Periodic Maintenance
Periodic Maintenance
Periodic Maintenance
NDR030DB, NR035/040DB [B295];
NDR035EB, NR045EB [D861];
NDR030EB, NR035/040EB [E815]
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.
On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents
General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Removing Covers ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Front Frame Panel (Left and Right) .................................................................................................................. 2
Operator Compartment Cover ...........................................................................................................................2
Drive Unit Compartment Door ...........................................................................................................................3
Caster Wheel Cover ..........................................................................................................................................3
Discharging the Capacitors ...................................................................................................................................3
How to Move Disabled Truck ................................................................................................................................ 4
How to Tow Lift Truck ........................................................................................................................................4
How to Put Lift Truck on Blocks ............................................................................................................................ 5
How to Raise Load Wheels ...............................................................................................................................5
How to Raise the Drive Tire End .......................................................................................................................5
How to Raise the Entire Lift Truck .....................................................................................................................6
Manual Lowering Valve .........................................................................................................................................7
Transporting ..............................................................................................................................................................8
Loading ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Unloading ..............................................................................................................................................................9
Preparation for Use ...................................................................................................................................................9
Preparation After Shipment ...................................................................................................................................9
Preparation After Storage ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Safety Procedures When Working Near Mast .......................................................................................................... 9
Maintenance Schedule ............................................................................................................................................11
Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily ...................................................................................................17
Checks With Key Switch Turned OFF .................................................................................................................18
Battery .............................................................................................................................................................18
Tires and Wheels ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Frame and Load Wheels .................................................................................................................................19
Safety Labels .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Overhead Guard ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Forks Check ....................................................................................................................................................20
Lift Chain Check ..............................................................................................................................................21
Mast Check ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Reach, Tilt, and Sideshift ................................................................................................................................ 22
Checks With Key Switch Turned ON .................................................................................................................. 22
Operation ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Hydraulic System ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Dash Display ...................................................................................................................................................23
Lift System Operation ......................................................................................................................................24
Multifunction Control Handle ...........................................................................................................................25
Brake ...............................................................................................................................................................26
Steering System ..............................................................................................................................................26
Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months ......................................................................................... 26
Master Drive Unit ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Hydraulic System ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Hydraulic Filter Element Change ........................................................................................................................ 28
Caster Adjustment .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Elastomer Spring Adjustment ..........................................................................................................................29
Spring Pack Replacement ...............................................................................................................................30
Remove Spring Assembly ...........................................................................................................................30
Replace Spring Pack ...................................................................................................................................30
Install Spring Assembly ...............................................................................................................................31
Drive Tire Check ................................................................................................................................................. 31
8000 YRM 1617 General
The Maintenance Schedule is divided into three time
WARNING intervals which call for particular maintenance
procedures to be performed. The intervals are 1 Day
DO NOT make repairs or adjustments unless you
or 8 hours, 3 Months or 500 Hours, and 1 Year or 2000
have been properly trained and specifically
Hours for normal operations (whichever comes first).
authorized to do so. Repairs and adjustments that
Normal operation is considered one 8-hour shift per
are not correct can create dangerous operating
day, in a relatively clean environment, on an improved
surface. Operating a lift truck for more than eight hours
DO NOT operate a lift truck that needs repairs. per day is considered Heavy operation and requires
Report the need for repairs to your supervisor the 3-month checks to be performed at 350 hours. Lift
immediately. If repair is necessary, disconnect the trucks operating in freezer environments or dirty
battery and attach a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the conditions are considered Severe operation and
control handle. require the 3-month checks to be performed at 200
Your lift truck dealer has the facilities and trained
CAUTION personnel to perform required maintenances. A
Electrical components on this truck are polarity complete program of inspection, lubrication, and
sensitive and may be damaged if wired incorrectly. maintenance will help your lift truck perform efficiently
Make sure each electrical wire connection is and operate over a longer period of time.
tagged and properly identified before removal or
installation. If the proper location for connection is Some users have service personnel and facilities to
unclear, consult the wiring diagram for the truck. perform the tasks listed in the Maintenance Schedule.
Make sure testing meters have adequate voltage Service Manuals are available from your lift truck
and current capacities to handle the output of the dealer to help users who do their own maintenance.
electrical components they are used to check. DO NOT make repairs or adjustments unless you have
Never wire aftermarket components to this truck been properly trained and specifically authorized to do
without factory approval. so.
