Final NIT
Final NIT
Final NIT
2. The scope of the work broadly includes rehabilitation, upgradation and widening of the
existing carriageway section to 6-lane standards with construction of new pavement,
rehabilitation of existing pavement, construction of major and minor bridges, service
roads, culverts, road intersections, interchanges, drains etc.
3. The agreement to be entered into between NHAI and the selected bidder (“the
Concession Agreement”) will be provided at the bidding stage. Revenues from the
proposed tolling of the Project will accrue to the special purpose company undertaking
the Project (the “Concessionaire”)
4. Interested Applicants may obtain the Request for Qualification document (the
“RFQ” document) from the address given at para no.9 from 06.04.2011 on all working
days between 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs Indian Standard Time (IST) clearly stating
“Request for Qualification for Six Laning of Vijayawada – Gundugolanu Section of
NH-5 from km 1076.480 (old chainage km 27.6) to km 1022.480 (old chainage km
81.6) (Length 48.99 km) including six lane Hanuman Junction Bypass (Length 6.72
km) and proposed four lane Vijayawada Bypass (Length 47.88 km) in the state of
Andhra Pradesh under NHDP Phase V on DBFOT (Toll)” and on submission of a
non-refundable fee of Rs. 1,80,000/- (Rupees One Lac Eighty Thousand) towards the
cost of document by way of a crossed demand draft drawn in favor of ‘National
Highways Authority of India’, payable on any scheduled bank in New Delhi.
5. NHAI will not be responsible for any delay, loss or non-receipt of RFQ document sent
by post/courier. Further, NHAI shall not be responsible for any delay in receiving the
Applications and reserves the right to accept/reject any or all applications
without assigning any reason thereof.
8. Further, original & copy of every Application must be submitted in a hard bound form
(spiral bound form, loose form, etc. will not be accepted) with all pages numbered
serially, along with an index of submissions. In the event of any of the instructions
mentioned herein have not been adhered to, NHAI will reject the Application.
9. The pre-application conference will be held at NHAI, New Delhi at 1100 hrs on
27.04.2011. RFQ submissions must be received not later than 1100 hrs IST on
12.05.2011 in the manner specified in the RFQ document at the address given below
and will be opened on the same day at 1130 hrs: