better club) the better
way is to focus on the process (developing your swing) of building
wealth. This process starts with understanding wealth transfers and
the opportunity cost (which I will explain later in the book), that
comes from losing money unknowingly and unnecessarily.
Since efficiency matters, the conversation must begin by focusing
on the process before the product. In this chapter, I hope to share
with you some powerful principles that will allow you to master the
process of efficiency in your own life. I will also share with you the
16 characteristics of what would be an ideal financial vehicle (club)
to use when deciding where to save or invest your money.


The Swing – The Process

When you shop for a car, you’ll see gas mileage numbers that
represents the mileage you will get if you drive in the city and the
mileage you get when you drive longer distances on the highway.
Highway mileage is always going to be a higher number than city
mileage because of efficiency.
When you drive a long distance on the highway, you use a significant
amount of fuel to get up to speed. But once you get up to cruising
speed, it takes much less fuel to maintain that speed. Generally, in
the city you are starting and stopping frequently. This is what lowers
the number for city mileage.
Being efficient with your money (by minimizing losses, maximizing
gains and mastering control) is like getting highway mileage in
your vehicle. It takes a bit to get up to speed. But, if you can avoid
starting and stopping and allow efficiencies to do the work, you will
get much further much faster.

That’s why I stress a specific strategy that focuses on

managing your money with maximum efficiency.
Whatever your current financial plan is, you are likely losing money
unknowingly or unnecessarily. Finding those losses and putting an end
to them is crucial to maximizing the efficiency of your wealth plan.
Warren Buffett is widely considered one of the most successful
investors in the world. He is a frugal saver who has launched
innumerable entrepreneurial ventures and has pledged to give
away 99% of his wealth. He has two rules to investing:
1. Don’t lose money!
2. Listen to rule number one!
Warren Buffett is more concerned with preventing losses than he
is with making great gains. There is a good reason for that; losses
affect your money more than gains. When you lose money, you’re
losing your future earning potential.


The term I use for a loss is a “wealth transfer.” Any time you lose
money, your wealth is leaving you and being transferred to someone
else. I picked up the term “wealth transfer” from Don Blanton in
his book Your Circle of Wealth and I use it regularly with clients.
Wealth transfers can occur any time you make a financial decision
regardless of your situation.
The significant financial expenses you have may include buying
homes, paying taxes, fees, education, investing and major purchases
(like vacations, cars, etc.). Wealth transfers can happen during any of
these transactions and can happen without you knowing. Any time
a wealth transfer occurs, you lose more than you think.
What’s the true cost of a wealth transfer? Well, it’s significantly more
than just the initial loss. When you lose a dollar, you don’t just lose
that dollar, but you also lose the opportunity of what that dollar
could have earned you over time. A question that should be asked is:
“What would a wealth transfer be worth if it was kept and allowed
to grow?”
That amount is called an “opportunity cost” and is a fundamental
truth about money. The basic definition of opportunity cost is the
loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative
is chosen. All of your decisions have secondary effects, either
positive or negative.




Once you grasp the concept of opportunity cost, you will view
the world and money differently. Ultimately, it’s having the
understanding that your decisions have consequences. For example,
you may start to realize the true cost of a four dollar latte (what
could those four dollars be worth in the future?). Opportunity cost
can be very empowering because you have something solid to work
with. You can determine the true cost of not investing in something
or investing in yourself.
A good example of investing in yourself is starting a business. The
initial cost for me to start my financial business took a significant
part of my time and money. However, the decision offered many
benefits, and ultimately, was something I had to do in order to help
as many people see and reach their highest potential.
My suggestion is to never make a decision based solely off of
numbers. Rather, look at how that decision will help you get closer
to or farther from your underlying Why.
Opportunity costs, like a four dollar latte, may not be terribly
impressive. Just imagine adding a few zeros to that number.
What if I could show you how to prevent $4,000 or even $40,000 in
losses? What about preventing $400,000, $4 million, or even more
in losses?
How could that affect your net worth? How could it affect your
earnings potential? And perhaps most importantly—if I could show
you how to prevent losing a significant amount of money, would you
then turn around and invest that money in the most efficient way

Wealth transfers affect your net worth far more than gains
do because when you lose money, you have less capital
working for you, meaning less opportunity to make gains.
Since wealth transfers are so important to maximizing the overall
efficiency of your financial plan, let’s look at some of them in a little
more detail. There are four main types of wealth transfers that are
working against your money: investment loss, taxes, fees and what
I’m going to call use.

Wealth Transfers Due to Investment Loss

Risk is the chance that you will lose money. Only in financial planning
do people say things like “higher risk = higher return.” What that
really means is that you’ll have a greater chance of making money
if you do something that has a greater chance of losing money. In
what world does that type of logic make sense? In reality, as you
will see, you can’t afford to lose money at any time, no matter your
age or risk tolerance.
One of the wealth transfers you are likely experiencing is investment
loss. Many people believe they are saving for retirement but the
reality is they are investing. What’s the difference?
Money you invest is money that is subject to loss. Whereas, your savings
consist of money that you can’t lose. This is another truth about money
which has been blurred by those in the financial services industry.
Money that you are saving is, by definition, money that you are
keeping safe. For many people, that means that it’s unproductive,
just stuffed into a mattress or a savings account that earns next
to nothing. Saving does not have to be that way. Just because your
money is safe doesn’t mean it can’t grow.

In fact, by the time you finish this book, you’ll know how
to enable your savings to outperform the most common
investments available today.
Money that is saved doesn’t have to be unproductive. It should be
safe and not subject to loss. A majority of people are encouraged
to save for retirement through the use of mutual funds. However,
mutual funds are an investment product. They are not a savings
product because any money in the stock market is subject to risk.
Many individuals are storing most, if not all of their retirement
money in financial vehicles that are subject to loss. As history has
shown, a single event can cause significant value loss within a
matter of a few days!
Additionally, if you are involved in any investment that includes
stocks, bonds or mutual funds, you are losing more money than you


think you are. This is because of the difference between average

and actual rate of return (ROR). The average ROR you are shown on
your account statement is almost always going to be higher than
the actual ROR you are getting on your investment. Let me show
you a quick example of why this is true.
Average vs. Actual
Let’s say you have $100 to invest in a mutual fund. The first year,
that fund grows by 100% which leaves you with an account value of
$200. The second year, your fund unfortunately decreases by 50%,
diminishing your account value back to your original $100. Wall
Street says you’re an incredible investor because you’ve earned an
average ROR of 25%! However, since your account balance is back
to the original contribution, your actual ROR is 0%.
As you will discover, your actual ROR is in fact negative if you include
taxes, fees and inflation.



1 +100% $100 $200

2 -50% ($100) $100


Here is the money truth! Any computation of average ROR is going

to under represent losses and over represent gains, unless you add
money to the investment. It’s just how the math works. Losses are
always greater because you are losing from a larger number. Gains
are always smaller because you are gaining on a smaller number.
Most people are unknowingly and unnecessarily transferring wealth
away from themselves through market losses.


And remember, the loss of a dollar to market loss is compounded

by the fact that you are not just losing that dollar but you are also
losing what that dollar could earn you well into the future.
Wealth Transfers Due to Tax Loss
In 1913 a tax was proposed and described as “temporary.” It was
never to exceed 7% of income. This tax has continued to this day,
and is now known as the “Federal Income Tax.” For some, taxes
could end up being the biggest wealth eroder. This could be a huge
wealth transfer. It all depends on how and when taxes are paid.
While many individuals often focus on the tax rate, another area that
may fluctuate is the threshold of the tax brackets. This threshold
can change from one year to the next and cause an unexpected
wealth transfer.
Are taxes going up or going down? No one can be certain of the answer
to this, but at the time of the writing of this book, the U.S. Government
passed a large (temporary for many individuals) tax cut. When taxes
are historically high, it might be reasonable to expect them to fall,
but since taxes are currently historically low, it’s reasonable to expect
them to rise. While no one can be certain, it is likely that taxes aren’t
going down any further and could very easily go up in the future.

It is vital that your money grows efficiently while considering

the changing tax environment.
Minimizing wealth transfers that are a result of taxation starts with
getting a firm grasp on three types of financial accounts that are
available to you; taxable, tax-deferred and tax-free.
Here is a quick overview of the differences:
Taxable Accounts use after-tax dollars. You have already paid income
tax on the money you put into these accounts. Those dollars then
grow in a taxable environment so that if you sell that investment
or receive income from it, you either have to pay additional income
tax or capital gains tax. There are no penalties involved in accessing
your money in a taxable account. You are free to leave it in the
account as long as you’d like and you’re free to take it out whenever

you wish. The effect of using a taxable account is that you are only
taxed on your gains, not the initial principal. A taxable account does
little to minimize wealth transfers due to taxes.
Tax-deferred Accounts use pre-tax dollars. You are deferring,
postponing or putting off paying taxes on these dollars. Your account
then grows in a tax-deferred environment. Unlike taxable and tax-
free accounts, in most cases, you will pay a penalty if you access your
money early. You are also obligated to begin to take your money out
at a certain point later in life. When taking money out of the account,
the principal you put in and the gains you received are taxed as
income. None of the gains are taxed at a capital gains rate, which is
most often lower.
A tax-deferred account has the most restrictions. It postpones the
whole tax bill to the future, and you give up total control of how
efficient you can be. The only way this account is more efficient in
the long run relative to taxes, is if you are in a lower tax bracket
when you begin to withdraw money.

For these reasons, I believe a tax-deferred account is the least

effective at minimizing wealth transfers when it comes to taxes.
Yes, you read that right! To most people, the great appeal of these
accounts is the short-term benefit of not paying taxes on the principal
or the gain. Little thought is given to the risk of “kicking the can”
down the road and paying taxes at a later date. In exchange for the
opportunity to defer payment of taxes, you give up a certain level
of control. As you’ll see when I expand upon the wealth equation,
maintaining control is indispensable.
Many people invest most of their entire financial future in these
types of plans without really understanding the consequences.
These plans are sold as “tax sheltered” plans because they offer
people a way to utilize pre-tax dollars and have their money grow
tax-deferred. That’s what makes them so attractive today. What
many people forget is your money is locked up and can’t be accessed
without a penalty. You will also have to pay taxes on all of your
money in the future at an unknown tax rate.


Here’s another way to think about it. You walk into a bank to get a
loan. The bank approves you for the loan and you are thrilled. Before
receiving the money, you want to know two things — when you have
to pay the money back and what the interest rate is. The bank tells
you that you can pay them back in 30 years, and when you do, they’ll
look at what they need at that time and then tell you the interest
rate. There is no way you would take this deal! Yet, this is exactly the
kind of offer you might be utilizing with a tax-deferred plan.
Tax-free Accounts use after-tax dollars. You have already paid income
tax on the money you put into these types of accounts. However, unlike
a taxable account, these dollars grow in a tax-free environment. You
do not pay taxes on your gains. And, in most cases, you can access
your money tax-free. It’s your money to do with as you please.

A tax-free account is, in most cases, the most effective at

minimizing wealth transfers due to taxes.
Keep in mind that, ultimately, the loss of a dollar to taxes is
compounded by the fact that you are not just losing that dollar,
but, you are also losing what that dollar could have earned for the
rest of your life. The opportunity cost of wealth transfers due to
taxes now and in the future can be staggering. Later in this book, I
will share much more scary thoughts about why I believe taxes are
going to go up, and I mean way up.
Wealth Transfers Due to Fees
A third type of wealth transfer that you want to minimize in order
to be the most efficient in your financial plan relates to fees. Fees
can be deceptively damaging because they are usually somewhat
hidden and advertised as being low. Think of fees as a silent tax on
your wealth potential. Fees may look small, and it can be difficult to
see that they present a real threat to your wealth. Let me show you
three examples of how much money you may be losing in fees.
One way to envision losses due to fees is to think in terms of
percentages. If you make a 4% gain on your investment but lose 2%
of that gain to fees, you have actually only made a 2% gain.

If you make an 8% gain on your investment but lose 2% of that gain

to fees, you have actually only made a 6% gain. Looking at it this
way, you can see that even with a low fee, you lose anywhere from
25%-50% of your growth to fees.
Time to Double
A second way to get an idea of the effect of fees is to think in terms
of how long it takes to double your money. If you are getting a
4% return, your money will double in 18 years. If there’s a 2% fee
involved, it will take 37 years to double. If you are fortunate enough
to get an 8% return, your money will double in nine years, but if you are
paying a 2% fee it will take you 13 years.



When you look at it this way, you can begin to understand how
seemingly small fees can hinder your ability to multiply your money.
Actual Value
A third way to understand the real cost of fees is to use actual
numbers. If you contributed $10,000 every year to an account that
earned 4%, you would have an account balance of $583,283 after
30 years. With a 2% fee, your account value would drop to $416,662.
That’s a difference of $166,621! You personally would have paid
$109,023 in fees; the rest was lost due to opportunity cost.
If instead you were able to earn an 8% ROR without fees, your
account balance would be $1,223,459. With a 2% fee, your account
value would drop to $830,162. That’s a difference of $393,297! In
this example, you personally would have paid $173,343 in fees, and
a sizeable $219,954 was lost due to opportunity cost.
In all of these examples, you assume you don’t lose any money in the
investment itself. In most situations you have to pay fees whether
you make money or not!





5 10 15 20 25 30

Wealth Transfers Due To Use

The concept of wealth transfers due to use is very important
to understand. This is by far the most powerful wealth transfer.


Understanding why it’s so powerful can truly be a game changer.

Instead of it working against you, you will learn how to get it to
work for you.
When I ask people what their greatest financial need is, they usually
think it is saving money for retirement or other major life needs.
I disagree. I think your greatest financial need is spending money
wisely. You spend or use way more money than you save or invest. If
you were more efficient with the money that you use, it could make
a massive difference to your bottom line.
Whenever you buy something, you are either paying interest or
losing the ability to earn interest. Let me give you an example.
I drove my dad’s car (a late 90’s Geo Prizm) around all through high
school, and though it didn’t have air conditioning and wasn’t much
to look at, I have really fond memories of it. I passed it down to my
younger brother when I bought my first car, a 2011 Ford Fusion.
I was really happy because I initially thought I had gotten a really
great deal. It was more than a step up from the Prizm I was previously
driving. With leather heated seats and other niceties, it was a leap
into luxury, and I paid cash for it.
When I bought it, I was pretty proud of myself because I wasn’t going
to be paying interest on a loan. At the time, I thought that paying cash
for major purchases was the very best way to go. It had to be better
than buying it on credit and paying interest, right? Not necessarily.
In a later chapter on compounding, I am going to share with you an
amazing discovery I had. Using my personal car as an example, I will
show you the best way to buy big ticket items.
The Club – Ideal Account
Let’s step into a perfect financial world for a moment where
everything works in your favor and you can make the most money
with the least amount of effort.
If you could find this “ideal” environment for your money, what
would it look like? In one sentence, I’d say it’s an environment that


compounds and controls funds in the most efficient way possible.

