Distributed Order Orchestration Cross-Reference: An Oracle White Paper April 2013
Distributed Order Orchestration Cross-Reference: An Oracle White Paper April 2013
Distributed Order Orchestration Cross-Reference: An Oracle White Paper April 2013
April 2013
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Overview ........................................................................................... 2
Introduction ....................................................................................... 2
Setting up Source System ................................................................. 2
Create Source System................................................................... 3
Manage Orchestration Source System .......................................... 4
CROSS-REFERENCING FOR MASTER DATA ................................ 6
Customer Master Data................................................................... 6
Product Master Data: ..................................................................... 8
Cross-Referencing Items Using Source System Item Relationships8
Cross-Referencing Items Using ‘Cross-Reference’ Item Relationships for non
Product Data Hub Customers ........................................................ 9
Reference Entities -Order Orchestration and Planning(OOP) Repository 12
Domain Value Maps: ................................................................... 14
Usage of Cross Reference Data ...................................................... 19
This whitepaper will focus on the process of establishing the cross-reference within the various sources
of Fusion Applications for the purpose of integrating capture and fulfillment systems with DOO. This
document will also provide an overview of the usage of the cross-reference by DOO while integrating
with those systems.
Cross-referencing is a key concept when integrating systems and applications. It enables us to identify
correlated information across independent applications and, therefore, is required in almost every
integration scenario. Cross-referencing can be implemented at the integration or application layer.
Distributed Order Orchestration (DOO) leverages the cross-reference capabilities supported at the
Application Layer by the various Fusion Applications. Distributed Order Orchestration uses the cross-
reference capabilities supported by the respective Master Data Management Applications for
customers and products. For all of the other reference entities, DOO collects the reference data along
with the Cross Reference information into a repository referred to as ‘Order Orchestration and
Planning Repository’. When DOO integrates with different systems, DOO looks up the cross-
reference data from various cross-reference sources for the entities which are cross-reference enabled
to resolve it to either a common value or to a source system specific value depending on the direction
of the interaction.
A source system in the context of Distributed Order Orchestration is also a system that DOO
integrates with and is a prerequisite step for establishing the cross-reference values for various entities.
The source system could be a capture system from which DOO receives sales orders or a Fulfillment
system to which DOO sends the Fulfillment request and receives the Fulfillment responses. Each
Source System has a representation of their reference and master data in Fusion by means of having
the source system representation of the data to be either a system of record in Fusion or through a
cross-reference to a common value if a different source system representation of that record is
considered to be the system of record.
All the Fusion Fulfillment Applications running on the same instance as DOO are represented as one
logical source system in Fusion as the data is self collected into the same instance where both DOO
and other Fusion Fulfillment Applications are running.
You should select which types of the entities will be imported from the source system as part of
creating the source system in Source System Management. Some of the entities that can be specified
while creating the source system are
Trading Community Members
Order Orchestration and Planning
You can select one or more of these entity types as required for the source system. For example, if a
source system is enabled for Trading Community Members, Items, and Order Orchestration and
Planning, then the source system can be selected as a data source in the Trading Community Members,
Items, and Order Orchestration and Planning UIs.
“Enable For Items”, “Enable for Trading Community Members” and “Enable for Order
Orchestration and Planning” should be enabled in order for the source system to be eligible for
integrating with DOO in the Create Source System UI. “Enable For Items” determines if the source
system can be used for establishing the source system item. “Enable for Trading Community
Members” determines if the Original System Unique reference (OSR) can be established in Oracle
Fusion Trading Community Model for the customer related entities.
The following screen in figure.1 shows the creation of source system and enabling the entities that are
relevant and dealt by that source system.
A Source system from which the reference data is collected for the purpose of Order Orchestration
should have the “Enable Data Cross-Reference” as shown in figure.2 at the source system level for
DOO to be able to integrate with that system using the source system specific values or identifiers.