Certain welding repairs require factory approval. Put the lift truck on a level surface. Lower the carriage
Structural members such as base arms, axle and forks, apply the parking brake, and turn the key
weldments, and mast components require written switch to the OFF position. Open the access panels
Yale® engineering approval before repairing or and inspect for leaks and conditions that are not
replacing. Contact your local dealer for assistance. normal. Clean any oil spills. Make sure that lint, dust,
paper, and other materials are removed from the
This section contains a Maintenance Schedule and the compartments.
instructions for maintenance and inspection.
General 8000 YRM 1617
REMOVING COVERS against the frame and tighten the screws to secure in
place. See Figure 1.
Front Frame Panel (Left and Right)
Remove the screws from the upper and lower ends of Operator Compartment Cover
the front frame panel. Pull the lower end of the panel Remove the front frame panels from the lift truck.
away from the frame of the lift truck and gently work up Refer to Front Frame Panel (Left and Right). Remove
the side of the panel to pull it from the retainer clips the two screws securing the operator cover to the
securing the panel to the frame. Pull the top end tabs frame brackets. One is located on the lower right side
out of the operator compartment cover. Repeat for of the operator compartment above the operator
opposite side as necessary. See Figure 1. presence switch. The other is located beside the
overhead guard post mount, at the bottom of the cup
holder. Pull the operator compartment cover up from
the front right corner. Continue pulling the cover up
along the edge of the frame in both directions until the
cover is free from the retaining clips. See Figure 2.
To install, position the cover over the electrical
compartment. See Figure 2. Align the lip of the cover
to the retaining clips. Press the lip of the cover into the
retaining clips starting at the overhead guard post and
continue around until completely seated. Align the
holes in cover with the mounting brackets and install
retaining screws as removed. Install the front frame
panels to complete assembly. Refer to
Front Frame Panel (Left and Right) in this section.
8000 YRM 1617 General
Capacitors inside the controllers can hold an
electrical charge after the battery is disconnected.
Discharge the capacitors before servicing the
electrical system to prevent injury or electronic 1. POSITIVE CONNECTION (B+)
1. Move the lift truck to a safe, level area and 4. 200-OHM, 2-WATT RESISTOR
completely lower the mast. Turn the key switch to
Figure 3. Discharging the Capacitors
the OFF position and attach a DO NOT
OPERATE tag to the control handle. Block the
drive wheel to prevent unexpected movement.
General 8000 YRM 1617
HOW TO MOVE DISABLED TRUCK 2. Raise the carriage and forks approximately
30 cm (12 in.) from the surface. Use safety chains
How to Tow Lift Truck to secure in place if the mast is not functional.
8000 YRM 1617 General
6. Remove the capscrews from the brake, lower the 1. Put blocks on both sides (front and back) of the
mast, and disconnect the towing strap when drive/steer tire and the caster wheels to prevent
complete. movement of the lift truck. See Figure 5.
HOW TO PUT LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS 2. Use an overhead crane and web sling under the
base arms at the mast to raise the load wheels.
Another lift truck can also be used to raise the
WARNING base arms. Make sure that the crane and sling or
The lift truck must be put on blocks or an other lifting device has a capacity of at least 2/3 of
approved stand for some types of maintenance the total weight of the lift truck as shown on the
and repair. The removal of the following nameplate.
assemblies will cause large changes in the center
of gravity: mast and load axle, battery, and the 3. Raise the base arms only enough to suspend the
counterweight. When the lift truck is put on blocks, wheels. Install blocks under the base arms at the
put additional blocks under the rear of the frame rear of the wheels near the truck frame to support
before removing the mast so the lift truck cannot the lift truck.
fall backward or to the side.
How to Raise the Drive Tire End
DO NOT raise any point of the truck more than
50 mm (2 in.) without raising the opposite side to Refer to the precautions at the beginning of the
level the truck. If raising the frame above Figure 5, How to Put Lift Truck on Blocks instructions
150 mm (6 in.) remove the mast first and raise both in this section before attempting to raise the lift truck.
ends of the frame in 50 mm (2 in.) increments.
1. Put blocks on each side (front and back) of the
DO NOT raise the lift truck by attaching an load wheels to prevent movement of the lift truck.
overhead crane to the overhead guard or areas of See Figure 5.
the mast that will be damaged. Some of these
components and other lift points are not designed 2. Use a low-clearance, hydraulic jack under the
to support the weight of the lift truck. The truck rear of the frame to raise the drive/steer tire and
can be damaged or it can fall on someone causing caster wheels. Another lift truck can also be used
serious injury. Attach a chain or sling to a support to raise the lift truck. Make sure that the jack or
structure of the lift truck frame. other lifting device has a capacity of at least 2/3 of
the total weight of the lift truck as shown on the
Put the lift truck on blocks only if the surface is solid, nameplate.
even, and level. Make sure that any blocks used to
support the lift truck are solid, one-piece units. Put 3. Raise the lift truck only enough to suspend the
blocks in front and back of the tires to prevent drive/steer tire and the caster wheels. Install
movement of the lift truck. blocks under the rear of the frame to support the
lift truck.