That’s a really condensed statement so let’s explore the elements
that would enable it to happen.
The 16 Characteristics of the Ideal Financial Vehicle Include:
1. Safe – Your money suffers no losses.
2. Liquid – Your money is accessible either for emergencies or for
3. Growth – Your money multiplies.
4. Leverage – You can use your money as collateral.
5. Inflation-Protection – Your money grows at a rate greater than
the rate of inflation.
6. Guarantees – There are contractual assurances in place.
7. Free of Fees – You do not have to pay anything to anyone for the
use of the vehicle.
8. Free of Regulation – Your money is not restricted in any way.
9. Flexible – You can fund the account in whatever way works best
for you.
10. Requires Minimal Time – The vehicle works on auto-pilot.
11. Passive Cash Flow – Your money produces income on its own.
12. Private – Your money grows without restrictions and has
creditor protections.
13. Protection – It provides for you in the event of tragedy.
14. Tax-deductible – You can subtract any money you put into the
account from your taxable income.
15. Tax-free Growth – Your money grows without being taxed.
16. Tax-free Distribution – You can access your money without
paying taxes on it.


There is no vehicle that includes all of these characteristics. However,

it gives you something to shoot for in your journey to financial
freedom. More than that, it gives you the right thing to shoot for.
It’s not enough to just compare financial vehicles, options and
opportunities to each other. You need to compare everything to the
ideal. After all, you want maximum efficiency on everything included
in the list above.
Later in the book, I’ll share a financial vehicle which comes as
close to the ideal as possible. I call it the “Master Account.” For now,
just know that when I talk about a Master Account, I’m referring
to a financial vehicle that has the greatest number of the ideal
characteristics mentioned above.
In the process of writing this book and meeting with prospective
clients, I found myself using the word “maximize” a lot. I mean, a lot.
I used it so often that it was sort of embarrassing. I sounded like a
broken record. That’s when I started searching for synonyms.
Surprisingly, it turns out that there are no other words I can use to
get across the same idea! Sure, I found “amplify,” “expand,” “stretch,”
and plenty of other words that convey the idea of “getting larger.”
But, when I use the term, “maximize,” I mean amplifying, expanding
or stretching to the greatest extent possible.
Your best path toward financing your life and your Why is to
“maximize the efficiency of your money.” Don’t just amplify, expand
or stretch it. Instead, go to the greatest extent possible to get as
close to the ideal as possible. This challenges a lot of conventional
wisdom. Let me offer another example.
Foot Off the Brake
In this chapter, I made a reference stating that highway mileage
is better than city mileage because of efficiency. Financially, when
someone is at maximum efficiency, they are not incurring any


unnecessary losses, and they are achieving the most compounding

of interest and control possible. They are cruising down the
highway toward their chosen destination with minimum effort
and maximum speed.
When someone is being inefficient financially, they are allowing
unnecessary wealth transfers and putting their money in places
where they have little control. It is as if they have one foot on the
gas pedal and the other firmly pressing down on the brake.
Many people are trying to get to somewhere by pressing harder
and harder on the gas pedal (working more hours, looking for a
better ROR, taking greater risks, etc.). They are unaware that they are
also stepping on the brake (paying too much in fees, losing earning
potential to taxes, missing opportunities due to lack of capital, etc.).
Efficiency is about ensuring that the whole car (the whole system
and strategy you are counting on to get you to your Why) is
functioning at its peak capacity. This means no wasted energy and
no unnecessary drag.
Efficiency (the E in E=mc2) will only make whatever you are doing
better. It will make it better through all the stages of your life.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor, an employee or a
retiree, maximizing the efficiency of your financial strategy from
beginning to end is sure to enhance whatever you are doing.
To evaluate a real-world practical example of efficiency, let’s
explore what many people consider to be their primary investment
– their home.

Most Efficient Way to Buy a
I’m not going to go into a philosophical discussion of owning versus
renting a house. I won’t try to convince you that you can save more
money if you downsize. I’m simply going to analyze what is the most
efficient way to buy a house. Why?
Most people are more emotionally invested in this financial decision
than any other one that they make. After all, it’s their home and not
just a house. It’s a place where they can relax and feel comfortable
being themselves every day, raise their family, celebrate holidays
and special occasions, take part in hobbies, entertain and more.

However, there are some important things to consider with

this big purchase; how you pay for your house matters.
When it comes to efficiently buying a house, you need to look at
three areas:
1. How to minimize loss (wealth transfers).
2. How to maximize future growth (opportunity cost).
3. How to have the most security (control).
The issues involved in buying a house are essentially between how
you pay for it and when you pay it off.


With regards to how you pay for it, there are two basic options; you
can pay with cash or finance it. With regards to when you pay it off,
there are many different strategies so you will need to explore both
ends of the spectrum. You can either pay it off as quickly as possible
or pay it off over as long a time as possible.
Keep in mind that you are looking for the most efficient solution.
That may or may not be the most comfortable or commonly used
For this exercise, let’s make four assumptions:
1. The price of the house is $250,000.
2. You have $250,000 in cash available.
3. You can get a 30 year loan at 4% interest.
4. You can access an investment that will give you a 4% return
on your money for 30 years.
You have two options:
Option One: Pay Cash
Let’s say you pay $250,000 in cash for the house. Then, you take
the monthly payment you were going to pay the bank ($1,189) and
invest it, earning a steady 4% over 30 years. This way, you end up
with $828,374 in cash and a paid off house.
Option Two: Finance the House
If you finance the house at 4% and save your $250,000 in an account
that earned 4%, after 30 years, you would also have $828,374 in
cash and a paid-off house.
Mathematically, the results are the same, but this practically never
happens because it requires the buyer to stay in the house for 30
years. It also requires the cash buyer to pay themselves faithfully for
30 years, which is also unlikely.
Now, let’s discuss the most efficient way to purchase a house. With
the focus on efficiency, you are going to look at several factors

that interact with each other. None of them, in and of themselves,

necessarily make the decision for you. But, each of them contribute
important information that will help you form your decision.
Most people end up doing whatever it takes to make mortgage
payments. The nature of financing is that you are obligated to pay
that money back. The same is not true for savings. If you pay cash for
your house, there are no payments required of you. In this example,
you would need to save $1,189 every month for 30 years to pay
yourself back. That’s a total of $428,040.
If you paid cash for a house, how likely would you be to pay back the
entire amount to yourself? In which situation are you more likely to
exercise the discipline necessary to make the numbers work?
The concept of efficiency as used in this book doesn’t tell you the
answer to this one. It’s something you’ve got to answer for yourself.
Tax Benefits
There can be some very beneficial tax advantages to a mortgage. For
some, these could be the only benefits they will receive. Efficiency
demands that you quantify and weigh the potential tax benefits
of financing. Tax law can change so it’s not an exact science, but
you can make a reasonable assumption concerning the money you
could save in taxes over those 30 years.
There are no tax benefits if you pay cash for your house. Efficiency
comes down solidly on the side of financing in this case.
House Value
The value of your house may increase or decrease over time. One
reason people choose to purchase versus rent is the chance to build
equity in a property. But, as many experienced in 2008, houses can
sharply fall in value unexpectedly.
What ROR does the equity in your house earn? Regardless of how
it’s paid for, your house will increase or decrease in value. A benefit
of paying cash is not having to pay interest to a financial institution.

However, a cash buyer is going to lock up a large portion of their

capital and/or net worth in their house. Meanwhile, the person that
finances has that same house. But, instead of locking up their money,
they can let it grow and use it for other activities. How you pay
for a house is unrelated to its value. With regards to house value,
efficiency is solidly on the side of financing.

Financing allows you to own an asset and have access to your

funds for other investing or saving.
Inflation is the force that makes your dollar less valuable over
time. Your dollar today is as valuable as it will ever be because of
inflation. If you acquired a 30 year mortgage as shown previously,
your payment would be $1,189. Using a 2% inflation rate, in 15
years, that $1,189 payment would have the buying power of $883.
In 30 years, that $1,189 mortgage payment would only have the
buying power of $656.

A long-term fixed mortgage can be a fantastic hedge against

You can use dollars today and pay the loan back with dollars that
will be worth substantially less in the future. Efficiency loves these
kinds of situations.
Earning Interest vs. Paying Interest
In our example, the interest you would pay the bank on a $250,000
loan over 30 years at 4% is $178,040. The interest you would be
paid if you invested your $250,000 for 30 years at 4% is $578,374.
Is it a good use of your money to spend $178,040 in order to earn
$578,374? Efficiency says “Yes.”

Based on the spread between what you pay in interest and

what you make in interest, financing the home is the more
efficient (and therefore, the more profitable) decision.





$250,000 4% $0 $578,374 $828,374





1 6 11 16 21 26 30




$250,000 4% $1,189 $178,040 $0




1 6 11 16 21 26 30


Opportunity Cost
If you pay cash for a house in this example, you tie up those funds for
30 years. However, if you finance the house, you have the $250,000
available for any opportunities you can find or create. Just because
you can invest your money in something for 30 years and earn 4%,
doesn’t mean you have to!
Do you think that in the next 30 years, with a little help and direction,
you would be likely to find a way to earn more than 4%?
In this example, you gain more control over your money and can
generate greater returns by financing instead of paying cash. Yet
again, efficiency suggests to finance.
Many people believe that paying off their house as soon as possible
is a sound, financial decision. I use the word “believe” intentionally.
It’s not strong enough to say that people think they should pay off
their house early or that people are under that impression. For lots
of people, it’s a firmly held belief.
If you are one of those people, please hear me out before you toss
my book in the trash. It appears to me that there are two reasons
many people feel this way.
The first is that you are human and are prone to insecurity. You
feel safer when you think you’re in control when things are settled.
Something unresolved, like a mortgage, lurks threateningly in the
back of your mind.
Prone to worry, you may fret over what you would do if “something
happened.” You don’t really think it through, strategize or make a
plan for that eventuality. You just comfort yourself with thinking
that if you could get the house paid off, you would at least have a
place to live. I get that. I really do. The feeling of safety (that you are
doing what you can to ensure your security) whether it is warranted
or not, is a powerful influence.


There is a second reason many people believe so strongly in paying

off their house quickly. That’s what they’ve been taught by people
whom they respect and trust. The idea that debt in any form is
damaging and that you should get out of all debt as quickly as
possible is a mantra of many qualified financial gurus out there.
If you pay for your house in cash, I’d argue that you are putting yourself
in a less secure position. If a real crisis came along, all of your money
would be tied up in your house. You would have to sell or refinance
the house in order to get access to your funds and address the crisis.
Think about it in real-life terms. The crisis you are most likely to
encounter may include: loss of employment, unexpected physical
disability and/or economic uncertainty. Let’s play out a scenario
using the example above.
If a crisis were to occur, which would be the safer situation to be in:
1. Having a house to live in, but without any money?
2. Or, would you be more secure if you had $250,000 on hand
with which you could manage both the payments on your
house and whatever the crisis demanded?

Efficiency indicates that you are significantly safer (whether

you feel that way or not) financing your home than you would
be by paying cash.
By financing, you gain control of your house while only putting in a
fraction of your money. The rest of your money could be multiplying
in a more liquid vehicle and could quickly come to your rescue if
your safety is threatened.
How you pay for your house is a big financial and emotional decision.
Taking a sober look at the numbers and understanding the various
issues involved can help you make a better decision.
What I’ve just done is shown you efficiency at work. For many people,
their focus in buying a house is really narrow. They are primarily
concerned with what rate they are paying or what their monthly
payment will be.


It’s only if you bring efficiency to the table and start asking questions
and running numbers in multiple areas, that you begin to see there
is so much more going on than interest rates and monthly payments.
You begin to see the whole picture. You begin to see losses you can
avoid and gains you can capture. You begin to see ways that you can
exercise control over the process to work it to your advantage.
If you make a number of moves to increase the efficiency of each part
of the process, the whole process ends up working efficiently, and that
makes a substantial difference at the end of the day. I wanted to show
you the most efficient way to buy a house to illustrate the principle
that it is not just what you buy, but how you buy it that matters.

Section 2
Compounding And Control
Uninterrupted Compounding
I’ve established that being efficient with your money (minimizing
losses, maximizing gains and mastering control) is what will enable
you to reach financial independence in the quickest and safest way
If I take the wealth equation (E=mc2) and put it in sentence form,
it reads like this: Efficiency is multiplying your money by the use
of compounding and control. In this chapter, I discuss the first “c”
in the wealth equation—compounding. When used in the wealth
equation, I mean a very specific type of compounding, uninterrupted
The Power of Compounding
When you invest, your money earns interest (dividends or capital
gains, etc.). Interest begins to grow from the first year. However, in
the second year you earn interest on your original money and the
interest from the first year.
In the third year, you earn interest on your original money and
the interest from the first two years. And so on. Every year you are
not just earning a return, you are earning a greater return. This is


Compounding produces a return that is not just

incremental, it is exponential.






The Eighth Wonder of The World

Consider this choice between two options. If you were given the
choice between receiving a million dollars today or receiving one
penny every day doubled for 30 days, which would you choose?
If you understand the principle of compounding (and have a minute
or two to do some quick calculations), you would confidently choose
the penny doubled every day for the 30 day period and walk away
with over five million dollars.
It is true that it takes some time for compounding to accelerate. At
the end of the first week of doubling, you have only accumulated
$0.64. At the end of the second week, you only see $81.92 sitting
there. In fact, it takes all of 28 days before you break a million
dollars. But if you stick to your guns and wait just two more days,
you end up with over five million dollars!


.01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32

.64 1.28 2.56 5.12 10.24 20.48

40.96 81.92 163.84 327.68 655.36 1,310.72

2,621.44 5,242.88 10,485.76 20,971.52 41,943.04 83,886.08

167,772.16 335,544.32 671,088.64 1,342,177.28 2,684,354.56 5,368,709.12

This is the power of compounding.

Compounding, if left alone to work its magic over time, will always
produce an exponential yield. Albert Einstein has been credited over
the years in various financial publications as stating: “Compound
interest is the eighth wonder of the world.” Another statement often
attributed to him declares: “He who understands it, earns it. He who
doesn’t, pays it.”
It is worth taking some time to understand compound interest.
More importantly, it is worth taking some time to make sure that
you are actually earning compound interest. All types of interest
aren’t created equally. Understanding the fundamental difference
between them will give you insight into how they can work for or
against you. As I’ve already mentioned, compound interest is interest
earned on principal and interest. Interest becomes powerful the
more time it’s given to grow uninterrupted. Compound interest is
simply a function of time and interest rate. The longer your money
compounds, the greater the growth.
Compound interest is what you want to earn and what you want
to avoid paying. When you earn compound interest, it works as the
illustration above reveals. You’re earning more and more as time
goes on. But when you are paying compound interest (as with a
credit card that you do not pay off the balance on each month), it
can quickly eat up your wealth.


The Problem
There is a reason that compounding is the first “c” in the wealth
equation. The power of exponential growth from compounding
works reliably over time. The principle and the math work at all times
and in all situations. Simple math and reason can easily illustrate
that the principle of compounding pays off royally. However, most
people are not experiencing that type of growth in their financial
Why is that? If compounding is a well-known principle, and
produces astounding results, why is it that most people are not
getting those results?
It is because, while people may be trying to compound their funds,
they are not getting the kind of compounding that I advocate in the
wealth equation – uninterrupted compounding.
Don’t Disrespect the Eighth Wonder!
Most people will never have the eighth wonder of the world working
for them because compounding is interrupted by one of four main
things; investment losses, taxes, fees and use of money. These are
the same wealth transfers I defined earlier. You need to think long-
term and consider the effects of these wealth transfers over all the
stages of your life.
Here is a quick review of wealth transfers:
The definition of risk is the chance for loss. Whenever you experience
a loss on an investment, you lose more than just the amount of the
loss. You lose earning potential.
The future rate of taxes you pay and the future bracket you will
be in may change, but taxes are not going away. Any time you pay
more taxes than necessary today or in the future, you interrupt the
compounding curve.


