Main Idea 2: Name
Main Idea 2: Name
Main Idea 2: Name
Main Idea 2
Directions: Read each passage and ask yourself, "What is the author doing in this paragraph?"
Write your answer in the summary box and then think of an appropriate title for the passage
based on the main idea of the passage.
1. Being a clown isn't all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great danger every
time they perform. When cowboys dismount or bulls buck them off, rodeo clowns jump in front
of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention. In this way rodeo clowns provide an
alternate target, and in doing so protect the rider. Of course, this is a very dangerous thing to do.
So you see, sometimes clowning around can be serious business.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
2. Wolverines are medium sized mammals. They weigh no more than 50 lbs. Yet they have
earned their reputation for ferocity by killing prey many times their size. But why do they get in
so many fights? The reason why wolverines have so many conflicts with other animals
(including wolves, cougars, and even bears) is probably because of the wolverine's preferred
hunting style. Rather than chasing down or tricking its prey like most hunters, the wolverine
prefers to take its meals directly from other hunters. So while a polar bear or a lone wolf might
be enjoying a hard earned carcass, a hungry wolverine may try to take his lunch. As you might
imagine, this style of hunting get the wolverine in plenty of fights.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
3. Sometime in December of 1891, Dr. James Naismith was teaching gym at the YMCA
College in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was raining, and Dr. Naismith was trying to keep his
students active. He wanted them playing a vigorous game that would keep them moving. He
rejected a few ideas that were too rough. Then Naismith had his breakthrough. He wrote out the
rules for a game with peach baskets fixed to ten-foot elevated tracks. Naismith's students played
against one another, passing the ball around and shooting it into the peach baskets. Dribbling
wasn't a part of the original game. Also it took a while to realize that the game would run more
smoothly if the bottoms of the baskets were removed. But this game grew to be one of the most
popular sports in America today. Can you guess which one?
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
An appropriate title: _____________________________________________________________
4. What's that humming sound? Could it be the hummingbird, the only bird capable of backward
flight? Hummingbirds have many unique flight habits that distinguish them from other birds.
Most birds flap their wings up and down to fly, but the hummingbird moves its wings forward
and backward very rapidly in a figure eight pattern. This allows the hummingbird to hover in
position. They can also fly upside down and move about very rapidly. Other birds have to push
off with their feet to begin flying and work their ways up to their top speeds. The hummingbird
can both start flying at maximum speed and stop flying instantaneously. Once you've seen a
hummingbird in flight, it's unlikely that you'll mistake them for another bird.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
5. Remember, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly. That said, the key to
making perfect cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision. To begin with, read your
cookie recipe thoroughly before baking. Make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients
before you continue. Next, use good tools and utensils. Sometimes, the craftsperson is only as
good as his or her tools. By using good tools you minimize mistakes and improve the quality of
your product. Last, use top quality ingredients. Unlike characters in fairytales, you can't turn lead
into gold. If you use poor quality materials, you'll create inferior products. So, to make perfect
cookies you should use the highest quality materials available. Bon appetite!
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
6. You might think that all automobile fuels are the same, but they aren't. Automobiles can run
on one of three types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. All these fuels are burned inside of
the engine, which creates the heat and energy that is used to power the car. But there are
important differences between these fuels. Gasoline and diesel are more common than biodiesel.
But each burns differently. Diesel fuel is heavier and less flammable than gasoline, so it has to be
compressed before it will burn. Gasoline may be lighter than diesel, but both fuels are made from
crude oil. On the other hand, biodiesel fuel is made from vegetables. Both biodiesel and diesel
fuels must be burned in diesel engines, which only use diesel fuel. If gasoline is pumped into a
diesel engine, it will have to be pumped out. These fuels may look pretty similar at the gas
station, but remember that there are important differences between them or it may cost you.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.