How to Raise Load Wheels
Refer to the precautions at the beginning of the
Figure 5, How to Put Lift Truck on Blocks instructions
in this section before attempting to raise the lift truck.
General 8000 YRM 1617
How to Raise the Entire Lift Truck 3. Remove the battery from the lift truck.
Refer to the precautions at the beginning of the
Figure 5, How to Put Lift Truck on Blocks instructions
in this section before attempting to raise the lift truck. WARNING
The truck must be kept level while raising.
The battery is heavy. Use appropriate lifting
equipment to avoid personal injury.
8000 YRM 1617 General
Allow no on under or near the lift mechanism or
load during the manual lowering procedure.
Always verify that there are no obstructions
beneath the lift mechanism or load before
attempting to lower the mast manually.
Transporting 8000 YRM 1617
If a loading ramp is used, make sure that the ramp is
WARNING the proper design and capacity.
Maintain a safe distance from the edge of docks, Use approved lifting eyes to lift the truck. If the lift truck
ramps, platforms, and other similar working is not equipped with approved lifting eyes, DO NOT lift
surfaces. Watch the "tailswing." Remember, when the truck by attaching a lifting device to any other part
traveling in the forward direction, and the steering of the lift truck for the purposes of loading or
wheel is turned to move the lift truck away from unloading.
the edge of the dock, the rear will swing toward the
edge. This can cause the lift truck to fall off the LOADING
dock. If components attached to the lift truck must be
If the lift truck falls off the dock, DO NOT jump off! removed for transport, refer to the section(s) for those
Hold firmly to the steering wheel, brace your feet, components for proper handling procedures.
and lean forward and away from the point of The operator must never leave a lift truck in a
impact. condition so it can cause damage or injury. When
parking the lift truck, do the following operations:
Before the lift truck is transported, check the selected
route to make sure there is adequate clearance for the
1. After the lift truck has been loaded, apply the
lift truck as loaded on the transport vehicle (bridges,
parking brake.
overpasses, power lines, and natural barriers). In
some cases, removal of the mast can be required. 2. If the mast is mounted on the lift truck, fully lower
If a trailer is the method of transportation, use blocks in the forks or carriage. If the lift truck is furnished
front and back of the trailer tires to prevent movement with a tilt mechanism, tilt the forks forward until
of the trailer when the lift truck is loaded and unloaded. the tips of the forks touch the ground.
8000 YRM 1617 Preparation for Use
Safety Procedures When Working Near Mast 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Schedule
NOTE: Certain components on the truck require an 2000 Hours for normal operations (whichever comes
initial inspection earlier than the prescribed first). Normal operation is considered one 8-hour shift
maintenance schedule to preserve the original per day, in a relatively clean environment, on an
manufacturer's warranties. Perform the 3 month 500 improved surface. Operating a lift truck for more than
hour inspection at 150 to 250 hours after the initial eight hours per day is considered Heavy operation
installation of the truck and then follow the scheduled and requires the 3-month checks to be performed at
inspections as listed in the maintenance schedule (see 350 hours. Lift trucks operating in freezer
the notes after Table 1). environments or dirty conditions are considered
Severe operation and require the 3-month checks to
The Maintenance Schedule is divided into three time
be performed at 200 hours. For an approximate
intervals which call for particular maintenance
location of the items listed in Table 1, see Figure 9.
procedures to be performed. The intervals are 1 Day
or 8 Hours, 3 Months or 500 Hours, and 1 Year or
Maintenance Schedule 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Schedule 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Schedule 8000 YRM 1617
MDU Gearcase
B295 and X Level With Bottom of Gear Oil52.2 liter (2.3 qt)
E815 Check Hole. Replace
(GK - 20) sealP/N 580017695
and tighten plug to 30
N•m (22 lbf ft)
D861 (GK X Level With Bottom of Gear Oil53.3 liter (3.5 qt)
- 25) Check Hole. Replace
seal P/N 580017695
and tighten plug to 30
N•m (22 lbf ft)
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Schedule
Equalization charge approximately each month, but not more than each week.
Use Amsoil® GHD synthetic multipurpose grease (lithium complex) for standard, freezer, and cold storage
configurations. Use Mobilgrease® 28 synthetic extra-protection grease (clay) for arctic configurations.
Apply antiseize lubricant at installation and check every 2 to 5 hours until nuts stay tight for an entire 8-hour
shift. Check tightness every 3 months or 500 hours thereafter.