Not only do fees impede growth, but they also work against you
even when your account suffers a loss in value.
Use of Money
Any time you use a dollar, you don’t just lose that dollar. You also lose
what that dollar could have earned you over your lifetime. The fact
that most people are taught to save money during the accumulation
phase, and then spend it down in retirement, guarantees that they
will never get true, uninterrupted compound interest for life.
Expanding the Penny Example
In the penny example, there was nothing working against the
exponential growth of compound interest. In people’s actual
experience, any and all of the four wealth transfers can interrupt
the compounding process.
Imagine that three times during the 30 days (on day 5, 15 and 25),
your pennies did not double. That loss would have interrupted the
compounding process, and your final amount would have fallen
from $5,368,709 to $671,089. Interestingly, only $42,025 was
lost due to the penny not doubling on those three days. However,
the additional $4,697,620 loss was the effect of interrupting the
compounding process.
Let’s also consider taxes. In this same example, you pay a 15% tax on
the growth of your money. This 15% tax would reduce your account
balance from $5,368,709 to $559,732. Even though you only paid
$182,736 in total taxes, they caused a reduction in the account
balance of $4,808,977.

Imagine if that tax was higher than 15%!

Or, let’s presume that there was a 2% fee paid to the person who was
managing the penny compounding process. That fee would have
interrupted the compounding process, and your balance at the end
would have decreased from $5,368,709 all the way down to $2,988,313.


It may be hard to believe, but a 2% fee eliminated over two million

dollars. Interrupting the compounding process can be very costly.
Lastly, let’s imagine that you need to use some of that money. Twice
during the 30 days (on the 15th and 25th day), you have an urgent
need to pull $100 for some emergency. Again, it is only a relatively
small amount of money that you have used, but the effect of
interrupting the compounding process is significant. Your account
balance would end up with $2,088,709. The use of that $200 costs
you $3,280,000!
You can see that individually the effect of each of the four types of
wealth transfers can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, they seldom
work against you singly. You may experience losses, taxes, fees and
emergency needs simultaneously.
Let’s run the numbers one more time and include all these wealth
transfers. This time, however, we’ll allow them to interrupt the
compounding process in a cumulative way. In this final example, the
pennies won’t double on day 5, 15 or 25, which represents “losses.”
We’ll use a tax rate of 15% and include a 2% fee. For this example,
you won’t take out any money because any use could actually cause
your final number to be negative! Your ultimate take-home number
at the end of the 30 days tallies up to $51,368. This is a fraction of



$5,368,709 $671,089 $559,732 $2,988,313 $51,368

Before you confidently decide to take the compounding penny, do

the due diligence necessary to account for any interruptions. You
would have been far better off taking the million dollars on day one
when wealth transfers are considered.

Most people and financial planners alike don’t take the time
to do these basic calculations that reveal the devastating
effects wealth transfers have on their financial plans.


It has been my experience that most people know they are losing
some portion of their gains, but they are regularly a bit stunned
to see how great that loss actually is over time. They are not only
losing that money, but as all of these examples show, they are losing
much more due to the compound-interrupting effect.
By now, you are aware of this effect and can turn these compounded
losses into compounding gains. Your first priority should be to
maximize the efficiency of your money by finding dollars that are
being lost to any wealth transfers. There are almost always many
more dollars to be found than you originally anticipate. Once you’ve
found a powerful stream of money, you can set that stream up to
earn uninterrupted compound interest for the rest of your life.

Instead of chasing a high ROR, it’s better to have a long-term

mindset, and put your money somewhere it can grow without
investment losses, taxes or hidden fees.
It’s better to have a strategy in place so you can use your money
without interrupting its ability to compound. The goal is simple.
Compound your money in an uninterrupted way for the rest of your
life. Let’s call this lifetime uninterrupted compounding.
Many people who follow a typical financial planning model simply
will not get lifetime uninterrupted compounding. Typical financial
planning begins with creating an account where you add funds for
many years. But, you will ultimately spend from this account, too.
These plans guarantee you will not get lifetime uninterrupted
compound interest because they assume, at some point, you will
take money out. At whatever point you begin to spend, you lose the
benefit of compounding on the amount spent and lose the power of
lifetime uninterrupted compounding.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
It’s possible to create an account in which you accumulate and grow
money that can provide income without taking any money out of
the account. In this way, you can get true, lifetime uninterrupted


Compared to What?
By far, the response I most often get when I explain to people that they
can be assured of getting an uninterrupted, 4% ROR is: “That’s not very
good.” People don’t tend to think that a 4% ROR is a very good deal.
My question to them, which I learned to ask from Todd Langford, the
founder of Truth Concepts, is always this; “It’s not very good compared
to what?” There must be something you are comparing that number
to in order to determine that it’s not very good.
When I talk about a 4% actual ROR, people generally make a
comment about market-based investments which advertise an 8%
average ROR. So let’s compare the two; a 4% actual ROR versus the
advertised 8% average ROR.
Let’s compare a 4% actual ROR to a period from 1998 to 2016 (a
19 year period) when the Standard and Poor’s 500 index (S&P)
averaged right around 8%. (It’s a commonly held assumption that
the S&P will return an average of 7-9% over long periods of time.)
We’ll start with the average number. If you put $1,000 in the S&P,
and it “averaged” (as Wall Street advertises) an 8% return, you would
expect to have $4,316 at the end of 19 years.
However, since you know that average and actual ROR are different,
you need to calculate a more accurate number by calculating the
ROR each year, including years in which the return was negative.
When you do this, you find that you end up with only $3,278. This is
a 6.45% return.
In addition to the above calculation, you need to factor in taxes.
Let’s use a tax bracket of 15%. By doing this, you further reduce your
final number to $2,446 and reduce your ROR to 4.82%. But, we’re not
quite done. You still need to account for fees. Once you uncover and
calculate for a 2% fee, you end up with an actual total of $1,734 and
an actual ROR of 2.94%.








So in summary, in this example, the S&P returned an average of

about 8%. That represents an actual year over year return of 6.45%.
Taxes reduce that return to 4.82%, and fees further reduce it to
See what happens?
When you compare an advertised 8% average ROR, (which in my
example I’ve demonstrated is really 2.94%), with a 4% actual ROR,
you come up with a number that isn’t as competitive as it may have
appeared. There are many other factors that you have to consider
as it relates to lifetime compounding. Many of these benefits are
included in an ideal account which I will describe in a later chapter.
Here are eight vital questions to ask yourself about where you put
your money.
1. Will your money be safe as it earns lifetime compounding?
2. Do you have a strategy to best use your money without
hurting its lifetime growth?
3. Does your money have any guarantees to get lifetime

4. How are fees being factored into your wealth?

5. Is your lifetime compounding potentially impacted by a
government or regulatory change?
6. Is lifetime compounding passive or does it take active
7. Will your lifetime compounding continue to grow if
something happens to you like a disability or death?
8. How will taxes (present or future) affect your lifetime
Compounding reveals its power over time. The greater the time
period it is allowed to work, the greater effect it will produce. Allow
me to explain this with another example.
Flat or Round?
When one of my mentors asked me whether the world was flat or
round, I thought it was a pretty foolish question. When he went on
to say he could prove that the world is flat, I realized that there was
probably some important lesson coming up.
“If we go out on the plains, to a beach or a desert somewhere, I could
set up survey equipment and prove that a fairly large stretch of land
was perfectly flat,” he said. “But, if I took you out to the middle of
the ocean and measured a much larger distance of the surface, we
would be able to confirm some sort of gentle curve, but certainly
nothing like a circle. It is only if you measure immense distances
that it becomes clear the world is round.”
Compound interest is similar. In the early years that you earn
uninterrupted compounding, the growth may seem insignificant
enough that it’s not even noticeable. However, if you measure it not
over years, but over decades, it looks truly stunning.


Earning vs. Paying

You have now learned the powerful concepts of compound interest,
but did you know there are other kinds of interest? Knowing and
understanding how they work open up many opportunities for you
to be more efficient.
Simple Interest
Unlike compound interest, simple interest earns or pays interest on
just the principal. In a true, simple-interest calculation, the original
principal doesn’t increase or decrease. Another way to think of
simple interest is “interest only.” Interest only is not particularly
profitable when earning interest. It doesn’t have the exponential
power that compound interest does because the interest you earn
is only on your original principal.
However, simple interest can be advantageous when paying
interest. If you are paying simple interest in order to gain control
over principal and you are earning more on the principal than you
are paying to control it, you are really starting to gain mastery over
your money.
Amortized Interest
Amortized interest is the interest calculated on paying interest and
principal during a certain period of time. Amortized interest works in
the opposite way compound interest works. Instead of your interest
being paid on an increasing principal, your interest is paid on a
decreasing principal amount. The payments reduce the amount of
principal as well as cover the interest for that period.
When paying interest, it can be to your advantage to use an
amortized loan. You pay less in total interest over the life of the
loan. In contrast to simple interest, your payment will be higher and
you ultimately end up paying off the liability.
Stopping Compounding Interest
Let’s look at another example.


Let’s see what happens when someone pays $35,000 in cash for a
brand new car, keeping opportunity costs in mind. In this example
we will assume you can earn 4% interest.
By paying cash, you don’t have to pay any interest to a car dealer
or bank. Many people stop there and say that was a good purchase
because they avoided paying interest. The question that needs to be
asked is what was the true cost of paying cash?
If the cash buyer would have left their money to grow at 4% they
would have $42,583 after five years. After 10 years, that $35,000
would have grown to over $50k, $110k after 30 years and over
$365k after 60 years.
What was the true cost of paying cash? It depends. Over five years
paying cash cost $7,583 in interest. Over 60 years the decision to pay
cash cost $333,187 in interest. When you pay cash for anything, you’re
giving up what that dollar could have earned you over your lifetime.
This is only the purchase of one car! Can you imagine the money
people are losing unknowingly and unnecessarily on multiple car
purchases over their entire life? This is only on a purchase that is
paid back over five years! Imagine the amount of money people are
losing on longer term purchases?
I understand, for many there is peace-of-mind in not having a car
payment or any debt. Do not fool yourself. There is an opportunity
cost to paying cash for things. Over long periods of time, that can be
a significant amount of money.
Just to be clear, I’m not making this point because I want to
encourage people to pay for major purchases by using credit
rather than cash. That is not my point at all. I am uncovering and
illustrating a money truth that you need to be aware of in order
to minimize wealth transfers or losses that come from using your
money. It’s not just what you buy that is important, but how you
buy it.


Remember, the idea I keep circling around to in this book is

that every dollar lost is compounded by the fact that you are
not only losing that dollar but losing what that dollar could
have earned you over your lifetime.
One phrase I picked up from Nelson Nash in his book Becoming Your
Own Banker is the following: “You finance everything you purchase.”
What he is saying is you will either pay interest by getting a loan
or you will lose interest you could’ve earned by paying cash. For
example, by paying cash for my car, I didn’t pay any interest. But,
assuming I could have earned 4% over 30 years my $10,000 would
have been worth over $32,000. In 60 years, my $10,000 would have
grown to over $105,000!
Many people are stunned when they see how much ground they
can make up by minimizing their current losses. It’s equally thrilling
to many people when they see how sure and stable their future
could be by maximizing their gains. Those two aspects of efficiency
(minimizing losses and maximizing gains) are powerful, but I want
to turn your attention to the third part of efficiency for a moment.
That third part is mastering control of your money.

Mastering Unhindered Control
As important and powerful as uninterrupted compounding is, the
second “c” in the wealth equation reveals itself to be even more
consequential. The second “c” is control. The more I talk with and
assist people, the more I realize the importance of control. I see that
control is missing from many people’s strategies. By the end of this
chapter, I sincerely hope that you gain some valuable insight about
how powerful it can be to gain and exercise control.
The Explosive Power of Control.
In the last chapter (when I talked about the exponential growth that
uninterrupted compounding produces), I was describing an internal
ROR. Internal ROR is the return you receive before factoring in taxes,
fees or anything else. The exponential shape of a compounding
curve is something that will reliably be produced by an investment
if you simply reinvest the returns and allow the investment to
continue to compound over time without interruption.
Compounding is a Passive Long-term Strategy.
You don’t have to do anything for compounding to work for you.
In fact, that’s kind of the point of compounding. If you don’t do
anything to interrupt the inherent, reliable and productive process,
it will do the work for you.
Control works in just the opposite way. Control is about doing
things. Control is about doing everything you can to affect the


external ROR. This is the rate you actually end up with after taxes,
fees, inflation and opportunities are taken into consideration.
Because control is an active not a passive investment strategy,
there is no real way to chart its effectiveness. It doesn’t follow an
incremental or exponential curve.
The better you become, the more mastery you gain, and the greater
return you can produce. That can happen in large leaps and bounds.
The potential growth of your investment is not just exponential but
explosive. For example, a person might invest in a property, make
improvements to it, exercise control to increase its value and then
sell it for a multiple of what they invested into it. Flipping a house is
admittedly an active investment strategy; it takes some thought and
work. But, if you know what you are doing (you’ve gained mastery
over the elements you can control), it can be very profitable in a
relatively short amount of time.
If you look at your money through the lens of control, you won’t
just see your money as savings. You will see it as capital. It is not
just savings sitting there growing, waiting to be used sometime in
the future. It’s capital that represents your greatest opportunity for
reaching your highest potential and accomplishing your Why.
Remember what I said earlier about your greatest financial need?
Your greatest financial need is to use your money. You will use far
more money than you save, so learning how to use money will have
a greater effect than saving more money. Use of money or access to
capital is your greatest financial strategy. Yet, few people out there
are teaching their clients about the very best and most efficient way
to control and use their capital.
When was the last time someone showed you an effective strategy
to use your money?
Compounding may be, as Einstein is credited with saying, the
eighth wonder of the world. But, as a principle of building wealth,
the control of capital blows compounding out of the water! Which
is why I consider “unhindered control” to be the ninth wonder of
the world!


Investing at “The Center”

Control enables you to remove key risks and take any intentional action
necessary to multiply your money. Your control over an investment
diminishes the further you get from the center. You always want to be
as close to the center of an investment as possible. The more control
you have, the more potential you have to actively minimize losses
and maximize gains. Let’s use Facebook as an example.

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, is at

the center of Facebook as an investment.
He created it and exercises the greatest control over it. It was,
in essence, his idea, his sweat equity and his investment of time
and money. He has the freedom and the responsibility to identify
where losses are happening and take steps to stem those losses. He
can define where potential gains exist and move the company to
realize those gains. He exercises control that minimizes losses and
maximizes gains. He has the greatest, most unhindered control over
the investment and makes the most money from its success.

One step away from the center there are relatively few direct
Early on, they contributed the capital necessary to develop and grow
Facebook. As initial investors, these individuals have some control
over the direction of the company. But, their ability to influence
is certainly less than Zuckerberg’s, and their profit, while very
significant, is less than his as well.

If you take another step away from the center, there are
shareholders or people who own Facebook stock.
Since Facebook went public, a large number of people have
purchased stock in the company. While it is true that Facebook has
a responsibility to produce returns for its shareholders, this group of
people has very little control over the workings of Facebook.
They can do very little to affect the return on their investment.
They are simply betting that those closer to the center will do


their job well. Their portion of the profits is significantly less than
the initial investors and far less than Zuckerberg’s.
Taking yet another step away from the center, there are people who
invest in mutual funds.
These mutual funds hold Facebook stock. Mutual fund owners have
the least influence over the profitability of Facebook. They have very
little control over increasing the return of their investment. The
fund manager ultimately decides whether to hold onto the stock
or liquidate it. People who invest in mutual funds have the least
control, and by far, have the smallest ROR from their investment.
Can you see the progression?