Additionally in the Manage Collections Process Parameters as shown in figure.3, the entities for which
the cross-reference should be performed during collections should also have the “Enable Cross-
References” checked against those entities that are to be cross-referenced for each of the source
Most of the reference entities that DOO depends on are grouped under the “Order Orchestration
Reference Objects. The exceptions being Shipping Methods, UOM and Currencies. The list of all the
reference entities which are collected into Order Orchestration and Planning repository that DOO
depends on are documented in the subsequent sections in table.1 under the section “Reference
Entities- Order Orchestration and Planning Repository”.
Distributed Order Orchestration depends on the Fusion Trading Community Model for the Customer
related data needs. Likewise DOO also depends on the Common Product Model for the Product
related data needs. So for cross-referencing of product and customer related Data, DOO uses the
cross-reference support provided by the Product Model and Trading Community Model.
A Source system or Originating source for customer master data is any data system or application
outside of Fusion Applications that provides information to the Trading Community Architecture.
Source System Management maintains references between the Oracle Fusion Trading Community
Model Registry and any defined source system, such as a legacy or third party system that loads data
into the Registry. It records the Originating System and the Original System Unique reference (OSR)
for each record provided. The source ID, or ID of the record in that external system, is mapped to the
Registry ID of the Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model record, such as the party or contact point
through the OSR.
For example, a record is loaded with the ID 12345 from the Legacy system into the Oracle Fusion
Trading Community Model Registry. That record is assigned the Registry ID 100 in the Customer
Registry. The source ID, 12345, is referenced to Registry ID 100.
The following figure 4 shows an order capture and fulfillment system from which the customer related
information is mapped using OSR to the Registry ID in the Fusion Customer Registry.
DOO depends on this capability from Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model that enables tracking
between a Fusion Customer record and its data sources. In the upstream integrations when an order is
received, DOO using the originating system unique reference (OSR) resolves it to the Registry ID
created for that record in the Fusion Trading Community Registry.
Similarly when the Fulfillment requests are initiated by DOO in the downstream integrations, DOO
resolves the Originating system unique reference for that Originating system using the on Registry ID.
Source System Entities are the entities, such as addresses and parties, which can be imported using a
specified source system. Within the Source System Entities UI, you can chose to allow multiple source
references, which allows multiple records from a source system to map to a single trading community
Allowing multiple source system references means that when you import data from a source system
you can merge multiple, or duplicate, source system records and create one record in the Oracle
Fusion Applications database.
If you do not allow multiple source system references then an Oracle Fusion Applications database
record will be created for every source system record. This means that you could potentially create
duplicate records in the Oracle Fusion Applications database.
As DOO passes a single source system reference for a given instance of the customer related entity
downstream, currently it is recommended to setup for a single source reference.
Please refer to the Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model Source System Management feature,
Customer creation processes (customer import and web services) for further details on associating the
source references to the customer data either while synchronizing the customer data or associating it to
the existing customers.
The following screen shot in figure.5 shows the Manage Source System Entities UI.
Original System Unique reference can be imported through the Customer Import Process or through
the web services. For details related to the customer import and services, please refer to the relevant
Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model documentation.
DOO leverages the Oracle Fusion Product Model for the product definition. For the Product Item
cross-references, the Item Relationship Model in Fusion Product Model is used for modeling the
product related cross-reference. Item relationship model enables to relate internal item with another
item or reference the item with a source system item, Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or cross-
Depending on whether customers implement Oracle Fusion Product Hub vs. Oracle Fusion Product
model, the product related cross-reference is modeled differently in the item relationship model. When
customers are implementing Oracle Fusion product data hub, the cross-reference for the products are
modeled using the ‘source system items’ Item Relationship Type. It establishes a relationship between
an internal item and a source system item. This relationship is helpful in mapping and identifying items
that have been consolidated from multiple source systems into a single master item.
When setting up the source system Item relationship through the UI, the Fusion Item to which the
Source System Item is being cross-referenced is entered along with the source system as shown in
figure.6. The value used for the Source System Item can be an internal identifier or user key that is
used by that source system to uniquely identify the item during the interactions with the DOO system.
When customers are up taking only the product model, the cross-references are modeled using the
Item relationship Type of ‘Cross-References’. Product Model provides the functionality to map
additional information about an item in the form of a value and cross-reference type. Cross-Reference
Types are part of item relationships where the item relationship type is Cross-Reference. For example,
the cross-reference can map between an item and a part number in the source system, where the value
is the value of the part number in the source system and the type is Source Item. There are no values
seeded for cross-reference types. You define the values using the Manage Cross Reference Types task.