Replace the filter element after the first 150 to 250 hours of service and every 2000 hours or yearly thereafter.
Use Yale® P/N 310153236 conventional gear oil for normal operations. Use Yale® P/N 310153228 synthetic
gear oil for freezer applications.
Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily
When the wheels have been installed, check all DO NOT operate the lift truck without the overhead
wheel nuts after 2 to 5 hours of operation. When guard correctly fastened to the lift truck. DO NOT
the nuts stay tight after an 8-hour check, the make changes to the overhead guard by welding.
interval for checking the torque can be extended to Changes that are made by welding or by drilling
500 hours. Refer to the Table 1 in this section. holes can reduce the strength of the overhead
Inspect the tires for embedded rocks, glass, wire,
DO NOT weld mounts for lights or accessories to
pieces of metal, holes, cuts, and other damage. See
the leg of the overhead guard. The strength of the
Figure 8. Remove any object that will cause damage.
overhead guard components can be compromised
Check for loose or missing nuts and broken studs.
by welding or heating.
Remove any wire strapping or other material that is
wrapped around the axle to prevent damage to the Make sure the capscrew that holds the vertical
axle seal. See Figure 10. If the wheel and tire has support post that supports the overhead guard is
recently been installed, check to ensure the lug nuts in the correct position and is tight. The overhead
are properly tightened to 135 N•m (100 lbf ft). When guard and support post reinforce one another to
installing, snug all the nuts, then tighten to half the provide protection to the operator.
torque value, then tighten to the full torque value.
Tighten the nuts in a cross pattern to properly seat the Make certain the overhead guard is in place and
wheel to the hub. securely attached to the mast. Make certain that the
operator's guard is installed between the mast and the
Frame and Load Wheels operator's compartment.
Safety Labels
Safety labels are installed on the lift truck to give
information about possible hazards. It is important
that all safety labels are installed on the lift truck
and can be read. 1. CHECK FOR DAMAGE. REMOVE NAILS,
Check that all safety labels are installed in the correct 2. MAKE EDGES SMOOTH
locations on the lift truck. See the Parts Manual or the
Figure 10. Check Tires
Frame 0100YRM1615 for the correct locations of the
safety labels.
Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily 8000 YRM 1617
Remove fork latch pins if adding a fork positioner
attachment. Damage to forks and other carriage
components can occur if fork latch pins are not
removed prior to using attachment.
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily
Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily 8000 YRM 1617
Always wear the proper protective equipment Make sure the area around the lift truck is clear
including eye protection and petroleum-resistant before moving the lift truck. Always look in the
gloves when handling hydraulic oil. Thoroughly direction that you intend to move the lift truck. Be
wash oil from exposed areas of skin as soon as careful when making the checks.
The lift truck will self-center the steering tire upon
Never check for leaks by putting hands on startup. Make sure feet are clear of the drive wheel
hydraulic lines or components under pressure. and caster assembly when the key switch is turned
Hydraulic oil under pressure can be injected into to the ON position.
the skin.
The lift truck is equipped with a Static Return to OFF
1. Inspect sliding surfaces for wear or damage. (SRO) circuit that prevents travel of the lift truck if the
Inspect load roller contact surfaces for wear or starting sequence is not correct. The function of the
damage. Inspect all welds for cracks. SRO circuit is to make sure the operator is in the
correct position to operate the controls before the lift
2. Inspect the sheaves, chain anchors, and pins. truck will operate. The starting sequence is as follows:
Replace any parts that are worn or damaged.
1. Stand in the operator compartment and turn the
3. Inspect the mast header hoses and fittings for key switch to the ON position. Stand on the brake
hydraulic leaks. Check the hose cover for cracks switch with the left foot and then depress the
or exposed reinforcement. Check for broken or operator presence switch with the right foot.
defective clamping devices and sheaves. Repair
or replace any damaged components as 2. Move the control handle for forward travel.
If the control handle is moved before the operator
Reach, Tilt, and Sideshift stands on the brake switch and depresses the
operator presence switch, and the lift truck moves, the
SRO function is not operating correctly. The lift truck
WARNING must not be operated if the SRO circuit does not
Make sure the key switch is in the OFF position function correctly.
and the key is removed from the switch before
doing this check. Operation
1. Check for cracks at the welds on the reach To travel in the forward or reverse direction:
frames and scissor arms.
1. Make sure a charged battery of the correct
2. Check the frame channel for excessive wear in voltage is installed and connected.
the areas of roller contact. Check the rollers for
wear or damage. 2. Stand in the operator compartment and turn the
key switch to the ON position. Stand on the brake
3. Check the load backrest extension for cracks and switch and then depress the operator presence
damage. Make sure the nuts and bolts for the switch.
load backrest extension are tight.