Every step you take away from the center gives up a measure
of control to the people closer to the center. With diminished
control come diminished returns.
Can you see the problem?
Most people are investing in mutual funds, where they have the
least control and make the smallest portion of the profits. When
you acknowledge the explosive power of control, you can learn
to exercise it. When you begin to exercise it, you will find yourself
pulling away from doing what everyone else is doing on the less
profitable edges and leaning in toward the more profitable center.
When you master control over your capital, you don’t have to go
looking for profitable investment opportunities. When you control
your capital, opportunities will be more available to you.
Mastering Control Over “The Big Nine”
There are nine elements over which you need to gain control. These
elements are the things you can do to maximize the efficiency of
your financial plan. All of them affect your external (or actual) ROR
and all of them are worth your attention.


1. Keep Your Money Safe.

“You have to take greater risks to get greater returns” is an
assumption that has cost people dearly over the years. It’s not true,
and it’s not necessary.
The people who are mastering control of their money will rid
themselves of this assumption. Replace that assumption with this
one: There are ample opportunities out there to get a good ROR
which come with little to no risk. It’s your role to uncover and take
advantage of them.
One of the things that tends to be true about us as humans is that
we generally find what we look for. For example, if you tune yourself
to look for risky investments that are likely to make and lose lots
of money for you, that’s what you’ll find. But, if you tune yourself to
look for solid investments that will generate exponential returns
and lose none of your gains, that is exactly what you will find. The
other assumption you need to let go of is the ingrained and long
taught belief that average ROR represents a real number which you
can use to determine the value of an investment.
As I’ve demonstrated to you earlier, the average ROR overstates
gains and understates losses to such a degree that it actually
tells you very little about the actual ROR. Assume instead that the
average ROR is a sales tactic. Take control of the information you
obtain when you make financial decisions. Do your due diligence in
order to find out, as closely as possible, the actual ROR. Take into
account fees, losses, taxes and anything else not represented by the
phantom, average ROR percentage.
You may need the assistance of someone who has access to the
calculators and the inside information you need to uncover fees and
other wealth transfers, but it is well worth your time to seek out that
person. If average ROR is the only compelling reason to put your
money into an investment, you are likely better off to pass on it. It’s
difficult to put a dollar amount on it, but it is worthwhile to ask this
question: “What is the value of safety?”


If I have the choice between having my money in a place that is safe

versus a place that is exposed to potential loss, what is the added
value of that safe place?
2. Keep Your Money Liquid.
Liquidity means having your money available to deploy when you
do come across a safe and profitable investment. This will begin to
happen more frequently as you master control. Liquidity is about
having your money available, not “tied up” where you can’t get to it
when an opportunity arises.
The explosive profit potential that comes from investing your
capital is very often a function of timing. Real estate was available at
significantly undervalued prices post 2008. That historic opportunity
was completely missed by millions of people whose investment
money was tied up in 401(k)s and other restricted accounts. Most
people would agree that they need to have an emergency fund so
that money is available to cover unforeseen expenses. However, few
people think about having a capital fund so their money is available
to fund unanticipated opportunities.
Often, financial institutions will attempt to incentivize you to invest
your money with them by offering a slightly higher ROR if you agree
to leave your money with them for longer terms. You’ll get a better
rate on a 10-year CD than on a 12-month CD. Remember that if you
give up liquidity by tying up your money for a certain period of time,
you’ll give up control and will be forced to let opportunities pass by.
What is the value of keeping your money liquid? It is better to keep
as much of your money liquid as possible unless (and until) there
are productive, safe alternatives available to you.
3. Keep Your Money Leverageable.
Leverage is one of the most important tools you can gain mastery
over in order to build wealth. The effective use of leverage is
all about control. A healthy fear of leverage is a very good thing
because a person can certainly get over-leveraged and cause
themselves financial harm. However, an irrational fear of leverage
(either avoiding it at all costs or somehow thinking that you aren’t


smart enough or can’t become savvy enough to make it work for

you), is just as damaging. To effectively take advantage of leverage,
you need to have a secure grasp on two ideas – “collateral” and
“control costs.”
Collateral refers to anything that you may put up as security for
a loan. Let’s say that you borrow $10,000 and put up your car as
collateral. Technically, the car remains yours. You drive it and use
it just as you always have. You do not lose the use of the car in
any way. It is only if you do not pay the loan back (according to the
terms) that the car becomes the property of the person or financial
institution you borrowed the money from.
I’ll show you the intricacies of collateralization in upcoming
chapters. Collateral belongs in this discussion of control because
it is a way to have your money working for you in more than one
place at a time. If you have significant capital in a place where you
can use it as collateral, that capital can be growing for you there at
the same time. It can also be leveraged to produce gains for you in
another place. In this situation, you are not taking your money out
of that place; you are simply borrowing against your own money.
This is a level of control that you wouldn’t want to enter into lightly
or without confidence. But, it is well worth the time to learn how to
control your money in this highly profitable way.
Control Cost is the term I use to describe the amount of money you
spend in order to control and/or gain a larger amount of money.
One of the most profitable industries in the world is banking. For
example, a bank pays you 1% on a $1,000 deposit. Then they charge
someone else 4% to borrow that same money. The 1% they pay you
is their control cost. It’s the amount they had to pay in order to
control your $1,000. It costs them $10 to control $1,000. Would you
pay 1% in order to earn 4%? Bankers answer “yes” to that question
all day long.
All of the benefits of leverage and collateralization are nullified
if your investment funds are in vehicles where they cannot be
leveraged. It is in your best interest to keep your money available
to work for you by housing it in a place where it can function


as collateral. Think long and hard about this question. What’s the
value of being able to leverage your money? All things being
equal, what value is added if you can use leverage to gain higher
returns, control larger assets or reduce your liabilities?
4. Keep Your Money Private.
Unfortunately, we live in a lawsuit-happy world in which there
are many people who want to get their hands on your money. For
any number of reasons, you may find yourself in a situation where
someone may make an attempt to get a judgment against you and
take your wealth. Keeping this in mind as you master your financial
plan is key. Some of your money is easily available to creditors. It
is low-hanging fruit. The garnishing of wages is one of the most
simple, straightforward things they can do to get their hands on
your money.
But, there are places you can save and grow your money which are
much better protected than others. You owe it to yourself to take
a good, hard look at where you put your funds and choose places
where your money is safe from potential creditors. What is it worth
to you to know that your money is really yours, private and not easy
for other people to access?
5. Protect Your Money from Taxes.
Gaining control over the money you lose to taxes is so important
that I devote an entire chapter to this issue. At this point, I just want
to say that there are entities that intend to get at a portion of your
wealth. Their assumption is that a portion of your money belongs to
them (or for them to use for the common good).

You literally cannot afford to try to build significant wealth

without an aggressive and effective tax strategy. It ought to
be your goal to have as much of your money growing tax-free
and being distributed to you as tax-free as possible.
It is not enough to defer taxes, postponing both the calculation and
the payment of the tax to a later date. It is important to get free of


them to the legal extent possible. You can have significant control
over the amount of taxes you pay. You can manage your tax liability
in the present in such a way that you get free of it in the future.
Qualified plans with a match can be a good place for someone to
put some of their money for retirement. It’s good to know how these
matches work, how they affect your money and how they perform
over the short and long-term.
But, individuals that invest above the company match could incur
some very costly wealth transfers depending on what the future
holds. Protecting your money from the eroding influence of taxation
is, by its very nature, an ongoing process. There is a high-stakes game
going on and the rules are always being tweaked. You’ll need to get
savvy in order to win. Your best bet is to accumulate your money in
places where it can grow and be accessible without any exposure
to taxation at all. What is the value of having your money growing
tax-free and coming to you tax-free?
6. Protect Your Money from Fees.
Administrative expenses, advisory fees and load fees (front-end
and back-end) are some of the more easily identifiable fees you
may encounter as you evaluate various financial vehicles. However,
many fees can be difficult to uncover. Technically, they are probably
enumerated somewhere in the fine print, but they are seldom
articulated clearly or prominently disclosed.
If you look for them carefully, you’ll find fees everywhere. A financial
advisor might charge a fee each year that is based on a percentage of
the money being managed. Mutual funds may charge a fee at the time
of initial investment or when the investment is sold. One method to
generate revenue is to charge marketing fees which get wrapped up
into the expense ratio so they don’t appear as management fees.
Retirement accounts often have built-in management fees. All of
this means that you are most likely paying appreciably more in
fees than you think you are. Assuming you’ve picked up a recurring
theme in this book, you know that the effect of even small fees may
cost you dearly.


There are two kinds of fees. Fixed-fees and percentage-based fees.

Fixed-fees are not based on an account balance. With a fixed-fee,
you pay a certain amount regardless of how much money you have
invested. Whether you have $100,000 or $1 million in an account,
the fee is the same.
Percentage-based fees are the opposite. With percentage-based
fees, your fees are a percentage of the amount of money someone
is managing for you. At a rate of 1%, your fee would be $1,000 on a
$100,000 investment. Assuming the same rate of 1%, the fee would
jump to $10,000 on a $1 million investment.
It may be uncomfortable or awkward to ask questions in order to
get an accurate understanding of what fees exist and how they can
affect your actual return. But, it’s your money that we are talking
about here. It’s your life and your Why that are at stake. You can’t
exercise control over what you don’t know exists. It is in your best
interest to assume that there may be additional fees hidden in the
investments you are considering than are readily apparent. Do the
work necessary to avoid as many fees as possible.
7. Protect Your Money from Inflation.
Inflation produces an overall increase in the price of goods and
services year by year. The product that cost you $10 last year, may
cost $10.30 this year and $10.60 the following year. Inflation erodes
the purchasing power of your money. It is important that your wealth
grows at a rate that keeps up with or exceeds inflation. If it does not,
then you are actually losing the wealth building battle.
It’s worth noting that what I’ve just described is the effect of inflation,
not inflation itself. Technically, inflation is an increase in the money
supply. When the Federal Reserve prints money, it increases the
number of dollars that are in the financial system. All of those newly
created dollars borrow some of their value from the existing dollars
that are already in the system. The effect of all of those new dollars
is to decrease the value of your existing dollars. Inflation functions
as a silent, or stealth tax.


At the end of the day, there is little you (or I) can do to stop those who
are in control of our monetary system from using their inflationary
power. What you can do (and should do) is factor the effects of
inflation into your financial planning. It is important to ensure that
the actual ROR is positive even after factoring in inflation.
It is also important to keep an eye on inflation because it can get
out of control. Historically, there have been some pretty devastating
periods during which inflation rates soared. In that type of an
environment, the people who had control over their money could
turn their dollars into real property (precious metals, real estate,
fine art, etc.) which also inflated in value. Those who did not have
control simply had to stand by as inflation eroded the purchasing
power of their wealth.
Whether it involves negotiating the known effects of low level
inflation or being prepared for the unknown turbulent possibilities
of runaway inflation, protecting your money from inflation is a
responsibility you should take seriously.
8. Protect Your Money from Restrictions and Compulsions.
There are a number of financial vehicles which put restrictions on
the amount of money you can put into them. These vehicles often
have compulsions such as deadlines by which you must take your
money (distributions) out of them. You don’t have control over putting
as much as you want into them, and you don’t have control over
leaving your money there to grow as long as you want. Restrictions
and compulsions are indications that these vehicles don’t have your
best interests at heart. Whenever there are restrictions involved,
those restrictions tend to limit your potential ROR. Whenever there
are compulsions, those too, will tend to work against you.
If you recognize that you are in control and exercise that control
effectively, you’ll be looking for places where you can deploy as
much of your capital as you see fit. Money can work profitably for
you as long as you choose to let it do so. Remember, you want to play
“the game” your way. There are many financial vehicles available
that don’t place limitations and demands on your money. You are


free to politely pass on situations that corral your money and cause
you to give up control. With the knowledge you have gained, you
can set your money free.
9. Protect Your “Human Life Value.”
I am going to finish this list of “The Big Nine” with what I believe to
be the most important element. “Human life value” is a term used
to describe your maximum, financial potential. I’ve said it before;
“you are your greatest asset,” and I consider it my true life’s mission
to help as many people as possible see and reach their highest
With your highest potential in mind, not only do you need to put
your wealth in a place that you control today, you also need to
insure that an unexpected or even tragic incident doesn’t eliminate
that potential in the future. The reality for most people is that their
ability to earn an income today and in the future is their greatest
financial asset. Many people do not insure that ability, and the ones
that do may be doing so inefficiently. They may be incurring some
unnecessary wealth transfers in the way they protect themselves.
There are four things that may affect human life value. They are
health problems, disability, long-term care and death. In most cases,
insurance is the most efficient way to protect and cover your human
life value in each of these areas. Think of insurance companies as
professionals that manage risk. However, just because insurance is
the most efficient way to protect your human life value, it doesn’t
mean all insurance is good. There are striking differences between
companies and between insurance products. You need to do your
best to maximize your efficiency by properly managing your risk.
Be careful not to over insure or overpay for insurance. Doing so,
amounts to wasting money that could be utilized elsewhere.
While only one of the four things that affect human life value is
certain (death), making sure you efficiently protect and plan for all
of the four is vital. From a purely monetary standpoint, it will cost
you much less to insure yourself against these possibilities ahead of
time than it will to navigate them if or when they occur. Remember,
you are your greatest financial asset! You want to ensure that your


future goals and your Why happen. You also want to put every single
one of your dollars in a place that helps optimize your human life
value today and maximize its potential in the future.
The ROI of a Golf Club
I want to end this chapter with a not-so-simple question. What’s
the real value of control? How can you put a numeric value on the
elements of control? Return-on-investment (or ROI) is a term those
in the financial industry use to reflect the value of something. What
is the true ROI of taking risk off the table and having your money
available for key opportunities? The answer is that it fundamentally
depends on your mastery. It depends on how well you control it.
If you’re a very average golfer like me, the ROI of a golf club is
zero. Actually, it’s less than that because every time I play golf, I pay
money to do so. The return on my investment is a negative. However,
if you’re Phil Mickelson, the return on that same golf club could be
over a million dollars!
Even though I am not a great golfer, I could take the game of golf
and make it ROI positive by how I intentionally use my time. For
instance, I could spend time with a potential client, and while
golfing, develop a close business relationship which would easily
pay for the time and cost of golfing. The ROI a golf club produces
is dependent on how good of a golfer you are or how you use your
time while on the course.
It’s the same with money. Control might be the ninth wonder of the
world, but it’s nothing special if you don’t learn how to master it and
use it for your benefit. If I am going to help you see and reach your
highest potential, it’s imperative that I show you how to exercise
control over more and more of your wealth.

Let me give you an example of a hypothetical financial situation.
The situation I’m thinking of involves a person who earns $35,000
per year but spends $40,000. As a result of the income/expense gap
they have been incurring for some time, they have over $200,000 in
credit card debt. You would probably agree with me that they are
in poor financial shape. In order to get to a better place, they would
either need to dramatically increase their income or dramatically
reduce their spending in order to aggressively knock down that debt.
Let me ask you a question. Would you take investment advice from
this person or hire them as your financial advisor? Would it make
sense to have this person give you counsel on how you should
structure your money so that it works most effectively for you?
I can almost hear you screaming, “NO WAY!”
Let me ask you another question. How would you respond if this
person invited you to go into business with them? Would you enter
into a partnership with them in which you put up all the money,
took all the risk and paid all the fees while they retained the right to
change their ownership-stake in the business and change the rules
at any time? Not likely.
No one in their right mind would ever consider this! Yet, millions
of people are putting their hard-earned money in this type of
partnership every single year.


