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Fire Safety Management & Emergency Plan

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Prepared By Approved By
Fire Safety Management & Emergency Plan Doc Ref #: XYZ/IMS/QHSE/F/00
Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

Revision Summary
Date Reviewed By Rev # Description

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Fire Safety Management & Emergency Plan Doc Ref #: XYZ/IMS/QHSE/F/00
Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

1. Purpose 4
2. Introduction & Scope 4
3. Fire Safety Arrangements 4
3.1. Holistic Fire Safety Approach 4
4. Planning 6
5. Organizing and Control 7
5.1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director (CEO)/ MD 7
5.2. Head of Departments/ Managers 7
5.3. Fire Warden/ Fire Marshal 8
5.4. Employees 8
6. Monitoring 8
7. Review 9
8. Fire Emergency Plan 9
8.1. Training & Trainer 9
8.2. Information Distribution 9
8.3. Scenarios – What to Do Upon? 10
8.4. Contact with Emergency Services 10
8.5. Process, Equipment, Machinery Shut Down 10
8.6. High Risk Areas and Relevant Arrangements 11
8.7. Emergency Services Liaison Procedure – Who will assist the Emergency Services? 11
8.8. Specific Information for Emergency Services When They Arrive at Scene 11
8.9. Assembly Point & Head Count 11
8.10. Identification of Special People at Risk 11
8.11. Evacuation Arrangements for Special People 12
8.11.1. Progressive Horizontal Evacuation 12
8.11.2. Evacuation Through Lift 12
8.11.3. Stairs 12
8.11.4. Refuge 12
8.12. Visitors & Contractors 12
8.13. Staff with Specific Responsibilities 13
8.14. Overall Controls 13

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

8.15. Fire Marshals and Fire Wardens 13

8.16. Firefighting Equipment and Control Panel 13
8.17. Contingency Planning 14
8.18. Post-Incident Plan & Arrangements 14
Annexure 1 - Fire Safety Management & Strategy 15
Annexure 2 – Fire Safety Maintenance Checklist 16
Annexure 3 – Fire Safety Training Program 17
Appendix 4 – Training Record Form 18
Appendix 5 – Fire Safety Management Structure 19

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Fire Safety Management & Emergency Plan Doc Ref #: XYZ/IMS/QHSE/F/00
Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to ensure that organization is committed to the safety and security of the
workers when they are at the workplace. The commitment of the organization is not limited to the worker only
but also protecting the society and environment is responsibility of the organization.

2. Introduction & Scope

● Fire is a hazard in any part of the premises, and its consequences include the threat to life, environment,
property and health of both worker and public. Due to fire, the normal business activities get disrupted
● Fire safety management experienced workforce is required when fire risk management is required. A
combination of Protection & Prevention measures is needed to be implemented according to the building
use, occupancy, inherent fire risks and in accordance with the legal requirements.
● The fire safety management and emergency plan are applicable to all the workers and staff members as
well as the visitors who are visiting the office. This Fire safety management and emergency plan is
applicable to all the premises under the control of the staff, workers, visitors, and contractors whether
they are working permanently or temporarily engaged.
● Areas which are jointly shared between two employers, the fire safety arrangements will be made
accordingly, coordinated, communicated and documented. Both employers will be doing different jobs so
the arrangements will be made according to the work they are performing.
● The fire safety management and emergency plan apply to all staff working on premises occupied by the
organization but are not employed by the organization directly. In this scenario, the staff is bound to
comply with all the relevant fire safety measures at all.
● Company [M/s Organization Name] is bound to comply with the legal obligations and is committed to;
o Provide and maintain active & passive fire protection, prevention measures according to the use of
the premises, occupants and activities that are to be undertaken.
o Carryout Fire Risk Assessment and review on periodic basis, ensure protective and preventive
measures and identify the areas for improvement.
o Provide relevant and up-to-date information to the staff and visitors about the emergency
arrangements, instructions about emergency safety plan.
o Provide relevant information about the risks identified through internal formal risk assessment
system of the organization and control measures applied to counter them.
o Provision of fire safety trainings to the staff and workers on regular basis.
o Allocate the roles and responsibilities to trained fire fighters and fire marshals.
o Provide a suitable and of standard, storage facility, handling and movement arrangements will be
made for dangerous substances.