3. Move the control handle for forward or reverse
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily
Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily 8000 YRM 1617
Lower the lift mechanism completely. Never allow
anyone under a raised carriage. DO NOT put any
part of your body in or through the mechanism
unless all parts of the mast are completely lowered
and the key switch is in the OFF position.
Before making any repairs, use chains on the mast
weldments and carriage so they cannot move.
Make sure the moving parts are attached to a part
that does not move.
Always wear the proper protective equipment
including eye protection and petroleum-resistant
gloves when handling hydraulic oil. Thoroughly
wash oil from exposed areas of skin as soon as
Never check for leaks by putting hands on
hydraulic lines or components under pressure.
Hydraulic oil under pressure can be injected into
the skin.
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 8 Hours or Daily
4. The forks must fully retract and stay in the fully 1. MAIN LIFT CYLINDER (LH)
retracted position. 2. FREE-LIFT CYLINDER
5. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 with a capacity
load on the forks. Figure 15. Mast Racking
Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months
4. FILL LEVEL (40.0 mm (1.6 in.) BELOW FLANGE)
Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months 8000 YRM 1617
Never check for leaks by putting hands on
hydraulic lines or components under pressure.
Hydraulic oil under pressure can be injected into
the skin.
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months
Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months
When the wheels have been installed, check all
1. CAPSCREW wheel nuts after 2 to 5 hours of operation. When
3. SPRING RETAINER the nuts stay tight after an 8-hour check, the
4. SPHERICAL BEARING interval for checking the torque can be extended to
5. GUIDE ROD 500 hours.
7. LOWER WASHER Check to ensure the lug nuts are properly tightened to
8. SPRING PACK 135 N•m (100 lbf ft). Inspect the tires for embedded
rocks, glass, wire, pieces of metal, holes, cuts, and
Figure 21. Spring Assemblies other damage. Remove any object that will cause
damage. Check for loose or missing nuts and broken
8. Install new top washer onto guide rod. lugs. Remove any wire strapping or other material that
is wrapped around the axle to prevent damage to the
9. Install spherical bearing and spring retainer onto axle seal. Make sure the drive wheel nuts are tight.
guide rod. When installing the tire and wheel, snug the nuts, then
tighten to half the torque value, then tighten to the full
10. Install washer and capscrew onto spring torque value. Tighten the nuts in a cross pattern to
assembly. properly seat the wheel to the hub.
Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months 8000 YRM 1617
LIFT SYSTEM OPERATION 2. Replace any damaged or broken parts that are
used to keep forks locked in position.
Forks Check
DO NOT work under a raised carriage. Lower the
WARNING carriage or use a safety chain to prevent the
DO NOT try to correct fork tip alignment by carriage from lowering when doing maintenance
bending the forks or adding shims. Replace bent on the mast and lift chains.
Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic and
Never repair damaged forks by heating or welding. can cause skin irritation. When using cleaning
Forks are made of special steel using special solvents, always follow the recommendations of
procedures. Replace damaged forks. Forks are to the manufacturer.
be replaced only in sets and not individually.
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every500 Hours or 3 Months
Lift Chains
Fork Tip Alignment Specifications
Standard Fork Lengths Maximum Fork Tip
Difference1 WARNING
When working on or near the mast or carriage, see
mm (inch) mm (inch) Safety Procedures When Working Near Mast
914 (36) 27 (1.08) located before the 8-hour or daily checks.
1067 (42) 32 (1.26) DO NOT work under a raised carriage. Lower the
carriage or use a safety chain to prevent the
1219 (48) 37 (1.44)
carriage from lowering when doing maintenance
1Differenceof alignment between fork tips must be no on the mast and lift chains.
more than 3% of the total fork length.
Check chains for acceptable stretch first before
1. TIP ALIGNMENT (MUST BE WITHIN 3% performing any service. Chains that are stretched
OF FORK LENGTH) beyond specification should be replaced. Lubricate the
2. CRACKS lift chains with SAE 20 or 30 engine oil or chain and
3. LATCH DAMAGE cable lubricant. The best procedure is to remove the
4. HEEL OF FORK (MUST BE 90% OF chains from the lift truck and soak them in oil.
5. CARRIAGE However, the chains may be lubricated by brushing on
6. LOAD BACK REST EXTENSION oil. Chains within specification that are dirty should be
7. MAXIMUM ANGLE 93° removed, cleaned with solvent, inspected, and oiled
8. FORK REMOVAL NOTCH before reinstalling.
Figure 22. Forks Check
Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly 8000 YRM 1617
1. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and
disconnect the battery. Discharge the capacitors.