If you add eight zeros to the numbers I gave you, this example turns
into a snapshot of the U.S. Government’s financial situation. At the
time this book was written, the U.S. was earning almost $3.5 trillion,
spending about $4 trillion and is roughly $20 trillion in debt.
At usdebtclock.org you can see what these numbers are currently.
These numbers are only getting worse as our national debt increases,
and they don’t include national, unfunded liabilities.

I wholeheartedly believe that government taxation and

regulation is the primary risk to your wealth.
Instead of protecting your money from this risk, you are effectively
earmarking a portion of your money to hand over to the government
any time you are using tax-deferred plans. Tax-deferred plans
are also called “qualified plans” because they are in a category of
employer-sponsored retirement plans that qualify for special tax
treatment by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service).
I actually prefer to call them “postponement plans” because, rather
than dealing with the effects of taxation, they encourage people to
kick the can down the road and postpone both the calculation and
payment of taxes. The most common of these plans are traditional
401(k)s, 403(b)s, traditional or simple IRAs (Individual Retirement
Accounts) and SEPs (Simple Employee Pension Accounts). These
plans became popular in the 1980s as many companies moved away
from defined (traditional) pension plans. Many people invest most, if
not all, of their financial future in these types of plans without really
understanding the consequences of them.
These plans are represented as being “tax-sheltered.” They offer
people the opportunity to put pre-tax dollars into them and have
those dollars grow without being taxed. The effect is that people
get to deduct their contributions (which lessens their tax burden
in that year) and defer taxes on the growth (which further lessens
their immediate tax burden). This makes them very attractive on the
But remember, you want to be as efficient as possible throughout
the whole process (growth, income and legacy). As with many things


in life, the front-end may look good. The back-end, however, can be
particularly unattractive.
There are two important things people are unaware of or ignore
when they put money into these plans. First, their money is not
very liquid. It is locked away and, in most cases, can’t be accessed
without a penalty. Second, they will have to pay taxes on both the
original contribution and the growth at some time in the future. The
opportunity cost of relinquishing your money into these financial
vehicles is enormous.
I want to cover several compelling reasons for you to take tax-
deferred plans off of your investment options list. What follows are
three ways in which these plans actually hinder you in your attempt
to reach your financial goals.
1. The Unknown
Earlier in the book, I mentioned that there are two things that go
into the amount of taxes you pay. One is the rate you pay and the
other is the threshold (or bracket) you are in when you pay them. It
can be tempting to believe that you don’t have very much control
over the rate you pay or the bracket you are in. The government sets
those numbers, so they are out of your control, right?
Not necessarily. Working with good data you can create an effective
tax plan. You can influence both the tax rate you pay and your
bracket. This is how businesses routinely make a lot of money but
pay a minimal amount in taxes.
Profitable businesses employ tax code experts that know very clearly
where the lines are drawn, where the thresholds lie and what the
rules are that go into the algorithm-like calculations that generate
the dollar amount they need to pay in taxes. Because they know
what the rules are and how the playing field is set up, they can work
the numbers in their favor to reduce the business’ tax burden (both
legally and ethically).
But what does a business fear? In what environment do businesses
least like to be? When do the markets and investors get jittery about
their ability to survive and make a profit?

It is when there are unknowns. If a business doesn’t know what its

tax or regulatory burdens are, it cannot exercise control over its
business. It cannot set itself up to take advantage of (or mitigate
against the damage of) taxes and regulations.
Any successful and profitable business, if offered the choice between
a known tax rate/tax bracket in the present, or an unknown rate/tax
bracket in the future, would choose the known over the unknown.
It’s all about control. Your ability to do what is necessary in order
to minimize losses and maximize gains is contingent on the
information and knowledge you have to work with.
Essentially, when someone puts money into a tax-deferred plan, they
lose nearly all control. They lose it for a really long time. Ultimately,
they will have to pay tax on whatever they withdraw, at whatever
the tax rate is, based on whatever tax bracket they find themselves
in. To make matters worse, even if they don’t want to, they are forced
to take their required minimum distributions (RMD) and pay taxes
on them when they reach a certain age.
When you choose a tax-deferred plan, you surrender a significant
amount of control which will affect your ability to maximize your
earning potential.
2. The Harvest
My home state of Wisconsin may be known for its dairy industry, but
it also produces a whole lot of corn to feed those cattle. Imagine
that a corn farmer has to plant one truckload of seed corn in order
to harvest ten truckloads of corn for market. Imagine also, that the
farmer has the opportunity to choose between two different ways
he could pay taxes on his corn production.
The first option is to pay a known tax on the one truckload of seed
corn today. The second option is to pay an unknown tax on the ten
truckloads of market corn he harvests at the end of the year. Which
option do you think he would choose?
I’d propose that he should choose the tax on the single truckload
of seed corn today. By doing so, he would be dealing with a known


tax rate. And, if he does some good tax-planning, he may be able

to reduce the impact of that tax just like the business owner we
discussed earlier. More importantly, he would be paying the tax on
a smaller amount of corn.
When someone chooses a tax-deferred vehicle (over a tax-free
vehicle), they choose to pay taxes on the entire harvest in the future
rather than on just the seed. That in itself, is reason enough to
choose a tax-free vehicle over a tax-deferred one.
They are also choosing to bet that the rate they will pay in the
future and the tax bracket they will be in will be lower than it is
today. Let’s take a look at the odds involved in that bet.
3. The Gamble
When you are faced with the choice of paying taxes now or
postponing them to the future, you are essentially making a bet. You
would be emboldened to take that bet if you had reason to believe
one of a few things. That you would be in a lower tax-bracket in
the future. That the tax rate would be lower in the future, or both.
I think the assumption that you will be taxed less in the future is
incorrect. Making this assumption is essentially predicting that you
will be poorer in the future. You owe it to yourself to talk to some
of the current generation of retirees who were sold on the idea that
they would retire in a lower tax bracket and invested in tax-deferred
funds. What you will find is that a number of things conspired to
cause them to regret that decision.
For one thing, income from these plans is disbursed as “earned
income” which is taxed at a higher rate than capital gains, dividends
or interest income. Additionally, a number of exemptions and credits
(child credits, retirement savings credits, etc.) probably ended when
they retired. Those credits reduced their taxable income while
they were working. Finally, when retirees reach a certain age they
are impacted by required minimum distributions from their tax-
deferred accounts. These RMDs may increase over time, and you
are nearly guaranteed to be in at least as high a tax bracket as you
are today. Take the time to work the numbers and consider all the


factors involved. You may not come to the same exact conclusion I
do, but at least you’ll know what the potential impact may be.
To see an example of how the tax rate and threshold can be changed
in order to cover what the government needs to fund, consider
this. In 1941, the top individual tax rate was 81% and the highest
threshold was $5 million.
A person in 1941 who made $200,000 could be reasonably confident
that they didn’t need to worry about being in a higher tax bracket
or paying a higher rate. Unfortunately for them, one year later, the
government raised the top tax rate to 88%, and the threshold was
lowered down to $200,000. Not only did the top wage earners have
to pay more in taxes, but the threshold was lowered, so considerably
more people were added to that bracket. Why did the government
make those drastic changes in the tax code? The answer can be
boiled down to one word – math.
Leading up to 1942, war had been spreading throughout Europe, Asia
and other parts of the world. The mantra for the U.S. Government
was “preparedness.” Beginning in 1939, a number of preparedness
agencies were created to mobilize resources. This included: supplies,
food, military hardware and most importantly, money that would be
needed to finance the war effort. Military planners calculated how
much money would be required to win the war. The calculations
revealed an astronomical number. Having done everything that
could be done to retool the economy to support the war effort,
there was simply no way to pay for the war with the funds at hand.
The only way to fund the war effort was to exercise the power of
taxation. Americans who earned as little as $500 per year paid
income tax at a 23% rate, while those who earned more than $1
million per year paid an all-time high 94% rate!
I’m not promoting any sort of conspiracy theories, making any moral
judgments or railing against a greedy government who wanted
to plunder and pillage your wealth. I’m just following the math
involved. This led me to conclude that, in the long run, taxes will
be going up.


Based on the current financial position of the U.S. Government

(which I described earlier), the math indicates that three things
need to happen:
1. Debt needs to be paid down quickly;
2. Expenses need to decrease significantly (Spending); and
3. Income needs to increase significantly (Taxes).
Let’s examine these three things in greater detail.
1. Can debt be paid off?
When this book was being written, the national debt was
approximately 20 trillion dollars and increasing by over two billion
dollars per day. These numbers can be so far beyond our ability to
comprehend that they lose any real meaning. The math, however,
puts it in a pretty clear perspective. It is mathematically impossible
for the government to pay off its current debt.
2. Can expenses be decreased?
In 2016, roughly 76% of every tax dollar was needed to pay for
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and interest on the national
debt. The Government Accountability Office estimates that, by
2020, it could take 92% of every tax dollar to fund those same line
items. These are expenses that we are already committed to. That
means a meager eight cents of each tax dollar will go to every other
government program.

28% 28% 21% 15% 8%



3. Can income be increased?

The majority of collected tax dollars are already spent. They are not
available to pay for any of the myriad of other expenses involved
in running the government. Simple math indicates that expenses
are increasing and will most likely continue to do so in the future.
The only way to significantly increase the government’s income is
to raise taxes.
Does the current financial situation of the U.S. Government, and
its projected future needs, indicate that taxes are more likely to
go up or down? If they go up, when will it happen and what will
be the justification?
Nobody knows. The numeric odds would lead a betting person
to pay taxes today and keep as much of that money in a tax-free
vehicle as possible. It is vital that your money grows efficiently with
the possibility of a changing tax-environment.
If you make a quick evaluation of tax-deferred or qualified plans,
using the nine elements of control I enumerated earlier, you find
that they don’t hold up very well. People ultimately act in a way that
is consistent with what they believe. If you believe that future taxes
are likely to have a negative impact on your wealth, you should limit
or eliminate the money you feed into tax-deferred plans.

Controlling Your Money Like
a Banker
Banks are the masters of control. The business of banking is
essentially taking other people’s money (sometimes called OPM)
and controlling it for profit. Banks have figured out that they don’t
have to own capital; they just have to be able to control it. Banking
is one of the most profitable industries in the world because they
have the best processes for controlling capital. If I’ve learned
anything on my journey, it has been this:

Find those who are having the most success and learn how to
do what they are doing.
Instead of resenting how banks are profiting off of your money, you
should study them and learn their secrets. This way, you can better
control your own capital and even benefit from knowing how to
use OPM.
If you can begin to think and act like a banker, you will find yourself
experiencing the same type of success that the banking industry
does. Thinking like a banker means taking a different view than
the one you are used to having. It involves a shift in mindset. Banks
think about and use money in a way that is completely opposite from
most people. For example, depositing money in a bank is considered
an asset by most people. Banks see it as a liability because that
money is owed back to the customer. On the flip side, many people


see loans as a liability, but the bank sees loans as an asset because
money is owed to them by their customers.
1. Flow
Banks direct the flow of money better than other businesses by
offering direct deposits. Your money flows through them first before
it gets to you. Because of direct deposits, your money sits in the
bank and is available for their use until you need access to it.
Wall Street financial institutions figured this out as well, and that’s
why they did everything they could to facilitate the introduction
of 401(k) plans. Money now automatically flows to them from your
employer before you ever touch it. The U.S. Government also figured
this out many years ago. This is why employers are required to
withhold a portion of your gross income to pay taxes, before you see
a penny of it. Banks, Wall Street financial institutions and the U.S.
Government are all trying their best to get as much of your money
flowing to them before it goes to you. They don’t need to own it
outright, they just need to be able to control it before you do!
You need a process where you can maximize the flow of your money
towards you, not away from you.
2. Leverage
The root of leverage is the word “lever.” With the use of a lever,
you can accomplish vastly more than you can without it. Financial
leverage is the act of using OPM to gain a higher return or to control
a larger investment than would be possible with your own money.
Banks leverage the money deposited to them by turning around and
lending it out to others. Let’s say you deposit $100 and the bank
pays you 1% for the use of that money. The bank’s liability is that
$100, plus the interest they owe you, which is an additional $1, so
their liability is $101.
For the bank to be profitable, they need to loan your money out at a
higher interest rate than they are charging you. So let’s say they can
earn 4%. They take your $100 and loan it to someone else and get
back $104. After they pay off their liability to you of $101, they end


up with a profit of $3. This $3 may not seem like much of a profit.
Remember, bankers have perfected the art of getting your money to
flow through them first before it gets to you.
The bank spent $1 to earn $4. While a $3 profit may not seem like
much, it’s actually a 300% ROI!


CASH INVESTOR $100 $4 4%

BANK $1 $3 300%

They don’t have to make a huge profit. They just have to make a
little profit on the huge amounts of money that flow through them.

Leverage is powerful. It is indiscriminately powerful and can work

as aggressively against someone as it does for them. Goldman
Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns were some of the well-
established investment banks that became over-leveraged in 2008
and were either bailed out by the U.S. Government or went bankrupt.
To guard against that possibility, a bank must always be balancing
their judicious use of leverage while maintaining adequate liquidity,
proper collateral and making wise investments.
It can be difficult to understand how to use the power of leverage
in your financial plan. However, it is vital to consider the big part
leverage could play in your personal wealth strategy.
3. Liquidity
Liquidity is the ability to access money. At any given point, a bank
needs to have access to enough funds to cover its liabilities, relinquish
money to customers and take advantage of any opportunities that
arise. Liquidity is important because a bank cannot know precisely
what the future holds. There are opportunities and setbacks which
regularly occur.
This is one of the differences between the way a banker thinks and
the way most other people think. The average person, if they think


about liquidity at all, is thinking about setbacks. They want to have

enough money available to cover any unexpected expenses. On the
other hand, a banker is also looking to have enough money available
to take advantage of opportunities.
When you have liquidity, you are able to access money to deal with
any setbacks or emergencies without taking on debt which eats
away at your wealth. When you have liquidity, or access to money,
you also have a reserve in order to take advantage of opportunities
that may have a very high value to you.
Having liquidity not only for emergencies, but more importantly, for
opportunities, is a function of banking that you as an individual
should also adopt.
4. Collateral
Collateral is any asset that a borrower offers as security for a loan. If
the borrower does not pay the bank back, the bank takes the asset.
Normally, the loan is collateralized with whatever the loan is being
used for. A house serves as collateral for a mortgage, a car serves as
collateral for a car loan, etc. From a banker’s perspective, collateral
is all about safety.
Having worked at a bank for four and a half years, I can assure you
that banks have no intention of losing money. Requiring collateral
for loans is one way to ensure that they don’t. Collateral gives
the borrower a compelling reason to repay the loan and, if that
is not successful, the asset can be sold to cover the remaining
balance. Since collateral offers a measure of safety to the lender,
collateralized loans typically have significantly lower interest rates
than uncollateralized ones. This means banks make considerably
less from a loan than a credit card company does. Banks are okay
with this because they haven’t bought into the greater risk equals
greater reward hype.
A banker knows that there is great value in a competitive, but safe,
return on their money. They don’t want to chase a greater ROR by
taking on more risk, and neither should you!


