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Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, Vishakhapatnam.: Conducted at

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Final Report Confidential





20-26th February, 2019


98-A, Sector 15, Institutional Area,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400 614
Tel. 022-27579924/5/6/7, Fax: 022-27577351,
Email: safetyaudit@nsc.org.in, Website: www.nsc.org.in

We express our sincere thanks to the

the management and
employees of Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant,
Vishakhapatnam for their co-
co-operation and unstinted
help without which the Safety Audit could not have
been possible.

The courtesy and cordiality extended to the audit team is

highly appreciated.

-National Safety Council-




1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 About the organization 1
1.3 Scope 42
1.4 Objective of Audit 42
1.5 Methodology 42
1.6 Opening Meeting 43
1.7 Study of Document 43
1.8 Closing Meeting 43
1.9 Audit Report 43
1.10 Disclaimer 44


3.1 Health & Safety Policy 56
3.2 Safety Organization 57
3.3 Safety Committees 58
3.4 Safety Inspection 58
3.5 Accident Reporting, Recording, Investigation & Analysis 60
3.6 Safety Education & Training (Including First Aid Training) 61
3.7 Promotional Activities on Safety & Health (Safety 63
Competition, Safety Suggestion Scheme, Safety
Incentive Scheme)
3.8 Identification & Assessment of Hazards 64
3.9 Safety Document (safety Manual, Operating Procedure) 66
3.10 Safety Budget 66
3.11 Safety Audits 67
3.12 First Aid Facilities and OHC 68
3.13 Medical Check Ups of Employees Related To Hazardous 72
3.14 Compliances with Statutory Requirements (License, 75
Certificates, Authorization etc.)
3.15 Emergency Preparedness plan & Mock drill 76


4.1 Testing & Examination of Pressure Vessels/Plants 78

4.2 Testing & Examination of Lifting Machines & Tackles 79
4.3 Manual and mechanical material handling 81
4.4 Handling & Storage of Gas Cylinder 82
4.5 Guarding of Machines & Dangerous Areas 82
4.6 Means of access, platforms & railings 86
4.7 Preventive maintenance system and records 87
4.8 Ventilation, Illumination, Noise 87

4.9 SOP 88
4.10 MOC/ New Equipment / Review System 89
4.11 Monitoring of Workplace & Stack Emission 89
4.12 Housekeeping 90
4.13 Personnel Protective Equipment 91
4.14 Work Permit System 91
4.15 Statutory warning 92
4.16 Road Safety 92

5.1 Storage & Handling of Hazardous Chemicals & Tank 94

Farm Safety
5.2 Chemical Transportation Safety 94
5.3 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 94
5.4 Laboratory Safety (QATD) 94
5.5 Color Coding of pipelines 96
5.6 Statutory warning & labeling 97


6.1 Fire Hazard Occupancy 98

6.2 Organizational Set up for Fire Fighting 98
6.3 Fire Station, Tender, Fire Hydrant System 100
6.4 Fire Pump House 100
6.5 Fire Detection & Alarm System 101
6.6 Portable Fire Extinguishers 102
6.7 Up keepment of Fire Fighting Equipments 102
6.8 Fire Incidence Reporting and Recording System 103
6.9 Fire Preventive Measures 103
6.10 Communication System 103
6.11 Fire Fighting Training 103
6.12 Documents Related to Fire Safety 104


7.1 Compliance with Respective to CEA 2010 105

7.2 Testing and Examination of Electrical Machines & 110
7.3 Preventive Maintenance of Electrical System 111
7.4 Electrical Work Permit & LOTO Procedures 111
7.5 Electrical Hand tools- Inspection & record keeping 111
7.6 Safety in Temporary Wiring 112
7.7 Flameproof Electrical Equipments/ Fittings 112
7.8 Lightning Protection System 113
7.9 Earthing System 114
7.10 Emergency Lighting System 115
7.11 Electrical Safety & Personal Safeguarding 115

7.12 Safety in Temporary Wiring 116

7.13 Safety WRT underground cable work 117
7.14 Contractor Safety 118
7.15 New Equipment Review 118
7.16 Electrical Safety at Receiving station/ sub station 119


PART – 1



At the request of Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, National Safety Council (NSC)

conducted Safety audit from 20-26th February, 2019 of Vishakhapatnam Steel
Plant, Vishakhapatnam.


The safety audit was conducted by a 4-member team from 20-26th February, 2019.

i.Shri S. K. Patil, Assistant Director, NSC & Lead auditor

ii.Shri. Swapan Bhattacharjee, NSC Expert Panel
iii.Shri K. K. Singh, NSC Expert Panel
iv.Shri. U. K. Dasgupta, NSC expert panel


Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL), a Navratna Public Sector Enterprise (PSE) is
the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP). VSP is the India’s first
shore-based integrated Steel Plant built with state-of-the-art technology and a
prime producer of long steel products in the country having extensive market in
infrastructure, construction, automobile, electrical and forging industry. With an
annual turnover of over Rs16000 crores, VSP is gearing up production to achieve
rated capacity of 7.3 Mtpa liquid steel. The plant is situated in Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh on the coast of Bay of Bengal.

The total area of the plant including township is 9219 hectares while the plant built-
up area is 2439 hectares.

There are about 17,052 regular employees and 16,229 contract workers working in
the plant in 04 shifts, one being the General shift.

VSP meets its iron ore requirements from Bailadilla mines of National Mineral
Development Corporation at Chattisgarh, Coking coal requirements through imports
and coal washeries of Coal India Limited, SMS grade limestone through imports,
quartzite requirements through purchase and boiler coal from the coal mines of
Mahanadi Coal Limited. SMS Lime Stone from Dubai, Boiler Coal from Indonesia,
Coking Coal from Australia / US, Medium Coking Coal (MCC) from Kathara /
Swang / Rajarappa / Kedla & LAM Coke from China.

Iron and steel plant has been notified as an industry with hazardous process and
specified in the first schedule of factories act 1948.There are many production
operations involving safety and health hazards which include- molten metal
handling, storage of toxic and inflammable gas and exposure to dust, fume, noise,
heat, radiation etc. Further, there are many operations in the steel plant, such as
Grinding, shot blasting, iron making, foundries and handling of corrosive

substances are declared as dangerous operations as per sec.87 of factories act
and state factories rules.

The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant essentially consists of the following Departments

Major Production Units:

i. Raw Material Handling Plant (RMHP)

ii. Coke Oven & Coal Chemical Plant (CO&CCP)
iii. Sinter Plant (SP)
iv. Calcining & Refractory Material Plant (CRMP)
v. Blast Furnace (BF)
vi. Steel Melting Shop-1 (SMS-1)
vii. Steel Melting Shop-2 (SMS-2)
viii. Light and Medium Merchant Mill (LMMM)
ix. Medium Merchant and Structural Mill (MMSM)
x. Wire Rod Mill (WRM)
xi. Roll Shop & Repair Shop (RS & RS)
xii. Wire Rod Mill-2 (WRM-2)
xiii. Structural Mill (STM)
xiv. Special Bar Mill (SBM)

Steam coal

Coking coal

PCI coal BF Coke CO&CCP

Sized iron ore/ Mn Lump/ LD Slag
Quartzite lump/ PELLETS

Iron ore fines/Limestone/

Dolomite/Quartzite & Sand/LD Slag

Sized iron ore/ Raw Dolo/ Mn Lump/Coke To SMS

LD Slag

Process flow – Integrated Steel Pant

Bar Mill

Raw materials

Hot Metal Liquid Steel Crude Steel

for sale
Pig Iron WRM-2
Blast Converter Caster

The brief manufacturing process of steel making is given below.

Raw material handling plant (RMHP) is a unit where various raw materials are
received. RMHP is covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS. The raw
materials in railway wagons are tippled in wagon tipplers and then through a series
of conveyors and stacking machines, the raw materials are stacked in the assigned
beds. Imported coking coal, imported boiler coal and pulverized coal are
predominantly received from Gangavaram port limited in two streams of conveyors.
A small tonnage of raw materials is received by road. Depending on the
requirements of the consuming departments, various raw materials are sent
through a series of reclaiming machines and conveyor systems. The Iron Ore
Fines, Iron Ore Lumps, Sized Iron Ore, Limestone (BF& SMS grade), Dolomite (BF
& SMS grades), Dolo Chips, Sand, Quartzite, Manganese fines & lumps and
Fluorspar are stocked in Ore & Flux Yard and an additional storage facility for
stacking Iron ore lumps and sized Iron ore, Iron ore fines (IOSA) is also available.
The Imported Coking Coal (ICC), Medium Coking Coal (MCC) and Boiler Coal are
stocked in Coal Yard. The boiler coal is sent to Thermal power plant (TPP), the
imported coking coal and medium coking coal is processed and sent to coal
preparation plant of Coke ovens (COCCP). The Iron ore fines and crushed lump
ore (sized iron ore) Limestone (BF), Manganese Lump, Quartzite is sent to Blast
furnace (BF). BF grade lime stone, BF grade dolomite, sand, Manganese ore & iron
ore fines are sent to Sinter Plant (SP). SMS grade Lime stone and Dolomite, Dolo
chips are sent to Calcining plant (CRMP). SMS grade Dolomite, Fluorspar, Sized
Iron Ore are sent to SMS. The layout is designed in a spacious area for orderly
movement of materials. The raw material like coking coal, boiler coal received is
compacted using machinery and stored in various beds to prevent self ignition. Fire
hydrant pipeline and landing valves are provided all along the conveyor galleries.
Similarly fire hydrant connections are provided by the side of coal yard. Fire
detection and alarm systems are provided in all important areas. Emergency filling
tanks are provided at coal tipplers and coal junction house no.5. To control the
generation of dust, dust suppression (sprinkling water) and dust extraction systems
are provided at all the ore and coal tipplers and conveyors. All equipment like
tipplers, conveyors, stackers, reclaimers etc. are provided with safety devices and
interlocks. Fencing, alarm signaling systems are provided to avoid incidents related
to locos & wagons. The dust generated while sizing and at all material transfer
points during handling of raw materials is collected by aspiration systems and
cleaned in cyclones/bag filters. Water spraying system is provided in the stockyards
for dust abatement. Dry fog system is being run in at the ring granulator (RG)
building for dust suppression. Also one additional water sprinkling system is
provided in boiler coal beds.

classified under the following sections:


Coal Preparation Plant (CPP)
Coke Oven – Batteries
Coke Dry Cooling Plant (CDCP)
Coke Sorting Plant



(i) Gas Condensation Plant (GCP)

Condensate Pump House (CPH)
Condensate Polishing Unit (CPU)
Final Gas Coolers (FGC)
Benzol Recovery Plant
(ii) Ammonium Sulphate Plant (ASP)
(iii) Mechanical, Biological & Chemical Treatment Plant
(iv) Reagent Storage Section (RAS)


Tar & Oil Storage

Tar Distillation Section
Pitch Cooling & Loading Area
Naphthalene Anthracine Fractional Crystallization


i. Benzol Distillation Section (BDS)

ii. Hydro-Refining and Extractive Distillation Section(HRED)
iii. Crude and Finished Product Storage (CFPS).

There are 4 coke oven batteries with 67 ovens each which receive blended coal
from coal preparation plant (CPP) where coal from the storage yard, the coking coal
is sent to foreign material removing section and iron traps to remove foreign
matters and ferromagnetic particles respectively. For averaging and proportioning
of coal, 16 bins each of 800 T capacity are provided along with continuous feeders
of 100 TPH. There are two stages of crushing. The primary crushing is carried out
by reversible hammer crushers. Then it is fed to pneumatic separation to produce
fine and coarse products. The coarse product is sent to secondary crushing in
reversible hammer crushers. The crushed and blended coal from pneumatic
separation section is conveyed to two coal towers each of 4000 T capacity. Weigh
bridges are provided under coal towers to weigh the coal charged. Coal is fed from
Coal Tower into the Charging Car which in turn is charged into the Ovens. The
primary objective of coke ovens is to produce metallurgical coke by carbonization of
coal where coal is heated in the coke ovens in the absence of air to produce coke.
CO and BF Gas are used as the fuel energy (mixed gas) for firing the ovens,
electrical energy is used for driving various electrical equipments, process steam is
used during charging of coal into coke ovens, compressed air is used for gunniting.
The coke is then pushed by a pusher car into coke bucket through a Door Extractor
cum Guide Car. During the coking process enormous amount of volatile matter/gas
(known as CO Gas) is liberated which is collected in a Gas Collecting Main. The
collected gas is then cooled with chilled water in primary gas cooler and treated in
the Coal chemical plant with Ammonical Liquor Solution, purified and distributed
throughout the plant as a fuel. Automatic valves for gas pressure control in gas
collecting mains are mounted on the cross over pipe line on the pusher and coke
sides and on the common branch pipe. A provision is also made for hydraulic wash
out of tar sludge in the gas collecting main. The battery is of under jet compound
type having twin heating flues and recirculation of waste gases. CO Gas yield from
Batteries is 330 NM3/T of Coal with CV of 4250 Kcal/Nm3. The metallurgical coke
is cooled in Coke dry cooling plant (CDCP), where the coke from Coke Ovens is
pushed into the bucket placed on the coke car and transported by electric loco to
the coke dry cooling plant. A hoist lifts the bucket to the chamber top. The bucket is
then placed above the charging hopper and the coke is charged into the cooling
chamber. The upper part of the chamber serves as a collecting chamber into which
the red-hot coke is charged and resides there about two hours. The lower part
serves as a chamber where the cooling process is taking place. Cooling of coke is
done with circulating (N2) gases. The gas is circulated by smoke fan and flows
upwards to counter current to the coke flow and is heated on its way. The hot
circulating gas from top of the chamber enters the ring channel from where it is sent
to dust catching bunker to waste heat boiler then through cyclones. It is further
recycled into the cooling chamber. The waste heat from circulating nitrogen is
recovered to produce SH steam (39 ata) and used in two Back pressure type steam
turbine station for generation of 2X7.5 MW power and simultaneous generation of
process steam extracted from the low pressure outlet of BPTG is used in Coal
Chemical Plants. Back pressure steam generated at BPTG is further used in
Chilled water plant -1, which operates on the principle of vapor absorption system,
for production of chilled water. From the cooling chamber, cooled coke (1.7 T) is
discharged continuously onto the conveyor to Coke sorting plant (CSP).

Operating conditions of Coke Dry Cooling Plant

a) Temperature of Coke charged into the chamber 950-1,050 deg C
b) Temperature of Cooled coke 180 - 200 deg C
c) Temperature of circulating gases before the waste heat boiler 760-800 deg C
d) Temperature of circulating gases before the cooling chamber 180 - 200 deg C
e) Steam rising from one chamber 20 - 25 ton/hr
f) Steam pressure 39 - 40 atm.
g) Temperature of superheated steam 430 - 450 deg

At the Coke Sorting Plant coke from the coke dry cooling plant coke is discharged
into de-dusting units by conveyors. De-dusting units are provided with equalising
bunkers and belt feeders to compensate for irregularity of coke discharge from dry
cooling plant. From the de-dusting unit coke is conveyed to crushing section. It is
first separated into +70mm and -70mm fractions. The +70 mm fraction is fed to two
roller toothed crusher. The crushed product along with -70 mm fraction is conveyed
to screening plant where 20 to 70 mm and 0 to 20 mm fractions are separated and
20 to 70 mm coke is conveyed to blast furnaces for use as fuel and reducing agent.
Bunkers of 600 T capacities are also provided for loading into wagons/lorries.

The 20 mm fraction is fed to vibrating screens to separate into 0 to10 and 10 to 20

mm fractions. Each fraction is stored in bunkers of 160T capacity. These fractions
are either conveyed to sinter plant or loaded into wagons/lorries. Separate yards
are also provided for storing blast furnace coke and sinter plant coke/fraction. Vibro
feeders are replaced in mixing bins of CPP and rotary discharge devices are
installed in CDCP chambers for enhanced quality. Coke of various grades is
produced at Coke oven is screened and sent to Blast Furnace to meet energy
requirements at Blast Furnace, Sinter plant and SMS. Smokeless charging system
by steam injection is provided to minimize the emissions during charging of coal
into the coke ovens. The dry quenching of coke is adopted (instead of conventional
wet quenching) to minimize the air pollution. The dry quenching of coke from dry
quenching plant also facilitates recovery of waste heat from the red-hot coke to
produce steam which is utilized by back pressure turbine station (BPTS) to produce
power as the bi-product. The dust laden air from coke crushing and screening plant
and material transfer points is aspirated and cleaned in wet scrubbers. The
contaminated water from various wet cleaning systems is collected and treated in a
sludge treatment plant. The collected sludge is sold out to outside parties. The
treated water is recycled into DE system. The main by product in the process of
coke making is crude coke oven gas, which has a lot of valuable chemicals in it.
These are recovered in coal chemical plant. The primary by-products are cleaned
CO gas, Ammonium Sulphate, Benzol and Crude Tar. The tar removed is further
processed in tar plant and the following secondary bi-products are obtained, i.e.
pitch, anthracene oil, wash oil, hot pressed napthalene, phenol, and pitch creosote
mixture. The crude benzol removed is further processed to get products namely
benzene, toluene, light solvent naptha, non-aromatics, and high boiling fraction.

Coal Chemical plant’s (CCP) the coke oven gas released from coke oven batteries
during carbonization of coal is processed in the coal chemical plant. The primary
object is to clean coke oven gas released from coke oven batteries and send it
back for using it as fuel in batteries and for other consumers. The cleaning of gas is
done in recovery unit which is one of the primary units of coal chemicals plant. The
CO gas leaves coke oven chambers at a temperature of 800 deg. C and goes to
the gas collecting main where it is cooled to 80 deg. C by spraying Ammonical
Liquor. In this process, the major part of the tar is condensed and the particulate
matter settles as sludge. Tar and sludge is separated and the flushing liquor from
the separators goes along with sludge and tar to mechanized decanters of the Tar
Distillation Plant. Due to the difference in densities, the flushing liquor clarified from
tar and sludge flows out from top continuously by gravity into flushing liquor
collecting tanks. From these tanks flushing liquor is pumped to the CO Battery gas
collecting mains for spraying again. The tar settled down in the decanters flows
continuously through telescopic pipe to tar collecting tank. From tar decanters the
tar free sludge and water flows by gravity through the telescopic pipe to collecting
tank from where it is sent to startup tank in tar distillation section. Then the tar is
pumped to first stage of pipe still furnace along with 8% soda solution to neutralize
the tar.

Tar is heated to about 130 deg C in the convection zone of the furnace and fed to
first stage evaporator, where water and portion of light oil present in tar are
evaporated. The water and light oil vapors are condensed and sent to a separator
and further to separate tanks for storage. The vapor mixture from the top of the
second stage evaporation is fed to the fractionating column. Super heated steam is
supplied at the bottom of the fractionating column. Anthracine (II) fraction is drawn
off as the bottom product from the fractionating column through a level controller.
The next fraction is wash oil drawn between 12th and 20th trays which is cooled
and routed to storage tank. The next fraction is naphthalene oil drawn between
24th and 30th trays and it is cooled and sent to storage tank. The next product is
phenol fraction drawn from 44th and 48th trays which is cooled and sent to a
storage tank. The vapors from the fractionating column top are condensed. These
vapors are light oil and phenolic water and in the separator light oil and phenolic
water are separated and sent to respective storage tanks. Light oil is pumped as
reflux to the top of the fractionating column to control the top temperature. Pitch
from second stage evaporator is received in over head tanks and taken into still
reactors. Softening point of pitch is increased by giving compressed air in the
bubbler of still reactor. Air flow is controlled to control the temp of the pitch. The
reaction between pitch and air is exothermic. Oil fractions present in pitch are
carried away with air and are condensed in vapor washer. Hard pitch from still
reactor is drained to horizontal hard pitch tanks which is pumped to over head tanks
and loaded in tankers. Naphthalene fraction is received in an over head tank of
NAFC section from Tar distillation plant. Naphthalene is fed into a drum crystallizer
bath by gravity. The drum is cooled by spray water. Layer of Naphthalene formed
on the ribbed surface of the drum is cut off by knives and transported by a screw
conveyor to mixer of hydraulic press, through a chute. The Naphthalene generated
in the crystallization of pressed oil is pumped to the over head tank and fed to the
pressed oil mixer directly. The Naphthalene flakes and molten Naphthalene are
kept homogeneous in the mixer and charged into the filter of hydraulic press. The
hot pressed Naphthalene cake of 20-40 kgs weight goes to the crushing and
bagging section where it is crushed by jaw crusher and bagged in 50 kg. bags.
During pressing operation Naphthalene oil is squeezed out and goes to pressed oil
tank. The pressed oil containing about 60-70 % Naphthalene is pumped to the over
head tank and from there it is charged into scraper crystallizer. Anthracine -I
fraction is pumped to over head tank in NAFC section. From the over head tank it is
charged into scrapper crystallizer. The crystallized mass after atmospheric cooling
upto 55oC is cooled to 35oC by external water and drained to a mixer. The crystal
slurry is centrifuged. The oil is separated from crystals and goes to a collecting
tank. The crystals fall on to a conveyor which take them to storage bunker. Crystals
are bagged and dispatched. The centrifuged oil is pumped to pitch cooling and
loading area for making tar. The CO gas is then cooled to 35 deg. C in PGC and
the water vapors, the remaining tar and Naphthalene are condensed. Drops of Tar
fog left in the gas after PGC are separated in ESP and collected in the seal pots
from where it is transferred to gas condensate tank. Then this purified and cooled
gas is supplied by exhausters to Ammonium Sulphate Plant at 50 deg.C and 3000
mm W.C Ammonia is recovered in the form of ammonium sulphate in the
AMMONIUM SULPHATE PLANT (A S P) where the CO gas after the exhauster
enters the saturator where ammonia is almost completely absorbed by sulphuric
acid in the form of Ammonium Sulphate according to the following exothermic

2NH3 + H2SO4 --> (NH4)2SO4

Crystals of Ammonium Sulphate from the saturator is taken out by centrifugal pump
and sent to crystal receiving tank. The mother liquor is freed from Sulphate crystals
and sent back into saturator. Ammonium Sulphate crystals from crystal receiving
tank are sent to centrifuge for separation of mother liquor while Sulpahte crystals
are sent to drier and the dried Sulphate is sent to storage.

The CO gas then enters the final gas cooler at 55 deg C. Naphthalene present in
CO-gas is scrubbed by water and separated tar is taken out and stored in tanks
and sent to Tar Distillation Plant for processing. The coke oven gas is at 35-42 deg
C and 600 mm WC after the final gas cooler/pre cooler flows to two Benzol
scrubbers (60,000 Nm3/hour capacities) of Benzol Recovery Plant where Benzol is
scrubbed using “Solar” oil as scrubbing medium. Benzol hydrocarbon is scrubbed
with the circulating
debenzolised oil flowing in a counter current direction of the gas flow. The temp. of
the oil is maintained at 2 to 3 deg C higher than the CO gas to avoid condensation
of water vapor in the gas. The benzolised oil is pumped to Benzol Distillation plant.
In Benzol distillation Plant, the benzolised oil is preheated in oil dephlegmator with
hot Benzol hydrocarbons from Benzolised oil stripping column. The benzolized oil is
finally heated to 180 deg C in steam preheater before it enters the stripping column
(BT/107). Direct steam is supplied to the Benzol striping column to strip the
Benzolvapors from the benzolised oil. The hot debenzolised oil from the bottom of
the stripping column passes through heat exchangers and finally through a water
cooler and enters an oil decanter (BT/137). A small quantity of makeup water is
sprayed in oil decanter to facilitate sludge removal from oil. The debenzolised oil is
circulated back to Benzol recovery plant. Sludge is separated out in the form of
emulsion and transferred to emulsion breaker (BT/139). Mixture of Benzolvapors
and steam from the top of the stripping column (BT/107) enters the dephlegmators
(BT.101 & 102) where vapors are partially condensed. The phlegma condensed in
the dephlegmators consists of high boiling hydrocarbons along with water. Phlegma
is separated from water and the water sent to water settling tank (BT/130) for
separation of entrained oil.

Naphthalene is also absorbed along with Benzol from CO gas in Benzol scrubbers.
Absorbed Naphthalene is removed in Naphthalene stripper. A part of the Phlegma
is fed to stripping column (BT/107) as reflux and the rest is fed to Naphthalene
stripper. Both direct and indirect steam is used in Naphthalene column for better
control of process. Steam along with light boiling fraction from the top of the
Naphthalene column enters the stripping column (BT/107) near its top.
Naphthalene rich oil from the bottom (BT/111) is routed to collecting tank (BT/128).
The crude Benzol is fractionated in to two fractions i.e., Crude Benzol-I (Boiling up
to 150 deg C) and crude Benzol-II (boiling above 150 deg. C) in a single steam.
The mixture of Benzol and water vapor from dephlegmators (BT-112) is fed to
rectification column for crude Benzol I (BT-112). Heat for fractionation is supplied
by reboiler (BT/114). The vapors of crude Benzol-I and water from the top of the
C.B.I column enter the condenser (BT/116). After separation of water, crude Benzol
- I overflows to reflux tank (BT-124). A part of crude Benzol I is pumped as reflux to
C.B.I. Column (BT/112) and the balance to crude Benzol-I tank (BT/125). Heavy
Benzol leaving as bottoms from C.B-I column (BT/112) enters crude Benzol II
column (BT/113). The vapors from the top of the column (BT/113) returns to crude
Benzol-I column (BT/112). Crude Benzol-II leaving from the bottom of crude Benzol
II column (BT/113) is cooled and sent to collecting tank (BT/126).

The crude benzol-1 from crude Benzol-I tank (BT/125) is pumped to crude benzol
tank of crude finished product storage area from where it is pumped to intermediate
storage tanks of Hydro-refining section. In Hydro refining crude benzol is purified by
using pure hydrogen to produce BTXS. This BTXS is distilled in pressure distillation
column where BT and XS are separated. The BT fraction is processed in Extractive
distillation column by using a solvent NFM to separate pure aromatics and non-
aromatics. The NFM absorbs non aromatics from BT fraction. The NFM solvent is
recovered from nonaromatics in solvent recovery column and non-aromatics
product is pumped to storage tank at CFPS. The pure aromatics with NFM are
processed in stripper column where NFM and pure aromatics are separated. The
NFM separated is recirculated to extractive distillation column and pure aromatics
are sent to B/T separation column where Benzene and Toluene are produced. The
XS separated in pressure distillation is charged into batch still where light solvent oil
is produced by giving indirect steam. The LSO is transferred to CFPS tanks by
gravity. All the finished products like Benzene, Toluene, Light solvent oil, Heavy
crude benzol, High boiling fraction are stored in CFPS tanks. The cleaned gasses
without pollutants are collected from various places of coal chemical plant and
discharged into the atmosphere. Stainless steel saturators are installed for better
results. The ammonia liquor and water from the coke ovens and coke chemicals
plant which is contaminated with chemicals like phenol, cyanides, etc. It is collected
and treated in two stages, the “mechanical biological and chemical treatment plant”.
The treated effluent is treated further in the effluent treatment plant. The hazardous
wastes generated in the coal chemicals plant are mixed with coal and charged into
the coke oven batteries. All the liquid and gas products of coal chemicals plant are
fire hazardous in nature.

In the design of layout of coal chemicals plant care has been taken to maintain
sufficient distance between the three sections of CCP, namely recovery, tar plant
and benzol plant. This has been done to minimize the effect on other units in case
any-On site emergency situation develops in any unit. The following special OH&S
facilities are provided in coke ovens in addition to the general safety provisions:

- Automatic opening of gas bleeder valves in case of high pressure in gas collecting
mains of battery.
- Auto stopping of heating in batteries in case of low inlet gas pressure
- The coke oven and mixed gas line network has been provided with seal pots for
condensate removal
- Steam and nitrogen purging facility is available in all gas lines
- Safety flaps are provided in circulation gas track in CDCP

The following OH&S facilities are available in all 3 sections of CCP:

A fire station and a first aid station are provided in coal chemicals plant zone. Bund
wall is built around the storage tanks. For CO gas line net work isolation valves are
provided to isolate CO gas to any section. Provision of steam and nitrogen injection
to CO gas lines is available. In reagent storage where sulphuric acid is unloaded
and stored, the storage tank and the area are lined with acid proof bricks. The
pipelines and pumps handling acid is made of stainless steel. In Ammonium
Sulphate unit the saturator handling 5% sulphuric acid are made up of stainless
steel. Also the whole unit area flooring is made of acid proof bricks. A separate fire
fighting pump house with static water tank exists for fire fighting in tar plant. All
overhead pitch tanks and reactor have been provided with nitrogen line. Steam
purging facility is available to all tanks and equipments. For furnace, steaming
facility is available to smoother the fire which can occur in case of pipeline leak. For
NAFC go down, smoke detector and water sprinkler system is available. A
dedicated fire fighting pump house with static water tank is available for water shell
spray to all tanks and also for foam injection to all vertical storage tanks in CFPS.
Benzene monitor is fixed at sensitive location to detect the benzene leak. If in
ambient air, benzene content is greater than 20 PPM, siren will blow to alert the
employees. In HRED, in case of leak in HP circuit, facility is available to de-
pressurize line quickly and feed nitrogen into the circuit. Nitrogen purging facility is
available to all equipment of HRED. In Benzol distillation plant, facility is available to
empty oil of any equipment to emptying tank in case of emergency.
Sinter Plants covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS, are units where sinter
is produced from Iron Ore fines, Lime stone, Coke, Dolomite and Sand from RMHP
and Metallurgical Wastes such as the fine iron dust, metallurgical wastes from the
water treatment plants in blast furnaces, steel melting shop & rolling mills, flue dust,
mill scales, coke breeze, coke dust, lime dust, Stock House Dust, Cast House Dust,
Gas torch sludge, CC Scales, BF Gas Cleaning Sludge, LD Gas Cleaning Sludge
etc., etc. collected from various units in the plant are re-used as feed for sinter
making. These raw materials are received in Raw Material Bins, raw materials
preparation plant for Base Mix preparation: Base mix is a mix of above materials in
required proportion to meet the Blast Furnace quality requirement. After
proportioning, the raw materials are mixed in the primary mixing drum and stored in
base mix yard. Secondary Mixing, Moistening and Palletizing of sinter mix is carried
out in the palletizing drum to ensure uniform mix of all the burden components.
Then the Sinter Mix is charged on the grating above hearth layer of 60 to 80mm
thick .The Sinter mix with coke breeze as solid fuel, is then ignited in the furnace
using Mixed Gas. The temperature maintained is in the range of 1150o-1250oC.
Sintering is done on the grating of the Sinter machine due to air suction in the
downward direction and high temperature created by burning carbon of the sinter
mix layers. Hot sinter discharged from sintering machine at 700oC is crushed to
150mm size in a spiked single roll crusher. Unsintered grains are liberated as sinter
returns. After crushing, the sinter is screened. The +8mm hot sinter is cooled on
straight line circular sinter coolers by forcing atmospheric air through sinter bed.
This is further conveyed to Blast Furnace after eliminating -5mm sinter fraction.
Electricity is used for operating exhausters for maintaining better vacuum and
blowers fan for cooling of sinter. Further, Electricity is also used in for de-dusting,
ACP fans, ESPs etc for dust evacuation and reducing dust emissions. In addition to
the above, various types of carbonaceous dust is recycled in to sinter machine.
Sinter plant is also using lime stone and dolomite as fluxing agents to maintain
basicity. Sinter plant recycles the LD slag generated at steel melt shop to replace
lime stone. Within the sinter plant, there are a vast network of conveyor systems,
equipments, stacking and reclaiming machines and two sinter machines (each with
312 sqm grate area / 276 sqm of sintering area) in SP-1 and one Sinter
machine(408m2) in SP-2. The large amount of gases containing particulate matter
evolved during the sintering process are collected and cleaned in electrostatic
precipitators to reduce the dust content from 3000 mg/Ncum to below 50 mg/Ncum
(115 mg/Ncum for SP-1) before letting out to the atmosphere through 120 m tall
chimney. The dusty air from various other material transfer points is also collected
and cleaned in wet scrubbers and the sludge processed through SDPM (Slime
Dewatering Pump House) is reused in SP-1.

