Multimodal Emotion Recognition With High-Level Speech and Text Features Mariana Rodrigues Makiuchi, Kuniaki Uto, Koichi Shinoda Tokyo Institute of Technology
Multimodal Emotion Recognition With High-Level Speech and Text Features Mariana Rodrigues Makiuchi, Kuniaki Uto, Koichi Shinoda Tokyo Institute of Technology
Multimodal Emotion Recognition With High-Level Speech and Text Features Mariana Rodrigues Makiuchi, Kuniaki Uto, Koichi Shinoda Tokyo Institute of Technology
3x 1D ConvNorm 2048x5
[256, 96]
3x 1D ConvNorm 512x5
4x 1D ConvNorm 512x5
1x 1D ConvNorm 80x5
2x LSTM 1024
1x LSTM 512
1x Linear 80
2x BLSTM d
Weighted Average
[80, 96]
[1280, 96]
[2d, 96]
[2d, 96]
[80, 96]
[2d, 96/f]
[2d+512, 96]
[1024, 96]
[25, 1024, 96]
Classifier (C)
[256, 96]
1x Dropout 0.5 Lr1 Mel Lr2
3x 1D ConvNorm 2048x5
2x Linear 128
1x Linear 4 SER Emotion Spectrogram
2x BLSTM 128
Logits Phone
[128, 96]
Class Label
SER model
1x 1D CNN 128x8
2x 1D CNN 256x1
1x Mean Pooling
1x 1D CNN 64x4
1x Linear 4
1x Flatten
TER Emotion
Text Multimodal Emotion
Classes Score Fusion
Features Class Probabilities
TER model
Fig. 1. Proposed method depicting the SER and TER models and the fusion approach. 1D ConvNorm layers are defined as a
1D CNN layer followed by batch normalization, and BLSTM layers are bidirectional LSTMs. The number of layers is shown
as each block name’s prefix. The number of filters F and kernels K in each ConvNorm and CNN layers are shown as the block
name’s suffix F xK. The number of neurons in LSTM, BLSTM, and Linear layers is shown as the blocks names’ suffix.
Table 2. Comparison of our SER results with current works
We utilize the Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture in terms of UA(%) and WA (%).
(IEMOCAP) [36] dataset to evaluate our method. Given the Model UA WA
amount of data and the phonetic and semantic diversity of its GRU+Context [37] 68.3 66.9
utterances, the IEMOCAP dataset is considered well-suited Self-Attn+LSTM [3] 55.6 -
for speech-based and text-based emotion recognition. BLSTM+Self-Attn [9] 57.0 55.7
There are 10 actors in this dataset, whose interactions are Transformer [38] - 64.9
organized in 5 dyadic sessions, each with an unique pair of
CNN+Feat-Attn [39] 66.7 -
male and female actors. The dataset contains approximately
wav2vec+CNN [11] - 67.9
12 hours of audiovisual data, which is segmented into speech
Ours (Small) 70.1 70.7
turns (or utterances). Each utterance is labelled by three an-
Following previous works [3, 8, 9], we consider only the We compare the results obtained with the “Small” model with
utterances which are given the same label by at least two an- the current state-of-the-art in Table 2.
notators, and we merge the utterances labelled as “Happy” We further evaluate whether inputting the wav2vec em-
and “Excited” into the “Happy” category. We further select beddings is advantageous to SER. We train our model with
only the utterances with the labels “Angry”, “Neutral”, “Sad” the same parameters as the “Small” configuration, but with
and “Happy”, resulting in 5,531 utterances, which is approx- a mel-spectrogram as input instead of the wav2vec features.
imately 7 hours of data. We utilize only the speech data, the Our results achieved an UA of 50.4% on the 5-fold cross-
transcripts, and the labels. validation, which is 19.7% worse than of the model with
wav2vec features as input, in terms of absolute accuracy.
5. TRAINING CONFIGURATION Therefore, we can conclude that the learned weighted aver-
age of the wav2vec embeddings is a better representation of
We perform a leave-one-session-out cross-validation in all our speech for SER on the IEMOCAP dataset when compared to
experiments. We report our results in terms of Weighted Ac- the traditional mel-frequency spectrograms.
curacy (WA) and Unweighted Accuracy (UA). WA is equiva-
lent to the average recall over all the emotion classes and UA 6.2. Disentanglement Experiments
is the fraction of samples correctly classified.
All models are implemented in PyTorch, and, in every We train 4-linear-layer (with, from the input to the output,
training experiment, we use the Adam optimizer with learn- 2048, 1024, 1024, and 8 neurons) classifiers on the obtained
ing rate 10−4 , and with the default exponential decay rate of speech representations to solve the speaker identification task.
the moment estimates. The SER models are trained with a Our goal is to see if the obtained emotion features contain
batch size of 2 for 1 million iterations. The TER models are speaker identity information. Ideally, we would like our fea-
trained with a batch size of 4 for 412,800 iterations. tures to be speaker-independent, and to hold a generic emo-
tion representation that could be used across speakers.
