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Hebrew Step by Step - Packet 8 - 5778 Licensed Through 5779

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The document discusses Hebrew vocabulary and grammar concepts such as letters, vowels, and the Patach Ganuv exception.

A Patach Ganuv, or 'Stolen Patach/AH-vowel,' is an exception where the vowel gets stolen and is said before the letter, as in the word for 'happy'.

The four letters where a dagesh can change the sound are ב, כ, פ, and ו.


By Rae Antonoff, MAJE - Distributed by JLearnHub and ShalomLearning


ַ ּ ַַ ‫ש‬/‫ ֳ ַַ ֹש‬/ַ‫ יוַַ ָׇ‬-ַַ‫ח‬

ַ ַ-

ַ ‫ץַקַרַׁשַׂשַת‬/‫ףַצ‬/‫פ‬/‫ןַסַעַּפ‬/‫םַנ‬/‫מ‬

ַַ ְ ַַ‫ ָ י‬/‫ַ ַַ ֲ ַַ ָ ַַ י‬
ַ ֻ ַ‫ֶ ַַ ֱ ַַ ֵ ַַֹוַ ַַֹּו‬
Licensed for distribution through August 1, 2019 Page 1
Maybe you’ve heard of some rules in English –
Lesson 38: Patach Ganuv like “i before e except after c” –
that have plenty of exceptions:
weird beige foreign neighbor

Well, Hebrew also has some exceptions to its rules.

(Not as many as English though! Whew!)

One very common exception comes up

when a Hebrew word ends with

ַ‫ח‬- This exception is called the

Patach Ganuv,
or “Stolen Patach/AH-vowel,”
because the vowel gets stolen
and is said before the letter.

Like in the word for “happy”:

Now you try:

ַ |ֵַ‫ׂשַָ|מ‬
‫ח‬ as in
ַ‫חָ ג‬
ַ‫ׂשָ מֵ ח‬
!ַ‫חָ גַׂשָ מֵ ח‬
(Have a) happy holiday!

Page 2
Now you can read the Hebrew word for “moon”:

ַ‫י ֵָרח‬
and a phrase many communities say after someone reads the
Torah or delivers a d’var Torah (speech/short sermon):

!‫יָׁשָ רַּכֹח‬
It’s used a little bit like

‫מָ זָלַטֹוב‬
but since ‫זָלַטֹוב‬ ָ‫ מ‬literally means “good luck” (even though we
use it as “congratulations”), instead we offer praise for something
that requires learning and practice (like chanting Torah or giving a
speech) by wishing that they go

!‫יָׁשָ רַַּכֹח‬
strength  (in)  forward

Reading Strategy: Other Stolen Vowels

Technically, the Patach/AH gets “stolen” when it comes under
an Ayin/‫ ע‬at the end of a word too…

ַ‫ַַַר ִקיע‬
ָ ‫ל ְִׁשמֹועַַַׁשָ בּוע‬
heavens week to hear/listen
…which used to make a difference back when the Ayin made a sound.
But since the Ayin is generally silent now, it doesn’t really change the sound.

Page 3
Read Aloud!
Read the Hebrew below. Lines separate the syllables for you on the
top. Can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself?

ַ |‫ ַֹּכ|חַ הַָ|רּו‬1
‫ח‬ the spirit / wind strength

ַַַ‫ ׂשַָ|מֵַ|חַ סֹו| ֵַל|ח‬2

forgives happy

ַ‫ׁש|לֹו|חַ קֵַ| ֵַר|ח‬

ְַ ‫ ִמ‬3 delivery / shipment

ַַַ‫ תַָ|ּפּו|חַ ּו|מצְַ| ִמי|ח‬4

and brings forth apple

ַ ‫רּוח ַֹּכ‬
ַ ָ‫ ה‬5
strength the wind / spirit

ַ‫ח ִמ ְׁשלֹוחַ ָתּפּוח‬

ַ ֵ‫ ׂשַָמ‬6 delivery / shipment happy

ַַַ‫ח ּומצְ ִמיח‬ ַ ‫ ֵק ֵר‬7

and brings forth bald

Page 4
Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.
Match the ones that rhyme!
(One has been done for you as an example!)

