Cab Heater: (AFTER OCT. 2008)
Cab Heater: (AFTER OCT. 2008)
Cab Heater: (AFTER OCT. 2008)
• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric
lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force
to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the
unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and
when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from
the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury and property damage.
On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Cab Heater Table of Contents
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
Control Systems, Sensors, and Switches through the evaporator will be blocked, which will
block the entire cab ventilation system. The anti-ice
The air conditioning system (A/C) is activated by switch protects the evaporator against ice buildup by
pushing the A/C switch on the dashboard and se- opening at 1°C (30.2°F), causing the clutch to dis-
lecting one of the fan speeds. A control light in engage and allowing air to warm the evaporator. The
the A/C switch will illuminate, and the fans on the anti-ice switch, which is inserted between the fins
condenser will turn. The anti-ice switch and the of the evaporator, will close when the temperature
pressure switches must be closed before the clutch reaches 2.3°C (36.14°F). The anti-ice sensor is indi-
engages the compressor. If the anti-ice switch or cated by "T" on the electrical schematic.
one of the pressure switches is open, the clutch will
disengage and the air conditioning system will not The pressure switches are located at the dryer, and
activate. protect the system against pressures that are too low
or too high. See Figure 4. If the system pressure
Water in the air condensates on the evaporator. Nor- drops below 2 bar (29 psi), the refrigerant level is too
mally, the condensated water drips on the bottom low for proper functioning of the system and proper
plate of the heater assembly and escapes through lubrication of the compressor.
two hoses that open into the engine compartment.
If the condensated water becomes ice, the air flow
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
1. CONDENSER 4. DRYER Description
2. CONDENSER COIL SWITCH Functionality of the individual components of the
3. SIGHT GLASS 6. FAN normal air conditioning systems and the Climate
Control system is the same. The difference is that
Figure 4. Condenser
for the Climate Control a controller sends the sig-
High system pressure is a recurrent situation. The nals to the components instead of the manually
evaporator valve has a limited flow capacity. The operated knobs on the dashboard for the normal
refrigerant flow generated by the compressor fluc- system. This Controller is part of the control unit on
tuates with engine speed, and regularly exceeds the the dashboard that also has a display and a select
flow capacity of the evaporator valve. When the flow button. The display provides information on mode,
capacity of the evaporator valve is exceeded, the com- temperature, blower speed and fault conditions. An
pressor will have raised system pressure to the max- explanation of the normally available information
imum allowable level. The pressure switch will send and settings is in the Operating Manual.
a signal to disengage the compressor clutch, and the
The explanation for how to read information and ap-
evaporator valve will continue to regulate refriger-
ply settings for service purposes is described under
ant flow. Pressure will drop until the pressure switch
Service Menu.
is enabled, causing the clutch to reengage. System
pressure will rise again until the maximum allow-
Service Menu
able level has been reached.
1. Push the Power Button to turn the HVAC unit
CAUTION ON. See Figure 5.
NEVER bypass the electric clutch of the air
2. Pressing the Set Button scrolls the screen be-
conditioning compressor. If the clutch does
not receive a signal, there is either an insuffi-
• Climate Control Mode Settings
cient amount of refrigerant, or the condenser
• Air Circulation Settings
or the evaporator is iced, and the pressure
• Display Settings
switch will not be enabled to protect the sys-
tem against excessive pressure. If the clutch
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
There are two View pages that show readings and ac-
tual setting of the HVAC unit. After leaving the pre-
vious service screen "Set Up", screen View 1 will ap-
pear. Push the button to scroll between screen View
1 and screen View 2 (see Figure 6).
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
The Main Display shows a warning sign in the left The Statistics page shows operating hours and cycle
hand bottom corner of the Main Display if a fault times since the last reset date. To reset the Statis-
occurs. See Figure 7. tics Page, go to the Error Page, turn the Set Button
one click counter clockwise. A dialog box will appear.
When the dialog box is shown, press the Set Button
once to reset all values. See Figure 9.