We train the classifiers on a 5-fold cross-validation, but
we define the folds differently for this experiment. We ran-
6.1. Emotion Recognition Experiments domly separate 80% of each speaker’s data for training, and
the remaining 20% for test. The folds have speaker dependent
We perform SER with two bottleneck configurations for the train and test sets, and each of them contains the data of only
encoder, “Small” and “Large”, which have respective bottle- 4 sessions. We train the classifiers on a cross-entropy loss.
neck dimension d equal to 8 and 128, and respective down- Table 3 summarizes the speaker identity recognition results.
sampling factor f set as 48 and 2. The utterance-level SER Table 3 suggests that the features extracted with the
results are presented in Table 1. “Large” model contain more information about speaker iden-
Table 1 indicates that the “Small” configuration performs tity than the ones from the “Small” model. Overall, from the
better in the SER task when compared to the “Large” model. results in Tables 3 and 1, we can see that the features extracted
Table 3. UA (%) results for the speaker identification task on Table 5. Comparison of our TER results with current works
features extracted with the “Small” and “Large” models. in terms of UA(%) and WA (%).
Fold Model UA WA
Model Avg ± std
1 2 3 4 5 BERT+Attn+Context [40] 71.9 71.2
Small 18.4 20.6 19.4 15.9 13.6 17.6 ± 2.8 BERT+Attn [40] 64.8 62.9
Large 25.6 19.8 24.5 23.4 21.4 22.9 ± 2.3 BLSTM+Self-Attn [9] 63.6 63.7
Self-Attn+LSTM [3] 65.9 -
Ours (BERT uncased) 66.1 67.0
Table 4. 5-fold cross-validation UA (%) results for TER on
input features extracted from different models. (c = “cased”,
u = “uncased”, uwm = “uncased with whole word masking”)
Model Avg ± std Table 6. Comparison of our multimodal results with current
ALBERT 62.3 ± 2.3 works in terms of UA(%) and WA (%).
BERTc 65.5 ± 3.3 Model UA WA
BERTu 66.1 ± 2.1 BERT+Attn+Context [40] 76.1 77.4
BERTuwm 65.8 ± 2.6 LAS-ASR [8] 66.0 64.0
ELECTRA 56.6 ± 3.8 ASR-SER [9] 69.7 68.6
RoBERTa 64.1 ± 3.5 CMA+Raw waveform [3] 72.8 -
XLNetc 58.1 ± 3.6 Ours (w1 = 0.6, w2 = 1) 73.0 73.5
with the “Small” model can achieve a better SER accuracy do not use recurrent neural networks or self-attention, and we
and a worse speaker identity accuracy when compared to the benefit from the text representations learned by Transformer-
features extracted with the “Large” model. This result sug- based models trained on large text corpora. We believe our
gests that the bottleneck size can lead to a disentanglement of model achieved good results due to BERT’s deep features,
factors in speech, which makes the SER task easier. and to the ability of our model’s 1D CNN layers to extract
temporal information from the sequence of token’s features.
6.3. Discussion
We believe that our SER model achieves better results when
compared to previous methods due to three factors. First, 8. MULTIMODAL EMOTION RECOGNITION
we use high-level speech representations as the input to our
model, which, apart from our work, is only done by [11] and
We combine the results from our best speech and text mod-
[38]. Second, we are careful in analyzing the type of infor-
els by experimenting with different weight values w1 and w2 .
mation encoded in the features obtained by our model, which
Our best multimodal results are acquired when w1 = 0.6 and
makes the features have a certain level of disentanglement as
w2 = 1, and they are reported in Table 6.
shown in Section 6.2. Third, our model can leverage both
high-level and low-level features since it is trained to recon- This result shows that, when combining the speech and
struct spectrograms from wav2vec features. the text results, it is better to give less importance to the
speech model’s result, even though its accuracy is higher than
the text model’s. We believe this may be related to the con-
7. TEXT EMOTION RECOGNITION fidence in which the TER and the SER models obtain their
scores, but further investigation is required.
We train the TER model with input features extracted from
different Transformer-based models4 . We use the “large” ver- By comparing our results in Tables 1, 4, and 6, we can
sion of all these models, which output a 1024-dimensional conclude that the solution to the emotion recognition task
feature for each token. The TER results are shown in Table 4 benefits from combining different types of data, since our
for different feature extractors, and we compare our best re- multimodal result is better than our speech-only and text-only
sults with the current state-of-the-art in Table 5. results. Our multimodal approach gives better results than
From Table 5, we can see that our method achieves better current works except for [40], which uses the context infor-
results than previous works, except for [40], which uses con- mation. We attribute the reason of our good results to the fact
text information (i.e., features from succeeding and preceding that our unimodal models outperform other unimodal mod-
utterances). Our model differs from previous works in that we els, and not to our choice of fusion method. We believe we
could achieve better results with a more sophisticated fusion
4 The trained models can be found at approach or by jointly training the speech and text modalities.
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