5. Velocity
Velocity describes how the other four concepts (flow, leverage,
liquidity and collateral) all work together. The velocity of money
is the rate at which money is exchanged from one transaction to
another. A high velocity means that your money is turning over
often. It means your money is working harder and producing more.
When your paycheck is direct-deposited into your bank, the bank
doesn’t just let it sit there. It puts the money to work. They loan
it out. This allows your money to be doing more work for them. In
effect, it is in more than one place at a time. When a bank receives
payments on the loans they make, they can also turn around and
lend that money back out. It’s an efficient process creating more
velocity, and ultimately, earning an ever greater return for the bank.
The initial deposit can earn multiple times its original value.
A banker’s goal is to take every dollar that comes through their door
and squeeze as many benefits out of that dollar as possible. While
you can’t use OPM to the extent that banks do, you can use it more
effectively than you may think. You can also adopt some of their
best practices and create your own system for controlling money.

Section 3
The Controlled
Compounding StrategyTM
Controlled Compounding
Previously, I explained both of the “c”s in the wealth equation:
compounding and control. If I did my job correctly, you now have
some appreciation for both of them and the role they can play in
helping you craft an efficient and profitable financial plan.
The first “c,” uninterrupted compounding, involves harnessing the
exponential power of a passive investment strategy to maximize
internal ROR. The second “c,” unhindered control, involves gaining
mastery over the explosive power of an active investment strategy
to maximize external ROR. I will now bring these concepts together
and show you how to take full advantage of them.
The Big Dilemma
As I moved along in my financial education journey, I became
convinced of some bedrock realities. I knew some of the intricacies
of how money worked. I knew that I was my greatest asset. And, I
knew that my greatest financial need was to use my money. It was
obvious that if I was going to reach my highest potential, it was
going to require money for education, business, travel and investing.
I also understood the principle of compounding. I knew that if I saved
my money instead of using it, my money would grow exponentially.
Every dollar that I would spend, even on good things, would interrupt
the compounding process.


Have you ever been in a situation where it appears you’re stuck

between a rock and a hard place? I felt that way, but it was even
more frustrating because I knew it wasn’t a rock and a hard place.
I was stuck between two amazing opportunities that appeared to
be mutually exclusive. I couldn’t pursue one without pulling the
rug out from under the other. And, I wasn’t on this journey alone.
I had set out to find a better way for my clients. And, here I was
with two paths I had growing confidence in, but they seemed to be
It’s hard to describe what I experienced when it clicked for me. It
was like the light came on or the pieces fell into place. I thought,
“We can have both! Control and compounding are not mutually
exclusive! They can be used in tandem to produce greater results
than either was ever capable of separately!”

I call this concept the “Controlled Compounding Strategy™.”

Before I give you an overview of controlled compounding, let’s
go over how people use their money. People can be divided into
three groups based on how they pay for things: debtors, savers and
1. Debtors

They use up their money to fund their lifestyle. They do not save
money, and as a result, if there is an emergency, a necessary major
purchase or an investment opportunity, they feel they can’t pass up,
they borrow. Then, they pay interest and principal until the debt is
paid off. When the next financial need presents itself, they repeat
the cycle. Debtors take out loans and then pay them back in steps,
over time, until they are back to where they were before they took
out the loan.


2. Savers

They save up their money so that they do not have to pay interest. If
there is a financial need, they simply spend to cover the expense from
their savings. Then, they save more in steps over time to replenish
their savings. If the situation reoccurs, they repeat the cycle.
Savers avoid paying interest, but they also lose out on earning
interest during the period in which they have drained their account
and are paying themselves back. However, there is a third way to
approach your financial needs.
3. Maximizers

Just like the saver, a maximizer saves in steps. But, if money needs to
be spent, they borrow the funds they need using their saved money
as collateral. Remember the example of using a car for collateral on
a loan? The car continues to be yours. You don’t lose the use of the
car at all. The same thing is true when you use money for collateral
on a loan. Your money never leaves your account; it’s unaffected. You
continue to earn uninterrupted compound interest while you pay
the loan back with amortized interest.


A maximizer uses their money in the most efficient way possible.

They leverage their savings through collateralization. In this way, they
get the best of both worlds. They get control over the funds they
need for emergencies, major purchases or investments while getting
uninterrupted compounding on their savings at the same time.
Now that we covered the difference of the three types of people,
let’s look at exactly how maximizers use controlled compounding
as the best long-term savings strategy while using their money
today. I will take you through a review of the concepts involved in
controlled compounding.

You finance everything you purchase. You either pay interest

by purchasing with a loan/credit, or you lose interest you
could have earned by paying with cash. Either way, there is a
cost to any purchase or investment.
Compound interest grows over time. Amortized interest shrinks
over time. Because of this, it can be advantageous to pay amortized
interest in order to earn compound interest. You may recall, I
previously said banks are one of the most profitable businesses in
the world because they leverage your money. If they pay you 1% to
borrow your money, they can lend that money to someone else. If
the bank earns 4% by lending it, they make a 300% ROI. The 1% the
bank pays to control your money is their control cost.
The velocity of wealth is essentially how productive your dollar
is or how much benefit your dollar can produce. The way to
increase the velocity of your money is to increase its output while
keeping its input constant. A collateralized loan is the best way to
have your money working for you in two places at once. It can be
gaining uninterrupted compounded interest and also be “used” for
investment. With all this in mind, there are three elements involved
in any controlled compounding situation:


1. Your money
You need to have your money saved in a place that is earning
compounding interest, but it also needs to be where it has the
ability to be leveraged (collateralized). I’m going to call this place
you are holding your money, your “Master Account.”
2. The entity you borrow money from
The entity needs to be willing to negotiate favorable terms for the
loan and accept your money in your Master Account as dollar-for-
dollar collateral. I’m going to call this your Lender.
3. What you want to purchase or invest in
The benefit you receive from what you purchase must be greater
than the control cost that you pay the lender. If you pay 3% to the
lender, you need to get a benefit greater than 3% in order for the
deal to be profitable. If what you purchase is a liability (like a car),
you have to value that purchase more than the control cost you pay.
The process of controlled compounding is fairly simple:
1. You place funds into your Master Account where your money
will earn uninterrupted compound interest;
2. You identify what may be an asset or an activity that will
produce a good ROR for you;
3. You approach the lender and determine the potential terms
for a loan;
4. You use the lender’s money in the form of a loan, leaving
your money in your Master Account; and
5. Over time, you pay back the loan with amortized interest
while collecting both the compounding interest in your
Master Account, and if applicable, any investment gains.
Controlled compounding can be incredible if used for ROI positive
activities like investing in assets or business endeavors. At the end of
the investing process, your Master Account has grown, the loan has
been paid off and you now have an additional asset working for you.


You have effectively “used” your money while continuing to

receive uninterrupted compound interest.






And you can do it again, and again and again. You’re only limited by
the amount of money you choose to put into it. An amount which is
continuing to grow exponentially for the rest of your life.

Creating Your Master Account
As I set out in pursuit of a better way for my clients, I encountered a
dizzying array of principles, opinions, products, strategies and tactics
which seemed to make a lot of promises. They promised to protect
money, grow money, generate a return, recoup a loss or guarantee
success. I proceeded to uncover the fatal flaws in those which fell
short of their claims and to identify the strengths of those which
were able to fulfill theirs. And the simple truth is that there was a
golden thread running through every strategy that delivered on its
promises. It was efficient in doing whatever it was doing. It minimized
a loss, maximized a gain or controlled something to improve it.
There was a corresponding consistency between those things that
over-promised and under-delivered. They were inefficient in doing
whatever it is they were doing. I could identify places that were losing
money unknowingly or unnecessarily. I could define opportunities
for gain that were being left on the table. I could see issues that, by
applying a little control, could be adjusted and improved. There was
no silver bullet. Instead, it was all about efficiency! It’s not about
any individual product: remember club vs. swing? It’s about the
necessary process in building wealth most efficiently.

The way you build wealth is by maximizing the efficiency of

the whole process. The way you maximize the efficiency of the
whole process is by maximizing the efficiency of each element
of the process.


The Most Efficient Financial Vehicle

If you recall, the wealth equation (E=mc2) helps you see that you
need to have both a process and a financial vehicle that will
provide your money with two things: uninterrupted compounding
and unhindered control. Earlier, we reviewed the characteristics of
an ideal account. The most efficient vehicle or product you entrust
your money with should have as many of these characteristics as
These characteristics include:
1. Safe
2. Liquid
3. Growth
4. Leverage
5. Inflation-Protection
6. Guarantees
7. Free of Fees
8. Free of Regulation
9. Flexible
10. Requires Minimal Time
11. Passive Cash Flow
12. Private
13. Protection
14. Tax-deductible
15. Tax-free Growth
16. Tax-free Distributions


The financial vehicle which comes as close to the ideal as possible

is difficult to articulate clearly and something you can’t readily
search for on the Internet.

The very best place to setup your Master Account is with a

mutual-owned life insurance company using a specially-
designed, dividend-paying contract.
If I told you (before you ever picked up this book) that what you
really need to add to your portfolio is life insurance, you probably
would have thought I was, at best, mistaken, and at worst, trying to
sell you something! You need to create wealth, reach your greatest
potential and fund your Why. Everyone knows life insurance doesn’t
do that. Life insurance just provides for your family after you die.
Not so. Initially, life insurance had one main function, providing for
dependents in the event of death. However, it also produced some
positive effects including tax-free growth and tax-free access. Many
of these effects ended up being a benefit to the insured while they
were still living.
What mutual-owned companies and their contract-holders began
to do was intentionally design their contracts to legally, and
ethically, provide additional living benefits while maintaining the
death benefits. They offered more ways for people to use their
money during the accumulation and distribution phases while still
providing for the legacy phase. It was important for the contract to
keep the death benefits in place while remaining in the category of
life insurance because it was the death benefit that made the living
benefits possible.

A specially-designed, dividend-paying contract with a mutual-

owned life insurance company is as close as you can get to an
ideal financial vehicle.
It is the ultimate in efficiency. When I say it’s the best, I mean it’s
the best by far. The runner-up (Roth IRA) is so far behind that it’s
no contest. The Roth IRA does deserve some attention. However,
this chapter is devoted to discovering and describing the very best


financial vehicle to use as your Master Account.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at what the Master Account is and
see how you can put it to work for you. There are five parts to the
name (or description) of this financial vehicle.
1. Contract
First and foremost, it is a contract. A contract is an agreement between
two parties. The contract governs the obligations and benefits of
each party. This is important because your Master Account needs to
be in a vehicle which serves you and, in which, you can trust.
Remember, the “known” is your friend while “unknowns” are your
enemy. If you use a contract, you aren’t going to put your money in a
place where it is subject to the whims of the market or the needs of
the government. You are going to place your money in a negotiated
contract; a contract that is doubly advantageous to you.
The first of these contracts was written in the mid-1800s, expressly to
manage wealth. This type of contract or agreement has evolved over
time and is highly sophisticated and thoroughly vetted. What I mean
is that it is complex and finely-tuned to satisfy the needs of both
parties to a maximum degree. Eight generations of people like you
and me, driven and determined to fund their Why, have negotiated,
adjusted and augmented the terms of the contract. The result is an
efficiently-designed agreement that serve both parties’ interests.
Look at that date again. There is one important thing that did not
exist in the mid-1800s – the federal tax code. This type of contract
originated and developed in another time entirely. It germinated in
the soil of private ownership. It does not share the deeply-ingrained
assumption of our day that a portion of your funds are not yours.

The more you learn about this agreement, the more evident
it becomes that it is designed with a deep respect for private
The assumption is that your money is your money and rightly should
serve your interests.


Because these contracts predate the tax code, they fall

securely under contract law, rather than tax law.
Changes to tax law, which shift tax thresholds and tax rates, simply
do not apply to the money governed by this contract. Incredible,
isn’t it? Once you place your money in this contractual environment,
it grows tax-free and can be accessed tax-free. And that is only one
of the distinctive advantages of this type of contract.
2. Life Insurance Company
The party you enter into a contractual agreement with is a life
insurance company. You would have to look far and wide to find
a better financial partner. Life insurance companies are among
the oldest and most stable institutions ever envisioned or created.
In fact, the average age of these companies is over a hundred
years. The consistent profitability they have shown, both for
themselves and for their partners, is awe-inspiring. Consider this,
life insurance companies have operated profitably and paid their
contract-holders through the Civil War, both World Wars, The Great
Depression and numerous recessions, including our most recent
one – The Great Recession.
If you take a closer look at just one of those periods (The Great
Depression of 1929-1938) you can get a feel for the depth and
breadth of their stability and success. Throughout the economic
boom of The Roaring 20s, people from all walks of life got caught up
in something of a stock market fever and were pouring money into
it. The stock market seemed to be such a sure bet that businesses
and individuals alike were borrowing money and adding it to their
brokerage accounts. Over a period of just a few days, in 1929, the
stock market plummeted. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 90%
of its value. The savings of millions of Americans from all segments of
society were wiped out. Businesses and individuals who borrowed to
finance their stock market fever went bankrupt, further exacerbating
the economic toll. More than 9,000 banks became insolvent and shut
their doors. A quarter of the population lost their jobs and was unable
to find work as businesses continued to fail. It seemed that nobody
escaped the ravages of the economic turmoil.


