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Hyster A257 (B80ZHD) Forklift

B60Z AC [B230]; B80Z AC [B233];
B60Z HD [A262]; B80Z HD [A257]

PART NO. 1654669 2200 SRM 1324

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity
to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric
lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force
to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the
unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and
when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from
the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
User Interface Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Dash Display Menu Access (Standard Handle) ........................................................................................... 1
Dash Display Menu Access (Metal Handle Option)..................................................................................... 2
Menu Navigation ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Standard Handle ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Metal Handle Option ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Dash Display Versions ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Technician Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 7
View Versions................................................................................................................................................. 8
Hourmeters .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Fault Log.................................................................................................................................................... 9
Controller Inputs....................................................................................................................................... 10
Control Handle Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 10
Run Diagnostics......................................................................................................................................... 11
Traction Motor ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Pump Motor and Valve ......................................................................................................................... 13
Control Handle...................................................................................................................................... 13
Traction Temps ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Power Steering ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Service Reminder........................................................................................................................................... 14
Change Supervisor Password........................................................................................................................ 15
Operator Modes ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Set Performance............................................................................................................................................. 16
Extended Shift........................................................................................................................................... 17
Walk Speed ................................................................................................................................................ 18
High Speed (FWD) .................................................................................................................................... 18
High Speed (REV) ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Minimum Acceleration.............................................................................................................................. 19
Maximum Acceleration ............................................................................................................................. 19
Plugging ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
ADS-Neutral .............................................................................................................................................. 20
ADS-Throttle ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Pick Acceleration ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Pick Deceleration....................................................................................................................................... 21
Battery Full ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Lift Interrupt ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Min Steer Assist FWD (Power Steering Assist Only) ............................................................................. 22
Min Steer Assist REV (Power Steering Assist Only) .............................................................................. 22
Max Steer Assist (Power Steering Assist Only)....................................................................................... 22
Defaults...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Save and Exit............................................................................................................................................. 23
Exit Without Saving.................................................................................................................................. 23
Set General Items .......................................................................................................................................... 24
A/V Alarm (Audible/Visual) ...................................................................................................................... 24
Clear Fault Log .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Calibrations.................................................................................................................................................... 25
Throttle ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
B60-80Z AC and B60-80Z HD Composite Handle (⇒ S/N B230N03907J, B233N02758J,
A257N01500J, A262N01500J).............................................................................................................. 26


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Table of Contents User Interface


B60-80Z AC and B60-80Z HD Composite Handle (S/N B230N03908J, B233N02759J,
A257N01501J, A262N01501J ⇒) ......................................................................................................... 26
B60-80Z AC and B60-80Z HD Metal Handle ........................................................................................... 27
Steer Handle (Power Steering Assist Only) ............................................................................................. 28
Change Service Technician Password .......................................................................................................... 28
Exit to Run Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 29

This section is for the following models:

B60Z AC [B230];
B80Z AC [B233];
B60Z HD [A262];
B80Z HD [A257]

2200 SRM 1324 General

DESCRIPTION have been entered. While on the final digit, press
the RH LOWER switch to enter the password. Upon
NOTE: Some menu functions are only accessed successful entry of your technician-level password,
through the dash display by using a technician-level you will be directed to the Technician Menu.
password. These functions include truck speed set-
tings, acceleration rates, and audible/visual alarm

NOTE: The initial setup of the supervisor password

must be performed by a service technician accessing
the menu system with a technician-level password.
The supervisor password must be entered before a
supervisor can gain access to the menu functions.

The dash display is a multifunction device. It con-

tains a truck status LED and an LCD which displays
the performance mode indicator and a battery charge
indicator. The dash display menu system can be ac-
cessed by starting the truck in service mode and en-
tering the proper password. See Figure 1.


Start up the lift truck in service mode to access the
dash display menu system: Figure 1. Dash Display
1. Simultaneously depress and HOLD the RH
LIFT switch and the HORN switch (located on
the control handle). See Figure 5.

2. Turn the key switch to the ON position.

3. Release the lift and horn switches.

The Enter Password screen will now appear on the

LCD. See Figure 2. At the Enter Password screen,
enter your five-digit Service Technician password.
The default Service Technician password is 55555.

To enter your password at the Enter Password

screen, enter the appropriate digit in the highlighted
area of the display. See Figure 2. Use the LH LIFT
switch to increase the number to any digit between
1 and 5. Use the LH LOWER switch to decrease the
number. Use the RH LOWER switch to move to and
highlight the next digit to be entered. Use the RH
LIFT switch to return to and highlight a previous
entry. Repeat until all five digits of your password Figure 2. Enter Password Screen

General 2200 SRM 1324

DASH DISPLAY MENU ACCESS (METAL The Enter Password screen will now appear on the
HANDLE OPTION) LCD. At the Enter Password screen, enter your five-
digit Technician password. See Figure 4.
Startup the lift truck in service mode to access the
dash display menu system: To enter your password at the Enter Password
screen, enter the appropriate digit in the highlighted
1. Remove the drive unit compartment covers to ac- area of the display. Use the #1 switch to increase
cess the control module. the number to any digit between 1 and 5. Use the #2
switch to decrease the number.
2. Depress and HOLD the #3 switch (located on
the control module inside the electrical compart- NOTE: As an alternative to using the control module
ment). See Figure 3. buttons, the lift and lower buttons on the steer han-
dle itself can be used to increase and decrease the
3. Turn the key switch to the ON position. values of the digits, respectively.
4. Continue holding the #3 switch and press the Use the #4 switch to move to and highlight the next
HORN switch (located on top of the control han- digit to be entered. Use the #3 switch to return to
dle) within 1 second of turning the key switch. and highlight a previous entry. Repeat until all five
digits of your password have been entered. While
5. Release the #3 and horn switches.
on the final digit, press the #4 switch to enter the
password. Upon successful entry of your technician-
level password, you will be directed to the Technician

1. #1 BUTTON 3. #3 BUTTON Figure 4. Enter Password Screen

2. #2 BUTTON 4. #4 BUTTON

Figure 3. Control Module

2200 SRM 1324 Menu Navigation

Menu Navigation
STANDARD HANDLE depressed or return you to the technician menu
when finished making a parameter adjustment.
Upon successful entry of your technician-level pass- This switch will also activate the ability to adjust
word, the Technician Menu screen will appear on the parameter that is focused upon.
the dash display LCD screen. Menu navigation is Use the LH LIFT and LH LOWER switches to scroll
accomplished by using the lift truck control function up and down between the menu choices. When the
switches on the control handle. Depressing the proper menu item has been highlighted, press the
switches will result in the following actions: RH LOWER switch to move to the selected submenu.
• LH LOWER Switch – Scroll up within a menu, or Use the RH LIFT switch to return to the previous
increase the value of a setting when making a pa- menu. To exit the menu system, select "Exit To Run
rameter adjustment. Mode" and press the RH LOWER switch to return
• LH LIFT Switch – Scroll down within a menu, or to normal truck operation. When changing a value
decrease the value of a setting when making a pa- or setting, pressing the LH LOWER switch will
rameter adjustment. cause the selected value to DECREASE. Pressing
• RH LIFT Switch – Scroll left within a menu. This the LH LIFT switch will cause the selected value to
switch will move you to the previous menu when INCREASE. See Figure 5.
• RH LOWER Switch – Scroll right within a menu.
This switch will move you to the next menu when