The Error List page shows for each of the tempera- Exit
ture sensors and for the water valve the number of oc-
currences that the connection was shortened or open To leave the Service menu scroll to Exit and push the
since the last reset date. For the Water Valve there is Set Button.
an additional indication for the number of times that
the Water Valve was stuck. See Figure 8. Temperature Sensors
In addition to the normally present de-ice temper-
ature sensor in the evaporator, there are three fur-
ther temperature sensors that influence the reaction
of the controller:
• Outside Temperature Sensor, which is located out-
side the cab under the condenser.
• Coil sensor, which is located behind the evapora-
tor and heater coil, in the suctioned air flow of the
blower fan.
• Inside Sensor, which is located in the side console,
Figure 8. Climate Control Error Display measures the cab interior temperature. Interior
air flow past the sensor is through a tube that con-
To further establish the cause of failure, see Temper- nects between suction side of the blower fan and
ature Sensors or Water Valve. inside sensor.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting
Disconnect the sensor for which an error has been When a fault for open or short circuit has been indi-
indicated. Use an Ohm meter to measure its re- cated, use a volt meter to measure the voltage over
sistance. See Table 1 that provides an overview the different connections. Measures can be taken at
of the resistance value for different temperatures. either the connector of the water valve or at the con-
The electrical properties of the four sensors are the troller connector. See Table 2. There are also two 15
same. When the sensor itself shows no defects, check amp fuses located in the wiring system check these
continuity of the wiring harness. See Figure 10. The if a fault for open or short circuit has been indicated.
sensors are connected to the controller connector at For location of theses fuses see Figure 11.
the following pin numbers:
• Inside Sensor: Pin 14 and 32. Table 2. Water Valve Pin Outs
• Outside Sensor: Pin 4 and 33
• De-Ice Sensor: Pin 13 and 24 Water Controller Value
• Coil Sensor: Pin 12 and 34 Valve
Pin 8 Pin 31 ground
Table 1. Sensor Resistance Values
Pin 10 Pin 30 3.3 Volt
°C °F k
Pin 9 Pin 5 0.6 Volt when valve
0 32 32,649 is closed. 2.2 Volt
when valve is open.
5 41 25,394
Pin 6 Pin 18 12 Volt when the
10 50 19,903
valve is closing. 0
15 59 15,713 Volt when opening
20 68 12,493 or not moving.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
1. 15A FUSES
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
Make sure no one is under cab when raising or
lowering cab.
Before placing any part of your body under
cab, always make sure the cab is fully tilted,
or when partially open, is locked using the tilt
Before removing the heater hoses, make sure 1. CABLE CLIP
the heater hoses are cool. Hot coolant may 2. EXTENDED CABLE (FULL HOT POSITION)
cause severe burns. 3. NUT
1. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse 5. ROTARY CONTROL
panel cover to the right side of the instrument
Figure 12. Rotary Control
panel and remove the cover to gain access to the
underside of the instrument panel. See Fuse
Panel and Cover Location. WARNING
DO NOT remove the pressure cap from the ex-
2. Remove the heat control knob at the instrument pansion tank when the engine is hot. When the
panel top console. See Switch Locations. pressure cap is removed, pressure is released
from the system. If the system is hot, the steam
3. Remove the nut that retains the rotary control to
and boiling coolant can cause burns.
the instrument panel top console. See Figure 12.
6. Remove the pressure cap to release the pressure
4. Remove the rotary control assembly for the wa-
and place it back on the radiator expansion tank.
ter valve from the underside of the instrument
panel top console and place it with the cable on 7. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer
the heater assembly. to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
5. Disconnect the wire harness from the fan speed 8. Tag and disconnect the two heater hoses from the
knob at the underside of the instrument panel heater inlet and outlet ports, and plug the heater
top console. hoses and ports. See Figure 13.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
11. Support the heater assembly and remove the 14. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
capscrews that retain the heater assembly to the the instrument panel and install the four screws.
hinge brackets. See Fuse Panel and Cover Location.