A ‫מֵַ ֵריעְך‬ ַ‫ לּוח‬1 blackboard

(boy’s name) B ַ‫נֹח‬ ַ‫ ַ ֵק ֵרח‬2 bald

spirit/wind C ַ‫רּוח‬ ַ‫ ַׂשַָמֵ ח‬3 happy

in the scent/
smell D ַ‫ּבַָ ֵריח‬ ַ‫ ַ ִׂשיח‬4 bush/shrub

snot E ַ‫ּכִ יח‬ ַ‫ ַּכֹח‬5 strength

ַ ַ

A ַ‫ּפֵח‬ ַ‫ ַרֻ ח‬1 spirit/wind

sends Bַַַ‫ׁשֹולֵח‬ ַ‫ ַאֹוח‬2 eagle owl

we will have a
conversation C ‫יח‬
ַ ‫נ ִָׂש‬ ַַַ‫ ַ ֵריח‬3 scent/smell

blackboard D ַ‫לּוח‬ ַ ‫ ַמָ ִׁש‬4

‫יח‬ ַ

ַ strength E ַ‫ּכֹוח‬ ַַַ‫ ַסֹולֵח‬5 forgives

Page 5
Speed Read!
Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice.
What’s the fastest time you can get?

ַַַ‫ ַ רּוחַ נֹחַַַ סֹולֵח‬1

forgives Noah (boy’s name) spirit / wind

ַַ‫יח‬ַ ‫ ַׂשָ מֵ חַ ׁשֹולֵחַַַ ֵר‬2

scent / smell sends happy

ַ‫ ַאֹו ֵַרחַ מצְ לִיחַ ּפֹוסֵ ח‬3

passes over succeeds guest / visitor

ֵ ַ‫ ַ לּוחַ מָ ִׁשיח‬4
opens x messiah / savior blackboard

ַ ‫ ַ י ֵָרחַ ּומצְ ִמיחַַַּכ‬5
strength and brings forth moon

ַ‫ּפּוח לְׁשּבֵ חַ ִקלֵח‬

he showered / washed
ַ ‫ ַ ָת‬6 to praise apple

Time Log:
1 2 3 4

Page 6
Reverse It!
Write out Hebrew that sounds the same as the English on the
left. The first one has been done for you as an example!

KO-ACH ____________ ַ1
ROO-ACH ____________ ַ 2
TZOLAY-ACH ____________ ַ 3
YARAY-ACH ____________ ַ 4
BOTAY-ACH ____________ ַ 5
KAYRAY-ACH ____________ ַ 6
NO-ACH ____________ ַ 7
SAMAY-ACH ____________ ַ 8
MATZMEE-ACH ____________ ַ 9
Vowels Letters
ַ ֵ ֶ ִַ ְַ ַָ ַ‫ּכַל‬/‫ּבַגַדַהַוַזַחַטַיַכְך‬/‫אַב‬
ַֻ ַ‫ֹו ַַַֹּו‬ ַ ‫ׂשַת‬/‫ּפַצַקַרַׁש‬/‫מםַנןַסַעַפ‬

Page 7
Usually, either AH-vowel followed by a Yud
‫ ָ יו‬- sounds like “ie,” either at the end of in the middle:

‫חיַַַ ָל ְילָהַַַמָ תי‬

Lesson 39: AH-Yud-Vav

when night life

but when a Vav is also added…

‫יָדיו‬ his hands

…the “AH” still sounds like “AH,”

so that word sounds like “YAH-DAV.”
Basically, the Yud does nothing except change the spelling.

This ending usually means “his.”

Now you can read all of the possessive endings.

If you take the word ‫י ִָדים‬
(hands), you can give
it an ending to say whose hands they are:
‫יָדֵַינּו‬ our hands ‫יָדַי‬ my hands

‫יָדֵַיכֶם‬ your (m, pl) hands ‫יָדֶַיָך‬ your (m) hands

‫יָדֵַיכֶן‬ your (f, pl) hands ‫יָדַ ִַיְך‬ your (f) hands

‫יָדֵַיהֶ ם‬ their (m) hands ‫יָדַיו‬ his hands

‫יָדֵַיהֶ ן‬ their (f) hands ַָ‫יָדֶַיה‬ her hands

Page 8
Read Aloud!
Read the Hebrew below. Lines separate the syllables for you on the
top. Can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself?