Menu Navigation 2200 SRM 1324

Figure 5. Menu Navigation Flowchart

2200 SRM 1324 Menu Navigation

METAL HANDLE OPTION NOTE: As an alternative to using the control module

#1 and #2 buttons, the lift and lower buttons on the
Upon successful entry of your technician password, steer handle itself can be used to move up and down
the Technician Menu screen will appear on the dash within the menus, respectively.
display LCD screen. Technician Menu navigation
is accomplished by using the lift truck control func- Use the #1 and #2 switches to scroll up and down be-
tion switches on the control module. Depressing the tween the menu choices. When the proper menu item
switches will result in the following actions: has been highlighted, press the #4 switch to move to
1. #1 Button (Control Module) – Scroll up within the selected submenu. Use the #3 switch to return to
a menu, or increase the value of a setting when the previous menu. To exit the menu system, select
making a parameter adjustment. "Exit To Run Mode" and press the #4 switch to return
2. #2 Button (Control Module) – Scroll down within to normal truck operation.
a menu, or decrease the value of a setting when
making a parameter adjustment. When changing a value or setting, pressing the #1
3. #3 Button (Control Module) – Scroll left within a switch will cause the selected value to INCREASE.
menu. This switch will move you to the previous Pressing the #2 switch will cause the selected value
menu when depressed. to DECREASE. See Figure 5.
4. #4 Button (Control Module) – Scroll right within
When using the instructions in this section to navi-
a menu. This switch will move you to the next
gate the display on trucks equipped with the metal
menu when depressed or return you to the tech-
control handle option, refer to the button number in
nician menu when finished making a parameter
brackets following the standard control handle but-
adjustment. This switch will also activate the
ton description (i.e. press the LH LOWER [#1] but-
ability to adjust the parameter that is focused
ton). See Table 1.
5. Horn Button (Control Handle) – Used for special
6. Key Switch (Dash Console) – Used to enter/exit
the menu.

Table 1. Corresponding Buttons

Standard Control Handle Control Module Display Function

Button Button
LH LOWER Switch #1 Scroll Up / Increase
LH LIFT Switch #2 Scroll Down / Decrease
RH LIFT Switch #3 Scroll Left / Exit Menu
RH LOWER Switch #4 Scroll Right / Enter Menu

Dash Display Versions 2200 SRM 1324

Dash Display Versions

Early production dash displays use an arrow symbol
to the left of the menu item to indicate the active
menu selection. See Figure 6.

NOTE: Instructional illustrations throughout this

manual show only early versions of the dash display.

Later production dash displays use a highlight bar

(white letters on a black background) to indicate the
active menu item. See Figure 7. If an item parameter
is selected for editing, the arrow symbol will appear
to the left of the selected item.

Figure 6. Dash Display (Early Models)

Figure 7. Dash Display (Later Models)

2200 SRM 1324 Technician Menu

Technician Menu
At the Technician Menu, the following submenu Table 2. Technician Menu (Continued)
choices are available:
View Versions
Hourmeters Change Super
Diagnostics Pw
Service Reminder ↑
Change Super Pw Scroll
Oper Modes ↓
Set Performance
Set General Items Oper Modes
Clear Fault Log ↑
Calibrations Scroll
Change Tech Pw ↓
Exit To Run Mode
Use the LH LOWER [#1] and LH LIFT [#2] switches Performance
to scroll up or down within the menu. Select an op- ↑
tion by pressing the RH LOWER [#4] switch. See Scroll
Figure 8. ↓
Table 2. Technician Menu Set General
Enter ↑
Press → Key View Versions
Password Scroll

Scroll Clear Fault
↓ Log
Hourmeters ↑

↓ Calibrations
Diagnostics ↑
↑ Scroll
Scroll ↓
↓ Change Tech
Service Pw
Reminder ↑
↑ Scroll
Scroll ↓
↓ Exit To Run

Technician Menu 2200 SRM 1324

Figure 8. Technician Menu Screen Figure 9. View Versions Screen


NOTE: The software version is denoted by the cen- Within the Hourmeters menu, you can view the
ter three digits of the nine digit number displayed hourmeter readings for the Truck, Traction Motor,
in the views menu. Example: If the number listed Pump Motor, Power Steering Motor, and the number
on the View Versions menu for the display unit is of hours remaining until the next scheduled service
069.001(014), the software version for the display is is required. Use the RH LIFT [#3] switch to return
001. to the previous menu. See Figure 10.

Within the View Versions menu, you can view the

software version number for the Controller, Control
Handle, the optional Power Steering, and Dash Dis-
play. Press the RH LIFT [#3] switch to return to the
previous menu. See Figure 9.