Blast furnace (BF): There are three blast furnaces. Each blast furnace (each with
3800 cum useful volume) is capable of producing 2.5 MT of hot metal (liquid iron)
per year. Blast furnaces are covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS. The
burden (raw materials) like-blast furnace coke from CSP, sinter from SP, sized iron
ore, limestone, LD-slag and at times additives (Mn ore & quartzite) from RMHP are
received through conveyor system in the stock houses through a junction house.
These are screened before stock house to remove fines. Each material is fed
simultaneously by two hopper scales according to the predetermined furnace
charging programme. Automatic system is provided for batching, weighing and
feeding of the burden to the furnace top. Paulwurth bell-less top system is installed
for furnace charging from the top through a conveyor. It consists of two bunkers of
65 M3 capacities each, charging/moving hopper and rotating trough. Semi -cleaned
BF gas and Nitrogen are used for pressure equalization in charging bunkers.
Nitrogen is also used for cooling rotating trough drive and for blowing off stock twin
gates and sealing valves of charging arrangement. One mechanical gauge rod and
two ultrasonic probes are provided for measuring stock level. There are four hot
blast stoves for BF-1 and BF - 2 and three stoves for BF-3. These are heated by a
mixture of BF & CO gas at a pressure of 600 mm W.C. Combustion air is supplied
by three fans of 120,000 M3/Hr. The cold blast received from the thermal power
plant turbo blowers is heated in the hot blast stoves to 12500C in BF-3 and 9500C
in BF-1 before it is sent to the tuyeres via hot blast mains. It is taken out from top as
Hot Blast and sent to BF for melting the burden stock. Hot air is blown through
tuyeres into the blast furnaces. The blast furnaces produce normally basic grade
pig iron suitable for steel making. Each blast furnace has four tap holes and a
circular cast house for BF-1 and BF-2, flat cast house for BF-3. Hot metal and liquid
slag are tapped through the tap holes. Hot metal is separated from liquid slag at the
cast house. The liquid hot metal is collected in the hot metal ladles by rocking
runners in cast house. Hot metal ladle cars are moved by a car pusher. There are
four railway tracks for hot metal transportation to SMS and PCM. Slag is discharged
from the furnace 16 to 20 times a day, duration of each discharge being 60
minutes. The molten slag produced by the furnaces is fed to cast house slag
granulation plant (SGP), through the slag runners, for granulation by water jets.
Granulated slag is conveyed to slag storage yard from where it is dispatched. Four
double strand pig casting machines of 1700TPD capacity are installed to treat off-
grade metal and metal diverted due to off-stoppage in SMS. The machine can
handle one furnace production. Each PCM is served by a 75T overhead trolley to
tilt the 140 T hot metal ladle. Refractory masses required in cast house viz. Runner
mass, Mud gun mass, Tap hole frame mass are prepared in Masses and
Compound Shop. During Blast Furnace operation, enormous amount of gas is
generated and this gas coming out from Blast Furnace at a pressure of 2.5 kg/cm2
and temperature of 170oC, recovered from the furnace top, is first cleaned in the
dust catchers which removes major portion of dust particles and thereafter in the
scrubbers of the Gas Cleaning Plant, where water is sprayed to further clean the
gas from fine Dust particles. From scrubber, the gas is passed to Cyclone Mist
Eliminator through an Adjustable Venturi. While passing through the Venturi, the
gas pressure is reduced and the differential pressure across the Venturi is always
maintained. Any mist present in the gas is separated in the Cyclone Mist Eliminator.
Further, it is sent to Gas Expansion Turbine Station (GETS) which generates 12
MW Power. The pressure of gas before GETS is 1.75 KSCG and after GETS is
0.15 KSCG. GETS generates electric power utilizing potential energy (pressure
energy) of the compressed BF gas. Part of BF gas generated is also reused in the
BF stoves. The GETS operates for 8000 hours/year with annual generation of
123.8 to 184.6 x 106 KWH. The dust level in the gas is thus reduced to 4 mg/N cum
and is then sent to the BF Gas Line Network for use as fuel by various consumers
in the plant as fuel. The scrubbed water contaminated with dust is sent to water
treatment plants TP-1 and TP-2 where the dust particles are separated in the
clarifiers and clean water is re-circulated in the gas cleaning plants. The slurry from
bottom of clarifiers is sent to a settling pond. The settled sludge, after sun-drying, is
sent to sinter plant as feed material. The exhaust fumes generated at the runners
and while tapping hot metal into the open hot metal ladles/ torpedo ladles are
exhausted and cleaned in electrostatic precipitators before being vented to the
atmosphere through 100 m tall chimneys. The dust laden air generated at all the
transfer points of blast furnace burden handling systems is aspirated, cleaned in
electrostatic precipitators and the clean air is vented to the atmosphere through 80
m tall chimneys. The dust content at the outlet of above electrostatic precipitators is
limited to 50 mg/Ncum. BF gas flare stacks are provided to flare the excess gas.
These Flare Stacks are the heart of the Gas Line Network (GLN) throughout the
plant. It is these flare stacks which maintain the network pressure at the desired
value. If the pressure anywhere in the GLN increases, the gas is led to atmosphere
through these flare stacks by means of automatic control systems. At the top of the
stack the let out gases are burnt completely by means of pilot burners. The hot
metal is distributed to the steel melting shop and to the pig casting machine (PCM).
Pig iron, produced in the pig casting machine is stored in pig storage yard from
where it is dispatched to different customers. The following special OH&S features
are provided in BF in addition to the general OH&S provisions: The furnaces are
equipped with bleeders and relief valves to take care of excess pressure condition.
The stoves are operated in a sequence with safety interlocks. Auto isolation
schemes are provided in case of power failure, low pressure in gas line etc.

The tap hole drilling machines, mud guns, pusher cars and rocking runners are
provided for safe handling of liquid metal and slag. The furnace is designed to
prevent gas leaking while charging of materials. Emergency water supply tank is
provided for the cooling of the furnace in case of power failure. The feeding
conveyors to blast furnace area are provided with material tracking system. Failure
of nitrogen, hydraulic system for hot blast control valve etc. are monitored with
alarms in the control room. The slag granulation plant is provided with safety
controls and monitoring of critical items like flooding of pump house, drop in
pressure of compressed air, pump tripping, interlocks for dehydrator movement and
slag vibrator for dumping. All equipment like conveyors, mud guns, drilling
machines, cranes, pusher cars, combustion air fans, furnace top charging system
etc. are provided with various safety interlocks and devices.

Calcining and refractory material plant (CRMP):

The CRMP comprises of two units i) Calcining plant, where it calcines limestone
and dolomite into flux which is required mainly for steel making and ii) brick plant,
where it undertakes manufacturing of refractory bricks required for lining of
converters and ladles in steel melting shop.

Calcining Plant of (CRMP), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
receives limestone and flux grade dolomite from RMHP through a series of
conveyor belts. These raw materials are processed in rotary kilns at 1200 O C -
1300O C by burning coal tar as fuel (CTF)/ pitch creosote mixture fuel (PCM). The
resultant product i.e. flux is cooled, screened and stored in the bunkers, and
dispatched to SMS as and when required. Electricity is consumed for driving of
rotating equipment like ID fans, Primary Air fan, Secondary Air fan, pumps etc.
Each rotary kiln is installed with pre-heater where in outgoing flue gases sensible
heat is used for preheating of raw material. Process steam is used for atomization
of Coal Tar fuel and compressed air is also used for general housekeeping
purposes. The flue gasses from each rotary kiln is cleaned in a cyclone and then
finally in a pulse jet-type bag house to a dust content of below 50 mg/Ncum before
venting to the atmosphere through 60 m tall chimneys.
Brick plant of CRMP: Brick plant manufactures bricks, bottom jointing mass and
back filling mass for lining of the converters and ladles of Steel Melting Shop. The
brick plant receives sea water magnesia (SWM) of 0-25 mm size from the refractory
stores in polythene bags. The SWM is crushed, screened and the different fractions
of SWM obtained are stored in classified bunkers. Pitch is received in tankers from
coal chemical plant (CCP) and stored in storage tanks. Predetermined quantities of
different size fractions of SWM and pitch are taken and mixed in the mixer, and the
mix is charged into the press hopper and pressed into the required shape of bricks
as per the settings. Then the bricks are tempered in the tempering kiln after which
they are packed and sent to SMS as and when required. The dust generated at the
material processing and handling areas in flux storage building, kiln building and
brick plant is collected and cleaned in various bag filters and clean air is let out into
the atmosphere. The lime fines generated are partly converted into briquettes for
charging into converters in steel melting shop and the balance is transported to
sinter plant as well as marketed to outside parties.

The following special OH&S features are provided in CRMP department in addition
to the general provisions:

Bund wall around the individual tanks are provided like in CTF/PCM pump house of
calcining plant and pitch storage tanks in brick plant pump house. The tanks are
provided with interlocks for high level. All the belt conveyors are provided with
safety interlocks. In CTF/PCM pump house, all lights and motors are flame proof.
Fuel safety shut off valve provided in firing system of flux kiln burner is provided
with safety interlocks. The vibro tube mill area is enclosed within sound proof walls.
All equipment in calcining plant and brick plant are provided with safety interlocks.

Steel melting shop-1 (SMS-1) is covered under QMS, OHSAS, EMS, and EnMS.
The liquid metal/ Hot Metal from the blast furnace is taken to SMS in ladles by
locos. It is poured into two hot metal mixers (1300 T cap.) for intermediate storage.
Hot metal from mixer or torpedo ladles is charged, after adding scrap additives
received from scrap salvage department (SSD), into LD converter to make liquid
steel in two 133 cum & one 150cum capacity top blown oxygen LD converters.
Alloying elements from the metal such as carbon, Silicon, Manganese and
Phosphorus are added in proper proportion to produce required grades of steel.
Primarily the carbon content of hot metal is reduced by blowing oxygen called
lancing operation. The total cycle time for one heat is 50 mins yielding 140 to 150 T
of liquid steel. LD converters are equipped with suppressed combustion system to
recover the converter LD gas which is used as fuel in the plant, by blowing Oxygen
(from Air separation plant) from top lance and simultaneously Nitrogen or Argon are
introduced from bottom through tuyers for better slag formation and better process
control. Calcined Lime & Dolomite from CRMP are added as flux for facilitating slag
formation and ensuring the slag basicity. The gases, CO & CO2 formed and are
captured through gas cleaning system. Refining of molten pig iron in LD Converters
releases gas rich in carbon monoxide and laden with significant amount of dust.
The hot gases are collected above the converter mouth by a skirt, cooled through a
hood and tack and cleaned in scrubbing installation in Gas Cleaning Plant. This
cleaned gas is either flared in a flare stack or stored in a gas holder for further
utilization by means of a Change over Valve (COV) installed at ID fan discharge
which ensures the gas switching either to flare stack or to the gas recovery. Gas is
routed to holder when CO is more than 30% and O2 is less than 2% and is routed
to flare stack when the above conditions are not satisfied. The recovered gas is
stored in the holder at a pressure of 180 to 250 mm WC. The capacity of the holder
is 80000 m3. The stored gas is further cleaned in an Electrostatic Precipitator
(ESP) and boosted to a pressure of 1500 mm WC and injected into the BF Gas
Main going towards Rolling Mills. The liquid steel at the desired temperature is
tapped from converter into steel ladles and taken to Argon Rinsing Station, where
IR-UT (injection refining – up temperature) & ladle furnace facilities exist, for
equalizing the temperature, averaging chemical composition and for lowering steel
temperature, if necessary, by adding small size scrap. The slag retained
inConverter is splashed by introducing N2 from top with O2 lance to coat the
Converter lining. The treatment time is about 3 to 6 min. There are three argon
rinsing stations having facilities for PROCESSES of lance, charging scrap,
measuring temperature, charging heat insulating mixture and lance assembly and
preparation. Liquid steel after rinsing with argon is cast into blooms of nominal size
(250mm x 320mm and 250mm x 250 mm) in six numbers, 4 strands radial type with
base radius of 12m, continuous casting machines. One of the machines namely
CCM#2 is equipped with Automatic mould level controller and Electromagnetic
Stirrer for production of high quality blooms. The tundish capacity is 25T. Cast
blooms are cut by flame cutting machines to about 5.8 to 6.1m(M)/ 6.0 to 6.4m(L)
length and short length bloom pieces are moved to cooling bed. After cooling to
500oC, they are transferred to racks. This is then lifted by 16 T magnet crane and
piled for further cooling and stored in bloom storage yard. During process of steel
making, ladles are used for transfer of hot metal, Coke oven gas is used for ladle
heating and tundish drying, electricity is consumed at Induced Draft fans for
evacuating waste gases from converter, Central ventilation fan systems, IRUT
furnaces. Oxygen is blown in to the converter and Nitrogen is used for slag
splashing of converter bottom. Compressed air is used for general housekeeping
purposes. The converter gas produced during steel making is collected, cooled and
then cleaned in wet gas cleaning system consisting of a kinpactor (adjustable throat
venturi) and a quencher. The gas is cleaned to 100 mg/Ncum of dust and is either
burnt at the outlet of 82 m tall flare stacks or is collected in the gas holder
depending on the carbon monoxide and oxygen content in the gas. The gas is
further cleaned in electrostatic precipitators to a dust content of maximum 10
mg/Ncum and is then used as fuel in the plant. The dust-laden fumes generated
while charging the hot metal into mixers or while pouring hot metal from the mixers
into hot metal ladles are exhausted and cleaned in electrostatic precipitator of the
central ventilation system and discharged into atmosphere through 80 m tall
chimney. The dust-leden air aspirated from material transfer points and screens
etc. of the bulk material charging system is also cleaned in the electrostatic
precipitator of the central ventilation system. The dust content at the outlet of the
chimney is kept below 50 mg/Ncum. The water contaminated with dust from the
converter gas cleaning plants is treated in clarifiers of treatment plant (TP-3) and
recycled for cooling and cleaning the converter gas. The water contaminated with
scale & oil from continuous casting machines is treated in a treatment plant (TP-4)
and recycled. The collected sludge from bottom of clarifiers at TP-3 and TP-4 is
recovered and used as feed material in sinter plant. The oil collected from scale pit
of pump house no.15 is processed in oil reclamation unit. The collected scale from
scale pit is transported by wagons to sinter plant for being used as feed material.
The steam generated in the secondary cooling chambers of continuous casting
machines is vented to atmosphere by exhaust fans. The slag and debris generated
in steel melting shop are transported to the slag and debris dump located outside
the plant boundary after recovery of steel scrap from the slag. The following are few
important safety provisions made in steel melting shop (in addition to the general
safety provisions). The LD converters and the continuous casting machines are
provided with safety interlocks. The oxygen lances are lifted automatically in
emergency with the help of battery/pneumatic lifting. The gas cleaning plant is
provided with process safety interlocks. Explosion in the system is prevented by
suitable process instrumentation. Overhead water tank is provided to supply water
to the continuous casting machines in the case of power failure. Special fire fighting
systems like CO2 flooding systems, Inergen flooding systems and fire fighting
pump house are provided. The slide gate of steel ladle closes automatically in case
of power failure. The magnet cranes of bloom storage yard are provided with
fingers to prevent falling of blooms in the event of power failure. The hot metal and
liquid steel handling cranes are provided with two sets of brakes in the main hoists.

Steel melting shop-2(SMS-2) is presently covered under QMS. The liquid metal/
Hot Metal from the blast furnace is taken to SMS in torpedo ladles by locos. Hot
metal from torpedo ladles is poured into hot metal ladles for charging, after adding
scrap additives received from scrap salvage department (SSD),into LD converter to
make liquid steel in two 150 cum capacity top blown oxygen LD converters.
Impurities from the metal such as carbon, Silicon, Manganese and Phosphorus are
removed & then alloying elements added in proper proportion to produce required
grades of steel. Primarily the carbon content of hot metal is reduced by blowing
oxygen called lancing operation. The total cycle time for one heat is 50 mins
yielding 150 T of liquid steel. LD converters are equipped with suppressed
combustion system to recover the converter LD gas which is used as fuel in the
plant, by blowing Oxygen (from Air separation plant) from top lance and
simultaneously Nitrogen or Argon are introduced from bottom through tuyers for
better slag formation and better process control. Calcined Limestone & Dolomite
from CRMP are added as flux for facilitating slag formation and ensuring the slag
basicity. The gases, CO & CO2 formed and are captured through gas cleaning
system. Refining of molten pig iron in LD Converters releases gas rich in carbon
monoxide and laden with significant amount of dust. The hot gases are collected
above the converter mouth by a skirt, cooled through a hood and stack and cleaned
in scrubbing installation in Gas Cleaning Plant. This cleaned gas is either flared in a
flare stack or stored in a gas holder for further utilization by means of a Change
over Valve (COV) installed at ID fan discharge which ensures the gas switching
either to flare stack or to the gas recovery. Gas is routed to holder when CO is
more than 30% and O2 is less than 2% and is routed to flare stack when the above
conditions are not satisfied. The recovered gas is stored in the holder at a pressure
of 180 to 250 mm WC. The capacity of the holder is 80000 m3. The stored gas is
further cleaned in an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) and boosted to a pressure of
1500 mm WC and injected into the BF Gas Main going towards Rolling Mills. The
liquid steel at the desired temperature is tapped from converter into steel ladles and
taken to On line Rinsing Station for homogenization, sample & temperature
measurement. Then the liquid steel is sent to ladle furnaces for temperature &
chemical analysis adjustment. The slag retained in Converter is splashed by
introducing N2 from top with O2 lance to coat the Converter lining. The treatment
time is about 3 to 6 min. There are three one on line Rinsing Station for each
Converter. There are two Ladle Furnaces for temp. & Chemical analysis adjustment
for the liquid steel. There is one RH Degasser for removal of hydrogen if required.
Liquid steel after rinsing with argon is cast into billetsooms of nominal size (150mm
x 150mm and 200mm x 200 mm) in two numbers, 6 strands radial type with base
radius of 10m, continuous casting machines. One of the machines namely CCM#1
is equipped facility to cast either 150 mmX150 mm square or rounds of sizes 220
mm, 280 mm & 350 mm size. All the caster are equipped with Automatic mould
level controller and Electromagnetic Stirrer for production of high quality billets. The
tundish capacity is 35T. Cast billets are cut by flame cutting machines to about 12
m length and moved to cooling bed. After cooling to 500oC, they are transferred to
racks. This is then lifted by 16 T magnet crane and piled for further cooling and
stored in billet storage yard.

During process of steel making, ladles are used for transfer of hot metal, Coke oven
gas is used for ladle heating and tundish drying, electricity is consumed at Induced
Draft fans for evacuating waste gases from converter, Central ventilation fan
systems, Ladle furnaces. Oxygen is blown in to the converter and Nitrogen is used
for slag splashing of converter bottom. Compressed air is used for general
housekeeping purposes. The converter gas produced during steel making is
collected, cooled and then cleaned in wet gas cleaning system consisting of a
adjustable throat venturi and a quencher. The gas is cleaned to 100 mg/Ncum of
dust and is either burnt at the outlet of 82 m tall flare stacks or is collected in the
gas holder depending on the carbon monoxide and oxygen content in the gas. The
gas is further cleaned in electrostatic precipitators to a dust content of maximum 10
mg/Ncum and is then used as fuel in the plant. The dust-laden fumes generated
while charging the hot metal into Converters, while pouring hot metal from torpedo
ladles into hot metal ladles & during tapping are exhausted and cleaned in
electrostatic precipitator of the Secondary Emission Control System and discharged
into atmosphere through 80 m tall chimney. The dust-leden air aspirated from
material transfer points and screens etc. of the bulk material charging system is
also cleaned in the bag house of MHS Dedusting system. The dust content at the
outlet of the chimney is kept below 50 mg/Ncum. The water contaminated with dust
from the converter gas cleaning plants is treated in clarifiers of and recycled for
cooling and cleaning the converter gas. The water contaminated with scale & oil
from continuous casting machines is treated in a treatment plant and recycled. The
collected sludge from bottom of clarifiers is recovered and used as feed material in
sinter plant. The collected scale from scale pit is transported by dumpers to sinter
plant for being used as feed material. The steam generated in the secondary
cooling chambers of continuous casting machines is vented to atmosphere by
exhaust fans. The slag and debris generated in steel melting shop are transported
to the slag and debris dump located outside the plant boundary after recovery of
steel scrap from the slag.

The following are few important safety provisions made in steel melting shop (in
addition to the general safety provisions).

The LD converters and the continuous casting machines are provided with safety
interlocks. The oxygen lances are lifted automatically in emergency with the help
pneumatic system. The gas cleaning plant is provided with process safety
interlocks. Explosion in the system is prevented by suitable process
instrumentation. Overhead water tank is provided to supply water to the continuous
casting machines in the case of power failure. Special fire fighting systems like CO2
flooding systems, Inergen flooding systems and fire fighting pump house are
provided. The slide gate of steel ladle closes automatically in case of power failure.
The hot metal and liquid steel handling cranes are provided with two sets of brakes
in the main hoists.

The Rolling Mills:

Light and medium merchant mill (LMMM), consists of LMMM and Special Bar Mill
(SBM), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS. LMMM is at an elevation of
5m level except the charging grids and consists of a break down mill of seven
stands and a Bar mill which is a 2 strand continuous multilane mill consisting of 26
stands. It is a combined billet mill and merchant bar mill. The mill has been
envisaged to produce 18,57,000 T of billets, out of which 7,26,000 T for in line bar
mill to produce 7,10,000 T of finished bar product, 8,85,000 T for feeding to wire
rod mill and 2,49,000 T for sale. The feeding material for the mill is continuous cast
blooms of 320 x 250 mm with a nominal length of 6.3 m from SMS Continuous
Casting Dept. carried by magnet cranes for charging onto the charging grids of 150
T each. Defective blooms can be sorted out and rejected onto two take-off grids
provided along the charging roller table. Blooms from the charging grid are fed into
the charging roller table one by one and then elevated to working platform. The
cold blooms are charged into a walking beam furnace (2 nos) to heat up to rolling
temperature i.e. 1200o C. Normally one furnace is intended to feed hot blooms for
production of billets, and depositing on to cooling bed while the other furnace is
intended to feed hot blooms for onward transmission of billets to in line bar mill.
Billet Mill consumes mixed gas for reheating of blooms in reheating furnace which
is equipped with dual firing to attain rolling temperature, Once rolling temperature is
achieved, blooms are rolled into billets. The reheating furnace is walking beam type
use DM water for cooling of furnace skids and posts. During the cooling of skids
and post, the DM water is re-circulated and the furnace is equipped with
evaporative cooling system for generation of process steam. The process steam
generated can be used for driving steam turbine for running ECS pump incase of
emergency and in normal circumstances, the process steam recovered is sent to
plant process steam network. The walking beam furnace is equipped with Waste
heat recovery system for recovering sensible heat of hot flue gases and air
recuperator is installed for recovering waste energy. The bar mill reheating furnace
consumes mixed gas and is installed with waste heat recovery system. Billet mill
uses electrical energy for stands, combustion air fans and for hydraulics,
lubrication, ventilation and lighting system. Bar mill consumes electrical energy for
driving of rolling stands, running of blowers, for hydraulic, lubrication, ventilation
and lighting system. In addition to the above bar mill consumes various utilities
such as oxygen, nitrogen, steam, etc. The hot blooms are rolled into 125 x 125 mm
billets in billet mill consisting of 4 horizontal and 3 vertical stands. The billets
intended to be sent to wire rod mill or for sale, are cut in to three pieces with head
and tail cropped and off loaded on to “turn over type cooling bed”. The billets for bar
mill are cut only at head-end and at tail end with a normal length of 31.6 m. Billets
get cooled on cooling bed and are lifted by magnetic cranes for stacking in yard
and for onward supply to wire rod mill. Saleable billets are loaded onto
wagons/trailers by magnetic cranes for dispatch. The billets for bar mill are sent
through bar mill reheating furnace and transported with a speed of about 2m/sec to
the in-line two strand RH furnace via a switch arranged in front of RH furnace. The
bar mill consists of three groups, comprising an eight stand roughing train, 2x5
stand intermediate train, and 2x4 stand finishing train. The output from the finishing
trains is cut into the cooling bed lengths by rotary shear. The products are cut to
required length and are bundled at finishing area of bar mill for shipment. Billets
meant for wire rod mill and for sale are taken to billet storage yard through two turn
over type cooling beds. The products of bar mill are rounds, reinforcement bars.
The mill incorporates Material tracking through online system (SAP/PPC) along with
heat identification / colour coding facilitates product identification and traceability,
walking beam furnace temperature control facilitates the heating process
depending on the grade of the material, rolling process stage wise size control
facilitates finished product size control, tempcore process of controlled cooling
facilities and quality inspection facilities for the production of quality output and
branded reinforcement bars. The MOU’s with EMD, RS&RS, DNW, WMD, L&H etc;
controls the quality of Mixed gas, Rolls, Guides, power, water, lub& hydraulics etc;
respectively received as input to the mill.

The following special safety features are provided in addition to the general safety
provisions in LMMM:

All normal operations of the mill are done from control pulpits which are enclosed
and air conditioned making them free from noise, dust and heat. Concrete
barricades are provided near shift office-2, to prevent cobble material reaching the
shift office. Furnace gas lines are provided with auto shut off valves, which are
closed automatically on emergency. Auto Nitrogen purging is provided in gas line of
WBF (Walking Beam Furnace) & RHF(Roller Hearth Furnace) to avoid back firing in
the gas lines. Automatic fire fighting system (foam flooding system) is provided for
oil cellars. Battery backup for electromagnetic lifting cranes are provided to prevent
the falling of material in the case of power failures. Cobble detection schemes are
provided to initiate the chopping and closing of snap shear, to avoid spreading of
cobble material to more areas. All equipments are provided with various safety
interlocks and devices.

SBM : SBM is at an elevation of 5 m level except the charging tables and coil line
which are at 0 m level, consists of total 21 stands of which 6 are roughing stands, 6
are intermediate stands, 6 are pre-finishing stands and 3 are finishing stands. The
mill is envisaged to produce 7,50,000 T of plain rounds of size from 20 mm to 45
mm, with provision to roll 16 mm and 18 mm, both in straight and coil form. The
input material is continuous cast blooms of 150 x 150 mm of cross section and 12
m of length, 2.15 T of weight, from SMS-2 Continuous Casting Dept. carried by
magnetic cranes and placed on the charging tables of SBM at 0 m level. The
blooms are elevated to 5 m level by the elevator equipment and placed on the
charging roller tables. The defective blooms can be identified and is ejected from
charging roller tables using billet ejector arm. The blooms are charged in to
reheating furnace through the charging door by the charging rollers, which are
inside the furnace. The reheating furnace is walking beam type and uses mixed gas
for fuel and indirect water cooling system for cooling skids, charging rollers and
doors. The walking furnace is equipped with air recuperators, for waste gas heat
recovery from flue gas, which pre-heats the combustion air from combustion fans
before combustion. Inside the furnace the blooms can be heated up to the rolling
temperature of around 1200°C. The heated blooms are discharged from furnace
through the side discharging door and are send to the roughing train of the mill for
rolling process. The blooms are rolled in six roughing strands, six intermediate
stands, 6 finishing stands and 3 finishing stands. Head cut of bloom is done in
pendulum shear if required before entering the stand-1. There are shears installed
at entry of first intermediate stand, first pre-finishing stand and first finishing stand
for head cutting, if required, chopping in case of emergency and cobbles. The
number of intermediate and pre-finishing stands in line varies depending upon final
size requirement of the bars. Before the stock is fed into finishing stands, it is
passed through PQS cooling stretch 1 & 2, for enabling low temperature rolling in
finishing stands. After final rolling the bars are cooled in cooling stretch-3 and are
either sent to bar line or coil line. In Bar line, bars are cut in dividing shear and sent
to cooling bed for cooling. From cooling bed the bars are shifted to roller table by
chain transfer system and then cut to final required size in cold shear. Finally, the
bars are bundled together in 2 sets of bar bundling machines and sent to Bar
storage yard for stacking and dispatch. In coil line, the bars are coiled in three
numbers of garret coilers. The coils are placed on walking beam type coil transfer
system in which it is cooled by blower fans. The coils are then tilted and placed on
power C- hook conveyors and then finally compacted and strapped in three number
of compactor machines after which it is transferred to coil storage yard for storage
and dispatch. All control operations are done from control pulpits, which are
enclosed and air-conditioned making them free from noise and dust. PLC based
control system is provided for reheating furnace with nitrogen purging system and
interlocks for closure of shut-off valves in case of emergencies/ interruption.
Emergency overhead water tank with diesel pump back-up will cater to furnace
cooling and emergency needs in case of power trip and pump house trip. Process
control/ PLCs are having inbuilt safety interlocks to prevent damage of equipment
and working personnel’s. Area wise loudspeaker announciation and inter-com
systems are provided for communication of problems and emergencies. Wide
network of fire and drinking water with fire hydrants at various locations are
provided in mill and cellars to deal with possible fire accidents. All cranes and other
equipments are provided with safety interlocking devices.

Wire rod mill consists of WRM & Wire Rod Mill-2 (WMR-2), covered under QMS,

Wire Rod Mill (WRM) is a 5.38 m level, high speed, continuous mill designed to
produce 850,000 of wire road coils. It consists of 4 strands x 7 stand roughing mill,
4 strands x 6 stand intermediate mill, 4 strands x 2 stand each pre-finishing group
and 4 strands x 10 stand each finishing group, total 61 stands. The mill is equipped
with pre-finishing blocks, morgan finishing blocks incorporating no twist rolling,
stelmor line with controlled cooling and power and free hook conveyors for handling
wire rod coils. The mill is designed to produce plain wire rods from 5.5 mm to 14.0
mm. dia in coil form and rebars in 8, 10 and 12 mm dia., from rolled billets of 125 ±
3%mm. x 125± 3% mm. x 98000-104000 mm, rhombodity : 3.5%. The billets
received from billet mill (LMMM) are placed at +0.00 level by magnet crane on
charging grid I and II through on-line inspection for quality traceability of heat
number. The billets deposited are moved towards billet cross transfer which takes
over individual billets and carries them to billet elevator. Billets elevator takes the
billets one by one to the mill floor situated at +5.350 m level. Billets are transported
to the reheating furnace by means of the furnace approach roller table. The walking
beam of furnace collects the billets from roller table and charges them into furnace
for reheating. The billets are heated as per the grade & size following process
parameters document. The reheating furnace at WRM Mill consumes mixed gas for
reheating of blooms in reheating furnace. The reheating furnace is walking beam
type uses indirect cooling water for cooling of furnace skids and posts. During the
cooling of skids and post, the indirect cooling water is cooled in cooling tower and
returned as cooling water. The walking beam furnace is equipped with Waste heat
recovery system for recovering sensible heat of hot flue gases and air recuperartor
and gas recuperartor is installed for recovering waste energy, with this, the furnace
is supplied with hot air and hot gas. Once rolling temperature is achieved, the billets
are discharged into groove of mill stand no.1. A four position shiftable billet switch
feeds the billets to the 4 strands of the mill individually. The roughing mill comprises
of seven continuous 4 strand horizontal two high stands. The pass design is oval-
round sequence. Four rotating crop and cobble shears are provided after stand-7,
one for each line. The intermediate group comprises of 6 two high horizontal
stands. The stock is reduced to 21-23 mm. round. This is fed to 4 individual
finishing lines. The stock is reduced to 17-19 mm. dia in the prefinishing blocks.
The stock passes through water cooling stretch for partial cooling before final
rolling. Horizontal loopers are provided before prefinishing blocks for tension free
rolling. 10 stand no twist finishing blocks are used for final rolling of wire rods. In
process checks are carried out for expected stock outputs at various stages and
final dimension of wire rods. All the 10 stand finishing blocks are used for 5.5 to 6.5
mm. size wire rod rolling, for 7 to 8 mm only 8 stands are used, for 9 to 10 mm. only
6 stands are used and for 12 and for 14 mm only 2 stands are used. After final
rolling, wire rods are cooled in stelmor cooling system by setting cooling
parameters as per the supplied grade. The quality of the rolled product depends on
the heating, rolling & cooling effects the final mechanical & metallurgical properties
of wire rods with respect to their tensile strength, yield point, drawability and the
physical properties affects the surface quality of end product. The coils are formed
in coil forming chamber. The coils are loaded onto C-hook. A total of 180 hooks are
provided for handling the production. The C-hooks are carried by a power and free
hook conveyor circuit. The coils are compacted and tied at automatic compacting
and tying machines. The size and mechanical properties are tested and the
appropriate grade is fed to the production control computer at express lab.
Identification labels and colour code are attached to the coils as per declared grade
taking reference from production control computer and display units. The coils are
stacked with the help of EOT magnet cranes. All controls operations are done from
control pulpits, which are enclosed and air-conditioned making them free from
noise, heat and dust. Microprocessor based control system is provided for
reheating furnace with interlocks for closure of shut off valves in case of
emergencies/ interruption. Process control computer/PLCs are having inbuilt safety
interlocks to prevent damage of equipment and injuries to working personnel. Area
wise annunciation is provided in all control pulpits/ECR to indicate
problems/emergencies. Wide network of fire and drinking water system with fire
hydrants at various locations are provided in the mill and cellars to deal with
possible fire accidents. Automatic fire fighting pump house (foam filing system) is
provided for all cellars with back up diesel pumps to deal with power failure
situation. Fire detection alarm systems are provided in ECRS and cable tunnels.
Fire check doors are provided for cable tunnels. All cranes and other equipment are
provided with safety interlocking devices.

