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My Elt

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1. Jim exercises every day. He has a (muscular) body.

2. Rachel has (narrow) shoulders, so she buys small shirts.

3. I can’t focus or think because I have a bad (headache).

4. My sister can’t talk right now because she has a (sore throat).

5. You shouldn’t pick up heavy things when you have a (backache).

6. I was at the beach all day yesterday, and now my (skin) is red from the sun.

7. We took our baby cousin to the hospital because his (temperature) was really high.

8. I ate too much and I have a (stomachache).


back bag

phase face

feed feet

mate made

have half

Ms. Miss

save safe


1. Jim exercises every day. He has a (muscular) body.

2. Rachel has (narrow) shoulders, so she buys small shirts.

3. I can’t focus or think because I have a bad (headache).

4. My sister can’t talk right now because she has a (sore throat).

5. You shouldn’t pick up heavy things when you have a (backache).

6. I was at the beach all day yesterday, and now my (skin) is red from the sun.

7. We took our baby cousin to the hospital because his (temperature) was really high.
8. I ate too much and I have a (stomachache).

Doctor: How are you feeling, Lee?

Lee: I can’t talk well. I have a sore throat.

Doctor: OK, let me see. You don't feel hot. Let me take your temperature. Hmm…it’s normal.
You don't have a fever.

Lee: Well, my hands are feeling cold. I’m wearing gloves to keep them warm.

Doctor: Let me see. They feel fine.

Lee: My chest hurts, too. I can’t really breathe. Oh, and I have a stomachache. I think I ate
something bad last night.

Doctor: Lee, everything looks OK. Is there anything else?

Lee: Well, I have an important test tomorrow, and I didn’t study for it. I need a doctor’s note
to take the test another day.

 Be
 Don't ask
 Eat
 Stay  

 Don’t eat  a lot of fried food and sugar. 

 Don’t be  lazy!  
 Go running three times a week. 
 Don’t stay  in the house all day. 
 Drink  a lot of water. 
 Ask for help. It’s hard to get in shape alone!

1. I love coffee, but I can't sleep at night. 

 Don't drink it.
2. I have a very sore throat. 
 Drink some hot tea.
3. I'm a teacher. My feet hurt after work every day. 
 Sit down.
4. My bedroom is dirty. 
 Clean your room.
5. I'm so tired. 
 Get some rest.
6. I have nothing to do tonight. 
 Call your friends.

I don't like to ____________ competitive people. They try to show you that they
are better than you.

deal with
have time with

I slept for ten hours last night. I am ____________ today.

full of energy
low on energy

____________ of the things you have to do. Start with the things that take the
most time.
Take a break
Take time
Make a schedule

This week was really ____________. I was sick and I lost my job!
You should ____________ to finish your essay. You want it to be good.
take it easy
wait until the last minute
take time

Things that make you feel stressed

 not having time to finish your projects

 waiting until the last minute
 dealing with an angry person
 being under pressure at school

Ways to feel relaxed

 exercising
 going on a vacation
 taking a break
 enjoying a sunny day

Vocabulary 4
Pedro:  What’s wrong, Amanda? You look anxious and stressed.   
Amanda:  I am! I have so much to do, but I don’t have time. I go to bed every
night at 1:00 AM. 
Pedro:  Oh, no. You have to relax. Can you do anything to reduce  your stress?    
Amanda:  I don’t know. I can’t think when I’m under pressure. 
Pedro:  How about you take time to make a schedule? Think about what you
need to do first. It shouldn’t take long.  
Amanda:  You’re right. That should help.    
Pedro:  And don’t wait until the last minute  to do things. It helps to start early.  
Amanda:  OK. I’m feeling a little bit better already! Thanks, Pedro!

1. When Sasha is in class, she doesn't text.

2.  When my mother works late, my sister and I make dinner.
3.  When a doctor gives you medicine, you have to take it.
4.  You shouldn't go to class when you're sick.
5.  The bus is always late when it rains.
When Dana is low on energy,

she drinks a glass of orange juice.

when she drinks orange juice.