Figure 10. Hourmeters Screen

2200 SRM 1324 Technician Menu

NOTE: Once the Run Diagnostics menu has been se-
lected, you cannot return to the Diagnostics menu.
The only way to exit Run Diagnostics is to cycle the
key switch.

A series of submenus are available from the Diagnos-

tics menu. Within the Diagnostics menu, you can ac-
cess the Fault Log, Controller Inputs, Control Handle
Inputs, and Run Diagnostics. See Table 3. Use the
LH LOWER [#1] and LH LIFT [#2] switches to scroll
between the menu choices. See Figure 11. When the
proper menu item has been highlighted, press the
RH LOWER [#4] switch to move to the selected sub-
menu. Use the RH LIFT [#3] switch to return to the
previous menu.

Table 3. Diagnostics Menu

Figure 11. Diagnostics Screen

Diagnostics Press → Key Fault Log
↑ Fault Log
↓ The Fault Log menu will list the truck system initiat-
ing the fault, the error code associated with the fault,
Controller the hourmeter reading when the fault occurred, the
Inputs number of times the fault has been logged, and the
↑ system temperature when the fault occurred. See
Scroll Figure 12. To scroll through the Fault Log menu, de-
↓ press and HOLD the #1 and the #2 switches. The
system will retain the last 10 faults recorded.
Ctrl Hdl



Figure 12. Fault Log Screen

Technician Menu 2200 SRM 1324

Controller Inputs Control Handle Inputs

If an input is enabled, the square next to the input If an input is active, the square next to the input
number will be illuminated. See Figure 13. The con- number will be illuminated. Press the RH Lift [#3]
troller inputs for the lift truck are itemized in Table 4. switch to return to the Technician Menu. See Fig-
ure 14. For a list of the steer handle inputs, see Ta-
Table 4. Controller Inputs ble 5.

Display Input Function Table 5. Control Handle Inputs

Display Input Function
1 High Speed Switch
2 Grab Rail Lift Switch
1 LH Lift Switch [#2]
3 Grab Rail Lower Switch
2 LH Lower Switch [#1]
4 Belly Switch
3 Belly Switch (Open)
5 Brake Switch
4 Horn Switch
6 Regen Braking Switch
5 Belly Switch (Closed)
7 Coast Control Switch (Optional)
6 Not Used
8 Not Used
7 RH Lift Switch [#3]*
9 Not Used
8 RH Lower Switch [#4]
10 Not Used
9 Regen Braking Switch
11 Not Used
10 Pick Switch(es)
12 Not Used
11 Not Used
12 Not Used

*When RH LIFT [#3] switch is released the dash

display returns to the diagnostic menu.

Figure 13. Controller Inputs Screen

2200 SRM 1324 Technician Menu

From the Technician Menu, enter Diagnostics and

scroll down to and select Run Diagnostics. The horn
will sound twice when entering the Run Diagnostics
menu. A series of submenus are available inside the
Run Diagnostics menu. See Table 6.

To scroll through the Run Diagnostics menu, press

both the RH LIFT [#4] and the LH LIFT [#1] switches
and hold until the menu changes (approximately 7
seconds). Exit the Run Diagnostics by cycling the key
switch. See Figure 15.

Figure 14. Ctrl Handle Inputs Screen

Run Diagnostics

The lift and lower functions are enabled when
the Run Diagnostics Menu is selected.

NOTE: Once the Run Diagnostics menu has been se-

lected, you cannot return to the Diagnostics menu.
The only way to exit Run Diagnostics is to cycle the
key switch. Figure 15. Run Diagnostics Screen

Technician Menu 2200 SRM 1324

Table 6. Run Diagnostics Menu

Run Diagnostics Press → Key Traction Motor Press → Key Cycle Key To Exit

Press and Hold ← Key
and → Key to Scroll

Pump Motor & Valve Press → Key Cycle Key To Exit

Press and Hold ← Key
and → Key to Scroll

Control Handle Press → Key Cycle Key To Exit

Press and Hold ← Key
and → Key to Scroll

Traction Temps Press → Key Cycle Key To Exit

Press and Hold ← Key
and → Key to Scroll

Power Steering Press → Key Cycle Key To Exit

Traction Motor

The Traction Motor menu provides the following in-

• Traction Motor Voltage
• Traction Motor Current (amps)
• Traction Motor Speed (Encoder RPMs)
To exit the Traction Motor menu, press both the RH
LOWER [#4] and LH LOWER [#1] switches and hold
until the next diagnostic menu is present, or cycle the
key switch to return the lift truck to RUN mode. See
Figure 16.