Wire rod mill-2(WMR-2) is at +5.50 m level, high speed, continuous mill designed to
produce 600,000 tons of wire rod coils. It consists of a single strand x 6 stand Fast
Roughing mill( both Vertical & horizontal), 2 strands x (6+4) stands intermediate
mill, 2 lines of 2 stands each of pre-finishing group, 10 stand each finishing group(
NTM) & (2+2) stands of each RSM, total 30 stands for each line. The mill is
equipped with pre-finishing blocks, finishing blocks incorporating no twist rolling,
stelmor line with controlled cooling and power and free hook conveyors for handling
wire rod coils. The mill is designed to produce plain wire rods from 5.5 mm to 20.64
mm. dia in coil form, from SMS-2 caster blooms of 150 x 150 x 12000 mm.
However, Rolled Billets of 125 mm x 125 mm from Billet Mill (LMMM) square cross
section & length ranging from 9.9 m to 10.4 m also can be rolled as per mill builder.
The blooms are received from SMS-2 placed at +0.0 level on 3 Nos. of Charging
Grids in the BSY by magnetic cranes after inspection for quality & traceability of
heat number. The blooms deposited and moved on the Grid towards LLBRT at 0.0
mt level and transferred to it for forwarding them to the Elevator one by one. At the
Elevator Blooms are lifted to the +5.7mt level FART. Billets are transported to the
reheating furnace by means of the furnace approach roller table (FART). The
charging roller table of the furnace collects the blooms from the approach roller
table and charges them into furnace for reheating after ensuring measured length
of the blooms. The blooms are heated to rolling temperatures of 1050 to 1200° C
as per the grade & size of the output as per process parameters. The reheating
furnace at WRM-2 consumes in-house generated mixed gas for reheating of
blooms. The reheating furnace is walking beam type uses indirect cooling water for
cooling of furnace skids and posts. The return indirect cooling water is cooled in
cooling tower and recirculated as cooling water in a closed circuit. The walking
beam furnace is equipped with Waste heat recovery system for recovering sensible
heat of hot flue gases using an air recuperator installed in the flue duct. Thus, the
furnace is supplied with hot air and Mixed gas for combustion to achieve rolling
temperature. The blooms are discharged using discharging roller tables to Stand
no-1 (vertical) of the FRM, through the De-scaler, SSIRT, Pinch roll & pendulum
shear. The roughing mill comprises of six continuous vertical & horizontal two high
stands alternatively. The pass design is Box-Boxoval- round sequence. The stock
size is reduced to 73 round by gradual reduction in the roughing group. A rotating
950mm shear is provided after stand-6 followed by a TSIRT to feed either strands
of the two strand, 10 Horizontal stand intermediate mill group. The bar from
Intermediate mill is fed to individual lines starting with 2 stand pre-finishing mill, 8
stand no twist mill and four stand reducing and sizing mill (V configuration modules)
alternately in line A and line B. The process from intermediate mill is a continuous
rolling process with provision for chopping and cropping at shears located in
intermediate and no twist mill areas. The process line is also equipped with pinch
rolls before pre-finishing, no-twist mill and after reducing sizing mill for rod feeding,
complemented by Loopers for tension free rolling. The stock is reduced to 21-23
mm. round after Stand-16. The stock is further reduced to 17-19 mm. dia in the
prefinishing blocks. The stock passes through water cooling stretch and covered
equalizing troughs for partial cooling & normalizing before final rolling. Water
cooling boxes are located between No-twist mill , Reducing sizing mill & Laying
Head for controlling the temperature of feed stock during the rolling process. In
process checks are carried out for expected stock outputs at various stages and
final dimension of wire rods. As per the output size required the stands of the NTM
& Intermediate Mill are put into line or bypassed using dummy stands/ inserts. The
finished wire rod from reducing & sizing mill is made into coil form at inclined laying
heads and further handled on stelmor roller conveyor by setting cooling parameters
as per the grade under rolling. The controlled cooling process is achieved by
stelmor cooling conveyor where coiled wire rod loops are cooled with air using
optiflex system. The coil is formed at the end of the stelmor in coil forming station
with the support of ring distributor provided in the forming stations. The formed coil
in free form is collected at twin mandrel station and is transferred to a waiting hook
by a transfer car at the zero level of the mill. The Hook conveyor system is provided
for handling the free coils formed at coil forming station passes through various
processes like trimming, compacting, weighing and tagging before delivering the
finished coils to unloading stations for further handling and shipping. The hooks are
driven /carried by three sets of power and free hook conveyor circuits. The quality
of the rolled product depends on the heating, rolling & cooling which effects the
final mechanical & metallurgical properties of wire rods with respect to their tensile
strength, yield point, drawability and the physical properties The size and
mechanical properties are tested and the appropriate grade is fed into the system
at the metallurgical lab located in finishing area beside Mill bay at the zero level.
Identification labels and color code are attached to the coils as per declared grade
taking reference from the system/process control computer and display units. 6
Nos. of EOT cranes for carrying out material handling activities are provided in the
Mill, Furnace & Roll shop areas. Another 6 Nos. of RT Magnetic cranes are
provided for handling of coils for stacking & loading in the shipping bay. Dispatches
are coordinated with Traffic, Marketing &PPM for yard management to keep the mill
rolling without space constraint. All cranes and other equipment are provided with
safety interlocking devices. The Plant is equipped with Roll Shop in a separate bay
for turning and grinding of roll grooves, rings & guide rollers. It has facilities &
equipment for servicing of stand housings both for housing less stands and high
speed areas. A facility for servicing of guides and work shop for carrying out repairs
of equipment is also provided. 6 Nos. of lubrication systems, 10 Nos. Hydraulic
systems, 4 Nos. of Oil-Air systems, 5 Nos. of Grease Systems & 1 No. Descalar
Pump house are located in Cellars provided for various plant equipments located at
0.0mt level & sub-zero level in the main mill bay. Electrical Power & control
equipments are provided in Electrical Control Rooms I & II. ECR-I caters to Furnace
and Mill equipments and ECR II for Finishing & Dispatch Area Equipments. ECR-I
is located outside the Mill bay consisting of four floors along the intermediate & high
speed mill area. ECR II is located in finishing area beside Mill bay in Single Floor at
the zero level finishing mill area. 3 Nos. of Control Pulpits are provided for the
Furnace, Mill and Finishing Areas for various groups of equipments. All controls
operations are done from control pulpits, which are enclosed and air-conditioned
making them free from noise, heat and dust. PLC based control systems provided
for reheating furnace with interlocks for closure of shut off valves in case of
emergencies/ interruption. Process control computer/PLCs are having inbuilt safety
interlocks to prevent damage of equipment and injuries to working personnel. Area
wise annunciation is provided in all control pulpits/ECR to indicate
problems/emergencies. Wide network of fire water system with fire hydrants at
various locations & portable extinguishers are provided in the mill and cellars to
deal with possible fire accidents. Dedicated automatic fire fighting pump house with
back up diesel pumps to deal with power failure situation is provided. Fire detection
alarm systems & CO2 flooding system are provided for the cellars. Clean Agent
flooding system along with Intelligent Addressable Microprocessor based automatic
fire detection and alarm system (FDA) with state of art and technology with fire
alarm panel (FAP) each in ECR-1 & 2 along with repeater panel has been provided
for the ECR’s. The cable tunnels are provided with FDA system along with portable
fire extinguishers for fire fighting. Fire check doors are provided at various points for
cable tunnels.

Medium merchant and structural mill consists of MMSM and Structural Mill (STM),
covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS.

MMSM is a single-strand continuous mill provided with two walking beam type
reheating furnaces connected with a chimney, 8 stand roughing mill, 6 stand
intermediate mill & 6 stand finishing mill, double sided rake type cooling bed, on
line straighteners and cold saws. The mill is envisaged to produce 8,50,000 tons of
merchant and structural products. It is capable of rolling medium merchant size
rounds, squares, flats, equal angles, unequal angles, T-bars, channels and IPE and
HEA beams. The mill incorporates facilities for rolling universal beams. The input
for the mill is 250 x 250 mm, continuous cast blooms of 6 m length from SMS-2 are
also being used now as an alternate input. In addition to this 200X200mm
continuous cast blooms of 12 m length from SMS-1. The cold blooms are charged
in walking beam reheating furnace to heat up to the rolling temperature i.e. 1200o
C. The reheating furnace consumes mixed gas for reheating of blooms in reheating
furnace. The reheating furnace uses DM water for cooling of furnace skids and
posts. During the cooling of skids and post, the DM water is recirculated and the
furnace is equipped with evaporative cooling system for generation of process
steam. The process steam generated can be used for driving steam turbine for
running ECS pump in case of emergency and in normal circum stances, the
process steam recovered is sent to plant process steam network. The walking
beam furnace is equipped with Waste heat recovery system for recovering sensible
heat of hot flue gases and air recuperartor and gas recuperartor is installed. The
heated blooms are fed into the mill and rolled through roughing mill train (RMT),
intermediate mill train (IMT) and finishing mill train (FMT) to get the desired profile
as per rolling programme of that particular profile. The maximum speed of mill is 9
m/ sec. The material coming out of exit stand is cut into multiples of 12 m.
(customer length in general) and is cooled in cooling bed which is designated as
RHS (right hand side) and LHS (left hand side). The cooled material on cooling bed
is sent to batching through straightner (for structural’s) and directly in case of
merchant products. The finished products are cut into customer length at cold saw
and sent to piling in case of structural’s and squares and to bundling in case of
rounds. The products are piled / bundled to a maximum weight of 9 tonnes and
sent to collecting grid. Color coding is done as per the grades rolled and tags are
fixed to identify the material. Then these are lifted by EOT cranes and stacked for
shipping and dispatch. Electricity is consumed in running of combustion air fans,
rolling mill strands, ventilation systems, hydraulic pumps. Lighting systems. On line
PPC system is in place for product identification and traceability of products right
from bloom stage to the packing, stacking and dispatch stage. This user friendly
system enables data entry in First in First out (FIFO) manner thus helps maintain
data integrity and avoid quality mix up. The Implementation of Maintenance
Management System (MAMS) ensures availability of equipment through
systemization of maintenance planning activities and systematic analysis of
breakdowns for avoiding recurrence. Implementation of Strapping of finished
products brought in improvement in quality of packaging and dispatching. On-line
rolls management system (ROMANS) is installed for On-line information of rolls
data, cassettes data to facilitate in strategic decision making related to
technological requirement of pass/cassette/section changing. Due to the installation
of PLC in furnace control, efficient & uniform heating process in the re-heating
furnaces through dynamic air-gas ratio correction system with respect to varying
calorific value of mixed gas is achieved. The following special OH&S features are
provided in MMSM in addition to the general OH&S provisions: CO2 flooding
systems 1 and 2 are provided to fight any fires in the oil cellars. High pressure
water system is provided for fighting fire in the lub oil enclosures. The furnace is
provided with safety interlocks. The mill trips in the case of lubrication oil failure.
Interlock is provided for the cooling bed so that in case of any tripping of equipment
of cooling bed, further material feeding is stopped (800 KNS goes into chopping
mode). The saw areas, batching areas and piling areas are provided with safety
interlocks. All cranes and other equipment are provided with safety interlocking

Structural mill (STM), is a single-strand continuous mill provided with one walking
beam type reheating furnace of capacity 200 Tons/hr, 7 stand roughing mill in H-V
configuration, 5 stand intermediate mill & 5 stand finishing mill, with H-V-U
configurations each, a double sided rake type cooling bed, on line strengtheners
,cold saws and stackers The mill is envisaged to produce 7,00,000 tons per year of
structural Products with a provision to produce 8,50,000 tons per year in future. It is
capable of rolling medium merchant size rounds, squares, flats, equal angles,
unequal angles, T-bars, channels and IPE and HEA beams. The input for the mill is
200 x 200 mm, continuous cast blooms of 8 to 12 m length from SMS. The billets
received from SMS are placed at +0.00 level by magnet crane on the three
charging grids.. The blooms deposited are moved towards the elevator. The
elevator takes the blooms one by one to the mill floor situated at +5.0 m level.
Blooms are transported to the reheating furnace by means of the furnace approach
roller table. The cold blooms are charged in walking beam reheating furnace to
heat up to the rolling temperature i.e. 1200˙C. The reheating furnace consumes
mixed gas for reheating of blooms in reheating furnace. The walking beam furnace
is equipped with Waste heat recovery system for recovering sensible heat of hot
flue gases and recuperartor is installed. The heated blooms are fed into the mill and
rolled through roughing mill train (RMT), intermediate mill train (IMT) and finishing
mill train (FMT) to get the desired profile as per rolling programme of that particular
profile. The maximum speed of mill is 12 m/ sec. The material coming out of exit
stand is cut into multiples of 12 m. (customer length in general) and is cooled in
cooling bed which is designated as RHS (right hand side) and LHS (left hand side).
The cooled material on cooling bed is sent to batching through straightner (for
structural’s) and directly in case of merchant products. The finished products are
cut into customer length at cold saw and sent to stacker for stacking. The products
are strapped and sent to collecting grid and tags are fixed to identify the material.
Then these are lifted by EOT cranes and stacked for shipping and dispatch. Here in
STM, the Roll Shop is attached to the Mill. It caters to the requirement of roll pass
design, Roll turning, Stand preparation and guide assemblies. It is equipped with
sophisticated CNC Lathes, CNC Milling m/c’s, Branding M/c etc.

The above mills are provided with reheating furnaces suitable for firing mixed gas
(mixture of blast furnace gas, coke oven gas and converter gas). The furnaces in
LMMM are also suitable for firing low sulphur heavy stock (LSHS) or furnace oil.
The flue gases from the furnaces are let out into the atmosphere through 4 nos
chimneys. The direct cooling water used for cooling the rolled products in WRM,
LMMM, MMSM, WRM-2 is contaminated with oil / grease / scale and is collected in
the scale pit of pump house no.12 where the scales are separated, collected and
transported to sinter plant as feed material. The floating oil is skimmed, collected

and processed in oil reclamation unit. The treated water from the clarifier is cooled
and recycled.

Roll shop & repair shop (RS&RS) is a prime service department to the Rolling Mills
LMMM, WRM & MMSM and is covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS. It
caters to the requirement of roll pass design, roll set assemblies, guide assemblies
and repairs / manufactures of mechanical spares to all the three rolling mills. It
comprises of the following :

- Roll shop-I which caters to the requirements of LMMM & WRM

- Roll shop-II which caters to the requirements of MMSM
- Area repair shop which caters to the spares requirements of all mills.

Roll shop & repair shop has been built to exacting international standards in design
and engineering with the state of the art technology which includes the following
salient technological features :

* 12 nos of CNC heavy duty roll turning lathes

* CNC Notch milling machine to make notches on rolls for rebar rolling in LMMM
* CNC Template milling machine to make accurate templates for final inspection of
roll profiles and mill setting.
* Guide rollers grinder to machine the WRM guide rollers with high accuracy.
* Two numbers of branding machines to mark VSP logo on rolls of finishing stands
for re-bar rolling in LMMM & for structural rolling in MMSM The different wastes
generated during the operations, viz, Ferrous & Non Ferrous scrap, lead acid
batteries, used rubber seals, oil soaked cotton waste and used oils are disposed
in an environmental friendly manner. Sun light is being used in the shop floor to
the maximum extent possible by installation of transparent sheets on the roof top.

Thermal power plant (TPP) and blower house, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS
and OHSAS, produces high pressure steam, electric power and cold blast for the
blast furnaces. The estimated power requirement for VSP is 490 MW at 6.3 MT
stages, the peak load being 500 MW and essential load being 80 MW. The
generating capacity is 520MW, comprising of 315 MW from Main TPP 120MW from
PP2, 24MW from gas expansion turbine, 15MW from Back Pressure Turbine
Station, 20MW from NEDO, 14 MW from COB4 and 13 MW from TRT. Apart from
meeting part of the power requirements, the power plant and blower house supply
cold blast air to blast furnaces and steam at 13KSCA and 4KSCA to the plant. TPP
has 3 turbo generator units of 60MW each and two units of 67.5MW, 3 turbo
blowers each having a capacity of 6067 NM3/min, one turbo blower having a
capacity of 7000 NM3/min and 6 boilers each of 330 T/hr capacity at 101 KSCA at
540oC. The steam generating sets are of multi-fuel firing design and the rating of
each steam generation while firing various fuels is 100%MCR with pulverized fuel
and coke oven gas, 50% MCR with blast furnace gas and 25% MCR with fuel oil.
The power produced can be synchronized with the power grid of Andhra Pradesh
Transmission Corporation. The unit supplies power to emergency units in case of
failure of external power supply. The high pressure steam produced in this unit is
for meeting the requirements of turbo blowers and turbo generators as well as for
other process requirements in the steel plant. Thermal Power Plant and blower
house has six high pressure boilers, five turbo generators and four turbo blowers.
The boilers are multi fuel type, suitable for firing with coke oven gas, blast furnace
gas, furnace oil and coal. A number of other facilities like water system, ash
handling system, flue gas handling system etc. are provided. Furnace oil is used for
flame stabilization and High Speed Diesel (Diesel) is used during startups of
Boilers. Part of the High pressure steam generated at Boilers is sent to Turbo
blowers for generation of blast air and remaining steam is sent to Turbo generators
for generation of electricity. The Steam Turbines are envisaged with Condensing
and Extraction type and process steam of 13 ata and 4 ata is extracted. 13 ata
steams extracted from Steam Turbines partially used internally in Power Plant and
remaining sent to Plant process steam network to meet requirements at CO, BF,
SMS, Mills and ASP. 4 ata Steam extracted from Steam Turbines is used for
Demineralised Plant for production of DMDA water for make up in Boiler feed water
circuit and CDCP boilers. Chilled water plant -2 operates on vapor absorption
system use 4 ata steam extracted from steam turbine for generation of chilled
water. Steam is cooled in condenser and Cooling water requirements are met from
Pump House-4. Electricity is used for driving of motors of rotating machinery like
Boiler feed pump, Primary Air fan, Coal Bowl mills, Induced draft fans, Ash Slurry
pumps etc. The auxiliary units comprise of 16 nos of waste heat boilers which
produce steam by recovering heat from hot nitrogen in coke dry cooling plant, 2 nos
of back pressure turbo-generators and one number condensing type turbo
generator generating power from the above and 3 nos of gas expansion turbo-
generators generating power by expansion of blast furnace top gas. The boiler
quality water is produced in the dematerialized (DM) treatment plant. During the
production of DM water, acidic effluents are generated which are collected and
neutralized before discharging into the storm water drain. The flue gases from the
high pressure boilers are cleaned in electrostatic precipitators to a final dust content
of below 50mg/Ncum and vented through a 180 m tall multi-flue chimney. The fly
ash and the bottom ash from the thermal power plant and blower house is collected
and conveyed through a wet system to the ash slurry pump house from where it is
pumped to the ash pond located outside the plant boundary wall. The water so
contaminated is about 1500 cum/hr (8 mgd). The clarified water from the ash pond
is pumped back to the thermal power plant for ash handling. Power plant 2 consists
of two BF gas fired boilers and one condensing type turbo generator of 120 MW
along with associated equipment.

The following special OH&S features are provided in TPP in addition to the general
OH&S provisions:

The boilers are provided with safety valves and furnace safe guard supervisory
system. The turbines and blowers are provided with over speed and high vibration
protection. The generators are provided with automatic CO2 flooding system,
differential and earth fault protection systems against fire and short circuits. The
lube oil cellars are provided with automatic CO2 flooding system. The cable cellars
are provided with water sprinkler system. A separate fire fighting pump house is
provided. Fire detection and alarm systems are provided in important areas. All
operations are carried out from air conditioned control rooms.

Distribution Network Department (DNW), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and
OHSAS, handles power at 220KV, 33KV and 6.6 KV levels. Power at 220KV level
is received from AP TRANSCO at Switching Station of DNW. Power is further
extended through three numbers of 220 kV cable feeders to Main Receiving Station
(MRS) of DNW and from Thermal Power Plant (TPP) at Load Block Step down
Substation-5 (LBSS-5). MRS is inter-connected through the Tie Lines with LBSS-5
i.e. TPP switchyard. The power generated in TPP at 11KV level is stepped up at
220KV level and synchronized with AP TRANSCO grid supply. Power is distributed
to various plant units at 33KV, 11KV and 6.6KV levels through LBSS-1, LBSS-2,
LBSS-3 LBSS-4, LBSS-6 and LBSS-7 by DNW department. Switchgear
equipments of 33KV, 11LV and 6.6KV are housed in substation buildings whereas
the outdoor equipment of 220KV and 33KV are surrounded with boundary walls to
prevent un-authorized entry. All the circuit breakers and isolators are provided with
safety interlocks. Fire detection & alarm system is provided in substations. DNW
department maintains equipment related to power distribution up to 6.6KV to the
plant units in close conjunction with Thermal Power Plant and Andhra Pradesh
Eastern Power Distribution Co. Ltd. During the process of maintenance used
transformer oil and used lead acid batteries are generated. It collects and stores
the used transformer oil and used lead acid batteries for further disposal. Periodic
reports are sent to EnMD department as required by the Hazardous Wastes
(Management, Handling and Transboundary movement) Rules, 2008, and
amendment thereof& Batteries (Management & Handling) rules, 2001.

Energy management department (EMD), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and
OHSAS, undertakes monitoring and distribution of various fuel gases produced in
the steel plant as well as various utilities like nitrogen and chilled water through the
SCADA system. EMD also operates the BF gas cleaning plants, converter gas
recovery plant, CO gas boosting station, gas mixing stations and central fuel oil
station. EMD also have the flare stacks for coke oven gas and blast furnace gas
under its control. EMD monitors overall Energy consumption of plant and advise all
departments on proper course of action on energy conservation. EMD ensures
optimum distribution of fuels and utilities and try to minimize fuels and utilities
losses. Further, EMD consumes electrical energy in running of booster fans at
COGBS and LDGRP and pumping system at GCP-1&2. Electricity is also used in
lighting system. The following special OH&S features are provided in energy
management department in addition to the general provisions:

LD gas recovery plant consists of a gas holder of 80000 m3 capacity, gas boosters
and electrostatic precipitators. It is provided with necessary safety features like
interlocks for high and very high level and low and very low level and high pressure.
The gas boosters are provided with safety features viz., bypass across the booster
and tripping of booster in case of abnormal conditions sensed through
instrumentation. Similarly the electrostatic precipitators are also provided with
safety interlocks for abnormal operating conditions sensed through instruments.
The gas mixing station no.5 is also provided with alarms and annunciations. The
blast furnace gas cleaning plants BFGCP-1 and BFGCP-2 are provided with
various safety signals like failure of water supply, failure of water seal in scrubber
and high differential pressure across venturies. The coke oven gas boosting station
has low pressure booster and high pressure booster. These are provided with
various safety interlocks and alarms for abnormal conditions like low suction
pressure, booster vibration high, discharge pressure high and failure of cooling
water supply. The energy management department also takes care of gas pipeline
network of BF gas line, mixed gas line and coke oven gas line. These lines are
provided with drip pots and nitrogen injection facility when the line pressure is low.
The pipelines are also connected to BF gas flare stack and coke oven gas flare

stack. In case of low pressure in the gas line, certain consumers are cut-off

Lubrication and hydraulic department (L&H), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and
OHSAS, renders service to all the user departments in the plant by arranging
supplies of required types, quantity of lubricating/ hydraulic oils, greases, hoses, O-
rings & oil seals for effective running of the plant. It stores and issues lubricants and
hydraulic oil to consumers (bulk oil management), collects used lubrication and
hydraulic oils from various departments, operates and carry’s out reclamation of
collected used oils for reuse in various identified units (used oil management) and
maintains the oil reclamation unit, various hydraulic equipment & lifts. Checking the
correctness of the specification & up gradation of specification in line with
technological developments are carried out to procure quality inputs. Centrifuges,
oil purification system, on-line contamination checking (6-channel), condition
monitoring for all large centralized critical hydraulic systems are employed in
reclamation process. It stores the waste lubricants and hydraulic oils, oil sludge, de-
toxified empty drums and grease barrels for further disposal in accordance with the
hazardous wastes (management & handling) rules, 1989 as amended up to 2003.

Utilities department:

The utilities department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS, operates
and maintains the following units:
a. Air separation plant: I, II, III, IV for generation and distribution of oxygen, nitrogen
and gaseous argon.
b. Compressor house: I, II for supply of compressed air, Instrumentation air & dry
c. LPG
d. Chilled water plant: III, IV, V, VI &VII for supply of chilled water for air

It also undertakes filling & issue of gaseous Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon. It procures
LPG as per requirement of CCD and also supplies LPG cylinders to various
maintenance sections. The utilities department also controls the consumption /
leakages and phasing out of the ozone depleting substance (ODS) and takes
necessary action for complying with the ‘Ozone depletion substances (regulation
and control) rules, 2000.

Air Separation Plants (ASU 1, 2, 3, 4)

Atmospheric air is compressed in air compressors to 7.4 Kg/Cm2. Compressed air

is pre-cooled to 100c with the help of refrigeration unit and air water tower. The
compressed and pre-cooled air is purified to remove traces of moisture and
contaminants. It is then cryo cooled using expanders and heat exchangers to the
temperature of – 178 deg. C. It is then distilled in the ASP cold box and fractions of
liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, liquid argon, gaseous oxygen and gaseous nitrogen
are produced. The gaseous oxygen and nitrogen are compressed in separate
compressors and sent to their consuming sections. Air separation plant uses
electricity for rotating machinery like Feed air compressors (air separation), Oxygen
compressors, Nitrogen compressors, Pumps, Turbines etc. The Air separation unit -
4 employs a similar cryogenic distillation process, but its columns are of structured
packing type compared to ASU 1, 2, 3 which are of tray type. The process cycle is
almost the same. The most significant aspect is that high pressure gaseous oxygen
is obtained at the downstream of heat exchanger itself and does not require further
compression. Also high pressure gaseous argon (17 kscg ) can be obtained at the
downstream of heat exchanger itself which can be used to feed SMS-1 and SMS-2
for combined blowing.


The oxygen separated at Air separation unit is compressed as per process

requirement at SMS for blowing and at BF for enrichment of blast.. In the oxygen
pressure reducing and metering stations (PRMS I & II and III), compressed oxygen
gas is stored in buffer vessels and also transferred to the utilizing sections through
pressure reducing and metering valves. PRMS – I caters to SMS-1 , PRS-III to
SMS-2 and PRMS-2 caters to the autogenous needs all over the plant. Oxygen is
supplied through pipelines to various consumers to meet process requirements.
Oxygen is also supplied to scrap processing yard for cutting of scrap. Similarly,
Nitrogen separated is compressed to desired pressure and supplied to Blast
Furnace Nitrogen Control station to meet the paul worth gear box cooling
requirements, makeup in CDCP chambers, Ammonia Sulphate plant, Slag
Splashing system in Steel Melting shop and purging of gas lines. The Liquid
Oxygen, Liquid Nitrogen and Liquid Argon are also stored in storage tanks. They
are subsequently filled in portable cylinders and sent to various consumers. There
are two compressor houses for supplying compressed air and dry air(instrument
air). The compressed air is segregated in to various consumers and these are
operated at various pressures depending upon the process requirements.

Chilled water plants (CWP-3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

There are five chilled water plants which operate with vapor compression principle
and uses R-134 A as refrigerant. Electricity is used for running of chillers’ and other
associated equipment. Chilled water plant -3 meets the cooling requirement of
SMS-I, ASP and rolling mills. Chilled water plant -4 meets cooling requirements of
central computer centre, energy & telecom building and pay & PF section. Chilled
water plant – 5 meets the cooling requirements of SMS-2 and WRM-2 while Chilled
water plant – 6 meets that of Blast Furnace – 3 and Chilled water plant -7 that of
Sinter plant -3.

Water Electrolysis Plant

In the water electrolysis plant, de-mineralized water diluted with caustic is

electrolyzed in series of electrolytic cells. Gaseous Hydrogen and Oxygen are the
products of the electrolytic process. The oxygen produced has no specific utility and
hence vented to atmosphere above the building. The hydrogen produced is
purified, compressed and sent to consumption in the air separation unit. The
Compressed hydrogen is also stored in two buffer vessels.

LPG distribution unit

LPG cylinders of 49.5 kgs capacity at 5 to 7 kscg pressure are procured from public
sector oil companies. These cylinders are connected to manifolds and supplied to
consumers at a pressure of 0.92 – 0.93 kscg through the Vapour Off Take (VOT)
method. Filled Acetylene gas cylinders are also procured from outside and
delivered to the various consumers inside the plant on demand.

The following special OH&S features are provided in Utilities Department in addition
to the general OH&S provisions:

As an abundant precaution; reinforced cement concrete walls were constructed

around the oxygen pressure reduction stations and oxygen compressors to
minimize the effects of explosion caused if any. Safety valves are provided to all the
equipment and pipelines to protect them from excess pressurization. The whole
complex is fenced with barbed wire and provided with security guard to prevent
unauthorized entry. For all the cryogenic liquid storage tanks rupture discs are
provided in addition to duplex safety valves. Holding tanks are provided for
collecting the leakages of liquid oxygen tanks and liquid nitrogen tanks. Facilities
are provided for transfer of liquid from one tank to another in the event of a
leakage. All the cryogenic liquid drains of air separation unit are connected to
common drain stack. They are vaporized with air before letting out in to
atmosphere. Clean rooms are provided for the maintenance of oxygen handling
equipments. Any equipment can be approached from two sides minimum for fire
fighting in the event of an out-break of fire. In emergencies, oxygen to consumers
can be cut off by remotely operated quick shut-off valves. Noise hoods are provided
to all compressors to bring down the noise level. Silencers are provided at various
gas vents to minimize noise pollution.

The following special OH&S features are provided in the LPG distribution unit: Anti
spark tools are used. Ventilation is provided at ground and roof level to prevent
accumulation of gas.. Nitrogen gas purging facilities for equipments/pipelines are
provided. Flash-back arresters are provided at discharge manifolds. LPG pressure
and flow rates are monitored carefully. In case of too low a pressure or too high a
flow, alarms are generated and follow up action is initiated.RCC walls are provided
in between discharge manifold cylinder racks to minimize the effects of
fire/explosion. Barbed wire fencing is provided around the plant. In order to avoid
rise of pressure in the piping / equipment systems, safety relief valves are provided
at manifolds and pipelines.

The following EnMS features are provided in the Utilities department: Structured
packing columns which consume 15% less energy have been procured in the new
units .Variable frequency drives are employed in most of the new equipments.
Compact fluorescent lamps which are more energy efficient are used instead of
normal fluorescent lamps. Energy efficient screw chillers are used . Operating
strategies are tuned to operate the units at their highest efficiency range. Personnel
are trained on energy efficient operating practices and energy audits are
undertaken frequently.

Water management department (WMD), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and
OHSAS, receives water into the Kanithi balancing reservoir and distributes it as per
the requirement to various units of the plant after required chemical treatment. The
water in circulation is about 260000 cum/hr which is mainly used for cooling of
equipment. The heated water is cooled in 38 nos. of induced draft cooling towers
and is recycled. The water used for gas cleaning, dust separation, mill scale / fine
particle flushing etc. gets contaminated by suspended solids and oil. The waste oil
is removed by oil skimmers provided at scale pit pump housees-12,15, SMS 2 and
Mills 2 Scale pit PH. The contaminated water is treated in 10 non treatment plants
consisting of radial settling tanks, etc; and recycled after removing the
contaminated solids. The slurry containing metallurgical wastes from treatment
plants TP- 1,2,3,4,7 & 8 is pumped to a Metallurgical pond. The clarified water from
the metallurgical pond is being discharged to sea. Water is used for fire fighting,
equipment cooling, steam generation, drinking and sanitary use. Water
management department has one reservoir for raw water and another for ash (ash
pond).is recycled for use through ash pond. It has 47 re-circulating water pump
houses, 10 overhead tanks, 38 cooling towers, 10 treatment plants, 13 sewage
pump houses, 7 sludge pump houses, 2 nos. of filter press units etc. Plant has also
3 reverse osmosis units to achieve zero discharge goals. These plants are in very
advance stage of commissioning. Plant water is treated at raw water treatment
plant and is stored in two compartments, which are located at pump house-01.
Make up water is supplied to different recirculation water pump houses by makeup
water pipeline network. The makeup water is also sent to fire and drinking pumps
which are located at pump house-02. It is further treated and stored in overhead
tank and on ground reservoir. It is supplied throughout the plant by using fire and
drinking water pipe network. In stage 2 waste treated water line network is there for
firefighting makeup water which caters to fire fighting pump house built for
individual zone. Electricity is used for running rotating machinery like Pumps,
Cooling tower fans, and lighting systems.

The following special OH&S features are provided in water management

department in addition to the general provisions:

Fire alarm signal is provided at pump house-02 where emergency fire fighting
pumps are available. Chlorine leak detector is available at chlorine dozing points.
For chlorine cylinders, neutralization tank is available. Dewatering pumps are
installed with alarm and auto operation to take care of flooding. At acid dozing
tanks, showers are available.

Processes that provide Services

Traffic department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS, receives raw
material rakes from Railways in the pre-tippler lines of Raw material handling plant.
After emptying of wagons, the rakes are handed back to Railways within the plant.
Traffic also coordinates with Railways for supply of rakes required for the outward
dispatch of the products. It also undertakes various rail movements inside the plant
including movement of hot metal from Blast furnaces to the Steel melting shops or
to the pig casting machines and pig iron from the pig casting machines to the pig
storage yard. The diesel locomotives used for hauling the rakes and the captive
wagons used for transporting various materials within the plant are maintained in
the Loco & wagon repair shop. The installations and machinery of Traffic
department are provided with inbuilt safety devices. Route relay interlocking
(RRI)/Solid state interlocking (SSI) system is provided in the following areas: Blast
furnace yard, Mixed goods marshalling yard, Rolling mills product sorting yard, Raw
material unloading yard. All the diesel locomotives are provided with standard
safety interlocks. The cranes and machines in the Loco & wagon repair shop are
provided with the standard limit switches to prevent over travel. The rail-road
crossings in the RRI/SSI areas are provided with signal lights and hooters. Diesel is
used as fuel in diesel locomotives and Electricity is used in buildings, yards and the
Loco & wagon repair shop.

Quality assurance and technology development department (QATD), covered

under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS, assures the quality of product by initiating
the control activity right from input and continued throughout the process till product
is dispatched to the customer for use. QA&TD is equipped with the state- of- the art
instruments by which analysis activities and process monitoring is carried out at
various stages during production. Quality assurance starts right from monitoring the
quality of raw materials for the compliance to the purchase specification and quality
of in process materials to adherence of set norms and finally the checking of the
products for meeting the specification or customer requirements. Quality Assurance
at VSP consists of Quality control, Process control, Failure analysis, Inspection and
Testing. Chemical and Physical testing of Raw materials, Slag, Semi-finished &
Finished product, and by-products are the main activities of QA&TD. Quality control
deals with testing of raw materials, in-process materials and finished / semi-finished
products. Process control monitors the salient process parameters to adherence of
the set norms at various stages. Inspection and Testing ensures the quality of the
products dispatched to the customers. Some specialized studies are carried out in
the area of failure analysis, customer complaint samples of our products, input coal
used in blend to initiate corrective measures required in the process. Usage and
storage of chemicals are standardized in line with 5’S’ practices and ensuring
minimum wastage. It also carries out analysis of water, effluents, emissions and
solid wastes as per requirement of EnMD. A meteorological station installed at
QA&TD monitors the weather data. The QA&TD department operates centrally
from a spacious building. It is fully equipped with sophisticated instruments and
laboratory rooms. Extensive facilities are provided to handle chemicals carefully.
Adequate ventilation systems are provided to remove the fumes. All the instruments
and other equipment are provided with safety interlocks.

Research & Development department, covered under QMS, identifies, selects and
handles R&D projects both internal with inhouse expertise and resources and
externally in collaboration with other organizations related to design and
development of new steel products. Pilot oven /pot sintering is used for carrying out
R&D activities. It is instrumental in improving the process/ product quality and
enhancing the brand image of the product.

Instrumentation department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,

renders the services through procurement, installation and maintenance of process
control equipment used in automation & control of various processes throughout
the plant. The old outdated technology is upgraded with latest PLC based systems
with MMI & HMI units for improvement in productivity, safety of the equipment and
employees, cost and energy saving, ease of operation and optimum utilization of
resources. It maintains Zonal FDA Systems spread throughout the plant which
monitors the safety of the plant and equipments from fire hazards round the clock. It
also maintains the weighing systems, ensuring accurate weighment of all incoming
raw materials and outgoing products, by road/rail weighbridges, adhering to norms
of Weights and Measures department (State Government) and internal weighing
systems such as Weigh feeders, Belt Scales, Crane weighing systems and other
Static weighing systems. It renders services related to standardization, calibration
and repair of instruments throughout the plant. It ensures collection and disposal of
the electronic wastes.

Scrap and salvage department (SSD) covered under QMS, EMS and OHSAS,
carries out the collection & processing of various types of iron and steel scrap
generated in the plant and makes arrangements for supply of scrap to steel melting
shops I & II by SSD as well as disposal to external customers. Different types of
refractory bricks are collected by SSD and supplied to DF Bay (SMS-I), Five clay
type (SMS for emergency containers) and SMS converters, Mag-carbon for patch
work or transported to stores department for disposal. All the debris and solid
wastes which could not be recycled or sold are transported to designated slag and
debris dump located near Appikonda gate. All the hired vehicles engaged for
transportation are ‘PUC’ certified.

Refractory engineering department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
helps sinter plant, blast furnace department, steel melting shop, and rolling mills in
rendering repair and maintenance of refractory works in various reheating furnaces,
converters relining, ladle lining continuously.

Capital repair group (CRG), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS, carries
out refractory repair/maintenance of all relevant equipments of CO&CCP including
jobs during capital repairs and also mechanical repair/ maintenance of anchorage
system, gas withdrawal system, heating system and doors of coke oven batteries.
CRG also specializes in providing acid proof lining to protect against corrosion in all
relevant installations in coal chemical plant & refractory maintenance of benzol
plant, tar distillation unit, Coke dry cooling plant, coke sorting plant etc. It is
instrumental in replacing the asbestos rope with environmental friendly ceramic
rope and performing effective maintenance and modifications to reduce stack
emissions and fugitive emissions in coke ovens.

Environment Management Department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and

OHSAS, keeps a close watch at the emissions and the effluents from various units.
It also coordinates with the state and central pollution control boards. It acts as the
nodal centre for all environmental monitoring activities and carries out the following

a. Monitoring of ambient air quality with ambient air quality monitoring system,
water quality, effluent quality, stack emission with Online stack monitoring
system , fugitive emissions, effluent quality, waste generation / handling /
disposal, ambient noise-level and work-zone environment as per prescribed
statutory norms, wherever applicable.

b. Mechanical maintenance of Dust Extraction-systems dry fog systems in various


Telecommunication (Works) department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and

OHSAS, is involved in providing & maintaining the communication network through
different types of communication equipment to meet the needs of various shop floor
personnel like operation, electrical, mechanical and other service departments.
These communication facilities are categorized as general communication (all types
of telephones) through latest OKI plant exchange & electronic EPABX systems,
shop floor communication (broadcasting systems) and signaling (central fire alarm
system), CCTV, wireless systems, central supervisory and data acquisition system
and data communication network for central computer system throughout the plant
and monitoring (CCVM through CCD device cameras and IP based cameras)

Safety engineering department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
closely monitors actions related to safety of plant, equipment and personnel and
coordinates activities with statutory safety authorities. It advises and assists the
management in the fulfillment of the obligation concerning prevention of incidents
and maintaining a safe working environment. SED imparts safety training as well as
refresher safety training to the regular employees as well as contractor workers.
SED conducts safety inspections and co-ordinates with the department for
corrective actions in respect of unsafe conditions and unsafe actions. SED
conducts safety campaigns and competitions amongst the employee to promote
safety. SED ensures that high quality safety appliances are procured and issued to
the employees. SED has been conducting comprehensive Safety Audit,
comprehensive Risk Assessment & Management (HAZOP, HAZAN, Quantitative
Risk Assessment, Consequence Analysis, Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment-
HARA, Emergency Action Plan) for entire plant including the newly commissioned
units and updating the On-site Emergency Plan SED co-ordinating with
departments for updating Work Procedures, Work Instructions, HIRAs, Legal &
Other requirements, conducting Internal & External Safety Audits, monitoring NCRs
& Observations raised during the audits and follow-up for compliance. SED
Conducting regular meetings with the OHSMS Co-ordinators for reviewing the
status of implementation of OHSMS.

Occupational health services and research centre (OHSRC),

Covered under QMS, EMS and OHSAS, offers comprehensive services to all
employees complying with the statutory obligations by carrying out man preventive
maintenance activities like periodical medical examination of the employees,
industrial hygiene surveys & services, toxicological evaluation, noise measurement
studies etc. The health records of employees are stored safely for periodic retrieval
and analysis. A specific coding system is developed and followed for efficient and
systematic placement. Efforts are in progress to store the historical employee
health data in soft form and for online working. Two, Fully–equipped, round the
clock functioning Emergency Medical care units provide services inside the Plant. It
coordinates emergency medical care services, provides first aid facilities and
training in Health Education Programme (class-room & shop-floor based) &first aid
& emergency care with the help of the training department. Two first-aid stations
are located in the plant, functioning round the clock with qualified doctors,
paramedical staff and ambulances. Supporting facilities for providing specialist care
are available at the Visakha General Hospital.

Air conditioning systems (ACS), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
department maintains water coolers and the air conditioning units required for
operation of various equipments in the plant. These units consume electricity for
running of this ventilation systems equipment. The latest technology such as
backward curved fans, double skinned insulation, variable frequency drives for high
capacity motors with motor protection relay and three way mixing valve is installed
in air handling units to improve the quality of performance, reduce energy
consumption, heat loss, noise level etc;. The refrigerant recovery unit is used to
evacuate refrigerant from unit to avoid loss of refrigerant. The replacement of
reciprocating compressors with energy efficient scroll compressors and rotary
compressors (in case of window/split A/c) along with phase reversal protection for
scroll (unidirection) compressor is value addition towards better quality of service. It
controls the consumption / leakages / phasing out of ODS while carrying out the
operation and maintenance of their equipment and takes actions to comply with the
provisions of ‘Ozone depleting substances (regulation and control) rules, 2000’.

Central Mechanical Maintenance department (CMM), covered under QMS, EMS,

EnMS and OHSAS, is one of the major service departments in VSP which renders
major mechanical maintenance and conveyor belt replacement activities throughout
the plant. CMM services are provided through five zonal offices termed as Coke,
Iron, Steel, Mills zones for the planned maintenance, unplanned maintenance and
capital repairs schedules of respective zones and other equipment maintenance
services through workshop. It is the first maintenance section in VSP to implement
one of the best ten practices i.e; “Work Flow and control management” as part of
QMS. While executing maintenance activities, as a part of concern towards
environment, solid waste in the form of scrap conveyor belt is collected and sent to
central stores for further disposal. This helps in earning revenue through auction of
scrap belt.

Engineering shops and foundry

Engineering Shops & Foundry is covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS, OHSMS and all
the systems are at sustenance stage. In addition to these systems, ES&F is a 5S
implemented department having 640 employees and 200contract workmen. ES&F
is a set up to meet the requirements of Ferrous & non-ferrous spares of different
departments and for repair major equipments. ES&F is divided into 5 shops and
they are Central Machine Shop (CMS), Steel Structural Shop (SSS), Forge shop
(FS), Foundry (FDY), and Utility equipment repair shop (UERS). All the shops
except Foundry operate on two-shift basis for 300 days in a year and Foundry
operates in three Shifts.

CENTRAL MACHINE SHOP: At CMS, for preparing the raw material for machining,
material saws, facing and centering machines, hacksaws, and gas cutting facilities
are provided. The machining section has over 100 major machines including lathes,
milling, boring, and planning, slotting, shaping, grinding and other machines. The
assembly section undertakes medium repair and general overhauling of mechanical
equipment. Horizontal and vertical presses, washing tanks, oil berths etc. are
provided. The tool room has facilities for manufacturing of special tools, jigs and
fixtures, re-grinding of tools and cutter and brazing of tipped tools. The heat
treatment section is provided with annealing, normalizing, tempering furnaces,
carbonizing furnaces, high frequency hardening machine, quenching tanks will oil
cooling arrangements, welding generator and transformers for normal welding, sub-
merged arc welding machines etc. Facilities for surface grinding, pipe bending and
threading are also provided. The inputs to CMS are Iron & Steel castings, forgings,
rolled sections, repair and rectification parts, non ferrous castings and the products
& Services of CMS, are Shafts, Pinions, Gears, Crane Wheels, Rollers, Machining

of various fabrication jobs, Repair & reconditioning of various assembly jobs like
L&T Column, TK stands, pulleys, revisioning of gear boxes.


In heavy forging section of FS, open die forgings of long shafts, gear blanks,
couplings etc. are being made with the help of 3 ton & 2-ton bridge type pneumatic
hammers. Each hammer will be provided with twin chamber heating furnaces. Floor
type manipulator and Jib Crane are provided for handling heavy jobs. In general
forging section, 1 ton, 500 Kg, and 200 Kg hammers with separate heating
furnaces are provided. A 2-ton drop stamp hammer with a heating furnace trimming
press etc. is provided for stamping. For cutting them to size, a band saw, a cold
saw, a billet shear and gas cutting facilities are provided. For stress relieving, a
bogie type-annealing furnace is provided. The Inputs are Ingots from Foundry,
blooms from SMS, billets, rods from Mills and higher size rounds with different
material specification from outside market. The products & services are raw
material for shafts, couplings, gears, pinions, flanges bull head hammers,
straightening of pallet middle frames of SP, shafts, gears, drill rods for BF, v-hooks
for SMS.


For marking, cutting to size, forming and bending, guillotine shear, circular saw
plate bender, gas cutting unit etc. are provided. For welding, transformer, automatic
and semi-automatic machines and submerged arc welding machines are provided.
Thermit welding process is established for repairing Slag pots of SMS using thermit
mix powder. In Tool room, lathe, shaper, drilling machines etc. are provided for
running repair of shop equipment. The inputs are various sizes of plates, angles,
channels, beams, flats, rounds for fabrication of jobs and the products & Services
are all types of fabrication jobs, repair of slag pots, tundishes, Scrap boxes, ladles,
crane beams of SMS, BDH-24 fan shaft of sinter plant, KAMAG body of FMD, scrap
buckets of rolling mills.


Foundry operates in three Shifts out of which 2 shifts are for production and third
shift i.e C shift, is meant for maintaining the temperature of induction furnace. A
medium frequency furnace of 2-ton capacity and a 5T capacity main frequency
induction furnace are provided for cast iron jobs. There is a centralized sand
preparation unit. A drier and bins are provided for green sand. Belt conveyors
transport green sand, prepared mix and burnt sand. Moulds and cores are dried in
3 ovens. Lip & bottom pouring ladles with capacity up to 15 tons are provided for
handling hot metal. Two swing frame grinders and two pedestal grinders are
provided for finishing of iron castings. The inputs are Pig Iron, MS scrap, Ferro
alloys, graphite electrodes, sodium silicate, silica sand CO2 gas, moulding additives
etc. and the products & services are Steel, cast iron &non ferrous castings,
Emergency containers, tundish covers, bull gear for SMS, hot metal runners, ladle
paw for blast furnace, coke roll liners, sprockets, pallets for sinter plant, manganese
cast steel casings like bowl liner, lower mantle for RMHP, guide troughs for WRM,
slag pot segments for SSS repair, ingots for forge shop, non ferrous castings like
Mud-gun nuts for BF etc. Steel castings up to maximum piece weight of 10 T and
Steel Ingots up to 2 tons for forging are produced. An 8 Ton arc furnace and a two-
ton medium frequency electric induction furnace is installed for melting of steel
scrap and pig iron. A bogie hearth furnace for annealing/ normalizing of plain
carbon steel castings and fixed hearth furnace for heat treatment of manganese
steel castings with quenching facility is provided. The pattern shop manufactures
wooden, thermo coal patterns for making moulds. The principal equipment for
pattern making are saws, disc grinding, wood working lather, adequate facilities are
provided for saw grinding, painting, timber and pattern storage etc.


The inputs are sheets, plates, channels, angles, beams, billets, rounds for forge
shop for manufacturing Shafts, steel & iron castings and the products& Services
are manufacturing and repair of impellers, repair of GCP Id fan, repair of steam
exhausters for SMS, supply of cones & ducts of various sizes, in house
manufacturing of MBC impeller for CCCD, buildup& machining of various
components, reclamation jobs like valve repairs, conveyor idlers, PCM rollers etc.
Repair of ventilation, air conditioning and water supply equipment is carried out.
There is a machining section having 15 major machines like lathes, milling, slotting,
shaping and grinding machines, Sheet bending machines, Guillotine shear & semi-
folding machine are provided in fabrication section. 250 kg pneumatic hammer with
necessary facilities and a welding section for semi automatic, automatic and
shielded arc welding machines are provided in plumbing section. There is a
separate equipment repair section All shops are provided with separate Stores
facility for keeping operational, electrical and mechanical spares and consumables
related to their processes to meet the day to day requirements. In addition to these
shops, mechanical and electrical sections are provided for mechanical and
electrical maintenance requirements of equipments of all shops, for ensuring
equipment availability paying timely attention to running complaints and break down
and to take up-gradation and technological improvements activities to overcome
the problems of obsolete equipments.

Central planning section(CPS) is another section of ES&F which plays an important

role in coordinating with customer departments and the shops of ES&F for scrutiny
of job requirements from customer departments, preparation of monthly plan &
progress, material procurement plan, issue of work orders to sections based on the
requirements from Customers. Inspection of semi/ finished jobs of 5 sections, daily
monitoring of jobs progress and preparation of daily production report, inter-shop
and dispatch to sections, drawings control and attending to MOU meetings with
customer departments are also the functions of CPS. All the jobs of customers are
identified by unique work order number. Manufacturing/ repair activities are carried
out as per the drawing of the job. In process inspection of the jobs is carried out by
respective shop employees where as the final inspection by central planning
section. Calibrated measuring instruments are used at CMS, UERS and by CPS for
inspection purpose. Under EMS, at all shops ES&F waste generated is segregated
type-wise and disposed at regular intervals. Waste oils are collected and returned
to lubrication& hydraulic department for further process. Under OHSMS, the special
features provided are fume extraction systems, safety interlocks, pressure relief
and safety valves at Arc furnace, sand plant, heat treatment furnace , safety limit
switches to cranes etc,. Inflammable materials are stored outside the shops
necessary safety interlocks are provided to all the equipments.
Field Machinery Department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
renders quality services to various departments of the plant on need and schedule
basis by timely deploying right vehicles/ heavy equipments/ material
transportation/handling equipments. It also repairs/maintains heavy equipments,
vehicles; material handling equipments like dumpers, loaders, dozers, mobile
cranes etc., CISF vehicles, fire tenders, forklifts, skid steer loaders ensures
availability and reliability of the above equipment to the satisfaction of the users.
FMD ensures that all wheel-mounted vehicles / equipment are PUC certified. Diesel
is used as fuel in various mobile equipments. Electricity is used in lighting system.

Plant Design department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS, renders
services to various production departments for developing drawings of equipment
spare parts/assembles/sub-assemblies through Reverse Engineering for the
purpose of import substitutes & proprietary substitutes and in-house manufacturing.
It develops drawings for modification of spare parts/assemblies for better
operational efficiency and enhanced machine availability by re-engineering, thus
improving the quality of product. It also archives the developed drawings for
reprographic use. The development of drawing is done by using Autocad package
and white prints are produced by using wide format scanner cum printer. The
developed drawings are issued to the respective departments for producing spares.
In addition, it digitizes the available drawings using the wide format scanner cum
printer and making it available on-line at the intranet site. All the above activities are
controlled through an IT application namely “DRAWMAN” which is an Enterprise
Drawing Management System. It enables for customer to place their requirement
on line and get updates feedback through mail and mobile. This not only eliminates
the usage of paper but also makes the drawing accessible to the user department
by the click of the mouse.

Technical Improvement Cell (TIC), covered under QMS, is a nodal agency for
coordinating and monitoring all functions and activities related to AMR (Additions,
Modifications and Replacement) Schemes for Works and Mines in Planning,
Scrutinizing the schemes, budgeting , obtaining approval and monitoring the
implementation of schemes in a time bound manner till completion. The cell also
acts as an interface between the Owner Department and Related Departments like
Contract Awarding Departments and Work Execution departments etc.

Technical services (TS) department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and
OHSAS, monitors the health of critical equipment of various departments through
condition monitoring in which vibration analysis (ad per IS 10816), wear debris
analysis, current data analysis and thermal images analysis etc. is done using the
Vibration analyzer, Motor current analyzer, acoustic emission meter, vibration
meters and thermography equipment for obtaining best quality results.

Power Engineering Maintenance department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS

and OHSAS, carries out the mechanical maintenance (Capital repairs, preventive
maintenance, break down maintenance) of rotating equipments like Turbo-blowers,
Turbo compressors, Turbines, High capacity exhausters, Boiler fans, Feed pumps,
located in various departments throughout the plant. In addition to the above it
carries out IN-SITU dynamic balancing, precision alignment, critical assembly
works of high speed critical rotary equipments. During the mechanical maintenance
of the above rotary equipments, the damaged parts (ferrous and non ferrous scrap)
and consumables (soaked cotton waste with oil & grease) are dumped into the
respective dust bins provided by respective shops.

Central Maintenance Electrical (CME), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and
OHSAS, carries out electrical maintenance activities such as routine maintenance
& inspection to improve the performance of motors, periodic overhaul of motors
above 200KW at the work shop and large motors at user site, alignment of motors
with mechanism, electrical maintenance of ED (W), stores complex and other
buildings, street & tower lighting inside the plant, cranes & weigh bridges under its
scope. The overhauled / repaired motors are again reinstalled at site. The handling
& storage of motors are carried out under controlled conditions.

Electrical Repair Shop (ERS), covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
carries out repairs, rewinding of the electrical equipment which includes AC / DC,
LT/ HT motors and other electrical equipment with quality of raw materials
confirmed to applicable BIS, and IPSS standards. It plans for procurement of
related spares for carrying out the said services. It renders services on routine as
well as during capital repairs of various production departments.

Electro technical laboratory (ETL), covered under QMS, EMS and OHSAS, helps
the shop electrical of all the production shops in maintaining the thyristorised AC
and DC drives, uninterrupted power supply systems, programmable logic
controllers, crane controls etc. It also repairs all the electronic cards used in the
above drives and systems in its Electronic laboratory.

Spares Management Department (SMD), covered under QMS, EMS and EnMS, is
a nodal department between Works and MM department. Major activities are
procurement of rationalized spares, processing of material indents including MBC
/SMC and technical recommendation files of all Works departments. Maintains
budgetary control and Inventory control.

Maintenance and Management Systems (MMS) department, covered under QMS,

is central group for managing Maintenance and Management Systems (MAMS)
covering the maintenance activities of the works departments. It monitors & controls
the expenditure incurred / to be incurred within the budget It also allots and
maintains a unique number called Catalogue Number for equipments/ spares etc.

Cost Monitoring Group, covered under QMS, monitors the production cost and
provides MIS reports on costs.

Works contracts department, covered under QMS, mainly deals with the award of
contracts required for sustaining the production and maintenance of various
departments/units in the plant. In order to provide quality service Works Contracts
adheres to 3-tier scrutiny system supported by the contract procedures, legal and
commercial aspects of contract management, amendments, delegation of powers,
circulars, issued by management from time to time to select the suitable contractor
to perform the required task.

Civil engineering department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
carries out all the civil maintenance works, garbage handling, afforestation and
horticulture inside the plant.

Structural Engineering Department, covered under QMS, EMS, EnMS and OHSAS,
carries out inspection maintenance and painting activities of various steel structures
in the plant. St. ED undertakes replacement of translucent sheets of various yards
and bay.

Brief Description of Electrical System

The Main Receiving Station (MRS) is an Air Insulated Substation, which receives
Incoming power from APTRANSCO through 2x220 KV OH lines. It is connected
with LBSS-5, through three no 220 KV OH line called Main Lines 1,2,3 & one spare
220 KV OH line. LBSS-5 (Load Block Substation-5) is the main load distribution

3x60 MW Turbo-Generators (called TG1,2,3) are connected to 11KV GSB

(Generator Switch Board #1), which in turn feed power to LBSS-5 (AIS) through 3
nos, 11/220 KV , 63.5 MVA Transformers (called T1,T2,T3). These TGs are run by
steam from 6 Boilers by burning Blast furnace or Coke oven gas or Coal or Oil.

2x67.5 mW Turbo-Generator (called TG 4,5) are connected to 33 KV (Generator

Switch Board#4) through 2x 90 MVA, 11/33KV Transformer, which in turn feed
power to Extended-LBSS-5(GIS) through 3x 63.5 MVA , 33/220 KV Transformers
(called T6,7,8). These TGs are run by steam from 6 Boilers as mentioned above, by
burning Blast furnace or Coke oven gas or Coal or oil.

1x14 MW TRT (Top Recovery Turbine run by Hot Gas from Blast Furnace -3) and
1x14 MW COB(Hot Gas from Coke Oven Battery -4) are connected to 11 KV,
GSB#2 & 3 respectively, which in turn feed power to Extended-LBSS-5(GIS)
through 1x 50 MVA , 11/11/220 KV Transformers (called T9).

LBSS-5(AIS) & Extended LBSS-5(GIS) are interconnected through 220 KV cable.

2x12 MW Gas Expansion Turbo Generator(GETG) & 2x 7.5 MW Back Pressure

Turbo Generator(BPTG) are connected to 11 KV (Generator Switch Board#2&3),
which in turn feed power to LBSS-5(AIS) through one 11/11/220 KV , 50 MVA
Transformer (called T4). These GETG & BPTG are run by Blast furnace Top Hot
Gas & Coke oven Battery Hot gas respectively.

1x20.6 MW Generator (called NEDO-New Energy Development Organization) run

by Heat recovery boiler from Sinter Plant, which is connected to LBSS-5 (AIS)
through 11/220 KV, 90 MVA Transformer (called T5).

LBSS-1 Load is fed from 220 KV double circuit OH line from LBSS-5 (AIS).
Township Load is fed from MRS through 220 KV/33KV Transformer
LBSS-2, 3, 4, 6 are fed through 220 KV double circuit OH line.

Total Vizag Steel Generating capacity (TPP & CPP) is added = 522.6 MW

Category-I (Imported load) of 80 MW, fed from 11KV GSB#1.
Category-I (Imported load) of 30 MW, fed from 33KV GSB#4.

In average 40 to 50 MW/day, is imported from APTRANSCO (235 MVA is

connected Load). Balance load demand is supplied from TPP/CPP


The safety audit was carried out on the guidelines as mentioned in Indian Standard
IS: 14489 - 1998 on “Code of Practice on Occupational Safety and Health Audit”.
The broad elements covered in the Safety Audit are as under:

1) Safety Management Systems

2) Safety Training Plans.
3) PPE Norms and Practices.
4) Compliance with Statutory Requirements pertaining to Safety.
5) Fire Hazards and their Control Measures.
6) Mechanical/Physical Hazards.
7) Electrical System and Personal Safeguarding.
8) Safe Operating and Maintenance Procedures.
9) Safety Procedures for Contract Work.
10) Review of Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response Systems.
11) Safe Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.


The main objectives of the audit were to particularly examine Health & Safety (H &
S) systems prevalent in the Factory, identify potential H & S hazards and suggest
corrective actions wherever necessary. The success of the audit exercise lies in
implementation of the recommendations made in the report. Due care has been
exercised while framing the recommendations to make them simple, practicable,
feasible and thereby workable. It is the responsibility of the top management to
make available the necessary resources to implement the recommendations of this


The information presented in the report is based on perusal of various documents

and internal records, sample inspection of the Factory and discussions held with
employees and management representatives. The recommendations made herein
in the report, are based on the conditions and systems prevalent at the
Vishakhapatnam Steel plant, Vishakhapatnam and hence applicable only to the
said Factory or mentioned otherwise. Vishakhapatnam Steel plant,
Vishakhapatnam may however, replicate the recommendations in its other such
Plants after studying their implications depending on the conditions and systems
prevalent therein.


As intimated in advance by NSC, there was a meeting with senior officers and audit
team on 20th February, 2019 at 10:00 hr.
The Team made the following points:

i) The assignment being carried out at the request of the Management of

Vishakhapatnam Steel plant, Vishakhapatnam shows its keenness to make
the Plant safer. As the Management is represented by the Executives present
at the meeting, their involvement and co-operation are essential and
important in carrying out the assignment successfully.
ii) The Safety audit is not an inspection of each and every activity/ item, but it is
a sample inspection of the Workplace and study of key documents. The
coverage of the Safety Audit will be limited to the field visit of areas planned
to be inspected by the Management, information provided to the Safety Audit
Team and documents and records produced for verification.
iii) The Safety Audit is not a fault finding exercise but identification of areas for
improvement in safety based on observations, discussions at various levels
and reference to the records & documents made available for verification.
iv) The recommendations that would be made in the audit report would be
practical and information provided would be authentic.
v) The safety audit report will be a confidential document between NSC and
Vishakhapatnam Steel plant, Vishakhapatnam.


In order to check and assess the status of the H & S Management System
prevalent in the plant and facilities, many documents such as safety policy, work
permit system, pre & periodic medical examination records of all employees,
operating & maintenance procedures, inspection schedules & reports and records
of testing of critical plant equipment, earthing systems, fire extinguishers, etc. were


On 26th February, 2019 at 15:45 hrs a Closing Meeting was organized. Company
executives attended the meeting. The Audit Team presented some important
observations and recommendations in this Meeting. There was a discussion on the
recommendations, which was useful in clarifying the doubts.


Based on the information provided in the pre-visit questionnaire, discussions with

the key persons, sample inspections carried out during the visit and perusal of the
documents / records maintained in various Departments, observations and
comments with our recommendations are given in the following parts of this report.

1.10 Disclaimer:

“The findings and the recommendations mentioned in this

audit report are based on the actual condition prevalent in the
site during the time of our audit. This report should not be
deemed as any warranty or certification of Safety
Management System and other technical aspects related to
preventing accident in future”.

PART – 2


A four member audit team from National Safety Council carried out the Safety audit of
Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, Vishakhapatnam from 20-26th February, 2019. The
objective is to carry out a critical appraisal of potential hazards at workplace and ensure
that OSH system fully satisfies the legal and other requirements. Indian Standard, IS
14489:1998 was used as a guide.


• Most of the statutory requirements are found to be complied with. Factory License,
Boiler License, Petroleum license; chlorine license and Consent to operate the plant
from Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board are available in the plant.

• RINL Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant was IMS certified company and all the procedures
were documented in the OHSAS safety manual which was available in the portal of
RINL Company for ready reference of company employees.

• Company was having safety organization for looking after safety aspects of company,
the roles and responsibilities were defined in the safety manual. The qualified safety
officer was available in the company as required under Section 40 B of the Factories
Act, 1948.

• The company has prepared Quality, Health Safety and Environment policy in English &
Hindi version and Signed by occupier in October 2017 however the occupier was
changed in recent past, the policy should be signed by the current Occupier and
copies should be displayed in company premises.

• As Steel industry was listed in Schedule I of The Factories Act, 1948 and having more
than eighteen thousand workers working in the plant. Central Safety Committee was
formed for better co operation between management and workers related to Safety,
health and environment aspects of workers which was required under Section 41 G of
the Factories Act, 1948. The frequency was once in every quarter and tenure was as
per the trade union member’s elections. Departmental safety Committees were formed
under the Head of Departments chairmen’s ship for looking after the shop floor safety ,
health and environment aspects and meetings were conducted every monthly, format
for same was prepared and records were available with most of the departments.

• Accident reporting, Recording, Investigation and Analysis procedure was documented

in Safety manual, the formats of accident reporting was available in the manual and
being followed by the company which was required under Section 88 Of the Factories
Act, 1948. In 2017-2018 there was no Fatal Accident reported however reportable
accidents were happened inside the company premises. The Severity rate and
Frequency rate was calculated by Safety Engineering department. The accidents were
analyzed cause wise. There was format for nearmiss and dangerous occurrence
however less numbers of nearmiss accidents were reported in most of the departments
which needs to be enhanced for that shop floor worker should be trained and educated
and good nearmiss accident may be rewarded to motivate the workers. Neramiss
accident was a vital tool to find out the unsafe conditions and unsafe acts present in
the shop floor which may lead to serious accident.

• Safety trainings were imparted to the workers; training calendar for the entire year was
prepared and circulated to all the departments for allocating the participants. After
training imparted feedback was obtained from participants on the subject. This year
external faculty from NSC, Navi Mumbai was called for imparting trainings to the

• In company First Aid training was imparted to more than one thousand workers and
these were working in shift schedule for attending first aid injury cases inside the
company however out of that some certified first aider were undergone training on year
2015/ 2016 whose refresher training should be planned for being first aider as required
under the statues.

• Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) study has been carried out in the
company for more than five thousand operations to know the hazards and the risk in
the operations. During visit some of the HIRA study was perused it was found that
general safety and use of PPEs were mentioned in the control measures. HIRA study
should be reviewed by incorporating the existing control measures available to
eliminate or reduce the risk within acceptable level such as training, SOP, Interlocks
available, engineering control, administrative control, work permit system etc so that
detailed control measures will be mentioned in the study and study will productive.

• Company was handling hazardous chemicals like Chlorine, Hydrogen, benzene, BF

gas, LD gas etc for these chemicals Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) has been
carried out to know the effects of hazardous chemicals in case of eventuality but the
results were not known to the concern workers. Training should be arranged for the
respective departments for knowing the effects and making aware about the study.
The observations made in the study should be completed and the compliance report
should be documented for verification.

• HAZOP study was carried out in year 2015 for most of the departments like BF,
COCCP, EMD, TPP, MMSM etc. The HAZOP study observations compliance report
was not available for all points raised during study.

• More than one thousand numbers of First Aid boxes were provided in the company for
treatment of first aid cases as required under Section 45 of the Factories Act, 1948
however, qualified first aider was available in the company for treating first aid cases.
The content of first aid box was suggested by OHC of six contents. The replenishment
was carried out by certified first aiders.

• OHC was available in the company handled by qualified doctor as required under Rule
61 (SC) B (2) (1) of the AP Factories Rules, 1950. The OHC was available for
conducting periodic medical examinations of workers and in case of emergency the
injured person was treated in the colony hospital. The numbers of doctors required in
the OHC should be as per Rule 61 (SC) (B) (C) (i) of the AP Factories Rules, 1950.

• Three first aid centers and Ambulance vans were available in the company for
treatment and transportation of injured cases at OHC, CO CCP, BF areas respectively.

• Periodic medical examinations of workers were conducted in OHC around thirty to forty
workers medical examinations can be conducted daily in the OHC. The frequency of
Periodical medical examinations was defined in the OHC safety manual and
accordingly medical examinations were carried out. The medical test records were
maintained separately in the portal. Each worker was having separate file and access
was given to worker for knowing the medical tests details through person login and
pass word on the portal. In this year out of 8500 workers 8300 workers undergone
medical examinations. As per the diagnosis by OHC for last year periodic medical
examinations there were cases of hypertension, diabetics, anemia, vertigo, ringing in
the years, hearing impairment, refractory errors, Asthma cases etc. Special care or
attention should be given to these cases for maintaining their health.


• Heat sensing arrangement may be installed along with sprinkler system in coal yard to
take early action to avoid frequent fire which results with lot of air pollution and loss of

• Safety valves on pressure vessels should be tested regularly and records maintained.

• All the pressure gauges should be marked at SWP with a red mark.

• The guarding of rotating parts of machines was missing in most of the places which
may lead to accidents and positive guarding was required for that survey should be

• Standard Operating Procedures were prepared for most of the operations and
available in the departments for ready reference. Some of the SOPs of Emergency
shut down operations were reviewed it was found that general instructions like isolation
valves should be closed however isolation valves numbers were not mentioned, for
making full proof SOP for particular operation specific numbers of isolation valves,
location and blinds etc should be mentioned in the SOP.

• The gas cylinders used stored and handled in the company at most of the
departments. During visit it was found that the cylinders were not properly secured to
avoid fall, end caps were missing and moreover 2007, 2011, 2013 hydro testing due
dated gas cylinders were used inside the company. It was suggested that survey
should be conducted for all the gas cylinders for due date of Hydro testing and make
sure that only valid i.e. hydro tested gas cylinders were used, stored, handled inside
the company premises.

• PPEs compliance in general needs improvement.

• Two wheelers are parked inside the plants which is unsafe.

• Vehicles are plying at much higher speed then prescribed speed limit of 30 KM/hr.

• Housekeeping should be improved in general.

• Pedestal grinder should be maintained well with respect to gap between wheel & tool
rest and wheel guard. A notice should be displayed near grinder as per statutory
provision under sec 30 of The Factories Act 1948.


• Each Electrical Department has maintained a Register with name of

Officer/Supervisor/Technician with designation, no of years of experience on relevant
field & duly approved by a Senior Person of department. This is required as per CEA
Sub Reg (2) of Reg 3.

• It is suggested to carry out Infrared Thermograph once in 6 month after mapping all
probable hot points. DGA of all HT Transformer is to be done once /year. The DGA
report & all other Electrical test results are to be shared by DNW with all concerned
area HODs for making action plan & trend analysis by individual section.

• Periodical Inspection of Electrical System by State Electrical Inspector is not found

during audit which was required under CEA Regulation number 30 (2).

• Designated Electrical Safety Officer from within the organization is not recorded by
individual department which is required under CEA regulation 2010 number 5.

• Latest CPR charts should be displayed in a language understood by majority of

workers in all Switch gear room as required under CEA regulation number 28.