‫ ּבַָ|ניוַַ חַ|ייו‬1
his life his sons

‫ֹר|איו‬ ְַ ‫ ַָי|דיו ק‬2

his call his hands

‫ עבְַ|דיו אַָ|חיו‬3
his brothers his servants / workers

‫מ| ַֹר|מיו‬
ְַ ִ‫ אֱַ| ַלַֹ|היו ּב‬4
in his heights his God

ַַ‫ חַייו ַָידיו ּבַָניו‬5

his sons his hands his life

ְַ ‫ אַָחיו עבְַדיו ק‬6
his call his servants / workers his brothers

‫ אֱ ֹלהיו ּבִ ְמ ַֹרמיו‬7

in his heights his God

Page 9
Soundalike Matching
Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.
Match the ones sound exactly the same but are spelled differently!
(One has been done for you as an example!)

A ‫ימָ ב‬ ‫ חייו‬1 his life

B ‫יָדָ ב‬ ‫ ַ ָאחיו‬2 his brothers

required to/
have to C ‫חיָב‬ ‫ ַיָדיו‬3 his hands

in the growing D ‫ּבנָב‬ ‫ ַ ַָימַיו‬4 his days

E ‫עכָב‬ ‫ ַּבָ ניו‬5 his sons

ַ ַ

A ‫מרֹומָ ב‬ ְ ִ‫ ַאֱ ֹלהיו ּב‬1 his God

Bַַ‫קּבָ נב‬ ְ ‫ ַעבְ דיו‬2 his servants

C ‫אבְ דָ ב‬ ָ ‫ ַק ְֹראיו‬3 his call

D ‫ּכֹורעב‬ְ ‫ ַּבִ ְמרֹמיו‬4

in his heights

ַ E ‫עֶ לֹוהָ ב‬ ‫ ַּכְ ּבָ ניו‬5 like sons

Page 10
‫‪Sound Count‬‬
‫‪How many Hebrew letters in each row‬‬
‫?‪make the same sound as the English‬‬

‫וַַריבַַריוַַדָ ָ‬
‫רבַַדָ ֵ‬ ‫‪RAV 1‬‬

‫טָ בַַתיוַַמיוַַטיוַַת ִ‬ ‫‪TAV 2‬‬

‫ָבַַקוַַּכ ָ‬
‫ּכוַַקיוַַכיוַַּכ ֵ‬ ‫‪KAV 3‬‬

‫צֵ בַַציוַַעָ בַַצבַַעִ יוַַצָ בַַצֶ ו‬ ‫‪TZAV 4‬‬

‫סיוַַׂשָ בַַׁשוַַסֵ בַַׂשיוַַטבַַסָ ו‬ ‫‪SAV 5‬‬

‫ָאבַַעיוַַעֹבַַאיוַַצָ בַַעֵ ָ‬ ‫‪AV‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬

‫תיוַַחָ בַַּכָוַַכיוַַחוַַהבַַחיו‬ ‫‪CHAV 7‬‬


‫ווַַביוַַּבָ בַַנָוַַריוַַויוַַבָ בַַוָו‬ ‫‪VAV 8‬‬

‫‪Page 11‬‬
Lesson 40: Kamatz-Katan
You know two
vowels that usually
make an AH sound: ַָ ַַַ
kamatz patach
…and you’ll recall
that when either
one is followed
by a yud, it
changes to “ie”: ‫יַַַ ָ י‬
kamatz-yud patach-yud
Sometimes, the kamatz (T), but never the patach (–),
turns into an “oh” sound:

ֳַ ַַַַַ ָ‫ׇ‬
chataf-kamatz kamatz-katan

ַ‫ַַָ ׇ‬
katan regular

‫ָ ׇ‬
The rules for when a kamatz turns into kamatz-
katan regular
katan/OH are complicated – but some thoughtful
publishers will make the kamatz-katan a little longer,
a different color,
or different in some other way so it’s easier to read.

‫ׇ‬ ָ ‫ַָ ׇ‬
katan regular katan regular

Page 12
There are two very common words
that always get a kamatz-katan/OH,
and it’s handy to know them in case you need to read some
Hebrew from a lazy publisher who didn’t bother making the
kamatz-katan look different:

‫ַׇּכלַ ַה ַׇּכל‬
everything all

And whenever the kamatz (T) combines with the sh’va / silent
vowel, it always turns into OH, and it’s usually paired with a

‫צַׇהֳ ריִם‬afternoon
!‫צַׇהֳ ריִםַטֹובִ ים‬
Good afternoon!

You’ve probably heard kamatz-katan in some of the prayers

and songs you already know. Read these words with a kamatz-
katan out loud – take your time, some can be tongue-twisters!

‫ ָק ְדׁשֹוַַחָ פְ ִׁשיַַתַָכְַ ִַניתַַהּכָלַַּבְ כָל‬1

in/with all everything program/show free (people) his holiness

ַ‫ ָאמָ נּותַַזָכְ ֵרינּוַַחַָ ֵנַנּוַַעָ בְ דֶ יָך‬2

your servant pardon us remember us art

ַ‫ׁשָךַַּובְַׁשַָכְַּבְַָךַַּבְ חָ כְ מָ הַ ג ְָדלֶָך‬
your greatness in wisdom
ְַ ‫ ָק ְד‬3 and when you sit your holiness

ַ‫ִיאבַַצׇ הֳ ריִםַַ ָנע ֳִמיַַ ְל ָפעֳלֹו‬

to his work (girl’s name)
ָ ‫ ָאהֳ ל‬4afternoon (a biblical king’s name)

Page 13
Soundalike Matching
Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.
Match the ones sound exactly the same but are spelled differently!
(One has been done for you as an example!)

his holiness A ‫ק ְֹדׁשֹו‬ ַַ‫ ּכָל‬1 all/every

my lost thing B ‫אֹובְ ִדי‬ ‫ ַ ָק ְדׁשֹו‬2 his holiness

voice C ‫קֹול‬ ַַ‫ ַחָ פְ ִׁשי‬3 free (people)

wisdom D ‫חֹוכְ מָ ה‬ ‫ ַעָ בְ ִדי‬4 my servant

free (people) E ‫ׁשי‬ ִ ְ‫חֹפ‬ ‫ ַחָ כְ מָ ה‬5 wisdom

ַ ַ

A ‫ׁשכָה‬ ְַ ‫קֹו ְד‬ ‫ ַג ְָדלֶָך‬1 your


Bַַ‫נינּו‬ֵַ ַ‫וְ ֹכ‬ ַַ‫ ַ ָק ְד ְׁשָך‬2 your holiness

C ‫נ ֻה‬ַ ‫ַֹזכְ ֵר‬ ‫ ַעָ בְ דֶ יָך‬3 your servant

D ‫אֹווְַדֶ ָך‬ ַ ַַ‫ ַזָכְ ֵרינּו‬4 remember us

ַ` E ‫לכָה‬ ֶַ ‫ֹגַ ְד‬ ַַ‫ ַוְַחָ נֵנּו‬5 and pardon


Page 14
‫‪Kamatz-Katan in Action‬‬
‫!‪Read the Hebrew out loud – keep an eye out for that OH/kamatz-katan‬‬
‫‪Circle the ones you recognize from services or a song you’ve heard before.‬‬

‫ל ְִהיֹותַעםַחָ פְ ִׁשיַּבְ א ְרצֵ נּו‬ ‫ה ִת ְקוָה‬

‫‪Israeli National‬‬
‫לְדֹורַוָדֹורַנגִ ידַג ְָד ֶַלָךַ‬ ‫ְקדּוׁשָ ה‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪Part of the Amidah‬‬

‫ׁשָךַּכָתּובַלֵאמֹר‬ ‫ּובְ ִדבְ ֵריַק ְד ְַ‬ ‫ְקדּוׁשָ ה‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫‪Part of the Amidah‬‬

‫אַאתַה ַָּכל‬ ‫לֹוםַּובֹור ֶ‬

‫ֵ‬ ‫עֹׂשֶ הַׁשָ‬ ‫יֹוצֵ רַאֹור‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫‪Morning Prayer‬‬

‫אֲַׁשֶַרַּבִַ ְַדבַָרֹוַמַ ֲעַ ִַריבַ ֲַע ַָרבִַיםַּבְַחכְַמַָהַ‬ ‫מע ֲִריבַ‬

‫ׁשעַָ ִַריםַ‬
‫ּפֹותֵַחַַ ְַ‬ ‫ע ֲָרבִ ים‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫‪Evening Prayer‬‬

‫כל־מאֹדֶ ָך‬
‫ְ‬ ‫ּבְ כל־לְבָ בְ ָך ּובְ כל־נפְ ְׁשָך ּובְ‬ ‫וְַאֲַהַָבְַתַָ‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫ּובְ ׁשכְ ּבְ ָךַּובְ קּומֶ ָך׃‬ ‫וְַאֲַהַָבְַ ַָ‬
‫ת‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫וְַׁשּבתַק ְדׁשֹוַּבְ אהֲ בָ הַּובְ ָרצֹוןַ‬ ‫ִקידּוׁשַ‬
‫ִהנ ְִחילָנּוַ‬ ‫לְׁשּבָ ת‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪Shabbat Kiddush‬‬

‫ׁשֶ ל ֹאַׂשָ םַחֶ ל ְֵקנּוַּכָהֶ םַוְ ָ‬
‫ּכְ כלַהֲ מֹונָם ַ‬ ‫עָ לֵינּו‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫יַמ ִ‬‫ּוׁשכִ ינתַעֻּזֹוַּבְ גָבְ הֵ ְ‬
‫ְ‬ ‫‪ 10‬עָ לֵינּו‬

‫‪Page 15‬‬
Speed Read!
Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice.
What’s the best time you can get?