The exceptions in this dire scenario were life insurance companies

and those who were in a contractual agreement with them.
Throughout those years of turbulence, these quiet, durable
companies remained virtually unscathed. Only about 2% of their
assets were hindered in any way, and their contractual partners
didn’t lose a dime. On the contrary, they were paid the profits
owed to them, according to the terms of the agreement, every
year like clockwork.
It is a given that you should only do business with companies that
have the greatest longevity, safety and profitability. You want a
proven partner. That significantly narrows the pool of candidates.
Next, let’s further define the particular kind of life insurance
company with whom you will want to partner.
3. Mutual-Owned
When people come into my office, one of the first things they see is
a framed stock certificate on the wall. By virtue of that certificate, I
am a part-owner of the Green Bay Packers. You’ve got to understand
the significance of this. Packers football is like a second religion
in Wisconsin. Every game is sold out to season-ticket holders. On
Sundays, the streets are totally empty because everyone is just
fanatically into football. Even though I generally don’t watch TV, I
do make an exception to watch the Packers. Here’s something you
may not know about the Packers. They are the only NFL team that
does not have a private owner; they’re owned by the people.
The small cluster of select life insurance companies ideal for your
Master Account are similarly unique. They are “mutual-owned.” A
mutual company is a private entity that is owned by its clients or
contract-holders. The defining feature of a mutual company is that,
since its customers are also its owners, they’re first in line to receive
any profits or income the mutual company generates.
I said earlier that your negotiated contract was going to be “doubly
advantageous to you.” I meant that quite literally. There are two
parties within the contract, you and the life insurance company. But,
because the life insurance company is mutual-owned, you actually


have a vested interest in both parties. You are, at one and the same
time, the contract-holder and a company owner. You are at a double
advantage because you sit on both sides of the negotiation table.
You can ensure that the contract maximizes the benefits to you
and delight in the knowledge that a portion of any benefits the
company receives will make its way into your pocket as well. Talk
about a win/win situation!
The alternative to being a mutual company is being a stock company.
Life insurance companies that are not mutual-owned are owned by
their stockholders. They issue stock and trade in the market like
any other public company. Stockholder-owned companies have the
best interests of their stockholders firmly located before the best
interest of their contract-holders. Their operations and bottom line
are to serve the needs of the stockholders.
Mutual companies, however, have undivided and unconflicted
interests. They serve the needs of one, and only one group of people,
the contract-holders.
4. Dividend-Paying
Of all the strong, stable insurance companies out there, only a
portion of them are mutual-owned. Of those mutual companies,
only a segment of them offer generous dividend-paying contracts.
It is these exclusive few that you want to select from in choosing
your Master Account partner.
I just explained that a mutual-owned company has an obligation
to pass on any profits it generates to its contract-holders. There are
several ways a company can pay their contract-holders, and all of
those ways are not created equal. The three primary ways this can
be done are through dividends, interest or market-based products.
Of those three options, dividends are the most preferable.
Let me explain why.Another word for dividend-paying is “participating.”
Dividends are a way to, “participate in the profits of a business.” I’ve
already shown that historically, life insurance companies have proven
their ability to be reliably profitable. When you have a dividend-


paying contract that allows you to participate in their profits, your

profit potential is tied to the profit potential of the company.
However, if someone contracts to receive profits via interest or a
market-based product, their profit potential is tied to the interest
rate or the stock market. It’s no contest. A dividend-paying contract
will work harder and smarter for you over its lifetime than any
comparable interest-bearing or market-based contract.
5. Specially-Designed
This is where it gets particularly exciting. The way you are going
to design your contract is brilliant! What the design will do is
maximize, and I do mean maximize, the number of, and the extent
of, the benefits you can squeeze out of a dividend-paying contract
with a life insurance company. The special design you are going to
use will optimize the efficiency of the contract and the company, so
your interests are served to the utmost degree.
The fundamental structure of a life insurance contract is that the
contract-holder agrees to pay a certain amount of money. In return,
the life insurance company agrees to pay out a certain amount of
money when the contract-holder dies. If someone buys life insurance,
they want to pay as little money as possible in order to receive
as large a death payout as possible. When they do this, they get a
whole lot of death benefit, and as I mentioned before, a relatively
small amount of living benefits. That’s what someone would do if
they were just buying life insurance. But, that’s not what you are
doing. You’re doing the exact opposite.
You want to design a contract in which you put in as much money
as you can afford and get as little insurance as you have to in the
process. In this way, you maximize the living benefits and minimize
the death benefit.




Death Benefit Leveragable

Free of Fees
Free of Regulation
Requires Minimal Time
Passive Cash Flow
Tax-Free Growth
Tax-Free Distribution


Yes, I know it’s counter-intuitive. It takes a bit to wrap your head

around. Sometimes, people call this life insurance design “over-
funded” or “max-funded.” It might feel like you are buying really
expensive insurance. In fact, that’s what many uninformed critics
will tell you. They’ll say you are paying way too much for insurance.
But, you are not.
You are buying a little bit of insurance and putting as much of your
money as you can into a financial vehicle that you have optimized.
You’ve created an account inside your insurance contract that is as
close to ideal as you can possibly get.
You’ve created your Master Account:
• Any money you contribute beyond the cost of insurance is
safe, liquid and is guaranteed to grow.
• It is growing even more as you receive dividends and can be
used as collateral for a loan.
• There are no percentage-based fees, and you have flexibility
in how you add funds to it.


• The contract provides some inflation protection and is fairly

free from regulation.
• It requires very little time to manage and can be a source of
passive cash flow.
• It grows tax-free and can be accessed tax-free.
• It can be protected from creditors and the death benefit
provides protection for your family in the event of a tragedy.
This is ultimately the best way to pass on your assets.
Do you recognize this list? It’s the list of most of the characteristics
of an “ideal account.” When properly designed, your Master Account
minimizes the death benefit and maximizes the living benefits. You
can get everything in the “ideal account” other than tax-deductible
contributions. A specially-designed, dividend-paying contract with a
mutual-owned life insurance company is, categorically, the best and
most efficient place to have your money.
The U.S. Government seems to think it’s a pretty effective financial
vehicle, too. For something like a hundred years, the wealthy and
well-connected were happily using their contracts to grow and
multiply their wealth. Money will always seek out places where it is
treated well, and it was poured into these “accounts” by the millions.
The number of people, businesses and banks who were making
use of these Master Accounts grew and grew until they inevitably
attracted the attention of the U.S. Government.
In 1988, the government moved to close what they saw as a tax
loophole. Whereas previously, there were no regulations on the
amount of money someone could put into an insurance contract,
a guideline was put in place. It was decided that there was only a
certain amount of insurance people could justify needing. If anyone
put more money into their insurance contract, they needed to actually
buy more insurance. If they didn’t, the whole thing ceased to be
classified as insurance and became something else. Conveniently,
for the government, the “something else” was taxable.
Designing with the Guidelines in Mind
Recall again, when I talked about known and unknown? Once they

know what the rules are, smart people and savvy business owners
can turn a regulation into an advantage.
When designing your contract, you want to use the 1988 guidelines
to your advantage. Conceptually, you want to maximize the living
benefits early in your life (providing you the biggest impact) and
die with the maximum amount of death benefits (ensuring that
people you love and the things you want to accomplish are amply
provided for). When designing and managing your contract, this is
probably the most complex and technical issue you will want to
watch carefully. Optimizing is all about getting the greatest, fullest
and most complete mix of benefits possible. There are literally an
infinite number of ways to structure your contract so that the mix of
living and death benefits is optimized for you.
“Specially designed” means a whole lot of things but here is a quick
The goal is to design a life insurance contract that will accept the
largest amount of money you can manage to contribute and buy the
smallest amount of insurance for which you qualify. Doing this will
maximize the number and extent of the benefits you can squeeze
out of it. Using the 1988 guidelines, various elements are tweaked
to optimally provide for your life while preparing for your death.


And there you have it. If done properly, you’ve created an account
which is as close to the ideal as is possible. You have your Master


Account. The only financial vehicle you can use to gain control over
your financial life today and maximize your future wealth potential.
Where This Strategy is Known
The wealthy and well-connected have known about these specially-
designed contracts and special life insurance companies for decades.
Many prominent individuals and corporations have taken advantage
of these strategies.
• Walt Disney used money from his contract to finance the
opening of Disney World.
• J. C. Penney tapped into the massive reserves he had
accumulated in his contract in order to keep his company
afloat through the Great Depression.
• When Ray Kroc bought McDonald’s, he used his contract
to pay his employees and create the successful Ronald
McDonald marketing campaign.
• You might be surprised to know that every major bank uses
this strategy to one degree or another. Bank of America holds
roughly $19 billion of its assets in these types of contracts.
Where This Strategy is Unknown
Despite the fact that it’s a common practice and recognized staple of
banks, corporations and the wealthy, this strategy is relatively unheard
of by people on the street. The next time you visit with someone who
is connected with the insurance industry, or a financial investment
advisor, ask them if they can explain how a specially-designed,
dividend-paying contract with a mutual-owned life insurance
company works. Don’t ask them if they’ve ever heard about it or what
they think about it. Ask them to explain how it works.
As a result of reading this book, you probably already understand
it better than they do. If they bluster and bluff, you’ll know it. And,
if they say that somebody is just trying to sell you an insurance
product that they can make an inflated commission on, you’ll know
for a fact that they don’t know what they are talking about.


Why? One of the efficiencies inherent in these contracts relates to

commissions. Remember, both parties, the contract-holder and the
insurance company, are laser-focused on making this work in their
favor. This contract is a golden goose for you and for the company,
not for its agents. It is in the interest of the insurance company to
keep their costs low. And, one of the ways that is done is by paying
low commissions to their agents. The contract works in such a way
as to ensure that the greater amount of living benefits provided, the
lower the commission will be.

That’s actually another reason why people haven’t heard of it.

There is little incentive for anyone to sell it to you.
I cut my financial teeth on a belief that life insurance was the absolute
worst place to put money. Period. End of story. This idea was drilled
into me early on, and it created the blind-spot that caused me so
much grief. Even thinking about putting my client’s money into life
insurance made me grimace. Some of that response was certainly
warranted. When life insurance isn’t specially-designed, it’s pretty
terrible in the efficiency department. It puts a lot of unnecessary
drag on your money. When I heard life insurance, I thought all of it
was bad. It didn’t occur to me that there was any difference between
life insurance companies or that there’s an infinite number of ways
a contract can be written.
For instance, a typical life insurance contract is going to provide
absolutely no liquidity in the early years. However, the contract I’m
advocating can be designed in a way to give you early liquidity, even
in the first year in most cases. That is radically different then 99%
of the contracts that are being sold. I had to think long and hard
about going on record as claiming that life insurance, in any form,
is the best place for people to put their money. But, way back when
I started this journey, I decided I was going to find a better way. I
was going to do everything in my power to help as many people
as possible see and reach their highest potential by showing them
that better way.

I never thought that I would discover that the better way was
utilizing life insurance.

Controlled Compounding
Let’s face it. I’m tired of writing out “specially-designed, dividend-
paying contract with a mutual-owned life insurance company” every
time I want to refer to that vehicle. And, you’re just skipping over
the words, anyway. So, for the remaining chapters, I’m just going
to use the term “Master Account.” Whenever I use the term “Master
Account,” I am referring to the most ideal financial vehicle which
I’ve devoted a lot of time to describe to you.
You certainly can try to use a savings account, or, more appropriately,
a properly-designed Roth IRA as your Master Account. But, it won’t
perform as well. That would be like perfecting your golf swing while
using an inferior club. Both a savings account and a Roth IRA have
their good points, for sure. They could work, but they’re inefficient.
Hopefully, by now, you share at least a portion of my passion for
efficiency. From this point on, I’m going to assume your Master
Account is going to be utilizing the preferred product. You have your
eye on your Why and you have your Master Account which is the
ultimate wealth building tool. Now you need to know how to use it.
Controlled Compounding – With Your Master Account
You’re already aware that there are two things you want to do with
your money.


1. Use uninterrupted compounding to enable it to grow

2. Exercise unhindered control over it to cause it to grow
You want to have it all, the best of both worlds. Now, you are going
to learn how to use a strategy that I call Controlled Compounding.
How to “Compound”
This “how to” is pretty simple. All you have to do is put as much
money as possible into your Master Account. The account will do the
rest. Every dollar you put into your account according to the terms
of the contract will faithfully earn a competitive rate of compound
interest for the rest of your life. Uninterrupted compounding is a
passive strategy. You don’t have to do anything to get it to work. While
you don’t have to do anything to get the benefit of uninterrupted
compounding, there is one thing you can do to maximize it. Make
a constant, conscious effort to discover and eliminate inefficiencies
you find in any part of your financial life. Wherever you can minimize
a loss or maximize a gain, take all of the money you free up and put
it into your Master Account.
Remember when I showed you the difference between trying to get
a greater return on your savings and freeing up more money (by
being more efficient) to add to your savings? When you compare
getting a greater return to having a greater amount of savings,
adding more money to your savings is undoubtedly the better way.
This is a paradigm shift that starts in the mind and works itself out
in practice.

Make it a habit to think this way. Develop an efficiency

mindset and savings discipline.
Your Master Account is going to work day and night for the rest of
your life to compound your savings. Take your role in this seriously.
Make sure it has a maximum amount of raw material (money) to
work with. Think like a banker. Remember the principle of getting
your money to flow to and through the bank before it gets to you.


Banks make money off your money before you use it. This is what
you want to do as well. When you set up your Master Account, set
it up so that as much money goes into the account to be saved and
compounded as possible. But, in addition to your savings, put as
much money as you are going to use (money for major purchases
and investment) into it too. All of that money will be available to
use (via a collateralized loan), but it will also compound, without
interruption for the rest of your life.

To maximize the velocity of your money, get as much of it to

flow to your Master Account as possible.
You don’t have to do anything further. If for any number of reasons,
you only want to exercise the passive compounding capability of
your Master Account, that’s your prerogative. However, if you want
to engage in an active investment strategy, the Master Account is
the only account out there that lets your money continue to earn
compound interest without any interruptions for the rest of your
life. Let me show you how controlled compounding is done.
How to Control
You can technically access money in your Master Account in one of
two ways:
1. Since you have complete control over your policy, you can
withdraw money straight out of your contract. The problem
with this is once you withdraw a dollar, that dollar stops
compounding. You lose that dollar and what it could have
earned you over your lifetime. Efficiency requires that you
say “no thanks” to exercising that option in your contract.
The better way to access money in your Master Account is
through a collateralized loan.
2. Remember when I explained leverage and collateral?
You don’t borrow your own money. You leave your money
compounding in the account. Instead, you borrow from
the life insurance company and use the money in your
Master Account as collateral. The loans that you take
don’t have to go through underwriting (that cumbersome


process of proving to the lender that you deserve and can

afford a loan). You don’t have to prove that you need it or
that you can repay it. You are pre-approved. You submit a
simple request for a loan that adheres to the terms of your
contract. Then, you receive a check in the mail from the life
insurance company. Access to your funds will be quicker if
your contract includes direct deposit.
The loan that you take is “non-structured.” The life insurance
company does not require you to pay this loan back by any
particular time or in any particular amounts. It is called “non-
structured” because there is no “structure” to the repayment. You
can pay it back right away, in equal amounts over time, in lump
sums whenever you have extra money or never pay it back at all.
You can structure the repayment in whatever way benefits you
most. Are you surprised that you can get a favorably negotiated,
pre-approved, non-structured loan by using your Master Account?
This is only one of the numerous ways in which your Master Account
is going to under promise and over deliver. As you head out on your
financial journey with a Master Account in your portfolio, you’re
going to find yourself having this pleasantly-surprised feeling fairly
often. The comments that you don’t have to qualify for a loan and
you can pay it back however you want may immediately cause some
suspicion. I’m not selling something, and I’m not shading the truth.
You don’t have to take my word for it. It’s all spelled out in the
contract that creates your Master Account.
When you open your Master Account, it should be designed to
include a “guaranteed loan provision.” What this means is that
the life insurance company guarantees it will lend to its contract-
holders first before it invests that money anywhere else. The
company is going to be taking the money you contribute to your
Master Account and invest it profitably. It just makes sense that
your mutual-owned life insurance company would let its contract-
holders cut to the front of the lending line. That’s why you’re pre-
approved and don’t need to justify why you need the money or
that you can afford to pay it back.


