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New Step Servo Driver-DL86H Manual: Catalog

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一、 Introduction

New Step Servo Driver-DL86H

DL86H is a new digital step-servo driver, using a vector controlling technology.

It can drive 57 series and 86 series step-motors.
DL86H can fit various automation equipment and instruments with below
technical features:
 Use of 32 bit motor control DSP
 Use of vector servo control technology
 Easy Operation with four LED Segment Displays and keyX4
 Wide range of drive current drive current from 0.4 to 8.0A/phase
 Can drive 57 series and 86 series hybrid step-motors
 Opto-isolated signal input/output
 Highest response frequency: 200Kpps
 Provide 16 channels micro steps ,highest micro step: 51200 ppr
 Provide Electronic Gear Ratio
 Protection circuit : Over heat; Over current; Over voltage; Over-speed and
position deviation
 Two control method:Position,Speed
Catalog  Net Weight:650g

二、Mechanical installation size
三、Port Definitions
四、Parameter setting
(1) When the Driver temperature exceeds 40°C,the fan will start to work. When
the Driver temperature exceeds 70°C, the current will be cut off automatically and
the Driver will not work till the temperature drops to 40°C. In case this happens,
please install ventilation equipment.

三、Port definition and Drive connection

3.1 Port definition
A、 Step-motor and Power definition
Terminal Number mark function Motor wire color
1 A+ A phase+ White
2 A- A phase- Green
3 B+ B phase+ Blue
4 B- B phase- Black
5 AC Power input
AC18~ 80V/DC24-110V
6 AC Power input
B、 Encoder definition
Terminal Assignment mark function Wire color
1 EB+ Encoder B phase + Yellow
2 EB- Encoder B phase - Green
3 EA+ Encoder A phase + Black
4 EA- Encoder A phase - Blue
5 VCC Encoder power +5V Red
6 EGND Encoder power GND White
C、 Control signal
Terminal mark function instruction
Picture 1 1 PUL+ Pulse signal positive side Input voltage range from
Caution: 2 PUL- Pulse signal negative side +5 to +24V
3 DIR+ Direction signal positive side Input voltage range from
4 DIR- Direction signal negative side +5 to +24V
5 ENA+ Motor free signal positive side When effects, the drive
6 ENA- Motor free signal negative side cut off motor current and
set the motor free
7 Pend+ In-position signal positive side When step-motor is
8 Pend- In-position signal negative side in-position, the drive will
give a signal to the PC
9 ALM+ Warning signal positive output When drive break
10 ALM- Warning signal negative output down ,it will output ALM
signal to the PC
3.2 Control signal circuit Picture 2(b) Input Signal Oscillogram

四、Parameter setting
DL86H have four LED Segment Displays and four keys : 、 、 and .
Key function
key instruction
back,cancel;return to the previous menu, cancel the operation
PgDn、adjust data when value is modified
PgUp、shift data when value is modified
Enter the parameter setting model(press the key for 3 seconds)

When the drive start to work, it displays the driver version first, then it displays the
state of driver after 3 seconds. when the step-motor start to work, it displays the
speed of step-motor(r/min).Once the step-motor reverses, the top byte of speed value