2. When I don't feel well,

I do take a nap.

I take a nap.
3. I feel stressed

when I have too much work.

and when I have too much work.

4. __________ the whole house smells good.

When Jane bakes a cake

When Jane bakes a cake,

5. My phone doesn't work well

when the battery is low.

when it's low.

6. Vic feels nervous

when, he meets new people.

when he meets new people.

Home Remedies
A long time ago, when people were sick, they didn’t go to the doctor, and they
didn’t buy medicine from the drugstore*. Instead, they used home remedies—
medicine made from things people already have at home. Today, many people
like to use home remedies because they are cheap and easy to use. Here are
some old home remedies from the United States.

When you have sleep problems:

Don’t eat dinner late at night. Have a small, light dinner early in the evening.
Eat lettuce for dinner. It helps you feel calm.
Eat raw* onions to help you sleep.
When your ear hurts:
Cook an onion and put the hot onion on your ear.
Put some salt in a bag, heat the bag, and put it on the side of your head.
Put warm oil in your ear.

When you have a headache:

Don’t eat very cold food, like ice cream.
Lie down and close your eyes. Breathe calmly, and don’t think about anything.
Put a hot cloth on your head, above your eyes.

When you have stomach problems:

Eat a lot of yogurt to help your stomach work better.
Drink tea made from ginger, peppermint, or chamomile plants.
Reduce alcohol and coffee.
*A drugstore is a store that sells medicine and other products.
*Raw means not cooked.
1.I always feel comfortable when I wear jeans and a T-shirt.
2. David isn't very nice when he doesn't get enough sleep.
3. When I work on the computer for too long, I get a headache.
4. When I exercise at the gym, my arms and legs are usually sore.
5. Caroline usually calls me when she wants to go out.
6. When Glenn comes to my house to watch movies, he usually brings snacks.
7. When my father calls, I always answer the phone.
8. When the baby wants something, she cries.

1. I travel. I always buy gifts for my friends.

When I travel, I always buy gifts for my friends.

2. He doesn't sleep well. He drinks coffee late in the day.

He doesn't sleep well when he drinks coffee late in the day.

3. I watch a funny movie. I feel sad.

I watch a funny movie when I feel sad.
4. We go to Bella's restaurant. We usually order the pizza.
When we go to Bella's restaurant, we usually order the pizza.

5. Neil gets very nervous. He flies in planes.

Neil gets very nervous when he flies in planes.

6. I listen to loud music. I clean the house.

I listen to loud music when I clean the house.

Read the problem. Then complete the advice.

I’m going to a big party in London tonight. I really don’t want to go, but I have to
because it’s my best friend’s birthday. I’m kind of shy, so I never enjoy parties. I find
it difficult to talk to people that I don’t know very well. I have nothing interesting to
say! Also, my English is not very good. I’m worried I won’t understand what people
are saying to me. What can I do?


Oh, that’s too bad. Lots of people don’t like parties, but I have an idea.
You should go to the party early when not many people are here. Then you can
meet just a few new people. It’s not true that you don’t have interesting things
to say! It’s a good idea to ask simple questions. For example, ask people where
they grew up or where they work. These things can give you confidence and
help you feel better. Remember, you don’t have to talk to everyone. Finally, if
you’re worried about your English, just ask people to speak slowly. Relax! Enjoy
the party.

Type affirmative or negative commands using these verbs: text, study, take,
forget, do, use, ask, pay.

1. Don't do your homework in front of the television. Do it in a quiet place, like

the library.
2. Don't study late at night, when you’re tired. Study
in the morning or afternoon, so you can remember the information better.
3. Take breaks often. Your brain needs to rest!
4. Don't text your friends during class. Don't use
your phone in class at all. Pay attention to your teacher!
5. Ask your teacher for help if you don’t understand something in class.
6. Don't forget to eat breakfast. You work better during the day with something
in your stomach.

Which statements are in the imperative?

Please help me with this.

You go to the gym.
I don't eat junk food!
Get some rest.
Please don't eat any of that cake.
You don't drive me to class.