• Use Epoxy insulating paint in front of HT switchgears should be used to facilitate

smooth breaker rack in/out operation as require under CEA regulation 2010 number 19

• An artificial respirator shall be provided in every manned generating station, substation

or switching station of voltage exceeding 650 V. Regn 28 (3) which is shifted to 27(5)

• Two or more Gas masks shall be provided & installed & maintained at accessible
places in every Generating station with capacity of 5 MW & above and enclosed
substation with transformation capacity of 5 MVA & above for use in the event of Fire &
smoke. Ref CEA Reg 2010, Reg no 27 (4)

• It may be noted that all Transformers of rating 10 MVA & above are to be provided with
HVW spray system (design, installation as per IS 15325) or Nitrogen Injection Fire
Protection System. Ref CEA Regn no 44 (2)(ix). Urgent attention is required for
protection of these Transformers.

• Fire water systems, which are available at cable gallery, may be kept in service.

• Standard Maintenance schedule & Practices (SMP) of all electrical equipments are to
be prepared as per O&M manual & experience of repeated failure if any. This is to be
followed & record is to be kept for reference.

• Lockout & Tag out (LOTO) system for Permit work system is not followed. Manual
Permit format is used & a PTW register with all details is maintained. Start LOTO

• Electrical Hand tools are to be tested at least once a year either by centralized
Electrical Lab at DNW or by an NABL accredited testing lab & record of the same is to
be kept. Defective tools shall be replaced with new ones immediately

• It was observed that temporary wiring with joints & without plug/sockets is used which
may lead to accidents, follow CEA regulation 2010 for temporary wiring.

• Flame proof light fittings and flame proof enclosure for motor terminal box of exhaust
fan were not used in Battery Room which may lead to explosion due to spark
generation during operation.

• Earth resistance measurement record was maintained in register. But during site visit,
it was found that, many Earth Pits were found not exposed, (buried in earth/debris), not
cleaned, not accessible & not identified & earth resistance measured with date/due
date were not displayed near the pit. It appears that at these locations, the earth pit
resistance was not taken regularly.

• Electrical Zone classification should be carried out for installations of electrical fittings.


• The factory being a steel plant is of High Hazard Fire Occupancy, Sub Category A,
both as per National Building Code and TAC. Compatible with the fire risk, the factory
has adequate fire fighting capability in terms of manpower and other resources.

• The factory is a Major Accident Hazard (MAH) factory due to storage of ‘flammable
gas’ (LD gas) above the threshold limit (>200 MT) as per schedule 2 part 2 of MSIHC
Rules. The factory is in compliance with the requirement as per MSIHC Rules.

• Adequate fire water availability is ensured for more than 4 hours of fire fighting as the
fire water tanks are inter-connected. Automatic starting and stopping systems for
jokey pump and main pump may be implemented for the phase 1 fire water pumps.
• Inspection procedure and up keeping of PFE and fixed firefighting equipment are
good and records are well maintained.

• Fire training attendance for employees is not satisfactory. Fire training plays key role
in prevention of fire at first place, prevention of a large fire by controlling at initial
stage and in rescue & evacuation. A mandatory fire training schedule may be
prepared for all employees and contractor workers. All employees should receive fire
training at least once in a year.

• The Factory may ensure that valid Fire NOC is in place as it was not available for

• It is suggested that operation personnel in CO, BF and SMS may be as much

proficient in rescue and emergency operation using SCBA as the EMD personnel. In
case emergency due to CO poisoning operation personnel should also be available
for rescue.

• Use of portable CO meters may be strictly enforced or made mandatory in CO prone


• As per SMPV Rules every pressure vessel (gas bullets containing O2, N2, Argon.
LPG etc.) Should have label or name plate containing tank number, chemical name,
design pressure, test pressure, etc.

• A tank farm containing 4 gas storage tanks in PRMS 1 may be maintained as per
SMPV Rules if it is in operation. Otherwise, the tanks may be removed or the tanks
may be isolated and a board saying ‘Not in Use’ may be displayed.

• Earthing confirmation system may be installed for class A chemicals loading or LPG
unloading, which will confirm if proper earthing is established. This can be interlocked
with starting of filling pump or unloading compressor.

• The high CO alarm may be made audible in control room also in SMS 1.

• Pipelines may be painted using colour code as per IS 2379 (1990).

• For LPG tankers, safety certificates of tankers, test certificate of safety valves and
excess flow check valves may be checked before unloading. Drivers need to be
trained in transportation of hazardous chemicals as per CMV Rules.

• LPG cylinders discharge manifold area may be provided with leak detectors.

• Dry vegetation in and the gas holder premises may be promptly removed.

• The booster compressor by pass line in GH 2 may be provided with jumpers across
the flanges. The earthing for the line may also be ensured. This is important as the
line may pick up static charges from the ESP.

• Welding job earthing may be provided closest to the job to avoid hazard.

• Dust extractors, wherever not working, may be repaired and more may be installed to
reduce dust pollution in CRMP.

• In Crude and Finished Product Storage area of CCP it is observed that tank roof of
benzene storage tank has holes, some other class A chemical tank roofs are
corroded and vents are open and continuity clamps across flanges are missing in
many places. These may be looked into.

• The factory is in compliance with Consent for Operation by State PCB and
Hazardous Waste Management Rules. The factory may try to achieve zero liquid
discharge. Online real time monitoring system of effluent may be commissioned as it
is a requirement of CPCB.


PART – 3


Company has prepared Quality, As per Rule 61 (SB) A of the AP

Health, safety and Environment policy Factories Rules, 1950, formed under
as requirement of IMS certification in Section 41-B (2) of the Factories Act,
English and Hindi version. 1948.

The occupier shall prepare a written

Statement of his policy in respect of
health and safety of workers at work.

The policy was signed by occupier in QSHE policy should be signed by

October, 2017 however latest current occupier and copies should be
occupier signature was not available displayed.
on the QHSE policy.

During visit it was found that old The policy should be displayed in a
version of QHSE policy displayed on language understood by majority of
some of the departments which was workers at plant premises.
after some time corrected by concern
person, the policy was displayed in
English version in most of the
departments at few places it was
displayed in local language.

New departments like special bar mill The policy should be reviewed as
etc were formed for different types of often as may be appropriate, but it
products manufacturing. shall necessarily be revised under the
following circumstances, namely

a) whenever any expansion or

modification having implications on
safety and health of persons at
work is made; or

b) Whenever new substance(s) or

articles are introduced in the
manufacturing process having
implications on health and safety of
persons exposed to such



Company was having safety This is in order as per Section 40 B (2)

Engineering department (SED) for of the Factories Act, 1948 and Rule
looking after safety aspects. The number 61 A of the AP Factories
organization chart of safety Rules, 1950.
department was prepared and
available with safety department.

SED in charge is Mr Krishnaiah (DGM

safety) whose basic qualification was
B. E. Mechanical and having
production experience.

Mr J. Rajendran who was DGM safety

and having qualification of M. Tech
Industrial safety with industrial

Mr. M. Vara Prasada Rao who was

AGM Safety with basic qualification of
B. E. Mechanical and having
production experience.

Mr Mohan Rao who was manager

safety and ADIS with industrial

Mr. B. V. Prasad working as Deputy

manager safety and having industrial

Mr. R. Madhav Kumar working as

Manager safety with industrial

Mr R. Raju Rao working as manager


SED in charge reports to General

Manager (Safety & Environment In

SED was looking after safety aspects It should be followed.

only and total strength of safety
engineering department is around fifty
persons. Roles and Responsibilities of

safety officer were defined in the

safety manual.

Company has nominated persons This is a good system to involve

from each department as person from each department for
Departmental Safety Co coordinator looking after safety aspects at shop
who was looking after production floor but ensure that the DSC was
activities as well as coordinator for having sufficient time and facilities for
safety committee meeting, conducted doing his duties satisfactorily as a
safety inspections etc. to make safety coordinator.
workplace safer.


The steel manufacturing industry was This is in order as per Section 41 G of

listed in the Schedule- I of the the Factories Act, 1948 Workers'
Factories Act, 1948 hence Section 41 participation in safety management.
A- to Section 41 – H (provisions
relating to hazardous processes) was 1) The occupier shall, in every factory
applicable to this industry. where a hazardous process takes
place, or where hazardous
Company was having central safety substances are used or handled,
committee for better cooperation set up a Safety Committee
between workers and management consisting of equal number of
regarding safety, health & representatives of workers and
environment aspects of the workers. management to promote
cooperation between the workers
and the management in
maintaining proper safety and
health at work and to review
periodically the measures taken in
that behalf.

The Central Safety Committee was This is in order.

reconstituted on 27/08/2018 through
office order.

The central safety committee consists This is in order as per Rule 61 SG of

of thirty members from workers side the AP Factories Rules, 1950.
and thirty members from management
sides thus having the equal numbers
of participation.

The tenure of safety committee was Noted.

as per the trade union tenure.


The frequency of central safety This is in order.

committee meeting was once in every

The last two safety committee meeting All the observations raised during
was held as per following dates. safety committee meeting should be
completed as per the target dates and
06/12/2018 in which total fourteen records should be documented for
points were raised and around nine verification.
points were complied.

04/09/2018 in which total fifteen points

were raised out of that five were old
and ten new points were raised.

The follow up of the points raised was

done in next meeting beginning.

In Central Safety Committee accident This is in order, it should be continued.

statistics, last meeting points, new
points were discussed. Concern
Person name with responsibility and
target dates were defined in the safety
committee meeting to complete the
observation made.

The MOM of Central Safety

Committee meeting was distributed
through Email, hard copy to members,
ED/worker I/C / Chairman CSC/ALL
EDs/GMs/All HODs/and Copy to ED
(P &I/C), GM (Project)I/C/ TA to CMD/
TA to D (P).

Considering the number of workers Good, it should be continued.

employed and departments in the
company, company has formed
departmental safety committees, head
of department will be the chairmen for
these departmental safety
committees. The frequency of meeting
was defined every monthly.

The departmental safety officer was

the Coordinator for safety committee
meeting at departmental level.



Safety inspections were carried out by It was suggested that the safety
Zonal safety officer and Departmental inspections should be carried out by
Safety Coordinator mostly at shop head of departments regularly so that
floor unsafe acts and unsafe the actual conditions at shop floor was
conditions were found out. The known to them and corrective actions
procedure for safety inspections was can be taken on priority.

The shop floor safety inspections were

carried out as per the schedule.

The safety inspections records were

maintained by DSC.

During visit, at most of the

department’s site we found lot of
unsafe acts and unsafe conditions
which may lead to accidents. For
example at RMHS coal was auto
ignited and persons were working
nearby, Dozer was working nearby
few workers sprayed water but the
smoke and fire was their etc.



Company has documented the This is in order.

Accident reporting, recording,
investigation and analysis procedures
in OHSAS safety manual.
OHSMS/R/08 for incident reporting.

Different formats have been prepared

for incident reporting, investigation

The accident data was available with

the SED. All departments submit their
accident statistics to the SED and
then SED will prepare the Frequency
rate and Severity rates.

The graphical accident FR was Noted.

prepared by safety department which

shows that the fatal accidents FR

were reduced from last three years. In
2017- 18 zero fatal accident

The total accidents happened in VSP The statistics shows that the
including contract workers are as per reportable incidents were happened
following: every year, company should focus
about reducing the reportable
year NR RE Fatal accidents for that nearmiss accident
17/18 12 11 0 reporting at shop floor should be
16/17 23 07 06 enhanced.
15/16 10 11 03
14/15 03 13 05 Nearmiss accident reporting is an vital
tool to find out the unsafe act and
During visit we found that less number unsafe condition which may lead to
of nearmiss accidents was reported. fatal accident hence educate and
trained the shop floor workers for
reporting of nearmiss accidents and
good nearmiss accident reporting may
be rewarded to motivate the workers.

The cause wise accident analysis was Corrective actions should be

prepared by SED which shows that 37 effectively implemented to avoid
% of accidents happened due to hit by reoccurrence of same type of accident
falling objects. 18% of accidents in future.
happened due to pressed between
objects, 18% of accidents by other hot
objects, and 9% of accidents by
electrical, 9% of accidents by hot
metal burns, 9% by slip and fall.

The fatal accidents were investigated This is in order.

by accident committee which was
constituted by ED works. This
committee includes DGM P/S, HR,
DGM safety, GM, SGST/I/C and ED.


Company was having training hall in It should be maintained in future also.

which necessary training facilities like
mike, computer, chairs, audiovisuals,
screen, projectors, etc were provided
for imparting training to workers. At a
time forty participants can attend the

training program.

The faculty for imparting training was This is a good practice to involve the
internal as well as external faculty was external faculty for imparting the
also called from organization like training to company workers so that
National Safety Council, Mumbai. the good practices and advance
techniques which was being at other
company will be shared to the workers
and these good practices can be
implemented at site.

Induction training to new comers will This is a good system should be

be arranged by TTA, the duration of continued.
induction training will be of one month
to three month. Induction training Structured training programmers were
module was prepared and same being required to develop skill as well as
followed for induction training of newly safe working methods in plant level
employed workers. The trainings at particularly in Hazardous operations
TTA were given by qualified and as a part accident reduction policy.
experienced Safety officers.

SED will provide training to new

workers related to basic safety,
general safety at site, brief about
company, details of departments,
maintenance practices and behavior
base safety.

The records of training imparted was

reflected in the monthly review
meeting and discussed in
departmental meeting also.

Training calendar for every year was It is suggested that effectiveness of

prepared for all types of employees the training imparted may be checked
and circulated to all the departments by taking written test after training
for allocating the employees as per session over so that the persons who
the training planned. The feedback on undergo the training can be assessed.
training imparted was obtained from
participants. Refresher training will be
arranged after three years.

During visit we found that some of the

workers were not aware about
hazards associated with the fire
extinguishers, Earth pits were
observed buried in most of the

departments, cable trays at RMHP

with lot of coal dust and combustible
materials, No proper access, working
at coal reclaimer area where coal was
auto ignited etc.

Training of top management was Noted.

carried out by TTA & MDC (HRD).

The first aid training was imparted to Survey should be carried out for
around 1153 numbers of employees refresher first aid certified training of
from different departments through these workers and fresh training
Saint John Ambulance agency should be arranged for them.
however during visit we found that the
refresher first aid training was required
to be arranged as the validity of first
aid training was expired for example
the first aid training was imparted in
year 2015/2016 for workers which was
not rearranged.

Few persons were sent outside the It should be continued.

company for attending the external
training programs, conferences etc for
enhancing the knowledge.



To promote safety and health in the In order to improve the Safety &
plant, the National Safety Day was Health awareness among employees
celebrated in the plant on 4th March. these campaign, observance &
motivation programmes should be
Last Safety Day/week was celebrated conducted in future also.
from 4 to 10th March 2018.

During this celebration various

competitions are organized like safety
slogan competition, drawing
competitions etc and winners were

Fire Services week was observed

from 14 to 20th April, 2018 in which
different competitions were organized
at company premises, fire demos

were carried out and winners were


World Environment Day was

celebrated on 5th June, 2018 on that
day tree plantations was done in
company premises.

Road Safety week was celebrated at


Foundation day of RINL,

Vishakhapatnam was celebrated in
year 2019 in which different
competitions were organized at
company and winners were rewarded.

Other than above company has This is a good system it should be

carried out Crush Helmet campaign, continued.
Rail safety at site.

Company was having online Suggestion boxes may be provided at

suggestion scheme in which site also and suggestions from
employees can share the suggestions contract workers/ shop floor workers
to company on the company portal may be obtained as these workers
through own ID and password, which were exposed to hazards while
was reviewed by top management working.
and good suggestions was rewarded.

In company Safety posters of different The warning signs should be followed

subjects were displayed for enhancing inside the company to maintain the
the safety culture inside the company. discipline which will helpful to avoid
injury/ accidents inside the company.
warning signs also displayed from
entry gate till the departments office,
site, shop floors like use helmet while
driving bike, speed limit etc but during
visit it was found that workers were
not following speed limit, few workers
were riding on bike with three seats


Hazard Identification and Risk HIRA study should be reviewed by

Assessment (HIRA) study has been incorporating the existing control
carried out in the company for all measures available to eliminate or

operations (around five thousand reduce the risk within acceptable level
operations activities HIRA study such as training, SOP, Interlocks
conducted) to know the hazards and available, engineering control,
the risk in the operations however few administrative control, work permit
Operations HIRA study was checked system etc so that detailed control
at BF plant it was found that HIRA measures will be mentioned in the
study was having three by three study and study will productive.
matrix, In study general safety
practices such as use of PPEs were The HIRA study should be known to
considered as a control measures. the concern workers who were
working on the operation. This HIRA
study will provide the information
about Hazards’ available during the
operations, what will be the risk and
what are the control measures
available to reduce the risk.

BUREAU VERITAS has conducted The HAZOP study should be known to

HAZOP study of, BF, EMD, TPP, the operating staff and the
COCCP, MMSM etc departments in recommendations compliance report
year 2015 and report was submitted should be documented for all the
on 4/03/2016. points suggested during the study.
Other departments HAZOP study
The HAZOP report was available on compliance report should also be
portal of RINL Vishakhapatnam and documented if not available.
hard copy was available with concern
department however during visit we
asked the department persons about
HAZOP study they were not aware
about the HAZOP study.

During visit we perused the HAZOP

report of BF plant which has
suggested around fifteen
recommendations and total twelve
nodes were considered for HAZOP
study however the compliance report
of HAZOP study was not available
with the concern department.

Company was handling hazardous Training may be arranged for the

chemicals like Chlorine, Hydrogen, respective department’s workers on
benzene, BF gas, LD gas etc for these QRA study so that they will be aware
chemicals Quantitative Risk about the dispersion modeling effects
Assessment (QRA) has been carried of hazardous chemicals in case of
out to know the effects of hazardous eventuality.
chemicals in case of eventuality.

BUREAU VERITAS has conducted The recommendations suggested

QRA study of should be followed and compliance of
hazardous chemicals at RINL those points should be documented.
Vishakhapatnam, they considered
eleven scenarios for QRA study and The assembly points, fire fighting
individual & societal Risk level was arrangements should be reviewed
calculated. accordingly at site.

The QRA study was not known to the

concern departments persons w. The
QRA report was available on the RINL


Company has prepared a “Safety Health and Safety Manual is an

Manual” and approved by the top important and useful document of
management to guide the employees safety and health for achieving
for adopting safe practices and company’s goal.
maintaining good health in performing
various activities / operations / Safety Manual should be reviewed
processes in the plant. after any changes made in process,
operation, etc.

Every department was having their The copy of safety manual should be
departmental safety manual in portal easily accessible to workers.
of RINL Vishakhapatnam.


Company was having safety budget The safety budget should be

which was being utilized for various increased every yearly so that safety
safety activities, procurements of department can plan for advance
PPEs, trainings etc. techniques and equipments, which
can be used at company for
The safety budget was basically for betterment of safety.
AR and non AR items.

The Safety Budget for year 2019-20

was estimated 8.6 corers the details
were as per followings:

AR items 4.3 cr
Non AR items 2.0 cr

Revenue and admin capital items

77lakhs+ 76 lakhs + 25 Lakhs



Company was having system of This is a good system to be continued.

internal safety audit; the frequency of The observations made during internal
internal safety audit was once in a six safety audit should be complied within
month for all zones through the stipulated time and it should be
internal auditors of OHSAS. The list of documented for verification.
authorized internal auditor was
available to conduct internal safety

The checklist has been prepared for

conducting internal safety audits,
there were six points considered in
OHSAS internal safety audit.

As the RINL, Vishakhapatnam comes The frequency of external safety audit

under the Major accident Hazard unit should be maintained as per MSIHC
as per MSIHC Rules, 1989 every year Rules, 1989 Rule 10 (4)
external safety audit was conducted
through third party. 10. Safety Reports 1[And Safety Audit
Last safety audit was carried out by
Naga consultancy in year 2017. 4) The Manufacture, Storage and
Import of Hazardous Chemicals
(Amendment) Rules, 1994, the
occupier of both the new and the
existing industrial activities shall
carry out an independent safety
audit of the respective industrial
activities with the help of an expert,
not associated with such industrial

6) The occupier shall update the

safety audit report once a year by
conducting a fresh safety audit.

This was the first time National Safety There was necessity to conduct
Council; Navi Mumbai has conducted structured safety audit to assess the
the external safety audit for year safety standard of the Company
2018/2019. Unless audit was done an
organization cannot prepare effective
plant safety management programme
of their organization. As such internal

& external safety audit necessary for

proper planning of safety engineering
and management system.

The observations made in the external

safety audit should be complied by
preparing action plan and compliance
report should be documented for


Company has provided more than As per Section 45 of the Factories Act,
eleven hundred first aid boxes at 1948.
different departments for attending
first aid cases at site level. First-aid appliances.

The OHC doctor has suggested six 1) There shall in every factory be
contents for first aid boxes as three provided and maintained so as to
numbers of First aid centers were be readily accessible during all
provided at the company premises. working hours first-aid boxes or
cupboards equipped with the
The first aid boxes were replenished prescribed contents, and the
by the certified first aiders and number of such boxes or
frequency of replenishment was cupboards to be provided and
defined in the OHC safety manual. maintained shall not be less than
The names of the first aiders were one for every one hundred and fifty
displayed near the wall of the most workers ordinarily employed 1*[at
departments with contact numbers, any one time] in the factory.
they were available in each shift
however during visit some first aiders 2) Nothing except the prescribed
was undergone first aid training in contents shall be kept in a first-aid
year 2015 but refresher first aid box or cupboard.
training was not arranged for them.
3) Each first-aid box or cupboard
There were three first aid centers also shall be kept in the charge of a
provided for attending first aid cases, separate responsible person
The first aid center was attended by 3*[who holds a certificate in first-
an MBBS doctor, male nurse 24X7. aid treatment recognized by the
One doctor was available to attend the State Government] and who shall
cases. always be readily available during
the working hours of the factory].

Occupational Health Centre (OHC)

Company was having OHC inside the Noted.

company premises nearer to the main

gate. The OHC was having following


Doctors consulting cabins

Registration room
Acoustic room for audiometry
staff room
Patient wards
eye vision testing room
First aid centre of two rooms, dressing
material, dust bins, oxygen cylinder,
register of first aid cases etc

The OHC was handled by Doctor This is in order as per Rule 61 (SC) B
Madhavi (MD and AFIH) thus having (2) (1) of the AP Factories Rules,
the required qualification as per the 1950.
AP Factories Rules, 1950.

There were four doctors available in The number of doctors at OHC shall
the OHC and first aid centre for be, as per Rule 61 (SC) (B) (C) ( i ) of
treatment of workers in case of injury. the AP Factories Rules, 1950

i) one full time Factory Medical Officer

for factories employing up to 500
workers and one more medical
Officer for every additional 1000
workers on part therof

OHSAS OHC safety manual was Ensure that these procedures should
available on portal in which sixteen be known to the operating staff for that
work procedures for OHC (QSHE-P- Periodic trainings may be arranged on
OHS revision dated 11/2/2018) was these procedures for refreshing the
defined out of sixteen procedures on knowledge of operating staff.
procedure was universal procedure for
needle stick injury/ accident for
exposures also available for ready

Hospital at colony was having facilities Noted.

to treat the injured cases which were
ten to fifteen minutes away from the
company gate.

OHC at the company premises were

performing the periodic medical

examinations and injured cases were

treated in colony hospital.

The colony hospital was having the This is in order as per BMW Rules,
Consent and authorization number 2016.
A/2018-318 dated 02/06/2018 Bio
medical authorization under Rule 10
of Bio Medical Waste Management
Rules, 2016.

In Part IV of the consent and

Authorization the Bio Medical Waste
Authorization (Form - III) (see rule 10)
(Authorization for operating a facility
for generation, collection, reception,
treatment, storage, transport and
disposal of Bio Medical wastes)

M/s Vishakha Steel General Hospital

was granted an authorization to
generate, segregate and handle MW
as per capacity given below:

Number of Beds of HCF: 160 numbers

Quantity of BMW handled, treated or


type ofwaste Quantity

category permitted for
YELLOW 563Kgs/month
RED 160 Kgs/month
WHITE 10Kgs/month
BLUE 2Kgs/month

The OHC BMW was collected in four Noted.

different bins of yellow, red, white and
Blue color as per the nature of bio
medical waste after three days these
waste was handed over to Hospital for
disposal purpose around 1KGs waste
was collected in three days as per the
records available.


The total staff of the OHC was Maintain staff as per the Rule 61 (SC)
sixteen. Fourteen numbers were staff (B) (C) of the AP Factories Rules,
and two numbers were male nurse 1950.

Details of staff is as per following:

Manager, Deputy manager, Junior

manager, AE Nurse, Audiology &
Speech Therapist, Assistant, Senior
technicians four numbers, health
Assistant and three numbers trainees
for paramedical staff.

These staffs were working in General

shift and A shift in OHC.

During visit at laboratory jointed It should be attended.

cables observed.

Two LPG cylinders were used which These LPG cylinders should be
last hydro tested in year 2007 and till immediately replaced with new hydro
date it was being used in the tested cylinders.

These cylinders were not placed on Trolley should be provided so that

the trolley for transportation. transportation will be easy.

Two refrigerator was available in the If vaccines were stored in the

lab out of that one refrigerator was not refrigerator then cold chain should be
working. TT vaccines were stored in monitored and records should be
the refrigerator. documented.

The cold chain monitoring is required

to maintain the potency of the
medicines/ vaccines.

Pharmacy at OHC was handled by D. It should be continued.

Pharm qualified persons. The
medicines stock was maintained as
per mini max schedule. The medicines
stocks expiry date was also available
on the portal.

In store room lot of combustible Housekeeping in store room should be

material was stored there may be done so that chance of fire due to
chance of fire due to electric source combustible material storage will be

available like A/C, switch boards etc. eliminated.

Ward room was having three beds for Noted.

injury cases, there were three oxygen
cylinders were available for
emergency supply.

Total nine filled and one empty Survey should be conducted in the
cylinder were stored in the ward room OHC and in company for hydro test
near the door however it was found date of gas cylinders. Ensure that the
that the one oxygen cylinder last tested gas cylinders were used in the
hydro tested in 2010 but still it was company premise which was required
being used in the OHC ward room. as per Gas cylinders Rule, 2016.

X ray room was available but it was Noted.

not used.

Hard copies of MSDS of chemicals It was suggested that the list of

used in the company were not Antidotes may be prepared as so
available in the OHC however soft many hazardous chemicals were
copies were available in the portal. handled in the steel plant and make
sure it can be available at OHC in
case of any emergency it can be

The cases like snake bite where anti Noted.

venom required for treatments were
referred to Colony hospitals.

There were three ambulances These ambulances vans should be

available at OHC, CO CCP, BF areas maintained as per Rule 61 (Sc) (C) of
respectively for transportation of the AP Factories Rules, 1950.
injured cases to hospitals.



The premedical examination of newly Noted.

employed company worker was
carried out at Colony hospital and
record of same was available in the
Hospitals. The medical examinations
carried out were X ray, eye vision test,
blood test, urine test, ultra sound and
general checkups.

Company has defined the frequency It should be followed.


of periodical medical examinations of

company workers in three groups.

Periodic medical examinations yearly

for shop floor workers working at Blast
Furnace, CO CCP, SP, RMHP, SMS,
RED, TPP, WRM, three yearly for
office services like instrumentation,
EMD/WMD etc workers and five
yearly for administration, HR etc.

The periodic medical examinations The access given to employee for

were carried out at OHC, in a day checking the medical history in the
thirty to forty workers can undergo portal is a good system it should be
medical examinations. The samples continued ensure that all the workers
collected were sending to the colony having the portal or computer facility
hospital after receiving results from to check his medical history.
colony hospital the data was entered
in the portal where medical record of
every company employee was
available the respective employee can
access the medical record through
personal Login ID and password the
concern worker can saw his own
medical history.

The medical tests carried out in Noted.

periodical medical examinations of
employees were as per following:

Lung Function Test, Blood test, Urine

test, eye vision, audiometry and
general checkups.

The medical records were maintained

in the physical records storage room
and stand alone system and in this
access was given to Doctor only. The
medical record of employee can be
seen by the employee in his personal
three tire system.

The medical records of all employees

were maintained in Health Record
Book as per the OHSAS manual.

In last year out of 8500 workers 8300 Remaining workers medical


workers were undergone the periodic examinations should be planned.

medical examinations as per the
statistics provided by The OHC

As per the diagnosis by OHC for last Special care has to be taken for these
year periodic medical examinations cases to avoid further detoriation of
there were cases of hypertension, health.
diabetics, anemia, vertigo, ringing in
the ears, hearing impairment,
refractory errors, Asthma cases etc.

Canteen workers medical The necessary medical tests required

examinations were conducted yearly for canteen workers as mentioned in
in which physical medical tests has the AP factories Rules should be
been carried out and records were carried out.
maintained for verification.

It was informed that the Industrial Frequency of industrial hygiene

hygiene checkups of canteen workers checkups for canteen workers should
were not carried out intermittently only be prepared and followed to
lectures were arranged for awaring maintained good hygiene of canteen
them about industrial hygiene. workers to avoid any disease spread
due to unhygienic condition.

Loco motive drivers, Crane operators This is in order it should be followed.

etc eye vision testing frequency was
also defined as per following;

For less than or equal to 45 yrs the

eye vision will be tested once in a
For more than 45 yrs the eye vision
will be tested once in a six month.

From April to December 2018 around

806 workers were under gone eye
vision testing.

It was informed by the doctor that the Ensure that the eye vision testing was
eye vision was checked by the carried out the qualified person as
optometrist at the OHC. required under the AP Factories
Rules, 1950.

Contract workers medical It should be followed.

examinations were in the scope of
contractor after obtaining the fitness

certificate from doctor and induction

from safety department the gate pass
of the contract workers were prepared
and then only he will be allowed to
work at site.



RINL Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant has This is in order as per AP Factories

paid factory license fees for renewal of Rules, 1950.
factory license through on line portal
of Government of Andhra Pradesh as
per APTC form 10 and challan
number 21086067562018.

The three boilers Licenses were This is in order.

renewed every yearly through
competent person for use of boilers.

RINL Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant This is in order under Section 25/26 of

colony hospital has obtained orange the Water (Prevention & Control of
category Consent, Authorization & Pollution) Act, 1974 and under Section
BMWA from Andhra Pradesh Pollution 21/22 of Air (Prevention & Control of
Control Board, Zonal Office at Pollution) Act, 1981 and amendments
Vishakhapatnam therof, Authorization under Rule 6 of
the hazardous and other Wastes
The consent and authorization (Management & Transboundary
number 18145/APPCB/ZO- Movement) Rules, 2016 &
VSP/CFO/W & A/2018-318 dated 02/ Authorization under Rule 10 of Bio
06/ 2018 and valid up to 30/04/2019. Medical Waste Management Rules,

Companies Structural Engineering Considering the nature of work and

department has (defined a fifteen more than twenty years of operation of
structures block for checking structural plant, the structural stability of all the
stability) allotted contract for old structures should be planned and
competent person to check the obtained the structural stability as
stability. Out of that four blocks require under Rule 12 of the AP
certificate of stability was received and Factories Rules, 1950.
others stability testing was pending.

As the company was more than

twenty five year old it was having
huge area with the buildings,
structures and offices whose structural
stability was not checked after starting

the plant.



Vizag Steel Plant is a Major Accident This is in order.

Hazard factory as per MSIHC Rules,
due to storage of more than 200 MT of
flammable gas (LD gas). The factory
has prepared the Safety Report,
Emergency Preparedness plan,
conducts mock drills and carries out
safety audit in compliance with the
MSIHC Rules.

Emergency Preparedness Plan

The factory has prepared an On-site The On-site Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Plan, which Plan has almost all details. It is
was reviewed. The Plan has the suggested to also include the
requisite details, including the following:
• Assembly points and escape route
• Hazardous critical installations. marked on layout.
• Hazardous materials handled.
• Major hazard scenario. • Although some of the properties of
• Risk control facilities. hazardous chemicals are
• Emergency response leadership. mentioned, a chapter containing
• Maximum credible loss scenario MSDS of all hazardous chemicals
• Emergency siren and control room. may be included,

Mock Drill

3 Mock Drills were conducted during Conducting 2 or more mock drills in a

2018. Reports of the drills are year meets the statutory requirement
available and reviewed. The report, as per MSIHC Rules.
however, does not contain:
The purpose of Mock Drill is to
• Reports of observers evaluate the EPP and also to check
• Compliance report of suggestions the preparedness of the factory.

It is therefore suggested that

observations and suggestions made
by the observers and key persons are
discussed, recorded and complied
with. This will improve the plan and
eliminate any weakness in


For 2017 and 2016 only one Mock drill Being a statutory requirement all Mock
report for each year are available. Drill records should be preserved and
available for review.

Fire Mock Drill and plant wise mock


Besides this, fire mock drills are

carried out separately at least 24
times a year.
This is a good practice and may be
Mock drills are also conducted in the continued.
major plants.

Mutual Aid

The factory has mutual aid tie-up with Noted.

neighboring industry.



PART – 4


Most of the pressure vessels are Noted.

tested by competent person as per
Section 31 of the Factories Act, 1948
and AP factories Rules and records
are maintained.

During visit it was found that in most The identification nos. should be given
of the departments the No and test certificates should be issued
identification nos. is given to pressure as per identification number.

The test details like SWL, Test Date, The test details should be displayed
Due date etc were not displayed on on the pressure vessels like Id No.,
some of the pressure vessels. Capacity, SWP, Test date, Hyd. Test
Pressure and Next due date.

Coal & Ore handling tipplers are Warning lights at each tippler may be
installed in two sheds and are in considered at the time of tippler
operation. operation for additional safe operating.
Barricading at common shaft to be
installed. Barricading at both ends
required being potential tripping

List of pressure vessels is available (6 It is in order. Compliance as per Sec.

Numbers). Pressure test 31 of FA 1948.
certificate/ultrasonic test certificates
for pressure vessels available.

List of pressure vessels is available It is in order. Compliance as per Sec.

