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Smart Mirror Based On Raspberry Pi: Prof. P.S. Tondewad, Harshada Parate, Poonam Awalkonde & Aishwarya Mule

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[VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2019] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138

http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236

Smart Mirror Based on Raspberry Pi

Prof. P.S. Tondewad , Harshada Parate, Poonam Awalkonde & Aishwarya Mule
Department of E&Tc Engineering, MESCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune,
Maharashtra, India.

Received: February 18, 2019 Accepted: March 26, 2019

ABSTRACT: In mirror we see our reactions but what happens when you combine the importance of mirror
with technology? A smart mirror combines the use of traditional mirror with digital aspects to bring up-to-
date information to the use directly on the mirror surface. Smart mirror is to contribute an easy way
information services to user through verbal commands, functions and listens to the user’s question and
response them adequately using voice commands. These features of the mirror will be scraped from the
Internet and implemented using the raspberry pi board. This paper describes the purpose, construction &
operation of the smart mirror.

Key Words: Smart Mirror, Raspberry Pi, Voice recognition, Weather, Time, Google News, IoT (Internet of

I. INTRODUCTION display monitor would support the mirror to

The purpose of mirror in day to day lives is to display the necessary sufficient information that
observe and interact with ourselves. The the user will utilized [2]. This author has
interactive mirror is a development effort to implemented human gestures & performs
augment the mirror with proper fixed information advanced functions such as booking a ride on
for offering better features that provide Uber, they also easily extended for some other
personalized data such as date, weather, and framework like making phone calls [3]. In order to
regional time corresponding to the location, reach the vision of AI (Artificial Intelligent), it
Google headlines, music and our daily schedule. would not only provide local time corresponding
According to survey, we waste 30 minutes on to the location but also would collect a real world
washing, makeup, and wearing after getting up, machine data and the same would be transmitted
and these 30 minutes are also the time for us to form the machine and managed by raspberry pi.
observe in the mirror. In order to require full use [4]. It is a special type of mirror application based
of this time, in the mirror at same time, can on face recognition which provides data feed of
completely access the relative information of the various website and services [5].
day, this project indicates a kind of Intelligence
mirror can be used in the home. The mirror will III. PROPOSED SMART MIRROR
resolve the problems that many people experience We plan to designate and exhibit such kind of
every day, getting information without distraction. futuristic smart mirror which provides a whole
Before going to bed, the user may want to know modern experience to the user. Our proposed
whether it will rain the next morning so that they smart mirror consist of a
can plan their exchange. Raspberry Pi, two-way mirror, acrylic glass,
monitor (LED), and motion Sensor. Raspberry Pi 3
II. RELATED WORK B+ is a minicomputer. It uses raspbian operating
Our Smart Mirror shows a natural interface that system. A wooden frame will be prepared with
easy to access to personalized services. The Smart LED attached behind the glass with all the sensors,
Mirror includes some devices equipped with a and the raspberry pi. The power supply is
raspberry pi. However, most of them support attached to the raspberry pi which will power the
entertainment and some interactive tasks. As the LED monitor and the sensors. The block diagram
technology and application of digital system is depicts that it would collect personalized data like
getting popular, the work on this field is date, weather of the metropolitan, the latest
increasing. Now days the world is getting more updates of news and headlines and local time
into artificial intelligence. The concept is corresponding to the location. For this process
integrating artificial intelligence into people’s life internet access will require which will be
[1]. A smart mirror which is new real world provided by Wi-Fi module on the raspberry pi.
provides interaction between the users. A flat LED

Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 151𝗂
[ VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL– JUNE 2019] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138

The proposed smart mirror will perform these

1. When the person appears in front of mirror is
activated and will show the welcome message to
the user.
2. After activating the mirror will display date,
time, weather and news headlines.
3. The mirror will also play music and show our
daily schedule.
4. Smart mirror can communicate with verbal
commands, functions and listen user questions
and respond them adequately.
5. The mirror will automatically sleep if a person
Fig 1.1: Basic block diagram of smart mirror disappears from mirror with help of sensor.

Once the person appears in front of mirror the RESULT

motion sensor is activated and mirror will display Smart mirror requires 24 hours internet access.
the welcome message to the user. The audio When a person gets detected by motion sensor
information will give to the microphone through then mirror is turn on in fraction of seconds then
voice command by user. It can communicate with we are able to access following data through voice
mirror in real time and search the information on commands:
internet. All the information is displayed on the 1. The welcome message is display to the user.
LCD screen connected with the raspberry pi. The According to time it will also show casual greeting
mirror will also show the personalized daily like Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good
schedule of that person and for security purpose Evening, Good Night.
we used password for that particular person. The
virtual layout that will be prepared using HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) will display on the
mirror when it is turned on and will show date,
time, weather, and news headlines.
Fig 1.3: Welcome window
2. Smart mirror is displaying date and time to
the user.

Fig 1.4: Date and Day window

3. Smart mirror is displaying weather.

Fig 1.5: Weather window

4. Smart mirror is displaying latest Google

Fig 1.2: Flowchart of smart mirror Fig 1.6: Google Headlines

152𝗂 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2019] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236

CONCLUSION Smart Mirror Using Raspberry Pi”

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