3. Fire Safety Arrangements

3.1. Holistic Fire Safety Approach
Holistic Fire Safety Approach or Collective approach is concerned with all the information required to devise a
coherent plan using all elements necessary to comply with it. Consideration of Active and Passive fire safety
measures is essential.
The fire safety measures are divided into two broad categories as mentioned above, Active & Passive. Both
categories include different measures. One deals with the measures which are concerned with protection
while the other one deals with prevention. Both categories are elaborated below.
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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

Active Fire Protection Passive Fire Protection

D Active Fire Protection system refers to response Passive Fire Protection is concerned with the fire
e triggered by the fire flames and detection. The resistance measures. In other words, Passive Fire
fi response can be either manual or programmed. protection measures are related to preventing
n the spread of fire and flames.
Essentially Active Fire Protection, is relevant to
fighting a fire. It is a Proactive Approach. This Generally, the resistance is structural to minimize
approach includes multiple features. the damage to occupants and the building.
Active Fire Protection measures are set of Passive Fire Protection measures are physical
S elements which operated in a sequence. First of conditions in the workplace which are designed
c all, a fire, smoke or rise in temperature is to facilitate the containment of the fire in case of
o detected through detection system which emergency, through design, layout,
p activates the fire alarm and ultimately, communication, safe evacuation and minimize
e firefighting with fire extinguisher, fire sprinkler or the damage to the occupants and the building
fire hose reel occurs. itself.
Following list includes the active fire protection Following list includes the passive fire protection
measures; measures;
- Fire Extinguisher - Fire Doors
El - Smoke Detector - Fire Walls
e - Thermal Detector - Emergency Exits
m - Fire alarm - Flame Shields
e - Fire Hose Reel - Muster Points
n - Fire Blanket - Spray Fireproofing
ts - Fire Sprinkler System - Fire resistant matting
- Firefighting services - Fire Resistant Paint Coating
- Automated Doors - Communication Source
- Fire Control System - Refuge Areas
- Installation of the firefighting equipment - Regular inspection, testing, and maintenance
- Installation of the thermal/smoke detector of the building, fire doors, escape routes,
- Installation of the fire alarm considering the strength of staff,
R - Inspection, testing, and maintenance of the disabled/special people, contractors, visitors,
e fire detection and alarm system. and public.
q - Monthly and bi-Annually inspection of the - Materials, their specifications, design of the
emergency escape lighting, firefighting building should be reviewed.
equipment, and preventive maintenance. - Isolation arrangements should be made for
- Provision of the appropriate fire the gas and electricity services.
extinguishers and fire extinguishing agent as - Provision and placement of the safety signs,
n per the stored material. and warning sings. Exit points, firefighting
ts - Information should be shared about the equipment, emergency services should be
material being shared at the facility. labelled clearly as per Health and Safety
- Hazardous materials shall be stored Regulation (1996) and Discrimination Act
separately. (1995).

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

- Provision of information about fire actions

that are to be taken in any emergency. E.g.,
break the glass to activate the fire alarm.
- Educating the staff about firefighting and fire
equipment. Training them how to use
firefighting equipment and alert others.