(6 Nos.). Pressure test 31 of FA 1948.
certificate/ultrasonic test certificates
for pressure vessels available in

Pressure vessels-24 Nos. are It is in order. Compliance as per Sec.

pressure tested and certification from 31 of FA 1948.
competent Person is available in

Pressure vessels-29 Nos. are It is in order. Compliance as per Sec.


pressure tested and certification from 31 of FA 1948.

competent Person is available in
Structural Mill.

List of pressure vessels (29 Nos.) It is in order. Compliance as per Sec.

available in LMMM. Pressure test 31 of FA 1948.
certificates issued by competent
person on form no. 8 are available.

List of pressure vessel and hydro test It is in order. Compliance as per Sec.
report by competent person is 31 of FA 1948.
available in MMSM.

Safety valves installed on pressure Safety valves should be tested

vessels (Lube Oil Accumulators) are periodically and record maintained.
not tested since its commissioning in
WRM-1, WRM-2, SBM, Structural Mill,
and LMMM & MMSM.

Pressure gauges are not marked for Pressure gauge installed on vessels
Max. Safe working pressure in WRM- should be marked with Red mark for
1, WRM-2, SBM, Structural Mill, Max. safe working pressure.

Hydro test of pressure vessels carried Compliance as per sec. 31 of FA 1948

out and Form No. 8 available issued
by competent person at SP-1.

Certificate for use of boiler issued by It is in order.

Dy. Chief Inspector Boilers is available
at MMSM.

There are 39 loco (WDS6-31 Nos. &

WDS6AD-8 Nos.) in Traffic.

The Solid State Interlocking (SSI) is Good safety system.

very good system for enhance safety
in Traffic.

In TPP the air receivers which were It should be tested and results should
not tested as per the section 31 of the be displayed on the air receivers.
Factories Act, 1948.


List of EOTs, wire rope slings, D- Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA

shackle, Chain pulley block, Hydraulic 1948. Display board on EOTs required

Jack is available. Load test certificate indicating test date & next due date.
from competent authority is available
in WRM-1.

List of EOTs, wire rope slings, D- Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA

shackle, Chain pulley block, Hydraulic 1948. Display board on EOTs required
Jack is available. Load test certificate indicating test date & next due date.
from competent authority is available

EOT Cranes-17 Nos. and Jib Cranes- All the EOTs, Jib Cranes and other
14 Nos. are in operation in SBM. lifting tools should be load tested by
However the load test of the cranes by competent person and maintain the
the competent person is overdue. record. Compliance is not there as per
Similarly other lifting tools such as Sec. 29 of FA 1948.
Chain pulley block, wire rope slings,
D-shackles etc, required to be load
tested and record maintained.

EOT Cranes and Jib Cranes-30 apart Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA

from manual chain hoist are in use at 1948. Install display board on EOTs
Structural Mill. All are load tested by indicating test date & next due date.
the competent person and records are

List of EOTs and lifting equipment and Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA

load test certificate in Form No. 38 1948. Display board required for Test
issued by competent person is date and next due date on all EOTs.
available in LMMM. Eye test records for crane operators
are available.

List of EOTs and lifting tools & tackles Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA
are available in MMSM. The load test 1948. Display board required for Test
certificate issued by competent person date and next due date on all EOTs.
is available. Eye test records for crane operators
are available.

Two circular EOT cranes of 20 Ton/5 Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA

Ton are available and their load test 1948.
certificates are in place at BF-2.

EOT-2 Nos (35Ton/10 Ton) are for Compliance as per Sec.29 of FA

second floor operation. Load test 1948.
certificate from competent person is
available at BF-3.

List of EOT cranes & other lifting Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA


equipment is available and certificate 1948.

in Form No.-38 available issued by
competent personSP-1.

List of lifting equipment is available Compliance as per Sec. 29 of FA

and load test certificate from 1948.
competent person is in place at

The identification no. is not given to The identification numbers should be

lifting machine, chain pulley blocks, given to all the lifting machines, chain
wire rope slings etc. pulley block, wire rope slings and the
test certificate should be issued as per
these id nos.

The test details are not displayed on The test details should be displayed
lifting machines. on all lifting machines. ID No., SWL,
Test date, Test load, Next due date
should be written.

during visit it was found that hook All the hooks should have safety latch
latch on some of the hooks of EOT for locking the sling.
Cranes, chain pulley blocks, Hydra
etc. were missing


Manual material handling is done in Noted.

the power house for dosing of the
chemicals in DM plant, Stores, QATD.

Manual material handling is mainly Sec 34 of the Factories Act 1948 is

limited to small items. Proper PPEs complied.
are worn by the workers during
manual lifting operations. They are
trained and periodic pep talks are
given to them.

Mechanical handling – consists of Complied as per Sec 29 of the

forklifts, Hydra cranes, cranes, Factories Act 1948.
conveyor belts, truck, JCB, etc. All the
equipment is load tested and
certificate issued by competent
authority is available.

It has been noticed that eye test for It should be continued.

crane and hydra operators are done

as per statutory requirement.


Oxygen cylinders, LPG cylinders were Noted.

used in the company as well as
contractors for welding and cutting

During visit it was found that most of

the gas cylinders were not having end

The gas cylinders were not properly All the gas cylinders should be kept
secure to avoid fall of gas cylinders. vertically in a shed with proper
chaining arrangement to avoid fall.
Gas cylinders were lying on the floors
and at few places filled and empty
cylinders were stored together.

At cutting and welding sets flash back Flash back arrestors should be
arrestors were not provided at both provided on both the ends of gas
the sides (torch end and gas cylinders cutting and welding sets to avoid back
end) to avoid back fire till the source. fire.

The properties and hazards Training should be arranged for the

associated with the gas cylinders were workers regarding same so that these
not known to the workers handling the workers can be aware while working
same. and take necessary safety precautions
during handling.

In many places the gas cylinders Survey should be carried out in the
hydro tested date was over even company for all gas cylinders and due
though they were being used in the dates gas cylinders hydro testing
company. should be carried out & then only
these cylinders should be used which
was required as per Gas cylinders
Rules, 2016.



Coal & Ore handling tipplers are Warning lights at each tippler may be
installed in two sheds and are in considered at the time of tippler
operation. operation for additional safe operating.
Barricading at common shaft to be

installed. Barricading at both ends

required being potential tripping

Cable cellar man entry is partially Cable cellar man entry area to be
open at coal tippler shed. barricaded to avoid accidental


Top cover & Inspection windows were Required to be closed during

open during operation. operation to avoid any accident.

Hand railing to staircase (5 Nos.) to Hand railing should be provided.

foot over bridge is missing. A potential
safety hazard.

Chute opening (20 Nos.) at middle Immediate action required to provide

shuttle floor is potential safety hazard. grill to avoid any accident.

Guard of motor coupling missing. Coupling guard should be provided.

Coal conveyor 28 & 29; tail pulley side Side area of conveyor should be
area is open. covered to avoid accident.

Fire seen at many locations in the Heat sensing arrangement and

non-coking coal yard.(Photo below) sprinkler system may be installed in
the yard for taking early action to
avoid frequent fire which results with
lot of air pollution and loss of coal.

Laddle preparation area in SMS-1:

Platform for repairs of ladle is unsafe Provide proper railing.

as railing all around is missing. (Photo

Approach to ladle repair is unsafe. Approach to ladle should be proper.

LPG hose and welding machines is in Welding machine should be kept away
close proximity leading unsafe from LPG supply points.
situation in CCS.

Valve stem is partially blocking the Corrective measure should be taken

way and potential safety hazard at to ensure safety of workers.

Due to positioning of scrape bin, path Scrap bin should be shifted to other
is obstructed and someone head may location to avoid possible head injury.
hit canopy.(Photo below)

Uptakes gas pipe lines at 45 mts. Uptakes gas pipe lines should be
elevation is potential hazard for burn provided protection from burn.
at BF-3.

Monkey ladder (for hot blast valve Monkey ladder (for hot blast valve
telfer) cage is not as per standard & telfer) cage should be extended down
potential safety hazard at BF-3. to avoid accidental fall.

Tap gas ignitor: Railing for some Railing/chain should be provided to

portion missing and chain for ladder is avoid accidental fall.
also missing BF-3.

Sinter machine No1:

Area is not barricaded around Area should be barricaded around

replaced hot ballet. replaced hot ballet. Also display board
for safety instruction to be provided.

Area is exposed at both sides along Barricading at both sides along the
the moving bed. exposed area to be provided.

Door cover is not available at Door cover should be provided on

discharge head. A potential safety priority.
hazards (Photo below).

Un-loader area is open at both sides. Provide barricading to avoid

accidental fall.

Removable barrier at vacuum Provide barrier.

chamber platform entrance missing is
potential safety hazard.

Water pipes at low elevation on Display board for taking care of Head
platform above A6 conveyor are should be available.
potential safety hazard for head injury.

A cross beam in the way to staircase Caution board should be available as

from platform above A6 to ground a temporary measure. Further
level is potential safety hazard for alternate staircase may be considered
head injury. as a permanent solution.

Straight Line Cooler pump pit is not Barricading should be installed to

properly barricaded. avoid accidental fall.

Stair case entrance leading to burner Temporary barricading required to be

area in Zone 4 is unsafe in WRM-1. provided at staircase entrance.

Portable grinder found without shield, Grinder should be maintained in

with cable joint and without electrical proper condition as it is potential
plug. Should be corrected for safe safety hazard.
operation WRM-1.

Fence cover for rotating parts at Roll Compliance as per sec 21(i) of FA
Chock not there WRM-2. 1948 is not there. Fence cover should
be installed at Roll Chock as safety

Area at reducing & sizing mill (RSM) Barricading should be provided at

motor is unsafe for tripping at WRM-2. reducing & sizing mill (RSM) motor to
avoid tripping hazard.

Pedestal Grinding Machine is unsafe Pedestal Grinding machine to be

to operate as safety shield is missing. provided transparent safety shields
(Photo below) and safety instruction board.
Compliance is not there as per Sec.
30 of FA 1948.

End stoppers for transfer cars are End stoppers for transfer cars should
potential tripping hazard at Special be properly covered to avoid tripping
Bar Mill. hazards.

Rotating parts at furnace entry is Provide barricading at furnace entry

without protection at Special Bar Mill. point to avoid contact with rotating

Open area at roller table after shear Provide barricading for safety.
No.3 at Structural Mill.

Partial ramp near stand 17 to avoid Provide ramp in the entire width.
tripping hazards at Structural Mill.

Tilter in front of stand No.7 is exposed Tilter in front of stand No. 7 should be
to movement of workers at Structural provided with hooter and beacon light
Mill. for safety during its operation.

Hot bloom rejection area is open at Provide barricading and display board
Structural Mill. that rejected material is hot and do not

Barricading at entire length of cooling Provide barricading at entire length of

bed missing. Potential safety hazard. cooling bed

Scale chute of pump house 17 is Provide proper barricading to avoid

potential safety hazard in LMMM. accidental slippage.

Pusher end of furnace 1 & 2 is open & Provide barricading to avoid accident.
unsafe at MMSM.

End stoppers are potential tripping End stoppers for transfer cars to be
hazard at MMSM. covered to avoid tripping when not in

Stair case leading to scale tunnel is Stair case leading to scale tunnel to
unsafe at MMSM. be blocked (Near column no. 45) if not
in use to avoid incidental fall.

Portable grinding machine found Safety shield should be installed.

without safety shield in MMSM.


Good staircases with hand railings are To be maintained.

provided in most of the department.

Drains at all exit points (3 Nos.) are Provide cover on drains at all exit
not covered at SMS-2.(Photo below) points for safety.

Railing for temporary platform missing Provide proper railing to avoid

which is more than 6 feet high at 2nd accidental fall.
floor in BF-3.

Handrails to cross over platforms Handrails should be provided on cross

missing WRM-2. over platforms to avoid accidental fall.

Cross over platform are not provided Provide railing at cross over platform.
with railings after plant 21 at Special
Bar Mill.



Preventive maintenance schedule and Good system of monitoring and

checklist is in place for effective checklist for effective preventive
maintenance of equipment in RMHP. maintenance is in place.

Preventive maintenance schedule for It is in order. However checklist may

drill machine & mud gun is available in be revisited to update as per guide
BF-2. line of equipment manufacturer.

Preventive maintenance system is in It is in order.

place and jobs are being carried out
as planned in SP-1.

Preventive maintenance schedule is

monitored through Maintenance And
Management System
(MAMS).Detailed checklists are
available for various preventive
maintenance jobs in all the plants.

Preventive maintenance schedule are

being followed at MMSM.

Preventive Maintenance schedule for

Loco is in place and being followed
religiously. Exhaustive check list for
PM jobs is in place in Traffic.


High level of noise observed near ID Noise survey required for the area
Fans in ID Fan House at SMS-1. near ID Fans. Display board for “high
noise -use of ear plugs near ID Fan”
should be installed in ID Fan House.

Lighting at 2nd floor seems to be Illumination survey at 2nd floor to be

inadequate at BF-3. done to improve the lighting system

Illumination is not upto the mark in the More lights may be provided after
area in SP-1. proper illumination survey which is

Noise survey report is available in SP- It is in order.


Noise study has been carried out & It is in order.


areas with higher noise level have

been identified. Necessary display
board indication high noise level-use
ear plugs are available at WRM-2.

Illumination study has been carried It is in order.

out during the day & after 6 PM at

Illumination survey record for day time Illumination survey should also be
survey is available in LMMM. done at late evening.

Noise survey record is available in It is in order.

Lighting inside the mill seems to be Action should be taken to improve the
inadequate in MMSM. lighting based on the illumination

Noise survey report is available and is It is in order.

within limit in MMSM.

Lighting is very poor on all the floors in Additional lights based on Illumination
Junction House 5 in RMHP. survey.


SOP (10 Nos.) for various operational It is in order.

activities are available RMHP.

Standard Maintenance Procedure (38 It is in order.

Nos.) are available RMHP.

SOPs list is available in SMS-2. This is in order. However SOPs

should be discussed among operation
staff on regular basis.

Standard Maintenance Practices It is in order.

(SMPs) - 6 nos. available in BF-2.

List of Safe operating Procedures

(SOPs-13 nos.) available in BF-2.

SOP – 20 Nos. is available for various

operations and being discussed SP-1.

List of SOPs is available and being

shared among staff at WRM-2.

List of SOPs-19 Nos. are developed

for various operation activities.

SOP for various operational activities

are available at MMSM.

SMP for maintenance activities are

available at MMSM.

Safe Operating Procedure (18 Nos.) is

available in Traffic.

Safe Maintenance Procedure (58

Nos.) available and being followed at

Emergency shutdown SOP was It was suggested that specific isolation

checked in the WRM 2 in that general valves numbers and locations should
statements were mentioned like close be mentioned in the SOP to make
isolation valves etc and the SOP was hundred percent operations specific
available in soft copy at the portal. SOP, Hard copy of critical parameters
and emergency shutdown Sop should
be displayed near the display board
for ready reference of operator as
emergency can took place once.


Management of change (MOC) is It should be followed.

considered as proposal under
Addition/Modification / Replacement
(AMR) schemes and is well
documented procedure including
impact assessment report.



All the 36 stacks (after 6.3 MTPA) are This is in order.

provided with on-line stack monitors &
minutes to minute’s data being posted
to CPCB site.

3 Nos. continuous ambient air quality This is in order.

monitoring stations within the plant


Bio Medical waste generated in OHC It should be followed.

was collected in four different colors
dust bins and after sufficient stock
collected it was given to the colony
hospital for disposal the frequency of
BMW collection by hospital twice in a
week. The Colony hospital was having
the authorization for disposal of BMW.

WMD: This department handles all Noted.

types of water required for the factory,
like, receiving raw water from river,
drinking water, fire water, process
water, treatment of effluent and
discharging the treated water to sea.

Organic effluent from CCP is given

micro biological and chemical
treatment and then sent to ETP plant
along with sewage. The effluent after
surface aeration and clarification is
sent to sea.


Housekeeping and proper Proper stacking of material & regular

arrangement of material is required In housekeeping required in all the area.

Housekeeping to be improved. Workers should be provided dust

Workers sweeping the floor are mask for sweeping.
without dust mask-potential health
hazard in SMS-1.

Materials are lying haphazardly and Major housekeeping and proper

housekeeping is not there in SMS-2. stacking of material required for safe
(Photo below) environment.


Housekeeping is reasonably good in It should be maintained.

the plant in Blast Furnace-2.

Housekeeping is good and material is

properly stacked in WRM-1.


Workers found on job without safety Proper PPEs should be ensured.

shoe & helmet at continuous Casting
Department of SMS-1.

Loco operators are using proper PPEs It is in order.

in Traffic.

Shunting Porters are wearing not May visit “Safety Standard on Loco
Retro-reflective jacket in Traffic. Operation in Steel Industry- IPSS:1-
11-033-17” adopted in January 2017
for required improvement. Retro-
reflective jacket for Shunting Porter
may be considered for easy
identification. Many safety precautions
listed may be reviewed for adoption as

Stock of PPEs is maintained by the Satisfactory compliance.


PPEs are procured conforming to Satisfactory compliance.

national standard. Proper system of
issue/replacement of PPEs is in place.


Company was having work permit The work permit was a written
system to work on any job. statement given by the concern
person that the work can be executed
The validity of the permit system was as the necessary isolations were done
mention on the permit was one day, if and safe to work. It should be
any work was required extension then followed.
the permit was extended by the
authorized person.

During visit we checked the filled work All the details asked in the Work
permit copies, it was found that all permit format should be filled fully as it
permit columns were not filled, was for the safety of the people
concerned person signature was not working on the job.

available on the permit.

Permit system- Permits are cleared by It should be reviewed and Permits

Operation department; however no records should be available in Control
records are available with them in Room for tracking and closure of
SMS-2 however in STED the register permit should be ensured.
was maintained for tracking and
noting the numbers of work permit
issued on the particular date.

Permit system is in place at WRM-2 It is in order.


There is no additional hazard specific Display boards for safety- Do not

safety board at unloading area of come close during unloading of
Torpedo at SMS-2. Torpedo ladle car process.

Material is lying just below safety Nothing should be dumped at safety

shower making it unusable in case of shower area.
emergency at SMS-2.(Photo below)

Hooter/warning light during movement May consider.

of EOT Crane with ladle in SMS-2.

No display board for safety Display board for safety precautions

precautions found at prominent places required at prominent places in
in charging area of SMS-2. charging area.

Ambulance is available on 24 hrs. This is in order. However it should be

basis to take care of emergency in cleaned regularly from inside.


Speed limit boards are not available Speed limit boards should be visible
on road side. along the road.

Four wheeler/truck drivers are playing Training on road safety should be

with high speed. given to all drivers to observe speed
limit inside the plant area.

Two wheeler persons are not using Helmet should be made compulsory &
helmet and sometimes three persons not more than two persons should be
are riding. allowed to move on two wheelers.



PART – 5



The hazardous chemicals like Noted.

Benzene, tar, Sulphuric acid 98%, BF
gas, Chlorine, CO gas, LD gas etc
were stored in the storage tanks.

The details were discussed in the area

wise observation.


The loading & unloading SOPs The drivers transporting hazardous

displayed at the plant site do not chemicals need to be trained as per
mention about checking the safety CMV Rules.
training of drivers transporting
hazardous chemicals required as per For LPG takers, safety certificates of
CMV Rules and checking of LPG tankers, test certificate of safety
tankers before unloading. valves and excess flow check valves
may be checked before unloading.

There is no training given to the The drivers may be given on the spot
drivers in the factory. training/ advice regarding handling of
hazardous chemicals.


MSDS of the hazardous chemicals are Compliance related to MSDS has

available. Brief MSDS and DOs & been achieved.
Don’ts board are placed in storage
and handling area of hazardous All plant personnel may be given
chemicals periodic training in hazardous
properties of chemicals.


RINL Vishakhapatnam steel plant was Noted.

having Quality Assurance Technical
Division (QATD) section in which
quality of products was checked.

Total staff of QATD was 330 workers.


The analytical instruments were used It should be continued.

in the QATD for weight, strength
checking etc. These instruments were
calibrated as per the frequency
mentioned in the safety manual and
records were available for verification.

Weight balances were calibrated by

Sri Calibrations Services from

Vernier and screw cage, micrometers Noted.

were calibrated from calibrating
agencies. For in house calibration of
instruments authorization has been
given by company for few persons.

HIRA study has been carried out for Now a day’s Central Electricity
twenty five activities of the QATD but Authority Regulation 2010 was used in
in this study the legal requirement of INDIA instead of IE Rules, 1956 hence
IE rules were considered. the legal requirement as per CEA
2010 should be considered in HIRA

There was chemical laboratory in Ceiling should be attended.

which chemical analysis was carried
out for effluent water. During visit to
the laboratory area it was found that
ceiling of most of the rooms were in
damaged condition and repairing work
inside few rooms were in progress.

The mandatory PPEs were Safety It should be warned during operation.

Shoe, helmet, Hand gloves, and eye
goggles during operation at

Chemical compatibility chart was not The chemical compatibility chart

prepared for storage of chemicals in should be prepared and accordingly
the laboratory. chemicals should be stored.

If any chemical spilled on the floor Emergency spill kit should be provided
then it was cleaned with the help of at laboratory for handling the spillage
cotton and then placed in the dust bin. of hazardous chemicals in the

Dust extraction system was installed It should be maintained in good


in the laboratory for dust removal. working condition to avoid dust


AT laboratory AC were provided but For early detection of smoke or fire

no fire detection system was installed detection system may be provided and
only first aid fire fighting extinguishers the fire fighting training should be
were placed on the floor moreover the arranged for lab workers to know
workers were not aware about the about the hazards associated with
hazards associated with the Portable handling of PFEs
fire extinguishers.

Laboratory worker was not aware Ensure that the working staff should
about the hazardous properties of the be having knowledge of hazardous
chemicals handled during the titration chemicals properties and first aid
work. measures in case of spilled on body

The solution of .1 N Sulphuric acid It should be discard from the

was prepared on 09/04/2018 was laboratory and ensure that no such
available in the rack which was solution was available on the rack.
supposed to expired on 26/12/ 2018.

Eye washer and safety shower was Eye washer and safety shower was
provided in the corridor of the necessary in case of any chemicals
laboratory premises but there was no were spilled on the body part hence it
water flow coming from same. should be always in working condition
as it was considered as emergency
handling equipment.

During visit it was found that the PFEs All PFEs should be installed on the
were placed on the floor and the wall as required under AP Factories
combustible materials were stored Rules and fire potential materials
inside the panel box number 34 of should not be placed in the electrical
electrical supply which may lead to panel boards.


A color code is used for the chemical Pipelines may be painted using color
lines in the factory. The code followed code as per IS 2379 (1990).
is not strictly as per IS 2379 (1990) in
all places. In one area in LPG tank
farm LPG pipeline is seen painted in
violet color.

Flow direction is marked in many



Statutory warning is displayed in the Standard statutory warnings should be

company premises such as Speed displayed in the company premises for
limits, Use of Helmet, Danger boards enhancing the safety culture and
etc. awareness amongst the workers.

Safety slogans were displayed in most

of the premises for creating
awareness amongst the workers.



PART – 6


A. The factory being a steel plant is of The factory has adequate fire fighting
High Hazard Fire Occupancy, Sub capability in terms of manpower and
Category A, as per para 7.2.3 of other resources compatible with the
TAC Fire Protection Manual. fire risk.

B. The Factory is of High Hazard Fire

Occupancy, Category A, as per
NBC Annex B, because it is:

i) A steel plant
ii) Has bulk storage of flammable
iii) Engaged in manufacturing
chemicals with F.P. <230 C.

C. The factory is a Major Accident The factory is in compliance with

Hazard (MAH) factory due to requirement as per MSIHC Rules.
storage of flammable gas (LD gas)
above the threshold limit (>200
MT) as per schedule 2 part 2 of
MSIHC Rules.

D. The Factory uses hazardous


• Integrated steel plant

• Coke oven gas byproduct

recovery as per the First
Schedule of the Factories Act,


The Fire department in the Factory is Fire department is well organized and
managed and manned by CISF. There all team members are adequately
are totally 246 CISF personnel qualified.
engaged in the Fire Department. The
organizational set up for Fire
Department is:



Dy. Commandant (Fire)

Asst. Commandant (Fire)

6 Inspectors
1) Fire coy commander & In-
charge of Main Fire Station
2) Fire Store
3) Fire Operation
4) In-charge CO-CCP Fire Station
5) Fire MT section
6) Fire Prevention & In-charge of
New Fire Station

The deployment of fire staff per shift in

Main Fire Station is as below:

Sub-Inspector (2)

ASI (2)

Head Constable Fire (7) + Head

Constable Driver cum pump operator

Constable Fire (9) + Constable

Driver (3)

Deputy Commandant is BE (Fire). All

Inspectors and sub-Inspectors have
undergone Station Officer course in
CISF Fire Service Training Institute,
Hyderabad while SI and ASI have
done Sub-Officer courses. Constables
have undergone 1 year basic course
in fire and security.



There are 3 fire stations in the factory, The fire hydrant system is adequate
viz, the Main Fire Station, CO-CCP and well maintained.
Fire Station and New Fire Station. All
are manned in 24X7.

The Factory has 12 tenders. These

are: Water 2, Foam 5, DCP 1, Rescue
1, Mini tender 1, Multipurpose 1 and
Hydraulic 1.

The factory has a pressurized network

of fire hydrant system maintained at 7
kg/cm2 g pressure. The system
consists of about 3500 hydrants and
monitors. The external hydrant system
pipelines are placed underground
while the internal (within plant area)
lines are aboveground. The layout
drawing of fire hydrants is available
and reviewed.

Hose boxes are located near the

hydrant posts and in many cases fire
hoses are removed from the hose
boxes and kept in nearby secured


There are 28 fire water pump houses Adequate fire water availability is
in different locations in the factory. All ensured for more than 4 hours as the
pump hoses have electrical main fire water tanks are inter-connected.
pump, diesel pump and jockey pumps.

Visited pump house WRM 2. It has 2X

273 m3 overhead concrete tanks.
Water tanks are inter-connected. The
pump house has positive flooded

Automatic systems are in place for Automatic starting and stopping

starting of jockey pump and electrical systems for jokey pump and main
pump in all phase 2 pump houses pump may be implemented for the
while the operations are manual in phase 1 fire water pumps.
phase 1 area. Also in phase 1, the

drinking water is used as fire water.


Following FDA are used. The system is good and should be

maintained in same way in future.
• Smoke detectors 13357 Nos
• Heat detectors 3106 Nos and
• 1495 Nos of MCP. The monitors of
the MCP are placed in the
respective control rooms and also in
Main Fire Station.

Following types of fixed fire fighting

installations are in place:

• CO2 flooding system 35 Nos

• Clean agent flooding system 28 Nos
• Foam flooding system 15 Nos
• Foam pourer system 4 Nos
• Water spray/ drenching system 41
• Water & foam monitors 41 Nos

Checked the healthiness of one of

each type of system for following

• Activation of detectors Inergen gas

system in WRM 2 ECR 1 control

• Activation of smoke detectors in +5

m cable gallery

• Heat detectors in Lube B oil cellar Housekeeping may be improved.

heat detector for CO2 flooding
system. Empty drums and parked
two wheelers are noticed near the

• LMMM oil cellar 7 foam flooding In LMMM oil cellar 7 foam flooding
system. It is observed that foam is system may be reviewed as the foam
unable to flood the oil tanks as the is unable to flood the tank and
area is not closed. The plant area is spreading on floor only.
poorly illuminated.


• Load block distribution station 2 RP Illumination may be improved.

cable gallery water spray system.


About 11000 PFEs are deployed in all Fire extinguisher deployment is

areas. PFE used are of foam, water, adequate. Big extinguishers may be
DCP, ABC and CO2 type. secured by chain or bracket to prevent

About 10% spare is also available in It should be maintained.

store. Big portable extinguishers are
seen not secured to wall in some


The Fire Department has a Prevention Procedure for up keeping of

Unit headed by an Inspector who firefighting equipment is satisfactory
carries out inspections of all fixed fire and should be continued. All
fighting systems and PFEs. inspection records are well
Pump houses are maintained by
WMD and hydrant system is regularly
checked by Fire team. Records have
been reviewed.

Up-keeping of portable extinguishers

are done by Fire Department.
Hydrostatic pressure test (HPT) of
CO2 extinguishers, CO2 cartridges and
BA set cylinders are done as per rules
and test certificates are available.
Certificates were reviewed.

PFEs are checked quarterly and the

last date of inspection is written on
each extinguisher.

FDA and other fixed fire fighting

systems are inspected jointly by Fire
and Operation team (monthly and
quarterly) and records have been



The system of reporting, recording The purpose of investigating a fire

and investigation of fire incidents is in incident is to find and eliminate the
place. All fire calls are recorded in the root cause so that such incidents do
Fire Call register in fire station. The not recur. So it is important to
register was reviewed; there were 395 implement the recommendations.
fire calls in 2018.

Fire incidents investigation is done by

a committee set up in accordance with
the seriousness of the incident.
Reports have been reviewed; but the
file does not contain records regarding
the implementation of the
recommendations made by the
investigation committee.


Following fire preventive measures Fire preventive measures are

are in place: satisfactory and may be continued.

1. Hot work permit system

2. Monitoring and routine inspection
by fire prevention team
3. Training


Following are used for communication This is OK and may be continued.

with Fire office:

1. Intercom and hot line

2. Mobile
3. Walky-talky - VHF sets
4. Manual call Points (MCP) alarm


Fire training to employees and A mandatory fire training schedule

contractors is given by the Prevention may be prepared for all employees
Unit of Fire department. In 2018. and contractor workers. All should
receive fire training at least once in a

During training hazards associated


with handling of PFEs should be

taught for enhancing the awareness of


The following fire related documents This OK. Records and documents are
have been reviewed: well maintained in Fire Station.

• Fire Order
• Fire manual
• Fire call register
• Hydrant layout
• Maintenance record for PFE and
fixed firefighting equipment
• HPT certificates for extinguishers,

Fire NOC for the factory was not The Factory should ensure that valid
available for review. Fire NOC is in place.



PART – 7


Permission of Chief Electrical It is suggested to intimate in writing to

Inspector (T&D) Andhra Pradesh, for Electrical Inspector, after the system is
initial charging & commissioning of commissioned & charged.
electrical System:-
These documents may be made
available for other sub-station also.

a) Initial charging clearance a) As per section 43 of CEA

permission from Electrical Inspector Regulations 2010 the subject
is seen for newly commissioned 14 approval, drawings, Testing record
MW TRT & 20.6 MW NEDO are required in compliance for all
Generator. the installations above 650v.

Any new addition is made to the

existing Electrical system is to be
done with permission from State
Elect Inspector

b) Periodical Inspection of Electrical b) As per CEA Reg. 2010 no 30(2):-

System by State Electrical Inspector The periodical Testing & Inspection
is not found during audit. of installations of voltage above 650
V belonging to the supplier, shall be
carried out at intervals not
exceeding Five years by Electrical

Designated Person(s) to operate & During audit at DNW sub-station,

carry out work on Electrical lines & competency certificate - Electrical
apparatus. Competency certificates of Contractor’s License “A” grade of M/s
Contractor from State Electrical Vijaya Enterprises from Telengana
Inspectorate : Electrical Licensing Board & M/s
Madhu Construction Company from
An individual department has not Andhra Pradesh Electrical Licensing
entered in a register, the name of Board , has been checked :-
Contractors working under them &
having Electrical work permit from This is required as per CEA Reg 2010
State Govt. number 3(3)(i)

These entire Contractor’s name is to

be entered in a Register as per CEA

Sub Reg (3) (ii) of Reg 3.

All Contractors working on Electrical

Lines & apparatus must have
Electrical work permit from State

Name of Designated Person(s) of


It is found that each Electrical These registers shall be produced

Department has maintained a before Electrical Inspector when
Register with name of required by him, as per CEA Regn 4.
Officer/Supervisor/Technician with
designation, no of years of experience Training of above person(s) may be
on relevant field & duly approved by a given as per CEA Reg 2010 number
Senior Person of department. This is 6.
required as per CEA Sub Reg (2) of
Reg 3.

However training taken by the The certificate of recognition of

Designated persons on relevant field Training Institute, issued by CEA may
& from recognized training institute is be displayed by the Institute at its
not mentioned website.

Designated Electrical Safety As per CEA Reg 2010 number 5

i. Sub Reg (1)-All suppliers of
Designated Electrical Safety Officer electricity including generating
from within the organization is not companies, transmission
recorded by individual department. companies and distribution
companies shall designate
Electrical Safety Officer Officer(s)
from within the organization, for
ensuring observance of safety
measures specified under these
regulations, for construction,
operation and maintenance of
power stations, sub-stations,
transmission and distribution lines.

ii. Sub Reg (2)- The Electrical Safety

Officer shall be an Electrical
Engineering degree holder with at
least five years of experience in
operation and maintenance of
electrical installations or an

Electrical Engineering diploma

holder with at least 10 years of
experience in operation and
maintenance of electrical

iii. The Electrical Safety Officer under

Sub Reg number (1) shall carryout
periodic tests and inspection of
electrical installations for ensuring
observance of safety measures at
least once/year & keep a record of
test reports. ( in Form I or Form II
or Form III or Form IV as the case
may be, of Schedule IV). He will
also keep a register of
recommended safety
requirements duly acknowledged
by the owner of installations with
date and compliances thereafter.
Such records shall be made
available to the Electrical
Inspector, as and when required.

CPR (Cardio Pulmonary To print new CPR charts & display

Resuscitation) Technique & First Aid :- them with frame on walls of ALL
switchgear room.
The CPR chart is NOT displayed
prominently & in proper condition at all CEA Regulation 2010 regulation
Switchgear rooms. Record is not number 28(2) should be complied with
available that, all Operating Personnel to ensure that all the persons,
in the electrical system are trained (including outsourced manpower),
with CPR technique. designated for the electrical work are
acquainted with the CPR technique.