12. Remove the heater assembly from the underside 15. If required, fill the coolant to the correct level.
of the cab. Refer to the manual Periodic Maintenance
8000 SRM 1400.
16. Start the engine and warm the engine to normal
1. Position the heater assembly to the underside of operating temperature.
the cab.
17. Make sure the heater functions correctly.
2. Route the cable harness and cable control cor-
rectly to the inside of the instrument panel box.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
STANDARD HEATER PARTS 7. Loosen the hose clamp and disconnect the top
REPLACEMENT heater hose from the heater core, located be-
tween the heater core and the water valve. See
Heater Core Figure 14.
When replacing the heater hoses, make sure
the replacement hoses meet correct specifica-
tions. Failure to meet specifications may cause
personal injury.
DO NOT remove the pressure cap from the ex-
pansion tank when the engine is hot. When
the pressure cap is removed, the pressure is re-
leased from the system. If the system is hot, the
steam and boiling coolant can cause burns. 1. BOTTOM HEATER HOSE
1. Remove the pressure cap to release the pressure 3. TOP HEATER HOSE
and place it back on the radiator expansion tank. 4. HEATER CORE
2. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer
Figure 14. Heater Water Valve
to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
5. Remove the 10 screws that retain the top cover Figure 15. Heater Assembly Components
to the heater assembly.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
Legend for Figure 15 NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath
the cab and will require a limited amount of force to
1. HEATER CORE swing the heater assembly down and away from the
5. HEATER CORE BRACKET CAPSCREWS 2. Remove the three capscrews that retain the
heater assembly to the cab and swing the heater
9. Remove the heater core bracket from the heater assembly down. See Figure 13 for the location of
assembly. the capscrews.
10. Slide the heater core out of the heater assembly. 3. Remove the 10 screws that retain the top cover
to the heater assembly.
4. Remove the top cover from the heater assembly.
1. Slide the heater core into the heater assembly.
5. Tag and disconnect the electrical connector con-
2. Position the heater core bracket to the inside of nected to the blower assembly. See Figure 16.
the heater assembly and install the two retaining
capscrews. 6. Remove the four screws that retain the blower to
the heater assembly housing. See Figure 17.
3. Connect the top heater hose to the heater core
and tighten the hose clamp.
10. Start the engine and check for leaks. Add coolant
as needed.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
When replacing the heater hoses, make sure
the replacement hoses meet correct specifica-
tions. Failure to meet specifications may cause
personal injury.
DO NOT remove the pressure cap from the ex-
pansion tank when the engine is hot. When
the pressure cap is removed, the pressure is re-
leased from the system. If the system is hot, the
steam and boiling coolant can cause burns.
1. Remove the pressure cap to release the pressure
Figure 18. Blower Electrical Wire Connection and place it back on the radiator expansion tank.
Install 2. Turn the heat control knob on the instrument
panel counterclockwise to the fully open position
1. Connect the electrical wires to the blower assem-
or (full hot position). See Switch Locations.
bly. See Figure 18.
3. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer
2. Position the blower assembly into the heater as-
to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
sembly housing.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath 9. Swing the heater assembly up toward the cab
the cab and will require a limited amount of force to and install the three capscrews to retain the
swing the heater assembly down and away from the heater assembly to the cab. See Figure 13 for
cab. the location of the capscrews.
4. Remove the three capscrews that retain the 10. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched
heater assembly to the cab and swing the heater position. Refer to the section Raising and Lower-
assembly down. See Figure 13 for the location of ing Cab.
the capscrews.
11. Add coolant as needed. Refer to the manual Pe-
5. Remove the 10 screws that retain the top cover riodic Maintenance 8000 SRM 1400.
to the heater assembly.
12. Start the engine and check for leaks. Add coolant
6. Remove the top cover from the heater assembly. as needed.
7. Remove the cable clip that retains the outer cable 13. Make sure the heat control knob functions cor-
to the water valve. rectly.