4. Planning
- Fire risk assessments are performed as these are fundamental part of the Fire Safety Management
- Structured approach to determine and identify the hazards, the risk of fire and the elements that can lead
to the ignition of fire at the workplace.
- Identification of the activities that can cause fire at the workplace, as well as the precautions to take to
protect from the fire.
- The risk assessment must be reviewed on periodic basis or when there are changes in the work method or
after any fire incident to identify the short comings.
- If there is any change in the Fire Safety Regulations, the Fire Safety Risk Assessment must be reviewed.
- Special consideration should be given to them who can be affected due to fire, their location, physical and
mental ability to assess the hazard and leave the area, and those with whom, the workplace is shared.
- Those people who are disable, can’t move themselves, they should be considered in the fire risk
assessment and special arrangements must be made for them.
- Those women who are pregnant, need assistance should be included in the fire risk assessment and
special arrangements must be made for their safety.
- The fire risk assessment shall be documented, and the findings shall be shared with the all persons.
- Individual Fire Emergency Exit Plan (PEEP) shall be implemented where necessary. The plan should be for
staff, or service users with predetermined disabilities that will influence their ability to evacuate the
particular premises.
- Maintenance of the fire safety equipment is necessary and should be done on regular basis to keep them
operational. Maintenance should be done by Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order 2006 and approved
code of practice by local legislative body. The fire safety system involves the following elements;
1) Fire Detection, Heat Detection, Smoke Detection and Alarm/ Warning System
2) Emergency Lighting
3) Firefighting Facilities
4) Emergency Routes and Exits
5) Fire Safety Signs and Notices
6) Portable Electrical Appliances
7) Installation and Testing on Regular Basis
- Fire Warden, Staff Member’s roles and Responsibilities allocation is part of the fire safety management
system. Trainings should be conducted by competent trainer on the regular basis. Some courses are
conducted on annual basis. Fire marshals, fire fighters and other staff members should attend the trainings
on regular basis. Fire training plan and record management should be performed.
- Fire evacuation and premises exit training should be done on regular basis. It should be conducted on
bi-annually and annual basis. The purpose of these exercises is to educate people, share details about

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

evacuation procedure during a fire emergency, firefighting equipment, their position and usage, as well as
meet the legal obligations.
- Fire safety officer will conduct the fire evacuation drill and fire wardens will help people in leaving the
area. Fire safety officer will provide the information, guidelines and orders to the Fire Wardens, share the
details about the evacuation drill, how it will be done and who is responsible for what. After the exercise,
de-briefing will be conducted to identify and discuss the short-comings. The mistakes and errors will be
discussed and rectified to avoid any incident during real-time emergency.
- During emergency evacuation, provision of resources to aid the disable person will be made. It will be
ensured they are provided with resources to evacuate the building safely. e.g., support person to disabled
person to evacuate the building during emergency.
- Fire evacuation will be conducted following the predetermined evacuation procedure. Fire evacuation
procedure is part of fire emergency plan.
- If there is a fire alarm out of normal business routine, the occupants are required to evacuate the building
and proceed to assembly point.
- All visitors, sub-contractors and other staff members who are there for short term work will be made
aware of the fire emergency plan.
- The premises are provided with Active and Passive Fire Protection System. Each system will be tested as
per standards.
- The testing should be done in the presence of the fire wardens. Any fault identified by the fire wardens or
observation made by them should be reported to the management for immediate repairment.
- A fire safety log should be maintained with the details of maintenance performed on the Active and
Passive Fire Safety Systems.
- Record of fire safety drills, evacuations drills and trainings should be maintained.

5. Organizing and Control

Few individuals should be named with responsibilities for fire safety, maintenance, emergency evacuation and
planning, staff training etc.
5.1.Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director (CEO)/ MD
- Ensure Fire Safety and Management policies, procedures, plans, and information are developed, approved
and implemented at all levels.
- Ensure that a responsible person with reasonable experience and knowledge is appointed to monitor and
implement fire safety arrangements, procedures, and policies at all levels of the organization. The person is
trained and competent to perform the job.
- Ensure that arrangements are in place for the completion and implementation of the fire safety risk
assessment, including, where appropriate technical survey of the premises is conducted. Ignition sources
and other hazards are identified and documented.
- Ensure that resources are provided to the organization to implement fire safety, health, safety and security
arrangements at the premises.