Figure 16. Traction Motor Screen

2200 SRM 1324 Technician Menu

Pump Motor and Valve

The Pump Motor and Valve menu provides the fol-

lowing information about the lift system:
• Pump Motor Voltage
• Pump Motor Current (in amps)
• Valve Current (in milliamps)
To exit the Pump Motor and Valve menu, press both
the RH LOWER [#4] and LH LOWER [#1] switches
and hold until the next diagnostic menu is present,
or cycle the key switch to return the lift truck to RUN
mode. See Figure 17.

Figure 18. Control Handle Screen

Traction Temps

The screen shows the traction motor internal tem-

perature and the controller internal temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit. See Figure 19. To exit the Tem-
peratures menu, press both the RH LOWER [#4] and
LH LOWER [#1] switches and hold until the next di-
agnostic menu is present or cycle the key switch to
return the lift truck to RUN mode.

Figure 17. Hydraulic Motor/Valve Screen

Control Handle

The Control Handle menu provides information

about the control handle outputs: Truck Throttle,
Lift Pump Speed, and Vertical Angle. These speed
outputs will be shown as a percentage of the full
speed of the device. See Figure 18. To exit the
Control Handle menu, press both the RH LOWER
[#4] and LH LOWER [#1] switches and hold until
the next diagnostic menu is present or cycle the key
switch to return the lift truck to RUN mode.

Figure 19. Temperatures

Technician Menu 2200 SRM 1324

Power Steering When the service reminder is ON, the dash display
will display a one-time message to the operator when
The Power Steering menu provides the following in- the service interval has been reached. The lift truck
formation when the truck is equipped with power-as- will continue to operate normally until the hourme-
sisted steering: ter reaches 20 hours past the designated service in-
• Torque Input (in inch-pounds) terval. At this time the lift truck function speeds will
• Steering Handle Angle (in degrees) be reduced until the Service Reminder has been re-
• Battery Input (in volts) set. See Figure 21. Use the LH LOWER [#1] and
• Steering Motor Current (in amps) LH LIFT [#2] switches to scroll between the menu
To exit the Power Steering menu, press both the RH choices. When the proper menu item has been high-
LOWER [#4] and LH LOWER [#1] switches and hold lighted, press the RH LOWER [#4] switch to move to
until the next diagnostic menu is present, or cycle the the selected submenu. Make any changes required
key switch to return the lift truck to RUN mode. See to the menu item. Use the RH LIFT [#3] switch to
Figure 20. return to the Service Reminder menu. Scroll to the
exit options and select. Press the RH LOWER [#4]
switch to return to the Technician Menu. The nor-
mal factory default setting for the Service Reminder
is OFF and must be changed to ON for the Service
Reminder to be active. The interval value shown on
the display is a fixed value denoting the total time
interval between services and DOES NOT change to
show time remaining as the service reminder counts

NOTE: To turn off service reminder in ETACC Ver-

sion 1.29 and below, enter 0 in Truck Hours at Next
Service and download.

Figure 20. Power Steering Screen

NOTE: The Service Reminder interval can be
changed from its current setting in 50-hour in-
crements when using the dash display. The intervals
can be further adjusted in one-hour increments if
using ETACC.

Within the Service Reminder menu, you can reset the

Service Reminder, change the service interval hours,
and turn the reminder ON or OFF.

NOTE: To reset in ETACC in Version 1.29 and below, Figure 21. Service Reminder Screen
take the interval amount and current truck hours,
and add them together. Enter this value under Truck
Hours at Next Service and download.