8. Remove the snap ring that retains the inner ca- PUSH/PULL CABLE REPLACEMENT
ble to the water valve and disconnect the inner
cable from the water valve. Water Valve Cable
9. Loosen the two hose clamps that retain the water Remove
valve between the heater hoses. See Figure 14.
1. Turn the heat control knob on the instrument
10. Disconnect the two heater hoses from the water panel counterclockwise to the fully open position
valve. or the (full hot position). See Switch Locations.
11. Remove the water valve from the heater assem- 2. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
bly. panel cover to the right side of the instrument
panel and remove the cover to gain access to the
Install underside of the instrument panel. See Fuse
1. Make sure the heat control knob in the cab is in Panel and Cover Location.
the full hot position 3. Remove the heat control knob at the instrument
2. Position the water valve between the two heater panel top console. See Switch Locations.
hoses inside the heater assembly. See Figure 14. 4. Remove the nut that retains the rotary control
3. Connect the two heater hoses to the water valve assembly to the instrument panel top console.
and tighten the hose clamps. See Figure 12.
4. Connect the inner cable to the water valve and 5. Remove the cable clip that retains the outer cable
install the snap ring to retain the inner cable to to the rotary control assembly.
the water valve. 6. Remove the snap ring that retains the inner ca-
5. Push the lever of the water valve towards the ble to the rotary control and remove the inner ca-
heater core until it reaches its final position. ble from the rotary control.
Hold the lever and push the outer cable towards 7. Raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer to
the water valve. the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
6. Install and tighten the cable clip to retain the NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath
outer cable to the water valve. the cab and will require a limited amount of force to
7. Position the top cover on the heater assembly. swing the heater assembly down and away from the
8. Install the 10 screws to retain the top cover to the
heater assembly.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
8. Remove the three capscrews that retain the 11. Hold the inner cable extended and pull the outer
heater assembly to the cab and swing the heater cable away from the rotary control.
assembly down. See Figure 13.
12. Install the cable clip to retain the outer cable to
9. Remove the 10 screws that retain the top cover the rotary control assembly.
to the heater assembly.
13. Make sure the heat control knob functions cor-
10. Remove the top cover from the heater assembly. rectly.
11. Remove the cable clip that retains the outer cable 14. Install the rotary control assembly to the under-
to the water valve. side of the instrument panel top console.
12. Remove the snap ring that retains the inner ca- 15. Install the nut to retain the rotary control assem-
ble to the water valve and disconnect the inner bly to the instrument panel top console. See Fig-
cable from the water valve. ure 12.
13. Remove the water valve cable from the instru- 16. Install the heat control knob at the instrument
ment panel box and heater assembly. panel top console. See Switch Locations.
Install 17. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
the instrument panel and install the four retain-
1. Position the water valve cable inside the instru- ing screws. See Fuse Panel and Cover Location.
ment panel box and heater assembly.
Heater/Air Conditioner Assembly
2. Connect the inner cable to the water valve and
install the snap ring to retain the inner cable to Remove
the water valve.
4. Install and tighten the cable clip to retain the 1. Turn the key switch to the ON position.
outer cable to the water valve.
2. Place the recirculation knob on the instrument
5. Position the top cover on the heater assembly. panel in position 1 or position 2.
6. Install the 10 screws to retain the top cover to the 3. Turn the key switch to the OFF position.
heater assembly.
4. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
7. Swing the heater assembly up toward the cab panel cover to the right side of the instrument
and install the three capscrews to retain the panel and remove the cover to gain access to the
heater assembly to the cab. See Figure 13. underside of the instrument panel. See Fuse
Panel and Cover Location.
8. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched
position. Refer to the section Raising and Lower- 5. Disconnect the wire harness for the fan speed
ing Cab. knob, heater knob, and recirculation knob from
the connectors at the underside of the instrument
9. Turn the rotary control into the (full hot posi- panel top console.
tion). See Figure 12.