See Discharging the Capacitors in this section.
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly
5. Visually check the tips for pitting, burning, or Perform fork wear inspection using a BOL256N1
wear. caliper ruler Hyster P/N 4092984 Yale P/N
550088603 as follows. See Figure 23.
6. Check that the resistance of the contactor coil is
within 32 ±5 ohms. Readings not within a. Determine normal thickness of "N" of fork
specification indicate the following: using scale or ruler portion of caliper ruler.
High Resistance - Corrosion or an open coil Measurement has to be done on fork shank
using caliper ruler.
Low Resistance - Shorted or a burnt coil
b. Position caliper at end of heel internal radius
7. Check the voltage drop across the contactor tips.
(item 4, Figure 22) with opening corresponding
Set the voltage scale of the meter to the lowest
to measured thickness of fork shank in Step a
range, higher than battery voltage (50 volts for a
above. (e.g. for N 1.75 use N 1.75 opening).
36-volt battery, etc.). On SPNO contactors, read
This is typically the section of fork where wear
the voltage across the contactor with the tips
is greatest. Note that opening distance has
open. Battery voltage should drop to zero or near
been reduced by 10% from nominal thickness.
zero as the tips close.
A voltage drop of 2 volts or more across the c. If fork enters opening, it is mandatory to
closed tips indicates a poor contact or high replace it. DANGER OF BREAKING.
resistance. Check for burned or worn tips, Furthermore, a 10% reduction in fork blade
incorrect size, or mismatched tips. Also check for thickness results in 20% reduction in operating
an incorrect gap setting on contactors with capacity.
adjustable point gaps. Repair as necessary. See
Electrical System 2200YRM1612. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
DO NOT try to correct fork tip alignment by Always wear the proper protective equipment
bending the forks or adding shims. Replace bent including eye protection and petroleum-resistant
forks. gloves when handling hydraulic oil. Thoroughly
wash oil from exposed areas of skin as soon as
Never repair damaged forks by heating or welding. possible.
Forks are made of special steel using special
procedures. Replace damaged forks. Forks are to Completely lower forks to relieve hydraulic
be replaced only in sets and not individually. pressure before disassembling any part of the lift
pump or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses.
1. Inspect forks for cracks and wear. Check that fork The hydraulic oil is hot at normal operating
tips are aligned as shown in Figure 22. Check temperatures. Be careful when draining the oil.
that bottom of fork is not worn (item 4, Figure 22).
Never check for leaks by putting hands on
hydraulic lines or components under pressure.
CAUTION Hydraulic oil under pressure can be injected into
Remove fork latch pins if adding a fork positioner the skin.
attachment. Damage to forks and other carriage
components can occur if fork latch pins are not
removed prior to using attachment. CAUTION
Protect the hydraulic system from dirt and
2. Replace any damaged or broken parts that are contaminants when servicing the hydraulic
used to keep forks locked in position. system.
Disposal of lubricants and fluids must meet local
3. Inspect fork wear. Ensure heel wear is not more
environmental regulations.
than 10% of original thickness. If fork wear is
more than 10%, fork must be replaced or rerated.
Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly 8000 YRM 1617
The hydraulic oil should be changed every 2000 hours c. Allow time for the oil to gravity feed into the
or yearly. When the hydraulic system components tank.
such as the pump or cylinders have been damaged or
the oil has otherwise been contaminated, the hydraulic d. Close the manual lowering valve.
system should be drained, flushed, and refilled with
new hydraulic oil. See Maintenance Schedule in this e. Retighten the bleed screws at the top of the
section. main lift cylinder shells.
DO NOT cut the hose when removing the wire tie.
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly
Cylinder Identification
Two main lift cylinders and one free-lift cylinder are
present on all models of this series lift truck. However,
cylinders may be either displacement type or piston
type. Different cylinder types require different hydraulic
oil drain and fill procedures.
The main lift cylinders may be identified by the
presence of a bleed screw near the top of the cylinder
shell on displacement type cylinders. Piston type main
lift cylinders are not equipped with bleed screws. See
Figure 26.
Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly 8000 YRM 1617
NOTE: Refer to Capacities and Specifications
8000YRM1618 for the proper hydraulic oil selection.
1. Fill the hydraulic tank to the proper level with new
hydraulic oil. The hydraulic oil should be filled to
the level specified for the battery box
compartment of the truck. DO NOT overfill the
hydraulic tank. See Figure 28.