5.2.Head of Departments/ Managers

- Prepare compulsory documentation relevant to the fire safety
- Ensure that fire risk assessment is carried out for all the workplace and relevant to the work activities such
as hot work, e.g., welding, cutting, grinding, work with other heat flame/spark/heat generating

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

- Ensure that following the findings of the risk assessment, appropriate number of relevant fire extinguishers
and other firefighting equipment are in place.
- Ensure that the inspection of the fire extinguishers is done on regular base through internal and 3rd party
inspection process.
- Ensure that fire/smoke/heat detection system are installed and appropriate alarm system is in place,
working properly and regularly tested on regular basis.
- Prepare a robust and comprehensive emergency plan and implement it on all levels of the organization.
The plan should be developed according to the premises, work activities, number of people and
equipment involved in the work. The emergency plan must include the arrangements made for the people
with physical and mental disabilities.
- Ensure that fire safety emergency plan is delivered to everyone including permanent employees, visitors,
sub-contractors, and other people who are present at the workplace. Everyone must be informed what to
do in case of any emergency situation.
- Ensure that a sub-ordinate is monitoring the implementation of the emergency plan and fire safety
arrangements at the workplace on their behalf.
- Check the record of the firefighting equipment maintenance and if there is need of new or replacement,
inform the higher management.
- Develop and implement training plans for the staff members, train them on regular basis.
- Review the fire risk assessments on the regular basis and when there is any change in the process, new
employee induction, alteration in the building layout, incident or any other change in the legal
- Ensure that the emergency contact arrangements are in place and implemented.
- Ensure that in case of incident, firefighting services are made aware of the workplace hazards, e.g., gas
cylinders presence on the site, chemical spill due to fire, or any other hazard.
- Conduct fire safety inspections of the premises on regular basis.

5.3.Fire Warden/ Fire Marshal

- Assist in fire risk assessment, hazards identification and mitigation controls implementation.
- Assist in implementation organizational policies, procedures, fire mitigation controls.
- Assist in preparation of emergency plan and communicate to all the staff members, visitors, etc.
- Ensure that fire safety related information is available to all the people available on the work premises.
- Ensure that all staff members and where possible contractors are instructed about emergency planning.
- Arrange emergency drills, evacuation drills and execute them to ensure everyone is aware of procedures.
- Inspect, test, and maintain the firefighting equipment on regular basis.
- Inspect, test, and maintain fire detection system on regular basis to ensure they are operational.
- Ensure that the fire drills, training, inspection maintenance log book is updated on regular basis.
- Inspect the facility/ work premises to ensure all the dangerous goods are stored at reasonable location.
- Inspect the work premises to ensure that all the escape routes are free of blockage.
- Help occupants to evacuate the building in any emergency situation.

- Employees must ensure they are familiar with the emergency procedures, firefighting, evacuation process.
- Report any kind of hazardous condition they observe, to the relevant person.
- Take part in emergency drills and training exercises to ensure they are aware of the methodologies.
- Know, and assist others in the workplace.

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

- Be familiar with all escape routes.

- Ensure that they don’t block, open, or damage fire doors in case of emergency.
- If there is no one to assist the disabled person, help him/her to evacuate the building in case of
- Follow No Smoking Policy.

6. Monitoring
The Fire Safety Plan and Emergency Evacuation Plan must be monitored by competent persons. This can be
done using the following criterial listed below;
- What is number of fire related incidents?
- Evacuation time
- Building inspection, and audits
- Any notice served by the local authorities
- Premises inspection on regular basis e.g., quarter/ bi-annually/ annual
- Annual audit of all the fire detection and firefighting systems
7. Review
- The top management must carryout audits of the fire detection and fire fighting systems on annual basis
to ensure they comply with the regulations, and with this Fire Safety Management Plan.
- Active monitoring of the fire safety plan, arrangements and building including trainings, evacuation drills
- Reactive monitoring if something has happened, find short comings, investigate root cause, solve them on
top priority basis.
- If there is any change to the building layout, fire incident, introduction of new substance, material,
equipment, or new employee inductee, the Fire safety Management Plan shall be reviewed. Any change in
the national legislation for Fire Safety will also lead to review.

8. Fire Emergency Plan

All aspects of the Fire Emergency Plan shall consider out of work hour occupations and areas will be identified
where there would be difference e.g., locked door, persons available on site during off-time, number of escape
routes opened, areas without light etc.