6. Tag and disconnect the electrical wires for the air
10. Connect the inner cable to the rotary control and conditioner switch at the underside of the instru-
install the snap ring to retain the inner cable to ment panel top console.
the rotary control. See Figure 12.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
7. Remove the pressure cap to release the pressure 12. Loosen the two nuts and capscrews at the hinge
and place it back on the radiator expansion tank. bracket. Remove the three capscrews that re-
tain the heater assembly to the cab. Pull the
8. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer heater assembly downwards and push simulta-
to the section Raising and Lowering Cab. neously towards the hinge bracket to provide suf-
ficient clearance between heater assembly and
9. Tag and disconnect the two heater hoses from the cab frame. See Figure 19 for the location of the
heater inlet and outlet ports and plug the heater capscrews.
hoses and ports. See Figure 19.
13. Make sure the wire harness is free and can be
CAUTION removed together with the heater/air conditioner
Repairs to the air conditioning system that re-
quire discharging and/or refilling of the refrig- 14. Disconnect the electrical connector on top of the
eration fluid must be performed only by a cer- top cover from the actuator that controls the vent
tified air conditioning specialist. door position.
10. Contact a certified air conditioning specialist to 15. Support the heater/air conditioner assembly and
have the refrigerant extracted from the air con- remove the capscrews that retain the heater/air
ditioning system. conditioner assembly to the hinge brackets.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
7. Remove the plugs and connect the heater hose to 3. Turn the key switch to the OFF position.
the inlet and outlet ports.
4. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer
8. Connect the hose fittings leading to the evapora- to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath
the cab and will require a limited amount of force to
CAUTION swing the heater assembly down and away from the
Repairs to the air conditioning system that re- cab.
quire discharging and/or refilling of the refrig-
eration fluid must be performed only by a cer- 5. Remove the three capscrews that retain the
tified air conditioning specialist. heater/air conditioner assembly to the cab and
swing the heater/air conditioner assembly down.
9. Contact a qualified and certified technician to See Figure 19 for the location of the capscrews.
have the air conditioning system filled with re-
frigerant. See Air Conditioning Technical Detail, 6. Disconnect the electrical connector on top of the
Table 3 for the type and the amount of refriger- top cover from the actuator that controls the vent
ant required to charge an evacuated A/C system. door position. See Figure 20.
10. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched 7. Remove the 12 screws that retain the top cover
position. Refer to the section Raising and Lower- to the heater/air conditioner assembly.
ing Cab.
8. Remove the top cover from the heater/air condi-
11. Connect the electrical wires for the air condition- tioner assembly.
ing switch at the underside of the instrument
panel top console. 9. Remove the washer located on top of the nylon
12. Connect the wire harness for the fan speed knob,
heater knob, and recirculation knob to the con- 10. Remove the capscrew, two nuts, two washers, and
nectors at the underside of the instrument panel lock washer that retain the vent door to the actu-
top console. ator that is located on the top cover.
13. Add coolant as needed. Refer to the manual Pe- 11. Remove the vent door.
riodic Maintenance 8000 SRM 1400.
2. Turn the recirculation knob located on the in- Figure 20. Electrical Connector Location of
strument panel to position 1 or position 2. See Vent Door Actuator
Switch Locations.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
1. Position the vent door and install the capscrew, Before removing the heater hoses, make sure
two nuts, two washers, and lock washer to retain the heater hoses are cool. Hot coolant may
the vent door to the actuator on the top cover. cause severe burns.
NOTE: Make sure the nylon bushing and washer are
correctly positioned inside the heater/air conditioner WARNING
assembly. DO NOT remove the pressure cap from the ex-
pansion tank when the engine is hot. When
2. Position the top cover on the heater/air condi- the pressure cap is removed, the pressure is re-
tioner assembly and make sure the pin at the leased from the system. If the system is hot, the
underside of the vent door is positioned in the steam and boiling coolant can cause burns.
washer and nylon bushing.
4. Remove the pressure cap to release the pressure
3. Install the 12 screws to retain the top cover to the and place it back on the radiator expansion tank.
heater/air conditioner assembly.
5. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer
4. Connect the electrical connector on top of the top to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
cover to the actuator that controls the vent door
position. See Figure 20. 6. Loosen the hose clamp and disconnect the inlet
heater hose from the heater core pipe located at
5. Swing the heater/air conditioner assembly up to- the underside of the heater/air conditioner as-
ward the cab and install the three capscrews to sembly. Plug the inlet heater hose. See Fig-
retain the heater/air conditioner assembly to the ure 19.
cab. See Figure 19 for the location of the cap-
screws. NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath
the cab and will require a limited amount of force to
6. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched swing the heater assembly down and away from the
position. Refer to the section Raising and Lower- cab.
ing Cab.
7. Remove the three capscrews that retain the
NOTE: The key switch much be turned to the ON heater/air conditioner assembly to the cab and
position before performing the following step. swing the heater/air conditioner assembly down.
See Figure 19 for the location of the capscrews.
7. Turn the recirculation knob a few times from the
fully open position to the fully closed position to 8. Disconnect the electrical connector on top of the
be sure that the recirculation system functions top cover from the actuator that controls the vent
correctly. See Switch Locations. door position. See Figure 20.
Heater Core 9. Remove the 12 screws that retain the top cover
to the heater/air conditioner assembly.
10. Remove the top cover from the heater/air condi-
1. Turn the key switch to the ON position. tioner assembly.
2. Turn the recirculation knob located on the in- 11. Remove the washer that is positioned on top of
strument panel to position 1 or position 2. See the nylon bushing.
Switch Locations.
12. Tag and disconnect the two electrical connectors
3. Turn the key switch to the OFF position. from the thermostat. See Figure 21.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
Before removing the heater hoses, make sure
the heater hoses are cool. Hot coolant may
cause severe burns.
DO NOT remove the pressure cap from the ex-
pansion tank when the engine is hot. When
the pressure cap is removed, the pressure is re-
leased from the system. If the system is hot, the
steam and boiling coolant can cause burns.
5. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer 1. EXPANSION BRACKET CAPSCREWS
to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
Figure 22. Expansion Bracket Capscrews
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
Repairs to the evaporator core that require dis-
charging and/or refilling of the refrigeration
fluid must be performed only by a trained and
certified air conditioning specialist.
11. Connect the two evaporator hoses to the expan-
Figure 23. Evaporator Core Clips sion block at the underside of the heater/air con-
ditioner assembly.
12. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched
1. Install the expansion block to the evaporator core
position. Refer to the section Raising and Lower-
ing Cab.
2. Slide the evaporator core into the heater/air
13. Start the engine and check for leaks. Add
conditioner assembly. Make sure the expansion
coolant as needed, see Periodic Maintenance
block is positioned correctly at the underside of
8000 SRM 1400.
the heater/air conditioner assembly.
14. Turn the recirculation knob a few times from the
3. Install the two clips to retain the evaporator core
fully open position to the fully closed position to
inside the heater/air conditioner assembly. See
be sure that the recirculation system functions
Figure 23.
properly. See Switch Locations.
4. Install the two capscrews to retain the expansion
block bracket to the bottom plate of the heater/air Blower
conditioner assembly. See Figure 22. Remove
5. Install the water valve. Refer to the section Wa- 1. Turn the key switch to the ON position.
ter Valve, Install.
2. Turn the recirculation knob located on the in-
6. Install the blower. Refer to the section Blower, strument panel to position 1 or position 2. See
Install. Switch Locations.
NOTE: Make sure the nylon bushing and washer are 3. Turn the key switch to the OFF position.
correctly positioned inside the heater/air conditioner
assembly. 4. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer
to the section Raising and Lowering Cab.