Figure 28. Hydraulic Oil Level
Figure 27. Free-Lift Cylinder Identification
8000 YRM 1617 Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly
2. Install the breather cap. 6 to 8 N•m (53 to 73 lbf in). If the free-lift
cylinder completely lowers before all the air is
3. Determine the types of main lift cylinder and free- expelled, close the bleed screw and return to
lift cylinders used. See Cylinder Identification. Step a. Wipe up the expelled oil and repeat
procedure for the other main lift cylinder.
Main Lift Cylinders
1. Piston-type main lift cylinders do not require Free-Lift Cylinders
bleeding. If your lift truck is equipped with piston- 1. Piston type free-lift cylinders are not bled but do
type main lift cylinders, skip to Free-Lift Cylinders. have an oil chamber that must be filled for
cylinder cushion functions to work properly:
c. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and e. Connect the battery and turn the key switch to
disconnect the battery connectors. the ON position. Completely raise and lower
the mast several times to check for proper
operation. The free-lift cylinder should slow
WARNING smoothly near the end of its stroke. Check the
Use a personnel lift or a ladder to access the bleed hydraulic oil level in the tank and fill as
screws. DO NOT climb on the mast or lift truck. necessary. Replace all covers as removed,
remove blocks from the wheels, and return the
lift truck to service.
DO NOT completely remove the bleed screw. WARNING
Loosen it slowly and gradually.
Keep clear of the mast when bleeding the
NOTE: Use a cloth to wipe up foam and oil as it is cylinders. Mast parts may shift or lower
expelled to minimize spills. unexpectedly.
d. Slightly open the bleed screw of either main lift Never check for leaks by putting hands on
cylinder by turning it counterclockwise until air hydraulic lines or components under pressure.
and/or foam is expelled. Allow air/foam to Hydraulic oil under pressure can be injected into
bleed until clear hydraulic oil is present. Close the skin.
the bleed screw and tighten to
Maintenance Procedures Every 2000 Hours or Yearly 8000 YRM 1617
8000 YRM 1617 Lift and Tilt System Leaks Check
Battery Maintenance 8000 YRM 1617
4. Raise the carriage and the load 1 m (3 ft). If the position, there are leaks inside the hydraulic
carriage lowers slowly with the control valve in a system. The maximum speed that the forks are
neutral position, there are leaks inside the allowed to tilt forward when there are internal
hydraulic system. The maximum speed that the leaks in the lift system is 13.0 mm (0.5 in.) per 10
carriage is allowed to lower is 50 mm (2 in.) per minutes (measured at the tilt cylinder). This
10 minutes when the hydraulic oil is 30°C (86°F). maximum speed is measured when the hydraulic
If the oil temperature is 70°C (158°F), the oil is 30°C (86°F). If the oil temperature is
maximum speed that the carriage can lower is 70°C (158°F), the maximum speed is
150 mm (6 in.) per 10 minutes. 39.0 mm (1.5 in.) per 10 minutes.
5. Check the lift cylinder for internal leaks. Remove 2. If the leak rate is greater than specifications,
the load from the forks. Install a gate valve in the remove the load from the forks. Install a gate
supply line between the main control valve and valve between the port at the front of the tilt
the mast. Put a capacity load on the forks again. cylinder and the hydraulic line. Put the load on the
Raise the carriage 1 m (3 ft). Close the gate forks again. Close the gate valve. If the forks tilt
valve. If the carriage or mast weldments lower slowly forward, the cylinder seals are leaking. Be
slowly, the seals in the lift cylinders have leaks. sure to check both tilt cylinders.
Refer to the section Lift Cylinders
4000YRM0481. 3. If the forks do not move, open the gate valve and
check for movement again. If the forks move
6. If the carriage does not move, open the gate forward when the gate valve is open, check for
valve and check for movement again. If the leaks in the hydraulic lines or fittings. If no leaks
carriage lowers when the valve is open, check for are found, the carriage selector valve on the front
leaks in the hydraulic lines or fittings. If no leaks frame of the reach carriage might be damaged.
are found, the lowering solenoid might be Remove the load from the forks.
damaged. Remove the load from the forks.