‫ ַ ּכָל ָאמָ נּותַַעָ בְ ִדי‬1

my servant art all

‫ ַ ָק ְדׁשֹו צׇ הֳ ריִםַַג ְָדלֶָך‬2

your greatness afternoon his holiness

ַַ‫ ַ חָ פְ ִׁשיַ ּבְ גָבְ הֵ יַ ָנע ֳִמי‬3

Naomi (girl’s name) in the heights of free (people)

‫ ַחָ כְ מָ ה ְל ָפעֳלֹו ּבְ כָל‬4

in all to his work wisdom

‫ ַ ָק ְד ְׁשָך ָתכְ נִיתַַ ִמ ַָּכל‬5

from all program/show your holiness

ַַ‫ ַהּכָל ּובְ ׁשָ כְ ּבְ ָךַַחָ נֵנּו‬6

pardon us and when you sit everything

Time Log:
1 2 3 4

Page 16
Use the number chart at the bottom to fill out a verse from the Book of Psalms –
remember that some letters change shape when they’re at the end!
Once you’ve filled out the verse, read it out loud to a friend!

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5 9 80 300 40 10 5 30 1 5 40 6 100

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ : __ __ __ __
30 8 50 400 5 400 1 10 20 90 200 1 5

.__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
40 10 6 3 5 30 20 2
- Psalm 82:8

‫י‬ ‫ט‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ז‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ב‬ ‫א‬
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
‫ר‬ ‫ק‬ ‫צ‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ס‬ ‫נ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ל‬ ‫כ‬
200 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20
‫ת‬ ‫ש‬
400 300
Fun Fact: Writing a number in Hebrew uses the same numbers
as the chart! For example, 11 = ‫ יא‬and 25 = ‫כה‬

Page 17
Reading Strategy:
“Double-Duty” Dot
Hebrew publishers can get a bit lazy sometimes when
there’s an OH vowel followed by a Shin:

‫ֹש‬ = ‫ׁש‬+ַֹ
So this dot
is a “Double-
Duty” dot: it’s the
OH vowel and
the Shin dot at
the same time!

Hebrew scribes and printers may have started doing this

to save money on ink and parchment, back when those
were very expensive, and every little dot adds up!

‫ח ֹשֶ ְך‬ ַ

‫ח ֹשֶ ְך‬ ַ

This doesn’t come up very often… but now you can be
prepared for it when that “Double-Duty Dot” shows up, like in
the middle of the Ma’ariv Aravim (evening creation) prayer:

‫ְךַמּפְ נֵיַאֹור‬
ִ ֶ‫רַמּפְ נֵיַח ֹשֶ ְךַוְ ח ֹש‬
ַ ִ ‫גֹולֵלַאֹו‬

Circle every double-duty dot you see!

Page 18
Reading Strategy:
“Double-Duty” Dot
The same thing can happen
when a Sin is followed by an OH vowel:

ַ ַַַַַַַֹ ֹ ‫ ַֹ= ש‬+‫ַֹש‬

So this dot
is also a “Double-
Duty” dot: it’s the
OH vowel and
the Sin dot at the
same time!


‫ש ָֹרה‬ ַ

‫ש ָֹרה‬ ַ

she overcomes

Try reading a few words with “Double-Duty” Dots in them:

‫ ַַמ ֹשֶ הַַש ֹנֵאַַח ֹשֶ ְךַַש ֹגָה‬1

ַ ַ ַ ַ
she flourishes darkness enemy Moses

‫ַַג ֹשֶ ןַַש ֵֹרטַַק ֹשֶ טֶ תַַש ֶֹרה‬2

ַ ַ ַ ַ
he overcomes she is direct/tells the truth he scratches (Israelite region in Egypt)

Page 19
‫‪Put It All Together‬‬
‫‪Now you can read the whole Ma’ariv Aravim prayer for creation we‬‬
‫!‪say in the evenings – read it out loud with a friend, then to a teacher‬‬

‫‪(Draw in all the syllable lines if they help you out – the next page has‬‬
‫)!‪them drawn in for you so you can check your work‬‬

‫ּבָ רּוְךַא ָתהַ ָאדֹונָיַאֱ ֹלהֵ ינּוַמֶ לְֶךַהָ עֹולָםַ‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫אֲ ׁשֶ רַּבִ ְדבָ רֹוַמע ֲִריבַע ֲָרבִ יםַ‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫ַׁשעָ ִריםַ‬‫ּבְ חָ כְ מָ הַּפֹו ֵתח ְ‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫ָהַמׁשנֶהַעִ ִתיםַ‬ ‫ּובִ ְתבּונ ְ‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫ִיףַאתַהּזְ מנִיםַ‬ ‫ּומחֲ ל ֶ‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫רַאתַהּכֹוכָבִ יםַ‬ ‫ּומסדֵ ֶ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫ּבְ ִמ ְׁש ְמרֹו ֵתיהֶ םַּבָ ָר ִקיעַּכִ ְרצֹונֹו‪ַ.‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫ּבֹו ֵראַיֹוםַ ָו ָל ְילָהַ‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫ְךַמּפְ נֵיַאֹורַ‬
‫רַמּפְ נֵיַח ֹשְֶַךַוְ ח ֹשֶ ִ‬
‫ַ‬ ‫ַ‬ ‫גֹולֵלַאֹו ִ‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫ּומעֲבִ ירַיֹוםַּומֵ בִ יאַ ָל ְילָהַ‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫ּומבְ ִדילַּבֵ יןַיֹוםַּובֵ יןַ ָל ְילָה‪ַ,‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫ָאדֹונָיַצְ בָ אֹו ְ‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫ֵאלַחיַוְ קיָםַ‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫ָת ִמידַי ְִמלֹוְךַעָ לֵינּוַלְעֹולָםַוָעֶ ד‪.‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫ּבָ רּוְךַא ָתהַ ָאדֹונָי‪ַ,‬המע ֲִריבַע ֲָרבִ ים‪.‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫‪Page 20‬‬
‫‪Put It All Together‬‬
‫‪Draw syllable lines in the Ma’ariv Aravim prayer on the previous page‬‬
‫!‪– then check your work here‬‬

‫ּבַָ|רּוְךַאַ| ָתהַאַָ|דֹו|נָיַאֱַ| ַל ַֹ|הֵ י|נּוַמֶַ| ֶלְךַהַָ|עֹו|לָםַ‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫אֲַ|ׁשֶ רַּבִ ְַד|בַָ|רֹוַמַ| ֲַע| ִריבַ ֲַע| ַָר|בִ יםַ‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫ַׁש|עַָ| ִריםַ‬
‫ּבְַ|חָ כְַ|מָ הַּפֹו|תֵַ|ח ְַ‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫ָהַמ|ׁשַ|נֶהַעִַ| ִתיםַ‬ ‫ת|בּו|נ ְַ‬ ‫ּו|בִ ְַ‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫יףַאתַהּזְַ|מַ| ִניםַ‬ ‫ּו|מַ|חֲַ| ִל ֶ‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫רַאתַהַ|ּכֹו| ָכַ|בִ יםַ‬ ‫ּומ|סַ|דֵ ֶ‬ ‫ְַ‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫מ|רֹו| ֵתי|הֶ םַּבַָ| ַָר| ִקי|עַּכִ ְַר|צֹו|נֹו‪ַ.‬‬ ‫ׁש| ְַ‬
‫ּבְַ| ִמ ְַ‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫ּבֹו| ֵראַיֹוםַ ָוַ| ָל ְיַ|לָהַ‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫ְךַמּפְַ|נֵיַאֹורַ‬‫רַמּפְַ|נֵיַח ֹשֶ ְךַוְַ|ח ֹשֶ ִ‬
‫ַ‬ ‫ַ‬ ‫גֹו|לֵ לַאֹו ִ‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫ּו|מַ| ֲַע|בִ ירַיֹוםַּו|מֵַ|בִ יאַ ָליְַ| ָלהַ‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫ּו|מבְַ| ִדילַּבֵ יןַיֹוםַּו|בֵ יןַ ָל ְיַ|לָה‪ַ,‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫אַָ|דֹו|נָיַצְַ|בַָ|אֹו ְַ‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫ֵאלַחיַוְַ|קַ|יָםַ‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫ִמ|לֹוְךַעַָ|לֵי|נּוַ ְלַ|עֹו| ָלםַ ַָו|עֶ ד‪.‬‬ ‫תַָ| ִמידַי ְַ‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫ּבַָ|רּוְךַאַ| ָתהַאַָ|דֹו|נָי‪ַ,‬הַ|מַ| ֲַע| ִריבַ ֲַע| ַָר|בִ ים‪.‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫‪Page 21‬‬
You’ve seen several letters
Lesson 41: Devious Dagesh that can get a dot in the
middle – that dot is also
called a dagesh.
‫ דָ גֵׁש‬dagesh
Sometimes the dagesh
changes the sound of a letter:
…and sometimes