2200 SRM 1324 Technician Menu


NOTE: To disable a service password enter "10000" The Operator Modes function gives a service techni-
in the ETACC box value and download. cian (or a supervisor) the means to either allow or
deny the lift truck operator’s access to change the op-
Use this menu to enter or change any passwords. See erating mode on the lift truck.
Figure 22. To enter a new password at the Passwords The lift truck is set in one of four operating modes.
screen, enter the appropriate digit in the highlighted A service technician (or a supervisor) can lock the
area of the display. Use the LH LOWER [#1] and lift truck into its current operating mode by enter-
LH LIFT [#2] switches to raise or lower the number ing the Operator Modes menu and selecting LCK. If
to any digit between 1 and 5. Use the RH LOWER the function is set to ON, the lift truck operator will
[#4] switch to move and highlight the next digit to be have access to change the operating mode selection
entered. Use the RH LIFT [#3] switch to return and for the lift truck.
highlight a previous entry. Repeat until all five digits To edit the Operator Modes function, enter the Oper-
of your password have been entered. Press the RH ator Modes menu and select the Operator Mode set-
LOWER [#4] switch to move to the Password Con- tings by pressing the RH LOWER [#4] switch. Scroll
firm menu. Use the RH LIFT [#3] switch to return to to either ON or LCK using the LH LOWER [#1] or LH
the Enter New Password menu. Use the LH LOWER LIFT [#2] switch. When complete, back out one level
[#1] and LH LIFT [#2] switches to scroll between the using the RH LIFT [#3] switch and scroll down using
Save And Exit or Exit Without Saving choices. Press the LH LOWER [#1] or LH LIFT [#2] switch to either
the RH LOWER [#4] switch to return to the Techni- the Save And Exit or Exit Without Saving selections.
cian Menu. Press the RH LOWER [#4] switch to select. If Save
And Exit is selected, Confirm will appear on the dash
display. Scroll down beside Confirm and press the
RH LOWER [#4] switch to save your selection and to
return to the Technician Menu. See Figure 23.

Figure 22. Change Supervisor Password Screen

Figure 23. Operator Modes Screen

Technician Menu 2200 SRM 1324

SET PERFORMANCE Table 8. Set Performance Menu

A series of submenus are available from the Perfor-

mance menu. These selections allow the technician
to change the truck’s parameter settings. See Ta- Set Press → Key
Extend Shift
ble 7. Performance

Table 7. Performance Parameters ↑

Parameter Range Default Value ↓
Walk Speed
Ext Shift Off/On Off
Walk Speed +0005 to +0040 +0038 ↑
Hi Spd Fwd +0005 to +0090 +0090 ↓
Hi Sped Rev +0005 to +0075 +0050 High Speed
Min Accel +0001 to +0010 +0005 (FWD)

Max Accel +0001 to +0010 +0006 ↑

Plugging +0001 to +0010 +0007 ↓
ADS-Neutral +0001 to +0010 +0001 High Speed
ADS-Throt +0001 to +0010 +0001 (REV)
Pick Accel +0001 to +0010 +0006 ↑
Pick Decel +0001 to +0010 +0001

Batt Full +0245 to +0265 +0253
Min Accel
Lift Interrupt +0180 to +0240 +0235

PS Min Fwd +0001 to +0010 +0003 Scroll
PS Min Rev +0001 to +0010 +0003 ↓

PS Max Assist +0001 to +0010 +0005 Max Accel

Set Defaults Yes/No No ↑


Enter the Performance menu and use the LH Plugging
LOWER [#1] and LH LIFT [#2] switches to scroll
between the menu choices. When the proper menu ↑
item has been highlighted, press the RH LOWER Scroll
[#4] switch to move to the selected submenu. Make ↓
the adjustment needed and press the RH LIFT [#3] ADS-Neutral
switch to return to the Performance menu. Scroll to
the next item requiring adjustment, or scroll to the ↑
end of the menu for the Exit options. Select one of Scroll
the two Exit options (Save And Exit or Exit Without ↓
Saving), press the RH LOWER [#4] switch to move ADS-Throttle
back to the Technician menu. See Table 8.



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