During audit it is found that CPR It is recommended that such charts in

technique charts are old/damaged & English, Hindi and local language
improperly supported/hanged on few should be conspicuously displayed in
switchgear room walls. compliance with CEA Regulations
2010 regulation number 28(1).

Sufficient number of First Aid Boxes Address & Tel no of nearest doctor,
are not provided & maintained at ambulance service & fire service is to
appropriate locations. Ref CEA Reg be displayed near chart & near First
2010 no 27(3) & IS: 13115. aid box.


All Designated Person (s) are not At least one designated person must
trained in CPR & First Aid & the list of be available in a shift who is trained in
such persons are not entered in a CPR & First aid

Display of Danger Notice/Plate with

Skull & Voltage Level are not
displayed and “Unauthorized Entry
prohibited” board:-

These boards are NOT displayed at As per CEA Regulation 2010,

the entrance door/gate of all charged regulation number 18, every Electrical
Sub-station/Switchgear room/panels. installation shall affix permanently in a
During audit, the display is visible at conspicuous position a danger notice
the entrance gate of only at 220 KV in Hindi , English and the local
switchyard & few other outdoor yards. language, with a sign of skull and
bones of a design as per IS -2551.
Also “Unauthorized Entry prohibited”
notice is to be displayed at every
entrance door/gate of outdoor yard &
switchgear room.

Insulating Rubber mats in front of All


Insulating mats are found, provided at It is suggested to use Epoxy insulating

front panels & also rear side of paint in front of HT switchgears to
switchgears. facilitate smooth breaker rack in/out
operation. Technical detail of paint is
But in some location these mats are shared with TPP Engineer.
old & torn/damaged condition. One
has to remove insulating mats to As per CEA Regulation 2010
carryout HT breaker rack in/out regulation 19 (5), for safety of
operation as the gap between floor & operating personnel, all non current
breaker trolley is less in comparison to carrying metal parts shall be earthed &
thickness of mat. insulating floors or mat of appropriate
voltage level conforming to IS-
15652:2006 shall be provided in front
& rear panels, where such personnel
are required to stand to carry out
operation & maintenance or testing

Fire prevention, protection &

mitigation (Organizational set up for
Fire fighting / portable fire
extinguishers / fire detection & alarm


• Fire Extinguishers are found kept on • Fire Extinguishers are to be

the floor of switchgear & cable mounted on the wall. Refer CEA
gallery Regulation: 2010 for measures
relating to Safety & Electric supply,
Regulation no 27(2) & IS 2190.

• Many Fire buckets are found empty. • Fire Buckets, filled with clean dry
sand, in addition to fire
extinguishers, are to be marked &
kept in every enclosed substations
& switching stations in convenient
location. Ref CEA Reg 2010, Reg
no: 27(1)

• An artificial respirator is not • An artificial respirator shall be

available & Gas masks are not provided in every manned
available generating station, substation or
switching station of voltage
exceeding 650 V. Regn 28 (3)
which is shifted to 27(5)

• Two or more Gas masks shall be

provided & installed & maintained at
accessible places in every
Generating station with capacity of
5 MW & above and enclosed
substation with transformation
capacity of 5 MVA & above for use
in the event of Fire & smoke. Ref
CEA Reg 2010, Reg no 27 (4)

• The locations of fire extinguishers & • The locations of fire extinguishers &
first aid boxes, Gas masks & first aid boxes, Gas masks &
artificial Respirator are not artificial Respirator shall be
displayed & Artificial respirator is not displayed in the control room &
provided operator cabin.

• FDA- Fire Detection alarm system • Testing of FDA- Fire Detection

at Cable gallery & at Switchgear alarm system is a scheduled
room are available & checking is programme, it is recommended that
done monthly once with protocol & all members or their representative
defects are signed by representative needs to be present during testing
from operation, CISF fire wing, for quick response of the problem.
maintenance & safety. HOD review
the defects raised & get them


• Cable entry/exit holes are not • Power & control cable entry/exit
sealed with fire resistance paste holes at floor or wall, are to be
sealed with fire resistant paste to
prevent propagation of fire from one
location to another location

• It was observed that some • It may be noted that all

Transformers of 10 MVA & above Transformers of rating 10 MVA &
rating are not provided with above are to be provided with HVW
Automatic High Velocity Water spray system (design, installation
Spray system or N2 Fire protection as per IS 15325) or Nitrogen
system Injection Fire Protection System.
Ref CEA Reg no 44 (2)(ix). Urgent
attention is required for protection of
these Transformers.

• It was observed that Fire water • Fire water systems, which are
system is available at 11 KV cable available at cable gallery, may be
gallery of TPP, but it is NOT kept in kept in service.


It was observed that, Electrical It was suggested to carry out Infrared

Testing Lab is centralized & under the Thermograph once in 6 month after
control of DNW section. Numerical mapping all probable hot points.
relay Test kit (Freza- Pronovo make),
BDV oil test kit from Meggar DGA of all HT Transformer is to be
(automatic), Dobble Tan delta test kit, done once /year. The DGA report & all
Hi pot test kit, TRM25 Winding other Electrical test results are to be
Resistance test kit, Breaker timing kit shared by DNW with all concerned
(Scope), DCRM kit (Scope), SFR kit area HODs for making action plan &
(Scope) & LA test kit (SA30 I) are trend analysis by individual section.
available. Relay setting gradients is
checked by PRDC Bangalore 2 years

Infrared Thermograph is not done in a

scheduled manner

One 90 MVA Transformer DGA was

not done during sample audit check.

At DNW, battery bank 400 AH x 2 All battery system Capacity test is to

Capacity test is not done as per OEM be done as per schedule,

recommendation. Now single bank is recommended by OEM.

in service. 2nd bank procurement in


It is observed that, very often Standard Maintenance schedule &

breakdown maintenance is done. Practices (SMP) of all electrical
There are oil leakages, silica gel equipments are to be prepared as per
become pink, WTI indicator are not O&M manual & experience of
working in transformers as preventive repeated failure if any. This is to be
maintenance is not done for outdoor followed & record is to be kept for
Transformers of different areas. reference.

No scheduled preventive record could

be seen during audit. At RS & RS list
of work for preventive maintenance
(for CNC Lathe (05/01/2019) is


Lockout & Tag out (LOTO) system for Start LOTO system. Requisition Copy
Permit work system is not followed. (either red or blue) of PTW form may
Manual Permit format is used & a be kept on a separate file, after
PTW register with all details is completion of job & signature by
maintained. concerned designated person(s). It is
suggested to review PTW format for
Caution tag is used at electrical supply introducing column for mechanical
source, but in some cases without isolation or Gas isolation, if any.
PTW number or name of person who
Issued or received the PTW. PTW is
issued after getting written clearance
from Operator of equipment on the
PTW format. In some cases, white
copy of PTW is not signed after
cancellation & normalization


Electrical Hand tools like Insulation Electrical Hand tools are to be tested
Tester- 500V & 5 KV, Hand gloves, at least once a year either by
pliers, spanners, Multimeters are centralized Electrical Lab at DNW or
used by Electrical operator for by an NABL accredited testing lab &
testing/isolation/normalization. record of the same is to be kept.
No record regarding testing of all Defective tools shall be replaced with
these instruments are found during new ones immediately

audit. At one location, the metallic tips

of leads of Multimeter & Meggar are
found dislocated from insulating grip
portion, which is highly dangerous as
finger may come in contact with live
part, during testing.

Electrical Arc Flash suit are not used Electrical Arc Flash suit should be
during Isolation/Normalization of used during Isolation/Normalization of
Electrical supply Electrical supply


It is observed that temporary wiring Temporary wiring should never be a

with joints & without plug/sockets is long term solution.
• Safety for Electrical Installation other
At TPP, one HPSV lamp, temporary than voltage not exceeding 250 V
wiring is found fixed on the lattice needs to be followed:- Use Of
structure of a tower in outdoor yard. Residual Current Device : whose
residual operating current shall not
At DNW area, temporary light supply exceed 30 mA for protection against
is given from switchgear & its supply electric shock & 300 mA for
panel door is kept open, as its door protection against fire due to leakage
cannot be closed due to fouling of current, so as to disconnect the
temporary cable. Lizard/rat may enter supply on the occurrence of earth
to cause flashover. fault or leakage current. Ref CEA
2010 Reg 42 & IS/IEC 61008-1 &
IEC 60364-4

• RCCB/ ELCBs are to be tested

before use along with cord & its
current carrying capacity. Industrial
plug with heavy duty cables
(indoor/outdoor type) must be used.
Temporary bulb must be enclosed in
a cage. 24v lighting supply must be
used for working in confined space.
Experienced & qualified person shall
maintain the temporary supply
system with a record of supply
source from where it is given & it
must be removed immediately after
its use.



It is observed that, flame proof light These fittings are to be used in areas
fittings and flame proof enclosure for where flammable /petrochemical/oil
motor terminal box of exhaust fan are vapors and/or pulverized coal dust
not used in Battery Room exist or potential to exist, so that
explosion or flames may be produced
within them due to arcs, sparks while
switching the lights) Flame proof
Equipments/motors are designed to
withstand any damage due to the
pressure caused by an internal
explosion & also to prevent flame
propagation outside.



It is observed that, in 220 KV outdoor • It is suggested to prepare a walk

SWYD at TPP, leakage current down checklist for various equipment
indicator is not working in one of the of outdoor switch yard like SF6
Lightning Arrestor (LA). breaker, LA, PT etc & shift operator
may fill it during yard visit on daily
Testing of LA is not done at regular basis.
• Lightning Arrester (Zinc Oxide
Presently used Discharge rod for Gapless type) testing is to be done
earthing, are found not in good once/year to ensure healthiness.
condition- hand made (jugad) with
copper cable with insulated tape • 220 KV outdoor Switch yard fence is
wherever it is brittle to be earthed. It is to be permanently
connected to earthing grid to
prevent shock from static charge

• It is suggested to procure High

Voltage detectors( 230V to 33kV &
11kV to 220 kV) from reputed
company & are to be used as a
safety device to verify that overhead
line/HV switchyard/distribution lines/
switchgears is not live prior to
earthing. It indicates the presence of
High voltage by audio & visual
annunciation with flashing red LEDs.
It is a non contact type powered by a
9v battery. It is supplied with a HV
detector probe & Telescopic

Insulation stick.

• It is also suggested to procure

Discharge rod which are used to
discharge static charges to earth pit
after power isolation of 220 KV
outdoor Switchyard/33kv/11KV/6.6
kV/415v system, High voltage
devices such as Cables, Capacitors,
Insulators, Bus bars retain their
charged energy even after switching
off supply.

Earthing Discharge rod discharges the

static charge to the earthing pit &
protects the operating personnel from
electrocution. FRP Discharge rod
(length varies as per voltage level)
with heavy duty copper tip, robust fiber
glass make, maximum discharge
capacity & flexible copper cable may
be used.


• It is found that, Earth resistance As per CEA Reg 48 (8), Resistance to

measurement record is maintained earth shall be tested on a dry day
in register. But during site visit, it is during dry season not less than once
found that, many Earth Pits are a year & record to be maintained.
found not exposed, (buried in
earth/debris), not cleaned, not Also, Ref CEA Reg 2010 no 41 & 48:-
accessible & not identified & earth
resistance measured with date/due a) All non current carrying metal parts
date are not displayed near the pit. associated with electrical
It appears that at these locations, installation shall be effectively
the earth pit resistance is not taken earthed to a grounding system or
regularly. mat to limit touch & step potential to
tolerable values. To limit the ground
• Earth pits location along with earth potential rise to prevent danger due
mesh drawing is not available to transfer of potential through
ground, cable sheath, fences & pipe

b) Neutral point of every Gen & Traf to

be connected to earthing system
not less than two separate & distinct
connections without touching the

frame , Ref IS 3043

c) The grounding resistance value

should be < 1 Ohm. Low resistance
will easily ground the lightning
surges to prevent insulation failure
of transformer and also maintain
low touch & step potential inside
substation. (BF1- Earth pit
resistance is high 13.33 ohm at
5LBDS & 11.54 ohm at DG room –
To be improved urgently)

d) It is to be ensured that, Earthing

strips from Switchyard Tower Earth
Shield wire, High Mast tower
(spikes from topmost tower), all
equipments body, Transformer
neutral are to be connected to
substation earth mesh either
directly or through earth pit.


It is found that emergency lights are It is suggested to give an identification

fixed at control room & same was number to every emergency lights & a
checked ok by auditor at few record is to be maintained which are
locations, by switching off the normal defective during schedule check, so
supply. But schedule of checking is that defect can be attended
not found immediately.

In addition, torch light may be

provided to all shift personnel.


It was observed that at TPP Ref: CEA Reg 2010, Sec 19(2),
switchyard, Safety helmet & safety
shoes are not used by contractor Every person who is working on an
Employees during shutdown bay electrical supply line or apparatus or
maintenance work on 21 Feb 2019. both shall be provided with PPE, tools
& devices such as rubber gloves (IS
4770) suitable for working voltage,
Safety footwear (IS 15298), safety
belts for working at height (IS 3521),
non conductive ladder, earthing
devices of appropriate class, helmet

(IS2925), voltage detector(IS 6863,

6864, 6865 & 6866 as applicable)
hand tools (IS 13772) , Arc flash suit
for LT & HT isolation/normalization
use. These PPEs shall be maintained
in sound & efficient condition.


No Electrical Zone Classification was It is suggested that, all Battery banks

found during audit for may be classified as Zone1; Group IIC
switchgear/outdoor yard battery &Temperature class T1.
A lead acid battery emits Hydrogen
It is observed that Apron is not used during normal operation and during
by personnel while working at battery charging (at varied rate) & creates
room (ex- Dupont Tychem. C Apron). hazardous area inside sealed Battery
Rooms. Hydrogen gas becomes
SOP for battery bank to be displayed explosive at a concentration between
inside Battery room. 4 percent & 75.6%. Over-charging
a lead acid battery can produce
Exhaust Fan are provided inside some hydrogen sulfide. The gas is colorless,
battery room, but they are found not very poisonous, and flammable (and
working. has the odor of rotten eggs). It is
recommended that,

a) It is recommended to fix flame

proof enclosure motor for Exhaust
fan. Flame proof enclosure
Lighting & JB’s are to be provided.

b) H2 Gas detector may be inside

battery room, which may control
exhaust fan Operation whenever
H2 concentration is >1%

c) Portable wall mounted Eye-wash

shower may be provided.

d) PPE”s like Acid protective apron,

Chemical splash face-shield &
goggles, 12”Neoprene Hand
gloves & Mat boots must be used
during battery charging/discharging
operation (to handle Sulfuric Acid
which is potentially highly corrosive
chemical & is explosive in

concentrated form . It can cause

severe skin burns, can irritate the
nose and throat and cause
difficulties in breathing if inhaled, it
can burn the eyes and possibly
cause blindness, and can burn
holes in the stomach if swallowed.
Lead can be a health hazard if not
properly handled.

e) Fire extinguishers (class A, B, C)

are to be kept inside battery room.



It is found at DNW that clearances are It is recommended that, GIS-

taken from various departments Geographical Information System may
during cable excavation work. Caution be prepared /mapped on Google for
is mentioned before making trial hole. underground Cable route,
underground Water lines & Road
sections location for all over the steel
plant & Township.

GIS will plot Water line, Cable route

Road section & Telephone cable
route, which come across/adjacent to
the proposed site of underground
cable excavation. All concerned
agencies are to be informed.
Competent Persons finalizes the Trial
Hole location manually before actual
excavator digging as per cable plan.
Cable fault locator may also be used
to determine fault location. Great
caution has to be exercised during
Trial Hole excavation. The working
party must ensure that the markings
(both alignment & depth) identified by
the competent person are available at
site before excavation.

Necessary safety precaution like

barricading the area is to be taken



During audit, one contractor’s • After medical checkup, Contractor’

supervisor was called for a discussion supervisor may be advised to takes
regarding safety precautions he is all his employees for one day
taking for employees working under general Safety training at Training
him. He had intimated that he had center (of Vizag Steel). Then one
provided all PPEs like safety shoe, day on-job specific safety Training
helmet. hand gloves etc & give pep may be given at location by
talk during work. Department safety co-coordinator &
Engineer in charge.

• It is to be ensured that, Contractor/

supervisor provides all PPEs to his
employees, related to job

• Contractor/supervisor may do tool

box talk daily before starting the job.

• Reward system & penalty to

workmen for good safety practices or
violation may be thought of.

• Periodic vertigo check may be done

for contractor employees


During audit, it is found that, Electrical As per CEA Reg 43,

Inspector clearance is available for It is suggested to get Clearance for
new equipment charging. charging new system/equipment is
available from Electrical Inspector.
No such clearances are available for
old equipments/system. It is also suggested to send intimation
to Electrical inspector that the new
equipment is erected & charged.

All concerned Operation &

Maintenance staff must inspect &
follow commissioning checklist in line
with O&M manual,
drawing/documents, during
commissioning of new equipments.
One copy of all documents/factory &
site test reports may be availed from
Project group




During audit, at DNW switchyard, it In addition to the observation made, It

was informed that:- is suggested that CEA Reg 45, the
following electrical safety at 220 KV
• Isolators & Controlling Circuit substation need to be complied:-
breakers are interlocked, so that
isolators cannot be operated unless • Inadvertent paralleling is to be
corresponding breaker is open prevented with interlock where two
position or more supplies are not intended to
be operated in parallel.
• Isolators & corresponding earth
switches shall be interlocked so that • Necessary Electrical protections like
no earthing switch can be closed Over current, Earth fault, WTI/OTI
unless the corresponding isolator is trip, Buchlotz trip & Bus bar
in open condition protection as per CEA 2010, Regn
45(1) (2)
• When two Transformers are
operated in parallel, interlock is to • As per 45 (2)(viii) (a) - Every
be provided to trip the secondary generating station & substation
breaker of a Transformer in case connected to grid at 66 KV & up to
primary breaker of that Transformer 400 KV shall be provided with
trips. disturbance recording & event
logging facilities as inbuilt feature of
& all such equipments shall be
provided with time synchronization
facility for global common time


Overall Housekeeping of switchgear • It is suggested to seal the dust entry

rooms, substation needs immense points of switchgear shutter-gap
improvement. Debris like unused (found at RS & RS), water seepage/
cables, parts of beyond repair leakage if any, are to be attended &
switchgears , oil drums with painting to be done inside
remaining oil, paint drums , plastics , switchgear room/cable gallery. Cob-
jute bags , dust deposits etc which are webs are to be cleaned.
potential fire hazards, are seen at
cable gallery, rear side of switchgear • AHU system may be made
rooms. functional to prevent dust entry (
due to effect of little positive
AHU system & AHU blowers in the pressure of AHU blower) & cooling
switchgear room are available but effect
remain defunct.
• it is suggested to prepare Walk

down check list with points like :-

Check for housekeeping, unused
opening sealing, floor condition,
painting, adequate ventilation, arc
flash protection warning sign,
danger board fixing, nomenclature
writing, rain water seepage,
breaker/switches covers closed/or
open, any exposed energized
conductor, adequate illumination,
adequate working space for mtc,
condition of cable support,
insulating mat/paint etc may be
recorded. For this a visit rotation of
3 to 4 senior maintenance person
may be made to visit all location
(location divided among them) once
in 15 days. A daily walk down
checklist for critical areas like GTs,
DG sets, Cable gallery, Battery
room needs to be prepared &
defects are to be recorded for quick



• SLD at all electrical locations are not • It is suggested to fix Single Line
available Diagram (SLD) of Electrical system
at all switchgear room & substation
& operator’s control room.

• Replacement of old switchgears with • Efforts may be made so that old

new ones & electro mechanical switchgears are being replaced with
relays with numerical relays in a new ones in a phased manner.
phased manner

• Few observations for improvement • It is observed that, Location of

are suggested specific to locations separate oil Soak pits could not be
visited & based on experience identified for some transformers.
Soak pit below few transformer, is
full of sludge (no gravel/pebble are
visible) soaked with leaking oil
which is floating, without any outlet
to soak pit. It is a potential fire


(Ref Reg 44 (2) (vii) (b):- Provisions

shall be made for suitable oil soak pit
and where use of more than 9000
liters of oil in any one oil tank,
receptacle or chamber is involved.)

Ref: Under Reg 43(2)(a)(iii) of CEA-

Technical Std for constn of Elect plant
& Elect Lines Reg 105), For 66KV &
above voltage class Transformer (Trf),
a soak pit of 1/3 rd of total qty of oil of
Transformer/reactor & minimum
300mm thickness of gravel or pebbles
of approx 25 mm size, shall be
provided below every Trf/reactor
provided a common remote burnt oil
pit of capacity of at least largest
Trf/reactor is provided for a group of
Trf/reactors. Soak pit below Trf/reactor
shall be connected to burnt oil pit
through a drain pipe of minimum
150mm dia for fast draining of
oil/water from soak pit to burnt oil pit.
The burnt oil pit shall be provided with
automatic pumping facility to keep the
pit empty & available for an

• Ref CEA Reg no 19 (6):-

All 220 KV outdoor yard equipments

name-identification & R-Y-B ph
identification are to be painted with
yellow background & black letter.
Similar identification is to be written at
front & rear side of all HT/LT
switchgear panels for individual

• It is suggested that, all HT/LT

Incomer breaker panel & Bus
coupler breaker panel may be
painted with red color or red-
striped for easy identification
during power failure of that


• It is also suggested to paint a red

stripe (Z shape) at end to end of
rear side panels of all HT & LT
switch gear to avoid panels
mismatch during re-fixing of panels
after Bus/section overhauling. This
will avoid accidental opening of
back cover which may not match
with front cover.

• All unused holes/openings of cable

entry points are to be sealed to
avoid entry of rats/lizards to cause

• Accident Record & Investigation

report/Register is seen at DNW
section. It is informed & noted that
no accident/incident occurred after
2012, at DNW section. It is
suggested to keep a record of all
near miss incidents by all sections
& remedial action may be
implemented. The same record is
maintained at CO & CCP.

• Job safety analysis format may be

prepared & may be kept as a
safety diary





List of equipment is available. It is in order.

Coal & Ore handling tipplers are Warning lights at each tippler may be
installed in two sheds and are in considered at the time of tippler
operation. operation for additional safe operating
Barricading at common shaft to be

Barricading at both ends required

being potential tripping hazard

List of EOTs, Electrical wire rope It is in order.

hoist, Chain pulley blocks and wire
rope slings are available. A further
load test certificate by the competent
person is available.

Safety shower & eye wash fountain Should be installed as safety

are not available at both tipplers shed. measure.

Workers found not using Hand gloves Hand gloves & dust mask should be
& dust mask while there are lot of used by the workers engaged in
dust. manual handling & cleaning.

Fire extinguisher not available in Fire extinguisher should be available

Tippler Control room. in control room.

Emergency number information It is in order.

displayed in Tippler Control room.

Cable cellar man entry is partially Cable cellar man entry area to be
open at coal tippler shed. barricaded to avoid accidental


Top cover & Inspection windows were Required to be closed during

open during operation. operation to avoid any accident.

Lighting is very poor on all the floors. Additional lights based on Illumination

Hand railing to staircase (5 Nos.) to Hand railing should be provided.

foot over bridge is missing. A potential
safety hazard.

Chute opening (20 Nos.) at middle Immediate action required to provide

shuttle floor is potential safety hazard. grill to avoid any accident.

Guard of motor coupling missing. Coupling guard should be provided.

Dust extraction system is not Dust extraction system should be

functioning while lot of dust is seen made operational.

Coal conveyor 28 & 29; tail pulley side Side area of conveyor should be
area is open. covered to avoid accident.

Fire seen at many locations in the Heat sensing arrangement and

non-coking coal yard.(Photo below) sprinkler system may be installed in
the yard for taking early action to
avoid frequent fire which results with
lot of air pollution and loss of coal.

SOP (10 Nos.) for various operational It is in order.

activities are available.

Standard Maintenance Procedure (38 It is in order.

Nos.) are available.

Preventive maintenance schedule and Good system of monitoring and

checklist is in place for effective checklist for effective preventive
maintenance of equipment. maintenance is in place.

Housekeeping and proper Proper stacking of material & regular

arrangement of material is required. housekeeping required in all the area.

The pull cord was not available on the Pull cord was a safety device provided
conveyor belt number 48, 45 of coal on the conveyor belt for emergency
yard and only hydrant points were stop it should be provided on all
provided nearby conveyors as fire conveyors wherever missing for that
fighting media. survey should be carried out.


Lot of coal dust and combustible Housekeeping should be done as

materials were observed on the combustible material on cable tray
electrical cable tray. may lead to fire emergency in case of
short circuit or by other reason.

Welding work was going on however Lugs should be provided while

lugs were not used for earthing earthing connection to welding
connection to welding machines. machine.

• PTW format receipt & cancellation Permit should be signed by

column are not signed. concerned officers.

• Hand gloves are old-2011 make Electrical hand gloves should be of

latest made to avoid any incident due
to old hand gloves.

• One Safety Training room is Projector should be provided for

identified for CO & COP, RMHP & better understanding while training
CRG. But Projector is not available program going on.

• Cable entry sealing required. One It should be attended.

WTI is not working. Battery room
glass window broken, dust entry

• Temporary supply is taken from a Unsafe working condition needs

wall mounted panel & it’s door is immediate attention.
kept open

• Multimeter & Insulation Tester leads It should be attended.

Tips are broken condition. Potential
risk for flashover & injury during
testing. It was replaced immediately
after pointed out by auditor.


There are total 3 Nos of BOF BOF has adequate in built process
converters, operations of which are safety.
controlled in 2 control rooms with
DCS. 4 CCTV are provided to each
converter. Converters are visible from
control room through IR proof glass

The cycle time of the converters is 40

minutes of which oxygen blowing is for

15 minutes. LD gas with over 30% CO

during the blowing time is recovered;
rest of the gas is vented through flare.
There are three flare systems, one for
each converter.

There is water seal in the 3 way valve

which should prevent any flash back.
The recovered gas is temporarily
stored in a LD gas holder. 3 Nos of
gas analyzers are installed in the LD
gas line between ID fan and gas
holder. ID fan has interlock for O2 >2%
and H2 > 5%.

Old drums, replaced equipment and Housekeeping in the ID fan area may
pipes are seen lying in ID fan area. be improved.

Fixed CO meters are provided in each The high CO alarm may be made
floor. The hooter for high CO alarm is audible in control room also.
audible only in field and not in control

Plant personnel were seen in the in Use of portable CO meters may be

the gas prone area without portable strictly enforced in gas prone areas.
CO meters.

There is no safety board around jam Precaution board should be placed

cutting stand for Oxygen Lancing and around jam cutting stand for Oxygen
lot of splinters seen at site. Lancing.

Housekeeping to be improved. Workers should be provided dust

Workers sweeping the floor are mask for sweeping.
without dust mask-potential health

Ladle preparation area:

Material is lying all around and area Area requires proper stacking of
requires housekeeping. material and housekeeping to provide
safe environment.

Platform for repairs of ladle is unsafe

as railing all around is missing. (Photo


Approach to ladle repair is unsafe. Approach to ladle should be proper.

( Photo below)

Workers found on job without safety Proper PPEs should be ensured.

shoe & helmet at continuous Casting

Cutting operation was in progress Proper safety gear should be used

without cutting goggles and helmet. during cutting operation to avoid eye
injury/ head injury.

High level of noise observed near ID Noise survey required for the area
Fans in ID Fan House. near ID Fans. Display board for “high
noise -use of ear plugs near ID Fan”
should be installed in ID Fan House.

One angle/channel protruding out at It should be removed immediately.

cable gallery at walkway needs to be
cut immediately.

Indoor Transformers Rooms- Brick It should be done.

pavement may be done & louver door
may be done to arrest dust entry.



8 Nos of 100 m3 O2 tanks operating at This is good and appreciated.

40 kg/cm2 are installed in a licensed

The tanks are in floating condition with Noted.

O2 network.

The safety valves are tested every

year and tanks are tested once in 5
years as per SMPV Rules.

The tanks do not have any label

except tank number.

A tank farm containing 4 pressure

vessels, 3 N2 (2X 125m3 + 1X 100 m3
and 1 Argon (100 m3) is seen in the
area. No license number is displayed.
Could not make out if this is

Gas cylinder filling, storage discharge It should be followed.


Different types of gas cylinders are

handled in different compartments or
sheds. The sheds are spacious and
open for good ventilation and license
numbers are painted in all sheds.

There is a gas cylinder management As a good housekeeping practice full

system to track each cylinder in the and empty DA cylinders may be
factory and its status. properly segregated.

There is a licensed DA cylinder LPG cylinders discharge manifold

storage area. It is seen that full and area may be provided with leak
empty DA cylinders are not properly detectors.

1000 LPG cylinders are connected to

discharge manifolds. The area has
water spray system but no leak
detectors are installed.

The cylinders are mostly not secured Gas cylinders stored vertically may be

to prevent fall. secured to prevent fall.


There is no safety board at unloading Display boards for safety- Do not

area of Torpedo. come close during unloading of
Torpedo ladle car process.

Hooter/warning light during movement Hooter /warning light during

of EOT Crane with ladle not being movement of EOT Crane should be
used. “On” as people crossing the way.

Drains at all exit points (3 Nos.) are Provide drains to cover at all exit
not covered.(Photo below) points for safety.

Door opening should be closed to

avoid accidental fall.

Material is lying just below safety Nothing should be dumped at safety

shower making it unusable in case of shower area.

No display board for safety Display board for safety precautions

precautions found at prominent places required at prominent places in
in charging area. charging area.

Ambulance is available on 24 hrs. This is in order. However it should be

basis to take care of emergency. cleaned regularly from inside.

Permit system- Permits are cleared by May be reviewed and Permits records

Operation department; however no should be available in Control Room.

records are available with them.

SOPs list is available. This is in order. However SOPs

should be discussed among operation
staff on regular basis.
Continuous Casting Shop (CCS)

Materials are lying haphazardly and Major housekeeping and proper

housekeeping is not there. stacking of material required for safe

LPG hose and welding machines is in Welding machine should be kept away
close proximity leading unsafe from LPG supply points.

In the “Radiation Controlled Area”, Workers should be cautioned to use

workers found working without safety proper PPEs required for the job.
shoes and Fire resistant coat.

On EOTs, test date and next due date On all EOTs, test date and next due
are not displayed. date should be displayed.

Valve stem is partially blocking the Corrective measure should be taken

way and potential safety hazard. to ensure safety of workers.

Due to positioning of scrap bin, path is Scrap bin should be shifted to other

obstructed and someone head may hit location to avoid possible head injury.

Two wheelers are parked inside the Vehicles should not be allowed to park
plant. Even one four wheeler also inside plant area.
seen parked inside the plant.

BLAST FURNACE-2 ( Krishna)

Housekeeping is reasonably good in It is in order.

the plant.

Tapping opening job was in progress Proper PPEs should be ensured

and the operator was without safety during work.
shoes, helmet, face shield & fire
resistant coat.

Standard Maintenance Practices This is in order.

(SMPs)- 6 nos. available.

List of Safe operating Procedures It is in order. These should be

(SOPs-13 nos.) available. discussed regularly among operating

Preventive maintenance schedule for It is in order. However checklist may

drill machine & mud gun is available. be revisited to update as per guide
line of equipment manufacturer.

Two circular EOT cranes of 20 Ton/5 It is in order.

Ton are available and their load test
certificates are in place.

• At BF1-- Earth pit resistance is high It should be attended as the value of

13.33 ohm at 5LBDS & 11.54 ohm EP resistant is high.
at DG room

• Charged Panel doors are found It should be closed to avoid any short
open. Lizard/rat may enter to cause circuit or person can come in contact
flashover with live supply.

• BF model & modification done is Noted.



The plant has pulverized coal injection The plant has adequate in built
system which is energy efficient. The process safety. The safety systems
energy from top gas recovered in top may be maintained in future also.
gas turbine. The BF gas is sent to gas
network at 1200 mm H2O.

Process control is done by DCS/PLC.

Four cooling circuits are provided for It should be maintained.

furnace wall cooling. In each circuit
there are 2 running pumps and one
standby on auto.

There is a gas analyzer at the top of Good system to be maintained.

BF. Water leakage from cooling tubes
can be detected by increase in
hydrogen content in top gas.

CCTC is deployed in the plant. Good.

Fixed CO meter is available in plant Person working in control room should

with alarm in control room. Control be aware about the operation of same

room has Inergen fire suppressant system.


Plant mock drill file is reviewed. The Compliance report of observations

compliance reports of observations / made during drill should be prepared
suggestions are not on record. and documented for closing the

Joint safety inspections are carried out It should be continued.

and file is reviewed.

FDA system checking register is It should be followed.

reviewed; checking is done once in 3

Uptakes gas pipe lines at 45 mts. Uptakes gas pipe lines should be
elevation is potential hazard for burn. provided protection from burn.

Monkey ladder (for hot blast valve Monkey ladder (for hot blast valve
telfer) cage is not as per standard & telfer) cage should be extended down
potential safety hazard. to avoid accidental fall.

Tap gas ignitor: Railing for some Railing/chain should be provided to

portion missing and chain for ladder is avoid accidental fall.
also missing.
nd nd
Lighting at 2 floor seems to be Illumination survey at 2 floor to be
inadequate. done to improve the lighting system

EOT-2 Nos.( 35Ton/10 Ton) are for It is in order. Load test certificate from
second floor operation. competent person is available.

Railing for temporary platform missing Provide proper railing to avoid

which is more than 6 feet high. accidental fall.


EMD handles Coke oven, LD and BF

gas from generation point to the
consumers. COG, after cleaning and
chemical recovery, is distributed to
consumers at 1400 to 1500 mm H2O
network pressure.

LD gas after cleaning is stored in gas Noted.

holders at 180 mm H2O. From the gas
holder the LD gas pressure is boosted
and mixed with clean BF gas and sent

to mixed gas network, maintained at

about 1200 mm H2O. EMD maintains
a fuel gas network of about 38 km.
Entire operation is monitored and
operated by SCADA system.