Imagine if your bank would give you (an account holder with them)
a collateralized loan with the most favorable terms and allow you
to pay it back in whatever way was most advantageous to you. Your
bank won’t do that, but your Master Account partner will!
Remember that life insurance companies have been profitable
through any number of sticky economic situations for a couple
of centuries now. Actuaries have finely-tuned algorithms in place
and know with a high degree of certainty what their income and
expenses are going to be. The life insurance company knows how
to make a profit. The amount of interest they need to charge you on
your collateralized loan is completely adequate for them to realize
that profit. The way in which you pay it back is also completely
adequate for them because they are playing a long-term game.
You can see that they can realize their profit if you pay the loan back
ASAP, in regular payments or in lump sums. What if you don’t pay it
back at all? How can they offer you a loan that you never pay back?
The answer is, again, in your contract.
Technically, there are three ways that a policy loan and accrued
interest can be paid back:
1. Surrender
At any time during your life, you can surrender your contract. When
you do, you essentially cancel the contract, “surrender” the death
benefit and walk away with any money (over and above what you
paid for your death benefit) in cash. This is also called “cashing out”
your contract. You release the life insurance company from their
obligation to pay anything to your beneficiaries at your death. The
insurance company returns the “cash value” to you that is in your
contract at the time you surrender it.
The problem with this is that once you surrender your contract,
your money stops compounding. You lose those potential dollars
and what they could have earned over your lifetime. You also lose
all of the benefits of collateralized loans and all the other as close
to ideal as possible benefits that your Master Account is providing.
Efficiency requires that you say, “no thanks” to surrendering your


contract. The better way to access money in your Master Account is

through a policy loan.
2. Unstructured-Payments
The most likely way to repay the loan is through some form of
payment. The life insurance company is playing the long-term game
and doesn’t care whether you pay right away (in which case, they
will turn around and invest the repayment in another profitable
way) or take a long time (in which case, they are earning the return
they know they need in order to be profitable).
3. Death
If you never pay back the loan, then, according to the terms of
your contract, your Master Account death benefit will pay off the
portion that was collateralized and any accrued interest back to
the insurance company. The remainder of the death benefit will be
paid out to your beneficiaries tax-free. Remember that your Master
Account has two kinds of benefits: death benefits and living benefits.
Your death benefit will be reduced by the outstanding loan at the
time of your passing.
When you practice controlled compounding by using a collateralized,
non-structured loan provision, you are in control. You can make this
loan work for you in whatever way is most profitable.







What If You Would Like to Access Your Money?

Right Away
Let’s say you’re made aware of an unexpected investment
opportunity that you can’t pass up. Getting a loan from a traditional
lender would take too long. In this situation, you could take out a
collateralized loan from your Master Account. Doing so gives you
the ability to take advantage of the investment opportunity that you
otherwise may have missed.
Equal Amounts Over Time
Let’s say you need to buy a vehicle. You take out a collateralized loan
from your Master Account, buy the vehicle outright, and then, make
budgeted principal and interest payments back to the insurance
company until the loan is repaid. There are three big advantages
to this:
• First, by paying cash, you may be able to negotiate a lower
price with the seller.
• Second, the money that you were loaned is still earning
compound interest in your Master Account. You achieved
the benefit of paying with cash. You also avoided the
opportunity cost of paying cash from a different account.
Now, that’s efficiency!
• Third, you are paying interest back to the life insurance
company rather than a credit card company or bank. You
participate in the profits of the company via dividends so
the interest you are paying contributes to the dividends
that will eventually be added to your Master Account.
Using your Master Account this way is a more efficient way to
purchase a vehicle. It leaves more money in your pocket. Remember,
the definition of “asset” is something that makes you money. You
have gained a greater level of mastery over how you spend your
money, and your Master Account enabled you to do it.


Periodic Lump Sums

Let’s say you want to flip houses. You take out a collateralized loan
from your Master Account to cover the costs of putting a house
under contract and to make the necessary repairs. Once the house
is repaired and sold, you can take a portion of your proceeds to
pay back part of the loan. By doing that, you’re keeping a portion
of your profits to purchase or repair your next house, if you desire.
Otherwise, you can pay back the loan in its entirety, especially if it
will be awhile before you purchase your next house.
Your Master Account has functioned as an asset and as a source
of capital. Instead of being tied to bank loans (which you have to
qualify for), you were your own source of financing. If credit dries up
for everyone else, you can work all of the elements of the financing
to your advantage. You were playing your own game.
Delay Repaying
I personally intend to use my Master Account in this way and hope
that you consider taking advantage of the opportunity to do so as well.
But, I’ve got to provide a disclaimer before I recommend this option.
The wisdom of not repaying your loan depends on the efficiency of
the whole system. You must be thoroughly aware of the particulars of
your contract. You should not enter into this type of situation until you
have some experience and a pretty thorough understanding of how
your Master Account works. The scenario I am about to describe is
one in which everything else being equal, someone might confidently
choose to delay or never repay their loan.
Let’s say you are considering an alternative investment which will
produce a 13% return and offers the option to reinvest the returns
year-by-year (your investment will compound). You take out a
collateralized loan from your Master Account and put it into this
investment. According to the terms of your contract, the rate on your
loan from the insurance company is 5%.
Because you are getting a significantly better return on the
alternative investment (13% compounded) than you are paying on
your loan from the insurance company (5% compounded), you might


well choose not to repay the loan. It is costing you 5% to earn 13%
so you are effectively making 8%. But, remember that your ROI is
actually 160%!
If you are wondering why the ROI is so high, go back and reread the
chapter on “Controlling Your Money Like A Banker.”
The oversight that can cause problems with not repaying the loan
is related to the power of compounding. You need to remember
that the 5% interest you are choosing not to pay on the loan is
compounding. If someone borrowed 5% to make 13%, but they did
not reinvest the profits, the compounding interest they are paying
on the loan could outgrow the simple interest they are making on
the investment. In some cases, a contract could be overleveraged
causing you to lose your Master Account. Unfortunately, it’s a
common error and a very costly way to learn a lesson.

Please consult with someone who has experience doing this

before proceeding on your own.

The Only “And Asset”
The Master Account is the only financial vehicle available today
that allows your money to grow AND be used at the same time.



The AND Asset enables you to earn uninterrupted compound interest

for the rest of your life and utilize your capital for other things. You
can earn compound interest and buy your vehicles, and buy real
estate, and trade stocks, and invest in private placements, and start a
business, and engage in any profitable activity that you can dream of!

I was 19 years old when I started my first life insurance contract.

While I didn’t know as much as I do now, I knew enough to pull
the trigger and get started. I set up a Master Account and started
funding it with $400 a month. That was a bit of a stretch for me, but
I knew it would be worth it long-term. Even now, just three years
later, it’s paying off handsomely.


Knowing what I know now, I would have designed the contract

differently and gone with a different company, but I do not regret
the decision to get started. What intrigued me the most was that
I could save more money, have it grow for the rest of my life and
could use it however I saw fit.
When it Makes Sense
I’ve said that you can take a collateralized loan for whatever reason
you want. So how do you know when it makes sense to do so? I’ll
answer this by showing you an efficient retirement plan and two
personal examples of what I did with my first collateralized loans.
Retirement Income and Legacy Planning
Taking a policy loan for retirement can be a very powerful way
to obtain income for several reasons. Utilizing a policy loan will
provide you with tax-free income. Your dividends will be growing at
an exponential rate due to the power of compound interest. Because
of this, you can receive more than the typically-cited industry-
standard withdrawal rate of 3%.
Since your policy loan is collateralized, you’re not spending down
your assets like a traditional retirement account. This could allow
you to receive income for a longer period of time. Legacy planning
is an important piece of every financial plan. Life insurance is the
most efficient way to pass on your legacy to the next generation.
This legacy will be passed on tax-free.
You Can Make Money
Whenever you can make money, it makes sense to take a policy
loan. This is when you have access to an opportunity outside of your
Master Account that is ROI positive. If the return on the money you
are taking out for the loan is greater than the cost of the loan itself,
the loan is efficient and makes sense.
It makes sense to take a 5% loan out if you use it to make 5% or
more in returns. With one of my first collateralized loans, I started my
business. Any business has a number of startup and ongoing costs


which can be pretty significant until they begin to be covered by cash

flow. I borrowed those startup costs, as well as the costs of publishing
this book, from the life insurance company that holds my contract.
This loan is ROI positive. The long-term profit that results from the
initial funding of my business has already been significant and is
likely to only grow over time. The dollars in my Master Account are
going to continue to grow into the future whether my business is
successful or a complete failure. What’s special is that I’ve leveraged
them in order to launch and grow my business today.
You Can Make a Difference
Taking a policy loan also makes sense if it provides you the
opportunity to significantly contribute to your Why. Within the first
year of funding my policy, I had an opportunity to go to Guatemala
for a week-long service project. I don’t want to wait until my
retirement years to volunteer, give back and do good in the world. I
want to leave a legacy today! One of my personal goals is to serve
the underprivileged somewhere outside of the U.S. every year. So, I
borrowed the money to fund the trip from my Master Account and
set up a structured repayment plan. Granted, this did mean that
I paid interest on the amount I had borrowed. It technically cost
me more to serve than the cost of the trip. But, I’m willing to pay
amortized interest (on my loan) in order to earn compound interest
(on the money in my Master Account) for all the reasons I’ve given
in the preceding chapters.
I remember sitting on the airplane thinking how surreal it felt
that the money in my Master Account was continuing to grow,
but because of controlled compounding, I could be in Guatemala,
serving at the same time. Using a collateralized loan to serve in
Guatemala was not an ROI positive decision on my personal wealth
balance sheet. However, I put a greater value than the control cost
(the amount of interest I paid on the loan) on using those funds to
serve in Guatemala. It was worth every penny.
There are innumerable different reasons you might use a
collateralized loan. The ways I used mine are examples of


collateralized loans anyone can use to their advantage. Whether

you fund your contract with $400 a month or $400,000 a month,
the principles stay the same. Your money compounds without
interruption at the same time that you can leverage it for your benefit.
The concepts you have learned can be applied by individuals and to
various financial scenarios alike. A few examples are listed below:
Entrepreneur - As an entrepreneur, you are your greatest asset
and your business is your greatest investment. Using what you
have learned, you can save for the future and invest your capital
into your business or other entrepreneurial endeavors at the
same time.
Investor - Investing (in some fashion) has almost become
second-nature in our society. You now know how to invest in
opportunities using the most efficient process available.
High Income - Having a high income generally means you’re
going to pay a lot of money in taxes. You now know how to save
more money, have tax-free income and pass on your wealth in
the most efficient manner.
Inexperienced - Beginning to save or invest can be a daunting
challenge. Knowing how to master your money and minimize
wealth transfers will put you in a fantastic, wealth-building
Experienced - Even the savviest money managers should
constantly be learning. Leveraging your current knowledge
with the concepts you have learned will further enhance your
wealth success.
Retirement - The three massive benefits of the Master Account to
a retiree are safety, tax-free income and guaranteed growth. This
maximizes the income you will be able to receive without the
fear of having to go back to work following a market crash.
Family - In its most basic form, the Controlled Compounding
Strategy™ is a forced savings plan. Families are willing to save


more money if they know they can have access to that money for
vacations, buying cars or preparing for college.
College Planning - Unlike other college planning financial
vehicles, you won’t get penalized if you decide not to go to
school. You can use your Master Account for various other things
like buying a car, wedding planning, house down payment and
even a retirement supplement plan.
Debt - Many of you reading this book have debt. Some have a lot
of debt. Using the Controlled Compounding Strategy™, you can
start saving today and get lifetime compound interest. Then use
those savings to pay off your debt.
At the end of chapter five, I discussed the ROI of a golf club. I love
using this example because I believe I have given you the very best
golf club (ideal financial vehicle). Now, you also have an idea of
how to perfect your swing (using the concepts of the Controlled
Compounding Strategy™). Saving your money in a tax-free manner
while having access to capital is a tremendous asset. Cash is king.
Now, you know how to save more of it and have access to it.

Ultimately, it comes down to what I stated in the introduction

of this book. You are your number one asset. Use your money
in a way that backs up that statement.

Summing It All Up
Let’s review the key concepts that I have shared with you in this book.
You are your own greatest asset! Your ability to think and then act
is one of the greatest qualities you have as a human being. You also
have another great asset that can work for you – time. Your ability to
think and act in a strategic manner can lead to tremendous wealth
accumulation over time. Whatever your age and stage in life, you
can make solid progress toward building a passive income stream
that will finance your life and your Why at a level beyond what you
currently may think is possible.
Whatever your current financial plan is, you are likely losing money
unknowingly or unnecessarily. Finding those losses and putting an
end to them is crucial to maximizing the efficiency of your wealth
plan. The significant financial expenses you have may include
buying homes, paying taxes, fees, education, investing and major
purchases (like vacations, cars, etc.). Wealth transfers can happen
during any of these transactions and without you knowing. Any time
a wealth transfer occurs, you lose more than you think. As you have
learned, wealth transfers cost you significantly more than just the
initial loss. When you lose a dollar, you don’t just lose that dollar,
but you also lose the opportunity of what that dollar could have
earned you over your lifetime. Opportunity costs are a fundamental
truth about money. They are the loss of potential gain from other
alternatives when one alternative is chosen. All of your decisions
have secondary effects, either positive or negative.


Efficiency, the “E” in E=mc2, will only make whatever you are doing,
better. It will make it better through all the stages of your life.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, investor, employee or retiree,
maximizing the efficiency of your financial strategy from beginning
to end is sure to enhance whatever you are doing.
Compounding, if left alone to work its magic over time, will always
produce an exponential yield. Albert Einstein has been credited over
the years in various financial publications as stating: “Compound
interest is the eighth wonder of the world.” Another statement often
attributed to him declares: “He who understands it, earns it. He who
doesn’t, pays it.”
Control might be the ninth wonder of the world, but it’s nothing
special if you don’t learn how to master it and use it for your benefit.
A banker’s goal is to take every dollar that comes through their door
and squeeze as many benefits out of that dollar as possible. While
you can’t use other people’s money to the extent that banks do,
you can use it more effectively than you may think. You can also
adopt some of their best practices and create your own system for
controlling money.
Controlled compounding can be incredible if used for ROI positive
activities like investing in assets or business endeavors. At the end
of the investing process, your Master Account has grown, the loan
has been paid off and you now have an additional asset working for
When properly designed so that it minimizes the death benefit
and maximizes the living benefits, your Master Account can get
everything associated with the “ideal account” except for tax-
deductible contributions.
Your Master Account is an AND Asset. It enables you to earn
uninterrupted compound interest for the rest of your life and utilize
your capital for other things. You can earn uninterrupted compound
interest and buy your vehicles, and buy real estate, and trade stocks,
and invest in private placements, and start a business, and engage
in any profitable activity that you can dream of!

For more information, visit us at
www.betterwealthsolutions.com or contact us at

What I live for is to see and reach my highest potential.
It’s my personal mission to help as many people as possible
see and reach their highest potential.
The most meaningful word in my mission statement is the word
“see.” My life radically changed when I started seeing for myself
the potential I never thought I had. If I could only do one thing
through this book, it would be to show you how you can start
“seeing.” Grasping the money truths and the concepts involved in
the wealth equation is essential to help you see and reach your
highest potential.
It was only a few days after I first considered the idea of a book
that I finished the earliest outline of it. It has gone through a lot of
addition, deletion and revision since then, but it represents my very
best effort at helping you to see and reach your highest potential. It
is my attempt to show you a better way, financially.
I want you to know how excited I am that you have read all the way
to the end. Not only because of what it says about you, but what
it means for you. It says that you are diligent, inquisitive and an
active learner. It means that you now have a working knowledge of
the most powerful financial concepts and the most ideal product
available today. I’ve done the work I need to do. Imperfectly, I’m sure,
but as fully as I am able. I can only hope that it is of as much benefit
to you as I intended it to be.

Thank you for coming along with me on my journey.

And thank you for the privilege of letting me be a part of yours.

DISCLAIMER: This book is presented solely for informational and educational
purposes. The author does not offer it as individual-specific financial or other
professional service advice. While best efforts were employed when writing
this book to include accurate, verifiable content, the author, or anyone else
that may have been involved in any way in preparation of this book make no
representations or warranties of any kind and assume no liabilities as related
to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. The author
shall not be held liable for any loss or damages caused, or alleged to have been
caused, directly or indirectly by the information presented. Every individual’s
financial situation is different, and the information and strategies described in
this book may not apply to your unique situation. You should always seek the
services of a competent professional before attempting or utilizing any of the
strategies described in this book.

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