James hates his job. Choose the examples of good advice for James.

Keep working there.

Take a class and learn a new skill.
Eat healthy and drink plenty of water.
Look online for other jobs.
Go on interviews at other companies.
Don't stay up too late.

You're planning a party with your friend. Choose the commands that you give to
your friend.

Drink some tea.

Buy a lot of soda and snacks.
Help me clean and decorate the house.
Don't forget to invite Haley and Justin.
Don't watch too much TV.
Find some good dance music to play.


Caitlin is 16, and she's learning to drive. You're in the car with her. What advice
do you give her?

Pay attention to the traffic!

Don't stop at the red light.
Slow down!
Work hard at school.
Don't forget to wear a sweater.
Don't look at your cell phone.

Eddie just joined his first soccer team. Choose the logical advice for him.

Wash your uniform after every game.

Practice every day.
Don't be friendly to the other team!
Drink lots of water during practice and games.
Listen to your coach.
Don't give the ball to the other boys on your team.
1.  Blue Zones are areas where many people live to be 
 100
 years old.
2.  In North America there is 
 one
 Blue Zone.
3.  Dr. Wareham worked until he was 
 95
 years old.
4.  Climbing stairs 
 three
 times a day reduces the risk of heart disease.
5.  Dr. Wareham and his wife have been married for 
 64

Are you stressed because you have too much work? There are some ways you
can reduce stress. First, don’t wait until the last minute to finish things. If
you are under pressure and you have three projects that you have to finish by
next week, what do you do? Make a schedule and decide how long you will
work on the projects. Decide which projects need the most time and do those
first. Second, don’t work all day. Take a break! You have to walk away and take
time to relax. Eat a snack or go for a walk. You will focus better and feel better,


How to Reduce Stress

What are some ways to reduce stress? There are several ways to deal with
stress. Take a look at these five tips.

Take a break: When you feel stressed, take a rest for five minutes. Take deep
breaths. Sit up straight and put your hand on your stomach. Close your eyes and
clear your head. Count to ten and slowly breathe in and out. Don’t think about
work or school.
Check in with your body: Lay down on your back. How does your body feel?
Does anything hurt or ache? Mentally scan your body from the bottom of your
feet to the top of your head. Stretch any parts of your body that hurt.
Exercise: You can reduce your stress when you exercise. It doesn't need to be a
difficult exercise. Any type of exercise, like yoga or walking, can help you relax.
Laugh: A good laugh from the stomach can reduce stress. When you laugh, your
brain releases chemicals that improve your mood. Watch your favorite funny
movie. Or hang out with a friend who always makes you smile.
Talk to your friends and family: Don’t email them. Talk to them face-to-face or
on the phone. Tell them about your feelings and why you are stressed. It’s
helpful to get advice from other people.

1. What is the main idea of the reading?

 ways to reduce stress
 how to take deep breaths
 the best exercises

2. When you take deep breaths, close your eyes and clear your head.

3. What happens when you laugh?
 You can hang out with your friend.
 Your brain releases chemicals that improve your mood.
 When you watch your favorite funny movie.
4. Don't email  your friends and family.  Talk  to them face-to-
face or on the phone.
5. What way to reduce stress does the writer NOT suggest?

 listen to relaxing music

 talk to your friends and family
 watch your favorite funny movie

6. What is wrong with Victor?

He has a fever and a temperature.
He has a stomachache.
His back hurts.
7. Victor:  My _______ hurts all over.
 fever
 headache
 body

8. What advice does Julia give to Victor?

 Get some rest and drink a lot of liquids.
 Go to the party.
 Don't call the doctor.

9. What does Julia do when she has a fever?

 She takes an aspirin.
 She takes a break.
 She calls her mom.
10. Victor is going to call the doctor in the morning.
 True
 False

11. broad shoulders ≠ narrow shoulders 

short legs ≠ long  legs 
big eyes ≠ small eyes 
little nose ≠ large  nose 

12. He is washing his hands.


 sore
 ache

I hurt my hand playing basketball.


 stress

I'm always stressed at work. I have a very stressful job.