8.1.Training & Trainer

Training to the staff and contractors shall be given when they come for job and on regular basis. The training
need analysis shall be done and after the training, feedback will be recorded to check if there is any need of
further training. The training process shall take place on regular intervals and after any incident. Any training
need analysis shall be dependent on the following criteria;
- Identification of staff to train for fire extinguisher, fire hose reel etc.
- Identification of staff to train for fire marshal/ fire warden duties.
- Identification of staff to handle and register visitors and help them to evacuate to assembly point.

8.2.Information Distribution
Details of the method(s) of the informing personnel (including visitors & contractors/ sub-contractors/ daily
wagers) about escape routes. Information must be provided to everyone who enters the area and has to stay
there. Fire warden/ fire marshal/ safety officer shall perform this duty and ensure everyone is aware of it.

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

The information must include the following elements;

- Instructions
- Training
- Escape Route Signages and their meaning
- Firefighting Equipment location and how to use them
- Fire Action Notice
- Alternative routes information distribution to visitors, contractors, workers if primary routes are not
accessible or blocked.
- Emergency Plan information distribution to the staff, contractors, visitors etc,.
- Assembly points and their capacity
- Introduction with the fire marshal/ fire warden
- Instructions to follow fire warden/ fire marshal in case of emergency as it is his prime responsibility to help
evacuate the building.

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

8.3.Scenarios – What to Do Upon?

Following scenarios describe what to do in case of emergency.
Discovering a Fire Hearing a Fire Alarm
- Shout FIRE – FIRE – FIRE - Leave the building through nearest exit point.
- Raise the alarm to alert others. - Close fire doors behind you when exiting
- Evacuate to the safe location. area.
- Help them who are disabled and can’t - Help others and disabled people in
evacuate themselves. evacuating building.
- Leave the area and don’t enter until advised - Escort visitors to the nearest exit point and
D to enter. help in evacuating the building.
o - Tackle the fire if you are trained. - Pass useful information to fire warden at
- Check if the fire doors, windows are closed. assembly point.
- Leave the building as soon as possible. - Gather at the assembly point and leave the
- Help visitors in evacuating building and escort building.
them to the nearest exit point. - Use communication sources to inform the
- Close all the fire doors, windows, shaft covers emergency services if trapped somewhere.
behind you when leaving the area. - Enter the building when it is declared safe.

- Don’t use the lift unless it is declared as a - Don’t operate the firefighting equipment if
refuge point or escape route. you are not trained to do so.
D - If you are not trained to fight fire, don’t do it. - Don’t stay to collect belongings, items etc.
o - Don’t block, damage, open closed fire doors. - Don’t block exit points, staircase etc.
n - Don’t stay close to fire. - Don’t stay close to the burning area.
’ - Don’t stay to collect the belongings, items - Don’t enter the building without permission.
t etc.
- Don’t enter the area until it is declared safe.

8.4.Contact with Emergency Services

In case of emergency, fire incident, contact with the emergency services and inform about it. The emergency
services will be able to help as soon as possible if correct information is provided to them. The information
should be realistic and free of imagination and guesses.
Arrangements What to Communicate?
- Who will communicate with the emergency - What kind of emergency is taking place?
services? - Location, Area, Address?
- What are primary means of communication? - What lead to occurrence of emergency?
- What are the secondary means of - Any other valuable information?
- What are alternatives if primary & secondary
means fail?

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

8.5.Process, Equipment, Machinery Shut Down

If there is any machinery, process going on, or equipment is left switch on, and can become threat should be
shut down. Some staff members can be appointed to check if all the equipment and tools involved have been
shut down properly before evacuation. It must include the following;
- Hot work equipment has been shut down.
- Powered tools have been shut down.
- Heat and spark generating tools have been shut down.
- Science labs and chemicals have been secured.
- Gas supply and kitchen stove have been shut down.
- Grinding, welding, abrasive wheel has been shut down and power supply isolated.