‫בַ ַּב‬
it doesn’t change
the sound at all:

As a general rule, although

the dagesh shows up for
a lot of complicated spelling
‫תַ ַת‬
and grammar reasons, it only changes the sound
when it appears inside four letters:

are the
ּ ‫ב‬
sets of
‫כ‬ 2
‫ּפ‬ ּ ‫פ‬


‫ּו‬ ּ ‫ו‬
This one
into a
Page 22
Dagesh Dig
Circle every letter where the dagesh changed the sound.

Cross out every letter where the dagesh did nothing.

(Use the chart on the last page to help! If it’s not on the chart…
the dagesh will never change its sound!)

‫ּס‬ ‫ּׁש‬ ‫ּו‬ ‫ּק‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ּב‬ ‫ּכ‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ּפ‬
‫ּד‬ ‫ּכ‬ ‫ּב‬ ‫ּי‬ ‫ּפ‬ ‫ּט‬ ‫ּנ‬ ‫ּו‬ ‫ּמ‬ ‫ּצ‬
‫ּכ‬ ‫ּמ‬ ‫ּפ‬ ‫ּק‬ ‫ּו‬ ‫ּל‬ ‫ּב‬ ‫ּׂש‬ ‫ּס‬ ‫ּכ‬
‫ּׁש‬ ‫ּכ‬ ‫ּצ‬ ‫ּפ‬ ‫ּת‬ ‫ּד‬ ‫ּג‬ ‫ּב‬ ‫ּז‬ ‫ּו‬
‫ּב‬ ‫ּפ‬ ‫ּס‬ ‫ּט‬ ‫ּב‬ ‫ּו‬ ‫ּת‬ ‫ּק‬ ‫ּכ‬ ‫ּנ‬
Every once in a while, you’ll run into a Vav that has
both a dagesh and another vowel:

‫דַַמצְ ּו ָֹתי‬
ַ ִ ‫ִמצְ ּוָהַַהּוע‬
my commandments the committee commandment

When this happens, the Vav keeps its V-sound.

‫ִמצְַ ַָּוהַַהַּוַעדַַ ִמצְַּו ֹ ָתי‬

Each letter can only get one vowel. The other vowel always wins.
Page 23
Packet 8 Review
Now you can read the whole Shabbat Kiddush, the blessing for the
Shabbat wine – read it out loud with a friend, then to a teacher to earn
your Packet 8 Award!

(Draw in all the syllable lines if they help you out – the next page has
them drawn in for you so you can check your work!)

Highlight the word that has a Vav with a dagesh and another vowel!

ַ‫ ּבָ רּוְךַא ָתהַ ָאדֹונָיַאֱ ֹלהֵ ינּוַמֶ לְֶךַהָ עֹולָם‬1

.‫ּבֹוראַּפְ ִריַה ָגפֶן‬ ֵ 2
ַ‫ ּבָ רּוְךַא ָתהַ ָאדֹונָיַאֱ ֹלהֵ ינּוַמֶ לְֶךַהָ עֹולָם‬3
,‫ אֲ ׁשֶ רַ ִק ְדׁשָ נּוַּבְ ִמצְ ּו ָֹתיוַוְ ָרצָ הַבָ נּו‬4