7. Position the top cover on the heater/air condi-
tioner assembly and make sure the pin at the NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath
underside of the vent door is positioned in the the cab and will require a limited amount of force to
washer and nylon bushing. swing the heater assembly down and away from the
8. Install the 12 screws to retain the top cover to the
heater/air conditioner assembly. 5. Remove the three capscrews that retain the
heater/air conditioner assembly to the cab and
swing the heater/air conditioner assembly down.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
See Figure 19 for the correct location of the 7. Connect the electrical connector on top of the top
capscrews. cover to the actuator that controls the vent door
position. See Figure 20.
6. Disconnect the electrical connector on top of the
top cover from the actuator that controls the vent 8. Swing the heater/air conditioner assembly up to-
door position. See Figure 20. ward the cab and install the three capscrews to
retain the heater/air conditioner assembly to the
7. Remove the 12 screws that retain the top cover cab. See Figure 19.
to the heater/air conditioner assembly.
9. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched
8. Remove the top cover from the heater/air condi- position. Refer to the section Raising and Lower-
tioner assembly. ing Cab.
9. Remove the washer that is positioned on top of 10. Make sure the blower functions correctly.
the nylon bushing.
10. Tag and disconnect the electrical connector con-
nected to the blower assembly. See Figure 16. Remove
11. Remove the four screws and nuts that retain the 1. Turn the key switch to the ON position.
blower inside the heater/air conditioner assem-
bly. See Figure 17. 2. Turn the recirculation knob located on the in-
strument panel to position 1 or position 2. See
12. Partially remove the blower assembly from the Switch Locations.
heater/air conditioner assembly housing and tag
and disconnect the four electrical wires from the 3. Turn the key switch to the OFF position.
blower assembly. See Figure 18.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
7. Disconnect the electrical connector on top of the 15. Remove the thermostat and temperature switch
top cover from the actuator that controls the vent from the heater/air conditioner assembly.
door position. See Figure 20.
8. Remove the 12 screws that retain the top cover
to the heater/air conditioner assembly. 1. Position the thermostat and temperature switch
inside the heater/air conditioner assembly and
9. Remove the top cover from the heater/air condi- correctly route the temperature switch.
tioner assembly.
2. Install the nut and washer located outside the
10. Remove the washer that is positioned on top of heater/air conditioner assembly to retain the
the plastic bushing. thermostat inside the heater/air conditioner
11. Tag and disconnect the two electrical connectors
from the thermostat. See Figure 21. 3. Install the temperature switch to the evaporator
core. See Figure 24.
12. Loosen the hose clamp that retains the top heater
hose to the water valve inside the heater/air con- 4. Connect the top heater hose between the water
ditioner assembly and disconnect the heater valve and heater core to the water valve and
hose. tighten the hose clamp.
13. Remove the temperature switch from the evapo- 5. Connect the two electrical connectors to the ther-
rator core. See Figure 24. mostat. See Figure 21.
14. Remove the nut and washer located outside the NOTE: Make sure the nylon bushing and washer are
heater/air conditioner assembly that retains the correctly positioned inside the heater/air conditioner
thermostat inside the heater/air conditioner as- assembly.
6. Position the top cover on the heater/air condi-
tioner assembly and make sure the pin at the
underside of the vent door is positioned in the
washer and nylon bushing.
11. Start the engine and check for leaks. Add coolant
as needed. Refer to the manual Periodic Main-
tenance 8000 SRM 1400.
100 SRM 1459 MCC Heater and Air Conditioner
Water Valve 12. Loosen the two hose clamps that retain the top
heater hose between the water valve and heater
Remove core.
1. Turn the key switch to the ON position. 13. Remove the top heater hose and the two hose
clamps between the water valve and heater core.
2. Turn the recirculation knob located on the in-
strument panel to position 1 or position 2. See 14. Loosen the hose clamp that retains the bottom
Switch Locations. heater hose to the water valve.
3. Turn the key switch to the OFF position. 15. Remove the two capscrews located at the outside
of the heater/air conditioner assembly that retain
WARNING the water valve bracket to the heater/air condi-
Before removing the heater hoses, make sure tioner assembly.
the heater hoses are cool. Hot coolant may 16. Disconnect the electrical connector from the wa-
cause severe burns. ter valve actuator.