4.1 Parameter function instruction

Picture 2(a) Control signal Interface Connection Diagram 4.1.1 parameter function table
Factory Time Constant
parameter function value instruction
Setting P106 Position Loop Gain 1~1000 50 *
Read 4.1.2 Function Speed Loop
P000 Control parameter ~ 0000 P107 1~100 95 *
of P000 Feed-forward
P001 Micro step setting SEt,2~256 10 17 channels P108 Enable 0、1 1 *
Set direction of Set the motor rotate Speed Loop Damping
P002 0、1 0 P109 1~100 15 *
step-motor rotation direction Factor
P003 Select the motor type 57、86 57 57or86 motor type Setting level signal
Setting I/O Level
Setting Position P110 0000~1111 0000 of ENA, Pend and
P004 1~9999 4000 signal
Deviation ALM.0 or 1 is valid
Standby Current ±1 pulse.The bigger
P005 0~100% 50
Ratio the value, the bigger
Electronic Gear the positioning error;
P006 1 P111 positioning accuracy 1-50 1
Ratio(Numerator) When the load is too
Electronic Gear Ratio heavy, the resonance
P007 1
(Denominator) can be suppressed。
P020 Low-4-bit of Input ~ Under the same
pulse Display the value of inflexibility, the
P021 High-4-bit of Input ~ input pulse smaller the value, the
pulse shorter the
P112 resonance coefficient 1-12 6
Running Current positioning time, the
P100 10~120% 100 *
Ratio more easily
P101 Current Loop Gain 1~1000 115 Modify is forbidden resonance occurs
Current Loop Integral Modify is
P102 1~1000 45
Time Constant forbidden 0: position control
Current Loop mode (Mode A);
P103 1~1000 830 Modify is forbidden P200 Control Mode 0、1、2 0 1: speed control
Damping Factor
P104 Speed Loop Gain 1~1000 65 Modify is forbidden mode
P105 Speed Loop Integral 1~1000 85 * 2:position control
mode (Mode B) P200=2 (Mode B)
Speed setting in Self-inspection pulse Parameter Function Factory Setting Instruction
P201 1~3000 60
speed mode (rev/min) The value is smaller, the gain is higher
P104 Speed Loop 10
acceleration time in and its rigidity is stronger
P202 100 ms
speed mode Position The value is smaller, the gain is higher
P106 25
The delay time of Read 4.1.3 Function Loop and its rigidity is stronger
P203 0
brake on( ms) of P000 ◆ P200:Speed Mode Setting(Self-inspection pulse)
Control mode after Read 4.1.4 Function PUL- point DIR- point
P204 0、1、2 0 Function
Alarm of P000 signal input level signal input level
NOTE: 0 0 Motor stopped
◆ Default value of P110 is 0000, 0 1 Clockwise(Self-inspection pulse)
0 0 0 0 1 0 Counter clockwise(Self-inspection pulse)
A B C D 1 1 Motor stopped
D=0, When malfunction occurs, ALM output is low impedance; NOTE:
D=1, When malfunction occurs, ALM output is high impedance; When P000 is “0200”, the internal drive will run at 60 rev / min. In this mode,
C=0, When step-motor is in-position, Pend output is low impedance; pressing down the speed of motor, pressing raise the speed of motor,
C=1, When step-motor is in-position, Pend output is high impedance; speed ranging from-300 to +300,pressing cancel this mode.
B=0 ,Pulse+Direction,the falling edge is effective; 4.1.2 Function of P000
B=1 ,Pulse+Direction,the rising edge is effective; P000 Function
B=2,CCW pulse/CW pulse,the falling edge is effective; 1111 Reset to Factory Defaults
B=3,CCW pulse/CW pulse,the rising edge is effective; 0100 soft-start up the fan
A=0,when ENA input signal is low – level, the drive cut off motor current and set 0101 Display the speed of motor
the motor free. 0102 Display the value of DC bus voltage
A=1,when ENA input signal is high – level, the drive cut off motor current and set 0103 Display the temperature value of Drive
the motor free.
0104 Display position error
◆ P200:Position control mode instruction
0105 Display ex-factory date
P200 Function
0106 History fault
0 Mode A:Closed loop(include position loop,current loop and speed loop)
0200 Self-inspection pulse
2 Mode B:Phasor control(include position loop and current loop)
4.1.3 Function of P203 constant(P105), faster the speed control response will be. But due to machine feature,
P203 Function machine vibration may result due to excessive speed loop gain.
0 Define alarm signal output 2.Higher the position loop gain(P106), faster the position control response will be
This parameter defines the delay time from the motor energized until with fewer errors. But due to machine feature, machine vibration may result due to
the action(alarm output) BRK is ON (for example 200ms) excessive position loop gain. The position loop gain is enabled in the zero-position
fixed mode.
3.Speed feed-forward(P107) reference is the function that reduces the positioning
time by feed-forward compensation in position control. The max value is 100.
【Terminology】 Feed-forward Control: It indicates the necessary corrective action
is performed prior to external interference in the control system. Once it is activated,
servo gain will rise and the response performance will be improved.
1、 Provides 16 kinds of micro step selection, upmost micro step can be set to 200x.
2、 When the step-motor rotation direction and the system direction given by the
controller are opposite, please change the value of parameter P002.
3、 When you select SEt (the value of P001),the micro step of Servo Drive is
4.1.4 Function of P204 Electronic Gear Ratio.
P204 Alarm signal is on If the deceleration ratio of the servomotor and the load shaft is given as n/m where
0 PWM is closed immediately m is the rotation of the servomotor and n is the rotation of the load shaft, the
1 PWM is closed slowly after 3 second electronic gear ratio is calculated as below:
PWM keeping on 3 second,then Driver clear alarm signal,and P 006
Electronic gear ratio =
2 restart.When clearing alarm signal twice,the alarm signal is keeping-on P 007
still,the Driver doesn’t restart again. Encoder.resolution.ratio m
= ×
4.1.5 subdivision table Displacement. per.load .shaft.revolution(reference.units ) n
Micro step SEt 2 4 5 8 10 16 20 25
Micro step 32 40 50 64 100 128 200 256 Null
Note that: ≤ Gear Ratio ≤ 20
Servo Response: 20
Encoder resolution ratio indicates the count of pulses output by the encoder
1.Higher the speed loop gain(P104) or smaller the speed loop integral time
during one motor rotation. Note:
Orthogonal incremental encoder resolution ratio = Number of wires * 4 1.P000 will return to factory setting when the Drive restart
For example: 2.When P000 is “1111”,all parameters will reset to Factory defaults
Displacement per load shaft revolution =6000(pulse)
Number of wires=1000 4.3 Alarm code
m=1,n=1 When malfunction occurs, the driver will display corresponding alarm code,
P 006 1000 * 4 1 2 and more will be shown in turn if more alarm signals。
Gear Ratio= = × =
P 007 6000 1 3 4.3 Alarm Code
Calculation as below: P006=2,P007=3 ALM
function instruction
4.2 How to set parameter code
When current exceeds rated value, the drive will stop
Er 01 Over current
Er 02 Over-speed The max speed is 3000r/min
Position When position deviation value exceeds rated value,
Er 03
deviation the driver will stop running
Er 04 Over heat The max value is over 80℃
Over DC When input voltage exceeds rated value, the driver
Er 05
voltage will stop running, the voltage range from AC18~80V
Er 06 Reading or Writing EPROM is failure
happen fault
Er 07 Encoder fault Check up Encoder wire
Er 08 Motor fault Motor lack phase

五、Warranty Terms
Our company will provide warranty of 1 year from the delivery date and free
maintenance under warranty.

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