16. To _______, you can listen to relaxing music.

 be full of energy
 increase stress
 reduce stress

17. Eat /You eat /To eat

A: I have a bad cold.
B: Eat a bowl of warm chicken soup and get some rest.

 Don't go
 Don't goes
 Don’t you go

 Don't go to school when you are sick.


 so
 when,

I feel stressed when I have to take a test.


I feel nervous when I meet new people

When I'm low on energy, I drink coffee
21. _______, she feels relaxed.
When Ji-Woo waits until the last minute
When Ji-Woo has free time
When Ji-Woo is under pressure

1.  --I have a headache. 

 Take two aspirin
2.  --I have a fever.
 Don't go to school
3.  --I'm really tired.
 Take a nap
4.  --I'm going to the store.
 Please buy some tea
5.  --I'm late for my appointment.
 Call the office and tell them
6.  --I'm leaving now.
 Wait, don't forget your keys


Use the flashcards to practice the words.

Select all

the part of a body above the neck

Does your head hurt?

the two body parts on the face that allow you to see

She has brown eyes.

the two body parts on the sides of your head that allow you to hear

Wear the headphones over your ears.

the body part on the face that allows you to breathe and smell

My nose is cold.

the body part on the face that allows you to talk and eat

Open your mouth.

the body part that separates your head from the rest of your body

Her neck is sore.

the body parts at the top of the arms

His shirt covers his shoulder.

the body parts in between the hands and the shoulders

He has a strong arm.

the body parts at the end of the arms that allow you to touch and hold things

Take my hand.

the upper part of the front of your body

The statue's chest is realistic.

the part of the body below the chest

She has a flat stomach.

the two long body parts of the bottom-half of the body

Did you hurt your leg?

the body parts at the end of your legs that allow you to stand

There's sand on your foot.

broad shoulders
shoulders that are wide

The swimmer had broad shoulders.

narrow shoulders
shoulders that are not wide

The woman has narrow shoulders.

long arms
arms that can touch things far away

The woman has long arms.

short arms
arms that are not long

The girl has short arms.

big eyes / large eyes

eyes that are larger than the usual size

She has large eyes.

small eyes / little eyes

eyes that are smaller than the average person's

The baby has small eyes.

big nose / large nose
a nose that is larger than average

He has a large nose.

small nose / little nose

a nose that is smaller than average

The child has a small nose.

muscular body
a strong, athletic build of the body

He has a muscular body.

the outer covering of the body

Put sunscreen on your skin.

the front of the head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are

She is touching her face.

the side of the body away from the face

Does your back hurt?

pain in your back

He has a backache.

your body is too hot because you are sick

He has a fever, so he's not going to school.

pain in your head

Susana has a headache.

sore throat
pain in your throat

I can't talk, I have a sore throat.

pain in your stomach

I don't want anything to eat, I have a stomachache.

your body tempertature is higher than normal because you are sick

Can you take my temperature? I think I have a fever.


Use the flashcards to practice the words.
 Select all
be full of

to have a lot of something

He was full of energy.

be low on

to not have a lot of something

I'm low on energy.

be full of energy

to be excited and ready to be active

The children are full of energy.

be low on energy

to feel tired

Mrs. Santos is low on energy.

have time

to not be in a hurry

I don't have time to do my homework!

take time

to spend time doing something

You should take time to relax every day.

take time to do something

to spend time doing something

You should take time to relax every day.

have time to do something

to be able to do something because you are not in a hurry

I don't have time to do my homework!

make a schedule

to make a  plan of how to use your time

Make a schedule and do some work every day.

deal with (stress, a problem)

to take care of something

To deal with stress, you should reduce the amount of coffee you drink.

deal with stress
to manage problems

To deal with stress, you should reduce the amount of coffee you drink.

deal with a problem

to handle a problem

To deal with a problem, you should think about it and make a plan.


to make smaller

To deal with stress, you should reduce the amount of coffee you drink.

reduce stress

to have less stress; feel less stress

To reduce stress, get more sleep.


feeling worried and overwhelmed

She is stressed about school.


calm and free of worry

He is relaxed.


something that causes anxiety and discomfort

Moving to a new place in stressful.


something that reduces your stress levels

Yoga is a relaxing exercise.
be under pressure

to feel stress from someone or something

Tomas is under pressure at work.

take a break
to stop doing something for a period of time

Arturo always takes a break in the afternoon.

wait until the last minute

to not do something in advance

Don't wait until the last minute to study for the exam.

take a breakhave timedeal withrelaxingreducestressfullow on energy

A: What’s the matter?
B: I don’t feel well. I have a fever and I am low on energy.

A: I don't know how to deal with all this stress.

B: You should take a walk. You might feel better after.

A: I don’t have time for a vacation.

B: You can make some time after our exams.

A: This project is so stressful. I’m not sure what to do.

B: You should talk to your teacher.

A: Whenever I want to reduce stress, I exercise.

B: Does it help?

A: Jeannie wants to take a break from school.

B: It sounds like a good idea. She can take it easy for a bit.

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m relaxing on the beach.

Bob won the _______ show. He got a lot of money as a prize.


My friends and I _______ about cooking interesting foods online.

get hits
post videos

My sister invented a household item, and it was a _______.


Riya has a natural _______ to make friends.


I want to be _______ and earn a lot of money.


Micah is _______. He plays basketball and soccer really well.


1. Linda posts videos online. She shows people how to do their hair.
2. I’m not successful. I don’t have a great job, and I don’t make a lot of
3. Chris is a really talented writer. His stories are creative and interesting.
4. I want to succeed, but I don’t know where to start.
5. Gina has this ability to make other people laugh.
6. My father is able to fix anything that is broken, so we don’t buy many new
KIM: How are you so good at languages?
DANA: Well, I traveled all over the world with my parents because my mother
was an ambassador. We visited  many countries, so I learned a lot of greetings
that way.
DANA: I guess I have a natural ability for languages. My goal is to learn greetings
in 500 languages.
KIM: Well, you are very talented, and I hope you reach your goal.
KIM: I'm curious about Pablo's talent. Pablo, tell us what you can do.
PABLO: I know how to play the guitar and paint a picture with my mouth at the
same time.  
 KIM: Now that is something we have to see!

1. Luisa is a talented woman. She 

 dance, sing, paint, and speak four languages. 

2. Our car broke down two days ago, but we 

 fix it yesterday. 
3. I’m sorry, I 

 go to your party tonight. I have a bad headache. 

4. I 

 understand the man. He spoke too fast and had a very strong accent. 
5. When I was five, I 

 walk to school alone. 

6. Isaiah’s mother is from Puerto Rico, but he 

 speak any Spanish.

1. I tried to clean my apartment, but I couldn't finish before my friend arrived.

2. By the time she was 15, Alex could fix and build computers.
3. Drew is in a rock band. He can play the guitar very well, but he can't
sing! His friend Lisa is the singer.
4. Could you ride a bike when you were six years old?
5. Rowan is only 11 years old, but he can cook dinner for his family—and the
food is usually very good!
6. Dinh can't speak English very well. He needs to study and practice more!
7. I couldn't do my homework last night. I was too tired! I fell asleep at 8 PM in
front of the TV.

The statements below use can and know how to in the present tense. Type the
sentences again in the past tense.

1. Elena can play the flute.

Elena could play the flute.

2. Jennifer knows how to draw.

Jennifer knew how to draw.

3. Ramon can cook delicious food.

Ramon could cook delicious food.

4. Lisa can't text you during class.

Lisa couldn't text you during class.

5. Enrique knows how to swim.

Enrique knew how to swim.

6. Laith knows it is time to go home.

Laith knew it was time to go home.

7. Gan can read fast.

Gan could read fast.

Write the sentences in the past tense using could, couldn't, knew how to, or
didn't know how to.
Example: Ginette can sing very well. (at age five) Ginette could sing very well at
age five.

1. I can cook spaghetti. (at age eleven)

I could cook spaghetti at age eleven.

2. My cousins can swim. (at age six)

My cousins could swim at age six.

3. Beth knows how to drive. (at age sixteen)

Beth knew how to drive at age sixteen.
4. I can't speak French. (at age eighteen)
I couldn't speak French at age eighteen.

5. They can't see the sun. (yesterday)

They couldn't see the sun yesterday.

6. We don't know how to post videos online. (ten years ago)

We didn't know how to post videos online ten years ago.

7. My brother can surf. (at age ten)

My brother could surf at age ten.}

 adventurous
 afraid
 give up
 risky
 careful
 challenging
 play it safe
 continue

I’m very 
.  My favorite hobby is going mountain climbing.  Next year, I want to go to
Mount Everest.  I don’t like to 
.  We only live once, so I think we should try everything.  My family doesn’t like
it that I do 
 things, and they tell me to be 
.  They are 
 of me going to Mount Everest, but I don’t want to 
.  I am going to 
 with mountain climbing, and doing 
 things.  After all, life is an adventure!

takes chances
play it safe

1. Walking there at night is

. You should go a different way.

2. I’m
to try new things. I worry about what could go wrong.

3. The long hike in the mountains will be a

, but the trip will be worth it.

4. Eric should
play it safe
and tell his mom about his bad grade before she finds out.

5. David
takes chances
. He doesn’t always know what results will be, but he does things anyways.

6. You’re too
. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect.

1. Sam is thinking about taking a _______ class.



2. Lily thinks it’s _______.



3. Sam likes to have _______ in his life.



4. Lily doesn’t think she’s _______.

a risk-taker

a musician

a good student
5. She moved to another country to _______.



meet people
6. Sam thinks taking risks doesn’t have to be _______.




Amazing Musician: Adam Ho

When Adam Ho was a teenager, he loved playing the electric guitar, singing,
writing his own music, and recording music in his own home studio. He played at
concerts all around California, and performed music for TV commercials. There
was an article about him on the front page of a Los Angeles newspaper when he
was 12.

His love of music began even before he was a teenager. At the age of nine, he
won first prize in a music contest. In 2009, he received an award for a TV
commercial he made. When he appeared on a national TV talent show, he won
first prize with the best score possible. Adam often played on a shopping street
in Santa Monica, California. People stopped to listen and give him money.

When he was younger, Adam had other talents and interests, too. He enjoyed
swimming, tennis, martial arts, and acting. But mostly he loved to play the guitar.
He also gave guitar lessons for beginners. His advice to other young musicians is
simple: “I practice almost two hours a day for better technique* and playing. All
you have to do is be patient, and you’ll make it*.”

technique means a style of way of doing something

to make it means to be successful

1. Adam is a successful _____.


2. When Adam was __________, his photo was in the newspaper.

3. When he was __________, he won a music contest.

4. Adam won an award for a __________ in 2009.


TV commercial
5. In a national TV talent show, he won __________ prize.

6. Adam gave guitar lessons for __________.



1. Adam had his own 
 home
2. He played at concerts all over 
 California

3. He often played on a shopping street in 
 Santa Monica

4. People stopped to 
 listen
 to him in the street. 
5. He also liked to play 
 tennis
 and act. 
6. Adam practiced around 
 two
 hours every day.


1. It was _____ I put on a sweater.

cold, so

cold because
2. Andy wasn't _____ he stayed up and watched TV until 3:00 AM.

tired, so
tired because
3. I couldn't sleep last _____ I drank too much coffee during the day.

night, so

night because
4. I don't like the color of this _____ it's too dark.

room, so

room because
5. We'd like to visit _____ everyone tells us it's amazing.

Peru, so

Peru because
6. Aisha turned off the _____  she didn't like the music.

radio, so

radio because
7. Nancy forgot to bring the _____ we couldn't get into the house.

keys, so

keys because
8. We all love _____ she's very kind and funny.