WARNING 17. Loosen the hose clamp and disconnect the bottom
DO NOT remove the pressure cap from the ex- heater hose from the water valve.
pansion tank when the engine is hot. When
18. Remove the water valve bracket from the heater/
the pressure cap is removed, the pressure is re-
air conditioner assembly.
leased from the system. If the system is hot, the
steam and boiling coolant can cause burns. 19. Remove the two screws that retain the water
valve to the water valve bracket.
4. Remove the pressure cap to release the pressure
and place it back on the radiator expansion tank. Install
5. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. Refer 1. Position the water valve to the water valve
to the section Raising and Lowering Cab. bracket and install the two retaining screws.
NOTE: The heater assembly fits tightly underneath 2. Position the water valve bracket inside the
the cab and will require a limited amount of force to heater/air conditioner assembly.
swing the heater assembly down and away from the
cab. 3. Connect the bottom heater hose to the water
valve and tighten the hose clamp.
6. Remove the three capscrews that retain the
heater/air conditioner assembly to the cab and 4. Connect the electrical connector to the water
swing the heater/air conditioner assembly down. valve actuator.
See Figure 19.
5. Install the two capscrews located at the outside of
7. Disconnect the electrical connector on top of the the heater/air conditioner assembly to retain the
top cover from the actuator that controls the vent water valve bracket inside the heater/air condi-
door position. See Figure 20. tioner assembly. See Figure 21.
8. Remove the 12 screws that retain the top cover 6. Install the top heater hose and the two hose
to the heater/air conditioner assembly. clamps between the water valve and heater core.
Tighten the hose clamps.
9. Remove the top cover from the heater/air condi-
tioner assembly. 7. Connect the two electrical connectors to the ther-
10. Remove the washer that is positioned on top of
the plastic bushing. NOTE: Make sure the nylon bushing and washer are
correctly positioned inside the heater/air conditioner
11. Tag and disconnect the two electrical connectors assembly.
from the thermostat. See Figure 21.
MCC Heater and Air Conditioner 100 SRM 1459
8. Position the top cover on the heater/air condi- 13. Start the engine and check for leaks. Add coolant
tioner assembly and make sure that the pin at as needed. Refer to the manual Periodic Main-
the underside of the vent door is positioned in the tenance 8000 SRM 1400.
washer and nylon bushing.
14. Turn the heat control knob a few times from the
9. Install the 12 screws to retain the top cover to the fully open position to the fully closed position to
heater/air conditioner assembly. be sure that the heating system functions prop-
erly. See Switch Locations.
10. Connect the electrical connector on top of the top
cover to the actuator that controls the vent door AIR CONDITIONING TECHNICAL DETAIL
position. See Figure 20.
NOTE: Table 3 provides technical details. It is in-
11. Swing the heater/air conditioner assembly up to- tended for use by a certified air conditioning special-
ward the cab and install the three capscrews that ist.
retain the heater/air conditioner assembly to the
cab. See Figure 19.
Compressor Values
Displacement 155 cm³
Lubricant Type PAG
Lubricant Quantity 200 grams
Relief Valve 3.5 to 3.9 MPa (510 to 570 psi)
Suction Port 7/8-14 UNF
Discharge Port 3/4-16 UNF
Refrigerant R134a
Fill Capacity 1300 ± 25 grams
Pressure Switch
High pressure OFF 2.70 ±0.2 MPa (392 ±29 psi)
High pressure ON 2.10 ±0.2 MPa (305 ±29 psi)
Med pressure OFF 1.30 ±0.15 MPa (188 ±22 psi)
Med pressure ON 1.60 ±0.13 MPa (232 ±19 psi)
Low pressure OFF 0.20 ±0.02 MPa (29 ±2.9 psi)
Low pressure ON 0.21 ±0.03 MPa (30.5 ±4.4 psi)
Anti-Icing Switch
Opens 1°C (30.2°F)
Closes 2°C (35.6°F)
This chart is intended for use by a certified air conditioning specialist.