‫צֹוןַהנ ְִחילָנּו‬
ִ ‫תַקדׁשֹוַּבְ אהֲ בָ הַּובְ ָר‬ ְ ‫ וְ ׁשּב‬5
,‫אׁשית‬ִ ‫ זִ ּכָרֹוןַלְמעֲׂשֵ הַבְ ֵר‬6
,‫יַהּואַיֹוםַת ִחילָהַל ְִמ ְק ָר ֵאיַקֹדֶ ׁש‬
ְ ִ‫ ּכ‬7
,‫תַמצְ ָריִם‬ִ ‫ ֵזכֶרַלִיצִ יא‬8
‫נּוַקד ְׁשתַַָ ִמּכלַהָ ע ִמים‬ִ ‫אֹות‬ ָ ְ‫ ּכִ יַבָ נּוַבָ ח ְר ָתַו‬9
.‫צֹוןַהנְחל ְָתנּו‬
ִ ‫תַקד ְׁשָךַּבְ אהֲ בָ הַּובְ ָר‬ְ ‫ ַוְ ׁשּב‬10
ַ.‫ ּבָ רּוְךַא ָתהַ ָאדֹונָיַ ְמ ָקדֵ ׁשַהּׁשּבָ ת‬11
Page 24
‫‪Packet 8 Review‬‬
‫!‪Check your syllable lines on this page‬‬

‫!‪Highlight the word that has a Vav with a dagesh and another vowel‬‬

‫‪ּ 1‬בַָ|רּוְךַאַ| ָתהַאַָ|דֹו|נָיַאֱַ| ַל ֹ| ֵהי|נּוַמֶַ| ֶלְךַהַָ|עֹו|לָםַ‬

‫‪ּ 2‬בֹו| ֵראַּפְַ| ִריַהַ| ַָג|פֶן‪.‬‬
‫‪ּ 3‬בַָ|רּוְךַאַ| ָתהַאַָ|דֹו|נָיַאֱַ| ַל ֹ| ֵהי|נּוַמֶַ| ֶלְךַהַָ|עֹו|לָםַ‬
‫רַק ְַד|ׁשַָ|נּוַּבְַ| ִמצְַ|ּו ֹ| ָתיוַוְַ| ַָר|צָ הַבַָ|נּו‪,‬‬
‫ַ‬ ‫‪ 4‬אֲַ|ׁשֶ ִ‬
‫צֹוןַה ְַנ| ִחי| ַָל|נּו‬
‫ִ‬ ‫תַקד|ׁשֹוַּבְַ|אַ|הֲַ|בָ הַּובְַ| ַָר|‬‫ְַ‬ ‫‪ 5‬וְַ|ׁשַ|ּב‬
‫‪ 6‬זִַ| ָּכַ|רֹוןַ ְלַ|מַ| ֲַע|ׂשֵ הַבְַ| ֵרא| ִׁשית‪,‬‬
‫ק|דֶ ׁש‪,‬‬ ‫ק| ַָר| ֵאיַ ַֹ‬ ‫יַהּואַיֹוםַת| ִחי|לָהַ ְלַ| ִמ ְַ‬
‫ְַ‬ ‫‪ּ 7‬כִ‬
‫תַמצְַ| ַָר|יִם‪,‬‬
‫‪ֵ 8‬זַ| ֶכרַלִי|צִ י|א ִ‬
‫ַמ|ּכלַהַָ|עַ| ִמים‬ ‫ׁש| ָת ִַ‬
‫נּוַק|ד ְַ‬ ‫‪ּ 9‬כִ יַבַָ|נּוַבַָ|ח ְַר| ָתַוְַ|אֹו|תַָ| ִַ‬
‫צֹוןַה ְַנ|ח ְַל|תַָ|נּו‪.‬‬
‫ִ‬ ‫ׁש|ָךַּבְַ|אַ|הֲַ|בָ הַּובְַ| ַָר|‬ ‫תַקד| ְַ‬
‫ְַ‬ ‫‪ַ 10‬וְַ|ׁשַ|ּב‬
‫מ|קַָ|דֵ ׁשַהַ|ּׁשַ|ּבַָ|ת‪ַ.‬‬ ‫‪ּ 11‬בַָ|רּוְךַאַ| ָתהַאַָ|דֹו|נָיַ ְַ‬

‫‪Page 25‬‬
This award certifies that

8 ‫ח‬
has completed Packet 8
in the Hebrew Step-By-Step program,
now knows all the Hebrew letters:
ַֹ /‫פף✡צץ✡ק✡ר✡ׁש‬/‫מם✡נן✡ס✡ע✡ּפ‬
…and all the vowels, including the “tricky” ones:
ֳַ ַ‫ַַָ ַַ יַ ְַַ ִ ַ ֶ ַ ֵ ַ ַֹֹוַ ֻ ַּוַ ׇ‬
…and is ready to start learning
prayers, blessings, and Torah!
Teacher Signature: __________________
Student Signature: __________________

Page 26

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