Mrs. Campbell, so

Mrs. Campbell because

Fill in the blanks with so or because.

tomorrow is a holiday, we don't have to work.
2. Cameron wasn't in class today
he had to go to the doctor.
3. Rebecca lost her glasses,
she can't see very well.
4. I don't have a lot of money,
I'm looking for a cheap plane ticket.
5. Vera is unhappy
her children never clean their rooms.
6. We're having a dinner party tonight,
we need to pick up some things at the market.

Connect the sentences using because. Keep the sentences in the same order.
Put because either at the beginning or in the middle to make a logical sentence.
Remember to use commas where necessary.
Example: Caleb was good at math. He went to a special school. → Because
Caleb was good at math, he went to a special school.

1. She lost her cell phone. She couldn’t call anyone. →

Because she lost her cell phone, she couldn't call anyone.

2. He plays the piano well. He practices a lot. →

He plays the piano well because he practices a lot.

3. I'm afraid to go rock climbing. It's very dangerous. →

I'm afraid to go rock climbing because it's very dangerous.

4. He was nervous. He made a lot of mistakes. →

Because he was nervous, he made a lot of mistakes.

5. My roommate was angry. I didn't wash the dishes. →

My roommate was angry because I didn't wash the dishes.

6. The team practiced hard. They won every game. →

Because the team practiced hard, they won every game.


Put the sentences in the correct order and connect them using so.

Example: I'm making dinner. Everyone's hungry. > Everyone's hungry, so I'm
making dinner.

1. He has to buy a nice suit. His sister is getting married. >

His sister is getting married, so he has to buy a nice suit.

2. She wants to meet new friends. She's going to a party. >

She wants to meet new friends, so she's going to a party.

3. We have to go now. Our bus leaves in five minutes. >

Our bus leaves in five minutes, so we have to go now.
4. They want to live near the beach. They're looking for a house in Florida. >
They want to live near the beach, so they're looking for a house in Florida.

5. He wants to get in shape. He's going to the gym every day. >
He wants to get in shape, so he's going to the gym every day.

6. I can't run in the race. My leg hurts. >

My leg hurts, so I can't run in the race.

He enjoys skiing

because it's fast and exciting.

She's not very brave,

so she never takes risks.

They never do anything risky

because they like to play it safe.

He does't like to give up,

so he always keeps trying.

They found it really frightening,

so they gave up.

She likes a challenge

because she's an adventurous person.

Read about Alicia. Then read the statements. Are they true or false?
Usually, I’m a careful person, but last year I decided to do something brave. I
traveled around Africa for a month on my own. I had a lot of fun, but I had some
challenging times, too. One night, I went for a long walk because I was curious
about the neighborhood. Unfortunately, I got lost when I was walking back to my
hostel. I was frightened because it was very late and I thought the streets were
dangerous. Then I saw a woman who was also staying at my hostel, so I asked her
for directions. She laughed because the hostel was just around the corner! In the
darkness, I was confused. I don’t like taking risks, but some adventures are fun.
1. Alicia is never careful.




A Challenging Flight 

Amelia Earhart was the first female pilot to fly alone over the Atlantic Ocean. She
also wrote many books about her adventurous experiences. Earhart couldn’t fly
when she was young because girls were not allowed in piloting school. But she was
very brave and wasn’t afraid to try new things. Earhart learned how to fly when she
was twenty-four years old. On May 21st, 1932, Earhart flew alone from
Newfoundland across the Atlantic Ocean. It was a risky flight. Her goal was to land
in Paris. Because the weather was very windy and icy, she landed in Ireland instead.
It was still a success. She was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, so
she became very famous and received many awards. In 1937, Earhart started a trip
around the world. Her friends told her that it was too dangerous, but Earhart liked
taking chances. When she was flying from Hawaii to Australia, she lost radio
communication. Her plane disappeared. Many people are curious about what
happened to Earhart.  Some people believe that she crashed into the ocean. Other
people think that she landed  on one of the islands near Australia. Amelia Earhart’s
death is still a mystery today.

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