There are 2 gas holders, one each for

SMS 1 and SMS 2, of 80,000 m3
capacity each.

Gas Holders

Technology is supplied by a reputed The gas holders have adequate inbuilt

UK company for GH 1 and by a engineering safety.
German company for GH 2.
Protection of gas holders against
Each holder has a control room. overfilling, negative pressure and
explosion due to oxygen ingress, etc,
The holders have dry type double seal is in place.
for GH 1 and single seal for GH 2.

The holder pistons have 2 limit

switches at top and 2 limit switches at
bottom and pneumatic operated
isolation valves.

Volume Relief Valves which are Periodic maintenance of relief valves

impact operated if piston reaches top should be done as per the schedule.
are provided; 10 Nos for GH 1 and 12
Nos for GH 2.

Fixed CO meters are in place. Good arrangement to be maintained

in working condition.
Portable CO meters are used. These
are calibrated once in six months.

The gas holders have 3 Nos of online Good system to be maintained and
oxygen analyzers between the ID Fan calibrated as per the schedule.
and Gas Holder to eliminate possibility
of oxygen ingress.

The holder premises have fire hydrant

system, PFE, wind socks, brief MSDS,
Do’s and Don’ts, etc.

Dry vegetation is observed in and Dry vegetation in and the gas holder
around the premises. premises may be promptly removed.

For GH 2, the booster compressors by The booster compressor by pass line

pass line (entering the gas holder is in GH 2 may be provided with jumpers
seen without jumpers across the across the flanges. The earthing for
flanges. the line may also be ensured. This is
important as the line may pick up
static charges from the ESP.

Gas system

The gas system is maintained at 1200 The gas system has adequate safety
mm H2O line pressure using booster considered in detail engineering.
compressor and pressure control
valves. The SOPs may be followed and
system be maintained in future also.
The line pressure is controlled by
pressure control valves set at 1200
mm H2O. The discharge of control
valve is released through flare stacks.
There are 3 such flare stacks in the

The gas pipelines are fabricated with

30% radiography and thickness
testing is done every year.

HAZOP study of the gas system was

carried out in 2016 by a consultant.

Observed the design and operation of

water seals and condensate drain seal
pots for vacuum condition (ID Fan
suction side), low pressure and
medium pressure lines.

Water seals are provided with water

level switches and condensate seals
have proper seal height and siphon
breakers. The water overflow is
allowed to fall into an open funnel and
properly visible.

Maintenance on gas pipe line is done

with water seal and isolation

Coke Oven

The plant was commissioned 1989 This is good and may be maintained in

with Russian technology. There are 4 future.

batteries using dry cooling system for
coke and thus generating power also.
Batteries are in good shape and
negligible emission is observed in the

CO plant is PLC controlled. SOP is

strictly followed for operation by
qualified and trained staff.

Changes are rarely carried out, but if Records of change should be

any change is required protocol is maintained for verification.

HIRA has been carried out as per The recommendations suggested in

OHSAS and HAZOP study has been the report should be complied and
done. records should be maintained for

Interlock bypass register is in place. Good.

ID fan is provided with high oxygen It should be maintained.

tripping. The area has fixed CO
meters and smoke detectors.

Cellar has fixed CO monitors.

Control rooms are provided with

smoke detectors.

SCBA is available in control room. It is suggested that operation

However, it is observed that personnel in CO, BF and SMS may be
operational personnel are not at ease as much proficient in rescue and
in use of SCBA sets. They rely on emergency operation using SCBA as
EMD staff for rescue and emergency the EMD personnel.
operation. This observation is also
applicable to BF and SMS 1.


Visited the crude and finished product

storage area which is a PESO
licensed area for storage of 7215 KL
of petroleum Class A, B and C type


Following points are observed in the As per Petroleum Rules, for Class A
tank farm: petroleum storage, following may be
looked into:

• No wind sock is seen in the location. • A wind sock may be provided near
the tank farm.

• Tank farm fencing is open in some • The licensed premise should have
sections and second gate is not continuous fencing with two gates.

• Tanks are provided with MVWS and

class A tanks are equipped with
foam injection system.

• Benzene tank No BT 401-1 roof is • Corroded and leaky roofs of tanks

seen to have many holes; some may be attended.
other tank roofs are also corroded.

• Vent nozzles in some tanks are • Tank vents may be kept closed.

• Jumpers (bonding for static • All flanges may be provided with

electricity dissipation) across the continuity clamps or jumpers.
flanges are missing in many places
in benzene/ benzol lines.

• The tanks are provided with It is suggested that an elevated

individual monkey ladders for going gangway may be provided in the tank
to roof. farm and each tank may be connected
to the gangway. This will eliminate the
need to climb each tank by using
monkey ladder.

Benzene tanker loading bay

• There is no structure available for • A fall arrester structure can be

connecting the safety belts of the constructed above the tanker loading
tanker personnel working on the top bay, to which the tanker personnel
of road tankers for filling. can connect their safety belts

• Crocodile clips are connected to the • An earthing confirmation system

tankers for earthing before loading is may be installed which can be
started. interlocked to the pump. This will
eliminate risk of static discharge in
case of faulty earthing.

Hydrogen plant: Jumpers (bonding for All hydrogen line flanges may be
static electricity) across the flanges provided with continuity clamps or
are missing in many places in jumpers as the flammability range of
hydrogen gas lines. Hydrogen was 4 to 74 % if any spark
generated then it can be explosion/

Sulphuric acid tank farm:

• Lot of hanging cables seen in the • The loose cables may be properly
tank farm clamped in cable trays.

• The tanks are vented to atmosphere. • To prevent corrosion and increase

This may lead to corrosion at the tank life it is suggested to connect
stagnant liquid surface due to film the tanks vent to a breather vat
dilution by moist air. containing 98% sulphuric acid. Air
going into the tank during pumping
out will flow through acid and remain


Sinter machine No.1: Area is not Area should be barricaded around

barricaded around replaced hot ballet. replaced hot ballet. Also display board
for safety instruction to be provided.
Safety shower & eye wash fountain
nearby is in bad shape. Even water Safety shower should be made
was not coming at the time of operational. Further there should be
checking. Floor is slippery under the periodic checking to ensure that it is
safety shower. (Photo below). functional.

Fire extinguishers are available. It is in order.

Area is exposed at both sides along Barricading at both sides along the
the moving bed. exposed area to be provided.

Illumination is not upto the mark in the More lights may be provided after
area. proper illumination survey.

Door cover is not available at Door cover should be provided on

discharge head. A potential safety priority.
hazards.( Photo below).

Un-loader area is open at both sides. Provide barricading to avoid

accidental fall.

Removable barrier at vacuum Provide barrier.

chamber platform entrance missing is
potential safety hazard.

Hot material coming out from spillage Ensure workers use proper PPEs
hopper of Cinter Single Roller before starting the job.
Crusher. Workers were at job for
removal of hot material without proper
safety precautions.

Water pipes at low elevation on Display board for taking care of Head
platform above A6 conveyor are should be available.
potential safety hazard for head injury.

A cross beam in the way to staircase Caution board should be available as

from platform above A6 to ground a temporary measure. Further
level is potential safety hazard for alternate staircase may be considered
head injury. as a permanent solution.

Straight Line Cooler pump pit is not Barricading should be installed to

properly barricaded. avoid accidental fall.

Hydro test of pressure vessels carried It is in order.

out and Form No. 8 available issued
by competent person.

List of EOT cranes & other lifting It is in order.

equipment is available and certificate
in Form No.-38 available issued by
competent person.

SOP – 20 Nos. is available for various It is in order.

operations and being discussed.

Preventive maintenance system is in It is in order.

place and jobs are being carried out
as planned.

Noise survey report is available. It is in order.

Lot of dust seen around in plant. As there were lot of dust around,
necessary precautions such as using
dust mask by working person should
be mandatory to use.


List of EOTs, wire rope slings, D- This is in order. Display board on

shackle, Chain pulley block, Hydraulic EOTs required indicating test date &
Jack is available. Load test certificate next due date.
from competent authority is available.

List of pressure vessels is available (6 This is in order.

Nos.).Pressure test
certificate/ultrasonic test certificates
for pressure vessels available.

Safety valves installed on pressure Safety valves should be tested

vessels (Lube Oil Accumulators) are periodically and record maintained.
not tested since its commissioning.

Pressure gauges are not marked for All the pressure gauges should be
Max. safe working pressure. marked with RED mark for Max. SWP.

Stair case entrance leading to burner Temporary barricading required to be

area in Zone 4 is unsafe. provided at staircase entrance.

Flash back arrestors should also be Flash back arrestors should be

installed on cylinder side in cutting provided at both ends (Cylinder side
sets. as well as torch side) in cutting set.

Management of change (MOC) is This is in order.

considered as proposal under
(AMR) schemes and is well
documented procedure including
impact assessment report.


Portable grinder found without shield, Grinder should be maintained in

with cable joint and without electrical proper condition as it is potential
plug. Should be corrected for safe safety hazard.

Housekeeping is good and material is This is in order.

properly stacked.


List of EOTs, wire rope slings, D- This is in order. Install display board
shackle, Chain pulley block, Hydraulic on EOTs indicating test date & next
Jack is available. Load test certificate due date.
from competent authority is available.

List of pressure vessels is available It is in order.

(6 Nos.). Pressure test
certificate/ultrasonic test certificates
for pressure vessels available.

Safety valves installed on pressure Safety valves should be tested

vessels (Lube Oil Accumulators) are periodically and record maintained.
not tested since its commissioning.

Pressure gauges are not marked for Pressure gauge installed on vessels
Max. Safe working pressure. should be marked with Red mark for
Max. Safe working pressure.

Safety board in front of FRM not Display board for safety instruction in
available. front of Fast Roughing Mill (FRM).

Fence cover for rotating parts at Roll Fence cover should be installed at
Chock not there. Roll Chock as safety measure.

Safety board is not available near Provide display board near TSIRT as
TSIRT. reject material is hot.

Handrails to cross over platforms Handrails should be provided on cross

missing. over platforms to avoid accidental fall.

Area at reducing & sizing mill (RSM) Barricading should be provided at

motor is unsafe for tripping. reducing & sizing mill (RSM) motor to
avoid tripping hazard.

List of SOPs is available and being It is in order.

shared among staff.


Noise study has been carried out & It is in order.

areas with higher noise level have
been identified. Necessary display
board indication high noise level-use
ear plugs are available.

Illumination study has been carried It is in order.

out during the day & after 6 PM.

Preventive maintenance schedule is It is in order.

monitored through Maintenance And
Management System
(MAMS).Detailed checklists are
available for various preventive
maintenance jobs.

Flash back arrestors should also be Flash back arrestors should be

installed on cylinder side in cutting provided at both ends (Cylinder side
sets. as well as torch side) in cutting set.

Pedestal Grinding Machine is unsafe Pedestal Grinding machine to be

to operate as safety shield is missing. provided transparent safety shields
(Photo below) and safety instruction board.

Permit system is in place. It is in order.The information regarding

issue of permits should also be
available with the control room.


Pressure vessels-24 Nos. are It is in order.

pressure tested and certification from
competent Person is available.

Safety relief valves installed on Safety valves should be tested


pressure vessels are not tested. periodically and record maintained.

Pressure gauge installed on vessels Pressure gauge installed on vessels

should be marked with Red mark for should be marked with Red mark for
Max. safe working pressure. Max. safe working pressure.

EOT Cranes-17 Nos. and Jib Cranes- All the EOTs, Jib Cranes and other
14 Nos. are in operation. However the lifting tools should be load tested by
load test of the cranes by the competent person and maintain the
competent person is overdue. record.
Similarly other lifting tools such as
Chain pulley block, wire rope slings,
D-shackles etc, required to be load
tested and record maintained.

End stoppers for transfer cars are End stoppers for transfer cars should
potential tripping hazard. be properly covered to avoid tripping

Rotating parts at furnace entry is Provide barricading at furnace entry

without protection. point to avoid contact with rotating

Cross over platform are not provided Provide railing at cross over platform.
with railings after plant 21.

Flash back arrestors are not provided Flash back arrestors should be
at cylinder ends- is potential safety provided at both ends (Cylinder side
hazards. as well as torch side) in cutting set.

Two oxygen cylinders were used Valid Hydro tested gas cylinders
which hydro test was valid up to 2016. should be used in the company.

Lot of material was stacked in front of

the crane operator exit walk way. It should be made free.

Rubber mat was not provided near It should be provided as required

440 V electrical panels and Bus bar under CEA 2010 for safety of workers.
chamber of power distribution boards
more over the door of Bus bar was in
open condition.

Grinders without guards were used in Guards should be provided on the

the service floor. grinders.

Two pin was not used for industrial fan Two pin should be used for industrial
and moreover two supplies was given fan. Standard practice for supply

from one button making the system should be followed in the company to
overloaded. avoid any incident due to wrong
practice followed.

In furnace gas was used but color Color code of pipe lines should be
code of pipelines was not displayed in displayed for awaring the workers in a
the respective areas for ready language understood by majority of
reference. workers.


Plant is under stabilisation.

Pressure vessels-29 Nos. are It is in order.

pressure tested and certification from
competent Person is available.

Safety relief valves installed on Safety valves should be tested

pressure vessels are not tested. periodically and record maintained.

Pressure gauge installed on vessels Pressure gauge installed on vessels

should be marked with Red mark for should be marked with Red mark for
Max. safe working pressure. Max. safe working pressure.

EOT Cranes and Jib Cranes-30 apart It is in order. Install display board on
from manual chain hoist are in use. All EOTs indicating test date & next due
are load tested by the competent date.
person and records are available.

List of SOPs-19 Nos. are developed It is in order.

for various operation activities.

Open area at roller table after shear Provide barricading for safety.

Partial ramp near stand 17 to avoid Provide ramp in the entire width.
tripping hazards.

Tilter in front of stand No.7 is exposed Tilter in front of stand No. 7 should be
to movement of workers. provided with hooter and beacon light
for safety during its operation.

Hot bloom rejection grid may be Provide barricading and display board
approached as area is open. that rejected material is hot and do not

Barricading at entire length of cooling Provide barricading at entire length of


bed missing. Potential safety hazard. cooling bed.

Flash back arrestors are not provided Flash back arrestors should be
at cylinder ends- is potential safety provided at both ends (Cylinder side
hazards. as well as torch side) in cutting set.

Structure/piping is painted (finish It is in order.

Coat) as per Colour Code VSP-

Lot of scrap material was stacked It should be removed.

back side of JY11EDLYDO1B.

Gas cylinders were not secured Cylinders should be chained to avoid

properly to avoid fall. fall.

PFEs were place on the floors. It should be installed on the wall.

Below stacker lot of water was logged Drainage system should be checked.
on the floor.


List of pressure vessels (29 Nos.) It is in order.

available. Pressure test certificates
issued by competent person on form
no. 8 are available.

As per information safety valves are Safety valves testing records should
tested, however records are not be maintained.

Pressure gauge installed on vessels Pressure gauge installed on vessels

should be marked with Red mark for should be marked with Red mark for
Max. safe working pressure. Max. safe working pressure.

List of EOTs and lifting equipment and It is in order. Display board required
load test certificate in Form No. 38 for Test date and next due date on all
issued by competent person is EOTs. Eye test records for crane
available. operators are available.
Scale chute of pump house 17 is Provide proper barricading to avoid
potential safety hazard. accidental slippage.

Illumination survey record for day time Illumination survey should also be
survey is available. done at late evening.

Noise survey record is available. It is in order.


Training is done for the employees on Good.

safety topics.

Flash back arrestor should be also Flash back arrestors should be

installed on cylinder side in cutting set. provided at both ends (Cylinder side
as well as torch side) in cutting set.


List of pressure vessel and hydro test It is in order.

report by competent person is

List of EOTs and lifting tools & tackles It is in order.

are available. The load test certificate
issued by competent person is

Certificate for use of boiler issued by It is in order.

Dy. Chief Inspector Boilers is

Pusher end of furnace 1 & 2 is open & Provide barricading to avoid accident.

End stoppers are potential tripping End stoppers for transfer cars to be
hazard. covered to avoid tripping when not in

Lighting inside the mill seems to be Action should be taken to improve the
inadequate. lighting based on the illumination

Stair case leading to scale tunnel is Stair case leading to scale tunnel to
unsafe. be blocked (Near column no. 45) if not
in use to avoid incidental fall.

Sampling saw area is unsafe as lot of Caution board required near Sampling
spark during cutting operation. Saw Area & Cooling Bed Area to
avoid any accident.

Flash arrestors are not installed at Flash back arrestors should be

cylinders & cutting torch. provided at both ends (Cylinder side
as well as torch side) in cutting set.

Portable grinding machine found Safety shield should be installed.

without safety shield.

SOP for various operational activities It is in order.

are available.

SMP for maintenance activities are


Preventive maintenance schedule are

being followed

Noise survey report is available and is

within limit.


There are 39 loco (WDS6-31 Nos. & For information.

WDS6AD-8 Nos.)

The Solid State Interlocking (SSI) is Good safety system.

very good system for enhance safety.

Oxygen cylinders are not secured. Oxygen Cylinders should be properly

secured to avoid accidental fall.

Oil drums & empty drums are lying Proper area should be developed for
and there is no proper area marked. used oil drums and for empty drums.
Fire extinguisher and first aid box are
available in loco.

Loco operators are using proper It is in order.


Shunting Porters are wearing not It is in order.

Retro-reflective jacket.
May visit “Safety Standard on Loco
Operation in Steel Industry- IPSS:1-
11-033-17” adopted in January 2017
for required improvement. Retro-
reflective jacket for Shunting Porter
may be considered for easy
identification. Many safety precautions
listed may be reviewed for adoption as

List of lifting equipment is available It is in order.

and load test certificate from
competent person is in place.


Preventive Maintenance schedule for It is in order.

Loco is in place and being followed
religiously. Exhaustive check list for
PM jobs is in place.

Safe Operating Procedure (18 Nos.) is It is in order.


Safe Maintenance Procedure (58

Nos.) available and being followed.


Visited Central dump and processing For information.

Yard (CDPY).

Inspected the tripper AP31TF5045 It is in order.

and interviewed driver Mr Sonu Naidu
G. and findings are as under.
Having valid driving licence.

He is not aware of speed limit inside Regular training on safe driving

plants. required.
Eye test report is available. It is in order

Vehicle fitness certificate is available. All vehicles should be checked for its
However the condition of vehicle condition for enhance safety.
found to be not up to mark.

• Indication lights are not working.

• No horn and light during reversing
of vehicle.
• Alarm during dumping not working.
• Wind screen is crack.
• Tyre condition is poor.
• Wipers not working.

No first aid box and fire extinguisher First aid box should be available in all

Emergency numbers are not available Display emergency numbers in all

in the vehicle vehicles.

Inspected 75 Ton capacity Crawler

Crane which was in operation.

Load Chart is not available. Load chart should be in crane.


Load test certificate is available. This is in order.

Eye test of operator is done. This is in order.

Hoist limit switch is not working which Hoist limit switch should work as it is
is safety hazard safety device.

Fire extinguisher and first aid box not Fire extinguisher should be kpt in
available. crane.

Work procedures (11 Nos.) and Work It is in order.

Instructions (9 Nos.) are available.

Training on “Safe driving” conducted More number of training sessions on

on 30/05/2018 which was attended by safe driving should be conducted to
17 drivers only. cover all the drivers.Proper training
material should be developed for


All the 36 stacks (after 6.3 MTPA) are It is order

provided with on-line stack monitors &
minutes to minute’s data being posted
to CPCB site.

3 Nos. continuous ambient air quality It is in order.

monitoring stations within the plant.


Total number of lifts in plant is 58.

Report of examination for lifts by It is in order.

competent person.
The lift in the Sinter Plant -1 does not Ensure that the information is
have the following. available in all the lifts.

• The copy of examination report is

not available in lift.

• Display of emergency numbers is

not there.

• Capacity of carrying person is not




• PPEs compliance in general needs Workers should be encouraged to

improvement. wear PPEs.

• Two wheelers are parked inside the Vehicles should be made to park in
plants which is unsafe. parking area only.

• Vehicles are plying at much higher More speed limit boards should be
speed then prescribed speed limit. installed & department should take
initiative to educate workers.

• Housekeeping should be improved Interplant competition on

in general. housekeeping may motivate


• Temporary wiring found. Charged • Regarding temporary wiring follow

Panel doors are found open. Sand CEA regulation 2010.
buckets are empty

• HT Switch gear room insulating mat • It should be attended.

is torn up condition

• Cable gallery room is used as rest • Housekeeping inside the cable

room by contract workmen gallery should be maintained and
entry to contract workers should be
restricted to avoid any incident.

• Cable gallery fire water system is • It should be commissioned.

not commissioned


• FDA was not checked at various • Water logging problem should be

zone due to water logging attended so that FDA system can
be checked.

• Soak pit approach is to be made, • Approach to soak pit should be

bush are to be cut & identification/ made
internal inspection of soak pit to be

• Cable gallery cable tray/support is • To be replaced with new one



• All Earth pits are to be elevated by • It should be made elevated and

at least one brick height & to be earth pit as per require under CEA
painted with identification & to be 2010 should be made.


Pressure vessels like air receivers 17 It should be tested as required under

numbers were not tested in the TPP. Section 31 of the Factories Act, 1948.

• Temporary yard light fixed on lattice • To be removed.

structure may cause electrocution.

• Transformer soak pit is choked & • Transformer soak pit should be

leaking oil is floating, a fire hazard. always cleared so that in case of oil
Soak pit to be cleaned leakage the oil will be collected in
soak pit chamber.

• Dry Grass inside outdoor yard is to • Dry grass should be cut which was
be removed immediately potential for fire.

• No gravels at many locations at • Gravels should be provided on

outdoor yard. outdoor yard

• Soak pit at bottom of Transformer is • Soak Pit path should be cleaned

full of mud & leaking oil is floating. and make sure that it will be clear all
To be cleaned immediately the time.

• Bus duct silica gel to be changed. • Bus silica color was changed hence
it should be replaced.

Mandatory PPEs in the TPP were Wearing of same should be monitored

Safety Shoes, Helmet, and dust mask. as during visit few workers were not
having all required mandatory PPEs.

Assembly point was defined on the Location of assembly point may be

wall at the office entrance however reviewed.
there was no access for assembling.

In main control room lighting is not Lighting should be improved inside the
proper. control room.

No trip bypass register was available Separate register may be prepared for
however abnormal cases of bypass same.
were noted in the logbook but no easy
record perusal.

In Server room halogen flooding Sop of Inergen system should be

system was replaced to inergen displayed and workers should be
flooding system but the operation of made aware about the system.
same was not displayed in the control
room for ready reference moreover
control room workers were not aware
about inergen system.

Emergency exit was not available in Emergency exit should be provided at

server room. server room.

AHU system was not working it was To maintain fresh air/ air changes at
under break down. working area AHU should be made
operational at the earliest.

In control room no FDA system Noted.

provided however at server room it
was provided.

PFEs were provided at the control Training should be imparted to the

room some people of control room workers for making aware about the
was interviewed regarding hazards hazards while handling the PFEs.
associated with the handling of CO2
type of PFE they were not aware
about the hazards.

No smoking boards were displayed No smoking policy should be

however it was not followed. effectively implemented in the
premises to avoid any incident.

Cable dressing on cable tray at some Cable dressing should be properly

location was not proper and old done so that no cable will come out of
scaffolding structure was not removed the cable tray. Old scaffolding should
from boiler number 6 even though the be removed from Boiler number 6.
work was completed.

Pull cord was not available on total Pull cord should be provided on the
conveyor belt number 133 cc. conveyor belt and lot of coal dust was
lying on the conveyor belt surrounding
area it should be cleaned.

Manual call point was not working in Non working MCPs survey may be
the boiler area. carried out in the plant and same
should be attended as it will be useful
for declaring fire emergency.


Fly ash was supplied to brick Noted.

manufacturing industries and cement
industries and remaining fly ash was
dumped in the dump yard. There were
two fly ash silos from which fly ash
was collected in the collecting heavy

During visit it was found that the water The area should be cleaned and water
was logging in the loading area. logging should be attended. As the
person has to go on the vehicle for
operation of the manhole life line may
be fixed and safety belt should be
provided to avoid fall of person as the
height was more.

Oxygen cylinder which hydro testing Gas cylinder Rules, 2016 regarding
was last carried out in 2015 was in hydro testing of gas cylinders should
use and it was lying on the floor. be strictly followed to avoid any

Chlorination area of TPP

There were two Chlorine tonners were Noted.

used for dosing purposes in
chlorination plant.

One chlorine detector was provided The setting level should be lowered to
near chlorine tonner for leak detection 0.5 ppm from 1.2 ppm as the revised
however it was set on 1.2 PPM. TLV laid down is 0.5 ppm in the
Second Schedule to the Factories Act,
1948 as well as ACGIH-2013.

Water logging was observed on the Water logging should be cleared.

flooring of the chlorine pumps. The
chlorine absorption system was
provided in case of chlorine leakage.

The water supply line was taken from The fire water should be used for
fire water network. emergency handling only its use for
other purpose should be stopped.

Wind sock was not available on the Wind socks should be provided for
chlorination building to know the wind knowing the wind direction.

The Chlorine tonner dispersion Training should be arranged on


modeling was carried out but the dispersion modeling effects for
working staff was not aware of same. enhancing the awareness of workers.

Emergency kit was provided in the It should be maintained and ensure

control room which was five minutes that in case of emergency at chlorine
from the plant, SCBA set was also tonner can be attended without any
provided in control room. time delay. Emergency kit should be
easily available and working person
should know the location.

The person was working was knowing The SCBA set should have the
the leakage handling procedures. maximum pressure inside so that it
can be utilized for maximum time in
case of emergency.

Checklist of SCBA set should be

prepared and frequency may be


The Utilities department manages 5

Nos of Air Separation Units, Air
compressors, 5 nos of chilled water
plants, LPG tank farm and gas
cylinder filling and storage.

ASU 5:

Visited ASU 5. The gas bullets As per SMPV Rules every pressure
containing oxygen, nitrogen and argon vessel should have label or name
are installed in licensed premise as plate containing tank number,
per SMPV rules. chemical name, design pressure, test
pressure, etc.
License numbers are displayed at the
fence or gate.

For the argon storage tank (200 KL), it

is observed that the tank does not
have any label containing license No.,
tank No., test pressure, chemical
name etc.

Some unused cable bundle is seen It should be removed.

lying in the area.

The control room has smoke detectors This is OK.


with inergen system.

Transformers are provided with heat This meets legal requirement.

sensors and MVWS.

LPG storage

2 Nos of 50 MT LPG storage tanks

are located in a licensed premise. The
premise has fencing, wind sock,
MSDS display, boards for standard
practice, LPG tanker unloading
procedure and proper earthing for

The tanks have automatic HVWS It should be maintained and

connected to deluge system and heat periodically inspected.
sensors (quartzoid bulbs).

LPG tankers are earthed by crocodile An earthing confirmation system may

clip during unloading. The earthing is be installed which will confirm if proper
checked once a year. earthing is established. This can be
interlocked with starting of unloading

The LPG tankers unloading instruction LPG tanker before unloading may be
(in display) does not mention to check checked to confirm if proper test
safety certificate of the tanker (like, certificates for tanker, safety valves
test certificate of tanker, safety valves and excess flow check valves are
and excess flow check valve etc.) available. The driver should also be
qualified to transport hazardous


This department handles all types of

water required for the factory, like,
receiving raw water from river,
drinking water, fire water, process
water, treatment of effluent and
discharging the treated water to sea.

Organic effluent from CCP is given

micro biological and chemical
treatment and then sent to ETP plant
along with sewage. The effluent after

surface aeration and clarification is

sent to sea.


• Online monitoring system for • Online real time monitoring system

effluent is not commissioned. of effluent may be commissioned as
it is a requirement of CPCB.

• Lot of sludge in noticed in the SMS • VSP may try to achieve zero liquid
2 waste water treatment plant. discharge.

• The Factory has valid Consent for • Waste water sludge may be
Operation for water pollution and collected in a truck trailer without
authorization for hazardous waste allowing it fall and spread in the plant
management from state PCB. area.

• The Factory has submitted the • Annual returns as per Consent for
annual returns, Form 5, for water Operation meet the legal
pollution as per Consent for requirement.
Operation for the year 2017-18. The
concentration of pollutants in trade
effluent is within the prescribed

• Similarly, annual return in Form 4,

for hazardous waste has also been
filed for the year 2017–18.

• Near SMS 2 waste water treatment • Welding job earthing may be

plant; welding job was being carried provided closest to the job to avoid
out on pipe rack top. It is seen that hazard. Safety inspection may be
the earthing for the job was given at strengthened.
ground level about 50 m away.


• Dust pollution is observed in the • Dust extractors, wherever not

plant. Some dust extractors are not working, may be repaired and more
working. may be installed to reduce dust in the

• Eye washers are hardly seen in the • In view of high dust, eye washers
plant. may be placed in suitable locations
(avoiding lime area).


CMS, Structural, Foundry

In foundry 10 MT cranes of 1984 This is in order.

made was in service, it was tested as
per the statutes.

There were five empty carbon di oxide It should be stored in designated area
cylinders stored but not chained. and should be properly secured to
avoid fall.

Lot of empty drums were stored near These drums should be discarding
AB bay. through proper channel and area
should be made free.

Air receiver AR/ISF/03 on which hydro Noted.

test date and due date was displayed.

No smoking policy boards were No smoking inside the foundry area

displayed however it was not followed should be strictly followed as CO gas
at site. pipelines were there.

On MCC number 2 housekeeping Housekeeping should be improved in

should be improved as cob bays were this area to avoid malfunction of relays
observed on panel room walls. due to dust formation inside the

Cloths were placed on the CO gas Clothes should be removed from

pipelines which was adding fire pipelines to avoid fire.
hazard. It was observed that the gas
pipelines were having corrosion. Pipeline should be painted periodically
to avoid rusting and periodic testing of
pipelines should be carried out.

Resin sand drums were stored without Trays should be provided below such
trays to restrict the spillage and drums.
avoiding the soil pollution.

Induction furnace three pumps were Positive guarding should be provided

not having coupling guards. on all rotating devices to avoid any

Bench grinder was not having guards Every motor should be earthed
and moreover earthing was not properly.
available to motor.

Two electrical connections were taken Overloading of electrical system

from one single wire. should be avoided which may lead to


In electric MCC room FDA system FDA system may be provided in such
was not provided for early detection of MCC rooms.
fire / smoke.


Three cranes of 50 MT were used in Noted.

the CMS as per the requirement.

Welding and gas cutting set doesn’t At Both end flash back arrestors
have two flash back arrestors. should be provided to avoid back fire
up to source.

Person was working with grinder in Grinding was an dangerous operation

the area without proper PPEs like as per the Factories Act, 1948 hence
hand gloves, eye goggles. The proper care has to be taken while
connection of grinder was taken from doing the operation.
board by placing wires inside the

Earth pit lay out diagram was It should be maintained and resistance
available and there were ninety five of all earth pits should be checked and
earth pits. records should be maintained.

CSD (Central Stores Department)

Hydra was not having safety latch. Every hydra should be checked before
driver or operator starts the machine
any non conformity should be
attended at the earliest.

Asle marking was done on the flooring It should be reviewed and ensure that
for walk way of man and machine the walk way should be free from
however due to space constrain the obstruction.
materials were not stored within the
aisle marking.

PFEs were installed more than 1 PFEs should be installed as per the
meter from the ground which will AP factories Rules, 1950.
create stress to person while lifting the

The hazards associated with PFEs During fire fighting trainings hazards
like CO2 was not known to concern should be made known to workers.
workers while handling same.

B7 hydrant point was provided in the Access should be available to reach

store but access was not available the hose boxes so that in case of
due to material storage. emergency hydrant can be used.

Electric switches near E 19 were not Tagging should be done to such

tagged for isolated supply. isolated switches for ready reference.

There were emergency exit doors It should be reviewed.

provided in the store for emergency
however these doors were not having
proper access and found locked due
to security reason.

Two numbers of EOTs were available This is in order.

in store which was tested as per the
statues, certificates was available in
form 38 and issue dated 13/12/2018
and valid up to 12/12/2019.

E 17 EOT crane JB interlock system It should be attended.

Switch found broken.

Old QSHE policy was displayed at Noted.

CED store which was replaced with
2017 QSHS policy.

Company was having open storage of

chemicals drums storage.

The drums of oil lubricating, servo oil The grass should be cut regularly to
stored in open yard where no electric avoid the fire which is one of the
lighting provided except high mast sources for fire.
tower at the entrance but it was found
that lot of grass was grown near the
electric panel JB which may lead to

Conveyor Store in that lot of The stacking of combustible material

combustible material like rubber hose, should be away from the electric
conveyor belts were stacked near live source to avoid fire.
electrical switches which may lead to

There was EOT crane which having Ensure that emergency exit should be
two staircases one for going up to the free from any obstruction.
cabin and other was for exit however
material was stacked at the exit

staircase which blocks the exit root.


The role of STED was cleaning of Noted.

roofs, structures regular inspections
and painting of structures etc.

STED has prepared regular

inspections schedule for roof sheeting,
structures, painting.

The permits required for the height This is a good system it should be
work job was taken in shift starting continued.
and the permits entry was made in the
register for knowing the number of
permits issued during the date and
records were available for verification.
STED has planned the structural
stability for sixteen structures of the
company for that contract was allotted
to competent agency M/s Nova
Nirmaan Engineering and Architect
WO number 4410002218 and scope
of work was Inspection of Steel
Structures by competent authority for
stability certificate.

Out of sixteen structures four These structures should be checked

structures stability certificate was for stability as more than thirty years
received after testing however other of plant was in operation and it was
structures stability was not checked suggested that other old structures
due to operation of the units. stability checking should be planned.

Monthly schedule for painting of all This was a good practice same should
types of things were prepared and be continued.
accordingly inspections were carried
out and remarks were mentioned on
the inspection records, these records
were maintained in a file for



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