8.6.High Risk Areas and Relevant Arrangements

Specific arrangements must be made for high risk areas where the risk level is higher than others. For example;
- Boiler Room
- Flammable chemicals storage room
- Corrosive chemicals storage area
- Gas storage area
- Electrical system and generation area
- Moving machinery area

8.7.Emergency Services Liaison Procedure – Who will assist the Emergency Services?
Who will assist the emergency services when they arrive at the scene. This must be decided in the early stages
and the responsibilities should be allocated to the relevant persons. They must be trained for this duty as well
that how they can assist the emergency services. The following items should be considered when deciding the
whole procedure;
- Who will liaise the emergency services on arrival?
- What information will be given to the emergency services?
- How the Liaison Person will direct the Emergency Services to the Emergency Situation?
- Information about missing people, where were they last seen, or anyone who is trapped inside?
- How Emergency Services can identify this person? e.g., will he be wearing an arm band or high visibility

8.8.Specific Information for Emergency Services When They Arrive at Scene

Following information must be shared with the emergency services;
- Type/ Nature of the Emergency
- Location of the incident?
- How many people inside the area, trapped or missing
- What kind of hazards are existing? Flammable materials stored, running machinery, no light etc.
- Details about any person who is disabled and can’t move himself?
- Share another detail that help the emergency service personnel/firefighters

8.9.Assembly Point & Head Count

- What is the procedure to count the people at assembly point?
- What is the procedure to inform the emergency manager?
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Organization Name

- How to ensure all the people are accounted for?

- How to manage the more than one assembly point and who is responsible person?
- How to find the missing people, what is the procedure?
- How to inform the emergency persons about the missing people?

8.10. Identification of Special People at Risk

- Identification of special people who are at risk must be identified and in risk assessment, special
consideration should be given to them. For example;
a) Lone workers, contractors, and sub-contractors
b) Workers in those areas where fire alarm can’t be heard properly e.g., area where machinery is
working, noisy area etc.
c) People who are taking rest/ sleeping in their cabins at the worksite
d) Disabled people, pregnant lady etc.
- Identify how they can be located and informed so they escape the area in case of emergency, develop
escape method and implement
- Such kind of people will be trained according to their wok nature, area of their work, how they will be
informed etc.

8.11. Evacuation Arrangements for Special People

Evacuation arrangements for the special people who are at the risk must be done with careful planning, use of
resources, and shouldn’t pose any king of risk to the health and safety of special people. These arrangements
must not be limited to evacuation but should provide safe passage under any situation. For example, special
arrangements and methods adopted for an employed person with disability will be quite different for a visitor
visiting the area with disability. He’ll not be familiar with the layout of the building, emergency alert system,
escape routes etc. Evacuation System adopted by an organization may include the following strategies listed
8.11.1. Progressive Horizontal Evacuation
Progressive Horizontal Evacuation is a principal and process of moving staff from the area of fire origin, (which
has been compromised from a fire safety point of view), to a safe location, assembly point/ refugee. The area/
building is divided into parts using fire-resistant elements e.g., fire doors, fire walls, ceilings, floors, with
minimum 60minutes of fire resistant.
8.11.2. Evacuation Through Lift
Specially designed lifts are used to evacuate the disabled people from the building. This can be done only if the
lift installed is of approved standard and secondary power supply sources is also deployed to power the lift.
The lift is placed in a structurally protected shaft. These firefighting lifts are quite different from the ordinary
8.11.3. Stairs
Specially designed stairs are used with special evacuation chairs when moving people out of building in case of
emergency. It is only possible, if people are being evacuated downward. The stairs and chair used for this
purpose is designed specially.
8.11.4. Refuge
Refuge is a relatively safe area where staff can move and stay for a short period of time. The disabled people
and other staff members/ support person can stay there, establish communication with the rescue services,

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

inform them about their current position so that they can be rescued. It must be remembered, refuge is not
for permanent stay so never, leave the disabled person alone there.
Refuge is separated from the compromised area with the help of fire-resistant wall, fire-resistant door,
fire-resistant floor, or anything else that can resist against fire for at least 60minutes. It is connected with a safe
passage towards exit point or assembly point. The whole area is marked, labelled and signs are placed.
Communication means must be identified and deployed to ensure that persons who have taken refuge in the
pre-determined area have established contact with the rescue services.