The lookup code should match that of the Orig System(ORIG_SYSTEM) value in the source system
The following screen in Figure.7 shows the look up type of ‘Item Cross Reference Types’ that needs to
be extended to add the source system.
The next screen in figure.8 and 9 shows Manage Item Relationships and for Item
Relationship Type of ‘Cross References’
While creating a Cross-Reference Relationship through the UI for the Item relationship Type of
‘Cross-References’ , the relationship type should be same as the source system as DOO uses the source
system while determining the cross-reference of the item for that source system.
The Item relationships of both Source System Item Relationship and Item Cross-Reference can be
managed through the item import or through the Item Service. For the details on how to use the item
import or the service, please refer to the documentation from PIM.
The screen shot in figure.10 shows the various domain value maps that can be setup through the SOA
Composer for mapping an instance of source system specific entity to a common value based of which
the cross-reference in the OOP repository gets established.
The next screen in figure.11 shows the UOM name DVM that customers use for setting up the map
between each of the source system UOM names to a UOM name that will be considered to be
Common Value which is shown below under the TargetUOMName column.
Once the DVM’s are setup, the data can be collected through the services or using the staging tables.
For the Fusion sources, the data is collected from the Fusion sources through the ESS. Please refer to
the Collections documentation for the detailed steps for each of these methods. The following example
illustrates collecting of the data for one of the entity (payment term) through the web service approach.
The high level steps for collecting the payment term entity involves the following.
Setup the DVM to map the source value to a target value if the payment term which is being
collected is already a payment term which has been collected from a different system and
which it should be mapped to. In the following example the payment term N30 was collected
earlier from a different system to which the payment term Net 30 is being mapped to. The
DVM mapping has to be setup to map the source payment term name to the target payment
term name as per the following table.
Table 3. Sample Data needed for setting up Payment Term Domain Value Map
Invoke the Collections web service. The following is a sample payload for Collecting “Net 30”
payment terms from the source system “LEG”.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:name>Net 30</ns2:name>
<ns2:name>Net 30</ns2:name>
The below query shows the cross-reference data which gets populated in the MSC_XREF_MAPPING
entity for the attributes which are considered to be cross-referenceable attributes for the payment term
entity and based on the mapping done in the DVM. When DOO looks up the source system values or
the common values during integrating with fulfillment system or capture systems uses the cross-
reference data that gets populated into the MSC_XREF_MAPPIN entity during collections.
When an Order is received from an Order Capture system, the service that receives the order resolves
the source system to the Common Value based on the cross-reference data that is held in the Order
Orchestration and Planning repository. If the cross-reference between the source system value to the
Common Value is not established for the various attributes that are cross-referenced, the Order
submission process fails with an error.
Likewise when the fulfillment request is sent downstream, various task layers also cross-references the
values from the common value back to the source system specific value. Task Layer goes into an error
state if the source system specific value is not found in the OOP repository or in the Trading
Community model or product model.
With Fusion Apps Rel.5, there is an option provided in the Task Layers to bypass Cross-referencing
for customer related attributes. This rule will let implementers to publish the fulfillment request
downstream even if the customer cross-references are not established for that system. If such rule is
setup, DOO will send the fusion Id's for the customer data elements to the downstream system
without cross referencing. However if cross reference values exist, both the source system specific
values and Fusion identifiers will be sent. This allows supporting the scenarios where the fulfillment
request is for a new customer which doesn’t exist in the downstream system by allowing to create and
synchronize the customer information in the downstream integration layer/connector prior to sending
the fulfillment request to that system.
The following screen in Figure.13 shows the rule that was defined so that the cross-referencing of the
customer related attributes is not performed to allow the downstream integration layer to take the
responsibility of creating or synching the customer information prior to sending the fulfillment request
to that system.
Also when a response is received from a Fulfillment system, cross-reference is carried out in order to
convert the source system specific identifiers to the Fusion Common Values.
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