1. Put a capacity load on the forks. Slowly tilt the
mast forward. If the forks continue to slowly tilt
forward when the control valve is in a neutral
Battery Maintenance
HOW TO CHARGE BATTERY Batteries generate explosive fumes when they are
being charged. Keep fire, sparks, and burning
material away from the battery charger area. Avoid
WARNING sparks from the battery connections. Charge
If the lift truck was operated with a low battery, batteries only in the special area for charging
check all contactors for welded contacts before a batteries. When the battery is being charged, keep
charged battery is connected. the vent caps clear. The battery charger area must
have ventilation so that explosive fumes are
Make sure the key switch is in the OFF position
and the park brake is set before connecting the
battery. Disconnect the battery when doing cleaning and
The acid in the electrolyte can cause injury. Use
water to flush the area and make the acid neutral
with a water and soda solution. Acid in the eyes
must be immediately flushed with water
continuously for 15 minutes, then seek medical
8000 YRM 1617 Battery Maintenance
Battery Maintenance 8000 YRM 1617
HOW TO CHANGE BATTERY Adjust the capscrew legs of the battery stand so
the tops of the rollers are the same height as the
bottom of the battery. Adjust all four capscrew
WARNING legs of the stand so the rollers are level. Install
Make sure the capacity of the crane and spreader the battery puller on the end of the stand at the
bar is greater than the weight of the battery. The center.
weight of the battery is normally shown on the
battery case. The spreader bar must NOT be made 3. Release the ratchet lock and attach the hook to
of metal or it must have insulated straps. the lifting hole of the battery. DO NOT permit
hook to make contact with cell terminals. Make
Batteries are heavy. Use care to avoid injury.
sure the battery cables are not damaged during
The replacement battery must fit the battery area battery removal. Stand on the base of the battery
correctly. Use spacers to prevent the battery from puller, release the ratchet lever, and operate the
moving in the battery compartment. crank to pull the battery onto the battery stand.
Make sure the battery is installed in the proper
direction. Ensure the battery cables are routed in a 4. Make sure the battery voltage and weight of the
manner not to protrude from the battery box replacement battery is correct as shown on the
container except where necessary to connect to nameplate for the lift truck. When a replacement
the truck SB connector. Any excess length cable battery is installed, it must fit the battery
should be secured to the inside dimensions of the compartment correctly. See Table 5. Make sure
battery to prevent pinching or damaging the the battery is in a position so it will be installed to
cables. Replace any damaged cables prior to the rear of the compartment and has clearance
installing the battery in the truck. for installation. Make sure the battery connector
can be connected after installation. DO NOT
Make sure the weight of the replacement battery is damage the battery cables during installation.
within the maximum and minimum weights shown
on the nameplate. 5. Use a spreader bar and crane to lift the battery
Make sure the key switch is in the OFF position from the battery stand.
and the park brake is set before connecting the
battery. 6. Install the battery puller on the lift truck frame at
the center of the battery compartment on the side
opposite the battery stand. See Figure 31.
Release the ratchet lock, pass the hook through
CAUTION the battery compartment, and attach the hook to
Disposal of batteries must meet local the battery lifting hole. DO NOT permit hook to
environmental regulations. make contact with cell terminals. Stand on the
base of the battery puller, release the ratchet
1. Disconnect the battery. See Figure 31. Remove
lever. Operate the crank to pull the battery off the
the battery retainer panels.
stand into the battery compartment.
8000 YRM 1617 Battery Maintenance
Tires and Wheels 8000 YRM 1617
The battery must fit the battery compartment so that the battery restraint system will operate correctly.
Use the battery compartment spacers to prevent the battery from moving more than 13.0 mm (0.5 in.) in
any direction.
NOTE: Maximum tolerances are within 13.0 mm (0.5 in.) of the size of the battery compartment. The battery
specification chart shows the maximum battery dimensions that will fit into the battery compartment.
8000 YRM 1617 Tires and Wheels
Tires and Wheels 8000 YRM 1617
Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper wheel
loading and operation.
8000 YRM 1617 Tires and Wheels
The bearings are replaced by pressing on the
outer race of the bearing only. Pressing or tapping
on the inner race will damage the bearing.
Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper wheel
loading and operation.
Replace bearings in sets to maintain proper wheel
loading and operation.
Preparation for Storage 8000 YRM 1617
• Storage Locations. A lift truck stored indoors will 7. If lift truck is parked outside, cover with a tarp or
not require as much external protection as a lift protective material to keep direct sunlight out of
truck stored outdoors.
the operator's compartment and water out of the
CAUTION 1. Complete all short-term storage procedures.
Make sure all caps, lids, and dipsticks are installed
correctly. 2. Wrap or cover all exterior lights and air vents with
moisture barrier paper and tape closed.
1. Check lubricants and fluid levels.
3. Remove the batteries from the lift truck. Put the
2. Masts are to be stored fully lowered. Lubricate batteries in storage. Be sure to follow local fire
any exposed part of all cylinder rods with SAE 30 regulations.
or SAE 40 engine oil.
4. Spray exterior surfaces and frame with
3. Check that all switches and accessories are off. preservative coating.
8000 YRM 1617 2/18 (1/16)(7/13)