Cavity Prep
Cavity Prep
Cavity Prep
Index –
1. Definition and classification of tooth preparation
2. Basic Steps of tooth preparation
3. Principles of tooth preparation
4. Class 1 cavity preparation
5. Class 2 cavity preparation
6. Class3 cavity preparation
7. Class 4 cavity preparation
8. Class 5 cavity preparation
9. References
Black's classification
Class I lesion
• Lesions that begin in the structural defects of teeth such as pits, fissures and
defective grooves.
• Locations include
Occlusal surface of molars and premolars
Occlusal two thirds of buccal and lingual surfaces of molars and
Lingual surfaces of anterior tooth
Class II lesions
They are found on the proximal surfaces of the bicuspids and molars.
• Lesions found on the proximal surfaces of anterior teeth that do not involve or
necessitate the removal of the incisal angle.
Class IV lesions
Lesions found on the proximal surfaces of anterior teeth that involve the incisal
Class V lesions
Lesions that are found at the gingival third of the facial and lingual surfaces of the
anterior and posterior teeth.
Finn’s modification
Class I
Cavities involving the pit and fissures of the molar teeth and the buccal and lingual
pits of all teeth.
Class II
Cavities involving proximal surface of molar teeth with access established from the
occlusal surface
Class III
Cavities involving the proximal surfaces of the anterior teeth which may or may not
involve a labial or a lingual extension
Class IV
A restoration of the proximal surface of an anterior tooth which involve the incisal
Class V
Cavities present on the cervical third of all teeth, including proximal surface where
the marginal ridge is not included in the cavity preparation
Sturdevant’s classification
Simple cavity
Compound cavity
A cavity involving two surfaces of a tooth
Complex cavity
Outline form
The locations that the peripheries of the completed tooth preparation will occupy on
tooth surfaces.
Resistance form
• It is the shape given to the cavity to enable the tooth as well as the restoration to
withstand the stresses of mastication.
• Flat pulpal and gingival walls
• Utilizing box form of cavity preparation
• Cavity prepared in such a way that strong cusp and ridge areas remain with
adequate dentin support
• Rounded internal line angles to avoid stress concentrations.
• Butt joint between the tooth and restoration
• Removal of unsupported enamel
• 90 degree cavo-surface angle
• Adequate bulk of the restorative material
• Adequate depth and width of the cavity
• The width of the cavity should not be more than 1/4th - 1/5th the intercuspal
• The pulpal floor should be 0.5mm below the dentino-enamel junction
Retention form
• It is comprised of those factors of cavity design that prevent the restoration from
being displaced.
• Retention grooves are used in class III and Class V cavities.
• Occlusal dovetail in the case of proximo occlusal cavities where only one
proximal surface is involved.
• Pins placed into the dentin
• Acid etching of the enamel
• The proximal box of class II design is divergent gingivally to contribute to the
retention form.
Convenience form
• The operating field should be kept clean and adequately isolated by the use of
rubberdam, cotton rolls, and high vacuum evacuation equipment.
• Conditioning of the cavity may be done in certain cases like bonding systems for
amalgam and composite restorations
Few factors have to be taken into consideration while restoring the primary teeth. These
• The smaller tooth dimension of the deciduous dentition
• The thin enamel covering the teeth
• Broad contact areas
• Proximity of the pulp chamber to outer tooth surface
• Narrow occlusal table
Class I cavities
• Due to the narrow occlusal table present the isthmus should not be more than
1/3rd the intercuspal distance
• The depth should not be more than 0.5 mm into dentin
• The pulpal floor should be flat.
• Any remaining caries lesion should be removed using round burs.
Class II cavities
• Due to the presence of broad contact gingival floor of the proximal box should be
wide so as to place the margins in self cleansing areas
• The box should converge occlusally with the buccal and lingual wall paralleling
the external tooth surface.
• The proximal walls should not be flared as it would lead to unsupported enamel.
• The axiopulpal line angle must be rounded, tunneled or grooved for sufficient
bulk of the restoration.
• Retention can be improved by a 'U' shaped retention groove along the
amelodentinal junction of the proximal box
• When the cavity margins exceeded that of an ideal preparation particularly in the
case of a mandibular first primary molar, an overlay of the distobuccal cusp is
• Since the enamel rods, at the cervical area of the tooth, are oriented occlusally the
gingival seat should not be beveled,
• The proximal box should allow the passage of an explorer tip between its margins
and adjacent tooth in all three directions, buccally, gingivally and lingually.
• When the contact is open, the outline is triangular with base towards the gingival
aspect of the cavity.
• Gingival cavity wall is inclined occlusally to parallel the enamel rod direction.
• Retention pits can be placed at the axiobucco gingival and axio linguo gingival
point angles.
• A dovetail may be placed in the middle 1/3 of the lingual surface of the tooth.
Occlusal view
• Form the isthmus so that it is one half the width of the occlusal table and connects
the proximal with the occlusal dovetail.
• Curve the proximal wall gently, creating an angle 90° to the axial surface of the
tooth, if possible.
• In establishing the gingival floor, keep in mind that (a) it is even with or slightly
below the gingiva, as determined by the carious lesions; (b) it is perpendicular to
the long axis of the tooth; and (c) it has rounded line angles.
• Keep the proximal box in an occlusogingival direction roughly parallel to the long
axis of the tooth.
• Maintain the labial wall parallel to the external labial surface, governing the
extension by the adjacent tooth, with adequate clearance for carving with an
• Extend the preparation incisally to remove the contact point, being careful to
leave adequate tooth structure.
• Place the gingival wall below the gingival crest, following the contour of the
dentinoenamel junction.
• Slightly round all internal line angles; make sharp cavosurface angles and smooth
them with a No. 169L
• For class IV fractured incisal edges, use a tapered diamond bur to obtain a bevel
on the entire incisal & gingival cavosurface margin.
• The bevel extending about 2mm or at least 1mm beyond the fractured margin &
• Additional retention, if needed, may be obtained by the use of the lingual dovetail.
• The outline form should be limited to the carious lesion & any adjacent
decalcified areas.
• Cavity may be kidney shaped.
• The no.330 bur can be used to cut the cavity.
• Dentinal undercuts for mechanical retention will be placed if the pear shaped bur
is used.
References –
1. The art and science of operative dentistry. Sturdevant . 5th edition
2. Clinical pedodontics-Finn – 4th edition
3. Manual of pedodontics – Andlaw – 3rd edition
4. Pediatric operative dentistry – kennedy – 4th edition