8.12. Visitors & Contractors

The presence of visitors visiting the area/building is a common practice. Many people come for different
activities and their safety is also responsibility of the employer since they are not employed and they are not
aware of fire safety protocol. On the other hand, other people including contractors, and sub-contractors are
also present at the site. Their consideration in emergency planning is necessary and their responsibilities
should be defined in the procedure.
The visitors’ details should be maintained with IN & OUT details on regular basis. The appointed person should
made sure they (visitors) are made aware of the emergency procedure, arrangements and evacuation method
followed by exit points and refuge areas. In the event of the fire, or any other emergency, the responsible
person is liable to escort them to the safety/ assembly point.
The contractors and sub-contractors who are working at the premises, their presence (IN & OUT) must be
logged in the register. Before they are introduced at the workplace, they must be provided with the reliable
information, emergency procedure, evacuation method, exit points and refuge areas.

8.13. Staff with Specific Responsibilities

Few people identified should be allocated specific responsibilities and they should be trained to respond in
case of emergency. For example, fire marshals, fire wardens, disabled persons support people etc.
The best practice is to select an experienced and senior person with specific responsibilities;
- Take overall control of the evacuation;
- Ensure other people/subordinates have taken actions allocated to them;
- Ensure all staff members have been escorted to assembly point;
- Emergency services have been notified, and liaison with emergency services;
- Make arrangements for person with disabilities;

8.14. Overall Controls

It should be identified that who is overall in charge of emergency control, who will record the emergency
situation and actions taken to counter the emergency.

8.15. Fire Marshals and Fire Wardens

Fire Marshals/ Fire Wardens are an important workforce in any workplace. They play a vital role in ensuring
that the workplace is safe and all kind of life-threatening elements are removed from the site on immediate
basis. They ensure that all the fire fighting arrangements are in place effectively, working in good condition and
damaged one or expired items are removed from the site.

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

If the work premises are very big, there can be more than one fire marshals/ fire wardens. The work area can
be divided between them so that they manage their area of responsibility easily. Their general duties are
- Who are the Fire Marshals/ Fire Wardens (Responsibilities)?
- They help in fighting fire in case of emergency;
- Inspect, test, and maintain the firefighting equipment;
- Perform the Check & Sweep Action when vacating the building to ensure no one is left behind in their area
of responsibility;
- Fight the fire and provide first aid, if they are trained or it is safe to do so;
- Don’t risk their live or work alone;
- Proceed to the assembly point, close fire doors;
- Helping the person in overall control of the evacuation by confirming their area is safe;

8.16. Firefighting Equipment and Control Panel

- Who are trained to fight the fire?
- What is location of the firefighting equipment?
- Who will check the fire panel?
- What is their next step to fight the fire?
- What do they do with the information?
- Who will silence and reset the fire panel?

8.17. Contingency Planning

Have contingency plan for life saving when the primary arrangements fail or go out of order e.g., evacuation
lifts, evacuation passageway are blocked, fire-detection, warning system, sprinkle system, or smoke control
systems, emergency lighting, power backup source etc fail or go out of order.

8.18. Post-Incident Plan & Arrangements

As part of the emergency plan, post-incident planning and arrangements need to be established. These
arrangements can include following;

- Securing the incident site;

- Securing people with personal belongings;
- Removing people from incident site through transportation;
- Special arrangements for removal of disabled people from site;
- Preventing people from re-entering the building;

It must be remembered, if the emergency services are called for firefighting, re-entry can be done if the Senior
Fire Service Officer permit otherwise ensure no one enter the building.

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Annexure 1 - Fire Safety Management & Strategy

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
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Annexure 2 – Fire Safety Maintenance Checklist

S/# Description Yes No Comments
Daily Checks
1 All the escape routes are clear and unblocked?

2 All the fire exits are accessible & can be opened easily?

3 The escape route/ exit points are clear?

4 Fire Panel showing “System is Normal”?

5 Whistles, horn, ring bell are in their correct position?

6 All the fire extinguishers are in place, visible and clean?

7 Expired fire extinguishers have been removed?

8 Fire hydrants are accessible and ready to be used?

9 Exit and emergency signs are working properly?

10 Backup power source for lighting & emergency signs?

Flammable Chemicals
1 All flammable chemicals have been removed from site?

2 Flammable chemicals are stored in proper location?

3 Flammable liquids are stored in a safe location?

4 All the flammable substances are labelled?

5 Authorized person has access to these substances?

Storage Area
1 The storage area is free of ignition source?

2 The electrical wiring in storage area is fire proof?

3 The damaged wires, switches are removed from area?

4 The storage room has fire detection system?

5 The door & walls of the storage room are fire protected
Fire Detection & Fire Fighting System
1 The building has fire detection and firefighting system?
Fire/Smoke alarms, fire sprinkles, fire hydrants, and fire
extinguishers are installed?
3 Firefighting system has backup power system to work?

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
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Organization Name

4 Firefighting system is maintained on regular basis?

5 Fire extinguishers are valid?

Annexure 3 – Fire Safety Training Program

Date: _______________

Training Name

Trainer Name

Target Audience New Inducted Employee Employee Refresher Training

All the employees who are already working and those who have been inducted recently will go through the
Fire Safety Training as per training plan. Following topics will be covered in the training;
1) Fire safety policy
2) Smoking policy
3) What is fire triangle?
4) How does fire spread?
5) What is fire protection and fire prevention?
6) Findings of the risk assessment?
7) How to respond to fire, activate the alarm, etc, alert others, visitors, contractors and disabled people.
8) What to do if you hear a fire alarm?
9) Evacuation procedure, assembly points, refuge points
10) Establishing contact with the emergency services
11) Location, use method of fire extinguishers, fire hose reels, fire hydrants, and fire blankets etc;
12) Escape routes, assembly points, their inspection, and maintenance
13) Isolation of the utility services, stopping machines & services, securing the tools and equipment
14) Use of lifts in case of fire
15) Storing, working, and handling flammable materials and explosive substances
16) Smoking areas
17) Arrangements made for disabled people and how to assist them in evacuating the building
18) Identify the hazards in the area and how to counter them
19) Equipment fault reporting and maintenance procedure

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

Appendix 4 – Training Record Form

Training Name

Trainer Name

Target Audience New Inducted Employee Employee Refresher Training

S/# Name Designation Signature



Trained By Training Time – HH:MM

I believe that I’ve delivered the Training Name to the persons mentioned above. I have covered the contents
mentioned in the training program and believe that the persons those attended the training have received it

Trainer Signature: _____________________

Date: ________________________________

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Issue Date: DD-MM-YYYY
Logo QHSE Forms Rev #: 00

Organization Name

Appendix 5 – Fire Safety Management Structure

The fire safety management structure shows that the responsibilities are divided among the personnel and
they are liable to perform their duty completely.
S/# Description Responsible Person
Fire Safety Overall Responsibility; Name:
- Planning: plan the fire safety management
- Organizing: set policy, objectives, goals, allocate responsibilities
1 - Implementation & Control: provide resources, implement, Signature:
carryout inspections, audits to ensure they are implemented
- Review: check the performance for improvements

The Fire Safety Risk Assessment and Inspection; Name:

- Carryout fire safety risk assessment
2 - Identify the hazards and implement controls Signature:
- Carryout inspections and testing

The fire safety equipment maintenance; Name:

- Carryout maintenance of the faulty equipment
- Keep record of the maintenance and repairment activities
3 - Emergency routes and lighting Signature:
- Fire detection, heat detection, smoke detection
- Fire safety signs, emergency signs,

Fire safety training; Name:

- Training to the staff
- Training to the new inducted staff
- Training to contractors
4 - Briefing to the visitors Signature:
- Notifying emergency services
- Liaison with the emergency services
- Emergency shut down and evacuation
- Good housekeeping and maintaining

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